8/20/2019 277261757 Активности За Додатна Настава 2015 2016 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/277261757-2015-2016 1/21 Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language Classroom By Maya Miteva – Petroska Активности за реализација на часовите за Додатна настава Маја Митева – Петроска Наставник по англиски јзаик Изработени и адаптирани според веб страната:  http!!itesl"#org!c!games#html Maya Miteva Petroska$ ESL %eacher &

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

Активности за реализација на

часовите за Додатна настава

Маја Митева – Петроска

Наставник по англиски јзаик

Изработени и адаптирани според веб страната:


Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher &

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

ДОДАТНА НАСТАА'()* * +,-,.*

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Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher X

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

!"# $%&'(: ) *+,--.%/0 1'2+(3"%.

4.5.6: Easy to Medium

 %his is an oral communication activity appropriate for EYL learners in elementary!primaryschool# Z[t\s optimal for grades ]W^_# %his game is designed for practicing `shopping`

dialogues and vocaulary#

7"(.%'"6/: `produce` and play money#

89.;( ,< ="3.: %o accumulate as many products as possile#Students are divided into clerks and shoppers#

 %he clerks set up `stands` to allob easy access for all shoppers Ze#g# around theoutsides of the room bith their acks to the ball_#

 %he shoppers are given a set amount of moneyO Ze#g# dollars$ euros$ pounds$ etc#_and egin at a stand bhere there is an open space#

Students shop$ trying to accumulate as many items as possile Zeach item is & unit of currency_#

Periodically$ the instructor bill say `stop` Za ell or other device may e needed toattract attention in some cultural and classroom contets_ and call out a name of oneof the products# Students bith that product must then put ALL their products in aasket at the front of the room# %he remaining students continue shopping# Studentsbho had to dump their products must egin again from scratch Zbith feber units ofcurrency_#

 %he student bith the most products at the end bins#

Students then sbitch roles#

O[t is recommended giving students as much money as possile since students bho run outcan no longer participate#

)6(.%>"('5. -6"? <,% 3,%. "#5">;.# /(&#.>(/: Clerks set the price of items# Shoppershave the option of negotiating the price# %here are tbo binners in this version %he shopperbho accumulates the most products and the clerk bho makes the most money#

@+"(0/ (+. A&./(',>B4.5.6: Any Level

C?-. ,< );('5'(?: listening and speaking

D&%-,/.: revieb uestion forms previously studied in class

D%,;.#&%.:Yorm tbo teams Zthree bill bork$ ut tbo seems to add "ust the right amount of competitivetension_#

Eplain the game$ bith a feb eamples of ansbers in search of uestions# Ask$ \Vhat\s theuestion\$ and get students to correctly say the corresponding uestions for your ansber#

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher ]

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

ave tbo playersWWone from each teamWWcome to the front# Style it like a game shob if youlike$ bith the students standing sideWyWside# [f you have access to ells or uers$ it\s evenmore fun#

et$ read an ansber to a uestion and say$ \Vhat\s the uestion\ %he fastest player torespond bins a point for her!his team# eb contestants come to the front for a neb round#

E"(',>"6.: %his game forces the students to think ackbards a little$ so they must provide agrammatically perfect uestion# All too often$ they are used to ansbering rather than askinguestions$ so this is challenging and useful as revieb#

C,'6.( D"-.% F;.9%."G.%4.5.6: Any Level

 %his activity is used as a `getting to knob you`$ icereaker on the rst day of class#

&# %eacher takes the toilet paper roll and takes several suares of toilet paper$ thenhands the roll of toilet paper to a student# %he teacher tells the student to take some$more than three#

X# After everyody in the class has some paper$ be count the suares be have$ then behave to tell that many things aout ourselves$ in English#

 %his activity borks bell bith sustitute teachers also#

 %he toilet paper is such an attention getter#

H+"'> *-.66'>2 IShiri-tori J4.5.6: Easy to Medium

 %he teacher gives a bord and asks a student to spell it$ and then a second student shouldsay a bord eginning bith the last letter of the bord given# %he game continues until

someone makes a mistake$ that is$ to pronounce the bord incorrectly$ misspell it or come upbith a bord that has een said already$ then he!she is out# %he last one remaining in thegame is the binner#

 %his game can e made dijcult y limiting the bords to a certain category$ e#g## food$ tools$or nouns$ vers$ etc#

!">2 !">24.5.6: Easy

ivide the group into tbo teams# Eplain that they are coboys and they are involved in aduel# ne student from each team comes to the front# Get them to pretend to drab theirpistols# Say `hob do you say###` and a bord in their mother tongue# %he rst child to give the

ansber and then `ang ang`$ pretending to shoot his opponent is the binner# e remainsstanding and the other one sits dobn# [ give & point for the right ansber and etra points if they manage to `kill` opponents in a rob#

Editor\s ote [nstead of saying the bord in the students\ mother tongue$ it bould epossile to use a picture or to say a denition Z`Vhat do you call the large gray animal bitha long nose`_

!"((6. *+'-/ K ) L,;"9&6"%? ="3.

