1 2017 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语()真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter. In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold, and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 . “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feeling that others are there to help 16 difficulty.” Some experts 17 the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called “the bonding hormone” 18 it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it 19 in the brain, where it 20 mood, behavior and physiology. 1.[A] Unlike [B] Besides [C] Throughout [D] Despite 微信公众号【考研云分享】官网:kaoyany.top

2017 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语 一 真题data.kaoyany.top/2019/07/201907308577_6023.pdf1 2017 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语 (一) 真题 Section

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2017 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)真题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the

ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and

2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it

or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter.

In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania

examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’ susceptibility to

developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely

to come 8 with a cold, and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that

beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more

frequent hugs had less severe 12 .

“Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes

Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feeling

that others are there to help 16 difficulty.”

Some experts 17 the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called

“the bonding hormone” 18 it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their

newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the

bloodstream. But some of it 19 in the brain, where it 20 mood, behavior and physiology.

1.[A] Unlike [B] Besides [C] Throughout [D] Despite



2.[A] equal [B] restricted [C] connected [D] inferior

3.[A] host [B] view [C] lesson [D] choice

4.[A] recall [B] forget [C] avoid [D] keep

5.[A] collecting [B] affecting [C] guiding [D] involving

6.[A] on [B] in [C] at [D] of

7.[A] devoted [B] exposed [C] lost [D] attracted

8.[A] across [B] along [C] down [D] out

9.[A] imagined [B] denied [C] doubted [D] calculated

10.[A] served [B] explained [C] restored [D] required

11.[A] Thus [B] Still [C] Rather [D] Even

12.[A] defeats [B] symptoms [C] errors [D] tests

13.[A] highlighted [B] minimized [C] controlled [D] increased

14.[A] associated [B] equipped [C] presented [D] compared

15.[A] assess [B] moderate [C] generate [D] record

16.[A] in the face of [B] in the form of [C] in the way of [D] in the name of

17.[A] attribute [B] commit [C] transfer [D] return

18.[A] unless [B] because [C] though [D] until

19.[A] emerges [B] vanishes [C] remains [D] decreases

20.[A] experiences [B] combines [C] justifies [D]influences

Section II Reading Comprehension



Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your

answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

Text 1

First two hours , now three hours—this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to

catch a domestic flight , at least at some major U.S. airports with increasingly massive security lines.

Americans are willing to tolerate time-consuming security procedures in return for increased safety. The crash

of Egypt Air Flight 804, which terrorists may have downed over the Mediterranean Sea, provides another tragic

reminder of why. But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines

public support for the process. And it should: Wasted time is a drag on Americans’ economic and private lives, not

to mention infuriating.

Last year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) found in a secret check that undercover

investigators were able to sneak weapons—both fake and real—past airport security nearly every time they tried.

Enhanced security measures since then, combined with a rise in airline travel due to the improving Chicago’s

O’Hare International. It is not yet clear how much more effective airline security has become—but the lines are


Part of the issue is that the government did not anticipate the steep increase in airline travel, so the TSA is now

rushing to get new screeners on the line. Part of the issue is that airports have only so much room for screening

lanes. Another factor may be that more people are trying to overpack their carry-on bags to avoid checked-baggage

fees, though the airlines strongly dispute this.

There is one step the TSA could take that would not require remodeling airports or rushing to hire: Enroll

more people in the PreCheck program. PreCheck is supposed to be a win-win for travelers and the TSA. Passengers



who pass a background check are eligible to use expedited screening lanes. This allows the TSA to focus on

travellers who are higher risk, saving time for everyone involved. The TSA wants to enroll 25 million people in


It has not gotten anywhere close to that, and one big reason is sticker shock. Passengers must pay $85 every

five years to process their background checks. Since the beginning, this price tag has been PreCheck’s fatal flaw.

Upcoming reforms might bring the price to a more reasonable level. But Congress should look into doing so

directly, by helping to finance PreCheck enrollment or to cut costs in other ways.

The TSA cannot continue diverting resources into underused PreCheck lanes while most of the traveling

public suffers in unnecessary lines. It is long past time to make the program work.

21. The crash of Egypt Air Flight 804 is mentioned to

[A] stress the urgency to strengthen security worldwide.

[B] explain Americans’ tolerance of current security checks.

[C] highlight the necessity of upgrading major US airports.

[D] emphasis the importance of privacy protection.

22. Which of the following contributions to long waits at major airport?

[A] New restrictions on carry-on bags.

[B] The declining efficiency of the TSA.

[C] An increase in the number of travelers.

[D] Frequent unexpected secret checks.

23.The word “expedited” (Line 4, Para.5) is closest in meaning to

[A] quieter.



[B] faster.

[C] wider.

[D] cheaper.

24. One problem with the PreCheck program is

[A] A dramatic reduction of its scale.

[B] Its wrongly-directed implementation.

[C] The government’s reluctance to back it.

[D] An unreasonable price for enrollment.

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Getting Stuck in Security Lines

[B] PreCheck—a Belated Solution

[C] Less Screening for More Safety

[D] Underused PreCheck Lanes

Text 2

“The ancient Hawaiians were astronomers,” wrote Queen Liliuokalani, Hawaii’s last reigning monarch, in

1897. Star watchers were among the most esteemed members of Hawaiian society. Sadly, all is not well with

astronomy in Hawaii today. Protests have erupted over construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), a giant

observatory that promises to revolutionize humanity’s view of the cosmos.

At issue is the TMT’s planned location on Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano worshiped by some Hawaiians as

the piko, that connects the Hawaiian Islands to the heavens. But Mauna Kea is also home to some of the world’s



most powerful telescopes. Rested in the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Kea’s peak rises above the bulk of our planet’s

dense atmosphere, where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity.

Opposition to telescopes on Mauna Kea is nothing new. A small but vocal group of Hawaiians and

environments have long viewed their presence as disrespect for sacred land and a painful reminder of the

occupation of what was once a sovereign nation.

Some blame for the current controversy belongs to astronomers. In their eagerness to build bigger telescopes,

they forgot that science is the only way of understanding the world. They did not always prioritize the protection of

Mauna Kea’s fragile ecosystems or its holiness to the island’s inhabitants. Hawaiian culture is not a relic of the past;

it is a living culture undergoing a renaissance today.

Yet science has a cultural history, too, with roots going back to the dawn of civilization. The same curiosity to

find what lies beyond the horizon that first brought early Polynesians to Hawaii’s shores inspires astronomers today

to explore the heavens. Calls to disassemble all telescopes on Mauna Kea or to ban future development there ignore

the reality that astronomy and Hawaiian culture both seek to answer big questions about who we are, where we

come from and where we are going. Perhaps that is why we explore the starry skies, as if answering a primal

calling to know ourselves and our true ancestral homes.

The astronomy community is making compromises to change its use of Mauna Kea. The TMT site was chosen

to minimize the telescope’s visibility around the island and to avoid archaeological and environmental impact. To

limit the number of telescopes on Mauna Kea, old ones will be removed at the end of their lifetimes and their sites

returned to a natural state. There is no reason why everyone cannot be welcomed on Mauna Kea to embrace their

cultural heritage and to study the stars.

26. Queen Liliuokalani’s remark in Paragraph 1 indicates

[A] its conservative view on the historical role of astronomy.

[B] the importance of astronomy in ancient Hawaiian society.



[C] the regrettable decline of astronomy in ancient times.

[D] her appreciation of star watchers’ feats in her time.

27. Mauna Kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to

[A] its geographical features

[B] its protective surroundings.

[C] its religious implications.

[D] its existing infrastructure.

28. The construction of the TMT is opposed by some locals partly because

[A] it may risk ruining their intellectual life.

[B] it reminds them of a humiliating history.

[C] their culture will lose a chance of revival.

[D] they fear losing control of Mauna Kea.

29. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that progress in today’s astronomy

[A] is fulfilling the dreams of ancient Hawaiians.

[B] helps spread Hawaiian culture across the world.

[C] may uncover the origin of Hawaiian culture.

[D] will eventually soften Hawaiians’ hostility.

30. The author’s attitude toward choosing Mauna Kea as the TMT site is one of

[A] severe criticism.

[B] passive acceptance.



[C] slight hesitancy.

[D] full approval.

Text 3

Robert F. Kennedy once said that a country’s GDP measures “everything except that which makes life

worthwhile.” With Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is

now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.

The question of GDP and its usefulness has annoyed policymakers for over half a century. Many argue that it

is a flawed concept. It measures things that do not matter and misses things that do. By most recent measures, the

UK’s GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record low unemployment and high growth figures. If

everything was going so well, then why did over 17 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings about what

it could do to their country’s economic prospects?

A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that

question. Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic

growth is translated into meaningful improvements for its citizens. Rather than just focusing on GDP, over 40

different sets of criteria from health, education and civil society engagement have been measured to get a more

rounded assessment of how countries are performing.

While all of these countries face their own challenges, there are a number of consistent themes . Yes , there

has been a budding economic recovery since the 2008 global crash , but in key indicators in areas such as health

and education , major economies have continued to decline. Yet this isn’t the case with all countries. Some

relatively poor European countries have seen huge improvements across measures including civil society, income

equality and the environment.

This is a lesson that rich countries can learn: When GDP is no longer regarded as the sole measure of a

country’s success, the world looks very different.



So, what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the

economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough. It does not include important factors such as

environmental quality or education outcomes – all things that contribute to a person’s sense of well-being.

The sharp hit to growth predicted around the world and in the UK could lead to a decline in the everyday

services we depend on for our well-being and for growth. But policymakers who refocus efforts on improving

well-being rather than simply worrying about GDP figures could avoid the forecasted doom and may even see


31.Robert F. Kennedy is cited because he

[A]praised the UK for its GDP.

[B]identified GDP with happiness .

[C]misinterpreted the role of GDP .

[D]had a low opinion of GDP .

32.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that

[A]the UK is reluctant to remold its economic pattern.

[B]GDP as the measure of success is widely defied in the UK.

[C]the UK will contribute less to the world economy.

[D]policymakers in the UK are paying less attention to GDP.

33.Which of the following is true about the recent annual study ?

[A]It is sponsored by 163 countries .

[B]It excludes GDP as an indicator.

[C]Its criteria are questionable .



[D]Its results are enlightening .

34.In the last two paragraphs, the author suggests that

[A]the UK is preparing for an economic boom.

[B]high GDP foreshadows an economic decline.

[C]it is essential to consider factors beyond GDP.

[D]it requires caution to handle economic issues.

35.Which of the following is the best title for the text ?

[A]High GDP But Inadequate Well-being, a UK Lesson

[B]GDP Figures , a Window on Global Economic Health

[C]Rebort F. Kennedy , a Terminator of GDP

[D]Brexit, the UK’s Gateway to Well-being

Text 4

In a rare unanimous ruling, the US Supreme Court has overturned the corruption conviction of a former

Virginia governor, Robert McDonnell. But it did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which

included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to


The high court’s decision said the judge in Mr. McDonnell’s trial failed to tell a jury that it must look only at

his “official acts,” or the former governor’s decisions on “specific” and “unsettled” issues related to his duties.

Merely helping a gift-giver gain access to other officials, unless done with clear intent to pressure those

officials, is not corruption, the justices found.



The court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is “distasteful” and “nasty.” But under

anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation. Simply

arranging a meeting, making a phone call, or hosting an event is not an “official act”.

The court’s ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal. Elected leaders must be

allowed to help supporters deal with bureaucratic problems without fear of prosecution for bribery.” The basic

compact underlying representative government,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the court,” assumes that

public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.”

But the ruling reinforces the need for citizens and their elected representatives, not the courts, to ensure

equality of access to government. Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in

arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift. This

type of integrity requires well-enforced laws in government transparency, such as records of official meetings, rules

on lobbying, and information about each elected leader’s source of wealth.

Favoritism in official access can fan public perceptions of corruption. But it is not always corruption. Rather

officials must avoid double standards, or different types of access for average people and the wealthy. If

connections can be bought, a basic premise of democratic society—that all are equal in treatment by

government—is undermined. Good governance rests on an understanding of the inherent worth of each individual.

The court’s ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.

36. The underlined sentence (Para.1) most probably shows that the court

[A] avoided defining the extent of McDonnell’s duties.

[B] made no compromise in convicting McDonnell.

[C] was contemptuous of McDonnell’s conduct.

[D] refused to comment on McDonnell’s ethics.



37. According to Paragraph 4, an official act is deemed corruptive only if it involves

[A] leaking secrets intentionally.

[B] sizable gains in the form of gifts.

[C] concrete returns for gift-givers.

[D] breaking contracts officially.

38. The court’s ruling is based on the assumption that public officials are

[A] justified in addressing the needs of their constituents.

[B] qualified to deal independently with bureaucratic issues.

[C] allowed to focus on the concerns of their supporters.

[D] exempt from conviction on the charge of favoritism.

39. Well-enforced laws in government transparency are needed to

[A] awaken the conscience of officials.

[B] guarantee fair play in official access.

[C] allow for certain kinds of lobbying.

[D] inspire hopes in average people.

40. The author’s attitude toward the court’s ruling is

[A] sarcastic.

[B] tolerant.

[C] skeptical.

[D] supportive



Part B


The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize

these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G to filling them into the numbered box.

Paragraphs B and D have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

[A]The first published sketch, “A Dinner at Poplar Walk” brought tears to Dickens’s eyes when he discovered

it in the pages of The Monthly Magazine. From then on his sketches, which appeared under the pen name “Boz” in

The Evening Chronicle, earned him a modest reputation.

[B]The runaway success of The Pickwick Papers, as it is generally known today, secured Dickens’s fame.

There were Pickwick coats and Pickwick cigars, and the plump, spectacled hero, Samuel Pickwick, became a

national figure.

[C]Soon after Sketches by Boz appeared, a publishing firm approached Dickens to write a story in monthly

installments, as a backdrop for a series of woodcuts by the then-famous artist Robert Seymour, who had originated

the idea for the story. With characteristic confidence, Dickens successfully insisted that Seymour’s pictures

illustrate his own story instead. After the first installment, Dickens wrote to the artist and asked him to correct a

drawing Dickens felt was not faithful enough to his prose. Seymour made the change, went into his backyard, and

expressed his displeasure by committing suicide. Dickens and his publishers simply pressed on with a new artist.

The comic novel, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, appeared serially in 1836 and 1837, and was first

published in book form in 1837.

[D]Charles Dickens is probably the best-known and, to many people, the greatest English novelist of the 19th

century. A moralist, satirist, and social reformer. Dickens crafted complex plots and striking characters that capture

the panorama of English society.



[E]Soon after his father’s release from prison, Dickens got a better job as errand boy in law offices. He taught

himself shorthand to get an even better job later as a court stenographer and as a reporter in Parliament. At the same

time, Dickens, who had a reporter’s eye for transcribing the life around him especially anything comic or odd,

submitted short sketches to obscure magazines.

[F] Dickens was born in Portsmouth, on England’s southern coast. His father was a clerk in the British navy

pay office –a respectable position, but with little social status. His paternal grandparents, a steward and a

housekeeper possessed even less status, having been servants, and Dickens later concealed their background.

Dickens’s mother supposedly came from a more respectable family. Yet two years before Dickens’s birth, his

mother’s father was caught stealing and fled to Europe, never to return. The family’s increasing poverty forced

Dickens out of school at age 12 to work in Warren’s Blacking Warehouse, a shoe-polish factory, where the other

working boys mocked him as “the young gentleman.” His father was then imprisoned for debt. The humiliations of

his father’s imprisonment and his labor in the blacking factory formed Dickens’s greatest wound and became his

deepest secret. He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation

of his fiction.

[G] After Pickwick, Dickens plunged into a bleaker world. In Oliver Twist, he traces an orphan’s progress

from the workhouse to the criminal slums of London. Nicholas Nickleby, his next novel, combines the darkness of

Oliver Twist with the sunlight of Pickwick. The popularity of these novels consolidated Dickens’ as a nationally

and internationally celebrated man of letters.

D → 41. → 42. → 43. → 44. → B →45.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)



The growth of the use of English as the world’s primary language for international communication has

obviously been continuing for several decades. (46)But even as the number of English speakers expands further

there are signs that the global predominance of the language may fade within the foreseeable future.

Complex international, economic, technological and culture change could start to diminish the leading position

of English as the language of the world market, and UK interests which enjoy advantage from the breath of English

usage would consequently face new pressures. Those realistic possibilities are highlighted in the study presented by

David Graddol. (47)His analysis should therefore end any self-contentedness among those who may believe that

the global position of English is so stable that the young generation of the United Kingdom do not need additional

language capabilities.

David Graddol concludes that monoglot English graduates face a bleak economic future as qualified

multilingual youngsters from other countries are proving to have a competitive advantage over their British

counterparts in global companies and organizations. Alongside that, (48) many countries are introducing English

into the primary-school curriculum but British schoolchildren and students do not appear to be gaining greater

encouragement to achieve fluency in other languages.

If left to themselves, such trends will diminish the relative strength of the English language in international

education markets as the demand for educational resources in languages, such as Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin

grows and international business process outsourcing in other language such as Japanese, French and German,


(49)The changes identified by David Graddol all present clear and major challenges to UK’s providers of

English language teaching to people of other countries and to broader education business sectors. The English

language teaching sector directly earns nearly ₤1.3 billion for the UK in invisible exports and our other education

related explores earn up to ₤10 billion a year more. As the international education market expands, the recent

slowdown in the number of international students studying in the main English-speaking countries is likely to

continue, especially if there are no effective strategic policies to prevent such slippage.



The anticipation of possible shifts in demand provided by this study is significant: (50) It gives a basis to all

organizations which seek to promote the learning and use of English, a basis for planning to meet the possibilities

of what could be a very different operating environment. That is a necessary and practical approach. In this as in

much else, those who wish to influence the future must prepare for it.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

You are to write an email to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australian professor, recommending some tourist

attractions in your city. Please give reasons for your recommendation.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay, you should

1)describe the pictures briefly,

2)interpret the meaning , and

3)give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points )



2016 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the

ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

In Cambodia the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve

not only his parents and his friends,1those of the young women, but also a matchmaker. A young

man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and them ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations.

or the young man’s parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in

the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. 5 a spouse has been selected,

each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family.

The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days 7 by

the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and

8 prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked

in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists ,and 10 a candle around a circle of happily

married and respected couples to bless the 11 .Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife’s

parents and may 12 with them up to a year, 13 they can build a flew house nearby.

Divorce is legal and easy to 14 ,but not common .Divorced persons are 15 with some disapproval.

Each spouse retains 16 property he or she 17 into the marriage, and jointly –acquired property

is 18 equally. Divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice 19 up .The divorced male

doesn’t have a waiting period before he can remarry 20 the woman must wait the months.

1. [A] by way of [B] as well as [C] on behalf of [D] with regard to



2. [A] adapt to [B] provide for [C]compete with [D] decide on

3. [A] close [B] renew [C]arrange [D] postpone

4. [A] In theory [B] Above all [C] In time [D] For example

5. [A] Although [B] Lest [C] After [D] Unless

6. [A] into [B] within [C] from [D] through

7. [A] sine [B] or [C] but [D] so

8. [A] test [B]copy [C]recite [D] create

9. [A] folding [B] piling [C] wrapping [D] tying

10. [A] lighting [B] passing [C] hiding [D] serving

11. [A] meeting [B] association [C] collection [D]union

12. [A] grow [B] part [C] deal [D]live

13. [A] whereas [B] until [C] for [D] if

14. [A] obtain [B] follow [C] challenge [ D]avoid

15. [A] isolated [B] persuaded [C] viewed [D] exposed

16. [A]wherever [B] however [C] whenever [D]whatever

17. [A] changed [B] brought [C] shaped [D] pushed

18. [A] divided [B] invested [C] donated [D] withdrawn

19. [A]clears [B] warms [C] shows [D] breaks

20. [A]while [B] so what [C]once [D] in that

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your

answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

Text 1

France, which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an

absolute right to define physical beauty for woman. Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that



would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways. The parliament also agreed to ban websites

that” incite excessive thinness” by promoting extreme dieting.

Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives. They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that

end up with impinging on health. That’s a start. And the ban on ultra-thin models seems to go beyond protecting

models from starring themselves to health –as some have done. It tells the fashion industry that it move take

responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape –measure they must

use to determine their individual worth.

The bans, if fully enforced ,would suggest to woman (and many men )that they should not let others be

orbiters of their beauty .And perhaps faintly, they hint that people should look to intangible qualities like character

and intellect rather than dieting their way to sine zero or wasp-waist physiques .

The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards

beauty as skin-deep-and bone-showing. Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a

government-defined index of body mess could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison.

The fashion industry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body

types. In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standard for models and

fashion images there rely more on pear pressure for enforcement. In contrast to France’s actions, Denmark’

s fashion industry agreed last month on rules and sanctions regarding age, health, and other characteristics of

models .The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical charter clearly states, we are aware of and take responsibility for

the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals, especially on young people. The charter’s main toll of

enforcement is to deny access for designers and modeling agencies to Copenhagen. Fashion week, which is men by

the Danish Fashion Institute .But in general it relies on a name-and –shame method of compliance. Relying

on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step. Even better would

be to help elevate notions of beauty beyond the material standards of a particular industry.

21. According to the first paragraph, what would happen in France?

[A] Physical beauty would be redefined

[B] New runways would be constructed

[C] Websites about dieting would thrive

[D] The fashion industry would decline

22. The phrase “impinging on”(Line2 Para2) is closest in meaning to

[A] heightening the value of



[B] indicating the state of

[C] losing faith in

[D] doing harm to

23. Which of the following is true of the fashion industry

[A] The French measures have already failed

[B] New standards are being set in Denmark

[C] Models are no longer under peer pressure

[D] Its inherent problems are getting worse

24. A designer is most likely to be rejected by CFW for

[A] setting perfect physical conditions

[B] caring too much about models’ character

[C] showing little concern for health factors

[D] pursuing a high age threshold for models

25. Which of the following maybe the best title of the text?

[A] A challenge to the Fashion Industry’s Body Ideals

[B] A Dilemma for the starving models in France

[C] Just Another Round of struggle for beauty

[D] The Great Threats to the Fashion Industry

Text 2

For the first time in the history more people live in towns than in the country. In Britain this has had a curious

result. While polls show Britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal family. Shakespeare and the National

Health Service (NHS) as what make them proudest of their country, this has limited political support. A

century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save “the beauty of natural

places for everyone forever”. It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could

experience “a refreshing air”. Hill’s pressure later led to the creation of national parks and green belts. They don’

t make countryside any more, and every year concrete consumes more of it .It needs constant guardianship.

At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment. The Conservatives’

planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation,



even authorizing “off–plan” building where local people might object. The concept of sustainable

development has been defined as profitable. Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils

oppose development. The Liberal Democrats are silent only u sensing its chance, has sides with those pleading

for a more considered approach to using green land. Its campaign to protect Rural England struck terror into many

local conservative parties.

