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dini SG

e Complete Advanced Handbook

timizing Mechanical Recovery with a "ow!rag"Generator

itten by

er indemann% &Sc&


dini SG

e Complete Advanced Handbook

itten by

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er indemann% &Sc&

bli'hed by

+$ ,lectronic Media

erty ake% #a'hington


ver ayo*t.

er indemann

+$ ,lectronic Media

erty ake% #a'hington

nt Cover 0mage.$eter indemann

erior 0mage'by.

n Bedini% $eter indemann% 1eane Manning

io*' 0nternet'o*rce'

'ion )&3

ea'ed 4ovember -%-3)5

pyright 6 -3)5 $eter indemann

Right' Re'erved% #orldwide& 4o part o7 thi' p*blication may be tran'latedinto a 7oreign

*age or reprod*ced% 'tored in an electronic retrieval 'y'tem% ortran'mitted in any 7orm% or bymean'%witho*t the prior% writtenpermi''ion o7 the copyright holder' or

p*bli'her&a*thorized copying or tran'lating o7 thi' digital 7ile i' prohibited by0nternational aw&

gital,dition $*bli'hed by. A+$ ,lectronicMedia

Bo9 :);

erty ake% #A<<3)<


't ,dition.

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't $rinting. 4ovember -3)5

gital/ormat. $/ /ile

333a*thorized ownload'



7oredoing anything el'e% make '*re to 'ign *p 7or the7ree ,nergy

me' new'letter at http.((www&emediapre''&com(energytime'&php& >o*?ll al'o get whatever/ree

er' are there@


ble o7 Content'

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eword & & & && & & & &page rod*ction & & & && & & &page :apter One & & && & & & &page <e 0ntermediate SG ,nergizer emo Review

apter Two & & & &

& & & & page-5ne7it' o7 R*nning in "GeneratorMode"

apter Three & & & && & & & page ;5

,nergizer "Sel7!Rotation"/*nction'

apter /o*r & & & && & & & page;<,nergizer ,9tra Coil Generator

apter /ive & & && & & & &page 5-der'tanding enz?' aw

apter Si9 & & && & & & &page 5<e Simple"ow!rag" Generator

apter Seven & & & && & & & page=:tailed Analy'i' o7 the "#at'onMachine"

apter ,ight & & & && & & & page:tailed Analy'i' o7 the "G!7ieldGenerator"

apter 4ine & & & && & & & page:her Advance'% Old and 4ew

apter Ten & & && & & & &page <mmary and Concl*'ion

pendice' & & & && & & & page<<ww&bedini'g&com(

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' book i' the third and 7inal book in the 'erie' o7 BediniSG Handbook'&

e 7*ll in'tr*ction' on how to b*ild the Bedini SG ,nergizerare in the

book titled Bedini SG% the Complete Beginner?' Handbook& The 7*ll in'tr*ctionall o7 the

!t*ning method' and energy gain trick' are in

'econdbook titled Bedini SG% the Completer 0ntermediate Handbook&

yo* are not 7amiliar with the'e two previo*' book'%then make '*re to

them here 'o yo* can 'tart 7rom the beginning.http.((bedini'g&com

' book review' the 7ine t*ning method' di'c*''ed in the0ntermediate

ndbook% and 'how' the operation' o7 a working modelwhere all o7

'e 7eat*re' are optimized& 0t then goe' on to di'c*''% in detail% thebe't way' to harne'' the

chanical energy available at the wheel% *'ing "low!drag" generator method'& 0tal'o incl*de' a

mplete analy'i' o7 the "1im #at'on" machine% p*ttingthe complete de'chematic% and

erationalail' in print 7or the very 7ir't


' book pick' *p where the 0ntermediate Handbook leave' o77and

ver' all o7 the maor detail' and 'pin!o77' 7rom 1ohn Bedini?'li7e!time

rch 7or the be't de'ign o7 a 'el7!r*nning% electro!mechanicalmachine&

er learning thi' material% yo* 'ho*ld *nder'tand eno*gh o7the 'cience

d method that 1ohn ha' 'hown to 'tart e9perimentingwith larger 'cale

del' which 'ho*ld lead to both 'el7!r*nning behaviorand the

d*ction o7 eno*gh e9tra energy to operatee9ternal load'&

e 7*t*re i' yo*r'@

er indemann A*g*'t -3)5D


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e p*rpo'e o7 thi' book i' to demon'trate how themechanical energy

d*ced by a Bedini SG ,nergizer can be ma9imized%and how that

chanical energy can be converted back into the ma9im*m

E*antity o7ctrical energy% 'o that a clear and *nambig*o*' "energy gain"may be achieved&

' proce'' involve'.

*'ing the "7ine t*ning" method' di'c*''ed inthe 0ntermediate

ndbook to prod*ce the highe't 'peed rotation o7the rotor 7or the

we't electrical inp*t 7rom the r*n

batterya' well a' introd*cing a "low!drag" generator 'y'tem to the wheel totake the highe't po''ible

vantage o7 that mechanical energy 7or the

d*ction o7 new electricity that did not come 7rom ther*n battery

the 7ir'tplace

hile 1ohn Bedini ha' demon'trated the'e method' repeatedly and

bli'hed all o7 the ba'ic 'chematic' on how toaccompli'h thi' on hi'

b'ite 'ince )<<% people 'till 'eem con7*'ed by thi' proce''&He believed

t people neededto learn the proce'' by act*ally b*ildingthe eE*ipment

d there7ore ha' never 7elt the need to 7*lly e9plainit in word'&

ce the demon'trationo7 the "/erri'

heel" machine in -3)3% andthe two

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vio*' Bedini SG Handbook' in-3)-

d -3);% it 'eem' po''ible that therelea'e

thi' in7ormation will be toleratedby the

ce' in the economy that havere'i'ted

'e thing' in the pa't&

There7ore%rything i' going to be e9plained


that 'erio*'re'earcher' may move their e9periment' 7orward&


machine wa'demon'trated

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the -3)5 ,nergyScienceand

chnology Con7erence that

all o7 the 7eat*re'yo* need

*nder'tand to b*ildyo*r'el7

'*pplemental power plant 7or

*r o77!grid home& Thi'

l*de' a "low!drag"generator

o'e 7eat*re' will be7*lly

clo'ed in Chapter&

' la't in'tallment o7

thedini SG Handbook 'erie' i'

7inal *nraveling o7the

'terie' o7 1ohn?' 'el7!r*nning machine'% which have been "hiddenin

in 'ight" 7or over ;3year'&

er indemann% &Sc&


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apter One

ermediate SG ,nergizer emo Review

e Bedini SG% The Complete 0ntermediate Handbook introd*ced and

lained the bene7it' o7 many o7 1ohn?' "trick'&" The'e trick' are really a'erie' o7 very clever

gineering proced*re' that allow a per'on "'killed in the art" to optimizethe 7*nction' o7 the

c*itry 'o that the machine may take advantage o7 a n*mber o7"window' o7 opport*nity" to

nimizergy lo''e' and introd*ce 'ome compen'atory energygain'& The net

*lt o7 the'e re7inement' increa'e' the e77iciency o7 themachine and

ambig*o*'ly introd*ce' the reader to the condition' nece''ary 7or "'el7!r*nnoperation&

e'e re7inement' incl*de the vario*' method' to "7ine t*ne" the operationo7 the ,nergizer% amplete hi'torical review o7 all o7 the method' 7or

viding a capacitor charge and di'charge 7eat*re% andthe advanced

ory e9plaining why thi' prod*ce' a bene7itba'ed on 4ikolaTe'la?'

covery o7 hi' "Method o7 Conver'ion"proce''&

thi' book wa' being o*tlined in the Spring o7 -3)5% it

became nece''aryb*ild a working modelo7 the

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imized "0ntermediate" energizer%

that the additional "low!g"

nerator method' co*ld beb*ilt

d te'ted& Thi' al'o made it

'ible to demon'trate

thi'rking model at the -3)5


ence and Technology

n7erence at the end o71*ne&

re i' a pict*reo7 thatmachine&


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e Con7erence emon'tration Model

' machine had a n*mber o7 7eat*re' that yo* maynot want to incl*de in

*r replication& They incl*de.

a 7rame b*ilt 7rom clearacrylic

wiring '*'pended in the

airdedicated meter'


e clear acrylic 7rame wa' le7t over 7rom the original SG itmodel' that

'old 7or a 'hort time in -3)-& A' a demon'tration%it lookedpro7e''ional

d it eliminated the arg*ment' abo*t whether anything

wa' "hidden&"e wiring '*'pended in the air al'o negated the arg*ment'

abo*t whether

re may have been "'ecret connection'" to otherwi'e *n'eencirc*itry&


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e dedicated meter' were mo*nted on piece' o7 clear acrylic%again to

ce the 'keptic?' ability to "e9plain away" the meter reading'& Al'o% the labemeter'% 'witche'%connection' made the demon'trationea'y 7or

Con7erence attendee' to *nder'tand what they werelooking at&

o7 the'e 7eat*re'% prod*ced at e9tra co't and time%

created the intendedect& 4o one E*e'tioned the e9planation' o7 the operation o7the machine

the Con7erence&

ni7icant Mechanical 8p!grade'

e SG it' came with a bicycle wheel and 'ha7te9ten'ion' that when

mbined% were never able to prod*ce a wheel that ran tr*e&

Thi' reE*iredor '*rgery& The 7rame bearing' and internal wheel bearing'and 'ha7t

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re all abandoned and replaced with a new% larger diameter'olid 'ha7t


d new bearing' and 'leeve g*ide' to hold everything inplace& #ith

'e material' in'talled% the h*b o7 thewheel ran tr*e&

e ne9t problem wa' the rim& #ith the h*b r*nningtr*e% it wa' obvio*'

"o*t o7 ro*nd" the rim wa'& Thi' reE*ired a laborio*' proce'' o7loo'ening and tightening the

el 'poke' *ntil all o7 the eccentricitie'

re compen'ated& Thi' took over an ho*r b*t wa' ab'ol*tely

nece''ary&vio*'ly% thi' 'tep wo*ld not have neededto be done i7 a

molded% pla'tic

eel had been *'ed to begin with& Other model b*ilder'have *'ed

lded pla'tic wheel'thi' 'ize 7rom wheel chair' or more modernbicycle'&

ce both the h*b and the rim were r*nning tr*e% thewheel wa' balanced

d able to r*n at high 'peed witho*t vibration& 0t

co*ld al'o r*n in arow'lot between the 7rame piece' holding the generator coilin place&

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e above pict*real'o 'how' the magnet 'pacing cho'en7or thi'model&

e wheel had ; 'poke'% 'o by placing a magnetne9t to every other 'poke%

n*mber o7 magnet' came o*t to be )F& Thi'made magnet placement


atively ea'y and prod*ced a r*n 'peed 'lightlyhigher than the -)

gnet arrangement *'ed in the SG Beginner?'Handbook&

ce the magnet' were po'itionedon

metal rim and gl*ed inplace

ng a "'*per!gl*e" cyanoacrylate

he'ive% it wa' time to'ec*re them

the wheel 7or high 'peedoperation&

thi'% two layer' o7 arein7orced

king tape wa' *'ed%wrapped

mly aro*ndthe wheel twice& Thi'

e o7 tape i' 'ometime'called

apping tape" beca*'e o7the

bedded 7iber!gla'' netting&Thi'

t*remake' the tape very re'i'tant

either 'tretching or tearing*nder


anoacrylate adhe'ive' are E*ite brittle a7ter c*ring%and 'ince thi'motor

ate' on an "attraction" mode% the magnetic 7ield 7rom the coil i' tryip*ll the magnet' o77 o7wheel a' they approach& #ith the rein7orced

e in place% i7 the gl*e 7ail'% a magnet will 4OT 7lyacro'' the room at 53

per 'econd@ 0n'tead% yo* will *'t hear a "clicking" 'o*nd on thewheel a' the magnet i' p*lled o77the rim 'lightly a' it pa''e' over the coil&

ctrical Circ*it/eat*re'

hen thi' model wa' coming together% a n*mbero7 people very

nero*'ly donated part'& 1ohn Bedini provided the pla'tic 7rame%wheel%

gnet'% and a prototype circ*it board b*ilt by Tom Child' atTe'lagen9&

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m then donated one o7 their 7*lly wo*ndcoil' with 'even-3 ga*ge

wer winding' and a -; ga*ge trigger winding& /inally%Aaron

rakami donated the capacitor di'charge circ*it he hadp*rcha'ed


lier&$eter indemann took all o7 the'e part' and a''embled

and*'ted everything to prod*ce the 7ini'hed

emon'tration Model&

the electronic circ*it% all o7 the "7ine t*ning" method'were employed&

' incl*ded matched tran'i'tor' and matched re'i'tor'and the circ*it

lt on a clean circ*it board& Anyone can b*ild a circ*it like thi' *'ing the'peci7ication' in the

dini SG 0ntermediate Handbook% or 'imply by

cha'ing a circ*it like thi' 7romTe'lagen9&

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ere are only two modi7ication' made to thi' circ*it board 7or thi'model&

7ir't i' that the 'ingle large )- Ohm re'i'tor >ageoD at the top!o7 the photo i' oined bymore )- Ohm re'i'tor' iconD a' part o7 the

e t*ning" o7 the trigger&Thi' modi7ication will be di'c*''ed in more deta'hortly& The 'econd

i7ication i' the large iode at the bottom!centero7 the photo which i' partthe "generator

de" circ*itry whichww&bedini'g&com(

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l be di'c*''ed later& Otherwi'e% thi' circ*it board i' e9actly like the onyo* wo*ld get 7rom


e 'peci7ication' 7or winding yo*r

n coil are in the SGBeginner?'

ndbook% b*t making thecoil

main' the mo't di77ic*ltta'k o7

lding yo*r own SGreplication&

don?t 7eel bad i7 yo*want to *'t

cha'e thi' component& Here i'a

oto o7 the coil donatedto thi'

ectand it repre'ent' proo7that

y work per7ectly when incorporated into a really "7ine t*ned"model&

er the coil and the circ*itry were in place% all o7 thetemporary wiring

' removed and replaced by )- ga*ge wire% a''hown here&

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' i' all o7 the larger Red and Black wire' that connect between thebatterie'% meter'% terminal

ck'%and other 'ection' o7 the circ*it&#hen


operation wa' completed% the behavior o7 the

machine changedmatically@ 0n 'hort% it 'tarted r*nning m*chbetter&

order to *nder'tand why thi' happened% yo* have toremember that the

dini SG i' a "high 7reE*ency" machine& The tran'i'tor' arerated at )

z and can ea'ily t*rn o77 within a 7ew micro'econd'&#ith thi'kind o7

ching 'peed'% it mean' that "every length o7 wire i' an ind*ctor" and

everything yo* can do tower the impedance o7 the circ*it" will improve it' per7ormance& Many mod

b*ilder' neglect thi' b*t thene7it' are 'igni7icant and well worth


*'ting the TriggerCirc*it

e ne9t 'tep wa' to "7ine t*ne" the triggering 7*nction o7 the circ*it& A'yo* probably remember

m the SG Beginner?' Handbook% the c*rrent

*lating in the trigger circ*it i' act*ally generated in the trigger winding the permanent magnet'

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ving pa''ed the coil& That mean' thatthe

tance between the coil and the wheel i' one o7the variable' that

ntrib*te' to the 'trength o7 thatc*rrent&

the 7ir't thing to do i' to move the coil *p ordown 7rom it' original

ition *ntil yo* 7ind a height that prod*ce' the

highe't 'peed& 0n thee o7 thi' demon'trationmodel%that di'tance ended *p being

3&;:=" or

- mm& IThe SG Beginner?' Handbook 'peci7ied 3&)-=" onpage =&J

th the coil height 'et% the )-Ohm

i'tor wa' di'connected 7rom the

c*it board and temporarily

laced by a -= wattvariable

i'tor& The machine wa'then

*ght *p to 7*ll 'peedand the

iable re'i'tor wa' t*rned *pand

wn *ntil the highe't 'peedco*ld

maintained with thelowe't

rentdraw 7rom the r*n battery% a' 'hown on the0np*t Ammeter&


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it t*rned o*t% the val*e o7 the additional re'i'tanceneeded7or thi'

ndition in thi' model wa' ; Ohm'& So% when the variablere'i'tor wa'

moved% it wa' replaced by three )- Ohm re'i'tor'wired in 'erie'% a'

wn on page )=&

er the three )- Ohm re'i'tor' were'oldered

k on the circ*it board% a c*rio*'thing

pened& The ne9t time the modelwa'

ned on% it wo*ld 4OT accelerate allthe way

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to top 'peed a*tomatically@The added

i'tance wa' limiting the trigger c*rrent'o

wheel did not have eno*ghmechanical

rgy to tran'ition 7rom "do*bletriggering"

wn to "'ingletriggering" mode&

compen'ate 7or thi'% a momentarycontact

tch wa' in'talled that co*ld temporarily

ort circ*it" the added ; Ohm re'i'tor&Thi'

ve the added trigger power neededto make

tran'ition once the *nit got

*p to it'ative "top 'peed" in do*ble triggering


th the Trigger Shi7t Switch in'talled% all o7 the electricaland mechanical

di7ication' were 7ini'hed&

'*lt' o7 the'e Modi7ication'.

