VOL. HI., NO. 9» ; eighth YEAIC. -TWIN FALLS, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO, TUESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR C . L COdVENTfdN | HtiD JIIIS WK Twenty-first Annual Meeting of Idaho ffliieayere ■i, . • ■ 1X0 SESSIOX; ' Principal AddrcHK ot Upetoins Nlgbi Will bc OlTcn br E. Von det tfnaton of Pocatcllo* The twcnty-Ilnit annual Christian Endeavor convoulton-of idalm..will, tnoot In Uio CUiriuUnn cburcb ot tbia cltr, on 4th avonuo and 2nd Btreot tiist, boglnnlng Tbursda)’ niglit ond continuing ovor aoxt Sunday. Soveral score of younff people trom. over tho Btato and nolgtiboring tom s 'will bo' In attondanco. Tbo local conmlttoo In cbargo la vory anxious- tbat tbi) reputation which tbo city bos gained os a bbaplUihlo and ontbusJaBtlc con*, .vention city ‘will bo uphold. | good audlonce lt> oxpoctod on tbo 0 |wnlng night, Thursday to groot tho Btato ottlcors and tbo spoakors. ' Es> peclally good numbers of muftlc have .'boon arranged for tbat night, Includ* Ing n malo-quartette'and a violin duot by tbe Altonto slBtors, and caro bat beon .taken to sccuro tho best .’of epoakora'to stnn tho convention off nicely. Tho addrosiics ot ,volcomo will bo given by Dri J. P. Shophord of tho local Prosbytorian- church, and Hgn, M. J. Sweoloy, president of, tbo Commorclal club.- Tho roBponae will bo from Rev. C. K. Titus of QoodiDK; The main addross o( tho evenhig will bo given by 0. C. Van dor Mnatcn of Pocatollo upon tho BubJect, "Dovotlon to Ctirlst tho Eaaontlal to Chrlallan Bdnrlco." To ndd Bomo enthusiasm to tho op-) enlng sorvico Dr. J.- F. Shepherd In- the Musos and wroto a song of ■■»j«rcomo for-tfitr-aiiVdtabMng Eadca- orers, which Ib glvon bolow. .Tune: "Tho Battle Hymn ot. the Republic." ' . Yours eyes may bco tho glory ot a BOUl ontranclng view, A* \ country uneurpaaaod nround a "Magic Clly.” too. Wltb loving loyal hearts and hands towolcome you. God’s cause iii marching on. In tho grandeur of tbo canyon we ma>* 8(fo th(Thikhd of God Wblcb uphoAvbd tho mighty rock and Bont down the surging flood. ' Prom tho mountain faalnesB comelh ' .streams that glvoth man hls food. And llfo is moving on. .■While trusting Ip tho L,ord our God. wo strive to do HiB will, . By sooking those Ho died to win, and banlehlng tbo bUU. . And aU Its strain of evils from our • every vale and hill, ^ For right Ib marching on. , Thus shall wo work and watch and wait; endeavoring to eave Our glorious Btatd ot Idoho from,all that can pnalafro. For Christ and church wo lahor, we are young and wo are bravo, And our C. Ii!. s marching on. ' CHORUS. 'Come ond Join our blect endeavor: . Como and serve the - Christ our Saviour, Come and live with him torovor. His cause Is marching on. On Frfday ovonlng the Tv^ln RiUa band will give a sacred concert, clos- ing at 8:30, tbus allowing tho crowd to asfiomblQ In the Christian churcb lor the-addroes of the evening. K Many bualness men are planning to i(®!aco signs welcoming tho Endoaror- era In their store wlnao'Rrg..with such hospitality shown.- Twin Fnlls wtll take on the appearance of s convon- tlon city. OPOKS MAIN S T f lS r STORE I.-B. Perrine 1^11 Have Betall Frail Store ...... J, o; Moore, acting for I. B. l^frlue Cas opened a retail fruit store In the oia "News" building on West Main in the-new Btore, It ls expected tc keep on liands all varletloB ot Dlu< Lakes trult as .fast as they ripen, ani ^w U ) Also foralBb a convenient bead qoartere for the shipment dt Per- - line’s t^ U to eastern marketo. A Twin falls Pioneer Aliw g 7 s » n . l i .'Twin Fslla w d ' 18 T?jm in ABSTRACT. worlL .1 put OBt * “ a b s t r a c t Henrjr J . TT«B BOimED ADSTBACTOB. ^AdTsniiement. ilDGEANDROAD BONDURESOLD R. H. Grant X Co. o f Chicago Are the Purchasers in u ffln rO T m iT O rw ia iii: i.cr TOBAY. Eleven Flrmn Submit IlIdH the ConBtractlen^^f Coiumlt<> goners W IlfLet Confrnctji Todny. '\WicR tho bids for. tlio construction of i>rldscs throughout.thc.couEty wore opened Monday by tho counly cominlH* sioners, It waa found tbal noarly nil of tho eleven firms bidding had flo- ured cJosoly on tho Job. and that thore was comparatlvoly little variation In tbe amounts. Four bids were setecled and trom theso, tho tinal succcsBful bidder will bo ^elected at it moolinK of tho bonrd of commiBsloners this after- noon, Tlio names of tho firms Bubmlttlng bids, and tholr prlcoa nro an followa: Idaho Brldgo Co.. tolal. <47,9r>0. Colorado Brldgo and ConBlrucUon- Co., totnl. J48,650. J. H. Forvos nnd Co., ot Cnldwcli. J48.6B0. Omaha Structural Steel Works. 949.- 490. . . JflmoH T. Burk nnd Co. of Salt Ijiko City; 153.381. H. W. Gresham,-»49.395. . . . Midland Brldgo Co. ot Kansns City, Mo.. |CI,3D0. ■M^Bonpolls Steel. Foundry Co., »G2,- ^IIl^urTvalloy Drldgo nnd Iron Co.. Federal Dddgo Co.i ^53.2{tfi. . Northwest Construwon Co.. $48,375. Tfefcro woro alstf-iUroij flrmB which submlttod' blds for a part ot th 6 14 bridges. -Tho Issue of $ 100,009 .worth of Iwadfl, .authorized at tlio recent hand elecUon to r‘the purpose of providing tho funda for road nnd bridge build- ing throughout tho county, was sold, last woek to a representative of R. M. Grant and Co. of Chlcngo. who offorod >,570 premlMjn, and to place tbo bonds at five and one-halt cents. The bids received wore as follows: R, M. Grant and Co., Chicago, first pro|K)8iUon. 1570 premium, five and one-half porcenL R. M. Grant and Co., socood propo- sIUon, $2,G70. and alx por cent 'Causey. T^oster and Co., Denver, premium .92,354 at sU je r cent. H .C. Speer and Sons, Chicago, .prom- lom UGOO. six per cont. H. C. Spcor -and Sons, Chicago premium $S0, five nnd onorbalf por cont. ■ Just before going to prosB, word waa roceivod from the County com- mlsBlonors, thnt tho final contract for the bridges has beon lot to two firms Tho Colorado Drldgo and Construe* Uon Co. will build tbo two big atcel bridges, whllo the Idaho Brldgo Co of Pocatollo, gets the contract for tl)o smaller bridges. The aggregate cost will be 140.900. .'. HARD S T R U G M R TROPHY DonbloB End ITlth Victory for lire, 'anngh aad Mncrlcar,,,.^ ___ The final match In tho tournamont between J obIjti, Perslnger and Bro- naugh. Macvlcar, woa one of Uio pr««- Host contests' ot the whole. toum&» and went to tho three sots. 5-7. C-4 8-0. Sovoral Umes la tho laat set af- tor the sooro had gone 5-2 In favor ol tho losers and one point would-have lost tho sot and matcb. Bronaagh and Macvicar, tho victors, pulled ont th< ' gamo finally, tho deciding soL Ac- cording: to the ruling mailo prior lc ; the tournament. Mr. Bronaugh surren- ' derod {ho racquet won In tbo singles to his opponent In slnglo finals. A R. Jones. Tbe tennis association Is plannlni for a moro extenslvo scopo ot wprt noxt year and It posBlblo will pur cbaso oao'Of two acrcs of l^ad aai ^ put In pormonont Improvemonts.. : CiOSf fOR IABOR D A r " ; Annonncomeat ol Cloalag • Kex > Koaday. - . ’ [ Tiie uadSrslKBOd stores will bo cIoi . «d all day noxt Monday for p u r^ o 0 giving the.employes a holiday ot . Labpr Dor. September 1st Cuslomen . ore urged tO'PreparQ;Coi>BUch'cloBloi \ In tbeir SatnnUy purclMW.-. .. , . • BOOTH-MBROANTILB CO;' , lOAHiO OBPARTUBNT ;6T0RB JENKlNBft-COHPANT.' CIT^ BIARKBTmO'HOUSa • SHOSHONB: GROOBRYv - TAY^ R *8 OROOERY: • • ' A repetftioa of roor want ad, ai 1 » trlTial oott. m ar bs a ^raokx lavast ‘ m sar if 70 a waat ts m t'aem a rooou It you ars .a need of anytbiai '' a Tlmei Waat Ad. wlU Hll your waal PUNS fORSCIIOO l vm wuNp Public Schools Will Open Mon- day Morning, Sept. 16 - STTTEni.STiiKPK.V'f 0. jl. fcLLlUTT OCn.IXES WOIIK FOK YEAR. PupllK Will A.’O'i^mblo In the Sttmc ' ItooniK They Were In ut the C'Iuhv of School.* . The Twin Falls ochoolfl will open ; Monday morning,, Soptonroor ir,.__All pupils will nsaoniblo in the same roonm thut/thoy wore In nt tho cloao of . school In Juno, oxcopt that thoao .pu- , plis who wore promoted to tho Fifth . B'grado in the high school will go directly to tho Blckol or .Lincoln btilldingB according to the district in ' whloh they live. Doginnlng pupils . will go to rooriia ono In nil ot the buildingB.'' Beginning pupila may en- ; tor ochool Qt any Umo during Soptcm- bor' and unUl .October 20. No piiplls will bo received into the' beginning I. claaacB after Octobor ,20. Tho school ngo In Idnho la six yoors, ordinarily , puplla cannot bo admlttod to tho pub- lic schoola of tho state untIt thG>' uro . six years ot ago. Thla :Conc08Blou, however, ia mndo to. the patrons of the I T«'in Falls schools: all pupils who arc six yonra of nge and thoso who will bc six years of ago .before Oclobor 20. , will be admitted at tho oponlng ol BchooI In Soptemher. Princlpalp niny . require birth ccrUflcnlos to catobllHh . lho ago of nny cblld. The crowded . condlUon of Uio echoolB makes' it ab- solutely impoHBlblo to vary from ihli! . rule. It wJlJ bo usel^os tor pnrciilJ . to Toquost admission undor any oUici , condlUon'.'- .. . ' I The principals ot each ward schobl and thrt high school will be at thol! t offlcoa on Friday and Saturday, Sop- I tcmbor 12 nnd 13 for oxaminlng, clasB- ; Ifying and asalgnlng now- puplla. othoi • than beginning puplla in tho flral L grado. It la Important that all puplli . dcairlng to enter 'school preseni I themaelvcB.at lhat tlme-for claaslflcn- ) tlon and aRslgnment, if'they arc no< s preaent nt thnt time it will bo impos- Blble tor them lo bo asBlgned to roomt t bcforo Wednesday thd 17lh of Soplom- 1 bor. The principals muat give Uieli Umo to organizing their schools 0^ - Mondny and Tuesday. -Much timo wll thorofore bo saved If puplla will pro . sent thomaelvoa oh Friday. And Satur day. All high school students shoul( • present Ihemaclvea for classiflcoUot and selection of.subjoctn nnd couruci I, on Friday or Snuirdny, September' i: r and 13.- Tbe schoola tbla yenr will bo or 1 ganl7.ed on a dltferent basis than here • tofore. Tho minimum number fo: r oach room will bo thirty-five, tho max I. imum for.tbo opening ot scbool will b< • forly, thirof course win moan roomi 1 with forlytfive or fifty pupils In then I. beforo'lh6 mfdtjlo- of-ihp"tir8t Bcmea 0 tor. Thla baslB of organlxallon' hai X boon decided upon because It is necps aar>’ to conserve tho funds ot tho dla trict Whilo it will iM impossible t< 1 do na thorough work as wllh shiollo: I rooms, yot It la bollovod oxcollcn work can.aUIl bo done. The toxt books will no longer hi '• on aalo at tho BChool building. .Thi - rind bfinV Btoro has boen appointed 1 state dopOBltory and all text book I will bo purchased tboro by tho pupils '■ Nolo hooka ot approved quality am 'sapivlhsxiasMUi horotoforo bo pur y chaaod at any store. Tho toxt hook •• In geography havo boon changed, tb' • now bookB will bavo a special Idoh< supplement and aro In many wayi ® sunorior lo thoso diflplaced* The; will bo Introduced- on whot Is knowi as tho Gradual Introduction plan •* Only thoso pupils that are required t ° buy new books In tbo Fourth B am >- Sixth B will bo asked to purchaso thi ■® new books. In this way tho patron; ^ will feel no burdon for tbo rensoi that puplla purcbaaing tho now book B would hovo to buy now books of lh • old Borles. Now English booka bavo booa adopt ed for tho high schoo!. and tho goomo trios bavo beon' changod. Tho sam r gradual lntrwrtittlpn-plfl?i^Ul-eppl ,. to tho high BChool books, only thos ' clasBos'will be required to ds& aei books who would bavo. to buy ol ct books because of their advancemeni Tho boundary'linos between th secUons will bo samo aa last yeai tr The Blekor secUon shall iacludo thi }f port or tho city, south' aad east ot. n llae beginning at tbp so^th comer c rs tbe townsite exteadlns up Sboshon Ig street to Fotfrtb arenue South, tbonc _ to Second street SouUir Uieace t Third street' ioatti; thence to Thir » aVantJe East, Uiencs\ to-Fourth-stre< . eut, thenca.to liixth: jSTenue- eas tlienee to Bluo Lakes. Bool^rid alon Sixth .aveauft-IBaut acrosa .tlie fbouii rard,. thenca ta- ^eVfnthavenne’^ai tb the cltr limits; ' The Ltncoin .sei . tloD BbaU Ineiuie tbatijartor the.cit ^ to tbe west aad aorth of a Hao ^Ric 1' glagstthe soutb'iSbnier otthatqwi ^ site alonr Sbosbcmo street-to Fourt avenue.West..thence'to Second st«i it!i , (ConUaaed ,Oo‘Pace «,) pocAiaio IS - lAJBTVKTi Baseball Team Keeps lip Win ning Gait IS FIltST (JAjIE. Snnduy Gnnirs Druw Big Crowd t< Wntch ‘ Slaughter of Pocutclli IndlanH. Throe otriilKhl victories last Siitur day.and Sunday wqh lhe rccord foi lho locals lo add lo Uic many vlciorlui ot lho pnat iwo montha. SaUirday’i gnmo wn8 4jlfihly BennnUonnl And ui eovcntli inning looked n vlctorj for. Poky, with the scoro Uiroo to ooj in their favor. In the seventh, how over* n baUltiK rnlly nidcd by uomi errors on llio part of the vlsllorH, ndd od two. In tlio (tlghlh Pocntolio wm abut out, while tho localfl.clnchDil Ihi gnmo by two moro Umoly runs, dm Inrgoly td nwtiil crrora by lho vlHliora Ansel, the new piichcr, did aonn aplondld work. Saturday’s (Inuip. Pocalello. AB. U. ll.PO. A. E Knight, cf .................'1 1 JD 3 1 1 Hawklno, lb ............. \ 1 2 ll! . 0 ' Uoumo, rf ................. i 1 U ( 0 DlaUlno, ■i\y ...............a 0 J 1 1 Hallowoll. c ............... 4 0. 1 f. 0 Smith, BR ................... -t 0 0 I) Klrkendall. If ........... 4 0 0 1 0 Albritton^ ;;i) ............. 3 0 1 1 2 Kelly, p ..................... 3 0 0 0 :i Total ....................... :to 3 5 21.9 Twin J-'allB. AB. n . H, PO. A. V . Corbln;^-8B i ...... v. 2 0 0 l 1 Tloi^,*Zb ................. 4 0 0 2 2 ChAPln. c-;. ................. -Cl 117 3 JobnBon, 2b ............. 3 0 1 l 3 Kaulknor, If ............. 4 1 2 a 0 Urown, rf ................. .T 1 1 0 0 Snow, lb ..." ............. 3 2 2 10 1 Chrianian, c f . .........4 0 0 0 1 Ansel, p ........ T .... 3 0 0 1 1 Totnl ....................... 2fl r, 7 24 12 Gnmo called on iiccount ot'Onrkm^Ht Pocatello ................. 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0— Twlnji^lla ...............0 0,0 0 1,0 2 2— . Earned Runa—Pocatcllo 2: Twi Falla 5. • Threo-baao hits—Snow. Fin on bnllu—Off Anaol 3, off Kelly i Loft .on bafloa—Pocntolio 7; Twi Falls r>. Wild pitch—Kelly. Twc baso hit—Snow. Strucif out—By Ar acl 8, by Kolly. Doulilo playa—Knlgl to Hnwklna. Stolon baBca—Hourm Hrown, Snow 2. SacrifJco hits—Coi ' bln, Johnaon. Bi',own. P.'tsBod ball- Hallowoll. Hit by ,pltchor—Chapin Umpire—Gplden. Tlmb pf gnmo—li-i' Sundays game whllo full of Bonsi I Uonal ploys, wero one-aldcd. wllh P« catollo never a roAl dnngor to the 1< cniB. Huyck and Chapin'ln one gam and Borslng aad Chapin in the aeconi proved too much for the henvy hitloi for lho Goto city. Snndoy—F In t Oame. Pocatello. AB. R. H. PO. A. 1 KnlRht, 2b ■:............. 3 0 0 2 1 Hawkins; lb ...... 3 0 2 5 1 I Bourne, If ............... 4 0 0. 1 0 I BlaUIno, 3b ............... 4 1 0 1- I . Hallowoll, c ............. 3 0 0 0 3 . Smith, ss ................. -4 0 0 0 3 Klrkendall. If ........ 3 0 0 3 0 Freeman, cf ............. 4 0 0 2 0 Kelly, p ..................... 4 0 1 1 1 I — — — _ — . I Totals ............... .-..32. 2 3 21 10 .TWln Polls.- AB.TtH.PO. A 1 1 Faulkner. If ............. 3 0 0 0 0 Corbin, as ................. 3 1 2 41 ‘ Chopfn. c ..............3 1 1 10 2 ’ Johnson. 3h ............. 4 2 I 1 1 : Sa6w lb ................... 4 2 2 9 V ; Brown, ri- ----- ' ..... 4 1 2 0 0 Horrlo. 2b ................. 3 0 1 1 3 ‘ Chrlsman, cf ............. 3 0 0 1 0 J Huyck. p ................... 4 0 1 1 4 ' - Totals ..................... 31 ~ 10 27 12 . Pocatello' . ........... 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0- : Twin Falls . ..... 0 0/0 3 3 0 1 * •- J Earried^ruas-^Twln ™ i8 5: Pocatel r -1.— Three-bascr-hlt^Hawklas.- Fir ) oa balls—Otf Huyck 3; off Kelly r Loft on basos-^pocfltellc» 4, Twin Fal I 0.' W Ild^.pltcb^Huyck 2. Kelly . Struck out—By Huyck 10* by Kelly } Stolen bases—Knight, Corbin, Snow . Browa Horr}p. Sacrlflco hits—Hai t kins, Horrie, Cbrlsmaa.. Hit by pitc I or— Faalicncr. Umpire—Golden. Tifi t ot-game—l3f40.. ; \ 8BBday--Se«oBa^6am'e. \ PocateUo, ; . AB.R.H.PO.A. , K ai«bt;.'C t;..;.;.:.. 3 0 12 0 f Hannkiaa, lf-3b.' ..;.'.8-.,0 0 0 0 Bdurna^'-c <1 ; BlfcUlae, * b ;: ........ ,-2/.0, 0 '0 1 I K 3 r,u » t -.-'...V...'=: 0;-'‘ 0 o.-o 0 i Ma0o*««,M».'’:.;.;.-2 ' O' 0-3 0 : soUth:.¥a-p;;' .... ;.:.':2- d - i ' * , Kli»eadaM..^;:sn * .'0 0 0.*2. 1 rttam; rt-K- 3 -ff '0- 0- 0 5 ^rltt^'lb . a " ' 0 1.41 } ■.Totii«N .......... ii -0~a w ^(Coatlaaed on Page iSJ NODEriNITE I RAILROAD NEW - tine South Merely in the fi ture as Before i'; s i n i n T m . ve Aciivrn-^tiT-r TEItPKETEU BY BAXCllOFT. ) Cionerul Manugcr ot Conipany Vlsl } City, But Duoh Not Inimrt Intoriii Uon. Liwt Friday 11 carload of Sliorl Lli p a u n 'c y o n s ' mippllca waa ahliipi 1 Uirough tho clly onrouto lo ItoKcrnu i which caUHcd conaldorable conjcctu ) on to Uio biillillng of tho Short U) f south from RoKoraon Jh coaformnn 'i. wlth promlaoB roiioatodly mudo hy tl • railroad officials. But aaUlo from ll : fact thul a bunch of Burveyora nro g - lug lo run a survey of the roulo ihc 1 la nolblng dctlnito aud nothing’ na y J to cauBo any undiio JolllflcnUou on 2 pan of the iicoplo hero. On Sunday General .Manager Ba s croft was in Ihls^cliy.' Heretofore *V Bancroft hns mailo anuouncumnntu the bnlldlng of the llnc, but this Ur r^fuacd lo make any promlaOH pen i. Ing ibo nrrlvnl In thla uUitc ot Jud 5 Lovett, hoad of the Harrlman ayetc 0 Upon the arrival of Judge LovoU l 0 policy of tho road will ho nnnounc '> with regard to new conslnietion. 0 tho meanilnie Ui<j ongliicera will ma - a permanent surveyof tlio entire roii 0 to Cobro from llogcruoa. ^ PHttPS-ByCR :. Popular PcaTcy Couple' United 0 Marriage. 0 Ono of tho prottlcut weddings of t J aummer took placo Weilneaday afti 0 aoon of last wcok al tho homo of A 0 and Mru. H. J. HolTman of Peavi 0 MIbb Elslb Mae Pholpa, tfaughtor 1 Mr. and Mra. 13. A. Ptielpa, becoml 0 the brldo of Lowla J. Buck. Tho Iloffmnn homo waa beauUfu :t decorated wlUi anillax, roses and swt pcits, and tho tirlde and groom slo '■ under a wonderfully arUatlc nrch 3 amilax and.plk and whilo aalora, wl a background of pink gladlolaa.' T n beautiful ring ceromony w'oa uued. I ll Rov. Mr. Flnloy of Fllor offlclalii i. The brldgo wae bccomlngly gowned n white brocado-cropo de chine, drnji I- In chiffon atid volvel. I- After lho ceremony a wedding d it nor was sorvod, tho following guo: 0, being present; Mr.' and Mra. F. Bigger. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Swear - gen. Mrs. Gnrl • Rldgoway. Mra. Ch ,. Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hure! 0. Mr.. and Mrs. H. Hottman. tho Miai 1- BcbbIo Walkingion, B ei^a. McDoui and Bcfli Phelps, and tho MoBsrs. y- T. Atbcrton *nnd Charh^ Sexton.' ic The young coupio are woll kno 1. In Filor nnd vicinity, lho brldo havi •a boon n teachor in tho Curroy sch • tor tho post Ihree years, and ' groom has boon .employed In lho Fl <lQpol for tho past jtar and a bolt. S GRfAT HARVfST-HAS BTGUl 0 . _____ n ScTenty«tlTe Htesm T breshm R«p« ] ” od at iVcik on ^e Tract . ? Local dealers estlmato ibat th< 2 aro at'loast sovonty-flvc stoom thro _ ers now at work on tlio' South 8 Q tract In tbo vicinity ot Twin working ovcr..timo to thresh tho ^ cropa ot wheat, oats, boons aad pi 1 that aro being *arvosted. Ot t number about fifty 'aro old mochli 0 used last yeac, whllp the remain 1 aro now machines sold and star '» out tbla year. 0 . Among the record yields alre; ® roportod. B. F;.vLowll probably le ^ tho list, with a yiold o t^ l busbeU 0 wheat per atre. on a troct of aboul - scroB, port ot bis form near Fll 0 Threshing mochlne operators roi -2 that tho same bumpor crops are 1 -T vailing from ono -end ot the tract lo -the otbor. ». : E M siW p as 1. r_„ *■ TL phnieo Baadlar Kew Warelio 2. With Capaeity«flft»OOaBBsbels b- with' a capacity ot IS,000 basb q6 the new storehouse for peaa,•'^b< . erected by B..Phlllaa oa'tbe«raiir kidinr W N t'ot :th«:-'deDot« w lll.ba; V bt tb6,mos^ Bubitaatial.bdltdiM ^ its'irtha iir;'tha,citrv':U»iii.i)*;.«to ; ter flTa yaya. .Thaftadfco^teyjt 1 seren:'tfaoasaad aofuT'^ot 'pi»ia.-< ? tracted for oa\therJPi^vW lla -Sc i 8Id«-”traor this-yaar,-and tjialr-,^ V tract wiUi Ur. PbUl«d 6ans tor ~Z compl«tlon,iiLJl^e 'warehonie wi ° stoty 'daya.; : .Bead.thafW M t Ad. . . R .C .BEACHBOOMED 5 fORGOVWRSniP I- North Idaho Capitalist-May-Be Candidate for Chief fxecutive _ TIIK ItEPniLICAN TICKET. ;s Proposed Cimd[da.te Well Known Here I- J —I n a Stockholder In tlie'Idalio l)ci* purtiiivnt Store, . e Thai R. C. Beach,.—CttpliaUat—ansl, d banker of Lowlston, wilt be a condl- 1, (lato for lho Ropubllcaji nomlnaUon 'c for govornor. If the plana o^ hla lo friends do not mlacarry, la the alalo- :o mont mado by tho Evening Capital lO Nowa, In Sunday'a paper, e Mr. Beach fa wOll known to Twin >- F.alls people, being one of the earliesi •0 Inveatora In lho lown and counlry. !l Besldca owning farm property here, 10 Mr, Beach in 1908, become a stock- holder in the Idubo Doparlment Store, 1- and hna maintained an active inter- r. est in Ila management alnco that )f Umo. 1 C Tbo account of Mr. Beach’a prob- l- able candidacy, na contnhiod • lt> Ihe- :e Cnpllnl News, follows; n. Gubematorinl beea arc already buz- 10 zIng In norlh Idaho nnd from tho ^d panhandli>paecllon the namo of R. C. n Itcach. promlnont bualneaa man of ce I.,owlBlon. a mombor of the Idalio le Pnnnina-Paclfic- expoalUon commis- sion and president of tho League of Commeroinl clubs In this-state, has boei^launchod ior tuvofablo cohaidor- nllon over the ntato by hls. friends. Whether Mr. -Boacli is aware ot the r- grooming le not known. It la not.bo- llcved in political clrcloa hero that hc Ib prompUntf It. Tho view taken by .. leading party mon is-t^ot his ardent - friends -ar« anxious to ' bring him - promlnenUy Into tho gubomotorlal .. llmolisht Tho Kooaklo Mountainor Is' tho first newapapor in the stato to como Into ^ the open for Mr. Beach; In tact, this ... paper places his name botoro electors for consideration. In 0. rocont Issuo I that paper says oditorlally: Somo of our Ropubllcan stato ex- .. changes aro ot tho. opinion that tho timo has come tor north Idaho to go .'nftor the-Rovomorship In oarnost _ Several names bave been moaUonod i ' l'’ from the Ropubllcan ranks, among thom W , L. Gifford, secretary, ot stole, and CongroaBinan Burton L. -Froneh. .Gifford would not.be o Btrong condl-' date and as to French, bis candidacy P will not bo token sorlouBly, especial- „ • ly since tho- word has gone forth that ho and S^btiior-Brady are fn some r ' sort of a framo-i#t»'-WJ^etber tbero Is o« anything'in tho roport o'r'not wo do ”, not know; and caro very lltUo. How- ^ over, wo are Interested. In tbe matter of a gubomotorlal candidate from the north. There Is this mucb about ll: If the Republicans Qf north Idolio deslro to IP' mako a good showing la the primaries they must put their stron&est man to tho front Ho must be 0 clean maa— froo from p^lUcal deals and unham- pered by pollUcal' strings In w'hldi so many men aspiring to ottlco find tbomsolves catongledj Ho must be a buslaeas man—a man who hos made a H, succfess ot bla own buslaess—a man who does thingB Elght—aad'above alt, a man wbo knowB no. clique or fac- iro tiomHe must be broad-minded, free ,K. from prejudice—ready aad willing at do all times to glvo all sections ot the I. state a sonare deaL Wa have aach.a ,]2 man In mind, a tirelesa worker, right In every respect and-a atranger , 1 . to machine or steam^rollar pollUcs; Our candldato is R. C. Beach, ot Lew- ler « 8ton. ' ' ■'r ' t offlcflM 'm ids . ' -W— ot Wedding Takes PUm at Bome ol 20 3lr. aad Mrs. €. B. Tyler, ar. . .. . ort Tbo marriage ot Mlss.JCSna Ottlcei ro- to Mr. Edwin R. .Pstenon of Seattle, to Wash., tock place at the home of tbi bride's sister, Mrs. 0., Tylar.s. al ___MoomoatK iOE8gon«JInB#4ajfc^ AagM l ... 19'. a t aoon.', ' .~ ,v Rev. Bara Hayes of.Nowberyi Ore. performsd. tba , zMycemonr.ionlr the ,M, membera/of the immediate.famUy b*: lu -jroaent:. '.r. .- r' oouratalatM U ^ ho st ;,‘» e ^ r iS S bera'U

newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014-12-12 · VOL. HI., NO. 9» ; eig h th YEAIC. -TWIN FALLS, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO,

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V O L. H I., N O . 9» ; e i g h t h Y E A IC . -T W IN FA LLS, T W IN FA LLS C O U N T Y , ID A H O , T U E S D A Y . A U G U ST 26, 1913 S U B SC R IP T IO N $2.00 P E R Y E A R


Twenty-first Annual M eeting o f Idaho ffliieayere

■i, . • ■ 1X0 SESSIOX; '

P rincipal AddrcHK ot Upetoins Nlgbi W ill bc OlTcn b r E. Von de t tfnaton of Pocatcllo*

The tw cnty-Iln it annual C hristian E ndeavor convou lton -o f idalm ..w ill, tnoot In Uio CUiriuUnn cburcb ot tbia c ltr , on 4 th avonuo and 2nd Btreot t i is t , boglnnlng Tbursda)’ niglit ond continuing ovor aox t Sunday. Soveral sco re of younff people trom . over tho Btato and nolgtiboring to m s 'will b o ' In attondanco. Tbo local conm lttoo In cbargo la vory anxious- tb a t tbi) reputation which tbo city bos gained os a bbaplUihlo and ontbusJaBtlc con*, .vention city ‘will bo uphold. |

good audlonce lt> oxpoctod on tbo 0 |w nlng night, Thursday to groot tho Btato o ttlcors and tbo spoakors. ' Es> peclally good num bers of muftlc have

.'boon a rranged for tb a t night, Includ* Ing n m alo -quarte tte 'and a violin duot by tbe A ltonto slBtors, and caro b a t beon .tak en to sccuro tho best .’ of ep o ak o ra 'to s tn n tho convention off nicely. Tho addrosiics o t ,volcomo w ill bo given by Dri J. P . Shophord of tho local Prosbytorian- church, and

• H gn, M. J . Sweoloy, p resident of, tbo Commorclal club.- Tho roBponae will bo from Rev. C. K. T itus of QoodiDK; The m ain addross o( tho evenhig will bo given by 0 . C. Van dor Mnatcn of Pocatollo upon tho BubJect, "Dovotlon to C tirlst tho Eaaontlal to Chrlallan Bdnrlco."

T o ndd Bomo en thusiasm to tho op-) en lng sorvico Dr. J.- F. Shepherd In-

the Musos and wroto a song of ■■»j«rcomo for-tfitr-aiiVdtabMng Eadca- o rers, w hich Ib glvon bolow.

.Tune: "Tho Battle Hym n ot. the Republic." ' . ■Y ours eyes m ay bco tho glory ot a

BOUl ontranclng view,A* \ coun try uneurpaaaod nround a

"Magic Clly.” too.W ltb loving loyal h ea rts and hands

towolcome you.God’s cause iii m arching on.

In tho g ran d eu r of tbo canyon we ma>* 8(fo th(Thikhd of God

W blcb uphoAvbd tho m ighty rock and Bont down the surg ing flood. '

• P rom tho m ountain faalnesB comelh ' .stream s th a t glvoth m an h ls food.

■ And llfo is moving on.

.■While tru s tin g Ip tho L,ord ou r God. wo s triv e to do HiB will,

. By sooking those Ho died to win, and banlehlng tbo bUU.

. And aU Its s tra in of evils from our • every va le and hill,

^ F o r rig h t Ib m arching on. ,

T hus sha ll wo work and w atch and w ait; endeavoring to eave

O ur g lorious Btatd ot Idoho from ,a ll th a t can pnalafro.

F o r C hris t and church wo lahor, we a re young and wo are bravo,

And ou r C. Ii!. s m arching on.

• ' CHORUS.'Come ond Join ou r b lect endeavor:

. Como and serve th e - C hrist our Saviour,

Come and live w ith him torovor.■ H is cause Is m arching on.

On Frfday ovonlng th e Tv^ln RiUa band will give a sacred concert, clos­ing a t 8:30, tbus allowing tho crowd to asfiomblQ In the C hristian churcb l o r the-addroes of the evening.

K Many bualness m en a re p lanning to i(®!aco signs welcoming tho Endoaror-

e ra In th e ir sto re wlnao'Rrg..with such hospita lity shown.- T w in Fnlls wtll take on th e appearance of s convon­tlon city.

OPOKS MAIN ST flSr STOREI .-B . P e rr in e 1^11 Have B etall F rail

S tore ......

J , o ; Moore, acting fo r I. B. l^ f r lu e Cas opened a reta il f ru it sto re In the o ia "N ew s" building on W est Main i n th e -n e w Btore, I t ls expected tc keep on liands all varletloB o t Dlu< L akes t ru l t a s .fast as they ripen, ani ^ w U ) Also foralBb a convenient bead qoarte re for th e sh ipm ent d t Per-

- l i ne’s t ^ U to easte rn marketo.

A Twin fa lls Pioneer Aliwg 7 s » n . l i .'Twin F slla w d ' 18 T?jm

in ABSTRACT. worlL . 1 p u t OBt

* “ a b s t r a c t


^A dT sniiem ent.


R. H . Grant X Co. o f Chicago Are the Purchasers

i n u f f l n r O T m i T O r w i a iii: i . c rTOBAY.

Eleven F lrm n Subm it IlIdH the ConB tractlen^^f Coiumlt<>go n e rs W IlfL e t Confrnctji Todny.

'\WicR tho bids for. tlio construction of i>rldscs throughout.thc.couE ty wore opened M onday by tho counly cominlH* sioners, It waa found tb a l noarly nil of tho eleven firm s bidding had flo­ured cJosoly on tho Job. and th a t thore w as com paratlvoly little varia tion In tbe am ounts. F ou r bids were setecled and trom theso, tho tinal succcsBful bidder w ill bo ^elected a t it moolinK of tho bonrd of commiBsloners th is a f te r­noon,

Tlio nam es o f tho firm s Bubmlttlng bids, and th o lr prlcoa nro an followa:

Idaho Brldgo Co.. tolal. <47,9r>0. Colorado Brldgo and ConBlrucUon-

Co., totnl. J48,650.J. H. Forvos nnd Co., ot Cnldwcli.

J48.6B0.Om aha S tru c tu ra l Steel W orks. 949.-

490. ■ . .JflmoH T. B urk nnd Co. of S alt Ijiko

City; 153.381.H. W. Gresham,-»49.395. . .

. M idland Brldgo Co. ot K ansns City, Mo.. |CI,3D0.

■M^Bonpolls Steel. Foundry Co., »G2,-

^ I I l^ u r T v a l lo y Drldgo nnd Iron Co..

Federal Dddgo Co.i ^53.2{tfi. . N orthw est C o nstruw on Co.. $48,375. Tfefcro woro alstf-iUroij flrmB w hich

subm lttod ' blds fo r a p a rt o t th 6 14 bridges.

-Tho Issue of $ 100,009 .w o rth of Iwadfl, .authorized a t tlio recent hand elecUon t o r ‘th e purpose of providing tho funda fo r road nnd bridge build­ing throughout tho county, w as sold, la s t woek to a representative of R. M. G ran t and Co. of Chlcngo. who offorod >,570 premlMjn, and to place tbo bonds a t five and one-halt cents. The bids received wore as follows:

R, M. G ran t and Co., Chicago, f irs t pro|K)8iUon. 1570 premium, five and one-half porcenL

R. M. G ran t and Co., socood propo­sIUon, $2,G70. and alx por c e n t

'C ausey . T^oster and Co., Denver, prem ium .92,354 a t sU j e r cent.

H .C. Speer and Sons, Chicago, .prom- lom UGOO. six per cont.

H. C. Spcor -and Sons, Chicago prem ium $S0 , five nnd onorbalf por cont. ■

Ju s t before going to prosB, word waa roceivod from the County com­mlsBlonors, thn t tho final con trac t for the bridges has beon lot to tw o firm s Tho Colorado Drldgo and Construe* Uon Co. w ill build tbo two b ig atcel bridges, whllo the Idaho Brldgo Co of Pocatollo, gets the con trac t fo r tl)o sm aller bridges. The aggregate cost will be 140.900. . ' .

HARD S T R U G M R TROPHYDonbloB End ITlth Victory fo r l ire ,

'a n n g h aad M n c rlc a r ,, ,.^___

The final m atch In tho tournam ont betw een J obIjti, Perslnger and Bro- naugh. M acvlcar, woa one of Uio pr««- Host contests ' o t the whole. toum&» and w en t to tho three sots. 5-7. C-4 8-0. Sovoral Umes la tho laat se t af­to r th e sooro had gone 5-2 In favor ol tho lo sers and one point w ould-have lo st tho so t and matcb. Bronaagh and M acvicar, tho victors, pulled o n t th<

' gamo finally , tho deciding soL Ac­cording: to the ruling mailo prio r lc

; the tournam ent. Mr. Bronaugh surren- ' derod {ho racquet won In tbo singles

to h is opponent In slnglo finals. A R. Jones.

Tbe tenn is association Is p lannlni fo r a m oro extenslvo scopo o t w prt noxt y e a r and It posBlblo w ill p u r cbaso o ao 'O f two acrcs of l^ad aai

p u t In porm onont Im provem onts..

: CiOSf fOR IABOR D A r "; Annonncomeat ol Cloalag • Kex > Koaday. - . ’

[ T iie uadSrslKBOd sto res w ill bo cIo i . «d a ll d ay n oxt M onday fo r p u r ^ o 0

giving the.em ployes a holiday ot . L abpr D or. Septem ber 1 s t C uslom en . o re u rged tO'PreparQ;Coi>BUch'cloBloi \ In tb e ir S a tnnU y p u r c l M W . - . . . , . • BOOTH-MBROANTILB CO;', lOAHiO OBPARTUBNT ;6T0RB


' A repe tftioa o f ro o r w an t ad, a i 1 » trlT ial o o tt. m a r bs a ^raokx lavast ‘ m s a r if 7 0 a w aa t ts m t 'a e m a rooou

It you a rs .a need of a n y tb ia i '' a T lm ei W aat Ad. wlU Hll y ou r waal

PUNS fOR SCIIOOlvm w u N p

Public Schools Will Open Mon­day Morning, Sept. 16


PupllK Will A.’O'i^mblo In the Sttmc ' ItooniK They Were In u t the C'Iuhv of

S chool.* • .

The Twin F alls ochoolfl will open; Monday m orning ,, Soptonroor ir,.__All

pupils will nsaoniblo in the same roonm thut/thoy wore In n t tho cloao of

. school In Juno , oxcopt th a t thoao .pu- , p lis who wore prom oted to tho F ifth . B 'g rad o in the high school will go

directly to tho Blckol or .Lincoln btilldingB according to the d is tric t in

' whloh they live. Doginnlng pupils . will go to rooriia ono In nil o t the

buildingB.'' Beginning pupila may en- ; tor ochool Qt any Umo during Soptcm-

bor' and unUl .October 20. No piiplls will bo received into the ' beginning

I. claaacB afte r Octobor ,20. Tho school ngo In Idnho la six yoors, ordinarily

, puplla cannot bo admlttod to tho pub­lic schoola of tho s ta te untIt thG>' uro

. six years o t ago. Thla :Conc08Blou, however, ia mndo to. the patrons of the

I T«'in F alls schools: all pupils who arc six yonra of nge and thoso who will bc six years of ago .before Oclobor 20.

, will be adm itted a t tho oponlng ol BchooI In Soptemher. Princlpalp niny

. require b irth ccrUflcnlos to catobllHh

. lho ago of nny cblld. The crowded

. condlUon of Uio echoolB makes' it ab­solutely impoHBlblo to vary from ihli!

. rule. I t wJlJ bo usel^os tor pnrciilJ

. to Toquost adm ission undor any oUici , condlUon'.'- . . . 'I The principals o t each ward schobl

and thrt high school w ill be a t thol! t offlcoa on F riday and Saturday, Sop- I tcm bor 12 nnd 13 fo r oxaminlng, clasB- ; Ifying and asalgnlng now- puplla. othoi• than beginning puplla in tho flral L grado. I t la Im portant th a t all puplli . dcairlng to en te r 'school preseni I themaelvcB.at lh a t tlm e-for claaslflcn- ) tlon and aRslgnment, i f 'th e y a rc no< s preaent n t th n t tim e it will bo impos-

Blble to r them lo bo asBlgned to roomt t bcforo W ednesday thd 17lh of Soplom- 1 bor. The principals m uat give Uieli

Umo to organizing th e ir schools 0^- Mondny and Tuesday. -Much timo wll

thorofore bo saved If puplla w ill pro. sen t thomaelvoa oh Friday. And Satur

day. All high school students shoul(• presen t Ihemaclvea for classiflcoUot

and selection of.subjoctn nnd couruciI, on F riday o r Snuirdny, Septem ber' i: r and 13.-

Tbe schoola tbla yenr w ill bo or 1 ganl7.ed on a d ltfe ren t basis than here• to fore. Tho m inim um num ber fo: r oach room w ill bo thirty-five, tho max I. imum for.tbo opening o t scbool w ill b<• forly, t h i r o f course w in moan roomi 1 w ith forlytfive or fifty pupils In then I. b eforo 'lh6 mfdtjlo- o f-ihp"tir8 t Bcmea0 tor. Thla baslB of organlxallon ' hai X boon decided upon because It is necps

aar>’ to conserve tho funds o t tho dla t r ic t Whilo i t will iM im possible t<

1 do na thorough w ork a s w llh shiollo: I rooms, yot It la bollovod oxcollcn

work can.aU Il bo done.The toxt books w ill no longer hi

'• on aalo a t tho BChool building. .Thi- rind bfinV Btoro has boen appointed 1

s ta te dopOBltory and all tex t bookI w ill bo purchased tboro by tho pupils '■ Nolo hooka o t approved quality am

'sapivlhsxiasM Ui horotoforo bo pur y chaaod a t any s to re . Tho tox t hook •• In geography havo boon changed, tb'• now bookB will bavo a special Idoh<

supplem ent and aro In m any wayi® sunorior lo thoso diflplaced* The;

w ill bo Introduced- on w hot Is knowi as tho Gradual In troduction plan

•* Only thoso pupils th a t are required t ° buy new books In tbo Fourth B am >- Sixth B will bo asked to purchaso thi ■® new books. In th is way tho patron; ^ will feel no burdon for tbo rensoi

th a t puplla purcbaaing tho now book B would hovo to buy now books of lh• old Borles.

Now English booka bavo booa adopt ed for tho high schoo!. and tho goomo trios bavo beon' changod. Tho sam

r gradual lntrwrtittlpn-plfl?i^Ul-eppl ,. to tho high BChool books, only thos ' clasBos'w ill be required to ds& aei

books who would bavo. to buy ol ct books because of their advancemeni

Tho boundary'linos between th secUons will bo samo aa las t yeai

tr The Blekor secUon shall iacludo thi }f port or tho city, south' aad east ot. n llae beginning at tbp so^th comer c rs tbe townsite exteadlns up Sboshon Ig street to Fotfrtb arenue South, tbonc _ to Second street SouUir Uieace t

Third street' ioatti; thence to Thir » aVantJe East, Uiencs\ to-Fourth-stre< . e u t , thenca.to liixth: jSTenue- eas

tlienee to Bluo Lakes. B oo l^rid alon Sixth .aveauft-IBaut acrosa .tlie fbouii rard,. thenca ta- ^eVfnth• avenne’ ai tb the c ltr limits; ' The Ltncoin .sei

. tloD BbaU Ineiuie tb a ti ja r to r the.cit ^ to tbe west aad aorth of a Hao ^R ic 1' g la g s t th e soutb'iSbnier o tth a tq w i ^ site a lo n r Sbosbcmo street-to Fourt

avenue.West..thence' to Second s t« iit!i , (ConUaaed ,Oo‘ Pace «,)

pocAiaio IS -lAJBTVKTi

Baseball Team Keeps lip Win ning Gait


Snnduy Gnnirs Druw Big Crowd t< W ntch ‘ S laughter of Pocutclli IndlanH.

Throe otriilKhl victories last Siitur d a y .a n d Sunday wqh lhe rccord foi lho locals lo add lo Uic many vlciorlui o t lho pnat iwo montha. SaUirday’i gnmo wn8 4jlfihly BennnUonnl And ui

eovcntli inn ing looked n vlctorj for. Poky, with the scoro Uiroo to ooj in the ir favor. In the seventh, how over* n baUltiK rnlly nidcd by uomi e rro rs on llio p a r t of the vlsllorH, ndd od two. In tlio (tlghlh Pocntolio wm abu t ou t, while tho localfl.clnchDil Ihi gnmo by two m oro Umoly runs, dm Inrgoly td nwtiil crro ra by lho vlHliora Ansel, th e new piichcr, did aonn aplondld work.

Saturday’s (Inuip. Pocalello. AB. U. ll.P O . A. E

K night, cf .................'1 1 JD 3 1 1Hawklno, lb ............. \ 1 2 ll! . 0 'Uoumo, rf ................. i 1 U ( 0DlaUlno, ■i\y ...............a 0 J 1 1Hallowoll. c ............... 4 0. 1 f. 0Sm ith, BR ................... -t 0 0 I)K lrkendall. If ........... 4 0 0 1 0A lbritton^ ;;i) ............. 3 0 1 1 2K elly, p ..................... 3 0 0 0 :i

T otal ....................... :to 3 5 2 1 . 9

■ Tw in J-'allB. AB. n . H, PO. A. V.Corbln;^-8B i . . . . . . v. 2 0 0 l 1T lo i^ ,* Z b ................. 4 0 0 2 2ChAPln. c - ; . ................. -Cl 1 1 7 3JobnBon, 2b ............. 3 0 1 l 3Kaulknor, If ............. 4 1 2 a 0Urown, rf ................. .T 1 1 0 0Snow, lb . .." ............. 3 2 2 10 1Chrianian, c f . .........4 0 0 0 1Ansel, p ........ T . . . . 3 0 0 1 1

Totnl ....................... 2fl r, 7 24 12Gnmo called on iiccount ot'Onrkm^Ht

Pocatello ................. 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0—T w ln j i^ l la ...............0 0 ,0 0 1,0 2 2—. E arned Runa—Pocatcllo 2: Twi

Falla 5. • Threo-baao h its—Snow. F in on bnllu—Off Anaol 3, off Kelly i Loft .o n bafloa—Pocntolio 7; Twi F alls r>. Wild pitch—Kelly. Twc baso h it—Snow. Strucif out—By Ar acl 8, by Kolly. Doulilo playa—Knlgl to Hnwklna. Stolon baBca—Hourm Hrown, Snow 2 . SacrifJco hits—Coi

' bln, Johnaon. Bi',own. P.'tsBod ball- Hallowoll. H it by ,pltchor—Chapin Umpire—Gplden. Tlmb pf gnmo—li-i'

Sundays game whllo full of Bonsi I Uonal ploys, w ero one-aldcd. w llh P«

catollo never a roAl dnngor to the 1< cniB. H uyck and C hap in 'ln one gam and B orslng aad Chapin in the aeconi proved too m uch for the henvy hitloi for lho Goto city.

Snndoy—F I n t Oame. Pocatello . AB. R. H. PO. A. 1

KnlRht, 2b ■:............. 3 0 0 2 1H awkins; lb . . . . . . 3 0 2 5 1

I Bourne, If ............... 4 0 0. 1 0I BlaUIno, 3b ............... 4 1 0 1- I. Hallow oll, c ............. 3 0 0 0 3. Smith, s s ................. -4 0 0 0 3

K lrkendall. If ........ 3 0 0 3 0F reem an, cf ............. 4 0 0 2 0Kelly, p ..................... 4 0 1 1 1

I — — — _ — .I T o tals ............... .-..32. 2 3 21 10

.TWln Polls.- A B .T tH .P O . A 11 F aulkner. If ............. 3 0 0 0 0

Corbin, as ................. 3 1 2 4 1‘ Chopfn. c ............ . . 3 1 1 10 2’ Johnson. 3h ............. 4 2 I 1 1: Sa6w lb ................... 4 2 2 9 V; Brown, r i - ----- ' . . . . . 4 1 2 0 0

H orrlo . 2b ................. 3 0 1 1 3‘ C hrlsm an, cf ............. 3 0 0 1 0J Huyck. p ................... 4 0 1 1 4

' - T o ta ls ..................... 31 ~ 10 27 12. Pocatello ' . ........... 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 -: Twin F alls. . . . . . 0 0 /0 3 3 0 1 * • - J E arried^ruas-^Tw ln ™ i8 5: Pocatel r -1.— T h re e -b a sc r-h lt^ H a w k la s .- Fir ) oa ba lls—O tf H uyck 3 ; off Kelly r Loft on basos-^pocfltellc» 4, Twin Fal I 0 . ' W Ild ^ .p l tc b ^ H u y c k 2. Kelly . S truck out—By Huyck 10* by Kelly } S tolen bases—K night, Corbin, Snow . Brow a Horr}p. Sacrlflco h its—Hai t kins, H orrie , C brlsm aa .. H it by pitc I or— Faalicncr. Umpire—Golden. Tifi t ot-gam e—l3f40.. ;\ 8BBday--Se«oBa^6am'e.\ PocateUo, ; . A B .R .H .PO .A . , K a i« b t ; . 'C t ; . . ; . ; . : . . 3 0 1 2 0 f Hannkiaa, lf-3b.' . . ; . '.8 - . ,0 0 0 0

Bdurna^'-c <1; BlfcUlae, * b ; : . . . . . . . . , - 2 / . 0 , 0 ' 0 1I K 3 r ,u » t -.-'...V ...'= : 0;-'‘ 0 o .-o 0i M a0o*««,M ».'’: . ; . ; . - 2 ' O' 0 - 3 0: s o U th :.¥ a -p ;; ' .. .. ; .: . ':2 - d - i ' *, K li»eadaM ..^;:sn * .'0 0 0.*2. 1 r t t a m ; rt-K- 3 -ff '0- 0- 0 5 ^ r l t t ^ ' l b . a " ' 0 1 . 4 1

} ■ .T o tii« N .. .. . . . . . . i i - 0 ~a w

^(C oatlaaed on P age iS J

NODEriNITE I RAILROAD NEW- tine South Merely in the fi

ture a s Beforei'; s in in T m .v e A c i i v r n - ^ t i T - r


) Cionerul M anugcr ot Conipany Vlsl } City, B u t Duoh Not Inim rt Intoriii


Liwt F riday 11 carload of Sliorl Lli p aun 'cyons' mippllca waa ahliipi 1 Uirough tho clly onrouto lo ItoKcrnu i which caUHcd conaldorable conjcctu ) on to Uio biillillng of tho Short U) f south from RoKoraon Jh coaformnn 'i. wlth promlaoB roiioatodly mudo hy tl • railroad officials. But aaUlo from ll : fact thu l a bunch of Burveyora nro g- lug lo ru n a survey of the roulo ihc1 la nolblng dctlnito aud nothing’ na y J to cauBo any undiio JolllflcnUou on2 p a n of th e iicoplo hero.

On Sunday General .Manager Ba s croft w as in Ihls^cliy.' Heretofore *V

Bancroft hns mailo anuouncumnntu the bnlldlng of the llnc, but th is Ur r^fuacd lo make any promlaOH pen

i. Ing ibo nrrlvn l In thla uUitc o t Jud 5 Lovett, hoad of the H arrlm an ayetc 0 Upon th e a rriva l of Judge LovoU l 0 policy of tho road will ho nnnounc '> w ith regard to new conslnietion.0 tho m eanilnie Ui<j ongliicera will ma- a perm anen t su rv ey o f tlio en tire roii 0 to Cobro from llogcruoa.