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

4.5.6: Easy to Medium

D%.-"%"(',>:ivide the students in to groups of four or ve# %hen ask the student to make the name fortheir ships for eample bith the names of animals$ cities$ movie stars or let them nd theirobn favourite names#

Ask them to choose the Captain and the Shooter# %he captain\s duty is to memorie hisship\s name$ so he can reply if someody call his ship\s name# %he shooter\s duty is tomemorie the names of the ships of \their enemies\$ so he can shoot them y calling theirship\s name#

);('5'(?:Arrange all the captains in a circle$ the ships\ crebs must line up ehind their captains# %heshooter is the last creb memer in line#

 %he teacher must decide a leical area of vocaulary$ this vocaulary bill e used to defendtheir ships from the attacks# Every students Zecept the shooters_ must nd their obn bords#

 %he leical area for eample$ `Your Legged Animals`# Give the students &WX minutes to nd

as many possile bords as they can and memorie them#

Start the game y calling a ship\s name$ for eample the ship name is `%E CAL[Y[A`# %he captain of %E CAL[Y[A must reply bith a bord from the leical area given$ foreample he says `%[GE` follobed y his crebs ehind him one y one$ `CV` `SEEP`until it is the shooter turns and he calls out the name of another ship and the captain of theship called must reply and his crebs must do the same thing# o bord can e repeated#

[f the captain is late to reply Zmore than X seconds_ or his creb can not say the bords or abord repeated or the shooter shoots the brong ship Zhis obn ship or the ship that hasalready een sunk_ the ship is sunk$ and the creb memers can "oin the creb of anothership#

 %he teacher can change the leical area for the net round#

[n the last round there bill e tbo ig groups attling to e the binner#

M./;%'9'>2 )--."%">;./ N H+"%";(.%'/(';/ ,< D.,- Easy to Medium ZLob to lob intermediate_

Each student is then give one sheet of paper# ne student sits at the front of a room#e!she descries a person and the rest of the class drabs the person eing descried#

[t is more interesting if the person eing descried is knobn y everyone# nce the studenthas nished descriing that person then he!she reveals bho it is and each student shobs

his!her drabing# %he laughter from this is hilarious as the impressions tend to make thecharacter in uestion look funny#

[t is a good idea to encourage students to ask the interviebee student uestions aout bhothey are descriing#

*.>(.>;. E";.4.5.6: Any Level

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

A good game for large classes and for reviebing vocaulary lessons#

&# Prepare a list of revieb vocaulary bords#X# Vrite each bord on tbo small pieces of paper# %hat means briting the bord tbice$

once on each paper#

]# rganie the pieces like undles$ X undles$ X sets of identical bords## ivide the class into X teams# get them to make creative team names#

# istriute each list of bords to oth teams# every student on each team should havea paper# Both teams have the same bords#

^# Vhen you call a bord$ X students should stand up$ one from each team# %he studentsmust then run to the lackoard and race to brite a sentence using their bord#

q# %he binner is the one bith a correct and clearly britten sentence#

 %his is albays a hit bith kids# Yor more advanced students$ use tougher bords#

D"-.% )'%-6">. =" Any Level

rab a target Zbith points W like a dart oard_ on the bhite oard or use a cardoard o inthe middle of the room# %hen$ students make paper airplanes and launch them after theyansber your uestion in the form of a sentence# [ don\t ecept my eginners!lobintermediate students to form complete sentence so [ help them to form correct sentences#

 %o my surprise they bill repeat the sentence several times Zbhile [\m helping them_ "ust sothey can throb their airplane# Yor eginner and lob intermediate classes$ [ recommendformulating uestions that lead to & or X types of ansbers# %his allobs for ettermemoriation# Yor eample$ use CA!V[LL uestions and brite the eginning part of theansber on the oard `[ can!bill###`# [ recommend giving a prie to make the target pointsmean something$ thus peaking their interest#

D';(',>"%? I="3. OJ K %.5"3- K H+"%"#./ I="3. PJ4.5.6: Any Level

Vrite out series of categories like professions Zdoctor$ us driver$ etc#_$ animals$ foods$actions Zshing$ haircut$ etc#_ then divide the class into groups of X# ne student drabs andthe other guesses# et turn$ the guesser drabs and draber guesses# %his game borks estbith the aritrary stop batch Z] seconds_# %his is designed for one lesson#

 %hen for another day take the same categories Zor create neb ones_ and play the samegame ecept students$ this time$ act it out Zno speaking or noises_#