The sensible place to build new houses factories and offices is where people are in cities and towns where

infrastructure is in place. The London agents Stirling Ackroyed recently identified enough sites for half of million

houses in the Landon area alone with no intrusion on green belts. What is true of London is even truer of the

provinces. The idea that “housing crisis” equals “concreted meadows” is pure lobby talk. The issue is not the

need for more houses but, as always, where to put them under lobby pressure, George Osborne favours rural

new-build against urban renovation and renewal. He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets. This is

not a free market but a biased one. Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow. They do so best

where building sticks to their edges and respects their character. We do not ruin urban conservation areas. Why ruin

rural ones?

Development should be planned, not let trip, After the Netherlands, Britain is Europe’s most crowed country.

Half a century of town and country planning has enable it to retain an enviable rural coherence, while still

permitting low-density urban living. There is no doubt of the alternative-the corrupted landscapes of southern

Portugal, Spain or Ireland. Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political


26. Britain’s public sentiment about the countryside

[A] is not well reflected in politics

[B] is fully backed by the royal family

[C] didn’t start fill the Shakespearean age

[D] has brought much benefit to the NHS

27. According to paragraph 2,the achievements of the National Trust are now being

[A] largely overshadowed

[B] properly protected

[C] effectively reinforced

[D] gradually destroyed

28. Which of the following can be offered from paragraph 3



[A] Labour is under attack for opposing development

[B] The Conservatives may abandon “off-plan” building

[C] Ukip may gain from its support for rural conservation

[D] The Liberal Democrats are losing political influence

29. The author holds that George Osbornes’s preference

[A] shows his disregard for the character of rural area

[B] stresses the necessity of easing the housing crisis

[C] highlights his firm stand against lobby pressure

[D] reveals a strong prejudice against urban areas

30. In the last paragraph the author show his appreciation of

[A] the size of population in Britain

[B] the enviable urban lifestyle in Britain

[C] the town-and-country planning in Britain

[D] the political life in today’s Britain

Text 3

“There is one and only one social responsibility of business” wrote Milton Friedman, a Nobel Prize-winning

economist “That is, to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits.” But even if you

accept Friedman’s premise and regard corporate social responsibility(CSR) policies as a waste of shareholders’s

money, things may not be absolutely clear-act. New research suggests that CSR may create monetary value for

companies at least when they are prosecuted for corruption.

The largest firms in America and Britain together spend more than $15 billion a year on CSR, according to an

estimate by EPG, a consulting firm. This could add value to their businesses in three ways. First, consumers may

take CSR spending as a “signal” that a company’s products are of high quality. Second, customers may be willing

to buy a company’s products as an indirect may to donate to the good causes it helps. And third, through a more

diffuse “halo effect” whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.

Previous studies on CSR have had trouble differentiating these effects because consumers can be affected by

all three. A recent study attempts to separate them by looking at bribery prosecutions under American’s Foreign

Corrupt Practices Act(FCPA).It argues that since prosecutors do not consume a company’s products as part of

their investigations,they could be influenced only by the halo effect. The study found that,among prosecuted



firms,those with the most comprehensive CSR programmes tended to get more lenient penalties. Their analysis

ruled out the possibility that it was firm’s political influence, rather than their CSR stand, that accounted for the

leniency: Companies that contributed more to political campaigns did not receive lower fines.

In all, the study concludes that whereas prosecutors should only evaluate a case based on its merits, they do

seem to be influenced by a company’s record in CSR. “We estimate that either eliminating a substantial

labour-rights concern, such as child labour, or increasing corporate giving by about20% result in fines that

generally are 40% lower than the typical punishment for bribing foreign officials.” says one researcher.

Researchers admit that their study does not answer the question at how much businesses ought to spend on

CSR. Nor does it reveal how much companies are banking on the halo effect, rather than the other possible benefits,

when they companies get into trouble with the law, evidence of good character can win them a less costly


31. The author views Milton Friedman’s statement about CSR with





32. According to Paragraph 2, CSR helps a company by

[A]guarding it against malpractices

[B]protecting it from consumers

[C]winning trust from consumers.

[D]raising the quality of its products

33. The expression “more lenient”(line 2,Para.4)is closest in meaning to

[A]less controversial

[B]more lasting

[C]more effective

[D]less severe

34. When prosecutors evaluate a case, a company’s CSR record

[A]comes across as reliable evidence

[B]has an impact on their decision



[C]increases the chance of being penalized

[D]constitutes part of the investigation

35. Which of the following is true of CSR according to the last paragraph?

[A] The necessary amount of companies spending on it is unknown

[B] Companies’ financial capacity for it has been overestimated

[C] Its negative effects on businesses are often overlooked

[D]It has brought much benefit to the banking industry

Text 4

There will eventually come a day when The New York Times ceases to publish stories on newsprint. Exactly

when that day will be is a matter of debate. ”Sometime in the future,” the paper’s publisher said back in 2010.

Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside, there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print. The

infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper – printing presses, delivery trucks – isn’t just expensive;

it’s excessive at a time when online – only competitors don’t have the same set of financial constraints. Readers

are migrating away from print anyway. And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts,

revenue from print is still declining.

Overhead may be high and circulation lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake,

says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.

Peretti says the Times shouldn’t waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it

the right way. “Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,” he said, “but if you

discontinue it, you’re going have your most loyal customers really upset with you.” Sometimes that’s worth

making a change anyway. Peretti gives the example of Netflix discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on

streaming. “It was seen as blunder,” he said. The move turned out to be foresighted. And if Peretti were in charge

at the Times? ”I wouldn’t pick a year to end print,” he said “I would raise prices and make it into more of a

legacy product.” The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor, the idea goes, and they’d

feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in. “So if you’re overpaying for print, you

could feel like you were helping,” Peretti said. “Then increase it at a higher rate each year and essentially try to

generate additional revenue.”



In other words, if you’re going to make a print product, make it for the people who are already obsessed with

it. Which may be what the Times is doing already. Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly $500 a

year – more than twice as much as a digital – only subscription. “It’s a really hard thing to do and it’s

a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn’t have a legacy business,” Peretti remarked. “But we’re going to have

questions like that where we have things we’re doing that don’t make sense when the market changes and the

world changes. In those situations, it’s better to be more aggressive that less aggressive.”

36. The New York Times is considering ending it’s print edition partly due to

[A] the increasing online and sales

[B] the pressure from its investors

[C] the complaints from its readers

[D] the high cost of operation

37. Peretti suggests that in face of the present situation, The Times should

[A] make strategic adjustments

[B] end the print sedition for good

[C] seek new sources of leadership

[D] aim for efficient management

38. It can be inferred from paragraphs 5and 6 that a ” legacy product”

[A] helps restore the glory of former times

[B] is meant for the most loyal customers

[C] will have the cost of printing reduced

[D] expands the popularity of the paper

39. Peretti believes that in a changing world

[A] traditional luxuries can stay unaffected

[B] cautiousness facilitates problem-solving

[C] aggressiveness better meets challenges

[D] legacy businesses are becoming out dated

40. which of the following would be the best title of the text?

[A] shift to online newspapers all at once

[B] Cherish the Newspapers still in Your Hand

[C] keep Your Newspapers Forever in Fashion



[D] Make Your print Newspapers a luxury Good

Part B


Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G

for each of the numbered paragraphs (41-45). There are two extra subheadings. Mark your answers on the ANSER

SHEET. (10 point)

[A] Create a new image of yourself

[B] Decide if the time is right

[C] Have confidence in yourself

[D]Understand the context

[E]Work with professionals

[F]Make it efficient

[G]Know your goals

No matter how formal or informal the work environment, the way you present yourself has an impact. This is

especially true in the first impressions. According to research from Princeton University , people assess your

competence, trustworthiness, and likeability in just a tenth of a second, solely based on the way you look.

The difference between today’s workplace and the “dress for success” era is that the range of options is so

much broader. Norms have evolved and fragmented. In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey

status; in other not so much. Plus, whatever image we present is magnified by social-media services like LinkedIn.

Chances are, your headshots are seen much more often now than a decade or two ago. Millennials, it seems, face

the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding. It can be


So how do we navigate this? How do we know when to invest in an upgrade? And what’s the best way to pull

off one than enhances our goals? Here are some tips:


As an executive coach, I’ve seen image upgrades be particular helpful during transitions-when looking for a

new job, stepping into a new or more public role, or changing work environments. If you’re in a period of change

or just feeling stuck and in a rut, now may be a good time. If you’re not sure, ask for honest feedback from trusted



friends, colleagues and professionals. Look for cues about how others perceive you. Maybe there’s no need for an

upgrade and that’s OK


Get clear on what impact you’re hoping to have. Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it? For one

person, the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image. For another, it may be to

be perceived as more approachable, or more modern and stylish. For someone moving from finance to advertising,

maybe they want to look more “SoHo.” (It’s OK to use characterizations like that )

43 ________________________

Look at your work environment like an anthropologist. What are the norms of your environment? What

conveys status? Who are your most important audiences? How do the people you respect and look up to present

themselves? The better you understand the cultural context, the more control you can have over your impact.

44 _______________________

Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context. Hire a personal stylist, or use

the free styling service of a store like J. Crew. Try a hair stylist instead of a barber. Work with a professional

photographer instead of your spouse or friend. It’s not as expensive as you might think.

45 ________________________

The point of a style upgrade isn’t to become more vain or to spend more time fussing over what to wear.

Instead, use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue. Pick a standard work uniform or a few go-to options.

Buy all your clothes at once with a stylist instead of shopping alone, one article of clothing at a time.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Mental health is our birthright. (46) we don’t

have to learn how to be mentally healthy, it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut

or mend, a broken bone. Mental health can’t be learned, only reawakened. It is like immune system of the body,

which under stress or through lack of nutrition or exercise can be weakened, but which never leaves us. When we

don’t understand the value of mental health and we don’t know how to gain access to it, mental health will remain

hidden from us. (47) Our mental health doesn’t go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily

hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.



Mental health is the seed that contains self-esteem –confidence in ourselves and an ability to trust in our

common sense. It allows us to have perspective on our lives-the ability to not take ourselves too seriously, to laugh

at ourselves, to see the bigger picture, and to see that things will work out. It’s a form of innate or unlearned

optimism. (48) Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if

they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are. Mental health is the source of creativity for

solving problems, resolving conflict, making our surroundings more beautiful, managing our home life, or coming

up with a creative business idea or invention to make our lives easier. It gives us patience for ourselves. And

toward others as well as patience while driving, catching a fish, working on our car, or raising a child.

It allows us to see the beauty that surrounds us each moment in nature, in culture, in the flow of our daily lives.

(49)Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives, it is perfecting ordinary as you will see that it has

been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions. It has been available even in the most mundane of life

situations to show you right from wrong, good from bad, friend from foe. Mental health has commonly been called

conscience, instinct, wisdom, common sense, or the inner voice, we think of it simply as a health and helpful flow

of intelligent thought. (50) As you will come to see, knowing that mental health is always available and knowing to

trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words. Providing the

newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures In your essay, you should

1) describe the pictures briefly

2) interpret the meaning , and

3) give your comments



You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

2015 年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语一试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark

A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

We have more genes in common with people we pick to be our friends than with


Though not biologically related, friends are as "related" as fourth cousins,

sharing about 1% of genes. That is 1 a study publishedfrom the University of California

and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has 2 .

The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects which 4 pairs

of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both 5.

While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist. As co-author of the study James

Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego says, "Most people do not even

7their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our




The team 9 developed a "friendship score" which can predict who will be your friend

based on their genes.

The study also found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends

but not genes for immunity. Why this similarity in olfactory genes is difficult to

explain, for now. 10, as the team suggests, it draws us 11similar environments but

there is more to it. There could be many mechanisms working in tandem that 12us in

choosing genetically similar friends 13 "functional kinship" of being friends with

14 !

One of the remarkable findings of the study was that the similar genes seem to

be evolving 15 than other genes. Studying this could help 16 why human evolution picked

pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major 17 factor.

The findings do not simply corroborate people's 18to befriend those of similar

et 19 backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a

population of European extraction, care was taken to 20that all subjects, friends and

strangers were taken from the same population. The team also controlled the data to

check ancestry of subjects.


[A] when [B] why [C] how [D] what

2.[A] defended [B] concluded [C] withdrawn [D] advised

3.[A] for [B] with [C] on [D] by

4.[A] compared [B] sought [C] separated [D] connected

5.[A] tests [B] objects [C] samples [D] examples

6.[A] insignificant [B] unexpected [C] unreliable [D] incredible

7.[A] visit [B] miss [C] seek [D] know

8.[A] resemble [B] influence [C] favor [D] surpass

9.[A] again [B] also [C] instead [D] thus

10.[A] Meanwhile [B] Furthermore [C] Likewise [D] Perhaps

11.[A] about [B] to [C] from [D] like

12.[A] drive [B] observe [C] confuse [D] limit

13.[A] according to [B] rather than [C] regardless of [D] along with

14.[A] chances [B] responses [C] missions [D] benefits

15.[A] later [B] slower [C] faster [D] earlier

16.[A] forecast [B] remember [C] understand [D] express

17.[A] unpredictable [B] contributory [C] controllable [D] disruptive

18.[A] endeavor [B] decision [C] arrangement [D] tendency

19.[A] political [B] religious [C] ethnic [D] economic

20.[A] see [B] show [C] prove [D] tell



Section ⅡReading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing

A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)


King Juan Carlos of Spain once insisted “kings don’t abdicate, they die in their sleep.” But embarrassing

scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words

and stand down. So, does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days? Does that mean the

writing is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyles?

The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy. When public opinion is particularly

polarised, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above “mere”politics and

“embody” a spirit of national unity.

It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs’ continuing popularity as heads of

state. And so, the Middle East excepted, Europe is the most monarch-infested region in the world, with 10

kingdoms (not counting Vatican City and Andorra). But unlike their absolutist counterparts in the Gulf and

Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a

non-controversial but respected public figure.

Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside. Symbolic of national unity as they claim to be,

their very history—and sometimes the way they behave today——embodies outdated and indefensible

privileges and inequalities. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising

inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should

still be the symbolic heart of modern democratic states.

The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways. Princes and

princesses have day-jobs and ride bicycles, not horses (or helicopters). Even so, these are wealthy families

who party with the international 1%, and media intrusiveness makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the

right image.

While Europe’s monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come, it is the

British royals who have most to fear from the Spanish example.

It is only the Queen who has preserved the monarchy’s reputation with her rather ordinary (if

well-heeled) granny style. The danger will come with Charles, who has both an expensive taste of lifestyle

and a pretty hierarchical view of the world. He has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived

because they provide a service——as non-controversial and non-political heads of state. Charles ought to

know that as English history shows, it is kings, not republicans, who are the monarchy’s worst enemies.

21. According to the first two Paragraphs, King Juan Carlosof Spain________.



[A] used to enjoy high public support

[B] was unpopular among European royals

[C] eased his relationship with his rivals

[D] ended his reign in embarrassment

22. Monarchs are kept as heads of state in Europe mostly________.

[A] owing to their undoubted and respectable status

[B] to achieve a balance between tradition and reality

[C] to give voters more public figures to look up to

[D] due to their everlasting political embodiment

23. Which of the following is shown to be odd, according to Paragraph 4?

[A] Aristocrats’ excessive reliance on inherited wealth.

[B] The role of the nobility in modern democracies.

[C] The simple lifestyle of the aristocratic families.

[D] The nobility’s adherence to their privileges.

24. The British royals “have most to fear” because Charles________.

[A] takes a rough line on political issues

[B] fails to change his lifestyle as advised

[C] takes republicans as his potential allies

[D] fails to adapt himself to his future role

25. Which of the following is the best title of the text?

[A] Carlos, Glory and Disgrace Combined

[B] Charles, Anxious to Succeed to the Throne

[C] Carlos, a Lesson for All European Monarchs

[D] Charles, Slow to React to the Coming Threats


Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider

whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a

person during an arrest.

California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling, particularly one that upsets the old

assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest. It is hard,

the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.

The court would be recklessly modest if it followed California’s advice. Enough of the implications are

discernable, even obvious, so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police,lawyers

and defendants.

They should start by discarding California’s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone —

a vast storehouse of digital information — is similar to, say, going through a suspect’s purse. The court has



ruled that police don’t violate the Fourth Amendment when they go through the wallet or pocketbook of an

arrestee without a warrant. But exploring one’s smartphone is more like entering his or her home. A

smartphone may contain an arrestee’s reading history, financial history, medical history and comprehensive

records of recent correspondence. The development of “cloud computing,” meanwhile, has made that

exploration so much the easier.

Americans should take steps to protect their digital privacy. But keeping sensitive information on these

devices is increasingly a requirement of normal life. Citizens still have a right to expect private documents to

remain private and protected by the Constitution’s prohibition on unreasonable searches.

As so often is the case, stating that principle doesn’t ease the challenge of line-drawing. In many cases, it

would not be overly burdensome for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents. They

could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections when facing severe,urgent circumstances, and they could

take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not erased or altered while waiting for a warrant. The

court, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more freedom.

But the justices should not swallow California’s argument whole. New, disruptive technology sometimes

demands novel applications of the Constitution’s protections. Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the

explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use

as a virtual necessity of life in the 20th: The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of

the passenger car then; they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.

26. The Supreme Court will work out whether, during an arrest, it is legitimate to______.

[A] prevent suspects from deleting their phone contents

[B] search for suspects’ mobile phones without a warrant

[C] check suspects’ phone contents without being authorized

[D] prohibit suspects from using their mobile phones

27. The author’s attitude toward California’s argument is one of________.

[A] disapproval

[B] indifference

[C] tolerance

[D] cautiousness

28. The author believes that exploring one’s phone contents is comparable to________.

[A] getting into one’s residence

[B] handling one’s historical records

[C] scanning one’s correspondences

[D] going through one’s wallet

29. In Paragraph 5 and 6, the author shows his concern that________.

[A] principles are hard to be clearly expressed

[B] the court is giving police less room for action

[C] citizens’ privacy is not effectively protected

[D] phones are used to store sensitive information



30. Orin Kerr’s comparison is quoted to indicate that________.

[A] the Constitution should be implemented flexibly

[B] new technology requires reinterpretation of the Constitution

[C] California’s argument violates principles of the Constitution

[D] principles of the Constitution should never be altered


The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process,

editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today. The policy follows similar efforts from other journals, after

widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many

published research findings.

“Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal,” writes McNutt in an

editorial. Working with the American Statistical Association, the journal has appointed seven experts to a

statistic board of reviewing editors (SBoRE). Manuscript will beflagged upfor additional scrutiny by the

journal’s internal editors, or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers. The

SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.

Asked whether any particular papers had impelled the change, McNutt said: “The creation of the

‘statistics board’ was motivated by concerns broadly with the application of statistics and data analysis in

scientific research and is part of Science’s overall drive to increase reproducibility in the research we publish.”

Giovanni Parmigiani, a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health, a member of the SBoRE

group, says he expects the board to “play primarily an advisory role.” He agreed to join because he “found the

foresight behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel, unique and likely to have a lasting impact. This

impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself, but hopefully through a larger group of

publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.”

John Ioannidis, a physician who studies research methodology, says that the policy is “a most welcome

step forward” and “long overdue.” “Most journals are weak in statistical review, and this damages the quality

of what they publish. I think that, for the majority of scientific papers nowadays, statistical review is more

essential than expert review,” he says. But he noted that biomedical journals such asAnnals of Internal

Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical


Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyze data, but statistical errors are alarmingly

common in published research, according to David Vaux, a cell biologist. Researchers should improve their

standards, he wrote in 2012, but journals should also take a tougher line, “engaging reviewers who are

statistically literate and editors who can verify the process.” Vaux says thatScience’s idea to pass some papers

to statisticians “has some merit, but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify

‘the papers that need scrutiny’ in the first place”.

31. It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that________.



[A] Science intends to simplify its peer-review process

[B] journals are strengthening their statistical checks

[C] few journals are blamed for mistakes in data analysis

[D] lack of data analysis is common in research projects

32. The phrase “flagged up” (Para. 2) is the closest in meaning to________.

[A] found

[B] marked

[C] revised

[D] stored

33. Giovanni Parmigiani believes that the establishment of the SBoRE may________.

[A] pose a threat to all its peers

[B] meet with strong opposition

[C] increase Science’s circulation

[D] set an example for other journals

34. David Vaux holds that what Science is doing now________.

[A] adds to researchers’ workload

[B] diminishes the role of reviewers

[C] has room for further improvement

[D] is to fail in the foreseeable future

35. Which of the following is the best title of the text?

[A] Science Joins Push to Screen Statistics in Papers

[B] Professional Statisticians Deserve More Respect

[C] Data Analysis Finds Its Way onto Editors’ Desks

[D] Statisticians Are Coming Back with Science


Two years ago, Rupert Murdoch’s daughter, Elisabeth, spoke of the “unsettling dearth of integrity across

so many of our institutions.” Integrity had collapsed, she argued, because of a collective acceptance that the

only “sorting mechanism” in society should be profit and the market. But “it’s us, human beings, we the

people who create the society we want, not profit.”

Driving her point home, she continued: “It’s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose, of a moral

language within government, media or business could become one of the most dangerous goals for capitalism

and freedom.” This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International, she

thought, making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking .

As the hacking trial concludes——finding guilty one ex-editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson, for

conspiring to hack phones, and finding his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, innocent of the same charge —the wider



issue of dearth of integrity still stands, Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people. This

is hacking on an industrial scale, as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire, the man hired by the News of the

World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking. Others await trial. This long story still unfolds.

In many respects, the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but

the terms on which the trial took place. One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of

what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories

arrived. The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.

In today’s world, it has become normal that well-paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in

the organizations that they run. Perhaps we should not be so surprised. For a generation, the collective doctrine has

been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit. The words that have mattered are efficiency, flexibility,

shareholder value, business–friendly, wealth generation, sales, impact and, in newspapers, circulation. Words

degraded to the margin have been justice, fairness, tolerance, proportionality and accountability.

The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding, to be fair in what

was written or to betray any common humanity. It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact. Ms

Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories, but she asked no

questions, gave no instructions—nor received traceable, recorded answers.

36. According to the first two paragraphs, Elisabeth was upset by________.

[A] the consequences of the current sorting mechanism

[B] companies’ financial loss due to immoral practices

[C] governmental ineffectiveness on moral issues

[D] the wide misuse of integrity among institutions

37. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that________.

