2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergarten Magnet School’s Summer Learning Link: http://magnetschoolssummer.weebly.com/ Pre K – K Summer Learning Link: http://summerbridgek.weebly.com/

2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

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Page 1: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergarten

Magnet School’s Summer Learning Link: http://magnetschoolssummer.weebly.com/  

Pre  K  –  K  Summer  Learning  Link:  http://summerbridgek.weebly.com/  

Page 2: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Welcome to Winston Academy of Engineering! We are excited to help your chi ld prepare for their f irst school experience. This portfol io i s f i l led with s imple, engaging act iv i t ies that wi l l lead your chi ld through authent ic learning experiences! The procedures for complet ing the portfol io are l i s ted below. If you have any quest ions, please do not hes itate to cal l our office for ass i stance. Your Winston Fami ly 863-499-2890 Instruct ions:

• Pages 2-5 are dai ly act iv i ty calendars. Each day read the direct ions with your chi ld and complete the lesson together.

• Some days, the words “Portfol io Item” are written next to the date on the calendar. If an act iv i ty has th is wr itten, there wi l l be a corresponding page in the portfol io with direct ions for complet ion. Make sure you look for the correct date, found at the top of each portfol io page.

• This portfol io was specif ical ly des igned to have a min imal amount of act iv i t ies per day so that they can be done with f idel i ty . Please make sure you and your chi ld work careful ly and di l igent ly to complete the act iv i t ies . Remember “Perfect pract ice makes perfect!”

• At the top of each calendar it instructs the chi ldren to read each day for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independent ly or with an adult . In the portfol io, at the beginning of each month, i s a Reading Log. Use th is sheet to record the name of the book, the number of pages that were read, the t ime that the reading was completed, and if the reading was completed independent ly or with an adult . If you run out of space, use the back of the page.

• Each day should be in it ia led by an adult that the act iv i ty was completed together.

• You wi l l be contacted throughout the summer to come in and meet with a teacher to help support your chi ld’s learning.


Page 3: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

June – Bridge to Kindergarten Summer Learning Calendar – June Read 20 minutes each day and record the information on the log.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 13 Portfolio Item Use alphabet letter flashcards or make your own by writing letters on index cards, for the upper and lowercase letters A-Z. Mix up the cards and try to name all the letters (not in order). Make one pile for the letters you know and one pile for letters you don’t know. Continue to practice letters you don’t know throughout the summer. Parent initial

14 Portfolio Item Count all of the doors in your house. Count all of the windows, too. Does your house have more doors or more windows? Write these numbers down. doors windows

Parent initial

15 Portfolio Item Work on learning to write your first name and last name. Remember, only the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name begin with capital letters. Everything else should be lower case.

Parent initial

16 Portfolio Item Read a Nursery Rhyme book with an adult. Do you have any of the rhymes memorized? Say the rhyme by yourself to 3 different people. Try to learn a new nursery rhyme today!

Parent initial

17 Portfolio Item Draw a picture for someone who is important to you. Tell your important person why they are special to you.

Parent initial

20 Visit www.abcya.com & click on grade K. Scroll down and choose letter match. Play this game for either letter names or letter sounds. Can you find all the matching pairs? Say the name of the letter each time you click on its card. Play again and see if you are faster this time!

Parent initial

21 Portfolio Item Continue to practice writing your first and last name. Form the letters correctly. Count each letter in your first name. Count each letter in your last name. Do you have more letters in your 1st or last name? Tell someone how you know that!

Parent initial

22 Portfolio Item Start with 1. Count to 20. Can you write the numbers to 10 in order?

Challenge: Can you start with 10 and count backwards all the way to 1? Write this backwards counting pattern down.

Parent initial

23 Portfolio Item Use alphabet letter flashcards or make your own by writing letters on index cards, for the upper and lowercase letters A- Z. Name each letter. Choose letter cards A-M and think of one word that begins with each letter. Do this as quickly as you can.

Parent initial

24 Portfolio Item Let’s connect the dots! Use the provided connect the dots sheets to practice ordering your numbers from one to ten. Use the second dot-to-dot and try to go backwards from ten to one.

Parent initial 27 Portfolio Item

Draw a picture of your family. Say a sentence that tells about something you and your family do together. Have an adult write your sentence down. Point to the capital letter that starts the sentence. Point to the period that ends the sentence.

Parent initial

28 Portfolio Item Play Memory with your alphabet flashcards or index cards. Choose 10 upper and lowercase cards for the same letter. Mix the cards up and turn them face down. Try to match the upper and lowercase letters. Name the letter on each card.