#heel r*n' in clean% circ*lar motionwith no 'ide!to!e wobble

#heel attain' a 'peed o7 ;= R$M% which i' Fo R$Mhigher than the

ed be7ore the large wire and trigger re7inement' were in'talled

C*rrent draw dropped 7rom )&F amp' to )&5amp' at higher 'peed

Attain' 'mooth r*nning at highe't 'peed withlowe't inp*t c*rrent@


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dition' to the

/ramee ne9t operation wa' to e9tend the 7rame to accommodate the


the capacitor di'charge circ*it and the additional coil thatwo*ld become

"low drag" generator& Since thi' *nit wa' being prepared a' a p*blicdemon'tration% both o7 the'e

*re' were incorporated a' a 'ingle 7rame

en'ion on the back 'ide o7 the machine *'ingclear acrylic&

e 7rame e9ten'ion piece' bolt to the vertical '*pport' o7the original SG

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me *'ing one large black

on n*t and bolt which i'al'o

n7orced by the additiono7 two

'' bolt' and wing!n*t'& The

pe o7 the clear acrylic

en'ion piece' i' 'hown here%

lined by the GR,,4line&


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*nting the Capacitor Mod*le

e lower plat7orm wa' de'igned

ci7ically 7or mo*nting the

mparator Circ*itMod*le that 1ohn?'

mpany 'ell'& The mod*le ha' 5'mall

t' coming o*t o7 thebottomo7 the

ted ba'e& /o*r hole' were drilled in

acrylic plate and the capacitor

temwa' bolted in place&

o terminal block' were mo*nted% one on either 'ide o7the capacitor

d*le% to lead to e9ternal wiring o7the 'y'tem&

re i' an overhead photograph o7 the Capacitor Mod*le

wired in place&e wire' coming in 7rom the le7t provide thepathway to charge the

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acitor' with the coil di'charge' 7rom the SG machine& Thewire' going


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on the right provide the pathway to di'chargethe capacitor' to the

ondary battery B-D& The mod*le 'en'e' the voltage in thecapacitor'%

charging them when that voltage ri'e' to abo*t -5 volt' andthen 'h*t'

the di'charge when the voltage drop' toabo*t )F volt'&

*nting the ,9tra Generator Coil

e e9tra coil *'ed 7or thegenerator

dedto be ad*'table% 'o thecoil

*ld be moved clo'er or 7arther

ay 7rom the wheel& The plat7orm

wn here will hold the generator

l and allow it to bead*'ted both

height and angle o7 approachto


top o7 thi' ba'icplat7orm% a

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mple9 7rame holding 'y'temwa'

ated& Since the magnet' on the wheel were going to bee9erting a 'trong

action 7orce toward the core in the generator coil% the coil had to beheld ab'ol*tely rigidly to

id vibration' in the 7rame and the po''ibility o7 an

ident i7 the coil moved*ncontrollably towardtherotating wheel&

7rame wa' b*ilt

*ndthe coil to

mp it inplace%

ding it down7rom

top& The'e acrylic

ce' were then

ted down to the

t7orm *'ing two

'' bolt' and n*t'

each 'ide o7the

me& Bra'' wa' *'ed 'o the 'tr*ct*re remained completely non!gnetic&

e complete generator de'ign will be 'hown inChapter 5&


ding the "Generator Mode" Circ*itry

the -3); Bedini ! indemann Science and TechnologyCon7erence%

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n introd*ced the attendee' to the new "Generator Mode"o7 operating the machine& The method

med to draw a little bit more energy 7rom

r*n battery% b*t ca*'e the 'econdbattery to charge m*chmore rapidly&

n*mber o7 demon'tration' had been given o7 thi'proce''% b*t none o7

m wa' a "7*lly metered te't" that E*anti7ied the level o7 bene7it& So%Bedini SG. The Complete

anced Handbook wo*ld not be completee'' thi' recent innovation wa' thoro*ghly e9plored and


e Cla''ic SG Circ*it ro*te' the di'charge' 7rom the main coildirectly to

O*tp*tcirc*it to charge either the capacitor or the 'econdarybattery&

e 'o called Generator Mode Circ*itre!ro*te' the di'charge' o7the main

l back thro*gh the R*n Battery and then to theO*tp*tcirc*it&The

ne7it' o7 thi' will be di'c*''ed in the ne9tchapter o7 thi' book&

' new circ*it place' both the R*n Battery and theSecondary Battery

a "common gro*nd" connection where they had been in a "'erie'connection" be7ore&0n order to

ate and balance the new arrangement% 1ohn introd*ced another iode into thecirc*it on the

*ndline e9ten'ion

ding to the O*tp*tcirc*itry% 'hown here% circled inGR,,4&

ce thi' wa' a di'play model de'igned 7or p*blicdemon'tration'% both

SG Cla''ic Mode connection' and the Generator Modeconnection'


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re b*ilt into the machine& A 'witch wa' added to thecirc*itry 'o that

machine co*ld be r*n in either mode% 'implyby 7lippingthe 'witch&

n ha' alway're7erred to

thi'c*itry a' the


de"o7 operation& /or the

po'e' o7 theemon'tration

del%and beca*'e there wa'

act*al "Generator Coil" on

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machine% it wa'decided to

er to the GeneratorMode

c*it a' the "Common Gro*nd

de"% a' can be'een in the

el in the photo to the

right&e BAC wire that


m the center connection on

'witch goe' o77 to theright

h the R, wire to chargethe

acitor'& The other two

AC wire' that are attached to the o*ter connection' o7 the 'witch and7eed o77 to the le7t o7 the

o% connect to the either the R*n Battery

tive terminal LD to create the Cla''ic SG Mode circ*it%or the R*nBattery negative terminal !D

*gh the new diode to create the Common Gro*nd or Generator Mocirc*it&the Generator Mode i' a very 'imple modi7ication o7the circ*itry

n'i'ting o7 one new wire and one new diode& The R*nMode Switch

mplyallow' an ea'y way to alternate between theconnection' 7or


l Schematic o7 the Advanced SGMachine

' complete' the di'c*''ion o7 the 7eat*re' o7 theCon7erence emo *nit&


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here i' a complete 'chematic o7 the circ*it o7thi' 7*lly "7ine t*ned"

chine with all o7 the 0ntermediate and Advancedmodi7ication'


t' e'ignation'.

T Matched 'et o7 'even M1-))<5!G4$4 Tran'i'tor'

All iode'marked either ) or- are the )4533:

R Matched 'et o7 'even 5:3 Ohm% )#att Carbon Re'i'tor'

4 Seven 4eon 0ndicatoright'%3C-A

C 3%333*7 N F3 2C$hoto /la'h Capacitor

TAR Trigger Ad*'tment Re'i'tor emo Model%;Ohm% )3 #attD

TS Trigger Shi7t Switch MomentaryContact typeD

G iode 7or the Generator Mode Circ*it% A)33amp%)333voltD

S Capacitor i'charge SwitchComparator Circ*itoreE*ivalentD

RMS R*n Mode Switch% Single Throw%o*ble $ole typeD

MC Main Coil% Seven 'trand'o7 -3 Ga*ge Magnet#ire% );37t long

TC Trigger Coil% One 'trand o7 -; Ga*ge Magnet#ire% );37t long

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B) R*n BatteryD )-v N ;=ah% 7loodedcell% ead Acid Battery

B- Charge BatteryD )-v N ;=ah% 7loodedcell% ead Acid Battery


apter Two

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ne7it' o7 R*nning in "GeneratorMode"

been abo*t a year and a hal7 'ince 1ohn 'tarteddemon'tratingwhat ha'

ome known a' the "Generator Mode" at hi' 'hop& He 'aid that it wo*draw a little bit more power

m the 7ront battery b*t that it charged the

k batterym*ch 7a'ter& He alway''aid that the "trade!o77" wa' well worth it% b*tthe time% no 7*lly

ered te't' were o77ereda' '*pportingdence&

one o7 the primary goal' o7 the Con7erenceemon'tration machine%

er it wa' 7*lly "7ine t*ned%" wa' to E*anti7y what the GeneratorMode wa' doing% and why&

e 7ir't thing to *nder'tand i' thedi77erence

ween the Cla''ic SG circ*itand the

nerator Mode circ*it&The image here i'a

pping 7rom the right hand 'ide o7the 7*ll

c*it 'chematic on the previo*'page& 0t

w' a 'ingle main coil windingand it'

ociated tran'i'tor 'ection% along withthe

t o7 thecirc*it&

e Generator Mode modi7ie' the MainCoil

charge pathway a7ter the tran'i'tort*rn'

and ro*te' it back thro*gh B)the R*n

teryD on it' way to becollected in the

pacitor& >o* can 'ee that the topo7 MC i'

nnected to the po'itive terminal o7 B) and complete'the di'charge path

the negative terminal o7 the capacitor C thro*ghRMS& #hen RMS i' in

*pper po'ition% Cla''ic SG ModeD the di'charge path by!'e' B) and


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' directly to the negative terminal o7 C& #henRMS i' in the lower

ition Bl*eD%Generator ModeD the di'charge path goe' backthro*gh B)

d thro*gh iode G on it' way to the negative

terminal o7 C& 0n bothe'% the path to the po'itive terminal o7 C i'

ro*ted thro*gh iode -&

re i' a compari'on o7the

o circ*it' in'impli7ied

m& /or clarity% the 'ame

c*it component part'

ignation' *'ed in thetwo

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vio*' drawing' are*'ed

ain here&

the Cla''ic SGCirc*it%

rgy move' thro*gh the

temin ; di'tinct

'tep'&p One. ,nergy7rom B) i'

n'7erred to MC when

tch T cond*ct'&

p Two. #hen 'witch T

ak' the circ*it%the energy

red in MC di'charge'

o*gh diode - and i' collected incapacitor C&

p Three. #hen the energy collected in capacitor C i''*77icient% 'witch S

mporarily cond*ct' and di'charge' the energy into batteryB-&

the Generator Mode Circ*it% energy move' thro*gh the'y'tem

milarly% e9cept in Step Two&

p One. ,nergy7rom B) i' tran'7erred to MC when 'witch Tcond*ct'&

p Two. #hen 'witch T break' the circ*it%the energy 'tored inMC

charge' back thro*gh batteryB) a' well a' thro*ghdiode' - and G%

d then i' collected incapacitor C&

p Three. #hen the energy collected in capacitor C i''*77icient% 'witch S

mporarily cond*ct' and di'charge' the energy into batteryB-&


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pe7*lly% it i' clear by now that the di77erence betweenthe two circ*it' i'

t the Generator Mode circ*it grab' energy 7rom batteryB) T#0C,each

le% wherea' the Cla''ic SG circ*it only grab' energy 7rombatteryB)

4C, each cycle& Thi' 7*ndamentally alter' the operation o7the circ*it

d e77ectively change' the po'ition o7 both the MainCoil MC and the

n'i'tor T in relation'hip to the re't o7 themaor component'&

ere are a n*mber o7 way' to characterize thi'% b*there i' a 'imple

logy& The Cla''ic SG circ*it act' like a 'impleC!to!C b*ck

nverter% wherea' the Generator Mode circ*it act' more like aC!to!C

o't converter&

that i' eno*gh at thi' point on the circ*it andthe theory& 4ow% what

' a 7*lly metered working model look like onthe benchP

''ic SG Ba'eline 0np*tMea'*rement'

order to *nder'tand thebene7it'r*nning in GeneratorMode% we

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ve to *nder'tand what weare

mparing it to& A'e9plained in

previo*' chapter%the

n7erence emo *nit wa' aclean

ning machine& 0t' top

'peedh a 7*lly charged R*n


' a little over ;= R$M%b*t thi'

ed wa' ro*tinely mea'*red ona


pically% the SG circ*itry i' de'igned to draw

appro9imately 3&-= amp'tran'i'tor% 'o a 'even tran'i'tor circ*it i' e9pected todraw )&:= amp'

m the 0np*t Battery& The Con7erence emo *nit% with it'balanced

eel% new bearing' and 7ine t*ned trigger circ*it%wa' drawing -3Qle''


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n that& The in!line mo*nted analog Ammeter typically indicated *'t a

de *nder )&5 amp' at top'peed&

' meter wa' labeledthe

verage 0np*t C*rrent" 7or

vio*' rea'on'& The SGi' a

chine that r*n' on a'erie'

C p*l'e' and ananalog

ter o7 thi' kind canonly

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vide an averageo7 the

*e o7 tho'e p*l'e'&

ho*gh the'e meter' do not

vide a digitallypreci'e

a'*rement o7 the c*rrent

d by the machine%they do

vide area'onably

*rate indication o7the

rage val*e&

get a better

*nder'tandingthe c*rrentinp*t o7the

chine% a /l*kedigital

illo'cope wa' *'ed& The

log Ammeter i' a=3m2

vement mea'*ring the

tage acro'' a 3&3)3Ohm

i'tive 'h*nt& #hen thi'

tage wa' 'im*ltaneo*'ly

erved on the /l*kemeter%

image wa' prod*ced& 0t 'how' p*l'e' that peak at aheight o7 abo*t

divi'ion repeating )3<&: time' per'econd&

?' look at the 'peed o7 the wheel 7ir't& #e know thatthere are )F

gnet' on the wheel% 'o the 7ollowing calc*lationcan be made.


<&:hz )F &3<5 R$S 3 ;=& R$M

' i' within one R$M o7 the 'peed mea'*red by thetachometer% 'o thi' i'

o*raging& 4e9t% let?' look at the calc*lation' 7orc*rrent&

e average val*e o7 the c*rrentcan be calc*lated 7rom the/l*ke Scope

ge by mea'*ring the "area *nder the c*rve" de7ined by the graph line on

'cope& The wave7orma peak amplit*de o7 abo*t one divi'ion&

e 'cope 'etting i' that one divi'ion eE*al' )33m2& /romthi' we can

ermine the peak c*rrentval*e *'ing the 'h*nt re'i'tance o73&3)3 Ohm'

d Ohm?' aw ,(R 0D& That calc*lationi' here.

33 volt' 3&3)3 )3&33 amp'

9t% the width o7 the ba'e o7 the wave!7orm i' mea'*reda' abo*t ;Q o7

total wave length and the ri'ing line ro*ghly bi'ect' thi'area& Thi'

ne' the "area *nder the c*rve" a' one hal7 o7 ;Q or )FQ o7 theamp peak val*e& Thi' give' *'7ollowing calc*lation&

33 volt' 3&3)3 )3&33 amp' )FQ )&F amp'

' calc*lation deviate' 7rom the indication on the analogAmmeter by a

ni7icant margin% and may '*gge't one o7two thing'.

that the analog meter i' way o*t o7calibration% or

that o*r e'timate o7 the peak val*e 'hown on the'cope i' too high&

't engineer' will immediately choo'e) a' the problem andcon7idently

their 7aith in the /l*ke Scope image& #ith my year' o7e9perience with

'e machine'% my tendency i' believe the analog meter%ba'ed partially

the voltage reading o7 the battery indicating a'low di'charge rate&

thi' point% i7 yo* are willingto look at the'emea'*rement'a'

mportant indicator'" rather than "ab'ol*te val*e'%" yo* may be better preparedto accept the

portance o7 their relation'hip to othera'*rement'taken on the machine in the 'amemanner&

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''ic SG Ba'eline O*tp*tMea'*rement'

% let?' move on and lookat

indication' on theO*tp*t

ter'& #herea' the0np*t

alog Ammeter wa' a3!=

p 'cale% the O*tp*tAnalog

mmeter i' a 3!;amp 'cale&

' meter i' al'o a=3m2

vement% b*t it' Re'i'tive

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*nt i' 3&3) Ohm'&

' meter i' mea'*ring the

rent' a''ociated withthe

pacitor i'charge' into the

rge batteryB-D& #hile

ning% the indicator needle i' bo*ncing between "3" and ")&-" on the'cale& The digital O*tp*t

tage i' taken directly acro'' batteryB-&

e operational indication on

O*tp*tAnalog Ammeter

ge't' that thec*rrent

ming o*t o7 themachine

y be averaging abo*t3&

p'% which i' abo*t 5=Q o7

average c*rrentbeing

lied to the0np*t&

hen the /l*ke Scope Meter

applied acro'' there'i'tive

nt o7 the O*tp*tAmmeter

prod*ce' thi'image&

7ir't thing we can 'ee i' that the capacitor circ*it i' di'charging intocharge batteryB- at ao7 -&)F; time' per 'econd& #hile thi' di'charge


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' to a height on the 'cope o7 divi'ion'% it' total width i' E*narrow% and it' d*ration i'

ended in appro9imately ) milli'econd' 3&3)

ond'D& #ith a 'etting o7 -33m2 per divi'ion% thepeak val*e o7 the

rentimp*l'e a' it begin' can becalc*lated a'.

