Annual Report 2017

2017 - Qualitas of Life Foundation · Qualitas of Life Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides basic financial education to Hispan-ic individuals and their families,

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  • Annual Report 2017

  • Qualitas of Life Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides basic financial education to Hispanic individuals and their families, in order to foster their financial security and improve their standard of living.

    Contact Laura CelayaStrategic Communications and Marketing [email protected] 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020646-885-2295

  • A message from the Founder1

    Mission & institutional values2

    Goals and results 20173

    Financial Education Program4

    Profile of participants 5

    Strategic alliances and partners6

    Get ready workshop7

    Train the Trainers 8

    Financial Access Fair 9

    10th Anniversary Gala10

    2017 Evaluation 11

    Facilitator & participant testimonies

    12Financial report

    13Thank you to our supporters




  • Dear friends and Qualitas family,

    2017 was another great year for Qualitas of Life Foundation and a powerful reminder of the importance to work closely with our allies to expand our program and services to thecommunity we serve.

    We discovered the importance of getting funded through grant proposals and decided to dedicate more effort to this endeavor which has been fundamental for Qualitas to ensure its resources and continue with its great mission.

    In spite of difficult times and the challenges that our community faced, we were ready to support the Hispanic community at times when they most needed us; in 2017 we created a special workshop “Me preparo: procesos migratorios y mi dinero” (Get ready: migratory pro-cesses and my money), which was a fabulous success, but most importantly we equipped our communities with the tools they needed to be prepared for the difficulties they were facing due to migratory measures. Furthermore, in partnership with the Consulate General of Mexico in New York and in Boston, with the NYPL, among some of our long term CBO’s partners we were able to bring key messages and information to thousands of members of our community.

    Additionally, we made significant progress on our financial education program, our academic programs were reviewed, evaluated and updated (with the generous help of UniversidadPanamericana in Mexico, and Qualitas’ staff great commitment). Furthermore, in partnership with the New York Immigration Coalition we developed the guide Your Money, Your Future that details the steps immigrant New Yorkers can take to understand and safeguard theirfinances, regardless of their immigration status.

    Another key ingredient in this year’s success is the leadership of our board and our commit-tees, which have continued to support our efforts and have been more active than ever. I‘m thrilled to announce that last year we welcomed 2 new board members, Jorge Kuri and Ivana Estrada.

    As we commemorate our 10th Anniversary we want increase our impact, create awareness of the importance of financial education and bring all those who have contributed to Qualitas’ success in these 10 years. To this end, we appointed a special committee to help us with the or-ganization of 3 events to celebrate Qualitas’ accomplishments: a fundraising event, a Financial Inclusion and Technology Conference, and a Community Event. Our special thanks to Miriam, Barbara, Carla, Russell, Fernando and Miguel.

    Finally, my special thanks to Debbie, Nilbia, Jimena, and Vanessa, along with all our facilitators, interns and volunteers, all of whom were guided by Susana’s great leadership, for their com-mitted time and energy to Qualitas, which has been a key to this year’s success!

    With gratitude, Marcela

    Marcela O. de Rovzar Founder & Chairperson

    A Message from the founder

    Qualitas of Life Foundation

  • Qualitas of Life Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides basic financial education to Hispan-ic individuals and their families, in order to foster their financial security and improve their standard of living.

    Qualitas works hand in hand with community-based organizations based in New York, New Jersey, Con-necticut, Vermont and Massachusetts to provide basic financial education workshops to the Hispanic migrant community. These workshops provide our participants with tools to better administer their per-sonal finances; establish clear financial goals; make informed decisions regarding their finances; navigate the financial system and access services they need with greater ease.

    In our workshops we match technical expertise with comprehensive advice and practical activities to allow participants to consider new possibilities and plan for a better tomorrow.

    Our workshops are free, bilingual and easy to understand for all of our participants (delivered in Spanish for adults, and English for adolescents and children).


    Institutional Values Qualitas of Life delivers financial education through an educational model based on the following 5 crossing cutting values:

    • Capabilities Approach• Human Rights and Gender Equity• Civic Engagement• Family-Focused• Community


    Annual report 2017


  • Qualitas of Life Foundation

    Goals and results


  • Annual report 2017

    Is a 3-hour long session with a capacity of up to 20-25 families. It’s designed to be engaging, participatory and community-building.

