28 Days To Your New Future A Nexera LLC e-Book 2003 by Michael S. Clouse Week One Listen – 7 Times: Building Your Network Marketing Business Read – 7 Times: The Seven Truths Instant Everything? Don’t Ask Me, I’m Already In The Seven Truths... Building your life of magnificence 2003 by Michael S. Clouse A wise man once defined success as a refined study of the obvious. How true. Most of what we need to know, say, and do to achieve mastery in Network Marketing could be easily taught—and understood—by a 12 year-old. Why then are we making this business so difficult? Let’s agree to start teaching The Seven Truths of Network Marketing to those who actually want to create their own destiny, and leave the rest of the world alone. After all, we’re involved in a great industry, with terrific people, offering unprecedented opportunity. And we should be proud to speak the truth... 1) Network Marketing is a business. Networking is a unique form of enterprise, and you’ve got to understand the game you’re playing. Therefore, mentally consume every page of your distributor manual the day it arrives. Listen to your audio training programs again, and again, and again. Like a song on the radio, you learn the lyrics by hearing the music one more time. 2) Freedom by the numbers. Understand the numbers, and your compensation plan. Start by involving three or five people, whatever number of legs and leaders your plan dictates. By your fifth year, the commissions paid on your invested efforts could well equal a mid six-figure annual income. After that, the sky’s the limit. 3) Attend every live event.

21-Days To Your New Future · 28 Days To Your New Future ... The weekly presentation is part of the process. ... buttons like the ones Herbalife made popular in the ‘80s?

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Page 1: 21-Days To Your New Future · 28 Days To Your New Future ... The weekly presentation is part of the process. ... buttons like the ones Herbalife made popular in the ‘80s?

28 Days To Your New Future A Nexera™ LLC e-Book 2003 by Michael S. Clouse Week One Listen – 7 Times: Building Your Network Marketing Business Read – 7 Times: The Seven Truths

Instant Everything? Don’t Ask Me, I’m Already In

The Seven Truths... Building your life of magnificence 2003 by Michael S. Clouse A wise man once defined success as a refined study of the obvious. How true. Most of what we need to know, say, and do to achieve mastery in Network Marketing could be easily taught—and understood—by a 12 year-old. Why then are we making this business so difficult? Let’s agree to start teaching The Seven Truths of Network Marketing to those who actually want to create their own destiny, and leave the rest of the world alone. After all, we’re involved in a great industry, with terrific people, offering unprecedented opportunity. And we should be proud to speak the truth... 1) Network Marketing is a business. Networking is a unique form of enterprise, and you’ve got to understand the game you’re playing. Therefore, mentally consume every page of your distributor manual the day it arrives. Listen to your audio training programs again, and again, and again. Like a song on the radio, you learn the lyrics by hearing the music one more time. 2) Freedom by the numbers. Understand the numbers, and your compensation plan. Start by involving three or five people, whatever number of legs and leaders your plan dictates. By your fifth year, the commissions paid on your invested efforts could well equal a mid six-figure annual income. After that, the sky’s the limit. 3) Attend every live event.

Page 2: 21-Days To Your New Future · 28 Days To Your New Future ... The weekly presentation is part of the process. ... buttons like the ones Herbalife made popular in the ‘80s?

The weekly presentation is part of the process. You need to be in attendance every week—to see the presentation again. Remember the music? You need the association, and the environment to showcase your company for your prospects. True, not everyone attending every meeting earns $10,000 a month. However, everyone earning $10,000 a month attends every meeting. Now that’s a refined study of the obvious. 4) Work only one company. Leaders understand this truth, because no man or woman can serve two masters. 5) Have a compelling written “Why?” Success in Network Marketing is 20% how to, and 80% why to... The best part is, if your reasons are strong enough, you’ll learn everything you need to know along your journey. 6) Invest in yourself first. Some people are still trying to earn a year 2002 wage, using a 1982 education. It can’t be done. If you want to earn more, you’ve got to learn more. Therefore, read all the books, attend all the classes, and learn everything you possibly can. 7) Decide in writing you’ll be here a year from now. Long-term written goals possess the power to pull you right to the top of your company. Put your dreams for your future on paper, and begin building your life of magnificence. The great Winston Churchill once said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” The Seven Truths. All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Instant Everything? It’s time we stop the insanity! 2003 by Michael S. Clouse

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Man stands in front of that rectangular shaped, nuclear-particle devise some call a microwave, mumbling under his breath, “Come on, come on, why is this thing taking so long?” All I can do is shake my head, and wonder if anyone ever informed our got-to have-it-yesterday guy the reason we call it a lunch-hour? Personally I’m sick of it, and I’ve got a few things to say—so make yourself another cup of instant coffee, dump in a little non-dairy creamer, nuke some breakfast goo, and allow me to explain why it still need a lifetime to become an overnight success. Who are these idiots placing ads in opportunity seekers magazines promising instant riches—with no downline to build—because they will do all the work for you? Just fax in your application—along with your required sucker fee—sit back and relax. Easy street here you come! How did we allow ourselves to get swept up in this instant mentality? And why do so many continue to believe the lies perpetuated in our own industry? Let me give you some examples of what I mean. Now keep in mind that these are actual Network Marketing adds taken from several business magazines: • HUGE INCOME! $10,000 1st month! I did. So can you. (800) 775-XXXX, Extension #1853 • MLM BPEAKTHROUGH! Downline built for you guaranteed! No fees or hassles. (800) 372-XXXX • YOU CAN EARN CASH DAILY! Call (800) 820-XXXX! Then call (703) 368-XXXX And on, and on, and on it goes. The promise of no work, massive income, and all with zero risk. What could be better than that? How about the truth? If you really want to build a long-term successful business in Network Marketing, this is what you will need to do: A) Select the right company, and make a life-long commitment. By the way, you’ll know you’re with the right company if a resounding “yes” is your answer to these two questions: 1) If there wasn’t a business model attached to my company’s product(s), would I be buying them? And, 2) If I made a purchase (again without an opportunity to profit) would I be so excited by the benefits received, that

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through casual conversation I would share my experiences with friends, family, and business associates? B) Investing eight to ten hours a week, one Saturday per month, and one weekend per quarter over the next two to five years. Following your company’s proven business plan, you should be able to replace your full-time income. After that, the sky’s the limit. And if your company doesn’t have a proven business plan, well, that would be a clue... C) Start sharing the business with your friends, family, and business associates. Tell the story, show the plan, and them ask them if they would like to start dreaming again. After all, Network Marketing leaders know that we sell more dreams than all our products, goods, and services put together. Last and certainly not least, avoid anything, and anyone who offers you their 30-day shortcut to success. Because if it won’t take two to five years to build, it’s not a business, it’s a game and one you probably won’t want to play. All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Don’t Ask Me, I’m Already In 2003 by Michael S. Clouse Prospecting... It’s the name of the game! And most of us have invested countless hours in our never-ending quest for that elusive “perfect approach.” Yes, it seems many of us are still searching for the “one-liner” that when properly given would transform even your most uninterested prospect into a marketing maven. After all, somewhere out there is the world’s next Networking Superstar just waiting to be discovered. So, if we agree that prospecting is “the name of the game,” and we can further agree that there is a lot more talent to be found...well then, I have a question for you. Why do we all seem to be contacting each other? Now, don’t tell me you’ve not had the pleasure of being “introduced to a new company” just to “get your professional opinion” on the hottest new program to come along since 3M inadvertently invented the post-it-note? If you’re like me, you probably receive five or ten

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new “offers” every week, and for some time now I’ve been keeping track of the commonalties. Interested? Thought you might be... So far, I’ve narrowed these solicitations down to two things they seem to have in common. All promise their opportunity is “the best” and they acknowledged me as someone who’s already in the business. The letters, faxes and e-mails all have that same tone: Dear Colleague, Dear Professional, and sometimes even, Dear Network Marketer. What’s the deal here? Aren’t these people aware that only two percent of us are involved in Network Marketing? And therefore, 98 out of every 100 people aren’t already in? Wouldn’t it make more sense for us to write, call, or go see the other 98 prospects? So please—Don’t ask me, I’m already in! And about that “but I only want to contact experienced people” line—well, I don’t buy it... Because if you really wanted to sponsor someone who’s already trained, why aren’t you calling Triple Diamond Crown Ambassador Bill Britt, or Texas Networking legend Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, or Network Marketing company owner and Dean of Personal Development Richard Brooke? These people are trained, polished and wouldn’t require much of your time. Of course, you may need to spend the rest of your life just trying to sponsor them. You know, there’s got to be a better way to introduce the beauty and power of Network Marketing to all those millions of outsiders, and I think I’ve got it! What if we all wore buttons like the ones Herbalife made popular in the ‘80s? You remember: “Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How.” Only with a different slogan. That way, we would all know who to approach and who to skip. Don’t Ask Me, I’m Already In It’s simple, to the point and who knows, maybe it will even start a conversation that allows you to sponsor your next superstar. All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse Week Two Listen – 7 Times: Create Your Future Read – 7 Times: How You Can Create Your Future

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Five Steps To Greatness Creating Your Master Plan

How You Can Create Your Future ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse Two simple steps: 1) Spaced Repetition 2) Heightened Emotional Experience. Spaced Repetition: Pots – 4,000 Songs – One More Time. The Fundamentals: Prospecting – Presentation – Duplication – Leadership. Focus On One Area Monthly: Read A Book – Listen To Audio Programs – Take A Class. Spaced Repetition: Works Every Time – Works Over Time. Heightened Emotional Experience: Life Changing Event – Compelling Movie Scene. Heightened Emotional Experience: Immediate Results – Not “On-Demand” – Be Actively Involved. Two simple steps: 1) Spaced Repetition 2) Heightened Emotional Experience. “There is nothing wrong with being ignorant at first as long as your goal is to become intelligent over time.” —Michael S. Clouse All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Five Steps To Greatness 2003 by Michael S. Clouse Been traveling quite a bit lately... Dallas, Texas. Home. Bozeman, Montana. Home. Charleston, South Carolina. Home. Kelowna, B.C. Canada. Home. And many of you have been asking, “Why the interest in accumulating a few thousand more frequent flyer miles?” Good question, with a simple answer: You would be amazed at what you can actually learn, “On the road again...”