Parent initial

29 Visit www.starfall.com Choose ABCs for letter/sound practice. Then choose “I’m Reading for sight word practice”.

Parent initial

30 Portfolio Item Estimate the number of jumping jacks you can do in one minute. Now try it. Was your estimate greater or less than the number of jumping jacks you completed?

Parent initial

July 1 Portfolio Item Go to www.storylineonline.net. Listen to a story that you haven’t heard before. Tell a friend about your favorite part of the story. Draw a picture of the story. Have an adult write your sentence down about the story. Read it to someone.

Parent initial

Page 4: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

July – Bridge to Kindergarten Summer Learning Calendar – July Read 20 minutes each day and record the information on the log.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4 Portfolio Item Happy Birthday America!

Color the flag. Try to be neat and color between

the lines.

Parent initial

5 Portfolio Item Visit www.ixl.com Click on Kindergarten and then C.1 Count to Ten. Complete this activity to practice counting objects 1 -10. Practice writing the numbers 0 - 10. Can you draw 7 flowers? Ifyou draw 2 more flowers, howmany flowers do you have? Tellyour answer to a friend!

Parent initial

6 School will be starting soon! Can you tie your shoe? Can you zip your zipper? Can you button your buttons? Can you buckle and unbuckle your belt? Practice these things throughout the summer at home until you can do all them all without adult help!

Parent initial

7 Portfolio Item Read a favorite picture book with an adult. Do you know who was in the story? Draw a picture of all the characters and write a sentence about your favorite character from the story. Have an adult help you with writing. Circle the capital letter and circle the period!

Parent initial

8 Portfolio Item Let’s create patterns! Go to www.ixl.com, click on Kindergarten, patterns, h2. Also practice the attached worksheet with your family to create patterns. Use the included shapes to create additional patterns.

Parent initial 11 Portfolio Item Visit PBS kids today at: http://pbskids.org/wordworld/characters/game_frm.htmlPractice rhyming with Frog’s Rhyming Machine.

Parent initial

12 Portfolio Item Count the number of steps it takes to get from your refrigerator to the front door. Write this down. Count the number of steps it takes to get from the television to the couch. Write this down. Which number is larger?

Parent initial

13 Begin practicing the first few words from the Kindergarten word list. Make flashcards by writing words on the index cards for the words you are learning. Practice these words every day! Read these words and find them in books you are reading.

Parent initial

14 Portfolio Item Listen to the weather report today. What will the weather be like? Draw a picture of today’s weather and have an adult help you write a sentence that tells about the weather. Start with a capital letter and end with a period.

Parent initial

15 Portfolio Item Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day? Today see how many letters and sounds you know! Use playdough to create something that is shaped like a square, shaped like a circle, shaped like a triangle.

Parent initial


Page 5: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

July Continued – Bridge to Kindergarten Summer Learning Calendar – July Continued Read 20 minutes each day and record the information on the log.

18 Continue practicing your word- wall cards. Practice these words ever day! Read these words and find them in the books you are reading.

Parent initial

19 Portfolio Item Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day? Today see how many letters and sounds you know! Listen to a good book! Tell a friend a character that was in the story and where the story took place. Draw the characters and setting.

Parent initial

20 Portfolio Item Practice writing your first and last name. Use capital letters correctly and form each letter carefully. Do you know when your birthday is? Learn the month and date. Share this with a friend.

Parent initial

21 Portfolio Item Bounce a ball. Count how many times you can bounce a ball in one minute. Try bouncing the ball with your other hand and counting. Which number is larger? Why? Tell a friend.

Parent initial

22 Visit www.abcya.com Click on K. Choose Alphabet Bingo – Letter Sound. Listen to the sounds and choose the correct letter. Play at least 2 times. Practice the Kindergarten sight words.

Parent initial 25 Visit www.abcya.com. Click on K and then play Birthday Candle Counting. Count the candles and choose the correct number. Play at least 2 times.

Parent initial

26 Portfolio Item Draw a picture of one of your favorite places. Have an adult help you write sentences that tell where your favorite place is and why you like it so much. Read your sentences to a friend.

Parent initial

27 Portfolio Item Listen to a good book from www.storylineonline.net . Tell who the characters are and where the setting is for the story. Draw a picture of your favorite part.

Parent initial

28 Portfolio Item Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day? Today see how many letters and sounds you know! Choose a game to play with your family. Read the directions together and take turns!