[A] Glem Mulcaire may deny phone hacking as a crime

[B] more journalists may be found guilty of phone hacking

[C] Andy Coulson should be held innocent of the charge

[D] phone hacking will be accepted on certain occasions

38. The author believes the Rebekah Books’s defence________.

[A] revealed a cunning personality

[B] centered on trivial issues

[C] was hardly convincing

[D] was part of a conspiracy

39. The author holds that the current collective doctrine shows________.

[A] generally distorted values

[B] unfair wealth distribution

[C] a marginalized lifestyle

[D] a rigid moral code

40. Which of the following is suggested in the last paragraph?



[A] The quality of writing is of primary importance.

[B] Common humanity is central to news reporting.

[C] Moral awareness matters in editing a newspaper.

[D] Journalists need stricter industrial regulations.

Part B


In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from

the fist A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps.

Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

How does your reading proceed? Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for

individual words and working out relationships between them, drawing on your implicit knowledge of English

grammar. (41) _______.You begin to infer a context for the text, for instance, by making decisions about what kind

of speech event is involved. Who is making the utterance, to whom, when and where?

The ways of reading indicated here are without doubt kinds of comprehension. But they show comprehension to

consist not just of passive assimilation but of active engagement in inference and problem-solving.

You infer information you feel the writer has invited you to grasp by presenting you with specific evidence and

clues. (42) _______

Conceived in this way, comprehension will not follow exactly the same track for each reader. What is in question is

not the retrieval of an absolute, fixed or “true” meaning that can be read off and checked for accuracy, or some

timeless relation of the text to the world. (43) _______

Such background material inevitably reflects who we are. (44) _______.This doesn’t, however, make interpretation

merely relative or even pointless. Precisely because readers from different historical periods, places and social

experiences produce different but overlapping readings of the same words on the page---including for texts that

engage with fundamental human concerns---debates about texts can play an important role in social discussion of

beliefs and values.

How we read a given text also depends to some extent on our particular interest in reading it. (45) _______. Such

dimensions of reading suggest---as others introduced later in the book will also do---that we bring an implicit (often

unacknowledged) agenda to any act of reading. It doesn’t then necessarily follow that one kind of reading is fuller,

more advanced or more worthwhile than another. Ideally, different kinds of reading inform each other, and act as

useful reference points for and counterbalances to one another. Together, they make up the reading component of

your overall literacy, or relationship to your surrounding textual environment.

[A] Are we studying that text and trying to respond in a way that fulfils the requirement of a given course? Reading

it simply for pleasure? Skimming it for information? Ways of reading on a train or in bed are likely to differ

considerably from reading in a seminar room.

[B] Factors such as the place and period in which we are reading, our gender, ethnicity, age and social class will

encourage us towards certain interpretations but at the same time obscure or even close off others.



[C] If you are unfamiliar with words or idioms, you guess at their meaning, using clues presented in the context.

On the assumption that they will become relevant later, you make a mental note of discourse entities as well as

possible links between them.

[D]In effect, you try to reconstruct the likely meanings or effects that any given sentence, image or reference might

have had: These might be the ones the author intended.

[E]You make further inferences, for instance, about how the text may be significant to you, or about its

validity—inferences that form the basis of a personal response for which the author will inevitably be far less


[F]In plays,novels and narrative poems, characters speak as constructs created by the author, not necessarily as

mouthpieces for the author’s own thoughts.

[G]Rather, we ascribe meanings to texts on the basis of interaction between what we might call textual and

contextual material: between kinds of organization or patterning we perceive in a text’s formal structures (so

especially its language structures) and various kinds of background, social knowledge, belief and attitude that we

bring to the text.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Within the span of a hundred years, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, a tide of emigration—

one of the great folk wanderings of history—swept from Europe to America. (46) This movement, driven by

powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character

and destiny of an uncharted continent.

(47) The United States is the product of two principal forces—the immigration of European peoples with their

varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these

traits. Of necessity, colonial America was a projection of Europe. Across the Atlantic came successive groups

of Englishmen, Frenchmen, Germans, Scots, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Swedes, and many others who attempted to

transplant their habits and traditions to the new world. (48) But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to

America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining

old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes.These changes were gradual and at first

scarcely visible. But the result was a new social pattern which, although it resembled European society in

many ways, had a character that was distinctly American.

(49) The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the

Atlantic more than a hundred years after the 15th-and-16th-century explorations of North America.In the

meantime, thriving Spanish colonies had been established in

Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. These travelers to North America came in small, unmercifully

overcrowded craft. During their six- to twelve-week voyage, they survived on barely enough food allotted to

them. Many of the ships were lost in storms, many passengers died of disease, and infants rarely survived the



journey. Sometimes storms blew the vessels far off their course, and often calm brought unbearably long


To the anxious travelers the sight of the American shore brought almost inexpressible relief. Said one recorder

of events, “The air at twelve leagues’ distance smelt as sweet as a new-blown garden.” The colonists’ first

glimpse of the new land was a sight of dense woods. 50) The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees

was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia. Here was abundant fuel

and lumber. Here was the raw material of houses and furniture, ships and potash, dyes and naval stores.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the

club members.

You should state reasons for your recommendation.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)




2014 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试


Section Ⅰ Use of English

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or

D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what

they used to be. We suddenly can't remember 1 we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's

name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain 2 , we refer to these occurrences as "senior

moments." 3 seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a(an) 4 impact on our

professional, social, and personal 5 .

Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there's actually a lot

that can be done. It 6 out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right

mental 7 can significantly improve our basic cognitive 8 . Thinking is essentially a 9 of making

connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability to 10 in making the connections that drive

intelligence is inherited. 11 , because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists

believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate 12 mental effort.

Now, a new Web-based company has taken it a step 13 and developed the first "brain training

program" designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental 14 .

The Web-based program 15 you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills. The

program keeps 16 of your progress and provides detailed feedback 17 your performance and

improvement. Most importantly, it 18 modifies and enhances the games you play to 19 on the

strengths you are developing--much like a(n) 20 exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary



your muscle use.


[A] why [B] when [C] that [D] where

2.[A] improves [B] fades [C] collapses [D] recovers

3.[A] While [B] Unless [C] Once [D] If

4.[A] uneven [B] limited [C] damaging [D] obscure

5.[A] relationship[B] environment [C] wellbeing [D] outlook

6.[A] turns [B] finds [C] points [D] figures

7.[A] responses [B] roundabouts [C] workouts [D] associations

8.[A] genre [B] criterion [C] circumstances [D] functions

9.[A] channel [B] process [C] sequence [D] condition

10.[A] excel [B] feature [C] persist [D] believe

11.[A] However [B] Moreover [C] Otherwise [D] Therefore

12.[A] instead of [B] regardless of [C] apart from [D] according to

13.[A] back [B] further [C] aside [D] around

14.[A] framework [B] stability [C] sharpness [D] flexibility

15.[A] hurries [B] reminds [C] forces [D] allows

16.[A] order [B] track [C] hold [D] pace

17.[A] to [B] on [C] for [D] with

18.[A] constantly [B] habitually [C] irregularly [D] unusually

19.[A] carry [B] put [C] build [D] take

20.[A] risky [B] familiar [C] idle [D] effective

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D.

Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

In order to “change lives for the better” and reduce “dependency,” George Osbome, Chancellor of the

Exchequer, introduced the “upfront work search” scheme. Only if the jobless arrive at the job centre with a CV

register for online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit-and then they should report

weekly rather than fortnightly. What could be more reasonable?

More apparent reasonableness followed. There will now be a seven-day wait for the jobseeker’s allowance.

“Those first few days should be spent looking for work, not looking to sign on.” he claimed. “We’re doing these

things because we know they help people say off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster” Help?

Really? On first hearing, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete

with “reforms” to an obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find

work, and subsides laziness. What motivated him, we were to understand, was his zeal for “fundamental

fairness”-protecting the taxpayer, controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving claimants

received their benefits.



Losing a job is hurting: you don’t skip down to the jobcentre with a song in your heart, delighted at the

prospect of doubling your income from the generous state. It is financially terrifying psychologically embarrassing

and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now not wanted; you support is

minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now not wanted; you are now excluded from the work

environment that offers purpose and structure in your life. Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and your

family and pay the bills has disappeared. Ask anyone newly unemployed what they want and the answer is always:

a job.

But in Osborneland, your first instinct is to fall into dependency- permanent dependency if you can get

it-supported by a state only too ready to indulge your falsehood. It is as though 20 years of ever- tougher reforms of

the job search and benefit administration system never happened. The principle of British welfare is no longer that

you can insure yourself against the risk of unemployment and receive unconditional payments if the disaster

happens. Even the very phrase ‘jobseeker’s allowance’-invented in 1996- is about redefining the unemployed as a

“jobseeker” who had no mandatory right to a benefit he or she has earned through making national insurance

contributions. Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited “allowance,” conditional on actively seeking a job; no

entitlement and no insurance, at £71.70 a week, one of the least generous in the EU.

21. George Osborne’s scheme was intended to _____.

[A] motivate the unemployed to report voluntarily

[B] provide the unemployed with easier access to benefits

[C] encourage jobseekers’ active engagement in job seeking

[D] guarantee jobseekers’ legitimate right to benefits

22. The phrase “to sign on” (Line 3, Para. 2) most probably means _____.

[A] to register for an allowance from the government

[B] to accept the government’s restrictions on the allowance

[C] to check on the availability of jobs at the jobcentre

[D] to attend a governmental job-training program

23. What prompted the chancellor to develop his scheme?

[A] A desire to secure a better life for all.

[B] An eagerness to protect the unemployed.

[C] An urge to be generous to the claimants.

[D] A passion to ensure fairness for taxpayers.

24. According to Paragraph 3, being unemployed makes one feel _____.

[A] insulted

[B] uneasy

[C] enraged

[D] guilty

25. To which of the following would the author most probably agree?

[A] Unemployment benefits should not be made conditional.

[B] The British welfare system indulges jobseekers’ laziness.



[C] The jobseekers’ allowance has met their actual needs.

[D] Osborne’s reforms will reduce the risk of unemployment.

Text 2

All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession---with the

possible exception of journalism. But there are few places where clients have more grounds for complaint than


During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legal services in America grew twice as fast as

inflation. The best lawyers made skyscrapers-full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into law schools.

But most law graduates never get a big-firm job. Many of them instead become the kind of nuisance-lawsuit filer

that makes the tort system a costly nightmare.

There are many reasons for this. One is the excessive costs of a legal education. There is just one path for a

lawyer in most American states: a four-year undergraduate degree at one of 200 law schools authorized by the

American Bar Association and an expensive preparation for the bar exam. This leaves today’s average law-school

graduate with $100,000 of debt on top of undergraduate debts. Law-school debt means that they have to work

fearsomely hard.

Reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers. Sensible ideas have been around for a

long time, but the state-level bodies that govern the profession have been too conservative to implement them. One

idea is to allow people to study law as an undergraduate degree. Another is to let students sit for the bar after only

two years of law school. If the bar exam is truly a stern enough test for a would-be lawyer, those who can sit it

earlier should be allowed to do so. Students who do not need the extra training could cut their debt mountain by a


The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the business. Except

in the District of Columbia, non-lawyers may not own any share of a law firm. This keeps fees high and innovation

slow. There is pressure for change from within the profession, but opponents of change among the regulators insist

that keeping outsiders out of a law firm isolates lawyers from the pressure to make money rather than serve clients


In fact, allowing non-lawyers to own shares in law firms would reduce costs and improve services to

customers, by encouraging law firms to use technology and to employ professional managers to focus on improving

firms’ efficiency. After all, other countries, such as Australia and Britain, have started liberalizing their legal

professions. America should follow.

26. A lot of students take up law as their profession due to _____.

[A] the growing demand from clients

[B] the increasing pressure of inflation

[C] the prospect of working in big firms

[D] the attraction of financial rewards

27. Which of the following adds to the costs of legal education in most American states?

[A] Higher tuition fees for undergraduate studies.

[B] Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in another major.

[C] Admissions approval from the bar association.

[D] Receiving training by professional associations.



28. Hindrance to the reform of the legal system originates from _____.

[A] non-professionals’ sharp criticism

[B] lawyers’ and clients’ strong resistance

[C] the rigid bodies governing the profession

[D] the stern exam for would-be lawyers

29. The guild-like ownership structure is considered “restrictive” partly because it _____.

[A] prevents lawyers from gaining due profits

[B] keeps lawyers from holding law-firm shares

[C] aggravates the ethical situation in the trade

[D] bans outsiders’ involvement in the profession

30. In this text, the author mainly discusses _____.

[A] flawed ownership of America’s law firms and its causes

[B] the factors that help make a successful lawyer in America

[C] a problem in America’s legal profession and solutions to it

[D] the role of undergraduate studies in America’s legal education

Text 3

The US$3-million Fundamental physics prize is indeed an interesting experiment, as Alexander Polyakov said

when he accepted this year’s award in March. And it is far from the only one of its type. As a News Feature article

in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years. Many,

like the Fundamental Physics Prize, are funded from the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet

entrepreneurs. These benefactors have succeeded in their chosen fields, they say, and they want to use their wealth

to draw attention to those who have succeeded in science.

What’s not to like? Quite a lot, according to a handful of scientists quoted in the News Feature. You cannot

buy class, as the old saying goes, and these upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels.

The new awards are an exercise in self-promotion for those behind them, say scientists. They could distort the

achievement-based system of peer-review-led research. They could cement the status quo of peer-reviewed

research. They do not fund peer-reviewed research. They perpetuate the myth of the lone genius.

The goals of the prize-givers seem as scattered as the criticism. Some want to shock, others to draw people

into science, or to better reward those who have made their careers in research.

As Nature has pointed out before, there are some legitimate concerns about how science prizes—both new and

old—are distributed. The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, launched this year, takes an unrepresentative view

of what the life sciences include. But the Nobel Foundation’s limit of three recipients per prize, each of whom must

still be living, has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research—as will be demonstrated by

the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging the discovery of the Higgs boson. The

Nobels were, of course, themselves set up by a very rich individual who had decided what he wanted to do with his

own money. Time, rather than intention, has given them legitimacy.

As much as some scientists may complain about the new awards, two things seem clear. First, most

researchers would accept such a prize if they were offered one. Second, it is surely a good thing that the money and

attention come to science rather than go elsewhere, It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism—that is the

culture of research, after all—but it is the prize-givers’ money to do with as they please. It is wise to take such gifts

with gratitude and grace.



31. The Fundamental Physics Prize is seen as _____.

[A] a symbol of the entrepreneurs’ wealth

[B] a possible replacement of the Nobel Prizes

[C] a handsome reward for researchers

[D] an example of bankers’ investments

32. The critics think that the new awards will most benefit _____.

[A] the profit-oriented scientists

[B] the founders of the awards

[C] the achievement-based system

[D] peer-review-led research

33. The discovery of the Higgs boson is a typical case which involves _____.

[A] the joint effort of modern researchers

[B] controversies over the recipients’ status

[C] the demonstration of research findings

[D] legitimate concerns over the new prizes

34. According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is true of the Nobels?

[A] History has never cast doubt on them.

[B] They are the most representative honor.

[C] Their legitimacy has long been in dispute.

[D] Their endurance has done justice to them.

35. The author believes that the new awards are _____.

[A] harmful to the culture of research

[B] acceptable despite the criticism

[C] subject to undesirable changes

[D] unworthy of public attention

Text 4

“The Heart of the Matter,” the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS),

deserves praise for affirming the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of

liberal democracy in America. Regrettably, however, the report's failure to address the true nature of the crisis

facing liberal education may cause more harm than good.

In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters to the AAAS asking that it identify

actions that could be taken by "federal, state and local governments, universities, foundations, educators, individual

benefactors and others" to "maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and

education."In response, the American Academy formed the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Among the commission's 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business

executives, as well as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism.

The goals identified in the report are generally admirable. Because representative government presupposes an

informed citizenry, the report supports full literacy; stresses the study of history and government, particularly



American history and American government; and encourages the use of new digital technologies. To encourage

innovation and competition, the report calls for increased investment in research, the crafting of coherent curricula

that improve students' ability to solve problems and communicate effectively in the 21st century, increased funding

for teachers and the encouragement of scholars to bring their learning to bear on the great challenges of the day.

The report also advocates greater study of foreign languages, international affairs and the expansion of study

abroad programs.

Unfortunately, despite 2½ years in the making, "The Heart of the Matter" never gets to the heart of the matter:

the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities. The commission ignores that for

several decades America's colleges and universities have produced graduates who don't know the content and

character of liberal education and are thus deprived of its benefits. Sadly, the spirit of inquiry once at home on

campus has been replaced by the use of the humanities and social sciences as vehicles for publicizing

"progressive," or left-liberal propaganda.

Today, professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy as the

proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas—such as free markets or

self-reliance —as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and sometimes legitimate, intellectual investigation.

The AAAS displays great enthusiasm for liberal education. Yet its report may well set back reform by

obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that Congress asked it to illuminate.

36. According to Paragraph 1, what is the author’s attitude toward the AAAS’s report?

[A] Critical

[B] Appreciative

[C] Contemptuous

[D] Tolerant

37. Influential figures in the Congress required that the AAAS report on how to _____.

[A] safeguard individuals’ rights to education

[B] define the government’s role in education

[C] retain people’s interest in liberal education

[D] keep a leading position in liberal education

38. According to Paragraph 3, the report suggests _____.

[A] an exclusive study of American history

[B] a greater emphasis on theoretical subjects

[C] the application of emerging technologies

[D] funding for the study of foreign languages

39. The author implies in Paragraph 5 that professors are _____.

[A] supportive of free markets

[B] biased against classical liberal ideas

[C] cautious about intellectual investigation

[D] conservative about public policy

40. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Illiberal Education and “The Heart of the Matter”

[B] The AAAS’s Contribution to Liberal Education



[C] Ways to Grasp “The Heart of the Matter”

[D] Progressive Policy vs. Liberal Education

Part B


The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize

into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the numbered boxes .Paragraphs A

and E have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

[A] Some archaeological sites have always been easily observable—for example, the Parthenon in Athens, Greece;

the pyramids of Giza in Egypt; and the megaliths of Stonehenge in southern England. But these sites are exceptions

to the norm .Most archaeological sites have been located by means of careful searching, while many others have

been discovered by accident. Olduvai Gorge, fell into its deep valley in 1911.Thousands of Aztec artifacts came to

light during the digging of the Mexico City subway in the 1970s.

[B] In another case, American archaeologists Rene million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping

the entire city of Teotihuacan in the valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City .at its peak around AD 600,

this city was one of the largest human settlements in the word. The researchers mapped not only the city’s vast and

ornate ceremonial areas, but also hundreds of simpler apartment complexes where common people lived.

[C] How do archaeologists know where to find what they are looking for when there is nothing visible on the

surface of the ground? Typically, they survey and sample (make test excavations on) large areas of terrain to

determine where excavation will yield useful information. Surveys and test samples have also become important

for understanding the larger landscapes that contain archaeological sites.

[D] Surveys can cover a single large settlement or entire landscapes. In one case, many researchers working around

the ancient Maya city of Copán, Honduras, have located hundreds of small rural village and individual dwellings by

using aerial photographs and by making surveys on foot. The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution

and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically between AD500 and 850, when Copán


[E] To find their sites, archaeologists today rely heavily on systematic survey methods and a variety of

high-technology tools and techniques. Airborne technologies, such as different types of radar and photographic

equipment carried by airplanes or spacecraft, allow archaeologists to learn about what lies beneath the ground

without digging. Aerial surveys locate general areas of interest or larger buried features, such as ancient buildings

or fields.

[F] Most archaeological sites, however, are discovered by archaeologists who have set out to look for them. Such

searches can take years. British archaeologist Howard Carter knew that the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh

Tutankhamen existed from information found in other sites. Carter sifted through rubble in the Valley of the King

for seven years before he located the tomb in 1922. In the late 1800s British archaeologist Sir Arthur Eyan combed

antique dealers’ stores in Athens, Greece. He was searching for thing engraved seals attributed to the ancient

Mycenaean culture that dominated Greece from the 1400s to 1200s BC. Evas’s interpretations of those engravings

eventually led them to find the Minoan palace at Knossos on the island of Crete, in 1900.

[G] Ground surveys allow archaeologists to pinpoint the places where digs will be successful. Most ground surveys

involve a lot of walking, looking for surface clues such as small fragments of pottery. They often include a certain

amounts of digging to test for buried materials at selected points across a landscape. Archaeologists also may locate

buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detector.

Archaeologists commonly use computers to map sites and the landscapes around sites. Two and three-dimensional



maps are helpful tools in planning excavations, illustrating how sites look, and presenting the results of

archaeological research.

41 --- A --- 42. --- E ---43 --- 44 --- 45

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written on the ANSWER SHEET(10 points)

Music means different things to different people and sometimes even different things to the same person at

different moments of his life. It might be poetic, philosophical, sensual, or mathematical, but in any case it must, in

my view, have something to do with the soul of the human being. Hence it is metaphysical; but the means of

expression is purely and exclusively physical: sound. I believe it is precisely this permanent coexistence of

metaphysical message through physical means that is the strength of music.46) It is also the reason why when we

try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.

Beethoven’s importance in music has been principally defined by the revolutionary nature of his

compositions. He freed music from hitherto prevailing conventions of harmony and structure. Sometimes I feel in

his late works a will to break all signs of continuity. The music is abrupt and seemingly disconnected, as in the last

piano sonata. In musical expression, he did not feel restrained by the weight of convention. 47) By all accounts he

was a freethinking person, and a courageous one, and I find courage an essential quality for the understanding, let

alone the performance, of his works.

This courageous attitude in fact becomes a requirement for the performers of Beethoven’s music. His

compositions demand the performer to show courage, for example in the use of dynamics. 48) Beethoven’s habit of

increasing the volume with an extreme intensity and then abruptly following it with a sudden soft passage was only

rarely used by composers before him.

Beethoven was a deeply political man in the broadest sense of the word. He was not interested in daily

politics, but concerned with questions of moral behavior and the larger questions of right and wrong affecting the

entire society.49) Especially significant was his view of freedom, which, for him, was associated with the rights and

responsibilities of the individual: he advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression.

Beethoven’s music tends to move from chaos to order as if order were an imperative of human existence. For

him, order does not result from forgetting or ignoring the disorders that plague our existence; order is a necessary

development, an improvement that may lead to the Greek ideal of spiritual elevation. It is not by chance that the

Funeral March is not the last movement of the Eroica Symphony, but the second, so that suffering does not have the

last word. 50) One could interpret much of the work of Beethoven by saying that suffering is inevitable, but the

courage to fight it renders life worth living.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:



Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve students’

physical condition.

You should include the details you think necessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address.(10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,

2)interpret its intended meaning, and

3)give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points)



2013 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on

ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At

first glance this might seem like a strength that 1 the ability to make judgments which are unbiased

by 2 factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3 was leading

decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. 4 , he theorised that

a judge 5 of appearing too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison 7 he had already

sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.

To8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the 9 of an applicant should not

depend on the few others10 randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr. Simonsoho suspected the

truth was 11 .