PHttPS-ByCR:. Popu lar PcaTcy Couple' United 0 Marriage.

0 Ono o f tho prottlcut weddings of t J aum m er took placo Weilneaday afti 0 aoon of la s t wcok a l tho homo of A 0 and Mru. H. J. HolTman of Peavi0 MIbb E lslb Mae Pholpa, tfaughtor1 Mr. and Mra. 13. A. Ptielpa, becoml0 the brldo of Lowla J . Buck.

Tho Iloffm nn homo waa beauUfu :t decorated wlUi anillax, roses and swt

pcits, and tho tirlde and groom slo '■ under a w onderfully arUatlc nrch3 amilax a n d .p lk and whilo aalora, wl

a background of pink gladlolaa.' Tn beautiful ring ceromony w'oa uued. Ill Rov. Mr. Flnloy of F llor offlclaliii. The brldgo wae bccomlngly gownedn white brocado-cropo de chine, drnjiI- In chiffon atid volvel.I- After lho ceremony a wedding dit nor w as sorvod, tho following guo:0, being p re sen t; Mr.' and Mra. F.

Bigger. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sw ear- gen. M rs. Gnrl • Rldgoway. Mra. Ch ,. Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hure!0. Mr.. and Mrs. H. Hottman. tho Miai 1- BcbbIo W alkingion, B e i^ a . McDoui

and Bcfli Phelps, and tho MoBsrs. y- T. A tbcrton *nnd C harh^ Sexton.' ic The young coupio are woll kno1. In F ilo r nnd vicinity, lho brldo havi •a boon n teachor in tho Curroy sch• to r tho post Ihree years, and '

groom h as boon .employed In lho Fl <lQpol fo r tho p ast j t a r and a bolt.

S GRfAT HARVfST-HAS BTGUl0 . _____n ScTenty«tlTe Htesm T b re s h m R«p« ] ” od a t iV c ik on ^ e T ra c t .

? Local dealers estlm ato ib a t th<2 aro a t 'lo a s t sovonty-flvc stoom thro

_ e rs now a t w ork on tlio' South 8 Q tra c t In tbo vicinity o t Twin

w orking ovcr..timo to th resh tho ^ cropa o t wheat, oats, boons aad pi1 th a t a ro being *arvosted. O t t

num ber about fifty 'aro old mochli0 used la s t yeac, whllp th e rem ain1 aro now m achines sold and s ta r

'» out tb la year.0 . Am ong the record y ields alre;® roportod. B. F;.vLowll probably le^ tho l is t, w ith a yiold o t ^ l busbeU0 w heat p e r a tre . on a tro c t o f aboul

- scroB, p o r t o t b is form n e a r Fll0 T h resh ing m ochlne operators roi

-2 th a t th o sam e bum por crops a re 1 -T vailing from ono -end o t the trac t lo -the o tbo r. » . :

E M s i W p a s1 . r _ „*■ TL p h n ie o B a a d la r Kew Warelio2. W ith Capaeity«flft»OOaBBsbels

b- w ith ' a capacity ot IS,000 basb q6 th e n ew storehouse for peaa,•'^b< . e rec ted by B ..P h lllaa o a 'tb e « ra iir

k id in r W N t'o t :th«:-'deDot« w lll .b a ;V b t tb 6 ,m o s^ B u b ita a tia l .b d ltd iM ^ i ts 'ir th a iir;'tha ,c itrv ':U » iii.i)* ;.« to

; t e r flT a y a y a . .T h a f t a d f c o ^ te y j t1 se ren :'tfao asaad aofuT'^ot 'pi»ia.-< ? tra c te d fo r o a \ th e r J P i^ v W lla -Sc i 8Id«-” t r a o r th is -y a a r ,-a n d tjialr-,^ V tr a c t wiUi U r. PbUl«d 6ans t o r

~Z com pl« tlon ,iiL Jl^e 'w arehonie w i ° stoty 'daya.; :

.B e a d . th a f W M t Ad. . .

R.C.BEACHBOOMED 5 fORGOVWRSniPI- North Idaho C apitalist-M ay-Be

Candidate for Chief fxecutive


;s Proposed Cimd[da.te Well Known H ere I- J —I n a S tockholder In tlie 'Idalio l)ci*

purtiiivnt Store, .

e T hai R. C. Beach,.—CttpliaUat—ansl, d banker of Lowlston, w ilt be a condl- 1, (lato for lho Ropubllcaji nomlnaUon 'c for govornor. If the plana o^ hla lo friends do n o t m lacarry, la the alalo- :o mont mado by tho Evening Capital lO Nowa, In Sunday'a paper, e Mr. Beach fa wOll known to Twin >- F.alls people, being one of the earliesi •0 Inveatora In lho lown and counlry. !l Besldca owning farm property here, 10 Mr, Beach in 1908, become a stock ­

holder in the Idubo D oparlm ent Store, 1- and hna m aintained an active in ter- r. e s t in Ila m anagem ent alnco tha t )f Umo.1C Tbo account of Mr. Beach’a prob- l- able candidacy, na contnhiod • lt> Ihe- :e Cnpllnl News, follows; n. Gubem atorinl beea a rc already buz- 10 zIng In norlh Idaho nnd from tho ^d panhandli>paecllon the namo of R. C. n Itcach. prom lnont bualneaa m an of ce I.,owlBlon. a mombor of the Idalio le Pnnnina-Paclfic- expoalUon commis­

sion and president of tho League of Commeroinl clubs In th is -s ta te , has boei^launchod io r tuvofablo cohaidor- nllon over the ntato by hls. friends. W hether Mr. -Boacli is aw are o t the

r- groom ing le n o t known. I t la no t.bo- llcved in political clrcloa hero th a t hc Ib prompUntf I t . Tho view taken by

. . lead ing party mon is - t^ o t his a rd en t- friends -ar« anxious to ' b ring him- promlnenUy Into tho gubom otorlal .. llm o lish t

Tho Kooaklo Mountainor Is' tho f irs t newapapor in the stato to como Into

^ the open fo r Mr. Beach; In tact, th is ... paper places h is nam e botoro electors

for consideration. In 0. rocont Issuo I th a t paper says oditorlally:

Somo of ou r Ropubllcan sta to ex- .. changes aro o t tho. opinion th a t tho

timo has come to r no rth Idaho to go . ' n f t o r the-R ovom orsh ip In o a rn o s t _ Several nam es bave been moaUonod i'l'’ from the Ropubllcan ran k s, am ong

thom W , L. Gifford, secretary, o t sto le , and CongroaBinan B urton L. -Froneh. .Gifford would n o t.b e o Btrong condl-' date and as to French , b is candidacy

P w ill n o t bo token sorlouBly, especial- „ • ly since tho- word has gone fo rth th a t

ho and S^btiio r-B rady a re fn some r ' so r t of a framo-i#t»'-WJ^etber tb e ro Is o« an y th in g 'in tho roport o 'r 'n o t wo do ” , not know; and caro very lltUo. How- ^ over, wo are In terested . In tbe m atter

of a gubom otorlal candidate from the north.

There Is th is mucb about ll: If the R epublicans Qf no rth Idolio deslro to

IP' mako a good showing la th e prim aries they m ust put the ir stron&est m an to tho f ro n t Ho m ust be 0 c lean m aa— froo from p^lU cal deals and unham ­pered by pollUcal' s trings In w 'hldi so m any m en asp iring to ottlco find tbomsolves catongledj Ho m ust be a

■ buslaeas m an—a m an who hos m ade aH , succfess o t bla own buslaess—a m an

w ho does thingB Elght—aad 'above alt, a m an wbo knowB no. clique o r fac-

iro tiomHe m ust be broad-minded, free ,K. from prejudice—ready aad w illing a t do a ll tim es to glvo all sections o t theI . s ta te a sonare deaL W a have aa c h .a ,]2 m an In mind, a tire lesa worker,

rig h t In every respec t an d -a a tranger , 1. to m achine o r steam ^rollar pollUcs;

O ur candldato is R . C. Beach, o t Lew- ler «8ton. ' ' ■'r '

t o f f l c f l M ' mids . ' -W— •ot W edding T akes P U m a t Bom e ol 20 3 lr . a ad M rs. € . B . Tyler,

ar. . .. .o r t Tbo m arriage o t Mlss.JCSna Ottlcei ro- to Mr. Edw in R. .P s ten o n o f Seattle, to W ash., to ck place a t the home of tbi

b ride 's sis te r, M rs. 0 ., Tylar.s. al___M oom oatK iOE8gon«JInB#4ajfc^ AagM l

. .. 19'. a t aoon.', ' .~ • ,vRev. B ara H ayes of.Nowberyi Ore.

perform sd. tb a , zM ycemonr.ionlr the ,M, m em bera/of the im m ediate.fam Uy b*:

l u - j r o a e n t : . '.r. .- r '

o o u r a t a l a tM U ^ h o s t ;,‘» e ^ r i S S • b e ra 'U

t ,;— ---------------------- THE i :W l(^ A -W M g TW IN F A IJ S T n h a .. . '

C v p t n J a i l s X L i r n e s

Publlsbed Twico a Wook, Tuesdaya " 'u ia"~T *riaay8 ,' in 'th o GBot-Holoban

BoUdlng, Main StrooL

W lLteUR S. HILL Editor and Publlshor.

Member of B&siorn Idnho ProiiB''Club.


fis te red aa Second Class M attor as a Seml-W ookly.'Cct. 16, 1910.

' SobscrlpUoa Hates.J a e year. In advaneo....................^2 .008 Ji m o n tb B .............................................. 1.00

TEL. t s . '■

Tbe aubpcrliitlon books of tbe TIMES ■re jpoQ to tbo luspcctlon of advor-

. tisers. . .

DEUAND TH IS LABEL Ob a ll « t T oar F riu ted H otter. ' 11

— T«pTOrat5-Co(ril-W orlnB*BshJpr-€***WSg#T. i nil PnnilHlftHa.

I t l8 rum ored quietly nliout the Btreet Ujat the rcfuunl of J. A; Wntors, p re sen t oncumbqnt on thc Hchool board and president o( tlm t ntiRusl body, lo n m nnnln hns a strlnR on U

' and th a t lie lo quietly KroonilnR for tho figh t and w ill run. W liclher or not auch rfimor Ima roiiuduiloii In fnct will soon como to the mirfncD. Scvcrnf prom inent clll7.cn« huvo hoen np-, proached to Rct them to run on tlie board and tluiB help to bear thq ,onus o f llie com plnint whicii Ih go lns np frorn tho taxpayers nnd In m osi ch«cn have they refused coiiHlder the qucstfoR. owJuK lo lho alrcfldy bad condition of tho (InnnccB und uIho to tho fnct \h n t such persons clecicd would bo powerlOBB to stop cxtrnvn- gnnco wllb Uie m nlority of tho bonrd aga inst them. Uut ho Btich Idou would seem to stop the pruHcnl iiresident, who by reason of Hcven yenrH scrvlce on tho board can nHBHme-rcsponal- b lllty for a gren t mnny tlilnRH tha t hnvq been dono In the schoolH. M r. W aters may poBslbiy tic clccted Im- cauae people' refuse lo run. bul hlH palli witli the ren t o f the bonrd will he considerably tho rn ier, llinn lu the post. Tbo m an/w ho aays thn l tho jia- iro n s of tho schoolB ure n o t demand-


For every possibl slreel, business or e’ eluded in this first your needs.

T h e fact that thi dress goods producii added fact that eve; at lowest mill-to-de:

, this announcement < goods buyer in towi

P r i c e s F r o mr ’ . - -

9 _

Ing retrcnchm onl Ie n o t telling tbo ' tru th and knows it. , Slnco InklnB up tho question of the extravuRnnco Mn tho Hchools tho Tim es han l^cen rc- i pcfttcdly commended by..a..lar£c niimr i ber ot biiHincBB m en who otherw ise do not aa n rulo ever ,Bo oilt of thelf wny to commend thiu puper. , 11 romalna for n new hunch of nowapuper people. ; RcttInK lheli^^pInton« from lutnrcBl- ed school aourccs (o rnitko Ifio Btnlo- mcnt tlm t the peoiilu do not wnnt cur- tullmcut. Poaalbly the ir editorial wbh ‘dfc-iik'd nfter nn Interview with the prcHldent of £he bonrd. ^

Tq ro lu r ii* ”to th e (luCHtlon o f th c prcH i'nt honrd u n d Uh nm nnR cm unt, tfie TIiiit’H iJc»Jrc» lo p ln c o u few fac ta im ig c o ucen led by th e h o n rd In th c p (ftB C B B lo irD n tiir itttrnnB -o f-th irschoo l- d ls i r ic l . In th e f l r a t p ln c o th n T Im ca wlHhcB te ca ll a t te n t io n to a vJolntlon o t th o achoo l In w s n u m b e r ono. n a m e ­ly f a i lu re lo lu ih lls li a n n u a l flna iic ln l a tiile m e n l. D id th n p re n id e n t know th n t th la wn« a v lo lu llo n of th e a la te la w ? T h e T im e s con ten d ii th n t h e ’did.

T ho b on rd h a v e Issu ed 'd e f ic ien c y w u rrn n ta to th e e x te n t at fSt.OOl) c o n ­t r a r y to th c Btnto InwH n n d nuch w a r- riinlB co u ld be uiicrcBsfully co n tes ted by-_nny ta x p a y e r . O ld th o p rea id en t know I h u t th la w nn in v io ln tlon o f th e law ? ' ^

T h e T ln io s ch allo n R en - Mr. W aie rn to d e n y th a t m oney w;i« nacd f ro m tn e

achool bu lld lnK a n d e q u ip m e n t con ­t r a r y to th e s t a t e law s. D id he know H int BUch law e x is te d ? I f sue li clnfni shq jild b c m ude th a t ho d id n o l know , th e n i t Ib e v id e n t th a t h e uhould no l bo a llo w ed In Ig n o ra n c e to p liin p e th e schoo l d la lr lc t In t r o u b le In fu lu ro . If h o w e v e r . 'M r . W a te ra d id know nnd th u s k n o w in g ly d la rcK ardcd ‘ know n iriwa, th e n hd Js u .dn riK en /u s m nn lo reiiroD ont th e T w in i-'a lls pu b lic BclioolH 'n n j ' JonKor. T h e T im e s hna n o K roa t ;d c a l r c To s in g le o u t ' th e p roH ldenl ’ lo_ hen r tho b la m e b u t In v iew o t h is of- ficin l poBltlou UB p rcB ldcnl, linvinR to Rivo o«Jcl,nl. H lRnnturo to u ll o f th c nhovo nciH. h la re^iponalh llliy cun bc sa id to bo f jr c n tc r.

A n o th e r vi«ilutlon of th e uchool luwn w h ich sho iiid n o t lie paaaocf o v e r I/Rfit- ly. w a s Ilur HlgniiiK o f a ih re e -y e a r c o n tra c t hy th e ho a rd w ith llie p rea - o n t u u p c rln le n d e n t. T lie law aays Buch 'a c o n tru c t s h n ll h e frou i y e n r to y e a r. .

PutrouB ot the public uchoola', Juul u tifit Ih yw ir litiiirQHHltm o l n Kroup of men who will in four spocltle Incl- dcnta, vlnintc known luw a?’ Do you figtire thn t th e achool distric t cnn nf- ford lo tnko chancca with them in the future? T hink ito v o r . •

' V ' i W k

e purpose or occasion, rening wear, there is a showing of fall fabric

5 newest style creationi ng mills are here for yo ry yard that w e offer co; lier prices, plus our own Jne of great importance 1 .

5 0 C e n t s t o $ 6


S tartled by tho impoacbineint of Gov­erno r Suizcr "for wllfui f^scqndctct" and "lijRh crim es and mlB^omotmors," the p ress hurriedly not'oHh’nt h e l s Uio

, f irs t exGciitfvd of tho Em plro 'S taie and tho n in th governor of hiiy siato to bo BO accused, and then procccd io con­sid e r thc nffalr lu lho clim ax In tho w ar b fln g waged In Now York botween tho governor and Tammany. Two polntD of view predominato in th is edi­to rial discussion. The w rltors soom to nllno themuelvcB into two groups: those w ho contcnd th a t w hatever tho governor may htivo done, ho Is not so bad a» hla accuBcru. and . tbut tho whole 'prosecution Is sim ply the re- TcnKC ->rhk-h-tho-<iorrupt..m achlnoMfl. w renklng iipon an executive who dared be indcpciufcnt: end th'oao who insist th a t Wlllium Sulzer’s w rong-doing Is nol to be obscured by tho m otives or the m orula ot hla accusers. Looking nhcad, most observers prcd lcl the end of Sulzer'u public careen though It Is assorted by some tha t nn acquitta l a t thc bnridn of Ibc im peachm ont court, witll the cxpoaure of tho wholo pro- cccdlnR no u p o l l l i c a l m a y greatly redound to his c red lt^A fL -fo r Tam ­many nnd Churk'B P. Afurphy, tho pre­vailing opinion of tho prdss seoms to be th n t a present trium ph and temiior- •ur>’~nCTtcn1n f! •tif-cuut r ol-oMbfr-tttute-

great popular reaction which w ill per- .Mnnently weaken them. Then g lanc­ing « t tbc preeent sUuallon. Oio edJr to rs ace lho governor denying the chhrgcs uRulnsi him. pro testing against unconatliutlonnl procedure i n ’ profcrr ing the Impenchment; thoy sob him ocr cupylng the executiyo officcs, whllo many otflcIulB jirofer lo do b^isiness with Llculcnunt Governor Glynn, .to whom, according lo tho m ore common in lcrp rein llon o t ih c s la te consituilon, all gtiltcrnntorlui powers a rc tra n s­ferred until ti;e aniuK tal o f the govor-* n o r.' Since a Judicial dctcxc>l.niUl2*' may uettie th is point, tho ra re spoc- tnclo o t "two Kovcmorfl" in Albany la not thought likely to lust jong.

The charges resu lting In Impeach- m cnl. It will bo remembered, nro the acqtiel o f Governor Sulzer'a opon break wllh the hIuIq mnchine, the de- fcnt of his prlnmr>' b^ll, a fte r he had Btiimpcd tho Btato In ils behalf, nnd tho. publication of B to r le ^ o f ‘perjury nnd breach of promise burking back to enrUer'yonra. U waa boforo thc l-'ruw- loy commilico ot Ibe Btnto leglslnture empowered to ferret out wrong-doing in conncctlon with cam paign funds und election exponsca, th a t more dam­ag ing ciiurgcs woro mnde. The lesif- mony hoard by th is committee por-

First Viewof the

NewestFall Styles in


G O O D Swhether tor dress;

quality and style in­rs exactly suited to

is from the greatest lur approvalj and the imes to our customers 1 small profit, makes to every thrifty dress

r o d Per Yard

Y o w n g R

f o r F

v ’ \ I . ® 'U

M y « L

- l e t - i r i e p r o v e

h o w s e r v i c e a


I d a h o ]suadcd tbcm, occordlng-to th e ir repor to thc iogislaturo, "T hat i f w as fals( when W illiam SuUor sw oro th a t h( had received .only f5,480.T>f campnlgr contrlbutlouH, und tha t, ho did so wit^ full knowlcdgo tha t ho had rocelvod at am ounl many tlmos th a t siim and hui convortod tho samo to lils prlvnU uses; th u l ho used conttibu llons glvot to aid In h is olectlba for tho purchast of stock in Wall Streot, which ho oi Ills agents s till ho |d ; tbn t bo bad bcc^ engaged in stock-Diarkot spoculatlom a t the tim e th a t ho. a s governor, wai earnestly prcsaing leg isla tion agnliis tho Now York Stock Exchange whlcl would affect tho businoBS and pricei o t tho Kxchange, and th a t tlioro wai ovidonco before th is commlttco to ^ u s tain a finding tha t aa governor ho hai punished legislators -who opposed bln by vetoing legislation enacted for lh< public welfare, and (ms traded exccu tive approval of blllH for aupport o b is p rim ary and o lhcr measures.'*

This report, which elaborated thcsi charges In considerablo detail, glvin( nam es nnd dates, a Hat o t ccrtain con tribu tions not tiled by th e govornoi and «■ promlHtt tlw t “tbero la in ibi pusscssIoA of this comnilttco turthoi au thentic Information of o ther simllai evldcnco," waa mado' tho bnals of tin artic lo s of impeachmont In tho as sembly Tho rcBoIution of impeach m ent wna pnascd on A ugust 13, attoi an all-nlRht sosslon, by a vote o t 71 to 4Ii. According to correspondenlB o the New York City n o w sp ^ c rs , thi vote was n o t taken u n til tho organlza tlon bad rounded up m issing membors and only a fte r many te lephone convcr satlons w ith Mr. M urphy In New York

'Doubtless un advico of counsel. Gov e rn o r Sulzor has Issued no dotallcd de fonso for publication, and it 1s goner a lly understood tbat'nouo will bo mad' UHtiJ ho apvcara a ex t zHomh bofori lhOj.sLatP_sonnt«3 nd-oourt-ot-appaali acting togothor ns a co u rt of Impeach nieiic A Btory hus appeared in th ricwspopera of a contcsBion by Mrt Sulzor of hor responsibility for th speculations wltii her huabond's cam puign fu n d s .. A ccording to \h ls roporl she adm itted th a t she had taken th money w ithout Mr. Sulzer's knowlodgt lo replenish tho depleted family ox chequer. This reraliin of tbo nffnl has, however, bcoQ given llttlo crcdi by the- press. The governor's brie denial o t tho allegations contained 1: thq Frawldy report tu n s as follows:

••M deny thut I iiscd any'cnm palg; contributions for personal use.

"I deny tbnt I spoculntcd In 'Wni S treet o r used monoy contributed fo cnmpiilRn purposes to buy stock elili er In my own nnmo o r ot!;crwlso.

l e i i ’s N o r f

■aP a n d W l

W H Y , n o t h s u i t n o w

n S e ^ ^ f ^ i y t e s r t u d e o f f a b r i i i n s p e c t i o n ?

t h e N o r f e

c h a e l s - S t c

r o o m y , c o m f o r a t t h e s a m e t i a n d s m a r t . T i t h a t s e e m s t o o n , w e a r m e 1<

t o y o u h o w COI b l e I c a n b e . ”


) e p a r t m e■■ I i‘i . I i l l ......... ... .............. ........

I " I never had jui account w ith Fulh ! & Gray o r Boyer & Griswold. I ncv< 5 heard of theso firms, do not know tl: 1 memborB, and know nothing about tl I tran sac tio n s ' with thosi firm s test I flod to^beforc tho FYnwloy commlttc 1 u n til recently threatened wIUi expi s su re and (he ullcgod transactions wei I b rough t to my ottenUon by tho Frav : ley committoo.r "Tho stock m nttcr w ith H arris I PiiJlcr wna not a spcculatlvo accoui> o r m attor, butA loan mado upon stoc) t ns coJlatoral.'w M ch stocks had hot t acquired hnd paJiTfor years boforo n i nom lnallo tt to r the offico of goverm> and from olhor sources thnn K arris ‘ Pu ller..

‘■Certain checks given to iho ti s cam paign purposes w ere deposited ' 1 my personal uccount, and thoroaftor J paid tlie-nm ount of said c^iecks to n ‘ Campaign commltteo. f " In filing my statom ont oi: rccelp

and dlsbursom onts w ith tho socretai 5 of S tato I relied on InformaUon fu r> ishod mo by the persons in immodla- chargc of my campaign, and in whom f had. and have, tho m ost Im plicit co tlilcacc, BAcl I bollovo tbo stAtemo.

r fu rn ished by them to me to bo nccu [• a to and truo .”} _______ :_______


f H ansen, Ida., Aug. 35, 1913. M isses Qraco Gordon, Dlancho Got

■ Mr. Wobb and Mr. Kendoll of Mu ' laugh, passed Ihrough H anson Su . day.

Mrs. Alice Whitoboad visited wl rolutlvcs in Twin F alls a fow- da la s t week.

- M Ihs SndJo Kcltb and Mr. Hnr ' Doals woro in Buhl Sunday.• . Miss Mabel Gager is v isiting wl B hor gm ndparcn ls a t Buhl un til scho „ begins.

Mra. 'E . P. Hinton left fo r Rupc J F riday 'm orning,-w horo-B ho -will'Vh- her siBtor, Jifrs. 'W ."0. SmlUi, f6f Q fow dUys. • • • ‘

Dr. AJbec ot Hock Creelc, w as- H anson Wedneaday on business.

B ■ Mr. and MrB.-Woathcrly and Mr. ai• Mrs. G riffith, spent Sunday a l Sh 1 shone falls. \ ' -

Mr. A rth u r AmltroBo\nn(i .Mr. Crc “ wero in Jerom e W ednc\day.'. G riffiths, W cathtfrly antl T. J. A- lo ry-w ero In .Ilock Creek Wcdnesdi f n , W. Cngcr hiotdred lo Uuhl Su , day. re tu rn ing Sundny night.I Mr. and Mre. T. J. Autory vUltI w ith Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Scrnnton Su n dny.

•Mr. and .Mrs. J . S. Smflli wcro Tw „ Fulls v isito rs Thuraday of Inat woi ” Miss Cora Gaily was In Twin Fu

Snturdny on business.II M r. Gcorgo Gibson moved his fam r to Twin Pnlls Insl Mondny.

Mr. Fred Bryson of VllllBca. low hns been visiting with .Suiripson Hn

- tlio puBBcd te w llnya.' Mr. llryson n

I -liir i l l — M l. ' r ■ ! ■ '

p i k Suits^^

i n t e f

u y y o u r f a l l w h i l e t h e v a -

• ' I ■' ^ | , •

» a w a i t y o u r

l k | a s M i -

r n M a k e_______ _____ • .......______I _•

t a b l e c o a t t h a t m e l o o k s t r i m l e s o r t o f c o a t s a y , “ P u t m e mg a n d h a r d ; n f o r t a b l e ^ i n d


n t S t o r e

r tho Qlmpson boya woro raised up to- r gothor from boyhood.. Mrs. O. M. H alo and daughtor, Miss

Paulino, wcro shopping In Tw ln .F olls 0 Saturday.'- . Quite a num bor of Haneed people 3 attended tho danco a t Rock Croek P ri- . duy night and a ll report a flno Ume.

Mrs. O ra McVoy and Mrs. Stow art 0 Sevorns w ero in Tw in F alls Saturddy.

Mrs. C larence Bnow of Twin F alls, visited friends In Hanson F riday and

. Siiturday of la s t week, t Mrs. Honry Galloy vleltcd Mrs. Bert t Lambing o t K im borly Friday. • s John F . H ansen of Rock Crook, t^ob □ in, H anson S aturday evening enrouto y lo Slinldoka. ,

5 Y ollonsfono PaMc. Excnrsion->Foar> Day C ircle Tonr.

Tlckots on aaib from Idaho .points r fo r Yollowstono SpecJnJ T rain No. 35; o leaving S alt lA k e City August 20th. o r r fo r tra ln a connoctlng th o ro^lth .„ TH IS . l a TH B ONLY OPPORTUNITY » OF T H IS SEASON TO VISIT THIS


OTHER WONDERS. ACCOMMODA-.0 TIONS AT TH B Old Faithful Inn .1 Lako And G rand Canyon Hotels, tbo

faro covoring a ll rail, stago and hotel, expenses fo r tho four-daV clrclo tour.

Soo agonta fo r furthor particu lars and ■- doseripUvo li te ra tu re o r. w rite D. E.

Burley, Gonoral Passenger Agent. SaU Lako City, U tah. >, AuB 19-22-2G

; soxiCE. '

• NoUco is hereby given, that, In con-• fona ity w ith tho outhorizaUon of lbo

spocial' elecUdn callod and hold fors, th a t purposo In aald school distric t on* r- tbo Gth day of August, 1913, tho Board I- of SchooliT rustecs of School D istrict

No. 34, Tw in Falfs County, State of h Idaho, is about to issue and soli tho ’ ■s coupon bonda of said d is tric t in thc

sum o t 94,120.00. Sold bonds w ill bo ■y issncd in dcnom Jnatloss'of 1500 00 and

ono of 4620.00, dated November 1,1913, il bearing six per cen t Inioroat, in te rest 3l payable aoml-annuully and w ill m a­

tu re Jonuary 1st, 1933. Thc procoeda rt o f Bald bonds wfll be used fo r tho pur- It pose'Of-*proTidinr'a~Ecfaool honAo Id 'tt flflid-dtstrlctrwIth airn'DT'cssarjrfurn'- -• Iturc. • desks, bldck-boards. giohea,

In charts, ouUlno m aju, otc.- NoUce 1» fu rth e r given th a t sold

id Board will, bcU said bonds a t th» 3- school house. In- said district,' Rogor­

son. Twin Falla County. Idaho, on Uirf w 23rd dny of. Soptombor, 1913, a t thu

hour of ten o’clock A. M.; th a t sa id 1- bonds w ill n o t bo sold for less th an y. their par valuo nnd tba t the Trlialeea I- are authorized to rojfct noy aad a J f

bids.nnd to sell said bonds a t private ;d Bulo if they deem it for tho beat in tor- :i- Cflt 9f the diatrict. and all monoya

arising from tbe snlo of said bonds fn muBt bo paid forthw ith Into tho treaa- k. ury of tho T w in Fnlls County, and to IB b6 im m ediately ovailjiblo fo r tho p u r­

poses aforesaid.»■ W, c; l»ONb.

Clerk of Bonrd of School T rustees, n. School D istric t No. 54,.Twin F alls 8. County, Idnbo. id Auk 2:;.2C.29 Sept 2-5-9-12.16-19-2a

t f i j rE i i i iM W ^

T i r 1 f 7 l t e T ^ ~f r p .

f i f p i i i

m . i i•. - ■; £" “ ;^ r> ;..^ 'e :i8 tupen^

■!? ; * 'T J io - ;-W aras ..6 f i:‘i

■ ^. , ,: ; r f i r

■ii ?r:->Bfii^'o-'0ati6'a^'d/

— ^ S S iEv. --V ‘i S s - ^ p f i i W i a a y : . ® *■•■ ^ v . 'f f lo W 7 ,r - jiM tr i! so K

' , . . n i : tM ) 6 V r « n c lJ M T I i 'o■ r- ; . ' . ■ ^ ^ i r e . t ' . i m d ^ m

w g l i H: « a i i w■■• . / , , ' s > ; ,a s S . i ia 4 £ :o S & » :5 S

; :.ji,a:TO «.™ »l'.«?:tt-»3. -: - ........- -^ T :-® (!k « t« ':< > n « M le -

:, L im i t ; : S « p t« m b e r■ I. V „■ ; . : p ( ^ < n i l & n |,M |i a ^ t

- . ' w r i t e , • :: ••*

' ' : X "''■ ' . ~v-" ■” ’Q »im a’-15S£


i i M i A r m

V e r y ; l o w x s u n d t r i i

K a n s a s C i t y , S t .

; G h i c a t ^ , ' M i n n e a ^ c

f iah ^ (l^S{llluW 7. 8.1« ,17, l i , 31jJ

• ■ ^ - _ •..•■■■ ■■ ':■ -.• .V,.'Jl' ••

W u ^

OcfslmrH. 19See any OW^JGOmSh

. 'io rr-ftijtiJfeaG

‘‘ Tmjiiioii'


- i ■~ B H O t

T i a n s f e t a n d - G a

' - n j


■:r. > « -

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l ^ K lr ; t W 4 B « ^ i ) F , O T K W

>'.■ i':OF. T m Jw A ftiT dH '.'-- ■ '■ -‘

Salt take City

6 1 - 1^ ■ ' id.:tfn;-tk6';date8 given • gt!Mt&TcdI<i6 rat?on . ■ , ' B W ^-m 'the-W est. ; - I yi8it'pf:^.o:Wi*a?d,. nVfrbm hiff abode in . ' / ^ li^^lb^lD ^vinQt a t ?e% a-th>keyto the'atiu^,:.'lBr:.Mn ^ ,. _____ __8Rht|i0ft;®K?55l'page- ' " -itfrjfllogoiffcal ■of -tfee— ---------------liho, WiMi^d siich as . >o6r»^":: tT6 i - Q a e a ) 'r - - iV Tge‘.Sna;” ' ‘^TBo ;;:.Sta?^^ '!.;;FJ6 a■ oE ;^ .-^_d ' qtlier^ r t

m ’

ffoirdi “ I Am Utah” A r i^ a i '- 2 7 -^ 'd -28. 1 —r. ' ' : •

6 th; ■•For: farther ■^Q. 8 , L.,agcQt£, or ,


l i S Y O T ;

t in e s to Den v e r,. ' J; 3 / 0 ^ , - Omaha, ' ' lUs and many :

M i

rone3,7,13,14, 21, ' -31;Aogli»tI,9, 1«,cl6, 1 1 _ J

. - - • V . - . ’ i'

15; i l r . '

IORT LINE agent L ' ,? • : ' : =

M f r Syslp"#iiut^Dinls>East ^ '

S g e S t e C j t B s f e

H 0 L S & i t eTO^eo - '

i H » g f , H a u l « l a t

l i a o i 0 r # ^ ^ ^ “ S S a f--« S sa

I t o ^ ' i Z ^ n i i g s a n d

H i a w a d i a «

C O X Lrd o U tiia t p l e a ^ and'^

■ ' gives th i heat

N I B L E Y k e H A N N E L

L O M B E R C O . :P h o n e . - : ., -28 r

• BOJncB.:.

NoUco of tbe time rixod for bearing obJcoUons to special aeBeBsments'for. the puriwse of defraying cost u d ex­pense ot tho sprlnkllns ot tbe stroeta oad avenues an d 'p a ru of stroeta And avenues. in' Local ' Improvomeat Dis­trict No. 16 la tbo city ot Twin Falls. Idaho. . . • •

To tho. owners ot property In Ix>cal liapBrecment^fliiitrlcl., .MW-l6-ot-4b» city ot Twin Falls;-Idalio. '—Afou are hereby notirtea ' tliai; Uie w»' sessnent roll f t spoclal asaesBtnents A ^ n s t the property la lx»cal Improve^ ment Dlatrlct Ho* 1C 'of-tbe city of Twin Falla. Idabb; made tor the par- pose of sprinKllng tbo streets and ave- nues'ln sald/Loo4l Improvement Dls-i trict*No: le, as mado bnt-and certllled to the city council of aald city by tbri committee ‘ oti streetT 'and city engi­neer .of said, dty; ;l8.now. 0Q tl)e In'my office, the.^at#>f flUag tbe same.belnK AuguBt 18th, l» l8 .'i- ' .- ■ ■ ■ V

vA nd.'tlH it'the 'dty ,council .o£ iald d ty haa'flxed tbe 18tb day.of Septem­ber; lfti3 ,’a t'tb e 'b b u r of oigbt o'cloclt P. Jtf. of said day a t the council room in said 'dty,'as lb e -time at: wblcb th«r viil bea^-aad' consider;, objections' to raid asBossment roll by the partlesfag- ■grieved tb e re ^ ; a t which, time ttfey will determliie:and bear all objectlonr wbich':bavo been'filed by 'any party Intereated, to tbe regu la rl^ «f tbe pro- c^e'ain^ la makln'g.iuch^sesBpients o r «ie ,«o»bnnrt levied bn-anr particu­lar lot or iiarcel of laad.- .

Throw ners-br owner o t any proper­ty Whlcb Is ’ assessed'.In sucb asse i^ m eat roll, whether nfuned or .'nothin sucb'- rtdl. may wUhlc ten days f i ^ tbe date of the last-publication of tbia noUc9, file wltb Uie'dt;y clerk hla ob­jections In.wrlting, to sold assesBmint A>n or-any portion tbetebf. ^•'

Dated this 22nd d ^ of. August, 1918; Date o t . laBb.publlcatJoa' September

9lb, 1813. .. .. <• STU AnXH.; TAYLOR,

City Clork of thb City of Twin Falls, . Ida^o. Au^"26 S opfM

* -Report « f UiisXoqdlUoa o f .^ • T ^ B B I k K O F /H & K U ^ ;.

At'Hansen, in (be Btat« 'ot Idabb. at tbe.dose of bnalaeu A i i ^ t ^ , 1S13.^ . • .- BESOUHCE^ ■ ■ : - X o ^ aad'^dlscooQla 142,782.02O re td ^ fs ,' secured- aud .ua?...'' 'secured., . . . . ; ; . .T ;:.. ; . . ' . ; vTl06,62 Banking .‘honse, .,fjxmlttiro &

fixtures ,. : .v ; . ; . - . '‘. . i ; . . . . 4,382.55 Other w r-^bstate J»wnad.».i- -700.00 Doe -trota 'biulu ; - 4.6G8.76.Checks AQd o tb e rc u b Items - C1.26 Caib oB 'hrad (Iftwftnf mimey-...•• o f; Uie: p n l t ^ d ta ld V r.; , v/‘ 1,734.02

■ .T o t a l . ; . . . . - . V . . . ..-.I^.‘.i>54,426.02 ,•■:, l /A B l t l ’nES.’*' ■ t'

Capital stocl^iMld' ib . . .|16,000.00Undivided ; j) ro f l ts / 'le u ' ex -'r RcnBeaiiand take*.pflid.-.;.; ■ .*378.37

IndtTiaual..ilepo^tB-'-iubJect •‘ ' :.'Vt cbedt.' ivv ..-'..r;'.u 'i.'... 2o;sio;e8 Time'Cp^acates'H it deposlCi 10,206.d7 •Bius,,p.ayal)le, V. .vV.Vs i , ftooq.00

‘ Totkl'.'. . i . : :ot r ;(»imtlr;"jO(, •.'K»lii

' ■ a-'proroiSSfcMhte': ^ ihi abov»>njBaM’;b i^idb ''tb lem nly awbar fhal^tbe a lw v b '.c ta ^ ^ & 'ls ’-true- to tb« best o tn y - kBOFCM^-andi lMUeL '

, ■ • . .M.'ypPW?093V-:Ca*hlei'. p o r r o c ^ ^ s g ; ^ ^ ^ ^ . ,

I Subscribed - i^ 'iiw o n ''& )M m iB 22ad day b t A w W . l feMy

| . - V :A ; i i o i r a 5 q l iB

r "'Sytale otceased;'-.' ' -.V'

P ^ U e a Is lier«by*gtvba^r t t f t ' : ^ ^ ]si|ned-«dm tnM rator.bt tte'MUCB'o

R R«liaoiid.'-.a4c)Msed;.^ credltora’ o f 'a n d 'a l l .persbaa bavtag

UlaltBS-.’itgiaixiat 'tbe^w tr;4ee«ued; 'to i ^ B l t ; ‘-1hein •'.'iHtlr-: tbb'->%eee^ Toacbera, wJthln ten imnUuViitter tbe t i n t ^bucatloB bt^thls hodobpto tb said admlnistratbr tb * 'o ffib b ,b t HIU 4 Taylor,-aty^bf'iTiBin W i.v O p tm ^

Y o iiir . A t t e n d a n c e a i

S e p i t e m b e r 1 6 t l i w d :

A n «n eq

■■':■ ■■''■' ‘ w it]R a n g e R a iaed R a m s

W e o n d o t ib te d ly h

; W h ic h w ill « o tin

^ a lso o f fe r in g f o r sa le '• iT aag e ,' -oontroU ing lA n g e f o r

.A'Any.oftte followlnR aro subject t« .4-MO B aS ^aU iet KBms-Y«arilDg

Olds.' Ideal wool -and mut< ;■ rnlsod an^ extremely, bardy 1 ',] finer (locic thim these, you’lt ^.'. miss seeing these.

#6o Delolne-Jferiao. Kama—Yearli _ old*. Brod-wlih the speclnl

'< iuR the maximum amount ot ' - bright; -lustrouB wool.. Rnn( ; • t r e a t y bai^r. A choice sclci

500 Hampshire Ilam Lambs—Dro ' : March. Ready to r servlcc. AJ______ w e ig ht RxHtomh o r Tr.th

tembor IB.800 Reentered and Imported Ha

Itam Lambs.800. Ileglaiered Bomboitlllet Bami

from tho French O ovem m cnt b est top flock benders. Don't

<.. of these prlte-w lnners. *

. SOO Cboice Fall Blood Lincoln ' I number of thom from beit I

- . , acclimated and hardy.. -100 Ilegliitcred SbropBblre Yeorll

from leading Bostem breeder j., climated aad bartly..-r200 Hegidtered Rambenlilet and I

—A promlalng lot,- 600 Kegltitered Banbenlltet Ewes-

year olds. An-unequaled opi . •• foundation flock of tbe best

In tho world..:.. K O T E — A jra n g e m e n ts c a n b e

l im ite d p e r io d o f t im e , t o ■ g u a ra n te e d to b e d e liv e re i

: B u t t e r B e l d L i;, v — o r CO L.


IM* tBe'^M lttte C « |^ of tbe Coaafir' b : t i r f a ^alls, State «f Idaho.

' In the m atter of the EtaUte ot BlUiT. Whlw* D e c e iM .

Notlca,ia hereby given by tbe nnder signed.'Evangeline Uacy Wblte,..ad mlnlstratriz of tlM'estate ot mUa T 'White, deceased,;.^ tbe'-creditors .ol and ' tb all'^persons baVlng daimi agalast.. the Bald" d e e e ^ ^ , to ekblbl tbem~'irith'"tbe'-necessary Tondien wltblQ'ten moixtbs.imer tbe (Irat pub llca tl^ ot.thla.noUce, to tbb aald.ad mlnlstratriz a t the' ot(i.ce of Oeorgi Herrlott, .her attorney. In the Twli FoUs.BuJe and Trnst company build ing In'ihfe'Clty o t ‘Twin Falls, Count; ofTwln;FaUB,8t«teot-Idiaib.'. Diae'.bf 'the.finrpDlillcatlon of th i noUoe t e - A a ^ t Stb, .1813.

■ ■ W A|«CELINE MACY WHITE;'‘ A d n U n i ^ n ^ l r ^ f .^ ^ e ^ t a t y bt.j:iU.

. ;7r.- . ' * „ • Aug 5-12-19-2

. R ^ ’-;tha * ap t j^ds In tbe 'Tlmaa

; t h e B u t t e i f i e l d i i v e s t i

A L S H E EI M a t W e i t e r , I d a b o ,

[iialed o p p o iW i^ to s e o t i p ^ b«

D O N T B U Y E L S E O T iE R Eboat inspecting oar immea»e «fferi a n d Ew ea, A Im O u f S tu d Fl<

ave jas t what yon want amcmg oui

1 2 , 0 0 0 S H E E ISaiSTEEED AMD tHOBOTJOHm der CoL Dwight Lincoln's bammer

A T Y O U R O W N P R IC E .oor PBIOE VALLEY EANOH in 12,600 sheep, railroad station and)■ your bid. 200 Iteg ls t^eds and Two Tcnrs i ireo d ln tfaa i ion sheep. Rnogo „ , • , ^

conam utlons. A Kamboulllelnover tlnd. Don’t two year oltl

breeding ns < flocks.

ngs and, Two year ,purpose of produc- 200<\ Eambeulllel beat (jualily. Ions, >«“rs old. ^

50 raised nnd cx- su its that, yo ' “ ™- 1000 Foli Blood,pped February nnd n -o r olds, .verage 11£ Iba. in Ram Lambs___________________ - - ncratono-for-

tlicBO th rM icmped.,..tn. .M arrb.. ____ s l o c k _ = k0 5 , . .0 0 >b.. so p . ,

' bunch.» p ,h lr« « . . . and ,

yonr olds. Hs—Many descended eii, hardy ew< Flocks. Make tho All Imported m l. , so tl ta s .om o

FLOCKS. THTearllBR ,Kame—A FLOCKS, ff mported ^ to c k -a l l ^ E 8 ,


. 8 B am i^Solooled S d• “ “ t e i r ” M, ^ ^ ALL OP TH B Alelolae Bam Lambs a n d HARD'i

tho range,-Y o a r l lo B lo (our i r a v t r a '.ortunlty 10 . U r t » . BE80LTS-.blood and breeding All o t those higb


made to Hold any of the above st gait yoar convenience, at one c^n 1 in fine condition..For Further Particulars 'Writo to

I v e s t c c k C o . , L t<, DWIQHT-LIKOOLN, Milford Oes

< S a t u r d a ^ r A

• 4 0 c P e a n u t C l

2 5 c a

I ' ^ 't ■y r ' • _ - ; . B . ' ■'■ - iM >O K 'FC

O o e D o U ^ ($1) As . . / A ccbui^ta Acii

, ■ SAFE DEFOSrr;We Urrtts y oa torbah'.itU

CollflcUona. reoalTa


Icapital - '$ 100,(100

: “ W 1

'j ;B .O lstw . U i yiee-'Pnk.W .a. BM dia Vk*9im . M r

I -. ,3^jLJU xw ta,jo»A ln WiI .W ,S . .I? ^ 'A « i .(W te 1. / ' •’ ' • ' I? ■ - ■ - •• . r :



l i t ' ' ; > , i ■ . .w y j i& .v v W ii:• ’S w.-'. u>!.‘H%uj: v ; oA ■ -i.r;.'■>;

• c k 1

- M e a n s M o n e y t o Y on^^ |itfltock ,

Igs ofc k s a n d S h o w S tocks weU known flocks..


E D 'without‘‘quibbling”

the center of tbe best summer large stook yards joining range.R am bouniet Ew e LanibBf-Same

t>ovo owes.

aod Delaine -Ew es—Y earlings and 3. This Is a fam ous tiock. Same ur .roms. B est foundation .for stud

and Delaine Ewes—Throe to' six tine buuch and tboy bring the re-

I are otter.

lanpiihlre Ewes—YearUngs to tour .^om which o u r noted H om pshlri - Iiavo been produced. .Lay tbe corr1 H nm ;i« h li-n f ln r l / nnH grtt n^m n n t . _ .g ewcB. Ijirg e ly froro Im ported.

lampBhlre Ewe Lambs—A hardy:

ampsblrc Ewea—Yearlings to four Dre is a m ost se lec t lo t o t nccllmat- s th a t w ill "g e t th e m oney" fo r you o r descended from Im ported stock.URBE FULL HAMPSHIRB SHOW •RGE FULL RAMBOXJILLBT SHOW | | 'OCK AND SHOW RAMS AND, I AND EWE LAMBS, MIXED AQBD ETC. Iih lng orders f e r n u n s, nun bunbs ‘ f; t the above lis ted s to t f w ill afase* |j t In tact fo r th is big sal& . K30VE SH EEP ARB ACCLIMATED I CONSTITUTIONS—H aving n n on

alatfd w ithout pam perfng -T H E Y .- NLY KIND TH A T R B ^ Y GIVE

closB sheep GO TO YOU AT THB DID. . . _ ' ‘ —--------

)ck for you afte r the sale for a Ui per h e i^ per day. All stocky l||

1., Weiser, Idaho Itr^Ohio;^

e i im p '

Pound T "


m o s 4 %R T T i r s i G N i : "

f o f a V S aviD ^iC b^*^:

BOlES^^FOR RENT'see^our ^ e J M p o s H '7 a a l t . o ar n re fn l 'a it im U o a ; '

----------------- --------------------------------

B n w m w i i cO F T W j e "

I n ^ ^eor'^JD A ^ets


. ' T w h ' A ^ t i a t r ^ i

I ' _ _^ l C T i » L * i a y ^ ^ ai*«- J

''4. ■ ■ ._____________ THB TW10B-A.WBBK TWIH yAIXSlTBUg-......... ..... : --

.' • PBOTESglOKAl CABPS. ' • |

‘ HAyO 0CU1IBB8. , • i

L S . G r T T O L L' FlftBO Tiioer.

: i l 7B»ni* e*p«rl«ice, 6 yeart lo Twin JT gJiB, ' Tiloing, ’Voicing and. action « a^ la tln g . All worlc guaraateod.

BealdenceBoKonon’Hotel. ___________ P . O^Box 674.____________


4>B. D. BKOWKLEH'ECS,D entist

•-flpeciallsl In Crown nnd Drldgo Work.............’Ovor VamoyfrGtuuiy Sioro

Guibert Dulidloe ' Tolophone 109.


, -Dn. vr. B. and Carrie M. AtbortonCHIROPRACTIC

(kl-ro.prak-tik) .' AJfD TUEBAFEUTIC TBEATjlEKTS

-fipedalty of Lang.Standlns Ailments.Ottlco .hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to

6 p,'iau 'Pfio&o 296. 130 Fourth avonuo . <Bait. Bouth flfdo city park. Twin FoIIb,



BOOTH,‘ ""E anyer. • ...........

4*racUco.“ ' Law.Flrat National Bonk Bldg.

flIfSELEY & SWEELEY,' AttomeyB^a^taw.

, Will pracUco j a AH CourtB. i r W ^ PALLS. - - • IDAHO Xeaaber. T nla FalU Commerolai Clab.

. f r . p . flUTHBIB,l«wy«r.

Rooms 3 and 4 Pox Bulldlag,' Ualn Avonuo. •


J . H. WISE, LAirXEB.OIHm rooms 6 u d 7, Twlo Falls . Bank and T ra it Co. Bolldlng.

Twin Fioi*; Idaho.


P. J . QB0881UK.Snpeeasor of C. J . Walker,

DlTOEBTAKEn.Opoa Day ft N ight AU Calls Rospoad-

•d to ProinipUr, Privato Ambulanco. Harder Bldg. 280'Socoad Avo. East

Pliooe 110.' Twln-Falls, Idaho.

THE CBOSBYCO.. Charles J. Crosby. . W y A salsunt

F a D e ^ S lrM toh G ndnate and . . LhN#M>4 Smtelmes.

' Best Ambalanco ia Idaho. Countj Ooronor. Phoao 103-Red. Day or Nlgbt JPHNBTON BLOCK. 119 2nd Av^ W

PRATEBNi^ s o c i e t i e s ; "

2 f . W . A . O A M P ' ' y g i t u ^ . No 10890 . , j j n a

«Bdaad.4th Wednesday F , 0 . S . JIalL

« .B . HODQBS, CoinaL / *^«ephone No. 353. Paul Smiui. Clerk

Twip Kil; Lodg*4 P P P Mo. 2 3 l .0 . 0 . r .

_ 'Meets iirir j Tbnnday avealng a t 7:S( ;ln Odd Pellowa* Haii. TlalUog Broth. «>« alwaya welcome.

. 0 . B.'SCHWIBOER. N. 0 . H. A. CRYDER, SocroUry.


Trala Sebednle.Stfeeilve SU day, Xarcb 1Mb. .M il.

DaUy.No.2 Stations Daily No. 3 U :05p ja. Lv..Ooodlag;.Ar. 6:66p ja 13:20pau. Lv...Benaett..A r. 5:30p.m

. U:49p.m. L v .. Weadeil. .Ar. 6:20p.ro U S:66jun. LT..AppIeton..Ar. 6:05p.m

jl:1 0 p jp . Ar..;Jerom e...Lv. 4:60p.m , D. C. MACWATTBR8,

'Vioe.Pres.- oad Oon. Mgr.. Mftner. Ida EL 8. JACKSON,

Superlatondent, Gooding, Ida.J. H. RADCLtFFB.

Q. P. * P. A- Milner. Idaho.

I f i t* 8 G a r b a g e C a n s

y o u w a n t s e e

u s .

B t iz e e S M M e la i Works^ : ___________- M o n e J O ............

T w i n F a l l s

, M a t e r n i t y ; H o m e> T m t pATorite Doctor; Tear Faver*; . tte NtfM , H o tW or Friend: 1 «iU tf beaitlfal home, 'sam and*

Ml by a Bark.■ ' Bates 91KM and ap.


U 8 »U Ave. West, Twin Falls, Ida.F beie MS. ^ .

MOT MJCH OF A BUSINESSJHA?> - II ye* N n eir MeM^ en good aeeiu'

ftr and dean get fi (rem HEHBf J WALL..

T H E W I F ]_____ _____ “ L e m O p e j n i

No’ 1. LUCREZIA FEDI.C opyrigh t 1913. by T he . Asso

"Tlio FaultlosB Pa in te r," tbo'ush bla pointings Indeed seem raultioKB, led a lito th a t wQB by no moons froo fro mlatakcs. A lt w en t well-wUU-hlm-up to tho ago of tw enty. Ho w&a born nonr Floronco in 1480. nnd whon but a 8oven-yoar-ojd fioldBm lth's-nppron- tlco bogan to Bhovr such skill tb n t be was aoon nftorw ard aont .to P loro do CoBlmo, ono o t tbo artlB lB 'inPlOTcnco.' H o' w as only twonty years old wbon ho palnloil tbo uovon froecoa In tbo A nnunzlnta from th o . lito ol SiUnt Philip.

