Amusements. ""opera house. ONE NIOBT O.NLT, Monday, Sept. 30th. SO DEAD LK1TKKS IS TUIS. Cto. C. JENK8' 0. S. MAIL c -A FA BOB COMHDY.- IK TB IMP I'ltlNTKB, IIIK I'OVTM ISTKB. T IK LkSrrBK ('^HKIKB, TUB fnfcTTT UIBW U.S.MAIL. Uui rf '""- M.iii'Ut. twHytaber El. *27 OPERA HOUSE. Friday, October 4th, 1889 Great Mualcal Kveut of Ibo Scaionl CAMPABIHI-WH1TNEY Ol'ER t COXCEUT CO. Giviu* a Choice Concert Programme aud the third act of COUXOD'Stilt.VM) OPKUA $ "FAU8T" lacoatutne, wlib the following Celebrated ¦ti<l iucutuparablu Operatic ArtUU: JILI.K. CLEMENTINA UK VKUB, tho BlWer- vuIom) owMer of to day. Hiss I.AHA I'UOMS, the tiroat«it American Dl'ZL'NSI, tho well-knowa Ital- UuVuSlOTI! nOLOONA, llie Grind lulUn lU*>o Ciinianie. Aim 810. italu c'aMI'aMINI, tho Greater of Llvliw Ttimrii. aud ||!i. hyH"N W. WHITXIY, Iho Orandvat Aimo America urer produced. Friiv». I'nrii uct ami Drew Circle, Interred Pfo't. II SS; A<imluton. |l CO. Gallery. Ho M-rtfrl Bmta 91 U>; atlmiaaiou "¦» ct'iiU. halo of tea1* commeaiea utmiay, October 1, atb a. in., H Mn d»Hi T". »».'H Grand Opera House. 0.0, UHNTHKR, Lcmco aud Manager. Thrre Nljfbt* and Wednesday Matinee, Com¬ mencing Monday Kvtuiur, beptember SUN'S NEW PHANTASMA And Rufined Concert Co. Tho (lrautfeat *u»oll<latlon of TaleutM Ar¬ tUU! A 'iiBtiil Concert! Relued «| eelaltlcal lilat-k Art antf Jilualoutl Mlnlaturo Carnival with New mi.a Hi uutiful lluata. OurLadlea' L'tuMcrite Orcbcatra mil Navel Ilrua Band. Cbiuge ol l'nuriiamg every aixht. Hcata »mIu hi Mi-Lara Henna Hat and Turni 'i -t.t»» P-ic«'«ift.ftmid Me. >«i7 Trustee's Sales. rjMlUS'liiE'S BALK. Hy virtue of a deed of truat made oq tho 18»h dav of October, lhM, by Heaaou Maainga to the tinder^Um-d iruitec, uud of record arnoag the public land mordaof Ohio foamy, Weat Vir¬ ginia, iu «hed ul truat book '21, fallo4tf,I will on FltlDAY. OCTOOKK 4,1U0. t«*lniili)«at in o'clock a m.. nt the treat door of the Court Mcmim* of Ohio couuty, TV'aat Vlr glnU, lo tbr city of \\ heeling, prnmd to aell at public iiirtiou the following du-crlbel real ea ute, to wit; A certain lot ar tract of land aim- ate hi ibe town of Clinton, la Ohio eouaty, Wcat Virginia, aud bounded aa follows: Begin ningata |>e»t in a f. ate an the bank ef Short creek; thencu H. h upolca taaatako; thence H. W K. .I- pole* to n fllnke; thuiiao N. '21H* K. M pole* to u Make In the Potomac turnpike; tbeucu wiih aald turnpike N (.0' W. ic jkiIm to a itake; thiru* N. ha' .«. 7 M fiolaa to a loauit jhiu in fence; thuncoU lb* \V. a.s |>alea to the plrno of biKiuuiiig, aud coutulalag W |>en:bci moruorloai, r TaaMft or HaLr->Caah. The title to thin property la believed la be good, but telling h* truatw 1 will aonvey only aucb title aa la veatcd lu mea< audi trustee. WM. H. CALUWULL, Traatce. J. C lf»»vrY. An«iiUiti<«r. kii'i Books, Stationery, Etc. Mountain Songs and Seaside Melodies aro past. I ot in bucklo down cliccrfitlly to the year'a munUul work. greatly umIMlhI br the nur, complete and moat uaoful Mualo Books, prepared by Ujo DITSON COMPANY. Bonn Harmony, fiOc; 16 do*.") These wo will tuo Royal Singer. Cue; S* do*. J-for Sloglug Clas-1 Jehovah's i'ruiie, II; fti dos J mm, Cholra, dc. ta; lidos.*) F V ts;*4 80. J Bong Mauual, Honk 1.80eta; lidos.*) For .. .. Hoik 2,4'ict«;>4 W. V Graded " .. bookMcta;U 80. J Schools. Ememon's Easy Anthems, M)i;ta |7l!0 dot.) Clwlra and Emeriou's Anthems of Pralsn, > Musical Si. Svdor.J Socletlca. The iliorc 8 l>ookii aro by L. 0. Emerson, one ol tin* be>t 11v111k compilers of mualo booka. Tbo mu»lc In i»y uuuy composers. Children's School J Very popular t Mmy. i'i cla.; (3 r-i dm. f collcctloa. Voice* ol l'raln. llutcblna. .IOeti.;H20do«. PralioluKong. Emoraou. Wet*.; |l20 dos Bonn* u( Promiae. Tonney A Hoffman itt cla.; S3 CO dos. 7,00" Piece* Octavo M usic, ) Order by List, Sacred. Mnilnr, Anthema.Glera. >wh ch ploate l'art-Sutig*, A c. 6 to 10 cla. cach. J rand for. MAtLKD FOR AKTA1L 1'lllCK, Praise Meeting* and Sunday Schools. OUTER DITSON COMPANY, Boston. c. ii Dmotf A Co.. w.7 UnwdwuT. New York. SUNDAY SCHOOLS Wanting n Now Mualo Hook Should not Fall to Examine Triumphant Songs No. 1, by E. 0* Exccll Triumphant SoiigH No. 2, by E.O. Exccll Jorful Sounds. (Just out) l»y Sweeney A Klrkpatrlck Prlco 35c per cony, br mall; S3 per do*, for any ofabovn. Suitablenlto for Revival Servlcos. Call on or Write to ua. STANTON A DAVENPORT, a*H 1.V1 Market Street. JgOIiOOL UUOKS, Slates. School ltags, Pens, Ink, Writing Pai»er, I'ada, Slate and I*ad Pencils. Everything needed by a School Ilojr or Cllrl. Book*, Newijapora, Magailuea and Stationery. c. u. Qpiumr, »7 Una. ltl< and 1M7 Market Street. Breoch-Loadlng Guns. Attention, Sportsmen I Wo have Juat received a fino line of URUGCIMiOADINO GUNS, Including Rlflea of ell kinds, and both Single and Uoublo Karrel Shot Uttna. ranging In price from $8 OO to flOO each. Onr"PltK'E MACHINE" <«UN0 aro the beet value for the money In the world. Call and see tbem at I. 0. Dillon & Co.'a. We are Headquarters for Loaded Shell!. in Cornloo and Tin Roofing. Galvanized Iron Cornice TIN ROOFING. Bpeelal attention given to ell kinds of ShMt Iron and 1in Work on Buildings, All* Btoei and Felt Hooting, fafund get prices before mnlrartlig, as I an prepared to give banalns In thatUne ol work. & t Hoofing, ill set prln I to give In II. F. CALDWBLL, / or. Main and South Streeta. ST filffllUH! "ISA MM WW .old by Err.mitt*. All. etrleaaltftmH Falnt»-«eeto«i aer saaUundry lllalng. see sea Ink fowdsra-? eolert. ft saa8boeAllan»eiat>fe*aln» senna Egg L>ya»-I eekws. THE WHEELING « INTELLIGENCER I ,1.00 FEK Itlt Tli. Or.it..t Ptmlly N.w.p.p. W..I Vlralnll. Medical. NEVER FAILS. KSOT10M ON nCM AND KICK. After nifllrlng for eight months with * trou« blesomoeruption on u>> face and neck, and try- uk all sorts of remedies, I wu finally cured by taking a few bottles of Swift's Specific. It la* creased my weight from 05 to 185 pound* A. W. Oook, Ottawa, Kan. lIIXtnUTWf ELIMINATED FROM Til* BLOOD, I am satisfied that 8.8.8. U tho l>en blood remedy In tho world. I have mod U lor rheu- patLmi with tho best results. L. L. KouatL, Sherman, Tern BAD CAM or ntOST BIT*. A patient under my charge was bodlyafltected with blood poison, thu result of fruit bite in the feet, Both feet had sloughed off before he wu turned over to me. Ho wiu etired sound with u few bottle* of 8.8.6., and is now walking about ou his knees. K. I. Wood, MllledgevlUe, Go. . Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed freo. Swiki Sfficinc Co., Atlanta, Go. The Verdict OF ALL who bavo used Ayor'fl Pill* for liillouancHS and Livor Com- plaint id that they aru tho best over mailo. Being free from any minora! ingredient*, and sugur-coajed, Ayer'a Pills aro adapted to ull ages, constitu¬ tions, uud cllmujes. .'Having used Ayer's Pill* for ninny years in my practice and family, I fool justified in recommending them ns un excellent cut hurtle uud liver medicine, They humIuIu ull tho cluims mudo for them.".W. A. Weatfull, M. I)., V. p. Austin & N. W. It. It. Co., Burnet,Texas. "Ayor's Pills keen my stomach uud liver In perfect condition, i'ivo yours ugo I was ntllicted with onlargomout of tho ilver und trlth a severe form o! dy«- pepda, most of tho tiino being uiiuhlu to retain auy solid food on tuy stomach. I linally began to taku Ayor's Pills, and after using only three boxes of theso magical pellets, was u well man.". Lucius Alexander, Murhloheud, Mass. If you lmvo Sick Jlonducho, Coustlna- tiou, Indigestion, or Piles, try Ayer's Pills, PttBt'AltBD BT Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Druggists snd DealsaJn Msdlclne. CURE Blck Headache and relievo all the trouble# tad- dent to a bilious state of tho system, such as DIulneM. Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after rating, I'aln in the Bide, Ac While their most remarkable succtsa lias been shown in curing SICK neadaehe, yet Cartkr'b Little Livsr Piliji are equally valuable la Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whiw they also correct all dlsonlor* of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured HEAD Ache thoy would bo almost prlrele* to thOM who suffer from this distressing complaint, but fortunately their goodness do#* not end hero, and those who once try thein will And theso llttlo pills valuable In no many ways that they will not bo willing to do without thera. But after all sick head ACHE Is tho hano of so many lives that hero Is whore wo make our groat boast Our pills cure It while other* do nut Cartcr's Lrrrue Liven Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills niako a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do nntgrlpoor purgo, but by their gentle action please all who two them. In vials at 85 cents; flvo for ft. Bold everywhero, or Rent by mail cum waicnro co., lfnr MR Sail Sue. Saall Prica, CO TOADC UAnX . XT U U .Rai;S Cancers, Humors, Bores, Ulcers, 8welllng>, Tumors, Abscesses. Blood Poisoning, Bait Rheum. Catarrh. Erysipelas, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Price, »l per Hint JJottla. or 0 Dottles for $1 I lb. can Solid Extract $V.(0 J. M. LOOSE UILD CLOVHR CO., Dotrolt,lllcb. FOR SALC BY ALL DRUQQItTP. LOGAN ORUQ COMPANY, Drldgo Corner Druggists, «P26-DAW-J10W Wukrijxq, W. Va. |'rlrr-*1 00 t»»r ew'i catarrh Cream Balm Cloansaa the NlUl Paasagas, Allays Pain «nd Inflammation, HaalathaBoraa, Raatoraa the tanaaaof Taata and Bmsll. THVTIIK CURE. A partlclt li «rrllM Inlo rich p»lrll and li MII MWMW M Warren atrrtt. New York, tKnn HENYARD-WK WILL Cp U WU wy Ui« .'.ote rawiNl lot.iflj ibm ul l.lrtr Ooronlajnt. Pjapcjtala, Hick Head- .ens. IndltwUon, CoiiniMtlpn or rout Irene** we mtinot cure with \\Wa VfwUblp L ?er Pllti, when the dlrrotloti* are etriitlf odmpllH with. Tfefr «f* purely Vefetable anil niter l«il 10 live .dlaftfiloii. liiifjr coated. Urge totee, epBUtnlM w WU», ttrffita. Hawirool cqanterfeluMdltnlUlioM. Ttai genuine nan- fefSV»n.WifeS: ti«kfi M'a wjmll I1IWU. Wliffllni. W. V». wl»tmnw HOW fO AOT I APVIOK PHKI wUMJUUf\.,|| arnitlni, br Ih» nESTORED®.?^ IIPW I wlllllf Si illf hH'H /rfti aQUMl ' ihb ma«Nji oo.i n r«k ru**. i.* i«t hmim g(ie IntellioencK. OWc«i Ho». 