He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews 12 by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers

had 13 applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale 14 numerous factors into consideration. The scores

were 15 used in conjunction with an applicant’s score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, or

GMAT, a standardized exam which is 16 out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or


Dr. Simonsoho found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75

points or more higher than that of the one 17 that, then the score for the next applicant would18 by an average

of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to 19the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30

more GMAT points than would otherwise have been 20 .




[A] grants [B] submits [C] transmits [D] delivers

2.[A] minor [B] external [C] crucial [D] objective

3.[A] issue [B] vision [C] picture [D] moment

4.[A] Above all [B] On average [C] In principle [D] For example

5.[A] fond [B] fearful [C] capable [D] thoughtless

6.[A] in [B] for [C] to [D] on

7.[A] if [B] until [C] though [D] unless

8.[A] test [B] emphasize [C] share [D] promote

9.[A] decision [B] quality [C] status [D] success

10.[A] found [B] studied [C] chosen [D] identified

11.[A] otherwise[B] defensible [C] replaceable [D] exceptional

12.[A] inspired [B] expressed [C] conducted [D] secured

13.[A] assigned [B] rated [C] matched [D] arranged

14.[A] put [B] got [C] took [D] gave

15.[A] instead [B] then [C] ever [D] rather

16.[A] selected [B] passed [C] marked [D] introduced

17.[A] below [B] after [C] above [D] before

18.[A] jump [B] float [C] fluctuate [D] drop

19.[A] achieve [B] undo [C] maintain [D] disregard

20.[A] necessary [B] possible [C] promising [D] helpful

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your

answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her

unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn’t affect her. Priestly explains how the deep bluecolor of

the assistant’s sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to department stores and to the bargain bin in

which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.

This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn’t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish

world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline’s three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. In the last decade or so,

advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more

quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent

releases, and more profit. These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable—meant to



last only a wash or two, although they don’t advertise that—and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks. By

offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an

industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.

The victims of this revolution, of course, are not limited to designers. For H&M to offer a $5.95 knit miniskirt

in all its 2,300-plus stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage overseas labor, order in volumes that strain

natural resources, and use massive amounts of harmful chemicals.Overdressed is the fashion world’s answer to

consumer-activist bestsellers like Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma. “Mass-produced clothing, like fast

food, fills a hunger and need, yet is non-durable and wasteful,” Cline argues. Americans, she finds, buy roughly 20

billion garments a year—about 64 items per person—and no matter how much they give away, this excess leads to


Towards the end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named Sarah Kate Beaumont,

who since 2008 has made all of her own clothes—and beautifully. But as Cline is the first to note, it took Beaumont

decades to perfect her craft; her example can’t be knocked off.

Though several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the

environment—including H&M, with its green Conscious Collection line—Cline believes lasting change can only

be effected by the customer. She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or

in energy. Vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’t afford not to.

21. Priestly criticizes her assistant for her _______.

[A] lack of imagination

[B] poor bargaining skill

[C] obsession with high fashion

[D] insensitivity to fashion

22. According to Cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to _______.

[A] combat unnecessary waste

[B] shop for their garments more frequently

[C] resist the influence of advertisements

[D] shut out the feverish fashion world

23. The word “indictment” (Line 3, Para.2) is closest in meaning to _______.

[A] accusation

[B] enthusiasm

[C] indifference

[D] tolerance

24. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

[A] Vanity has more often been found in idealists.

[B] The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.

[C] Pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing.

[D] People are more interested in unaffordable garments.

25. What is the subject of the text?



[A] Satire on an extravagant lifestyle.

[B] Challenge to a high-fashion myth.

[C] Criticism of the fast-fashion industry.

[D] Exposure of a mass-market secret

Text 2

An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted—the trouble is, no one knows which

half. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search

for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioral” ads at those most likely to buy.

In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained

information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioral ads? Or

should they have explicit permission?

In December 2010 America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed adding a “do not track” (DNT)

option to internet browsers, so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Apple’s Safari both offer DNT; Google’s Chrome is due to do so this year.

In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on

responding to DNT requests.

On May 31st Microsoft set off the row: It said that InternetExplorer 10, the version due to appear

Windows 8, would have DNT as a default.

Advertisers are horrified. Human nature being what it is, most people stick with default settings. Few switch

DNT on now, but if tracking is off it will stay off. Bob Liodice, the chief executive of the Association of

National Advertisers, says consumers will be worse off if the industry cannot collect information about their

preferences. People will not get fewer ads, he says, “they’ll get less meaningful, less targeted ads.”

It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop

tracking, although some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to

behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press

on anyway.

Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will

comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies

almost wholly on advertising, it has chosen an indirect method: There is no guarantee that DNT by default

will become the norm.DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for Windows 8—though the firm

has compared some of its other products favorably with Google’s on that count before. Brendon Lynch,

Microsoft’s chief privacy officer, blogged: “we believe consumers should have more control.” Could it really

be that simple?

26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioral” ads help advertisers to _______.

[A] lower their operational costs

[B] ease competition among themselves

[C] avoid complaints from consumers

[D] provide better online services



27. “The industry” (Line 5, Para.3) refers to_______.

[A] online advertisers

[B] e-commerce conductors

[C] digital information analysis

[D] internet browser developers

28. Bob Liodice holds that setting DNT as a default _______.

[A] goes against human nature

[B] fails to affect the ad industry

[C] will not benefit consumers

[D] many cut the number of junk ads

29. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 6?

[A] Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioral ads

[B] DNT may not serve its intended purpose

[C] DNT is losing its popularity among consumers

[D] Advertisers are willing to implement DNT

30. The author’s attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of_______.

[A] appreciation

[B] understanding

[C] indulgence

[D] skepticism

Text 3

Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were largely—though by no means

uniformly—glowingly positive. Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of

fulfillment and opportunity for all.

Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats

facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu to climate change. You might even be tempted to assume that

humanity has little future to look forward to.

But such gloominess is misplaced. The fossil record shows that many species have endured for millions of

years—so why shouldn’t we? Take a broader look at our species’ place in the universe, and it becomes clear

that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years. Look upHomo

sapiensin the “Red List” of threatened species of the international Union for the Concentration of Nature

(IUCN), and you will read: “Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable,

currently increasing, and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline.”

So what does our deep future hold? A growing number of researchers and organizations are now thinking

seriously about that question. For example, the Long Now Foundation has as its flagship project a mechanical

clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence.



Perhaps willfully, it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate

future. The potential evolution of today’s technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated,

and it’s perhaps best left to science-fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can

envisage. That’s one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future.

But take a longer view and there is a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance. As

so often, the past holds the key to the future: we have now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping

the history of the planet, and our species, to make evidence-based forecasts about the situations in which our

descendants will find themselves.

This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad.

To be sure, the future is not all rosy. But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that

threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come.

31. Our vision of the future used to be inspired by _______.

[A] our desire for lives of fulfillment.

[B] our faith in science and technology.

[C] our awareness of potential risks.

[D] our belief in equal opportunity.

32. The IUCN’s “Red List” suggests that human beings are _______.

[A] a misplaced race.

[B] a sustained species.

[C] the world’s dominant power.

[D] a threat to the environment.

33. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 5?

[A] The interest in science fiction is on the rise.

[B] Arc helps limit the scope of futurological studies.

[C] Technology offers solutions to social problems.

[D] Our immediate future is hard to conceive.

34. To ensure the future of mankind, it is crucial to _______.

[A] draw on our experience from the past.

[B] adopt an optimistic view of the world.

[C] explore our planet’s abundant resources.

[D] curb our ambition to reshape history.

35. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Uncertainty about Our Future

[B] Evolution of the Human Species

[C] The Ever-bright Prospects of Mankind.

[D] Science, Technology and Humanity.

Text 4



On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona’s immigration law Monday—a

modest policy victory for the Obama Administration. But on the more important matter of the Constitution,

the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the Administration’s effort to upset the balance of power between the

federal government and the states.

InArizona v. United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona’s

controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law. The Constitutional

principles that Washington alone has the power to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” and that

federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial. Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran

parallel to the existing federal ones.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court’s liberals, ruled that the

state flew too close to the federal sun. On the overturned provisions the majority held that Congress had

deliberately “occupied the field”, and Arizona has thus intruded on the federal’s privileged powers.

However, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who

come in contact with law enforcement. That’s because Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state

immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with

federal colleagues.

Two of the three objecting Justices—Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas—agreed with this

Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal statute. The only

major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state

privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The 8-0 objection to President Obama turns on what Justice Samuel Alito describes in his objection as “a

shocking assertion of federal executive power”. The White House argued that Arizona’s laws conflicted with

its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter. In effect, the White

House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.

Some powers do belong exclusively to the federal government, and control of citizenship and the borders

is among them. But if Congress wanted to prevent states from using their own resources to check immigration

status, it could. It never did so. The Administration was in essence asserting that because it didn’t want to

carry out Congress’s immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either. Every Justice rightly

rejected this remarkable claim.

36. Three provisions of Arizona’s plan were overturnedbecause they _______.

[A] overstepped the authority of federal immigration law

[B] disturbed the power balance between different states

[C] deprived the federal police of Constitutional powers

[D] contradicted both the federal and state policies

37. On which of the following did the Justices agree, according to Paragraph 4?

[A] States’ independence from federal immigration law.

[B] Federal officers’ duty to withhold immigrants’ information.

[C] States’ legitimate role in immigration enforcement.



[D] Congress’s intervention in immigration enforcement.

38. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that the Alien and Sedition Acts _______.

[A] violated the Constitution

[B] stood in favor of the states

[C] supported the federal statute

[D] undermined the states’ interests

39. The White House claims that its power of enforcement _______.

[A] outweighs that held by the states

[B] is established by federal statutes

[C] is dependent on the states’ support

[D] rarely goes against state laws

40. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

[A] Immigration issues are usually decided by Congress.

[B] The Administration is dominant over immigration issues.

[C] Justices wanted to strengthen its coordination with Congress.

[D] Justices intended to check the power of the Administration.

Part B


In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one

from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the

gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The social sciences are flourishing. As of 2005, there were almost half a million professional social scientists

from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science

Report 2010, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.

Yet this enormous resource is not contributing enough to today’s global challenges, including climate

change, security, sustainable development and health. (41) ____________________. Humanity has the

necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial

fertilizers. Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.

(42) ____________________. This is a shame—the community should be grasping the opportunity to

raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no

radical innovation without creative destruction.

Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates,

rather than on topics with external impact. Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords

“environmental change” or “climate change” have increased rapidly since 2004. (43)




When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly

in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example. And whether the community’s work contributes much to an

overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.

The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding. (44) ____________________. This is an

adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of

funding should not expect more in today’s economic climate.

The trick is to direct these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long

had a category specifically targeted at social scientists. This year, it was proposed that the system be changed:

Horizon 2020, a new program to be enacted in 2014, would not have such a category. This has resulted in

protests from social scientists. But the intention is not to neglect social science; rather, the complete opposite.

(45) ____________________. That should create more collaborative endeavors and help to develop projects

aimed directly at solving global problems.

[A] It could be that we are evolving two communities of social scientists: one that is discipline-oriented and

publishing in highly specialized journals, and one that is problem-oriented and publishing elsewhere, such as

policy briefs.

[B] However, the numbers are still small: in 2010, about 1,600 of the 100,000 social-sciences papers

published globally included one of these keywords.

[C] Despite these factors, many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems. And in Europe, some

are up in arms over a proposal to drop a specific funding category for social-science research and to integrate

it within cross-cutting topics of sustainable development.

[D] During the late 1990s , national spending on social sciences and the humanities as a percentage of all

research and development funds—including government, higher education, non-profit and corporate—varied

from around 4% to 25%; in most European nations, it is about 15%.

[E] The idea is to force social scientists to integrate their work with other categories, including health and

demographic change; food security; marine research and the bio-economy, clean, efficient energy; and

inclusive, innovative and secure societies.

[F] The solution is to change the mindset of the academic community, and what it considers to be its main

goal. Global challenges and social innovation ought to receive much more attention from scientists, especially

the young ones.

[G] These issues all have root causes in human behavior: all require behavioral change and social innovations,

as well as technological development. Stemming climate change, for example, is as much about changing

consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

It is speculated that gardens arise from a basic human need in the individuals who made them: the need for

creative expression. There is no doubt that gardens evidence an irrepressible urge to create, express, fashion, and



beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge; (46) yet when one looks at the photographs of the garden

created by the homeless, it strikes one that , for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak of various other

fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.

One of these urges has to do with creating a state of peace in the midst of turbulence, a “still point of the turning

world,” to borrow a phrase from T. S. Eliot. (47) A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a

distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need. This distinction is so much so

that where the latter is lacking, as it is for these unlikely gardens, the former becomes all the more urgent.

Composure is a state of mind made possible by the structuring of one’s relation to one’s environment. (48) The

gardens of the homeless, which are in effect homeless gardens, introduce form into an urban environment where

it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. In so doing they give composure to a segment of the

inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.

Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from, is so intrinsic that we are barely

ever conscious of its abiding claims on us. When we are deprived of green, of plants, of trees, (49) most of us

give in to a demoralization of spirit which weusually blame on some psychological conditions, until one day we

find ourselves in a garden and feel the oppression vanish as if by magic. In most of the homeless gardens of New

York City the actual cultivation of plants is unfeasible, yet even so the compositions often seem to represent

attempts to call forth the spirit of plant and animal life, if only symbolically, through a clumplike arrangement of

materials, an introduction of colors, small pools of water, and a frequent presence of petals or leaves as well as of

stuffed animals. On display here are various fantasy elements whose reference, at some basic level, seems to be

the natural world. (50) It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature that fully justifies the use of the

word garden, though in a “liberated” sense, to describe these synthetic constructions. In them we can see

biophilia—a yearning for contact with nonhuman life—assuming uncanny representational forms.

Section IV Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

Write an e-mail of about 100 words to a foreign teacher in yourcollege, inviting him/her to be a judge for

the upcoming English speech contest.

You should include the details you think necessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments



You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



2012 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on

ANSWER SHEET 1. ( 10 points)

The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court

cannot 1 its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law 2 justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several

instances, justices acted in ways that 3 the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial.

Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely

that the court’s decisions will be 4 as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are

not 5by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself6 to the code of conduct that 7 to the

rest of the federal judiciary.

This and other similar cases 8 the question of whether there is still a 9 between the court and politics.

The framers of the Constitution envisioned law 10 having authority apart from politics. They gave

justices permanent positions 11 they would be free to 12 those in power and have no need to 13 political

support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so

closely 14 .

Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social 15 like

liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it 16 is inescapably

political—which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily 17 as unjust.

The justices must 18 doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves 19 to the code of

conduct. That would make their rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and,20 ,

convincing as law.

1.[A]emphasize [B]maintain [C]modify [D]recognize

2.[A]when [B]lest [C]before [D]unless

3.[A]restored [B]weakened [C]established [D]eliminated

4.[A]challenged [B]compromised [C]suspected [D]accepted

5.[A]advanced [B]caught [C]bound [D]founded

6.[A]resistant [B]subject [C]immune [D]prone

7.[A]resorts [B]sticks [C]leads [D]applies

8.[A]evade [B]raise [C]deny [D]settle

9.[A]line [B]barrier [C]similarity [D]conflict

10.[A]by [B]as [C]through [D]towards

11.[A]so [B]since [C]provided [D]though

12.[A]serve [B]satisfy [C]upset [D]replace

13.[A]confirm [B]express [C]cultivate [D]offer



14.[A]guarded [B]followed [C]studied [D]tied

15.[A]concepts [B]theories [C]divisions [D]conventions

16.[A]excludes [B]questions [C]shapes [D]controls

17.[A]dismissed [B]released [C]ranked [D]distorted

18.[A]suppress [B]exploit [C]address [D]ignore

19.[A]accessible [B]amiable [C]agreeable [D]accountable

20.[A]by all means [B]at all costs [C]in a word [D]as a result

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark

your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

Come on — Everybody’s doing it. That whispered message, halfinvitation and half forcing, is what most

of us think of when we hear the wordspeer pressure. It usually leads to no good — drinking, drugs and

casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a

positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power

of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the world.

Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of examples of the social cure in action: In

South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make

cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as loveLife recruits young people

to promote safe sex among their peers.

The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many

public-health campaigns is spot-on:they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they

demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology. “Dare to be different, please don’t smoke!”

pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers — teenagers, who desire

nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a

page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.

But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join the Club is

filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that

make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it’s presented here is that it

doesn’t work very well for very long. Rage Against the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence

that the loveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed.

There’s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. An emerging body

of research shows that positive health habits — as well as negative ones — spread through networks of



friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the

behavior we see every day.

Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and

steer their activities in virtuous directions. It’s like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers inthe

back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. The tactic never really works. And that’s the

problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on

choosing our own friends.

21. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as __________.

[A] a supplement to the social cure

[B] a stimulus to group dynamics

[C] an obstacle to social progress

[D] a cause of undesirable behaviors

22. Rosenberg holds that public advocates should _________.

[A] recruit professional advertisers

[B] learn from advertisers’ experience

[C] stay away from commercial advertisers

[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements

23. In the author’s view, Rosenberg’s book fails to __________.

[A] adequately probe social and biological factors

[B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure

[C] illustrate the functions of state funding

[D] produce a long-lasting social effect

24. Paragraph 5 shows that our imitation of behaviors __________.

[A] is harmful to our networks of friends

[B] will mislead behavioral studies

[C] occurs without our realizing it

[D]can produce negative health habits

25. The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect ofpeer pressure is __________.

[A] harmful

[B] desirable

[C] profound

[D] questionable

Text 2

A deal is a deal — except, apparently, when Entergy is involved. The company, a major energy supplier

in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it wasreneging on a

longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.



Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not: challenge the

constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont

Yankee nuclear power plant running. It’s a stunning move.

The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont’s only nuclear power

plant, an aging reactor in Vernon. As a condition of receiving state approval for the sale, the company

agreed to seek permission from state regulators to operate past 2012. In 2006, the state went a step further,

requiring that any extension of the plant’s license be subject to Vermont legislature’s approval. Then, too,

the company went along.

Either Entergy never really intended to live by those commitments, or it simply didn’t foresee what

would happen next. A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 2007 and

the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont

Yankee’s safety and Entergy’s management — especially after the company made misleading statements

about the pipe. Enraged by Entergy’s behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last year against

allowing an extension.

Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006

legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues. The legal

issues in the case are obscure: whereas the Supreme Court has ruled that states do have some regulatory

authority over nuclear power, legalscholars say that Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of

how far those powers extend. Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that

could result if every state sets its own rules. But had Entergy kept its word, that debate would be beside

the point.

The company seems to have concluded that its reputation in Vermont is already so damaged that it

has nothing left to lose by going to war with the state. But there should be consequences. Permission to

run a nuclear plant is a public trust. Entergy runs 11 other reactors in the United States, including Pilgrim

Nuclear station in Plymouth. Pledging to run Pilgrim safely, the company has applied for federal

permission to keep it open for another 20 years. But as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

reviews the company’s application, it should keep it mind what promises from Entergy are worth.

26. The phrase “reneging on” (Line 3.para.1) is closest in meaning to _________.

[A] condemning

[B] reaffirming

[C] dishonoring

[D] securing

27. By entering into the 2002 agreement, Entergy intended to __________.

[A] obtain protection from Vermont regulators

[B] seek favor from the federal legislature

[C] acquire an extension of its business license

[D] get permission to purchase a power plant

28. According to Paragraph 4, Entergy seems to have problems with its ___________.



[A] managerial practices

[B] technical innovativeness

[C] financial goals

[D] business vision

29. In the author’s view, the Vermont case will test ___________.

[A] Entergy’s capacity to fulfill all its promises

[B] the mature of states’ patchwork regulations

[C] the federal authority over nuclear issues

[D] the limits of states’ power over nuclear issues

30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________.

[A] Entergy’s business elsewhere might be affected

[B] the authority of the NRC will be defied

[C] Entergy will withdraw its Plymouth application

[D] Vermont’s reputation might be damaged

Text 3

In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and

collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. But in the

everyday practice of science, discovery frequently follows an ambiguous and complicated route. We aim

to be objective, but we cannot escape the context of our unique life experiences.Prior knowledge and

interests influence what we experience, what we think our experiences mean, and the subsequent actions

we take. Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.

Consequently, discovery claims should be thought of as protoscience. Similar to newly

staked mining claims, they are full of potential. But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to

transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery. This is the credibility process, through which the

individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime. Objective

knowledge is the goal, not the starting point.

Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. But, unlike

with mining claims, the community takes control of what happens next. Within the complex social

structure of the scientific community, researchers make discoveries; editors and reviewers act as

gatekeepers by controlling the publicationprocess; other scientists use the new finding to suit their own

purposes; and finally, the public (including other scientists) receives the new discovery and possibly

accompanying technology. As a discovery claim works its way through the community, the interaction

and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved

transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery.

Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process. First, scientific work tends to focus on some

aspect of prevailing knowledge that is viewed as incomplete or incorrect. Little reward accompanies

duplication and confirmation of what is already known and believed. The goal is new-search,

not re-search.Not surprisingly, newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries that appear to



be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by

future researchers. Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief. Nobel Laureate and physiologist

Albert Szent-Györgyi once described discovery as “seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what

nobody has thought.” But thinking what nobody else has thought and telling others what they have

missed may not change their views. Sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be

accepted and appreciated.

In the end, credibility “happens” to a discovery claim — a process that corresponds to what

philosopher Annette Baier has described as the commons of the mind. “We reason together, challenge,

revise, and complete each other’s reasoning and each other’s conceptions of reason.”

31. According to the first paragraph, the process of discovery is characterized by its ______.

[A] uncertainty and complexity

[B] misconception and deceptiveness

[C] logicality and objectivity

[D] systematicness and regularity

32. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that credibility process requires _________.

[A] strict inspection

[B] shared efforts

[C] individual wisdom

[D] persistent innovation

33. Paragraph 3 shows that a discovery claim becomes credible after it _________.

[A] has attracted the attention of the general public

[B] has been examined by the scientific community

[C] has received recognition from editors and reviewers

[D] has been frequently quoted by peer scientists

34. Albert Szent-Györgyi would most likely agree that _________.

[A] scientific claims will survive challenges

[B] discoveries today inspire future research

[C] efforts to make discoveries are justified

[D]scientific work calls for a critical mind

35. Which of the following would be the best title of the text?

[A] Novelty as an Engine of Scientific Development

[B] Collective Scrutiny in Scientific Discovery

[C] Evolution of Credibility in Doing Science

[D] Challenge to Credibility at the Gate to Science

Text 4

If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servants. When

Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged

to a union; now 36% do. In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their



fellow members in the private sector. In Britain, more than half of public-sector workers but only about

15% of private-sector ones are unionized.