A ndrea w as tho* son o t Angolo th< fnlJor. 'H is namo. Androa dol Sarto moaQB “tbo tnllo r'a Andrew.*! and wai no t h is roai aam o a t a ll, w hich waj Androa d’Angolo dl FrnnccBeo. Somo. tlmoa Androa d ’Angolo, and again An drQa d’Angolo dol Sarto . Androa-madi his f ire t groat m istake by marrying tbo widow of a hatmntcor. Lucrfizlz Podl’s cold taa w as Indeed tho glorj of b is pictures, wboro abo Ib noarl: alw ays to bo soon in tho robos o t c i r gin , sa in t, o r angol. Aa h is mode Bbe wab till th a t could bo desired; ye t whon he, m arried bor tho "fauU loss p a in te r" lost m any of h(s boSi trlonds and pupils, and w ora t o t al tho idoala o t a rt. Dliadod hy ho r boau ly ,. ho could n o t soo tho. fa llings that woro ^)lola lo ovoryono olso. All hli Wft-ATMlfuw^-workail hnnV trt-guupOri her and b o r s is te rs in tbo lr oxtrava. gancos. Y ot bo w ont on pdlntlng fau lt'leaaly."

H is fam e spread so fa r th a t Klnf F ranc la 1. invited h im to P rance , an i ffttvo h im Jm portiint commlBBloni tbqro. B u t Lucrozla poreuadod him tc ro tu rn to Ita ly . Mo was groated x m onth ia w bich to ro tucn and brlnr his w lte lo P r a n v . :3 Yanci8 also In' tru s ted blm w ith monoy to buy Ilirtlcai w orks d t a r t ' to r th e Toyal palaco.

A m onth posaod. Andrca-did n o t ro tu rn ; b u t purcbaKod a plot o t grounil in P loroaco w ltb tbo k ing 's iijonoy

No. 2. LUCREZIA BUTT he p a la to r of dlvlno boauUea

F ilippo Llppl, o r a s ho It o ften csJl< od. F ra Llppo Lippi, was n o t hImBotl a hftodsomo roao; H bo bad ra tb e r c full faco. la rg e foaturos. and tblcV lips. LajdnoBs and lovo vforo.valwaye in te rfe ring w ith hla workk. Aa a re ' BUlt ot extravagance bo w as uauall) In d e b t and n o t alwaya caroful to gel o u t honestly . Yot lho people of bii

. tim e w ore-k ind -hearted enough u

. overlook boyish fau lts in an nrtls ’ who brougbt so itmch renown to tboi

country.L ilippo w as bom into a .F}orcniini

bu tcher's family about 1402, and h i ) fa th er died soon nftorw ard. Ho seem:

No.3. HELENA FOURMEThe ex trao rd inary beauty of Holom

. Fourm cnt won fo r her tho lovo of > worid famous pa in te r wbon abo w a only' alxtoon y ears oW. Potor Pau Rubens m arried th la girl, and Immor taliaed ho r charm s -on m any ' a prc cloua canvaa. ,

I t waa a m oat fortunato m atch ‘ H elena w as n o t only boautlfui; sbi* bad also overy a ttrac tio n of n a tu r* aad education, and belonged to a weal• thy family. Rubens" w a a ‘a wldowoj• and one o f tho m oat colobrated pajnt

cm In E u ro p e .. Uoro than tha t, ho w a' a dlsUsgulsbod and succcsstu l Btatba

man.Fortunato th roughout hla Uto. bril

Uant. handsom e, and of good famll) Rubens w as nevor in doubt o t h is tu

' turo. Hla ta le n t fo r p a ln tlag sbowei itaolf la boyhood. A t the age o t twon ty-tbroo ho w ent lo lU Jy. wboro h soon a ttrac ted tho notice of tbo Duk of M antua. P a r tly oa a r t export, part Iy as d ip lo m at ho w ent In tho Duke' sorvico to all tbo Importont-^clUes c Italy . H e sp o n fe lg h t y ears In tho country, samoUmos pain ting for hi p&tron, but m ore often trave ling oi poUtlcal m issions.

R ec^lod to A otw orp 'by- tbe scriou UlncsB o t h is m other in 1C08, Rubcu arrived loo la te to ape ho r ogaln allv« and. no doubt feeling tho s tren g th o home ties, resigned from tho scrvIc o f lho 'duV e’ ImniedlatBlyr~Hish-T)08 l lions and g re a t honors aw aited him ii

. bia native city . H ts famo grow yea by year.

/IsabelU 'B rand t bocamo hla wif. la 1608. aho ia deacribod a s a ra the hcovy Flomjab woman, and h e r fac and figure app ea r froquontly in Ru ben’s w ork of th a t porlod. A fter ho death and. before h ls second m arriag he w as called npon to a rran g e term of peaco betw oon'E ngland and Spalc I t WOB tho m oat im portan t event o bis life. 7a S p ^ a b o ' m e t Vo]as<]uo and earned tb e frlendahip of Philip . Ho wos honored In' E nglan by C harles I., w ho proaentod him .wit a strin g o t valuable diam onds in a t p red a tio n o t hla servlcea. Tbo palm e r oIbo strengthened a friendship al

. ready established -with thd Dake c Buckingham. •

I A fter tb e auccosaes abroad Bubes to re tired to a bomo In tho country, dc I voting him solf moro tb ah ever to th '* w ork of painting. An alcbem U t wen

to blm one day, claim ing to bavo dU

tiing Ev«y -Day** •A N b R E A B E L

D elated .Newspaper School. Inc. '' ' ^

9 and on It buiU a houso for Lucrotla 1 K ing F rancis novor rocolvod h is pulnt } Ings. and ,ttio '.“fsultlcav p a la tc r’* bai >-.thrown away o chance of{ achlovini 1 aaprom o groalnoss. 't In .^531 .A ndroa: d o l. Sarto "dlod- o >■ th e p l ^ e . . Aa bo.4ay o n h la de^Uibo<

a .

it '.


I T F /


It L ucro rla flod from tho house 'for foo Is of infection. Y et be loft ber<all bl :t Pronorty, ami, so fa r ns known, novoi- ceased lo~uoiiovo Til UOr. ; .j------L- Liicrczta lived fo rty yoara a f te r tb

death of ber husband. A fo rm er pupl R of Aiidroa's w as a t work ono day: copj d Ing froBCOB, whon a wliborod;,old wo iB nmn camo Into tho hall. She' oskc 6 bim w|io had painted tbo fresco., n H c replied. "Androa dol S&rto.'’K "I WOB tho orlglntil o f th a t ongel, i-TBbo. said. " I wns Lucrorla Fedl. th n~frlfe « f Andrea dol Snrto."-

•Even to tho laa t she wos proud o >« tho iiHSband whom she had iTeaorto d on bis doathbod, and whoao genlua sh

alone hod.dwarfed.

:i, by FRA nU PPO UPPI!, to bavo- bad Uttlo caro from h ls moth I- flr, wbo may, bowovor. havo died dur if ing b is intancy. An ount took caro o a him ; .but, finding the boy. too groat;..! k burden for her slender meaps. tumo< s him ovor to bo educated by the Cor

mollte friara. Tho abbot was ikniont y fo r ho had tbo wisdom to boc thn t i it boy wbo drew plcturcir nil ovor tb. is walla and bn h is books whon bc aboul

havo boon studying w ould 'probnbl; bocomo an ortiBt. ArilBts woro bigh ly thougbt o t In those days, wbon tbi church 'taught by means of pictures Filippo thorofore never leam ad i writo good Latin. Ho stuillod tho frea cos o t tho chapel . instead.."'- Lntei wftou bo had. finished bis studies ani gained a nam e for himsolf amoni

' painters, tho abott g ran ted him por mission to leave the m onostory In or dor to glvo h is genius • fu lt ' scopc Monks who had lonm ed.to p a in t wor o tten nUawed th is privllego. .

So Fro Filippo bccAnie a groat nalat or.’ When ho w ent to P rato ,jind sa i

■huerozia Bull ho wns already noar), . fifty yonrs old. while nho » a s bardl;

moro than tw enty. Bho also w as ej orphan. Mor fa ther, who .had boen : Hllk m erchant In Floronco, le tt hi dauRhlcrs In tho core of Antonio Buti evidently a harsh guardian, for ho nu

- Lurroxln and Splftotta, bo tb ' boautifc Rlrta. Into tbe convent of Snnta Marp

■ horlto agflinsi tboJr wlU, In o rd b 'r 't . 6OV0 , himsolt aomo oxpenBo. F U p p

snw her, used hor na a Tnodei^.an l?»ter m arried h e r by perm ission c tbc Pope. The virglna ond saliite t

so hls imlntlngB hnd a now spiritual radi Bt anco a fte r ho saw Lucrczl&'s face. H l r tiaed ber fo r all m anner of- eub ject

froin the V irgin to -the • “Dancia10 Dougbtor of Horwllnfl," changing bc ts feoture^r Xo su it as m any d lfferet >s cbaroclorB. I'

JIT, hj PETER PAUI RUBENSla covored tho philosopher's alono. whlca tu rned everything It touchcd Into gobIS ."Dut," objected Rubens, "1 bavo dli111 covered i t njyself." ' •r- “Tho philosopher's stone?'* oxclatac- cd his visitor.

"Yes, and you shall bco it." answ ere>. tho painter.10 Loading th e oatonlshed guoat Inlrc h ls studio^ Rubens ahowcd* b la paletti t- - H elena F o u n se n t waa s till yoonr, •• 1 , t-



<0' t '




In ■ , ■t r when R ubeas died. Sbe- did n o t r

m ala loag la widowhood; b u t ia a ro rled tb e C o aa t o f Bergeyck, w l i r whom^abe lived in peace and b ap i :o neas.

» fo eacb Issue of Tbe Tlm ea t b r , , d ifferent hum an ia tcrost atoriee wl - appear. You<can g e t a beautlfo l 1 Q* tagU o-reproduction o t the . above pt

tu re , with, five o thers , equally a ttra tlve, 'TxOVi iachea in sise , w ith t i

!5 week's "M eator;* In **Tbe M entor” .t. w el>-know o au tho rity covers t h t go _ jeif’t of tbe p icturea and storiea 6 t tl r week. R eaders e f Tbe T in e a -ai ; . “The M entor" will kaow A r t .U t e r a f ture. H istory , Science, and T rave l, ai

th e L iberal S tand aad Cloa' Book 8 to n- o v a exqulalte idcturea. On sale a t tl ” L iberal Bland aad Cloa* Book. Btei h ^ P r lc e , T ea Cents, W rite today to Tl

T im es fo r booklet explaiolog ' T he A g. aociated. NewBpaper Scbool plan.

I n - t t e ^ lw t f t jD e M * Fall' ...Coan*T.::Siate<.et

W.V i^ T ln r 'p ia in U a r / 'T i" P K ra f t and Mr*. P ; W K r a f t , Hia wit J3efeafiaaie;,.:'''. "TbejiB tato: b f - Idtfbo' sends ' s ree tln i to t h e ‘above' nam ed detendants.--

Y ou -and 'eacli e t you a re .'he rd l aummoned to appear in tbo -abo re oi tltlo d cou rt (o bo hoH a t (he Proba'

. C o a rt ' room, lit th e C o u frH 5 a?e~ : : 1^.. aald county in tbo above ontlUt ‘ c au ae .;ia tJ0 -A .J i^ u o b a _ tlie J8 8 tb ;^ ' o f October, 1913, and aasw er p la lau ft ' Complaint on fllo la -.sa id - cou rt i

p la ln tltt wUl tako Judgm ent again ’ you aa prayed fo r ia sold complalal ' . -Said octloa la b ro u g h t t o recov

trom you one bunQred atxleen 06*1 OolJars. aad la te rca t tboreon fro

: Ju ly 12, 1913, a t tho rato -o t 7; p ' c en t p e r annum , .for goods, w a re s ai

nterchandiso aold aad doUvered 1 : i l la la ti t t ' to «ald defendants, nt tbc

-108111000 and- i^aunst, between t- I6 tb day b t M ay,.19l3..aadi-'tbe>12

fifty o f Ju ly ,-1923; o f tb e a g m d a; teason& bla prlcb of. $116.65, .aad .al

■ fo r tb e tu rtb o r sum o f ’|3&00 moo •' loaned by th e plalaU ff to tbo said d . fendant, M rs. P . W. K raft, to r bo r.u ’ an d b e a e f it which tbo sold Peter-^- K ra f t-p ro n iiso d and .'ogrced to pi

w ith in te rea t o n - th e aamo a t 7 p cen t par annum trom tbo .7th day Ju ly . 1913, and coats of an il, a l l ' w blch w in m ore fuUy appear frc

• tho am ended com plaint on .file bore: r a copy o l w blcb is a ttached to tt } sum m ons.. ' 't Glvea undoaj'^tp^ hand a n d th e «- trf>gald-«Hif^ h lB a i tb rtny nf . iiDi i 19i3. . ■ • ■. V ' I . .■ .. J . M. SHANK,- Judgo and ex-offlclo Clork o f the P i

bato C o n rt 1 BABCOCK ft GRAHAM,

Attorooya fo r Ptalntlff,Resldlog a t T w in Falla. Idaho ..

. . .A u g J2-W .2fl;Sept 2-9-


I I o lb e D istric t C o a rt-e f tb e F e a r I Jad leU I D lstrle t, s u t e o f Idaho,

aod (e r Tw la F a lls CeBatjr. ;

Naacjr D. W y c ^ P la ln lltt. Simoon J . Yycoff, D efendant

Tho S tate o t Idaho aenda greetini . Simoon 3._Wycotf, D ofondant I .. You a re borby aum m oned and r L Qulred to a p p e a r 'ln a n - a ^ o n broug i aga lna t you .by aald p m n tlf r in tl■ aald d ia tric t court, and ta. anaw er tl , c o m p la la t.o f 'tb e alidve nazoodrinal: I tltf ; fltdd therein . y itb Ia* tw onty- da; ) TexclusJve c f tb e dajr c f sdnrloa) a f t i tbo aervlce oa you. o f tbla anmmbns,• aorvod w ith in tbla jud icial d is tr ic t < . if served elsow bere w ltb ln forty dnj I T b a t lbe said action la b rought to dl , solve tho boods of m atttm ony now e ) Isting botwoon tbo p la in tiff and d . fendant oa tho. gi'ouad o f desbrtli , and to r tho care im d'cuatoSy o t tl I m inor child, Devort TWycoff, as; -wl : m oro fully . appear from plalii(ltl■ <;pmplalnt*n: copy Ot wblcli Is tiled ai . sorved horowltb nod mado a po . Iboroof. And you a re boroby aotifli• th a t If you fall to appear sad answ.

aold com plaiat.aa abovo .required , tl. aald P laintiff w in take Judgm ent .> prayed for In plaintiff's com p la in tr .. A ttest liyr bnnd* and th e seal o f ilr D iatrict Court of tbo rD urth -Jud lcli D latrlct. S tate o t Idabo. i n and f i' Twin F U ls .County, tbla Sth dayI August, 1913.: (SEAL) , E. J. r iN C H , Cleit . By P . H : CRcrw. D eputy CletI W. P . GUTHRIE, A ttem ey fo r P lal

Uff, resid ing a t T w la Falla. Idat> A n s 12-19-26 Sept ^ 9 .


f NeUee e f P re e f p f IppUeaUon W ater to Beneficial Fse.

e > .I, NoUce ia hoz;oby glron tba t b t 10 i m . on the-13th day o t Soptombor, 19! r a t Rock • Croak, Twin F a lls - coun t s u t e of Idaho, before Jo b n F . Ha

aon, U. a Commtealouor, proof w be anbm ltted o f tho a p p lic a tio a ' beaeflcial use o f one' cubic, foot p aocond o f tbo waters ^ot uonam

Ij a tream . In a c c o rd a n t w ltb tbo te n I, and condlUona o t P erm it N o . '75 , heretofore lasued by tb e atato eni

neer of th e a(ate of Idaho.. 1 . . Tbo. n a m e ' and ' poBlofflco n

dreaa of tbe peraon o r corporaU « holding aaid .perm it a r e William

Aabdown, Rock Crook, T w in Falla C0 Idaho., 2. The nso to which said w ate r b ^ been applied is Irrigation and domi

Uc.‘ 3. .T h e am ount applied to bene- cial, nne la ono cubic foo t por seconc

.'^4. 'T h e p lace whoro said w ate r•• beed la h o t i SE% S1V« Sec. 39 -I

U a R . 19 E. B. M. -------T1 6. .T h e nam e of tbe cnnal o r dll 5 o r o th e r worka by which said w ater '. conducted to auch pUco ot uso ia Aa

down ditch.: , . 6. The r ig h t to tnko tho wot ,y from aach worka is based upon P< f m it No. 7645.» Tbe source o f supply from wbl ^ /roch w ator is divbrtcd la uonata

stream la Socs. 19 and 30 Tp. 11 s . •J J9 E.^ 8. . Tbo dato. o t tbo priority whi f sa id naer Is prepared to ostabllsh ,1; June 19,1911.|:- • F. P. KING, S tato E ngineer t Aug. 16♦^^29 S ep t 6. '

1 ; Serial.3To, W7M.L _ ^ O T IC jB .F O B ggBLICATIOy.

H O opaiim eat o f tbo in te rio r,> U. S. .Land Office a t Hailey. Idabo fa ' Ju ly 81,19 U . NoUce is hereby given tb a t H arry

Klnaey, o t Folia City. Idaho, wbo, Ju ly 18, 1907,-made H om eatead% ni Nn. 6471. S erta l No. W704, to r LoU 1

• flW?4 NE4<,,SecUon 32, TOwnabfp• BoiiU>, E snga 18 E u t , B o lsem erid l

^ b a s filed noUce o t'in teat4on to m ^ final tlvo yea r proof, to establlah d a ^ t b th e ;land abovs-doacrlbod. before ^ a Slggtns, U, 8 . Commissioner,• Tw in r a i ls , rdaho, o n Uje’aOUi day *■ Septem ber. IfllS. •te C laim ant n am es ' ' as wttaessi ‘fl C haries R .'W alters, o f Shoahoae, I ^ h o ; C haries Peek , of Shosboae, Idal « W alt K yser, o f Jeronjo, Idaho; A. K ^ aey, e f Falla City, Idabo.

. • ' . P . P. HORNE. Reglsl •• Pow er S ite R a se rre No, 117. P r

m ade accord ing to taW under wb ** e n try waa nlade.

. iHM t - U - l M t S q

S ta rt th e N<

r.t— — . a <e. ■

• MAJESTin- * - -

or ' . -a t . . : i i B S 3 B I 5 E i ^ ^ ^ 8

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;Tw in Failse-. — —I II— Iiiyf— I-II — h t •. *-

s W egtefiiriljVor " ' .. . ■ "it • ' or Garage andt ■ T i r i M Me* . . .. . -7.

I A g e n t s f o r , F

a b6d

i P le n ty o i : 'F arn

I ' c a uX.'lc

,°o: T w i n F a l l s B a n l i

F arm L o a niz . B E S T R A T ]ty. ' • :f - P R O M ]to ' __«er

» l F i t i e l i t y I A b s t r

. 118 Shoshpne ^;d- ____i. ■■■ —■ ■■■' ' "■ ” ■

F ' -To the.ow oora o t lo ts aa herelna

You, aod ia c h of you are here ]g. sidew alk assessm ent to cover the

df. abutU og on o r ad jacen t to tbe (I. fUed ln>tbo office of the city clerk ] . c lty 'c o n a c llio t.sa id city wiU.6iee u Uonal Bank In said city o n ^ lo la t

>- on Bald day, fo r th e purpoee of hea: tions th a t may be made aa to tho

(•I, os assessed.Ig Tho respoeUvo am onnta chare

,]j. ownor o r reputed ow ner o t the sai . conetructed and tb e dotcripUoa o

n- L ot Blk. Ownor.,rl 36 82 W. W. H nm pbrey .............

■9 8 3 - J . R, Conwaych 10 83 J . R . C o n w a y .....................ad 11 83 W. H . KoUenbeln .............^ 14 83 L ouisa M. C randall ; ........■ 12 68- Moses S team s

eh 13 08 C. R . P n g a te .....................^ 1 S4 J . W. SU w oberg ..............

2 84 J . W . S trom berg . . . . . . . .3 84 R . P blleo ..................... r . . .

' 4 84 R P h U e o ..............................6 84 S . A. M a r b le ...................6 84 8. A. M a rb lo .......................

' - 7 - 84~B r<;C -M atW a-~ ...................8_84- Rebecca / . W inn ................

^ 84 ■ -R4M ocs~J.'W inn • ; . . . . ,10 84 Rebecca J . W inn .............

, 16 84 Geo. P . Moore ...................13. 16 h i Oeo. F . Moore ...................H. -2 «6 R . W.--McDonald ...........On 8 -85 J . M. Jones .................iry 4 : 86 J . M. Jones .........................; 2, 6 85. Jo b n Janney ....................r t 6 85 E. D. M ooro-......................an. 7 85 C. C. N elaon .....................ike 8 «6 B. J .-M illo r ...............im .9 86 U Slanem a i .......................C; JO r e - J . M .vJoaes .......................a t n 8S W . A. Bm eli ...............oC n 86 W. J . T o u n c .......................

16. 86 W. . r , P reaco tt .................es: 16 -86 W . P . P r e s c o t t ........4a- Ifl 8fi W. F. P r e s c o t t ...................iOl 16. 70 Episcopal Cburcb '.............in - 32 .7 0 C. M. Sm ltb ..............

ler. Amount due con trac to r ............ .M f R nglneera Fees .................................Ich T otal p t estim ate . ; ........................., D ated a t Tw fn 7%lls, Idaho,it 1 Aug 22-26-29

i W Y e a r W i t Hj Q O d . ^ .


f f c j g f e j ? ! - .

Hartfware Co.^ ,1— ,1— —

[ j t o C o n a g ? ^M a c h i n e S h o p

a A c i : t » 8 o r i e 8


M o n e y f o r I L o a n st o d s e e . u s

a n d T n u l C o n i p a n y

s — C i t y L p a h sE S - B E S T T E R M S


act and Trust Ct).eat, Twin Falls, Idaho

l O T I C E ^ y ^

:ter described.by notified that tbo osseBsmont roll for «st o t coaatnicUon ot sidewalks,, la front lots as b tn in a tter described, haa bees of said d ty ot Twin Falls, and that tbe in the cbnncll room ovor the Firat Ma

day .of Seiltember, 1913;-a t eight o’clock ingand^coaaiderinr any an,d '8 ll objip^ ustnesa and correctaeaa.ot the amounta

cd a g a t ^ each lot,'together witb tbei le, tbe^number of teet ot auch aldewalkth© p ro ^ rty , are as follows;'' '•

No. F e e t A m ouat Eng. Fees. ToUl.-. . . -50 , 124.50 %ZM 127.60. . . _ .50 • , 30.65 . ; 3.00 , 83,08

50 30.65 3.00 ZZM60 30.66 • ' 3.00 33.665 0 . ' 30.66. 3.00 33.66

. . . 60 24.60 3.00 . 27.60DO- 24.60 . 3.00 27,6025 12J26 3.00 15.2626 12.2B apo 15.25

. . . 26 12.2?“ 3.t0 16.2525 12.26 3.00 16.2625 13.25 ' 3.00 15.25

.26 12.26 3.00 16.2526 _ 12.26 3.00 16.26

. . . . ^ -4 6 ' - l i '2 5 - ' - 3.BO - : i A--------- ^ - 12.26. ...,.3,00. 16.26. . . . , 26 12.26 . 3.00 , 16:25. . . . . ■ 25 : 12.25 . 8.00 . 16.26. . . . . 25- 12.26 ,8.00 . 6.26

26 12.25 *8.00 16.26-,-26 — : 12,26 ■-■ --.8 .00 [ ! 16.26

' 25. m r ‘ 3.00.26 :i2.26 , 3.00 16.2526 12.25 . 3.00-r ' , 06.2826 12.26 8.00 • 16.2S26 12.26 ■ 3.00 - 16.2*26 12.26 3.00 16J8

.26 12.86 3.00 ' l t2 l25 12.25. -3 .0 0 . l 6 ^

y. 'ii- iJ:■ . 1 . . S " a n

126 .. 61.26 8.00 • 'e4.«. . . . 126- • fl.26 / 8.00 , 64;U

........... 1688.00...................... • IM U O . ,

b l i ' i i t b d v of A u g u s t 3M3.'STUART H. TAYLOR, City Clerk.

• A . ' , . T H E T W lg B :A » W E g g x W IM T A I J J T n a i a ___________ ' ’ ' •_________ ■ . ' , ____________ ' • ' ________S .

I Five Hundred I m e ^ S u b s ^ r s Wanted

MonthsI In order to bring in subscription'money dijiririg the slack season and to place the name of every resident in I I the county on our already large list, we will for the next three months offer the I

T W I C E ' A - W E E K

TW IN FA L L S TIM ESI T o N ^ w S u b s c r i b e r s f o r O n e Y e a r f o r " I

$ 1 . 0 0 "I T h i s O f f e r W i l l A b s o l u t e l y C l o s e O c t o b e r 3 1

I I . W e want yourname on our list and are going to give you the agent’s comiriission. The result 1 is you I I save one dollar on your year’s, subscription' by sending or bringing in your name to us. It costs us no I more for the reason that a soliqitor would cost us that dollar. You get a live eight-page paper twice a I week covering the best of the county, state and W tion4 news. You get a paper with an^tablish^ I policy of standing for the best interests of the whole people. Don’t overlook this offer.I ' ■ ' 1

- H

F O R T H £ O L D j l l B S e R I B E RI F o r t h e o l d s u b s c r i b e r s w h o h a v e s t o o d b y t h e T i m e s t h r o u g h , t h i c k a n d t h i n i n i t s s e v e n y e a r s ’ e x i s t e n c e , > v e h a v e a n e q u J l y ^

■ a t t r a c t i v e o f f e r . E v e r y o l d s u b s c r i b e r p a y i n g u p t o d a t e a n d a y e a r i n a d v a n c e , w i l l h a v e t h e c h o i c e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o p q s i t i p n v ; I

I Y o u c a n h a v e t h e a d v a n c e y e a r a t o n b H o U m ; o r y o u c a u i H a v e t h e c h o i c e o f a s p l e n d i d w a i r m a p o f t h i ? s l a t e , r e y i s ^ j r tg K t S

I u p t o d a t e , o r a p a i r o f s e l f s h a r p e t i i n g s c i s s o r s . ' . ' 1 \I I f y o u t a k e t h e l a t t e r ( i e r s ^ o u p a y $ 1 . 5 0 i n s t e a d o f t h t d p l W v 1 _ _ ^

P ■ ■ ' R e i n e m b e r , t h i s o f f e r i s o n l y f o r t h r e e i n o n t ^ W d l w e h a w U o i in t i^ i i t iQ n o f m a k i n g o n e d o l l a r t h e p e r m a n e n t p r i c e o f the ' T i m e j A | f O c t o b e r 3 : 1 s t i s t h e l a s t d ^ ^ y i d r a f y o u q o p ^ j i ^ ^

V - ' __________ THE iWlCE-A--WEEK TWIN.FAI,I,S T m D S ■ ' ■' ■ * ^ ^ ^ -----1— ^ ■


' (CoqUnucJ tio m P ngc 1.)

"WcBt, Ihcrico to S c c o n a n v c iu ic \V c«t.' th f j ic c to T h lr tl H irc f l W ent, tl ic n c c lo T h ird ftvcm ic N o rlli. th en t-e lo F o iir ili B lrce i N o rth , ih c n c o to S ix th iivonue

— N o rU ir Uionco- r Io u k - S ix i l i a vcuum : N o rth to A dillaon n venuo , tlioiM-'! to C lcyelom ! iiveniio , tlio iico a u i C luvu-

• lim d tivL-nuc to tlio c tty Hih Jib . 'H il- h ig h sch o o l d lu i r k l iihiill in t-ludc iliiii p a n o f th c c liy w h ich Hen lie lw oen tlio B Ick el rflB tricl lin e a n d th e L in c o ln O Jatrlct 'l lu o . T h lu <llvlslon .Is nm do

. o n ly ta r tfio H rs i fow r ATadcs.K or lh o fif th , n lx th , H uvenih nml

o ig lilh Kradcrt th o <:lty.Hhull he d iv ided In to tw o soc llonn , Uumc iiupllH In tbcBO fo u r U jiiier KrmluH lIvlnK to th e Ch»l a n d so iilh o f S iio ith o n c ' H lree t Bhnll n tte n d th o lU ckel Hchool nnd Uiobo |iiii)1Ik llvlnB to lh o n o r th und w cBl of ShoHhono H trcc l idm ll lUtctiU th c L inco ln -BChool. I 'u id i u , rcBldlnK

• outHlde lhc coriioratc lim its of tho cfty ttliaH nttcnti nchool In the hulhl- iHK which iH In Ihe adjuccnl Rcctlon of the clly. FuiiUh must ntloiid Bchool In the.bullillni; of llie dlulrlct In which

-----lK cy ilv c~ N 0 -cxccptl0 nB-va»-l)0 'niti«leto th la ru le .

A bou t iw e n ly -f lv e -^tutlcuiH lu th e T w in Fnlla hlj?h school nre maklnK th c l r w ay th rouK h hlKh Hch0(>l In im rt o r cnilV cly. - T h e c m p lo y n w n t nKoncy. caUiblish'cU la a t Hprlnt; huB bocn of

people. M any poB ltlons h nvo been BccuroU f o r boys a n d ao m e few for girlH. T b e ro n ro many who d e s iro placofl w here th e y can w ork fo r ih e l t bo a rd iltirltiK th o H in tflr . A 3«r«o num ber o t p la c e s n re dcHlred for nuch

- B tudenia . W ill th o so h a v in g su c h w o rk , fo r s tu tlen tB k in d ly n o tify th o Buporlnlcndent nn soon u a p o s s ib le so t h a t w hen u p jil lcn t lo n s fo r w o rk n ro r e ­c e ived , reconimendntlouH n m y Uo m nde p ro m p tly . T h o re a re o n ly a , f e w new le n ch o ra Ih la y e n r w ho w il l d e a lre placoa fo r room a n d h o a rd , tho a o hiiv- InB a u d l p ln cea to offer u h o u ld n o tify tb c Buperlnlendcnt a t o nco . A ffat o f BUch p la ce s Ib k e p t a l lh o office a n d Is n lw uys n va llnb le fo r lh c te a c h e r s .

. KOCK C llE K K N K W S. *

R ock C rcok . Idn., A u g . 20, 1913.iMr, a u d M rs. E d w a rd D om roae n t-

tc n d ed lodge m eetlnK Jn K im b e rly la a t S a tu rd a y u lj;h t, ro iu rn in K S u n ­day m ornlnK -

MIbb M iiry U o T r u m b u ll o t SU U m nn VaU oy. 111., w ho a p e n t l a s t w ee k n l th o N o rto n r a n c h . le f t M ondny fo r T w in FallB fo r n v iu il w U h frie n d a bo ­fo re r e tu m ln K ^o h o r hom e .

T h o .Rock C rc c k C cn io to ry ftBBOcln- tlon will hold } bualness m ceiln s with M rs.. A n n a H /in sc ii ow l->JiJay n e a t.

M re. L . C. S U afo r n n d c h lid ro n o t P l e a s a n t V nllcy . a p e n t T u e s d a y w ith M ra. A lox G ray .

MIbb K a le L a ra e n ia u l th o C ro c k e tt . raincb to r a w h ile .

Roy H ew c li; w h o o n c c liv e d h ^ ro w h en n sm a ll boy, b u l now fro m BalcBVllle, A rk a n a a s , la h e re looklnK o v e r th o c o u n lry . H o aayB h e a n d h la f a ih e r bolU a rc ih in k ln K o t ro lu rn ln K to 'Id a h o .

D o n C o tllo cnm o In f ro m M o n te llo ; N evada, l a s t S n tu rd a y , 'a n d la shnk lnK bonda w ith o ld nc iiun in icnccH h e re .

L o u is H a rre lJ m nde a flyhiK tr ip to h is S n lm on rlvor m n c h o n o d a y last w eok.

M r. u n d M ra. F . W . T n y lo r n n d f a m ­ily o t R exburK , idn lio , hu v e b e e n v is i t ­ing th o A lk ln fam ily . I t Ib undei»- fltood th n t D r. T n y lo r w i l l 'm o v e ,io T w in -FnllB n n d p rn c ttc e h l« -p ro tea - a lon . d o n ila iry .

M rs, 0 . n . YounKR a n d M las J u l i a 11. S m llb , bo th o f T w in l- 'a lls, u ro Uio g u c s ta th is w ee k n l th e N o rto n rn n c h .

M lsa F a y c l ta Jo h n a b n -w a u th e «(icBt o v e r S u ndny w ith .Mlaa MndRO A tk in . ro lu rn ln K to -T w ln F a lln S u n d n y nlK hl.

. D llly K ltc h a n d ICdKar O w ens w ill b Ivo a dnnco n t lh o •Uock C re e k h a l l F r id a y n l« h t.

M rs, A lex n r n y und c h ild re n ripen t th c day S u ndny w ith .Mrs. M. A. P a t- tc ra o n .

• F I L E I t .N EWS. . . •

(F llo r Jo iirn n l.^R ny nnd H e n ry n ro w n o f T w fn FallK .

• w ero In (ow n T new lay .S h e r if f V n n aU B d e ln 'w a s In to w n

TucB dnv on o fficln l biia lnca»,D r. F cosn nnd w lfo o f W yino ro . Noli.,

a r e vIbKIok h e re fo r n tn o n lh . Mrw. FooBe Ib a d n u ^ J itc r o f .Mr. a n d M r». F . P . M ow ley.

T h e flrKt c a r o f ^ n i ln to bu a e n t to m n rk o t from ihlw a n c d o n w nn alilpiK'd

• f ro m Penvey KldlnK ycslerday by (lie F i le r .MlllluK & K le v n to r Co. 1( b ro u g h t lt.'c a h u n d re d , m irkcd .

W. II. C .iddy. w h * wni. - u n - j J ie , Schw nn il. r n n d i lam y ..,ir cutn.! to F i le r y r s te rd a v fro m Ul« new ho m e i>t C n s tle fo ril fo r a O crrlnK l.fiidi^r w lilch ho purclinwcd fro m th n F i le r H a rd - w are .

Fllor und MurtniiRh linHchall tonma m et on Uie home KroundH Iuhi Siind.iy flflfl F ile r H'Ofi )>y n uroriy n t fi ft>. Thifl makes two Kamca now th a l F lier hns won, nnd the iilnyora und fiina are. nn n consequi-ncc. nil hw.-II.-.I up-

T h n LndlPH Aid w ill mo.-t In tlir- c h u rc h . W eilneiul.iy a fte rn o o n . A iu-iial 27. n t 2 ;nn. A s h o r t iiroK nim w ill !>'■ Riven. IlnstepnoH fo r th e afK -rnonn . M ra, F in ley . M ra. D lnK le nnd Mr:i. JonoH. A te n - r e n t l u n c h . w lil l,.-

. 8erv<-d. A ll ladlt-ii n re w elcom .-.E. J . F in ch . lucom piin lecf hy Iils

fn th e r . JatneH F l t i rh o f A llilnn . M lrh .. nnd w ell know .n lo m :u iy of o u r r e a d ­e rs . he havlnK lived h e re o n e sum tiiiT nhoiil Ih re o y e n rs nKo. w a» reu.-w ln'.: o ld /ir^ /f ;a ln i« j)m i o n Tije,-»dijy, A b r o th e r o t F , J . la hIho h e re lookln i: a f te r h is m n c h in te r e a ts Honih ,o( n i e r .

M aro a Im le ite n d en l sch n o l .llH irir i N o. G h a a c a llc d a n e le r t io n fo r tc m b e r 2nd . to r th e ij j r i io s e of e k -r t- Ins tw o .llre 'e .w ra ( o - t f t l t h - ex i.lrln^; te rm s o f S, O .D le h l a n d F . TX- Hrowvi,

H. E. ■'V, P icher has rc« l(jiiedijhe .mnrshnlHhlp nnd wntPrmaBter Joli. and will huy Krnfn. hay and mm.lHvat fV;-- Tcy BldinK for the F lier SlllllnK ft l-n<-

v u lo r Co. A rt lr u r U a x tc r hna be en up- p o in te d lo th e c i ty Juha In h la plnce.

G . S o m m er I c f l Mon<Iay evenliiK on n. t r ip to hiB o ld ho m e In Sw U zorlund. in f~ A vIin )C -ftl)H cn t-nbou t UO'rinyH.-r I t - b a s boon ,2G y e n ra a lnco he c am e to A m eH cn;

Jn c le ;j» Jn s n n o ld c is te rn n t Uie r o a r of th c b n n k on M onday. Al I lo lm e u fo u n d a r e v o lv e r o f nnclenV m ;ike. I t hnd ono lond In th o miiKU- -.!lno w h ic h e x p lo d ed a f te r r e p e a le d anapplnK .

O no of th c b ii; w h c n t y ie ld s o f tho Boufion la r e iio r te ii by H. F . L ew is w ho liv e s ' o u c -h a lf niU o from ,_ tnw n . J i l r . l.rt-wl» hnd 18 a c r e a o f a lfa lf a K rounil l h a l m a d e 00 b u a h o la p e r n c rc . Ih rc ah - («K rtifichino m e a su re . « n d l}il» Jn s id le o f th e fn c t th a t f ro m 10 to 15 hUBhela c ou ld no t- bo B h lb c rcd on n c c o u n l of th o B traw k o Iu k d o w n d u r ln j; u h eavy r n ln nnd w in d . I t to o k an nvernK c of 7% p o unda o t tw in e p o r n c re to c u t t il ls K rnln.

Chnu. A llon o f R u p e r t w ill b e ho re M ondny to lu k o charKO o f th e N lliley- (5linnncl lu m b e r y a rd . durh iK th e ab- ■fionco of I lls b r o lh o r OeorKO a n d w ife to ChlcuKO a n d o th o r po ln lu c a s t.

A B p e cln l-u jeo tln K of tlie W o m an ’a c lu b w a s helilS u th o hom o nf M ra. T r u i t t M o nday n U o rn o o n fo r th e p u r- poflo o t tra n h a c lfn K huslnena . A fte r n d jo u rn m c n t M rs. T r u i t t c o n d u c te d tbo ln d le a t 6 lh o d r u i ; u lo rc nnd tr e a te d th e m to le e c rc n m .

K. W .-S h e a r . IIv Id b n e a r th c A rth u r K rn d e - c n u g h t- lh r e o - a l i i r K n o n -o p - o n d l in e -n n d n t lh o Bathe tim e on T u esd ay o f Olln w ee k . O ne wclKhoi(^40. oue 7R n n d th e la rK c a l o f lh e tli re e 110 p o u n d s . T h ia Ib th e be« l c n tch of th e aea ao n uo f n r nB w o havo b e en -ub le 10 I c a n i . ' '

K IM B K IIL Y , ID A H O . *

K im b e rly . Idu .; Auk . 2r.. .lO i;!.W . C. M nnK old o f P o r tla n d , OrcKon.

B pent S a tn r d a y a n d S u ndny vlallliiK tr le n d s 'n n d > 1 o o k ln K a f te r buslnesH In- tc restH , le n v ln p on lh e evenlnK (ru in S im dny , fo r lIu n tln K to n , O regon .

F rn n k C aR le. baKKaKomnn a l M ini­d o k a . s p e n t S u n d a y w ith th e hom e fo lk s.

S e v e rn l o f th o K im b e rly b a ll fa n s nccom jinn leif th c (inff lonm to F llo r S u n d a y , w h e re Uio K im b e rly .b o y a de- fen (cd th o F l ie r te a m hy n s c o re o f 4 to :i.

Mr. n n d ^ fra . A. .1. W llnon c n ie r- f/ilncfl n t < llnnor S u n d n y . .Mr. a n d .Mrs. K dK ar W IlB on. M r. a n d M rs. H a r r y W ilHon. F . K. W ilso n . M rs. a n d Mlaa PerklnB .

W . P . B rc c k o n n n d R a lph K yto r e ­tu r n e d TncH ilny even lnK of Inat wee^k fro m n tw o w eek a fIshInK a n d h u n tin g tr ip . T h e y s p e n t n te w d a y s In .la r- bldKC. N ev a d a , n n d r e p o r t th e cam p lookinK b e t te r th a n e v e r. S om e bii; flah B lorlea n r e ROlnK th e ro u n d , aa u a iia l. h u l th e hoys a n y th e y had a ll th o flah a n d c h ic k e n s they coii.ld^ent.

N orm nn 11, A dklBon. hoad o f lho Bclooco d e p a r tm e n t . A cndom y of Idn ­lio , B pent T h u ro d n y an<l F r ld n y In tow n In. th o I n te r e s t o f th e schoo l. «dd lnf; Bovcral now n n m c a to th o Hut o f pu ­p ils fo r th o c o m ln s lo rm .

T h e TJooHter l^ ^ lr 'naaocln tlon m e t In s t T h u r a d a y even lnK a n d h e ld nn ­o lh o r on thuB laB tlc mceUn'R. S e v e ra l n e v c o m m itte e s w oro a p iw ln led nnd aom oth lnK o v e r J200 w n s plodK cd on tb c sp o t. ThoBC. IntcroB tod ox p ect to m a k n th la o n o o f th e b lp daya fo r K im h e rly aa w e ll aa th e w h o le IrncL D on’t foTKet (ho d a te . SeiK am ficr J.?,

MIAa H n z c l H u rk b n l te r r e tu rn e d T h u ru d n y o v e n in g fro m h e r v a cu ilo n In lo w n . S h e h n a a poHltlon In th e K im h e rly Hchool fo r th e .‘UHulnK te rm .

T h o lo c a l b lackB m llha u re b u sy th e so d ay a nm klnK b eet n ir k s . Good T le ld s o f b e e ts n re a.HSlired In a id tb of th e la te , d ry a p rln g .

W o rd h n s h e e n rec e iv e d th n t M r. and M rs. O eo. O, l l r e tn e r a ro expec ied hom o a b o u l th c f lr a t of th e m on th f ro m th e i r t r i p to S e a ttle ' n h d . o th e r W nflhlnKton po ln tn ,

11, F , ilo n v .- r m id W. II. T u rn e tfT in re eac h o r d e r o d ' a new .m tom ob lle an .l In ten d (o e n jo y tfio ptcuHfifit cvcnJ»K« th la ta ll . . J

M r. A, M c D c rm id .- th e new poa tm as- te r . to o k poHHcasIon of th c o ffice laa t M ondny. th e o ffice belnK m oved to Mr. M cD nrnild 'B b u ild in g J u a l n o r th o t th e b nnk hn lld lnK .

W ilt S [ l l TIMB[R

F e d c n il O n v c rn n ie n t A nnnuncea T e rm s o f T im b e r Sn lc.

• T h e K o v ern m e n t p la n s to ae ll a b o u t •I2r.,000.000 b o a rd fee t o t t im b e r fron i th e r jo n n e v lllc n n llo n a f fo re s t, W yo­m ing . T h e l im b e r w ill c o n a ia t o f llie lirh f('n t;il R o c k y M oun tn in c o n ife ra — lo dgepo le p ln o . FnK C lm nnn a p ru c e . DouKlna f ir , b n lsu m fir , a n d lim b er vino . .in /l lic-tf o z i'tJ ie n uiin W ind H lvor w .aterahcd .

A p e rio d o f c IkIi I y en ra w ill b e a l- low ed fo r th e c m iln K . a n d n m ln lm iitn lir lce of a tliousiind fe e t fo rsaw loKH. | 1.'.0 11 tiiouHnnd fo r pOBla nnd m in e llm h e ra , a n d c e n ts eac li fo r iK.-wed r a i l ro a d tlcH w ill bc re- <iuired. In a c c o rd a n c e w ith lh e ea- lu td lsh cd p ru c tle e o t th e fo re s t uer- vice In lo n K -te rm c o n trn c ia fo r th e nale o f lim b e r , th e ro fa p rov lafon fo r u re n d ji is tm e n t o f ra tea- w h ich m ay he liirt in to e f f c c t w h en a p p ro x im a te ly hu lf o t Uic tlm b o r Is h a r.-o stcd . I t la a n n o u n ce d , h o w e v e r, th n t th la rcm l- }iin lp ivn t w ill n n i m ivnnco prlcca tnnrv Ihnn .'() c e ittB 'A ihouH aa^ feo t above tlie m in im u m p r ic e w h lc li Uio K ovcrn- Iiienl iiskH In Uie f i r s t p lace .

Till) a n n o u n c e m e n t o f I h la ndvnnee a n d lia m a x im u m u m otm t, a c c o rd in g to fo re a t <irflc.;ra, w orka c ( |u a lly to th e advnn tuK e of th c s e l le r nnd th e purchuH er. It iillow a Ihe govcrnm R ni 10 get th e be ii.-flt o f - a r is e In lu m b e r [pricea. u n d l l m n k e a c le a r to th e p u r - cIirtHer n o t o n ly tlin t n n 'n d v a n c e ' m nv be m a d e ' if c o n d itio n s w u rrn n t. b u t Ju s t w lia t th e a m o u n t of th a t ndvnnee In a y be . _________ __________ .


•M iddleton V ri in e (Jri.w erN C rop n llJ AToraKc ii C a r to . Kach .Vere.

I :\l ld .lle to n . A uk . 20.— ,1. L, P h llllp a , h h e w ell k n n w n M id ill-ton p ru n e jp r o w e r , e a tlm n ie s h la p ru n e - c r o p thlp I y e n r n i n in e e u rlo a d a from h ls a -n c re 'o r c h n rd . o r <i c a r lo a d p e r aorf*,( .Vr. Pii(Itfi-H. WRH n ffcp -d nnd refuR . I ed f.O c e n ts p e r r ra i t - to r Ii Ik e n tir e

c ro p o t p ru n e s . T lio ro a r c 1000 c ra tc a o f 20 iiounda oa ch to th o c a r lo a d . M r. PhlIIl{?a /lK urcfl e n c h c ra to a » e o a tln s 20 c e h ta , w h ic h I n c lu d e s 't h o p lck lnR , rm c k ln g rp n p e r .- iiB lls -o n d th e -e r a to l i - HOlt.

I t Ib th e re f o re a e c n - th a t - th c -o t t e r of CO, c e n ta p e r c ra lo is o a u lv n lc n t lo JCOO p e r c u r f. o. b . M idd le ton , o r a p - p ro x lm a tu ly ^5400 BroBB fo r h is o n tlro c ro p . ' T h la m c a tia . a t th « oaU tnalo g lv- c n 'o f o n e c a r o f p ru n e a p o r a e ro fro m th o n in e n c re a , i h a t M r. P h l lllp a wbb o f fe re d ftJOO fjroHS p e r n c rc f o r h is c ro p . S in co th c e n U ro c o a t o f ti c ra to o t rp u n e a Ib 20 cenlB , o r »200 p o r c n r, M r. P t l lU iia ' o f to r a u io u n tc i l to li n e t r o tu r iT o f $400 p e r c a r , o r >8000 fro m th o 9 - a c re o r c h a rd . S t i l l , M r. P h llllp u t u r n e d do w n ,Uila o t te r . H o la g e ttin g cvoryU ilhK In rcad inesB fo r th e p ic k in g a n d iiack liiB of h ls p r u n e s nnd liopca to g e t a b e t te r p r ice f o r h ls t r u l l th n n th o o f fe r m ndo to h im .

T h c cO o r nlglilH n ro cairalnK tho p r u n e s to r ip e n fafito r. M r. P h illip s c x p e c la th e p lc k in B a n d p a ck in g to c-om nience a b o u l Uio l a l lo r p a r t . of A uK uat o r lh o f l r a t o f S o p to m b er.

Ij. .M. n . C n r f ic n te r o f N o ta s , wJjo o w n s a KOod 12-a c ro p r u n e o rc h n rd n m ile w e s t o t th o Uolao t a l r g ro u n d s , w n s o f fe re d $2f. p e r to n fo r h la p ru n e s on th e t r e e s . H o o sU m a tcs h la c ro p iii a b o iil TiO'tonB. H c iH fltll l conaldcrlnK th la o ffe r.— C n p lta l N ew s.

_ _ T H t_ S l lO _ A .N E C E S S in _,V M oney S a v e r .F o r th e I 'nm icrH of

I d a h o .

- - ' f h e a lo e k - f a r m e r im iflt com t>-to-l\io Hllo. IIB UHO-hy IiIiiTTa inev lU ih le . H e

» w a v - f rn in _ » ----- m th l n , lc.i\y e a ro ih la c o n te n tio n w ill bo p ro v en . T h e fa rm iriuBt c a r r y m o ro llvo a tock . C on llnm -d m n r k e l K ruln g row inK w ill b a n k ru p t th e f a rm o r n n d b ia Boil in th la aa In o th o r s tn tc s . , 8 m - c s « fu l K rowlnK of I lve a to c k n e c c a s lln te a b e t­t e r foedliiK n n d grcn io rocoQ on iy In fee d in g . I n th la th o s ilo Ib -su p re m e .'-

A n im a l h iia b n n d ry la th o p ro fitn h lo eJdo o f fa rm in g . Aa ln n d v n lu e s In- c ro n a c liv e B lock m uB t in o c l th o do- n in n d to r n g r e a te r re v e n u e f ro m the Boll. M oro liv e Htock l a ’n n econom y In \ h o p r o d u c tio a o t lh o w o rld ’s tooil Hiipply ru id d ly hcliiR fo rc ed upo n ub.

T IirouK h Hvo a to c k wo m a rk e t oiir p rod iic tB u t hotno* in th o f in la h ed p ro ­d u c t. Wo c n n n o t m a rk c l o h r co rn B talkn a n d -h n y In d is t a n t c llleu , bu t w c ci,m c iip p ly th e w o rld w ith m eat a n d flfock prodHctB . ,

L iyo Htock h u sb n n d ry g lvoa n a year- ro iin ii e m p lo y m e n t. i-onvortInK Idle t im e d u r in g lh o w in te r Rcnaon Into

' p ro f i ta b le la b o r. W o g ro w food croiis f o r liv e Htock w h ic h d o n o t exhuui th e B o il'a ‘f e r t i l i ty na ilo-KrainH fo r the m a rk e t . C n ttle . horBOB. boK s, antl

' s e e p g row n lK hlo nnd SiindnyB. over> dny In th e y e a r .

I K v ery p o r l lo n o t o u r s ta le w ill grow feed n h u n d n n tly . A p o r tio n o f thc Htnto .w i l l , o n ly o c cn a lo n n lly grow

' K ralna to r i n a r k o l In p ro fl ta b lo y ie ld s■ T h o b a rv e s l ln g nnd fe e d in g n n d iiropei ' u l l l l7..atlon o f fornK e c ro p s m u a t li ' c e r ta in flcctionB m a /n tn ln o u r farm -■ e r s . - '

T h c s llo la th e o n e fa rm b u ild in f• n e ed e d to a u c c e s s fu lly h r ln p toRcth- ; c r o n r foed c ro p s « n d llvo s to c k am

c o m p le te tv t r io w h ic h w ill Incrcnsi o u r jiro a p o flty . T h o m a n w h ti hna i

‘ s llo a d m its it. I l l s teaU m ony Bhoulc ' bo concluB lvo. O th e r s ta te a have

fo n n d th e a lio IndlKjienBlble. I>ct ui• ii ro f l t by tlio e x p e r ie n c e of n e ig h b o r

In g fa r iiic n i. T o le a rn -b y o n r ow n cx-' p e r le n c c Is n n n e c n a a a rlly exponalve .‘ W llh in the" la s t Hixly d a y s I havf ' irn v o rae d ov c ry p a r t o t th o g r o a t atAU• o f N o b ra ak a . In e v e ry Boctlon— an», th is hrt« n o t be en a n c .rcep tJooal grow - ! InK Bcaaon— th e re w n s a ,a u t t ie |c n i

c ]unnlily o f rouKhnR c to feed mell e v e ry h o o t o f ji to c k In B ight. Y o t ou t a to c k n ro n o t In U ir ltiy c o n d lllo n ,

' C o w s a ro n o t B iv ing m ilk a s th e ) ' s h o u ld a n d y o u n g Block u re n n t grow -

InK p ro fi ta b ly . Y et, b e fo re th e eyct o f ov e ry n n lm n l Ib nn nb n n d a n co —

, f ro m th e q u a n ti ty s ta n d p o in t. D u l thc ' ( lu a l lty l0 n o l In th e feed . T h n f at) ' p e tlz lnR , fn t nnd nillk -m nhInK B ucctil

o n cc o f th o In d ia n o o m a ta lk . th o Bor-■ g h n m nnd K n tlr c o rn a tn lk . la no ' th e re .

T h c one conB titiien l o fi o u r ro u g l- fec<ls— (lie a n o ivliJch coriK'fi tic n re r he

InK w o rth m o rn doll.-irH th a n u ll thoai rom alnlU K — w c h av e fn lled It) Bnvc T h is Ib n iic cu len c e . T h a i a p p o tlz ln i c o nd lU on o t th e .lu n e K m aa— lh n t o th e frcBh, K reen , Ju ic y c o rn ritn lk— Iha

X c o n d itio n w h ie h c a u se s tlm n n lm a l t. la y on f a t In .Time, Is n o t nn e lcm on nf th o w in te r feed . I t wnn th e re , On

t B h o r l’ HlfthtodneaH, o u r f a ilu re to rec '1 o p n lz e I f a n d ^ i a k e c a r c o f I t—h a- ca tia ed n a to n to re fo r w in te r uHc. thi I-’ b e a t, v e ry p o o r feed .

