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  • 7/30/2019 28784732-konserto-terakhir


    Konserto terakhirSNota Novel Konserto Terakhir


    Novel ini mengisahkan Hilmi datang ke Kuala Lumpur untuk mencari bapa

    saudaranya yang bernama Datuk Johari. Dia berjaya menemui bapa

    saudaranya dan tinggal di rumah tersebut sebagai tukang kebun. Ketika

    keluarga Datuk Johari bercuti, Hilmi mula memberanikan diri bermain piano.

    Sejak itulah bakatnya mula berkembang dan dia mendalami bidang muzik

    daripada pakcik Bakar. Hubungan Hilmi dengan Hayati begitu akrab dan tidakdisenangi oleh Datin Salmah. Oleh sebab selalu bertemu anak pakcik Bakar

    iaitu Azizah, akhirnya berputik perasaan cinta lalu mereka berumahtangga.

    Azizah merupakan seorang yang materialistik menyebabkan hubungannya

    dengan Hilmi berakhir dengan penceraian menyebabkan Hilmi tertekan.

    Ketika pertunjukan Orkes Perdana akan berlangsung, Hilmi tersungkur dan

    tempatnya digantikan oleh Hayati. Hilmi dimasukkan ke hospital. Tidak

    beberapa lama kemudian, Hilmi meninggal dunia. Datuk Johari terkejut

    apabila mendapat tahu bahawa Hilmi ialah anak kandungnya. Akhirnya Datuk

    Johari juga meninggal dan Datin Salmah insaf.


    Tema untuk novel Konserto Terakhir ialah perjuangan hidup dan kegigihan

    seorang anak muda yang berasal dari kampung yang berhijrah ke bandar

    untuk mencari pekerjaan dan akhirnya berjaya menjadi seorang seniman

    besar negara.

    Berikut ialah bukti-bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa watak Hilmi adalahseorang yang gigih.

    1.Gigih menghadapi penghinaan daripada Datin Salmah ketika bekerja

    sebagai tukang kebun di rumah Datuk Johari. Penghinaan ini berlaku

    disebabkan beliau hanya seorang pemuda kampung dan berpendidikan


    2. Gigih mempelajari muzik daripada Encik Bakar walaupun pada masa yang

    sama terpaksa membahagikan masanya untuk bekerja di sebagai pembantu

    di stesen minyak sehingga menjadi seorang pemuzik yang terkenal.

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    3. Gigih mencipta lagu pelbagai lagu sehingga lagu yang diciptanya terkenal

    di seluruh tanah air.

    4. Gigih menghadapi masalah rumah tangganya walaupun akhirnya terpaksa

    berpisah dengan isterinya disebabkan sikap Azizah yang mementingkan


    5. Gigih berusaha bagi memastikan kejayaan konsert perdananya walaupun

    terpaksa mengabaikan kesihatan dirinya sendiri.


    1. Kegigihan berusaha untuk mengubah kehidupan dan masa depan:

    Contohnya Hilmi menyedari dia anak kampung yang tidak berpelajaran dan

    hanya bersekolah darjah 4 sekolah Melayu. Dia sering mendapat penghinaan

    khususnya daripada Datin Salmah. Hilmi mendapat dorongan daripada Pak

    Amat supaya berusaha gigih untuk mencapai cita citanya iaitu menjadi

    seorang pemuzik dan secara tidak langsung telah mengubah corak hidup dan

    masa depannya.

    2. Cinta dan kasih sayang sesama manusia: Contohnya dapat ditunjukkan

    melalui kasih sayang antara Hilmi dan Hayati serta cinta dan kasih sayang

    antara Hilmi dan Azizah. Cinta dan kasih sayang dilihat pada awalnya lebih

    kepada simpati.

    3. Agama yang dapat mengembalikan ketenangan hidup: Contohnya Hayati

    ialah seorang gadis yang penuh dengan kebebasan tetapi telah berubah dan

    berasa tenang setelah mula mendekati agama melalui ibadah solat dan

    mendalaminya melalui buku buku agama seperti Hidup Sesudah Mati.

