
2/3. Today: How is emotion a source? Intuition v. Emotion End Goal: Is emotion a reliable WOK? Tomorrow: Emotion’s connection to other AOKs and

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Today: How is emotion a source? Intuition v. Emotion

End Goal: Is emotion a reliable WOK?

Tomorrow: Emotion’s connection to other AOKs and WOKs

Friday: Philosophy Friday

As a group, look over the requirements Pre-Reading Annotation AND discussion of annotations Post-Reading Questions

Plan out a time for each task Begin

Connect Emotion to other WOKs and AOKs.

End Goal: Is emotion a reliable WOK?

Are we driven more by emotion or reason?

Society? Your Friends? You?

To what extent do emotions color our perceptions?

Is language used more to describe or persuade?

Conversations? Text Books? Newspapers? Papers you write for class? Notes you take?

What role does empathy play in the historian’s work?

Empathy: sympathy, compassion, understanding

Is ethics more a matter of the heart or the head?

Ethics: morals, beliefs, principles