201610276167 目目 目目目目目目目目目目目 1 1.1 调调调调 2 1.2 调调调调调调 8 目目 19 2.1 Analysis of Robinson Crusoe 19 2.2 Analysis of Tom Jones 21 2.3 Analysis of Jane Eyre 24 2.4 Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale 27 目目目 Reading Studio 目目 30 3.1 调调调调调 30 目目目目 目 31 4.1 调调调 31 4.1 调调调 32 1.1 1调查问卷及数据分析 报告1 1.1调查问卷2 1.2 数据分析报告8 读书会成果 1 9 2.1Analysis of Robinson Crusoe19 ... 散文 往往是英语学习的高级阶段,这一点从英语专业本科

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Page 1:调查问卷及数据分析 报告1 1.1调查问卷2 1.2 数据分析报告8 读书会成果 1 9 2.1Analysis of Robinson Crusoe19 ... 散文 往往是英语学习的高级阶段,这一点从英语专业本科


目录调查问卷及数据分析报告 1

1.1 调查问卷 2

1.2 数据分析报告 8

读书会成果 19

2.1 Analysis of Robinson Crusoe19

2.2 Analysis of Tom Jones 21

2.3 Analysis of Jane Eyre 24

2.4 Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale 27

公众号 Reading Studio 介绍 30

3.1 公众号介绍 30

个人心得体会 31

4.1 严佳梦 31

4.1 毛江玉 32



Page 2:调查问卷及数据分析 报告1 1.1调查问卷2 1.2 数据分析报告8 读书会成果 1 9 2.1Analysis of Robinson Crusoe19 ... 散文 往往是英语学习的高级阶段,这一点从英语专业本科


1.1 调查问卷六级各项成绩与英语原版阅读现状的相关度调查问卷

大三的同学们六级成绩也算尘埃落定了~小伙伴们战果如何呢~有没有兴趣来一份问卷帮小编提供数据呀! 小编打算调查一下大家六级各单项得分情况和现阶段英语原版阅读情况,为研究两者相关度做数据准备,最后通过公众号为你们量身定做英语学习建议,促进共同学习共同进步啊 填表为新学期攒人品,感谢大家的大力支持哟😘😘 💕💕

1. 您的六级分数在哪个区间? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 600+ (超级学神膝盖给你)   ○ 551-600 (学霸带我飞)   ○ 481-550

   ○ 425-480

   ○ 391-424

2. 您的听力得分区间? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 200-249

   ○ 150-199

   ○ <150

3. 您的阅读得分区间? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 200-249

   ○ 150-199

   ○ <150


Page 3:调查问卷及数据分析 报告1 1.1调查问卷2 1.2 数据分析报告8 读书会成果 1 9 2.1Analysis of Robinson Crusoe19 ... 散文 往往是英语学习的高级阶段,这一点从英语专业本科


4. 您的写作与翻译得分区间? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 173-212

   ○ 127-172

   ○ <127

5. 您对六级中哪项分数最不满意? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 口语   ○ 听力   ○ 阅读理解   ○ 写作与翻译

6. 您是否有阅读英语原版读物的习惯?(包括书籍、期刊、小说、传记等等 “无声材料”;以及在原基础上增加配套的视频、音频的有声材料或者像“电子书”、期刊网站、手机应用这种与互联网相关的电子材料。 注意本问卷均🈯课外阅读哟!) [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 有   ○ 无

7. 您从什么时候开始阅读英语原版读物(包括英文原版绘本)? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 幼儿园   ○ 小学   ○ 初中   ○ 高中


Page 4:调查问卷及数据分析 报告1 1.1调查问卷2 1.2 数据分析报告8 读书会成果 1 9 2.1Analysis of Robinson Crusoe19 ... 散文 往往是英语学习的高级阶段,这一点从英语专业本科


   ○ 大学   ○ 从未阅读过

8. 您进行英语原版阅读的频率是? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 每日   ○ 每周一次   ○ 每月一两次   ○ 每学期一两次   ○ 一年一两次   ○ 几乎从未阅读过

9. 您平时阅读一次英语原版读物的时间是? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 0~1h

   ○ 1~3h

   ○ 3~6h

   ○ 6h 以上

10. 您经常或喜欢阅读的类型? [多选题] [必答题]

   □ 小说故事类   □ 应试类(翻译范文等)   □ 新闻类   □ 名家演讲稿类


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   □ 诗歌戏剧散文类   □ 其他

11. 您选择的阅读平台主要是? [多选题] [必答题]

   □ 纸质书(小说、期刊等)   □ 电子书(kindle 等)   □ 网站(经济学人、时代、Ted 演讲等)   □ 手机 APP(可可英语,扇贝阅读等)   □ 其他

12. 您选择英语原版阅读的理由是? [多选题] [必答题]

   □ 想读的文章没有中文翻译或译文质量太差   □ 对英文表达的偏好   □ 希望提高英语水平(词汇量、语法等)   □ 外界要求(家长、老师等)   □ 开拓视野,增加知识面   □ 为出国留学做准备

13. 是否习惯于声读(读出声那种哟)? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是   ○ 否

14. 是否更愿意找带有音频的阅读资料学习?(比如演讲稿、新闻稿、诗歌等) [单选题] [必答5

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   ○ 是   ○ 否

15. 是否习惯于用笔或手指读? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是   ○ 否

16. 是否习惯于精读(必须了解 80%以上的文意)? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是   ○ 否

17. 一遇到生词时,是否必须停下来查字典,非要弄懂每个单词的意思? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是   ○ 否