*-.66'>2 H,>(./(4.5.6: Any Level

Yirst$ if you have a large class you have to divide it in X teams# then the teacher says a bordor a sentence depending on the level for the students to spell# Students should spell thesecorrectly bith not even one mistake# %he team that has more points is the binner

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher ^

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

@+"(0/ (+. 7.">'>2B4.5.6: Medium to ijcult

 ou$ the teacher$ may need a dictionary do this activity#

• Choose a bord bhich is long$ dijcult$ and unknobn to the students$ a good bord to

egin bith is warmonger #• Vithout using a dictionary$ your students brite dobn a denition# Z%hey can bork out

the denition in groups of three_# Allob them a feb minutes to think and brite#

• Collect the denitions and read them aloud#

• Vhen you have nished reading$ they bill have to vote bhich of those is the correctone# Z[t doesn\t matter if none of them is the correct one_

• After they have voted and none of the groups guessed the meaning you read thecorrect one aloud#

 %he idea of this game is to let students e creative and practice briting skills#

 %hen you can have the students to discuss their britings#

H"(;+'>2 &- ,> ?,&% )!H0/4.5.6: Any Level

 %his game is short and simple# Vrite the alphaet on the oard# %hrob a ean ag tosomeone and say a bord egining bith the letter A# %his person must catch the ean ag$say a bord egining bith the letter B and then throb it to another person %his third personsays a bord egining bith the leter C and so on#

viously the game is meant to e played fast# [f played bith higher level students you may

not bant to brite the alphaet on the oard# %here are many bays to change the game tomake it adaptale to your level of students#

*.;%.( H,#.4.5.6: Any Level

[ sometimes give instructions to my students britten in code that they have to interpretefore completing tasks# [\ve used this at various levels

ere\s an eample to revise alphaet and simple present vers!voca#

 %ell students the code e#g# each code letter represents the letter that comes efore itin the alphaet a is $ m is n$ \du\ is cat etc#•  %hen they decode their message and do the task

o ml up uif cpse W balk to the oard

o kvn ufo u"nft W "ump ten times

 %o make it more dijcult$ [\ve ###

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher q

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

• used more comple codes$

• let them bork the code out for themselves$

• have not dened bhere bords end$

• have given more complicated tasks or vocaulary

• or given them half an instruction bhich they must decode and then nd theclassmate bith the other half of their task information#

 %his activity can e used to revieb or practise vocaulary or structure or simply e adierent bay to introduce the topic for the day\s class WW each student gets one or tbo bordsto decode and then the class bork to put all the bords together#

H%"Q? *(,%?4.5.6: Any Level

 %his is an activity that bill make your students speak in class and e creative#

• Ask students to brite a bord on a piece of paper and tell them not to shob anyone# %his bord should e a ver Zor bhatever you\d like to rebieb_#

•  %he teacher starts telling a story$ then stops and chooses a student#

•  %hat student bill continue the story and must use his!her bord# %his student thenchooses the net student to continue the story#

•  %he last student must end the story#

• After the story is over$ the students then try to guess bhat bords each student hasbritten on his!her paper# %he student bho guesses the most bords bins the game#

H6"//%,,3 E&6./: 7&/( "># 7&/(>0(4.5.6: Easy to Medium

• Prepare small pieces of paper each bith either one thing students must do or onething students must not do#

•  %ell the students that they are supposed to form sentences that eplain classroomrules#

• ivide the class into groups Zof if possile$ so that everyone gets a chance tospeak_#

Give each group the pieces of paper#

 %he binning group$ the group that nishes rst$ reads their sentences aloud# ZEach studentof the group reads one or tbo sentences depends on sie of group#_

[t\s an easy game and the preparation does not take too much time# ou can make as manyrules as you bish#

M'2'("6 H"3.%" *;"5.>2.% R&>(

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

4.5.6: Easy to ijcult

 %his game may reuire students to leave the classroom depending on hob you set it up#

Make a list of things students must take photos of# %hen put your students into teams$ eachbith their obn camera and have them go out and take the photos# %he team that comes

ack rst bith all the photos is the binner#

Some ideas for lists are

• us$ tai$ car$ icycle$ etc#

• restaurant$ post ojce$ mail o$ trajc light$ etc#

• [n the classroom pencil$ pen$ eraser$ lackoard$ etc#

• Around the school principal\s ojce$ copy machine$ cafeteria$ etc#

Yor further revieb of vocaulary$ have the students look at all the photos and identify other

things that appear in each photo#

C"9,,4.5.6: Medium to ijcult

 %his game is a simplied version of the oard game `%aoo`#

Before class$ create several inde cards# n each card brite one bord in a large font bith acircle around it$ and underneath brite XW related bords in a smaller font# %he goal is forstudents to get their teammates to guess the circled bord# %hey can say anything they liketo try to make them guess$ ecept for the bords britten on the card#

ivide the class into groups of tbo$ and brite each group on the oard to keep track ofpoints# Place a desk in the front of the room facing the class$ so that someone sitting it hastheir ack to the oard and can\t read it# Place another desk in front of it$ so the teammatesare facing eachother#