10and 17 KuurUtuih ftrenl. who m rum ni/itAs m\ I »it by lb« bcaMh wbilo ibe Are buroi loir, Aud a tbroiif of uKUiorlti glide, Liku (buftUoI Uui J»>» 0/ loug ho, Exw ihc pruulM vf toulb bed died. They gild* with a ateeltb; tod nolaleea treed, Lnvulcome, uubiddeu, to-uf*bl, I tbouKbi ludevJ.lout a«o. thay were deed Aud buried forever from il«bu 'TU uMku lu bury tbem, abattoir or deep, no graeau a memory hold; Hover Ui] I iu my own grave alacp Will the iaallol ibeae ihoata bo tolled. .Button C UK SAVED THE ST1K& A WarBemUioacunceaad u TouchingBceuo at a UunitueU Chicago In lit-Offit, "I vu present not long sgo," Mid the Colonel, "»t» banquet where an old army officer 0f Engliah antecedenta »u on the programmo to speak to the senti¬ ment, The Iriih in the Union Army- courageous and loy*l Americana, they were aa true aa the trueat, M brave aa the bravest.' Thia puialed me greatly. Wby nhoulil an American ol English descent be called upon to compliment the Irish-AmericausT I did not under¬ stand the situation until my friend, one ol tho bard tighten of the war, aroao to apuak. Ilia speech waa tlmply a little story. and yet it atlrred me u lev speeches over (lid. "My friend of English antecedents s«t near the centre of a long table. Almost opposite him aat a stoutly-built man who would have been bandaomo but for the fact that bis oyea were sightless. This blind msn received llttlu attention ex¬ cept from the men who sat on either side of him, both of whom were Irish¬ men and atrangera to the majority of the guests. When the toast was read, spesk- ini{ In such enthusiastic terms of the Irish soldiers of the war, tbelr faces flushel, and they aat ercct, looking straight across at tho man who was to respond. "My first surprise was la tho manner of the speaker. I knew him to be one of the coolest and most nnexcltsble of men, but as he rose to his feet I saw that ho waa controlled by atrong emotion. Ue stood for a minule looking down the line at tho table, as if studying the thoughts of overy man present. Then liu began In a quiet tone, ssying that when thla toast was asalgned to him he was puzsied to know why ho should be selected above all others to speak of Irish courage In the Union army. "He said as much to bis wife, but, as bu ssld it. there caino to his mind an In¬ cident of hlssrmy life thst made the whole matter clear to him. Then be proceeded to relate the atory of his ex¬ perience at the turning point ol onoof the fiercest battles of tbo war. In the midst of a hand-to-hand contest, tvbere overy thing depended on every man do- log tils bpat, he received » blow that seutblin headlongtotbeground. When he regained consciousness ho realised that a terrific struggle waa being fought to the death above him. "The first objects to catch the oye wcro two sturdy legs in bine.the legs of some onestandlngsstridoofhim. Tbeowner of tho logs seemed to be bending this way and that to shield tbo prostrate olll- cer from blows that were tailing on his own dovoted head. The fight was over tho flag, which was torn into fragments as the men struck and cut oach othor in the fury of their wild excitement, but happen what might the nne man stand¬ ing sstrldo tbo captain never moved bis feet. Tho captain did not know who this stout defender was until, in anawer to a demand toaurrender, there came in Irish brogue, 'To Uallfax wld you I' "lie realised then that Pat McBrlde wu} fighting against odds for tbo flag and his csptsin. Ho realised, too. as blood enrno dropping down In his laoo, that fat was sorely wounded. lia.knew this when In a fow minutes he wss dragged out from the heap of wounded oncl saw l'at fall down from loss of blood. They found wadded Into Pat's blouse that part of the flag containing the stars, and Pat's only remark as they strove to revive him was, 'Be gorra, I saved the stars,' alas, that he could never see again. "This was in brief tho story, but It wss told by a msn who felt every word, and was told so dramstically that at its close nearly overv man at tbo table was standing on his leet. As tho spesker went on to pay his respects to the man who bad sated his life, and pictured blm as the ideal of soldierly courage aud loyalty, the blind msn opposite stood liko one entranced, and as the spesker closcd. he plunged across the table, reck¬ less of glsss snd chins, and with a howl of exultation throw bis srms about bis old saptain. "Tho aceno that followed Is simply In¬ describable. The story called out all tho noisy demonstrstiveness of tho Irish na¬ ture. The speaker was overwhelmed with congratulations snd thanks. Lis¬ tening to what was said, to other stories thr.t this one oslled out, I understood why an officer of English anteoendents had been selected to speak of the cour¬ age and spirit ol the men of Irish de¬ scent in the Union army." A ll)<to on a Locoiuotlro. Scribnm Jlagatlne. Wo cannot toll from the time tablea how faat wo travel. The achoilulo time doca not ludlcato the delays that must bo inado up by spurt* between stations. Tho trawler who la curious to know jnat how (net ho isgolug, and likes the stimulus of thinking that be la In a little danger, may find amusement in taking the tfuio between tnlle poita; and when these are not to be seen, he can olten get the apeed very accurately by counting tho ralla passed In a given time. This may be done by listening attentively at an open window or door. The regular clicks of the whoolaover thorall-jolntscan usually soon bo singled out Iroil the otbopiolsoa and counted. The numbor of rail lengtbi posiei) In twenty seconds la al¬ most exactly the number of n)|lea run In an hour. But if one want* to get a lively senso of what it means to rush through apaeo at Ofty or sixty miles an hour, he must get on a locomotive. Then only docs he begin to realUo what trifles stand between him and destruction; A few weoks ago a lady sit an hour in tho cab of a locomotfvo hauling a fast express train oyer > mountain road. 8ho saw the narrow bright lino of the rails and the slender points ol tho switches. She beard the thunder of the bridges, and saw the track shut in by rocky bluffs, and Dow perils suddenly revealed aa the engine swept around Ihsrp curves. Tho experience was to her magnlUcent, but thosunse ol danger wis almost appalling. To bava made her experience complete she would have taken one engine ride on a dark and rainy night. |n a dfylight ride on a locomotive we come to realise how slender Is tho rail and how fragile Its (sstings compared with t|is ponder¬ ous uisclilne-which they carry, \?e see That a trifling movement ol a switch make* the difference between life and destli. We lesrn how short the look abosd must often be and bow close danger sits on either hind. Out It Is only in a night ride that we learn how dependent the engineer mustbeslter sll upon the faithful vigilance of others. The headlight reveals a few yards of glistening rail and the ghoatly telegraph poles and the twitch targets. Were a switch open, a rail Ukon up, or a pile of ties on track we conld not pOMllilj see the danger in time to slop, Naw York lirimtillrniii tor ni|h Lteenit. /In fork ryflnw. Our dispatches from Saratoga show that prominent delegate* to the Hopubli- can convention are Insistent that the plstlorm shall take a Arm and advanced Ittnd on the question ol liquor legisla¬ tion. ii a matter of court* there will be no step backward. The Republican parly It committed unreeervedly to higti license at the wisest method of restrict Ing the liquor traffic tad curtailing thi trill whisk it brwdt. U11 ww* not, n would he forced to Uke thU position by the course of Governor Hill anil by the Democratic tppttl to the opponents ot "inequitable and oppressive lumptunry legislation." The on If hope for excise reform lie* Id the Republican pirtv, tad that party will not fall abort of the ex¬ pectations which it haa aroused. Thu Wool Market. BradMnM'18tpL a. Inquiry for wool on the part of mana- facturera continuea liberal, but tbe amount of actual talea la rather leal sat- lafactory. Morn of the tranaactions occur where either tbe buyers aro in need of supplies for immediate conauuptlon or tbe holders are cdnltralnod to grant con¬ cessions. Speculative purchases are quite unknown, bsles are, therefore, naturally irregular, aome bouaea report¬ ing ¦ large movement and others none at all, The general situation it Rally unchanged, prices being too low for the majority of nolders and too high (or tbe consumers. Dispatches from London mention a large attendance at the sales, which opened Tuesday. A choice selection of Cape wools are offered. The supply of Australian croas-hreds waa insufficient, There was a good general demand, July's dosing prices for moat growths being firmly maintained. Fine Australian scoured made an occaalonal alight ad¬ vance. Boston reports an Interesting market, much of tbe wool in store there being held on consignments for higher prices than can now De obtained, while buyers in turn are confining their operations to their nearliy wants. Concessions, how¬ ever, are heard of now and then, and tbe range of prices is decidedly in favor of tho manufacturers. Business Is well distributed, without features of special interest, except that attention haa beeu directed to the full clip In Texas and Cal¬ ifornia, the quality of which Is believed to bo usually good. Numerous salea madu some time ago are announced in this week's total, the amount of report¬ ed sales, therefore, indicating more ac¬ tivity than usually prevails. Tbe sales of the week at Boston aro re¬ ported at 2,080,300 pounds, agalum 3,285,- 000 pounds lest week and 3,570,500 pounds In thu corresponding week last year. At Philadelphia wool has been selling a little more freely, but in many cases tbe larger sales havo been made at the cost of further concessions in prices, aud from the sellers' standpoint tue sit¬ uation is still very unsatisfactory. The Mi'tat Markets. Braditrteh Seplcnbcr 28. A general upward tendency in crude Iron seems to be anticipated among ma- kors aud large consumers, but tbe course of future prices largely depends upon tbe action of railroad builders, bridge builders, ship, boat and car builders, and other large consumers. Should demand from all these quarters arise, tho untlcl- patlonsoljmakeraofcrude material would probably be realised, at least In part. Tbe merchant steel and merchant iron mills continue to be woll supplied with orders, and strong prices ore maintained. Sheet, gslvaulsed and plato Iron con- tlnue active, and structural Iron orders aro arriving for wlter execution. Tbe nail market Is very strong; railway track supplies are In good demand, and a (unlier advance Is possible. Tbe gener¬ al situation In the iron trade is more satisfactory than a week ago, and there are