18. 是否会通过阅读来扩大自己的词汇量(遇到不认识单词时,查出来记在笔记本上)? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是   ○ 否

19. 在阅读时是否会在心中把英文翻译成汉语? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是6

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   ○ 否

20. 附带中文译文的会时常与原文对比吗? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 会   ○ 不会

21. 是否会在阅读时留意句型并揣摩,有时积累下来并运用到写作中吗? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 会留意,但不会积累   ○ 会留意并记下来   ○ 都不会

22. 在读到自己感兴趣的文章时,是否会感觉阅读起来更快,在考试时碰到做题正确率更高吗? [单选题] [必答题]

   ○ 是   ○ 否

23. 您认为英语原版阅读提高了您的哪些能力 [多选题] [必答题]

   □ 听力   □ 口语   □ 阅读理解   □ 写作与翻译

24. 您对六级中哪项成绩最满意? [单选题] [必答题]


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   ○ 听力   ○ 阅读理解   ○ 写作与翻译

1.2 数据分析报告大学生六级应试表现与英语原版阅读的相关度调查研究报告


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—以华政 14级学生为例一、 引言在当今全球化以及文化交融的背景下,人们越来越希望尽早与国际接轨,因此英语学习被认为是终身学习中的一个重要部分。 而我国的英语教学是外语教学,大部分学生从小就缺乏语言教学的实际环境,因而听说读写能力未能全面发展;而步入大学,对大家的英语水平的要求已经逐渐从应试上转变为素质上,不仅要擅长于语言的输入,还要产生有效的输出。而英语阅读恰恰是学生培养语感,积累语言经验的有效途径,同时也是一项最终的学习目的和手段。传统教学中一直存在着阅读材料来源不够地道,学生的原版英语阅读量不足等问题, 实际上原版英语材料的阅读在提高学生英语的综合素质方面有不可估量的作用那么,其究竟对于英语听读写译有什么具体影响呢?我们是否能够从中得出启发并为大家的英语学习得出什么实用建议呢?带着这些问题,我们对参加 2016 年大学英语六级考试的华政大三年级学生做了一次问卷调查。二、 问卷调查结果及分析调查方式:此次调查采用电子与纸质问卷相结合的方式,获得实际有效问卷 288 份,回收率为 96.3 。为更好地对比, 我们队收集和计算结果均采取百分比的方式。1. 总得分分布(按照学界普遍的划分标准):600 以上 41 人 14.68 %

551至 600 55 人 18.75 %

482至 550 77 人 27.08 %

425至 480 78 人 27.08 %

391至 424 37 人 12.5 %

2. 各科成绩分布:听力和阅读满分为 249,按照优秀(80%)和合格(60%)的标准将得分分为三档,分别是:<150 分、150~199 分以及 200~249 分;以同样方法,将总分为 212 的写作与翻译部分得分分为三档,分别是:<127 分、127~172 分以及 173~212 分 。听力:


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从饼状图可以看出学生在笔试成绩的三项中阅读的优秀率最高( 41.67 %),其次是听力(27.08 %)、写作和翻译(18.75 %);同时最不理想的分数(合格以下)分布在听力项最多(31.25),其次是写作与翻译(27.08 %),最后是阅读(8.33 %)。这些数据恰恰证明了我们在项目立论阶段的观点,那就是由于多年的传统应试化教育,学生善于被动听课,师生之间的互动性较弱,忽略了学生英语组织与表达能力的培养。我们的同学本就在语言输出部分缺乏锻炼,加上写作和翻译在教学中所占的比例较少,写作也通常是考试前一段时间突击背句型……这些都导致了学生在这些技能上普遍较薄弱。由于接下来调查的 4 个问题(3~6)之间是相互联系的,为避免忽略它们之间的相互作用以及使分析过程过于繁杂,我们直接将同学们的六级总得分与这些因素进行相关度分析。3. 你是否有阅读英语原版阅读的习惯?



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毋庸置疑,培养阅读习惯对英语学习的重要性十分巨大。在日常自发的原版英语阅读过程中,由于信息来源广、涉及方方面面,同学们有效处理信息的能力和速度会在不知不觉中提高。如果每天或隔天的阅读量达到了一定程度,同学们会对英语形成“浑然一体”的感觉,之后再遇到六级试题就会萌生“一览众山小”的自信心,因为它们的绝大部分都局限在科技、经济以及环保等问题上。调查数据显示,有英语原版阅读习惯的同学中有超过半数六级总分达到了 550 分及以上,其余也都达到了 425 分以上。相比之下,没有英语原版阅读习惯的同学只有约 22 %达到 550 分及以上,同时还有不可忽略的一部分( 18.75 %)同学处于极低分层(391~424 分),主要得分聚集在 425至 550之间。这些同学往往都是遇到考试“临时抱佛脚”,只留出一个月的时间采用按照考试题型去分门别类攻破的办法刷题,然而如此零敲碎打练下来肯定感觉自己的英语仍然“支离破碎”,不堪一击。如果同学们能在平时学习生活中有意识地多看各个方面的英文材料,英语能力一定会取得巨大的进步。

4. 你从什么时候开始阅读英语原版读物的(包括原文原版绘本)?高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(550 以下)同学:

结果显示,更大比例的在六级考试中获得高分的同学首次接触英语原版读物的年龄比获得较低分的同学要小,尤其有 1/4 在幼儿园时期就有所了解。更早地培养英语阅读习惯不仅有利于训练阅读时注意力的集中,还有利于扩大词汇量。早期的英语书籍都会