T h e Hllo p re s e rv e s th la a u ec iile n c t I t p r e s e n ’eii In d ia n c o rn . K a f i r com

r K urK hum . m llo m a lre . fo r lh o co^^ r hoK. flheep a n d lio r«e . n« d o e s c a n n ln i

p re so n -e th e p e ac h n n d n il Uh ju le• a n d p a ln tn b ill ty f o r lh o klnK, h im aell

! t m ak ca a to n of roughaK fi In th o bIIr w o rth th r e e to n s o u ta ld e th e a lio . 'S II H ,ij;e 111 n p p e tlz ln fi— l t c re n te s a p p e t l t > — th e a n im a l c a n ’t r ea h it entinK - Tb• a n im a l o a ta ordlnur>- roughaK O fro r- H heer n e c e a a l ty - ( o k e e p body n n d aou• to K e th er, M e n t a n d m ilk . flcBli an

b o n e . K row fro m w h a t Is n c lu n lly ent e n — n o t f ro m w h n t s h o u ld bo e a te n .

I-' W itlu lh e Hilo, nn a c r e o t ro u g h n g w ill fee l a g r e a te r n u m b e r o f a n lm a lt

» SIlaR e la c o n v e n ie n t fo r fee d in g . T h rc• -b r fo u r d ay a o t flllInK t h o ‘bIIo ia a:

f n c ld e n t o n ly . In th o fn rm w o rk , com' p tlre d w ith w eek a o t h a v in g , c u t t ln- c o rn , s tn c k ln g KorKhiim. a n d ' K afI

c o m . .T h e d iio h e lp a d la iioae o f th5 h ire d tnnn p ro b lem .5 ^Vo p lo w ,- p la j j t 'a n d fD lllv a te Indln. J c o rn a n d le a v e In Ihe field o v p r -I I-’ p e r c e n t o f Uh fe e d in g v a lu e . 'W I s h o u ld S lop BUch rc c k lo asw n s to . Bull r n s ilo .• T h e s llo la th c c h e a p e s t fn rm build

InK w e r a n e re c t . A s ilo w ill houa• 100 to n a o f onHllnKe n t a lo w e r coa

p e r 'lo n th a n w ill th e b a rn m ow pro tec f ro m th o w enU ie r 100 to n s o t tm y o the roiiRhnR e. W e n il a s p ire to ii'nve. ro o m v h n rn a n d m ow . W h y n o t cc tb o s llo f l r r t II w ill luHId th e bar: n n d m ow .— T. A. R o rm nn .

I ------------:-------------- .R end th « w n n t ndB In Tlnif-o

I R ^ndlos- cMl oeiitte. nO» ft. a f ln p u ten to w a rd h b m iv o w n ln e — ft pr» ltm- I n a ry . o b B o r rc i b y a m a jo r i ty o f th f. t>ooplP w h o b u y hom ea.

. . T n p p v R|nrJ<* d r iv e r s to r Uri}o«. t c I D o o le y 's L lv c ry . J u n e -S-t-1

| - r r ^

ISUMt .Absolut % SurtiiI '

I THISX 20c Summer L ±^Q.cJS.aiJiprQQi ❖ 35c Fancy Piq *k 50c Fancy Rai ^ $LOO Lang SlL

Sut% Corded Ratine V 39c Season’s C

' Last Call of i X Iqmprl

I Boothn O t t l f O R IDAHO TAttS

E xcaT atlon Now U n d e r W ay f o r S h hU trr U ttitd lttg .

W o rk h a s a ta r tc d th is w ook on m o d e rn h o l d f o r Id a b o m i l s , a Btruc tu ro se c o n d to n o n e In tho uppc Snnko r lv c r v a lle y , a c c o rd in g lo plan now In th o h a n d a o t W . D. RoRon oue of th c p ro m o te rs . T h c n e w hole w h ich w ill bo o i th c r flvo o r s ix atoi Icb w na b a a c m c n t, o xcavaU on fc jvh lch la now u n d e r way*. . T l;c bn lh in ^ w ill o c cu p y a c o m o r o u , Shou aven u o a n d ‘'U " u tro o ta . o n ly tw b lo ck s f ro m tb o d e p o t, tm d n o a r th bu a ln ea s c c n to r o f th o c ity .

A sso c ia ted w ith M r. U ogora In tli w o rk lu life b r o th e r , U ru c e H ogors . i M o n tan a , w ho Ib c x p e c to d hq ro In lh n o a r f u tu r e fo r a co n fo ro n cc , w h e n a deinilB w ill bo w o rk e d o u l. If poss bio w b rk on U io b u ild in g w ill atai th la t a l l , l)Ut n o t . . la to r th a n nc: Bprlng.

A aked fo r ilo to ilc d In fo rm a tio ii I rcB ard lo th o n o w h o te l, W . D. RoKot aa ld ho w n» n o t . y e t ro ad y lo mak nn y . p u b lic B ta to m e n t; U ia t ho w<i w n liln g unU I hiB b r o th e r c o u ld g j))(cr 't h e d c la l la w i th h im a n d fln t a rra n g o m o n ta so t t lo d . "T ho ’ R cg lstc m ay B ta te ," a a ld M r. R o g e rs , " th i Uila now h o te l, m o d e rn ' In e v e ry pa: tic u la r , a n d a o m o U iia s o f w h ic h Jdnh F a l la w ill- be p ro u d , la now a n di au ro d t a c t . W o a r c g o in g to b u ild a t Uio e a r l ie s t p o s s ib le d a te .) W c at now g o lU n g U io e a c a v n t io n 'f o r t l bnBom ent o u t o t th o w ay , s o . th e r e wl bo no d e la y in Uio B u p c rs tru c lii r w h ich w ill b o . of e i t h e r , Blone (

: m ric k .— Id a h o F a l la R e g is te r .

’ CHITS’ APPtA t DtflltD. H n ile y B a n k S m n sh p r M u st S e n

T e r m I n I ’c n . ■, A r lh u r U. C u l ts , fo rm e r ly a n on I ployo Qt th o id n h o S ta tu han k n i Hn

ley , a cU n g a s c a a h ie r o t lh a l InaUli Uon up- to th o tim e o t I la fn llu ro , Ij d ie ted , t r ie d a n d couT lcicd on U c lia rg o o f fn lse ty ln B th e hooka of tl

■ bunk , w ill h a v e to c o n iin u o to aon . th c In d o to rm ln iito sc n te n c u o t tro:

s ix m onthB to 10 y o a rs in Ib c Idul J B iato p e n lte u U a ry fo r tiio a u p re n . c o u r t h a u donlod h lu a p p lic a tio n for . r e - h c a r ln g of h lu caa e . C u tla w aa r. . eelved n t Uie s u i l e ’a pon a l InatituU c [ on J u ly i a n d la a t th o p ro a e n t tin I c o n fin e d w lih in Itu w ullu.I N u m e ro u s , i il lcg u d e rr o rn w ere clt( . by C u tla In# Iiia n p p e a l In tho su p re n

c o u r t, c talinlfifc th n t h la r lg h tu iii t l . d lB trlc t c o u r t hud been In fr in g e d o

ev ldcnco hnd b e e n ' In tro d u ce d ih: i w aa n o t p o rn iiaanb lo , In a tru c ilo n u gl , on th a t sh o u ld n o t havo b een , c tc . I . nppeu lod f ro m ih c v o r d l tf o f gu ll r r e n d e re d la th o d la lr lc t c o u r t t( ) D lnlno c o u n iy to th o a u p re m o cou , a n d t h a t h ig h t r lb o n a l ro fu a cd to s

aa lde th o v e rd ic t o r d is tu rb th c sen , oncb. .Ju d g e y C a r l A. D avia o f U I T h ird d ls t r lu t c o u r t o t A d a - c o u n t , V aa c a lle d In to Bit on tlm c^bo whc 1 a rg u m e n t w a s h o n rd In th e s u p re n

c o u rt.— Id ah o F a l la R e g la te r .



t J f f .o .n a I V J i r i 'p t V o n r S o n r , G ass > l'p .-iet S to m a c h In O rc lc r- rT ry

U tlo U ono B nd F r o r o I t .II you a ro a a to m a c l ; a u ffc ro r , do n

d e s p a ir . ' Im m o d ia to . s a te a n d aiiro r ' H ot Jb a t h n n d . 3 I l-o -a a S to m ac h Tn■ le ts , so ld In f i f ty c o n t .boxen a t t f d ru g s to r e s , a r o a a p o c lf ic f o r out-c

order atomachB.If su f fe r in g 'v l lh IndlRO stlon, dy

f jippHln, gn H trltls , o r nn.v of th e va rlo f fo rm a o f a to im ioh m lB cry. u s iin lly I

WAL C \ ER Gely the Last Q mer Goods at i Ridiculously Li

WEEKawns and Batistes Pongee, yard ..

ues, yard '. . . "ine, yard . . kGiodes. pair . nmer Parasols at 'tte, yard . . . . ollars . . . .

he season and at i ces won’t last long

Mercar: Blue Lakesi POLESAL

166 W . MAW ST., FOEMEE:-ir _ l-

0 ■ Apples, Pltimfl, Prunes, G le from the ranch every day.ic Pond Seedling Plums, finll aoon over.II Order Crab Apples for jeI- cord Grapes. Beat for jelly bi a . Oor fruit is handled by

w haf fru it you want and for :a I f yon ,cannot securc pu« order with m.

1 PHOll .r- ----------- .0 dicatcd by sorvousnoss, dlstroBB nfl

eating, hcadacho, dlzslneaa,' bod b m It o r BOur stomach, do n o t w ait, dg i •e suffer nny Jon g o r-tak o Ml-o-no t )d10 —delityu aro dnngeroua.11 Ml-o-nn iB always aold by Slfce c, Wiley D rug Co. on money back IH i ir aaUaticd jjlon._____________________

I c ia s s i l ie i l 11‘ ' ' ‘" f ' "• 'A dfertlsem ents S m b t lII- lO cPirliD l . llllMH .I- ■ . IIa-

WAHTED__________*0 >VANTED-To buy ,1912 or 11 '•c Bocond-hAnd a u ta Aildreaa lock I rn i s i r n i c T . Id£G o:~ W 2 0 - ^ 9 Sopt

10 WiVNTED—An experienced cc u waniB w ork In or out. Comp cookl

e- p referred. Addreaa Royal Bakery ,n _______________ __________ Atig 20

WANTED—P arty to do from $i ,,i to JIOOO worth of.c learing and pic

ing. J . N. Claar. , A ug 2S

w a n t e d —Plnco for high ach “ • boy to work fo r room nnd board. “V H. DuUor, Hanscp, Idaho. Aug 22

lc WANTED-^School g irl to work ty room and board- Box 407, city. \ )T ■ ■ A ug-a:

ot WANTED—000-pound d r lv ln g jjo t- 4 to 7 yenra old, o r would b u fT o le of 850- pounds. Must bo cbcnp. - y. d ress K. W;. M„ Tlmea offlco.

A us 22

WANTED—Position running tr Uon o r ateiim engine of a n y kind. M. Jllchardaou, T wLt Falls. 40 yo oxporionco. •• Aug ltr-22-2C-20

iV WANTED—So£ond hand to rd ' a\ Glvo fu ll parUculara flra t lo ttor. . •dreaa W. H . B„ P. 0 . Box HOB. C

If, A us IIFOB BEST_________

POR RENT—Pum lahed room, qu lro 2C3'3rd Avo. N . . . Juno 2'

,\\ ~~>0I{ 8 A I^

F O R SALE—Tlireo-roora ' hot •s. Sm all pnyment down nnd ru^t oh e „« (ennfl. Addrcas Rox ICI. ^ n . AifK 2C-29- Sept 2

OODSjff ering of £ Prices f)W 4

only], yard . . 5c %. . . . . IOc ^

. . . . 2 2 c f

. . . . : 25c %:Cost

. . . . 22c A . . . . . I9c I

hese extremely v , Hurry! ^

itile Co. IFruit Store


-apes, Cantaloupes, Tomatoes, fresh

} for jelly asd marmalade. Season

ly now. Placo your order for Con- fore too ripe. ; .ixperienced p&okors. L^t.us know vhat purposes We .will do the fe ^ .■ fru it throngh Jour pocer, place

N E 2 1 5

o r r o i l S A L kth --------------- ----------------------------------- :---- ------Ot . FOR s a l e :—Housohold fu rn ltu ro nt \y a bargain. 536 3rd Avo. N. Phono 341.

Aug 20B- ------------------------------^o t FOR SiUjG—Uouacbotd fu rn ltu ro a t

a bargain . B35 3rd Ave. N- Phono 341. _______ ■___________ Aug' U

FOR- SALB—Two houses Easy tflrms. E A . Moon, 402 2nd Avo. Weat. __________________________ . A ug 22 tf

HAY FO R S ^ B —F lra t culU ng of a lfa lfa , also JO acrea accotid cutU hg' Id th e shock, by.lon o r aero. Gcorgo lUco, 1% m llo w est of Tw in Folia.

— AuB 22 t f

13 FOR SALE-Chalm orfl-D otrolt 30 H. ox P. C-pasBeneor auto, fu lly equipped. :-B T our chanco to buy a good c a r cheap. - - Addroas A. H . Andoraon. Dox 328, City, ok o r inciulro C37 Socond Avo. North." 8 _____________________ A u s 15 t t

pch FOR BALE BY OWNER—Lot la Elm■ P a rk addition on onay torm s. Sbaro 00 of stock In Elm P a rk 'W ator Co. gocB w- wiUi l o t C . IL Fugato, Bubl. Idaho. ^ _______ Aug lS-a-22-26 pd

lol FO R 6AL>B~Powor baler, pracUcal- b . ly now. W ill aoll reasonable If taken tf a t onco. J. G. Doklotz, F iler. Idaho.or __________________________ Jm y 29 tf

H A Y T O R BA L&—F J ra t CH tU ng o f t f a lf a lf a , b Ibo 60 aproB aocond cu tU ng ,

-nn 1?. . to n . o r a e ro . G eorgo^ - W c ft ,-i» 4 -n x U o -w c sU o f T w in FallB *- .d . ^ ■

bargain. Flno 40 -0 on ly - m llos ouL O wner bos oxclualvo ~ aolo. .Box 102 R. R. 1. ■ Aug 6-tf

'• 'eh t price, lo t 16. Tw in FallB. W rlta, box flj.

Hanaen. Ida . Aug 12-15-18-22-2g-2&

to. ' FO R S A L E -F lv W o o t McCormle:t .d- ifindor. Ja a . A. W alkor, Rock Cre«k.ti W 8 . t r

— - F O R S ^ B - A n Oliver TypowHfar. R o y a l - B a k e r y .___________ xfn j gj^tf

in- ' FOR BA.LB-Vara,oy’B Soda, Fow ^ J f ta in , ^nqtilro a t atoro. ■ Afar l.-U


1?RADEi~rour BC-foot real- ipy d cn tc lo t* . In Tacoma, Wash., for

I Pronorty. Boxpil 401, Clly. _ Aug 20-29 Sept2-5

: THE TW10E.A-WEBK TW IH FA1J.8 TOMEy . „ . . ?

C. D. THOK; O f f e r t h e F o l i o

No. 1—Two Bood brick bulldJngB, w yonrs brJnglnR n monthly rontn tfio two bui>d{ngs. If yoif-aro uno fr.inruntOQd lo bring you : nnd k c y i i t Invcalcil righ t on t

............No; 2—10 ncrcs rlKlit nicnr Twin Ffnnd nil kinds of b m lo s In abu fulr burn, g ranary nnd outbull

_ ^.loruo* cow and G mo. liolfor cnl; onB. 2 incubnlora. 2 brooders. 1 Bet h&mcos and bock. All for

No, 3—2G ncrca near Twin F iUIb. ' nU been In alfalfa nnd ctovcr, i and ow ner muut sell. .W ill kIv la one of tbo licat buy» on Twi: T erm s If dcalred.

Ko. 4—40 ncrcB mlica of Twin KOCH to buyor. All fino lnnd. n on tbo ln n d . ' Lays betwoon Tw Uc rond, and we cnii givo you . dealrod.

No. r>—Two g00 ( r,0*foot lota-one J'JOO Cacb. Tormtt' i( dcalred.


^ D r # Q l \T h e P io n e e r R<

L ocal a n d P e r s o n a lJ. E. D o u g h ty 'an d family o t Klm­

borly, troiiBactcd buslncBs in tbc city, ..M onday,

H. J. F i l i n g loft ycatortlo'y evening . for S alt Lako City, to bo gono -for a few days on bualnoBB. i

Superlatondent Joha J. Ttao nntl Prof. H al G. Blue, apcnt. Sundaj- -In Twin F alls.—Burloy BulloUn,

Jam ca.H . SbloldB, Jr,. ol Buhl, spent i tho week-end In Tteln Falla, vjsltlng friendB nnd attending to buaiQosa af­fa irs hero.

Mr. and M rs. V>. B. Hoag, who afo living th is j’cn r o n /th c lr ranch noar Rock Crock, Jipcnl Saturday shopping In Tw la Folia.

Mrs. John Hobbard roturncd to her homo In Pocatollo' Mondny evening after a fow dnya' vlalt a t tho homo of

■ her uncle. Dr. J . M organ.'

Rev. W. S. -Woodhull • loft Monday olght for L a Qrando, Oro., wbero ho will attend tho annual Methodlut coo- fercnce'^o bo hold In-tho Oregon City.

K 6 llo r.& Stafford o t Twin FalU, hnvo Juat o p ooed . a very attrnctlvo iftllllnory s to re In tho T rail hu'Mlni;

. on Eaat M ain str.jof, n t ono time ac- cupiod 'by E . T acha.—NovMi Side News.

• Mr6. E. D. Shurtieff, whoso hUBband h as bcco seriously ill,, annouocca th a t dospito h is niooBa'thoy oxpcct to ro- m alo lo T w lo Falla. Mrs. Shurtieff w ill open a halrdrosaing parlor a t 312 4th avenuo ^ r t h .

MlflB H ild a Grayblll ro tum oa to Twin P a lis 'WednCBday m orning after a week’s vJslt with rolativea horc. Miaa G rayblll ia employed with the M ountain S ta tes Telophono comiiany a t Twin Falja.—N am pa. Lcadcr>Her-

•Jed and Joo ^esBlons w ent to Twin r^ I ls lo seo tho town nnd eurrountllng country, Tuesday. Joo la trying to

■ porsuado hia bro ther to locate here, and w aated blm to aoo a more dcvol-

' oped aoctlon of tho country.—Durley BulleUn. J

Mr. and M rs. C. E. Booth nnd datigh- tc r Ailecn, accompanlod by Mra. Geo. Dullia. re tu rn ed bomo Saturday from nu 'ex tdnded auto tr ip up throush tho Sawtooth mountaJns. Thoy loft tho ■main trave led rood, around Hailoy nnd Kclchom , and w ent on up Into .tho roounlnlna, croBaing se v e ra l • o f ' tho passes w blch divide ttao fango o t tbo Sawtooth. ________ ____________ .

H "O U T

__ _ i .y o u r- .I ro ? c u . ideas about o otw ao tlog to w ear glasoos ana lo t 'U8 f it you with glassob tb a t wlll- bo beconjiDs' ns well as a per­m anen t pleasure.- Wo aro sp'oc- la lla ts in • fitting glasses ahd

• g rin d in g lenses, to su it your fes- ■ iu re s . ■ Wo havo boon po rnan --

cn tly locatcd i n ' Twin F alls sinco 1010. Our prices aro r l g b t . and nil o u r 'w o rk ia guarimtcod.

Parrott ppficai Co.'' Idaho ’s Leading Optician. '

‘ 115 Mnln Avo. E. Phono 219*Blk..

IAS & c o ! I:w i n g B a r g a i n s

' l r

e ll lociitcd. under loaae fnr flvo B 1 of $210.00. Our prico »17,000 fo r a iooklng for nn invcHlmcut horo Is ir> per com on your . Invoatuicnt, ho Tw in Falla tract. 1

illD, nil In-cultivntlon. p a rt in fru it I indnnco. Smnll plnatorcd houacr dtnf?H. will Includo 2 boraua. 1r. 125 puro bred Whlto Uock chick- Ia ll houaohold goods, 2 ton of coal, '»3noo. $1200 cnab. Uol. term s. 1

rho flneat Inhd on the tract. Hna an main public rond, woll .located > 0 11 prlco ot $150 per acre.' Thla i n Fiilla T ract, and a bargain. I

PailH, all in alfalfii; 1-3 of cro p . Iot a rock or a draw or a bJcsnilHb 1In Falla City and lho fnlla on pub- I n prJco of jl<D per A. Tcr«)H If

• Iblock onat of Lincoln achool; for I


IAS & CO.:al'Estate Men j

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Young,. J Friday, A ugust 22, a daughtor.

Burton E. itforso relum ed F riday noon from a buslncaa trip to Albion.

C. M. H ill rotum od Saturday- from Dolse. .where ho was called for a few • daya on bualneas.

— J____________R. T. Negus, m anager of tho River*

Bldo Inn, was a visitor in Tw in Falls between tra in s Friday.

A ttorney John E. ■Wllllama arrived bome Saturdny from an extended vlall w ith frlenda and relallvcB in R adnor, Ohio,

Misa Llzzlo Moyoru who x\*as taken lo Twin Falla, Monday, to bo operated upon for appendicitis. Is roportod aa recovering n lco lj^^D urley Avocatoi

A rthu r Jnynca, who haa l)oon ,con'‘ occted w ith tho Porrlno Stage Co. for the p ast few montha, loft Fridny even­ing for Mllncr, whero ho will bc lo­catod.

E. A. WllcoK, comnicrcinl .ngont for tho Gront Shoshono nnd Tw in Falftt Powor Co., waa homo fo r a few day« th is wGok n ftc r a business tr ip to Sbo­Hhone .and Gooding,

Mr. nfid Mrs. R. G. Sounders arrived th is week .from Dlgbton, Kanana, and w ill mako tliclr (uluro homo here. They will live for tho p reaent on Fourth avenno Enel, but exjw ct soon to locato on a farm.

Mr, nnd M rs. J . Z. Sbotwell onjoyod a v lalt tbia wock from Mr. Shotwell'a broth'er. B. U. Sbotwell nnd daughtor of Say>c„Jkln ,. and a • sla ter. Mra. -V allerT ST ^ada. Tho gueats le ft laal evening to rb tu rn rto Oklalioma.

■ jifr. aod Mrs. TJbas. H. liiirton , the MlssoB McDcrmllt ftnd Noll Diilllfl, and Uio Meaara. W. Z. Smith and R. M. Strowbridge. composed n fish ing paKy up In the m buntalns near Ketehum and Hnlloy tho . pnsl wcok. They a re ex- peotcd homo today. . .

Mr. pnd Mrs. Don H. Bark, wbo havo bcco spending tho paat two n-eoks horo, le ft F riday .evening for the ir home In Boise. W hile, hore, Mr. B ark travolod pretty-m uch over all of th e Twin Falla trac t, In connection w ltli h is -work as engineer lo 'charge o t irrigation oxperlmonts In Idaho.

Sfr. and Mrs.- Fred WethorJj* and Mr. and Mrs. Nate G riffith of Hanaon, wero -Bhopriers in tho city Monday. Messrs. W eatherly nnd G riffith havo loaacid tho Ovorland In n - a t Hanson,, aod a re having It romodolod into an up-to-date hostlory. Tho now owners oxpoct to tako-poascBalon about Sep­tem ber 1st. . ' -

■ W. h. Minton of Chicago, spen t a fow dnys In the city thlo wock tho gucat ol B urton E. Morso, leav ing Mon­day for hla Illinois homo. Mr. Min­ton has boon In tbo employ o f thp Burlington R. R. lo r th irty years, and a t prcaont la connected w ith tho en- glnoorlng dcpatlm cnt. In tho gcnoral offices a t Chicago.

R. P. Logon aad fam JlyTirrlycd in Tw in Falla recently from Holton, Kanaoa. Thoy roport th a t tho drohgth conditions in K ansas a rc te rrib le th is year, nnd th a t they 'Vrerc g lad to leave the burned district;' Thoy. bavo como to Twin F alls to stay, and a ro living In tho EIlIs T. Whlto hoaao.

W alden H. P a rk e r lo ft 'Baturdoy ^ v « o ia s _ fa r .^ iy j8 l t . wJth_ friends In Shoshono. Ho was &ccompanlcdl>y'liIff frfrtier, Rov. H. W. Parko r, w ho w ent on to L a Orando, Oregon, whoro bo w ill a ttend tho annval conforcnco of tho M otbodlst.Episcopal churcU. From L a Grohdo. Rov. Parkor w ill mako a tr ip on to Coast points.

. Mrs. W alter T ragor w as hostess a t a charm ing breakfaat a t h o r home, 413 O 'F arroU 'streel; a t 9 a . j u - Wed­nesday m orolng w hco she en to ru inod lo booor o t M iss E s th e r McRoberts, who is vlBiUng In th e c ity whllo hor fa ther, Chnrles McRoberts. J s attood- Ing tho nallooal gnard-'-'oDcanipmoat. Tho young ^ rlB -en g ag ed In fancy .work a l te r breaktasU thoso presdnt being: Misses E sther M cRoberts; Suo MJller, Helen Chalfnnt, M argare t Wil- Ilam s and Lola Randall,- M rs. T rager was nsalBted by ^ irs . . L. M ille r— Statesm an. ^ ,

Bom , to Mr. aod M rs. W. J . Young," ■ Friday, Auguat 22. a daughter. '

r. E. Flnnoy transnctod bualnoss in ^Im berly botwoon tra in s , Friday. ]

I. X T ’ofrlnb H tu rh d d today 'feom i an- oxtonded buBltioss tr ip , to OniAba and other eastorn points. '

, - —.-..I ., 18. H. Mnya, rcpreacnllnB tho Con* 1

Bolldated- Coni Co. of S alt Lok'o Clly, ■ apent Sundny In T w in Palla.

I-Inrvey W. H urlcbnus und P. S. A. Bickcl cnme down .from M ilnor lho . Inter pn rt ot tl)0 week ou a abort bua- Imtss trip.

Mra. Kennedy Packard reiurneil homc Monday n igh t from Ncitrauka, w here aho waa culled bj^ Uie aorioua lllneaa of her daughtor.

Miss Irene Goody re tu rned to her homo In SnluL ako ClU'. tho flra l of lho fweok. afior a m onth 's vlall wllh bor Aunl, Mrn'. -M. M. M urtaugh.

A rlhur F, FolUt, who travcla to r a ftirnltitrc house, tvlth houd^u/trtors In Boise, aiieni Sunday In Twin Palla the Kuoat of Mr. nnd Mra. /V. U. Outrandcr.

P. H, WllBon. ono tlnio pltclier on lho locnl bnscball team , loft Inat night for hla homc In Hnncroft, uflor apend- Ing a few duyu v lalting old frieniiH horq^

. . MImi , CnfrJ» m c c iu id ..Mru— M„ k . O'Danlol. rc iurncd Sunday evening from a lour of the Yellowatono Park, nnd a m onth's vlalt w ith frlonda In lim ie.

■ 'MrH^\^^^O^e^^^u^i;■^vIf(•-•0f tho-lntclu »f lh/>

rlno hotel, having arrivod Monday from Wallnco. I^aat ovonlng ?|trB.-i-ler-- burn was dinner g u ea t at' the homo ot Mr. nnd Mra. M. M. M urtaugh. Sho ex­pccta to . leave aoon for Kcnnoit Snu>tre, Pn., whoro ahe w ill m ake her


S w i m &J rO X K V to L O A N OH

T R A C K A G E L O T , riO.xlOO F t . , lu

K I J im iR L V P A R j r , p e r a tw c c n T w in F u l is 'im d K iinb i

J fA lN A v e . lo t , iicHt, 2-roo

H A N S K N 40, u ll In o u ltiv n tio n . now se e d e d to «lsik<?. N o rc

L A N D S m ul C IT Y P R O P E R T Y T u 'in F«)].s C o u n ty nerciigc.

S w i m &Mn and Mrs. How ard Skoela, Mr.

and .Mrs. C. C. Bedford and ,M r. and Mrs. L. T. W right ro turoed Salunlay from a vacaUon tr ip apenl a l laland Park, on tho bead w atera of tho Snako rlvor. . ______

Rev. J . 'K . MacGllllvray, 'B. S. Mls- alonary, ot thla c ity , spen t -three daya last-w eek in Sboahono baaln nnd Big creek, vlslUng homea nnd holding re- iigious services In tho school houao ot tbo basin.

Mrs. E. W. D avis df Puobio, Colo­rado, is VislUng In Uio city th is week, tho guest of Mra. Honry J.-W all. Mrs. Davla has boen spending p a rt of tho aummer w ith bo r m othor a t norger. nnd stopped oft In Twin t^ l la onrouio homo to P ueblo. .

On Thursday, A uguat 21, a t tho home ot lho brldo 'a paren ts In Dayton, W ashington, occurrod tbo m arriage of Mlaa Cordelia Balloy; and Charles Ovortlold, of-T w in F alls. The young coupio w ill m ake th e ir homo on the froom.'s farm caa t of tho clly.

, Dr. and Mra. E . C. Hoffman, who havo been tho gueats of Mr. and ftfrs, C harlw - P i W orU baughor tho pnat wook, left Sunday to r n trip to the £oaat boforo re tu rn io g to Uiolr homc In Plainfield, III. D r. Hoffman ia an old- friond of Mr. W ortsbaugher. whc took blm from ono ond of the tra c t t t tho other, show ing him the dovelop- tnont th a t h a s taken placel Dr. Hotf-

• m an was vory m uch fotereated will: > the country, nnd plans to re tu rn tc I mako InvoBtments hero.

t Recently M rs. Speakm an. ^ r s W lckershom, Mias F loronco ProntlsJ and E dgar P renU ss m ade up a partj

I Uiat enjoyod a four-day trip , by lean , nnd wogoo through thjB pa rt of ,th( i BUto. They v isited Hagorm on valley I crossed tho Snake rlvo r to Buhl 5 thence np th e rlv o r to Twin Falla J nnd th«nco hom e. • Thousand sprlngi ; and oUi'er points o f In te rest wero seen

ttfld tbey dcscrllbo tbo t r ip os a ven In teresting ono. Th© Bouth Sldo fron

r Buhl to Twin F a lla preflonts one so l 1 Id Btrotch ol farm s, laden wlUi bounr im n~crppa-rnnd-^ttrscU 'g% -suiirQundI IngB.—N orlli Sldo News.) -----f 'M iss Leah Chapm an ontortaide< » F riday afton iodn a t ho r homo. Jus ' south of the city. M iss VWlan Andor

son won thti p riso fo r bJgb score li tbo series of guessing ^ m o tf arrangec

t ^)y Uie hostess. E labqrnto' refrMto V m en u w ere served a f ^ u r tables• daintily a ryaaged . w ith Uie same coIo; 1 achfemo' c arried o u t In, tJ js lr , decora 1, Uon as 'prQTsUed th ro u g h o n t the., eo r Uro home, oam bly g reea and w hite b• Uio seaBM’s ’ -flw fro f^ rjr^e- 'B T iest

wore! ;> l6 B e » .p a trJe r 'W ttn io i. M arr M iln e r ,'^ M arflm m . WJiBOB, , V est t Tbomas. M arg a re t Conwiy. Bur. 0 Wnll, Lesley W lUlams, C a m e n Coi- Bvelyif Colhap. PAultad EvaaB, I> n r nnd- F lorence Co*tello, y iv lan ,Ander- Bon. B eatrice O strander, lho Mlflse

Shepherd and M rs. H arry Alexandet

•Mr, anA Mrs. Radcllffo ot Mllncr, ^oro Sunday visitors In Twin Fnlla.

M essrs. Oscnr Steffen, T. D. ^S'cnvcr. L T . Ncgua, Londrelh nnd Demlng. roro down from M llncr to apend Sun- lay in Tw itt iFallB.------- ---------------------

MIbs Ann Znnwngenen arrived irday .from Corning, lown,. lo niuke lor homc in Twin FnWa. .Miaa Znn- vngonon la tho now trim m er for .the Jooth Mercnntllo Co.

Judgo Xorrla of tbo dcpnrlmont of uatlcv. WuBblnglon. D. C., nnd wife, ire vlaltln ut Ihe 'lio tne o t Mr. nnif d rs. R . Plilllco. Mra. Norrla I» n laughter o t Mr. nnd Mm. Phlllvo, nnd I alstor of Mra, J. W. Epler. They nro feiry mtich iatercsteci in the country md will apend nbout two weeks here, fudge N orrla la ono of llie alxleen at- ornoya who reprenent the governmeni n ntho miiltltudo of cnaen lo which ,ho governm ent Is a pnrty. Mnny of :ho cases ngnlnat which the Kovern- iion l ia obliged to defend {(aelf, dnte m ck for (fitly yonra, nnd- ronroaeni :lalmB atlll pending to r daniiiKCH d u r­ing the Civil wnr. -

Silas Stclln Porrlno entertained nt Iior homo on Shoahono avenue Sntiir- iny nftem oon from two lo tour. The Cnests o t honor were the Mlaaeu Dor- Dthy nnd Luulao Spencer, daughteni ot ^fr. nnd . lrH. D. S. Sjrencer of Suit l4iko City, who hnvo been guealH nt lhe P.errlnc borne ibe pnat week. The nftornnnn wnn dcvotcd tO v'nrlous Kamea nnd nmuaeincnta, a n d ’a coiiceri ot the beat operntic Bolecllona on ihi; V lctrola w na '\’ery much eiijoyed. Mni, Porrlno wiw naaluied In Hnrvlng dninty rcfreahnieuta by Mrn. Ucnn Savngo. Thc-K»iesln-wero; - MIkbcu. Cclla_-Mar> Hn. TJiHUjnis,

WllBOll. llfinrW nll. Mnrgnrot Conwny.- Edna Uenuchninp. I^enb Wooda. Har- r te tt W arner, Mnry Milner, Mra. H nrry Alexander nnd the- Mlaiiea D orothy nnd I » u1bo Sponcer of Snlt Lake City. ___ _____

A l d r i c hLM PR O V K D P A K M S . ,

a r d o p o t, li li.'iO. • .

; r c ; orn; o f tJie rlioice.vt SO’.s be­r ly , a ll im proveil.

n h o u se , .f'lOl), fo r^ ju irk .s n lc .

2 0 lia s ln-(>!i'in. n lfn lfa , niul 2 0 ck s j j o r bliMiiiBli o f a n y k in (l, $90.-,

in ^VaKllill^'tou to . excliftiiBc fo r

A l d r i c hMr. nnd Mra. Lesley McLain of Mil

ner wnro vlaltora in Uie clly bclwcct trn ln s Saturdny.

Tho hospltablo McCollum .home wni tho Bcene o f ,a moat enioyablo bridge tea la s t Saturday aflcrnodn, wlion Mra R. M: McCollum onterliilnod in bonoi of Mrs. GroeD of Long Beach, Calif, and M rs. C. M. H ill ot Boise. Th( largo living room wna mndo C9pcclall3 a ttrac tive w ith tra iling vines and oli fftahloood Ugor lilies, wblto awco p o n s 'w e re uaed In profualon in thi d ining room. Following aevoral gnmoi of bridge, a t which .Mrs. E. L. .IlcVicni nnd M rs. A. P. Senior won lho prlsei for high score nnd the the gucsla' o h o n o r ' woro proBcnted with dalni; gift's,, dpllcloua. rcfroallmcntn' ' w en aorvcQ, tho hoatoaa being aaalated b; Mcsdanios J. W. Craven. F. D. Kcne loy nnd the Mlaaes Beatrice Ostrnnde and Burd Wall. Mias Vcala Thom a dellgM ing lho gueata w ith sovcrn p iano 'solos. Those present wore Mcs dam es Allen, A lken, 0 . F. Baker. Cha pin, Clos, Craven, G rant. W- 3. Hill JlcV lcar. Molvln, L. F. Morao, J. M Maxwell, Kennely, Mllnor. Nixon. El lio tt, B. A. H am ilton. E. J. Ostrandei Jl, A. Read. Senior, M. J. Sweeloy, E M. Swooloy. S. H. Taylor, S ta rrh . War ren , Robbins, Mull, Stalkor and th Mis^OB Maxwell and EllloU. Out-ol town guests wcro Mesdames Grew Lopg Beach: H ill, Bolao: T rail, Jc rom o; Miss Mcllvane, W arrenaburi Mo. ; _

= siORK visiis BymMnny B irths O ecar D uring Uie I’aj


. (From , Buhl H erald.) ,‘M r, and Mrs. E. H. Pombcra nro i t

p aron ts o l a baby g irl bom yesterda m om lng.

M rs. Earl-F isher and sons, Noble an K enneth, o t H ollister, n o vlsltln w ith Mra.' 0.-"V. Biggs thia woek.

0 . S. Pock 'aod family aro movln lo to the Wethorboo property " ^ I c thoy recontly purchased. T h o ^ U c a ro moving la to rooma over tho Lust

Hi<aL_W ' bth' i I th c ity TnoBday. ' ~ r -

A ttom ey A. W .' Oslrom relum e ^ i d a y f ro o -a fow days', outlog.

M esdames Cooatoat, Andorton an N oU . re tu rned .Tuesday Irom Twi PallB.

J . W. Lowery o t U»e IHlnolB C entn R., was In th e city on Saturdky n

A baby g irl arrived -Monday a t l l hom e o t Mr. and Mrs. M nt.Shler.

'A bdby boy w as born W ednesday i l a s t week to Mr, and ^ rB . J. M, t)ui c a ll. , ' '

T hursday , a g irl -wnB b ora to M ^ d l d r s . . J . M, Shlrber, -whd live J lolleB south of B ubl. - ' . •> A 12.pQuad-glrl w a i b o m j n Thuri d ay to Mr.. amd'SjrB. J. :M.iDurfeo, m iles .cAsf’of Btihl.

M rs, W. F . Moore Is spending tv m onths w ith relaUvea In MlBSourl.-

IDAHO THE GRANARY-Kcports o f Crop Conditions Extrem ely

•tlm U lflng.

- From -all- ov'cr-tbe- Blnle,- und-.pnrU* cu larly tbo enalora -p a r t of l l . comca tho 'ropo rta ot bounteoua liurvcata ol goidon gruin, mid tbo alluniiou la truly grh tity lng to tho rculdonta of tho Gem S la lo , to r not only will i t dcnionBlriiK the capnblllilea of tho Blnle na a grun- nry of tho northivem, hut IrK-ldcumllyII will pour considerable rcvenuu Into thu . pockeia of tbo farm ers, for gooil p ricea abould prevnll tbla yoiir, nntl whom la BUrtiog o tt n t tn ir <iuoinllan.

Tbe dry apoll iu Kananu, Ncbraekn, the Dnkotna imd o th e r eiiBlern aoc- tlona nnd pnria o t lho mlddlo weat wlli reau lt iu an Imuieiiao ahortngo In Uk g ra in crop, luid corn la nimoat a fnll­urc. This will have tho very material advnntngo ot Incronaliig the markci price, parUcularly In-w heat, nnd thi farm era ot lhe dry hociIuub ut Idahc aro. feeling groally putted up over ihi proapocla.

F roni the-iipper B nnke.river valley o f course, Uiere k'JH tom e the i(su« big crop of grnlu, puuiloca and al uUier produclH, nml ilila w ill u|ierul< bolh in rcBjiect to dry und Irrlgntei land.

The moat nolnlilc InBlniice ot hcnv; giiln In the grain crop coniea Irom lln dry tiirm aeclIOUB of iliu Htale. Thi condlUona ihla yenr have been,Ideal thcro baa 'becn Juat enuiigli molHiun in kef'll the.rri)i> 1i> <.’OH(lltli)« ;i»l barvDBlliig la now in tull bwIuk, o: w ill ho wlililn lljo nex t w eekor let daya. In the American Knlla aectloi over n million buahelB will, be hnr vtjBled, nml apeclnl etiuipnicni liati beei milled-lo llm oluvuioru o l ihu dlatrlcIII o rder Hint tlie u roduct inns- bc cf tecUveiy aitiioie7r~ T liu . shoir lng - u Umt purl of Uie alale la exccpllonall; 'fino -Jn Ibnt one m uat eonsifjer tlm two or Ihree yeura ago. a box cu: woultl- hnve held ull lbe grain pro duced-ftl the dialrlct.

Along wllh thla hculiliy condition li ahown a hoavy demimd for farm mn chlncry, nnd not a dny pnaaea b u f i c a r o r two of e«gl«e«, coniblncs ain o ther cnulpm cnl In aoen going througl lo aomo o ther polnL D uring Uio montl of "TTny nlotio clevea cnra o t uuch mn chlncry wna unlondcd a t Americai Falla alone.. Down Uirough tbo p ro jec t nrcnu o lho Twin Falla tra c t com6a eciuall; fla ttering proapecla, and much - nov acrengo has como under cultlvntloi during tbc 7>nsl sonaon. From A'sbloj nnd other I-’rem ont county aectlona ih yield will bo Immenae, bo tbnt, nil ii alii It will bo a Bcueon of unpre,cedcnl ed proapcriiy, nii.il_tUo nrlcea ahouli mnko ot Uie tiirniorB’tho renl pluto crn ts ot the Gem ulntc.

tVoni all points comcK die c ry fo .farm labor, nml In moBt every . In atnnce tbc bcat wugcB a rc being pah Fnrm bnnila nro draw ing $2.50 nn w ill continue to do ao till nbout win ter. In aomo cnaes tbo ruto haa cvc been hlglftjr.

Tho hnrvoBt operatlona woro ger crnllyB tnriedln the Camna prnlrlc se< tlon thla week and tho fnrmorB reali Ing ucnr the railroad sia tions hai furnished employment to r nil o t t^ laborcra who wont to the prnlrlo I aearch ot work.

The rep o rt rccelvcd is to lho cttci tho tnrm crs nro unnble to secure su tticlcnt num ber of men to mnn Uio crew s nnd hnrvcst opernUoha will I

, m aterially delayed un lesa Uio altui , Uon Is relieved. Fow o t.th o threabf

m acblacs havo been taken out nz 'employment lor an additional- Inrr num bor ot men w ill bo,commoncod i

; soon.as tho thrcahcrfl a rc aUirtod. Tl• farm ors o t tho pralrlo counlry pay it• top wages tor harvcal labor and tl

Bcaaon will c o n tln u o u n ti l w e ll Into O'' tober.- Yeaterday tolopbone mcasag«• wero Bont out to a num bor ot local

lies whero i t w as " boliovcd Inboroi' could bo secured, b u t tbo la s t repo

from W inona was th a t 100 addltloni men arc wanted a t onco.

' The Gifford BocUon has alao repor cd a Bhortago o t h arvest laborors a t

’ an appeal to the outsldo was mni ‘ Wc<lncBdny by Gifford farm ors wl I wcro In the-.citv. Tho local condltiot " and/^ tho early repo rts from tl Grangovlllo section Indicated Ui

there woro a BUftlclont num ber of 1 [ borers In tho country to harvest tl , crops and il Is oxpected theao ropor

have kopt mnny of th e m en who tc low lho harveBt from coming Into U

I country'.—Pgcatollo T ribune.

Recognition of fho fac t tba t out : mobile travel Is n g rpa t Uem In 11

modern llfo of m an Is coming fai Tho la te s t evldonco of the belief th

' travel by nuto Is a fixed habit com , trom the officials o t Tho Mounts ;• Stales Tololihoae- &■ Tolegraph coi

pnny which covora ail o f .th e «ov< sta les of tbo Rocky M ountain rogli

” wllh Its wires.This conipnny bns notified a ll of ;

exchanges lo supply accu rate inlc mnUoh of tho condition o t the roa to a ll IravellorB by nuto. wbo may 1 aulro. Tho intention la to enable t

it public to 'nvold bad ronda and keep tbo highways best adapted to trav This Information Is h lgh lycasentln l s trangers who nro unfam iliar wj

Q the condlUons of m ountain roads, n IS another cvldcnco o t the cnlorpr ing manngcmonl of tho teloph'n

d compnny. T liousnnds of auiom ol- lats who como trom d latan t atatoti

enjoy the m ountain .Bccnery wcg bonetlted by th is In to i^ a tlo n d tl

during th is Bummnr and exnresf If th c lr satisfaction a t the unusual (*oi

toay which they had never lieen glv In any other pnrt-of tho rnim try.

.g Tho Mountain SlntcB -Telephone- -T8i«Btaj»h-CQm pany.^lilclLi.opcra’ 4 tho locAl-telophono exchange, as w

SB some EOO o r QOO s im ila r pxchsnf i iBBuea a brfght. b re e v , p fp e r dall n ' — ' — -------- —

B* E x c e l n o r A u t o CT he auictaiine w ith tha haodle t

lr • . thettirotU *. S eat


fiifil M e ^

I T t i a t ' s w h a t o u r c u s - :

l l o m e r s s i n g a l t e r w e :

I l i a » e f i t t e d t t i e m w i t i i ■

I g l a s s e s , ;;

I Hiie you eter talked tillli am ;I of Hem? Tliiy are always Elad lo ^I say a good word Ior us.

I W .R . PR IEB tI leading Jeweler and Opiltlan I , Twin Falls'



— J K o a e e t — -------------- ^

H o r s e s h o e i n g " a n d

R e p a i r S h o p

Owing lo U)o ta iling o tl of Uie freighting business, I have moro tlnio lo a ttend to prac tica l Bhoe* ing o t bndly gnllod horses and

.gunrnnly to s top nil Intortorlng by tho uao o t p rnctlcal shoes, or refund your monoy. A ll repair work will 1)0 given prom pt nt- lenilon a t p rices tb a t aro roa-

' soaabJc.

Pioneer Horihoeing aod Repair Shop


F O R S A L Ej - — — I ■


V I O L I N S1 OLD MAKESr •'° I a ls o d o a l l k in d a o f S t r i n g M u*~ sl<^I I n s t r u r e e n t R e p a l r ln s .

2 F I L L I N G V I O L I N B O W S A a S P E C I A L T Y

0 / A ll W o r k G u a r a n t e e d


; B . L ; H a i r t l e y■t1 Rock Creek, Idaho


H . D . S C O T TE m p l o y m e n t O ^ c e

® W anted—Man fo r g e n e r a l I farm w ork fo^ Season. $50.00 a ■ • month and bosrd.

i W anted—T hreo harvest hands I2.2G por day and board.

. W anted—Womnn cook, ?M.OO por.m onth. and board;

Phono 353, liy) M ain Ave. N.

in ------------------------------------^ ^ ----------------- -1- tho Monitor, to bring ' Into „ c loser,n touch its em ployees fn aH Uio Boreain atotos In w hich it operates, to tbe (tn J

, lh a t t i e public m ay be .better served.iB Tbe Monitor is Isstied monthly to en -r> nblo tho to lophono. employees o n - th eIs i a r Canadian border to,1t«op in toiiebI - w ith tho co-laborers o a the* Mexican 10 froaUor. I t la b rlm -(u ll o f sugges- to Uons, com parlas th e sorvlco aad m ak- i\. Ine tbo Bubacrlber realise th a t tho to compaay whJcb serves him Js really Lh trying to m ake good I ts boast of glv> id Ing the boat tolophone scrvico tn tho s- world. Tbo M boltor Is one of th e 1C boBL, moat up-to-date magazines o t llsII- k lad In th e countryj a'nd 1b being w ide- t< ly^coplcd by ea s te rn publicaUona.ro . • «•—I . . ,V. W hen th e re 's a p iaes for yoo In . t i le od tiosrdlng b o a ss tn w hich yoQ'd feel so> r . mach s t bom e tb a t Ilfs would :n doobly . w orth-w blls you 'll 4!nd- the-

' news lo someooB o t tb s '*Bos*6erv f t Waited** adiik - ,

OB I. -Jll ,,A* re p e u t io o , o r yfiin* W iD fn M n r t" e s a ta s n c o s t n l g b t " P V " I t 7b a* rs t r j - s d . J a c t o r w t r o o m s ./- , „ ■ , -

I A I Ny d e s a t , E e 3 n c e d P r i c e s

i r d u tc h e o n trb l t b t t w o tk a a s c is y 'iu i ; K S D tio rtem if a n d p rices ,v . j.*:..- v.v;/.


6 ; J THB TWlOB-A-WgEK TWIN FA.I.U T liggF -

D E U N Q U E N T T A I U fFollow ing Jiroperly locnlod In ilio

C lly o t Twin l ^ l l s :I. U. P errino , loL 5 b lk 1 lo.UA. J . I’oavcy, lo t 10 blk i 1 n.Ud

■C. D. Tylor, lo l 1C blk li . . . . . . 1:0,, H . F. Allon. lo l -1 blk -I .......... UU.UO

•O. A, S talkor. lol U blk s ..........A lcxnntlor DHkkh, lo l 10 blk s . lO.oU •Hazol l i. Swoeloy. lo l If. blk 8 ..H aro l Jf. SwQch-y. UiL 10 l»lk ,s. l.XH H . Il.S co b cck , lol 1 blk I.n . . . .A. L. W iird ^ o l 1 blk !0 ........... I'l.-Ji;A. L. W nrd. lol :: blk I b '.......... M.M’

-C. D.' Tlioniaa, luirtlnvooiImU lol l i blk 10 ................... .Vir.

CaroUhc Cooney, hu \f, blk is . UO.Vl'Gcorno I.ncy. lot b lk 'H t ...........EllzfibetJi TJtHter, Jot J.‘! blk I!)Ellzabolh Tbayur. loi 11 blk I'l :!!>.r,uC. D. Tyk-r. bit I blk Ul .......... 7.i)1

vM nnb ii f:. Forspy. i<ii in b’fkM. swuuloy, lol I" blk ::: . . i2,tm

sw .-d .'v . lol 1.1 blk IIU . . :il.7l « . Nl. Jbirmicii. noiiili.-iiHt

' iinK i(.i I blk d:: ................... :;i.9HJi. .%}. lol .V W)i r;!........ S1.71John IC. lluvli'«. lot -> 1.1k 1-; . . . 77.r,lJolm .Iiiiiiioy. lot 10 blk lit . . . !ir..70 IIort.MiH.- f'l-i-rlmi. lot JH blk iMIlortoiiH.' I’ornlnc. lol Hi blk :;i linii.sr.

— R rrrr> (\vortn!?rin t-i-b iic-ii:-T ^r—K. C. l.aviTlim'. lot 8 blk ur- . .L. 0 . llnvHon. lol I blk 1!S ........ 10,r>'.iwdJiJiiiu Jiij-vjH, loi n blk i;s . . . I!.:.:,

'W llUaui .lurviK, lo i lu blk "S rj.r.r.■ W llllnm 3-.iTv\h. h.i i;i blk i:s . . .

Tinkjiown; lot \f. blk i:ii T s k■R. C. UiirBoij. lo t 11 blk : io . . . 7,;i:i• o ia f NiiHon. lot 1 blk :v: .......... i!i;,!':i•OInf NHifoi), lol i: blk :ii: .......... ll.l")'O la t NIIhou. lol tl ink :ii: .......... is.ir.•rrnnclH U. Ilcllvillo. H.W.

'■ half toiii 7 Hiul .s- blk , H..si. D crl Nlcbol, lot r. blk .V. .......... 111.71

Wra. ChinlfH .1. W ulk.'r. lot3 blk ;nr ....................................