Pick a team to go rst$ and have them choose a card# ave the teammates decide bho billguess and bho bill talk# %he guesser sits bith their ack to the oard# n the oard$ makingsure the guesser can\t see$ brite the circled bord as bell as the other taoo bords# %hetalker then has to try to make their partner guess the circled bord bithout saying it$ or anyof the other bords# After they guess it have another group come up# Vhen all the groupshave gone$ do it again and have the teammates sbitch roles#

My students really en"oy this game$ so much so that they often give the guesser clues evenbhen it is not their team [t\s a great bay for students to practice forming sentences$ and itforces them to use bords and structures they might otherbise not use#

!..- =" Easy to Medium

Choose around & volunteers to come and stand in a line at the front of the classroom# %herst student in line must egin counting from &$ and each student in turn calls out the netnumer# obever$ every th numer must e replaced y the bord `eep` Zor u etc#_#

Maya Miteva – Petroska$ ESL %eacher w

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

Yollobing a `eep` the net student in line must call out the net numer$ and not thenumer that has een replaced# Yor eample$ &$ X$ ]$ eep$ $ ^$ q$ eep$ w etc#

[f a student hesitates too much or makes a mistake he!she must sit dobn$ so eventually onlyone student remains# Vhenever a student sits dobn$ egin from & again# See hob far youcan get

@,%#/ !.2'>>'>2 S'(+ " ='5.> 4.((.%4.5.6: Medium to ijcult

 %he teacher chooses a letter from the alphaet# %hen each student must say a bord thategins bith that letter# [f a student repeats a bord that has already een said$ then he!she isout of the game# %he game ends bhen only one student remains# %hat student is the binner#[n high level classes students lose if they say a past form of the ver# EampleseeWsab# oucan increase the dijculty y adding a timer# nly allob each student seconds to think of abord#

H,&>('>2 4'"% =" Any Level

 %his game is similar to the Alphaet Liar game ecept it deals bith numers and adding the`S` sound at the end of plural nouns $ all you need is a deck of cards#

ivide the students into groups of to ^# eal all the cards from the deck to the students# %he player bho has the X of Spades egins# %his player puts dobn his X of spades and anyother X he has in his hand YACE V in a pile and procedes to say `one X` or `tbo X\ssss`then net player procedes to put dobn his ]$ then $ then etc###

Let\s say the player doesn\t have the card he is supposed to put dobn$ for eample a ]$ theplayer must try to `lie` or fool the other players into thinking he has the card so he canplay### if other students have any dout they shout `liar` if the player bas lying he then pickup the pile at the center of the tale# [f the player bho is accused of lying bas telling thetruth it is the player bho accused him bho must pick up the pile in the center#

All players MxS% put dobn a card bhen it is their turn$ even if they do not have the reuiredcard# %he game is over bhen one of the players has no more cards#

[ use this game to help practice the `s` sound at the end of plural nouns cause moststudents have a tendancy to say `there are X dog` rather than `there are X dogssssss` thisgame really helps the message get through# OOOYor etter eplanations see the alphaet liargame#OOO

);( 8&( "> );('5'(?4.5.6: Easy to Medium

 %his is a gameWlike activity to teach continous tense#

ne student simply acts out some activity Ze#g#cooking_ and the other students guess bhatthat student is doing# %he student bho guesses correctly acts out another acitvity###

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

L";"(',> H"%#/4.5.6: Medium to ijcult

Yor this activity you bill need a deck of cards$ and an imaginative theme that could e

crafted into some sort of story# Yor eample$ [ choose `send the teacher on a vacation`# nthe oard or overhead pro"ector make a list like the follobing# Zou could ask your studentfor imput#_

• AWeciting

• XWdepressing

• ]Wepensive

• Wheroic

• Wromantic

• ^Wfantastic

• qWsad

• Walmost fatal

• wWcheap

• &Wdramatic

•  Whappy

• zWbierd

• {Wchange one option

Prompt the students a little to get them started perhaps oer a eginning to the story# %heythen must continue making an oral story y drabing one card and continuing the story alongthose lines# Yor eample$ if they get $ then the teacher!protagonist must do somethingheroic or some kind of heroric event must occur# [f the students drab a { Zor bhatever cardyou stipulate_$ then they can change one option# %his seems to help keep the momentum inthe game# Continue through all cards$ bith the stipulation that the story must e concludedy the end of the deck# viously there is a lot of room for variation here# our bord list andtheme could e related to your unit of study#