    4. Semangat kerjasama yang membawa kejayaan: Contohnya kejayaan

    Orkes Hilmi merupakan kejayaan berkumpulan dan semangat itu ditunjukkan

    ketika Hilmi dimasukkan ke hospital dan pertunjukan Orkes Perdana itu

    berjaya dan mendapat pujian.

    5. Sikap segolongan masyarakat yang terlalu mementingkan pangkat dan

    darjat: Contohnya Datin Salmah menghina Hilmi kerana menganggap Hilmi

    hanya seorang pemuda kampung dan tidak berpendidikan tinggi.

    6. Gaya hidup segolongan masyarakat yang bersifat kebaratan: Contohnya

    Datin Salmah sering menghadiri morning coffee manakala rumah datuk

    Johari terdapat sebuah mini bar.

    7. Sikap suami atau isteri yang curang: Contohnya walaupun sudah bersuami,

    Hayati masih mencintai Hilmi dan bertemu Hilmi sebelum ke luar negara

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    bersama dengan Mohsin.

    8. Sikap sesetengah golongan masyarakat yang masih mempercayai perkara

    karut dan khurafat: Contohnya Datin Salmah percaya bahawa Hilmi

    menggunakan ubat guna-guna terhadap Hilmi.


    1. Kegigihan : Contohnya Hilmi gigih mempelajari muzik daripada Encik Bakar

    sehingga akhirnya beliau menjadi seorang pemuzik dan pencipta lagu yang


    2. kasih sayang : Contohnya Hayati amat mencintai kekasihnya Hilmi

    sehingga beliau berubah daripada seorang gadis kebaratan kepada seorang

    gadis yang taat akan agama.

    3. Keimanan : Contohnya Hayati taat mengerjakan sembahyang setelah

    membaca kitab bertajuk Hidup sesudah mati.

    4. Kerjasama : Contohnya Hayati menggantikan tempat Hilmi untuk

    memimpin kosert perdana setelah Hilmi dimasukkan ke hospital dan

    kerjasama itu menjadikan konsert tersebut mendapat pujian.

    5. Merendah diri : Contohnya, Datin Salmah tidak memiliki sikap rendah diri

    kerana menghina Hilmi serta bersikap bongkak dan mementingkan darjat.

    6. Kejujuran : Contohnya, Hayati tidak jujur kepada suaminya kerana masih

    mencintai Hilmi walaupun beliau telah bersuamikan Mohsin.

    7. Patuh perintah ibu bapa : Contohnya, Hayati memamatuhi perintah ibunya

    dan mengikut kemahuan ibunya supaya berkahwin dengan Mohsin.


    1. Kita mestilah gigih berusaha untuk mencapai cita-cita yang diinginkan:

    Contohnya Hilmi gigih mempelajari muzik sehingga Berjaya menjadi pemuzik

    dan pencipta lagu yang terkenal.

    2. Kita mestilah sentiasa mengamalkan kerjasama untuk memburu kejayaan:

    Contohnya Hayati menggantikan tempat Hilmi semasa beliau dibawa ke

    hospital dan kerjasama itu membolehkan konsert perdana tersebut Berjaya.

    3. Kita mestilah mengamalkan nilai kasih sayang sesama manusia:

    Contohnya pada peringkat awal Hayati menyayangi Hilmi kerana rasa simpati

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    dan kemudiannya bertukar cinta kepada kekasih.

    4. Kita mestilah sentiasa patuh kepada ibu bapa kita: Contohnya Hayati patuh

    akan perintah ibunya supaya beliau berkahwin dengan Mohsin.

    5. Sebagai seorang isteri, kita mestilah jujur kepada suami: Contohnya

    walaupun sudah berkahwin dengan Mohsin tetapi Hayati tidak jujur kerana

    masih mencintai Hilmi.

    6. Kita mestilah membantu orang yang memerlukan bantuan: Contohnya

    Encik Bakar mengajar muzik kepada Hilmi tanpa sebarang bayaran kerana

    ingin membantu Hilmi menjadi pemuzik terkenal.