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5. 你进行英语原版阅读的频率是?高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(550 以下)同学:

6. 你阅读一次英语原版读物的时间是?高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(550 以下)同学:



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中有一部分(18.75 %)坚持每日阅读英语原版材料,而这个数据在较低分同学中是 0;另外,大部分(37.5 %)获得高分的同学也会保持每周一次阅读的习惯,相比之下有43.75 % 获得较低分的同学几乎从不阅读英语原版读物。虽然有学者认为学习英语的总时间长对学习效果的意义不如接触英语的频率高,但是学习本身就是一个知识与时长积累的过程,在上面花费的精力和时间越少,获得高回报也不会有太大期待可能性。调查显示,有 25 % 获得高分的同学尝试过一次阅读 3 小时以上,其中 3/4甚至有保持 6 小时以上阅读的经历,然而对于获得较低分的同学来说这些数据均为 0。

7. 你是否习惯于声读?听力获得高分(200至 249 分)的同学:

其他(得分 200 以下)同学:

问及是否习惯于声读(读出声音)时,总体来说大部分同学给出否定回答;但听力获得高分的同学中回答肯定的人数比例更大(46.15 %),超过其他得分同学约 12 %。这一结果验证了我们之前的预料,因为我们的听力试题涉及不同的时间、地点、题材,同时要求学生们在听完录音后马上做出反应,如果同学们能在进行英语原版阅读的过程中适当地朗读,那么不仅是嘴、耳朵被动用,我们的大脑也在同时工作,从而抓住了读、背、理解三个英语联系的关键点,当然有利于提高英语听力,在考试中的这一部分获得高分。

8. 在阅读时,你是否更愿意带有音频的材料?听力获得高分(200至 249 分)的同学:


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其他(得分 200 以下)同学:

如上图所示,大多数(69.23 %)听力成绩达到优秀水平的同学偏好带有音频资料的英语原版阅读材料;相比之下,有一半多听力成绩还待提高的同学对此没有特别要求。众所周知,多听对于听力考试是一定有帮助的,如果能自主自愿地去听,对声音产生要求,那么这样的帮助会更大;而这一点与英语原版阅读材料结合起来,裨益会更多 。针对不同的材料附带的音频,大家听的体会与感觉也会有所不同。比如对于来自不同世界国家的新闻来说,美音和英音是一主要区别;有时听到记者的采访,中东国家,亚洲国家的说英语者的口音又是千差万别……所以在不断的听的过程中,大家的辨音以及听力理解能力就会大大提高。

9. 阅读附带中文译文的材料时会时常与原文对比吗?会这样做的同学写作与翻译得分情况:



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10. 在阅读时会留意句型并揣摩,有时积累下来并运用到写作中吗?会的同学写作翻译得分情况:


大部分英语期刊杂志或网站、APP 等出于供大家学习的目的往往会在英语文章结尾附上对应的中文译文。由上表可见,总体来说有超过一半的同学在六级考试中的写作与翻译这一部分只能拿到中庸的成绩,即介于合格与优秀之间;但值得注意的是,有 1/4 在阅读时有意识对比原文和译文的同学在这一部分表现出色,能达到优秀水平;而相比之下不会这样做的同学中只有 1/10获得优秀分数,还有相当一部分(35 %)同学在这一部分尚未达到合格成绩。每一门语言都有其独有的特性,因此汉英互译也有独特的技巧,这些都是通过反复揣摩前人的译文和原文以及具体语境总结而来的规律。我们的六级考试的翻译部分的主题其实很局限,大多与人民的政治、经济生活息息相关,如果同学们对于这些领域的文章和译文够熟悉,看得够多,心里对于一些翻译的“套路”就会逐渐有个清晰的了解。针对第 10 题,我们也得到了类似的数据,那就是在阅读时会留意句型并揣摩积累下来并运用到写作中的同学中有较大部分获得优秀,较少不合格。其实,原版阅读材料相比于应试的阅读文章的最大值得学习的地方就在于其词句的使用地道、灵活,涵盖的语言知识十分广泛,如果同学们能够有意识地积累、记忆,就会慢慢产生对英语语言的直觉认识,从而克服汉语的干扰,形成英语的思维定势。对于他们来说这部分知识将会具有很强的实用性,一旦有效运用于写作当中,就能写出自然的英语,而不是搭配奇怪的中式英语,写作的分数自然就上去了。


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11. 你认为英语原版阅读提高了你哪些能力?高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(得分 550 分以下)的同学:

这道问题主要是为了研究同学们对自己学习成果的认识程度,继而反映出他们是否有在进行英语原版阅读将资源利用最大化。由表可见,超过 80 %的同学肯定了这项学习活动给自己阅读理解水平带来的提高,同时不少人(> 45 %)认为它还加强了写作和翻译的能力。然而关于原版阅读对听力和口语水平的影响,高分同学和较低分同学之间存在分歧:总分在 550 以上的同学中各有 25 %意识到了原版阅读对于他们听力和口语这两项与声音有关能力的提高;而相比之下,其他获得较低分的同学中只有 18.75 %认为原版阅读对他们的听力成绩有帮助,肯定对口语能力提高的同学更少,只占了 12.5 %。

以下两个问题旨在对比不同得分的同学平时关于英语阅读的一些偏好,以探究他们不同的阅读习惯,或许能够为低分同学的英语学习提供一些建议。12. 你经常或喜欢阅读的类型是?