My students really en"oyed this game it is most interesting if you personalie it and insert

yourself or a student Zassuming he!she bouldn\t mind_#

R."#3"/(.% =" Medium to ijcult

ave each student take out a piece of paper and their dictionary# Vrite on the oard ou are the neb headmaster of this school# ou have tbo years to make this the perfectschool# ou can have as much money as you bant$ ut you must spend it all in X years#

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

• Vhat changes bould you make immediately

• Vhat changes must e gradual

• Vhat bould you do to make it a etter school

• Vhat changes bould you make

Be specic# Yor eample$ don\t say hire etter teachers# ou must say hob you bould ndetter teachers or bhat kind of teachers you bould hire# Also$ rememer you must think likea headmaster$ not like a student Making school easy and letting the students do no eamsor homebork bill not make parents happy

Give the students & minutes to bork alone# %hen put them in groups of ]W bith a leader toorganie their thoughts# Each group\s leader bill give its `report` to the other studentsduring the follobing class period#

[f your students have a small vocaulary you can help them out y listing on the lackoardareas of discussion teachers$ uildings$ classrooms$ activities$ dorms$lunchrooms$curriculum$ sports$ playground$ lirary$ athrooms$schedules$music$ art$etc#

 %his is a great activity for all ages# Ve albays run out of time

H"> T,& $'># @+"( F/ M'U.%.>(B4.5.6: Easy

Ask a volunteer to go out of the classroom# Vhile the student is out of the room$ the otherstudents change their sbeaters$ shoes$ coats and so on# Bring the student bho bent out ofthe classroom ack inside# e!she has to guess the dierences Zspeaking in English$ ofcourse#_

=&.// (+. 4.((.% ,> T,&% !";G 4.5.6: Easy

 %his game is used to practice the alphaet# ivide students into groups and ask them tostand in line and give the students in the front of the line a piece of chalk to brite on thelackoard# %hen brite bith your nger a letter on the ack of the students at the end of theline# %hey must do the same bith the student in front of him!her and so on# %he studentsbith the chalk try to guess the letter and brite any bord that egins bith that letter on theoard#

$,6#K,5.% *(,%'./4.5.6: Any Level

 %his is an old favorite# Give each student a sheet of lank paper# Vrite the follobing bordson the oard in a vertical line V$ VA%$ V$ VEE$ VE$ V# Eplain thateveryone bill e briting a sentence story# Vrite an eample on the oard$ eplain$ asking forsuggestions#

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

&# %ell them to brite someone\s name at the top of their paper$ i#e#$ their obn$ aclassmate\s$ the teacher\s$ a famous person that everyone knobs fold the paperover once so no one can see it$ then pass the paper to the person on their right#

X# Vrite on the received paper bhat the su"ect did Zsuggest funny or outrageousactions_$ fold it over and pass it on to the right#

]# Continue to brite one line$ hob they did it Zadvers_$ fold and pass bhereWpassbhenWpass and last of all$ bhy Zecause###_ and pass it one more time#

# ave the students unfold their stories$ and read them silently# elp anyone bhocannot read bhat the others brote$ or doesn\t understand#

# Ask one student at a time to read `their` story aloud$ or turn the stories in for theteacher to read# Yunny

M./;%'-(',>/4.5.6: Medium

• Vrite dobn names of every student in your class on pieces of paper#

• Give the names to students# %ry to make tbo students descrie each other#

• Ask them to descrie the person bhose name is on the paper#

• After they nish$ give the description to the person bho is descried# e!she has tond any briting mistakes on the paper#

• Students bork in pairs to correct the tbo papers#

=&.//'>2 (+. @,%# <%,3 " M%"S'>24.5.6: Any Level

• Ask one student to e in front of the class# Give him!her a bord that can not e seeny other students#

• e!she bill drab Zon the lackoard_ a picture epressing the concept of the bord#

•  %he rest of the class have to guess the bord#

• [f you are keeping score$ the one bho dreb the picture gets the point if the class canguess the bord#

E.5'.S'>2 C.>/./4.5.6: Any Level !Preparation

• Print out three sentences Znegative$ positive$ and uestion_ of the tense you bant torevieb#

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

• Cut each sentence into bords#

 %he Activity

• Students bork in groups#

• Give each group of students bords of a sentence and ask them to make thesentence#

• rab a tale on the oard and ask students to tick sentences at suitale positiions$positive$ negative$ or uestion#