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In Dallas, keynote speaker, Jim Rohn gave the greatest one-liner I’d ever heard, when he suggested to his audience of three thousand, “If one of you were missing, there wouldn’t be this many people here!” Inclusive leadership material. Classic Rohn. In Montana, spoke to a group of associates who were building an amazing business, using systems-based marketing. Quite impressive... And got to meet one women, Heidi, who has redefined the term, “selling machine.” What I learned in five days is worth millions. In Charleston, had the good fortune of investing a long weekend with two of this industry’s best, Frank and Teresa Aucoin. Through our conversation, Frank shared the following five steps, which I immediately incorporated into the formal presentation. Although I received the standing ovation, Frank and Teresa deserved the credit. To experience the Aucoin’s wisdom, next time you sponsor someone into your business make sure you teach them Five Steps To Greatness... 1) Get Plugged In Communication. It’s the name of the game. Therefore, every time you start someone new in the business, plug them in! E-mail, Web Site, Voicemail, Corporate Magazine, Your Upline’s Newsletter, Local, Regional, and National Events. Whatever your company and support team offers—make sure that everyone you’re working with gets plugged in! 2) Master Your Core Product Line Study one core product per day, until you understand all the benefits! And remember the old adage, facts tell, stories sell. Therefore, make sure you’ve mastered three great stories for every product that you offer. 3) Understand Your Compensation Plan Sit down with your Upline and review the audiotapes, videotapes, or attend the class. Whatever it takes for you to learn how you are paid, and how those who join you will be paid. Again, memorize the plan and the “lifestyle” stories... You know, how David and Mary bought that car, financed their children’s University education, or retired 15-years early. 4) Learn The Ways To Build Your Business How many different ways are there to build your business? Retail sales, preferred customers, group sales, one-on-one, or two-on-one presentations, business events, trade shows, advertising, executive recruiting, the Internet, etc. The secret is to uncover all the ways successful people are building, and then select one or two that work for you... Stay

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within your comfort zone, and you’ll succeed quicker—because you’ll continue to do that which is easy to do. 5) Take All-Out Massive Action Sometimes we forget that we need to get out into the marketplace. Realize that a jet plane loaded with fuel, passengers, and destination already determined, will consume 80% of the runway before it ever gets off the ground. But those jet engines are all systems go... We’re talking full throttle here! Now some of us are just strolling down the runway at about 30-miles per hour—at that rate, all you will ever accomplish is to run out of runway! Indeed, after you’ve plugged in, studied your core product line, understand your compensation plan, and have chosen the best way(s) for you to build your business, you must take all-out massive action! Remember, this will require at least 8 - 10 hours per week, one Saturday per month, and one weekend per quarter, over the next two - five years. That is, if you’re truly interested in achieving time, and financial freedom! If you will master, Five Steps To Greatness, and teach this powerful concept to everyone you know—you will be well on your way to building your own empire.... Now get back to work! All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Creating Your Master Plan 2003 by Michael S. Clouse We have all heard it, “Eight to ten hours a week, one Saturday a month, and one weekend per quarter—for two to five years.” Referring, of course, to the investment of time—your time—needed to achieve success in Network Marketing. That declaration you will no doubt repeat, over, and still over again, commanded as if by affirmation, determined to convince yourself—sometimes before you even know why—that you can, no, that you will realize all your dreams... And as important as it is for you to understand exactly “what it will take” to reach that elusive status called “success,” I think we can further agree that it would be an equally good idea to actually know the things you are hoping to achieve—and why.

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To accomplish this, you’ll need to begin with some “futuring” as I call it, and move on from there. In this exercise, you’ll start by listing the ten most important accomplishments you desire to achieve during the next twelve months. Make your list quickly, without giving this a lot of thought; that way the odds are good you will bring to the surface your deepest desires—those ideals that are truly important to you. Always written in present tense, your “futuring” could look something like this: I drive a Lexus LS 400. I have more friends than I can count. I have more money than I can spend. People are always excited to meet me. I read ten pages of a good book each day. I pay myself first, and invest 10% of my income. I talk with two people each day about my business. I set aside one hour each day to further my education. I listen to audiotapes during my automobile drive time. My life is a masterpiece, because I design it that way. By the way, your list may look completely different. After all, this is your life, and you may design it anyway you choose—and you do need to choose, or others will decide your future for you. Because the universe can not operate in a vacuum, understand that every detail you leave out will simply be filled in by someone else. Therefore, after you have placed on paper the direction of your future, begin creating your Master Plan. For this portion of your life, you will need a daytimer, or a calendar of sorts—something you can use to record the details of your destiny... To accomplish this, we are going to need to schedule your year; months, weeks, days and yes, even hours—in that order. First, block out the commitments you have already made, and must continue to keep... This would include the hours you work a full- or part-time job, anniversaries, vacations, etc. Make sure you do this for the balance of the year. Now take another look at each and every month, and see if you missed anything; like family time, company functions, seminars you are going to attend, special events you might have missed on the first go-around, or a little time to just relax. Sadly, most people will never experience success, because they just let time go by—and it does go by—hoping against hope, that everything will somehow turn out okay... And then, before they realize it, life has passed them by. We have got to be better than that! Therefore, with all your priorities in place—written down in your planner—you can, perhaps for the first time, see how, and where, to invest in the future you really desire to own.

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Your two-on-one appointments, follow-up calls, and business briefings—write down the hours you have planned. Remember to schedule time to do your prospecting and your personal development too. In other words, find, and then put in writing, the “Eight to ten hours a week, one Saturday a month, and one weekend per quarter-for the next two to five years.” Because if you will just do a little preparing, and then take action—remembering to grow a little every day, becoming better and better—within two to five years they will call you “wealthy” in more ways than one. All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Week Three Listen – 7 Times: Prospecting 101 Read – 7 Times: Fourth Exposure 3-Ways

Seven Prospecting Secrets™

Apparently Activity Matters Most

Fourth Exposure 3-Ways... The best calls you’ll ever make 2003 by Michael S. Clouse David wasn’t sure what to do next... Seems he contacted an old friend about his new business two weeks ago. A former co-worker, Mary had expressed interest and even agreed—although a bit reluctantly—to review one of David’s business information paks. Still, each time David decided to follow-up, there was that nervous, uneasy, what-am-I-doing-wrong feeling right in the pit of his stomach. And to make matters worse, each time David called, Mary was just kind enough not to say no... Sadly, but for the moment, our fictitious friend David now found himself lost somewhere in that barren mental wasteland we call, “What-am-I-supposed-to-do-now?” What about you? Do you know any distributors like David? Perhaps intimately?

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True, one of the secrets to effective sponsoring is multiple exposures over a short period of time. But what are the steps to that elusive, upline driven, magical next presentation? If David is looking for a better way to advance his prospects, perhaps the following suggestion will work as well for you—ah, I mean for him—as it has for me. Fourth Exposure 3-Way Calls 1) Make your initial contact using a system. For purposes of this example, you’ll provide the initial exposure by 3-waying your prospect into your company approved, information-on-demand, five-minute business overview. 2) After your prospect has listened to your message, you’ll need to advance them to the second exposure. In this case, you’re going to have them pull your company’s fax-on-demand information. You could also direct them to your Web Site, or mail them your business information pak. 3) By this time, you might already have a new distributor, or your prospect may still need a little more information. This third exposure could include listening to a conference call, a two-on-one presentation with your sponsor, or an invitation to attend your local business briefing. The point is, your prospect needs something more, and you have a few options. 4) Once you have exposed your prospect a third time, your next step is that magical fourth presentation. Here, your upline will answer any remaining questions your prospect may have, validate the benefits your company offers, and ask them to join your business. Set up this fourth exposure by scheduling the call with your upline. Few things in life can be more unpleasant than trying to reach your sponsor with that hot prospect on the line, only to find out they’re not home—or worse, they can’t take your call. Next, for the benefit of both prospect and upline, it is extremely important that you begin your call with a brief recap. Something like this... “Michael, it’s David. I have Mary Smith, on the line with us. Mary and I go way back, and for the last few days she has been looking at the business... Mary has listened to our recorded message, reviewed the fax-on-demand information, and just finished surfing my Web Site. Mary mentioned she had a question regarding ______, and I suggested that you would be the best one to answer this... Mary this is Michael. Michael this is Mary.” Your next step is to listen, and learn everything you possibly can. When your upline is complete, they will turn control of the call back over to you, and that should sound something like this...