A. r . HniiH<!r, lol 10 blk Isr. . . . l-i.O*Sow anl ro s ie r , lo i r. blk :i7 . . . Jl.liH•\VllUnin Schrooilor. lol 0 blk 11 7,i::iW 'lllinm Scbrocilor. lol 10 blk -11 n.r.HAilolliKi O. SmIfJi, lot 11 blk 42 XT>r>Jo lm .Tiinnby. Itrt 3 blk -I.'!.......... Ifi.l'l’C, T. Mtincrinoul. lot IT. blk -in r.8‘J.SIC , T. McDerniont. lot 1C biic 4.'! Ifl.fllDnptlHt H iurrb . lol 8 blk :i.r,r.W Jnorva M. Allen, lo t 11 blk -18 l-l,ni.I^ o n Soflln-. lot -1 blk T.U G.r.'.i

. JV. s. Mallory, lo t n blk 5.1 . . . ir-.r.i:LiiIh 11, .Miller, lot C blk r,i -JliJ,'.!■ n rn irw isR .-io t'io Wk r>4 ........ u-i,c7.1. n . wiHo, lot 11 blk r.-t .......... :is.7f..TcflBle S, n iir t t , lo t 6 blk M . . . 7.n.-(

• ■.ToBHic'S. i i i i t t t . lo t 7 blk r.r, . . 7.r.:i.T08bIc-S. H n rn . lo l S b lk r,r. . . 7..WJcflsio s , H iirtt. lo l ‘.I blk r .n , . 7,r.:iEltzalHjth PowcrH. lot :iO blk .'’.C 8,-Jl EJizabctli Po«-tT«. .\,\V. J-. n

lo t lil b lk .'•.0 .................. n,7iJ . F. Schnberl. lo t blk Hd . , . 8,l!-l J . r . SchiilK-rl. loi 27 iilk M . . ..T. F. Sr.liubert. loi 1!0 blk .'.fi . . . R.2-1J . K, Sch'nberl. lo t 2.H blk r.fl . . . in,USInabcllc McFnll, lo t-11 blk r.7 . . 1.1.10c . m u . lot n bik r , ? ............. y-i.sDA rclito S. OlbbB. lot 2U’blk r.,S , fi.r.llArchie 8, Glbbu. lo t 2.1 blk r,8 . 0,1-tC. T. McDcrmont. lot U7 blk 58 ‘:0.87C . T. McDerinout. lo l US blk 5S T.IMC . T. M cDonnont. lo l 30 blk 68 1.1.58 J . F. Ilauor. lo t 19 blk 59 ........ 4.81

• J , F. na iic r, lo t 20 blk 53 ........ 4.C1.T. F. n au e r, lo t 21 blk r.0 ........ -J.CfIv. N. JoJinuon, lot 7 blk 60 . . . 7.53U N. Johnson, lo l 8-h1k CO . . . 7.53T.. N. Johneon. lot 9 h lk 50 ^?.. .7.53CrncD CiiBtor, lot 17 blk flO . . . S.WO raco CtiBtor. lo t 18 blk-CO . . . 8.2-1X.. N. .lobnaon c t al. lo t 31 hlk 50 7,53•L. N. JobnBon e l al. lo l 32 blk CO 9.08C la ra R C rnniln ll/i?n 4 blk Cl 3,55T . C. noJHJllcC, lot 9 bJk Cl i , . . 19.33Ije s tc r J. noml, lo t G Clk G2 . . . 5,89ChrlBUna Mclnlonh lot 11 blk 52 3.55 <Gcmian Uniitlst CliiirtJi. lot

J b lk 59 ............................... •... 1.90■Qcrman nainlBl Churcb. lot .

2 b lk 59 ............................ 1.90-Eplacopnl Chtircb, lot 13 blk 70 l.9n15pl8Coj)ol Cburch. lot 11 blk 70 1,90RplBCopal Church, lot 15 l>lk 70 1.90RplBcopal Cburch. lot ifi blk 70 1,90Ed nolz. lot A l)lk 7 .1 .................Don I.ynian. lo l E blk 7 3 ........... 4D.73Wm. T. LobIIo t*i nl, lot 2G

blk 73 .......................................... 57.29-■ C .^^. N ihl. lo t 23 blk 7 1 .......... 7,53

<J. H . Nohl. lo t 21 blk 71 ........... 7.53C hftrlco C. Yabo. lot 29 blk 71 . 7.53Rcsfllo Dodd, lot L.blk 75,........... 24.57TJoflSlo Dodd, lot 2 blk 7.7.......... M.fiJA. J . Poavoy. lot 8 blk 7 5 ........... 25.37J , D. llowen, lot 13 blk 75 ........... 12.70'.T. C. Slm». lot 4 blk 7C ........... 12.00

.‘Kell G. Fitnhpntrlck, lot 11 • -b lk 79 ........ ................................. 1.'>.52

•GcorRo W. Hoover, lo t IG blk 79 7.01'C . Fahrncy, lo l 1 blk 80 ........... 11.95tL. A. ntirflon, lot II blk fiOTT:-----<W6-

A. nu rson , lo t If- blk 80 . . . C.CGT., A ,-lliiraon. lot 15 h lk 80 . . . 49.37W alter F. Duckctl, lo t 22 blk 84 KO.KIP e te r AndcrHon, lot 27 blk 84 . 82.57P e te r Andor.ion, lo l 28 blk 81 . 82.57W aller F. Duckett, lo l 29 hlk SI 82.57W alter J-'. Duckett, lo t 30 hlk 84 82.57

Sf, Jwrte.i, lot .'I blk .ST. . . 2-1,.1-JJaniCB M. Jones, lot 4 blk 85 . . . 21,34Jo h n Jnnney. lot 5 blk 85 .......... 29.97r . D. More, lot R blk S5 .......... 24..11r . A. llnttB . lot A blk. s r . .......... 4U0.19K arl H. Zimtiiiir, lo t 27 blk 8C . 74.0.7J!. Bonner, lo t D hlk 87 ........... 75,19IT. Sonner. lo l 1C blk 87 .......... 75,95J . S. Sawford, lot JO h)k . . . .'■,.s,j;iK ,T. McKee, loi 12 blk 8S . . . f.S.K!Jo b n .luniiey..lot UI blk ss . . . 117.31D. M. Donloii, lo t 3n blk S.s' , , , 40.1*. C harles LnrBon, lot 7 blk .SO . . . 7.5:! C harles !>arHon. lol 8 blk S'l . . . 7.5:i E lla C.TSImmel. lot 4 blk-!tfl . . . 12,70 K . McKeiule. lot 11 blk im . . . 147.2:, TbomnK'O ray. lol JU Idk :>n . . . M7.U5 Jo lm H. Hire, lot s blk . . . lu.r.t Jo h n n, WhUe, lot 4 blk 9.'> . . . 8.5SV,'. N. Clark. lot 7 bik i f l ........ M .d■W. N. Clnrk. lot 8 hlk 97 ........ 14.M^ l a M. Mohrtniui. lot 9 hlk 97 , . 8,70r r a n k le 1. DuvIch. lot 5 hlk 99 l l .s jr rn n k lo I. DavlcH. lol C blk 99 uo.ir..T. II. WJ»o. lot .1 h)k 1 0 0 ......... 80.MJf. H. WlBo. lot 4 blk 100 ........ 80.81

• 'G. C. McAlllBlor, lot 4 blk 101 91.31 5C. o f P. LoilKe, T. P. So.

<C. lo l 19 hlk 101 ........ 13,37K . o f P. Ix>dRO, Twin FallB,

No. 40. lo t 20 blW 101 .......... 13,37K. of P . IxtdBO, Twin FallH, '

No, 4f,. lo l 21‘blk 301 .......... 13,37Jo h n Jan n o r, lo t 1 hlk 102 . . . 353,91T . J . Wooilfl, lo t 4 blk 102 ........ 71.75(Ttnh nnd Tdaho ImiiCeuient

Co., lo t 17 b lk 104 ................. 297,08^ A. Tf. Sonner, lot 18 blk 104 . . . 71.1 +

Jo lm Jannoy,-lot 19 blk 104 . . . 19.58. n . D. COKBwell. lo t 25 hlk 104 . . 68,54T . J . Dhwbod, lo t M Wk 104 . . 1, 31,96IT. P. Farm or, lo t 28 hlk 104.. C8.47J . C. airdnor, lot 32 blk 104 . . . 211,50

3 T A X & 0 H 9 1 2p. H. lIa ll,'lo t 14 blk i o r . .......... 99.82P. H. Hnll. lot 15 bik 1 0 5 .......... 91,:i7P. n . Hall, lo t IG blk 105 c.. . , . 93.1U11. C. Mllla, lol 29 blk 10:i‘ . . . 4.9UR. C, .\flJlH, Jot ao l;Jk lor, . . . 1.9'tII, c . MlllB, lot 31 b lk lo:i . . . 4.99n . C, Mlllu. lol 32 b lk JO; . . . 13,1 IN. t!. Staley, lol 7 blk 10? . . . J3.11IJavId Ovcr.;i»«l. lol 9 1.1k 107 4,80 .1. A, Van .Meler( trnBic:.-, lut.

il l.lk 110 ................................... 21,07iC, .\. Flor.v, lol 4 blk i n ......... :i5,9UJ-:. n, WJiiikf, lot 13 blk JJ.j . . . 18.J4Wm, F, Hun;y, hit 10, blk 110 . 15.9SM. C. Crucu, lot Uli blk ill! . . . t!:UOc . M. IIIII. lot -'7 bik i m ; ..........C. .M. lllll. lot D l.lk n i l ............ S.9Ic . M. lilll. lol 1C blk n t ; .......... s.9iK. M, llai'HueH, lol 30 l.lk 117., 107.21 lliah AKiio. Credit .Men, lol

IJ blk 139 ................................. 07.i:u.1. C. {ili-dn.!r, l.ii 15 l.lk ll;i . . . 7s,s;.J . C. (llrdiier, lot !f. b lk 119 . . . (i‘.i,:isA(biii. .Mi-Mtll, lol 17 b lk Jl:> . . . :','!U.77Adam M fFall, lol IS blk lil. rS-.ih\diiui Mi-Fall, h.i 19 l.lk 11!. . . . 9,i;>'

.-\dam MitFall, lot uo b lk IIH . , , s.UlAdam Mcl^'all, lo l 21 b lk 11!* , , , S.U4Adam Mc'R.JI, h.i Uli b lk Ulf , , . l-.l'sAdam M.-Kali, lot 27 h lk 11'. . . . s.5u

^VdauuMia'-all. lol US l.lk 111' . . . 7.5;iAdam .McJ'-all, lot U'» blk lln . . . s.:!\Adam M.'Fall, lot ;:o blk 11'. H.uiAdatii M fFall, if.1 111 l.lk 111. . . . i:i.S7Adam M<-F»ll. lot UU blk lln . , , s.;ifDavid ,1. Ov.T.'.,(I, lol .- lilk 121 r,,.ii;

•lb.vl,j-,IM)v.>r«iid^l..L-i;.Ul£_lUL_:iuU,7,David..!. Ovcrrml. I.u 7 hlk lUl .'’..s'lTl-rvni .1, Ovi-i r i idrHot-h-Mk-l-iM-----I’iwlrjticia Aacni. lot J.-: /<lk lUi: .r.s.sKadhr M cl.ennati. h.i 1 l.lk lUii. 1.90Sadie MeI.winati. iot U lilU'lUH. 1,!m».latm-n Ileus, !oi lU f.Ik lU' t . . , . .-(,uu Jiumm ihMiH. im i:i l.lk lu i ', ..- . 4.uu

.M. lllll. lot 10 blk i : io ...............O.IOIt. 1C, llram h-tt; hu ir. blk I3 d ,. w.os

kv.-iitH,'lot 17 blk 'f:.:;Sanili It. Hccl.nl. lol is'tilit i:io . 7.UIJameK W. Shlohln, lot 19 VIU i:in f.;,iiC. M. Hlli. lot I" bik i::i ........ .s.uic , .M. lllll, lol IS blk i:;i........... 7,:.:i1. It, Darrow, b>i us hlk i:il . . . u:!7.isI, K. Darrow. lol ;!1 blk i::i , . , 9i:,t;5I, it, Darrow. hu 3U l.lk i:il , , . 91,S9 JniiK-i, A. Ilyho'.. lol J,s Wk j:tU J. .Jli ■l-bomas Dov.tv , lot UU hlk 13U r.i.lo F.lla Ualbburu, lot 3U l.lk i:i2 .. USK,U8 ,r, (5, Zolhuan, i(.t bli! M-f . . . 1.07 TbomaB I), Aki>r. lo l fi l.lk 134 7.53 Waller Mt-l>arcn. lot 1 Idk i:!5 8,70 Waller M rl.anui. lot..2 l.lli i:i5 T.29 Walter MrLiiron, lot'-7 I.IU i;S9 5.S8 W iillrr M rhnm ,. lot 8 b lk J39 5.59 Ilnrry Crooldinm, lol 7 blk Ml 10,23 J. A. Mooimiw, lol 1 l.lk 142 . . . fi.iii!

Dnrrow. lot S' blk HI ........ sr.M'J,1. H. IM w oller et al. l(.t 11

blk' 114 ....................................... 91.37D. II, nollian, lot 1« l.lk 1-15 . . . 2U3.XC Flhir Coal Co., l / . t 19 b lk 115 ,1U9.15 F lk 'r (*o!il Co.. lot 20 blk 115 177.11 I 'iler Coal Co., lol Ul blk 1 1 5 . . 129,15 ICllzal'fih IC.’ CrlHmore, kit T

bik 15(1......................................... u.fiSAubrey Hender.iou, lo t fi l.lk 150 5.18JnnluB YotmK, lot 9 blk 1 5 0 ... 4,47John Ksenlon, lot 10 hlk ir.O . . . 3.77 OflorKfi n . Alken cl a l, lol \ \

blk 150 .......................... 1.17Eplflcoi.nl Chnrcb, lo t 12 h lk 150 4.47 GooVro D. AlKon e t ul. lot 33 .

blic 1 5 0 ........ ,............................... 4,17David R. Jones,” lo t H b lk 150 4.47Duvid II, Jonnw.-lot IC b lk 150 5.88W, S, WilllnniH. lo t '2 blk 151 . . . - 5.8!iAllco McCollum, lol 10 b lk 15l 4.17P. W. W blttler. lo t 12 l.lk 151.. 1.47W aller Robortiion. lo t in lilk 151 10,81C. M. lllll, lol 2 h lk ir,3 .......... 11.29C. M. m il, lot .1 blJc l-’i;! .......... 11,29PreBcott & Ilrandt. lot 17

blk 1 5 3 ..................... •.................. 10,59Prencoti & Ilrandt, Inl 18

blk 1 5 3 ..................................... 9,89PrOBcoll & Brandi, lol 19

blk 1 5 3 . ; ........ •........................... 9.89Clly 'L tim bor Co., lo t 1 blk

354 ............................................... 17..'ICP. H. Smilh. lol 20 blk 15 4 . . . - 9.85P. n . Hall, lol 7 b lk ir,9 .......... 4.17P: H. H all, lol 8 blk.l.V.1 .......... 5,88W. J)arrow , lol C b lk IfiH .......... 5.88CcorKC D. Alken e t nl, trl-

n«Klo lyluK Houth ot lilk 153 5.53Delln W orth, pnrt o f lilk 1C5 . . 35,45

AHlfton’m' .icl(il(;on io Trrin FaIJ.i.Frlcdolph OlHon. lo t 4 h lk 2 . . 12.54

Bickvl SubdlTlstoD.I). L. HIckllnR; Bonth 50 ft.

of enwl ha lt of lo t 3 .............17.85Annie CnIrncroHM, iiortb 50

ft. of oaHt Imlf o f lot i;............. 20.G7Ida Mury Manncy, west liai;

of lot 3 ....................................... ' 10,11J. F. Mlllor, cftBt hulf of lol 7 . . 5,88Kiln S. Clnnr, wcbI Imlf of lol 7 3.32

Hocnu YlHtA .IddlUon.U ^P._Taylor, lot 3 C .,.‘. . . ' ........ 7.99M. 0.‘ nbadloy, lo t 45 ............... 8.70

.Kim P a rk .\ddItlon.Fred Joiinaon, lot 5 (ilk 3 .......... 3.1.S

E ast Lawn Salidhlnlon..Mnbel JC. Sm ith, lo t f. b lk 1 . . . 3.91Ralph H arder, lo t 12 b lk 1 . . . 3,91F, G. DIckcrHon, lo t 2 b lk 2 . . . 3.91A. O. Flutter, lol 14 WJc 2 .......... i.24Illaino Dorwoy. lo t 18 h lk 2 . . . 3.91 ICtbclbert R, Horawlll, lo t 2

hlk 3 ............................................ 4.-17L aura Youngor. lo l 3 b lk 3 . . . 3.91J. J.. WhUo. lot 11 blk 3 .......... 4.47W. II. Crawford, lo t 15 blk 3 . 3.91J. M. Drown, lot 18 lilk 3 .......... 3,91

II. Crowforcl, lo t 15 hlk S . . . 3.9J F Ito P o in t .Vdaitlon.

ICdii S, Clnnr. lo l 2 blic 1 ......... G3.59n. M.'Cloyd, lol 4 blk 2 . . . . . . . 5.1Sn. M. Cloyd, lot C blk 2 .......... 4.47II. .V. CJoyd, lot 7 Wk 2 ........... -}. J7n. M. Cloyd, lo t 3 blk 2 ........... ' 4.-17Don C. lirynn, Jo l 10 blk 2 . . . 7.29

(iolden Kule Addition..Jeuule !>atnBon, lo t l b lk 3 . . . 3.07 Art-bJo JJnvo. Jot 10 b lk 3 . . , . r 3.07J. 1C. Wblte, Jot IM ilk 3 ........... 3.07.1. IC. Whlt,c lot 12 blk 3 ............ 3.480. S. Wytnnd, lot 22 (.Ik . I ........... 7.29Whlto & C allahan, lo l 17• blk 4 .............................................. 3.07Mrs. J. L. Oxley,'lol 5 blk '5 . . . . 3.07H. N. llatnplon, lol 1 blic G . . . 3.35SiimnoJ Crlamoro. Jot 4 bJk «5 . . . J.79Wm. Sccord. lot 19 blk G ........... 1,79Joyro & W hile, lo t 2 lilk 8 . . . 2.50Joyce & White. lo t ^'bllc S . . . 7,00C. n . KlnK, lo t 8 Iilk 8 ........... 33:C. C, Caraon. lo t ID blk 8 . . . 4.48

Jonofl Addition.K. M. Hall, lot 2 blk 1 ........... C3.75E. S. Johnson, lo t 5 blJc 1 . . . 14.33K. M. Hall, lo l 8 bik I .......... 9.82II. A. Taylor, lo l 5 blk 2 ox-

cepl tho wcBt GO f t. ........... C.17Annn L. Johnaon: lol Tl blk C . C.88W. N. Sccord, lo t 16 l)lk C . . . 9,47

r.lDCOlti School Addition.D. B. Moorman, lot 3 blk V . . . . 3.63

MiirtntigVs Addition K o .T .~ n-John Weiizel.-lot » b lk 1 . . ._______C.S8C. H. Burton, lo t Y blk 1 . . . 3.77H. F. .Buchanan, lot y blk . 3.07

, H. F. Ducbaniui, lol W blk l '. - . . 3.07 : H. K. Merwln, lol 4 blk 2 . . . 12.92

Ellfl F. A bm i, jtoulh 92 feet .■ lo l 8 hlk 4 ; .................' . ............. 2.57' E lla F. Ahern, Bouth 92 feolI Of wcBt 25 ft. lot 9 blk 4 . . . 2.57 I New Scliool Addition. '

JCHtber Ilydalch. lot 11 Wk 1 . . 5.50; Fred Soimuin, lo t 5 blH- 2 45,52' Fred Seaman, lot 0 b lk 2 .......... 15.52■ S tuart If, Taylor, lot I blk It . . . li.OlI V. 1C. Rot;er», l o t l i b l k '3 ........ 3.771 A. I!. Flidier ot al. lo t C b lk 4 2.55 ; Howard Leiiter (ilttord. lot1 IJ l.lk I ■'....................................... 4.47( V lw vr. Jol E hlk 1 ......... 8.70I JniuoBl.. HancbeU e l al, lot1 9 blk 1 ....................................... l.SO

Nurc*.- Siilidhfsfoii of Lot 4, .Voorniati T rn c t

= T. V. S n v . 1«( JJ bJk 2 2MC 1 .1. It. N orton Tract.• I J . A. Kiiiis'fll, l.lk f, ................ 7.1G, K, J. C.iiviu, blk 10 ................ 1.V03

(Isborn’s Subdlvhton.II, X. llumiiiou, lot I .......... ; . . U,7S

. il. N, ilam i.iou, lot U ................ 2.7S

. 1C. IC, Viiu.-e. w.T.l 107-feet lot 7 2,92 Kiilln.ad Addltlgn.

i i*. W, W bllll.T. l«l 10 blk 1 . . . 9.05■ K. U-, WiiltikT, lot SI bll: I . . .

II. s . .Marliu. hu IS Idle 1 . . . S.UUII, S, Marlin, h.i 19 1 ^ 1 . . . .S.ll

.Senior .Vddlrfnn.: Fr.;d I). Moor.., lot 7. l.lk 1 . . . 19,CU

S y h c s l .r N i|»t»n SiibdlTlslon. •

■ l-V.-ii joiT.-m»iii. lot V . ' 3 07, Fri-d .iorKcuxou, lot UO.............. 3.07. l'-ri!d Jorj;i'U»<.ii, lot 2 7 ............... 3.07

Fred Jor ;.■ll <on. lol US ............... :i,07, l’’i-.;.l Joi'«.‘u.i(.u. lot U 9 ............... 3,07

Surtc-cs ,‘ful)(H«ltifon.Ilyri.u Averolt, c!u.u 100 foot

of hll U ................................. : . . 10.11Soiilli Park Adilltion.

J . C. llraharn, lol 1 hlk 2 ........... U.78

ii. L Moody,’loi :i hlk TinJ. (!. Vountf, lol fi hlk 3 3.07C. W. Kevnn. lol 13 J.lk .3 i ........ :U5

r . Tm-.Kart. lot i ! > w r ' . . . . . - :i.07A, D ultner.'lo t 8 blk 1 .......... 3,35A, A, Duffner, lol 13 blk 4 ........ - :;;07A. A. Duffner. lol 14 hlk 4 . . . . . 3.07.1. !■:. Mffore. lac IS hlk 4 ........... :i.07J, 1C, Mooro, lol 19 blk 4 ........ . :i,ii7l-V-ABln.-lot 12 blk 5 ................. 2.UU■F»A«ln. lol 13 blk 5 ...................... .U2Kuutacuia EKarxa. lot U2 hlk 5 3.07.1, M. Maxwell, lol 13 blk ^ . . . l.fiOOuHi llenBon. lot Ul blk 7 ........ U,50Gual llctiPon, lot-22 blk 7 .......... ",50Sf. O. Headlej-. hft 0 blk J?......... 2..ir,

T c rra re Pnrk Addition.II. N. Ham pton, lot 3 blk 1 3.48

.SnnperN A«ldUIon.D. I,. HlcklluK, lot 1 nik 2 4,85

■ Eoff 'Tract,.lameH F llzw ra ld , lot 4 ............ lU.CIJnmeH Fli7.>;crald. lol lU ............. 10.41

m il T rac t No. 1.Fred H. H ill, lo t 1 .................. : . IT,.3.1Fred 11. Hlf!, lot 3 .................... . iu.9:iFred 11. lllll, lol 4 ........ .............. lu.93FVcd a l l lll, lol 5 .......... .'.......... 12.93Fred H. l l lll. lo t G ....................... 12.93

m il T rnct No. 2. >Fred n. Hilt, lot 3 ...................... 12,9.1Fred R Hill, lo t 5 ...................... 12,93Fred li. H ill.-lo t C ................. . , 12.93

Holobnn SuiidlTlsInn.Chnrleri W llllnnison, lot 3 .......... 20.58Cliarl.-'B W illiamson, Jot 4 . . . . 19.J3CharlcH WllllntUHon, lol 5 . . . . 1C.71CbiirlOH WlllJnmBon. lot 12 . . . . 'lG.71ClmrleB Willlamiton, lol 13 . . . . 16.71Charlea Willlhmiton. lot 14 . . . . 16.71

J lJ Im r Tract.T. H. Arnold. cnHt linlf lot 7 . . 8.96

MoormanV F irs t Addition. E lizabeth Thayer, ijoulhwcat

fluartor of lot C .............. G.06.WurtxmirhV I ’flfft .Iddltlon.

MrB-. WllHon, .................. 22.03North Yloff Addition.

: Jerom e Morion, lot 31 blk 2 . . . - G,ll' M. H. niood al. lol 38 blk 2 1.02

• Orclmlnm Subdlrfsion., H. If. WIlllnmH, lo l 2 ................. '32.19

ChCHtor S. Clitt, 10131...............; 14.29P. 11, NolHon, lol 35 ................. 25,78II, A. S troud, lo l 43 ............ ... 14.77F. n. Kancl, lol 44*;................... 35,22Oraco IC. LcHHur. lol 50 .......... 23.48

’ I.'nornclul Huhdlvislon of I.ot<( 18 und 10 of SurtocH SubdlTlsIon.

C. N. Felix, lot 1 blk 1 ........ ; 2,19C. N. FoJIx, lo l i> blk 1 ........... 1,70

i , Snyder Tract.I M. N. Pomeroy, lo t D ................. 3.92

I.rf)ula Snyder, lol J .......... . 1.64lyjuiH A. Snyder, lo l P ......................1.G4

' I-oula A. Snydor. lp l Q ................. l.CB' LouIb a . Snydor. lo t R ................ 1.C4

C. M. H ill, lo l r, ...................... i'3.32I C. sr. JUIJ. Jot 6 ...................... J8.1C

I.. A, Snyder, lot 9 ...................... 5.53, L. A. Snydor, lo t 11 ................. 6.B9

SubuHmn Park Addition.. A. R. HlKBlnB, lo t 1 blk 3 ........... 1.70I A. }J, .SlK«Jn«, lot 2 bJk .1 ........... 1.42

A. R, Si««lnfl, lo t 3 blk 3 ........... ' 1.42John SlpklnB, lot 7 blk 3 .......... 1.83John S(i.kJn«, tot 8 blk 3 ........... ’ 1.62Falker T lkkert. lo t 9 blk 3 . . . -2.57John T lkkert. lo t 10 blk 3 ......... 2.S7'.loe Slpkina, lot 11 blk 3 ........... 1,22.loe SlpkluB. lot-12 blk 3 ........... 1.22Joo SI,,klnH. lot 53 Jjlk .1 ........... 1.22Joe Slpkina, lol 14 hlk 3 .......... 1.22

I Joe SlpkltiB, lot 15 hlk 3 . . . . . . . 1.42Wllmoro TnicU

Mary' Kelsey, lot 6 blk 1 ................1.12A. D. P ierce, lot 2 bJk 2 _____ ].32A, n, P ierce, lot 1 blk 2 ........... -1.32

' .1. F. StoUz, lol 6 blk 2 ........... 1.12Jofin.T. Ilendorimn, Jot 15 b lk 2 1.02Jolm T. H enderson, lo l 17 h lk 2 1.02John T. llenderBon, lot 19 b lk 2 1.02Jobn r . Woodcock, lol 21 b lk 2 1.02

: Roberi Peacbke. lot-22 blk 2 .. 1.02Tbomns Freed, lot 24 b)k 2 . . . 1.02Wm. Morrow, lo t 25 blk 2 . . . J.02.ThomuB Freed, lot 26 blk 2 . . . It02

Ycntmnn' Addition.. U.'-B. Vnnce. lo l 2 ....................... 6.06' }■! E. Vnnce, Jot 4 ................... 4.12' E. E. Vanco, lo l 5 ...................... .4.12I E. E. Vnnco, Jo l C ....................... 4.12I O. S. Wyland, lo t 1 0 .............: . . . -21.Q6

n o h l Cltr.> Mand Mllnnr, lo t 9 blk 51........... 3.0G

Mauil Mllnor, lo t 10 b lk 'B l...............2^2. 0 , E, C arior. ot nl, lot 0 b lk 52.1 O. E. C nrfor c t al, Jot 10 Wk 52 3.29; Sarah E . Woodard, lot 1 lilk B4. • 5,44

Sarah E. Woodard, lo t '2 h lk 54. 3.48Sarah R Woodard, lot fl b lk 54. 3.48

; Sarah E. Woodard, lol 4 h lk 54. 3.48’ Sarah E. Woodard, lot 5 h lk 54. 3.4S

Snrnh E. Woodard, lot 6 h lk 54. 3,481 A. J. MI119, lo t 14 blk 0 4 . . . . . 1. 3.25

i^lrst PrcabytOrJan church,- .J o t .W ;8 II. J . Idoma, lo l 1 blk 6 5 . . ~T».JJu lia Roborts & Co.,lot 11 blk 55 8.3Ju lia .Hoboftu -& Co;,lot 12 blk 55 ■ 8.3.Ju lia RoborU & Co„lol 15 b lk 55 8,3Ju lia RobertB & Co,.lot 1C blk 55 8,3Ju lia Rohorta & Co..lot 18 b lk 55 8.3Ju lia RobortB’& Co.,lot 19 blk 55 S.3H. ir. Co«^ Jot 11 bJk C6............. e.7■J.-O. Smith, lo t 1 b lk '57........ . 2,9S. A. Dlckoy. lo l 2 blk r(7.. . . . . . 3,'4NathanlDl Luyne, lol 10 blk 57. 4.0V. N. Colline, lo t 4 blk G4............. 2.CEnoch Smith, lo l 12 b lk C5......... 2.8Knte II. ConverBO, lol 9 blk U7.. 2U.7Kato U. Convcrite, lol 10 blk r,7. 5.1C. A. llnwvr. lo t JJ Wk 57........ 4.UC. A. IJower, lot 12 b lk 67........ 3,1Samuel NIhuri. lo l 17 blk 07. <. 49.-fSamuel Nlhurt, tot 18 blk C 7... K.lSamuel N lbart. lo l 19 hlk C 7... 8.1R. M. IlayH, lot UO hlk «7.......... 1,3R. .M. Haya. lo t Ul b lk 0 7 . \ 1.:il l M. Haya. lo t UU blk •f.7.. . . . . 4.3H arry R. Kari>, Jot 1 bJk G s... 4,8H arry It. Earj., lo t 2 blk C 8... 39.0Momer Axe; f..i 14 ,1.1k 08......... 8.1I-. A. TrobrhlKe M at. lot UI

blk 08 ..................................... : . 21.0A. L. lla riie r. lol U h lk 09......... Ul,iiGoor«e b. Eveliib, lol J9 blk 69 0,1.Oeorse L. ICvolllh, lo t UO hlk 59 10,8OeoJ'«v L. J.:ve)llb, Jot U* l.lk 09 10.8GeorKe I., F.velltb. lo l U8 Idle fin lo.S-N; G. l.’Ilzpiiirlck. lol 31 blk fi9. 13,5Gcorfce U JCvdlKi, lot 19 l.lk 70 9.1CcorKO I., l.^velllh, lol UO l.lk 70 87.9,Nalbanlel l.a jn e , lol 5 blk 79. .' U.oWilliam MarBh, lu l 17 l.lk SO.. . 5.0iWilliam Miiruh, lol 18 lilk 8 0 . .. 5.0' Jiu-.-.MfOnniei. lot 19 hlk SO... , 4,8 Jaa. M ..D anleinoi~’jm m r s D r r :— i:si

.!««. AtcriJiUilel, lot 22 I/Ik SO ... 1,8Norlon Converse, lol 23 hlk 80. 4;0: Norton ConvcrBO. lot 24 blk 80.- I.O:.Norton /Converse, lol 25 blk 80. I.fi:Norton ConvcrBe, lot 25 hlk 80. 4.(1:Norion ConverHC, lol 27 hlk 80. l.o:Norton Cmiverse, lot U8 blk SO. I.C:Tbomnii M. C linton, lot 11 hlk 81 9,:i'riroftifiH .M. Clinton, lot 12 I/Ik SJ ,1.«iH. I., DellUHlc, lot Ul blk 8 1 . . . . 7.0(Noah DeRUHk. lol UU hlk 81............7.0iT. P. Smllh; lol 25 b lk 81...........' 7,0iT. P. Smith, lo t 26 h lk 81........... 7.0iW. E. Criixcr. loi 27 hlk 8 1 . . . . 7,8iAlklnuon & H ill, lot US,blk 8 1 .. 8.0:Ei.Iacoiml church, lo t 1 blk 82. U.7:JCplficopaJ chwrcJt, Jot 2 blk 82. 2,7:EiilBcoi.nl church, lo t 3 blk 82. 2.7;0 . D. 'OarrlBon. lot 1 hlk 8 2 . . . . 7.6! Twin Falh! mvcBlmcnt Co..

lot 17 blk 8 2 . . . . . ' ..................... lU.i:T. M. Aiken, lo l 18 hlk 82......... 10,9:Ihirlon W. Plckou, lo t 25 blk 82, 10,01Ed Rrriun. lo t '5 hlk 83.................\l5 .8 !Ed Dfnuti, lot 4 blk S.1.................Ed Draun, lo t fi blk 8 3 . . '. ........... 15,81Ed llraun, lo l 7 blk 83................. 8.7!Dan .Whaley, lo t 11 blk 83......... 33.61n . J. Idenm, lo l 21 h lk 83........... 5S.8tM. C. I.araon. lot 25 hlk .S3........ 5:1,8:J . J . Olowdowakl, lo t 7 h lk 8 4 .. 49.8!J, J . GlowdowHki; lo t 8 hlk 84 .. 49.81W. S . Clark, lot 10 J»!k,H4.. ' . . . 5U.5JW. N. Clnrk. lo l 11 h lk 84........ C1.5fElizabeth A. T hayer, lo t 13. blk 84 . . : ..................................... .22.5>Glenn F. Wo«t, lot 14’1.1k 8 4 . ., 22,0!It. M. Ilaya, lot 15 l.lk 84 .............lU.GlC. A. Rower, lot 17 blk 8 4 ......... 14.8^,P. H. Hall, lo l 11 b lk 9 7 ........... 14.51JoJin n. EIlHWorth, lo t 13 blk 97 8.1'John R. EllBwoKh, lo t 14 blk 97 8.7(Theo. T. Davla, lot 15 blk 9 7 . .. , 16,0iTheo, T. Dnvla. lot 16 hlk 9 7 . ,. I6 .rE. A. Pearco, lot 21 J ilk 97 . . . 5.6(E. A. Pcarce, lo l 22 b fk '9 7 ........... 6,21W. N. Clnrk, lo l 5 h lk 9 8 ......... 17.G:Oio Johnson, lot 8 b lk 9S ........ 18.01S. JleJjR Chntnbcrlnln, lot 9

blk 98 .......................................... 18.018. H. Rollon, lot 10 blk 98 ; . . 18,01S. If. noUon. lot I I blk 9 8 . . , . I9.I;A. M. Shaffer, lol 19 blk 98 11,91A. M .'Shaffor, lot 20 blk 98 . . . 11.9(A. M. Shaffer, lot 21 blk 98 . . . 11.9i A: M. Shnffor. lol 22 blk 98 . . . ' U.9i Dftlton O. Axe, lol 27J;Jk 98 . . . . Jl.filB. W. Peck, lot 11 h lk 99........... 15,5'Ed. B raun, lo l 20 h lk 99 ........... 17.7:Thomna M. C linton, lot 29 blk 99 22,9:H. U YounK ol nl. lo t 4 ,blk 100 52.51H nrry R. Enrp . lo l 7 blk 100 . . . 92.0iH nrry R. Enrp, lo t 17 hlk lOO . . 30,2iC. G. Elllaon, lot 18 blk 100 . . 30.01C. M. HUI. lot 2,1 hlK 1 0 0 ........... 'JG.61C. M. r tm . lot 24 b lk 1 0 0 ........... IC.Gl,R. H. Cost, lot 28 l.lk 100........... 16.61I t H. CoBt. tot 29 blk IOO........... JC.fiiC. R. Northrup, lo t 9 hlk 111 . , . 2.6; Nolllo A. Simmons, lo t 27

hlk 100 .......................................... 17.7;SuBnti E, Ackerman, lot 13

blk 111 ......................... .'............ '2,C:SiiBan E. Ackerm an, lot 14 ,

blk 111 ................................... ' . 2.C;W. II. naughm nn.-Iot 17 blk 111 .I.tW. R. naURhman. lo l 18 blk 111 2.fiinerh l NclKon. lot 19 blk 111 . . . 2.21H. J. Dunlap, lot 25 blk 112 . . 2.4'H. J. Dnnlap, lo liiC blk 112 . . . 2.4'Ed. L. Drackctt. Jot 27 blk 112 34,2;Ed; U Rrackott. lo t 28 b lk 112 1.4iF ran k J. Vyskoclo, lot 29 blk 112 5,7:C. F, McKay, lot 1 blk 113 . . . 4.31C. F. McKny, lo t 2 blk 113 . . . 3.41C. F . McKay, lo t 8 blk 113 . . . 3.4:C. F . McKay, lot 9 hlk 113 . . . 3.41W. W. noUon, lot 10 hlk 113 . . . 3.41W. W. Bolton. Jot 31 blk 113 . . . .1,4:J. D. BoUon. lot 12 blk 113 . . . 3.41J. D. Bolton, lol 13 blk 113 . . . 3.41F. A. Robb, lot 16 blk I I .1 ........ 5,2,John C. Naaon, lo t 22 blk 113., 3.7iJohn C. Nason, lo l 23 hlk 113 . . 3.7iPnul Sholtomn. lo t 28 blk 113 . 3.7lP aul Sholtema, lo t 29 blk 113 . . 3.7iPaiiJ Sheltem a, lo t 30 blk 113 . , .1.7iPaul Sholtema. lo t 31 blk 113 . . 4.C:Pnul Shollema. lo t 32 hlk 113 . . 5.41F. A. Roaa, lot 1 blk 114 ........... 8,8JThomaB L. Dovory, lot 4 blk 114 C.7;Thomaa I.,. Dovery, lo t 5 hlk 114 6.7:ThomaB L. Dovery. lol 6 hlk 114 C.7:E arl M. KnlRht, IoU-2C. blk_114 11.&; Cbaa. Kfl»j>nr/?k, Jot 32 JJJk 31.5 . . .8.4i• A rthur Dnmmer, lot l hlk 123. 4.0:W. J, C raner. lo l 2 blk 123 . . . 30,0W. J. C raner, lot 3 blk 123 . . . 3.HW. J. C raner. lo l 4 blk 123 . . . 3,11E. D, F lelcher. lo l 10 blk 123 . . 2.6:E. n. Flolchcr, lo t 11 blk 123 , , 2.6:E. B. Floichor. lo t 12 blk 123 . . 2.G:K. n. FJelrber. Jot-13 blk 323 . . 2.0.8. A Dlckoy, lo t 34 blk 123 . . . 2£:T. P. W araor. lo t 15 b lk 'l23 . . . 6,0Oeorgo L. Evctllh, fot 16 blk 123 J3.2iJohn P. Whilo, lo t 9 blk 125 . . 2.9John Dalllngor, lot 12 blk 135 . 4.3 Jam es n tiR o ro ld , lo t 2 l) lk 127^ 8.1Robert McCollum, lo t 1,0 b lk 128 ' 8.4noliort McCollum, Jot 11 b lk 128 32.3Mary Scliooler, lo t 3 blk 58 . , 3.4Theo. T. Davis, lo l 12-blk 58 . . 5.0Thoo. E. DavlR. lot 13 blk S6 . . 6.0Theo. T. DnvlB, lo t 14 blk 58 . . 5,1Theo. T, DavlB. lo t 15 blk 58 . . 5,1

* B nbi lU IghU . ’A. n . H uston, l o t l , t ^ ' 4 . . . . . . 1.9A. R. HUBton. lo t 2 Clk 4 .......... 1,9A. n . H uaton, lo l 3 b lk 4 .......... 1.9

.McColIam’s XddlUon. .?. H.-C._Ocir, lo t 1 blk 1 ............... 3--1 J . W. Cravon, lot 1C i :i T. M. RobortBOn, lot 15 blk 4 . . . 1-5 r ; m . Hays, lot J blk E ........... I.5 R. M. H aia , lot 4 blk 5 ........... 1.

C. 11. yJnsBt, lot 9 blk 5 . . . . . . 3.C. H. Ylngat, lot 12 blk 5 - 3.E« C. Swannor, lol fi blk C . . . 1. E. C. Sw nnner.-ist ,7 Mk fl . . . 3.

^ Wllllum’H Snbdhlslon.K JoJin A. Brown, Jot 1 .............17.3 . F iler Vniuuc.•* F ilor TowuBllo Company, lol

3 blk 1 ....................................... 5.9 F ile r Townalte Comimny. lol

5 bJk 1 ....................................... 5.1 F iler TownBlto Company, lot;• 6 b lk 1 .....................................•. 5.

F iler Townalle Company, lot■> , 7 b lk 1 ........................................ 5.‘ Flier Townsite Company, lol1 8 blk 1 ....................................... • 5,> Filer Townslto Comiumy, lot2 9 J>JJ£ 3 ................................... . 5.\ FlleV TowiiBlle Compnny, lol•i 10 b lk 1....................................... 5.

n i e r Townatlo Conipnny. Jot .‘ 11 blk 1 .................... ............... 5.> Filer TownHlto Comiiany, lot" 12 hlk 1 ...- ................................. 5.2 F iler TownHlie Company, lot - X-i bJk J ....................................... 5.2 R, 1„ Turnlimeed, lot 127 blk 7- ..................................... 4.J J, K. Evorott, lot 28 blk JO . . . S.

J. E. Everetl, lol U9 hlk 10 . . . 2. • Knrl S. lIoRan, lot 15 hlk 13 . . , 11. i; Knrl S. lloKan, lot 1C blk 13 . . . 11. 5 Fred Krcahfelt. lot 18 blk 13 . 11.» C. 11. Sinv-yer, Jot 1 b llL l-J ......... K2.^ ■ w n r s in n t i - n o tT i r t in i^ r r ^ - . 'r -i-i-:l . r ^ ( j I»f.llnn,.,l»l 8 hlk V 4 ......... 3.1 A. IhiciiioMne. ittrlp 90 feet. , wi<le, iKinlli of blk 28 ........... 3.

W ..P .-S h inn , lot 5 blk .29 . . . 9 .I W. P. Shinn, lol C blk 2 9 ........... 2.

W. P. Shinn, lot 7 blk 2 9 ............. 2.W. P. SJiJnn, Jot 8 hlk 2 9 ........... U.W. P. Shinn, utrlp 80 feel

‘ wide, Bouth nnd-.wefll ofbllc 29 .................y.“. ..........7.

R, II. Miller. F ile r. AcrotractH,-H)t 26 ........................... 5.

M tinjonia Subdhlslon.I- A. A. Millor, lo t 11 h lk 1 ........... 1. A. A. MlJicr, lo f 12 b l J c l ........... i.

:> K lm bcrl/ TownHltc.Mra, VJna Snvago, lot SI h lk 10

i Gom Stnto Luiubor Co., lot> 6. b lk 12 ................................. .. IG.

Goidon ^u lo Sloro Co.. lot 81 l.lk 12 ...........................'............. 5C.t Goidon Rulo Storo .Co., lot 95 ' blk 12 ......................................... .3.:J Fred GoodinR, lol 19 blk 12 \ 1 . ) Fred Ooodj7j«, lot 20 J>lk 12 \ 3. J Fred GoqdJuK. lot 21 blk 12 . . . ' l , ' } Frod GoodinR, lot 22 blk 12 . . . 1 . I W. R. Summers, lo t 18 blk 13 . 3., 5 W. R. SummcrH, lo t 19 b lk 13 . . 3; ? W. R. SummorB, lo t 20 Ijlk 13 . 3. { W. R. SummorB, lot 21 b lk 13 . 14.i 1 Ruth A. W ilkins, lo l 17‘b lk 17 } Ruth A. WJJkJns, lot 18 bJk 37 ; Ruth A. W ilkins, lot 19 b lk 17

Ruth A. W.llklno, lol 20 b lk 17 ;. { T. ahumnkor, lot 12 blk 2 1 ' . . . 2;, I T. aiium akor, lot 13 blk 21 . . . 2.'J J. E. StnploB, lot l .hlk 2 4 ......... 1.i J . 'E . a tap les, lot-2 blk 2 4 .................. :i J. E. StnplcB, lot 3 b lk 2 4 ..................7 W. E W arncldorff, lo t 39J b lk 23 .......................1.1i A. IJ. StovonBon, lot 7 blk 29 . . 2.: r C. E. nrotfkB. lot 9 blk 29 .... 2,: J H. D. MaBalo, lot 10 blk 30 . . . l.ii I. C. Modloy, lot C b lk CO.................... i’ I. C. Medley, lo l 7 blk 6 0 .................... i5 T jlc r»8 AddlUon.:::^. E. F .'Sk inner, tot 1 . .................H.;

Tylor Brothers, lo i 9 ................. 4.iI Bnrrlnffloa’s SubdhW on. '.

II. W. Wilson, lot 9 ' .................. 3.1 J . F. Shubort, p n rt S.E. 1-4

1 S.W. 1-4 sec. 21. twp. 10, ':) rgc. 18 ....................................... : 21.i!) Hnnscn T onnslte .J Hnnson Townslto Company,3 lo t 1 blk 1 .......... ............................r Haaecn Townslto C om jiany,'i lo t 2 blk 1 .......................................5 Hnnson TownBlto Company,3 l o f 3 blk 1 ......................... ..i H ansen Townaltc Company,5 — bl k 1 .............: ........................j H ansen Townaito Company,5 lo l 5 blk 1 ......................... -..

Hanflcn Towoalte Compony,3 lo t C blk 1 .............................

Hanson TownsUe Company,3 lo t 7 blk 1 .......................................

Hanson TownBlto Company,J lo t 8 blk 1 .......................................

Hanaen Townalte Company,3 lo t 9 blk 1 .......................................I Hnnscn Townsite CofDpany,j lot 10 blk 1 .......................................r. Hanaen Townalte Company,’1 lo t I I blk 1 ....................................... Hanson Townalte Company,

1 lo t 12 blk 1 .......................................i> Hanson Townfllte Companyi1 lo t 1 b lk 2 .......................................", HaoBCQ Townslto Compaaj*,i lo t 2 blk 2 ........................................5 Hnnacn Townaltc Compaay,3 lo t 3 blk 2 .......................................il H ansen Townslto Company,9 lo l 4 blk 2 .......................................? Hnnscn Townaito Company.1 lo l 5 blk 2 ........................................I Hansen Tffwtrfilfo Com pany,'3 lo t 6 blk 2 .......................................5 H ansen Townslto Company,; lot 7 blk 2 . ; ...................................3 Hnneen Townaito Compnny,r, lo t 8 blk 2 .......................................} Hnnscn Townslto Compnny,5 lo l 9 blk 2 .......................................; Hansen Ton’oslto O ompaaj,I lo l lO b lk 2 .......................................J Hanaen TownBlto Company,I lot 11 blk 2 .......................................L H ansen Townslto Company, ,5 “ 1 s r 12 -2- :J Hnnacn Townslto Comfiony,i lo t 1 b lk 3 ..............................; Hanson TownsHo Cosipapy, .i lo t 2 b lk 3 ............................. .3 Hanson Townslto ComDOoy, ■3 lo t 3 blk 3 .......................................S Hanson Townslto Company,3 lo t 4 b lk 3 ......................3 Hunson TowdbIIo Company,4 lo t B blk 3 .......................................0 Hanaea Townslto CompODy,r, . lo t C blk 3 ■...................r, H anson Townslto Company, '4 lo t 7 b lk S .......................................Q H ansen Townsltt) Company.4 lo t 8 b lk 3 .......................................8 Hansen Townnito Company,0 lo t D blk 8 .......... ............................0 Hanson TowssJto Company,0 lo t 10 blk 3 .......... ............................0 Honsoa Townslto Company. -

lot 11 blk 3 .......................................H ahson.Toffoslto Company.

0 , lot ,12 blk 3 .......................................0 Uansen Townslto Company,

lo t 18 blk 3 ............................

Hansen Townsite C om pany,. . '5 lo t 14 b lk 3 ............................. .38;5 Hanson T o w ^ lto Company,;5 lo t 15 blic 3 ’. ........................... .36.| Hnnflon to w nslto ' Coinpany,:l lo t 16 blk 3 ............. .36.7 Hnnson' TownBlto Company.7 ,Io i 17 btlc 3 ...................... .3fl‘.1 lianBon Townslto Company,

lot 18 b lk 3 .......................................30 •Hnnaen Townaito Company,

. lot 19 blk 3 .......................................30>' Hajisen To\vnBlto Comjtany,

lot UO hlk 3 . . . 1 ...............................30Hansen Townalte Comimny.

13 lot 21 Uik . 1 .......................................35Hansen Townsite Comimny,

13 lo t 22 hlk 0 .......................................36Hiiniien TowubUo Comimny,

13 iot 23 blk 3 ......................... ... .36IlajjHeij Townsite Comimny,

13 lo l Ul hlk :i .......................................35llunuen Townalte Comimuy,,

;-l ' tot J blk 4 ■.............. .'............ 3.C9naniien 'Vi*wnniU‘ Company,

;n lol 2 hlk- 4 ............................. 1.59Hanson Towunlte Comimny.

13 ■ lot :i hlk 1 ............................. 1.C3W. S . Roao. lot 4 hlk 1 V......... 1.C6

;•! Hiiuflon T dwubUo Coinjiiiny,: lot 5 hlk 1 ............................. l.CG

H.-ifij/c-n Toivjjsltc- CoJii|««J)'.lo l fi hl|c 4 .......... ................ .. 1.6C

;;i ilanaen Townalte Company,lol 9 l.lk 1 . ............................. 1.63

Hanaen Townaito Compuny,lol 10 h lk 4 ............................. 1.C3

I H nnlen Townsite Company.t;s lot 11 hlk 4 ; ■ i.63;-i Hansen ,T-o«'nKl(e C«Hil«in>’,;3 lo t 12 hlk 4 ............................. 1.G3:o non W allon, lot 13 l.lk 4 .................... 78,3 . lL_^V:.SmlUu^loi. U -1- ^ •-

;r, Hnnwii Townslle Comimny,15 lot 17 hlk 4 ' .......................................64,3 Hnnscn TownHlto ComimHy.,3 lo t 18 hlk 4 .......................................5413 Hnnacn Townslle Compnny.

. lo l 19 hlk 4 .......................................6-1Han«en Townalte Company.

,3 lo t UO hlk 4 ........................... .64Hnnson Townalte Compnuy,

10 lo t 21 hlk 4 .......................................C8Ilitnnen Townslto Comimny,

lot 2U hlk 4 .......................................64HanHcn Towimilo Company.

lot 23 hlk 4 .......................................«Hansen Tow„Bilo Company.

7 lo t U4 blk 4 .......................................68HnUBon Townslto Compnny,

,S lo l 1 hlk 5 ............ .............. .. * .GOHnnson TowwhHo Compnnjv

,2 lo t 3 hlk 5 . . . - ........ ........................GOIlnnsen Townallo Compnny,

,9 • lot 4 hlk 5 .......................................COlO Hanson 'l\>wnsite Compnny.lO lot 5 h lk 5 ............................. ■ ^60-0 Hnnson Townslto Compnny. " *,0 lo t 6 blk 5 .................; .......... .GO0 Hanson ToTrnsJto Company,,0 lot .10 blk 5 .......................................COlO HtmBcn Townslle Compnny,,0 lot II lilk 5 .......... ■........................... 60II Hnnscn Townslle Company,,1 lo t 12 hlk 5 .......................................GO1 llnnnen Townslle Compnny. •,1 lot 1 hlk 6 .......................................43'3 Ilnnsen Townsito Conjp.ony,,1 lot 2 hlk C ............................. ' .43'4 ilnnsen TowubUo Company,1 tot .1 blk 6 . f ...................................431 I-IanBcu Townslle Company.

lot 4 blk 6 .......................................436 Hanaon TownsUe Company.0 lo t 5 hlk 6 ...................................43fl Hnnscn Townslte-Company,7 lot 6 hlk 6 ........................... .. . .438 Hnnaen TownsUe Company,8 l o t - 7 tilk 6 .......................................43

Hansen TownsUo Company.' . lo t 8 Wk 6 .............................. -.43y ttan sen TfownBlto Company,2 lol 9 blk 6 .......................................43

Ilanaen Townslto Company,9 lo t 10 bllc 6 .......................................43

Hnnscn Townfllte- Company,lot n blk G ....................................... 43

5' Hanson Townslto Company.lot 12 blk C .....................r>. . .43

Hanaon TownsUo Company,3 lo t 13 blk 6 ........ ..............................43

Hnnson TowdbUo Compony,3 lo t 14 blk C . . . ; ..................... - .43

llan scn Townaito Company,3 lot 15 t)lk C ..............................• .43

Hansen Townaito Company,3 lot 16 blk C ...................................... 43

H ansen Townslto Company,3 101.17 blk 6 ...........................43

H ansen TownsUo Coinpany,3 lo t 18 blk 6 .......................................43

Hansen Townfllte Company,. .3 lot 19 blk 6 ..............................• .43

Hanson Townsito Company,3 lo l 20 blk G .......................................43

Hansen Townslto Company.3 lol 21 blk 6 .............................. .43

Hanaon TownsUo Conipany. -,3 lo t 22 blk 6 .......................................43

HanBCn TownsUo Company,3 lot 1 blk 7 ........................... ; .60

Hanson Townslto Company,3 lo t 3 blk 7 .......................................60

Hanson Townsito Company,3 lo t 4 blk 7 ............................. ,.80

Hanson TownaJto Conipany,3 lo t 5 blk 7 .......................................60

H anson Townslto Company,3 loC « blk 7 ............................. ■ .flO

H anson Townslto Company,,3 lo t 8 b lk 7 .......................................60

HanAcn Townslto Company.,3 lo t 9 bWc 7 .......................................60' H anson Townslto Company,

,3 lot 10 blk 7 .......................................COH anson Townslto Company,

;3 lot 11 bJk 7 .......................................60• H anson TownsUo Company,

13 lot 12 blk 7 ................. : .......... .60H ansen TownsUo Company,

13 lo t 1 blk 8 .......................................54H nnscn Townsito Company,

13 lot 2 b lk 8 ............................. .54Hanson Townsito Compnny. f

13 lot 3 blk 8 ................. i t .................G4H ansen .Townslto Company.