There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’ thriving. First, they can shut things down

without suffering much in the wayof consequences. Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated. A

quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree. Third, they now dominate

left-of-centre politics. Some of their ties go back a long way. Britain’s Labor Party, as its name implies,

has long been associated with trade unionism. Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes

from public-sector unions.

At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome. Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy

Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions. The teachers’

unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.

In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one. But the

real gains come in benefits and work practices. Politicians have repeatedly “backloaded” public-sector

pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are

already generous.

Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools,

academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the

quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions have fought against getting rid of

bad ones and promoting good ones.

As the cost to everyone else has become clearer, politicians have begun to clamp down. In

Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican

governor. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.

John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil

services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers. The only American public-sector

workers who earn well above $250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the

United States. Bankers’ fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public-sector system that

does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.

36. It can be learned from the first paragraph that _________.

[A] Teamsters still have a large body of members

[B] Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant

[C] unions have enlarged their public-sector membership

[D] the government has improved its relationship with unionists

37. Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?

[A] Public-sector unions are prudent in taking actions.

[B] Education is required for public-sector union membership.

[C] Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.

[D] Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.

38. It can be learned from Paragraph 4 that the income in the state sector is _________.



[A] illegally secured

[B] indirectly augmented

[C] excessively increased

[D] fairly adjusted

39. The example of the unions in Wisconsin shows that unions __________.

[A] often run against the current political system

[B] can change people’s political attitudes

[C] may be a barrier to public-sector reforms

[D] are dominant in the government

40. John Donahue’s attitude towards the public-sector system is one of _________.

[A] disapproval

[B] appreciation

[C] tolerance

[D] indifference

Part B


In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one

from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the

blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying,

higher than a bird. Now think of your laptop, thinner than a brown-paper envelope, or your cellphone in the palm of

your hand. Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels. You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true.

The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses, warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to

create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre, paintbrush and

gallery, piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier. (41)___________.

The networked computer is an amazing device, the first media machine that serves as the mode of

production, means of distribution, site of reception, and place of praise and critique. The computer is

the 21st century’s culture machine.

But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer, we must also act with caution. (42) ___________. I

call it a secret war for two reasons. First, most people do not realise that there are strong commercial agendas at

work to keep them in passive consumption mode. Second, the majority of people who use networked computers to

upload are not even aware of the significance of what they are doing.

All animals download, but only a few upload. Beavers build dams and birds make nests. Yet for the most part,

the animal kingdom moves through the world downloading. Humans are unique in their capacity to not only make

tools but then turn around and use them to create superfluous material goods— paintings, sculpture and

architecture — and superfluous experiences —music, literature, religion and philosophy. (43) ___________.



For all the possibilities of our new culture machines, most people are still stuck in download mode. Even after the

advent of widespread social media, a pyramid of production remains, with a small number of people uploading

material, a slightly larger group commenting on or modifying that content, and a huge percentage remaining

content to just consume. (44) ___________.Television is a one-way tap flowing into our homes. The hardest task

that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after he has turned it on. (45) ___________.

What counts as meaningful uploading? My definition revolves around the concept of “stickiness” — creations

and experiences to which others adhere.

[A] Of course, it is precisely these superfluous things that define human culture and ultimately what it is

to be human. Downloading and consuming culture requires great skills, but failing to move beyond

downloading is to strip oneself of a defining constituent of humanity.

[B] Applications like tumblr.com, which allow users to combine pictures, words and other media in

creative ways and then share them, have the potential to add stickiness by amusing, entertaining and

enlightening others.

[C] Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to

embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.

[D] This is because the networked computer has sparked a secretwar between downloading and uploading

— between passive consumption and active creation — whose outcome will shape our collective future in ways we

can only begin to imagine.

[E] The challenge the computer mounts to television thus bears little similarity to one format being replaced by

another in the manner of record players being replaced by CD players.

[F] One reason for the persistence of this pyramid of production is that for the past half-century, much of the

world’s media culture has been defined by a single medium — television — and television is defined by


[G] The networked computer offers the first chance in 50 years to reverse the flow, to encourage thoughtful

downloading and, even more importantly, meaningful uploading.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your

translation should be written clearlyon ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In

some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian

evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory framework.

(46) In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of

everything — a single generative equation for all we see. It is becoming less clear, however, that such a

theory would be a simplification, given the dimensions and universes that it might entail. Nonetheless,

unification of sorts remains a major goal.



This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too. (47) Here,

Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to

suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. Just as the

bewildering variety of human courtship rituals might all be considered forms of sexual selection, perhaps

the world’s languages, music, social and religious customs and even history are governed by universal

features. (48)To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex

cultural behavior arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.

That, at least, is the hope. But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today supplies

a reality check. Russell Gray at the University of Auckland and his colleagues consider the evolution of

grammars in the light of two previous attempts to find universality in language.

The most famous of these efforts was initiated by Noam Chomsky, who suggested that humans are

born with an innate language—acquisition capacity that dictates a universal grammar. A few generative

rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why children

can learn it so quickly.

(49) The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality, identifying

traits (particularly in word order) shared by many language which are considered to represent biases that

result from cognitive constraints

Gray and his colleagues have put them to the test by examining four family trees that between them

represent more than 2,000 languages. (50)Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change

that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it, whereas Greenbergian

universality predicts strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations. Neither of

these patterns is borne out by the analysis, suggesting that the structures of the languages are

lineage-specific and not governed by universals.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the

Students’ Union to

1) extend your welcome and

2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should



1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



2011 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on

ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.”

But 1 some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness. Laughter

does 2 short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels, 3 heart rate and oxygen

consumption. But because hard laughter is difficult to 4 , a good laugh is unlikely to have 5 benefits the way,

say, walking or jogging does.

6 , instead of straining muscles to build them, as exercise does, laughter apparently accomplishes the 7.

Studies dating back to the 1930s indicate that laughter8 muscles, decreasing muscle tone for up to 45 minutes

after the laugh dies down.

Such bodily reaction might conceivably help 9 the effects of psychological stress. Anyway, the act of

laughing probably does produce other types of 10 feedback that improve an individual’s emotional

state. 11 one classical theory of emotion, our feelings are partially rooted 12 physical reactions. It was argued

at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry 13 they are sad but that they become sad when the tears

begin to flow.

Although sadness also 14 tears, evidence suggests that emotions can flow 15 muscular responses. In an

experiment published in 1988, social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of Würzburg in Germany

asked volunteers to 16 a pen either with their teeth – thereby creating an artificial smile – or with their lips,

which would produce a(n) 17 expression. Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles 18 more

enthusiastically to funny cartoons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown, 19 that

expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around. 20 , the physical act of laughter

could improve mood.

1.[A] among [B] except [C] despite [D] like

2.[A] reflect [B] demand [C] indicate [D] produce

3.[A] stabilizing [B] boosting [C] impairing [D] determining

4.[A] transmit [B] sustain [C] evaluate [D] observe

5.[A] measurable[B] manageable [C] affordable [D] renewable

6.[A] In turn [B] In fact [C] In addition [D] In brief

7.[A] opposite [B] impossible [C] average [D] expected

8.[A] hardens [B] weakens [C] tightens [D] relaxes

9.[A] aggravate [B] generate [C] moderate [D] enhance

10.[A] physical [B] mental [C] subconscious [D] internal



11.[A] Except for [B] According to [C] Due to [D] As for

12.[A] with [B] on [C] in [D] at

13.[A] unless [B] until [C] if [D] because

14.[A] exhausts [B] follows [C] precedes [D] suppresses

15.[A] into [B] from [C] towards [D] beyond

16.[A] fetch [B] bite [C] pick [D] hold

17.[A] disappointed [B] excited [C] joyful [D] indifferent

18.[A] adapted [B] catered [C] turned [D] reacted

19.[A] suggesting [B] requiring [C] mentioning[D] supposing

20.[A] Eventually [B] Consequently [C] Similarly [D] Conversely

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your

answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan

Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden

announcement of his appointment in 2009. For the most part, the response has been favorable, to say the least.

“Hooray! At last!” wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical-music critic.

One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise, however, is that Gilbert is

comparatively little known. Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilbert’s appointment in theTimes, calls

him “an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.” As a description of the

next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre

Boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.

For my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one. To be sure, he

performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher

Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music. All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf, or boot

up my computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.

Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the

point. For the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not

only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but also with the recorded

performances of the great classical musicians of the 20thcentury. These recordings are cheap, available

everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than today’s live performances; moreover, they can

be “consumed” at a time and place of the listener’s choosing. The widespread availability of such recordings

has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.



One possible response is for classical performers to program attractive new music that is not yet available

on record. Gilbert’s own interest in new music has been widely noted: Alex Ross, a classical-music critic, has

described him as a man who is capable of turning the Philharmonic into “a markedly different, more vibrant

organization.” But what will be the nature of that difference? Merely expanding the orchestra’s repertoire will

not be enough. If Gilbert and the Philharmonic are to succeed, they must first change the relationship between

America’s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hopes toattract.

21. We learn from Paragraph 1 that Gilbert’s appointment has

[A] incurred criticism.

[B] raised suspicion.

[C] received acclaim.

[D] aroused curiosity.

22. Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who is

[A] influential.

[B] modest.

[C] respectable.

[D] talented.

23. The author believes that the devoted concertgoers

[A] ignore the expenses of live performances.

[B] reject most kinds of recorded performances.

[C] exaggerate the variety of live performances.

[D] overestimate the value of live performances.

24. According to the text, which of the following is true of recordings?

[A] They are often inferior to live concerts in quality.

[B] They are easily accessible to the general public.

[C] They help improve the quality of music.

[D] They have only covered masterpieces.

25. Regarding Gilbert’s role in revitalizing the Philharmonic, the author feels

[A] doubtful.

[B] enthusiastic.

[C] confident.

[D] puzzled.

Text 2

When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was

surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said

he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.” Broadcasting his ambition was “very much my

decision,” McGee says. Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford

Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.



McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he

wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations. And McGee isn’t alone.

In recent weeks the No. 2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were

looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives

who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers

cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.

As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump

without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with

the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for

aspiring leaders.

The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years executives and

headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must

be poached. Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey: “I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a

board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”

Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit as

chief of Tropicana a decade ago, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a

tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005 with ambitions to be a

CEO. He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.

Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top

performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. “The

traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are, but that’s been fundamentally inverted,” says one

headhunter. “The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.”

26. When McGee announced his departure, his manner can best be described as being

[A] arrogant.

[B] frank.

[C] self-centered.

[D] impulsive.

27. According to Paragraph 2, senior executives’ quitting may be spurred by

[A] their expectation of better financial status.

[B] their need to reflect on their private life.

[C] their strained relations with the boards.

[D] their pursuit of new career goals.

28. The word “poached” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means

[A] approved of.

[B] attended to.

[C] hunted for.

[D] guarded against.

29. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that



[A] top performers used to cling to their posts.

[B] loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated.

[C] top performers care more about reputations.

[D] it’s safer to stick to the traditional rules.

30. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

[A] CEOs: Where to Go?

[B] CEOs: All the Way Up?

[C] Top Managers Jump without a Net

[D] The Only Way Out for Top Performers

Text 3

The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. No longer. While

traditional “paid” media—such as television commercials and print advertisements – still play a major role,

companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media. Consumers passionate about a product may

create “earned” media by willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage “owned” media by

sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site. The way consumers

now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketing’s impact stems from a broad

range of factors beyond conventional paid media.

Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media, such

marketers act as the initiator for users’ responses. But in some cases, one marketer’s owned media become

another marketer’s paid media – for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. We

define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content

or e-commerce engines within that environment. This trend, which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively

began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further. Johnson &

Johnson, for example, has created BabyCenter, a stand-alone media property that promotes complementary

and even competitive products. Besides generating income, the presence of other marketers makes the site

seem objective, gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other

companies’ marketing, and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned.

The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse)

communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in

quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways.Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media:

an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers, other stakeholders, or activists who make negative

allegations about a brand or product. Members of social networks, for instance, are learning that they can

hijack media to apply pressure on the businesses that originally created them.

If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the

reputation of the target company at risk. In such a case, the company’s response may not be sufficiently quick

or thoughtful, and the learning curve has been steep. Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the

damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media



response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the

social-news site Digg.

31. Consumers may create “earned” media when they are

[A] obsessed with online shopping at certain Web sites.

[B] inspired by product-promoting e-mails sent to them.

[C] eager to help their friends promote quality products.

[D] enthusiastic about recommending their favorite products.

32. According to Paragraph 2, sold media feature

[A] a safe business environment.

[B] random competition.

[C] strong user traffic.

[D] flexibility in organization.

33. The author indicates in Paragraph 3 that earned media

[A] invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers.

[B] can be used to produce negative effects in marketing.

[C] may be responsible for fiercer competition.

[D] deserve all the negative comments about them.

34. Toyota Motor’s experience is cited as an example of

[A] responding effectively to hijacked media.

[B] persuading customers into boycotting products.

[C] cooperating with supportive consumers.

[D] taking advantage of hijacked media.

35. Which of the following is the text mainly about?

[A] Alternatives to conventional paid media.

[B] Conflict between hijacked and earned media.

[C] Dominance of hijacked media.

[D] Popularity of owned media.

Text 4

It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I Love My Children, I Hate

My Life,” is arousing much chatter – nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is

anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make

parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as

something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense

condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that

“the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”

The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only

Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive – and newly



single – mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week

features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.

In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having

children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing? It doesn’t seem quite fair, then, to compare the

regrets of parents to the regrets of the childless. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn’t

have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most

important thing in the world:obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their


Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely

unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding

that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there,

considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it,

raising a kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.

It’s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina

make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But it’s interesting to wonder if

the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small,

subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a

small part of us hoped getting “the Rachel” might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.

36. Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a childcan bring

[A] temporary delight.

[B] enjoyment in progress.

[C] happiness in retrospect.

[D] lasting reward.

37.聽 We learn from Paragraph 2 that

[A] celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip.

[B] single mothers with babies deserve greater attention.

[C] news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.

[D] having children is highly valued by the public.

38. It is suggested in Paragraph 3 that 聽 childless folks

[A] are constantly exposed to criticism.

[B] are largely ignored by the media.

[C] fail to fulfill their social responsibilities.

[D] are less likely to be satisfied with their life.

39.According to Paragraph 4, the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is

[A] soothing.

[B] ambiguous.

[C] compensatory.

[D] misleading.



40.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

[A] Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.

[B] Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing.

[C] Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.

[D] We sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing.

Part B


The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these

paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the numbered

boxes.Paragraphs E and G have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

[A] No disciplines have seized on professionalism with as much enthusiasm as the humanities. You can, Mr

Menand points out, become a lawyer in three years and a medical doctor in four. But the regular time it takes

to get a doctoral degree in the humanities is nine years. Not surprisingly, up to half of all doctoral students in

English drop out before getting their degrees.

[B] His concern is mainly with the humanities: literature, languages, philosophy and so on. These are

disciplines that are going out of style: 22% of American college graduates now major in business compared

with only 2% in history and 4% in English. However, many leading American universities want their

undergraduates to have a grounding in the basic canon of ideas that every educated person should possess. But

most find it difficult to agree on what a “general education” should look like. At Harvard, Mr Menand notes,

“the great books are read because they have been read” – they form a sort of social glue.

[C] Equally unsurprisingly, only about half end up with professorships for which they entered graduate school.

There are simply too few posts. This is partly because universities continue to produce ever more PhDs. But

fewer students want to study humanities subjects: English departments awarded more bachelor’s degrees in

1970-71 than they did 20 years later. Fewer students require fewer teachers. So, at the end of a decade of

thesis-writing, many humanities students leave the profession to do something for which they have not been


[D] One reason why it is hard to design and teach such courses is that they cut across the insistence by top

American universities that liberal-arts education and professional education should be kept separate, taught in

different schools. Many students experience both varieties. Although more than half of Harvard

undergraduates end up in law, medicine or business, future doctors and lawyers must study a non-specialist

liberal-arts degree before embarking on a professional qualification.

[E] Besides professionalising the professions by this separation, top American universities have

professionalised the professor. The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process:

federal research grants rose fourfold between 1960 and 1990, but faculty teaching hours fell by half as

research took its toll. Professionalism has turned the acquisition of a doctoral degree into a prerequisite for a

successful academic career: as late as 1969 a third of American professors did not possess one. But the key

idea behind professionalisation, argues Mr Menand, is that “the knowledge and skills needed for a particular



specialisation are transmissible but not transferable.” So disciplines acquire a monopoly not just over the

production of knowledge, but also over the production of the producers of knowledge.

[F] The key to reforming higher education, concludes Mr Menand, is to alter the way in which “the producers

of knowledge are produced.” Otherwise, academics will continue to think dangerously alike, increasingly

detached from the societies which they study, investigate and criticise. “Academic inquiry, at least in some

fields, may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic.” Yet quite how that happens, Mr Menand

does not say.

[G] The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American

University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree. They may then

decide to go elsewhere. For something curious has been happening in American universities, and Louis

Menand, a professor of English at Harvard University, captured it skillfully.

41. → 42. → E → 43. → 44. → 45.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written clearly on

ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

With its theme that “Mind is the master weaver,” creating our inner character and outer circumstances, the

book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.

(46) Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption we all share – that because we are not robots we

therefore control our thoughts – and reveal its erroneous nature. Because most of us believe that mind is

separate from matter, we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless; this allows us to think one

way and act another. However, Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the

conscious mind, and (47)while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind

alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve


Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire, Allen

concluded: “We do not attract what we want, but what we are.” Achievement happens because you as a

person embody the external achievement; you don’t “get”success but become it. There is no gap between

mind and matter.

Part of the fame of Allen’s book is its contention that “Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal

him.” (48) This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the

superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.

This, however, would be a knee-jerk reaction to a subtle argument. Each set of circumstances, however

bad, offers a unique opportunity for growth. If circumstances always determined the life and prospects of

people, then humanity would never have progressed. In fact, (49) circumstances seem to be designed to bring

out the best in us, and if we feel that we have been “wronged” then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort



to escape from our situation. Nevertheless, as any biographer knows, a person’s early life and its conditions

are often the greatest gift to an individual.

The sobering aspect of Allen’s book is that we have no one else to blame for our present condition except

ourselves. (50) The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before

we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

Write a letter to a friend of yours to

1) recommend one of your favorite movies and

2) give reasons for your recommendation.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)




2010 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B],

[C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

In 1924 America's National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of

industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It

hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting 大1家 workers' productivity. Instead, the studies

ended 大2家 giving their name to the "Hawthorne effect", the extremely influential idea that the

very 大3家 to being experimented upon changed subjects' behavior.

The idea arose because of the 大4家 behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant.

According to 大5家 of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but

also when it was dimmed. It did not 大6家 what was done in the experiment; 大7家 something

was changed, productivity rose. A(n) 大8家 that they were being experimented upon seemed to be

大9家 to alter workers' behavior 大10家 itself.

After several decades, the same data were 大11家 to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne

experiments has another surprise store 大12家 the descriptions on record, no systematic 大13家

was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting.

It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to 大14家

interpretation of what happened. 大15家 , lighting was always changed on a Sunday. When work

started again on Monday, output 大16家 rose compared with the previous Saturday and 大17家

to rise for the next couple of days. 大18家 , a comparison with data for weeks when there was no

experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers 大19家 to be diligent



for the first few days of the week in any case, before 大20家 a plateau and then slackening off.

This suggests that the alleged "Hawthorne effect" is hard to pin down.

1.[A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored

2.[A] at [B] up [C] with [D] off

3.[A] truth [B] sight [C] act [D] proof

4.[A] controversial [B] perplexing [C] mischievous [D] ambiguous

5.[A] requirements [B] explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments

6.[A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work

7.[A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long so

8.[A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion

9.[A] suitable [B] excessive [C] enough [D] abundant

10.[A] about [B] for [C] on [D] by

11.[A] compared [B] shown [C] subjected [D] conveyed

12.[A] Contrary to [B] Consistent with[C] Parallel with [D] Peculiar to

13.[A] evidence [B] guidance [C] implication [D] source

14.[A] disputable [B] enlightening [C] reliable [D] misleading

15.[A] In contrast [B] For example [C] In consequence[D] As usual

16.[A] duly [B] accidentally [C] unpredictably [D] suddenly

17.[A] failed [B] ceased [C] started [D] continued

18.[A] Therefore [B] Furthermore [C] However [D] Meanwhile

19.[A] attempted [B] tended [C] chose [D] intended

20.[A] breaking [B] climbing [C] surpassing [D] hitting

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D].

Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past

quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and

seriousness of their arts coverage.

It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to

imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a

considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th




consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that

their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.

We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England

between the turn of the 20th

century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was

dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it

appeared. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write

in detail and at length about the events they covered. Theirs was a serious business, and even those

reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be

trusted to know what they were about. These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud

to be published in the daily press. “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep

their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as ‘a term

of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.’”

Unfortunately, these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the

Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a

writer of essays on the game of cricket. During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England’s

foremost classical-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947) became a

best-seller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only one of his

books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists.

Is there any chance that Cardus’s criticism will enjoy a revival? The prospect seems remote.

Journalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and postmodern readers have little use for the

richly upholstered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized. Moreover, the amateur tradition in

music criticism has been in headlong retreat.

21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that .

[A] arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers

[B] English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews

[C] high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers

[D] young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies

22. Newspaper reviews in England before World War II were characterized by .

[A] free themes

[B] casual style

[C] elaborate layout

[D] radical viewpoints

23. Which of the following would Shaw and Newman most probably agree on?

[A] It is writers’ duty to fulfill journalistic goals.

[B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists.

[C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism.

[D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing.

24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs?

[A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today.

[B] His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute.



[C] His style caters largely to modern specialists.

[D] His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition.

25. What would be the best title for the text?

[A] Newspapers of the Good Old Days

[B] The Lost Horizon in Newspapers

[C] Mournful Decline of Journalism

[D] Prominent Critics in Memory

Text 2

Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business

methods. Amazon.com received one for its "one-click" online payment system. Merrill Lynch got

legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.

Now the nation's top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-method

patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago. In a move

that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz the U.S. court of Appeals for the federal circuit said it

would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. In re Bilski, as the

case is known , is "a very big deal", says Dennis D. Crouch of the University of Missouri School of

law. It "has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents."

Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal

circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case,

approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in

business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive

rights to specific types of online transactions. Later, move established companies raced to add such

patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might beat them to the punch. In

2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents

despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street

investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in

court cases opposing the practice.

The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market.

The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the

court's judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it

should "reconsider" its state street Bank ruling.