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“Mary, it has been a real pleasure speaking with you this evening. David and I work very closely together, and believe me, he can show you how to make this business work for you. I’ll go ahead and let the two of you finish up. And Mary, I am looking forward to working with you...” Fourth exposure 3-way calls—teach everyone the magic. All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Seven Prospecting Secrets Finding people to talk to— Talking to the people you find.... 2003 By Michael S. Clouse What if it’s true? What if there really were a series of simple, easily teachable, and very duplicatable techniques you could learn to quickly build your Network Marketing Empire? A well-defined system so powerful, that if applied, it would literally provide a never-ending source of new prospects for you to talk to… What would knowledge of that magnitude be worth to you? What would it be worth to your growing organization? What would it be worth to your ever-fattening bank account? Probably like you, I too was sponsored into this industry by someone who knew very little about the “how-to” aspects of actually building a business, and was told from inception that if my “Why” was strong enough, I would figure out the “How.” And so I continued searching, hoping to discover a method of somehow building this “thing” I had gotten myself into. I read all the books, attended the seminars, and mentally absorbed every idea I could find recorded on audiocassette tape. I became Editor-in-Chief of Upline® Journal, interviewed the great ones, and applied into my own business all that I had learned. Odd, but looking back those words given to me by my sponsor “Michael, if your “Why” is strong enough you will figure out the “How” turned out to be so extraordinarily true. My first true year in the business (1988) I spent over $10,000 advertising my opportunity to what can now best be referred to as an interesting demographic—those already in the business. Why? Because that’s what I thought would work. It didn’t. Along the way, I learned a new meaning for the word “Junkie” and that when the first question you hear

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from a potential business-builder is “What kind of compensation plan does your company offer?” this is most likely not your best prospect. I did work my warm market—I worked it right into oblivion! When your friends stop taking your calls, you can assume with a reasonable degree of accuracy that your tactics aren’t working—at least it’s a pretty good clue. Let me just state for the record that if anyone, at anytime, had even suggested that “it” might possibly work—I’ve no doubt tried “it” and “it” probably didn’t… Yet remarkably along the way I stumbled upon a few little known secrets that allowed me to build a strong, vibrant, and rapidly growing Network Marketing business. What is fascinating, and to you I would imagine significantly more interesting, is what I discovered along the way; simple non-advertising approaches that allowed me—and will now allow you—to quickly and affordably build a business in any city of your choosing… And most importantly, methods that I have successfully taught for years to many multiple generations of distributors. After all, if we’re talking about a skill set that only you can use, then very few follow suit. For maximum duplicatable success, we need to shift our thinking to, if anyone can, then almost everyone will. Indeed, it has been said that when solving mathematical problems we are best served to reduce our work to its lowest common denominator. And if we are to consider this business as we would a complex equation—reduced to its minimum—it would look like this: Network Marketing is about finding people to sponsor, sponsoring the people you find, and teaching those you involve how to do the same. True we could start a good debate—discussing all the facets involved in actually building an organization—but for purposes of this discussion, that is what we will consider Network Marketing to be… With this in mind, let us now consider The First Secret, reduced to its lowest common denominator. The First Secret “Ask Six People For Help” Whether you are 18 or 80, everyone knows six people. The interesting part is, that every one of those six people knows six more you’ve never met. In turn, those six you’ve never met, each know six more that those six have never met, and on it goes—until you have connected the entire world. From the richest man, to the poorest urchin struggling to eke out yet another meal—the most powerful, to the lowliest soul on our planet. Six people can indeed completely and totally network mother earth. So if you’re looking for slightly less than five billion people to join your company, this secret, if properly applied, will serve you well. Try this right now. Go grab a sheet of paper, a pen, and jot down six names…that’s right just six. These people can be anyone you know, and this is important, they must be contacts that you’ve not spoken to about your business. Read over the script below, and become comfortable with the wording, add in your company information, changing the

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script only slightly if you must. Then pick up the telephone, dial the first number, and using your custom printed words, experience the magic of the First Secret. You: Dialing the first number. Ring...ring...ring... Dave: Hello... You: Good evening is Dave available? Dave: This is Dave... You: Dave, my name is _______. I don’t know if you remember me, we met last summer at the company picnic down by the lake. Dave: Sure, I remember. You: Dave, have I caught you at a time when you can talk for a few minutes? Dave: Yes, I have a few minutes… What’s up? You: Good. Let me tell you why I’m calling… Dave, I’ve recently connected with an international company out of (city, state). It’s a (brief industry description) company that (time in business) ago launched the (benefit-driven product description). As a matter of fact, it’s had such tremendous success, that we’re expanding our business into the (Dave’s city) area. You: Dave, (your 30-second benefit-driven “Why would Dave want to get involved?” commercial here). There is some serious money being made. As a matter of fact, it’s the first (company product benefit statement) that allows the average person to actually profit from the future growth of (top-selling product benefit)! You: As I stated, we’re presently expanding our business base into the (Dave’s city) area… Dave, this is probably not for you, but you might know the types of people we’re looking for, and I was hoping you could help me out… Dave: If I can… You: Again, this is probably not for you, but I’d like you to take a look at some information on our company so that you’re familiar with what we do. And based upon that, I’d like to see if you might know the type of person we’re looking for… You: You see Dave, we are looking for people who are currently dissatisfied with their present employment. Those who are interested in earning a solid five-, to six-figure income on a very part-time basis. If you know anyone like that, I’d sure like to talk with them…

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Dave: Well, let me think…. You: Dave, before you put your reputation on the line and recommend anyone, again I would like you to get a better feel for what it is we do. I can get some information to you in a number of ways… (depending on what your company offers for a pre-exposure, you may want to offer Dave an opportunity to listen to your three-minute, prerecorded, business or product overview, have him pull your corporate fax-on-demand documents, or ask him to tour a selected portion of your Web Site. If he wants additional information, send him your pre-approach pack. Remember, you still need to see where Dave’s interests are, and qualify him before you send anything. After all, if Dave wouldn’t get involved, why would he recommend this to a friend?) what works best for you? This approach works because it eliminates the possibility of personal rejection. Using this script on a good day, almost anyone can go six for six every time. Six calls, six requests for help, and six new exposures to your business. Now the magic is in actually following through and getting them involved, or having them give you six more names to contact—those they believe might be interested. Either way you win! Another six calls, another six requests for help, another six exposures to your business. And on and on it goes… Using the above script, your six contacts will fall into one of two categories. First, they’ll take a good look, like what they see, and decide to get involved with you in the business. Second they may become customers and agree to give you referrals. How you follow-up on those referrals is… The Second Secret “Are You Open To Any Offers?” Knowing how to contact a referral is one of the least taught areas of our business. And yet it is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful ways to grow your enterprise. With your six referrals in hand, read over the script below. Become comfortable with the wording, add in your own company information, again changing the script only slightly if you must. Then pick up the telephone, dial the first number, and using your custom printed words, experience the magic of The Second Secret. You: Dialing the first number. Ring...ring...ring... Steve: Hello... You: Good evening is Steve Smith available? Steve: This is Steve... You: Steve, my name is _______, and although we’ve never met, we have a mutual acquaintance in (person’s name that gave referral). Tell me, have I caught you at a time when you can talk for a few minutes?

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Steve: Yes, I have a few minutes…. You: Good. Let me tell you why I’m calling… Steve, as I mentioned, we have a mutual acquaintance in Sue Williams. When Sue and I were speaking yesterday I mentioned that my company was expanding into the (Steve’s city) area, and asked her if she knew of any sharp people in (Steve’s city). Sue immediately mentioned your name as someone I should definitely speak with… Sue spoke very highly of you, and was impressed with your background. She gave me your telephone number, and I promised her I’d give you a call. Steve, I have a simple straightforward question for you… Are you open to any offers? Steve: Well, I must say that I’m flattered. What kind of business did you say this was? You: Steve, I’m working with an international company out of (city, state). It’s a (brief industry description) company that (time in business) ago launched the (benefit-driven product description). As a matter of fact, we’ve had such tremendous success, that like I mentioned, we’re expanding our business into the (Steve’s city) area. You: Steve, (your 30-second benefit-driven “Why would Steve want to get involved?” commercial here). There is some serious money being made. As a matter of fact, it’s the first (company product benefit statement) that allows the average person to actually profit from the future growth of (top-selling product benefit)! You: Again as I mentioned, we’re presently expanding our business base into the (Steve’s city) area… Steve this may or may not be for you. But based on Sue’s recommendation, I’d like you to take a closer look at our company to see if there is a reason for us to talk further. You: I can get some information to you in a number of ways… (depending on what your company offers for a pre-exposure, you may want to offer Steve an opportunity to listen to your three-minute, prerecorded, business or product overview, have him pull your corporate fax-on-demand documents, or ask him to tour a selected portion of your Web Site. If he wants additional information, send him your pre-approach pack. Remember, you still need to see where Steve’s interests are, and qualify him before you send anything. After all, if Steve wouldn’t get involved, why would he recommend this to a friend?) what works best for you? Like The First Secret, almost anyone can go six for six every time. Six calls, six queries, and six new exposures to your business. Again, the magic is in actually following through and getting them involved, or if they are not interested, having them give you six more names to contact—those they believe might be interested. Either way you win! Another six calls, another six queries or requests for help, another six exposures to your business. And on and on it goes…

