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  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Microsoft® OcialCourse

    Module 1

    Evaluating the Environment for


  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Module Overview

    Overview of Microsoft Virtualization

    Overview of System Center 212 !2Com"onents

    Evaluating the Current Environment for


    • E#tending Virtualization to the CloudEnvironment

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $esson 1% Overview of MicrosoftVirtualization

    &i'erent (y"es of Virtualization

    )hat *s Server Virtualization+

    )hat *s &es,to" Virtualization+

    )hat *s -etwor, Virtualization+)hat *s .ser State Virtualization+

    )hat *s /resentation Virtualization+

    )hat *s 0""V+

    • )hat *s Cloud Com"uting+

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    &i'erent (y"es of Virtualization






    User State




  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s Server Virtualization+

    • Server virtualization%• Create and run multi"le com"uter o"eratingsystems on a single "hysical com"uter

    • ost servers share resources with all virtualmachines

    • osted on Microsoft y"erV

    • 0llows you to detach the com"uter hosting aservice or role from the hardware on which it runs

    • 0lmost all server wor,loads can now run onvirtual machines

    • .se server virtualization to reduce thenum3er of "hysically de"loyed servers4 and

    to o"timize resource utilization

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s &es,to" Virtualization+

    • Clientside virtualization%• 0llows virtual machines to run on clientcom"uters

    • /rovides an a""lication com"ati3ility solution 3yallowing users to run virtualized instances of

    earlier o"erating systems and a""lications

    • V&*%• .sers connect to client com"uters that arerunning as virtual machines on a central server

    • .sers can run their their a""s and access theirdata on the virtual machine from any com"uteror device that su""orts !emote &es,to" clientsoftware

    • !educes hardware costs

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s -etwor, Virtualization+

    lue virtual machine







    Blue network  Red network 

    -etwor, virtualizationallows isolation ofmulti"le virtual networ,s

    on a "hysical networ,

    Server virtualization runsmulti"le virtual serverson a "hysical server

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s .ser State Virtualization+

    • /rovides a consistent e#"erience for

    roaming users wor,ing from any devicelocally or remotely using V&*

    • Stores a""lication and o"erating system

    settings centrally so they are availa3le onany com"uter the user signs in to thedomain

    • )or,s with locally installed a""lications4

    0""V a""lications4 and !emote0""a""lications

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s /resentation Virtualization+

    • !emote &es,to" Services allows either a

    des,to" or an a""lication that is running ona server to dis"lay on a client• !emote des,to" dis"lays an entire des,to"

    • !emote0"" dis"lays 7ust the a""lication interface

    • 0llowing a""lications to run on the serverand 3e used on a client• 0llows a""s to 3e run on )indows !( and non

    Microsoft devices• 0llows users to run a""s with resourcere8uirements 3eyond device ca"a3ility

    • &oes not re8uire local installation of a""4 3ut

    allows 9le associations

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s 0""V+

    • 0""V virtualizes a""s 3y a3stracting them

    from the o"erating system•  0""V a""s dis"lay to users as if they areinstalled locally

    0""V allows incom"ati3le a""s to run side3yside on the same o"erating system

    • 0""s can 3e streamed from the server ondemand or de"loyed as :msi 9les

    • Sim"li9es the "rocess of u"gradinga""lications

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s Cloud Com"uting+

    • Cloud com"uting features%• /u3lic4 "rivate4 and hy3rid cloud

    • SaaS

    • /aaS

    • *aaS

    • Cloud com"uting 3ene9ts%• !educe com"uting costs

    • *m"rove delivery times for infrastructure and

    a""lication services• Ensure availa3ility of services

    • Monitor "erformance of services

    $ 2 O i f S C 212

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $esson 2% Overview of System Center 212!2 Com"onents

    .sing Microsoft System Center 212 !2 to

    Manage a &ata Center

    Overview of VMM

    Overview of 0"" Controller

    Overview of O"erations Manager

    Overview of Orchestrator

    Overview of Service Manager• Overview of &/M

    . i Mi ft S t C t 212 !2 t

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    .sing Microsoft System Center 212 !2 toManage a &ata Center

    Data center

    Manage virtual environment

    (VMM, App ontroller!


    Service Manager!

    Manage physical and virtual components


    Delegate administrationand sel# service

    (App ontroller, DPM!

    $na%le %usinesscontinuity


    Monitorand report("perationsManager!

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of VMM

    .se VMM to manage%• 5aremetal de"loyment of virtualization hosts

    • Virtualization host and cluster creation

    • ost grou" management

    • Cross"latform management

    • Storage con9guration;networ, con9guration

    • *ntelligent "lacement;dynamic o"timization

    • /ower o"timization

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of 0"" Controller

    • 6ou can use 0"" Controller to%• Manage multi"le VMM instances

    • Manage multi"le )indows 0zure su3scri"tions

    • Su""ort selfservice virtual machine de"loyment

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of O"erations Manager

     6ou can use O"erations Manager to%

    • Monitor virtual machines4 virtualization hosts4and VMM infrastructure:

    • )or, with other System Center com"onentsincluding VMM to ena3le maintenance mode and

    /!O ti"s•

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of Orchestrator

    • Orchestrator is the Microsoft run3oo,

    automation "latform• .se Orchestrator in a virtualizationenvironment to%•

    0utomate virtual machine management tas,s• 0utomate virtual machine host managementtas,s

    • 0utomate VMM

    *nstall System Center integration "ac,s toautomate each System Center "roduct

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of Service Manager

    )ith Service Manager4 you can%• *m"lement service management4 as de9ned inthe *nformation (echnology *nfrastructure $i3raryand the Microsoft O"erations =ramewor, for yourvirtualization infrastructure