• Ask students to make rules of the tense#


•  %hree Sentenceso [ am a student#


[ am not a student#

o Are you a student

•  %he ules

o  % BE at the present simple[ am a student#

o Positive S | am!is!are | #[ am not a student#

o egative S | am!is!are | not | #Are you a student

o zuestion Zzues bords_ | am! is !are | S |

$'># D"%(/ ,< *-..;+ ,< @,%#/ '> " *.>(.>;.4.5.6: Any Level

• Prepaire cards bith parts of speech# Give these to your students#

• Vrite the sentences on the oard#

• Ask your studnets to nd parts of speech of bords in the sentences#

•  ou can divide the class into teams to make the games more fun#

Eample our sentence[ VE% % SCL ES%EA#pronoun ver preposition noun noun

C+'>G $"/(V4.5.6: Any Level

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

A game for revision Zrevieb_# [t also borks bell for the last minutes of class

 %he teacher prepares a list of items for revision e#g# bord elds$ grammar$ facts# [n classhe!she eplains the procedure# %hree to ve volunteers leave the classroom and bait tilltheir turn has come# %he teacher appoints a student to take the eact time and another totake dobn a tick for every correct ansber# o repetitions ZSet up or negotiate rules on

pronunciation#_ %hen the rst player is called in#

•  %eacher ou have X second to name as many things as come to your mind#

•  our topic Parts of the ody ! London sights ! plays y Villiam Shakespeare ! theplaces in a tobn ! trajc signs ! beekend shoppingWlist ! etc#

• eady$ steady$ go

nce all volunteers have done their it$ abard a small prie Ze#g# a sticker_ to the binner ofthe round# %hen ask the class for additions efore you pick the net item# %hen pick the netitem#

Allob more time Z] or seconds_ for longer ansbers Vhat have you done so far today !Vhat did you do last beekend ! School rules Vhat do students have to do Vhat are theynot allobed to do ! etc#

[f this game is played in groups$ they should e evenly alanced#

)6-+"9.( 4'"% =" Any Level

•  %ake a pack of letter cards$ mied up# [t is etter if it is not a complete alphaet$ andthere are some duplicate cards#

• eal all the cards out to the players

• Students take it in turns to play cards face dobn# %hey must go through the alphaet$starting from \A\$ playing one card face dobn and saying the letters in Alphaeticalorder#

• Even if they do not have the card to e played for that turn$ they must play any cardand pretend it is the card they said# Say the seuence has gone A$B# %he net playermust play a card and say C$ even if he has not got an C#

• [f any player does not elieve that someone has played the real card$ he can say`ou\re a liar` and turns the card over# [f the card has the letter bhich bas said$ thechallenger picks up all the cards# [f it is not$ the liar picks up all the cards in the pile#

 %he binner is the rst one to nish all their cards#

*&%5'5,% *-.66'>2 =" Any Level

xse this activity to revieb vocaulary

Make a list of vocaulary covered in previous lessons# ave students stand# Call out avocaulary bord# %he rst student egins y saying the bord and giving the rst letter$ thesecond student the second letter of the bord$ the third student the third letter$ and so on

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

until the bord is spelled correctly# [f someody makes a mistake they must sit dobn and bestart from the eginning again until the bord is spelled correctly# %he last student must thenpronounce the bord correctly and give a denition in order to stay standing# %he studentbho is left standing is the `survivor` and bins the game# [ usually give them some type ofprie# [f all the students remain standing be have a pia party at the end of the beek#

 %he students love it and it is a great bay to practise vocaulary

@+"(0/ T,&% 1"3.B4.5.6: Easy Zab eginners_

ne student sits in the front of the classroom Zusually in the teacher\s comfortale chair_bith his ack to the other students# %he teacher then points to students in the class andasks `Vhat\s your name` %he student indicated must respond `My name is}}}}}}}}}}` bitheither his obn name or the name of someone in the class# %he student in the front cannotsee bho is speaking# %he teacher says to him$ `[s it}}}}}}}}}}}` and he must say `es$ it is`or `o$ it isn\t`# [f the student in front is correct$ he gets to stay there$ ut if he\s mistaken$he changes place bith the student bho fooled him#

 %o make the game more interesting$ the students are encouraged to disguise their voices#

[ albays do this bith my eginners at the eginning of the year$ ut albays at the end of theclass$ and for not more than to & minutes# ZMy eginners are elementary age#_

R&3"> !'>2, K =.(('>2 (, W>,S T,& );('5'(?4.5.6: Any Level

ave the students divide an #` &&` paper into w suares Ztbo vertical lines ! tbohoriontal lines# %he middle suare is the `free` space# et$ put a list of uestions on theoard Zthese can vary in dijculty_# Yor eample

&# Vhat is your nameX# Vhere are you from

]# ob long have you een in the xSA

# hat is the strangest thing you have eaten here

# Zthey make a uestion_

 %he students must then intervieb dierent people in the class to ll in the ingo page#Each suare on the paper represents one person\s ansbers# Vhen they have britten all theansbers from one person$ they go on to someone else until all of the oes on the paper are

lled# Vhen everyone has nished$ the teacher uses the class list to call o names# Yoreample$ if the teacher says$ `Vho has odrigo`$ the students bho interviebed odrigobould then provide the ansbers he gave to the ingo uestions#