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Working referrals is one of the best wealth-building techniques you can master in this business. And expanding your referral base, right in your own back yard, is another. How you grow this segment of your Network Marketing Empire is… The Third Secret “Attending The Trade Show” Sadly, it is often the most common story told in our business… It seems Mary was in four different deals (and I’m using that word—”deals”—correctly) before finding the Network Marketing Company of her dreams. The problem is, Mary is trying to put together yet another warm market list—a list of at least 100 people for her to contact—just like her sponsor told her to do. Warm market indeed. As our fictitious friend stares down at her yellow lined blank sheet of paper, she now understands what it feels like to be an official member of the NFL club—No Friends Left. Frustrated with the knowledge that she has no one to contact, and with her sights set on success, Mary heads straight towards a cold cruel market—a winter plunderland consisting of expensive advertising, endless cold calls and worst of all, those dreaded opportunity seekers’ mailing lists. With no degree in marketing, any background in advertising, and without having ever studied Brian Tracy’s The Psychology of Selling, our friend Mary is doomed to fail. And the saddest part is, she will probably blame her downfall on our industry, her new company, or a lack of upline support. But what if there were a better way? Well, there is… Years ago I discovered a great way to create a never-ending source of new prospects while I was attempting to reserve a booth at a local trade show. Unfortunately, I was a little late and the show had already sold out. Interested in learning all I could, I decided to go anyway, do a little research and determine if the next event would prove a profitable possibility for the future growth of my business. My goal was simple: Randomly enter each booth, ask to speak with the person in charge, and start the conversation off letting them know I had tried to reserve space in the show, but I was too late. Next I would ask them about the show: Was this the first time they had exhibited here? Were the attendees just looking or were they buying? Then it hit me: What if, after some light conversation and a little general rapport building, I asked this question: “Do you think my company would do well at a show like this?” “I don’t know,” would come their seemingly scripted reply, followed by an apparently pre-programmed, “What does your company do?”

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Bingo! This was better than having a booth—and cheaper, too. Got ‘em! Hook, line and sinker, along with the chance to give my 30-second commercial 200 times in four hours. Twenty-seven great leads later, I’d perfected the system. And, I might add, it has been working beautifully for years. Knowing how to work the trade show is one of the best ways of generating new business contacts right in your own backyard. And it is without a doubt one more powerful way to quickly grow your enterprise. Read over the script below. Become comfortable with the wording, add in your own company information, again changing the script only slightly if you must. Then with your sights set on meeting as many new prospects as you possibly can, attend the next trade show in your area. And using your custom printed words, experience the magic of The Third Secret... You: I was hoping to speak with the person in charge of this booth. Peter: How can I help you? You: Well, I’m in business here in the community and I wanted to reserve space in this show… Apparently I missed the cutoff date and was unable to secure a booth. Now I’m wondering if this was a big mistake… I’m deliberating on whether or not to attend the next trade show. The problem is, I’m not sure which event would be best. I was hoping you might be able to offer me some advice. Peter: I would be happy to help. You: Great… Tell me, is this the first time you have exhibited here? Peter: Oh, no, we do this show every year. You: Really, every year? It must be a good event for your company. Peter: Most years it has been our best event. You: Peter, do you use these events to generate leads, or do you actually conduct business here? Peter: Generate leads mostly… We get the occasional on-the-spot-sale, but primarily we just use the booth for additional company exposure. You: And have you had success with other trade shows in the area? Peter: Well, we only do two shows per year. The Business Expo, and the Computer Electronics show at the convention center in the spring. That’s a great show for us too.

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You: Really… Peter, let me ask you another question. Do you think my company would do well at a show like this? Peter: I don’t know. What does your company do? You: Oh… I’m sorry, I thought I mentioned that… (give your 30-second commercial). Peter: Really… (Let Peter respond, and then ask him for one of his business cards. Thank him for his time, and move on to another booth. Randomly repeat this process until you have quietly worked the majority of the trade show.) Now here is the magic. Send Peter a “thank you” note for his time and advice the very same day. Wait two business days, then pick up the telephone and give Peter a call using the following follow-up script. You: Dialing the first number. Ring...ring...ring... Company: Thank you for calling the ABC Group, how may I direct your call? You: Peter Johnson please. Peter: Peter Johnson You: Peter, it’s _______. I don’t know if you remember me. I stopped by your booth at the trade show last Friday. I’m the one who was asking all those questions about which trade shows were best... You recommended the Business Expo, and the Computer Electronics show at the convention center in the spring. Do you remember our conversation? Peter: Sure, I remember. What can I do for you? You: Peter, have I caught you at a time when you can talk for a few minutes? Peter: Yes, I have a few minutes... You: Good. Let me tell you why I’m calling... First of all, I wanted to take a moment and say “Thank you” for the time you invested with me on Friday. The information you provided was truly appreciated. Peter: You’re welcome... And thank you—I received your card this morning. You: Well, I spoke to a number of people on Friday, and I must say I was impressed with the way you handled yourself. Which brings me to second reason for my call... Peter, I have a simple straightforward question for you... Are you open to any offers? Peter: Well, I must say that I’m flattered. What kind of offer did you have in mind?

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You: Peter, as I mentioned on Friday, I’m working with an international company out of (city, state). It’s a (brief industry description) company that (time in business) ago launched the (benefit-driven product description). As a matter of fact, we’ve had such tremendous success that, like I mentioned, we’re expanding our business in the (Peter’s city) area. You: Peter, (your 30-second benefit-driven “Why would Peter want to get involved?” commercial here). There is some serious money being made. As a matter of fact, it’s the first (company product benefit statement) that allows the average person to actually profit from the future growth of (top-selling product benefit)! You: Again as I mentioned, we’re presently expanding our business base in the (Peter’s city) area... Peter, this may or may not be for you, but based on our conversation, and the manner in which you seem to conduct your business, I’d like you to take a closer look at our company to see if there is a reason for us to talk further. You: I can get some information to you in a number of ways... (depending on what your company offers for a pre-exposure, you may want to offer Peter an opportunity to listen to your three-minute, prerecorded, business or product overview, have him pull your corporate fax-on-demand documents, or ask him to tour a selected portion of your Web Site. If he wants additional information, send him your pre-approach pack. Remember, you still need to see where Peter’s interests are, and qualify him before you send anything. After all, if Peter wouldn’t get involved, why would he recommend this to a friend?) what works best for you? Again like The First Secret, almost anyone can go six for six every time. Six calls, six queries, and six new exposures to your business. Now, again, the magic is in actually following through and getting them involved, or if they are not interested, having them give you six more names to contact—those they believe might be interested. Either way you win! Another six calls, another six queries or requests for help, another six exposures to your business. And on and on it goes.... Working trade shows is a two to four times per year lead-generating extravaganza. If you want 25 to 50 more prospects, grab 10 bucks, leave your business cards at home, and check out an appropriate trade show in your area. You’ll walk away with all the hot leads you can handle! And if you’re looking for a more consistent way of building in your business community, consider mastering... The Fourth Secret “Attending Business Events” Like The Third Secret, this technique is as simple to learn as it is powerful to use. All you need is a little well invested time at your local library, and the necessary commitment to

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consistently explore the prospecting possibilities presently available in your local business community. If you’re interested in a fresh approach to prospecting that will generate four to eight exceptional leads every week, please read on... Friday evening, or if you prefer, Saturday morning, stop by your library and pick up a copy of your local business newspaper. In Seattle it’s called The Puget Sound Business Journal. In Denver, The Denver Business Journal. Believe me, locating yours will be easy to do. Take out pen and paper, and turn to the calendar section and begin your review. What you’re looking for is simple: business events taking place in your area that would actually interest you, and that are, if at all possible, free to attend. Here’s just one example:

A.B.C. Investment Company Discover Your Investment Potential

Date: Tuesday, August 20, 200X Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

Location: A.B.C. Investment Company 520 Pike Tower, 12th Floor Auditorium

Downtown Seattle—Free Parking Available Speakers: Peter Buck and Steve Riches

Wow! Free parking, a free event, and because they have scheduled it around the noon hour, you can bet they will be providing free food! The question is “Who will attend this event?” The answer “Anyone interested in learning what to do with their money, or how to create wealth, or perhaps how to retire a bit earlier...” Do you see a pattern here? This would be a great place to meet people. Circle it, and continue looking for others that would interest you. And then plan on attending one or two events every week. Selecting the event(s) you will be attending is step one. Step two is actually attending. Therefore dress appropriately, arrive 15-minutes early, and choose your seat carefully. You will want to sit in the third or fourth row; one or two seats in from the aisle. The idea is that if the event is even modestly successful, you want the highest degree of certainty that someone will be sitting in front of you, in back of you, to the left of you and to the right of you. You job is to meet those four people, engage them in light conversation, and ask for their business card. Leave your cards, and this time, your 30-second commercial at home. Remember this technique works best when you simply invest the brief amount of before and after time by saying hello, engaging in small talk, and collecting their card. That’s it! Until we follow-up...