3m2(d divi'ion' 3&3) :-&-F amp'

battery B- i' being charged by :- amp p*l'e' -&)F time'per 'econd& The

ct n*mber o7 o*le' o7 energy thi' repre'ent' i' notE*anti7iable 7rom

'e mea'*rement'& The average o*tp*t c*rrentthi' repre'ent'can be

mated by the "area *nder the c*rve" method 7rom the 'cope image& The area*nder thi' wave7ormabo*t )Q o7 the total area% 'o the average

rento*tp*t by thi' method i' aro*nd3&: amp'% which i'

'imilarto the

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= amp' )&5 amp' )&=;& That repre'ent' anincrea'e o7 =;Q&

th the /l*ke Scope Meter

o'' the ammeter 'h*nt%

can now 7inally 'eewhat

Generator Mode circ*itry

doing to theinp*t


e thin line at thetop' o7

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triangle' i' wherethe

n'i'tor' 'h*t o77& The

ng wave be7ore that i' the

ndard inp*t we 'awon

ge -:% and the 7alling

waveer the tran'i'tor' 'h*t


the e9tra energy the

nerator Mode Circ*ittake' 7rom the r*n batteryB)D on thedi'charge o7

Main Coil% MC&

thi' i' what the analog Ammeter i' interpreting a' an

increa'e in theerage 0np*t C*rrent o7 =;Q& Attempt' to E*anti7y

thi' inp*t c*rrent

g the "area *nder the c*rve" method prod*ce a 'imilar7ig*re& #ith the inp*calc*lated a' )FQ o7)3 amp peak val*e% the o*tp*t add' another

Q on that% 7or a total Average 0np*t C*rrento7 -&F amp'&

e ratio o7 thi' increa'e can be calc*lateda' 7ollow'.

amp' )&F amp' )&==& Thi' repre'ent' anincrea'e o7 ==Q&

de'pitethe variation' in the ab'ol*te val*e' indicated%at lea't the

a'*rement method' are remaining e''entially proportional intheir

lity to indicate the increa'e in the Average 0np*tC*rrent relative to the

o mode' o7 operation&


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Generator Mode O*tp*tMea'*rement'

e indicator needle onthe

tp*tAnalog Ammeter i'

w bo*ncing between"3&="

d ")&=" amp'& The 2olt

ter i' clearly'howing an

rea'ed charge rate a'it

w indicate' );&; volt'

erea' be7ore itwa'

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wing );&-= volt'& B*t the

action i' 'howing onthe

ke Scope Meter image&

e /l*ke i' 'howing thatthe

acitor i' di'charging

5&5)Fe' per 'econdand the peak

rentper imp*l'e i'now

ng to & divi'ion'&Thi'

*ate' to :F ampimp*l'e'

ng delivered to the

chargeteryB-D 5&5)F time' per


e charge rate ha' increa'ed

m -&)F; time' per 'econdin

Cla''ic SG Mode to5&5)F

e' per 'econdin the

nerator Mode& The ratio o7

increa'e can becalc*lated


)F Hz -&)F; Hz -&3-; Thi' repre'ent' anincrea'e o7 )3-Q&


ce the capacitor di'charge 'y'temi' voltage controlled%and the

charge and re!'et trip point' have not been changed betweenthe two

'% it i' rea'onable to believe that the n*mber o7 1o*le' per p*ha' al'o not changed% and

re7ore% the act*al E*antity o7 energy being delivered to

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charge batteryB-D ha' more than do*bled while the energye9pended

the inp*t ha' gone *p by abo*thal7 a' m*ch@

arging Bene7it'

' data certainly '*pport' 1ohn?' 'tatement' concerning thebene7ito7 the

nerator Mode& /or the p*rpo'e o7 thi' narration% it

wo*ld take a lotre time to 7*lly E*anti7y the'e energy tran'lation' and eliminate

all o7

mea'*rement ambig*itie'% b*t yo* are welcome to do that7or yo*r'el7

yo*r own model& The p*rpo'e here i' 'imply to point yo*in the right


nning the SG in Generator Mode 'eem' to add a little

electrical c*rrentthe otherwi'e low c*rrent'pike' coming 7rom the di'charge'o7 the Main

il MC& Since the capacitor i' charging and di'charging twicea' 7a't% the

mporary electret e77ect al'o ha' le'' time to di''ipate%'o more o7 the

ntaneo*' recovery o7 it' electrical charge can bedelivered to the

ondary battery& That i'% at lea't% one rea'onablee9planation&

other material'% 1ohn di'c*''e' the "widening" o7 the wave7orm *'ed tocharge the capacitor a' the

mary e9planation 7or the energy gain 7rom

ng thi' method& >o* are enco*raged to e9plore thi'proce'' a' deeply a'

* wi'h% and even come *p with yo*r own e9planation 'ho*ldyo* 'o

ire& The point i' thi'U yo* now have been 'hown THR,,di'tinct energy

n method' *'ed by 1ohn to e77ectively o77!'et all o7 theelectrical lo''e'&

e'e are.

the rapid "7ini'hing time" o7 the batterie' when cycled repeatedly -& the"temporary electret e77ect"appear' in the capacitor

the Generator Mode o7operation


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apter Three

,nergizer "Sel7!Rotation" /*nction'

tho*t 7ail% every time 'omeone ha' re7erred to theSG machine a' "an

tric motor%" 1ohn ha' tried to correct them& He ha' alway''aid "it?' notmotor% it?' an ,nergizer&"

co*r'e%1ohn knew e9actly

at he wa' talkingabo*t% b*t

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't o7 the re't o7*' have

i'ted *nder'tandingthi' 7ora

y long time& So% once and7or

here i' what 1ohn ha'been

ng to tell *'@

e original machinede'cribed

1ohn?' )<F5 book titled

dini?' /ree ,nergyGenerator

' an electric motort*rning a

wheel and an

electricnerator that had a

n*mber o7

E*e 7eat*re'% which he called

,4,RG0V,R& Here i'an

argement o7 the image o7that

wing& 0t i' clearlymade *p

a wheel with all 4orth/acing

manent magnet' onit%

nning in 7ront o7 agro*p o7

ionary coil' with iron core'

them& 0t i' clearly de'ignated a' the",nergizer&"


e 7*nction o7 the ,nergizer i' critical to the operationo7 the energy gain

chani'm& On page ); o7 1ohn?' original book%he 'tate'.

hereare many di77erent way' to e9plain thi'theory&"

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page -)% he 'tate'that.

he batteryi' really charging it'el7&"

page --% 1ohn'ay'.

he wave' we want togenerate

like tho'e that come 7rom old C

generator'%h the e9ception o7 armat*re drag% bearing drag and no

e9cited 7ield'&"

d 7inally he 'ay' that.

have r*n 'ome te't' in my lab and di'covered thatcertain type' o7

rgizer'% generator' and alternator' do what weneed&"

reiterate 1ohn?' di'covery% here i' a E*ote 7rom Chapter ) o7

Bedini SG% The Completeginner?' Handbook.

he energizer wa' a 'pecialgenerator that didn?t 'low down a'm*ch a'

normalgenerator when electricity wa' coming o*t o7it& The rotating

tch allowed the battery to be charged part o7 thetime% and then r*n

motor the re't o7 the time& A' the year' went by%1ohn realized that i7

co*ld get the energizer to t*rn it'el7% he co*ldeliminate the electric

tor and really 'impli7y the'y'tem&"

he original energizer con'i'ted o7 a wheel with a'erie' o7 permanent

gnet' on it that wo*ld rotate in 7ront o7 a n*mbero7 coil' o7 wire& A'

magnet' moved pa''ed the coil'% p*l'e' o7 electricity wo*ldcome

o7 the coil' to charge the battery& B*t 1ohn al'oknew that the wheel

*ld be made to t*rn i7 a p*l'e o7 electricity wa'p*t back into one o7


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coil' at the right time& 0t wa' *'t a matter o7developing the right

tching method&"

he new 'y'temcon'i'ted o7 an energizer% a battery%and a 'pecial

ing circ*it&That eliminated hal7 o7 the component'% incl*dingthe

ctric motor% the rotary 'witch%and the7lywheel&"

a 'imple '*b'tit*tion o7 word'% the machine can be'een to be the

ginal "low drag generator" with an added circ*it to ca*'e itto 'el7!rotate&

er the year'% 1ohn ha' r*n h*ndred' o7 e9periment' on thi'"technology

7orm" and developed a "'el7!rotating"method that recover' )33Q o7 theelectricity neededto keept*rning& So% thi' bring' *' to the SG a' we

ow it& The only thing' mi''ing are all o7 the othernon!energizedcoil'

t make *p the re't o7 the lowdrag generator@

e evelopment o7 Rotating Mechanical /orce in an ,lectric

Motororder to *nder'tandwhat

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n mean' when he 'ay' the

i' not an electricmotor% we

ve to *nder'tand whatan

ctric motor i' andhow it

velop' mechanical energy&

' graph ill*'trate' the power

ve o7 a typical Cmotor

h a comm*tated armat*re&

'how' the relation'hip

ween the Speed% the TorE*eprod*ced% and the con'eE*ent

$ower%ich i' a cro''!prod*ct o7 the Speed and TorE*e& 0n

thi' diagram% the

E*ei' 'hown by the Orange ine and the $ower i' 'hown by the Redine& 0n a motor like thi'%TorE*ei' a direct con'eE*ence o7 how m*ch electric c*rrenti' movingthro*gh the armat*re

ding' in 7ront o7 thetor magnet'&


when the motor i' *'t 'tarting% the 'peed i' thelowe't%b*t the c*rrent

w and the torE*e i' the highe't& A' the motor r*n'7a'ter and 7a'ter% the

rentdraw and the torE*e prod*ced 'tart dropping o77 d*eto the

d*ction o7 the back ,M/ in the winding'& A' theTorE*eapproache' it'

we't point% there i' no longer eno*gh mechanical energy prod*cedto

ke the motor t*rn 7a'ter% 'o it reache' it' Top Speed& The'erelation'hip'

be 'een by 7ollowing the Orange ine down a'the 'peed increa'e'&

both o7 the'e 'peed e9treme'% the power prod*ced bythe motor i'

ively low% 'ince one o7 the'e "m*ltiplier'" ha' a very low val*e& Only in mid!range o7 bothtorE*e and the 'peed% doe' the con'eE*ent

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wer "cro''!prod*ct" o7 the'e val*e' reach it'peak&

' can be 'een in the val*e' 7or $ower li'ted on the 7arright o7 the graph&

herea' )3 <3 <33 near the 'tart!*p or thetop 'peed% the mechanical

wer peak' in the mid!range where =3 =3 -=33& Thi'i' why a motor

e thi' m*'t be 'lowedto =3Q o7 it' *nloaded 'peed in

order to acc*ratelya'*re it' power on a

dynamometer te't&

le being a little co*nter!int*itive% thi' "power c*rve" prod*ce' a very hanper7ormance 7eat*re&

en mechanical energy i' withdrawn 7rom a

chine% the removal o7 thi' energy *'*ally 'low' the machine down& Thi' tr*e o7 almo't all

chanical 'y'tem'&

the ca'e o7 the C Motor% it' per7ormance i' '*chthat i7 a mechanical

d i' applied to the motor at it' top 'peed% it will 'low down& B*the 'peed drop'% the power

S,S to match the mechanical load% to keep the

p in 'peed to a minim*m& The be't thing abo*t thi'% i'that thi' 'peed!

wer reg*lation o7 the machine happen' a*tomatically%a'long a' the

lied voltage remain' the 'ame& Thi' make' thi' type o7electric motor

remely *'e7*l 7or the prod*ction o7 mechanicalenergy&

the ability o7 an electric motor to prod*ce MOR,mechanical power a'

'low' down i' the 'peci7ic 7eat*re that 1ohn i' 'aying i'4OT pre'ent in

Sel7!Rotating ,nergizer&


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e evelopment o7 Rotating Mechanical /orce in the SG,nergizer

e SG ,nergizer prod*ce'a

chanical attraction each time

coil t*rn' O4& Thi'attract'

o7 the permanentmagnet'

the wheel *ntil it i'directly

r the coil% at which point%the

l t*rn' O// and themagnet

p' pa't&

ch time thi' proce''happen'%

draw' a 'peci7icE*antity o7

ctric c*rrent7rom the r*n batteryand prod*ce' a 'peci7icE*antity o7

chanical energy on the wheel& A' the 'peed increa'e'% thi'proce'' i'

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eated more time' per 'econd% and there7ore the powerincrea'e' in a

ect relation'hip to the 'peed& 0n the graph above% thi' i''hown a' the

ange ine TorE*eD and the Red ine $owerDri'ing together&

hi' i'% at lea't% what the torE*e!power c*rve o7 the SG look'like when it

operating in "'ingletriggering

mode&"Jhile thi' torE*e!power pro7ile i' intere'ting and ha' 'ome advantage'%


4OT the 'ame a' a 'tandard electric motor powerc*rve& 0t al'o mean'

t the SG ,nergizer i' 4OT capable o7 prod*cing moremechanical power

it 'low' down and i' there7ore 4OT '*itable toprovide mechanical

rgy to e9ternal load' like an ordinary electric

motor doe'& thi' i' what 1ohn ha' been trying to get *' to

*nder'tandU that the SG i'

"'el7!rotating ,nergizer" de'igned to prod*ce e9ce'' electrical energy when all the e9tra coil'pre'entD while prod*cing eno*gh mechanical energy to keep it'el7 'pinning&


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apter /o*r

,nergizer ,9tra Coil Generator

addition to the SG Advanced circ*itry andoptimized operation'% the

n7erence emon'tration model had an "e9tra coil" generator a'well&

e power coil behindthe

dini ogoD and the generator

l can be 'een ne9t toeach

er in thi' pict*re&Since the

manent magnet' onthe

eel were only a 'ingle

ramic F magneteach% and

ce the'e magnet' were the

y magnetic 7ield inp*t 7or

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operation o7 thegenerator

l% thi' coil wa' de'igned to operate on thi' relativelylow magnetic 7ield&

e Generator Coil

e p*rpo'e o7the

mon'tration Model wa' to

mon'trate the principle" o7

ow rag Generator *'ing

'ingle coil& To ma9imizethe

w magnetic 7ield level'% itwa'

ided to widen the iron

corethi' coil 'o itco*ld capt*re

re o7 the magnetic 7l*97rom

permanent magnet'& There7ore% a pla'tic 'pool like the one*'ed 7or the

wer coil wa' c*t in hal7 and the center 'ectionwa' e9tendedby ) inch&


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' prod*ced a coil core area that more clo'elyappro9imated the

tang*lar 'hape o7 the magnet'& The open area wa' then

7illed with theme R5= iron welding


terial *'ed in thepower


' 'imple modi7ication

d*ced a coil core

with ;e' more iron in it


owed m*ch more o7the

gnetic 7l*9 7rom each

gnet to becapt*red&

hen thi' coil 7orm wa'

apped with wire% ittook

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*t 3Q more wire to make

h t*rn% b*t the core capt*red ;33Q more magnetic 7l*9 thanthe 'imple

nd core wo*ld have& Over all% the trade!o77 wa' wellworth it&

ce the coil 7orm and core material were po'itioned% the ironrod' were

ed in place *'ing cyanoacrylate '*per gl*eD adhe'ive% 'imilar to

thece'' 'hown on page ) o7 the SG Beginner?'


e coil 7orm wa' thenwo*nd

h )3 'trand'o7 )wire

t had been twi'tedinto a

ndled cable like the

powerl' *'e& The proce'' to


coil like thi' i''hown on

ge =: o7 the SGBeginner?'

ndbook& The'e individ*al

e' were then connected in

ie' to prod*ce a'ingle )

e abo*t )%333 7eet long&


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e Circ*it

e o*tp*t o7 thi' coilcame

ectly to the circ*it

'howne& 0t con'i'ted o7an

4(O// 'witch%a diode% a

acitor% a re'i'tor%and 53


e 'witch wa' a 'imple toggle type& The diode wa' a A)33&

The 7o*racitor' together had a capacitance o7 5:3*7& The re'i'torwa' rated 7or

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3 Ohm' at one watt& The 53 ,' were wired a' 5parallel 'tring' o7 )3

