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Supervision Syllabus

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  • Richland College

    School of Engineering, Business, and Technology



    BMGT 1301. 83448/83449/93407/83007/93405 Spring 2014 | 3 Credit Hours

    INSTRUCTORS NAME: Preston B. Rich, MBA, Ph.D.

    TELEPHONE NUMBER: 972.837.9390

    OFFICE NUMBER: 972.238.6140


    OFFICE HOURS: Email or phone

    E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

    START and END DATES: March 24, 2014 May 15, 2014

    DROP DATE: 2 May 2014


    COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a study of the role of the supervisor. Managerial functions

    such as leadership, counseling, motivation, and human relations skills are examined. Other topics

    explored include: goal setting, communications, groups and teamwork, conflict resolution, employee

    disputes, and dealing with change and innovation. (3 Lec.)

    COURSE PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.


    Supervision and Leadership in a Changing World by Gary Dessler. Publisher: Prentice Hall,


    COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course, students

    should be able to:

    1. Explain the demands and rewards of being a supervisor.

    2. Identify and discuss the major demographic and societal trends that will affect supervisors.

    3. Explain how supervisors can put leadership theory into practice in the real world.

    4. Discuss the guidelines that help supervisors lead a diverse workforce.

    5. Define programmed and non-programmed decisions and the concept of sound decision making.

    6. Explain how information technology tools assist supervisors in making sound decisions.

    7. Discuss the fundamentals and basic elements involved in business planning.

    8. Describe various forecasting tools that are available for supervisors to use in making better


    9. Explain the importance of the control process and describe the three basic steps of control.

    10. Describe traditional control systems and their various components.

    11. Discuss the basis and importance organizing and departmentalizing.

    12. Describe how authority, delegation, and other factors affect the organization of activities.

    13. Discuss the importance of supervisors knowing about various Equal Employment Opportunity


    14. Explain the supervisors role in creating fair work environment based on various national, state, and local laws.

  • 15. Discuss the employment selection process and the importance of selecting the right candidate.

    16. Explain various employment selection concepts that all supervisors should know and


    17. Discuss the importance of training and developing employees and the supervisors role in that process.

    18. Discuss the supervisors role in implementing organizational change programs. 19. Discuss the importance of understand various approaches to motivating employees.

    20. Identify ten theory-based methods for motivating employees that supervisors can use.

    21. Define teams and discuss how group dynamics impact the development of effective teams.

    22. Discuss various barriers to effective communications and the steps that supervisors can take to

    improve interpersonal communication.

    23. Explain the supervisors role in using coaching and mentoring to bring out the best in team members.

    24. Explain the supervisors role in the appraisal process. 25. Discuss the guidelines for compiling effective appraisals and for conducting appraisal


    26. Describe what constitutes fair and ethical treatment of employees and why they are important.

    27. Explain the guidelines for managing employee discipline and privacy.

    28. Describe how unions impact organizations and what the laws are that govern labor relations.

    29. Discuss the importance of workplace safety and what supervisors should know about workplace

    violence and occupational safety laws.

    30. Discuss the supervisors role in controlling Workmans Compensation costs.


    The Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) was appointed by the Secretary of Labor to determine the skills that individuals need in order to succeed in the

    workplace. Richland College is determined to prepare you with the knowledge and skills you need

    to succeed in todays dynamic work environment. Towards that goal, the following SCANS workplace competencies and foundation skills have been incorporated into the curriculum for this


    Employ Interpersonal Skills

    Apply Thinking Skills

    Display Appropriate Personal


    Participate as team members Display creative thinking Exhibit responsibility

    Teach others Exhibit decision-making skills Demonstrate appropriate self-esteem

    Serve client/customers Use problem solving skills Demonstrate appropriate social skills

    Exercise leadership Visualize minds eye concept Display self-management skills

    Negotiate conflict resolution Use appropriate learning techniques

    Display integrity/honesty

    Respect cultural diversity Exhibit reasoning skills



    Course Week Course Weekly Assignments Other Information

    Week 1: March 24-30, 2014

    Read Chapter 1 The Supervisors Role in a Changing World

    Read Chapter 2 Leading Todays Diverse Workforce

    Submit student introduction in

    Discussion Board section.

    Week 2: March 31-April 6,


    Read Chapter 3 Solving Problems and Making


    Complete Discussion

    Question One for Chapter 3.

    Its located under the Discussion Question tab

    Read Chapter 4 Planning and Setting Goals

    Complete Exam 1 Chapters 1,2,3,4 (located under Exams


    Week 3: April 7-13, 2014 Read Chapter 5 Understanding How To

    Control Work Processes

    Read Chapter 6 Organizing Jobs and Work

    Begin Supervision Case

    Studies (located under Course

    Documents tab)

    Submit each report anytime

    during the semester. All are

    due no later than the last week

    of the course.

    Week 4: April 14-20, 2014 Read Chapter 7--

    Supervisors Role In Equal Employment

    Complete Discussion

    Question Two for Chapter 7.

    Its located under the Discussion Question tab.

    Read Chapter 8--

    How to Interview and Select


    Complete Exam 2 Chapters 5,6,7,8 (located under Exams


    Week 5: April 21-27, 2014

    Read Chapters 9 Training and Developing


    Read Chapter 10 Using Motivation and Incentives

    Complete Discussion

    Question Three for Chapter

    10. Its located under the Discussion Question tab

  • Week 6: April 28 May 4, 2014




    W 2 MAY 2014

    Read Chapter 11 Leading the Team Effort

    Read Chapter 12 Coaching and Communicating

    Skills For Leaders

    Complete Discussion

    Question Four for Chapter 12.