The Federal Circuit's action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the supreme

Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example the

justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for "inventions" that are obvious. The

judges on the Federal circuit are "reacting to the anti-patent trend at the Supreme Court", says Harold

C. Wegner, a patent attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.

26. Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of .

[A] their limited value to business



[B] their connection with asset allocation

[C] the possible restriction on their granting

[D] the controversy over authorization

27. Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?

[A] Its ruling complies with the court decisions.

[B] It involves a very big business transaction.

[C] It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuit.

[D] It may change the legal practices in the U.S..

28. The word “about-face” (Line 1, Para 3) most probably means .

[A] loss of good will

[B] increase of hostility

[C] change of attitude

[D] enhancement of dignity

29. We learn from the last two paragraphs that business-method patents.

[A] are immune to legal challenges

[B] are often unnecessarily issued

[C] lower the esteem for patent holders

[D] increase the incidence of risks

30. Which of the following would be the subject of the text?

[A] A looming threat to business-method patents

[B] Protection for business-method patent holders

[C] A legal case regarding business-method patents

[D] A prevailing trend against business-method patents

Text 3

In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that social epidemics are driven in

large part by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are

unusually informed, persuasive, or well-connected. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn't

explain how ideas actually spread.

The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible sounding but largely untested

theory called the "two step flow of communication": Information flows from the media to the

influentials and from them to everyone else. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it

suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those selected people will do most of

the work for them. The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain

looks, brands, or neighborhoods. In many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some

small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid

attention. Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people

can drive trends

In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials



have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. In fact, they don't seem to be

required of all.

The researchers' argument stems from a simple observing about social influence, with the

exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey—whose outsize presence is primarily a function of

media, not interpersonal, influence—even the most influential members of a population simply don't

interact with that many others. Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to

the two-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics by influencing their friends and

colleagues directly. For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then

influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how

many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. If people

in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example from

the initial influential prove resistant, for example the cascade of change won't propagate very far or

affect many people.

Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of

populations by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of

variables relating to people’s ability to influence others and their tendency to be influenced. They found that

the principal requirement for what is called “global cascades”—the widespread propagation of influence

through networks—is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced


31. By citing the book The Tipping Point, the author intends to .

[A]analyze the consequences of social epidemics

[B]discuss influentials’ function in spreading ideas

[C]exemplify people’s intuitive response to social epidemics

[D]describe the essential characteristics of influentials

32. The author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory” .

[A]serves as a solution to marketing problems

[B]has helped explain certain prevalent trends

[C]has won support from influentials

[D]requires solid evidence for its validity

33. What the researchers have observed recently shows that .

[A] the power of influence goes with social interactions

[B] interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media

[C] influentials have more channels to reach the public

[D] most celebrities enjoy wide media attention

34. The underlined phrase “these people” in Paragraph 4 refers to the ones who .

[A] stay outside the network of social influence

[B] have little contact with the source of influence

[C] are influenced and then influence others

[D] are influenced by the initial influential



35. What is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?

[A]The eagerness to be accepted.

[B]The impulse to influence others.

[C]The readiness to be influenced.

[D]The inclination to rely on others.

Text 4

Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public. Behind the scenes, they have

been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters. Their rules, moan the banks, have

forced them to report enormous losses, and it's just not fair. These rules say they must value some

assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to


Unfortunately, banks' lobbying now seems to be working. The details may be unknowable, but

the independence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being

compromised. And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking

system will be difficult.

After a bruising encounter with Congress, America's Financial Accounting Standards Board

(FASB) rushed through rule changes. These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid

assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statement. Bob

Herz, the FASB's chairman, cried out against those who "question our motives." Yet bank shares rose

and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls "the use of judgment by management."

European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board

(IASB) do likewise. The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure

to fold when it completes it reconstruction of rules later this year is strong. Charlie McCreevy, a

European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did "not live in a political vacuum" but "in the real

word" and that Europe could yet develop different rules.

It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. Today

they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity

of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts. The truth will not be known for years. But bank's

shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. And dead markets partly

reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to

buy all those supposed bargains.

To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with. America's new plan

to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive.

Successful markets require independent and even combative standard-setters. The FASB and IASB

have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against

hostility from special interests. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make

more concessions.

36. Bankers complained that they were forced to .

[A] follow unfavorable asset evaluation rules

[B]collect payments from third parties



[C]cooperate with the price managers

[D]reevaluate some of their assets

37. According to the author, the rule changes of the FASB may result in .

[A]the diminishing role of management

[B]the revival of the banking system

[C]the banks’ long-term asset losses

[D]the weakening of its independence

38. According to Paragraph 4, McCreevy objects to the IASB’s attempt to .

[A]keep away from political influences

[B]evade the pressure from their peers

[C]act on their own in rule-setting

[D]take gradual measures in reform

39. The author thinks the banks were “on the wrong planet” in that they .

[A]misinterpreted market price indicators

[B]exaggerated the real value of their assets

[C]neglected the likely existence of bad debts

[D]denied booking losses in their sale of assets

40. The author’s attitude towards standard-setters is one of .





Part B


For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list A-G and fill them into the

numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph E has been correctly placed. There is one

paragraph which does not fit in with the text. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (10


[A] The first and more important is the consumer's growing preference for eating out; the

consumption of food and drink in places other than homes has risen from about 32 percent of total

consumption in 1995 to 35 percent in 2000 and is expected to approach 38 percent by 2005. This

development is boosting wholesale demand from the food service segment by 4 to 5 percent a year

across Europe, compared with growth in retail demand of 1 to 2 percent. Meanwhile, as the recession

is looming large, people are getting anxious. They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and

consider eating at home a realistic alternative.

[B] Retail sales of food and drink in Europe's largest markets are at a standstill, leaving

European grocery retailers hungry for opportunities to grow. Most leading retailers have already tried



e-commerce, with limited success, and expansion abroad. But almost all have ignored the big,

profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which appears to

be just the kind of market retailers need.

[C] Will such variations bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drink

market? Definitely not. The functioning of the market is based on flexible trends dominated by

potential buyers. In other words, it is up to the buyer, rather than the seller, to decide what to buy .At

any rate, this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domestic and

international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold.

[D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply

their scale, existing infrastructure and proven skills in the management of product ranges, logistics,

and marketing intelligence. Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well

expect to rake in substantial profits thereby. At least, that is how it looks as a whole. Closer

inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their

customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food

and drink categories. Big retailers must understand these differences before they can identify the

segments of European wholesaling in which their particular abilities might unseat smaller but

entrenched competitors. New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed too.

[E] Despite variations in detail, wholesale markets in the countries that have been closely

examined—France, Germany, Italy, and Spain—are made out of the same building blocks. Demand

comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail

chains, are two small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to

consumers when they don't eat at home. Such food service operators range from snack machines to

large institutional catering ventures, but most of these businesses are known in the trade as "horeca":

hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Overall, Europe's wholesale market for food and drink is growing at

the same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures, when added together, mask two opposing


[F] For example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $268 billion in France, Germany, Italy,

Spain, and the United Kingdom in 2000—more than 40 percent of retail s ales. Moreover, average

overall margins are higher in wholesale than in retail; wholesale demand from the food service sector

is growing quickly as more Europeans eat out more often; and changes in the competitive dynamics

of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate.

[G] However, none of these requirements should deter large retailers (and even some large good

producers and existing wholesalers) from trying their hand, for those that master the intricacies of

wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains.


Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your

translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)



One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most

members of the land community have no economic value. Yet these creatures are members of the

biotic community and, if its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance.

When one of these noneconomic categories is threatened and, if we happen to love it .We invert

excuses to give it economic importance. At the beginning of century songbirds were supposed to be

disappearing. (46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect

that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them. the evidence had to be economic in order

to be valid.

It is painful to read these round about accounts today. We have no land ethic yet, (47) but we

have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right,

regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.

A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating birds. (48) Time was

when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game

by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on "worthless" species.

Some species of tree have been read out of the party by economics-minded foresters because

they grow too slowly, or have too low a sale vale to pay as timber crops. (49) In Europe, where

forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members

of native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason.

To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly

lopsided. (50) It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land

community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning. It assumes,

falsely, I think, that the economic parts of the biotic clock will function without the uneconomic


Section Ⅲ Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an

international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant

and the other information you think relative.

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use

"postgraduate association" instead.

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,



2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



2009 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on

ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Research on animal intelligence always makes us wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly

experiments described by Carl Zimmer in the Science Times. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than

the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is a(n) 4 in not

being too bright.

Intelligence, it 5 , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line

because it depends on learning — a(n) 7 process— instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn,

and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to 8 .

Is there an adaptive value to9 intelligence? That’s the question behind this new research. Instead of casting a

wistful glance 10 at all the species we’ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our

own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal we’ve ever met.

Research on animal intelligence also makes us wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if

they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. We

believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our

memory for locations. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how

much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a(n) 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world

they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive.

1.[A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine

2.[A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened

3.[A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer

4.[A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority

5.[A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward

6.[A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along

7.[A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C] inevitable [D] gradual

8.[A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think

9.[A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different

10.[A] upward [B] forward [C] afterward [D] backward

11.[A] features [B] influences [C] results [D] costs

12.[A] outside [B] on [C] by [D] across

13.[A] deliver [B] carry [C] perform [D] apply

14.[A] by chance [B] in contrast [C] as usual [D] for instance

15.[A] if [B] unless [C] as [D] lest

16.[A] moderate [B] overcome [C] determine [D] reach



17.[A] at [B] for [C] after [D] with

18.[A] Above all [B] After all [C] However [D] Otherwise

19.[A] fundamental [B] comprehensive [C] equivalent [D] hostile

20.[A] By accident [B] In time [C] So far [D] Better still

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your

answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into

the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. “Not choice, but habit rules the unreflecting herd,” William

Wordsworth said in the 19th century. In the ever-changing 21st century, even the word “habit” carries a

negative connotation.

So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same contextas creativity and innovation. But brain

researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel paths, and even

entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks.

Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change

by consciously developing new habits. In fact, the more new things we try — the more we step outside our

comfort zone — the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in our personal lives.

But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they’re

there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathways that can

bypass those old roads.

“The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,” says Dawna Markova, author of The

Open Mind. “But we are taught instead to ‘decide,’ just as our president calls himself ‘the Decider.’ ” She

adds, however, that “to decide is to kill off all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always

exploring the many other possibilities.”

All of us work through problems in ways of which we’re unaware, she says. Researchers in the late 1960

discovered that humans are born with the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways: analytically,

procedurally, relationally (or collaboratively) and innovatively. At the end of adolescence, however, the brain

shuts down half of that capacity, preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable

during the first decade or so of life.

The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us

inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought. “This breaks the major rule in the American

belief system — that anyone can do anything,” explains M. J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book This Year I

Will... and Ms. Markova’s business partner. “That’s a lie that we have perpetuated, and it fosters commonness.



Knowing what you’re good at and doing even more of it creates excellence.” This is where developing new

habits comes in.

21. In Wordsworth’s view, “habits” is characterized by being .

[A] casual

[B] familiar

[C] mechanical

[D] changeable.

22. Brain researchers have discovered that the formation of habit can be .

[A] predicted

[B] regulated

[C] traced

[D] guided

23. “ruts”(Line 1, Paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to .

[A] tracks

[B] series

[C] characteristics

[D] connections

24. Dawna Markova would most probably agree that .

[A] ideas are born of a relaxing mind

[B] innovativeness could be taught

[C] decisiveness derives from fantastic ideas

[D] curiosity activates creative minds

25. Ryan’s comments suggest that the practice of standardized testing

[A] prevents new habits from being formed

[B] no longer emphasizes commonness

[C] maintains the inherent American thinking model

[D] complies with the American belief system

Text 2

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly)

wisdom — or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing

kit (PTK) at his local drugstore — and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they

first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of

Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to

the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.

Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their

biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest



rage among passionate genealogists — and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic

roots .

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for

testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical. “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they

are doing ancestry testing,” says Troy Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each

individual has many ancestors — numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry

testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or

mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information

about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six

other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a

sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected systematically but rather

lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of

data from some regions and not others, so a person’s test results may differ depending on the company that

processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be

patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

26. In paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTK’s _________.

[A] easy availability

[B] flexibility in pricing

[C] successful promotion

[D] popularity with households

27. PTK is used to ________.

[A] locate one’s birth place

[B] promote genetic research

[C] identify parent-child kinship

[D] choose children for adoption

28. Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to________.

[A] trace distant ancestors

[B] rebuild reliable bloodlines

[C] fully use genetic information

[D] achieve the claimed accuracy

29. In the last paragraph, a problem commercial genetic testing faces is ________.

[A] disorganized data collection

[B] overlapping database building

[C] excessive sample comparison

[D] lack of patent evaluation



30. An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be________.

[A] Fors and Againsts of DNA Testing

[B] DNA Testing and Its Problems

[C] DNA Testing Outside the Lab

[D] Lies Behind DNA Testing

Text 3

The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely

misunderstood by economists and politicians alike. Progress in both areas is undoubtedly necessary for the

social, political, and intellectual development of these and all other societies; however, the conventional view

that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor

countries is wrong. We are fortunate that it is, because building new educational systems there and putting

enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations. The

findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the

job to achieve radically higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living.

Ironically, the first evidence for this idea appeared in the United States. Not long ago, with the country

entering a recession and Japan at its pre-bubble peak, the U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and

one of primary causes of the poor U.S. economic performance. Japan was, and remains, the global leader in

automotive-assembly productivity. Yet the research revealed that the U.S. factories of Honda, Nissan, and

Toyota achieved about 95 percent of the productivity of their Japanese counterparts — a result of the training

that U.S. workers received on the job.

More recently, while examing housing construction, the researchers discovered that illiterate,

non-English-speaking Mexican workers in Houston, Texas, consistently met best-practice labor productivity

standards despite the complexity of the building industry’s work.

What is the real relationship between education and economic development? We have to suspect that

continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don’t force it.

After all, that’s how education got started. When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago,

they didn’t have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food. Only when humanity began to get

its food in a more productive way was there time for other things.

As education improved, humanity’s productivity potential increased as well. When the competitive

environment pushed our ancestors to achieve that potential, they could in turn afford more education. This

increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the complex

political systems required by advanced economic performance. Thus poor countries might not be able to

escape their poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only with broader formal education.

A lack of formal education, however, doesn’t constrain the ability of the developing world’s workforce to

substantially improve productivity for the foreseeable future. On the contrary, constraints on improving

productivity explain why education isn’t developing more quickly there than it is.



31. The author holds in paragraph 1 that the importance of education in poor countries ___.

[A] is subject to groundless doubts

[B] has fallen victim of bias

[C] is conventionally downgraded

[D] has been overestimated

32. It is stated in paragraph 1 that the construction of a new education system _______.

[A] challenges economists and politicians

[B] takes efforts of generations

[C] demands priority from the government

[D] requires sufficient labor force

33. A major difference between the Japanese and U.S workforces is that _______.

[A] the Japanese workforce is better disciplined

[B] the Japanese workforce is more productive

[C] the U.S workforce has a better education

[D] the U.S workforce is more organize

34. The author quotes the example of our ancestors to show that education emerged ______.

[A] when people had enough time

[B] prior to better ways of finding food

[C] when people on longer went hungry

[D] as a result of pressure on government

35. According to the last paragraph, development of education ________.

[A] results directly from competitive environments

[B] does not depend on economic performance

[C] follows improved productivity

[D] cannot afford political changes

Text 4

The most thoroughly studied intellectuals in the history of the new world are the ministers and political

leaders of seventeenth-century New England. According to the standard history of American philosophy,

nowhere else in colonial America was “so much importance attached to intellectual pursuits.” According to

many books and articles, New England’s leaders established the basic themes and preoccupations of an

unfolding, dominant Puritan tradition in American intellectual life.

To take this approach to the New Englanders normally means to start with the Puritans’ theological

innovations and their distinctive ideas about the church-important subjects that we may not neglect. But in

keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of

European culture, adjusting to New World circumstances. The New England colonies were the scenes of

important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.



The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England.

Besides the ninety or so learned ministers who came to Massachusetts churches in the decade after 1629, there

were political leaders like John Winthrop, an educated gentleman, lawyer, and official of the Crown before he

journeyed to Boston. These men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World

audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.

We should not forget, however, that most New Englanders were less well educated. While few crafts men

or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed, their thinking often

had a traditional superstitious quality. A tailor named John Dane, who emigrated in the late 1630s, left an

account of his reasons for leaving England that is filled with signs. Sexual confusion, economic frustrations,

and religious hope-all name together in a decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his father that the

first line he saw would settle his fate, and read the magical words: “Come out from among them, touch no

unclean thing, and I will be your God and you shall be my people.” One wonders what Dane thought of the

careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in Puritan churches.

Meanwhile, many settles had slighter religious commitments than Dane’s, as one clergyman learned in

confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New World for religion. “Our

main end was to catch fish.”

36. The author notes that in the seventeenth-century New England_________.

[A] Puritan tradition dominated political life

[B] intellectual interests were encouraged

[C] Politics benefited much from intellectual endeavors

[D] intellectual pursuits enjoyed a liberal environment

37. It is suggested in paragraph 2 that New Englanders________.

[A] experienced a comparatively peaceful early history

[B] brought with them the culture of the Old World

[C] paid little attention to southern intellectual life

[D] were obsessed with religious innovations

38. The early ministers and political leaders in Massachusetts Bay________.

[A] were famous in the New World for their writings

[B] gained increasing importance in religious affairs

[C] abandoned high positions before coming to the New World

[D] created a new intellectual atmosphere in New England

39. The story of John Dane shows that less well-educated New

Englanders were often _____.

[A] influenced by superstitions

[B] troubled with religious beliefs

[C] puzzled by church sermons

[D] frustrated with family earnings

40. The text suggests that early settlers in New England________.



[A] were mostly engaged in political activities

[B] were motivated by an illusory prospect

[C] came from different intellectual backgrounds

[D] left few formal records for later reference

Part B


In the following text, some segments have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable

one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in

any of the blanks.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Coinciding with the groundbreaking theory of biological evolution proposed by British naturalist Charles

Darwin in the 1860s, British social philosopher Herbert Spencer put forward his own theory of biological and

cultural evolution. Spencer argued that all worldly phenomena, including human societies, changed over time,

advancing toward perfection. 41) ____________.

American social scientist Lewis Henry Morgan introduced another theory of cultural evolution in the late

1800s. Morgan helped found modern anthropology—the scientific study of human societies, customs and

beliefs—thus becoming one of the earliest anthropologists. In his work, he attempted to show how all aspects

of culture changed together in the evolution of societies.42) _____________.

In the early 1900s in North America, German-born American anthropologist Franz Boasdeveloped a new

theory of culture known as historical particularism. Historical particularism, which emphasized the uniqueness

of all cultures, gave new direction to anthropology. 43) _____________ .

Boas felt that the culture of any society must be understood as the result of a unique history and not as one of

many cultures belonging to a broader evolutionary stage or type of culture. 44) _______________.

Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology,

largely through the influence of many students of Boas. But a number of anthropologists in the early 1900s

also rejected the particularist theory of culture in favor of diffusionism. Some attributed virtually every

important cultural achievement to the inventions of a few, especially gifted peoples that, according to

diffusionists, then spread to other cultures. 45) ________________.

Also in the early 1900s, French sociologist Émile Durkheimdeveloped a theory of culture that would greatly

influence anthropology. Durkheim proposed that religious beliefs functioned to reinforce social solidarity. An

interest in the relationship between the function ofsociety and culture became a major theme in European, and

especially British, anthropology.

[A] Other anthropologists believed that cultural innovations, such as inventions, had a single origin and passed

from society to society. This theory was known as diffusionism.

[B] In order to study particular cultures as completely as possible, he became skilled in linguistics, the study

of languages, and in physical anthropology, the study of human biology and anatomy.



[C] He argued that human evolution was characterized by a struggle he called the “survival of the fittest,” in

which weaker races and societies must eventually be replaced by stronger, more advanced races and societies.

[D] They also focused on important rituals that appeared to preserve a people’s social structure, such as

initiation ceremonies that formally signify children’s entrance into adulthood.

[E] Thus, in his view, diverse aspects of culture, such as the structure of families, forms of marriage,

categories of kinship, ownership of property, forms of government, technology, and systems of food

production, all changed as societies evolved.

[F]Supporters of the theory viewed culture as a collection of integrated parts that work together to keep a

society functioning.

[G] For example, British anthropologists Grafton Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry incorrectly suggested, on the

basis of inadequate information, that farming, pottery making, and metallurgy all originated in ancient Egypt

and diffused throughout the world. In fact, all of these cultural developments occurred separately at different

times in many parts of the world.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your

translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others, and the

deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and

important, but it is not the express reason of the association. (46)It may be said that the measure of the worth

of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience, but this effect is not a part of its original

motive. Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to

ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor,

for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. (47) Only gradually was the by-product of the institution

noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the

institution. Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual

and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little

attention as compared with physical output.

But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance.

(48) While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy

as in dealing with adults. The need of training is too evident and the pressure to accomplish a change in their

attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. (49)Since our chief business

with them is to enable them to share in a commonlife we cannot help considering whether or not we are forming the

powers which will secure this ability. If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of



every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely

through dealings with the young.

(50) We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a

more formal kind of education —that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very

little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon

the same sort of association which keeps adults loyal to their group.

Section Ⅲ Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White Pollution” is

still going on.

Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to

1) give your opinions briefly, and

2) make two or three suggestions

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the

letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)




2008 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on

ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not

speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is 1 to say it anyway. He is that 2 bird, a scientist who works

independently3 any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not 4thought to have a bacterial

cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.

5 he, however, might tremble at the 6 of what he is about to do. Together with another two scientists, he is

publishing a paper which not only 7 that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains

the process that has brought this about. The group in 8are a particularpeople originated from central Europe. The

process is natural selection.

This group generally do well in IQ test, 9 12-15 points above the 10 value of 100, and have contributed 11 to the

intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the 12 of their elites, including several world-renowned

scientists, 13 . They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as

breast cancer. These facts, 14 , have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been 15 to social effects,

such as a strong tradition of 16 education. The latter was seen as a (an) 17 of genetic isolation. Dr. Cochran

suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately 18 . His argument is that the unusual history of these

people has19 them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 20 state of affairs.