' connected in


e complete

c*it i' 'hown


e Te't Re'*lt'

act*al operation% thee9tra

nerator coil lit *pall 53

' to a brightne'' too

brightlook at directly& On the Con7erence 7ilm it wa''tated that t*rning the

ht' O4 and O// did not changethe 'peed by even oneR$M& The e9act

*lt' o7 'peci7ic te't' will be di'c*''ed in more detailin Chapter Si9&

all practical p*rpo'e'% the generator coil prod*cede9tremely O#

AGon the SG ,nergizer while lighting 53 ,'&,veryone at the

n7erence 'aw thi' done& 4obody *nder'tood what they werelooking at&

hat i' thi'P #hy can?t people *nder'tand itP #hy doe' thi'workP


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apter /ive

der'tanding enz?' aw

inrich /& ,& enz wa' a R*''ian $hy'ici't% born inthe city o7 orpat in

R*''ian ,mpire in )F35& Hi' parent' were ethnicallyGerman 'peaking

''ian e9patriate' and 'oenz

E*ite o7ten re7erred toa' a

rman $hy'ici't a'well&

nz originally 't*died atthe

iver'ity o7 orpat% b*tlater

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ght Mathematic' and $hy'ic'

the 8niver'ity o7 St&$eter'b*rg&

hile he made many

ntrib*tion' to the 'cience' o7hi'

y% he i' be't remembered 7or

hi'ly e9periment' in magnetic'

d the 7orm*lation o7 whatha'

ome known a' enz?' aw&

e *'e o7 the 'ymbol " " 7or ind*ctance wa' al'ocho'enin honor o7 enz&

der'tanding enz?' di'covery

)F;)% enz wa' 't*dying the new 'cience concerningelectric generator'

d electric motor'& Hi' 7ir't paper in thi' 7ield addre''edwhat he called

"aw o7 Reciprocity o7 Magneto!electric and ,lectro!gnetic

nomena&" Thi' paper contained the 7ir't p*bli'hed 'tatement o7 "enz?' awob'ervation wa'when mechanical energy wa' removed

m an electric motor% it behaved like an electricgenerator in rever'e% and


t when electrical energy wa' removed 7rom an electricgenerator% it

haved like an electric motor inrever'e&

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day% the'e ob'ervation' are e9pre''ed a' 7ollow'.

e c*rrentind*ced in a circ*it d*e to a changeormotionin a magnetic

d i' directed to oppo'ethe changein 7l*9 or toe9ert a mechanical

ce oppo'ing the motion&

' reciprocal action between an ind*ced c*rrentand the

change' in the*cing magnetic 7ield wa' pre'ent in every e9perimental


t enz 't*died% and he came to believe that itrepre'ented an e9pre''ion

the "aw o7 Con'ervation o7 ,nergy&" 0t al'o '*pported the idea thatchangein the energy 'tate o7'y'temco*ld not propagate it'el7&"

re i' one o7 the 'imple't ill*'tration' o7 enz?'e9perimental re'*lt'&

the 4orth $ole o7 the permanent magnet approache'the coil% c*rrent

w' in the coil in a way that prod*ce' a 'econdmagnetic 7ield that repel'

magnet?' approach& #hen the 4orth $ole o7 thepermanent magnet i'

n p*lled away% the ind*ced c*rrent in the coil rever'e'and prod*ce' a

gnetic 7ield that trie' to attract itback in&


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it' mo't ba'ic pre'entation% enz?' aw can be ill*'tratedlike thi'.

a wire i''it*ated in a

gnetic 7ield '*ch thata

rth $ole i' on the le7t

and a

*th $ole i' on theright%

d a mechanical7orce

ve' the wire ina

wnward motion% ac*rrent

the wire will beprod*ced

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t create'a magnetic7ield

*ndthe wire that tend' to oppo'ethe 7ield above the wire andrein7orce

7ield below the wire& The'e ind*ced magnetic e77ect' 7rom thec*rrent

the wire create an *pward mechanical reaction 7orceon the wire in

ect oppo'ition to the downward motionthat

initiated it&enz?' aw de'cribe' a comple9 interaction betweenmagnetic 7ield'%

ctric c*rrent'% and mechanical 7orce' which are all tiedtogether beca*'e

a 'peci7ic geometry o7 material'and motion'&

' image de'cribe' how the'e

ce' behavein an ordinary

Ctor& #hen the magnetic 7ield

de'cribed a' B% andthe electric

renti' de'cribed a' 0%then a

chanical 7orce appear' onthe

e'% 'hown a' /& #hat make'

motor 'pin i' theappearance

thi' mechanical 7orce& B*t

en thi' 7orce move' the wire'

o*gh the magnetic 7ieldB% it

*ce' a potential inthe wire'

t will try to rever'e the 7low o7 c*rrent& 07the mechanical 7orce in the

ection o7 / become' the "inp*t"to the device%themachine become' a

nerator" and prod*ce' electric c*rrent in the oppo'itedirection 'hown&


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nz wa' the 7ir't tode'cribe

'e interaction'& #hen the

rentlead'% the 7orce appear'

the reaction% and wecall the

vice a "motor&" 07 the7orce

d'% then the c*rrentappear'

the reaction in theoppo'ite

ection% and we callthat

vice a "generator&" B*t

lly% it i' the 'amemachine

h the ability to appear a'

her a motor that inherently

erate' again'tit'el7 or a generator that inherently motor'again'tit'el7% dependingwhich 7orce

' the other& Modern theory call' thi' the

mat*re reaction" and 'how' it a' an ang*lardi'placement o7 the

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ectrical ne*tralline" in therotor&

i' e9tremely important to *nder'tand that yo* can?t ",/,AT" enz?' awi' an acc*rate

ription o7 the behavior o7 the 7orce' o7 4at*rea' they appear within thi''peci7ic con7ig*ration o7

erial'& #hat yo* CA4 i' 't*dy the min*tedetail' o7 how thi' proce''mani7e't' it'el7 and

rn how to engineer aro*nd it@ That i' what 1ohn Bedini did

in the )<F3'&ce mo't commercially available electric motor'and generator' *'e


me ba'ic geometry a' i' ill*'trated above% the'e machine' allbehavein a

nner that i' con'i'tent with the a''*mption that enz?' awi' *niver'al

it' appearance and that it i' an e9ample o7 the "aw o7Con'ervation o7 ,nergy" a' enz believed&

kily% thi' i' not tr*e&

e goal i' to prod*ce electricity 7rom magneticind*ction witho*t the

earance o7 the a''ociated mechanical reaction 7orce' prod*cedby the

eraction o7 the ind*ced c*rrent' and the primarymagnetic 7ield'& Thi' i'

at allow' yo* to make an electric generator that doe'not 'low down

en electricity i' removed 7rom it& The E*e'tion i'.what?' the trickP


di7ying the Appearance o7 enz?' aw

?' review the 'peci7ic condition' *nder which enz?' awappear'&

hen a c*rrentcarrying wire i' placed in a magnetic 7ield%

the interactionthe magnetic 7ield aro*nd the wire and the e9ternalmagnetic 7ield

d*ce a 7orce on the wire that tend' to move the wirein '*ch a way a' to

wer the 7low o7 c*rrent& Thi' i' re7erred to a' the "back ,M/" orrever'e electro!motive 7orce&

hen a wire that i' connected to a complete circ*it i'placed in a magnetic

d and phy'ically moved perpendic*lar to that 7ield% a c*rrenti'

ind*cedthe wire that prod*ce' a 7orce on the wire thatmake' moving it in it'

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ginal direction more di77ic*lt& Thi' i' re7erred to a' the "back MMor the rever'e magneto!


the 7ir't in'tance% the motiono7 the wire impede' the7low o7 c*rrentby

*cing a rever'e voltage& 0n the 'econd in'tance%the 7low o7 c*rrent

pede' the motiono7 the wire by prod*cing a magneticrep*l'ion again't

e9ternal magnetic 7ield& enz believed the'e twophenomena were

procal' o7 each other and that their appearance '*pported the "aw o7Con'ervation o7 ,nergy&"

'7ied by hi' di'covery% he looked into it no 7*rther&

thi' de7ine' the 'peci7ic arrangement o7material' that

't be avoided@ #e de7initely do not wantto move a

rentcarrying wire directly in 7ront o7 amagnet@

e E*e'tion i'% what can we do to prod*ceelectric ind*ction and

nimize how m*ch rever'e mechanical 7orce it create' in thegeneratorP

ll% one 'imple variation o7 the'e component' i' 'hown on thene9t page%

ere coil' are wo*ndon iron pole piece' in the pre'ence o7a rotating

gnet& #hile thi' 'eem' remarkably 'imilarand only 'ort o7"in'ideo*t"


the original con7ig*ration% itdoe'

vide a n*mber o7 new7eat*re' that

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ow *' to modi7y theappearance o7

nz?' aw&

e 7ir't di77erence ha' to dowith the

earance o7 mechanical 7orce& 0nthe

t arrangement% i7 there i' no

c*rrentwing in the wire% there

are no

chanical 7orce' prod*ced at all&0n

new arrangement% i7 there i'no

rent7lowing in the wire% the rotating magnet i' 'till attracted tothe iron in the pole piece'&

7or in'tance% in the diagram on page 5;% i7 the

magnet approache' thel% b*t the coil i' not connected to the meter or

anything el'e% then no

renti' ind*ced in the coil and no magneticre'i'tance appear' in

pon'e to the movement o7 the magnet& 0n that 'eto7 circ*m'tance'% the

gnet i' not attracted or repelled by anything el'ein the 'y'tem% whether

i' movingor not&

however% we introd*ce 'ome iron into the coil% nowthere i' a 7orce

d*ced on the magnet even i7 no c*rrent' are beinggenerated@ Al'o% thi'

w magnetic 7orce i' a "*niver'al attraction" in that the magnet i'attracted toward the iron a' it

roache' A4 it i' 'till attracted back towardthe

n a' it trie' toleave&

' arrangement o7 material' prod*ce' a 'et o7 7orce'that e''entially

el each other o*t to prod*ce "no net 7orce" on the movement o7 themagnet a' it pa''e' the ironpiece'&B*t% "no net 7orce" i' completely di77erent than "no 7orce&" Thi' 'it*i' E*ite

ptive and mo't engineer' believe that the 'econdarrangement o7 componentidenticalthe 7ir't in all operational characteri'tic'%b*t it i' not&


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thi' give' *' two 'imple proce''e' to 'tart engineering theappearance

d(or the avoidance o7 enz?' aw& The 7ir't i' by windingcoil' o7 wire

*nd'tationary iron pole piece' that are either magnetized orde!

gnetized by moving magnet' pa't them& The 'econd i' bycontrolling

H,4 electric c*rrent' are allowed to7low in the wire'&

' i' what 1ohn Bedini 7ig*red o*t in the early )<F3'&Remember what he


have r*n 'ome te't' in my lab and di'covered thatcertain type' o7

rgizer'% generator' and alternator' do what weneed&"

d what doe' he 'ay weneedP

he wave' we want togenerate

like tho'e that come 7rom old Cgenerator'%

h the e9ception o7 armat*re drag% bearing drag and noe9cited 7ield'&"

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ally% he wa' looking 7or a generator that co*ldprod*ce C p*l'e' with

radiant'pike like 7rom the 'park' at the comm*tatorD whileprod*cing a

nim*m o7 mechanical drag on the rotor% have low bearinglo''e'% and

minate e9ce'' energy *'e in the "7ield winding'" by replacing them withpermanent magnet'&

nergizer" i'

name he gave to anyelectric

nerator that operated with allor

't o7 the'e parameter'&

re i' a pict*re o7 1ohn ne9tto one

hi' working prototype'in the

ly )<F3'& The *nit ha' anelectric

tor on the le7t and the"energizer"

the right& Thi' pict*re'how' the

t witho*t the7lywheel&


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apter Si9

e Simpleow!rag Generator

the previo*' chapter% we looked at the theoreticalpo''ibility o7 b*ilding

generator that minimize' the appearance o7 mechanical dragthe rever'e

toring e77ectD while it i' prod*cing electric c*rrent& 0n

thi' chapter welook clo'elyat the de'ign o7 the 'imple "energizer" that 1ohn Bedini developed the )<F3' that

mpli'hed thi' goal&

'ic Con7ig*ration

e'e two image'are taken 7rom 1ohn?' original book titled Bedini?'/ree

ergyGenerator% p*bli'hed in )<F5& 0n the 7ir't image we can'ee that the

rgizer" appear' to be made 7rom a wheel with 4orth 7acing permanent magon it directly in

t o7 a 'tr*ct*re holding a n*mber o7 coil' o7

e with a core material that cr*dely look' like 'teelbolt'& 0n the 'econd

age% two ba'ic arrangement' are 'hown with the lower one'howing

at appear' to be a wheel with two magnet' on it7acing a coil o7 wire

*nd on 'ome core material% pre'*mably iron& The coil i'connected to a

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mple circ*it con'i'ting o7 a diode and acapacitor&


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make the'e idea' clear% thene9t

age 'imply 'how' a coil o7wire

an iron core 7acing awheel with

me 4orth Magnet' on itand

nnected to a 'implecirc*it

n'i'ting o7 a diodeand a

acitor& So thi' i' theba'ic

nergizer" con'tr*ct and method&

' i' the "ba'ic con7ig*ration"o7

"energizer" or a "lowdrag"

nerator& 4e9t% let?' 'ee #HAT

doe' and #H> itwork'&

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aly'i' o7 enz?' aw /orce'

order to 'impli7y thi'% *'timagine

arrangement o7 component'& At

bottom% there i' an ironcore with a

l o7 wire wrapped aro*nd it%

andve the iron core% there i' a


h a 'erie' o7 4orth 7acingmagnet'

it& The R, arrow repre'ent'the

ection o7 rotation onthe wheel&

the wheel rotate'% the

magnet've pa''ed the iron core and

d*ce a comple9 'erie' o7event'

ich incl*de.

magnetizationo7 the ironcore

attraction 7orce' that act onthe wheel

voltage prod*ction in the coil d*e to the change'o7 magnetic 7l*9 in

iron core


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e drawing to the rightill*'trate'

o7 the'e interaction'&

the middleo7 thedrawing% the

n core o7 the coil i''hown a' a

ck Rectangle with a n*mbero7

tical% parallel line' init&

the right o7 the iron core%the coil

'hown connected to thediode

d capacitor circ*it%b*t al'othe

mbol 7or a re'i'tori' 'hown

connected b*t clo'e by&

e Bl*e Bo9e' above the iron core

re'ent a permanent magneton

wheel% and 7ive po''ible

ition' it co*ld be in a'it pa''e'

iron core& The RedArrow

re'ent' the direction themagnet

moving thro*gh $o'ition'A to ,&

e 4 repre'ent' the 4orth$ole o7

magnet 7acing thecore&

ove the Bl*e Bo9e' are a 'erie'o7

een Arrow'% which repre'ent the

chanical 7orce applied tothe

el a' the magnet pa''e' the iron core& The Green Arrow' point in thedirection o7 the mechanical

e% and the 'ize o7 the Green Arrow'

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re'ent' the relative 'trength o7 the mechanical 7orce inthat po'ition&

ve the Green Arrow' i' a Bl*e Graph which repre'ent' the 'trength o7 magnetic 7ield in thecore& /inally% at the bottomo7 the image% the Red Graph repre'ent' the2oltage 0nd*ced in thea' the magnet move' pa''ed the iron core&ww&bedini'g&com(

thi' i' the comple9 "'nap'hot" o7 event' that occ*r' each time a magpa''e' the iron core& et?'thro*gh each o7 the'e proce''e'% one by one&