Parent initial

29 Practice your letters with sidewalk chalk or a crayon and paper. Have an adult say a letter name. You will then write the letter on the sidewalk with chalk or with a crayon on paper. See how many letters you can write!

Parent initial

Page 6: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

August – Bridge to Kindergarten Summer Learning Calendar – August Read 20 minutes each day and record the information on the log.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 Visit http://www.starfall.com/n/matching/sight-words/load.htm and match the sight words. Can you read them? Practice the words and look for them in books!

Parent initial

2 Portfolio Item Draw a picture of your favorite summer activity. Have an adult help you write at least 2 sentences that tell about your picture. Point to the first word in the sentence. Does it have a capital? Circle the capital letter. Look at the end of the sentence. Circle the period.

Parent initial

3 Portfolio Item Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day? Review letter names, letter sounds and Kindergarten sight words today!

Parent initial

4 Portfolio Item Do this activity with an adult! Practice cutting with kid safe scissors today. Use the sheet attached to practice cutting on the lines. Cut carefully!

Parent initial

5 Portfolio Item Go on a counting scavenger hunt. Search for things in your house and write the numbers down. Count your pairs of socks. Count the spoons. Count your books. Which number is smallest? Which number is largest? Tell a friend what you found!

Parent initial8 Portfolio Item School will be starting soon! Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day? Review letter names, letter sounds and Kindergarten sight words today.

Parent initial

9 Portfolio Item Visit http://www.starfall.com/n/level- c/fiction-nonfiction/load.htm?f Choose one fiction book to listen to/read. See how many words you know! Choose one nonfiction book to listen to/read. Draw a picture of the book you like best. Tell an adult or friend about your picture.

Parent initial

10 Portfolio Item Visit www.ixl.com Click on Kindergarten and then N.3 Same and Different. Complete this activity to practice picking objects that are the same and ones that are different. Draw a circle then draw a shape that is different. Then draw 2 shapes that are the same. Tell your answer to a friend!

Parent initial

11 Portfolio Item Practice the Kindergarten sight words. How many words can you read now? Your teacher will be very proud of you!

Parent initial

12 Portfolio Item Let’s connect the dots! Use the provided connect the dots sheets to practice ordering your numbers from one to ten. Use the second dot-to-dot and try to go backwards from ten to one.

Parent initial

Recipe: Sidewalk Chalk 1 cup Plaster of Paris 1 cup water Tempera Paint Mix plaster & water together until it forms a thick paste. Be careful, this hardens quickly! For color, stir in powdered tempera paint. Pour into mold (paper cup candy molds, toilet paper roll, etc) Leave overnight to dry.

Recipe: Playdough ½ cup salt 2 cups flour ½ cup water Add water gradually while stirring. Knead thoroughly. Add food coloring if desired. Store in an airtight container.

Recipe: Bubbles 2 cups water ¼ cup corn syrup 1/3 cup dish soap Stir well. Bubbles work immediately, but improve if left an hour or so.

Recipe: Flubber ¼ cup of water ¼ cup white glue ½ cup water 1 ½ tsp. Borax Mix glue & water in a sandwich bag. Mix water and Borax in a bowl. Add Borax mixture to bag. Squish well until no liquid remains (may need to add more glue.) You may add food coloring. Should bounce.

Recipe: Silly Putty 2 cups white glue 1 cup liquid starch Gradually pour liquid starch into glue and stir. Knead 5-10 minutes. If the mixture is too sticky, add more liquid starch. If the mixture is too runny, add more glue.

Page 7: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 8: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 9: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 10: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or






Page 11: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Monday June 13th

• Use alphabet letter flashcards or write letters on indexcards, for the upper and lowercase letters A-Z. Mix upthe cards and try to name all the letters (not in order).Make one pile for the letters you know and one pile forletters you don’t know. Continue to practice the letters youdon’t know throughout the summer.

Letters I do Know:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Letters I am still learning:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Page 12: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday June 14th

• Count all of the doors in your house. Count all of thewindows, too. Does your house have more doors or morewindows? Write these numbers down.

How many doors does your house have?

How many windows does your house have?

Does your house have more windows or more doors?

Try this.....how many more?

Page 13: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Wednesday June 15th

• Work on learning to write your first name and last name.

Remember, only the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name begin with capital letters. Everything else should be lower case.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Page 14: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday June 16th

• Follow the directions on the next page to create a nursery rhyme mini book. Read a Nursery Rhyme book with an adult. Do you have any of the rhymes memorized? Say the rhyme by yourself to three different people. Try to learn a new nursery rhyme today!