signs of anxiety upon the part of a large number of heavy buyers lest both crude and finished products should move up before contracts are placed to cover work in hand, Western iron cen¬ ters are exceptionally active. Thu I.ill i',l itJ Id, Cohen."You don'd liko dose pants? Vy they were finest goots, cusdom-made in latest style." Customer."But sop, tho waist reaches to niv shoulder-blades." Cohen (triumphantly)."I told you so I Dot vss one of uhose Directory waists- latest stylo oudl" A Clionp Property. DraU'i Uagatlnt. Bones."Say, Jones, beat chancoyou ovor saw! A pieeo of property absolutely free I" Jones."How? What? Whore?" Bones (pointing to evangolist distribut¬ ing missionary literature)."Overthere; a tract of the better land." A Now Kind of lunurttnco has boen put in operation by the mnnu« facturera of Dr. Pierco's medicines. His "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Fa- vorito Prescription" are sold by drug- gists under the manufacturers' poiitive guarantee. Either benefit or a complete cure is thus attained, or money paid for those medicines is returned. The cer¬ tificate of guarantee given in connec¬ tion with sale of these medicines is equivalent to a policy of insurance. The "Uolden Medical Discovery" curcs all humors and blood taints, from whatover cauao arising, skin and scalp diseases, scrofulous sores and swellings. The "Favorito Prescription" cures all thoso derangements and weaknesses peculiar to woraon. _____ Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, disgusting everybody, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh liemouy. "Is example nothing?" asked Burke. "It is everything. Examplo is the school of mankind, and they will learn in no other." WnAT is a colli io the hand? Medical authorities say It la due to uneven cloth¬ ing at tho Vesv, rapid cooling when la a perspiration, at. Tho Important point Is, that a cold In the head la an Inflamma¬ tion ol the lining membrane of the note, which, when unchecked, Is cortaln to prodnce a catarrhal condition.for catarrh Is essentially a "cold" which na¬ ture Is no longer able to "resolvo" or throw off. Ely's Cream Balm ha> proved ita superiority, an< sufferers should re¬ sort to It before that common ailment be¬ comes seated and ends In obstinate ca¬ tarrh. MWrJkW A Orcnt UItoo very, In tho medical lino Is tho pleasant fruit laxative, Elixir of Datoa. It combines the acttvo piopertles of dates, fi^ra and prunes In such a way as to mske it one of the most pleasant and offocllro reme¬ dies un tho market. It Is easily taken by old and young, and Is a sure cure for habitual constipation, biliousness, dys¬ pepsia, sick headache and plica, and all diseases caused by a weak stomach, dis¬ eased kidneys or Inactlvo liver. Sold In 60 cent lwttles hv 0. K. Uoetae, W. W. Irwin, W, E. Williams, John Lauyhlln. Logan Drug Company and Goodwin & Co., wholesale agents. Boils, pimples, and skin diseases of all kinds speedily disappear when the blood la purlled by the use of Avcrlp Sars«parllla. It hss no eaual as a tourc alterative, tho tesults being Immediate and satlsfastory. Ask your druggist for It and tako no other. i>*w Every ultimate fact li only tho first of . new serlei..Bmeraon. A Wcunnn'i Discovery, "Anothor wonderful dlscovor* lias been made and that too, by a lady In this county. Disease faatcncu Ita clutches upon her, and for seven years alio with- stood lUsovereat testa, but lior vital or- gans vera undermined and death aoemed Imminent For tlirco months alio coughed Incessantly and could not aleep. Klie bought of ua a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery (or consumption, and ws*io much relieved on taking the drat dose that she ilept all night; and with one bottle lias boon miraculously cured. Her name It Sirs. Luther Luis." Thus wrltea \y. 0. llamrlck A Co., ol Illicitly, N, Oi.IJot a free trial bottle at Logan Drug Oo.'s drug store. I tick llaidafhs. Loose's lied Clover Pills cur* sick headache, dyspepsia, Indigestion, con- stlpatlon. 34c. per hot, » boies for II. WiSOUHDJBAM, ** Ot Ib. Money mi MMk HukiU. New Yoin, Sept. 38..Modey oa call easy at 4a t>i per oeoi; but loan 4 p«roaa»; cloeod offered »t 4 per oral. Prima percentile paper tyiaTK par cent. Sterling Exchange dull but steady at UUHUm. Sake100,SMsbaree. 7 «SSS!3 smss? EKfea^ SfcraSs m^smsm a&fc»ia!airS5 HgKaHi Railroad bo ml-, gulet; sale* only 1414,000, toveromaul aad State bond, dull andYnady. w*De amu stock eioTATieaa-oieej* in mm ¥:> -a-sascr Hk Id!' «jf ^p°»~12! Amm Bagnio 190 Amertcau Bipncs 417 J auaita Hoiilhtfo... 51 £..111*11'ullc V, Cheaanwlto 4 ubto a <lo Jnl (rehired. «L JSrie cr#r£. KatiMi & TojMhh 70k ..1MK Um. 13, { Ml... 19K 44H inn .* Lake Krle 4 Wesf." f&fOfan femes' UuinbbU i Cbaa...' U M ctiliaa Central... Mi Uiiwuri ItolHo.,... 7SVj s«fo7k"6SElaw SBSEi m*=£ 4o PithntL...... w doflniM^rrfl.iiff .oL"" 78 Teiai Colo Colon fiah«.. gj} i"'"'""*!- nr llroadatufft nml Provisions, iX ?LlS' clo,1pi*lWHc. Rye quiet;^t'.}a Jj2!l PJJ'P1 .woeluts 631,fij0 bushels: exports luo o<\:i uHnnflV ^ 'M.ooo bushels of future* and 161* Sff.^W1'WMJ «ll«and WMlVi aorn^cj *j?Ptomber 40o: OetoboMOKo* «1S,?.bw.4.0SG-. °W»"IP1> ltl.MO biiSil! exjwru 1,31/ buihell; mIci 160,000 htlih! cI", ot Jut urea and 711,000 btubali nf ¦poll ¦MtNo.awbluaiKo; mUod twairii Si .aw; wblte do J7aSSo; NoiCbJSo 3 21 jr.. atldhopaqutot. Ooffw Ilfidr 3l«>B'D0inu ;p: September, October, Wember. DeMmhS? «"d April lufiStoTlS?^ e.5tei March t.ssc. Cutter arm*SleS dS3 c'«w llm; ttStSSluS't!**!? 28 -T^0 volume of bualnoss K5%£i!d * wi,ettl ***7 wu larger thanusual [Skh ?linK duy,0'lhB w®«k, though imaller tlous wero t/lthij °nn lh0 dijr ibc/(?re* Muctua- L'.S ^l Uf0 Ytl°,n narrower Hmlu, wd aft«r oVit Fl ,K'°"ar °rlD*',b® market weak' f Utile more, aod averated nnit of the aloa fractionally under xettenlaj'i rollnc fl». Corn vru moderatelMotfr?att&w£fwl£ foellng dereloned aomewbat eaaier. A modrnto a^.o4trfir^,issr« ® ®c'ober 111 25; November fJ6^k- Janu- MS s.«>ic.0<:wbtr i:ra>4c; .'^lr7Kw"fc rS^poMSiinbJTllS! ^SSnSMW'1 Dtc,mUr MXUh^c! Jutu- ,ww,'°rn atcsarlrT;mixed ipot SK i^.'*1"1 Oclobor-lttMoJit;: ho«mbtr(6k. 40>fcO. yc«r aud Jauuary 8Uaa9)io. Oata flnn^ weaterowbltooxtra aaioUc. ilJeaiMiivItuL h^.1^SMwfejiKifsia tm-jular; SoTz wblto »kSo;TJo/j! white Sjjwrator aud October 20BS705 November tfa .lriSr"ynr'i 1.' Wb»> mlxtd 87c. Oata Arm; No.2mixed*23ko. Rva nlm V.I m a',*,v- >'r°'l«toni itoid)-. vi'buir firm at |t 02. Ituttorandiugareailor. Tolboo.O., Sept. M.-Wbeat dull and eaaltrr- 2u)l,D'>vl),^7,bor *ad °cl°bcr We; December &'Sty* M.^yMo-. Coru dull and ateady; caab JHo. Oaianulet: auh 22j<o. Oloveneed steady; Kr |m>j " Bi -Nu,eml«r H l»l Otcta- Live Stock, . Ci"C41n1°i Sept. a. . Cattle . Receipts 4,WO head; shipments l^oo bead; mnrkotnulet ;\m uucbauKoa; choice to extra boerts h iftat 75' Mn'tarfMat 10; stockers ind fSSdei.il l£a 10; tows, bu Is and mixed fl 2fta2 75: Texans II Mi 2 90; natives and half breeds 12 odal W. Hon. RecelpUlS.000 headsshjpmonts 7,000 bead; mar- Let strong; mixed U 0w< 66; leavy 13 9UM35' llRht It 10a4 fki; skips U 75a3 76. Bhcen.Re' «>''. tOwlo.iilbJt.mSu 1,000 bead: market all tbrouah conairaments. Hogs-ReeelpU 2.7W head; sblpmontaj.100 bead;good medium am Vorkcrs II Ouofi w; light I'blladelpblaa 94 76a 'b?T5L.how W 60a4 70. hhecp r.^ols,.t1^^Ji;1'X"U2'000t,'1<i|m*r' head wcc'Pl' 1.800 bead; ahipmonti 426 Petroleumi Aaxfffl ts«i«h,)sss Sept. 28..Petroleum opened steadr llRAiironp, Pa., Sept. 28..Opened at MHc: 1 cl0,l,,1« "Hoi KS. h.I« "Wc; Weekly llnnk Statement. Kaw York, Sept. a.-The weekly bank state- meat shows the following chances: Reserve, decrauo t l.OISA'C Ixmm, docreuo 190,GOO Spcole, ileoruwHi ., 1,4*24,WU l^fAl tenders, decrease.... 830,700 Deposits. decrease a.844.200 Circulation, Iccrcue 14.300 The bunks now hold IMS,750 In cxceas ol the 35 Mr cent role. The moat manifest sign ol wisdom la continued cheerfulness..Montaigne. Tb* Verdict Unanimous. \V. D, Suit, Druggist, Blppus. Ind., Untlfln: "I can recommend Electric Bitters its tho Tory beat remedy. Every bottle aold hu (riven relic! in erery cue. One man took tlx bottles, and wan cured ol rhcumatlam ol 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Dcllrllle, Ohio, alHrtaai "The beat selling medicine I bavo ever bandied in my 20 rcars' ex¬ perience, la Electric Hitters." Thousands ol others have added their testimony, so that tho verdict la unanimous that Elec¬ tric Hitters do cure all diseases ol tbo Liver, Kidneys or Blood, Only a hall dollar a bottle a( Login Drug Oo.'a drug atofo. 8 An yon disturbed at nlghtand broken ol your rest by a alck child auflferlng and crying with pain ol cutting teeth? If so, acml at once Ind get a botUe ol Maa. WiKiww'a Soomixo Sraor ro* Ciiil- natKTsrraixo. Its value Islncalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im¬ mediately. Depend upon iLmothori,there li no mlaUke about It. It onrei dysen¬ tery nnddlarrhcsa, regulates tho stomach and bowel*, curea wind oollc, softens the gums, reduce* Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole ayatem. Mm. WlMsixiw a Hootiiwo Braur ron Untitiaix Tsrrnma la pleaaapt to the taate, and l| the prescription of one of the oldest and beet female nureea and phtalolinilD the United State*, and la for sale by »U druggists throughout the world. Price 38 cent* a bottle. MWI4W Metols. ibib^mWdfot^u, bruises, sores. uloen, salt rbeoro, fever aores, letter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all akin eraptlons, and posi¬ tion. 6r money refunded, Prloe It can psrbox. JTor ssJs bjr Logan Drug Oo. Carriages, Buggies, Eto, KULL CARRIAGE WORKS, MANUFACTURERS of IFirETE OABBIAGES Baggies, SPUING \ > \ Wagons \ \£)*4mll£r* Riw.8109,9110 tad mi WHEELING, V V\/1\ / xAx w. va. Repairing Promptly Attended to, for lnfant« and Children, "Matte liNmllifepMMiUUimM I CutarU ma Colli, OowUptUm. ln°«noUHMiupr^i.ur,rmriyiin *>£O- toon***" Eiucmni, I *"** J1."01" ". U189.(MnlKllnoMra,H,T, I WUfotil tojurlom nudicito, Tn Cmricu Oohfavt, 7T Murraj Slrwt, N. V, STHE GREAT WASHING POWDER. CLEANS HOUSE. CLEANS CLOTHES. SAVES TIME. SAVES LABOR, IS HARMLESS 1 BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best made. R. V. BELL MFG. CO., Bnflalo, N. Y. Educational. COLLEGE OF IILLIAM AFD MABT. .i- ,«P«»Hneed lot exceed annually flu Including booki. board, fuel, lights and waahln* ¦tendfor catalogue. LYON 0. TYLER, M.A.. President. WHEELING FEMALE COLLEGE. .ra4inr d.n»bter. to tbla Initltutloa whore ibey will rec«lTF ¦ ttiormi.h aud ooni|>robeutlvo tduatiion-lbo beat .lounil.tlon lor true nitreu Im life. Po.l,r»du»toeourM. An >blo Kicullv, Hur Inprarenonu ra.de, », belter Imtnio. «on w «rl *u<1 kluiIc ln Wpwr Ohio V.ller. »«. M. bievtoi II.n. oi Wuhfojion, D. a, will jonduct Bchool 0/ Klocution. li<*t, most health¬ ful location /or ichoel ln the elty. Terms ret* tollable. Apply to tho President, J*0 PH. BLAI8DELL. STAMMERING thorotJdhly and permanently cored by method! 