高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(得分 550 分以下)的同学:16

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你选择的阅读平台主要是?高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(得分 550 分以下)的同学:

第 12 题的调查结果显示,大部分同学(50 %~60 %)都偏爱阅读小说故事类的英语原版文章,接着依次是新闻类、应试类、名家演讲稿类。但是比起其他同学( 6.25 %),获得高分的同学中有更多同学喜欢阅读英语诗歌散文(12.5 %)。首先小说中引人入胜的情节能够激发同学们继续读下去的兴趣,而为了在考试中取得高分,多读应试类的阅读材料 也不足为奇,但值得注意的是明显有更多六级获得高分的同学喜爱阅读名人的演讲和诗歌散文。演讲稿的文字不像其他书面作品那样用词正式,大多数偏口语,穿插有俚语,加之话题多样,观点众多,大家在阅读的过程中不仅拓宽了知识面,还能够为写作积累素材。而且大部分演讲稿都能找到对应的音频或视频,学生们不会感到枯燥乏味。诗歌散文往往是英语学习的高级阶段,这一点从英语专业本科的课程设置就能体现,文学课往往都开在大学三年级,对学生的理解和分析能力要求很高。所以 ,如果学生们开始主动阅读起这方面的英文作品,那么说明他们已经在尝试挑战自己,也不再将自己的英语水平局限于满足应试的要求。同时,不同得分群的同学们使用的阅读工具和渠道也有所不同。高分同学更善于使用著名的外国期刊杂志网站(50 %)和纸质书(43.75 %),其次是具有强学习针对性的手机 APP(37.5 %)和电子书(18.75 %);而相对得分较低的同学最主要的阅读途径是手机 APP(50 %),其次是纸质书(34.58 %)、网站(31.25 %)以及电子书(21.88 %)。如今各大英语学习的 APP 几乎都是为应试做准备的—譬如帮助学生记忆单词的百


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13. 你选择原版阅读的理由是?高分(550 及以上)同学:

其他(得分 550 分以下)的同学:

我们选择这道问题以探求同学们学习的目的和动机。结果显示,在我们列举出的选项中,希望提高“英语水平和开放视野”、“拓宽知识面”为大多数同学们选择英语原版阅读的理由,紧随其后的是“想读的文章没有中文翻译或译文质量太差”以及“个人对英文表达的偏好”。这一点为我们提了个醒,确实现在自媒体发达,几乎每个人都可以把自己的翻译作品发布在网络上促进交流和进步。但是,作为学习者或者高要求的信息获取者,大家要提高辨别能力,不要把一些中国作者杜撰出来的英文作品奉为经典,过于仔细研读,不然会取得相反的效果。同时值得注意的是,总成绩获得高分的同学中有 12.5 %是为了出国留学做准备,而这一数字在得分相对较低的同学中较低,只有 3.13 %;我们并不是建议大家为了提高英语成绩去报名一个有关的语言考试,


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并针对其恶补练习相关提题型,但是这项数据确实提醒了我们:有这样一个动力并为其了解更多领域的知识是有利于系统地提高我们的英语学习能力的,并且十分高效(因为往往语言考试复习的战线不会拉太长,一两个月左右)。三、总结此次问卷调查的对象只有一个年级的学生,因此调查结果存在一定的局限性,但是通过调查,我们还是获得了不少重要的信息。由于多年的传统应试化教育,学生善于被动听课;上了大学之后,大多数同学将主要精力放在专业课上,平时对英语的关注度不够,在语言输出部分缺乏锻炼,这些都导致了学生在具体英语运用技能上的普遍薄弱。通过问卷,我们发现较多在六级考试获得高分的同学首次接触英语原版读物的年龄小,所以可能同学们养成阅读的习惯越早越好,越有利于为同学们初步阅读奠定基础。同时我们还尝试找出不同的阅读习惯—譬如有多久一次,一次多长—等与同学们具体的得分差异之间的联系。接着我们猜想这些差异产生的原因,并设计了几个更深入的问题验证它们,具体按照听、读、写的顺序,包括是否习惯于声读、是否更愿意找带有音频的阅读资料学习、是否会通过阅读来扩大自己的词汇量、在阅读时是否会在心中把英文翻译成汉语、附带中文译文的是否会与原文对比、是否会在阅读时留意句型积累下来运用到写作中等问题,得到的数据结果基本上都验证了我们在题干表达出的猜想原因。我们认为一个人动机是直接推动一个人进行行为活动的内部动力,所以我们向大家的阅读动机发问,数据结果向我们展示了一些内在动机( 拓宽知识面、提高英语水平)对同学们进行阅读的主导作用以及一部分外在动机(想读的文章没有中文翻译或译文质量太差,老师或家长的要求)的重要作用。最后为了给同学们提供关于英语原版阅读的建议,我们设计了一些具体的关于阅读喜好的问题,譬如同学们喜爱阅读的类型、平台等等,我们针对一些获得高分的同学们进行了分析,希望这些能够对大家以后的阅读方向提供一定帮助。

2.1 Analysis of Robinson Crusoe

Character Analysis of Robinson Crusoe

Rebellious and zealous about travel as Robinson Crusoe is

described in his youth, he starts his long and rough adventure, 19

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which in the end brings misfortune and leaves him self-fend in a

primitive land. During the dangerous but marvelous experience,

Robinson’s mental and spiritual development is chronicled, which

shows many aspects in his character.