Bl*e Graph 'how' the 'trength o7 the magnetic 7ield in the iron corethe magnet move' 7rom

tion A to $o'ition ,& The magnetic 7ield in the

e 'tart' magnetizing 'lowly when the magnet i' in $o'itionA% then a'

magnet arrive'at $o'ition B% the magnetizationri'e'rapidlyand peak'

en the magnet i' directly over the iron in$o'ition C& A' the magnet

ve' pa''ed thi' po'ition% the magnetizationo7 the iron 7all' o77rapidly

il the magnet reache' $o'ition % and contin*e'to weaken a' the

gnet move' to $o'ition,&

e mechanical 7orce applied to the wheel 7ollow' a'imilarpro7ile with

ard to 'trength% b*t not with regard to direction% a'ill*'trated by the

en Arrow'& So% the 7orce on the wheel when the magnet i' in $o'A i' weak% b*t it i' parallelthe direction the wheel i' t*rning% Red

owD and it A' to the moment*m o7 the rotation& Thi' i' apo'itive motoring 7orce applied to the

el by the permanent magnet&

' po'itive mechanical 7orce contin*e' to A to therotation o7 the

eel a' the magnet move' thro*gh $o'ition B andall the way *p to

ition C& ,ven tho*gh the magnet contin*e' to contrib*tea 'igni7icant

itive 7orce on the wheel in it' 7orward direction% theact*al 7orce vector

the attraction o7 the magnet to the iron core i'progre''ively 'winging

re and more vertical in it'orientation&

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hen the magnet i' in $o'ition C% the magnet i'not applying any 7orce on

wheel to either promote or retard it' rotation% b*t it' attraction i' it' ma9im*m& At thi' po'ition%magnetic 7orce on the iron i' )33Q vertical%

aning it i' <3W o*t o7 pha'e with theplane o7 rotation&

the magnet move' pa''ed $o'ition C% the mechanical7orce' on the

eel rever'e% and now begin to retard the 7orward motiono7the wheel&


the magnet move' 7rom $o'ition C to $o'ition ,% it prod*ce' "rever'e motoring action"on the

el that i' e''entially o7 the 'ame magnit*de a' the "7orward motoringaction"o7 the magnet

ing 7rom $o'ition A to $o'ition C& So% the entire movement o7 magnet pa't the iron core

d*ce' "no net torE*e" on the wheel% a' long a' no c*rrenti' genin the coil and no enz aw

e' are prod*ced&

en i7 no c*rrenti' prod*ced in the coil% avoltage i' ind*ced in the

nding in re'pon'e to the magnetization o7 the iron core&Thi' i' 'hown in

Red Graph in the ill*'tration on page =)& The 0nd*ced 2oltage trathe CHA4G,S in the

ngth o7 the magnetization o7 the iron core&a' the magnetizationo7 the iron core ri'e' rapidly7rom$o'ition B *p to

ition C% the 0nd*ced 2oltage ri'e' rapidlya'well& B*t when the

gnetization o7 the iron core reache' it' highe't val*e at$o'ition C% the

A4G,S in magnetization'top% and the 0nd*ced 2oltagedrop' to zero&

en% a' the magnetizationo7 the iron core 'tart' dropping% thi'

repre'ent'CHA4G, in magnetic 7l*9 in the oppo'ite direction%and 'o the 0nd*ced

tage rever'e' and rapidlyri'e' to it' highe'tnegative val*e& A' the

gnetizationo7 the iron core 7all' rapidlymoving toward$o'ition% the

gative voltage o7 the coil al'o drop'& A' the magnetmove' to $o'ition ,%

iron core lo'e' all o7 it' magnetic 7ield and the

0nd*ced 2oltage ret*rn'zero% a'well&

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' complete' the analy'i' o7 the behavior' o7 themagnetic 7ield' and the

chanical 7orce' they prod*ce& 4ow% let?' look at what happen'when

rent' are ind*ced in the coil and whatchange' they prod*ce&

ange' o7 rag Co!,77icient with i77erentoad'

hile 'tandard electric generator' prod*ce a linear

relation'hip betweenctrical load' and mechanical drag 7orce'% thi' de'ign o7 generator



& That i' why thi' de'ign o7 generator i' 'ometime're7erred to a' an

irect ind*ction" generator% beca*'e o7 the b*77ering e77ect created by

addition o7 the 'tationarycore'&

ect ind*ction generator' e9hibita linear relation'hip betweenc*rrent

d*ction and the appearance o7 mechanical drag or rever'emotoring

E*e&0ndirect ind*ction generator' e9hibita non!linearrelation'hip

ween c*rrentprod*ction and mechanical drag&

an e9ample% *nder one 'et o7 te't' r*n on the,9tra Coil Generator on

-3)5 Con7erence emon'tration Model%the 7ollowing datawa'


heel Speed when Generator had 4o oad Open Circ*itD ;:3rpm

heel Speed when Generator had 53 , oad & && & ;= rpm

heel Speed when Generator had 3 oad Short Circ*itD;3 rpm

heel Speed when Generator had )33 oad && & & Stall

heel Speed when Generator had ;33 oad && & & Stall

heel Speed when Generator had )%333 oad & && & ;3 rpm

'tandard generator e9hibit' ma9im*m 'peed with an

Open Circ*itoadd 'tall' with a Short Circ*itoad& O*r te't generator e9hibit'nearly the

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me Top Speed 7or Open Circ*itand Short Circ*itoad'% and 'tall' with

di*m load'& Thi' demon'trate' that the generator i' 4OT a"low drag"

nerator *nder all circ*m'tance'% b*t that it canprod*ce 'igni7icant

rentand low drag *nder 'peci7ic condition'&

ading ,77ect'o7 the iode and Capacitor

Circ*itm the data 'hown above% yo* can 'ee that the loading

e77ect' o7 lighting

,'% *'ing the diode and capacitor circ*it%only drop' the 'peedo7 the

wheel by = rpm& Thi' i' a lo'' o7 only )&;Q o7 the 'peed and'it' right in the middle o7 the Open

*itand Short Circ*itloading e77ect'&


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i' nearly an ideal loading characteri'tic 7or the generator in it' pre'con7ig*ration&So% how

thi' workP

' image i' a "'nap'hot"o7 the

ing o7 c*rrentprod*ction 7or

rging the capacitor& The

diode i'nnected to the coil 'o that

it clip'

trailing voltage peaka' the

gnet begin' to leave $o'itionC&

' allow' )33Q o7 the attraction

ce' to add to the

7orwardment*m o7 the wheel while


gnet approache' the iron corea'

c*rrent7low' d*ring thi' period&

e voltage in thecapacitor i'

wn down by the load to *'t

ow the peak voltage generatedby

coil& A' the coil voltageri'e'

ve the voltage in thecapacitor%

rent7low' thro*gh the coil%

ing the capacitor A4 prod*cing

mechanical enz awreaction

in'tthe e9ternal magnetic7ield&

e period d*ring which the c*rrent

w' i' de7ined by theblack area

icated on the 0nd*ced2oltage

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ph& The enz reaction prod*ced

thi' c*rrenti' applied back toward the e9ternal magnetic7ield in e9act

po'ition to the angle by which it i' ind*ced& 0nthi' ca'e% it red*ce' the

manent magnet?' attraction to the iron core% which i' 'till mo'tlyvertical it' orientation at thi'



enz?' aw ha' been 'ati'7ied e9actly a' reE*ired@ 0t?' *'t that in con7ig*ration%the geometry

not apply the rever'e mechanical 7orce

ectly again'tthe 7orward progre'' o7 the rotation o7the wheel% which i'

l indicated by the RedArrow&

w we can 'ee the geni*' o7 1ohn?' little circ*it& 0t a*tomatically reg*late' whec*rrenti' prod*ceda 'elect "window o7 opport*nity" where both the voltage and the c*rrgenerated can be the

e't 7or the lea't'ible mechanical drag& #hen b*ilt properly% thi' i' theE*inte''ential

nt that the ,nergizer i' de'igned to prod*cerepeatedly&

e de'ign o7 thi' machine ha' been in the p*blic domain7or ;3 year'& The

y rea'on more people do not *nder'tand thi' technology i' thatalmo't

one ever b*ilt it and there7ore% no one act*allyob'erved what it did&

iation' on the e'ign

ere are dozen'o7 modi7ication' that can be made to thi'arrangement o7

mponent' to improve it' operation& Thi' i' a 'hort li'to7 'ome o7 them.

A larger wheel make' the enz reaction evenmore vertical

More clo'ely'paced magnet' prod*ce more event' perrevol*tion

A larger capacitor narrow' the period o7c*rrentprod*ction

A larger 7lywheel maintain' top 'peed morecon'i'tently

A well reg*lated top 'peed red*ce' electricmotor inp*t

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'ize de7initely enhance' all o7 the bene7it' o7the phenomena being

t*red here& O% let?' p*t all o7 the piece' together and look at theentire machine% incl*ding the

e't model o7 1ohn?' original energizer de'ign

r 'hown in p*blic&


apter Seven

tailed Analy'i' o7 the "#at'onMachine"

ittle Hi'tory

7ore 1ohn p*bli'hed hi' booklet in )<F5% dozen'o7 e9periment'had been

& So% he knew it worked& The problem wa' that he

didn?t know e9actlyH> it worked& Tom Bearden '*gge'ted an operational

theory at the time%

ch wa' all they had to go on& So the theory o7 the "phi!dot c*rrand the idea that "the battery

ged it'el7" came 7rom that period&1ohn ha' alway''aid that "there are many di77way' to

ain thi' theory" and the 'imple idea o7 harne''ing a "low!drag" geni' one o7 them&

re i' the 'chematic o7 the "original" circ*it and controllerthat 1ohn *'ed&


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e machine wa' an electric motor% a 7lywheel and anenergizer& 0t ran and

rged a 'ingle )- volt lead!acid battery& The circ*it wa' a 7lip!7loptimer made 7rom di'crete

ctronic part' that ran the motor 7rom the batterypart

the time while the energizer charged a capacitor&Then% the circ*it

connected the motor 7rom the batteryand di'charged the capacitorinto

battery 7ollowed by a b*nch o7 'pike' directly 7rom theenergizer& At

t point% the cycle 'tarted again& The timing wa' a'ymmetrical andthe

etition rate o7 the 7lip!7lop wa' changeable& #hile the motorwa' t*rned

4 and O// directly 7rom a tran'i'tor% the capacitorwa' di'charged

o*gh a mechanical relaycontactor&

ce the ,nergizer co*ld charge the capacitor with low drag%r*nning the

hine at "top 'peed" 7or the motor allowed it to draw the lea't ene7rom the battery& The 'ize o7capacitor wa' cho'en to give the batterya

ni7icant rever'e c*rrent'*rge to optimize charging and the'ize o7 the

wheel wa' cho'en to maintain the highe't po''ible'peed d*ring the

acitor di'charge pha'e when the motor wa'n?t *nder power&

get the 'y'temto work% the'e vario*' parameter' neededto

be 7*''edh a bit to 7ind the be't balance% and then the'peed at which the'e pha'e'

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re 'witched wa' the la't thing to be 7ine t*ned& 1ohnco*ld alway't*ne

*nit' *p% b*t mo't other' had tro*blewiththi'&

er 1ohn p*bli'hed hi' book%

m #at'on contactedhim%

d they had n*mero*'

c*''ion' on the phone& 1im

'n?t very 7amiliar with

ctronic'% and a'ked 1ohn to

velop an even'impler

ntrolcirc*it&0n re'pon'e to

% 1ohn developed thi' ===

ed timer(relay circ*it&


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ng thi' 'impler circ*it controller% 1im #at'on b*ilt hi'7ir't machine&

at model i' 'hown here&

)- volt a*tomotive

7antor t*rn' a 7lywheelwith

ht Ceramic F magnet'in

The magnet' 7aceeight

rgizer coil' mo*nted toa

e plate *'ing 'teel bolt' a'

coil core'& All ,nergizer

l' are connected in'erie'&

o7 the circ*itry% incl*ding the capacitor% i' in the bo9 to theright% with the mechanical relay vi'ibletop& The two 'witche' allowed the motor to

directly 7rom the battery to get the *nit *p to'peed% and then be p*t in

n mode" 'o that the circ*it a*tomatically 'witched the 7*nction' a'de'cribed be7ore&

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e ba'ic eE*ivalent circ*it

'hown here& The 'witch

r the batteryt*rn' the

t O4& Thi' connect'the

terydirectly to the

motoro*gh the relay when it


/& The 'econd'witch

n' the relay 'witching

ntroller O4 and O//&

o% yo* will notice that the

ergizer i' connected tothe

acitor thro*gh a "7*ll wave bridge" recti7ier% wherea' a 'ingle diodbeen di'c*''ed be7ore&/#B 'imply clip' both the 7orward and trailing


k' o7 the ,nergizer wave 7orm to charge the capacitor& Thi'do*ble' the

p*t 7or a little more drag on the 'y'tem& #ith a'tandard motor and

wheel arrangement% thi' trade!o77 work' 7ine&

entially% all o7 the'e pict*re' and diagram' have been on1ohn?' web'ite

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ce )<<% and none o7 thi' deviate' 7rom the 7*ndamentalmethod that

' p*bli'hed in hi' )<F5 book titled Bedini?' /ree ,nergyGenerator&

e Machine that Rocked theBoat

m #at'on wa' '*77iciently impre''ed with hi' 7ir't model thathe decided

b*ild a bigger one& 0n the r*n *p to the Te'la

Centennial Sympo'i*m inlorado Spring' that '*mmer% 1im wo*ld only tell 1ohn

that he wa'

rking on a "'*rpri'e" 7or the con7erence& 1im wa' an accompli'heda*tomobile mechanic% 'o

rking on big machine' wa' well within hi'

el o7 e9perti'e& Here i' a pict*re o7 what 1im #at'ondemon'trated 7or

attendee' at the 7ir't Te'la Society Con7erence in the'*mmer o7 )<F5&


e Scale o7 thi' Machine

ere ha' been a lot o7'pec*lation

*t thi' on the internet%'o it

med like a good time toaddre''

real 'ize o7 thi' machine&There

almo't no cl*e' in thepict*rea'

how big it i'& Theonly 'cale that

be rea'onably in7erredby the

age i' ba'ed on the *mpercable

mp bracketed by the R, mark'& 07 we a''*me thatthat clamp i'

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he' long% all other length' and diameter' may bein7erred 7rom it&

mper Cable Clamp. & & & "ength)=&; cmD

eam. & & & & && & 5" Height )3&-5 cmD

eam /rame.& & & & & 7t ength)F5&;- cmD

& & & & -&=

7t #idth :&F3 cmDve Motor. & & & & & "

iameter )=&; cmD

& & & &<&-=" ength-;&F cmD

a7t emerging 7rom gear bo9. )&-=" ;&-3cmD

wheel & & & & & && -5" iameter )&55 cmD

& & & & &

& -&=" Rim &53cmD & & & & && -&=" Sha7t &53cmDil' & & & & & && & &" ength)&F< cmD

& & & & && & -" iameter=&)- cmDng Magnet' & & & & & =&-="O*t'ide iameter );&55 cmD

& & & & -"0n'ide iameter =&)- cmD

& & & & )&="Thickne'' ;&F5 cmD

ergizer #heel & & & & & -="iameter 5&33 cmD

& & & & 3&:="Thickne'' )&<- cmD

pacitor' & & & & & &-&F" Height:&): cmD

& & & & &)&5-" iameter ;&; cmD


n'tr*ction etail'

e electric motor wa' a -5 volt% Serie' #o*nd% high'peed motor%

ginally *'ed a' an aircra7t 'tarter motor& Thi' motor wa'connected

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ectly to a gear red*ction bo9& The e9act gearred*ction ratio i' not

own% b*t i' pre'*med to be between !to!) and)3!to!)& The 'ha7t

erging 7rom the gear red*ction bo9 i' vi'ible and mea'*reda' )&-="&

' 'ha7t goe' directly to a 'ha7t co*pler and mate' to the -&=" 'hagoing thro*gh the /lywheel&

e /lywheel i' '*pported by two large bearing'% one on

either 'ide% withy the neare'tone vi'ible in the pict*re& The target

'peed 7or the

wheel i' =33 rpm& 0t' con'tr*ction i' Ca't 0ron% pre'*mablyre7*rbi'hed

m an old 'team engine& 0t' weight i' )3-lb' 5 g'D&

e ,nergizer wheel i' mo't probably a X" thick Al*min*m$late% which

e' on the end o7 the -&=" 'ha7t beyond the 'econd

bearing& The Ringgnet' are )&=" thick% and there7ore 'tick o*t abo*t &5" on either 'ide o7

wheel& The Ring Magnet'=&-=" iameter 'peaker magnet'% made o7 F

ramic Bari*m /errite material& There are : Ring Magnet'on the wheel&

e back plate o7 the ,nergizer i' al'o an Al*min*m$late& The coil core'