    Financial Education Program

    Types of Workshops

    Through our workshops, we enable our participants to use their available resources to improve their personal finances and provide more opportunities for their families. What makes the program unique is the strategic way in which we integrate trust-building, empowering, and community-building elements into the curriculum – tailored specifically for the Hispanic population. Upon fin-ishing, many graduates have obtained credit, secured insurance, opened bank accounts, and simply learned to better manage their household finances while communicating more openly about it with their families. The overall objective of the program is to ensure that each participant is able to analyze their own financial situation, establish clear financial goals and gain the necessary knowledge and skills to plan towards their goals. Over time, participants begin to improve their financial security by opening bank accounts, eliminating their credit card debt, improving their credit score, keeping a budget and avoiding high tariffs by unregulated loan officers and check cashing establishments.

    Family workshop Single workshop Eight session course


    • Qualitas and my personal finances• My family finances• Savings and insurance• Budgeting• Banking system• Frauds and financial scams• Credit and debt reduction

    Is a 2-hour session with a capacity of up to 20-30 people designed around the specific financial needs of a given community.

    Is a comprehensive course with a capacity of up to 20-30 people that pro-vides in depth discussions of 7 topics followed by a graduation for participation.

    • My finances and my business• Get ready: Migratory processes and my money• Taxes• Remittances• Budgeting for teenagers• Understanding money for pre-Teens• Budgeting for teenagers

    Qualitas provides basic financial workshops to the Hispanic community. All the workshops for adults are offered in Spanish. Work-shops for young children and teens are offered in both English and Spanish.


  • Qualitas of Life Foundation

    Profile of our participants


  • Annual report 2017

    Strategic alliances or partners Qualitas works hand in hand with community-based organizations based in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and Massa-chusetts to provide basic financial education workshops to the Hispanic migrant community.








    Connecticut New HavenAsociación de Mexicanos en ConnecticutStamfordBuilding One Community

    New HampshireNashuaConsulado General de México en Boston

    New JerseyNew BrunswickGaby’s BakeryPassaicMi Casa es Puebla

    New YorkBrentwoodMake the Road New York (Long Island)BronxSt. Jerome H.A.N.D.S. Community CenterMercy Center Lucero Elementary School Masa Terra Firma- Montefiore Coalición Mexicana para Empoderamiento de las Familias BrooklynLove Trumps Hate Carroll Gardens Association Center for Family Life ManhattanThe Open Door NJNYConsulado General de México en Nueva York Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union Centro de Recursos Educativos para Adultos (CREA)LSA Family Health Service Columbia University Head Start Harlem Neighborhood Health Action CentersMiddletownAgri-Business Child Development (ABCD)Mount KiscoNeighbors Link Mount Kisco QueensImmigrant Movement International (IMI)Consulado General del Ecuador en Nueva YorkMecenas

    Staten Island Make the Road New YorkNorth Shore People’s Federal Credit UnionWestburyMake the Road New York

    VermontMiddleburyConsulado General de México en Boston



  • Qualitas of Life Foundation

    Get ready workshopQoLF partnered with many collaborators to provide the workshop Get ready: migratory processes and my money 37 times, making up 33% of our workshop load for the year. A total of 566 individuals participated in these workshops, resulting in a total of 1,698 indirectly impacted individuals.

    Get ready: Migratory processes and my money covers useful information for the Hispanic community about their rights and financial responsibilities and how these may be affected by different immigration proceedings (including removal or voluntary departure). Participants will learn how to plan and save for eventualities that may occur, enabling the community to make better decisions and form a concrete plan of action depending on their own personal circumstances.


  • Annual report 2017

    Train the trainers

    Our facilitators come from many countries of Latin America and the US (US, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Guatemala, Ecuador, Chile, Puerto Rico, among others). Many of them are first, second and third generation immigrants in the US.

    QoLF put special attention to hire people with expertise in teaching and excellent communication with vulnerable populations, with experience with different demographics.

    All of our new facilitators are very familiar with the Hispanic immigrant communities, are migrants themselves, have witnessed the lack and power of financial education, among other key elements. In terms of backgrounds, many of them are social workers, therapists and/or have experience working in community-based organizations, and/or are eager to have a bigger role serving the immigrant population in the Tri-state area. All are driven by social justice values!


  • Qualitas of Life Foundation

    Financial Access Fair On September 30th, 2017, Qualitas partnered with Agri-Business Child Development (ABCD) and many other collaborators to bring the first Fi-nancial Access Fair to the Hispanic community located in Middletown, New York.