First, Robinson is a grand epic adventurer. Ignoring his

father’s remind (that a middle-class existence is the most stable)

and disregarding the fact that his two older brothers are gone

because of their need for adventure, he is driven by his immature

decisiveness and begins his tough journey, during which he gives

up his would-be comfortable life a second time.

Second, Robinson is undeniably a great optimist who has a

strong will in life. He transfers human desire of survival into the

self-adaption to the harsh environment. He takes many provisions

from the ship. During the 27 years in the island, he recreates his

English life, building homes, necessities, learning how to cook,

raise goats and crops.

Third, cautiousness and practical ingenuity is shown in

Robinson’s character. When he first steps in this completely distinct

island, he is stunned initially for being suddenly thrust into a very

unfamiliar situation. Still, he is level-headed and calculating

enough to realize that he must ransack the wrecked ship for

provisions. Although he has not seen other signs of life, he

immediately sets out to hide himself and all his possessions from

plain view.

Forth, Robinson has a heart of integrity and sympathy. When he

sees a footprint, and later observes cannibalistic savages eating

prisoners. He is filled with outrage, and resolves to save the

prisoners the next time these savages appear. Some years later

when they return, Using his guns, Robinson scares them away and


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saves the savages.

Further, Robinson has terrific devotion to the Christian religion,

or as an indication of his extreme pride in himself and his beliefs.

When he discovers a footprint in the island, he constantly resort

and refer to his religion, hope an answer from his god. When he

reads the Bible, he becomes less sick. Christianity is the

psychological crutch for him, a metaphorical healer of his body and


Last, Robinson reflects the image of an ambitious colonizer as

well as the historic trend of primitive accumulation of capitalism.

He isn’t trying to recreate his former world, but a world that never

existed, in which he is no longer middle-class but a powerful ruler.

He comes to appreciate his sovereignty over the entire island, tries

to use a boat to explore the rest of the island, and accepts Friday

his servant.

In bringing so many sides together into the main character,

Defoe gives us a fascinating glimpse into the successes, failures,

and contradictions of modern man.


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2.2 Analysis of Tom Jones

The Reasons Why Tom Jones So Successful

Despite its critics in Fielding’s 18th century, The History of Tom

Jones, a Foundling retains an eminent place in the English literary

canon for its ambitious exploration of human nature. There are

many reasons leading to its wide popularity for so many


First, the structure and arrangement of plots:

The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling provides the panoramic

view of the 18th century English country and city life with different

places. It has an excellent plot construction— eighteen books of

epic form divided into three sections, 6 books each, clearly marked

out by the change of scenes: in the country, on the highway and in


The eponymous hero of the novel, Tom Jones, is believed to be

an illegitimate child of low birth, but is brought up as a gentleman.

He is handsome, generous, popular and passionate. Along with

time and space progressing, the novel introduces the debut of

many other typical characters from different social classes, and

charts Tom’s progress to adulthood and his pursuit of true love,

Miss Sophia Western. With so many extremes manifested—comedy

and tragedy, low and high society, moral and base, it successfully

catches both readers’ eyes and sentiment.

Second, the theme:

Fielding began writing Tom Jones in 1746, in attempting to

portray the nuances of real life, he believed human nature has


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capacity for good and evil, and wanted to explore those


In addition, the novel vividly re-presents the profit-first social

background at that time, and incisively reveals a cruel social truth

which resonating among people over many ages: there is a gap

between different social classes, and almost unavoidably, a man will

be judged by his status and wealth. Under such circumstance, Tom

Jones’s story begins. Mr. Western doesn’t allow him to meet with

Sophia because he is an illegitimate son denied the right of

inheritance. When Tom flees to London, he is driven out and

insulted by the landlady after he finds all his money is stolen… but

all in all his character develops in the whole process. For the

author, it’s also an exploration of writing with ambitious endeavor.

At its time, the episodes of casual sex were frequently cited as

inappropriately advocating and defending immoral behaviors.

However, Fielding's intent is (as stated in the Preface) "to

recommend goodness and innocence” and face the realities of

human behavior directly.

Third, the way of building characters:

The novel was innovative in its clear description and

characterization, which offered more authentic representations of

people and situations than other contemporary works. Fielding was

aware of the depth and breadth of Shakespeare's work, and

endeavored to capture such complexity in his own writing. His

purpose, to present human nature to the reader, is expertly

managed. Fielding wanted Tom Jones to be a realistic hero—a man

with appetites, strengths, failings and feelings whose transition

into virtue took time and struggle, rather than being accepted as



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Also the other 40 major characters’ shaping is unsurpassed—

they help Tom to step on the road to be more mature. Tom’s

relationship with Molly teaches him that women may not be

constant; his devotion to Black George, and the theft of his bank

notes by the same, shows him that the desire to rise from poverty

can be stronger than friendship. Blifil’s cruel attempts to destroy

his half-brother indicate that greed can be stronger than family

loyalty. However, each of them undergoes a learning process, and

redemption is offered to anyone who seeks it.

Apart from Tom’s different aspects concerning his view of

relationships, it’s not hard to find other use of contrast in this

novel. For example, the notable one between Tom and Blifil shows

extremely opposite human nature. Tom treats others with kindness

and compassion, and always ready to help: he takes every effort to

help Mrs. Miller and her daughter out of trouble; he would be

willing to support the family of Black George, a servant, by

frequently stealing apples and ducks… By contrast, Blifil is

hypocritical, mean and extremely sophisticated although very

young. He disguises himself with fine manner in front of Mr.

