54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[29] 入試問題 1 5 理工学部 住環境デザイン学科 問題は100点満点で作成しています。

2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

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Page 1: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

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2018年度一般入試 前期B日程[2/9] 入試問題

1 時 限

54 英 語

(法 学 部)(外 国 語 学 部)(経 済 学 部)(経 営 学 部)(理工学部住環境デザイン学科)


Page 2: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

Ⅰ 次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。(38点)

1 Because of their military applications, unmanned aerial vehicles better

known as drones have acquired a negative image with much of the general

public. This image is unfortunate because drones have⑴

numerous other usages that

might prove⑵

beneficial to society.

2 First, drones can be very helpful in cases of natural disaster. High-flying

drones can track and⑶

monitor approaching storms much better and far more safely

than any manned aircraft. Once a storm strikes, drones can then tirelessly search

the disaster area to seek those in need of emergency care. With earthquakes, flood

and tsunami relief, drones can quickly⑷

detect survivors and help rush rescue

workers to the most desperate areas of need. Drones also provide invaluable help

in looking for individuals lost at sea or deep in mountainous terrains*. Human

eyes tire and blink, but drone eyes are always open.

3 Drones are also useful in various work-related fields. The most obvious of

these might be in the area of security. Drones can patrol from above and can spot

intruders* far more efficiently than⑸

fixed cameras or watchdogs. Drones can also be

used in agriculture, where they can treat fields and orchards with pesticides* and

nutrients in a manner far more accurate than simple spraying by hand or even by

airplane. In the future, drones might even be used in construction, where they will

be able to fly building materials to places that are difficult to⑹

access otherwise.

4 However, the best applications for drones might be in photography. Photo-

journalists can use drones to take pictures of large outdoor⑺

gatherings, such as

political rallies or sporting events. Shooting pictures from above might have appeal


everyday people as well. A couple, for example, might enjoy having their

outdoor wedding ceremony filmed from the air, or universities might one day

⑼employ drones to take shots of entrance or graduation ceremonies held outside.

Photos from above might offer unique and amazing views of important milestones

in life.

5 Thus, drones are not only for the military. They can play a helpful and

creative part in many areas of modern day society.

(Source: Active Training for Reading and Writing through 15 Topics, Otowatsurumi, 2016)

―〔13〕―1 ―

Page 3: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

(注) mountainous terrains* 山岳地域,地勢

intruders* 侵入者

pesticides* 殺虫剤

問1 下線部⑴~⑼の語句の文中での意味として最も適切なものを,A~Dの中から一つ選びな


⑴ A infrequent B similar C various D uncommon

⑵ A useful B original C dreadful D impractical

⑶ A prevent B avoid C stabilize D observe

⑷ A catch B assist C find D answer

⑸ A portable B unmovable C changeable D remarkable

⑹ A build up B get to C take out D work with

⑺ A meetings B accidents C exhibits D clubs

⑻ A punctual B special C average D busy

⑼ A invent B terminate C focus D utilize

問2 ⑴~⑸の質問の答えとして最も適切なものを,A~Dの中から一つ選びなさい。

⑴ According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true?

A Drones move on the ground.

B Drones are used by the army.

C Drones have pilots.

D Drones only have one purpose.

⑵ According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true?

A Disaster victims can be better located by rescue workers on the ground.

B Airplanes can go higher than drones to investigate bad weather.

C Drones can keep humans safe both before and after disastrous storms.

D Rescue workers are reluctant to use drone technology.

―〔13〕―2 ―

Page 4: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

⑶ According to paragraph 3, which of the following is true?

A Security cameras should be installed in workplaces rather than using


B Drones may be more effective than fixed cameras for finding crimes.

C Drones can be programmed to transmit electricity onto fields and


D Construction sites are dangerous places for drones to fly over because of

the equipment.

⑷ According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true?

A Newspaper journalists like taking photos outdoors with large cameras.

B Wedding companies advertise that they use drones to take photos.

C Drones may prove popular to photograph many kinds of events.

D Photos and videos taken from the air look outdated.

⑸ Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A Drones and Their Uses

B Drones and Photography

C How Drones were Invented

D Military Drones

―〔13〕―3 ―

Page 5: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

Ⅱ 1~10の英文の空所に入る最も適切なものを,A~Dの中から一つ選びなさい。(20点)

1.I’ve been to Taiwan once. I there three years ago.

A have been B went C have gone D go

2.When the telephone rang, Emma dinner.