13- _ lo L _ * ..b lk _ £ _ ^ . ^ . . . .64Hnnson Townslto Company, .

!6 lo t 5 blk 8 .......................................54H ansen TownsUo Company,

16 lo t 6 blk 8 ................... ................... 54H ansen Tovm slto Company,

is Jot 7 Wk 8 .......................................C4Hanaon Townslto Company,

16 lo t 8 blk 8 .......................................54Hanson Townslto Company, . .

16 lo t 0 blk 8 ........................ 54Hanaen Townslto-Company,

16 . l o t 10 blk 8 ....................... . -.54Hanaon TownsUo Company,

Ifl -lo t 31 Wk « ........................... .. ..SiHanfton -TownsUo Company, • ,

}6 lo t 12 b lk 8 ............................ .. . .5^Hansen Townsite Company,

56 lot 1 blk 9 . . . . ' . V . - . . . ; . . . , .60Hanson Townslto Com pany,. .

36 lo t 3 blk 9 . . . . . . . . . . r - . ' - . r . — .«0-Ilanscn Townslto Company, ■■

Jfl lot '4 bJk £> ...................................... SOH ansen Townalte Company. ,

36 lo t 5 hlk S ....................... ,L .60H aiuen TownsUo Company,

16 lo t 6 blk 9 .......................................60

B tiu s n T om U lto ComiMiqr, ' - - - lo t T -M k : « ; . . v ; . ' , . . ; . ; . . . . , .««

- B « a te tt TonmiltQ 'ComDaayk ■ -r - lo t\4 -b lk -® .60

B im f«a Towaaitft'CozapsBy, v - lo t s ' b i k . 9 - : . . ' -.60

- H nna«a-Towai{t«-Com piui)r.-,• lo t 10 Wk 9 . . . . . . U ............. .60B anaoa TownBltfl-Company, •

^ 'H anB pa T o ^ a tt® Company, - r .I - lo tT 2 -b lk ............... M

H ftaaea To w m IIo Company,. lo t 1 b lk 10 - : . . ........................... .....' H tuuen Townuto-Com pany,

lo t '2 b lk M U 9H oaeon .Townalto Company,

, lo t S W k lO ............................. I MH an son 'T ov tu ito 'C om pany , -

lo t 4 b lk ................... U 9H aw o n Townalto Company, ' •

lo t 7 b lk 10 ............... . 1.60Hon<oa Tow&Bito Company,

lo t 8 b lk 10 ........ ................. 1 .G6HoDBoa Townslto jCompany,

lo t ff W k .io ........ . i.coH anson T owqsUo Company,■ lo t 12 b lk 10 .............. l.fio

H anson Townalto Company, .lo t 13 b lk 10 : v . i . . . ............. • .96

- SaasOQ-TownBlto Compahr,. lo t 14 b lk 10 .................\ . .SS

H anson Townslto Company,lo t 15 blk 10 ........................... .95

H anson Townslte Compaay,l o f l f l Wk 10 ........................... , .55

H ansen Townslto Company,'lo t IT blk 30 .............. .<35

Hfineon Townslto. Company,lo t 18 b lk 10 .................................. .95

■ r H an so n , Townslto Compaay,> • lo t 19 blk 10 .................................... OC

HansQo Townslto, Compimy.lot 20 blk 10 1____ ' ,95

H ansan Townslto Company, 'lo t 21 blk 10 ........................... .95

------H iu iB fln-Iggaslto Company.lo t 22 b lk jc -rr r :r r .T r7 7 T T r— ;95

TT S5i?nrT iT innrttaree»p«ayr—----------—lot 23 blk 10 ............... .96

H anacn Townslto Compaay, .lo t 24 blk 30 . . . . ; .......... .. .95

H ansen Townfllte Company,lo t 1 blk n .......... ............................40

H anson Townslto Company, lo t 2 blk 11 ........................ ...40

> H bqsoq Tow iulto Company,lo t 3 blk 11 ...................................... 40

H anson Toim slto Company,lo t 4 b lk U ......... .40

^ H anson Townslte C om P W .W lo t 6 blk n .......... 1 ^ . . . . .40

■Hanson ;Town8lte Company,lo t 6 -'blk J l - .............................. -.40

Hanson Towaslto Company,lo t 7 . b l k a i ............................. • .40

H aasen Townslte Company,lo t 8 b lk 11 ............................. .40

H anacn Townslto Company, lo t 9 Wk 11 i ..................... .40H aaM n Townslto Company,

lo r iO blk n ............... .40H anson Townslto Company,

lo t 11 b lk U ................... ................. 40'H sason Towzislto Compaziy,-

lo t 12 b lk 11. . . . ; ................... .40H aasen Townslto Company.

lo t 38 b lk 11 .....................................40H a n so n '‘Tovinsllo Company,

lo t 14 b lk I I ....................... -.40H aasen Townalto Company,

lo t 15 b lk 11 .............................40H ozuea TowosJto Company,

lo t 16 b l k . n ........................... .40H ansoa Townslic Company,

lo t 17 b lk U ................. .40H aaaon Townslte Compaay,

lo t 18 b lk 31 ................... .. .40H aasen Townalto Company,

lo t 1 9 -b»t 1 1 ' . . . . . . V. -.40H aason Tow aslto Company,

lo t 20 W k U ........................... • . «H ansen Townslto Company,

l o t '21 b lk 11 . ; . . ; .T r .- ; - r r . .— - .40 H aasen Tow aslte Compaay,

lo t 22 Wk 11 ......................... .. • .40H anson Townslto Company,

lo t 2 3 'b Ik U ................... • .40H ansen Townslte Company,

f lo t-24 b lk 11 ............. .40H aason TowasUo Corapaay;. lo t 3 b lk 1 2 " . ; ........... .80H ^ e n Tow nslte Company, •

lo t 4 b lk 32 ..................... .. ■ .6ffH anson T ow nslte Company,

lo t 6 b lk 1 2 . ........................... .60B aason Tow aslto Company, -<. lo t 6 b lk 12 .............. .60H oasea Townslto Company, .

lo t 7 b lk 12 .............•.......... .95H onsea Townslto Company, . ' ^

to t 8 b lk 12 ......................... . .^0H ansen T ow nslte Company,

lo t 6 b lk 12 ........ .. , .60H aasen ’ T o ^ l t o Compaay,- lo^ 10 lilk i a . . 1 . . . ; ............. , .60Hdaseo T ow aslte Company,..lo t 11 b lk 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

H aaM n Townsltft .Company,: •. - lo t 13 b lk 12 ....................... .60

H ansen T ow aslte Company, --lot 1 b lk 13 ......... • -40

H oasea T ow arito Company, i ^lo t 2 ,b lk 13 ............................. .40

H sasea Towaslte. Company,lo t 8 b lk 13 ...............• .40

H aasea Townalte Compaay.l o t 4 . b l k a 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . -------- .40

H aasea Tow aslte Company, - '•lo t 5 b lk 1 8 . . . . . , ; ...........................«

Haaaon Tow nslte Compaay,lo t 6 b lk 18 ............................. - .40

Hftnsoa Tow aslte Compaay, .■ lot-7-’-bllC13. ............................. • - 'O

H aasen T ow ailtb C om paay,~ —lo t 8 b lk 18 ............. . .

H aasen Townslte Company,.- .•Jot-9 Wk 38 ............................. .40

H aasea Townalte Compaayr^lo t 30 b lk M -------------------------

H aasen Towns le Company.-lo t l l b lk 1 3 ........................... . .<0

H ansen Town* {o Compaay,Jot 3 2 -b lk 1 3 ................... -<0

H anaen TownBlto Compaay.lot 1 Wk 14 .60

. HanBon T ow aslte Company, , lo t 2 . b I k - M V . . ; . . . . . . . , . . . . , • .60

Hanscm Toiirnslte Company, ' • ^lo t 8 b lk 14 ..................... • *«0

H ansen Townslte Company, lo t 4 b lk 1 4 . . 6 0

—:~Hanatin Townslte. C om pm y. - •

■ Ilttason ToiftialU Company, .l o t ' . « . b l k i f ........... .';.«0

H aasen T o w u lle Company, .lo t.J . b lk ....................................... .. -fiO

. Hanseo Teifaall® Compaay, . .■ :lot 8 b lk -M . ; ^ . , . . . . ................

' H ansen-.Tbim slta Compaay. ' .i o r j i 'b H t . i 4 - v . . . . . v . . . . . . . . -

Haasett.TOiVnBlU;Co®PP«W*; lot l.bU c 15

H ansen Townilt® Compwiy. - ■ ^■ ■ I p t .J .............. • . »

■ RaoM n Townslte Ccojpaay, ’ ' . • ■. . l o n f b lk-16 , .v .V ./A .

• H aasea T6wMlt#>CoiW.tt3f.•• lot 4 bUr . '•V

H aasen T o w ia l^ Company,'lo t s btt^ l B ’T ...

H ansen Townslte Compaay. •' ' •- lot 8 btk 16 .........• .soH aaaea Townslto ComDoay. -

lot 9 b i t 16 ' .60 H aasott Towaslto Compaay,.

lo t 10 b i t 15 .6 0

lo t 1 1 bite 16 •............... .60H aasen Townslte ComDany.• lo t- .............H aasen Towiislto Company, .

lo l I llllc. 16 ............. .89H anson Tow nilie CompaajV

lo t 2 blk 10 ............. ................. ,80H an so a Tawn«Uo Compaay,

lo t 8 , blk 16 . . . . . . . . . . V . . . ; ^ 9H ansen Townslto Company,

Jot 4 Wk 16 ............ ■ .89H ansen -Townslto Company,

lo t 5 Wk 16 .......... ...........................83H ansen Townslto Compaay,

lo t-6 blk 16 ...........-.92H ansoa Towoalto Compaay.

lo t 7 lilk 16 ...................... 89H nnsen TownBlto Company.

lo t 8 b lk 16 ............. 89H anson Townalto Compaay,

Jot 9 Wk 1C ...................................... 02H iu so n Townaltc Company, ^ lo t . lO ^ b lk . ie ........ .................... ,.89

lo t 11 b lk “ie . . . . '.89H ansen Townslto Company,

lo t 12 b lk 10 .5,2H aasen Townslto Company,

Jot 13 bll^ 16 .......... .. .89H anson Townslto Coinpftiy,

(lo t 14 b lk 16 .80l& nson Tow nslto Company,

H o t-18 b lk l ( r ....................... i:c6H ansoa T o v o slto Compaay,j l o t 18 b lk 16 ................ .. 1.66

H ansen Tow nstto Compaay.lo t 20 b lk 16 .................1 .6G

H anson-Townslto Company,lo t '21 bllc 16 .........

Hanson TownsUo Company, -•lot-28 '-ljlk-l6--r.-.-.-»V /.. r ,~ 4 . 6 a Hnnftcc Tow nslfn CnTnnnnv.

lo t 23 blk. 1C . . . 7 . . . .........fV— rro-Httnaon Tow nslto Company,

lo t 21 b lk 16 ........................... 1.66Hanson Tow nslto Company,

lo t 1 b lk 17 ............................. 3.66Hanson T ow nslte Company,

lo t .2 b lk 17 .............. ' ............ 1,66Hansen Townalto Compaay. - -

lo t 3 b lk 17 ; ........... i;00Hansea" Townslto Company.

lo t 4 b lk 17 . . ; ...................... 3.66Hanacn Townalto Company,- lo t 5 b lk 37 ............................ 3.06H ansoa 'T ow nalte Com'pany.

lo t T b lk 17 .99H s a t ta T ow aslto Coailiooy.

•lot 8 b lk IT .....I.......... 1.02H aasaa TowasKo ’Corijpoay.

lo t 9 b lk 17 .......................................99H ansen Townslto Compaay,

lo t 10 blk n ............................ ■ 1.02HaniKn'. Townalto Compaay.

lo t 11 blk 1 7 .......................................99Haneen Townalto Company,

lo t 12 blk 17 .....................i;02Rans«a Townslto Compaay,

lo t 13 ■ blk 17 ............................. 1.02H onw a Townslto Company.

lo t 14 b l k . n ....................................... 99H an sta Townslte Company.

lo l 15 Wk 37 ; .......................... 1.05H aasen Townslte Company,

lo t 16 blk 37 ........................... . 1.02HaBBen Townslto Compaay,

lo( 17 blk 17 ............. ............... , .09H oow a Townslte Compaay, .

lol 18 blk 17 ...................................... 99H an«oa Townslto Compaay.

le t ,IS blk 17.........................• .. . 1.02H ansoa Townslte Company,- b l k - l T............................. .. 1.02H an«ea Townslte-Cbmpany, .

l o t s a b lk I 7 > ; . . . . . { . . . i ......... ' L02R m m & Towzislte Coippaay,' ’ ........

■ lot 2 2 b lk I T ........... ........ 1.02H ftM en-Tow nslto .

lot 28 blk 17 . . . . . . ; v . . . . . ^ . - L02R aaso n Xownslta Compaay,- Jot .24 blk 1 7 ............ . i ............ 3.02H an ie ti Townslte COmpaky,

lot 1 b lk . 18'. ........... -.46Hanson'. Townslto Company,

lot 2 blk 18 .........J .................. .46Hanson Townslte Company.

lot S .b lk . 18 ..................... .46Hansel} Townslte .Company,

•b l 4 Wk 38 .46H ansen Towasllo Company,

lot 6 b lk 18 ....................... . .46H ansen-T ow aslte Company,

lot « b lk a s .......................................46H « » « a Towasllo Company, •

lot .7 b lk 18 ............................. .46H taaen T ow aslte Compatiy, ’

lot -8 b lk 18 . . . ; ............ . . . : ,46H ansea-^ow aslte Coaxpany,

lot 8 bJk 18 ........ .. .46Ba&Ma T ow nslte Company;

lot 10 b lk 1 8 ............................. .46Haowm Tow aslto C om paay ,, -.

lot 11 b lk .18 .........................VHsttBen Tdwnslto Company,. lo t 12,b lk '1 8 . . . . ; ............A9H aasea Tow aslte Compaay,

lot 2 W k .J 9 . ....................................... 46H iaaea T ow aslto Compaay, . . '

lo t 2 b lk 19 .................... .. . . .46BaiusetT T ow nslte Compaay. ).; io t s ..b ik i 9 : . . . .......................... < .46H ansoa Tow nslto CompAar, * '

l o t 4 b lk 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46H sn sea Tow aslte Compaay,^

l o t , 6 b lk l9 ........ :46H uU ea Tow aslta. Compaay*'

l o t 6 b lk 19 . . . . r . : . . . . . . ; , . .46

K & se a Tow aslta C oapaay; .4 o t 8. b lk 19 . . . . . V . . . ; ............ .46

HanM n, TownsUe Compaay* v .l o t .9 b lk 19 ................. , .4«

Uaxuea Tow aslte Company*tb t.lO Wk’ V ....................... ■

Hajisen. Townalte Compaay,l o t n b lk M ............................. .

Hazuoa T b i ^ t e Company,I b t l 2 b l l ^ l 9 .................... .. .46

HanM n TowasKa Company.IO t l;J> lk *0 . . . . . n ................. -.46

Hansan. Townalte Compaay., • ro t s b l k . ^ .46

Heouon Townalte Compaay. •• l o t 8 ‘ b lk 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48H a a s e n -T o w ^ te Company. . . . > --I 'r i ^ 9i> , . , , , , 1 , - . Sanaao'.Tow nalte Compaay, :

lo t..6"b tk .20 .......... ‘ .46H anaen Townalte .Company,

lo t S Mk":*© ,-.46H anaen T o i ^ l l e Company;,^ e t " T blfc>tt ................... . .48

H aiats& 'Tow M lta-Com paay, - .- W M h n r « ......................... .46

H ta a « n '’T o ^ t e ComwiiBC^. : - l o l i l b l k M . «

Braoscn ’T ow asita COmpmy, - .r ,T .ie t .......................................46

H a a m '.T o irn a i te ; C&mpany,.. i t • .46 H anaan T M O d te Company,

lot 8 . b l k -21 .............. .. .46

H imsea'. T ow nslte Cdaiipany.lo t 4 Wk 21 .................... .. . .46

H anaen .T ow nsW Compimy;' • -- .-r- lo t B M k - 2 1 - . . * ; . , A9

H aaaon Townslto Company,lo t 6 b lk 21 ...........................;" l .j .4 6

H ansen 'T ow aslte Company.lB t’ 7 'b lk - 2 1 * : . . .............. .. .40

H ansen Tow nslte Compaay..........• .46

H aason TownsUo Conipw yj.........r b i k 21 '- 'A i

H anaen Tow nsite Company, .lo t 10 b lk 21 ........ ................ . . .46

H oasea ' Townslto Compaay.lo t 11 b lk 2 1 - > . . .46

H anson Townalto Copipany,lo t 12 b^k 21 .................... ..................46

H ansen Towaslto Company.lo t I b lk 22 ............................. -.46

H nnson TownsUo Company, ____lo t 3 b lk 2 2 .......................................46

H ansoa Townslto Company,lo t 3 , b lk 22 .............. ........................46

H ansoa Towaslto Company.lo t 4 b lk 22 ................... .46

H aason Townslto Company,Jpt 6 b lk - 2 2 .......................................40

H anson Townslte Coiopuny,lot 6 blk 22 ......................... .46

H ansoa Townslto Company.lo t 7 b lk 22 .•.....................................46

H oasea Tow aslto Compaay,• Io t.8 b lk 22 ...............: ............ .40

H ansen Townalto Company.lo t 9 -blk 22 .................. .. .46

H nnsen Townalto Compaay.tot 10 Wk '2 2 .......................................46

H nasdn Townelto Company.lo t 11 b lk 22 .......................................46

H ansoa TownsUo Company,lo t 12 b lk 2 2 ....................... .46

H anaen Towaslto Company,lo t 1 b l k . a i ^ .................................46

H aasen T ow nslloxom pany , ,lo t 2 b lk 23 .......................... .46

H anson Townslto Company.—lDt.:3..bIk 2^......................... .46H anson Townslto Company.

H aasea Towaslto Compaay,lo t G b lk 2 3 .......................................46

H aaaon Towaslto Company.lo t 6 b lk 23 .......................................46

H ansen Towaslto Company, ’*•lot 7 Wk £ 3 .......................................46

H anson Towaslto Company,lo t 8 Wk 2 3 .......................................46

Hanson Towaslto Company,lo t 9 b lk 23 ................................ .46

H aason .Townslto Company,lo t 10 b lk 2 3 ........................ . - .46

H ansen Towasllo Company.. lo t 31 Wk 2 3 ............................... .46H anson Towaslto Company,• lo f J Z b i t 2 3 .......................................46H nnaen Townslto Company.

■lot 1 b lk 24 ...........’. r : ........... .36H ansen Towaslto Compaay,

lo t 2 b lk 24 .......................................30H anson Towaslto Compaay,- lo t 3 b lk 2 4 .......................................36

H anson Townslto Company,lo t 4 -b lk 24 ........................... .. .36

H anaen TownsUe' Compariy. “\ l o t 6 b lk 14 ............................. .36

H aasea T o w n lto Company, \V « i>fc H .......... .. \.30

H ansen Townstto Company.lo t 7 b lk 24 ............................. .36

H ansen Towaslto C om pany,'lot 8 Wk 2 * ....................................... 36

H an so n -Towaslte Company,lo t » b lk 24 .........................36

H an sen To'waslte Company.lo t 10 blk 24 ............................. .36

H ansen Tow aslte Com pany,.lo t 11 b lk 24 ........................................ 36

H ansoa TownsUe’ Company.Jo t 32 b lk 24 ............................. .36

H ansen Tow aslte Company,lo t 13 blk 2 4 .......................................36

.Banaon'Toim alte-'Com pany. .lo t 14 blk 24 ............................ . t i

H ansen -Townslte Compaay,lo t 15 b lk 24 . . ; ..................... : • .38

H ansen To^raslto Company, , lo t 16 blk 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

H anson Townslto Company.lo t 17 b lk 24 ................... .. .36

H anaen Townslto Company. -lotM 8 blk;24 ................. . .85

H anson- Townalte Company.lo t 19 b lk 24 ............................. .36

H ansen T o i^ i t e . Cdmpany.,.lo t 20 b lk 24 .1 ...................................36

H anaen 'T ow nslta Compaay.lo t 21, Wk 24 .............................. .86

H ansen TownsUe Com pany,' >-tot 22 b(lt U . . K . . ................. :iE

H anaen- Townsite. iCompany.lo t 23 blk 24 .36

H ansen TownsHo Compaay,lo t 24 blk 24 .............................. .36

H anson Townalte Company. 'le t 1 • b lk 25 ......................... .36

H ansen Tow nslto' Company,lo t 2 . blk 26 ................. •.....................36

H anben TownsUe Company. - lo t 3 bUt--26

H aasen Townsite Company,lo t 4 blk 25 .............................. .36

H anaen Townslte Company,. lo t 5 b lk ,25 ............. .36

H anaen Townalte'Copapany,lo t« - M k 26 ........... .. .36

H anson Towaislte Company. )- lo t - 7 :b lk '25 ..............................H ansen Townslte; C om pany,.,lO t 8 b lk 26 ......... .36

H ansen Townalte Compaay. -• lo t ,9 b lk 25 ...........• .36B a n w n Townalta Company,

lo t 30 Wk m ........... .T-.-r............. .36H a n a e n 'T o m a lte Company,—Io t-i^b lk -:2 6 -^v .'. ...............................36H anaen Tow nalte.Com pany,' .

lo t 32 b lk 2S .............................. .36S a n a e a TowM lte C om pany,. .' J o t 33 b lk » ............. .86H anM n Townalte Company, .-

-lo t 1 4 ,b lk 2 5 ............................. .36B«naen 'T ow nalte Compaay,

•lot,36 b lk ’26 ............. .MH anaen Townalte Company, ,

lo t M 'b lk 25 .36Hiutaen r.Townslta - Company,

lo t 17 b lk 25 .86H anaen Townalte Compaay. •: lo t 38 b lk « i . 86

H ansen i Townalte Company.lo t 19 W k . 2 6 . . . . v ; . . . , . ......... .36

H ansen T ow w lta ;Compaay. • . ' I o t 20 . b l t l 6 .86

I f ro w rT o ii^ ttf t-C o m p a n y .• l o t « b l k 2 6 ........... . . .86R an sw T o W n fita . Company,.. lo t.22 .b lk-;t6 . .*8Hana«n.TowBjiit« Company, -

bUt t t • .86B a n ^ .T c n n » a l lk Company, •

I^anaaia T o im alta i ^ p a n y , i. ,I i o t< - 4 .b J k . : n : .v . ; ^ ; . v . . i . . ; .- ...M

H a n ^ T 5 h |^ t» : - a inI - . l o r y

I b i t rH ^ B .iW n a lU .C o iA p aa r. - -V

I lo t f blk' *7- ,6j

H an aen ,Tow nalte Com'pany,• lot >- Wk 27 ..................... .61-H ab s^ 'T d w n a lte Company.. lo t M ’b lk 27 ............................. .«(

HanM n TownsUe Company,lo t A l blk( 27 .............................. ' .CO

HtfaiW H-Towaslte-Coopany,—.-:^*-. .__lot 12 b lk 2 .7 ...................................... 60Hanaen Townslto Company.

lo i 1 b lk 28 ...................................... 60Jlap8Bn"Town»Uo-Compari>’;..................^ jlo t .? v W k .2 8 ........................................COKaqaoo TawiisUe Company,

lo tJ '3 ,W k -28 ........ .60HanrfciTTownsUo Company.

lot 6 Wk 28 ............................ • .60H anson .TownsUo Compaay,

, lo l 7 . b lk 28 ............................. .60H anson Townalto Company,

lot 8 bJk 28 ............................. .60H anson Townslto Gompany.

lot a .b lk 28 ........ " .60H anson Townslto Company,

lo t 30 b lk 28 . : ..................................60H aasoa Townelto Company,

lo t ,31 b lk -2 8 ...................................... 60Hanson Townslto Company.

lo t 12 b lk 2 8 ............................. .60Hanson TownsUo Coiipany,

Jot 1 -b lk 23 ............................ .46Hanaen Townelto Company,. lot 2 b l> 28 ............................. ‘ .46H onaon-Townaito Company. -

lo t 3 b lk 2D ...................................... 46Hanson Townslto Company.

.lo t 4 b lk 29 ......................................46H anson Townslto Company,

le l B_Wk 29 ............................. .46H anson TownaUe Company,

lo t C .b lk 2? .................... ,4BHanson Townalto Company. .

lo t 7 b lk 2 9 - .......................... T - i- .4 6H ansen TownsUo Company,

lo t 8 b lk 29 ..................................... 46H ansen Townslto Comtiaiiy,

lo t 9 b lk 29 ......................................46H ansen Townslto Company,. Jot 10 blk ■SD...................................... 46Hanson Townslto Company.• tot 11 Wk 29 ............................. .<6rHafilOR 'i 'uwiiBllu Cumpouy. -------

lot 12 Wk 29 ............................. . «HanSon Tow aslto Company,

lo t 1 ' b lk 20 ............................ .36H anson' TownsUo Company,

lo t 2 b lk 3 0 '................ .................... 36Hansoti Townelto Company,

lo t 2 Wk 30 ........ ............................. 36H ansen Townalto Company,

lo t 4 b lk 30 ......................................36Hanson Townslto Company,

lo t G b lk 30 ........................ . . - .36Hanson Towasllo Company,

lo t e Wk 30 ..................■.................. 36H ansen TownsUe Compony.

lot 7 Wk 30-.............................. .36H anson TownsUo-Company,, lo t 8 blk 30 ......................................36HaaaenK.TownsUo Company;“ ' l o t » Wk 30 ............................ .30H aasea Townslto Coihpaay.

lo t ..10 blk 3 0 ......................................36H ansen Towaslto Company,

lo l 11 U k 80 ........................ . .36H anson Townelto Companyi

lo t 12 blk 3 0 ............................ .36H ansen TownsUe Company,

lo t 13 b lk 30 ............ ........................ 36H ansen TownsUo Company,

lo t U b lk 30 ................ ,.................... 30H aason Townslto 'Company.

lo t 15 blk 30 ...................................... 36H anaen Townslto Company.

lo t 36. blk 3 0 ............................. ,3«H nnson Townslto Compaay,

lo t 17 blk 3 0 ............................. .3«H anaen Towaslto Compaay.

lo t 18 Wk 30............................... • .3(H an sas Towaslto Company,

lo t 19 blk 3 0 ...................................... 3(H aasen Townstto Company.

lo t 20 b lk 30 .................... . .31H an sen TownsUo Company,

Jot 2Z TiJk 3 0 ............................. .31H anson Townslte Company,

lol 22 b lk 30 ........... .......................... 8flH anson Townslto. Company,

lo t 23 b lk 3 0 ....................................3fiH anson Townslto Company. ■

lot 24 b lk 3J1 ............................ .86H ansen Townslto Company.

Jot 2 Wk 31 ........... .36H aasen Tow aslte Company.

la t 2 b lk 31 .-:.............. . '.3fiH anson ' Townsite Company;

lo t 3 b lk -31 .............. ....................... 36H ansoa TOwnoJlo Company.

lot. 4 b lk 31 ......................... .30Hanson' TownaUe Company,

lo t 5 Wk 31 ......................................30H ansen Townsite Company,

lo t « b lk 31 .................'................... 36H anaen Townalte Company.

lo t 7 b lk 31 ......................................36H anson- Townslto C om pan)',' . ^

lo t 8 b lk 31 ...........; .........................36H anaen Townalte Company, .^ lo t 9 b lk 31 ............................. .3?H anaen Townalte Company,. Jot lO b U t.S l ......................... J 6Hanaftn Townalta Company,

lot-11 bOc 81 .................r . . . . :H anaen Townalte Coa«aay,-...-.-.-j''

lo t 12 b lk 31 . . . V r ! ? ! T . . . . . . (.50H aasen Townslte Company,

l o n ^ k Zi ............................. . .36H ansen Townalte Company,

lo t 14 b lk 81 .......................... .36H anaen Townslte Company,

lo t IS Wk 31 ...................... .3£H anaen Townalte Company,

lo t 18 b li.-3 l ..................... .36H a a se a Ttiw sslte. Company,

lo t 17 b lk 8 1 ............................. .86Hansen--Townalte Company.

i o t i $ ; W k 8 i .2tH anaen 'T ow nalte Company,

Jo t J » b lk 31 ................... .81B anaen-Tow nalte Company,. lo t JO -b lk .31 .......... ........... MB anaen Townslte Company,

lo t 2 l 'l ) lk S l ......................... .8(H anaen Townslte Compaay, \

lo t 22 W k 8 1 ................. - JiiH anaea'Tow nislta Company,

• lo t « b lk 31 ...................................... 31H an aen ‘ Townalte Company,• lo t 24rblk 81 ......................................31Hanaaik Tow nalte Company,. l o t - l ^ l k M ......................................4(HanseQ.'Townsite Company,

lo t S t t k S3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .«B anaen T ow nslte' Company.•. l o t * bUc-88 , ............ .41

H anaen.'Tow nalte Company. ~l0t~4?Plk W . . . . . . . . . V - -.41BaaaeaL T ow naile-C tapany ,

lo t K b lk :83 . . . J . , ................. <4iH a n s ^ - T o i i^ le Company,' -

l o t « .b n f 83 . .41H anaen .Townslte-Campony,- Ip t 7 b lk 8 8 . 7 . ........... .41H aaaen v T o w u lta Compaay, i ; l o t r . 8 > A n t v W i . . ; . . * . .4( B M M n ' T o ih u lte Company. . '* W '# : :b ik . ;» , ' .4<

Hahao'a Townalte Company.> - l o t s b lk 34 ............•- -Hanaen Townalte Company,I J o t . 3 W k 8 4 ............ .H

Hanaen Townalto Company,-I lo t 4- Wk 34 ....................... .. .-A. Hanson TownsUo Company.t lo t '. i b lk 3 4 ' ........ ..

Hnnson Townslto Conipany.I lo t 6 b lk 34 ....................................... i

Haason-.Townallo Company.' lot 7 Wk 34 .......................

Hanaen Townalte, Comnanv^lot « <)lk 84 . ^ . ..................... • .4

Hanaon Townalto Company.lo l .9 Wk 34 ............ ............ .. .4

Hanaen TownsUo Compaay.lot 10 Wk 34 ........................... .. .4

Hanson .Townstto Company.; lot lU b lk 3 4 ....................................... 4

. H ansen T o u ia ltg Company,lot 12 Wk-34 ..................... .. .4

Hanson Townslte Company.block A ..................................... ; 3.6

Hnnson TownsUe Company,block C ....................................... 3.6

Hnnson Townaltc Company.block E ..................................... 3.4

Hanaon Townalto Company,block F ........................ 3,4

Hanson Townslte Company,block H ........................... ............ 3.4

Hanson Townelto Company,block I ....................................... 3.4

Hanson Townslto. Company,block J ........ .............................. 3.4

Hnnson Townslto Company,block K ........................................ 3.4

Hnnncn TownsUo Company.block '7i ................................. .. 3.4

Hanaon .Townslto Company, •block J l ....................................... 3.4

Hnnacn Townslto Company,North 25 rods of tho N.W.

% N.W^^4 of fiec, 25‘IO.IH. . . 19.2 TownaJlc bf M nrtangh.

Oscar ClawBon,-lot 2 b lk I ................ G..........; M llncr .Townalte.

Mrs. J . L. RHoy. lot 2_blk A . . . .4 •P . .n .,.Ttraillnf^!n> i J) .flI. n . Porrino, lo t 8 b lk D . . .I. D. Porrino. Jot 6 W k' i t . . . 1.2I. a Porrino. lo l 8 Wk H . 1,21. D. Porrino, lo t 3 b lk K . . . *■ .fiI. R, Porrino, lo t 4 Wk ' O . . . .7C. J. Btopheason. lo t 3 Wk 2 . .7J. B. Bowor; Jot 1 b lk 4 .V___ 1.9J. a Bowor. lot 2 Mk 4 ........... 1.8Jam es M. Surglson o t nl.

lo t 3 Wk 4 .................................. l.BLawson.O. Brodloy. lo t 7 b lk 4 1.8Amelia Q. OouEfa, lot 8 blk 4 . - 1.8Jake Prltx. lo t 9 b lk 4 ........... l.«Jako P rlU . lot 10 b lk 4 ’........... 1.8M. LovJa, lot 9 Wk 6 ................... 1.1M. UW n, lot 10 blJc n ............ 1.2A. J. Henry, lot 6 b lk G ........... 2.1S usan .D .,B arr, lot 8 b lk 6 . . . 2.3C. B. Evans, lo t 3 b lk 7 ........... 1.9R M. Bordson. lot 7 W k 8 ......... 2.0Jake F ritz , lo t 9 b lk 8 ........... 2.3Jako Prllz , lol 10 blk 8 ........... 2.RMayo Evans, lo t 3 b lk 9 ........... 2.1Henry Whlto, lo t 4 b lk 9 ......... 1.9H oniy White, Jot 5 Wk 9 ........... 1.9Robert Brose, lo t 6 b lk 9 ........... 3.3Florence Syms. lo t 7 b lk 9 . . . 1.9W. J. Blakeley, Jot 8 b lk 9 . . . 2.1D. W. Davis, lo t 9 b lk 9 ...........• 2.4Paul K aruko , lot 1 b lk 14 . . . S.i MalUand B. Bnretow, lo t 3 .

, b lk IG ............................. ............ 2.t’ M. J . Sweoloy. Jot 5 b lk 15 , . . 2A, W, H. Oibaon. lo l 4 blk. 1 6 ......... I.’i' Mra. W. Kenyon. lo t 6 b lk 16 . . 1.. U e \V. Glaaa. lo t 9 b lk 18 . .. . - l . l' Roae Cartoc, lot 10 b lk 18 . . . 2.1, Mabln L. O allleher, lo t 4 b lk 19 l.i‘ A. D. Williams, lo t 7 b lk 19 . . . . 1.1, Jam es P . L ansan, lo t .9 b lk 10 2.:' P. O. OkJebeJTjr, lo t 8 -b lk 13 . . --wJ, W m. H . Woodbead, lo t 5 b lk 22 .1‘ Wm. R. Jones. Jot 8 b lk 22 . . . l.<. Scott W. Jones, lo t 9 Wk 22 . . . .1' r. B. Porrino, lo t 8 b lk 2 5 .......... l.t, I* J . Lovo. Jo fC .W k 3 6 ........... 3.:' OllTor ScboonoTor, lo t I b lk 88 .1, W. H. Gibson. lot C b lk 46 .1

i .Ovnier. • Descrlptl

B. T. Douglas 8J:,J4 B.EC. J. W ella • L ot Joe Wolls . ‘ liOt 7, Sec. 11. Lo John C, Sanborn ‘ - t<o

; Brown N.% B.E.V4, S.E.% S.ESec. 10, aW .*4 S.'W

; B. T . Douglaa S.W.% 8.WIdafio rrr . & Pow er Co. S .W .^ '8 .W

: Idabo Ir r . f t PoWer Co. S.WIdaho I rr . & Pow er Co. B .W .^ 8.W

; Lulu M. WoIJs t oTbompaon Lo

; W. B. Conklin 1.01. W, D. Conklla Lo

; U 8. V ader Lo<Wm. M. Cook N .B .ii S.W

; Wm. -M. Cook LoI . A. H erroa B.B. %8.E

; U 8 . Vadbr N JL. a . Vador • N.W.»t N .i

; L. S. Vador a w . ^ N :!L. S. V ader Lo

; Unknown ' Ix iOuy I.ommoa . S.W .?4 S J

i C lark R. N orth rnp N.W.% S.B8 .H .B o lto n • S.W .%.8.;^

1 . Leon Calboun N.W.H N.TiLeon Calhoun 8.W,% K.Vf

i M o u CalAoon ' N.'RLeon Calhoun < S .^

I Leon Cttlbonb ■ N.W;% 8.WK . J . Swoeley - a W .« N.S

I M. J . Sweeley 8.C.KM. J . BweeJay • K J L ^ &1t

( M. J . S w eeley . S J X ^ 8 .^21. S. Sweeley' . - N.W .U B.'B

t Bf. J . to o eJey aW ,% a SM .J . Sweeley 8JL % B J

I H . J . sweeley K JL tt -'NJM. J . Sweeley .. N.W.% N.B

I K J . Sweeley S .W .^ K JB£. J . sw eeley a s . K K J

1 U. J . Sweeley NJLU. N.VM .J.-Sw oeley .N.W.% N .^

I M. J . Sweeley , a w .% N .^ M .J . Sweeley . 8JB.% N .^

5 - C . W . A rth u r . .to■C. W. A rth a r - 8.W. % 81

I 0 . W. A rtbnr. . 8J1.H 8.1W. C. Poat Lol

V V era Davlaon H H lgard N.W.%^ N.'W' A. B. NelaOQ S.W.% N.VJ •A..-B.:NaIaon... i L— N. V

W. a s tn a r t r . N.B.K"B3I W. a .S t o a r t : a i. U a r io n lL U o B tU e - ' N J lU > a v 1 Kiurton H . V eB ride -K.W.%

'UarioB>,V. ‘H eM (}e , ' - a w .H I : .H arion M.^'MeBrida ' : a S J K . a ^

I S«n»onr M n a iM i, ■

. ■ H o H o tt^ .V a a a tf ■■ R W .V -W

W. t t ' 00)8on, lo t 6 bUl:'^4B’. . ; . ' . '6 A ; ^ . Oarij. lo t 1 b lk 48 . . . . . . -.71

Arcble McLellan, a ll b lk 67 . . . ' M B fitoekettra JiddJUao.g L. P , DstJs, Jot 31 .45

L. P . Davia. lo t 32 : ,46JJ L. r . Darla, lo t l | . : ............... .88

, A rtesian City.1 Unknown, lo t 12 b lk 2 .’v ,;;.. .35

Unknown: lo l l3..Wk 2 .36 'J Af»'on"-BlrOng;-lot' I ' b ik-fl •.-. ;• -‘ - .38.-

Araon S trons, lo t 2 b lk 6 ^ . . , . . . .88J F leroaco MorrJsy, lo t 13 Wk 6 . .62

Ploronco M orflsy, lo t 14 b lk 6 . .45-.5 C. Vel-o Parka, lo t 15 .b lk 6 . . . .48

'n. E. iJedley. lo t 36 b lk 6 . . . .48» C. Vero Parka, lo t 18 b lk .6 . .48

J . E. S tron*. lot 26-blk 6 ........... 1.705 P. J. Costollo. lo l 27 b lk 6 . . . J83 ’

Ooorgo Wise, lo t 2? blk 0 .................. 38} P rod Cal/all. lo t 14 Wk 7 .................... 38

J . B. Strong, lo t 16 W k 7 . .v . . . .38! J . H. Doy. lot 28 blk 7 .................... S8

.1, H. Day, lo t 17 b lk 8 ........... .88t J . H .,D ay .-lo t 18 Wk 8 ........... .38

J . H. Day. Jot 19 Wk 8 .................... 38! Artenlan Snbnrban T rac ts No. 1.

J. H. Day. South H a lf o f lo t 8 2.23'. W, E, Boers, w est b a it o f lo t 35 1.44

J . D. K ine, lo t 37 ....................... 2.G6J w . H. W earor, io f2 g r : r : ; r : r r '2 J 6

W. I-l. Boors, w est balf o t lo t 39- 2.24! J . E. Strong, lo t 46 . . . . . . . . . 2.23

J. E. Stronp, Jot 46 ___ 10.68J A rtesian S nbnrbaa T rac ts No. 4.

R .-J ; Dny, lo t 1 ................... . 2.41: R. J. Day, lo t 2 ....................... 2.41

R. J. Day. lot 3 ....................... 2.412 R. J. Day. Jot 4 ................... '2.41

R. J. Day. lo t G ....................... 2.41! R. J . Day, lot C ....................... 2.41

R. J. Day, lo t 7 ....................... 2.41R.' J . Day. lo t 8 ....................... 2.41

; R. J. Day. \oV J> ....................... 2.41R. J. Day, lo t 10 ............... G.48

J L. L. Davia c l nl. lo t 12 ; . . . . . 4.21 H ollister.

; Lucy Leo, lot 12 blk 68’ ........... • 1.90r F. W. Ruzlcka, lo t 10 b lk 75 . . . 5.48 ;• Tt )»ii< 7r., Joaoph Boatty, lo t 15 b lk 75 . . . S.20, J . A. Johnson, lo t 18 blk 7S . . . . 4.68> J. A. Johnson, lot 19 b lk 75 . . . G.48 ; B. B. W nilama. lo t 20 b lk 75 . . . 6.74

E. B. Williams. Jot 21 blk 76 . . . 7.96) L. B. SulUvan. lo t 13 b lk 76 . . . 4.93, L. B.-SulUTon. lo t 14 b lk 76 . . . 4.88

J . B. Poncbed, lo t IG b lk 76 . . . 4 J8I B. P. Hayes, lo t 18 b l k 76 ....... 4.6G> W. P. Duckott. lo t 12 b lk 77 . . . 5.48 , Howard A- Zink, lo t 13 b lk 77 . 6.48 . Mary A.. Dlobolt,_lot 14 b lk 77 8.83 5 Mary A. Dlebolt, Jot IB b lk 77 ' 3.39, 1. B. Hock, lo t 17 b lk 7 7 ........... '8.23, S. A. Johnson, lo t 20 blk 77 . . . 4.1C. J. A. Johnaon. lo t Sl b lk 77 . . . 6.63, J. G. H isbiey. lo t 25 blk 77 . . . 21.37

J. G. Hlgbley, lo t 2 5 ^Jk 7 7 . . . . 2.01 -) ChrlaUan Peteraon. lo t 33 Wk 78 *3.39, Chrlailan Petorson, lo t 14 blk 78 3.445 R. A. HoUe. lo t 20 blk 78 . . . 3.00 . R. C. Clendenln; T rustee, lot

30 Wk 90 ................................ .. 2.01C.-B.-Thompaon. lo t 3 b lk 9 l . 3.00

; C. H. Allis, lo t 1 blk. 93 ........ .. 7.13C. H. Allis. Jot 2 Wk 93 . . . . . . 6.75

, B ert NIcbol, lo t 3 b lk 93 . 2.80J C. A. McMaater, lot 3 blk 94 . . . 6.48» C. A. M cMaater. lot 4 b lk 94 . . . 4.95

J. T; Boatty, lo t 5 b lk 9 4 ......... 4.88, J. T. Boatty, lo t 8 Wk 94 . . . . . 4.05ft Bort Nfcbol, lo t 9 b lk 94............. 2.81I J . T. Ne-wbry, o t 10 blk 94 . . . 4.93 .. J . T. Newbry, o t l l b lk 94 . . . B.760 H. C. Lano. lo t 3 b lk 95 ........... 6.64rj H enry C. O attort, lo t 20 Wk 96 4.65J u g . Pbllllpa. lo t 11 Wk 95 . . . 6.480 _ Boffetaon Townslte.0 CJias. Helaey, lot 8 b lk 7 .786 ,?. B ryant, lo t 8 b lk 16 . . . . ; . .848 .C a ttl^ o td A w n slte .'4 PersttsoB P r t J t A L aad Co..8 - lot 16 b lk 8 ......... 914 Castloford Inveatm ent Co.,8 l o t . l l b lk 16 ..................... .. 41.07 '1 Castloford Investm ent Co.,8 lot 12 Wk 16 ............................. 1.47

F XAHB8.m. Sec. T w p .. Range A m t'.Vf.. 11 6 12^ I IO J I10 12 -6 12 , • 3.89.» 12 B 12 9.49-

12 6 , 12 ROO*

?4. 11 6 i r 2 8 i i% 12 • 6 12 . T.88 -

f l . « IS . *.*4J i 21. 6 18 . 2.86% 27* 6' , ,18 -.784 7 . - 6 32 8.20

. 3 7 , 6 33 2.89t 21 7. IS 1.60

, 4 21 - 7 .,1 8 U o6 84 ' 7 18 .73

H 1- - 8 W .. 1.83• 9 1 6 13 1.67.% ,1 • • , 8 IS - S J 4 . % ; 8 ' 8 - 18.U 8 8 IS i M

S . 8 l l . ^•« 8- 8 13 1.69

« 7 8 14. 1.81

‘ t . . . . r - l;?l. i r - i i '

- 1 . . 51 ■ 1-5S■S ; 9 - 1 8 . 2 .1 0X « . « ■ H • t i o•M IS » « ■ ia.00■5 4 . 1 5 ' « • n . n

■S K J “ I'f.**■«' » I t 17.M.« IS - » . . «■ . U f S•S 15. * ' » : ' M.00•ft « • :S ... 1TJ9■3f S ■ “ " v , 17.M. » 2< 9 l a '■H.M■S'. ;* 9 liT O.K 24 9 14 . 17J9■5 « S : IS , v i t S s•K « 9 « '. « «♦• , 9 . « M.00t 9 1- * 9 .17-71M : 1 9 ' U . 8JT■K . 1 . , 9 • H - H .U10 - 1 9

:> ■ ' 9 M . :•K 5 9 M . ■ U M -

• • 9 U , . v l6 .»

i t e f S i r

U i

It "t* I u ' . cSSft: « « I . u •:

■ >jOwiwr^'*-^:< • •- V - ' r - '» e e c r t ^ o n . '8 « ^ - Twp. 2U as» - " A m tH enr7>fflem toh .- .N > .% N JI.% 16 ■ « U 12J8.O .F . R oaelg . N .R K N .B .% 17 9 1< ! 20.52,.C .T .H d a e Ig . N.-W.U N.E.% - 17 » -U .- • M.52

, H a rry H .R a n y o a .■ N.E.% N.W.%. 18 8 U 17.690 . P . BonelB 8.W.% a ,VIM 18 9 14 17.99J . O. J o a e t . 8 JL K 'N.B.Vi 22 9 14 . 24.01Armoldft S.'Sraa<loB N.B.M N .W .^ 22 9 14 . 26,63A ra u ld * E . B randoa . N .W .^ N.W .K 22 9 l i ' iC S i-•WUUrd'.WhUo.-..------- .•aW ,% N.W.% . 22 , 9 . . . 14 . - . -io.GD•p. D. B radley • , 8 J l% N .W .% . 22 , 9 ^ ' ?4.01

• W .D . M llncr . N.B .% JJ.W .% 23 9 H i:7.97F . M. H a r t . . N .a % 24 9 11 S4.54 J . C.'McNlcholB N.E.% N.W.% nnd

• ' B .H 8.E.*4 N.W.% 24 9 14 2G.C5A. L. W rlgbt W .% N .a % N.W.% atad

W .^ S.B.% N.W.% 24 9 14 25.65'H elen Marcy N.W.w, 9.W.% 24 9 14 2G.0CN ath an ie l, Layno N .B .^ N.E.Vi 25 9 ' 14 23.G9Tw in P a lls Land & . -- W ater Cor N.W.^4 N.E.^4 2C 9 14 24.01HUBh a . T ay lo r ' S.E.% N.B.% 26 9 14 22.03H . B. Schoolor N .H N.B.% s;w.*4 26 9 14 14.74John LlDdatrom S .W .^ B.W.'A 26 9 14 42.49

.John Llndatrom S.B.K S .V fM 20 9 14 6G.60N. E . E llis S.E.Vi S .W .^ 27 9 14 . 29.95P .O . DavlB S.W.% S.W.Vi 28 9 14 12.92A ndA w U n d b e rs ‘ ' S.E.V4 S.W.Vi 29 9 14 12.92A. P. Gulnan N.E.% S.W.% 33 ' 9 14 , 12.92B. P. Duncan S.B.% S.E.V4 33 . 9 14 • 8103 8. P. Palrw eather S.E.% N.E.% 84 9 14 36.89B. P. Duncan S .U '.u 6 \V.«4 34 ‘ ■ 9 14 19.69 8. P . PalrwcQther N.ii.Vi 84 9 14 3B.89 R. K. Nolil N .W .'i N.fc;.14 35 9 14 29.05 R. K. Neill .S W N’.E.'A 35 9 , 14 29.05 R. K. Nclll S.E.Vi X.B.% 35 9 14 . 39.05- R. K. Neill N.K.J.i 8,E.% .35 ' ‘-S 14 29.05 8. P. Palrw cather S ;W .ri X.W.V4 35 9 U 36.89 H . C. A. Geor • N.W»< N.V?.% 35 9 14 ,47.77 5 . BJmcr Johnaon N.V/.V4 8 .W A 35 ‘ 9 14 21.86 8 . A, DIckoy S . a u 8 .W .^ .3 5 * 9 14 26.80 Roy Atwood . . . N.W.»4 SJ-J.% 35 9 14 ' 42.49C. W. A rth u r — :IrtVr2-“ 6 “ 9 IB 8.13 C .W . A rthu r *" LnU O 5 . 9 . I B 20.34C.-W.-ArUiur.. . ........... ............. 8 .. .. 15 ....................................... ...........12.1Z .C. W. A rthu r ' Lot I V S .9 16 . 8.17C .J?> -A rtliu t_____ . _______;____L o tJL 2 „ ,.6 ........ ..9 . IB 7 J2 .3. G. Blevlna N.W.Vi N.W.«4 7 9 15 9.75

■ C l ^ ^ r t h u r __________ ______ 1 ^ 1 8 9 lIT ~ 12.92,C r w r X n S u r C o tT ^8 9 15 6.69C .W . A rthu r N.E.V4 N.W.% - 8 . , 9 16 C.G8J .M . W ilks . . . N.B.% 8.W.% 8 9 IB 7.16J . M. W ilko, . N.W.V4 9-B.% 8 9 .15 7.16T5Tla F«Ua ^ an d & - - — ,' W ater Co. ’ L ot 7 10 9 3B 10.81Tw in PallB U n d & , .