    • /rovide "rocesses for%• *ncident and "ro3lem management

    • Change control and life cycle management

    • Enforcing com"liance

    • Managing integrated systems using connectorsand solution accelerators

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of &/M

    &ata /rotection Manager "rovides%• VSS 3ac,u"s• y"erV itemlevel 3ac,u" and recovery

    • y"erV host and guest su""ort

    • *ntegration with O"erations Manager

    • *ntegration with other System Center 212com"onents

    • Selfservice functionality

    /rotection for $inu# virtual machines• )indows 0zure 3ac,u"

    $esson >% Evaluating the Current

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $esson >% Evaluating the CurrentEnvironment for Virtualization

    Evaluating Server Virtualization =actors

    Overview of Virtualization Solution0ccelerators

    0ssessment =eatures of the M0/ (ool,it

    &emonstration% 0ssessing the Com"utingEnvironment 3y .sing M0/

    • &esigning a Solution for Server


  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Evaluating Server Virtualization =actors

    )hen evaluating server virtualization4

    consider the following%• /ro7ect sco"e

    • ardware re8uirements

    • Com"ati3ility

    • 0""lications and services

    • Su""orta3ility

    • $icensing

    0vaila3ility re8uirements

    Overview of Virtualization Solution

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Overview of Virtualization Solution0ccelerators

    Virtualization solution accelerators include%• M0/• -onMicrosoft tools ?im"ort ma"s out"ut@

    • *nfrastructure "lanning and design guides

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    0ssessment =eatures of the M0/ (ool,it

    • &iscovery

    • *nventory

    • ardware con9guration• Servers

    *nfrastructure ?Shared storage and networ,@• Virtual Server Consolidation )izard

    • /rivate Cloud =ast (rac, )izard

    &emonstration% 0ssessing the Com"uting

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    &emonstration% 0ssessing the Com"utingEnvironment 3y .sing M0/

    *n this demonstration4 you will see how to

    use M0/ for "lanning Server Virtualization4including%

    • *nstall M0/

    .se M0/ to collect inventory data• .se M0/ to collect "erformance data

    • Create a hardware con9guration

    &esigning a Solution for Server

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    &esigning a Solution for ServerVirtualization

    • &etermine "ro7ect sco"e

    • $ist wor,loads to 3e virtualized• &esign 3ac,u" and fault tolerance

    • &esign storage and networ,

    • &etermine de"loyment and management


    $esson A% E#tending Virtualization to the

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $esson A% E#tending Virtualization to theCloud Environment

    )hat *s )indows 0zure+

    )indows 0zure Services

    Virtual Machines in )indows 0zure

    E#tending 6our &ata Center

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )hat *s )indows 0zure+

    0 "u3lic cloud o'ering from Microsoft that

    delivers the following service models%• /aaS

    • *aaS

    • SaaS

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    )indows 0zure Services

    • ompute•

    )e3sites4 virtual machines4 mo3ile4 and cloud services• Data Services

    • &ata management4 &*nsight4 3usiness analytics43ac,u"4 recovery manager

    App Service• Media services4 messaging4 5iz(al, services4 identity4


    • &etwork • Virtual -etwor,4 (rac Manager

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Virtual Machines in )indows 0zure

    • 0re 3uilt from scratch

    • 0re de"loyed from tem"lates including)indows4 .3intu4 CentOS

    • ave "reinstalled a""lications such as SB$

    Server4 Share/oint4 5iz(al,4 Microsoft VisualStudio

    • Can 3e customized and 3uilt from usertem"lates

    • 0re 3uilt from on"remises virtual hard dis,sand then im"orted

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    E#tending 6our &ata Center

    • )indows 0zure Virtual -etwor,

    • )indows 0zure /ac,

    $a3% Evaluating the Environment for

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $a3% Evaluating the Environment forVirtualization

    E#ercise 1% Selecting the 0""ro"riate

    Virtualization Method

    • E#ercise 2% 0ssessing the Environment 3y.sing M0/

    $ogon *nformation

    Virtual machines% 2A5$O-C$12A5$O-&C1

    .ser name% Adatum'Administrator/assword% Paw)rd

    Estimated (ime% AD minutes

    $ 3 S i

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $a3 Scenario

    0: &atum Cor"oration is a mediumsized manufacturing com"anythat has four su3sidiaries: Each su3sidiary has several hundred

    em"loyees and its own data center: 0ll su3sidiaries are connectedwith highs"eed networ, connections: 0: &atum *( infrastructureuses only "hysical servers:

    0: &atum is ra"idly e#"anding: (o "rovide greater e#i3ility andthe ca"a3ility to res"ond 8uic,ly to ra"idly changing 3usiness

    environments4*( management has decided to virtualize many of the e#istingservers4 and de"loy as many new servers as "ossi3le as virtualmachines: 0: &atum is "lanning to ado"t y"erV on )indowsServer 212 !2 as their virtualization "latform:

    0s a senior server administrator at 0: &atum4 you are res"onsi3lefor "lanning and im"lementing the virtualized infrastructure: (he9rst ste" in de"loying the virtual environment is to analyze thecurrent 0: &atum *( infrastructure4 and to identify the a""ro"riatevirtualization methods for di'erent 3usiness re8uirements: *n

    addition4 you also need to evaluate the e#isting servers and

    $ 3 ! i

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    $a3 !eview

    *n M0/4 what is the "ur"ose of the )indows

    0zure Virtual Machine Ca"acity feature+

    • )hat ste"s do you need to ta,e 3efore youcan run the &es,to" Virtualization /lanning


    M d l ! i d ( ,

  • 8/20/2019 20409B_01


    Module !eview and (a,eaways

    !eview Buestions

    5est /ractice

    • Common *ssues and (rou3leshooting (i"s