A is making B was making C will make D can make

3.I have a friend sister is a fashion designer.

A whose B who C which D that

4.This university is the biggest in the country.

A two B twice C second D two times

5.There was audience at the concert last night.

A much B many C a deep D a large

6.Make sure that happens to them while they are in the US.

A nothing terrible B terrible anything

C terrible something D terrible nothing

7.I need to ask my mother to send to buy all the textbooks for the new


A me enough money B money me enough

C enough money me D enough me money

8.I’m so excited and am looking forward you and your family again.

A meet B to meet C meeting D to meeting

9.I harder during the summer vacation, but I was into music at that time.

A should study B should have studied

C study D studied

―〔13〕―4 ―

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10. you see is not always reality.

A That B Which C As D What

―〔13〕―5 ―

Page 7: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

Ⅲ 1~5の日本文と同じ意味になるように,A~Gの語句を並べ替えて英文を完成させ,

( 1 )~(15)の空所に入るものを記号で答えなさい。ただし,文頭に来る語句も小文字で表



The new action movie( )( 1 )( )( 2 )( )( 3 )( ).

A the B will be C of D at

E released F next week G end


When you( )( 4 ), ( 5 )( )( )( 6 )( )for a hotel


A be B make C to D a reservation

E take F sure G a trip

3.ハワイでホストファミリーと過ごしたことは, 彼女には新しい経験でした。

( 7 )( )( )( )in Hawaii was a( )( 8 )( 9 )her.

A a B for C with D new

E staying F experience G host family


Think more( ), ( 10 )( )( 11 )( )( 12 )( )the


A won’t B able C carefully D you

E be F or G to solve


I’ll( )( 13 )( )as soon as possible( 14 )I can( )( 15 )

the event( )you are going to organize.

A know B whether C participate D you

E in F let G that

―〔13〕―6 ―

Page 8: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

Ⅳ 1~5の会話の空所に入る最も適切なものを,A~Dの中から一つ選びなさい。(15点)

1. Takeru: There’s a new hamburger shop opening next week.

Mark: I know.

Takeru: Me neither. Do you want to go there together?

Mark: I’d love to.

A I can’t wait.

B I don’t like hamburgers.

C I heard about it on the news.

D I want to work there.

2. Jenny: What are you going to do for the summer vacation?

Emi: I haven’t thought about it. I’m just so busy with work these days.


Emi: That’s good advice. I need a break.

A Why are you taking a trip?

B How’s your job these days?

C Why don’t you work harder?

D How about going somewhere tomorrow?

3. Ron: Mom, I think I’ve lost my keys.

Mother: That’s terrible. Where did you last see them?


Mother: Well, they aren’t there now.

A On the kitchen table.

B I can’t remember.

C I saw them recently.

D You should keep better track of them.

―〔13〕―7 ―

Page 9: 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題 1時限 · 2018-05-17 · 解答 用紙 番号 54 の解答用紙に解答しなさい。 〔13〕 2018年度一般入試前期B日程[2/9]入試問題

4. Clerk: Would you like to buy some fresh-baked cookies?


Clerk: We sure do. How many would you like?

Customer: I’ll take a dozen.

A Have you sold a lot of cookies today?

B Do you have any chocolate chip?

C Are they really homemade?

D Did you make them yourself?

5. Jotaro: Are you ready for the test today?

Sally: Oh, no! I forgot to bring a pencil.


Sally: I would really appreciate that.

A I could lend you one of mine.

B I could borrow one of yours.

C Sorry, I don’t have any pencils.

D I’m sorry to hear that.

―〔13〕―8 ―

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Ⅴ パッケージに書かれた情報を参照し,1~3は空所に入る最も適切なものを,4は最も適切な


―〔13〕―9 ―

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1.The information on the box includes .

A when the product will be in the supermarket

B the year the biscuits were made

C the exact location of the company

D the traditional recipe of how to make orange biscuits

2.According to the information on the box, .

A it goes better with coffee than with tea

B the product was famous in the early 20th century

C organic sugar is used in this product

D it is not suitable for customers with a nut allergy

3.According to the information on the box, the product tastes better .

A after being put into the freezer

B before a specific date

C if shared by two people

D when served with fresh butter

4.According to the information on the box, which of the following is NOT true?

A The company produces a different type of biscuits as well.

B Customers can purchase three regular boxes for the price of two.

C More than half a century has passed since the company started.

D The bakery does not use any artificial colorings in this product.