0/ Instruction bated upou scientific principles. ho trtoka employed. No iccrocy demanded. Tho system, whicn In entirely edu' oatlonal, li endonod br many of tbo moit prom¬ inent oduutori and physicians ol tbo country. d.1 . , #.». Mm.M.STEVENSnART, Principal of tbo Washington Bchool ol Elocu¬ tion and Oratory. M'hfelliig Address. t7J Main Street. au21 NORTH MAIN STREET SCHOOL For Boys and Qlrli, SStetffoVg^S'^Ln.^n^the JK.N1> MONDAY IN HKPTfMIIKA. .1 No. TBI Uiis BTiirr. bj UiuMAS 11ELLK UAKT. formerly or W..hlngtou, P. C. TboKbool.willbocomluodd on Iho jtncml line, of tbo KlDdcratrlen. French convemtlon tud oallaUienlc nerclna wllbont OJ:tr* cb.rjo A l'lnno In ibo Kbool man for tbe enlertnlnment ud inttmeilon ot tho children. CHAB0K8 MODERATE. WHEELING INSTITUTE, Boarding and Daj School for loung La¬ dles and Children, Thorough oourso of lnitructlon In Engllih, Mathematics. Anolrat and Modern Languages, Music, Drawing, fain ting, Eloentlon and Calls tbanlps. Advantages of Tiome life and training. Fall tesslon begins Wcptombcr 4,1M9. Address, M1S8 PARRAK, Principal. Jlf 100 Twelfth Street LIHSLY INSTITUTE, Wheeling, W. Va. SEVENTY-SIXTH SESSION BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER t. Tho 8chool Is a Classical and Scientific Acad* emr, snd prepares students for any Collegfior University ln the oouutry. It has a fill corps of instructed, snd li well equipped In all departments. The Military Department is a special feature of the Bchool. Private lnitructlon In Modern Languages will given durlug the summer. 'or Catalogues, particulate etc., aldrees JOHN H. KOEMEH, IT* Principal. Ht. De'GHASTAL, NEAR WHEELING, W. Vfl. (Bisters of the Visitation.) A school of mora than oatlonal reputation, offers exceptional advantages for thorough edu¬ cation of yeang ladles In all departments. Li¬ brary of jfc thousand velsmes. Fine phllo wohlcal, chemical aud astrouomlcal apparattu. Musical Departmentspeciallyoeted. Uorpsol piano teachers Gained by a Icadtag profeasoi from Conservatory of ItattgarL Vecal culture looordlng to tho method of the old Italian maa ten. Locatloa unsurpassed for Meoty and Utaltb Ten acrea of bloaanre grounds. Board oxoollenl, For Catalogue, and references to natrons in (11 the principal cltics, address fHK niRKCTRMg. -ASK FOR- LIST'S s EXCELSIOR BAKING POWDER. fthfi itni/fiir. f>. H LIST, WHFL1.ING. q Yoor criw will prort IU quilltf. At,id u Imlutlon. Hid to be, "jour tmc iauk." I Ihtl H, D, LIST'S bun, I. on lb. box. Grocorlos, Etc. M. REILLY, WHOLESALE geocbe, PORK PACKER, AND OUHKK OF TUB Celebrated "Strawberry Haras," -FLOUR I- Chrlrtlan Bro»'. "Crown" brond, Mlnnoapoll. Patent. Taylors' Patent and "Best" Fam¬ ily. Williams' Choice Ohio Family. And tanny olbtr Choll* BtunJl of Fin11? Flour la .lock »nd wmtlutully waiving. Roasted Coffees. ..Alaroma." "Arbuckle's" "Lion," and my own rout of "Old Woman," "llorso Head," and "liarHo"1'Agent for the Celebrated DuPont Powder Mills. A lull supply of Rifle, Blasting and8portlt>g Powdor of ewr kind coustintl) In tnnumiitM. Orders *ollcited from dealer* only. Also Patent Hemp, Cotton, and Water- Proof Hafcty Fuse. >0*9 CREAMERY BUTTER. Wo are Bole Agent* for the B*ruo**llle Cream; cry Butter. It I* tho finest made. Becolved our7Fresh Routed Coffee* and Pttro Tew. After using a sack you will want a barrel of r UOLl) DUST FLOCK. Conner & Snedeker, tola Cor. Market A Fourteenth Sta. ^KESIl CREAMERY BUTTER. Holland Herring, White KUh In Tomato Sauce. Imported Sardines. American Sardine*. Mustard Sardines. All tho latest dclleades of the Mason. M ie Agent for tho only Genuinei Mold Dttti flour. K. IIANAUER, senMTATH 130fl Market Strct. Business Cards. J J.MENDEL, ' Real Estate and Collections. Office, No. 04 Twelfth 6t., 2d floor. 'roperty bought, Bold aud rented. Business entrusted to mo will rocelTO prompt entlon. anltf gTEFHEN McOULLOUQH, Contractor and Builder, FRAME and BRICK BUILDINGB. .PA1I Camcnter Work promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Hcaldcnco, 42 Fifteenth street. Shop In rear. jal Isaiiri. KIMHERI.Y. C. 0, Davis. KIMBERLY & DAVIS, fluccesaors to J. 11. clouston, Dealers In Grain, Flour, Feed, Hay, Sc. Also^otnmlaslon Merchsnt* for West Virginia Productions, Coal, Lumber. Wood, Ac. Goods dollvored free to all parts ol the city. 1', L. K1MBKRLY, Goneral Malinger, Office and Warehouse, lftft. 101s and 1027 South street, corner H Market street. oc22 J^EDMAN & CO., GENERAL MACHINISTS, And Manufacturers of Marina and stationary Cnglnet. Co a. Cttktuvu A KionTJtiKTM Bn. » wmkkmmo. w. va. Profosslonal Cards. W. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1B11 Mah**t BTRRtr, Wheeling, W. Va. Collection* promptly attended to. Insurance allcltod In Wheeling, and In all parta of Weil Vlnrtnla. Can place Insurance at lowest rate* ind In basiwmnsnlf snia.fv*w Flnanolal. jgANK OF T11K OUIO VAl.LBY. CAPITA!. ...en,1,000, nr»tu 00 Xn,Und, I roUnd, Ftinc. aad Oer- nur. mmctou. K. M. Atklnmn, Victor llosentmrgi Henry speyer, «. mni r,r, JKlttOM, Cashier, 2^X011 ANOE DANK. CAPITAL. ...sami.ooo, tN.VAMs. ». Iiiumii..... mm.Vic. Pnaldent DIMctoM L. a. Dslaplaln, A.W. Kelley. John Frew, . . . Draft* issued on Kngland, Ireland, leotland iMslfpoliiu is t mUi TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 8.*0.a.B.-JfetaUK,b!t. Cum bemad loot pSfe MouudsvUlaAooG MouudirlUo Aca B.AO.R.R.040.i*.,Waat| For Columbus aud Chicago- Columbua. Ctn. and Chi'go.-1 Chicago J Chicago JL Coiuiabui A<w>m fiUCUinrUle Accent r}Ue Aooom.-... HltlAnqpn,,, fiaBS&l* BISS?1U. ^jttsburghAoc P., C. di dr. L, *t, Ittsburgh...., Ittsburgh and New itteiym WOT, Kzpreo, Cin. tadIt Louis.. Express, Clo, tad 8l LooU... afe^rkas C. A P. K. H. Plttsb'gh. Clsve, * Chicago- Bteubenvllle Aocota............. Pituburih and Haw York.... aafc USt UWPOOl..« 0., L. A. W. R. K. Express, Clereland, X. 6 W- Maaslllon Aooom ................ bu ClairsvUle Aooom 8 U ClaJrsvllle Apcom^.M.L 81 cialravllle Aooora ^..J rii. Ulajnvilie Aooom............ Local rrtlfht aad Aooom.... OHIO RIVKRR.R. .8:10 am I*9:80 am .10:06 pm ?8:40 ttlilApm .I 1:16 pm ¦20 am 1:46 pm j :20 pm t40pm 112:08 pm C:npm 1:26 pm B,, Z. A C. RAILROAD. BoHaire A Zanesvllle Through Passenger leaves nelUlro at 8:40 a. m., arrives at Bellalre at 8:00 P\voodalleld Passenger leaves Bellalre at 4:20 p, m.. arrives at Bellalre it 8:2ft a. m. HummerHold Accommodation leaves Bellalre stla:2ftp. m. arrives at il:.Tia. ra. Railroads. TXTHEELINQ & ELM GBOVE R, R, V T On and after Monday, April 29, 1889, trains on the v\ heeling & Kim Grovo Railroad will run as follows: IJUTI W'UXXUMO. 6:80 m., 6:10 a. m., 7:00 a. m.. 8:00 a. o., 0:00 a. m., 10:00 a.m.. 11:00 a. m., 12:00 m., 1:00 p. m., 2:00 p. m^ 8:00p. m ,4:00 p. m.. 6:10 p. m,, 6:10 p. ra., 7:00 p. m., 8:00 p. m., 9:80 p. m. Lain WumiMQ Paax. 6:10 a. m., 7:00 a. m.. 8:00 a. ra., 8:00 a. m., 10:00 a. ra., 11:00 a. m., 12:00 m.. 1:00 p. ia.. 2:00 p. ra.. 8:00 p. m., 4:00p. m., 6:10 p. m.. 0:10 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 8:00 p. m., 6:66 p. m., 10:10 p. m. SUNDAYS..Leare at 7:00 a. m. and run every bonr, except church train at 9:16 p. m. Leave Whofllng Park at 8:09 a. m. and run erery hour until 10:00 p. ra., except cburoh tralui. which will leave the Park at 9:46 a. m., and Wheeling at 12:16 and 1:16 p. m. C. HIR8CH, Superintendent. Baltimore a ohio HAiLHOAD- On and alter May 12. 1869, trains depart and arrive at Wheelingaa follows-Eastern time: MAIN LINK.KA8T. For Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York, 4:86a. m., 8:10 and 11:40 p. m., dally, and 8:00a. m., except Monday. Cumberland Accommodation, 8:10 a. m., ox* cent Hun1 ay. Grafton Acoommodation,8:10p.m.,daily. Moundsvllie Acoommodation, 6:86 a. m., 12:01 and 0:10 p. m., except Bnnday, abuts: From New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 9:OS and 12:l0p. m. and 11:00 p. m., dally. Cumberland Accommodation, 6:00 p. m., ex* ooptSuuday. Grafton Acoommodation, 12:80 p. ra., dally. Moundsvllie Accommodation, 7:16 a. m. and 1:40 and 7:40p. m., except Sunday. TRAN8-OIIIO DIVISION. For Chicago, 8:10 and 9:80 a. m. and 8:40 and 10:06 p. m., naily, Cincinnati Kxprcai,9:30a. m. and 11:16 p. m, dally. Columbui Accommodation, 2:20 p. m., oxccpt Sunday. 8t. Clairsvlilo Accommodation, 9:80 a. m. and 2:20 and 6:80 p. m., excopt Sunday. amuvi: Chicago Express, 12:46,6:80and 8:65 a. m. and 6:10 p.m., dally. ^Cincinnati Express, 4:66 a. m. and 6:10 p. m., Columbui Aooommodatlon,10:40a. m., dally, except Sunday. St. Clairarille Accommodation. 10:40 a. m. and l:40aud6:16 p. m.,daily except Sunday. W1IKKL1NO A PITTflBURQU DIVISION, .For Pittsburgh, 6:00and 7:26 a.m. dally, and 1:40 p. m., dalTy, oxcept Sunday. For PltUburgh and the Eaat, 0:10 p. m., dally except tfuuday. Washington Accommodation, 6:80 p. m., dally except Sunday, Plu*burgh Rxcunlon Train, 7:00 p, m,, Sun¬ day only. akxiti: From PltUburgh, 0:80 a. m. dally and 12:60, dally, except Sunday, and 6:66 and lido p. m., daily. Waablngton Acoommodation, 8:00 a. m.,dally except Sunday. PltUburgh Excursion Train, 11:60 a. m., 8un* day only. . O010 RIVER RAILROAD..TIME \J Table Uking effect May 26,1889. Paasen* ger trains will run aa followa-Osntral Time, AH trains dally exoept those marked thusf which do not run oa Sunday: tNo.7 No. 6. tNo.8 No.l. Muon Clifton Pt Plemat~.~...~~... Otlllpolli MHWW. Gujraadotte....MM....m*M. Huntington abbot. Charlwtou, tIb K. A O. Clurleiton, rU 0. A 0- While Rulphur... SUUBtOQ MUM., AihUnd PorUmoutlL^.. MayiYlUe........... Cincinnati,....-., liatb, Cincinnati........ M»jrrrlll«,......«, Porumoulh...... A.hUnfl, BUQuvOu.h...«..hm4 ».«.. WhltB HalpharH..,MMM«. Charleston, t l*.K. A 0. Charleston, tU. 0. A 0. AU1TI. IIuntlDRton^... liatb, Foldf&MMnUi Cll(tOQ.m...mwmmi Muon City, ANAWHA A OHIO RAILWAY. «n«wK*!iioil flan.'HpiSfSI. In if. 1w'SWffimiiW. B,, iifr* WhSiS'iJi*I i«S p'«"m" nVo.). khmmch, o. p. a, gl.EVELAND & I'lTTSUUUOH fBens Trlln'i""I'titjirtdnporl «lT1M1.n.Mil*