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Step three—follow-up! Send those four new contacts a “thank you” note the very same day. Something along the lines of...you enjoyed meeting them, hoped they enjoyed the event as much as you did, and that as promised, you are enclosing one of your business cards. Wait two business days, then pick up the telephone and give your first new contact “Jane” a call using the following follow-up script. You: Dialing the first number. Ring...ring...ring... Company: Thank you for calling the XYZ Group, how may I direct your call? You: Jane Sampson, please. Jane: Jane Sampson You: Jane, it’s _______. I don’t know if you remember me. I’m the one who sat next to you at the investment seminar on Friday... Do you remember meeting me? Jane: Sure, I remember. What can I do for you? You: Jane, have I caught you at a time when you can talk for a few minutes? Jane: Yes, I have a few minutes... You: Good. Let me tell you why I’m calling... First of all, I wanted to take a moment and say how nice it was to have met you on Friday. Jane: Why thank you—and thank you for sending me one of your business cards. You: Well, I spoke to a number of people on Friday, and I must say I was impressed with the way you handled yourself. Which brings me to second reason for my call... Jane, I have a simple straightforward question for you... Are you open to any offers? Jane: Well, I must say that I’m flattered. What kind of offer did you have in mind? You: Jane, as I mentioned on Friday, I’m working with an international company out of (city, state). It’s a (brief industry description) company that (time in business) ago launched the (benefit-driven product description). As a matter of fact, we’ve had such tremendous success that, like I mentioned, we’re expanding our business in the (Jane’s city) area. You: Jane, (your 30-second benefit driven “Why would Jane want to get involved?” commercial here). There is some serious money being made. As a matter of fact, it’s the first (company product benefit statement) that allows the average person to actually profit from the future growth of (top-selling product benefit)!

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You: Again as I mentioned, we’re presently expanding our business base in the (Jane’s city) area... Jane, this may or may not be for you. But based on who you are, and the manner in which you seem to conduct yourself, I’d like you to take a closer look at our company to see if there is a reason for us to talk further. You: I can get some information to you in a number of ways... (depending on what your company offers for a pre-exposure, you may want to offer Jane an opportunity to listen to your three-minute, prerecorded, business or product overview, have her pull your corporate fax-on-demand documents, or ask her to tour a selected portion of your Web Site. If she wants additional information, send her your pre-approach pack. Remember, you still need to see where Jane’s interests are, and qualify her before you send anything. After all, if Jane wouldn’t get in, why would she recommend this to a friend?) what works best for you? Again like The First Secret, almost anyone can go, in this case, four for four every time. Four calls, four queries, and four new exposures to your business. Now again, the magic is in actually following through and getting them involved, or if they are not interested, having them give you six more names to contact—those they believe might be interested. Either way you win! Another six calls, another six queries or requests for help, another six exposures to your business. And on and on it goes.... Attending business events is an ongoing four-new-prospects-per-outing, lead-generating machine. So if you want more prospects, grab your local business journal, leave your business cards at home, and check out an appropriate event(s) in your area. You’ll walk away with four hot leads every time. And if you’re looking for an even more aggressive way to conquer your marketplace, consider mastering... The Fifth Secret “Executive Recruiting” Executive recruiting is for those who would like to carve out, and then prospect a selected group of potential business people, right in their own back yard—say somewhere between 250 and 500 potential candidates. Executive recruiting can be very rewarding if done correctly. The process itself is simple, however I must warn you that this technique is not for everyone. In order to gain the success you desire using The Fifth Secret, you must consider your personality to be a bit on the aggressive side, and you must possess a strong discipline for follow-up. When using the executive recruiting system, you will simply leave a scripted message on your prospect’s voicemail—hopefully when they’re not in the office. If you actually reach someone “live” during this process, simple apologize for misdialing, hang up, and call the next telephone number on your list. Your goal is not to speak with anyone. Your goal is to see how many messages you can leave, and how many of prospects you can get to call you back. And then to follow-up with only those who do...

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First, set up a voicemail box for all your return calls. If your company offers an 800-voicemail system, use that, if not, a local $10 per month voicemail box will work just fine. Second, record a professional outgoing message such as “You’ve reached the office of Sue Thompson. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now. I’m either on another line or have stepped away from my desk. Please leave your name, telephone number, and a brief message, and I will return your call as soon as possible.” Third, decide on which group of potential business people in your community you would like to contact. You may choose to call people right out of the yellow pages, but using a membership directory, such as the one available through your Chamber of Commerce, local Rotary Club, or Business-to-Business Directory is much more effective, because for example, you can ask for the Sales Manager by name. Fourth, when leaving your messages, make sure you keep your voice controlled and professional, and remember to complete at least 25 calls per session in order to receive your best return call average. With your names and telephone numbers now in hand, read over the script below. Become comfortable with the wording, add in your own company information, again changing the script only slightly if you must. Then pick up the telephone, dial the first number, and using your custom printed words, experience the magic of The Fifth Secret. Hello Mr. Johnson, my name is Sue Thompson and I’m an Executive Recruiter in the (your company’s industry) representing (name of your company). I’m calling because the company I represent is expanding here in the (your city and state) area, and I would like to speak with you personally about that expansion. My telephone number is 800.765.4321. And if I’m unavailable when you call, please leave a daytime number along with the most convenient time for me to reach you. I look forward to speaking to you. Good-bye. Now depending on the area you select, the tone of your voice, and the company you represent, expect to get five to fifteen return calls on your voicemail. The best part is, the people who call you back are either looking for a career change, or just curious about how you acquired their name. By the way, they will ask, “Where did you get my name?” and when they do, simply respond with the truth: “I located you through the (Chamber, Rotary, Business-to-Business Directory, etc.). All you really need to accomplish here, is to satisfy their curiosity and then move on... Next you will need to call back those who left a message on your voicemail. The purpose of your return call is not to discuss the business, or to really interview them, but to create interest going forward in order to advance your prospect to the next step—in this case “The Luncheon Appointment.” When returning your calls, go through the following five-step process: 1) Introduce yourself. 2) Obtain information. 3) Build rapport.

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4) Go through your script. 5) Set up a time for your next meeting. Remember to stay in control of the conversation at all times by qualifying your prospect as follows: You: Hello Mr. Johnson, this is Sue Thompson. I appreciate you returning my call. Is now a good time for us to talk for a few minutes? Mr. Johnson: Sure, now is a good time... But I was wondering, how did you get my name? You: Oh... I located you through the (Chamber, Rotary, Business-to-Business Directory, etc.). Mr. Johnson: Okay... You: Mr. Johnson, I would like to ask you a few questions about yourself, and then I would like to tell you a little more about our company’s expansion, and what this might mean to you. Fair enough? Mr. Johnson: Sounds reasonable. You: Mr. Johnson, what is your position with your current company? Mr. Johnson: I’m in management. You: And how long have you been with them? Mr. Johnson: About ten years now... You: Tell me, what would you say are some of your strengths? Mr. Johnson: Well... (let them talk here). You: And what do you enjoy most about what you do? Mr. Johnson: Well... (again let your prospect share as much as they would like while you listen quietly). You: Are you currently looking for a substantial increase in your income? Mr. Johnson: Aren’t we all? I mean, I suppose that would depend on the position.

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You: Thank you for answering my questions. Mr. Johnson I don’t have time now to go into all the details right now, but let me give you a brief overview of our company, and what we’re looking for... As I stated earlier, I’m a national recruiter for (your company’s name). Are you familiar with us? Mr. Johnson: No. I can’t say that I am... You: We are an international distribution and marketing company. We provide (your best product), along with a broad base of products, goods and services such as (fill in the blank) to the North American marketplace. We are currently looking for five key individuals that can help us recruit, train and run an international sales organization. Mr. Johnson, you appear to have some of the necessary credentials... Does this sound like something you would be interested in? Mr. Johnson: It sounds interesting, but I would need to know a little more about the business. And more about what I would be doing. You: I agree... Mr. Johnson, in order to provide this information we are hosting an Executive Luncheon this Friday at 11:45 am. We will be serving lunch and providing a 45-minute overview on our company along with all the details regarding our compensation package. I think you would be impressed with what we will be sharing, and I would like to invite you to attend. Do you have a pen and paper available to write down the details? Mr. Johnson: This Friday at 11:45... Yes, I would like to learn a little more about this. You: Terrific. (provide the necessary details) I’ll look forward to meeting you on Friday. Remember to confirm your appointment the day before the event. When you call, ask the receptionist to leave Mr. Johnson a message stating that “you are confirming your lunch appointment on Friday at 11:45 am, and that you are looking forward to meeting him.” Now if for some reason Mr. Johnson doesn’t show up for the appointment, reschedule as follows: Hello Mr. Johnson, this is (your name) with (your company). Do you have a minute? We had a confirmed meeting at 11:45 am Friday and we missed you. I wanted to call and let you know that I am still interested in meeting with you... I realize something must have come up at the last minute. Mr. Johnson, if you are still interested in learning more about our company, I’m calling to re-schedule our meeting. We could see you on (new date and time) or would (alternate date and time) work better for you?