Allworthy and Sophia, but only cares about his part of legacy when

his uncle is badly ill, and even insists on announcing his mother’s

death to him at that time. His selfishness, snobbishness and

cunning present an opposite perspective of human nature.

Still, the real emotion input by the author:

Based upon Fielding's much-loved first wife Charlotte Cradock,

the heroine of the novel, Miss Sophia Western is described to be an

intelligent and beautiful young woman—“her mind was every way

equal to her person; nay the latter borrowed some charms from the

former.” We can feel Fielding’s deep affection for his wife embodied


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in the character of Sophia, and that’s why her existence is so

gracious and natural, seeming to make Tom’s insistence on going

after her a matter of course.

Undoubtedly, Tom Jones brings freshness and stylistic diversity

which entertain and challenge readers and writers for decades to

come. For Fielding, he has achieved his goal of writing and

exploring, and ultimately put forward the course of world


2.3 Analysis of Jane Eyre

Character Analysis of Jane Eyre

Brontë describes five specific stages of Jane Eyre's growth over the course of the novel: first, her childhood among oppressive relatives; second, her time as a student at Lowood School; third, her months as a governess at Thornfield Manor; fourth, her time with her cousins at Marsh's End; and finally, her return to Thornfield Manor and marriage to Mr. Rochester. Jane Eyre’s personality is vividly presented through her struggling with the forces of opposition in each of these stages.

Seeking for independence and autonomyIn this novel, Jane begins as an angry, rebellious, 10-year-old

orphan and gradually develops into a sensitive and fiercely independent young woman. In each stage of the novel, Jane is met


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with fierce opposition from those around her, often because of her low social class and lack of economic independence. Yet, Jane maintains her independent spirit, growing stronger in her beliefs and ideals with each conflict; Jane's inferior position as a governess evokes her thirst for independence, both financial and emotional. On the one hand, she rejects marriages to Mr. Rochester, because she understands that their marriage - one based on unequal social standing - would compromise her autonomy. On the other, Jane rejects St. John’s marriage proposal, because marrying him under such circumstances (St. John believes that she would be suited to missionary work in India and thus, asks her to marry him) would mean forfeiting her rights to a life of passion and love. Losing her autonomy in such a way is unacceptable and also a certain intrusion on her independence.

Fortunately with the inheritance from her uncle, Jane becomes an independent woman and can take charge of her own destiny; only at that time does Jane allow herself to marry Mr. Rochester.

Strong belief in gender equalityIn that age, Jane Eyre is dare to fight against patriarchal

domination—against those who believe women to be inferior to men and try to treat them as such. She escapes Brocklehurst, rejects St. John, and leaves Rochester at the first time: they are all misogynistic on some level, and try to keep Jane in a submissive position.

In the end, Jane comes to Rochester only after ensuring that they may marry as equals; Moreover, with the loss of eyesight, he becomes vulnerable and dependent on her; he can no longer maintain his former position as the superior male.

A trust in GodThroughout the book, Jane never stops her search for a proper

set of religious values. She rejects the extremist models of Brocklehurst, Helen Burns, and St. John, but frequently looks to God in her own way. When her wedding is interrupted, she prays to God for solace; as she suffering from poverty and starving, she puts her survival in the hands of God. She strongly objects to Rochester’s lustful immorality, and she refuses to consider living with him while church and state still deem him married to another woman. She credits God with helping her to escape what she knows would have been an immoral life.

For Jane, religion helps her control immoderate passions, and spurs her to achieve self-knowledge, and more importantly, to keep 26

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complete faith in God.

Maintain principles of human dignity, morality and self-esteem

Jane’s refusal to marry Mr. Rochester after the revelation of his marriage to the insane Bertha Mason demonstrates that she possesses the moral and ethical superiority in the relationship; she wouldn’t sacrifice her dignity and integrity for the sake of instant gratification, since having known all the truth. Also, in comparison to Miss Ingram’s gold-digging inclinations toward marriage, Jane shows her belief in the importance of self-esteem.

Strong-mindedInstead of upholding the extreme Christian doctrine of

tolerance and forgiveness silently as Helen, Jane reacts with her anger at the mistreatment from Mr. Brocklehurst.

“Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?-a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?” “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.” These are what Jane said to Mr. Rochester against class prejudice, which indicate that she is a strong-minded woman, always be positive about loyalty love based on the respect of self-worth.

Intelligent and thoughtfulJane senses that there must be some secrets in Thornfield

Manor, and it is also her that discovers something unusual and therefore saves Mr. Rochester from the danger of burning to death. And Mr. Rochester is actually attracted to her wit and thoughtfulness when she gets along and talks with him. Jane’s intelligence and calm morality express a far greater personal beauty than that of any other character in the novel, and the author clearly intends to highlight the importance of personal development and growth rather than superficial appearances.

Throughout the book, Jane constantly searches for family, for a sense of belonging and love. Despite that she is Poor in her living 27

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condition, she is huge in soul. Although having met with so many threats, Jane Eyre sticks to her own principle and belief toward life, to challenge the Victorian prejudice against woman and poor. Her efforts bring her a satisfying ending.

Jane is an intelligent, honest, plain-featured young girl forced to contend with oppression, inequality, and hardship. Although she meets with a series of individuals who threaten her autonomy, Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice, human dignity, and morality. She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment. Her strong belief in gender and social equality challenges the Victorian prejudices against women and the poor.