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-16 · Amusements. ""opera house. ONENIOBTO.NLT, Monday, Sept. 30th. SODEAD LK1TKKSIS TUIS. 0. S.Cto. C.MAILJENK8' c-A FABOBCOMHDY.-IK TBIMP

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-16 · Amusements. ""opera house. ONENIOBTO.NLT, Monday, Sept. 30th. SODEAD LK1TKKSIS TUIS. 0. S.Cto. C.MAILJENK8' c-A FABOBCOMHDY.-IK TBIMP

Amusements.""opera house.


Monday, Sept. 30th.


Cto. C. JENK8'

0. S. MAILc



U.S.MAIL.Uui rf '""- M.iii'Ut. twHytaber El. *27

OPERA HOUSE.Friday, October 4th, 1889

Great Mualcal Kveut of Ibo Scaionl


Giviu* a Choice Concert Programme audthe third act of

COUXOD'Stilt.VM) OPKUA $ "FAU8T"lacoatutne, wlib the following Celebrated

¦ti<l iucutuparablu Operatic ArtUU:

JILI.K. CLEMENTINA UK VKUB, tho BlWer-vuIom) owMer of to day.

Hiss I.AHA I'UOMS, the tiroat«it American

Dl'ZL'NSI, tho well-knowa Ital-

UuVuSlOTI! nOLOONA, llie Grind lulUnlU*>o Ciinianie. Aim

810. italu c'aMI'aMINI, tho Greater ofLlvliw Ttimrii. aud||!i. hyH"N W. WHITXIY, Iho OrandvatAimo America urer produced.Friiv». I'nrii uct ami Drew Circle, Interred

Pfo't. II SS; A<imluton. |l CO. Gallery. HoM-rtfrl Bmta 91 U>; atlmiaaiou "¦» ct'iiU. halo oftea1* commeaiea utmiay, October 1, atb a. in.,

H Mn d»Hi T". »».'H

Grand Opera House.0.0,UHNTHKR, Lcmco aud Manager.

Thrre Nljfbt* and Wednesday Matinee, Com¬mencing Monday Kvtuiur, beptember

SUN'S NEW PHANTASMAAnd Rufined Concert Co.

Tho (lrautfeat *u»oll<latlon of TaleutM Ar¬tUU! A 'iiBtiil Concert! Relued «| eelaltlcallilat-k Art antf Jilualoutl Mlnlaturo Carnivalwith New mi.a Hi uutiful lluata. OurLadlea'L'tuMcrite Orcbcatra mil Navel Ilrua Band.Cbiuge ol l'nuriiamg every aixht.

Hcata a» »mIu hi Mi-Lara Henna Hat andTurni 'i -t.t»» P-ic«'«ift.ftmid Me. >«i7

Trustee's Sales.

rjMlUS'liiE'S BALK.

Hy virtue of a deed of truat made oq tho 18»hdav of October, lhM, by Heaaou Maainga to thetinder^Um-d iruitec, uud of record arnoag thepublic land mordaof Ohio foamy, Weat Vir¬ginia, iu «hed ul truat book '21, fallo4tf,I will on

FltlDAY. OCTOOKK 4,1U0.t«*lniili)«at in o'clock a m.. nt the treat doorof the Court Mcmim* of Ohio couuty, TV'aat VlrglnU, lo tbr city of \\ heeling, prnmd to aell atpublic iiirtiou the following du-crlbel real eaute, to wit; A certain lot ar tract of land aim-ate hi ibe town of Clinton, la Ohio eouaty,Wcat Virginia, aud bounded aa follows: Beginningata |>e»t in a f. ate an the bank ef Shortcreek; thencu H. h upolca taaatako; thenceH.W K. .I- pole* to n fllnke; thuiiao N. '21H* K.M pole* to u Make In the Potomac turnpike;tbeucu wiih aald turnpike N (.0' W. ic jkiIm toa itake; thiru* N. ha' .«. 7 M fiolaa to a loauitjhiu in fence; thuncoU lb* \V. a.s |>alea to theplrno of biKiuuiiig, aud coutulalag W |>en:bcimoruorloai, r

TaaMft or HaLr->Caah.The title to thin property la believed la be

good, but telling h* truatw 1 will aonvey onlyaucb title aa la veatcd lu mea< audi trustee.

WM. H. CALUWULL, Traatce.J. C lf»»vrY. An«iiUiti<«r. kii'i

Books, Stationery, Etc.

Mountain Songs and Seaside Melodiesaro past. I ot in bucklo down cliccrfitlly to theyear'a munUul work. greatly umIMlhI br thenur, complete and moat uaoful Mualo Books,prepared by Ujo

DITSON COMPANY.Bonn Harmony, fiOc; 16 do*.") These wo will tuoRoyal Singer. Cue; S* do*. J-for Sloglug Clas-1Jehovah's i'ruiie, II; fti dos J mm, Cholra, dc.

ta; lidos.*) FV

ts;*4 80. JBong Mauual, Honk 1.80eta; lidos.*) For

.. .. Hoik 2,4'ict«;>4 W. V Graded" .. bookMcta;U 80. J Schools.

Ememon's Easy Anthems,M)i;ta |7l!0 dot.) Clwlra and

Emeriou's Anthems of Pralsn, > MusicalSi. Svdor.J Socletlca.

The iliorc 8 l>ookii aro by L. 0. Emerson, oneol tin* be>t 11v111k compilers of mualo booka. Tbomu»lc In i»y uuuy composers.Children's School J Very popular tMmy. i'i cla.; (3 r-i dm. f collcctloa.Voice* ol l'raln. llutcblna.

.IOeti.;H20do«.PralioluKong. Emoraou.

Wet*.; |l20 dosBonn* u( Promiae. Tonney A Hoffman

itt cla.; S3 CO dos.7,00" Piece* Octavo M usic, ) Order by List,Sacred. Mnilnr, Anthema.Glera. >wh ch ploatel'art-Sutig*, A c. 6 to 10 cla. cach. J rand for.




OUTER DITSON COMPANY, Boston.c. ii Dmotf A Co..

w.7 UnwdwuT. New York.

SUNDAY SCHOOLSWanting n Now Mualo Hook Should

not Fall to Examine

Triumphant Songs No. 1, by E. 0* ExccllTriumphant SoiigH No. 2, by E.O. ExccllJorful Sounds. (Just out)

l»y Sweeney A KlrkpatrlckPrlco 35c per cony, br mall; S3 per do*,

for any ofabovn.Suitablenlto for Revival Servlcos. Call on or


a*H 1.V1 Market Street.

JgOIiOOL UUOKS,Slates. School ltags, Pens, Ink,

Writing Pai»er, I'ada, Slate and I*ad Pencils.Everything needed by a School Ilojr or Cllrl.Book*, Newijapora, Magailuea and Stationery.

c. u. Qpiumr,»7 Una. ltl< and 1M7 Market Street.

Breoch-Loadlng Guns.

Attention, Sportsmen IWo have Juat received a fino line of

URUGCIMiOADINO GUNS,Including Rlflea of ell kinds, and both Single

and Uoublo Karrel Shot Uttna. ranging Inprice from $8 OO to flOO each.

Onr"PltK'E MACHINE" <«UN0 aro the beetvalue for the money In the world.Call and see tbem at

I. 0. Dillon & Co.'a.We are Headquarters for Loaded Shell!.in

Cornloo and Tin Roofing.

Galvanized Iron CorniceTIN ROOFING.

Bpeelal attention given to ell kinds of ShMtIron and 1in Work on Buildings, All* Btoeiand Felt Hooting,fafund get prices before mnlrartlig, as I an

prepared to give banalns In thatUne ol work.


t Hoofing,ill set prlnI to give In

II. F. CALDWBLL,/ or. Main and South Streeta.


.old by Err.mitt*. All.etrleaaltftmH Falnt»-«eeto«iaer saaUundry lllalng.see sea Ink fowdsra-? eolert.ft saa8boeAllan»eiat>fe*aln»senna Egg L>ya»-I eekws.



Tli. Or.it..t Ptmlly N.w.p.p.#« W..I Vlralnll.



After nifllrlng for eight months with * trou«blesomoeruption on u>> face and neck, and try-uk all sorts of remedies, Iwu finally cured bytaking a few bottles of Swift's Specific. It la*creased my weight from 05 to 185 pound*

A. W. Oook, Ottawa, Kan.lIIXtnUTWf ELIMINATED FROM Til* BLOOD,I am satisfied that 8.8.8. U tho l>en blood

remedy In tho world. I have mod U lor rheu-patLmi with tho best results.

L. L. KouatL, Sherman, TernBAD CAM or ntOST BIT*.

A patient undermycharge was bodlyafltectedwith blood poison, thu result of fruit bite in thefeet, Both feet had sloughed off before he wuturned over to me. Ho wiu etired sound with ufew bottle* of 8.8.6., and is now walkingaboutou his knees. K. I. Wood, MllledgevlUe, Go..Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed

freo. Swiki Sfficinc Co., Atlanta, Go.

The VerdictOF ALL who bavo used Ayor'fl Pill*

for liillouancHS and Livor Com-plaint id that they aru tho best overmailo. Being free from any minora!ingredient*, and sugur-coajed, Ayer'aPills aro adapted to ull ages, constitu¬tions, uud cllmujes..'Having used Ayer's Pill* for ninny

years in my practice and family, I fooljustified in recommending them ns unexcellent cut hurtle uud liver medicine,They humIuIu ull tho cluims mudo forthem.".W. A. Weatfull, M. I)., V. p.Austin & N. W. It. It. Co., Burnet,Texas."Ayor's Pills keen my stomach uud

liver In perfect condition, i'ivo yoursugo I was ntllicted with onlargomout oftho ilver und trlth a severe form o! dy«-pepda, most of tho tiino being uiiuhlu toretain auy solid food on tuy stomach. Ilinally began to taku Ayor's Pills, andafter using only three boxes of thesomagical pellets, was u well man.".Lucius Alexander, Murhloheud, Mass.

If you lmvo Sick Jlonducho, Coustlna-tiou, Indigestion, or Piles, try

Ayer's Pills,PttBt'AltBD BT

Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats.Sold by all Druggists snd DealsaJn Msdlclne.

CUREBlck Headacheand relievo all the trouble# tad-dent to a bilious state of tho system, such asDIulneM. Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress afterrating, I'aln in the Bide, Ac While their mostremarkable succtsa lias been shown in curing

SICKneadaehe, yet Cartkr'b Little Livsr Pilijiare equally valuable la Constipation, curingand preventing this annoying complaint, whiwthey also correct all dlsonlor* of the stomach,stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.Even If they only cured

HEADAche thoy would bo almost prlrele* to thOMwho suffer from this distressing complaint,but fortunately their goodness do#* not endhero, and those who once try thein will Andtheso llttlo pills valuable In no many ways thatthey will not bo willing to do without thera.But after all sick head

ACHEIs tho hano of so many lives that hero Is whorewo make our groat boast Our pills cure Itwhile other* do nutCartcr's Lrrrue Liven Pills are very small

and very easy to take. One or two pills niakoa dose. They aro strictly vegetable and donntgrlpoor purgo, but by their gentle actionplease all who two them. In vials at 85 cents;flvo for ft. Bold everywhero, or Rent by mail

cum waicnro co., lfnr

MR Sail Sue. Saall Prica,


XT UU .Rai;SCancers, Humors, Bores, Ulcers, 8welllng>,Tumors, Abscesses. Blood Poisoning, BaitRheum. Catarrh. Erysipelas, Rheumatism,and all Blood and Skin Diseases.Price, »l per Hint JJottla. or 0 Dottles for $1I lb. can Solid Extract $V.(0


Drldgo Corner Druggists,«P26-DAW-J10W Wukrijxq, W. Va.

|'rlrr-*1 00 t»»r

ew'i catarrhCream BalmCloansaa theNlUl Paasagas,Allays Pain «ndInflammation,HaalathaBoraa,Raatoraa the

tanaaaof Taataand Bmsll.