    7. Sebagai umat, kita mestilah patuh kepada perintah Tuhan : Contohnya

    Hayati sentiasa mengerjakan solat setelah membaca buku Hidup sesudah



    A. Hilmi

    1. Pemuda kampung berpendidikan rendah : Hilmi berasal dari kampung di

    Kedah dan hanya berkelulusan darjah empat sekolah rendah.

    2. Seorang yang rajin : Hilmi rajin mengusahakan taman di rumah datuk

    Johari sehingga taman itu menjadi cantik serta mendapat pujian daripada

    rakan-rakan Datin Salmah. Dia juga rajin mengusahakan kebun di rumah itu

    sehingga sayur-sayurannya berbuah lebat.

    3. Seorang yang gigih / tabah : Hilmi gigih menghadapi cabaran hidup apabila

    sentiasa sanggup berdepan dengan penghinaan Datin Salmah. Kegigihan

    Hilmi juga dapat dilihat melalui usahanya yang bersungguh-sungguh untuk

    mempelajari muzik daripada Encik bakar.

    4. Seorang yang artistik : Hilmi bijak berusaha mengadun taman di rumah

    Datin Salmah sehingga taman itu menjadi cantik serta menarik.

    5. Seorang yang penyabar : Hilmi sentiasa sabar menghadapi penghinaan

    Datin salmah. Dia juga tidak pernah menceritakan sikap sebenar Datin

    Salmah atau memburuk-burukkan mereka kepada Pak Karim semasa dia

    bertemu Pak Kasim.

    6. Seorang yang bercita-cita tinggi : Hilmi merantau ke Kuala Lumpur untuk

    berusaha mencapai impiannya menjadi orang yang Berjaya. Dia berusaha

    mengejar impiannya dengan berusaha belajar muzik daripada Encik Bakar

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    sehingga menjadi seorang.

    7. Seorang yang kuat agama : Hilmi tidak pernah meninggalkan sembahyang

    lima waktu walau di mana sekalipun dia berada.

    8. Seorang yang bijak/ berkebolehan : Dapat memainkan piano dan mengenal

    kod piano walaupun hanya dengan mendengar Hayati memetik pianonya.

    B. Datin Salmah:

    1. Ibu saudara Hilmi : Beliau isteri Datuk Johari dan ibu kepada Hayati.

    2. Seorang yang sombong dan mementingkan darjat: Datin Salmah tidak

    dapat menerima Hilmi kerana Hilmi berasal dari kampung serta berpelajaran

    hanya setakat darjah empat sekolah rendah. Beliau sering menghina Hilmi

    dan kerap mencari jalan agar Hilmi dapat keluar dari rumahnya.

    3. Hidup secara kebaratan : Datin salmah menjalani kehidupannya seperti

    masyarakat barat. Beliau dikatakan selalu bertemu rakan yang setaraf di

    Morning Coffee.

    4. Percaya kepada kepercayaan tahyul : Datin Salmah masih mempercayai

    kepercayaan karut apabila mempercayai bahawa Hilmi menggunakan ubat

    guna-guna kepada hayati sehingga Hayati berubah daripada sikap asalnya.

    5. Seorang yang suka mengongkong : Datin Salmah ingin menentukan

    kehidupan anaknya Hayati dengan mengahwinkan hayati dengan Mohsin

    sedangkan Hayati tidak mencintai Mohsin.

    6. Seorang yang tidak beriman : Datin salmah tidak mengerjakan

    sembahyang sejak hidup sebagai orang kaya dan berharta. Hal ini diceritakan

    penulis semasa datin salmah menyedari Hayati mula berubah mengerjakan


    7. Insaf akan kesilapannya dan ingin menebus dosanya : Datin salmah kesal

    atas perkara yang telah dilakukannya ke atas Hilmi setelah mengetahui

    bahawa Hilmi ialah anak datuk Johari. Dia ingin menebus dosanya dengan

    menyatakan keinginannya untu memelihara anak Hilmi.

    C. Hayati

    1. Anak perempuan tunggal kepada datuk Johari dan datin Salmah :

    Berkahwin dengan Mohsin.