2.4 Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale

Appreciation & Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale28

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“One morning Keats took his chair from the breakfast-table to the grass-plot under a plum-tree, where he sat for two or three hours…” reads in Brawne’s description. This is the beginning Keats’ poetic feelings on the song of the nightingale… Structure (time and space change)

Keats opens his poem by describing the pleasure brought by the song, which is so intense that either numbs him or cause pain—he is in a dreamy, Romantic state: as though he must have drunk hemlock (an ancient poison used to kill, among others, Socrates) or have taken opium. He totally loses himself, whom is regarded as sinking "Lethe-wards" (Lethe is one of the five rivers of Hades, whose power was to wash away memory).

Escaping from the conflicted state of felling joy and pain at the same time, Keats moves into a world of imagination or fantasy—describing drinking and the world associated with wine. He would like to taste “a beaker full of the warm south” and “fade away into the forest dim” with the bird.

However, in the third stanza, the poet pulls himself back from the imagined world of wine-and-joy by his awareness of reality. The bird has no idea of “the weariness, the fever, and the fret”, while men (himself) have to experience the “sorrow”, “despairs” and the process that “youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies”.

But suddenly, the poet turns to fantasy again—he wishes to join the bird to fly into the imagined world of darkness. There, flowers bloom and die, seasons come and go, reminding him his mortality and draws him to the death within the nightingale’s music.

He expects a state of death merging with the song, but then acknowledges that if he were dead the song would go unheard (ears in vain). In Keats’ eyes, the bird is immortal by continuing its voice and music generation after generation. By contrast, human beings are “born for death”

In the end, the poet returns to the real world and the bird flies away to another spot to sing.

So, evoked by the nightingale’s music, Keats explores the paradoxes of immortality and death, imagination and reality during the change through time and space.

Rhetoric1. Synaesthesia: “sunburnt mirth”, “flora”, “the green countryside” are experienced by Keats through drinking wine in his imagination when he cannot see in the darkness.. 2. Alliteration: “singest of summer”, “beaded bubbles”.


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3. Repetition: “Away! Away! For I will fly to thee”.4. Parallelism: “Adieu1 the fancy cannot cheat so well…Adieu! Adieu! Thy plaintive anthem fades.”5. Simile: “ the very word is like a bell, to tell me back from thee to my sole self”6. Personification: “the viewless wings of Poesy”, “the Queen-Moon is on her throne”—capitalized “P” and “Queen”.7. Contrast: “Cluster’d around by all her starry fays; But here there is no light.” Keats contrasts the world of the nightingale with his own, real world: one (the nightingale's) has a visible moon, and the other (his) does not, so that he remains in darkness. 8. Ancient Greek mythological figures: drunk hemlock (an ancient poison used to kill, among others, Socrates). "Lethe-wards." (Lethe is one of the five rivers of Hades, whose power was to wash away memory.). "Dryad of the trees:" (Dryads were Greek mythological beings who embodied the spirits of trees). Hippocrene fountain (which was dear to the ancient Greek muses).

Theme1. The imagined/ideal versus the experienced/real There is a constant struggle between these two worlds in "Ode to a Nightingale". On the one hand, Keats desire to fly into the eternal ideal world with the bird, but shows his deep sympathy for and keen understanding of human miseries on the other. He keeps come into and pulled out from the fantasy of the bird’s song, which brings him both rapture toward beauty and pains of his mortality. As the poem ends, the trance caused by the nightingale is broken, but Keats is still wondering whether it is a real vision or just a dream.2. MortalityHaving lost his father when he was at age eight, his mother at fifteen, and his brother at twenty-three, Keats was forced to reckon with the human condition from an early age. So mortality is one of the poet's major preoccupations, it is addressed directly in the poem: the nightingale serves as a metaphor for immortality—nature is always “dying” but always alive, forever “changing” but always the same; however, life is full of temporary changes, as the imagination brought about by art will return individuals back to reality. 3. The nature worldNature of beauty is the greatest impetus for Keats’ poetry.The detailed descriptions of plants show his extreme


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appreciation for the natural world. For him, the natural world represents a kind of Eden, and is the only environment which comes close to mirroring the idyllic world of the imagination.4. RomanceBy “But on the viewless wings of Poesy, Though the dull brain perplexes and retards…” Keats' constant focus on the impossibility of achieving artistic fulfillment during his lifetime shows Romantic tradition.

Emotions The nightingale's song, unchanged, was heard by the ancients

as clearly as it is heard today, but the bird cannot know the affairs and concerns of men of mortality. Although in Keats' world, there is only darkness (the human society contains inescapable misery), he contemplates a beautiful, "rich" death; he declares that he will not “drink wine”, instead, he will achieve bliss by writing this poem—a wish to live in a realm of Platonic perfection -- this time, of Poesy (poetry).

In Ode to a Nightingale, Keats keeps confused and reflecting—the reality is always disappointing, while the imagination always brings happiness and wonderfulness. However, the creativity of poetry and the rapture it brings enriches his soul so greatly. The nightingale’s song gives him the ideal of beauty and the exploration of life.