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Executive recruiting works. And all the leads, as well as the telephone calls are free! Again, if you consider your personality to be a bit on the aggressive side, give it a try. Now if you would like a simple prescription for finding great people to talk to—whenever and wherever you find yourself living life—The Sixth Secret may be just what the doctor ordered. The Sixth Secret “Your Approach Market” Regardless of the prospecting processes you now have in place, every distributor in every city in the world should be tapping into the vast potential of their local community on a daily basis... Why? Well, the citizens you meet at the drycleaner, grocery story, and laundry matt—aren’t most of these people potential prospects for your product? And what about the individuals you see at your corner coffee house, family restaurant, and neighborhood shopping mall—aren’t many of these people potential prospects for your business too? Of course they are... So if you’re ready to learn how to easily and affordably take advantage of this huge, ever-changing pool of new people to talk to, please read on... Because by utilizing The Sixth Secret “Your Approach Market,” you can easily create a daily method of operation that almost anyone can duplicate... Now this technique does require a little pre-planning... First, acquire your Company’s best audiotape—product, business, or both; whatever offering or message you’re looking to get into the marketplace—along with a simple brochure that complements the audiotape presentation. Second, make sure you place a label on each audiotape and brochure; which includes your name, contact number, along with your Web address if at all possible. Something simple like this will work just fine:

Mary Johnson 206.364.1890

www.mycompany.com/mjohnson Also, it’s a good idea to include your Company approved business card in the audio pack as well. Third, take the audiotape (with your label applied) and wrap the brochure (with your label applied here too) around it, insert your business card, and then secure everything with a #32 rubber band. To save a little money, and obtain maximum results, order a sufficient supply of these tools—audiotapes, brochures, business cards, and #32 rubber bands—enough to pass out two audio packs a day, five days a week. Therefore a three month supply might look something like this: 120 audiotapes, 120 brochures, 500 business cards, 250 labels, and enough #32 rubber bands to do the trick. This “Your Approach Market” exposure is one of the easiest to do because it simply allows you to place an audio pack into the hands of someone you meet—your prospect—

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while you’re out and about in everyday life... And best of all, the number of contacts you and a small team can make using this simple approach can really be extraordinary! If you will teach this simply daily method of operation to all those on your team, your business will certainly grow... After all if you, along with a small group of just 30 distributors, were to expose two people a day, five days a week—that would create 62 exposures a day; 310 exposures a week; 1,240 every month; 14,880 exposures in a year! So make sure you have the most current audio packs available, and enough on hand to complete the task! And remember when working your approach market—or any other market for that matter—to note that in this business, you are the messenger; the audio pack is the message. Therefore, only focus on what you can control—delivery of the audio pack... And the fact that prospecting just two a day can bring freedom your way! So whom should you approach, and what should you say? Well, when you leave your home each day just bring two audio packs with you, and as you go about your day, look for people you feel might be interested in what you’re offering... It’s that simple. When you meet someone at the drycleaner, grocery story, laundry matt, corner coffee house, family restaurant, neighbourhood shopping mall, or anyplace you happen to be, simply find a way to say hello, and begin a short conversation... Here are a few examples: Look for sharp people (complement them) and ask “Excuse me, do you know anyone, or of anyone, who would like to earn an extra $500 - $1,000 a month?” When they express an interest, hand them your audio pack, ask for a business card; and follow-up using the Third Secret’s script. To a business owner: “I’m a recruiter in the _____ industry... (complement them) Tell me, are you keeping your business options open?” When they express an interest, hand them your audio pack, ask for a business card; and follow-up using the Third Secret’s script. To someone who gives you good service: “I’m a recruiter in the _____ industry... (complement them) Tell me, are you keeping your career options open?” When they express an interest, hand you’re your audio pack, ask for a business card; and follow-up using the Third Secret’s script. When asked, “What Company do you represent?” or “What do you do for a living?” respond with: “I represent (your 30-second benefit-driven “Why would this person want to get involved?” commercial here). Hand them your audio pack, ask for a business card; and follow-up using the Third Secret’s script. When you expose two people a day remember to be yourself—the messenger—and let the message take care of itself. Your objective here is to bring the presentation to the people, follow-up using the Third Secret’s script, and get those people to the next presentation.

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“Your Approach Market” is truly as powerful as it is unique. And as you get better, it will indeed produce a nice supply of great prospects—right in your own backyard... And regardless of which of the before mentioned prospecting methods are best for your business, The Seventh Secret is the key to making all your dreams come true… The Seventh Secret “Prospecting Is A Game” We all want to succeed in Network Marketing, and most of us realize that those who consistently take action will get there over time... Indeed, consistent prospecting is critical to winning this game. Therefore, The Seventh Secret is, in and of itself, the procedures you must follow to stay on track long enough to achieve all your dreams. Now before we set up your winning game plan, we first need to talk about your goals—primarily the difference between productivity and activity goals. By definition, productivity goals are goals that might include the rank you desire to achieve by a certain date, the number of distributors you want to enroll, or the income you plan to earn. On the other hand, activity goals would include the number of calls you’re going to make, the number of presentations you’re going to give, or the number of meetings you’re willing to attend. The fundamental difference is this: You have little if any control over your productivity goals, and you have about as close to absolute control as one could imagine over your activity goals. Problem is, most distributors only set productivity goals, and when these don’t materialize as planned, they tend to become frustrated and quit the business. The irony is that to effectively set up your winning game plan, you must first decide what your productivity goals should be... And once they have been committed to in writing, then backtrack to determine what action steps must be taken to achieve your desired end result. Only then can you correctly set your activity goals in motion, and focus on what you can control accordingly. To better illustrate this point, let’s follow a hypothetical scenario for a typical distributor we’ll call Gail. Already an Executive with her company, Gail has decided she wants to become a Senior Executive by the next business conference now just 120 days away. Gail has set her sights on achieving this productivity goal, and already has plans for the increase in income that will accompany her promotion. Big problem... You see if Gail sets her sights on Senior Executive as her productivity goal, she will most likely miss the mark, and her promotion. Why? Because rarely does anything in life go as planned. Due to circumstances beyond her control, something will inevitably occur to prevent Gail from reaching her productivity goal. In fact, one thing I’ve learned over and over again in this business is that the best way to miss your goals is to aim for them! To realistically expect to obtain the rank of Senior Executive, Gail must increase her activity goal by about 20 percent. She must aim for the next promotion above Senior

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Executive. In this case the title of Director. With that in mind, let’s walk through the math, and see if Gail’s goal is achievable. If it is, we’ll then need to backtrack in order to set her activity goals for the next 120 days. According to her company’s compensation plan, to obtain the rank of Director, Gail’s business must generate $20,000 in volume in a single calendar month. And to be conservative, for purposes of this exercise, we’ll consider that volume is coming from new starts only—distributors beginning their businesses over the next 120 days. Now it’s impossible to predict with pinpoint accuracy how much volume each new distributor will generate. Therefore, we’re going to simply decide that each new start is worth $100 in volume. So, in order to generate $20,000 at $100 each, Gail’s organization will need to collectively enroll 200 new distributors in the fourth month of her 120-day game plan. Is Gail’s productivity goal reasonable? Can she accomplish all the activity necessary in the next 120-days? Let’s take a look... Let’s say it’s January, and Gail has four full months to hit her target. Let’s further assume that with the handful of leaders Gail already has in her business (remember she already is an Executive), that her organization will double every month. It may in reality do better or worse, but for sake of conversation we’ll agree that Gail’s goal is to double her business every month. If Gail needs 200 new starts in April, she’ll need 100 in March, 50 in February, 25 in January, and would need to begin with about 12 active distributors. In this case Gail already has a group of 18, with 8 semi-serious business-builders on her team. Our friend Gail must be aware, especially if she’s just starting to build, that this may seem like agonizingly slow growth at first. If you’ve ever actually charted your own progress, you know that the growth curve can be relatively flat for several weeks, or even months. Just hang in there, because that curve can also—with the right company, products, and team—become a near vertical line as the power of duplication begins its awesome course. Now, Gail will also need to decide how many distributors she will personally enroll over the next 120 days. Again, let’s agree on 16, or one per week on average. And remember, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize with this type of compound growth, that five new starts in January are significantly more important than five starts in March. Therefore, Gail will want to enroll as many as she can, as fast as she can. For our activity planning, we’ll set her productivity goal at four new starts per month. Next we need to determine Gail’s ratio... If you have ever watched the game of professional baseball, you are aware that a player whose batting average is .350 may earn ten times more money than a player who bats .250. Fascinating, because mathematically that’s only about one additional hit for every 10 at bats! In baseball, and in your Network Marketing business, if you can work your ratio to .300 or better, you’re destined to become one of the superstars. The problem is, unlike

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baseball, in this business only the mavens seem to track their ratios—from this day forward, let that be said of you! Keep track—on a yellow sticky pad, daytimer, or some other recording devise—of the number of contacts you make monthly. At the end of each month simply tally them up, and divide that number by your new starts. Carry those numbers forward into the following month, repeat the process, and over time you will determine your “contacts to new distributors” batting average—your ratio! And what about Gail? Let’s say Gail is batting about .150, a 15 percent ratio. Since Gail wants to enroll four new distributors per month, she needs to expose at least 27 new prospects every month. Let’s review... Once you have determined your productivity goal, realize that you’ve got to take it up a notch. Then backtrack, do the math, and determine the step-by-step activity necessary to accomplish your primary objective. And you will need to make some assumptions based on the best information you have available—so do the best you can. If you have historical data to pinpoint your ratio, great. If not, like Gail you can use the figure of 15 percent to start. Example: Senior Executive between January and April. Goal increased to Director. 1) Your productivity goal now increased by 20 percent:

Director: $20,000 Number of New Starts: 200 New Start Volume: $100 Personal Ratio: 15 percent Personal New Starts: 16 Number of Personal Contacts: 107

2) New Starts needed within the entire organization:

8 Business Builders 25 New Starts in January 50 New Starts in February 100 New Starts in March 200 New Starts in April x $100 = $20,000

3) Your productivity goal for new starts set at 16. 4) Using a ratio of 15 percent, contact 107 new people!