THVTIIK CURE.A partlclt li «rrllM Inlo rich p»lrll and li

MII MWMW M Warren atrrtt. New York,

tKnn HENYARD-WK WILLCp UWU wy Ui« .'.ote rawiNl lot.ifljibm ul l.lrtr Ooronlajnt. Pjapcjtala, Hick Head-.ens. IndltwUon, CoiiniMtlpn or rout Irene**we mtinot cure with \\Wa VfwUblp L ?erPllti, when the dlrrotloti* are etriitlf odmpllHwith. Tfefr «f* purely Vefetable anil niter l«il10 live .dlaftfiloii. liiifjr coated. Urgetotee, epBUtnlM w WU», ttrffita. HawiroolcqanterfeluMdltnlUlioM. Ttai genuine nan-fefSV»n.WifeS: ti«kfi M'a wjmllI1IWU. Wliffllni. W. V». wl»tmnw


wUMJUUf\.,|| arnitlni, br Ih»nESTORED®.?^IIPW I wlllllf Si illf hH'H /rfti aQUMl' ihb ma«Nji oo.i n r«k ru**. i.* i«thmim

g(ie IntellioencK.OWc«i Ho». 10and 17 KuurUtuih ftrenl.

who m rum ni/itAs m\I »it by lb« bcaMh wbilo ibe Are buroi loir,Aud a tbroiif of uKUiorlti glide,

Liku (buftUoI Uui J»>» 0/ loug ho,Exw ihc pruulM vf toulb bed died.

They gild* with a ateeltb; tod nolaleea treed,Lnvulcome, uubiddeu, to-uf*bl,

I tbouKbi ludevJ.lout a«o. thay were deedAud buried forever from il«bu

'TU uMku lu bury tbem, abattoir or deep,no grav« eau a memory hold;

Hover Ui] I iu my own grave alacpWill the iaallol ibeae ihoata bo tolled.

.Button C

UK SAVED THE ST1K&AWarBemUioacunceaad uTouchingBceuo

at a UunitueUChicago In lit-Offit,"I vu present not long sgo," Mid the

Colonel, "»t» banquet where an oldarmy officer 0f Engliah antecedenta »uon the programmo to speak to the senti¬ment, The Iriih in the Union Army-courageous and loy*l Americana, theywere aa true aa the trueat, M brave aa

the bravest.' Thia puialed me greatly.Wby nhoulil an American ol Englishdescent be called upon to complimentthe Irish-AmericausT I did not under¬stand the situation until my friend, oneol tho bard tighten of the war, aroao toapuak. Ilia speech waa tlmply a littlestory. and yet it atlrred me u levspeeches over (lid."My friend of English antecedents s«t

near the centre of a long table. Almostopposite him aat a stoutly-built man whowould have been bandaomo but for thefact that bis oyea were sightless. Thisblind msn received llttlu attention ex¬

cept from the men who sat on eitherside of him, both of whom were Irish¬men and atrangera to the majority of theguests. When the toast was read, spesk-ini{ In such enthusiastic terms of theIrish soldiers of the war, tbelr facesflushel, and they aat ercct, lookingstraight across at tho man who was torespond."My first surprise was la tho manner

of the speaker. I knew him to be oneof the coolest and most nnexcltsble ofmen, but as he rose to his feet I saw thatho waa controlled by atrong emotion.Ue stood for a minule looking down theline at tho table, as if studying thethoughts of overy man present. Thenliu began In a quiet tone, ssying thatwhen thla toast was asalgned to him hewas puzsied to know why ho should beselected above all others to speak ofIrish courage In the Union army."He said as much to bis wife, but, as

bu ssld it. there caino to his mind an In¬cident of hlssrmy life thst made thewhole matter clear to him. Then beproceeded to relate the atory of his ex¬

perience at the turning point ol onoofthe fiercest battles of tbo war. In themidst of a hand-to-hand contest, tvbereoverything depended on every man do-log tils bpat, he received » blow thatseutblin headlongtotbeground. Whenhe regained consciousness ho realisedthat a terrific struggle waa being foughtto the death above him."The first objects to catch the oye wcro

two sturdy legs in bine.the legs of someonestandlngsstridoofhim. Tbeownerof tho logs seemed to be bending thisway and that to shield tbo prostrate olll-cer from blows that were tailing on hisown dovoted head. The fight was overtho flag, which was torn into fragmentsas the men struck and cut oach othor inthe fury of their wild excitement, buthappen what might the nne man stand¬ing sstrldo tbo captain never moved bisfeet. Tho captain did not know whothis stout defender was until, in anawerto a demand toaurrender, there came inIrish brogue, 'To Uallfax wld you I'"lie realised then that Pat McBrlde

wu} fighting against odds for tbo flag andhis csptsin. Ho realised, too. as bloodenrno dropping down In his laoo, thatfat was sorely wounded. lia.knew thiswhen In a fow minutes he wss draggedout from the heap of wounded oncl sawl'at fall down from loss of blood. Theyfound wadded Into Pat's blouse that partof the flag containing the stars, and Pat'sonly remark as they strove to revivehim was, 'Be gorra, I saved the stars,'alas, that he could never see again.

"This was in brief tho story, but Itwss told by a msn who felt every word,and was told so dramstically that at itsclose nearly overv man at tbo table wasstanding on his leet. As tho speskerwent on to pay his respects to the manwho bad sated his life, and picturedblm as the ideal of soldierly courage audloyalty, the blind msn opposite stoodliko one entranced, and as the speskercloscd. he plunged across the table, reck¬less of glsss snd chins, and with a howlof exultation throw bis srms about bisold saptain."Tho aceno that followed Is simply In¬

describable. The story called out all thonoisy demonstrstiveness of tho Irish na¬ture. The speaker was overwhelmedwith congratulations snd thanks. Lis¬tening to what was said, to other storiesthr.t this one oslled out, I understoodwhy an officer of English anteoendentshad been selected to speak of the cour¬age and spirit ol the men of Irish de¬scent in the Union army."

A ll)<to on a Locoiuotlro.Scribnm Jlagatlne.Wo cannot toll from the time tablea

how faat wo travel. The achoilulo timedoca not ludlcato the delays that must boinado up by spurt* between stations. Thotrawler who la curious to know jnat how(net ho isgolug, and likes the stimulus ofthinking that be la In a little danger,may find amusement in taking the tfuiobetween tnlle poita; and when these arenot to be seen, he can olten get the apeedvery accurately by counting tho rallapassed In a given time. This may bedone by listening attentively at an openwindow or door. The regular clicks ofthe whoolaover thorall-jolntscan usuallysoon bo singled out Iroil the otbopiolsoaand counted. The numbor of raillengtbi posiei) In twenty seconds la al¬most exactly the number of n)|lea run Inan hour. But if one want* to get a livelysenso of what it means to rush throughapaeo at Ofty or sixty miles an hour, hemust get on a locomotive. Then onlydocs he begin to realUo what trifles standbetween him and destruction; A fewweoks ago a lady sit an hour in tho cabof a locomotfvo hauling a fast expresstrain oyer > mountain road. 8ho sawthe narrow bright lino of the rails andthe slender points ol tho switches. Shebeard the thunder of the bridges, andsaw the track shut in by rocky bluffs,and Dow perils suddenly revealed aa theengine swept around Ihsrp curves. Thoexperience was to her magnlUcent, butthosunse ol danger wis almost appalling.To bava made her experience completeshe would have taken one engine ride ona dark and rainy night. |n a dfylightride on a locomotive we come to realisehow slender Is tho rail and how fragileIts (sstings compared with t|is ponder¬ous uisclilne-which they carry, \?esee That a trifling movement ol aswitch make* the difference between lifeand destli. We lesrn how short thelook abosd must often be and bow closedanger sits on either hind. Out It Isonly in a night ride that we learn howdependent the engineer mustbeslter sllupon the faithful vigilance of others.The headlight reveals a few yards ofglistening rail and the ghoatly telegraphpoles and the twitch targets. Were aswitch open, a rail Ukon up, or a pile ofties on track we conld not pOMllilj seethe danger in time to slop,Naw York lirimtillrniii tor ni|h Lteenit.

/In fork ryflnw.Our dispatches from Saratoga show

that prominent delegate* to the Hopubli-can convention are Insistent that theplstlorm shall take a Arm and advancedIttnd on the question ol liquor legisla¬tion. ii a matter of court* there willbe no step backward. The Republicanparly It committed unreeervedly to higtilicense at the wisest method of restrictIng the liquor traffic tad curtailing thitrill whisk it brwdt. U11 ww* not, n

would he forced to Uke thU position bythe course of Governor Hill anil by theDemocratic tppttl to the opponents ot"inequitable and oppressive lumptunrylegislation." The onIf hope for excisereform lie* Id the Republican pirtv, tadthat party will not fall abort of the ex¬

pectations which it haa aroused.Thu Wool Market.

BradMnM'18tpL a.Inquiry for wool on the part of mana-

facturera continuea liberal, but tbeamount of actual talea la rather leal sat-lafactory. Morn of the tranaactions occurwhere either tbe buyers aro in need ofsupplies for immediate conauuptlon or

tbe holders are cdnltralnod to grant con¬cessions. Speculative purchases are

quite unknown, bsles are, therefore,naturally irregular, aome bouaea report¬ing ¦ large movement and others noneat all, The general situation it Rallyunchanged, prices being too low for themajority of nolders and too high (or tbeconsumers.

Dispatches from London mention a

large attendance at the sales, whichopened Tuesday. A choice selection ofCape wools are offered. The supply ofAustralian croas-hreds waa insufficient,There was a good general demand, July'sdosing prices for moat growths beingfirmly maintained. Fine Australianscoured made an occaalonal alight ad¬vance.Boston reports an Interesting market,

much of tbe wool in store there beingheld on consignments for higher pricesthan can now De obtained, while buyersin turn are confining their operations totheir nearliy wants. Concessions, how¬ever, are heard of now and then, andtbe range of prices is decidedly in favorof tho manufacturers. Business Is welldistributed, without features of specialinterest, except that attention haa beeudirected to the full clip In Texas and Cal¬ifornia, the quality of which Is believedto bo usually good. Numerous saleamadu some time ago are announced inthis week's total, the amount of report¬ed sales, therefore, indicating more ac¬

tivity than usually prevails.Tbe sales of the week at Boston aro re¬

ported at 2,080,300 pounds, agalum 3,285,-000 pounds lest week and 3,570,500pounds In thu corresponding week lastyear.At Philadelphia wool has been selling

a little more freely, but in many casestbe larger sales havo been made atthe cost of further concessions in prices,aud from the sellers' standpoint tue sit¬uation is still very unsatisfactory.

The Mi'tat Markets.Braditrteh Seplcnbcr 28.A general upward tendency in crude

Iron seems to be anticipated among ma-kors aud large consumers, but tbe courseof future prices largely depends upontbe action of railroad builders, bridgebuilders, ship, boat and car builders, andother large consumers. Should demandfrom all these quarters arise, tho untlcl-patlonsoljmakeraofcrude material wouldprobably be realised, at least In part.Tbe merchant steel and merchant ironmills continue to be woll supplied withorders, and strong prices ore maintained.Sheet, gslvaulsed and plato Iron con-tlnue active, and structural Iron ordersaro arriving for wlter execution. Tbenail market Is very strong; railway tracksupplies are In good demand, and a(unlier advance Is possible. Tbe gener¬al situation In the iron trade is moresatisfactory than a week ago, and thereare signs of anxiety upon the part of a

large number of heavy buyers lest bothcrude and finished products shouldmove up before contracts are placed tocover work in hand, Western iron cen¬ters are exceptionally active.

Thu I.ill i',l itJ Id,Cohen."You don'd liko dose pants?

Vy they were finest goots, cusdom-madein latest style."Customer."But sop, tho waist reaches

to niv shoulder-blades."Cohen (triumphantly)."I told you so I

Dot vss one of uhose Directory waists-latest stylo oudl"

A Clionp Property.DraU'i Uagatlnt.Bones."Say, Jones, beat chancoyou

ovor saw! A pieeo of property absolutelyfree I"Jones."How? What? Whore?"Bones (pointing to evangolist distribut¬

ing missionary literature)."Overthere;a tract of the better land."

A Now Kind of lunurttncohas boen put in operation by the mnnu«facturera of Dr. Pierco's medicines. His"Golden Medical Discovery" and "Fa-vorito Prescription" are sold by drug-gists under the manufacturers' poiitiveguarantee. Either benefit or a completecure is thus attained, or money paid forthose medicines is returned. The cer¬tificate of guarantee given in connec¬tion with sale of these medicines isequivalent to a policy of insurance. The"Uolden Medical Discovery" curcs allhumors and blood taints, from whatovercauao arising, skin and scalp diseases,scrofulous sores and swellings. The"Favorito Prescription" cures all thosoderangements and weaknesses peculiarto woraon.


Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow,disgusting everybody, but use Dr. Sage'sCatarrh liemouy.