Steel Bolt' connected directly to the plate& There are F coil' mo*nted the plate 7acing the : Ring

gnet' on the wheel& Since the coil' are o*t o7

a'e with each other% each one ha' it' own recti7ier 7eedingthe capacitor'&

ere are three capacitor' that are abo*t )=%333*7 each% wired inparallel&

e target voltage o7 the'e capacitor' at di'charge i'=3 volt' C&

'hown are the two )- volt batterie' wired in parallel% the controlcirctimer and the mechanical

y that provided the 'witching& The 'chematicthe large machine i' identical to the 'chematic 7orthe 'mall machine&

e relay 'y'temwa' made o7 a*tomotive relay'% rated 7or abo*t =3amp'&


her 8niE*e /eat*re'

e Ring Magnet' moving pa''ed the coil' prod*ced an*n*'*al wave

m& A' the 7ir't 'ide o7 the ring approached the coil% thevoltage wo*ld

ng to a $o'itive peak& Then% a' the coil wa' 7*llyaligned with the 7ir't

o7 the ring% the voltage dropped to zero& A' the coil entered center o7 the ring% it prod*ced the4egative peak% b*t then E*ickly rever'ed

in a' it engaged the 'econd 'ide o7 the ring% prod*cinga 'econd$o'itive

k& Thi' wa' 7ollowed by a 'econd 4egative peak a' the'econd'ide o7

ring magnet le7t the area o7 the coil& So% therewere 7o*r peak voltage

nt' per interaction o7 each coil with each ringmagnet&

=33 rpm% there wo*ld be F&;; revol*tion' per 'econd% andF coil' being

rgized by : ring magnet' each revol*tion prod*cing 5peak voltage

nt' per interaction& Thi' prod*ced )%F=&<- charge imp*l'e' per'econd

charge the capacitor'& F : F&;; 5 )%F=&<-D

member% the coil' were & inche' long and - inche' indiameter% and

y were prod*cing )%F peak voltage event' per 'econdtocharge the


n report'that the relay timing wa' 'et 7or "once per 'econd" 'witching% meathat the machine

ld r*n the motor 7rom the battery7or one

ondwhile the capacitor' were being charged& Then the relaywo*ld

tch%and the machine wo*ld r*n 7rom the 7lywheel while thecapacitor'

charged into the battery 7ollowed by the re't o7 thewhole 'econdo7

ergizer imp*l'e' going 'traight to the battery& At theend o7 the 'econd

ond% the relay wo*ld 'witch again% and the cycle wo*ldrepeat&

e method allow' )33Q o7 the o*tp*t o7 the ,nergizer tobe tran'7erred to

batterywhile the motor r*n' 7rom the batteryonly =3Q o7the time&

e motor r*nning at high 'peed while the very large 7 lywheelran at lower

ed provided a very 'table operation to the ,nergizer andmaintained a

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atively low power reE*irement to themotor&


e Myth' and the /act'

'ed *pon the te'timony o7 m*ltiple eyewitne''e'% the'e are veryclo'e to

dimen'ion' o7 the machine& 0n recording' taken 7rom the

pre'entation%weight o7 the 7lywheel wa' given by 1im #at'on a')3- lb'& Thi' make'

machine large% b*t E*ite a bit 'maller thanmany have g*e''ed&

thi' e'tabli'he' the 'ize o7 the machine a' clo'elya'po''ible 7rom the

otograph and 7rom other 'o*rce'& Remarkably% 1im #at'on didnot let

n in'pectthe machine at clo'e

range&m #at'on?' large model o7 1ohn?' "/ree ,nergyGenerator" de'ign wa' 'hown at theTe'la

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ntennial Sympo'i*m% held at Colorado College%in

lorado Spring'% on A*g*'t <th thro*gh the )-th%)<F5& The p*bli'hed

ceeding' o7 the Te'la Centennial Sympo'i*m% in the ight o7Modern

'ic' doe' not mention either 1im #at'on?' demon'trationor 1ohn Bedini?'pre'entation on hi'

gar Bo9 Te'la Switch&" Apparently% to be incl*ded in the p*bli'hed

"$roceeding'"doc*ment% theentation' had to be written*p ahead o7 time% and 1im?' and 1ohn?' remark'

wereentially 'pontaneo*' in nat*re&

hile the MACH04, 'eem' to have

appeared immediately a7ter thi'

mon'tration% 1im #at'on didnot&

iable witne''e' who vi'ited 1im athi'

me 'oon a7ter the con7erence% didnot

the large model there& 0n 7act% noone

reported 'eeing the machine'ince it'

ginal demon'trationin A*g*'t o7)<F5&

other photograph' o7 it haveever

7aced% either& B*t here i' aphotograph

1im #at'on attending the)<F Te'la

mpo'i*m% taken by 1eane Manning&


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o reliable witne''e' al'o 'aw him at a con7erence heattended in a le''

n'pic*o*' way in enver in )<<3& Regardle'' o7the'e m*ltiple

earance'% no one wa' ever able to get him todi'c*'' the machine

mon'trated in )<F5& Apparently% "'omething" happened that acco*nt' 7or the

machine?'appearanceand 1im?' 'ilence% b*t e9actly what that i'%

body know'&

'ome way'% 1ohn did not *nder'tand all o7 the intere'tin 1im?' machine&

't% it wa' nothing more than the e9act de'ign he haddeveloped and

bli'hed earlier that year% e9cept it wa' bigger&Second% whenthe *nit

' r*nning% the relay 'y'temwa' rapidlyoverwhelmed by arcingand

n do*bt' whether the *nit co*ld have r*n 7or more than-3 min*te'

re a complete "meltdown" o7 the relay'& Thi' 7eat*remade it an intere'ting"demon'tration%" b*t itnot a practical 'tand!alone power '*pply in it' pre'ent 7orm&

p*t thi' intoper'pective%

e i' /ig*re ) 7rom

1ohndini?' 8S $atent %::%:;3&

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'how' a 'olid!'tatecirc*it

charging a capacitorand

charging it into abattery&

e o7 the operational

del' o7 thi' de'ign

*'ed a*p o7 capacitor' with a

mbined capacitance o7

3%333*7% charged to abo*t -= volt'& 0t wa' di'chargedabo*t once a

ond thro*gh 'i9 parallel 4!channel Mo'/et' into a large)- volt battery&

thi' 'it*ation% the initial '*rge o7 c*rrentinto the batterywa' well over =33

ampere'% act*allygging" every meter and 'cope probe 1ohn p*t on it& ,ven with active cooling%

Mo'/et device'e b*rning o*t within aww&bedini'g&com(

w ho*r' o7 r*n time& The battery% on the otherhand% wo*ld move

mediately into a "cold boil" condition% and the voltageon a )33 AH

terywo*ld *mp hal7 a volt every time the capacitordi'charged&

e #at'on Machine wa' di'charging 5=%333*7 capacitor'charged to abo*t

volt'% once a 'econdinto the batterie'& That act*allyrepre'ent' more

le' per di'charge than 1ohn?' circ*it&oing thi' acro'' amechanical

ay 'y'temrated at =3 ampere' *'t wa'n?t going to la'tvery long@

thi' date% no de7initive te't data ha' ever been providedconcerning the

ational per7ormance o7 the "#at'on Machine&" The reality i'% no one realknow' what it wa'

able o7& 0t i' rea'onable to ded*ce% however%

t the large al*min*m plate'% the coil core' made 7rom 'teelbolt'% and

e9tremely 'impli'tic 'witching limitedit' per7ormance in

'igni7icanty'& 0n 'pite o7 the'e weakne''e'% vi'*ally% the machine 'eemed to"'el7!r*n" d*ring a 'hort

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mon'trationand appeared E*ite power7*l% withit'

ge 7lywheel r*nning at top 'peed and batterygainingin voltage@

ortly a7ter 1ohn got home 7rom thi' Sympo'i*m% he wa'threatened and

d "not to work on the'e technologie'" any longer&The'e threat' he took very'erio*'ly and it

nvinced him to changethe co*r'e o7 hi' work in thi'

d in a n*mber o7'peci7ic way'&

't% he decided that he wo*ld not attend any more o7the'e type' o7

n7erence'& Second% he decided to keep working onthe'e technologie'%

not p*bli'h anything more on the "'el7!r*nning"'y'tem'& Third% he dethat he wo*ld not

ld any model' that were large eno*gh to be a

ctical power '*pply%which he certainly knew how to do&The'e

i'ion' remained in place 7or -3 year'% *ntil -335% whenlarger 'y'tem'

rted being b*ilt and te'ted again% a' well a' the plan' beingrelea'ed 7or

7ir't "School Girl Motor" proect onthe internet&

n al'o 7inally con'ented to begin appearing at a con7erenceheld in hi'

al area in -3)3% and more and more acc*rate in7ormationabo*t hi'

coverie' ha' been relea'ed every year 'incethen&


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e invention i' titled",lectric

nerator" in the patent& 0nother

ort'% romrey re7er' to ita' the

rromagnetic Generator" and

o a' the "Molec*lar

Generator&"ng a 7irm believer in

the "aw

Con'ervation o7 ,nergy"%he

t*lated that the energy gain

d*ced by the machinewa'

ming 7rom an interaction

withGravitational /ield% b*t heal'o

ieved that the 'peci7ic ma'' o7 the rotor wa'involved in thi' gain&


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mmary o7 Operational Characteri'tic'

e 8S $atent i' writtenin a relatively 'imple manner%and the patent i'

nted on a 'ingle claim ba'ed on the phy'ical de'ignalone& There i' no

mpt to o77icially "claim" that the generator doe'anything *n*'*al&

wever% in the body o7

theent% e9perimental data i'

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eredthat '*pport' an

remely *n*'*al analy'i'o7

machine& Here i' theimage

/ig*re 7rom the patent%and

paragraph' 7rom the

patentt that e9plain


de'cribe' a "'ide by'ide" te't

a 'tandard generatorand the

w generator with regard to

chanical drag *nder load&


here we 'ee 7or the 7ir't time% in romrey?' patent%the 7*ndamental

ponent' o7 1ohn?' "/ree ,nergyevice" con'i'ting o7 an electric motor% a drag generator

a 7lywheel&ittle Back Story&&&

hen 1ohn 7ir't di'covered the romrey $atent%he knew itmight hold

key to what he wa' looking 7or& Heimmediately attempted to

ntact the inventor in Switzerland& 8n7ort*nately% bythe time 1ohn

thi'% Raymond romrey had already died& He wa'

able% however%track down hi' '*rvivingwidow&

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n e9plained to Mr'& romrey that he wa'intere'ted in the

nerator and wanted to have her permi''ion todo 'ome 7*rther

earch on it& M*ch to hi' '*rpri'e% he 7o*nd thatMr'& romrey hated

generator and that 'he wa' really E*ite bitter that ithad "'tolen"

h*'band 7rom her in hi' la't year'& She told

1ohn he co*ld doything he wanted with it and not to

contact her again&

n Bedini?' Replication'

t completely on hi'own%

n began to replicatethe

chine and 'ee i7 he

co*ldplicate the re'*lt' romrey

orted& Here i' apict*reo7

early model o7 the "G!d

nerator"& He named itthat

a*'e romrey believed

e9ce'' energy wa' coming

m the Gravitational /ield&

e early model' provedthat romrey wa' correctabo*t thelow drag

racteri'tic'o7 the generator& B*t there wa' 'omething el'ethat he


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dn?t mentioned& The machine wa' HORR0> O8when r*nning&0t

de thi' deep% har'h growl 'o*nd like a B*zz Saw a' themagnetic 7ield'

re c*t& 4o modi7ication' were ever 7o*nd to E*iet the thingdown&

'pite o7 thi'% 1ohntried to

more people intere'ted

thi' technologyby

lding and 'elling dozen'

the'e 7*lly operational

del' with a partnerwho

nt*ally 'crewed himo*t

mo't o7 themoney&

' wa' not workingo*t

way 1ohn wantedit to@

e ,lectrical ,ngineering epartment o7 one 8niver'ity on the,a't Coa't

cha'ed one o7 the generator'% and then another nine%and te'ted them

en'ively& #hen pre''ed to give him 'ome te't data% they only

told 1ohnthing'Uone% that they co*ld "not teach thi' 'cience to their 't*dent'"% andtwo% that%& & oh by the way&

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"it make' a good batterycharger&"

here we 'ee how 1ohn?' work moved thi' technology 7orward&romrey

w the generator had very low drag *nder 'hort circ*it load'% b*the had

ver attempted to take the o*tp*t and *'e it to chargea battery% and he

d de7initely not tho*ght o7 *'ing the o*tp*t to r*n

the drive motor toke the 'y'tem"'el7!r*n&" The'e idea' developed grad*ally d*ring 1ohn?' re'earch&

e other di77ic*lty the romrey Generator had wa' that theelectricity wa'

nerated on the rotor% which meant that the power co*ld onlybe taken

o7 the machine *'ing br*'he' or 'liding contact'&Both comm*tator'

d br*'he' or AC 'lip!ring' and br*'he' are

'tip*lated in the patent&ww&bedini'g&com(

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aly'i' o7 the Magnetic /orce 2ector' d*ringOperation

omrey?' original de'ign 7orthe

nerator had a n*mber o7*niE*e

ne7it' when it came toproviding

ctric c*rrentwitho*t drag&Some

the'e 7eat*re' areill*'trated in

image to the right% where weare

king at the generatorin a 'ide


$o'ition A% we can 'eethe rotor i'

gned with the 'tator magnet%and

there7ore magnetized toit'

9im*m degree& The dotin the

ddleo7 the rotor piece repre'ent'

a9le aro*ndwhich the rotor will

ot and the little RedArrow

icate' the direction o7rotation&

$o'ition B% the rotorha' moved

o7 alignment with the'tator

gnet a' it rotate' in aclockwi'e

ection& The GR,,4ARRO#

re'ent' the attraction 7orce

ween the 'tator magnetand the

or iron% which in thi' ca'e i'in

po'ition to the directiono7

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wever% a' the rotor proceed'7rom

ition B aro*nd to $o'ition% the

or i' 7ar eno*gh away7rom the

or that no e9ternal magnetic 7orce' can attract it in

either direction&ww&bedini'g&com(

ringthi' period% the iron in the rotor i' trying to de!gnetize and the

nz aw reaction o7 the load c*rrenti' trying to retardthat changein

gnetic 7l*9& 8pon care7*le9amination% it become' obvio*'that the

wer the impedance o7 the load% the higher the c*rrentprod*ctionon the

or% the 'lower the magnetic 7ield decay' and the longer themagnetic

d per'i't'% all the while prod*cing no interaction withthe 'tator&

rein lie' one o7 the rea'on' romrey called thi' the"/erromagnetic

erator&" The more iron the rotor piece had in it% the longer the magnetic7ield co*ld per'i't while

d*cing c*rrentinto low impedance load'& 0t

o meant that the rotor didn?t need to be re!magnetizeda'o7ten to

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ntin*e to prod*ce c*rrent% e''entially allowing it toprod*ce 7*ll power

lower 'peed'% which i' e9actly whatromrey reported&

omrey 'tated that a 'hort circ*it load completelyne*tralized the

gnetic attraction a' the rotor le7t the alignment $o'itionA% 'o that the

,,4 ARRO# 'hown at $o'ition B above didn?t

even appear@d there i' one more


t*re& >o* may recall thedi'c*''ion in

SG 0ntermediate Handbook where

0nertial $ropertie' o7electricity are

c*''ed& Here% in the

romreynerator% the rotor arm' and the


l' are '*bected to a very'igni7icant

tri7*gal 7orce d*ring operation and

winding o7 the'e coil' i'apparently

igned to take advantage o7thi'&

re i' a clo'e!*p taken 7rom/ig*re %

o 'een on page :& 4otice howthe

r 'ection' o7 the rotor coil' arewo*nd

d how they are connectedtogether&


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ghlight' 7rom romrey?' Report

7orehi' death% Raymond romrey prod*ced a )= pagereport titled the

rating $rinciple' o7 the /erromagnetic Generator% a complete copy o7which i' incl*ded in the

endi9 'ectiono7 thi' book&

it he di'c*''e' hi' theorie' abo*t how the generatorworked and where

e9ce'' energy wa' coming 7rom& B*t mo't importantly% hep*bli'he'

me te't data and '*mmarize' it'per7ormance

re i' a li't o7 'ome o7the claim'.