Page 15: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 16: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 17: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 18: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 19: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 20: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Friday June 17th

• Use the next page to draw a picture of someone who is important to you. Tell your important person why they are special to you.

• Make sure you remember: o To color your picture o To include a setting for your picture. Draw a ground,

sky, background, etc.

Page 21: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 22: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday June 21st

• Continue to practice writing your first and last name. Form the letters correctly. Count each letter in your first name. Count each letter in your last name. Do you have more letters in your first or last name? Tell someone how you know that!

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

How many letters are in your first name?

How many letters are in your last name?

Which name has more letters?

Page 23: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Wednesday June 22nd

• Start with the number 1. Count to 20. Can you write

the numbers to 10 in order?

• Challenge: Can you start with 10 and count backwards all the way to 1? Write this backwards counting pattern down.

Write the numbers one through ten in the boxes below.

Challenge: Start with the number 10 and countdown to one. Write them

down as you say them.

Page 24: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday June 23rd

• Use the alphabet letter cards that were supplied. Nameeach letter. Choose letter cards A – M and think of oneword that begins with each letter. Do this as quickly asyou can.

Letter A word that begins with the letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M

Page 25: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Friday June 24th

• Let’s connect the dots! Use the provided dot-to-dotsheets to practice ordering your numbers from one toten. Use the second dot-to-dot and try to gobackwards from ten to one.

Page 26: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 27: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 28: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Monday June 27th

• Draw a picture of your family on the next page. Tell a

sentence about something you and your family do together and have an adult write your sentence down. Point to the capital letter that starts the sentence. Point to the period that ends the sentence.

Page 29: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

___________________ ___________________

Page 30: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday June 28th

• Play Memory with your alphabet flashcards. Choose tenupper and lowercase cards for the same letter. Mix thecards up and turn them face down. Try to match theupper and lowercase letters. Name the letter on eachcard.

Turn Number Letters Picked 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Page 31: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday June 30th

• Estimate the number of jumping jacks you can do in one minute. Now try it. Was your estimate greater than (bigger- did you guess too many) or less than(smaller- did you not guess enough) the number of jumping jacks you completed?

Estimate (guess) how many jumping jacks you can do in one minute.

What was the actual number of jumping jacks you did in one minute?

Was your estimate greater than (bigger-did you guess too many) or less than (smaller-did you not guess enough) the

number of jumping jacks you completed?

Page 32: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

SUMMER2016READINGLOG STUDENT:________________________________________DATE TITLE



Page 33: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Friday July 1st

• Go to www.storylineonline.net . Listen to a story that you haven’t heard before. Draw a picture of the story. Tell a friend about your favorite part of the story. Have an adult write your sentence down. Circle the capital letter in the sentence, circle the period in the sentence.

__________________________ __________________________

Page 34: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or


July 4th

Happy Birthday America!

Color the flag. Try to be neat and stay between the lines.

Page 35: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday July 5th

• Visit www.ixl.com , click on Kindergarten and then “C.1Count to Ten”. Complete this activity to practicecounting objects 1-10. Practice writing the numbers 0-10. Can you draw 7 flowers? If you draw 2 moreflowers, how many flowers should you have? Tell youranswer to a friend!

Practice writing numbers 0 - 10

Draw 7 flowers

Draw two more flowers

How many flowers do you have altogether?

Page 36: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday July 7th

• Read a favorite picture book with an adult. Do you know

who was in the story? Draw a picture of all the characters and write a sentence about your favorite character from the story. Have an adult help you with writing. Circle the capital letter and circle the period.

Page 37: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Page 38: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Friday July 8th

• Let’s create a pattern! Go to www.ixl.com (click on Kindergarten, patterns, h2). Also practice the attached worksheet with your family to create patterns. Use the included shapes to create additional patterns.

Page 39: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 40: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 41: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Monday July 11th

• Visit PBS Kids today at:http://pbskids.org/wordworld/characters/game_frm.html practice rhyming with Frog’s Rhyming Machine. Can you think of 2 words that rhyme with:

Cat Sit Red Man She Ball

Page 42: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday July 12th

• Count the number of steps it takes to get from your refrigerator to the front door. Write this down. Count the number of steps it takes to get from the television to the couch. Write this down. Which number is larger?

Number of steps from your refrigerator to the front door.

Number of steps from your television to the couch.