50 New Contacts in January 30 New Contacts in February 20 New Contacts in March 7 New Contacts in April

5) Focus all your attention on the things you can control—your activity!

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If Gail will focus on her activity over the next 120 days, and expose the business to 107 new prospects, based upon a 15 percent ratio of contacts to new starts, Gail will reach her personal goal. Furthermore, if she takes inventory of her existing team, and teaches those who are serious about building their businesses this same process, Gail may even make her organizational goal—Director. Which by the way, was not her real goal at all! Remember Senior Executive was Gail’s original 120-day activity goal. We simply increased it by 20 percent, worked the numbers backwards based upon a 15 percent ratio, and sent Gail to work. It has taken over a decade of learning to perfect, and deliver to you Seven Prospecting Secrets™. And now it’s your turn to profit. Take the information, learn it, share it, and build for yourself, as well as all those you love, a life of magnificence. All the best, MSC _______ Michael S. Clouse is the Editor-in-Chief, Nexera e-News™, former Editor-in-Chief, Upline® Journal, and co-author of the international best-selling book The Fifth Principle. In addition to being one of only 600 people in the world certified as a Network Marketing Professional by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Michael is a Member of the National Speakers Association, and a very polished, insightful, and entertaining platform speaker. Michael can be reached by e-mail: [email protected]. To order your own copy of “The Fifth Principle” ($15), or any other success tool listed below, please call Nexera LLC anytime: 1 888 639 3722 or +1 425 774 4452. You may also order online at www.nexera.com. To grow your business even faster, you should subscribe to Nexera e-News™. To get your FREE subscription, visit www.nexera.com and sign up today! Check out our best-selling programs below... To order, visit www.nexera.com and select: Success Store.

___ The Fifth Principle $15

___ The Simple Art of Duplication $17

___ Your Prospecting Toolbox $27

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___ 28 Days to Your New Future $37

___ Mastering The Fundamentals $37

___ The Secret to Developing Leaders $37

___ Thinking Your Way To Success $47

___ 67 Days To Success $77 Includes The Fifth Principle, Your Prospecting Toolbox The Simple Art of Duplication, and Thinking Your Way To Success

___ + + Your 90-Day Game Plan – All Three Programs! $87

___ + + + + + Total Success Pack – Six Programs! $147 To order, visit www.nexera.com Select “Success Store” – or call 1 888 639 3722 anytime.

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Apparently, Activity Matters Most... Network Marketing’s shortcut to success 2003 by Michael S. Clouse Surveys have always fascinated me... Ask a few hundred people how they feel about this or that, and you can presumably understand the mindset of an entire nation! Indeed, polls are conducted daily to determine how we feel about politics, why we purchase certain products, and even what we watch—or don’t watch—on TV. All of this sampling got me thinking one day about the Network Marketing business we’re in... For example, if you were to survey those already in the business, what would you ask them? What insights should they provide? And could any of this gleaned information be valuable to you? Consider the following, and you decide... Years ago I discovered that those who are deemed to be Masters in this “Networking thing” understand three simple truths about the business. Although you might hear these expressed somewhat differently from leader to leader, the underlying facts remain the same. For purposes of our discussion, we’ll refer to these truisms as, “Network Marketing’s Three Rules of Three.” 1) Know The Business You’re In Network Marketing is about three things: a) Finding people to talk to—Prospecting. b) Talking to the people you find—Presentation. c) Teaching everyone to do the same—Duplication. 2) Understand The Rules Regardless of how you present your business: a) Some people decide to join—Some will. b) Some people decide not to join—Some won’t. c) Some people decide not to decide—So what... 3) Get Better At The Game Because everything in life is about who you become: a) Work more on yourself than you do on your business. b) Work more on yourself than you do on your business.

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c) Work more on yourself than you do on your business. I share this with you, because for years leaders have been searching for a simple, highly duplicatable system that new distributors could use to more quickly achieve success. And the most interesting part is, I now believe we’ve been overlooking the obvious for decades... If it’s true that in order to grow the organization we need to contact, involve and teach—and it is. If it’s true that some will, some won’t, and so what—are all good things. And if we really need to be working on ourselves—our personal development—more than we work on the business... Well then, what could possibly be this simple shortcut to success? To find the answer, conduct your own personal poll. Take your census of the top 25 successful leaders in your company. Call them, fax them, e-mail them—whatever it takes for you to get together long enough to ask three questions: 1) How were you introduced to the business—audiotape, videotape, or through some event? 2) How would you describe the skill set of the person who sponsored you? 3) Once you were introduced to the company, how long did it take to decide you wanted to do this business? That’s it! And in case you’re interested, here’s what I’ve discovered... Question #1 could easily provide you with 25 different answers, especially if you ask which audiotape, videotape, or event they attended. Question #2 again, will probably provide a plethora of answers from talented to tolerable to terrible. Question #3 however, is the all-important key to your survey. Because what the answers to this third question will reveal, are that leaders who make the most money in our industry—regardless of how they were introduced, and regardless of by whom—for some unexplained reason they “got it” and they “got in” right away... Those who build the largest organizations—same thing—they “got it” and they “got in” right away. And best of all (pay close attention here, because this is your simple shortcut to success) those you have yet to meet... Those unnamed individuals destined to become leaders... They’ll “get it” and “get in” right away too—almost regardless of what you know, say, and do—if you will just expose them to your business!

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Imagine that! Apparently, activity matters most! The beauty of this overlooked shortcut to success is knowing that in the beginning what you lack in skill, you can actually make up for in activity! Combine that belief with a proven system for contacting new prospects, and your company’s next great “Triple Diamond Star Fleet Commander” could easily be sponsored by you—again, regardless of your current level of expertise! Now I’m not suggesting that you skip mastering “Network Marketing’s Three Rules of Three.” Quite the contrary. Just because those fortunate few movers and shakers “got it” and “got in” right away, is no reason to miss sponsoring the masses who want to know everything about everything before they’re ready to begin... Therefore, if you truly desire to prosper long term in this business, immediately begin to weave the golden thread of activity, throughout your life’s tapestry—know to all successful leaders as “Network Marketing’s Three Rules of Three”—and not only will you have an excellent chance of sponsoring that next mega superstar—you’ll be able to keep them. So what are you waiting for? Make another call.... All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse Week Four Listen – 7 Times: Contacting & Inviting/Your New Future Read – 7 Times: Mastering The Music

Building Relationships How To Make This Your Best Year Ever!

Mastering The Music... 2003 by Michael S. Clouse Attended the Rod Stewart concert in Seattle. Fabulous production! Amazing, but after all those years Rod can still electrify an audience. True, center seats in the eighth row did help—close enough to see the color of the entertainer’s eyes—that’s where everyone should be...

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The show had ended—or so everyone thought... You should have seen that place. Ten thousand fans on their feet; clapping, cheering, and yes, occasionally screaming for their idol of the night to return and perform just one more song. As the seconds slowly turned into minutes, the acoustical accolades only increased. Apparently we were going to convince Rod Stewart and his band to return for an encore, or we were going to go deaf trying. Then it happened. With the reinvigorated energy that only teenagers seem to possess, all eleven band members reappeared. And just when I was convinced this magical evening couldn’t get any better—it did! Before the solo musician’s mandolin melody could send a chill all the way up my spine, memory had already located the words... Maggie May. One of Stewart’s classic mega hits from the 1970’s. It had been decades since I had first fallen in love with that song, and years since I remembered hearing it... Yet as the music triggered some mental lyrical flood, I, and all the people around me, found our minds saturated with every verse... “Wake up Maggie, I think I’ve got something to say to you. It’s late September, and I really should be back at school.” Rod turned his microphone towards the audience. We sang. The band continued to play. And the only thing emerging from the Scotsman’s mouth was a smile. Can you imagine what that must feel like for an entertainer? Witnessing a sea of people, possessing but one voice. All having mastered the music, without ever really studying the words. Perhaps that reality isn’t so far fetched. After all if your Network Marketing business consisted of ten thousand enthusiastic performers, I think we could agree that would be a good start. So how about you? Do you know all the words? What about those on your team? How do so many master the music, without studying the words? As leaders these are interesting questions to ponder. And in case you’re wondering, I’ve been thinking about this for sometime now. Here’s what leaders know... You master the words, by hearing the music one more time. Just as I fell in love with, and effortlessly memorized yet another piece of that song each time it played, you too can learn almost everything you need to succeed in Network Marketing by listening to the music over and over and over again.