1.[A] selected [B] prepared [C] obliged [D] pleased

2.[A] unique [B] particular [C] special [D] rare

3.[A] of [B] with [C] in [D] against

4.[A] subsequently [B] presently [C] previously [D] lately

5.[A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence

6.[A] thought [B] sight [C] cost [D] risk

7.[A] advises [B] suggests [C] protests [D] objects

8.[A] progress [B] fact [C] need [D] question

9.[A] attaining [B] scoring [C] reaching [D] calculating

10.[A] normal [B] common [C] mean [D] total

11.[A] unconsciously[B] disproportionately[C] indefinitely[D] unaccountably

12.[A] missions [B] fortunes [C] interests [D] careers

13.[A] affirm [B] witness [C] observe [D] approve

14.[A] moreover [B] therefore [C] however [D] meanwhile

15.[A] given up [B] got over [C] carried on [D] put down

16.[A] assessing [B] supervising [C] administering [D] valuing



17.[A] development [B] origin [C] consequence [D] instrument

18.[A] linked [B] integrated [C] woven [D] combined

19.[A] limited [B] subjected [C] converted [D] directed

20.[A] paradoxical [B] incompatible [C] inevitable [D] continuous

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your

answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

While still catching up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one

undesirable category. “Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in

response to stress compared to men,” according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York’s Veteran’s

Administration Hospital.

Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response, causing

females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. In

several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed,

their chemical responsesbecame equal to those of the males.

Adding to a woman’s increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased “opportunities” for stress. “It’s not

necessarily that women don’t cope as well. It’s just that they have so much more to cope with,” says Dr. Yehuda.

“Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men’s,” she observes, “it’s just that they’re dealing

with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner.”

Dr. Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. “I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed

to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature. Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. Men are

exposed to more acts of random physical violence. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed

to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be

one-shot deals. The wear-and-tear that comes from these longer relationships can be quite devastating.”

Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. “I struggled a lot to

get the college degree. I was living in so much frustration that that was my escape, to go to school, and get ahead

and do better.” Later, her marriage ended and she became a single mother. “It’s the hardest thing to take care of a

teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt.I lived from paycheck to paycheck.”

Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are

coping with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feeling the strain. Alvarez’s experience demonstrates the

importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function.

21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?

[A] Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress.



[B] Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.

[C] Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.

[D] Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.

22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women .

[A] need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress

[B] have limited capacity for tolerating stress

[C] are more capable of avoiding stress

[D] are exposed to more stress

23. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be .

[A] domestic and temporary

[B] irregular and violent

[C] durable and frequent

[D] trivial and random

24. The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.” (Line 5, Para. 5) shows that .

[A] Alvarez cared about nothing but making money

[B] Alvarez’s salary barely covered her household expenses

[C] Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs

[D] Alvarez paid practically everything by check

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Strain of Stress: No Way Out?

[B] Response to Stress: Gender Difference

[C] Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say?

[D] Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress

Text 2

It used to be so straightforward. A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the

results of their research to a journal. A journal editor would then remove the author’s names and affiliations from

the paper and send it to their peers for review. Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the

paper for publication or decline it. Copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking

knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.

No longer. The Internet—and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers

are making money fromgovernment–funded research by restricting access to it—is making access to scientific

results a reality. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has just issued a report

describing the far-reaching consequences of this. The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in

Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made

handsome profits. But it goes further than that. It signals a change in what has, until now, been a key element of

scientific endeavor.



The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide

distribution and ready access. It is big business. In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at

between $7 billion and $11 billion. The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers

says that there are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide specializing in these subjects. They publish more than

1.2 million articles each year in some 16,000 journals.

This is now changing. According to the OECD report, some 75% of scholarly journals are now online. Entirely

new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report’s authors. There is the

so-called big deal, where institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through

site-licensing agreements. There is open-access publishing, typically supported by asking the author (orhis

employer) to pay for the paper to be published. Finally, there are open-access archives, where organizations such

as universities or international laboratories support institutional repositories. Other models exist that are hybrids

of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six

months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it. All this could change the traditional

form of the peer-review process, at least for the publication of papers.

26. In the first paragraph, the author discusses .

[A] the background information of journal editing

[B] the publication routine of laboratory reports

[C] the relations of authors with journal publishers

[D] the traditional process of journal publication

27. Which of the following is true of the OECD report?

[A] It criticizes government-funded research.

[B] It introduces an effective means of publication.

[C] It upsets profit-making journal publishers.

[D] It benefits scientific research considerably.

28. According to the text, online publication is significant in that .

[A] it provides an easier access to scientific results

[B] it brings huge profits to scientific researchers

[C] it emphasizes the crucial role of scientific knowledge

[D] it facilitates public investment in scientific research

29. With the open-access publishing model, the author of a paper is required to .

[A] cover the cost of its publication

[B] subscribe to the journal publishing it

[C] allow other online journals to use it freely

[D] complete the peer-review before submission

30. Which of the following best summarizes the text?

[A] The Internet is posing a threat to publishers.

[B] A new mode of publication is emerging.

[C] Authors welcome the new channel for publication.



[D] Publication is rendered easily by online service.

Text 3

In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of the only three players in the National Basketball

Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. If he had played last season, however, he would have been one

of 42. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and

managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer


The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally

stopped growing. Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today’s people—

especially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generations—apparently reached their

limit in the early 1960s.And they aren’t likely to get any taller. “In the general population today, at this

genetic, environmental level, we’ve pretty much gone as far as we can go,” says anthropologist William

Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears

to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.

Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients—notably, protein

—to feed expanding tissues. At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in

the way. But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in height by

about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height. Yet according to the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average height—5'9" for men, 5'4" for women—hasn’t really

changed since 1960.

Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height. During childbirth, larger babies

have more difficulty passing through the birth canal. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for

millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand

repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. “There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic

architecture of the individual organism,” says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.

Genetic maximums can change, but don’t expect this to happen soon. Claire C. Gordon, senior

anthropologist at the Army Research Center in Natick, Mass., ensures that 90 percent of the uniforms and

workstations fit recruits without alteration. She says that, unlike those for basketball, the length of military

uniforms has not changed for some time. And if you need to predict human height in the near future to

design a piece of equipment, Gordon says that by and large, “you could use today's data and feel fairly


31. Wilt Chamberlain is cited as an example to .

[A] illustrate the change of height of NBA players

[B] show the popularity of NBA players in the U.S.

[C] compare different generations of NBA players

[D] assess the achievements of famous NBA players



32. Which of the following plays a key role in body growth according to the text?

[A] Genetic modification.

[B] Natural environment.

[C] Living standards.

[D] Daily exercise.

33. On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?

[A] Non-Americans add to the average height of the nation.

[B] Human height is conditioned by the upright posture.

[C] Americans are the tallest on average in the world.

[D] Larger babies tend to become taller in adulthood.

34. We learn from the last paragraph that in the near future .

[A] the garment industry will reconsider the uniform size

[B] the design of military uniforms will remain unchanged

[C] genetic testing will be employed in selecting sportsmen

[D] the existing data of human height will still be applicable

35. The text intends to tell us that .

[A] the change of human height follows a cyclic pattern

[B] human height is becoming even more predictable

[C] Americans have reached their genetic growth limit

[D] the genetic pattern of Americans has altered

Text 4

In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was

nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw—having extracted them from the

mouths of his slaves.

That’s a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their

history books. But recently,many historians have begun to focus on the role slavery played in the lives of

the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which

almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And

only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians

reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s

infancy. More significant, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong—and yet

most did little to fight it.

More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While

Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of

the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.



For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was “like having a large

bank account,” says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the

Creation of America. The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the

“peculiar institution,” including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of

congressional representation.

And the statesmen’s political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his

narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the

Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new

land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.

Still, Jefferson freed Hemings’s children—though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other

slaves. Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravary

of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant

his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative

approval in Virginia.

36. George Washington’s dental surgery is mentioned to .

[A] show the primitive medical practice in the past.

[B] demonstrate the cruelty of slavery in his days.

[C] stress the role of slaves in the U.S. history.

[D] reveal some unknown aspect of his life.

37. We may infer from the second paragraph that .

[A] DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.

[B] in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situations.

[C] historians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson’s life.

[D] political compromises are easily found throughout the U.S. history.

38. What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?

[A] His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.

[B] His status as a father made him free the child slaves.

[C] His attitude towards slavery was complex.

[D] His affair with a slave stained his prestige.

39. Which of the following is true according to the text?

[A] Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.

[B] Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.

[C] Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.

[D] Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.

40. Washington’s decision to free slaves originated from his .

[A] moral considerations.

[B] military experience.

[C] financial conditions.



[D] political stand.

Part B


In the following text, some segments have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one

from the list A-G to fit into each ofthe numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of

the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has

ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie

down to write. (41)_______________.

Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad

you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft. (42) _______________. Grammar,

punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on what you are saying. Good writing most often

occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.

(43) _______________. Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a

paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on either side.

If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions

as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software programs

can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. (44) _______________. These

printouts are also easier to read than the screen when you work on revisions.

Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material

necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing. The student who wrote “The A&P as a State

of Mind” wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward

women. (45) _______________.

Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times— and then

again—working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the

paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Transitions should

connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or

unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape.

[A] To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add

words, sentences and

corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.

[B] After you have already and adequately developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to the

introductory and concluding paragraphs. It’s probably best to write the introduction last, after you know

precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the

reader with a final impression.



[C] It’s worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrible, it will

read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. Many writers prudently store their data

on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power

failures or other problems.

[D] It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into a

tentative thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.

[E] Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the setting

influences Sammy’s decision to quit his job. Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that

described Lengel’s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P “policy” he


[F] In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in “A&P” the student brings together the reasons

Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel’s store policies.

[G] By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discover

more than your notes originally suggested. Plenty of good writers don’t use outlines at all but discover

ordering principles as they write. Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your

translation should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

In his autobiography,Darwin himself speaks of his intellectualpowers with extraordinary modesty. He

points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but

(46)he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think

long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own

observations. He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as

distinguished Huxley. (47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of

thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with

mathematics. His memory, too, he described as extensive, but hazy. So poor in one sense was it that he

never could remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. (48) On the other hand, he

did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he

had no power of reasoning. This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species” is one long

argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have

written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of

invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have,

but not, I believe, in any higher degree.” (49)He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common

run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”



Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had

changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many

kinds gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great,

delight. In 1881, however, he said: “Now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also

almost lost my taste for pictures or music.” (50) Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not

only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral


Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD

in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to

1) make an apology, and

2) suggest a solution.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



2007 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on

ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

By 1830, the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20

million 1 of these nations looked 2 to the future. Born in the crisis of the old regime and Iberian colonialism,

many of the leaders of independence 3 the ideals of representative government, careers 4 to talent, freedom of

commerce and trade, the 5 to private property, and a belief in the individual as the basis of society. 6 there was a

belief that the new nations should be sovereign and independent states, large enough to be economically viable

and integrated by a 7 set of laws.

On the issue of 8 of religion and the position of the Church, 9 , there was less agreement 10the leadership.

Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one11 by the Spanish crown. 12 most leaders sought

to maintain Catholicism 13 the official religion of the new states, some sought to end the 14 of other faiths. The

defense of the Church became a rallying15 for the conservative forces.

The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of everything. Bolivar

had received aid from Haiti and had16 in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated. By 1854 slavery had

been abolished everywhere except Spain’s 17 colonies. Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people

of mixed origin came much 18because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies 19 . Egalitarian

sentiments were often tempered by fears that the mass of the population was 20 self-rule and democracy.

1.[A] natives [B] inhabitants [C] peoples [D] individuals

2.[A] confusedly [B] cheerfully [C] worriedly [D] hopefully

3.[A] shared [B] forgot [C] attained [D] rejected

4.[A] related [B] close [C] open [D] devoted

5.[A] access [B] succession [C] right [D] return

6.[A] Presumably [B] Incidentally [C] Obviously [D] Generally

7.[A] unique [B] common [C] particular [D] typical

8.[A] freedom [B] origin [C] impact [D] reform

9.[A] therefore [B] however [C] indeed [D] moreover

10.[A] with [B] about [C] among [D] by

11.[A] allowed [B] preached [C] granted [D] funded

12.[A] Since [B] If [C] Unless [D] While

13.[A] as [B] for [C] under [D] against

14.[A] spread [B] interference [C] exclusion [D] influence

15.[A] support [B] cry [C] plea [D] wish

16.[A] urged [B] intended [C] expected [D] promised

17.[A] controlling [B] former [C] remaining [D] original



18.[A] slower [B] faster [C] easier [D] tougher

19.[A] created [B] produced [C] contributed [D] preferred

20.[A] puzzled by [B] hostile to [C]pessimistic about [D] unprepared for

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C], or [D]. Mark your

answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament, you would

most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months

of the year than in the late months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World

Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be ever more pronounced.

What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer

superior soccer skills; b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increasessoccer stamina;

c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccermania; d)

none of the above.

Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in

“none of the above.” Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would

have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology. His first experiment, nearly 30

years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers. “With the

first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” Ericsson recalls. “He kept

improving, and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.”

This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson

to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words,

whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are

swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information. And the best way to learn how to encode

information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice

entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate

feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.

Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including

soccer. They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the

results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers. Their work makes a rather startling assertion:

the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers—whether in

memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming—are nearly always made, not born.



21. The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to

[A] stress the importance of professional training.

[B] spotlight the soccer superstars at the World Cup.

[C] introduce the topic of what makes expert performance.

[D] explain why some soccer teams play better than others.

22. The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means

[A] fun.

[B] craze.

[C] hysteria.

[D] excitement.

23. According to Ericsson, good memory

[A] depends on meaningful processing of information.

[B] results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises.

[C] is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors.

[D] requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration.

24. Ericsson and his colleagues believe that

[A] talent is a dominating factor for professional success.

[B] biographical data provide the key to excellent performance.

[C] the role of talent tends to be overlooked.

[D] high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture.

25. Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?

[A] “Faith will move mountains.”

[B] “One reaps what one sows.”

[C] “Practice makes perfect.”

[D] “Like father, like son.”

Text 2

For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called “Ask

Marilyn.” People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone

about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228—the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete

verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical

sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the

average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, What’s the difference between love and fondness? Or what is thenature of luck



and coincidence? It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits

one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart? How much of

intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science

and other fields?

The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as

often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the

Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and children’s version). Generally costing several hundred

dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the

World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a

statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the

chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test

(SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.

Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life,

argues Robert J. Sternberg. In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”, Sternberg notes that

traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge,

components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so

well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests

were given under low-stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions, IQ was negatively correlated with

leadership—that is, it predicted the opposite. Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking

skill also matters, whether it’s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.

26. Which of the following may be required in an intelligence test?

[A] Answering philosophical questions.

[B] Folding or cutting paper into different shapes.

[C] Telling the differences between certain concepts.

[D] Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones.

27. What can be inferred about intelligence testing from Paragraph3?

[A] People no longer use IQ scores as an indicator of intelligence.

[B] More versions of IQ tests are now available on the Internet.

[C] The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different.

[D] Scientists have defined the important elements of human intelligence.

28. People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savant’s because

[A] the scores are obtained through different computational procedures.

[B] creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized now.

[C] vos Savant’s case is an extreme one that will not repeat.



[D] the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed.

29. We can conclude from the last paragraph that

[A] test scores may not be reliable indicators of one’s ability.

[B] IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlated.

[C] testing involves a lot of guesswork.

[D] traditional tests are out of date.

30. What is the author’s attitude towards IQ tests?

[A] Supportive.

[B] Skeptical.

[C] Impartial.

[D] Biased.

Text 3

During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play

to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realties. Now a pink slip, a bad

diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.

In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work,transforming basic family economics. Scholars,

policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have

looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Today’s families have budgeted to the limits of theirs new

two-paycheck status. As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback—a

back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.

This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability

insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made

up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.

During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income.

Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must

worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement

money. For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account

model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment

returns. For younger families, the picture is not any better. Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it

borne by families have risen—and newly fashionable health-savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to

Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future

healthcare. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly

parent—and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance—have jumped eightfold in just one




From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to

exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift

of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun, and the political

fallout may not be far behind.

31. Today’s double-income families are at greater financial risk in that

[A] the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.

[B] their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.

[C] they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.

[D] they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.

32. As a result of President Bush’s reform, retired people may have

[A] a higher sense of security.

[B] less secured payments.

[C] less chance to invest.

[D] a guaranteed future.

33. According to the author, health-savings plans will

[A] help reduce the cost of healthcare.

[B] popularize among the middle class.

[C] compensate for the reduced pensions.

[D] increase the families’ investment risk.

34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that

[A] financial risks tend to outweigh political risks.

[B] the middle class may face greater political challenges.

[C] financial problems may bring about political problems.

[D] financial responsibility is an indicator of political status.

35. Which of the following is the best title for this text?

[A] The Middle Class on the Alert

[B] The Middle Class on the Cliff

[C] The Middle Class in Conflict

[D] The Middle Class in Ruins

Text 4

It never rains but it pours. Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and

compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them—



especially in America—the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite:

data insecurity. Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich

industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in

businesses of every variety.

Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year—from organizations as diverse as Time

Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of

California, Berkeley—have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes

in search of potential vulnerabilities.

“Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset,” says Haim Mendelson of

Stanford University’s business school. “The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the

board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders”. Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted

Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested

Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School. “Setting the proper investment level for security,

redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,” he says.

The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss. Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest

executive that trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore—

and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the

wrong hands.

The current state of affairs may have been encouraged—though not justified—by the lack of legal penalty (in

America, but not Europe) for data leakage. Until California recently passed a law, American firms did not have

to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray. That may change fast: lots of proposed data-security

legislation is now doing the rounds in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40

million credit-card accounts in America, disclosed on June 17th

, overshadowed a hugely important decision a day

earlier by America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will

act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.

36. The statement “It never rains but it pours” is used to introduce

[A] the fierce business competition.

[B] the feeble boss-board relations.

[C] the threat from news reports.

[D] the severity of data leakage.

37. According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out

[A] whether there is any weak point.

[B] what sort of data has been stolen.

[C] who is responsible for the leakage.

[D] how the potential spies can be located.



38. In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that

[A] shareholders’ interests should be properly attended to.

[B] information protection should be given due attention.

[C] businesses should enhance their level of accounting security.

[D] the market value of customer data should be emphasized.

39. According to Paragraph 4, what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to

[A] see the link between trust and data protection.

[B] perceive the sensitivity of personal data.

[C] realize the high cost of data restoration.

[D] appreciate the economic value of trust.

40. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that

[A] data leakage is more severe in Europe.

[B] FTC’s decision is essential to data security.

[C] California takes the lead in security legislation.

[D] legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage.

Part B


You are going to read a list of headings and a text about what parents are supposed to do to guide their children

into adulthood. Choose a heading from the list A-G that best fits the meaning of each numbered part of the text

(41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There are two extra headings that you do not

need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

[A] Set a Good Example for Your Kids

[B] Build Your Kids’ Work Skills

[C] Place Time Limits on Leisure Activities

[D] Talk about the Future on a Regular Basis

[E] Help Kids Develop Coping Strategies

[F] Help Your Kids Figure Out Who They Are

[G] Build Your Kids’ Sense of Responsibility

How Can a Parent Help?

Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in early adulthood for their kids. Even if a job’s starting

salary seems too small to satisfy an emerging adult’s need for rapid content, the transition from school to work

can be less of a setback if the start-up adult is ready for the move. Here are a few measures, drawn from my

book Ready or Not, Here Life Comes, that parents can take to prevent what I call “work-life unreadiness”:



You can start this process when they are 11 or 12. Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses

with them and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating. Also,

identify the kinds of interests they keep coming back to, as these offer clues to the careers that will fit them best.

Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted

athletes. Have regular dinner-table discussions about people the family knows and how they got where they are.

Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own

future. When asked what they want to do, they should be discouraged from saying “I have no idea.” They can

change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.

Teachers are responsible for teaching kids how to learn; parents should be responsible for teaching them how to

work. Assign responsibilities around the house and make sure homework deadlines are met. Encourage teenagers

to take a part-time job. Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational

skills, such as managing time and setting priorities.

Playing video games encourages immediate content. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only

teaches kids to processinformation in a passive way. At the same time, listening through earphones to the same

monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other

endeavors. All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make

it difficult for kids to develop the kind of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs.

They should know how to deal with setbacks, stress and feelings of inadequacy. They should also learn how to

solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically. Discussions at home can help kids

practice doing these things and help them apply these skills to everyday life situations.

What about the son or daughter who is grown but seems to be struggling and wandering aimlessly through early

adulthood? Parents still have a major role to play, but now it is more delicate. They have to be careful not to come

across as disappointed in their child. They should exhibit strong interest and respect for whatever currently interests

their fledging adult (as naive or ill conceived as it may seem) while becoming a partner in exploring options for the

future. Most of all, these new adults must feel that they are respected and supported by a family that appreciates


Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities.

However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.

(46)Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather

than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person. Happily, the older and more



continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have

even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.

If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods

should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. On

the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom. (47) On the

other, it links theseconcepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a

daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and

public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law.

Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual

preparation for his or her career.

(48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an

understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.Politics or, more

broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the

way the state works, the better their reporting will be. (49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not

have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.

Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists. While the

quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations

supplied to them by lawyers. (50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable

for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.These

can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions

Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) support your view with an example/examples.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)





2006 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on

ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population. 1 , homelessness has reached such

proportions that local governments can’t possibly 2 . To help homeless people 3 independence, the federal

government must support job training programs, 4 the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.

5 everyone agrees on the number of Americans who are homeless. Estimates 6 anywhere from 600,000 to 3

million. 7 the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is 8 . One of

the federal government’s studies 9 that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this


Finding ways to 10this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult.11 when homeless

individuals manage to find a 12 that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good

number still spend the bulk of each day 13 the street. Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are

addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many

others, 14 not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday 15 skills needed to turn their lives 16 . Boston

Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are 17 programs that address

the many needs of the homeless. 18 Edward Zlotkowski, director of community service at Bentley College in

Massachusetts, 19 it, “There has to be 20 of programs. What’s needed is a package deal.”

1.[A] Indeed [B] Likewise [C] Therefore [D] Furthermore

2.[A] stand [B] cope [C] approve [D] retain

3.[A] in [B] for [C] with [D] toward

4.[A] raise [B] add [C] take [D] keep

5.[A] Generally [B] Almost [C] Hardly [D] Not

6.[A] cover [B] change [C] range [D] differ

7.[A] Now that [B] Although [C] Provided [D] Except that

8.[A] inflating [B] expanding [C] increasing [D] extending

9.[A] predicts [B] displays [C] proves [D] discovers

10.[A] assist [B] track [C] sustain [D] dismiss

11.[A] Hence [B] But [C] Even [D] Only

12.[A] lodging [B] shelter [C] dwelling [D] house

13.[A] searching [B] strolling [C] crowding [D] wandering

14.[A] when [B] once [C] while [D] whereas

15.[A] life [B] existence [C] survival [D] maintenance

16.[A] around [B] over [C] on [D] up

17.[A] complex [B] comprehensive [C]complementary [D] compensating



18.[A] So [B] Since [C] As [D] Thus

19.[A] puts [B] interprets [C] assumes [D] makes

20.[A] supervision [B] manipulation [C] regulation [D] coordination

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C], or [D]. Mark

your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

In spite of “endless talk of difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. There

is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of deference”

characteristic of popular culture. People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption” launched by the

19th-century department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. Instead of intimate

shops catering to a knowledgeable elite” these were stores “anyone could enter, regardless of class or

background. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act.” The mass media, advertising and sports are

other forces for homogenization.Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be

altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous. Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez

reports that today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. In 1998

immigrants were 9.8 percent of the population; in 1900, 13.6 percent. In the 10 years prior to 1990, 3.1

immigrants arrived for every 1,000 residents; in the 10 years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000. Now, consider

three indices of assimilation—language, home ownership and intermarriage.