Which number is larger?

Page 43: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday July 14th

• Listen to the weather report today. What will the

weather be like? Draw a picture of today’s weather and have an adult help you write a sentence that tells about the weather. Start with a capital letter and end with a period.

Page 44: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

__________________________ __________________________

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July 15th

• Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day? Today see how many letters and sounds you know! Use play-dough to create something that is shaped like a square, shaped like a circle, shaped like a triangle.

Letters I do Know:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Letters I am still learning:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Page 46: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday July 19th

• Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day?

Today see how many letters and sounds you know! Listen to a good book! Tell a friend a character that was in the story and where the story took place. Draw a picture of the characters and the setting on the next page.

Page 47: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 48: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Wednesday July 20th

• Practice writing your first and last name. Use capital letters correctly and form each letter carefully. Do you know when your birthday is? Learn the month and date. Share this with a friend.

First and last name:

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Page 49: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday July 21st

• Bounce a ball. Count how many times you can bounce aball in one minute. Try bouncing the ball with your otherhand and counting. Which number is larger? Why? Tella friend.

Bounce a ball How many bounces did you have with your first hand?

How many bounces did you have with your second hand?

Which hand could you bounce the ball more with?

Page 50: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday July 26th

• Draw a picture of one of your favorite places. Have an

adult help you write sentences that tell where your favorite place is and why you like it so much. Read your sentences to a friend.

_______________________ _______________________

Page 51: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Wednesday July 27th

• Listen to a good book from www.storylineonline.net . Tell who the characters are and where the setting is for the story. Draw a picture of your favorite part.

Where is the setting of the story?

Who are the characters in the story?

Page 52: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday July 28th

• Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day?Today see how many letters and sounds you know! Choosea game to play with your family. Read the directionstogether and take turns!

Letters I do Know:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Letters I am still learning:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Page 53: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

SUMMER2016READINGLOG STUDENT:________________________________________DATE TITLE



Page 54: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday August 2nd

• Draw a picture of your favorite summer activity. Have an adult help you write at least 2 sentences that tell about your picture. Point to the first word in the sentence. Does it have a capital? Circle the capital letter. Look at the end of the sentence. Circle the period.

_______________________ _______________________

Page 55: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Wednesday August 3rd

• Are you practicing your letters and sounds every day?Review letter names, letter sounds and Kindergarten sightwords today!

Letters I do Know:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Letters I am still learning:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Page 56: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday August 4th

• Do this activity with an adult! Practice cutting with kid safe

scissors today. Use the sheets attached to practice cutting. Cut carefully!

Page 57: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 58: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 59: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 60: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 61: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Friday August 5th

• Go on a counting scavenger hunt. Search for things in your

house and write the numbers down. Count your pairs of socks. Count the spoons in your kitchen. Count your books. Which number is the smallest? Which number is the largest? Tell a friend what you found!

Count your pairs of socks. How many do you have?

Count the spoons in your kitchen. How many do you have?

Count your books. How many do you have?

Which number is the largest?

Page 62: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Monday August 8th

• School will be starting soon! Are you practicing your lettersand sounds every day? Review letter names, letter soundsand Kindergarten sight words today!

Letters I do Know:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Letters I am still learning:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Page 63: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Tuesday August 9th

• Visit http://www.starfall.com/n/level-c/fiction- nonfiction/load.htm?f Choose one fiction book to listen to/read. See how many words you know! Choose one nonfiction book to listen to/read. Draw a picture of the book you like best. Tell an adult or friend about your picture.

Page 64: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Wednesday August 10th

• Visit www.ixl.com click on Kindergarten and then N.3 Sameand Different. Complete this activity to practice pickingobjects that are the same and ones that are different.Draw a circle then draw a shape that is different. Thendraw 2 shapes that are the same. Tell your answer to afriend!

Draw a circle Draw a shape that is different from a circle

Draw any shape Draw a shape that is the same

Page 65: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Thursday August 11th

• Practice the Kindergarten sight words. How many words canyou read now? Your teacher will be very proud of you!

Words I do Know:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Words I am still learning:

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Page 66: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or

Friday August 12th

Let’s connect the dots! Use the provided connect the dotssheets to practice ordering your numbers from one to ten.Use the second dot-to-dot and try to go backwards fromten to one.

Page 67: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or
Page 68: 2016 Summer Learning Experience Incoming Kindergartenwinston.polk-fl.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2016_Winston_K.pdf · for 20 minutes. This reading can be done independently or