"Is example nothing?" asked Burke."It is everything. Examplo is theschool of mankind, and they will learnin no other."WnAT is a colli io the hand? Medical

authorities say It la due to uneven cloth¬ing at tho Vesv, rapid cooling when la a

perspiration, at. Tho Important pointIs, that a cold In the head la an Inflamma¬tion ol the lining membrane of thenote, which, when unchecked, Is cortalnto prodnce a catarrhal condition.forcatarrh Is essentially a "cold" which na¬ture Is no longer able to "resolvo" orthrow off. Ely's Cream Balm ha> provedita superiority, an< sufferers should re¬sort to It before that common ailment be¬comes seated and ends In obstinate ca¬tarrh. MWrJkW

A Orcnt UItoo very,In tho medical lino Is tho pleasant fruitlaxative, Elixir of Datoa. It combinesthe acttvo piopertles of dates, fi^ra andprunes In such a way as to mske it oneof the most pleasant and offocllro reme¬dies un tho market. It Is easily takenby old and young, and Is a sure cure forhabitual constipation, biliousness, dys¬pepsia, sick headache and plica, and alldiseases caused by a weak stomach, dis¬eased kidneys or Inactlvo liver. Sold In60 cent lwttles hv 0. K. Uoetae, W. W.Irwin, W, E. Williams, John Lauyhlln.Logan Drug Company and Goodwin &Co., wholesale agents.

Boils, pimples, and skin diseases ofall kinds speedily disappear when theblood la purlled by the use of AvcrlpSars«parllla. It hss no eaual as a tourcalterative, tho tesults being Immediateand satlsfastory. Ask your druggist forIt and tako no other. i>*w

Every ultimate fact li only tho first of. new serlei..Bmeraon.

A Wcunnn'i Discovery,"Anothor wonderful dlscovor* lias

been made and that too, by a lady In thiscounty. Disease faatcncu Ita clutchesupon her, and for seven years alio with-stood lUsovereat testa, but lior vital or-gans vera undermined and deathaoemed Imminent For tlirco monthsalio coughed Incessantly and could notaleep. Klie bought of ua a bottle of Dr.King's New Discovery (or consumption,and ws*io much relieved on taking thedrat dose that she ilept all night; andwith one bottle lias boon miraculouslycured. Her name It Sirs. Luther Luis."Thus wrltea \y. 0. llamrlck A Co., olIllicitly, N, Oi.IJot a free trial bottle atLogan Drug Oo.'s drug store. I

tick llaidafhs.Loose's lied Clover Pills cur* sick

headache, dyspepsia, Indigestion, con-stlpatlon. 34c. per hot, » boies for II.

WiSOUHDJBAM,** Ot Ib. Money mi MMk

HukiU.New Yoin, Sept. 38..Modey oa call easy at 4a

t>i per oeoi; but loan 4 p«roaa»; cloeod offered»t 4 per oral. Prima percentile papertyiaTKpar cent. Sterling Exchange dull but steady atUUHUm. Sake100,SMsbaree.


«SSS!3smss?EKfea^SfcraSsm^smsma&fc»ia!airS5HgKaHiRailroad bo ml-, gulet; sale* only 1414,000,toveromaul aad State bond, dull andYnady.w*De amu stock eioTATieaa-oieej* in

mm¥:> -a-sascr HkId!' «jf^p°»~12!Amm Bagnio 190Amertcau Bipncs 417J auaita Hoiilhtfo... 51£..111*11'ullc V,Cheaanwlto 4 ubto a<lo Jnl (rehired. «L


cr#r£.KatiMi& TojMhh70k

..1MKUm. 13, {Ml... 19K

44Hinn .*

Lake Krle4 Wesf."f&fOfanfemes'UuinbbU i Cbaa...' UM ctiliaa Central... MiUiiwuri ItolHo.,... 7SVj

s«fo7k"6SElawSBSEim*=£4o PithntL...... wdoflniM^rrfl.iiff.oL"" 78

TeiaiColoColon fiah«.. gj}

i"'"'""*!- nr

llroadatufft nml Provisions,


?LlS' clo,1pi*lWHc. Rye quiet;^t'.}a Jj2!lPJJ'P1 .woeluts 631,fij0 bushels: exports luo o<\:iuHnnflV ^ 'M.ooo bushels of future* and 161*Sff.^W1'WMJ «ll«andWMlVi aorn^cj*j?Ptomber 40o: OetoboMOKo*«1S,?.bw.4.0SG-. °W»"IP1> ltl.MO biiSil!exjwru 1,31/ buihell; mIci 160,000 htlih!cI", ot Jut urea and 711,000 btubali nf¦poll ¦MtNo.awbluaiKo; mUod twairii Si.aw; wblte do J7aSSo; NoiCbJSo 3 21 jr..atldhopaqutot. Ooffw Ilfidr 3l«>B'D0inu;p: September, October, Wember. DeMmhS?

«"d April lufiStoTlS?^

e.5tei March t.ssc. Cutter arm*SleS dS3c'«w llm;

ttStSSluS't!**!? 28 -T^0 volume of bualnossK5%£i!d * wi,ettl ***7wu larger thanusual[Skh ?linK duy,0'lhB w®«k, though imallertlous wero t/lthij °nn lh0 dijr ibc/(?re* Muctua-L'.S ^l Uf0 Ytl°,n narrower Hmlu, wd aft«roVit Fl ,K'°"ar °rlD*',b® market weak'

f Utile more, aod averated nnit of thealoa fractionally under xettenlaj'i rollnc fl».

Corn vru moderatelMotfr?att&w£fwl£foellng dereloned aomewbat eaaier. A modrnto


®c'ober 111 25; November fJ6^k- Janu-

MS s.«>ic.0<:wbtr i:ra>4c;

.'^lr7Kw"fcrS^poMSiinbJTllS!^SSnSMW'1 Dtc,mUr MXUh^c! Jutu-,ww,'°rn atcsarlrT;mixed ipot

SK i^.'*1"1 Oclobor-lttMoJit;: ho«mbtr(6k.40>fcO. yc«r aud Jauuary 8Uaa9)io. Oata flnn^weaterowbltooxtra aaioUc. ilJeaiMiivItuLh^.1^SMwfejiKifsiatm-jular; SoTz wblto »kSo;TJo/j! whiteSjjwrator aud October 20BS705 November tfa

.lriSr"ynr'i 1.' Wb»>

mlxtd 87c. Oata Arm; No.2mixed*23ko. Rvanlm V.Im a',*,v- >'r°'l«toni itoid)-. vi'buirfirm at |t 02. Ituttorandiugareailor.Tolboo.O., Sept. M.-Wbeat dull and eaaltrr-

2u)l,D'>vl),^7,bor *ad °cl°bcr We; December&'Sty* M.^yMo-. Coru dull and ateady; caabJHo. Oaianulet: auh 22j<o. Oloveneed steady;Kr |m>j " Bi -Nu,eml«rH l»l Otcta-

Live Stock,. Ci"C41n1°i Sept. a. . Cattle . Receipts 4,WOhead; shipments l^oo bead; mnrkotnulet ;\muucbauKoa; choice to extra boerts h iftat 75'Mn'tarfMat 10; stockers ind fSSdei.il l£a 10;tows, bu Is and mixed fl 2fta2 75: Texans II Mi2 90; natives and half breeds 12 odal W. Hon.RecelpUlS.000 headsshjpmonts 7,000 bead; mar-Let strong; mixed U 0w< 66; leavy 13 9UM35'llRht It 10a4 fki; skips U 75a3 76. Bhcen.Re'«>''. tOwlo.iilbJt.mSu 1,000 bead: market

all tbrouah conairaments. Hogs-ReeelpU 2.7Whead; sblpmontaj.100 bead;good medium amVorkcrs II Ouofi w; light I'blladelpblaa 94 76a

'b?T5L.how W 60a4 70. hhecpr.^ols,.t1^^Ji;1'X"U2'000t,'1<i|m*r'head

wcc'Pl' 1.800 bead; ahipmonti 426


Aaxfffl ts«i«h,)sssSept.28..Petroleum openedsteadr

llRAiironp, Pa., Sept. 28..Opened at MHc:1

cl0,l,,1« "Hoi KS.

h.I« "Wc;Weekly llnnk Statement.

Kaw York, Sept. a.-The weekly bank state-meat shows the following chances:Reserve, decrauo t l.OISA'CIxmm, docreuo 190,GOOSpcole, ileoruwHi ., 1,4*24,WUl^fAl tenders, decrease.... 830,700Deposits. decrease a.844.200Circulation, Iccrcue 14.300The bunks now hold IMS,750 In cxceas ol the

35 Mr cent role.

The moat manifest sign ol wisdom lacontinued cheerfulness..Montaigne.

Tb* Verdict Unanimous.\V. D, Suit, Druggist, Blppus. Ind.,

Untlfln: "I can recommend ElectricBitters its tho Tory beat remedy. Everybottle aold hu (riven relic! in erery cue.One man took tlx bottles, and wan curedol rhcumatlam ol 10 years' standing."Abraham Hare, druggist. Dcllrllle, Ohio,alHrtaai "The beat selling medicine Ibavo ever bandied in my 20 rcars' ex¬perience, la Electric Hitters." Thousandsol others have added their testimony, sothat tho verdict la unanimous that Elec¬tric Hitters do cure all diseases ol tboLiver, Kidneys or Blood, Only a halldollar a bottle a( Login Drug Oo.'a drugatofo. 8

An yon disturbed at nlghtand brokenol your rest by a alck child auflferlng andcrying with pain ol cutting teeth? If so,acml at once Ind get a botUe ol Maa.WiKiww'a Soomixo Sraor ro* Ciiil-natKTsrraixo. Its value Islncalculable.It will relieve the poor little sufferer im¬mediately. Depend upon iLmothori,thereli no mlaUke about It. It onrei dysen¬tery nnddlarrhcsa, regulates tho stomachand bowel*, curea wind oollc, softens thegums, reduce* Inflammation, and givestone and energy to the whole ayatem.Mm. WlMsixiw a Hootiiwo Braur ronUntitiaix Tsrrnma la pleaaapt to thetaate, and l| the prescription of one ofthe oldest and beet female nureea andphtalolinilD the United State*, and lafor sale by »U druggists throughout theworld. Price 38 cent* a bottle. MWI4W


ibib^mWdfot^u,bruises, sores. uloen, salt rbeoro, feveraores, letter, chapped bands, chilblains,corns, and all akin eraptlons, and posi¬

tion. 6r money refunded, Prloe It canpsrbox. JTor ssJs bjr Logan Drug Oo.

Carriages, Buggies, Eto,



Baggies,SPUING \ > \Wagons \ \£)*4mll£r*Riw.8109,9110

tad mi

WHEELING, V V\/1\ / xAxw. va.

Repairing Promptly Attended to,

for lnfant« and Children,"MatteliNmllifepMMiUUimM I CutarUma Colli, OowUptUm.ln°«noUHMiupr^i.ur,rmriyiin *>£O-toon***" Eiucmni, I *"** J1."01" ".

U189.(MnlKllnoMra,H,T, I WUfotil tojurlom nudicito,Tn Cmricu Oohfavt, 7T Murraj Slrwt, N. V,



BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best made.R. V. BELL MFG. CO., Bnflalo, N. Y.


.i- ,«P«»Hneed lot exceed annually fluIncluding booki. board, fuel, lights and waahln*¦tendfor catalogue. LYON 0. TYLER, M.A..President. .»

WHEELING FEMALE COLLEGE..ra4inr d.n»bter. to tbla Initltutloa whore

ibey will rec«lTF ¦ ttiormi.h aud ooni|>robeutlvotduatiion-lbo beat .lounil.tlon lor true nitreuIm life. Po.l,r»du»toeourM. An >blo Kicullv,Hur Inprarenonu ra.de, », belter Imtnio.«on w «rl *u<1 kluiIc ln Wpwr Ohio V.ller.»«. M. bievtoi II.n. oi Wuhfojion, D. a, willjonduct Bchool 0/ Klocution. li<*t, most health¬ful location /or ichoel ln the elty. Terms ret*tollable. Apply to tho President,


STAMMERINGthorotJdhly and permanently cored by

method! 0/ Instruction bated upou scientificprinciples. ho trtoka employed. No iccrocydemanded. Tho system, whicn In entirely edu'oatlonal, li endonod br many of tbo moit prom¬inent oduutori and physicians ol tbo country.d.1 . , #.». Mm.M.STEVENSnART,Principal of tbo Washington Bchool ol Elocu¬tion and Oratory.M'hfelliig Address. t7J Main Street. au21


SStetffoVg^S'^Ln.^n^theJK.N1> MONDAY IN HKPTfMIIKA. .1 No.TBI Uiis BTiirr. bj UiuMAS 11ELLK UAKT.formerly or W..hlngtou, P. C.TboKbool.willbocomluodd on Iho jtncml

line, of tbo KlDdcratrlen.French convemtlon tud oallaUienlc nerclna

wllbont OJ:tr* cb.rjo A l'lnno In ibo Kboolman for tbe enlertnlnment ud inttmeilon ottho children.