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    2. Seorang yang cantik.

    3. Seorang yang penyayang : Hayati amat menyayangi Hilmi. Beliau juga

    amat sedih apabila Hilmi keluar dari rumah datuk Johari sehingga

    menyebabkan beliau berubah sikap.

    4. Berubah daripada hidup kebaratan kepada hidup berasaskan agama :

    Sebelum bertemu Hilmi, hayati seorang yang periang dan hidup seperti

    remaja lain. Apabila Hilmi keluar dari rumah Datuk Johari, beliau berubah

    menjadi seorang yang mula mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan dan mula


    5. Patuh kepada arahan ibunya : Hayati sanggup berkahwin dengan Mohsin

    walaupun beliau tidak mencintai mohsin. Hal ini dilakukannya demi menjaga

    hati ibunya, Datin Salmah.

    D. Datuk Johari

    1. Bapa kepada Hayati dan suami kepada Datin Salmah : Merupakan

    kakitangan kerajaan berjawatan tinggi. Beliau juga merupakan bapa

    saudara kepada Hilmi.

    2. Seorang yang baik hati : Datuk Johari sanggup membenarkan Hilmi tinggal

    di rumahnya. Pada masa yang sama, beliau turut member pekerjaan kepada

    Hilmi sebagai tukang kebun di rumahnya.

    3. Seorang yang bijak : Datuk Johari bijak memberi alasan supaya Hilmi tidak

    keluar dari rumahnya ketika Datin salmah mencadangkan supaya Hilmi keluar

    dari rumah itu kerana merosakkan piano Hayati. Pada masa yang sama,

    Datuk Johari bijak kerana hanya memotong gaji Hilmi sahaja.

    4. Hidup seperti masyarakat barat : Kehidupan Datuk Johari yang kebaratan

    dapat dilihat apabila terdapat sebuah mini bar di rumahnya. Beliau seorangpeminum minuman keras.

    5. Seorang yang tidak kuat pegangan agama : Digambarkan oleh penulis

    sebagai seorang yang sudah terlalu lama meninggalkan sembahyang lima


    6. Seorang yang tidak bertanggungjawab : Datuk Hilmi meninggalkan isteri

    pertama sebaik dikahwininya iaitu ibu Hilmi. Beliau juga tidak pernah

    mengetahui bahawa Hilmi ialah anaknya sehingga diberitahu oleh pak karim.

    Datuk Johari telah melupakan tanggungjawabnya sebagai suami dan bapa.

  • 7/30/2019 28784732-konserto-terakhir


    Posted by mohd nazri at 8:44 AM

    Labels: Komponen Sastera SPM

    The pearlPlot Summary

    Chapter 1

    The Pearlbegins as Kino, a Mexican pearl diver in the village of La Paz on the gulf

    of California, awakes before morning. His wife Juana and child Coyotito lie nearby in

    their brush house. Kino contentedly listens to the waves on the beach and declares "it

    was very good." His ancestors had passed their songs down from generation to

    generation to Kino, who this morning has the "Song of Family" in his mind. Juana

    rises and makes breakfast for the family, as she does every morning, and sings part ofthe Family Song.

    Suddenly Kino sees a scorpion crawling down one of the ropes that holds the baby's

    cradle, and a new song, a "Song of Evil," enters his head. He lunges at it but is too

    late and the scorpion stings Coyotito. Juana immediately tries to suck out the poison

    from the wound, but the area begins to swell. She and Kino take the baby to the

    doctor in town, along with many neighbors who have come to watch, but because they

    have no money, he will not see them. Filled with shame and rage, Kino smashes his

    fist against the doctor's gate.

    Chapter 2

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    After Kino and his family return to their fishing village, Juana places a seaweed

    poultice on the baby's wound and prays that Kino will find a pearl that would pay for

    the doctor. That afternoon when Kino goes diving, he finds the largest pearl he has

    ever seen, "The Pearl of the World," "as large as a sea-gull's egg" and as "perfect as

    the moon," and he howls with joy.