    A total of 49 individuals attended the Financial Access Fair; of those, 32 people brought their families.

    We provided the workshops:

    Finanzas personales by Educación Financiera CitiBanamex

    Me preparo: procesos migratorios y mi dinero by QoLF

    ABCD provided child care for young kids, and older children and teenag-ers were able to participate in the Concurso de Dibujo Infantil from the Consulate General of Mexico in NY.


    “I was skeptical at the beginning but so impressed by the end the fair.

    I feel confident about a better financial future. I feel prepared if I

    need to move back to my country. CONSAR even helped me find

    money for my retirement!”

    ABCD mom

  • Annual report 2017

    10th anniversary Gala QoLF celebrated its 10th anniversary on November 2nd, 2017 with a Gala at one of New York’s premier Mexican restaurant – Cosme.

    The Gala featured a cocktail reception, a five-course dinner and silent auction. Featured remarks were made by two honorees – Oscar Sala-zar, Social and Technology Entrepreneur, and Hugh Verrier, Chairman of White & Case. To kick off the night, the City of New York’s Comptrol-ler presented QoLF with an official Commendation in recognition of Qualitas’ decade of efforts to improve financial literacy and the quality of life for Hispanic individuals and families in the city.

    Sponsors of QoLF include the NFL, Bimbo Bakeries USA, White & Case, Aeroméxico, Cosme, First Republic Bank and Constellation Brands.

    We raised almost $225K through both its silent auction and dona-tions Each donation to Qualitas of Life Foundation goes directly to its program’s expansion.

    By increasing the financial literacy of the Hispanic community Qual-itas plays a direct role in helping to reduce poverty and increasing social mobility – both of which are key components to an improved standard of living.


  • Qualitas of Life Foundation

    2017 Evaluation


    After taking the courses, participants:

  • Annual report 2017


    “Becoming a Qualitas Facilitator was the perfect opportunity to capitalize on my passion for working with the immigrant community and make a differ-ence by providing financial education to our vulnerable population. I fully believe that financial education is essential to our community, which would enjoy a much better standard of living if they had the tools to plan and make informed decisions regarding their finances instead of fighting everyday just to get by.

    The past year at Qualitas has been a wonderful experience and I have felt honored to help give our participants the tools they need to succeed and start working towards achieving their dreams.

    Being a Facilitator has provided me with the opportunity to connect with new people from all different backgrounds and experiences, and has taught me as much as I’ve taught our participants. Every day is different and every work-shop presents new challenges that are always exciting to solve”.

    Micaela Reina

    “I am 42 years old and, even when I thought I couldn’t learn anything new, this course helped me realize I have yet so many important things to learn, like how to save. All my life I have been losing money and over-paying in financial services, and I never understood why.

    Now I know it was because I haven’t had access to trustworthy informa-tion. Until I met Qualitas. Here I learned terms and words I was ashamed of asking what they meant, like APR, for example. I bought a house some years ago and I almost lost it precisely because I didn’t know what APR was. Until now! This course made me feel like a whole new person. I feel reborn. I was a big mess and now I have confidence in myself. I am very happy.”





  • Qualitas of Life Foundation

    Statement of financial position


    Current assets:Cash and cash equivalentsContributions receivablePrepaid expenses

    Total current assets

    Total assets

    December 31st, 2017

    $580,403 47,535 2,584




    Liabilities and Net Assets

    Current liabilities:Accrued expenses Total current liabilities Total liabilities

    Net assets:UnrestrictedTemporarily restricted

    Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets

    $21,878 21,878


    601,969 6,675


  • Annual report 2017

    Thank you to our Supporters Government and Foundation grants

    Consulate General of Mexico in New YorkConsulate General of Mexico in BostonViolence Intervention Program, IncTrinity Church Wall Street FoundationBuilding One CommunityNew York Immigration CoalitionSuperate y Triunfa IncOrganización de Mujeres de las AméricasPascale Sykes Foundation

    Corporate Donors

    White & CaseRoyal Bank of CanadaBBVA BancomerCitibanamexGoya FoodsMorgan StanleyCiti Community DevelopmentBimbo Bakeries USAFirst Republic BankNational Football League

    In kind donations Aeromexico White & CaseConstellation BrandsCosmeLa NewyorkinaMezcal Pierde Almas