Tran'7orm' the acceleration d*e to a permanent

magnetic 7ield intoctrical energy

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Ha' negligible braking e77ect *nder 'hort circ*itcondition'

Able to prod*ce ma9im*m power into e9tremelylow impedance

d' witho*t overheating

Able to prod*ce 'table power level' over a widerange o7 'peed'

' graph i' 7rom romrey?'

ort& 0t ill*'trate' the

*'*al% non!linear 'peed and

wer c*rve o7 the machine&

'how' that the newelectric

nerator wa' able to

prod*ce3 watt' at abo*t 5=3


re the cla''ical generator

*ld only prod*ce abo*t )-3

tt'& 0t al'o 'how' thenew

nerator reached ma9im*m

p*t o7 =33 watt' atabo*t

3 rpm and contin*edto

d*ce =33 watt' all theway

to abo*t )-33 rpm andbeyondD&



arly% romrey?' Generator wa' able to prod*ce both electricc*rrentand

wer while either avoiding or re!directing the enz aw reaction'again't

'tator& 0t?' ability to prod*ce electricity witho*tmechanical drag wa'

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covered in the )<3' and re!veri7ied by 1ohn Bedini in theearly )<F3'&

t the machine wa' really lo*d when r*nning% and itreE*ired the

mplication o7 'lidingcontact' to get the power o*t& 1ohn wa'looking 7or

mething better& At minim*m% he wanted a generatorthat had low drag%

al'o one that ran E*ietly% and didn?t need

br*'h contact'&1*ne o7 )<F5% when he p*bli'hed Bedini?' /ree ,nergyGenerator% the

ergizer de'ign 'hown in the book accompli'hed all o7 the'egoal'&

>e'% and Thi'&&

la't little "detail" abo*t the romrey Generator that ha' been generallyoverlooked i' the 7act thatprod*ce' a di77erent "E*ality" o7 electricity than cla''ical generator'

Thi'% o7 co*r'e%i' notpo'ed to e9i't% b*t 1ohn doc*mented thi' 7act on co*ntle'' occa'ion'& *r

demon'trationo7 age machine in o' Angele' to a gro*p o7 20$ g*e't'

in a hotel con7erence

m% 1ohn wa' able to light ;333 watt' o7 light b*lb' 7rom themachine

o'' in'anely 'mall% ;3 ga*ge wire witho*t any heatinge77ect'& The

*t electric motor wa' drawing =-= watt' 7rom ametered '*pply&

e phenomena wa' deemed "'o incredible" that mo't o7the engineer'

'ent 'imply 'tarted looking 7or the "real wire'" b*ried *nder thecarpet@

co*r'e%there weren?t any% b*t the demon'trationwa' 'o 7aro*t'ide the

'ical "worldview" o7 the electrical engineer'% that no one believed whathey 'aw% and all o7 the

ntial inve'tor' were di''*aded 7rom getting



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re?' a brie7 article on thatmeeting.


apter 4ine

her Advance'% Old and 4ew

e whole time all o7 thi' wa' happening% 1ohn and hi'brother Gary were

ning Bedini ,lectronic'% 0nc&% an electronic man*7act*ringcompany

lding and 'elling high 7idelity a*dio ampli7ier'% de'igned by

1ohn& Thi' him in contact with a wide varietyo7 other

electrical engineer' and

ctronic circ*it de'igner' living in the o' Angele' area% andel'ewhere&

e '*ch colleag*e wa' a brilliant engineer named Ron Cole&Ron worked

the local 4BC televi'ion 'tation in o' Angele' 4BCDand wa' an

eptional inventor and model b*ilderin hi' own right& Ron

wa' the'on who introd*ced 1ohn to ,d Gray back in )<:5& A' they

got to know

h other better% they 7o*nd they had many o7 the 'ame intere't'%and in

r year'% they wo*ld work together on proect' into the weeho*r' o7 the


ly on% both Ron and 1ohn knew that ,d Gray?' motor wa'able to r*n%

d*ce 'igni7icant mechanical energy% and keep it' batterie'charged all at

'ame time& B*t Gray?' 'y'temwa' impo''ibly complicated andneeded

y high voltage' to accompli'h it' 7eat'& Thi' 'et themboth o*t on a

't to 7ind a "'impler way" to accompli'h the'ame end re'*lt&

e di'covery and e9perimentation with the romrey Generatorconvinced

m that there wa' a "low voltage" path to *nder'tandingthe 'el7!r*nningelectro!mechanical

chine& A7ter thi' wa' e'tabli'hed% it wa' *'t a matter

r*nning eno*gh e9periment' to 7indthe be't way&

t Ron worked 7or a big corporation% and co*ld nota77ord to be openly

ociated with a radical technology like thi'& So 7or the

mo't part% herked with 1ohn privately% and it wa' a verycreative collaboration&

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ndition'% where the "'weet 'pot" i' a very lowimpedance load&


re i' the data 7rom one 'et o7 te't' onthi' machine&

t ). 4o oad open circ*itD

*t $ower -=&5 2olt' at ;&<3 Amp' <<&33#att'

tp*t$ower 5F volt'

t -. oad ;:&;;Ohm'

*t $ower -=&; 2olt' at ;&<3 Amp' <F&:#att'

tp*t$ower -F 2olt' &:= Amp' -)#att'

t ;. oad );&=3Ohm'

*t $ower -3 2olt' at ;&;< Amp':&F3 #att'

tp*t$ower =3 2olt' at ;&:3 Amp' )F=&)<#att'

t 5. oad 3&;Ohm'

*t $ower -)&< 2olt' at -&;3 Amp' =3&;:#att'

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tp*t$ower -3 2olt' at ;)&:= Amp' ;5&<-#att'

e'e te't re'*lt' have been po'ted on 1ohn?' web'ite 'ince )<< andhave

n generally ignored& Thi' i' *nder'tandable% 'ince they donot 'peci7y

'peed o7 the generator d*ring the vario*' te't re'*lt'or the 'peci7ic

p*t circ*it 'howing a recti7ied o*tp*t driving a

re'i'tive load&t there i' other evidence that thi' de'ign behaved with

e9tremely low

g *nder low impedance loading condition'% incl*ding batterycharging&

o Battery Sy'tem'

' image% dated )<FF% 'how'

romrey 'tyle

generatorrging a 'econdbattery

ile the drive motor i'r*n

m the 7ir't battery&The

e'' mechanical energy i'

n geared down 7or *'e by

e9ternal mechanicalload&


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e green controlbo9 incl*de' circ*itry that monitor' thebatteryvoltage'

d a*tomatically 'witche' the batterie' when the r*n batterydrop' to ))&)


thi' image% dated )<F<% we

that thi' con7ig*ration i'

w being re7erred to a'the

!7l*9 ,nergizer&" The

tion in thi' image al'o'ay'

t thi' de'ign wa' being

veloped to power an

electricat with the e9ce''

chanical energy *'ed 7or

p*l'ion and the ,nergizer

d to provide e9tendedr*n

e' on the battery'y'tem&

by )<F<% we 'ee'igni7icant

provement'to the Sel7!r*nning

ergizer circ*it di'clo'ed in the)<F5

ok which only *'ed one battery&

e drawing above 'how' a twopole

or b*t 'peci7ically 'tip*late' an

ht pole rotor& Thi' arrangement

' te'ted on a widevarietyo7

tem' over the year'% '*ch a'in thi'


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itching Circ*it' and Motor Control

hile 1ohn wa' 7oc*'ing on

pli7ication% and the 'ingle!'ided% 'el7!triggered circ*it that evolved into the SGcirc*it we know

y% Ron wa' intere'ted in *'ing the'e

n7ig*ration' to prod*ce more mechanical energy% like a'tandard electric



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thi' type o7 operation% Ron neededa do*ble!'ided 'witchingcirc*it%'o

coil' co*ld be energized and then completely di'connected7rom the

ply be7ore being reconnected in the oppo'itepolarity&

re i' an e9ample o7

one o7compo*nd% 'el7!rotating

ergizer de'ign' 7romthi'

iod&0t i' de'igned toboth

tor and generate% b*tha'

h 4orth and So*th

gnetic pole'% 'o the

*ble!'ided 'witching

c*it' were reE*ired&Thi'

age i' dated A*g -;%)<F&

al'o 'tip*late' eight

pole'the rotor% a' well a' a "hall e77ect" device on the le7t end o7 the'ha7t% with it' own 'mall magnet'% to

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ntrolthe motor timing&

' image 'how' a model o7

topology b*ilt by 1ohnin

*t )<F;& 0t *'ed early 4,O

gnet'% li'ted a' "iron

boron"gnet' in the drawing%


ly wide air!gap' between

rotor' and the coil'& 0thad

h motor and generator coil'

the 'ame core' in

theor'&8nlike the drawing%

model had a'eparate

gger coil" mo*nted inthe

per right hand corner%

wn with the very 7ine magnet wire comingo*t o7 it&


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re i' the circ*it *'ed 7or the motor drive 'ectiono7 thi' typeo7 combined

tor!energizer which *'ed both magnetic pole' on both 'ide' o7the rotor&

' circ*it 'how' only a 'ingle battery'*pply with the ind*ctiverecovery

lected thro*gh a 7*ll!wave bridge recti7ier and 'tored ona capacitor%

ich i' then optionally o77eredto an e9ternal load or backto the primary

ply&The point o7 the circ*it wa' not to de7ine all o7the recovery

ion'% b*t to clearlyde7ine the drive coil de'ign 7or abi!polar

n7ig*ration with 7*ll di'connect and 7*ll rever'al o7 thecoil' d*ring

ration& The Bedini "#indow Motor'" *'ed thi' circ*it%a'well&

nd yo*% electronic comm*tation o7 thi' type wa' not *'ed incommercial

tor'7or another -3 year'% 'o thi' wa' very 'ophi'ticated 't*777or )<F&

n and 1ohn al'o developed a 'ingle!'ided drive circ*it that 1ohnha' *'ed

vario*' model' o7 hi' "Monopole" motor''ince thi' time&


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re i' a variationo7 the

edini!Cole Switch" that i'

gered by a "triggercoil"

e the SG% b*t itco*ld al'o

triggered by aHall ,77ect

vice like the circ*it on the

vio*' image&

thi' image% we 'ee acla''ic

n coil de'ign%'et to r*nin

"7orced rep*l'ionmode"

ng the 'ingle 'ided Bedini!

le 'witch%'een mo*nted on

black plate in thelower

ht& The Hall ,77ect device

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triggered by a'econd'et o7

aller magnet' mo*ntedin

'mall white wheel on the


d here i' another

ver'ionthe do*ble!'ided 'witch

gered by magneticreed'&

' "4e*tral ine Motor"

igned by 1ohn andb*ilt in

3; co*ld reach ))%333 rpm&

e point i'% thi' wa'all

+% and dozen'o7

iation' were tried and

nd to have merit& The

c*it' that 1ohn ha'had on

web'ite are *'t a"'ample"

the many circ*it' that were b*iltand te'ted&


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nopole 2er'ion o7 the G!7l*9 Motor,nergizer

e o7 the mo't intere'ting de'ign' developed by RonCole d*ring thi'

iod wa' thi' Monopole con7ig*ration% *'ing ceramic ring magnet'and

n pole piece' on the rotor& The de'ign wa' e9tremely compactand it

owed high 7l*9 den'itie' in the coil core' 7rom low 7l*9den'ity ceramic

gnet'& 0t wa' al'o *niver'al in it' application% workingeE*ally well a' a

h torE*e motor with ind*ctive recovery or a' a lowdrag energizer

wering low impedance load'% or both& 0t co*ld operate a'a rep*l'ion

tor *'ing the Bi!$olar Switchor a' an attraction motor with'ingle 'ided

tching% like an SG& Thi' one con7ig*ration co*ld doit all&

d thi' 'how' another talent that Ron Cole had% be'ide'being a brilliant

c*it de'igner and engineer& He wa' al'o agi7ted ill*'trator&

'ho*ld be 7airly clear by now that thi' technology wa'developed to a

y high level thro*gh the )<F3'% b*t beca*'e o7 thethreat' 1ohn received

)<F5% they were very care7*labo*t who they let know& #hen RonCole

d% all o7 hi' working model' and 7ile' were con7i'catedby 4BC beca*'e

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contract 'tated that anything he developed d*ring hi'period o7

ployment belonged to them&


e $eriod o7 Y*iet )<F< !-335D

n moved to 0daho in )<<3 7or rea'on' a''ociatedwith hi' a*dio

pli7ier b*'ine''% and to be clo'er to hi' 7ather% wholived in Coe*r

lene& At thi' point% he had all b*t given *p onever trying to bring thi'

hnology o*t a' a prod*ct& At the 'ame time% hedecided to 'tart b*ilding

all model' o7 many o7 the variation' o7 the'y'tem' that had been

veloped in the)<F3'&

' i' the period where 1ohn per7ected the 'imple little circ*itthat can

ow a toy motor to r*n an intolerably long time on a'ingle < volt battery&

zen' o7 model' were made with thi' circ*it *'ing both pla'ticand wood&

re i' b*t a 'mall 'ampleo7 the working model'in 1ohn?' M*'e*m@

awnee Ba*ghman b*ilt her Science /air proectmotor d*ring the)<<<!

33 'chool year and 1ohn had the plan' 7or that circ*it po'tedon the

elynet web'ite by March o7 -333& All o7 theelectrical engineer' and

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po'ed "'mart g*y'" who 7reE*ented the 'ite di'mi''ed theplan' a'

aningle''&" Since none o7 them bothered to b*ild a model% it wa' acla''ic ca'e o7 "condemnation

o*t inve'tigation&"

n had -3 year' o7 working model' in hi' 'hop@He 'imply co*ld not

der'tand why no one wa' willingto even look at thi'technology&


e SG $roectTake' O77 -335D

the '*mmer o7 -335% Sterling Allan vi'ited 1ohn?' 'hop& Hewa' 'hown

rything that wa' there& Since Sterling wanted to be theone who broke

"/ree ,nergy" 'tory to the world% he a'ked 1ohn i7 he co*ld p*bli'h 'et o7 plan' and a part' li't%people co*ld b*ild one them'elve'& Since 1ohn

d already done that with eelynet% he agreed to i''*e an*p!dated 'et o7

n' 7or Sterling&

re i' an image o7the

ematic and part' li't

en to Sterling 7or

thee tran'i'tor" circ*it in

ptember o7 -335&

' new 'et o7 plan'had

o di77erence' over the

elynet circ*it&/ir't% he

led it the "SchoolGirl

tor" to p*rpo'elyin'*lt

o7 the '*ppo'ed 'mart g*y' who had not looked atit be7ore%and

ond% he *'ed the two battery'y'temwhere the motor ran7rom one

teryand charged the 'econdbatterydirectly 7rom the recoveredenergy&

rling al'o 'tarted adi'c*''ion

*m on >ahoo Gro*p' 'opeople

lding the proectco*ld

mm*nicate with each other&

rling even b*ilt a modelwhich

rked E*ite well 7or a7ir't

mpt% being able to rechargethe

ondbatteryat abo*t <3Q o7 the

e o7 the di'charge o7the 7ir't


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Coe*r d?Alene% 0daho& Thi'

t*rewa' taken by one o7

participant' 7rom the back

the room& The )57oot

meter "/erri' #heel"

chine can be 'eenin the


*rte'y o7 'andy'an7ord'&wordpre''&com

e machine took overtwo

nth' to b*ild and co't over Z-3%333& 0t wa'

de'igned to demon'traten?' technology to the crowd in a dramatic manner&

Beyond that% it ha'


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d a relatively pro'aic li7e& 0t wa' 'hown again atthe -3)) con7erence%

er which% it ha' never been 7*lly a''embled& The problem wa'that when

y a''embled% the machine wa' inche' taller than the largebay door' at

n?' 'hop& 0t wa' a lot o7 work to reb*ildthe top 'ectiono7 the whe'ince no more te't' wereon it% it wa' never rea''embled& 0t 'tayed

tially di'a''embled at 1ohn?' 'hop thro*gh -3)-% and wa'7inally moved

o 'torage when 1ohn down!'ized hi' 'hop in -3);& 0tremain' partially

a''embled% b*t potentially operational today&

e machine had threelarge

l' o7 wire on thebottomand

' operated in "7*llpower

de" with the bi!polar

edini!Cole Switch" like the

'hown on page F-&The

y di77erence wa' thatthe

mponent' in the 'witch were

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di7ied to operate avery low

pedance circ*it&The inp*t wa' ; volt' three )- volt batterie' in 'erie'D anthe o*tp*t wa' the

me& The batterie' boiled contin*o*'ly d*ring

ration% and 1ohn never ran it 7or more than ;3 min*te'at a time in 7*ll

wer mode& The batterie' were too 'mall to be chargedthat hard&

ho*gh 1ohn ha' not

ealed the entire 'chematic

the /erri' #heel machine%

re i' E*ite a bit o7data on

internet& Here i'one

wing that i' po'tedon a

c*''ion thread dedicated to

machine& 0t 'how'how

magnet' on thewheel

er7ace with the threecoil'%


d the controlcirc*it being ba'ically a

edini!Cole Switch&" The machine al'ohad

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two 7oot diameter "h*b motor"'ectionthat

rated a' a motor d*ring the "idlemode"

d a' a generator in "7*llpower mode&"

e circ*itry *'ed here wa' al'o amodi7ied

dini!Cole Switchwith recovery to

therge battery'y'tem&

more in7ormation on thetechnical

ail' o7 the /erri' #heel machine% gohere.




e Battery% Two Batterie'% Three Batterie'%/o*r&&

' book wo*ld not be complete witho*t mentioning the'igni7icance o7

role o7 the battery in all o7 1ohn?' 'y'tem'& To date% 1ohn ha' b*ildemon'trated machine' and

*it' that "'el7!r*n" *'ing one battery% two batterie'% three batterie'% and

7o*r batterie'& All o7 theem' he ha'mon'trated have at lea't one battery& The battery i' a

central component

all o7 1ohn?'work&

1ohn?' )<F5 book Bedini?' /ree ,nergyGenerator% he 'how' the method o7b*ilding a 'el7!