    Chapter 3

    Soon the entire town knows of the pearl, speculating on what it is worth. All suddenly

    are interested in Kino as the pearl "stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the

    town." Kino had become "curiously every man's enemy," but he and Juana are

    oblivious to the town's dark thoughts. They dream of what they can do with the

    money they will gain when they sell the pearl, deciding that they will be able to get

    married and buy new clothes and get their son an education, which will grant him


    Kino, however, begins to hear the "Evil Song" as he thinks others will try to steal the

    pearl from him and so he makes "a hard skin for himself against the world." When the

    doctor hears the news, he reminisces of his past life in Paris and decides that he will

    take Coyotito as a patient and so get his hands on some of the money from the pearl.

    He comes to the brush house and warns Kino and Juana that the poison may still be

    inside their son but that he can help. After the doctor forces Coyotito to swallow what

    he insists is medicine to drive the poison out, Coyotito becomes ill. Soon, however, he

    appears to recover and the doctor demands payment. Kino determines to sell the pearl

    the next day. That night, though, someone comes to the hut to try to steal the it. Kino

    scares him away but not before he is hit in the head. Juana warns that the pearl is a

    "sin" and will destroy them, but Kino insists it is their only chance to send Coyotito toschool.

    Chapter 4

    The townspeople follow Kino into town on his journey to meet with the pearl buyers

    and speculate about what they would buy with the money he will earn for it. The first

    buyer offers only 1000 pesos, claiming that the pearl is "fool's gold" and has little

    value. When Kino refuses the offer and insists that it is worth 50,000 pesos, the buyer

    calls others in to make bids, but they also determine the pearl to be worthless. Kino

    declares that he is being cheated and vows to journey to the capital to sell it even

    though he is afraid to go there. His neighbors are unsure about whether Kino has beencheated or whether he is being greedy. That evening when Kino is again attacked by

    robbers outside his brush house, Juana pleads with him to destroy the pearl, but he

    refuses, insisting that he "is a man" and so can handle any trouble they may face.

    Chapter 5

    In the middle of the night Juana arises and takes the pearl to the water, ready to throw

    it in. Kino, however, stops her just in time, grabs the pearl and beats her in an

    animalistic rage. On his way back to the brush house, he is sickened by what he has

    done. On the trail assassins attack him, but this time he kills one of the men. Juana

    realizes that at this point, "the old life was gone forever." Realizing that he will be

    accused of murder, Kino decides that they must flee and turns to his brother Juan

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    Tomas and his wife for help. Kino admits, "This pearl has become my soul. If I

    give it up I shall lose my soul."

    Media Adaptations

    La Perla, a Mexican and American production ofThe Pearlwas released in1947. Steinbeck worked on the screenplay and the film was directed by Emilio


    In 2001, Hollywood released another version ofThe Pearl, starring Richard

    Harris and Lukas Haas. This film was directed by Alfredo Zacharias.

    An audio version ofThe Pearl, produced by Penguin and read by Hector

    Elizondo, is available through Audio Books.

    Chapter 6

    Kino and his family travel up the coast but soon realize that trackers are followingthem. In an effort to lose them, they head into the mountains. At one point, Kino

    considers turning himself in to save his family, but Juana convinces him that the

    trackers would kill all of them to get the pearl. The family stops near caves to rest, but

    the trackers eventually catch up with them. Under the cover of darkness, Kino tries to

    jump one of the men while the other two are sleeping. He is able to kill all three, but a

    random rifle shot during the struggle hits Coyotito, killing him.

    Kino and Juana return to La Paz, devastated at the loss of their son, appearing as if

    "removed from human experience." Hearing the Song of the Family ringing in his

    ears like "a battle cry," Kino grasps the pearl, which has become "gray and ulcerous"

    with "evil faces" peering from it. When he tries to give it to Juana, she insists, "noyou." Kino then throws it with all of his might into the green water, and it disappears.



    Coyotito, Kino and Juana's infant son, is the catalyst for his parents' obsession with

    the pearl. Both of his parents want the pearl to help pay for his recovery from the

    scorpion sting and for his education, so that he will not be limited by the same

    oppression under which his parents have suffered.