    Its located under the Discussion Question tab

    Complete Exam 3 --- Chapters

    9, 10, 11, 12 (located under

    Exams tab)

    Week 7: May 5 - 11, 2014

    Read Chapter 13 Appraising and Managing Performance

    Complete Discussion

    Question Five for Chapter 13.

    Its located under the Discussion Question tab. Read

    Chapter 14 Supervising Ethics, Fair Treatment, and

    Discipline At Work

    Week 8: May 12 -15, 2014

    EXAM 4 MUST be

    completed by Thursday, May

    15, 2014 at midnight

    Read Chapter 15 --

    Supervising Grievances and

    Labor Relations


    Read Chapter 16---

    Protecting Your Employees Safety and Health

    Note: All textbook homework

    chapter assignments for this

    course must be completed and

    submitted no later than

    midnight Thursday, May 15,

    2014 at midnight.

    Complete Exam 4---Chapters

    13, 14, 15, 16 (located under

    Exams tab).

    All Supervision Case Study

    Reports Due


    Students are expected to maintain similar standards to those found in the workplace. As

    such, you are expected to attend this online class regularly, complete all assignments on time--

    -with excellence---and demonstrate a sincere willingness to learn.

    1. Exams: Four exams will be administered during the semester---each covering approximately four chapters and each worth 100 points. All exams will contain a combination of true/false and

    multiple-choice and will be scored in the Exams section of your class in ecampus.dcccd.edu.

    Please study each chapter thoroughly before taking each exam. You can make up one exam

    during the semester, but no make-up will be given for the final exam. Your final exam will be

    made available on week 8 online and must be completed no later than Thursday, May 15.

    2. Textbook Homework Assignments: Over the course of the semester you will be responsible for reading the 16 chapters in this textbook. For each chapter, you are to complete the questions

    at the end of each chapter under the Review and Discussion Questions heading. Please ensure that you answer all questions in complete sentences. You will be required to complete

    homework assignments from only 5 of the 16 chapters. You can decide which chapters you

    prefer to do homework from. Each homework assignment is worth 30 points.

    3. Supervision Case Studies: You will be required to complete 6 case studies out of the textbook. At the end of each chapter, two case studies are presented in the Application and Skill Building section. You will answer the questions from 6 of the case studies of your choice from the text. All questions must be answered in complete sentences which negates the need to copy

    the question. All questions should be answered with at least five sentences in order to be

    answered as a true discussion. You will submit your case study questions as a file in .doc, .docx,

    .txt, .rtf, or .pdf format. No other formats will be accepted or graded. Each case study is worth

    50 points.

    4. Discussion Questions: In order to create dialogue, gain new knowledge, and strengthen your online interpersonal skills by collaborating with other members of your class, you will be

    required to participate in five class Discussion question activities. Students generally find the

    discussion questions activities interesting, invigorating, and informative. This will occur by

    answering questions that the professor will post for the entire class to respond to. Students will

    have one week to complete their discussion for each of the five Discussion Questions. Since

    this is an actual class discussion, all discussion comments must be posted during the week that the discussion is scheduled in order to earn the points for this interesting assignment. Each

    discussion question is worth 30 points.


    Component Point Value

    Four (4) exam scores 400

    Five (5) Textbook Homework Assignments 150

    Six (6) Supervision Case Studies 300

    Five (5) Discussion Questions 150

    Total Possible Points 1000


    Grade points Letter Grade

    900-1000 A

    800-899 B

    700-799 C

    600-699 D

    Below 600 F


    ATTENDANCE POLICY: In order to be successful students must attend and participate in enrolled

    courses. Although there are no specific attendance policies in this online course, students are expected

    to actively participate and engage in the different learning activities that are scheduled each week.

    The Weekly Course Schedule (located above) will give you specific deadline dates for submission of

    all assignments in this course.

    ACADEMIC PROGRESS AND SUCCESS: Students are encouraged to discuss academic goals

    and degree completion with their professors. Specific advising is available throughout the semester.

    Check www.richlandcollege.edu/admissions/process.php for more details.

    CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT: Continuing Education students are held to the same academic

    standards as credit students when enrolled in this course. Concurrent enrollment students earn

    Continuing Education Units (CEUs) rather than college credit for this course and are expected to

    complete all required assignments and exams.

    PLAGIARISM POLICY: Plagiarism is the most unacceptable form of cheating and disrespect in

    the academic community. Any student who turns in an assignment that has been plagiarized may

    receive a grade of F for the assignment and for the final semester grade.


    (QEP) in select classes. The QEP provides techniques, practices, and tools to help students develop

    the habits, traits or behaviors needed to be effective and successful lifelong learners in college and in

    life. For more information, please log onto http://www.richlandcollege.edu/qep2013/

    FINAL GRADE REPORT: Final grade reports are available online. Students need to enter their

    seven-digit student identification number when they log onto eConnect, an online system developed

  • by the DCCCD to provide you with timely information regarding your college record. The website

    address is: http://econnect.dcccd.edu

    INSTITUTION POLICIES: Refer to the Richland College website: www.richlandcollege.edu or

    to www.richlandcollege.edu/syllabusinfo/syllabiInformation.pdf