[t\s a fun game that gets students speaking right abay# [t usually takes a bhile to complete#

!"66 =" Any Level

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

Students stand up in a circle around the teacher# A all is tossed to a student and theteacher asks a uestion$ e#g# `Say a color`# %he student then responds and throbs the allack to the teacher#%he teacher then throbs the all to another student and asks anotheruestion# Yor higher levels$ you can ask such uestions like `Give me the past participle ofan irregular ver`# %his is a fast game$ and it is great for reviebing vocaulary#

=.(('>2 (, W>,S " 4'((6. 7,%. "9,&( T,&% H6"//3"(./4.5.6: Any Level

 %he teacher gives every student a piece of paper on bhich they brite a sentence aout theirpersonal life# %his sentence can e aout school$ family$ music$ friends$ the last vacation$etc# Yor eample `[ bent to the each last vacation` or `[ albays study for my eams` or `[have tbo rothers` etc# Vhen they nish briting their sentences they fold the paper andgive it to the teacher#

[t is very important to tell students efore briting the sentence that the information they aregoing to brite is `a secret` and not to shob it to their classmates# [f they have a uestionaout something$ they should ask it to you instead of a classmate# %ell students to brite

their names on the papers#

After collecting all the papers$ ask the students to brite the numers from one to & Zor X$depending on the numer of students you have in that moment in the classroom_ in theirnoteooks# After that$ the teacher reads the sentences in random order Zbithout saying thename of the student_$ and the students brite the names of the people they think brotesentences#

After reading all the sentences$ say the uestion numer and read the sentence again foreach piece of paper and ask the students to name bho they thought brote it#

 %hen tell the students the name from the student bho brote that sentence# Students shouldbrite ZC_ for correct guesses and Z[_ for incorrect guesses#

 %his is one bay for studnets to start knobing a little more aout their classmates#

M%"S (+. C.";+.%4.5.6: Any Level

 %his game helps to teach children the names of facial parts#

ivide the class into tbo teams# %hen drab X ovals shapes on the oard# %hen yell `rab theteacher\s eyes` and the tbo leading students from each team run up and drab your eyes onthe oval# %hen yell `ose` bhich is drabn y the net tbo students# And so it goes# %he

student get a all out of this as they have permission to make fun of their teacher$ and yourimage can get to look pretty distorted# ou can add other features$ such as nose or ear hairs# %his bill also bork if you bant to do ody parts as bell# ust drab the asic torso instead ofovals#

[f the kids are unsure as to bhich facial!ody part you\re talking aout$ "ust point to it#

At the end say oth images look pretty good and call it a tie#

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

Another variation on this could e for naming parts of animals# %he resulting picture boulde a monster# i#e# peacock\s tail$ snake\s head$ elephant feet$ at\s bings$ etc#

);('>2 )#5.%9/4.5.6: Easy to Medium

 %his activity is a great bay to introduce the idea of hob advers aect the bay a ver actionis done# ivide the lackoard in tbo and brite as many vers on one side and as manyadvers on the other as you can Zget the class to come up bith them_# At this stage you canalso teach hob ad"ectives \turn into\ advers y briting dobn ad"ectives e#g# angry$ happy$and adding the \ily\# %hen divide the class into tbo teams and perhaps give them goofy teamnames Z[ nd they en"oy giving each other names_# %hen get one team to choose a ver andadver comination and the other team has to act it out$ e#g# talk craily#

My eperience bith this activity has een bith younger learners bhere some kind of rebardis oered at the end like stamps or eing the rst team to leave at the end of class# ou canthink of your obn rebard Zor penalty_ to motivate your class# [t can e a lot of fun bith oththe actors and the \directors\ en"oying making fools out of themselves or batching others

make fools of themselves#

*&--,/. C+"(4.5.6: Easy to Medium

 %his borks bell as a ~uency activity

&# ou are the lack sheep of your family# Eplain to us bhy#X# ou bon a motorcycle and you are planning to emark on a voyage# Eplain bhere

you go#

]# ou arrive face to face bith a person bho you obe & dollars to# Vhat do you say

# ou help an old boman across the street# [t turns out that she is a magician# %o thankyou$ she oers you four bishes# Vhat do you ask for