    The doctor is part of the system that oppresses Kino and his family. The villagers

    know "his cruelty, his avarice, his appetites," his laziness, and his incompetence. His

    sense of superiority prompts him to regard Kino and his neighbors as animals and so

    determines that he need not treat them. Only after he learns of Kino's pearl does he

    offer help so that he may be able to get his hands on it and regain the luxurious life he

    has enjoyed in Paris. To that end, he deceives Kino and Juana about Coyotito's illness

    and his own powers as a healer.

    Juan Tomas

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    Kino's brother Juan Tomas provides Kino with shelter and wise counsel.


    Juana is a dutiful wife who rises every morning to make breakfast for her family. She

    exhibits a fierce, instinctual need to protect her child as evidenced by her clearheadedresponse to the scorpion's sting and her insistence that they take him to the doctor,

    knowing that there is little chance that the doctor will see him yet ready to face the

    resulting shame. Coyotito is Juana's first baby and so he is "nearly everything there

    was in [her] world."

    Her strength and endurance, however, are her most dominant qualities. Kino

    "wondered often at the iron in his patient, fragile wife" who "could arch her back in

    child pain with hardly a cry" and "stand fatigue and hunger almost better than Kino

    himself." He notes that "in the canoe she was like a strong man." Although patient

    with and obedient to her husband, she tries to convince him to throw away the pearl

    when she recognizes the danger it brings.

    Her endurance is displayed after Kino beats her. As he stands over her with his teeth

    bared, she stares as him "with wide unfrightened eyes." She accepts that he had been

    driven over the edge of reason and decided "she would not resist or even protest." As

    a result, Kino's rage disappears and is replaced by disgust for what he has done to her.

    Juana shows a great and patient understanding of her husband. After he beats her, she

    feels no anger toward him, recognizing that as a man "he was half insane and half

    god." She knows that he will "drive his strength against a mountain and plunge his

    strength against the sea" and that he would inevitably be destroyed by both. Althoughpuzzled by the differences she recognizes between men and women, she "knew them

    and accepted them and needed them" because as an Indian woman "she could not live

    without a man." She then determines to follow him, hoping that her reason, caution,

    and "sense of preservation could cut through Kino's manness and save them all."

    Juana endures the pain of her injuries as she escapes with Kino and Coyotito.

    Her ability to defy her husband by attempting to throw the pearl in the sea while

    admitting that she could not survive without him reveals her great courage. She is

    driven by her need to "rescue something of the old peace, of the time before the

    pearl." Yet after Kino kills his attacker, she shows her resilience when she

    immediately admits that the past was gone, "and there was no retrieving it. Andknowing this, she abandoned the past instantly. There was nothing to do but to save

    themselves." The death of her child appears to break her, however. As she walks back

    to the village at the end of the story, "her wide eyes stared inward on herself" and she

    "was as remote and as removed as Heaven.


    Even though he lives in poverty, Kino is content at the beginning of the story because

    he is surrounded by the family he loves. It is only after his child's life is threatened by

    the scorpion bite that Kino determines that he will rebel against the system that

    oppresses him.

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    He is connected to his ancestors through their songs, which he often hears in his head.

    The frequency of the Family Song and the Enemy Song suggests his strong link to

    those ancestors as well as to his environment. Kino experiences a combination of rage

    and fear as he confronts his oppressors, showing strength as well as an intuitive

    assessment of the reality of his position. He is a proud man who feels shame when he

    stirs up the courage to challenge that position and is rebuffed.

    Like Juana, he is a responsible parent who strives to provide the best life possible for

    his child. This commitment gives him the courage to rebel against the status quo by

    calling on the doctor, by refusing to accept the offer from the pearl buyers, and by

    fleeing the village after he murders one of his attackers. His loyalty is also expressed

    toward his neighbors when it does not even occur to him to take one of their boats

    during his escape.

    His obsession with the pearl is prompted by his desire for respect and power, but most

    importantly for the education of his child. He wants to be able to marry Juana, to buy

    a rifle that can "[break] down the barriers," to dress his family in nice clothes, andfinally to enable his son to free himself and his people from subjugation.