W a te r Co. S.B.% .S.E.% 10 0 15 ' 8.70Bsslo Van B ruggeh B.W.% N.E.% 13 9 • 15 ' 15.03E ssie Van B ruggen S.B.% NJ3.V4 I J — 9 15 15.03Esalo V oa B r o k e n S .W .^ N.W.V4 13 9 IB 17.15E ssie Van B ruggen . B .U % N.W.^4 13 9 IB - 17.15J . R . N ew ton N X U ’N .a M 14 9 15 8.70H. O. WdodB , NJ2J.14 N.W.J4 ■ 34 9 36 30.81

* 0 « rg o 0 . Gould . 8JL % N.W.% 14 9 IB 8.13Oeorgo O. Gould - . N .B .^ SlW .^i 34 9 ■ 15 7.49Qeorgo 0 . 'Gould ' N.W.V4 8.W.% 14 9 IB ' 6.01Q eorge ' 0 .' Gould BJEl.% B .V /M U - 9 16 6.01 C. B. McNelbjr N.E. 20-

acres N Jl.% 8.B.V4 -17 9 15 - 10.40JoHn Gabriel Sm ltli S.B.V4 N.E.V4 18 9 15 8.03Jobn Gabriel Bmlth. NJ3.V4 8J>.Vi 18 9 16 7.16Jobn Oa'briel Sodlth B.B.V4 8.B.V4 18 9 15 10.57Jobn GabHel S ^ t h . N.W.% 8.B.V4 18 _ _ _ _ 9 15- 7.16

H erm an S cburger ' N.w’% 8.W.V4 18 9 16 26!cG. B. L. G reen ' • N.B.% S.W.% i s 9 • IB . : 7.16

a L. G reen « 8.W.V4 a E .% - 18 9 . 16 29.29B, L. Qrcon 8.E.V4 S.W.% 18 9 16 7.16 E . L. G reen NJ:.V4 NJI.V4 19 9 16 19.69 W. T. Sbaw . &B.% 19 9 35 26.78 B ub l'N urso ry Company N.E.V4 N.W.V4 39 9 36 83.23 P .M . H a rt N.W.% N.W.Vi 19 9 16 ' 29;95 J . H . W otencam p o t a l 8.W.V4 N.W.Vi 19 . 9 . jg 42.67 W. ,8 . Lanen* S .aV i N.W.V4 • 39 9 1 5 : 36.89 P. H . R lcf • N.E.V4. 8 JJ.Vi 20 9 15 39.85 P. H . R lcf N.W.Vi 8 .B.Vi 20 9 15 39.85 McCarty ' S.B.Vi N.B.V4 23 ‘9 . 15 10.81 McCarty N.E.Vi 8.13.14 23 9 16 ' 10.81 P . J . R iley N.E.V4 8JB.V4 24 9 . 1 6 19.26 P.,A . H alnsw ortli, N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 25 9 -IB 12.92 Jobn SlpUnfl , • 8 .W.Vi..8 .W.Vi 28 9 15 12,60 Jo b n SIpklns' 8J}.V4 26 9 ■ . 16 - ■ 8.81

.M rs .‘M. a ; M tK lnley N.WJ4 N .B 44- 36 ' 9 16 7.16Mrs. M. A .'M cK inley - a w :H N,B.% 26 - 9 35 7.16P e to r Costollo 8 .W.V4 S ^ V i . 26 ' 9 . 35 7.1TL .B . Bower ,NJJ.V4-8.W.V4 27 9 16 31.77

. L . B . Bow er - N.W.V4 S.W.Vi . 27 . 9 IB 11.77L. a Bowor S.B.Vi S.W.Vi 27 ■ 9 16 11.77L. B. Bower 8.B.V4 aw .V i 27 9 16 11.77C. A. Bower N.B.V4 S.E.V4 27 0 15 11.77 C. A.. Bowor N.W.Vi 8 .B.Vi 27 9 15 11.77 O; A. Bbwer aW .V i B E .V i- 27 9 - 15* 1L77 C. A. Bower 8.B.V4 S .aV i 27 9 15 11.77 0 . A. Bower 8 .E.Vi S.B.Vi 28 . . 9 15 ■ 25.09 H . R. WollB N.E.V4 8.W.V4 28 9 16 24.01 H .l L W ells N.W.Vi 8 .W.Vi 28 9 36 26.17 Cbas. B. Long . . S.W.Vi S.W.Vi . 28 9 15 - 43.81 H. R. WellB 8 .B.Vi S.W.Vi 28 9 IB 24.01 H. L. Voung N .aV i N.W.Vi 29 *g 15 . 26.17 H . L.’Young N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 2 9 ' 9 15 26.17 H. L. Young S.W.Vi N.W.Vi 29 9 15 27.61H .L . Young 8 .E.Vi N.W.Vi 29 9 ' 15- • 24.73 C. J . Lynch N.B.Vi .S.E.Vi 29 .9 3 G .26.17 C . J . Lynch . N.W.Vi S.B.% 29 • 9 - 36 26.17

- C . J . Lynch S.W. >4S.E.Vi 29 9 16 28.33C. J. Lynch 8 JJ .V l^ .E .V i 29 9 15 • ' 28.33L au ra N. C hurchill . N.B.Vi^J2:V4 30 , 9 ' J 6 . 26.17L au ra N. C hurchill N.W.Vi S.E.Vi 30 9--+ *36 26.37 -

. L a u ra N.'ChurchlU ' S.W.Vi S.E.% - 30 g 35 . ' 28.33L aura^N .lchurch lll S.E.% S.E.Vi 30 9 36 ' 29 06J . 0 . B o % N.E.Vi N.E.% 31 • 9 15 Zl.HSJ . G>.BQwVr S.B.V4‘ N .aV i 31 9 ' I B ' 29 05C. A. Dowtt; S.E.% N.W.Vi except wost

- • /-V . 25, foot 31 g 15 28 93O B carBdkeA ' . S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 34 9 - 35 . 28 4S •J. W. W ll l la ^ o n , Lot 9 18 g • 16 • . 37i64J. W. W Jlllairton 8.W.V4 S.E.Vi 18 9 16 • 2163W. r . M f f o k l o \ . • S.E.«4 S.E.Vi 19 9 Jg goilSWm. A. P a rs lo A ; N.W.V4 8 .E.% 19 9 jg j 7 3 j; ,Wm. A. P a rs lo w X S.W.Vi S.R14 19 9 : . 10 2463B. N. Cloyd N2i..«^HSlV4 S.W.Vi 25 3 36 21.89D. E. W yncoop N.W.V4 N.W.Vi 27 9 ' 36 17 35 0 . M. G aut N.W.% S.W.Vi 31 ’ 9 , 16 21.360 . M. Gnut S.W.Vi S.W.K 31 9 jq 24 65C. A. Rowers N.E.V4 S.W.Vi .3 3 9 16 . 2163 C. A. nowors N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 33 ’ 9 16 2163 C. A. nowcra S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 33 0 10 25 69 C. A. nowcra S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 33 9 16 2163 8 . T. Hftmllton Ix)t 4 »9 9 17 '20 09B. B. Sniilrc . S.W.Vi SE.y* 29 9 17 1245C. D. Thomaa W est 51.3 a c r is •

. S.W.Vi 31 9 17 55528 . D. P rrrino S.E.Vi N.E.»4 32 9 17 -5 09W. N. Clnrk N.W.J.4 N.W.Vi 32 9 17 4 R 71W. N. Clnrk S.W.V* N.W.V4 30 9 I 7 cc q i :W. A. Mooro K.W.»^ S.W.Vi 33 9 17 ■ 31 93I. n . Perrino I ^ t 3 33 g n 871. n . Perrino S.E.% S.E.Vi 33 9 J 7 g r 't j L n. Perrino S .W .^ S.E.V* 3 :? - ^ 9 , 9 3 15I. B. Porrino S.W.Vi S.W.’i 33 ' 9 79 r. B. P errine N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 3.I 9 17 46'.72 ' .T. G. Zollmnn Lot 35 9 . i7 I'lJI

_ J.'-C. Zollmnn.—......... , _____ __ j>_ ___._i7 _______ 4 89—I. B. Porrino . I-ot 3 3 j 9 , 37 3292I. B. Ptr;-Jno I/Ot 4 _-j./ 9 - ggaC..W . Secord I .n m 9 } ( ,Wm. N. Soco^i E. 1S.8 nrrcH of wost

. 28.S of lot r. " - 34 ■ g ,7Brannopk T. Duffy S.W.U S.W.Vi S 10 ' . o inBrannoek T. Duffy S .W .i; S.K.U o .iX \ i .Brannopk T. Duffy S.E.V* S.E.Vi 2 10 i5 o inBriyjnock T . Duffy S.E.U S.W,^4 2 10 . 1 0Em m a 0. Shamo N.E.V*-S.E.Vi n in 11 o iaFrod T. Southw orth S.E.«i N.E.U joH. T. Brldefl N .E .U N.E.Vi i-’ inThomna Cliirtou N .W .li N .E.il 12 io ,a 'E lizabeth A. DnvlB N.E.V* S.E.’ i ) 2 10 i t "Albert Hnnsen S.W .U’ N -W .'i 14 • in nGforKO O rtholl fJ.E.Vi ic in i r * ftt .OeorKo Orthcll S .W .i; S.E.U 10 10 ^3 « ,.T. C. Pfrnny ,■ • S.E.U ' 2IL 10 n in nBonJnmln nresBol N.W.Vi NMC.U 21 • 10 . A i l n,

. Benjamin nrcBsol S.W.Vi N.E.U in .. i i r iJ . G. W aters N.E.Vi S.E.’ i nJ . G. W aters SE.^^ S.E.U 21 . 10 13 13 51

Owner. . ^J>e•enpllalU .'rb•a;•.'' >■ 0 . a H ess '- - . 'N .w v i N.w .i«:.'-2a>

0 . B. Hess- . • • • S.W.Vi N.W.Vi;' 2 3 . - IO- - ♦■'18; , 8.9'0 . a H ess ; a a v i N.W.Vi 2 2 - : lO . - . i s • . 9.8‘Chns. W. WIlklnBon'^; ’.N .E V iaW .V i 22 10 18Chas. W. W ilkinson; N.W.% a w .v i 22 ; . 1 0 . - ' ' 18 ' 9.9'J o h n A E n g le . W.V4N.aV4 -26 - 1 0 - 1 8 'E. A .D cJbraJl • N.EV4 N.B*?4 ' 28 10 18 - - 36.2<

, E. A. D elbrall SJJ.Vi NJI. Vi 2 8 . 30 . IS 1D.»J lm o s t .P ._Sm Ith .. - . . ,N.E.Vi , K .EJ4 3 8 . . . . . .1 8 . . 1 . .E rn e s t P . Smltlx • . 8.E.V4 NJLVi 33 : 10- 4 3 •'*UIJobn Dlmond •- aE.V i S.B.V4 83 - 10 18 ' .20.8-

. T. B. Scljw am . . ....5.-. N .aV i S.W.V4, , 8 5 ' . - . . - 10 ' 13 , . \ , i e . O :.T .E .8 c b w a r z • .S.B.V4'SrW;2 8 5 ' , , , 1 0 . 13 • • lS.2:T .C .JV rlg b t ,- • ’ - . - 'N . B.V4 8JJ.H .2 - * W \ ' - 3 B ; PEd. L. B racke tt V SJ:.Vi N.W.V4 - 3 - 1 0 . : I* : '. . ' i l c iWm. N. C lark - ; N .aV i N.B.Vi •* . 1 0 - .14 . -1 4 .5W m .N . C lark N.W.Vi N.B.V4 • 4 10' ,14 • -32.9:A .H . P redenhagon aV 4 S.E.Vi S.aV4 4 . 10 . U • 6.61B . J , Sm ith , N.W.Vi N.W.Vi . 6 10 . 14 4.6 E. J , S n J i t f - ” ' - - .S.W.Vi N.W.Vi ' 6 . 10 14 0.3: E. A, P C I ^ “ N.W. ViS.ftVi- - 6 10 , 14 T.liB . A. Poar^e . aw .V i 8.E.V4 • 6 10 14 7 ii H .T . B ribes -N.W.Vi N.W.Vi, 7 • ' 10 14 U.3 P rod-T . Southw orth v a w .V i N.W.Vi 7 10 - 1 4 ‘ Ufl: R uss W. A llrod ; N.B.’A N.W.V4 8 - 10 . 1 4 12.§: Rubs W. Allred ' 8.E.V4 N.W.Vi 8 10 14 - . 12,9;0 . E. Inbelsby N .aV i N.W.Vi 10 10 14 4 .0'.C. E . Ingolsby NjW.Vi N.W.VI 10 10 . 11 81.91 M argaret M ort*n aw .V i N.W.Vi 10 .10 14 -86;8i M argaret M orftn 8.E.Vi'N.W.Vi ^ 0 • 10 14 36.81 A. B. C ham berlain K.E.V4 8JB.Vi 10 10 ' 34 31.4< A. B. ChomboYlaln N.W.Vi S.B.Vi 10 10 14 ' • ' 21.81 A, B. Cbnm borlaln' ‘ S.W.Vi S.B.% 10 10 14 .21.81 P. 8. M arshall . N .aV i S.W.V4 11 10 14 89.81 M. R. -Godfrey N.W.Vi N.E.% 13 . ' 30 14 . • 58;31 M. R. Godfrey - aW .Vi N.E.Vi- 18 30 _:.14 • .3B.81 Thomas C linton , ,• N.EVi-8J).>4 ' 13 , 10 • 14 . 21.81 Thomas C linton ■ S.E.Vi S.B.Vi 13 10 l i 31,11 n . D. See . , N.W.Vi. a a Vi' u 1 0 . . 1 4 . . . ;24,o; R. D. SCO .N.E.V4 S .a>4 14 . 1 0 14 84.7^P ran k Knox , 8.W.V4 N .a V i" 1 7 ‘ --------W------ ------ J t ' 14;B;H arry F i s h o r ----------- ^W .V4-N,W .V4 • 17 ---------10------------14^^------- r-14*H arry F ish er S .aV i, N.W.VI 17 ' 10 . 1 4 , ' 14,51

jOficar W arble ; N.B.M S.W .H, 17 ^ 30 3 < _ - _ I « .6 ;O scaf'W arblo ■ ' ' W .W :2^?P.V4 17- ' 1 0 ------------- VU : 'M.6IOesBlo Dolond . 8.E.Vi S.aV4 17 10- . 14 - 184!c : A. M a rsh .................... ; u .E.V i..N .aV i 10:- ' . ' :10..................... U '12;6iChas. W. Young . ■ N.E.V^ aB .V i 20 10 .34 : 14.6:

“Ohas. W. Young------ — 20 J4.B(E dw ard J . Smltli N.W.Vi 8.W.Vi 20 -1 0 14 7,31E dw ard J . Sm ith NJ!.V4 a W .J i 2 0 . 10 U .7.3!E dw ard J . Sm ith / S.B.V4. 8.W.V4 20 10 . 14 • 7.31C larencc ProYlns ... N.B.Vi NJXVi ,21 , 10 14 . ; W.2iC larcnce ProTlna . X W .V i N.B.Vi 21 10 M . ‘ 19.2iC larcuco P rovina ' ,.fl.W.»4 N .a v t 21 - 10 14 19.2(Clarouco ProvlzA 8JIV4 N .aV i 21 10 ’ 14 19.2iC arl M. P rovlns " N a V i N.W.Vi - 2 1 ’ 10 14 13L3:C ari M. P rovlns N.W.V4 N.W.Vi 21 10 14 13.3:Maud ProvlnB - N .aV i aW .Vi 21 10 ......... 14 .13,9:M aud'.Provlns -K W .V 4 a a V l '21 10 . ,14 : l?.6iMaud P rovlns . * S a V i S.W.Vi 21 '1 0 14 18.9M aud.P rovlns aW .Vi S.B.V4 21 10 14 17.6'Robort A, B am oU ler ■ N.B.Vi NJB.V4'- 2 0 - 10 , . 14 26.61R obort A. B am e ttle r aE .V i N.B.V4- 2 2 ' 10 14 , 24.0:H ugh JonoB S.W.U aw .V i 2 2 ‘ 10 l i - W.8JL au ra a Harvoy . N.B.Vi aW .V i,. 24 . 10 14 23.2;U u r a B. H arvey N.W.Vi aw .V t 24 , 1 0 -1 4 : 22.4:P o m N. W right N.W.Vi . 26 -10 14 21.«;Jam es B. S toats N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 27 , 10 - 14 . 12.6:C. E. Campbell ‘ aW .Vi. a a V i ', 28 10 14 17.6-E. W .G arro y • N.E.Vi S .aV i 28 ' 10 - ' 14 ' ' 21.6;■E.W .O arvey 8.B.Vi 8.B.Vi 28 10 , 14 . 21.6-J.^A;-Cauch------------------ N .R ’A ......... 10 • - > '- 1 4 --------Dolbert A. Snodc N.V4 S a V t- 80 30 14 , 25.4iAnna .H. K ing . N.E.>t N.E.V4 32 10 1 4 ' 12.B(A nna H. K ing . - N;W;Vi N.B.V4 32 , 10 14 12.61Thos. A lw orth’ SJL Vi8J).V4 33 30 14 - , 36.81A. N. H erbert N.E.>A S.E.Vi .33 , . 10 l i 20.8O rlandor H ess .S.W.Vi N .aV i 34 30 - - , 1 4 - 13.2;

‘ O rlandor H ess 8.B.Vi NJ3.Vi- 34 10. 14 ' 38.2:P. M. H ayes e t o l N .E % N.W.Vi SS ■ 10 14.. -• • .«4.«iP . M. Hhyes ot a i - N.W.% N.W.Vi 85 - 10 14 2f.O:P . M. H ayes o t a l a a V i N.W.Vi 36 ,1 0 14 , , 12.9!P .M . H ayes e t a l •S.W.Vi N.W.Vi- 35 ‘ W . 14 - ■ . 8XP , M. Hayes ot ftl - -:8.W.V4 8.W.V4 85 10 14. “ 21.6'

•P . M. H ayes c t a! , N.W.Vi 8.W.V4 36 _ 10 14- ' r 21.6:0 . W .-Co* S.W.Vi S JlV i 36 10 14 , U lC arl Stanley 8.W.V4 N .aV i 1 10 16 1«;3IC arl Stanley ' S a V i N.B.Vi 1 10 - IB - . 36J1J . M. Durfee. 9 .a-% N.aV 4 and 7 acres- ,

n o r th 'd f R a ilroad In N a V ira a V i; 2 10 21,71J . J . Thiel N .aV i NtW.Vi; 5 -^30 16 -71.81J . J . T h ie l. • S.E.Vi.N.W.Vi 6 10 .- IB - 49,01J. A. Jacoby 8,W.Vt-NJXVi 7 10 35 18.8'C. B. Schroeder N.E.V4-N.W.Vi . 7 — 10 1 6 ' -.58,81C. T . M cDerm ott N.W.V4 N;W.Vt- 7 . ' 10 15 48.B. E ather W right c t a l N.W.Vi'-N.B.Vi

except 12.97 acres In N.W. (iomor : :antl 7.03 acros Jo S.W. co m er . 8 10 IB 20.01

*T. a Hownrd N .W .-12.9U ut0H -bf . .N.W.V4 NJl.Vi 8 - 10 15 . 11.11

Wm. Doll N .aV i ,N.W.Vi 14 10 ISWm. Bell a a v i N.W.Vi 14 10 • • IB 16.81A. J. M ills 8.aV « :M .V i 17 10 15 2.71 H . a WlIklnBon o t al N.W.Vi aW.V4 17 . 10 . • ISrv 10.81 H. R-rWilklnBon c t a l S.W.Vi aw .V i. 17 ‘ 10 15 10.8i M. N .,B uck N.E.V4 NJSLVi 20 . 10 , 16, 4.61 A n d l J.-M ills N.E.V4 N .aV i 21 10 ,16 \ • 12.31

. M. N. Buck N.W.Vi N.W.V4 * 21 10 IB ' .. 6.71WTA. Cooiror . S.W.Vi! N .aV i 22 10 16 14.0J . A; Cooper N.aVi.* a 22 10 IB, '.24.1'J. A. Cooi>er - N .W .V l-a a i i - - 22 , 1 0 , 15 -17.6:w . A. Smllh • s .w .v 4 ^ aa .^ i 22 .- . 10 . i s . 24.0W. A. Smith • S.E.V4 a a V 4 22 10 16 25.5'JVlctor E rickson N.E.V4 N;B.Vi 2 4 - 1 0 15 . 14.9-V ictor E rickson S.E.Vi N iaV i •. 24 10 16 W.81E. J. Burbank N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 24 . 10 35 ' 25.61B .J . Burbank S .aV i N^W.Vi 24 10 35 - 28.71E .J . Burbank , S.W.Vi N.W.Vi', 24 30 . 16 • 31,91 J. P . Stoutonborgoc N.E.Vi aW .V i 24 10' IS , I tS i J. P. S toutenberger S .a w aW .^4- 24 10 IS 18.91 J . P. Stou'tonbergor • N.W.Vi S .aV i • 24 10 15 17.6: J . P . Stoutonbergor S.W.Vi S .aV i 24 10 15 - 17;6: Efflo Cloward N.W.Vi a a % 25 . 10 IS . 28.7( F^tlo Cloward S.W.Vi S.aV4 25 10 • 15 28.71 H. a Green S.W.Vi S.W .Vi'and- _ . • .

N.W.Vi S.W.Vi S. of-Canal 27, ' 10 15 18.3'H. a Oroen . -S.EVi aW .V i , 27 1 0 ' IS 9.3:Edward J. Smith N.E.V4-aE.Vi .28. 10 , , 15 : 8.7:Edward .T. Sm ith ’ . N.W, S.B.Vi .2 8 10 ,15 12.31HuBh M iller N.E.Vi S.W.Vi 30 10 15' 20.01 John L. H arris S.V4 a a V i

nboveicanal 32 .10 15 3.1-Edw ard A. Smith N.E.Vt--N.B.Vi ' 83 10 15 12.31Edw ard A. S m ith . s a V i NJIV4 33 ,10 15 12.31Edward A. Sm fth N a V l ^ a a i i 33 . 30 25 22.31E dw ard A. Sm ith N.W.Vi a a V - 88 10 ' 15 . 12J iEdw ard A. Sm ith S.W.Vi 8 .aV i .,.88 10 15 12.31Edw ard A. Smith 8.E.Vi a a V i 38 10 15 12.3!Smith & Green N.W.Vi N .^V 4 84 10 15 ' 12.71SmUh & Groon N .a*4 N .aV i 84 ., 10 35 30.6;Sm ith & Green • N.W. ViaS.Vi 84 ' 10 35 .. . 10 ,6:Bmlth & Oreen S.E.Vi N .aV i 84 30 16 10.6;Sm ith & Green N.E.Vi N;W.Vi 34 - 10 35 lO.C:•Smtlh & Green . N.E.V4 B.JBM -34 30 3B 10.0!Sm ith & Green 8.B.Vi N.WVi 84 10 15 10,6:S m i th * Green 8,W.V4 N .W .Ji 34 10 IB- 10.6:Bmlth & Greon S.W.Vi N.W.Vi 26 10 15 ,10.6:Sm ith & Green 8 .aV i N.W.Vi 36 10 - 15 • 10.6 :H. a Orcon N.W.Vi 8.W Vi 35 10 15 14.0’

- H S G reen . ■ N.E.V4 b M M 35 10 , 36 14.0’-S m S u & Q r fc n J _______N .aV i e.B.Vi 36,. 30___ ____ 10 .6 :

Sm ith & Green- lOTTVJ'B .aVi . 46. "1 0 r e "^1 0 3 :Sm i r & Oroen - • 8.W.V4 a a V i 3G ' 10 15 10.^S h & Green S.E.V4 S ^ - J i - 35 , 10 . 15' , ' 10.6;E V Borg N .E .^ a a V i 36 ■ 10 15 l.e'E V Berg N .aV i N ^ .* 4 26 30 IB - l,fl'j ; D . Mo>-or N.W.Vi a V .V i. 36 10 3 6 - 4.9Idaho F n i l t & Llvo Stock • 'T o . N.W.Vi a.W.-Vi 2 10 3G 36.8!

W. L. H uffm an N,W.% N.W.Vi B 30 ' 1 6 • -56.2.Tai NollBon N .aV i 8.W.V4 6 10 IG , 42.4

NellBon ' S.E.Vi N.W.Vi B 10 1 6 ' 42.4Vl" or P e ^ S.W.Vi N.B.«4 6 10 16 44.1C A Vlnlng N.aV* N.W.Vi 0 ... 30 • 16 • 36 4c :A .V ln ln B ■ S.E.Vi N^W.g 6 10 • - 30* , 17.8,E lm er W. H nrdln • S.E.V4 N .E.Vi. -t . .

South of R. R .'ex cep t 60x165feot ea st en d , , 8 10 16 6i6

• V lrcin la C. Hancock N.E.Vi N.ll.Vi, 0 10 • 1 6 . • ’ 11.6II J Currjr N .a>^ S.E.V* 10 10- 16, ' 88.2

■ H J C urry 'v • N.W.Vi S.B.U 10 10 . 1C • '• 3S,B H J c u r ry S.W.Vi 8 .a % 10 1 0 - ;J« ' -*-3f?.4 H -J C urry S.E.Vi 8.B.V4' lO . ' 10 - '1 6 81,1,

iL ^u iM aS piaw ia• , ' : 'U - 'a s .H :N .is .% 'l l 'W .R -^0|iciui; 12 10 ^ iff . ; i', ;.>-I8.8|;-’C tU o.m m er/i:-.: W .% -N:W ;V4;N:^ 18 . 10 - l» . 'v-'ylO .ttv

vH*riy.'L.^P*l>ira«y.‘ ..: ;,aW;V«-.N.W.%^^^ lOJ -.-7<il* , r ’ l9 .«H arrr L. F n h n e r ; ' \ U 10 16 lfl.26-.A;-JX:Tond.--- aW.i4•iNiW; fcVl4;V.;■-.;:;•.;;,lO.., .i-_-^ i-lB'■■ •:,;■r.;■l«;« •,t,On)haBow«r;.et'al:' -v--.N;'WV4^N.WiV4--vl6-. '.IO-;!-'V-'-'le'

. lohh;a'B llBW ortb • r aEW4'‘aW Vi 16 10 1« 18.89r; Le«t?:rCoflIn., ' ‘: :rN.aj£'NJ},V4 - : / « ■ l « , . ; ' W i

tMtop.Cofffn--^.: N .W iV 4'Na,H '^4r-:;, ' ' '■lO- l« '-S ^ .,..,^ ;« J9 i• Lestor CoffJn 8.W.V4*-N.H,V4-';H ..... 10-; - 1«. • - .8.89-

i»8 terrco« in^ . JV 'v a K ii 'N ia v i- ’- r l i - 10 : , , ,. 1* ::8.89yLostor.-Cofria , ,. ■-'< N.B.V4 N.W.fi-. ,-l«, ,10. .. 18 „ : 8.89 ,‘ust«cC offin . - --N .w .vim w .vi : i8 : n 18: l a s t

, Uirtcr Coffin', : - 8.W;Vi N.W.Vi' 18. ' ' w • ' ' 18 . V* - '8;89 ,Lester Ooffln . - a a V i N.W.ViL W ‘ 1« ' ' '*^89

- Ernest,D oitor , S.W.Vi S.E.Vi-’' 18 ' 10 / ' -^-18 - 29.40, A.^A.• Miller • N.W.Vi S.W.Vi IT. . l O : . . , - 18 , 24.83, PredertcJt a-Nellson .-N kvi a B .% - 17 10 • - 18 . , 82.29 W. A..01asgbw., • N.'W.Vi'S.W.Vi 19 ' 1 0 , ;,18 . . ;18.67

: -Wi-A. Glasgow; : - NiaVi S.W.Vi. 19 .10 ." : -18^ 17.68.' ChM.-0. eteWnB.- . NJl.V t'8.aV i 1® - 1 0 • - . r M l , . , 9.98-

Cliaa.'-C,-Stevena- • ’N.W.X-aB.Vi- 19 - W - - '2 8 .. 7.99'a :R ..A m a n '. . . . s a v i N.E.Vi 19 10 18 - \.38.90

F .R .A m a n ‘ - 8.W,Vi N.W44— 20---------- 1 0 ^ - f . 18 ' • - 82.37' o. L.’ Popo : N.W.Vi N .a v T ^ o 10 - S i 8 24.09

Cari W.:Stanley - ' N.W.Vi*N.W.Vi 20 - 10 ;:;18. 2Q .» -Ai A. Mnier ' N.B.V4-; 8,W.V4 21' . 10 • 18 '1 4 .0 7Callo Fahniey , S-W.V , sa 'V t 23 10 - - 18- • - 20.66Harrey-H. Coggins - - 8.W.Vi-NaVi ■ '

. . . S.W. ofiCanal " 26 10 18 . . . 20.06H.. a P asnachf • N.WVi;N.B.V4 .26 10 Iff 14.28L. J. Try<itt- . . ‘ N.W.Vi a a V i 29 10 18 ;X7.19H.,H. Goblo . - 8.WvVi SJBlVi. 29 ' 10_ - 18 ' , 20,44 John Janae^- ' > fa v i N aV i ' 80 " 10 18 '. 18;89 ' John -Janney - • N,W.‘ n«BJ,Vt 80 10 ; ' 18' 20.82 John Janney S.W.Vi N.B.Vi 80 10 18 18.38

: John Janney : . a a * 4 N.B;Vi 80 10 ■ . 16£_ _____ ^6.38

. W miH.Canlno •. ' ' ' , s!B.Vi a a V i 31 10 ’ 18 17i99.W m . n,-Otoiae , : 8.W.V4 aa'V i. 31 30 16, -■ 17.99

“ BrnMtrDayFaU ": • . 3 2 ' 30 ~., E rnest Dayl«ll s .w .v i ;a a v i ’ 32 . 10 ; . 1 8 , is.68---Ja*.-:afMcKinney--* --8.aV4-0.W.V4^ - . ---------^, -'*■ South<J« cahia 33 10 ,1 8 , 6<96

" CeSfge^.Ti:oh7 V ~' -^-'- ’:B.B:g~W:W.V4 84 ,--------ID— ~ 1 B ---------;- lT68Geo?ge B; toBr* , , NiB.V4 S.W.-Vi • 34 : 10 18 ' 1 8 . 0 8L. a Daniels . 8J3.% aW.Vi 3 4 - 10 ! 18- , , 14.11

. W^A.'OrleTO • . N.W.V4 a a U ^ 'S i 10 18 ■ ’ 20,U , ' W. 0. Wllllains ' S .a 6 acres ,of

'••' ■ aavi•s.w .'V i * 84- • w 18 . • -.94Hannah-Pahrner N.aVi B.W.Vi . 1^ 10 17 .12.92

, Callo Pahriiey N.W.V4:8JL% 1 . 1 0 17 ’ 10.89- Callo m ra e y - : 8.W.V4 S.B.V4' 1 • 10 17 41.68'

J. O. Zollnian N.aV4 N.W.Vii " 2 - 1 0 , IT ' ' 34.48 W. H;Orccson.. N.W.Vi N.W.% , 2 , 1 0 , 17 , 82.78, Bd. Vanco - - . aV4 S.W.Vi ^;W.Vt \ 2 ^ -10 . 17 . 80.88, Marehair<Jasel.-' •. ' .-'NJLVi S.W.Vi 2 10 - 17;. 28J8 Mareball-Cas'el .. SJB.V4 aW.Vi* 2 10 . , 17 -' '44,84I.: B.PBrrino" Na.V4T»JJ.Vi' . ■« '10 • 17 9a?8r

. LB . Perrino- . N.W.% N a v i 4 , 10. • 17. 90.8S- J. H .Den*lo# . NJE.Vi'N.’W Ji . 4 JO iT^, 60.94

J .H . D«nsrow ’ N.W.Vi N. 'WWi ; 4 10 17 '60.94 J. H. DenWow 8.W.V4 N.W.Vi • . 4 ',• 10 ‘ 17 80.84

. J. H.-DonHdw . SaU'N.W.Vfrr. 4 10 ' 17 80.9.4- Georgo a B r ^ t a 30 a N.aV4 V.W.Vi 6 10 ,.- 17 68.83

. Goorge a Bryant, B’80 a , a a j i N.W.Vi .'8 10 . 1 7 68.88Wm-N. Clark- ' ' N.W.Vi iJ.W.Vi- 7 10 - 17, 22.82Rombard S d sln g B.W.Vi'-N.W.Vi'. - 7 - 1 0 , . 1 7 IB.88•Prad-Wbe«!«r*r-rr— — '8— :------10----- ;---- 17*^---------2&71-MTft.W.P. B«wardsN.V4 N:E.VtS;W.V4. 9 , ,1 0 ; 17 ,47.88C,M .HIU . - W.V4 N-JJ.14 N .W V 14 •' ' 10 17 ' 48.71.L la ie C. Wlglesworth.-. a a V i 8.W.V4 ' 14 , 10’ 17- -98.18

, L. A. Snydor -, ,. aW.Vi 8»W;V4 ®x-- copt the s a . 10 acres 14 30 17 49.00

L. A ,'8ny^er' , ' .vSavi 8;aVt ' 16 10 , 17 .88.01; Ooorgo L s c e y ' • ' N.W’.Vi N.T?.Vi • 17 JO ' 1 7 58.86*- Oeorgo Laccr - . „ aW.?4-N.W.Vi 17 }0 - 27 ' 82.44-

Archer a-Qlbbs • ~ ‘raW.Vi'Sa.'Vi: 18 30 - n 19.01 Edward Boll NJlVi 8.aV4 . *

• . copt t i e eaat 11.8, a c i^ 'tbttth - • - -ofrallroad - ' *-; • - - : 18 10 17 ‘ 81.61.

Albert'T. Ward . ' : aW.Vi'a.W;Vi- 19 -40 17 ’ . * 0 4, Worthington Kelly N;W.% a'W.Vi 19 ' 10 • 17 15.79

Jobn Groh . ,. -N.aVi; N.W.Vi 20 10 ' 17 ' ' -74.69John -Qroh ,., ; ' Sa.Vi N.W.Vi ' 20 10 , .17 .. ’ .89.94

- Mlnnlo U rfe .north lB'acreff.; ^- ■' ' ' s a v i j f e . 'v r ' '* i ' ' ' 10 * •17'*''■ 20 js

, A. J ..m ifg a n g 8.W,ViB.W;% 2 8 ' , 10. , 17 ' ' ' 60^4A. J. Wolfgang , -8a.Vi, fi.W.Vi ' 28 • 10- 17 . 46.88

. C. T. N«wbry • NJTV4 NaiVi 24 10 - - J7 '40.76Georgo H. Drees«1 8.W.Vi NiaVi ’ 24 10 17 : 80.41

. Georgft-H. Drcswl , Sa.Vi T^aVi .24 ; - 10- 17 8Q.41John W. Jonea NjaVi NJB.V4 ' 28 ., , 10 _ . . 17- 40.87.

■ CarlA .Cam p N .a?i N;W.V4- 27 - M V. -17 • 86.10 Adam McPall , ~ ' aE .% '-aaV i- 27 10 • • i t 88,91. Henry Clark • Na.V i-aaV 4 81 10 , 1 ' • 88.98 John "D; Kochrok aW.Vi NJLVi ' 8 • 10 1 ' *9.86

•, j : a wniiaras - - • -- - 'Lotf.a..-lQ ...... lO " 1 ' 21.82-, J. a WllllamB ,' N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 10 . -v- 1 0 . 1 . 1 4 77

J .a w im a m s .8.W.Vi N.W.V4'. 10 - 10 ' ' I - - 1177-Unknown , N a .v i 's a v 4 ' 11 : i r .1 : n o sJoseph D, Tucker N.WiVi* aw .Vi 16'- 10. 18 ' 'eLTB-

■ Jdseph D. Tucker aW.Vi 8,W .^ 15 ' 10 I ' - BL78 Wm. H. C. Taylor - N.W.’Vi:nNV;Vi , 17 10 1 ' .' '8285 Andrew C. Rutherford W.V4 N .a% •

.N.W.% and N.W .^ N.W.Vi . 19 ’ - ' 1 0 . 18 ‘ .48.WJohnM . Jayno S a % aW.Vi ' 19 - 10 18 , 47.08A M. Scott . - -N.W.Vi'Sa-Vi - 19 10 18 - 87.54A. M. Scott. • aW .Vi-82lVi 19 10 18 -50 60Arthur A-Carlaon N.V4 NJX ViNaVi. ' 80 1 0 . • 18 , V17.68.W. A. Crltchtleld S.W.Vi N.W.Vi' 20 .. ,10 18 i 69.17W .R. Sommera aw.Vi s a V i -20 10 18 \ 9i2BAnnie m ng .N.W.Vi a a V i , 22 , 1 0 - .18 ’ .26.88. J . A. Waters fl, N. fl acrea of th o .

Eoutheast part btNa.Vi*8,aVC' ' 2 2 10 18 ' '28 63 Marshall Cassell-Na.Vi N.'B^Vi a ^ '

• N.W:Vi N.aVi • 24 10 18 ^ 38.43George Daronport • , N.W.Vi N.W.Vi .24 10 . 1 8 ' .-is.oiC.M .01son . S.W.Vi NJlVi 26 10 18 ' . ' 1&88C. M. OlBon aB.Vi N.B.Vi ■. 26.. 10 ' , 18 - 1976C. M. Olson N ^V i S.B.Vi 26 . . 10 ' 18 ' l l i lC.M.,Olson N.W.Vi a a V i ' 26 10 . .18 - - - 18.88early Coley .8.W.Vi a a V i ' 28 . - ' 10 ' 18 • 289TParly P. P ratt. 1 acre a of R.R. ' - - I

S.W.Vi N.W.Vi.N.W.Vi . 2 7 ? ^ /- 10- . 18 • • B29-Clorence W. Cady N.V4 N.aVi-8.W.V4 '-29 • . ^0 . IS, -L. a Tuckor - aV4 N.aVi aw .V i. '-29,- ■- lo . . . .18 -267BKimberly Townslto Co.; N .avi -■ - : - -

V , o.* .. A " ^ ■ 8.88 Klmberiy Townslto Co. N .W .li,-.aw.Vi Na.Vi N.aVi- -’29. • ■ lO 18 • ' 886

Klmborly Townslte Co. 8,Wili , t "8 . w . v i - N j i . v 4 - w . a H ' l o ; . m ' s a s

Ohaa. , a Jonea . -.aaV i;.N ,a% ,. >80 ' 10. - ' 42 30W, H. Bussard - - aV i N>.Vi \8 0 - 10 ,‘ 18 ',- 4808W m .AG rtffln aW^Vi aW .V i'-8 0 ' - ’ ' 10 • ' 18 ' ' 18 31W m.A.Qrlffta N.W .CN???.Vi^81•r.- 10 ' . 18 i SWm.ZIlnier • RW.Vi aW .V i,': 8 1 . . 1 0 " . 18 - ‘'I6fl9 'Wm. Zllmor >■ .^aW.Vi S .W ^ V 81 ? - 1 0 ' . ' 18 . ' -le ooWm. Zllmer Sa.Vi:aW.-Vi r - 81 ' 10 . - .18 - 34 81

. Wm. Zllmer -,Na;Vi S.W.Vi-1-81 10 ' 18 2481J. T. Dosho N.W.Vi NiB.Vi " 82 10 ., -18 '^ 34:81J. T. DoBhfl . NJBjW N.V.Vij^ 82 - 10 ' , 1 8 KChos.H. l& rrIa N.W.Vi ■8.V.%*f -85 . 10 ' 18 ' Is 'aoSamuel a -H lrsch ’ a a V i f ia V i- : 88 • , - 10 ', 18 ’• • I b6A .D .P .K e I th ' v' Lot : 6. 17 - I O . - 19 a'24A. D. P..Kfiltti- • ,. /L o t:8 ,V l7 . . 10 . ' - 19 ,- ZjbA. D. P.rKelth ; ■8.W.Vi.Nja.Vi,-M7 30*. . 19 - 18 . 16

- X-t>rP.~KW tlr---------- :17—- r — lO'— - ^ l y — "’— STft"Wra.'A,HaWs, ' ^0 , - - - l O . -. • j^sB

- Wm, A. H arris , , ff.W;X'9iW:ii-* 17'i 10 19. . - asflo A: D. P. K e ith , - / 17 10-. ' 1'9 . • K 78A.-D.P.-KoUh ■-S.W ;Vi'.aaVi.-^17 -• • 10 -19 - - 14 i LA.D. P .K elth .'l-.S.Er.Vi f f a j i . -17. 30 , . 19 ,-18 IB

. A. d : P.,Keith: . ; NJH.Vi'8.B.Vi'. 17-> -10 19 , v' 22 81• Wm.-A.Han<». „ . 8.W.;Vt N.8.%. 18 , ' 1 0 19* , a067 .

Wm.'Ai’H a o iB - • .s la ^ -N .a ^ i '^ i'ls ■ ■ 10 :i9 •-• aoco Wm.-A.Harri«V- ' N a % ^ a .a % , 18 , . '10 ; ' 19JobnM . B arao*- ,r \ ^ . 8 0 W rts ; - . •,. , . - ; ;

r- . - :19. •• 10 ... 19, 26B>Jolm M .-3aTnca.;.r;.-- a i J a c r o i . -

. f ,? ? - ; . • : a a H ,N .a % - M- - . ■?*.-io ■ 19 • • • loaa: JoJin.BanieBet..a^-W .V4:S^U‘N .M ^ 10:.t > 19- - ; ' / J ? ;.; P r WlnanB.:^. ' . aB.%-r5lT*^y.- -- '.1 9 - ' • ' i22!M: Samtiel-^atnes "' 10 - , , 19- - v i s o r• S W O uelB ^oe.'. N|W.^,r^22 - lO . - 39- '■ .iBBl

Jfts.;L,-Bamea. * . tiaw .V i K.B.VI- 22, if t " :19Ja.,„U 'B am M -v r-' . a f e l i i K M M . lO ’ i l l ' i tS sJoIinH . Baras# L , 8 .' .23 ‘ , 2 0 - '. 39- ,. L, 1032JoMh.H. Barnen /'IWS^^.aw.Vi -28 - : 10 19, u j i

. ^ ________ :__!_______^ • THB TWIOB.A.WEEK TWIN TALLS TIMES ______________________ U

Owner. , DoBcrJuUoa. Sec, • Twp. n a a so AmLBcbWo P. H m tIb N.W.% N.W.Vi ’28 '■ 10 in i to

P . H m t Ib • S .w :2 n :w :«4 28 10 19 <• MOW a.'O U ver S troatoa N.WH4 N.E,% 2 i i 13 oa’JoH ^ ttrb o r tR P ltt , S . w l 2 •}} \ l • I -jJBubl N ursery N . E U N . W U 2 j i i t iflnn

• ' -PWlUp a - N c e r B.E.% H.VtM' - 2 - • 11 13 i SP h illip D. Neor 8 .W .u N W l i 2 i t n icif-?PWlHp D. Neer N.W.% SvW.S 2 " 11 1 3 ' n S

k Phillip D. Noer S .W .2 S.W.H 2 l i 13 S i nP P iU llp D .N o o r N .E .U N .W .2 S J l 13 K

J. C. Gatea N.E.% N.E.% 12 11 13 — - t 7.23J . C . OatCB . N,W.% N.K.»4 12 11 13 11.0&T n 12 U 13 ' 8.83J. C. Oijtca S.E.-Vi'^N.E.iA -12 n 13 8 89E lb e rt C. Kennedy N.E.% N.E.% 3 11 14 10 26E lbo rt C. Kennedy 8.E.V4 N.E.Vi 3 -11 u ]9 2CJoo SlpkJns N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 3 11 14 10 r.-*JOO SlpWafl S.E.V4’ 3 11 U 10.62Goorge Chambera N.E.V4 N.E.Vi 4 - 11 14 V 14.C0Goorgo Chftmbcra • N.W.% N.E.% i 11 14 14.51Oeorgo Chambera • S.E.Vi N.BIVi, 4 l l 14 14.51Edw ard Vanco N.E.V4 N.W.Vi C 11 u 18 07S ew ard Vanco N.W.«4 N.W.U 6 11 14 .20 05C. B. Colllna 8 .W.?4 N.W.% R ' 11 • 14 • 1009C ..R ColllnH S .E .2 N .W .4 C U 14 1477Lym an L. Cowlea N.E.Vi S.B.Vi G 11 14 . 1C09R, 0 . HobbB c l al S.E.Vi N.E.% 7 11 14 10 33IU 0 . HoUba c t al • N.B.% S.E.H 7 11 14 10 83R. G. Hobba ot ol N.W.>A8.E.V* ,7 u J J • 9 %n . G . Hobba N.E.Vi S.W.V4 7 11 14 13 33R. Q. Hobba • S.E.V4 S.W.Vi 7 11 W 1033R,G.HObbB , S.W.>A S.W.J4 7 n ' u l , nR. 0 . HcljbB N.W.y* S.W.V4 7 11 . 1 4 970

•Lestor J . .P a rk e r . N.W.% N.W.Vi 8 l l 14 )i*90U a tc r - J . PnrKer , S.W.y* N.W.Vi 8 11 H ' 1107W w . C. Hannold N.W.U S;W .^ } '3 1 14 507

. Wm. C. H aanold N.E.Vi S.W.Vi 8 11 14 9 97-.-_Q-eprBP„Guc88_____N.W.Vi N.W.Vi fl u 14 . l l i l lI George Qucbb S.W.14"N:w :%— g--------------- n - ------ — i 'l—- - — 14,U -

Edw ora C. Kennedy N.W.% S.W.>4 n n n 401O corsa.S . ilcA llla ic r. ,aW ;} 4 N,E.>4 j2 ^ 11 14 17 07George 8. M cAllister N.E.y* N.W.Vi 12 . ' l l ’ 14 ' 1 7 G7George 8. McAlllBtcr N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 12 n 14 17 68Georgo W rw intrnB ------ fnV.JA 12--------------n -------------n ------------ IM ? -

- . . flfnrgn W.,W im in g ^ S.\v.hi 12 11 ^ .14 n'.RKJohn A. Brudieh B.iJ.’i v i---------- -— TT----------- T l ------------ m r rOUa M. Copron N.W.Vi N.W.% 13 n n io;c9•3. N. S tratton N.E.Vi N.E.’A 17 n 14 24.59Georgo L. Ev'olcth N.B.% S.W.Vi . i s n 1-J l-JS.IGeorge L. Evclcth S.E.% 3 .W .^ 17 . 11 • H • 1345Edw nrd Mulloy ’ N.W.Vi S.K.V* 18 l l 14 13 45

_ _ _ E d w n rd Mulloy S.V4 S.E.Vi 18 l l 14 2C.C.';EdWaril Mulloy N.E.Vi N.B.VI 19 u H K1.45Georgo EvoJcth N.W.% N.W.li- 20 31 34 CS5Goorgo Evoleth . N.E.V4 N.W.»4 20 11 14 0 85.Georgo Eveleth , 8.W-.5 N .W .^ 20 . 11 14 G 85Georgo Bvcloth S.B.V4 N.W.% 20 11 14 ^ C.8S

^ G w rgo Evelctb N.W.Vi S.W.Vi s o 11 14 / C.sr.A . Qeorffc Bvelelb N.B.Vi S.W.Vi 20 ; H 34 / ' 6.8G^ Georgo Eveleth N.W.V4 3.E.Vi 20 '^ 1 1 1 4 / 0 85

Georgo Evclotb . S.W.Vi N.E.>4 20 11 u ( C8r.NoUle S tem Bogart S.E.% 8.W.% a H 15V : K83Irv in g VortJaBy N.W.Vi 8.E.V4 C . ' U IG IG 03E a rl D .-eo lth N.B.V4 N.E.VI B 11 IB S 31E a rl D. Smith N.W.Vi N.E.V4 5 u 15 . ' 8 31E arl D. Smith 8.W.V4 N.E.V4 c U 15 8.31

• E a rl D. Smith S.E. V4 N.B.Vi & n jr, ^ 8 31 H arry M. Donlcliy N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 5 . 11 . 15 8 31

____ H w ry M. Donlchy N.W.% N.W.VI B 11 ' IG 8.31' H o r ry ^ I . I>onIchy ^ S.W.Vi-N.W.Vi-- 5- - ........ n ------------- i r ____ . -831.

H arry M. Donlchy S.E.Vi N.W.Vi ^ 5 i f i s 8 31Jam es E. Alv]s S.W.% S.TV.?4 « n 15 i->08Jam ea E. Alvla S.E.Vi S.W.Vi -c 11 15 12.08JamcB E. Alvla S.W.Vi S^.^4 0 11 IB 12.07Jam ca B. AlvlB N.W .% . S.E.Vi 6 • 11 1 C v 1207LesUe H . H lckllng N.B.>4 8.E.V4 6 ' 11 15 IB 03LcsIJo H. HJcklJns S.E,% S.E.>4. B 21 IB 1C 03U bUo H. Hfckllng 8,E.Vi N.E.Vi 6 11 IB *1G04N elllo -S tem Bogart N.l5.y* N.W.Vi 10 ; n ir, G.OlDavid W. Bowen S.W.V4 S.W.Vi 13 11 15 10.81David W. Bowen , S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 13 n 15 10,81

. Joseph IHchardo N.E.Vi 8.^.*4 17 11 IB 9.75Joaeph lUchardB N.W.’/i S.E.Vi 17 11 15 9 7 BJoaeph RIchanlB-^ S.W.Vi S.E.Vi 17 11 IB 9.76JoBCph Rlcbarde S.E.Vi S.B.V4 17 I I 15 ‘ 9.76H arry McMurry N.E.V4 N.E.V4 18 11 IB 10,81H arry McMurry .. N.W.VI K E -V i- ig . 11 IG 10.81,H a try McMurry S.W.V4 N.B.Vi jg 11 IB - . 10.81H arry McMurry -N.B.Vi N.WiVi 18 11 1C 10.81V rioa Denuflo S.E.H N.E.V4 28 ' I I • ir> 10.81Jobn F . McGlothcm E ast 30 acre#

of N.E-Vi S.B.Vi 18 11 15 3.42Chaa. J. DaHey S.W.Vi S.B.?4 15 n 15 4,47Chofl. J . Dailey S.E.V4 S.E.Vi 18 l l ‘ 15 4.48P . 0 . D e th u ao _ -T^.W .Vi N.W.V4 • 27 n . IB ' ' 10.81P. O. Belhuno S.W.% N.W.V4 2 7 ' u 15 10.81P. O. Botbtino N.W.y* S.\V.V4 27 11 • IG 10,81A ugust J. W Ittaehlogo -N.E.Vi 8 .E .H . '2 a '7 11 15 -20.S1E lliabe th Andrews N.E.Vi N.E.Vi 8 ' 21 • 1C R.G3J a n e # A, Nlcbols N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 4 11 1C 11.18Jam es A. Nichols N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 4 11 16 12.08Jam es a : NlchoU S.W.Vi N.W.Vi 4 ' i i IC U.18Jam es A. Nichols S,B.Vi N.W.Vi 4 u . 36 - 12,08C .C . Hume N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 4 11 16 . '1 2 .0 8C. A ttb u r.S to n e N.E.Vi N.E.Vi B 11 16 1.70C. A rthur Slone S.E.Vi N.E.V4 5 11 ' 1< 1.79

• J . ,0. Fo* • - 8.B.V4 N.E.Vi 10, 11 ‘ 1(5 13.1S J . C. F o r N.B.V4 aE.V4 10 ’ i i IC 1348 J . ,C. Fox S.E.Vi S.E.Vi 10 11 ■ 1C 13.19 R W. Fullerton S.W. N.E.Vi -I2 11 . 1C * ,10.11 C arl J . -Zimmerman B.V4 N.B.% 13 • n 16 25.59

- J . C. Fox N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 14 l l 10 13.19 J . a Fox • UW.V4 N.W.14 14 11 16 13.18

, -J. ,C. Fox 8.W.Vi N.W.Vi 14 11 1C 13.19J, C. Fox S.E.Vi N.W.Vi 14 11 - . 16 13.18JaB.-W. Stockton N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 19 11 16 18.73

^ John P. Kennedy N.W.Vi N.E.Vi .20 1 1 , 16 15.03i Wm. H. H ornJbrook N.W.V4 S.W.Vi 21 11 ' * 16 15,03^ W m. B ert N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 21 11 16 1G.03

Soale C. Maxwell 8.B.Vi S.B,Vi 21 • 11 16 15.03Percy Hood N.W.Vi N.B.Ji 27 11 20 . 12.26Percy Hood ; S.W.V4 N.E.Vi ' 27 11 16 12.26P ercy Hood . S-B.H N.W.Vi 27 11 16 13.19

• Percy Hood N.B.V4 N.W.Vi 27 11 16 13.19 Benjam in P.'H lnoB N.W.Vi N.W.VI 27 11 16 . J.4.11

. Benjam in P. Hlnoo S.W.’i .V.'V.Vi 27 12 16 l i l lBenjam in F . H ines ■ N.E. Vi N.2.Vi 28 11 ' 16 13.92B enjam in F . HIncfl 8.E.V* .N.1S.V4 ,2 8 • 11 • 16 • 13.93Jam es E dw in Campbell N.W.Vi N'.R.Vi 29 11 - 16. 15.03Jam eaT dw ln Cam pbell R.W.V* N.R.Vi 29 11 16 lfi.04Jam es Edwin Cam pbell 8.E.M N.W.Vi 29 11 l e ib.03Jam oa Edwin Campboll N.E.>4 N.W.Vi 20 - 1 1 16 1G.04C art Menla S.W.% K.E.’4 34 11 16 4.57

- C arl Menla S.B/4, -V.3.»4 34 H 16 4.r,7 -Wm. E. English N.Wlv* S .E .'i 34 11 . 16 7.64 EJmor M cnis • . N.W.Vi 8.W.U 36 11 10 4.28 M rs. U B. Crockor N.E.'4 N.W.J4 5 11 ' 17 38.27 W alton U nrow rt S . K V i N W . ; 5 n 17 . 30.07 Elalo E. E .'aton N.W.U S.W.Vi .5 j i n 33.20

iElBlo B. Baelon N.E.Vi N.B.Vi 6 11 ' 17 34.04^S. C. Mllla N.E.VI S.E.Vi 7 11 17 13.77

W. Clay Smith S.W.V4 N.W.Viand N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 8 11 17 23.90

J . 'A '. Whitcomb ,S.W .Vi S.E.V4 30- 21 27 31.86Eugene W. Sweet NJ:.Vi 8:W.Vi 11 11 -17 14.65Eugono W. Swoot S.E.»4 8.W.Vi 11 n 17 14.6GJerom o Dallls N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 11 31 17 15.53

. A ugust J. Link W.V4 «.W.% 17 11 17 23.90-------E flliU L JiR rd BgtOjL aw .V i 20 11 17 13.45

P aul L. HarriOBton 27 ' I J IT ^ : “ 1X4S-W. H . Seymour . 8.W.Vi-8.W.V4 35 -11 17 ''13.4BW. H . Seymour S.E.Vi S.W.V4 35 I I ; 17 . 13.45

- Mabo Lynn N.E.% N.E.Vi ,35. H ------- 17 18.45Mabo Lyaa N.W.Vi N.B.V4 3ft 11 '•17 ■ 13.4BM abe.L j-nn 8.W.V4 N.E.Vi 35 . 11 • 17. 13.45Mabe Lynn S.E.VI N.B.Vi 85 11 17 . 13.45Ooorgo F. Potorson N.W.V4 N:b .V4 2 22 2S 28.98

• \ C. J, LoFavro . S.W.V4 S.W.Vi 3 11 IB , 13.14Newbry.Drothorfl S.W.Vi B.W.14 4 11 . • 18 ; .,i< .770 ; J . Kolley N.B.Vi N.E.V4 7 11 IB 53.06W alter J. C alkins , N.W.Vi 8.W.Vi 11 11 18 ' , l l . l f iWaJtoi* J. C alktfls' S.W.Vi S.W.% 11 21 , 18 , - U MW sltor-J. C alkins N.E.Vi S.W.Vi l l 11 18 17.11W alter J . Calkins S .E .^ S.W.Vi 11 , 11 '■ 18 11.18M adlJon N; t i s h o r N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 12 U - 18 ' lS.eeNina D. W iglesworth 8.W.V4 N.W.Vi. 12 1 1 ^ 18 16.04

kS Nina D. V.’}g lem ortb N.W.>4 8,W,V4 12 ' 11 . 18 . 16,64D N ina D. W lglfisworth S.W.Vi S,W.V4 12 11 I V 16.64Nina D. WlKleBTforth“* . 'S .E '' i S.W.Vi 12 11 i T ' 16.04Mrs. B. W llkIns''-~^^^/S.E.V4 .V.W.V4 13 • 11 ' -IS .’ 14.83W jm er J. CalkJns.W.2GaN.W.ViN.B»4 14 - i l l 1 ...................ChaaiSlt-KnJiitor N.W.Vi N.F.% IB. 11 1 1B.07C arw A. Tush N.E,>i N.R.% 18 11 1 . : 17-36