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首先非常感谢你关注 Reading Studio,希望它对你今后的英语阅读能有或多或少的帮助。欢迎关注私戳留言分享!首先呢,跟大家谈谈阅读。大家开始学习英语的时间有早有晚,但并不意味着学英语的时间越长,英语阅读水平就越高。一个人的阅读速度可以极大地体现他的阅读水平 。要想提高阅读水平,关键在于提高阅读速度。有许多小朋友会认为背单词是万能的,背了单词,阅读速度自然就加快了。确实,一定量的词汇量可以帮助你更好地理解文章,提高阅读速度,但是若是没有平时良好的阅读习惯,尽管认识了所有的单词,却对着几十页的 paper耐不下心,往往只能看个标题,我就是深受其害啊,之前背了几本单词书,但对阅读及其没有耐心,只有在考试时,才被逼着,认认真真地看文章,吃了大亏。在考试过程中,我们就容易产生焦躁的心理。所以,培养良好的阅读习惯是非常地有必要的。不管是四六级、雅思托福、考研,还是 GRE,LSAT 这样的大boss考试,阅读都至关重要。一周一篇的精度也是很有必要。下面,我就推荐五个私藏的阅读网站给大家,包括了历史、科学及有点深度的杂志,对长文章的阅读还是挺有帮助的。(有些上不去的话,翻墙就可以了)1.www.newyorker.com

2. www.scicentral.com






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心得体会 在项目申报成功后, 作为项目负责人,我和我的队员一起自主完成项目过程的设计 ,以及实验设计与实施过程,并独立进行相关实验数据的分析处理,最后要能根据实验情况撰写总结报告。在此过程中,我们充分发挥创新精神和自我学习能力、团结协作能力和组织实施能力。 自 16 年 12 月立项以来,我策划开展了五次读书会活动,每次选定一本英国或者美国文学著作,大家一起讨论,可以说在小范围内培养了大家的阅读意识和阅读热情。五次读书会活动可以说一次办得比一次好。起初,周围同学没有什么参与热情,而且我把范围局限在了本学院的同学中。第一次的效果不是很佳,因为大家的英语阅读水平相近,而且作为同专业的同学,思维角度也相似,所以没有什么思维的碰撞,最后甚至有点无聊。之后,吸取了第一次的经验教训,我做出了不少改进。首先,在范围上,我请同学们帮助宣传,邀请了不少别的学院的同学,并且根据大家的兴趣来选择阅读书目,并且让大家对读书会的讨论题目先思考,准备好一部分的发言内容,之后便取得了比较好的效果。大家讨论的内容深度加深了不少,并且大家的积极性也很高 。由于之前寒假的原因,一共只开展了五次,但是在接下来的日子里,我将继续组织读书会,并且努力扩大读书会的规模和范围,让大家不仅仅局限于背单词刷题这样的英语学习方法,提高大家的英语原版阅读热情,提高英语学习能力。 在立项之后,我还开通一个微信公众平台账号“reading stuido”。这是基于当今微信公众平台的盛行以及大家习惯于利用碎片时间阅读公众号,并且微信公众号的推广比较容易,运作成本比较低。在开通微信公众号后,我不定期地发布一些阅读技巧,英语文章以及阅读应试的干货。 项目的开展需要学会自主的学习,这是参加大学生创新训练项目与课堂学习最大的不同与收获。平时的课堂学习,老师都会给我们强调什么是学习的重点,同时又通过课下作业进行强化,把握知识相对较容易;但是在项目中,遇到的问题往往需要宽广的知识面及一定的开发经历解决,没有人能直接的告诉你问题原因所在,不能及时的解决问题。在这种情况下,自己就要能够分析出问题可能出现的原因,并通过网络资源及相关书籍进行学习,与自己的实验条件等信息进行比较,经不断的修改去解决问题。因此,具有自主学习的能力显得比较重要。 在后期的大创中,我将与我的队员一起协作,以一丝不苟的科研精神和探索精神做好后期的工作。

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心得体会很荣幸在 2016 年下半年申请了大学生创新创业训练计划,并获得了校级立项。


大学生创新项目是高等教育教学改革中促进人才培养模式和教学方法创新,鼓励和支持大学生尽早参与科学研究、技术开发和社会实践等创新性活动的有效方式,它能不断提高大学生的创新精神、创业精神和实践能力等各种能力,激发探索精神,培养团队精神。通过这四个月的实践,我对这段话有了切身体会。我负责的工作主要是针对“大学生在英语六级测试中的应试表现与英语原版阅读相关度”进行调查问卷的设计,并撰写数据分析报告。虽然我们在 16 年 12 月开始了项目的实施,但距离上一次六级成绩出分已经过去了不少时间,因而许多同学对各项成绩的记忆都模糊了,所以我决定在 17 年 2 月份六级成绩出分后的两天里集中分发问卷收集数据。这让我意识到要高效地完成一项工作,时机至关重要。在问卷设计的过程中,我遇到了许多苦难,因为我是英语专业的学生,对问卷设计,如何选择样本,控制变量,提问数量多少和选项的设置都没有准确的理论指导。所以在初期的时候,我像只无头苍蝇,对问卷改了又改,力求能够最大限度地被调查者接受,并且能够准确反映数据。每次修改问卷后,我都先让周围的同学试做,根据他们对问卷的反馈意见再作出修改。此外,我还请教了我校其他学院的同学。设计完问卷,在问卷发放的过程中,吸取前人的经验,我也选择了线上问卷和线下问卷同时发放的策略,以扩大样本数据。在此过程中,非常感谢同学们和老师帮我的转发,最终一共收回了五百多份问卷。虽然在问卷设计和发放过程中我已经遇到了一些困难,经历了一些波折,但在数据分析和数据报告撰写时,我才真正感受到了力不从心。如何分析不同变量之间的联系,如何用图表清晰地反应数据结果,这些对于英语专业的我来说还是挺困难的。但是我没有就此放弃,在指导老师和队员的帮助下,我渐渐领会到了门路,最终完成了数据分析报告。


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