ning machine *'ing one battery& Thi' proce'' draw'

rgy 7rom the batteryto drive an ordinary direct ind*ctionD C

motorprod*ce mechanical energy& Thi' mechanical energy i'*'ed to '*'tain

rotation o7 a 7lywheel 'tored moment*mD and an,nergizer low drag

eratorD that i' *'ed to charge a capacitor 'toredelectrical chargeD whidi''ipating very little o7mechanical energy&

dinary C traction motor'o7 thi' type *'e theirinternally generated


ck ,M/" to limit the c*rrentcon'*med by the motorin direct

ation'hip to the 'peed& Thi' mean' that the 7a'ter itt*rn'% the le''

rentit draw'& So% the 'y'temwork' better a' the motorapproache' it'

p 'peed&" Speed al'o 7avor' the ,nergizer% 'ince it will

prod*ce moreak voltage event'" per 'econd to charge the capacitor% the

7a'ter it goe'&

e "'weet 'pot" 7or thi' machine i' a very low7riction mechani'm@

chanically% it m*'t be per7ectly aligned and 7itted with7ree!r*nning

ring' 'o that it i' capable o7 reaching it'highe't po''ible 'peed 7or the

we't e9pendit*re o7 mechanical 7orce& A' the 'peed ri'e'% the

motorw' le'' and le'' electrical energy 7rom the battery% while the


able to p*t more and more back in 7rom thecapacitor di'charge'&

a critical'peed% the 'y'tem'tart' p*ttingmore energy into thebattery

n it i' taking o*t and it move' into "'el7!r*nning"mode& The machine ha'three energy 'torage

mponent' in it& They are the /lywheel% the

pacitor% and the Battery&

ring"'el7!r*nning"mode% all three energy 'torage component' reach ma9im*m capacity&The

wheel maintain' ma9im*m 'peed% whether the

ctric motor i' r*nning at the moment or not& TheCapacitor i' con'tantly

rged by imp*l'e' 7rom the ,nergizer in a way thatremove' almo't no

ment*m 7rom the /lywheel& At operational 'peed% the electricmotor

w' minimal electricity 7rom the batteryabo*t =3Q o7 thetime while

3Q o7 the o*tp*t 7rom the ,nergizer i' either collected inthe Capacitor or

ivered directly back to the battery the other =3Qo7 the time&

e battery i' the primary energy re'ervoir o7 the 'y'tem&0t ha' the energy

'tart the 'y'temand get it *p to operating 'peed'% and it ha'capacity to ab'orb all o7 the e9ce''

gy prod*ced by the 'y'tem& To make a

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me power plant o*t o7 a 'y'temlike thi'% *'t p*tmore and more

terie' in parallel with the 7ir't% and *'e a 'witchingproce'' that won?t

n it'el7 o*t& A7ter that% *'t "let it r*n"&&&&a' 1ohnalway''ay'&


'traight 7orward a' thi' 'eem'% 1ohn 7o*nd that mo'tpeople co*ld not

ke it work& /or the mo't part% it wa'n?t their 7a*lt& Theproblem wa' the

tery& The 7act i'% batterie' do not like to be"charged and di'charged"

m*ltaneo*'ly or even 'eE*entially% in rapid '*cce''ion& 0t ha'to do with

energy reE*ired to con'tantly overcome the inertialmoment*m'tored

moving the large lead ion' back and 7orth inthe electrolyte&

get aro*ndthi' "inertial ma''" lo'' mechani'm at the molec*lar level% 1ohdeveloped hi' two

ery'y'tem'% where one batteryr*n' the

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chine and the other battery i' charged 7or a n*mbero7 ho*r'% and then

y are 'witched only once or twice a day& Thi' workedm*ch better% b*t

l mo't people co*ld not get it to work& Mo't o7the rea'on'

erimenter'have gotten bad re'*lt' with the two battery'y'tem'are

vered in detail in the Bedini SG 0ntermediate

Handbook&d thi' bring' *' to the con'ideration o7 the three battery

'y'tem'& /or

mo't part% thethree

tery'y'temwa' pre'ented

a method toe9plain why

7o*r battery'y'tem

rked& 0n the la't 7ewyear'%

wever% a co*ple o7'killed

perimenter'have 7o*nd

t it ha' an*mber o7

ci7ic merit'%all byit'el7&

' diagram ha' beenon

n?' web'ite 'ince )<< and

w' a method wherebya

d batterycan be charged

e r*nning a "low re'i'tance load"% like an electric motor t*rning an,nergizer% 7or e9ample@ Thi'

hod allow' an ordinary electric motor to

rate while the c*rrenti' con'erved to charge a batteryatthe 'ame time&


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n 'how' that by rotating the batterie' aro*nd to each o7 the po'ition'% o7 the batterie' improvetheir 'tate o7 charge% all the while r*nning the

& Thi' i' where mo't "'el7!re'pecting" 'cienti't' lo'e intere't& A' long a' believe in the "awCon'ervation o7 ,nergy%" yo* will 4OT

n'ider inve'tigating thi' phenomena& A' long a' yo* believethat the

d "con'*me'" electricity% yo* will not inve'tigate report'that iti' being

n'erved" at the 'ame time a' it i'being *'ed&

learn more abo*t the'e development'% check o*t thi' di'c*''ionthread

h more than ;33 po't'. http.((www&energetic7or*m&com(renewable!


t thi' get' even wor'ewith

7o*r battery'y'tem'@ Thi'

wing ha' been on1ohn?'

b'ite 'ince )<<% andhi'

rk with circ*it' likethi'

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torically% the circ*it can be traced% not to 4ikola Te'la% b*t tothe )<)=

ent i''*ed to Carlo' /& Benitez%a

vil ,ngineer living in G*adalaara%


re i' the primary image 7romthat

ent& 0t 'how' 7o*r batterie'being

nnected 'eE*entially in 'erie' or

allel% and load' being operated

m the 7l*ct*ation' o7 c*rrent

ween the 4egativeTerminal'&

e Benitez $atent de'cription'

arlydi'clo'e the method% b*tthe

ent doe' not mention thechange

the "E*ality" o7 the

electricity&nald Brandtwa' the 7ir'tto

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arly 'tate that the c*rrent'

ving in thi' 'y'tem had"*n*'*al

pertie'" and 1ohn Bedini i'

ol*tely the 7ir't per'on inhi'tory

get a 'y'temlike thi'

operatingh p*rely 'olid!'tate 'witching&

re i' a pict*reo7 1ohn'howing thi'

t 'olid!'tate demon'trator at the

F5 Te'la Centennial Sympo'i*m&

hether Ronald Brandt redi'covered

method thro*ghe9perimentation%

'omehow knew o7 the priorwork

*rte'y o7 Sky /abin$rod*ction'

Benitez% i' not known& #hat i' known i' that heintrod*ced 1ohn to it&


ery 'y'tem1ohn ha' 'hown *'e' batterie'& #hile at 7ir't glance%theone

d two battery 'y'tem' 'eem to be dependent onthe low drag

7ormance o7 the ,nergizer 'tyle o7 generator% thi' i' 4OTwhat 1ohn wa'

ere'ted in@@@ 1ohn wa' intere'ted in the vario*' method'o7 eliciting the

di7ied 7orm' o7 electricity% and their e77ect' on thebatterie'&

e yo* gra'p the 'igni7icance o7 the "cold 7orm" o7 electric c*rrent' thatblatantly appear in bothromrey Generator and the "/o*r Battery

itch"% the more ea'ily yo* can comprehend why Tom Beardentheorized

a' o7 the "$hi!dot" c*rrentand the idea that "the battery

charge' it'el7&"' i' e9actly what they were'eeing@

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err*pted abr*ptly and the re7lection o7 thi' 7l*ct*ationappear' acro'' a

y low impedance load between two negativeterminal'&

h o7 the'e 7orm' o7 "cold electricity" 7low thro*gh ordinary wire' at rootemperat*re with 4O

0STA4C,& Ohm?' aw doe' not de'cribe

ir behavior within a circ*it&Cla''ical mea'*rement'on the'emodi7ied

m' o7 electricity are ro*tinely inacc*rate& Regardle''o7 the'e

a'*rement i''*e'% the'e 7orm' o7 electricity can and do per7ormreal

OR in e9ternalcirc*it'&

ly when voltage and c*rrentappear together do we havethe 'tandard

'entation o7 electricity we have been incorrectly told i' the"only one&"

normal"hot electricity" appear' in the middleo7 the 'pectr*m% where voltand c*rrentappear

ther& By contra't% "cold electricity" e77ect' appear at both end' o7 the 'pewhere either

age or c*rrentear witho*t the other& 07 there i' '*ch a thing% TH0S i'one o7 the real

ret'o7 7ree energy& Any circ*it or machine that allow' the'econdition'

mani7e't% will e9hibitpo'itive re'*lt' in the real world that are di77ic*lt E*anti7y by mea'*rement

hod' accepted by 'tandard 'cience@


the electro!mechanical machine'% the appearance o7 the'e cold7orm' o7

ctricity are directly related to the 'tr*ct*re' containingthe magnetic


d'& 0n the de'ign' that clo'e the magnetic 7ield' down to clo'ed loop'% it po''ible to prod*ce

re mechanical energy 'tronger motoring e77ect'D

what appear' to be a higher "e77iciency" generator'% b*t the appearancethe modi7ied 7orm' o7

tricity i' greatlyred*ced&

nver'ely% when the magnetic 7ield' are prod*ced in 'tr*ct*re'that have

ge air!gap' in their ret*rn path% '*ch a' a coil o7wire energized by a

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manent magnet 7rom only one end% a ma9im*m o7 the'emodi7ied 7orm'

electricity are enco*raged to 'how *p% e'pecially whencombined with

*pt 'witching techniE*e'& /rom a cla''ical point o7view% the'e

ct*re' are con'idered to be "very ine77icient" and they e9hibita very low"power to weight" ratio%are writteno77 a' i7 they are *'ele''and archaic& /rom 1ohn?' point o7

view% they are the 'imple'tto e77ectivelyher thi' "cold 7orm" o7 energy 7rom the environment% or a' romrey 7ir't'aid% 7rom the

vitational 7ield&

e 4e9t Big Advancement'

n i' a proli7ic inventor% 'o there i' no way tokeep *p with hi' creativity&

the -3)5 ,nergyScience and Technology Con7erence% 1ohn*nveiled hi'

't inear Ampli7ier(Reg*lator circ*it' which can be *'ed to'h*nt

wer 7rom the charging batteryback to the r*n batterywitho*thaving to

tch batterie'& #hile he i' not planning to p*bli'hthat circ*it anytime

n% yo* can p*rcha'e a model o7 thi' circ*it atte'lacharger'&com

ne9t really big "advancement" ha' to come 7rom tho*'and' o7 people 7romaro*ndthe world'tart to e9periment with the'e technologie'%

rn the 'cience% and b*ild their own working 'y'tem'&0n )<F5% thi'

nology went "p*blic" with the p*blication o7 1ohn?' book Bedini?' /ree ,neGenerator& 0n

5% thi' technology went "p*blic" again% in the di'c*''ion 7or*m'& 0n -3)ha' to go p*blic once

e% thi' time with*'and' o7 'el7!r*nning model' 'howing *p allover the world&


apter Ten

mmary and Concl*'ion

thi' point% the Bedini SG proect ha' revealed at lea't adozen de'ign' o7

chine' whereby 1ohn ha' already demon'trated%and yo*can learn to

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ld% a 'y'temthat prod*ce' eno*gh energy to r*n it'el7and more&

e'e incl*de the 7ollowing.

An ordinary C br*'h 'tyle motor t*rning a 7lywheeland a low drag

nerator r*nning 7rom and charging a'ingle battery&

An ordinary C br*'h 'tyle motor t*rning a 7lywheel

and a low dragnerator r*nning 7rom one batteryand charging a


An ordinary C br*'h 'tyle motor t*rning a 7lywheeland a low drag

nerator r*nning 7rom a three battery'*pply andcharging an

ditional batterybank to power e9ternalload'&

An ordinary C br*'h 'tyle motor r*nning in

p*l'e mode% with*ctive recovery% t*rning a 7lywheel and a

low drag generator

ning 7rom one batteryand charging a 'econdbattery'y'tem&

An ordinary C br*'h 'tyle motor% r*nning inp*l'e mode with

*ctive recovery% t*rning a 7lywheel and alow drag generator

ning 7rom a three battery'*pply and charging anadditional

terybank to power e9ternal load'&

A 'tandard SG ,nergizer r*nning 7rom onebatteryand charging a


A 'tandard SG ,nergizer r*nning 7rom athree battery'*pply

rging an additional battery'y'tem&

A m*lti!coil SG ,nergizer t*rning an additionallow drag generator

ning 7rom a three battery'*pply and charging anadditional

terybank to power e9ternal load'&

And many other variation'@@@


general% all o7 the'e 'y'tem' 7all into two maincla''e'o7 machine& The

t i' the "motor(generator" combination% whereby the7ollowing

7ormance characteri'tic'are attained&

ctric Motor'

that.are ba'ed on 'tandard ind*ction principle'% b*toperate on minimal

rentd*e to "top 'peed" operation% rein7orced by a7lywheel&

are ba'ed on alternate motoring principle'% *'ing eitherattraction or

*l'ion% b*t *'e a p*l'e method 'o that anind*ctive collap'e

ce'' allow' 'ome o7 the electricity to be

recovered whilechanical energy i' prod*ced&

ctric Generator' that.

are ba'ed on de'ign principle' that incl*de coil' wo*ndoniron core'

t are magnetized by moving magnet'% and wherethe magnetic

*rn path incorporate' a large air!gapat lea't part o7the time&

are ba'ed on de'ign principle' that allow enz?' aw tone*tralize or

tly ne*tralize any rever'e torE*e' when low impedanceload' are


e 'econd general cla'' o7 machine are tho'e that*'e battery

n7ig*ration' and(or abr*pt 'witching method' to elicit "coldelectricity"

racteri'tic'% which when applied back to the batterie'%increa'e the

rging e77iciency by -33!to!;33Q& #hen a n*mber o7 the'eprinciple' are

d together% CO$' [ - become increa'inglyea'y to attain&

'pite o7 developing both method'% 1ohn wa' alway'moreintere'ted in

cold electricity e77ect'% a' the gain' werealway'higher&

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thing G*aranteed

erything reported in thi' book 'erie' i' tr*e and 7act*al&B*t that doe'


g*arantee that "anybody" can d*plicate the'e re'*lt'&,ach o7 the'e phenomena

in a narrowndow o7 opport*nity" that the machine

her capt*re' or not% depending on the preci'ion o7it' application&

get a machine like thi'working reE*ire'.

a 'igni7icant knowledge and *nder'tandingo7 the'cience

a general knowledge o7 math andengineering protocol'

a minim*m 'kill level o7 preci'ionmodel b*ilding

yo* do not *nder'tand the 'cience% i7 yo*do not *nder'tand the

thematic' that *nderpin' electrical engineering% or i7 yo* donot have

reE*i'ite model b*ilding tool' and 'kill'% then it i' notrea'onable 7or

* to believe that yo* can b*ild one o7 the'e machine'%beyond the model

cribed in the Beginner?'Handbook&

' technology i' not an article o7 commerce yet& Right now%it only e9i't'

the c*ttingedge o7 h*man *nder'tanding& The world?'economic model

going to e9perience a di77ic*lt period o7 ad*'tment a'thi' technology

ome' more widelyaccepted& B*t that proce'' i' beginningright now&


' complete' the Bedini SG Handbook Serie'& 0tcomplete' the

orting and analy'i' o7 1ohn?' work to date%4ovember -% -3)5&

ha' taken two and a hal7 year' to write the'e threebook'& Thank yo* 7or

*r patience and 7or yo*r intere't in thi' material& 0t

ha' been an honord a privilege to work with 1ohn over the la't )3year'% and to help yo*

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der'tand hi' li7e?' work&



pendi9 )

$atent ;%;:5%;: 0''*ed to Raymond romrey$age )33

e. ,lectric Generator

pendi9 -

erating $rinciple' o7 the /erromagnetic Generator$age )3<

itten by Raymond

romreypendi9 ;

$atent )5%;)) 0''*ed to Carlo' /& Benitez$age )-=

e. Sy'tem 7or the Generation o7 ,lectricC*rrent'

pendi9 5

port on 2i'it to 1ohn Bedini September ;% )<F5D $age);=

itten by ,ikeM*eller

her Re'o*rce'.

+$ ,lectronic Media

me o7 the Be't Collection o7 0n7ormation$rod*ct'

the $lanet@http.((www&emediapre''&com

la Charger'

me o7 "ready to *'e" batterycharger'

igned by 1ohn Bedini http.((te'lacharger'&com


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pendi9 )

ited State' $atent ;%;:5%;:

ctric Generator

*ed to Raymond romrey





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pendi9 -

erating $rinciple' o7 the /erromagneticGenerator

itten by Raymondromrey



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pendi9 ;

eat Britain$atent )5%;))

tem 7or the Generation o7 ,lectricC*rrent'

*ed to Carlo' /& Benitez



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pendi9 5

porton 2i'it to 1ohnBedini

ptember ;% )<F5

itten by ,ikeM*eller



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