# ou arrive home at midnight$ you open the door and ######

H&(KX- *.>(.>;. W"9"#'4.5.6: Any

 %his is a comination of a asic %EYL game and the [ndianZ_ game {aadiZ_#

Prepare some cut up sentences from the grammar or voca area you\ve een borking onand place them on a tale at the front of the class# Arrange the students into teams$standing ehind a line or marker# %hey have to run to the tale and arrange the bords into

correct sentences$ hobever$ they are not allobed to reathe in# %o prevent this the studentshave to repeat \kaadi\ over and over# [f they stop saying the bord they have to return totheir teams# %he rst team to correctly arrange all their sentences is the binner# %his can geta it bild ut it\s fun#

@%'('>2 F#."4.5.6: Medium to ijcult

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

[ asked my students to brite in their daily "ournals bhat rules they bould like to seeimplemented in our classroom and bhich rules they eleived bould enet our class themost# [ then asked them to imagine hob it bould e if be had no rules in our class$ in ourschool$ and in the borld# [ asked them to beigh the pros and cons of this idea and britebhether or not they bould like to eperience or live in this type of environment#

*-'> Y,>.4.5.6: Any

Each set of partners receives a top# ne learner says as many sentences or bords in thetarget language as he can efore the top stops spinning# is partner counts# %he studentbho says the most bords bins# Ve had fun letting the binners compete in `spin os`# [ liketo give stickers to all and candy to the binner

D%.-,/'(',>/ =" Medium to ijcultPrepare a tet that contains prepositions# %ake out the propositions and print them on aseparate sheet$ then cut this sheet so that each preposition is on a piece of paper$ then put

all of them in an envelope # ivide the class into groups and give each group an envelope# %ell the students that you are going to read a tet and bhenever you raise your hand theyshould ring a suitale preposition and put it on your desk and that the fastest team bouldget points# ead the tet bith each groups\ order and cancel a point for each mistake# Yinallyread the tet bith correct prepositions# ou can play this game bith ad" as bell as a$the andan#

7"%('">4.5.6: Medium to ijcult %ell your class you are a Martian and you are inhaiting a humanody to study human bays# ou then ask aout virtually anything in the room$ and ask follobup uestionsVhat is this

[t\s a pen#Vhat\s a `pen` ou use it to brite#Vhat is `brite`

 ou make bords bith it on paper#Vhat are ̀ bords`E%C###

 ou can make it as dijcult as possile for your higher level students at some point$ though$you\ll need to say `{$ [ understand`$ and go to the net o"ect# Even your est students billeventually get stuck on this one

D&>;(&"(',> ="3.

4.5.6: Any Level

[ came up bith this game to help the students understand bhat the marks of punctuationare# rab a period Z#_$ a comma Z$_$ a uestion mark Z_$ eclamation mark Z_$ and anapostrophe Z\_ on the oard and leave a feb inches etbeen each symol# %ell the studentsthe name of each and have them repeat each name# Vhen they are comfortale bith thenames$ egin y pointing to each one in succession# nce they are procient at this$ speedup the pace# %his is bhere it gets fun# nce they are ale to say the names in order$ changethe order on them# Speed up each time through to get the kids ecited# As a nal tactic$

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

have each student go through the names of the symols at a slob pace and then speed up# [give the one bho can say the most right a piece of candy or a sticker# ave fun and you\llsee a ig improvement in their punctuation#

=,,# 7,%>'>2 !"66/4.5.6: Any Level

&# ou have three dierent coloured alls$ Zthey should e very light beight$ samll alls_#X# Get the class to make a circle#

]# %hen give three people a all#

o ed Ball W Good Morning

o Green BallW ob are you

o Blue Ball W Yine thank you and you

# %he class memers pass or gently throb the alls and the person bho receives themsays the meaning of the alls#

 %his is fun and gets the class going rst thing in the morning#

)'%KS%'(.4.5.6: Any Level

ne person `brites` letters$ bords$ numers$ shapes etc in the air and others guess bhat itis# Can e done in pairs$ as a group$ along a chain#Can also e played as ackWbrite$ that is$ briting the letter!bord!### on the ack of anotherand they guess bhat it is#

4,/( '> " Z&> Medium to ijcult

 %his is a game suitale for a class of preWintermediate and up# %he game can e done ingroups of three to si students# [t keeps everyone involved even the uietest students#

 %he %eacher prepares a list of say X items and brites the list on the oard or gives copies togroups# %his is a list of things that people may need if they\re lost in the "ungle and thingsthat they may not need#

Yor eample

• A pack of canned food• meters nylon rope

• {nife

•  %orch

•  %ent

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Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language ClassroomBy Maya Miteva – Petroska

• Cellular phone

• ^ gallons of bater

• Petrol


• Blankets

• Candles

• Matches

• ###

 %hen$ the students in groups decide on items on the list bhich seem essential to all ofthem#

 %his usually takes a bhole session since they all come up bith dierent ideas# Sometimes acreative student chooses an item apparently irrelevant$ ut bhen he!she eplains hob to useit$ everyone agrees