WHEELING INSTITUTE,Boarding and Daj School for loung La¬

dles and Children,Thorough oourso of lnitructlon In Engllih,

Mathematics. Anolrat and Modern Languages,Music, Drawing, fain ting, Eloentlon and Callstbanlps. Advantages of Tiome life and training.Fall tesslon begins Wcptombcr 4,1M9.Address, M1S8 PARRAK, Principal.

Jlf 100 Twelfth Street



Tho 8chool Is a Classical and Scientific Acad*emr, snd prepares students for any CollegfiorUniversity ln the oouutry.It has a fill corps of instructed, snd li well

equipped In all departments.The Military Department is a special feature

of the Bchool.Private lnitructlon In Modern Languages will

b« given durlug the summer.'or Catalogues, particulate etc., aldrees

JOHN H. KOEMEH,IT* Principal.


(Bisters of the Visitation.)A school of mora than oatlonal reputation,

offers exceptional advantages for thorough edu¬cation of yeang ladles In all departments. Li¬brary of jfc thousand velsmes. Fine phllowohlcal, chemical aud astrouomlcal apparattu.Musical Departmentspeciallyoeted. Uorpsol

piano teachers Gained by a Icadtag profeasoifrom Conservatory of ItattgarL Vecal culturelooordlng to tho method of the old Italian maaten.Locatloa unsurpassed for Meoty and Utaltb

Ten acrea of bloaanre grounds. Board oxoollenl,For Catalogue, and references to natrons in

(11 the principal cltics, addressfHK niRKCTRMg.




BAKING POWDER.fthfi itni/fiir.

f>. H LIST, WHFL1.ING. q

Yoor criw will prort IU quilltf. At,id uImlutlon. Hid to be,

"jour tmc iauk."I Ihtl H, D, LIST'S bun, I. on lb. box.

Grocorlos, Etc.




Celebrated "Strawberry Haras,"-FLOUR I-

Chrlrtlan Bro»'. "Crown" brond,Mlnnoapoll. Patent.Taylors' Patent and "Best" Fam¬

ily.Williams' Choice Ohio Family.And tanny olbtr Choll* BtunJl of Fin11?

Flour la .lock »nd wmtlutully waiving.

Roasted Coffees...Alaroma." "Arbuckle's" "Lion," and my

own rout of "Old Woman," "llorso Head," and"liarHo"1'Agent for the Celebrated DuPontPowder Mills. A lull supply of Rifle, Blastingand8portlt>g Powdor of ewr kind coustintl)In tnnumiitM. Orders *ollcited from dealer*only. Also Patent Hemp, Cotton, and Water-Proof Hafcty Fuse. >0*9

CREAMERY BUTTER.Wo are Bole Agent* for the B*ruo**llle Cream;

cry Butter. It I* tho finest made. Becolvedour7Fresh Routed Coffee* and Pttro Tew.

After using a sack you will want a barrel ofr UOLl) DUST FLOCK.

Conner & Snedeker,tola Cor. Market A Fourteenth Sta.


Holland Herring, White KUh In Tomato Sauce.Imported Sardines. American Sardine*. MustardSardines. All tho latest dclleades of the Mason.M ie Agent for tho only Genuinei Mold Dtttiflour. K. IIANAUER,senMTATH 130fl Market Strct.

Business Cards.


Real Estate and Collections.Office, No. 04 Twelfth 6t., 2d floor.

'roperty bought, Bold aud rented.Business entrusted to mo will rocelTO promptentlon. anltf

gTEFHEN McOULLOUQH,Contractor and Builder,

FRAME and BRICK BUILDINGB..PA1I Camcnter Work promptly attended to

on reasonable terms. Hcaldcnco, 42 Fifteenthstreet. Shop In rear. jal

Isaiiri. KIMHERI.Y. C. 0, Davis.KIMBERLY & DAVIS,

fluccesaors to J. 11. clouston,Dealers In Grain, Flour, Feed, Hay, Sc.Also^otnmlaslon Merchsnt* for West VirginiaProductions, Coal, Lumber. Wood, Ac.Goods dollvored free to all parts ol the city.

1', L. K1MBKRLY, Goneral Malinger,Office and Warehouse, lftft. 101s and 1027 Southstreet, corner H Market street. oc22

J^EDMAN & CO.,GENERAL MACHINISTS,And Manufacturers of Marina and stationaryCnglnet.

Co a. Cttktuvu A KionTJtiKTM Bn.» wmkkmmo. w. va.

Profosslonal Cards.W. ATKINSON,

ATTORNEY AT LAW,1B11 Mah**t BTRRtr, Wheeling, W. Va.

Collection* promptly attended to. Insuranceallcltod In Wheeling, and In all parta of WeilVlnrtnla. Can place Insurance at lowest rate*ind In basiwmnsnlf snia.fv*w


jgANK OF T11K OUIO VAl.LBY.CAPITA!. ...en,1,000,

nr»tu 00 Xn,Und, I roUnd, Ftinc. aad Oer-nur.mmctou.

K. M. Atklnmn, Victor llosentmrgiHenry speyer, «.mni r,r, JKlttOM, Cashier,

2^X011ANOE DANK.CAPITAL. ...sami.ooo,

tN.VAMs.». Iiiumii..... mm.Vic. PnaldentDIMctoM

L. a. Dslaplaln, A.W. Kelley.John Frew, . ..Draft* issued on Kngland, Ireland, leotlandiMslfpoliiu ist mUi



Cumbemad lootpSfeMouudsvUlaAooGMouudirlUo AcaB.AO.R.R.040.i*.,Waat|For Columbus aud Chicago-Columbua. Ctn. and Chi'go.-1Chicago JChicago JL

Coiuiabui A<w>mfiUCUinrUle Accent

r}Ue Aooom.-...HltlAnqpn,,,

fiaBS&l*BISS?1U.^jttsburghAocP., C. di dr. L, *t,

Ittsburgh....,Ittsburgh and Newitteiym

WOT,Kzpreo, Cin. tad It Louis..Express, Clo, tad 8l LooU...afe^rkas

C. A P. K. H.Plttsb'gh. Clsve, * Chicago-Bteubenvllle Aocota.............Pituburih and Haw York....aafcUSt UWPOOl..«

0., L. A. W. R. K.Express, Clereland, X. 6 W-Maaslllon Aooom ................

bu ClairsvUle Aooom8U ClaJrsvllleApcom^.M.L81 cialravllle Aooora ^..Jrii. Ulajnvilie Aooom............Local rrtlfht aad Aooom....


.8:10 amI*9:80 am.10:06 pm?8:40 p»ttlilApm.I 1:16 pm

¦20 am1:46pmj :20 pmt40pm


C:npm1:26 pm

B,, Z. A C. RAILROAD.BoHaire A ZanesvllleThrough Passenger leaves

nelUlro at 8:40 a. m., arrives at Bellalre at 8:00

P\voodalleld Passenger leaves Bellalre at 4:20 p,m.. arrives at Bellalre it 8:2ft a. m.HummerHold Accommodation leaves Bellalre

stla:2ftp. m. arrives at il:.Tia. ra.

Railroads.TXTHEELINQ & ELM GBOVE R, R,V T On and after Monday, April 29, 1889,trains on the v\ heeling & Kim Grovo Railroadwill run as follows:IJUTI W'UXXUMO.6:80 a« m., 6:10 a. m., 7:00 a. m.. 8:00 a. o., 0:00

a. m., 10:00 a.m.. 11:00 a. m., 12:00 m., 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p. m^ 8:00p. m ,4:00 p. m.. 6:10 p. m,,6:10 p. ra., 7:00 p. m., 8:00 p. m., 9:80 p. m.Lain WumiMQ Paax.6:10 a. m., 7:00 a. m.. 8:00 a. ra., 8:00 a. m., 10:00

a. ra., 11:00 a. m., 12:00 m.. 1:00 p. ia.. 2:00 p. ra..8:00 p. m., 4:00p. m., 6:10 p. m.. 0:10 p. m., 7:00p. m., 8:00 p. m., 6:66 p. m., 10:10 p. m.SUNDAYS..Leare at 7:00 a. m. and run every

bonr, except church train at 9:16 p. m. LeaveWhofllng Park at 8:09 a. m. and run erery houruntil 10:00 p. ra., except cburoh tralui. whichwill leave the Park at 9:46 a. m., and Wheelingat 12:16 and 1:16 p. m.

C. HIR8CH, Superintendent.

Baltimore a ohio HAiLHOAD-On and alter May 12. 1869, trains depart

and arrive at Wheelingaa follows-Eastern time:MAIN LINK.KA8T.

For Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York,4:86a. m., 8:10 and 11:40 p. m., dally, and 8:00a.m., except Monday.Cumberland Accommodation, 8:10 a. m., ox*cent Hun1 ay.Grafton Acoommodation,8:10p.m.,daily.Moundsvllie Acoommodation, 6:86 a. m., 12:01

and 0:10 p. m., except Bnnday,abuts:

From New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore,9:OS and 12:l0p. m. and 11:00 p. m., dally.Cumberland Accommodation, 6:00 p. m., ex*

ooptSuuday.Grafton Acoommodation, 12:80 p. ra., dally.Moundsvllie Accommodation, 7:16 a. m. and1:40 and 7:40p. m., except Sunday.

TRAN8-OIIIO DIVISION.For Chicago, 8:10 and 9:80 a. m. and 8:40 and

10:06 p. m., naily,Cincinnati Kxprcai,9:30a. m. and 11:16 p. m,

dally.Columbui Accommodation, 2:20 p. m., oxccpt

Sunday.8t. Clairsvlilo Accommodation, 9:80 a. m. and2:20 and 6:80 p. m., excopt Sunday.

amuvi:Chicago Express, 12:46,6:80and 8:65 a. m. and

6:10 p.m., dally.^Cincinnati Express, 4:66 a. m. and 6:10 p. m.,Columbui Aooommodatlon,10:40a. m., dally,

except Sunday.St. Clairarille Accommodation. 10:40 a. m. andl:40aud6:16 p. m.,daily except Sunday.

W1IKKL1NO A PITTflBURQU DIVISION,.For Pittsburgh, 6:00and 7:26 a.m. dally, and

1:40 p. m., dalTy, oxcept Sunday.For PltUburgh and the Eaat, 0:10 p. m., dally

except tfuuday.Washington Accommodation, 6:80 p. m., dallyexcept Sunday,Plu*burgh Rxcunlon Train, 7:00 p, m,, Sun¬

day only.akxiti:

From PltUburgh, 0:80 a. m. dally and 12:60,dally, except Sunday, and 6:66 and lido p. m.,daily.Waablngton Acoommodation, 8:00 a. m.,dally

except Sunday.PltUburgh Excursion Train, 11:60 a. m., 8un*day only. .

O010 RIVER RAILROAD..TIME\J Table Uking effect May 26,1889. Paasen*ger trains will run aa followa-Osntral Time,AH trains dally exoept those marked thusfwhich do not run oa Sunday:

tNo.7 No. 6. tNo.8 No.l.

MuonCliftonPt Plemat~.~...~~...Otlllpolli MHWW.


abbot.Charlwtou, tIb K. A O.

Clurleiton, rU 0. A 0-While Rulphur...SUUBtOQ MUM.,


liatb,Cincinnati........M»jrrrlll«,......«,Porumoulh......A.hUnfl,BUQuvOu.h...«..hm4 ».«..

WhltB HalpharH..,MMM«.Charleston, t l*.K. A 0.Charleston, tU. 0. A 0.



Foldf&MMnUiCll(tOQ.m...mwmmiMuon City,

ANAWHA A OHIO RAILWAY.«n«wK*!iioil flan.'HpiSfSI. In if.

1w'SWffimiiW. B,, iifr*WhSiS'iJi*I i«Sp'«"m" nVo.). khmmch, o. p. a,

gl.EVELAND & I'lTTSUUUOHfBensTrlln'i""I'titjirtdnporl «lT1M1.n.Mil*