    Individual donors +10,000.00Marcela OrvañanosGina Diez BarrosoFam. LaviadaGeorgina Larrea

    +5,000.00Marinela ServitjeBarbara FernandezLorea Canales Rusell Byers

    Jorge Suarez VelezIvana EstradaGregorio SchneiderJorge Kuri Leigh Rovzar

    +1,000.00 Jaime GarciaScott DiddelPoses Family FoundationEdgar LegaspiArturo ConstantinerAlain Coblence

    +250.00Bruce KogutMary K RutherfurdDrew WarshawCem KentPatricia RovzarRoderick RovzarAlejandro Baca

    -250.00Abby FineBen Fuller-googinsEduardo BialostozkyJose FernandezMaggie EvansMarta EspitiaMax ShterngelPeter GoldmanRene HubardSalomon BialostozkySofia Perez

    Compadres y Comadres Alex RamosAngel Valle Carlos J PerazaColin LucasFrancisco BarrenecheaGabriel MijaresJorge GrayebJuan Carlos de ObesoMiguel ZabludovskyMonica Camino MattaPily QuintanillaRicardo CervantesScott Diddel


  • Qualitas of Life Foundation


    Marcela O. de Rovzar – ChairpersonGregorio Schneider – TreasurerLeigh Rovzar - SecretaryRussell G. Byers, Jr.Lorea CanalesBárbara Fernández Gina Diez Barroso de Franklin Paulina Toriello Arzu de KeilhauerJorge SuárezMiguel ZabludovskyIvana Estrada Jorge KuriAlonso de Garay


    Susana Camarena, Executive DirectorDebora Gildenson, Administrator & Finance OfficerNilbia Coyote, Education CoordinatorJimena Monjaras, Program CoordinatorVanessa Crowley, Strategic Communications Coordinator

    Facilitators Alejandro AndradeAna GuillcatandaFabiana CruzFlorentina HinojosaFrancy MadroñeroGilda MoralesIvan GuzmanIsrael MuñozJorge CruzJose Antonio MassaroLaura AguirreLeonela MedinaLidia Flores BushLilia DíazLiliana NgoLucy BlockMaria Guevara-FriedmanMassiel GonzalezMarlene UragaMartha SoteloMicaela ReinaNatalia PerezNoel PegueroPatricia HanchiPily Quintanilla


    Qualitas Education CommitteeJorge Suarez (Chair)Mauricio Jaramillo

    Marcela O. de RovzarGina Diez Barroso de FranklinRobert SmithSusana Camarena (Staff)Nilbia Coyote (Staff)Jimena Monjaras (Staff)

    Finance CommitteeGregorio Schneider (Chair)Alfredo EspinosaMarcela O. de RovzarLeigh RovzarJonathan DavisJorge SuárezDebora Gildenson (Staff)Susana Camarena (Staff)

    Communications CommitteeMiguel Zabludovsky (Chair)Lorea Canales Jason MarczakMarcela O. de RovzarHelena Escalante Bárbara FernándezPaulina Toriello Arzu de KeilhauerIvana Estrada Roberto RamirezSusana Camarena (Staff)Vanessa Crowley (Staff)

    Fundraising CommitteeMarcela O. de Rovzar (Chair)Russell ByersAlfredo EspinosaGregorio SchneiderJorge SuárezMiguel ZabludovskyEdgar ZavalaFernando Gutierrez-EddyCarla HammondJorge KuriSusana Camarena (Staff)Vanessa Crowley (Staff)

    Friends of Qualitas Bárbara Fernández (Chair)Marcela O. de RovzarLeigh RovzarMiguel ZabludovskyAlonso de GaraySusana Camarena (Staff)Vanessa Crowley (Staff)


  • Annual report 2017

    Audit CommitteeGregorio Schneider (Chair)Marcela O. de RovzarLeigh RovzarJonathan DavisJorge SuárezDebora Gildenson (Staff)Susana Camarena (Staff)

    Volunteers and ProBono 2017:

    Andrea PerazaBibiana JaimesLeslie MoriokaUsha VaziraniPoonam GuptaGina Moreno ValleMarcela RamirezDamian VargasJorge GrayebIsabela LegaspiAnanya GuptaFlorentina HInojosaMagdalena del ValleManuel MolinaDamara ParraSurey MirandaClaudia ZamoraAlicia Portada


  • www.qualitasoflife.org