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So where is the music being played? On great audiotape programs like “Your 90 Day Game Plan” available through Nexera. At your weekly business briefings, as well as regional, national, and international conferences. For those who are tuned-in, the music is playing everywhere! And here’s the best part. By attending these events, you will magically learn the words. Words to best present your business. Words to answer your prospect’s every question. Words to encourage that new distributor. Words to grow your empire... One example of this “mastering the words by hearing the music one more time” principle would be attending each and every weekly business briefing. Leaders understand this, and the three reasons (in order of importance) to attend these events: 1) To see it again. 2) To associate with others in the business. 3) To provide the proper environment for guests. If you will immerse yourself in your business by attending every event for the next 12-months, you will be amazed at what you will learn. And if you can convince those in your business to join you in that endeavor, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the music, becoming a leader among leaders, and enjoying life the way it was meant to be.... All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

Building Relationships... Your best investment of time 2003 by Michael S. Clouse It’s early Tuesday morning, and I haven’t finished sleeping. Daylight streams in through the unfamiliar window above as I try to ignore its subtle power, but I am losing the battle. Caught up in a world not all that far removed from my own, I lie half awake anticipating the day in a back basement bedroom so warm and comfortable my body is unwilling to move. We are to depart Kelowna at 8:00 am, a picture postcard town located somewhere along the 50th parallel in the heart of the Canadian Okanagan valley. Long drive ahead of us. Have been told we are to travel by car over roads mostly of asphalt, sometimes gravel, and

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the occasional “you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me” dirt stretch destined to add a new rattle or two to even the most well-crafted vehicle. Our final destination on this Network Marketing business trip is Fort St. John, B.C., Canada. Thirteen hundred kilometers, and 15 hours due north into an area of wilderness the locals affectionately call “The Bush.” With bags packed for our five-day excursion stacked neatly throughout the van, a full tank of gas, and Amanda Marshall’s “Let it Rain” playing softly on the CD player, the journey, and our conversation begins... We speak of philosophy, of life, and of its purpose. Cover the books one must read, movies worth a second look, and review in detail the numerous worldwide destinations we should include along the way. Minute after minute. Hour followed by still endless hour, we have a chance to do what so few in this world seem able to do—really connect as people. To engage in endless dialogue, and by choice learn everything we possibly can about another human being. If it’s true that the three most important things you will ever leave to your children are your photographs, your personal journals, and your library, what then is your most prized possession while you are living? Complex question, perhaps, but with a simple answer—because nothing can be more valuable than your relationships. Gazing out the passenger window a few hours into the day, our words come to an abrupt end. Stunned, we watch in amazement as six bald eagles perched upon the mighty limbs of an old cottonwood tree majestically survey the bend in the river below. I’d never witnessed such a sight. The beauty that surrounds us is breathtaking. Our conversation continues... If you really want to know someone, you must uncover his or her core values. Asking simple questions like, “What is most important to you in life?” Followed by the obvious, “What is important to you about that?” And the all-important clarifying question, “How will you know when you have it?” Getting to know people for who they are is what we should do best. Sadly, as entrepreneurs we rarely develop our relationship skills as carefully as needed for that. As business leaders, it’s time we start understanding this fundamental point. As the chain breaks at its weakest link, so, too, your enterprise will rust and decay wherever it is least attended. Therefore, we must make time, and really get to know those in our lives for who they are, and for the individuals they wish to become. This is good for business. This is good for life. Along our journey we wait for a herd of elk to cross the road before continuing; almost hit a bear...count deer, a coyote, and one red-tailed fox. The Bush, and our lives, are amazing places—a collection of experiences, and their intensity.

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And while some may selectively choose to recall only the rain, unpaved roads, and the Fort St. John mud, we prefer a pizza parlor in Jasper, photographing a lake in the warm afternoon sunshine, and over thirty hours of endless conversation—building a relationship that will last a lifetime. Perhaps the best advice anyone ever gave is, “The next time you decide to develop a leader, begin your journey by becoming a friend.” All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse

How To Make This Your Best Year Ever! 2003 by Michael S. Clouse The ball in Time Square has dropped, and brought to a close yet another year. Sadness for some—an ending, a conclusion, the finale. For others ‘tis just the opposite. The beginning. A New Year. And one more chance to see if they can put it all together... How about you? Were you able to kiss your true love as the clock struck twelve, or has life somehow left you wondering somewhere along the way? Wherever you find yourself, this can still become your best year ever. Even if you’ve broken a few New Year’s resolutions in the past—even if you’ve broken them all. Below you will find eight simple steps you can take to build a better life. And the good news is, that by investing about an hour per day—over the next 365 days—you can invent your own living masterpiece. After all, last year is history, and tomorrow without any planning will be a mystery... However, if you will go to work on the present, the future will be an incredible gift. Design Your Year With The End In Mind Your first order of business is to take out pen and paper. Next, go find your watch or some other timing devise complete with second hand in tact. And when I say “Go!” start writing everything you have ever wanted in life. For this exercise you’re limited to just three minutes. Therefore, speed is your only concern. Try for 50 to 100 separate items like: The car you desire, that perfect home to call yours, perhaps some new friends, how much money you have in the bank, an amount of free time available to enjoy life, your

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contribution to society, church, or a foundation, the size of your organization, how many new leaders will be joining you this year, etc. Now remember keep this to exactly three minutes. Ready... Set... Go! Welcome back... How did you do? Great. Now take a good look at your list, and by circling those items, choose the ten most important to you. Next, take out a clean sheet of paper, and re-write each goal in present tense language—as if it already were your reality. For example: I drive a new Lexus LS 400. My car is black jade with tan leather interior, and is equipped with every dealer option available. Keep in mind that every detail you leave out must be filled in by someone else, so unless you want to “drive a different car someday” be specific. Complete this exercise for each of the ten goals you’ve selected, and then move on to step two. Set Aside 30-Minutes To Dream We’ve all heard the sayings: “Crystallize your thinking.” “We become what we think about.” “Visualizing is realizing.” And on it goes... Because nothing is stronger than a dream that pulls you right into the future. And what’s the best way to add that absolute feeling to your dreams? You guessed it. Actual photographs, with you taking center stage. Take your camera and go find your dream home, car, and life. Come up with your own way of uniquely placing yourself into the picture, and then have the photo lab print out some 8x10’s. Plaster a wall in your home with this compelling vision of your future. And from that moment forward invest 30-minutes daily in front of your wall seeing every detail. Focus on what you desire. Discover, and then rediscover every dream, allowing them to entice you mentally forward with each passing day. Read Ten Pages Of A Great Book Take your ten best goals, and decide which is the most important to you. Then go acquire a book that by its very title suggests it will draw you closer to the new vision of yourself. Consume ten to fifteen pages daily, until you have devoured and absorbed the author’s knowledge. And immediately apply everything your possibly can, enjoying all the success this brings into your life. Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan The Quakers have a saying “When you pray, move your feet!” How true. Having a written plan, and even possessing the knowledge to carry it out, won’t necessarily take you where you desire to go. You need to apply the “all out massive action” principle. Set up your 12-month calendar with the exact days and times you will revise your plan; read, dream, and work your business. Focus on accomplishment, not activity. Because sometimes it’s easy to get faked out—always busy, busy, busy. But we must constantly be asking ourselves, “Busy doing what?”

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Therefore, each night before you retire, decide in writing the six most important things you will do the following day. And in the morning ask yourself this question, “What is the most important task I can accomplish today?” With your answer in mind, go to work. When you have finished that assignment, move on to the next most important item, and so on, and so forth. Spend Less Than You Earn; Invest The Difference Pick up a copy of George S. Clason’s book “The Richest Man in Babylon” and discover why “Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition.” The seven principles revealed in this classic include: Start thy purse to fattening. Control thy expenditures. Make thy gold multiple. Guard thy treasure from loss. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment. Insure a future income. Increase thy ability to earn. Because the simple truth is, it’s not how much you earn, it’s how much you keep. So if growing your financial portfolio is of interest to you, go get the book. Invest Your Drive Time Wisely As a society, we spend far too much time in our cars. And for most folks that time is sadly wasted. In order to make this your best year ever, select your second most important goal and pick up a set of audiotapes or CDs on the subject. Commit to listen, apply, and grow as this new knowledge becomes a part of the very fabric of your mind. If you desire to earn more, you’ve got to learn more, and there is no better place to invest in your most valuable asset—you—then traveling up the road of life. Always Move Towards Your Dream With every decision you make this year, ask yourself two questions: Will what I’m considering push me further from, or pull me closer towards my goals? Only do those things that will draw you in the direction you’ve decided to go. And if your first answer is a resounding “closer towards,” try asking this powerful follow-up question, “How would the person I desire to become, do the thing I’m about to do?” Deciding to act as the person you want to be will elevate your decisions to greatness. Believe In Your Future In 1948 Claude M. Bristol wrote an amazing book, “The Magic of Believing.” With a forward from then Editor and Publisher of The Denver Post, Palmer Hoyt, Bristol’s work remains to this day as timeless as it is profound. In the authors own words you will find this commanding revelation: “Just believe that there is genuine creative magic in believing—and magic there will be, for belief will supply the power which will enable you to succeed in everything you undertake. Back your

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belief with a resolute will and you become unconquerable.” And yet it was Eleanor Roosevelt who may have said it best when she uttered these now immortal words, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Indeed it does.... Make it a great year! All the best, MSC www.nexera.com ©2003 by Michael S. Clouse