    Kino's fierce desire to provide for and protect his family reduces him to a primal state.

    Ironically that desire to provide for them causes him to viciously attack Juana. Later,

    after he kills his attacker, the narrator concludes that Kino is "an animal now, for

    hiding, for attacking, and he lived only to preserve himself and his family." This

    primal nature enables him to escape his trackers, at least initially. The narrator notes

    that "some ancient thing stirred in Kino. some animal thing was moving in him so

    that he was cautious and wary and dangerous." At the end of the story, he appears

    broken as he retains his primal state. He, along with Juana, appears "removed from

    human experience." He "carried fear with him" and "he was as dangerous as a rising




    The story has been applauded as a parable that warns of the effects of greed. A

    parable is a story that is chiefly intended to convey a moral or truth. After Kino finds

    the pearl, he learns how far others will go, including committing murder, to gain

    wealth and the power that it brings. All those who hear about the pearl, even hisneighbors "suddenly became related to [it], and [it] went into the dreams, the

    speculations, the schemes, the plans, the futures, the wishes, the needs, the lusts, the

    hungers, of everyone." And since Kino stood in their way, "he became curiously

    every man's enemy." Kino recognizes this desire in himself, not for wealth, but for the

    power the pearl can grant him. He says the pearl is his soul.


    Major Themes

    In The Pearl, John Steinbeck show that wealth can have dire consequences as it

    breeds greed, envy, and evil; sometimes in the possessor of the wealth and sometimes

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    in those who surround the wealthy. Kino's discovery of the pearl should have brought

    him wealth and happiness; instead, it brings ill tidings and creates vast sorrow in his


    Minor Themes

    John Steinbeck also shows man's inhumanity to his fellow man throughout the novel.

    The wealthy people, represented by the doctor, force the poor class of people to exist

    on simple food and in humble dwellings. They seize the wealth for themselves and

    refuse kindness or charity to those in the lower class, as evidenced by the doctor's

    refusal to treat Coyotito. At the same time, the wealthy trample one another as they

    struggle to climb the ladder to wealth and success.


    The mood changes from one of peace and calm to one of great anxiety as Kino strives

    to hold on to the pearl. At the end of the novel, the mood is one of somberness and

    sorrow as Kino loses his son and hurls the pearl back into the sea. The various moods

    help to emotionally involve the reader in the novel



    The protagonist of the novel is Kino, the pearl diver, and the entire plot revolves

    around him. At the beginning of the play, Kino is described as a simple family man,

    content with his surroundings and wanting nothing more than a full stomach and a

    placid life. When the scorpion bites his son, he takes him to the doctor. The doctor's

    curt response and refusal to help Coyotito causes Kino to search for the pearl. He

    discovers the greatest pearl in the world, which seems to incur the wrath of the gods.

    After finding the pearl, Kino must endure continuous hazards, which leave him afraid,

    yet unrelenting and defiant. Although he fights the evil forces behind the pearl, he

    cannot overcome them. He finally loses his most precious possession, his only son to

    the evil forces. The novel comes full circle with Kino flinging the pearl back to the

    sea from where it had come. Kino's character as a tough, resilient hardy man has been

    beautifully depicted.


    Kino's antagonist is the beautiful pearl, which breeds greed, envy, and evil amongst

    the people around Kino, who are jealous of his newfound wealth.

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    In chapter six, Kino and his family flee from their country to go and sell their pearl.

    Evil trackers, hoping to steal the pearl, follow them on their journey. Coyotito's cryreveals the presence of Kino and his family, and the trackers shoot and kill their son.

    Finally, Kino hurls the pearl back into the sea.


    The novel ends in tragedy. After the death of Coyotito, there is nothing left for Kino

    and Juana. The pearl has no value to them, for the main reason for selling it is to

    provide for their son. Now he is gone. The novel ends with Kino and Juana returning

    to their country, utterly forlorn and defeated. As the entire village follows them, the

    couple walks to the sea. There, Kino takes the pearl in his hand and flings it into the

    water, where it slowly disappears.




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