The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of

origin spoke English ‘well’ or ‘very well’ after ten years of residence.” The children of immigrants tend to be

bilingual and proficient in English. “By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of

immigrant families.” Hence the description of America as a “graveyard” for languages. By 1996 foreign-born

immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a home ownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent

rate among native-born Americans.

Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S.-born whites and blacks.” By

the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of

Asian-American women are married to non-Asians.

Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold

Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States

remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power.”

Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of

everything. But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indices hardly suggest

a dark and deteriorating social environment.



21. The word “homogenizing” (Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means ________.

[A] identifying

[B] associating

[C] assimilating

[D] monopolizing

22. According to the author, the department stores of the 19th century ________.

[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption

23. The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S. ________.

[A] are resistant to homogenization

[B] exert a great influence on American culture

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture

[D] constitute the majority of the population

24. Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?

[A] To prove their popularity around the world.

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants.

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture.

25. In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is _______.

[A] rewarding

[B] successful

[C] fruitless

[D] harmful

Text 2

Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly

separate and increasingly hostile branches. There is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), which presents

superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. And there are the townsfolk

who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage,

Shakespeare’s birthplace and the other sights.

The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny totheir revenue. They frankly dislike the

RSC’s actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness. It’s all deliciously ironic when you

consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of




The tourist streams are not entirely separate. The sightseers who come by bus—and often take in Warwick Castle

and Blenheim Palace on the side—don’t usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a

theatre in Stratford. However, the playgoers do manage a little sight-seeing along with their playgoing. It is the

playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the town’s revenue because they spend the night (some of

them four or five nights) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants. The sightseers can take in everything and

get out of town by nightfall.

The townsfolk don’t see it this way and the local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal

Shakespeare Company. Stratford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a

new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated

with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very


Anyway, the townsfolk can’t understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. (The theatre has

broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 per cent occupied all year

long and this year they’ll do better.) The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have

stayed low.

It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford’s

most attractive clientele. They come entirely for the plays, not the sights. They all seem to look alike (though

they come from all over)—lean, pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and

bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing-room tickets

held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 10:30 a.m.

26. From the first two paragraphs, we learn that ________.

[A] the townsfolk deny the RSC’s contribution to the town’s revenue

[B] the actors of the RSC imitate Shakespeare on and off stage

[C] the two branches of the RSC are not on good terms

[D] the townsfolk earn little from tourism

27. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ________.

[A] the sightseers cannot visit the Castle and the Palace separately

[B] the playgoers spend more money than the sightseers

[C] the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoers

[D] the playgoers go to no other places in town than the theater

28. By saying “Stratford cries poor traditionally” (Line 2, Paragraph 4), the author implies that ______.

[A] Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects

[B] Stratford has long been in financial difficulties

[C] the town is not really short of money

[D] the townsfolk used to be poorly paid

29. According to the townsfolk, the RSC deserves no subsidy because ________.

[A] ticket prices can be raised to cover the spending

[B] the company is financially ill-managed



[C] the behavior of the actors is not socially acceptable

[D] the theatre attendance is on the rise

30. From the text we can conclude that the author ________.

[A] is supportive of both sides

[B] favors the townsfolk’s view

[C] takes a detached attitude

[D] is sympathetic to the RSC

Text 3

When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals: they

suddenly became extinct. Smaller species survived. The large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were

quickly hunted to extinction. Now something similar could be happening in the oceans.

That the seas are being overfished has been known for years. Whatresearchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris

Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing. They have looked at half a century of data from fisheries

around the world. Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological

matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time. According to

their latest paper published inNature, the biomass of large predators (animals that kill and eat other animals) in a

new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas,

it has halved again since then.

Dr. Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative. One reason for this is that fishing technology has

improved. Today’s vessels can find their prey using satellites and sonar, which were not available 50 years ago.

That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and

past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes. In the early days, too, longlines would

have been more saturated with fish. Some individuals would therefore not have been caught, since no baited

hooks would have been available to trap them, leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past. Furthermore,

in the early days of longline fishing, a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked. That is no

longer a problem, because there are fewer sharks around now.

Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must

take into account. They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists, that of the “shifting

baseline”. The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean

because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past. That matters because theory

suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a

target species is about 50% of its original levels. Most fisheries are well below that, which is a bad way to do


31. The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that ________.

[A] large animals were vulnerable to the changing environment

[B] small species survived as large animals disappeared



[C] large sea animals may face the same threat today

[D] slow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones

32. We can infer from Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm’s paper that ________.

[A] the stock of large predators in some old fisheries has reduced by 90%

[B] there are only half as many fisheries as there were 15 years ago

[C] the catch sizes in new fisheries are only 20% of the original amount

[D] the number of large predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old

33. By saying “these figures are conservative” (Line 1, paragraph 3), Dr. Worm means that ________.

[A] fishing technology has improved rapidly

[B] then catch-sizes are actually smaller than recorded

[C] the marine biomass has suffered a greater loss

[D] the data collected so far are out of date

34. Dr. Myers and other researchers hold that ________.

[A] people should look for a baseline that can work for a longer time

[B] fisheries should keep their yields below 50% of the biomass

[C] the ocean biomass should be restored to its original level

[D] people should adjust the fishing baseline to the changing situation

35. The author seems to be mainly concerned with most fisheries’ ________.

[A] management efficiency

[B] biomass level

[C] catch-size limits

[D] technological application

Text 4

Many things make people think artists are weird. But the weirdest may be this: artists’ only job is to explore

emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.

This wasn’t always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy.

But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or,

worst of all, boring, as we went from Wordsworth’sdaffodils to Baudelaire’s flowers of evil.

You could argue that art became more skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen so much misery.

But it’s not as if earlier times didn’t know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. The reason, in

fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the world today.

After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness?

Advertising. The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media, and with it, a

commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.

People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery. They worked until exhausted, lived with few

protections and died young. In the West, before mass communication and literacy, the most powerful mass



medium was the church, which reminded worshippers that their souls were in danger and that they would

someday be meat for worms. Given all this, they did not exactly need their art to be a bummer too.

Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial, and forever

happy. Fast-food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling. Our magazines feature

beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agenda—to lure us

to open our wallets—they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the ads for

the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.

But what we forget—what our economy depends on us forgetting—is that happiness is more than pleasure without

pain. The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. Today,

surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need art to tell us, as religion once did, Memento mori: remember

that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. It’s a

message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air.

36. By citing the examples of poets Wordsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that ________.

[A] poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music

[B] art grows out of both positive and negative feelings

[C] poets today are less skeptical of happiness

[D] artists have changed their focus of interest

37. The word “bummer” (Line 5, paragraph 5) most probably means something ________.

[A] religious

[B] unpleasant

[C] entertaining

[D] commercial

38. In the author’s opinion, advertising ________.

[A] emerges in the wake of the anti-happy art

[B] is a cause of disappointment for the general public

[C] replace the church as a major source of information

[D] creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself

39. We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believes ________.

[A] happiness more often than not ends in sadness

[B] the anti-happy art is distasteful but refreshing

[C] misery should be enjoyed rather than denied

[D] the anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms

40. Which of the following is true of the text?

[A] Religion once functioned as a reminder of misery.

[B] Art provides a balance between expectation and reality.

[C] People feel disappointed at the realities of modern society.

[D] Mass media are inclined to cover disasters and deaths.

Part B




In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one

from the list A-G to fit into each of numbered gaps. There are two extra choices, which you do not need to use.

Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)On the north bank of the Ohio river sits Evansville, Ind.,

home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino (a place where gambling games are played). During

several years of gambling in that casino, Williams, a state auditor earning $35,000 a year, lost approximately

$175,000. He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.

He visited the casino, lost the $20 and left. On his second visit he lost $800. The casino issued to him, as a good

customer, a “Fun Card”, which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino

to track the user’s gambling activities. For Williams, these activities become what he calls “electronic heroin”.

(41) ________. In 1997 he lost $21,000 to one slot machine in two days. In March 1997 he lost $72,186. He

sometimes played two slot machines at a time, all night, until the boat docked at 5 a.m., then went back aboard

when the casino opened at 9 a.m. Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage

because it knew he was addicted. It did know he had a problem.

In March 1998 a friend of Williams’s got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and

wrote to inform the casino of Williams’s gambling problem. The casino included a photo of Williams among

those of banned gamblers, and wrote to him a “cease admissions” letter. Noting the “medical/psychological”

nature of problem gambling behavior, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to

present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his

safety or well-being.

(42) ________.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 24 signs warning: “Enjoy the fun... and always bet with your

head, not over it.” Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of

Mental Health. Nevertheless, Williams’s suit charges that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to

gambling,” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will.” Well.

(43) ________.

The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says “pathological gambling”

involves persistent, recurring and uncontrollable pursuit less of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of

a windfall.

(44) ________. Pushed by science, or what claims to be science,society is reclassifying what once were

considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.

(45) ________.

Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—

you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering. And since the first Internet gambling site was created in

1995, competition for gamblers’ dollars has become intense. The Oct. 28 issue of Newsweek reported that 2

million gamblers patronize 1,800 virtual casinos every week. With $3.5 billion being lost on Internet wagers this

year, gambling has passed pornography as the Web’s most profitable business.



[A] Although no such evidence was presented, the casino’s marketing department continued to pepper him w ith

mailings. And he entered the casino and used his Fun Card without being detected.

[B] It is unclear what luring was required, given his compulsive behavior. And in what sense was his will


[C] By the time he had lost $5,000 he said to himself that if he could get back to even, he would quit. One night

he won $5,500, but he did not quit.

[D] Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered

a sin, or a social disease. Now it is a social policy: the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in

America is the government.

[E] David Williams’s suit should trouble this gambling nation. But don’t bet on it.

[F] It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems, often defining as addictions

what earlier, sterner generations explained as weakness of will.

[G] The anonymous, lonely, undistracted nature of online gambling is especially conducive to compulsive

behavior. But even if the government knew how to move against Internet gambling, what would be its grounds

for doing so?

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected

and considered of no account in his society? I am going to suggest that it is not true. Father Bruckberger told part

of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected America. But they have done more

than that. They have grown dissatisfied with the role of the intellectual. It is they, not America, who have

become anti-intellectual.

First, the object of our study pleads for definition. What is an intellectual? (46) I shall define him as an

individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in a Socratic (苏格拉

底) way about moral problems. He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking

factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the

light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. (47) His function is analogous to that of a

judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning

which led him to his decision.

This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals—the average scientist, for one.

(48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems,

he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.Like other

human beings, he encounters moral issues even in the everyday performance of his routine duties—he is not

supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports. (49) But his primary task is not

to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate

his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. During most of his waking life he will take his

code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics.



The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the

method whereby many intellectuals earn their living. (50) They may teach very well, and more than earn their

salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral

judgment. This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars. Being learned in some branch of human

knowledge is one thing; living in “public and illustrious thoughts,” as Emerson would say, is something else.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions

You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the

department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to

help and how you will carry out your plan.

Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should

1. describe the photos briefly,

2. interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and

3. give your point of view.

You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



2005 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on

ANSWER SHEET 1 (10 points)

The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with

animals, 1 this is largely because, 2animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving

those smells which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact, 5 , we are

extremely sensitive to smells, 6 we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even

when these are 8 to far below one part in one million.

Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, 9 others are sensitive to the

smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell

receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11to the brain. However, it has

been found that even peopleinsensitive to a certain smell12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13to it

often enough.

The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all

the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary. This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own

smells—we simply do not need to be. We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house, but we 18 new smells

when we visit someone else’s. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency

signals 20 the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.

1.[A] although [B] as [C] but [D] while

2.[A] above [B] unlike [C] excluding [D] besides

3.[A] limited [B] committed [C] dedicated [D] confined

4.[A] catching [B] ignoring [C] missing [D] tracking

5.[A] anyway [B] though [C] instead [D] therefore

6.[A] even if [B] if only [C] only if [D] as if

7.[A]distinguishing [B] discovering [C] determining [D] detecting

8.[A] diluted [B] dissolved [C] dispersed [D] diffused

9.[A] when [B] since [C] for [D] whereas

10.[A] unusual [B] particular [C] unique [D] typical

11.[A] signs [B] stimuli [C] messages [D] impulses

12.[A] at first [B] at all [C] at large [D] at times

13.[A] subjected [B] left [C] drawn [D] exposed

14.[A] ineffective [B] incompetent [C] inefficient [D] insufficient

15.[A] introduce [B] summon [C] trigger [D] create

16.[A] still [B] also [C] otherwise [D] nevertheless

17.[A] sure [B] sick [C] aware [D] tired



18.[A] tolerate [B] repel [C] neglect [D] notice

19.[A] available [B] reliable [C] identifiable [D] suitable

20.[A] similar to [B] such as [C] along with [D] aside from

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your

answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been

given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is

regarded as “all too human”, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this

finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in

Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.

The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are

good-natured, co-operative creatures, andthey share their food readily. Above all, like their female human

counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services” than males.

Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan’s and Dr. de Waal’s study. The researchers

spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough

to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but

adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour

became markedly different.

In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). So when one monkey

was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of

cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either

tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber. Indeed,

the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce

resentment in a female capuchin.

The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they

are a co-operative, group-living species. Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is

not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a

lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However,

whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the

common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.

21. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ________.

[A] posing a contrast



[B] justifying an assumption

[C] making a comparison

[D] explaining a phenomenon

22. The statement “it is all too monkey” (Last line, Paragraph l) implies that ________.

[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals

[B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys’ nature

[C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other

[D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions

23. Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they are ________.

[A] more inclined to weigh what they get

[B] attentive to researchers’ instructions

[C] nice in both appearance and temperament

[D] more generous than their male companions

24. Dr. Brosnan and Dr. de Waal have eventually found in their study that the monkeys ________.

[A] prefer grapes to cucumbers

[B] can be taught to exchange things

[C] will not be co-operative if feeling cheated

[D] are unhappy when separated from others

25. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[A] Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions.

[B] Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source.

[C] Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do.

[D] Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild.

Text 2

Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted

that we didn’t know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the antismoking

lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans

bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.

There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing

threat of global warming. The latestwas a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White

House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.

The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. The president of the National Academy,

Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel’s report: “Science never has all the answers. But

science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world

base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of

present actions.”



Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is

incomplete, that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. This is a dangerous game: by

the time 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent

people would take out an insurance policy now.

Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it’s obvious that a majority of the president’s

advisers still don’t take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more

research—a classic case of “paralysis by analysis”.

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic

research. But research alone is inadequate. If the Administration won’t take the legislative initiative, Congress

should help to begin fashioning conservation measures. A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West

Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start. Many see that the

country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. If we are ever going to

protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.

26. An argument made by supporters of smoking was that ________.

[A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death

[B] the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant

[C] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life

[D] antismoking people were usually talking nonsense

27. According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as ________.

[A] a protector

[B] a judge

[C] a critic

[D] a guide

28. What does the author mean by “paralysis by analysis” (Last line, Paragraph 4)?

[A] Endless studies kill action.

[B] Careful investigation reveals truth.

[C] Prudent planning hinders progress.

[D] Extensive research helps decision-making.

29. According to the author, what should the Administration do about global warming?

[A] Offer aid to build cleaner power plants.

[B] Raise public awareness of conservation.

[C] Press for further scientific research.

[D] Take some legislative measures.

30. The author associates the issue of global warming with that of smoking because ______.

[A] they both suffered from the government’s negligence

[B] a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former

[C] the outcome of the latter aggravates the former

[D] both of them have turned from bad to worse



Text 3

Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a

window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated

his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late

1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the random byproducts of the

neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researcherssuspect that dreams are part of the mind’s

emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line.” And one leading authority says that these

intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help

us sleep and feel better. “It’s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago’s Medical

Center. “If you don’t like it, change it.”

Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement)

sleep—when most vivid dreams occur—as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric Nofzinger at the University of

Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved; the limbic system (the “emotional brain”) is

especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet. “We wake

up from dreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day.” says Stanford sleep researcher

Dr. William Dement.

The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright’s clinic. Most people

seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting

that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is

occupied with daily life we don’t always think about the emotional significance of the day’s events—until, it

appears, we begin to dream.

And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control

over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how

you would like it to end instead; the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With

much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.

At the end of the day, there’s probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us

from sleeping or “we wake up in a panic,” Cartwright says. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general

feelings of insecurity have increased people’s anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek

help from a therapist. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep—or rather

dream—on it and you’ll feel better in the morning.

31. Researchers have come to believe that dreams ________.

[A] can be modified in their courses

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears

[D] are a random outcome of neural repairs

32. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show ________.

[A] its function in our dreams



[B] the mechanism of REM sleep

[C] the relation of dreams to emotions

[D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex

33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to ________.

[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind

[B] develop into happy dreams

[C] persist till the time we fall asleep

[D] show up in dreams early at night

34. Cartwright seems to suggest that ________.

[A] waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams

[B] visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control

[C] dreams should be left to their natural progression

[D] dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious

35. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams?

[A] Lead your life as usual.

[B] Seek professional help.

[C] Exercise conscious control.

[D] Avoid anxiety in the daytime.

Text 4

Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English

language with skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. In his latest book, Doing Our Own

Thing: The Degradation of language and Music and Why We Should Like, Care, John McWhorter, a linguist

and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as

responsible for the decline of formal English.

Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in

education. Mr. McWhorter’s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual

disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of

Old English.

But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech,

writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper

before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the

page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness.

In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.

Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr.

McWhorter documents is unmistakable. But it is less clear, to take the question of his subtitle, why we should,

like, care. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like



Black English, can be powerfully expressive—there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey

complex ideas. He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.

Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads,

while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would seem old-fashioned to most English-speakers. Mr.

McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education

reforms—he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. We now take our English

“on paper plates instead of china”. A shame, perhaps, but probably an inevitable one.

36. According to McWhorter, the decline of formal English ________.

[A] is inevitable in radical education reforms

[B] is but all too natural in language development

[C] has caused the controversy over the counter-culture

[D] brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s

37. The word “talking” (Line 6, Paragraph 3) denotes ________.

[A] modesty

[B] personality

[C] liveliness

[D] informality

38. To which of the following statements would McWhorter most likely agree?

[A] Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk.

[B] Black English can be more expressive than standard English.

[C] Non-standard varieties of human language are just as entertaining.

[D] Of all the varieties, standard English can best convey complex ideas.

39. The description of Russians’ love of memorizing poetry shows the author’s ________.

[A] interest in their language

[B] appreciation of their efforts

[C] admiration for their memory

[D] contempt for their old-fashionedness

40. According to the last paragraph, “paper plates” is to “china” as ________.

[A] “temporary” is to “permanent”

[B] “radical” is to “conservative”

[C] “functional” is to “artistic”

[D] “humble” is to “noble”

Part B


In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one

from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of

the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)



Canada’s premiers (the leaders of provincial governments), if they have any breath left after complaining about

Ottawa at their late July annual meeting, might spare a moment to do something, together, to reduce health-care


They’re all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical


(41) ____________

What to do? Both the Romanow commission and the Kirby committee on health care—to say nothing of reports

from other experts—recommended the creation of a national drug agency. Instead of each province having its

own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources,

work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.

(42) _____________

But “national” doesn’t have to mean that. “National” could mean interprovincial—provinces combining efforts

to create one body.

Either way, one benefit of a “national” organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug

manufacturers. Instead of having one province—or a series of hospitals within a province—negotiate a price for

a given drug on the provincial list, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of all provinces.

Rather than, say, Quebec, negotiating on behalf of seven million people, the national agency would negotiate on

behalf of 31 million people. Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers, the higher the

likelihood of a better price.

(43) _____________

A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Co-ordinating

Office for Health Technology Assessment, funded by Ottawa and the provinces. Under it, a Common Drug

Review recommends to provincial lists which new drugs should be included. Predictably, and regrettably,

Quebec refused to join.

A few premiers are suspicious of any federal-provincial deal-making. They (particularly Quebec and Alberta)

just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached. That’s one reason why the

idea of a national list hasn’t gone anywhere, while drug costskeep rising fast.

(44) _____________

Premiers love to quote Mr. Romanow’s report selectively, especially the parts about more federal money.

Perhaps they should read what he had to say about drugs: “A national drug agency would provide governments

more influence on pharmaceutical companies in order to constrain the ever-increasing cost of drugs.”

(45) _____________

So when the premiers gather in Niagara Falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking

about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.

[A] Quebec’s resistance to a national agency is provincialist ideology. One of the first advocates for a national

list was a researcher at Laval University. Quebec’s Drug Insurance Fund has seen its costs skyrocket with annual

increases from 14.3 per cent to 26.8 per cent!



[B] Or they could read Mr. Kirby’s report: “the substantial buying power of such an agency would strengthen the

public prescription-drug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies.”

[C] What does “national” mean? Roy Romanow and Senator Michael Kirby recommended a federal-provincial

body much like the recently created National Health Council.

[D] The problem is simple and stark: health-care costs have been, are, and will continue to increase faster than

government revenues.

[E] According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at

twice the rate of overall health-care spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other

kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher prices.

[F] So, if the provinces want to run the health-care show, they should prove they can run it, starting with an

interprovincial health list that would end duplication, save administrative costs, prevent one province from being

played off against another, and bargain for better drug prices.

[G] Of course, the pharmaceutical companies will scream. They like divided buyers; they can lobby better that way.

They can use the threat of removing jobs from one province to another. They can hope that, if one province

includes a drug on its list, the pressure will cause others toinclude it on theirs. They wouldn’t like a national agency,

but self-interest would lead them to deal with it.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European

history. History and news become confused, and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and

optimism. (46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps

never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. The

Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With

this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. (47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media

groups have been increasingly successful; groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines

and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group,

while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.

Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich

and hotly-contested market. (48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to

survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than

50% took a loss in 1989.

Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more

closely in terms of both production and distribution.

(49) Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up

the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice—that of producing



programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose

programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.

In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news,

documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for thecreation

of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle

the finances necessary for production costs. (50)In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to

say, “United we stand, divided we fall”—and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.” A

unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.

Section III Writing

Part A

51. Directions:

Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find that the

work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your

decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology.

Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own

name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the

drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