■ Eugono Ahem ' N.W.Vi 8,E.V* 19 U 1 . 17.80

Owaor. DCBC[ipUOD. Soc. Twp. Ilaago. Amt.Eugono Ahem,- S.W.Vi S.B.Vt 19 11 18 23 06Jos. A. G alliher N.W.Vi N.W.Vi. 20 l l 18 9.75Ja s . Murphy r N.W .>4 N.E.Vi 2 l ■ 11 18 18.20Jiuj. Murpby N.E.U N.W.Vi- 21 11 18 10 7BJa s . M urphy N.W.Vi Wjy.Vi 21 11 38 10.7.';T . F . W arner ‘ S.W.Vi n!w.V4 2 2 . l l I 8 - 5 95D an .P . AlbOo S.W.Vi N.E.V4 25 - 11 18 1 2 S0T. M. Atkina N.E.Vi S.W.y* 27 l l 18 10X (T .M . Atkina N.W.>A S.E.Vi 27 . 11 IR • 27;i:{T. M. A lklns , N.E.»4 S .E .y 27 11 - 18 9.71 T. M. Alklna N. V4 acro N.W.Vi S.W.Vi, . . ond S.E. Vi S.E .14 27 ’ . 11 18 C,8SLloyd Brown N.E.Vi S.W.% 28 11 38 5.5SLloyd Brown W.V4 of S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 28 ,11 18 n .r.lL loyd Brown S.E.Vi N.W.Vi 33 11 18 8 03Mao W est N.B.Vi S.E.Vi 36 11 18 ' 78D an P. Albco N.ii,- * j-3 arrcvc <,' '

S.W.y* N.W.Vi 3(1 11 ■ IS M «J. E . Stoinour • S.W.Vi S.K.Vi 1 • l i 19 20 49J . K. Stelnour ' S.B.V* S.E. Vi 1 11 19 24 01J . E . Stelnour N.E.V4 N.E.Vi 12 11 19 30,40J. E. Stelnour N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 12 • 11 19 ' C91Jo b n Ro»o 'N.W.Vi S.E-W 12 11 19 6.20R. J . Dny S,E.Vi N.E.Vi 36 -11 19. - 2.4CR. J . Dny N.E.Vi S.E.«A .36 11 , 19 1.03J. E. nowofH S.E.«4 S.E.Vi 36 11 13 j.C7Jo h n F. JoncB N.B.Vi N.W.Vi 3 11 20 • C2"Jo h n F, JoncH N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 3 11 20 8.35doh n F. Jones N,E,Vi N.E,>A 4 11 20 7.3:1Allcc T. InKnnl S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 5 ■ 11 20 27,59AUcc T. InKtinJ S.B.Vi S.W.Vi 5 I i 20 S.-JOJ. F. InBurd S.W^* S.E.V4 5 . 11 20 12.30J. F . JnKnrd . ; .S.E.Vi S.E.Vi 5 11 20 l.'-.,10T. F. Lnnd & W ater Co. l ^ i 1 6 11 20 OCOEdw in Truo ' • N.W.\4 N.W.«4 6 l l :-o • 25 34EJwln.Trwo 3.W.»A N.W.»4 C 11 20 ' 2G.K2Owen T. CnrHon S.B.>4 S.E.y* - 7 11 20 12,fiSA. 11. Bovcrlln - • N.W.y* N,12,«A 8 11 20 12.37

- A .-Il.- Bovcrlln.____ _____ N.E.Vi ' S 11 20 II.2SA. n. Uevcrllu N.E.% RWrVi-----8------------11— ------ -20----------- lh:i2A. IJ. IlevoDln S.E.Vi N.W.Vi 8 1 1 - 20 15.20A rthu r II. Wall n t u l • , N.B.«4NtfV. Vi 17 - 11 ' 2 0 . 17 80C. W. Parka S.W. ViS.W.Vi 32 11 20 ' 107

- •C r iV rP itr iro --------------------- GrBrV^-SrWrVi— 5a-------------- U------------- JO--------------- L&7C. W. Pnrk8 ' S.B.Vi S.E.y* 32 l l no 1 Dfi

“ -N O Tm Tm m w Tlt----- -— N:^V^^ -S.■W:V4— K9------------ la ------------la -------- — +-n"N ora M. lln rtw ell S.W.’A S.W.Vi 23 12 33 l.r.7Jo h n C, Minor • N.E.VI N.E.Vi 13 12 15 11.77John C. Minor N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 13 12 35 11.77R. C. Ucnch N.E»4 N.W.Vi 34, 12 ir, 5,0i)R. C. Bench N.W.i^ N.W.y* 34 12 15 ' 5.00Irw ln n . Haya N .E .^ S.E.Vi 1 12 1C Kl.KlIrw in H. HayH ' S.E.Vi S.E.Vi 1 12 IC 10 81CJaro A. Dallcy S.W.Vi N.W.y* 3 12 ' ' IC lO.MClnro A. BaUoy— N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 3 12 16 10 81C lare A. Bnllcy S.W.Vi N.E.Vi * 12 IG 10.81C lare A. Bnltey S.E.V4 N.E.Vi < 12 16 10.81-H enry W. Davla N.W.Vi'B.W.Vi 4 12 ic ll.lGH enry W. Davta S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 4 12 16 10.81H enry W. Davla N.E.Vi S.W.Vi A 12 ic lO.SlWm. Bell S.W.Vi N.E.Vi 5 12 16 . 10.81Aftierc Hand NJS.ii 14 32 16 20.65A lbert M. Hnnd N.W.y* N.E.Vi H 12 16 26 05J . Park Colburn S.W.Vi N.E.Vi 1* 12 16 26.65J . P ark Colburn S.E.Vi N.E.V4 14 . 12 IG 2C.C5E zra B. B randt N.E.V4 N.E.V1 10 12. 16 - 10.81E zra E. OrnmU N.W.>4 N.E.?4 19 12 16 26.65Joseph Beatty N.E.Vi N.W.»4 22 12 • 16 11.05Joaeph-nea tly N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 22 12 ■ IG • 11.05

. JoBeph_Benity _ ‘ ' S.W.% N-.W.Vi 22 12 ic 14.C5JoBCph Beatty ■ ' ' ■S.E.VT^'.\V:V4— 22-----------13-—------ IG -------- 14.C5Joseph Benlty N .E.K S.W.>4 22 12 16 14.65JoBoph Beatty N.W.Vi S.W.»A , 22' 12 16 14.65Joseph Bealty .......S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 22 12 IG 23.0UJoseph Beatty S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 22 32 IG 14.C.=:R ichard Woodward N.W.Vi S.W.y* 23 12 16 26.C.'iR ichard Woodward N.E.Vi S.W.»A 23 12 16 26.6?Richard Woodward N.W.’A S.E.Vi 23, 12 IG 26.firR ichard Woodward S.W.Vi S,E.>/i 23 ' 12 16 2C.CrJ . P. Nlcouim N.E.Vi aw .V i 26 , 32a 36 14.C:J . F . Nlconlln S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 26 . 12P 1C 14.G[•Waller F. Graham S.W.Vi N.W.Vi 20 12 16 ■ 14.crM aurice Guheen N.E.Vi N.E.V4 33 i 12 16- 4.51M aurlcc Guheen N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 33 12 10 17,5:MaurJco GMlwon S.W.«4 N,E,V4 33 12 . 16 13.21M aurlco Guheen S.B.Vi N.E.Vi 33 12 16 3.2!Maurlco Guheen N.B.Vi S.E.Vi 33 12 16 2.5(M aurlco Guheen ' N.W.V4 S.E.VT 33 ‘ ■ 1 2 1€ 3.1,2:Maurlco Guheen S.W.V4 S.E.Vi 33 12 16 14.6!M aurlco Guheen S;E.-Vi S.E.Vi 33 '1 2 16 11.01C harles H. Robblna N.HVi N.W.Vi 33 12 16 ■ 23.21Chnrloa H. Robblns .N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 33 12 16 23.2!C harles H. Robhlns S.W.% N.W.Vi - 3.7 32 36 14.6.'C liarlcs H. Robbhw S.E.Vi N.W.Vi 33 12 16 14.6rGeo. F. Spraguo ‘ N.E.Vi S.W.Vi ■ 33 ’ 12 - 1 6 26,CrOeo. F. SpraKUO N.\V.V'S:W.Vi 33 12 16 2S.SiGeo. F .-Sprague aW .V i S.W.>A 33 12 : 16 26.GfG co .’F. Sprague aE .V i aW .14 33 32 16 26.6fA .H . W am pler ; S.W.Vi N.W.Vi, 3G 12 16 26.6SD. B. stu tam an S.E.Vi N.W.Vi 9 . 12 - 1 7 12.05D. B. a tuU m an ________ .S.W.V4. N.W.Vi 9 12 17 12 .9 'D .'n . S tutam an N:E.V4 S.W.V4 9 12 1 7 ' 12.92D. R. S tutsm an N.W.y* S.W.Vi ,9 12 • 17 12,93 John D. Sa^/yer S,E.Vi S.E.Vi 10 12 17 10.81 John D. Sawyer S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 11 12 17 ‘ 6,13 John D. Sawyer N.W.U N.W.Vi 3-1 , 1 2 37 G.lfl John D. Sawyer N.E:tr7?;E.Vi 15 ~ 1 2 17 C.ISJ . Brcflfller- ---------- N.B.Vi..>’.E.«A 17 12 '17 - 4,57J . BrcBBlor N.W.Vi N.B.V4 17 12 - 17 8.8flJ . BresBler SW.V4 N.E.Vi 17 12 - 17 8.8SJ. n rosslor S.B.Vi N.E.Vi 17 12 17 8.8'R uth Brcoslor N.B.V4 S.E.>4 17 12 . ' 17 8,8sRuth Brcaaler ' S.B.»> S.E.Vi 17 12 17 ' 8.8'Mary R. Norton N.W.V4 N.E.Vi 27 12 17 6.1S Vineyard Land & Stock

■ Co. , N.E,»4 S.E.V4 1 12 18 10.9:MarUn W. Dcnoyor N.W.Vi N.W.Vi’ 4 , 1 2 18 • 1.9CM artin W .-Denoyor N.E .14 N.W.Vi 4 12 18 1.9CM arlin W. Denoyor -^ .W .V i N.E.Vi 4 12 18 3.9CM artin W. Denoyor N .aV i N.E.Vi 5 12 18 1.9(Thos. M ontgomery S.B.V4 N.W.% 36 13 14 I.r,-;Thoa.-M ontgomery 8.W.V4 N.W.Vi 26 13 14 1.G1L P. Jones N.E.V4 N.B.Vi 2 ■ . 13 IB 10,81Ij. p . Jonea N.W.Vi N.E.V4 2 23 IS 10.8JL. P . Jonea S.W.Vi N.E.Vi 2 13 IB, . 10,8)•I~ P . Jones ' S.E.Vi N .l^ n 2 13 ■ ' 15 10.81L. P. Jonea . N.E.Vi S.E.Vi 2 13 15. .10,8!L ..P . Jo n w N.W.y* S.E.Vi <S 18 , 15 10.81L. P. Jrn c« . aw .V i S.E .14 . 2 23 . 15 ■ 10.81I* P . Jonea S.E.Vi S.B.Vi 2 13 IB . 10.81F. M. M anaon, N.W.Vi S.W.Vi 3 13 1C 14.C!J. W allaco Mckenxio N.E.Vi N.W.Vi 4 IS 16 , S6.8!J. W allnco McKonzio N.W.Vi N.W.Vi 4 13 10 26.61J.-W allaco McKcazJo aW .V i N.W.Vi 4 13 16 21.3'I ra Moomaw N.E.V4 N.W.Vi 5 13 16 14.6!I r a Moomaw N.W.V4 N.E.V4 B • 13 16 14.6!A. R. Moomaw ' N.B.Vi S.W.Vi 5 13 2fl 14.6JA-' R. Moomaw N.W.Vi S.W.Vi C 13 16 14.6!A. R.M doroaw aW .V i S.W.Vi B 13 16 14.6!A. R. Moomaw 8.B.Vi S,W,Vi 5 . 13 16 14.6!Joa. M. B urkett N.E .14 S.W.Vi .7 13 16 8.31Jos. M. B urkett N.W.Vi aW .Vi 7 13 36 8.3:Jos. M. BurkoU S.W.14 S.^V.Vi 7 13 •. 16 8.31Joa. M. BurkeU S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 7 • 13 16 8.31Nels T. H olU N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 8 13 16 H.flfNols T. H oltz aw.,Vi N.E .14 8 13 16 14.6!NoIb T. Holtz N.W.Vi aB.V4 8 13 16 10,31NolB T. Holt* N.E.V4 S.E.VI 8 13 - —16----------1 0 ^E. E. M erris N.E.Vi B.W.Vi 8 13 ' 16 10.3:

- ^ 'llH s TrSlattCT------------- N.B,Vt-N.E.Vi 3------- ,_12 _______ . . 1 6 ____ 26.^W lllls T. B latter N.W.Vi.N.B.Vi 9 . 13 10 21.?1W lllls T .'S la tio r ' S.E.V4 M.E.Vi 9 13. 16 26.CI:Willlfl T. S la tte r . S.W.Vi N.E.Vi 9 13 16 .21:31J oW b . ,P ohlman S.W.Vi N.E.V4 10 l 18 16 14,6?Jobn a Pohlm an N.W.Vi S,B.V4 ’ 10 23 26 3i.9rJ. P . ilcL aughlln ■ S.W.V4 S.W.Vi IG • . 1 3 16 IG.03W. H. Craven ' . N.E.Vi S.E.V4 16 ' 13. 16 . 1.4SW . H. C raven N.W.Vi 8£ .V i 10 • 13. 1« l,4fiC. A. Enslow ’ N.EV4.N.E.V4 J8 ' 13 16 ■ • 10.33C. A..EHslow N.W.Vi N.B.V4 38 - 13 . . 1 6 10.33 Vineyard L and & Stock- • ,•Co. , ' 8.E.VI N.E.14. - 2C 13 17 1.38

Pau»^Halnca N.E.% N.B.Vi 85 14 ' 14 , 1.90Paul Hainos . B.E.V4 N.E.V<. :35 . ,1* 14 1.90Paul Hftlnes- , a W .? 4 -N J li4 35 14 .1 4 1.90Thos. M. Clinton N.E.V4 N.B.V4 . 24 . 10 ' 14 . 11.48Om ar P. W yland , ■ N.W.Vi S.W.V4 I . , 14 . 35 8.70Omar P . W yland .S.W.V4 S.W.V4-: 1 14 35 S.70John J . Hackney . 0.W.V4 N.W .K ; i4 •• 14 • 15 ' m.SlJohn j ; Hackney S.I!.V4 N.W.Vi :14 ' . .1 4 16 . , 10.81 Vineyard L a n d J fc S U .c k _ ^ ^ ^ n : w . 4 ' 14 ' ■ « ■ . 4.65E ll J . “w horry . • S.B.J4 N.EVi 0 24 36 6.01E ll-J . W herry ' 8.W.V4 N.B.Vi ft ', .

0^'nt^r. DoflcrJpUon,' Sec. Twp. B aago Aint.Ell J . W herry . N.W.14 8 .E.y* 9 14 10 . 6.01KU J. W herry N.E.Vi S.E.Vi ' 9 14 10 6.01Vltioynrd Lund & Stock -

-N ,E .i4 N.E.Vi 2 14 . 17 - 1.82VJaoyard Liiail & stockS ° - N.E.y* S.B.V4 12 - 14 • . 17 3.12

Vineyacd Lund & StockN.W.Vi S.E.Vi 12 14 . 17 3JG

Vineyard Lnnd & stockCo. • 8 .W.14 S.E.Vi 12 14 17 3.15

■Vineyard Lund & Slock'Co: N.W.Vi N.E.y* 25 ' 14 17 1.88

V’lneynrd Lntid & StockCo. S.E.Vi N.W.i/i 25 14 17 1.82

Vineyard Land & SlockS-W.V4 25 14 17 1.83

Vlnfiyard Land &. Stock„C o . • S.E.Vi a w .V i 25 14 ' 27 3.82 Vlni’j-nnli Land & Slock “

Co- , N.W.Vi S.VV.y* 26 14 17 '-v .1.82: Vineyard Lnnd &, Slock \ •„C o . N.W.U S.E.y* 26 14 17 \3 .1&Vineyard Limd & Slock \

'Co. S.W.Vi N.E.y* 0 14 18 V.1&Owylico Slicep & Lnnd - /

N.r:.Vi 35 15 12 / S . J 7 Owyhee Sliccp & Lnnd f •

C«. S.W.Vi N.E.Vi 35 IG 12 .1 5 7Owylice Sliecp & Lund *^C o N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 35 15 12 C.04 Ou-yJjt‘o .Sheep k I.nnil,C"- , S.E.Vi N-.E.y* 35 15 12 6.85

Northern Pnciflo Itail-way Co. . N,W.V* N.W.Vi 18 15 13 180

. .1 Costollo N.W.i^ N.W.V* 8 . ]5 . • Ib Z1*. J . CoHleIJo . S .W .ii.K W .V i S 15 15 ' 08

. Vlu(;ynrd Lund & SlockCo. S.K.'A S.E.U 2S 15 • 16 • 131

JlniuinJi A. P a rk e r N.B,Vi N,E,Vi I i.', 17 " j i s- -H iinnnli-A .-natk«i:— — K J V ,li_ N .E .1 4 _ -s4 _ _ 15 17 3'lB

Itnnnnli A. I’urkor S.W.y* N.E.Vi l 15------------ 17------- ~ ~ 3 ' i r TJla n n a h A. P arker S,E,>i N.E.y* I jr. 17 3 1 BPrnncea M. Wolch N.E.Vi S.W.Vi ' ' 1 ' 15 17 3 'l5

----- —iV!clcii______________ VH’ >! .<?«•>,'. 1 T~. I'T l i r .KrnncoH M. Wck li S.W.Vi S.W.Vi 1 35 17----------- ^37l5“

Vineyard I-Jind & Slock '„ C " . _ .' N.W.Vi N.E.Vi 21 IG 13 1.90 VJ;u'yan) & Sloi;k, Co. S.W.U N-.E.y, 21 16 13 l.flOHonry n. I^ ra ln S.W.Vi N,E.«/i 31 16 17 2 32Henry ». I^ rn ln N.\V.«4 S.E.Ti I I 1C 17 C31Henry Jl. I^ornln S.W.^^ S.lC.'i 11 16 17 '>32Henry n. I^ rn ln S.E.Vi U ’ 1C 17 231H enry-B . Lornin S.W.’A S.W.y* 11 1C ‘ — 17 - 2 32Henry B, Lorain N.W.Vi N,W.»/i 14 16 17 231H enry B. L o ra fn , S.W'M S.W .i/i l i ' " 1C 17 22SEjlward B. F ictcher S.W.Vi N.E.y* 23 16 17 £ j2Edward B. F letcher N . E . S . E . V i 23 '1C 17 2.31Edward n. F lelcher N.W.Vi S,E,y* 23 IG 17 2 32Edwnrd B. Flctclicr S.W.Vi S.E.’/i ' 23 IG 17 2.31Hdu-nrd U. FlctcJier ' N.IV.Vi N.E.Vi 2C 36 17 2.32Edwnrd n. IHetcher S.W.y* N.E.Vi 26 -IC 17 2 31

. Edward n. F letcher , S,E.i/i N.W.Vi 2C 16 17 2 32Edwnrd B. F letcher N,E.>^ N.W.Vi 2G IG 17 2 31Maurlco WHIIh n ,e .i^ S.W.Vi B- 10 18 2 31Maurlco W lllls N.W.«4 S.W,>4 G 1C 18 282Maurlco W illia S.W.Vi S.W.y* 5 16 18 2 31Maurlco WllIlB S.E.Vi S.W.Vi 0 IG 18 2]32 Vineyard Lnnd & Stock

- Co. ^ N.W.y* N.W. >4 IB 16 18------------- 2 33 Snimon R iver Cnnal Co. N.E,*4 S.W.Vi ' ---------

and W.Vj S.E.V* 31 14 15Salmon Ulvcr Cnnal Co. N.W.y* N.E.’/i C IB IBSalmon R iver CftnnI Co. S.W.Vi S.E.Vi 7 ‘35 15 'Salmon Ulver Cannl Co. E.>^ N.W.y*

and N.W.y* N.E.Vi 18 IG IG 14.3311. S. Oreen N.W.’A N.E.V* • 34 10 15 10.62H. S. Green S.W.y* N.E.Vi 84 10 IB 10.62 VJnoyanl & Slock

Co. _ N.E.V* ^■E.y* 26 14 17 1.82

M iBratory A. U .'Lcm onu ............................. 11.36Fred M. Towne .......................... % 73.11 J. T. Morrle .......................................3B8Wllklna Mvo Stot-k Co................ 367.W p. y . MndHoij ................ 'j2&Jo h n Curn .................................... 395.72 L. May ................... ..............., 1.42

. Ako & Rund ................................ 179.88 Lutlior Modrell ............................ 7 03Leo Voder & S o n ' ....................... 30.46 Wr*L. KBpIo . . . ........................... 3.02K aiser Livo Stock Co.................. 348.90 M etcalf & McBrido ................... 148Joseph Gras ................................. 99,25 J . H, M eier ......................... , 3 79S. FoutS ......................................... 90.06 R. F. Mosley .......................... 13 31Elm er Reeao ................................ 07.68 N o t t . . . . ' . ......................... . . ,. 44 1Tlioa. H. Gibbs e t al ................. GS.40 W. C. O w c n a ......................... . 1312Sampson Brothera .................... 30.00 W. E. PrcntlBu ........... , 651

Pcraonnl B. F. Paraon . . . ; ......................... 2 80A. 0 . Ayora ................................... 1.22 W. E. Patrick ............................... 6 00Jas. B, Argo ................................ 2.49 H. W. P o tte r ......................................... 93W. A. A m h ro so ............................. 4.88 F. M. Qutgloy ......... .................... 5 4 2Joo N. Abbott ............................. 1.30 B. E. R o s o ...................................... 2 95H. L. A n d e rso n ............................. .4R S. C. Robinson ............. ..............; '3i39.M. B. Allen .......... ..................... 3.92 J. L. Robs .................................... 2.69Wm. Ball ....................................... 1.37 P. B. Ilunklo ............................33 60L. If; Benton ................................. 2.12 J. M, Robinson .............................. 9 .O8Arloy Brown . . . ' ........................... 11.75 John Stovonson ............................ iflOJ. W. Bennett ............................. 8.27 A. C. Smith . . . . ; ........................ 8.47A. H. Buck .............................................98 H. L. Stono .................................. 10.41J. H. B urchett ................ . 2.58 W. A. S u l l iv a n ........................ 0 89M, nuBlcltor ................................. 1.05 H. L. Smith ........... .. '84H. D. Bradshaw ......................... 10.41 J. B. S m i th ................. .. ” 4*17J . F . Burton ................................. 4.16 A. G. S c h u lz ..................... ........... ! 282

' P, H. Bryant ................................ 8.52 L. K. S c h n e id e r ......... ; ................ 247E. A. B ryant ............................... ' 6.86 Lyman S te w a r t ....................... t 4 21D. B. Boyd ...................... •........... 3.22 W. H. S landltlrd ......................... 'lo ;4 7 ■O. L. Blyatono .......................' . . . 2.27 J . H. Slovens . . . . . ' .............................81B. F. Badglcy ............................. 3.17 Thos. Sweenay ........................... 11.8IJ, C. D .-jrhor................................... 8.26 John Scott ...................................... 25.70M. B. Boley ............... ................... 9.23 Newton Smith .............................. 3 62G. C. Cook ..................................... 1.81 W. A. Btowoll ............. ............... 4 g t

' E. Vernon C a r l o ? : . . . r f 9.31 Robert W. Steel ................. • 35 45Nolan C. C arter . . . . ' .......... . 2.79 J . R. Soars .............................. • 9 7 4J. P. C lc v fln a d ............ ..............!, ' 4.43 J. W. S m ith .................................... y.27S. E. Crow ............ ..................... 2.27 Ed. S inclair ............................ 4.75.S. a CarvnsBO ................................ -9.80 A. B. Smllh .................................. 2.73*W. A. Cook ................................... C.32 Lloyd Towno ................................. • y.JS*

• A. 0 . Cloward ............................. B.BO J. E. Tolby .-....................... . . g i f. John C ro w n .................................. 3,20 R. K. Tolby ; ............... '...V 7. . . 5 24’

,C. C. C a m p b e ll......... .................. 4.13 T. W. Tltna ............................. 4i60'Frank- Cox ........................ .. 6.84 W. H. Tem pleton ........................... 1.5(PL. 0 . Coffee ................................... 2.47 Horman Voss .......................... 2.2?non Comba . . ' ............................... 1.72 West End T w in 'F a lla Ir r . Co. .144.26P. P. C uster ................................. 13.57 Howard 'WhtUoclt ......... .............. 3 76!•'. E. Chftn<llor.......................................79 J. 8. W arrington . . . ; ................. 12 .OOE. R. C h a n d le r .......................................79 W ort W eat ............................ . 4 3 4 ,A. H. Dearinger ......................... 3.73 W. S. W im n m s .............................. 10.52A. J. Dubola ................................. 4.74 Chns. W llhlto -............................... 90.428. H. Deah ................................. 4.G8 F. B. W e s lh o f t ........... .................. 2.49.J . S. Daj ton ................................. 2.31 J. A. Wood ............... '. .................. 3 5 cH ugh Dodd .............................. 22.53 Fred W n lk o r .................................. 12 81C. B. DavJco ................................. 3.92 J. WllJJp .................................. b B3Ray Dudley ...........................................99 Cllno S. W heolor .......................... 9.49 .Robert EnmoB .............................• 4.40 L. A. Whlto ...................................... 13.36J. F. Fields ................................... 1.26 .Tohn W. W right ........................... 3 51>Frank-W . Fulford ....................... 3.00 Georg© L. W e l lm a n ............... 489O. ^ F ry .............. ...................... 5.42 D. 0 . W ils o n ................................. 7,64Wm. IL iFchler ............................. 3.79 Huuh Wlllln .................................. 6J0G. E. FlrebauKht ....................... 8;gS Rogroc W nlkor ............................. 1 B7

.1 n .^L G «n ;?8on - - — u - ......... Marshall Cassolt ......................... ?.50Chaa. E . Gunning .....................~~41T ' E n C R l n l i ' r ;— 5 M -A. Greene ..................................... 7.43 Taylor DruR: Company ............. 66.85

- •Br-tloodsonr-r; - - -----XM . n_E.-3\L-KlahiUL . . . « flftA. 0 . Gould ............................... 8.09 E. 0 . W altor* .1__ — L « 'l^L. F. K aggart ............ .. S.37 . T .^ H cnsio r ............................... JJ.SSB ert H urd ..................................... 3.46 S. ,b . McBrido ............................. 4,82G." W .-H u m p h ro y ......................... 4.36 F. P. Prlneo ................. .............. tJ iJ: F. Hochlontnor .....................8,14 Albert Brown e t a l ............................ 6 9?Mark Hobson ............................... 11.36 T. W. R ico ; ................... fiMB. M. Homan ............................... 1. .6.4«T M orrJtt E ignor ............. ..............2J $John H ank ol a l ......................... 6.M A ugust W ellor ......... .................... «.bTWm. H oops ................................... s0rf9 Easl#.W orkm an i ........... .««Wm. H ark ins ........ ........... .. CJiS K M . D lxoa....... ........................ 6.76J . R. HohchinS . . . . . . . . ^........... 1.15 A, B. Soevoa . . ; ........................... " 4 i tClaodo H a n p ...................... .......... ' 2J51 H. w .i I>urkoo . . , . . ^ ' ' 5 0 7 ' .Otto Jacobson ............................. 4;fiS J. F- P ro p s t .............................. . 8.68 ,J. Johnson ..................................... 8.08 H.. D ouRbertr ....................... ; ; ; . ' i 0 8 1 ^M. Joo ............................ ............... .. fl.fl? P. F. ‘C .w .ju d B o n '9.T4 H . ; ^ S f a b ' ; . . . v ; . ‘ . . / ' 64. ' ««-;Martin K e llo g g ......... 4.71 8m iyi - & 'M ^ » t te r 186 .W 'Tony K ailand .............. 4.«2 M r » .^ . 'W ® e y *IL, 0 . Kimbrough .......... ............ I l i l4 T ^ d o rs o n .6 ro th e m :23.9tv,',B. K a m p s ...................... . 8.53 IP.-'A . >

- W.. A .-K in g . ........ ...................... LS7 PnrmBlit>r & ’8ttnv^olIStp\-o P . Leo ............................... 1-70 T uckef ft." 8aT«g®j s i j . ' lH. D. L o w IS '. ; ............................. 19.97 Arcble < l r a l i « m - | ; . . . . ; . . v i .T r ^ n R i s -

' Ifl' ■ ■ ' .__________ THB T^C«.A-WEEK TWIH TAiJ.^ Tngga ' • , ' ; ■

M I N Q U G n i A X U S T f o i l TAX o r . f 9 l 2

(CoHtluuyil.Jrom P mko I U

B<wiii»Jler & K lniicy ................... 30.U7J . P. Jolmaon ............... ............... U X iRoyal ClcnnlDi; & Dyeing C o .. . H.rilL yric TU onirc.'R A. H u llo ........ 7.:iii

•OiUiouo lilocirlc Supply C o . .. -.:s,41Goorgo Holtncu ........................... H-l'-*

. W . H. Thomna ............................. 1.^J l , D. Dalloy ................................. , - 3»Jufl. K. Uarslon .........................J . Alvla ..........................................J . Warr.cii WIiUo . ....................... “ !--Uni>).l^lnvi»f<l;n.iiit Co.................. ........ O Sj . H. Wotenciuiip ...........

• K . Tanolfii c l nl ...................OoorKo'A. Ooruclh ....................... - 3 ^J . C. Alien ......................................

■C. L. Wlnioni ............................. JI.SHP rltch n rft & C harlton ............... tJ.'i!AVT'h. llofliunn. ............................ -4.S7TJUli Yclilcle & IiiiploiiK^Hl cr.,00

. Buhl Cnfo .................................. .H . C. T urner ................. ..........M athor Horao & Slock C:ir Co. C.18 G rcut W cstcrti Oil lloflnlnK Co, 1.10

Notlcc la lvprcl>y Klvon Ihut iinleaB — flc-llnqucntr-tORCtlicr-wtlh

;tho jjeiiflljy and cohIh arc jialil, nil ot -the above <lcBorll>flO n ial property will ;i)0 sold u t piilillc n iitllon In front of

----- m u Couniy CuuiL Homifr-4n-iht»-C»y----- ot. Twin. ir;t1lH, rnnnty_flLX¥da.riUIgi.

. f lu te of Idaho, on Weancaday. Octo­ber 1, iyi:S, hOKlnnlHK a t 10 o'clock A. M. Sulo to continue from (Jny to day

•until all of -the property la aold. At tbo Bttinc tlnio all poraonnl tnxea. not Bocurod l;y rea l properly, w ill lie tu m o d over to tho proper offlcofB to en fo rce the collcctlon of aatno.

Dated a t Tw in I’nlla, Idaho, thie 19lh day u t AuKuat. 1913.

W. J. YOITNO, County T ronaurcr. ^ a n d Ex-O^tlclo Tax Colloctor.

. H k it i AND m\m---------

KotcH Fan itshed Iit fdalio Stdt« DoAnI of Hcnith.

Dnblos.Crying la tho com plaint lanRutifio

common to a ll bablca. I t Is a language o f lim ited vocabulary' b u t w llhat Is one ^ Id o m proporly Intorprotod.VMoBt m othora Inte rp re t tho bnby'o

«VorV cry aa' a call to r rooii anu Immodlatoly procood to ahiit It up hy atuftInK tho child w ith food thn t il do o sa 't w an t nnd sliouJdn't have.

■ Thla common mlfllnterpretftllon loada to loada of troublo for the ba­bies nnd hoapB of w orry t<?r tho moih-

Stuff a n ipp le In a Imhy’a nioulh «vory tim e i t squalla and you mirob’ \vill stlB up a cyclone.

Tho baby, n o t’ knowlnR buller, will ■cagorly take w h a t its Hollcltlona mlBtakea motJior r Ivcb ll. i 'o r the tim e Its cry ing ceasca; b u t thla la hut

• th o calm ‘boforo tho atbrm. The ovcr- %7orlco(I. ' orerlaadccl Ilctle Rtor»Rci> ooonor o r la te r rebels, the early Hlfina o t- rebellion bolnK rogurg lu tio n ot food, colic nnd IncronRlng peevlnhnwia.

To porslat In thla harm ful feodinK


> ,fo ck e )s of Oro W orth $30 P er 1‘onnd In L I t ie D cril vlarbldffe Clniiti. .

A ■telegram from JarbldKO anys that T3IIII0 and C/iorlfo M nrtln, who nre .runn ing n tunnel on tho Lllllo Devil •claim , broko Into the oro body Sun- • dny and found d istributed through­o u t tho vein sm all buncliea of gold

■ o ro 'th a t w ill go $G0,000 to the ton. '.Tbia oro. ia being Kortud and will ba •Bhippod. Chas. Nelson and anHoclntca hnvo an option on th la .property .

Tho oro' vein In tho Legltlmatea waa Alao broken Into lu tho tunnel A few d a y s ago. tho o re averaging J30. The wein haa boon opened up for flvo feet sm d there lu no tcUrnK tiow blij tho •om body is. T he tunnel is now In 175 Cocrt and tho lodge wau cu t a t a depth of about 100 feot.

T l» lodgo waa orlRlnnlly discovered sorerai years ago and a ahaft waa sunk ao fa r as m an-pow er could'holat. and whilo tho vuluos never w ere great on the Burfftce. tho owiicra wo;o con­fident tb a t w ith dojith tho oro would


0 O Y o i C n E ^

2 C ream in5h W e a r e in a positit

2 b e s t p o ssib le serv

^ le t u s icnov

^ ‘ W^’Il Do■ '■ • • n . tP o i


O u r au^o cy c le d " ^ " , - th ere

? L a -------------^ ---------------

W V 3 M 0 a o i NAV'

practlco In tho,face of theao algna of trouble la to .Invite dlnuator. SerlOUB Btomarh und howl dlaordura arc. bouud to reault. In fuct. n lurge proporllon of the fjanl diarrheal affoctlono of In- funtb 1» nttrlliutablc to ju s t thiu kind of overfeeding.

A'bnlij' fed lho propor am ounl.of tho proper food a l propor'luicrvlilH, regu­larly, will not ory fo / iiior.c- food. Wlien ■Biich u liaby crloa it crlen for reasona otiier than Imcifccr.

When the llal.y CripK.Look for noiiie cauao bealdea lum-

Kor. Ouii't atiiff a nl|i]>lu In ila mouth nnd let ll go ul that-

Perhnpa It Ih tirud of lylnK lu ono poultlon ao long. T urn It ovor.

Quilo likely It la Uilraiy. Glvo ll a drink of cooleil, boiled w ater—no Ice In It.

Mayl)o Ila KaTnionlH nro V ot o r aoll-

ao remove, thlim nt onco. .waah tho ijt«r{H c’Hrefiilly, «o»>o iin»ic«Hfix!jnleupi powder find put on clean, thor- ouglily dry Kurmenla.

Perchance Ila clothea nre uncom­fortably tlKlit or a pin may be aticklng It. Cocfoct thla.

I t inny ho complaining nbont holng too warm or aaklng for rollof from "prickly hout." . Mnko 11 comfortable by removluK all nnnocoaaury clothing —a th in gauze ab lrt and n dlapor la all lh a t moat babies should w ear lu hot weallier. T.,IglU“ fl'r’eB‘Blng nnd Iwo' n[H7ng« ■ bnths dall.v will prevcnl '■prickly hent."

Perhnpa It ia tired of being fondled •nnil'. ' w unta i tF-bo-lot-Ttlonc:— ^4««»p-alH t .■,wln- . f^lwnyn Tilnnp npn’.t,. hnndlo th e bnby moro th a n la nctunlly noeeflanry. Cut out-lho ■‘Unslo-dalBlo' and ‘'T rit- tro l lo Boatnn'' Hlunta.

Maybo It Is obJoctlnR to tho riunllty of th e a ir of tho room. Clone, hot, amelly n lr will mako nny baby, peov- lah. Give it lots of fresh a ir : lot il sloop outdoors as much .as poaalhlo, protected from duat, nun nnt* flloa. Whon In tbo houeo keep the wlndowa opon. Nevor keep n liahy iu n room whoro wnshlng o r cooking la holng done: If you mual do ao i>ut th e baby In a hiiB kel nonr au opon window.

Of courae, the foregoing are n o l the only roaaons why hntifos cry. They arc such comnion re.usonH, ))owever, th a l th o lr poaBlblllty of being the cnuao should bc oxcludod before a r­riving a l olhor ranclualona.

In nny event, loam to do somolhlnK to Btop a baby's cry bealdea stuffing ft nlpplo in ItB mouth.

P u t y o u r s e l f In the holploBS baby's plnco and J lg^ire out w hal woiild hnp- pen t6~you If evory Umo you naked for a drink bf w aler you worn glvon food; every timo you ,K rcw tired of lying.In one poettfon and wonted to bo turnorf o v e r, food w e re puahod Into your m outh: e v ery timo you wlahed to bo let alone th a t you mlRht aleep. food wore fo rc ed on you: overy tim o you coihplalnod nbout you clothca being too tiKhl or u n co m fo rln b lo . a nipple w ere Bluffed Into your nioulli: every time you complained nboul being too warm nnd wanted relief from "prick­ly h eat" you get food Inatoad of re­lief. W ouldn't It mnko you mnd, dys-; peptic, nnd whnt nol?

Then, bavc thought fo r tb e poor holplcBQ bnhe.

l le m e m b e r , o v e rfe e d in g k i l l s Ih o u - snndB of bnblea w h o ro u n d e rfe e d in g k i l l s one.


Incrcnse In. valuea, and tbl« has been proven.

John A. Jeaa. who has tnkon over the Alphas, haa !iO men a t work ou the wa«on road throuKh Hourne can­yon th n t loadtf up to the mlnea from the town, nnd na aoon na it la finiahed A-lll takke up Uia five-atamii mill, wbicb wJlJ bo put hi operation on the o re ho bna ready i ^ l h o dumpa. The mine is leaa th a n -a mllo and -a hnlf up th e canyon, but la nearly a thon- annd feet higher lhau the town.—ICIko Free Preaa.

TO O R G A ^ e' sI dW SCHOOLIter. .T. K. MncmillTra}' W ill Conduct

ScfTices n t Maroa.

Next Sundny. Auguat :il, a t 3 ii. m„ Rev. J. K, MacrJllllvray of Twin Kalla, Preabyterlan S. S. m laalonilry,' will conduct aervlcca, giving a Hlblo lec- inro, a t Maroa achool house, a tto r which tbe o rg an lm lo n of a IHble school unanlmoualy doclded upon nt the mcoting two weeka ngo will be completed, nnd arrangcm enia mnde. If



ef~W afit~Ic^ ga Hurry? |

1 •3n to give you the ^ice. Gall 395 and §r youx wants. P3

The Rest |pulnr PU c.-: , . •


poeliveiy will bring it ' t*3on titne ' '

0 u a o a a v w sav


' (Continued-from Page ;i’.j '

' Twin Kalla. A U .n. H I’l^ A .E .rau lk n cr. If .............. .'{ 1 1 2 •(> 0Corbin, aa .................-ti 1 J 0 1 1Chapin, o ' ................. .T 1 1 5 0 1Jdhnapn, 3b .............3 \0 1 0 3 QSnow, lh ................... 3 0 0 S 0 0Hrown. rf ................. :: 1 1 ” 0 0Horrlo, 2b ...................2 1 1 J 1! 1Chrlaman, c f ............. 3 1 1 1 0 0Heralng, p ............. 1! 1 0 0 3 0

Totals .....................I'l 7 7 IS 9 .3-•Pocntcllo ........ : ..............0 0 0 0 O'O—6

Twin l-'alla .....................0 0 3 0 : ; 3—8Gaiui! called to allow Pocntello to

culch trnln.Karned luna-^Tw ln l-''allH '1. Three-

base blta—Faulkner, AlbrKtun. I 'lra t on biilla—Off Kelly 3. Left on hiiBoa —Twin Kulla 1!, Pocutello 2.' Two-

bJlH—Chopin, Johnaon. S lrnck out—By Herslng f., by Klrkbndull -I. by Smith 1. Stolen huiioa—K night. Cha­pin, ChrlBuinn. Paaaed ba lis—Hourno. Umpire—Golden. Tomo o.f gam e—1:20.

s m T E i E a i o N j i H i f s i l■ -Upt>au«M^>ndlMup*-A.ffnknntng, .School . . Putrona.__________ _

Dcaplte luck of official publicity on tho pnrt of tho board of 'o<Iuca(!oa through the nowsiiajiera, a g rea t doal of Intereat la being tnkon in tho annual achool cleclion which will bo held noxt Monday afternoon In tbo h igh achool building. Two m canclea w ill bavo to bc filled owing 10 tho lo rm s o t J. A. Watera and J. S, Keel expiring n t thnl Umo. Neltlior of tho two nbove gen-

; tlciuen have conaented to ru n nflTVuT ent. The namea of aevornl tnon nnd womcn have boon mcnllonod, among

! whom nre the following: Dr. Wli-• Bon. \V. J. -YointR, Mrs. Cox. .Mrs. J. H. , Scnver, Mrs. Ji. R. Morao, M rs. Jennie

Hrndley; Mr. H. .1. FnlllnB.. George Harlan and H. 13. Powers. Tho So- clnllata havo alao put up ft lady candi-

: date. Ot the nnmeir m entioned only : a few have really agrood to allow

thclr 'namea to be used, M rs. Cox, Dr. 1 Wilaon nnd tlio aoclnllal candldnte be­

ing tho only ones ao far osflurod. Pa* ' (ronti Of tho schnols nro-«n?ot!-to-gol

oul early Mondny nftornoon’ to the I caucus beld Juat prlod to tho. balloting I Jn the Bcbool building.

Ruins of Old Romsn F o r t ‘ A Roman fort bag boen foond- on ‘ <be f^rm of MumriUa, noar LaarSestoa, ; DumbftrtonBhlre, a milo or^io.J]^,ttaa : oast o t FaJkJrk, SiolJaad. 'Wlilla ploir- I log oporfttlons w oro 'In p ro g m s is a . flold on ttao fann reforrsd to tber*■ wer« laid baro tbji fouolaUoBS aad : m ined wallB wblcb bad b^en burled

fdr c«nturioB. Soveral of tbo Yoads or f tw o ts w«ro trpceabJe. A locaJ. on- UQuarlan ezpart. having b,«eo’BdvlMd

I of tb e dlseoTWT. aaslited Id th*■ ecarchi -

) N E |U N G ^J dvblred. for regu lar prenehlug sor-

vl«tcB hereafter u t thla point,r I t is (ieslmblo Cfuit ((tore should b<I a very full n llcndnncu .a l Ihla, m oot- Ing. 80 thn t the whole community nin) X hnvo n voice In-aaylng jua l whnt tho) 1 wish In tho m atter of mnklng .Mnrot

n aocinl centjcr, rcllgltnialy, ua well ai B lu o ther reapccta.J There aeema to .h e no good rensot t why there ahould nol be a neighbor- hood evangelical orgunir.ntlon wblcl 3 ahall bc practically union; nellhor li

there nny doubt tlm t uuch nn organi ration If heartily entered Into woul(

Lhe o r JmmenBc JienefK to the «vbo2< community In many waya.

T here were over alxty preaent a the form er mcoting; hut tho dctallB o

» orgnnlzutlon werw poatponcd tw( wecka in order to hnvo the- prcsonci of those who wcro unavoidably nbsoo a l thnt time, tho fnlleat poaaible rop

• rcaentnllon being dcalred.{ Kvoryliody come, for the best kim [ of a beginning.

; NEGllGEf CUSTOM INVITED'“ ---------f T cnnh AaKocIutlon I)ancc an Inform a

• Affair.

The first annual toum nm ent dnnci given by tho Twin FnllK TennJs asso

: elation, next Thuraday promlsea to b< i a very enjoyable nnd thoroughly in L focmnLntfalr.__lavlm Uonu have beei■ aenl o u t wlili the word 'ncgligo< , printed on ihem to Indlcnto th a t fui , dresa ball room coatumcB aro taboc I The men are rcnucatod lo come ii 1 white duck or llnon costum e nnd bo ai ' comfortuble aa poaaible. 'I lcm em bo

lho date, Thursday evening, in Cotil I lion ball. •' .

V TiPTON-BUTlER •I J_____ • ■I ]loliIs(«r Mno M'cds Sonth D okot 1 ClrL .

I At four o 'clock Sfondaj' oftom oor t Auguat 2Ti, n t tho homo of the bride' I alstor. Mrs. H. P. Johnson, oceurroi

tho m nrrliige of Miss L aurn Maud I T ipton of WlUtowood, South Dakoti I and Mr. Floyd M." B u tle r.o f IlolliBtoi I Only tho Immedlato, re latives iui'

frlenda woro present; nnd tho cero ‘ mony was performed by Rov. Mr. W. E I Woodhull. Tho young coupio wil

mnko tho lr homo a t HolJIstor. whor tho Krooin ia In tho employ of tb Campbell M ercantile Co,

............... . ,v, ■. - •

MapT i r ¥

beT h e !


of the; w i lh n ;

and ne

new m

; _cre?iteclure, a tion re and m are ab: th e T i

--------------------- ^Waceminj are rea

T I i e T W i C I

HALt L Y ’

...............— ^IN GLORICUS POMP OF WAI

Mfpbt antf T error SeemtnBty (ncai nate W ith the Winged Hus-

• i r s of Poland.

' , Silk and eatln . fur and velvoi hai given nway to sbimmortng melnl. t plumed helm et and tho poll o f bea and .wolf; Instead of tbo warm glot of precious stones, flashed' tbo co'i glint of naked stool. In placo *of cal tan. cloak and loose-trousers, one sai brea^t-pl&te, loin gunrd and pollss< Aad horo wero faces /lurlously stli tinder th e curved o'ar-plecoB, and her woro bodies ahcated In plumage ani the skins of w ild beasts.

Yot thlB w a s not enough. Por t tbo ro ll of*koti]iM]rum8,>lho sw ir l o ntcs behind guartlan. dragoon nni ro ller camo tb c h u ssa r mounted an< peononod lanco a t real. Tbeso mei sa t tho ir heavy horuB , tho lr Innco

a forest, and 'Trom tholr nhou ders foBO Ibo lamouB "wings." Sull do h tly Bplendlil In tberaaolvos, tbo: had added th is lanl toud i of splendoi . From tboir shoulders, as In the n Ilefs o f anciont Rgypt, roao gros wings—tbe rustling of them flllcdi th theater. M ight and (error wero It cam ato In those warriors. W hol fo could stand boforo the awful aibllanc of th o lr ' onrush, th is apparition o something . incpncolvnbly monstroai yot inconceivably auporb?

W ar had fired th is peopto to, noi ImprorlsaUonn tha t ended In a grai deor reaching lo tito epic, tho sni Ilmo. Tho o th e r nations had . bu dreamed of w ar god* buoyod on th sproad of carvod and painted wings the Pole dared, to a ttem pt thom In bl line of battle , to embody thom, to b them. ' .

. OvAf thlft,»un)Ukialcd Poland eagl< white u i^ J ta - b lo o d - r e d ground..^, bishop r^ s e d tbo c^crcd rollcs and th 'erois and gavo hU blossing. Plainl: w ithout music, the fro n t ranks knee Ini,’ the m ounted mon bohind. roso eo taan -ch an t of ntato volcea. I t wa the hymn m ado for Sobloskl'a loglon whee they m arched out to V ieans.- Albeii K lnroee. In Scribnnr’s M ac line.

W aat a cab? Phono Dooloy'a Ll ery, 111. June 24

ol lilaliaOld and New rs of flie Tilimes at a considerable :ured the^bestrevised-v

state that' can be seci

ake ail exceptloiiab offer :w subscribers tor this y

lap contains the new 1 at the last session of tl ccurate and up-to-date garding the resources of her valuable data. T solutely free in connect mes subscription offer,

teh-for-f urther announce ' this, big free offer when idy for delivery.

t - A S r w i f

F PIr L ER — ■ ^

T H E M O T O RO pposite P o s t O ffice


I Accessories, 1a . ■

; EXdELSIOR• T h e M achine T h a t ” AI>

0 '___________ :______________________j

ALTERED IN THEIR MEANIK 0 :— *— f Pbnisea, Passing Through Oenei d tions. Become Dlatorted aefor* d Generally Acknowledged.

s Wohd building, ia os much a pio |. of carpentry a s is houao huildit I- Ohly It takos longer. SomoUmDa J contury moro. And by th a t Umo t •. word’s flrst moaning is usually ehoi >. ed.,l - For example, tho old word I 0 "neighbor" waa "sib ."’ One’a go

ncJgbbor/w as known a s ooo'a "go f sib." ThtS‘ booamo shortonod Q ‘godslb,' and la te r to "gossip.'* Th f the-w ord 's whole nwanlng chang I . and gossip no longer m eant go

neighbor, b u t appllod -to tho sort tiilk .cxcbaagod betwoeo good oei<

I. bonj. . • ,f. TiVo tho word “ fftrmor,'* too. T

old word for ''fan n o r” waa '•boo 0 (And "boor” la te r was ua«d for .. sc rib ing farm oM iko or rough p ^ sons.) ‘The fa n n e r living, oearosf , oho was knoiyn a t the "nighboo

and 'U lls phrase, in course ' o f tli was twlflted to •■neighbor.*’.

.* Yoq'to hoard th* proVorb. "Lit pttchera h a re big eara.*" .Well.

' dossht refer <a the Utensil that ho •I water or goes to the coraer aide do

*’PItcher”-w a* .a alaa^ term , w aomo BUch moaning as our word **ctu

' or **fellow.** Thus, ‘XltU* fetlo _ have !'blg ean " la a ojor* aensi

rendering of the proTorh.—Chfci Joumat.

A repotlon o T y o a r 'w a n i da la of y . wife—when U’a im portan t to And t t n o s t degtrable t«Daau


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R ep a irs A n y O ld T h iflg

'ires and SuppliesG E N T S

AUTO CYCLE'a y s M akes G o o d " A n y w h e re

\ • —

B Bicllll to r ^onm m pU on.An alleged now bacilli treatm ent

a* fo r consumption, an alleged discovery of a Dr. Friedm ann, w blch has been widely exploited by a nftwspaper syn­dicate, la dlacrodlted by th e Journal

:e of th e American Modlcal association, g. In ordei;, to aecuro curntlvo otfecta a I t la assorted that'thoBo living bacilli

derived from some k ind of a tu rtle g- m u st be injected deep Into tho mus-

cloa of the patient. Tho preparation ar o f the rem edy is secrot. "T he uso ol )d tho fluid." says tho Journal, "is prob- >d ab ly n o t without danger. Thore la to n o t BtifBcIent w arran t fo r any othoi m a ttltudo tow ard Friodmann'B '^ e a t Jd ' m e a t-o f -tuberenlosla than one of crlt- )d leal noulrallty aad Judicious akeptl- of -cism."ih •*--------------------- ------

Newest Pest, le Tbe new est post In lho wost and •y mlddlo wost Is th 9 dog. N ot tho pral- lo> r le dog. Just tho common dog. ^ e la jr- responsible for the decline in the to Bhoep ■ raising Industry. In M naay :.*• a ta te s la the lection of tho countiy i«, once la rge ly 'dovo ted to cattlo aad

Bhoep ralsfng. thero a re moro ^logs Je th a a there ar* sheep. I t takes three 'tt ba rb w lrea cn top of two fee t of woven

d i w ire to mako ^ fence tha t wll] )f. Iteep dog^ away from a'hetp. K ansas tb bad . 175,000 ahoop and 190,000 doga p" la IBIO, aoeordlng to tho accretary ol

th e K aasaa boar|l of agriculture.He I T h e usual answ er fa rm ers In tbe p ) wj»c g ire to tbe ciueatioa, ‘'W hy doa't

yon keep sheep?" is “Wo <eaa!t koop dogs from killing thom."

:en , , - . .lbe A t lOo a line you bring, yo ar w aac

to yo ar oelgbborg* door.