Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and 39 vot'es against. The extension of the 2-mill levy was passed with 198 votes for and 36 votes against. Carrizozo schools will start receiving the tax money from the 2-mill levy July 15, The Board of Education will adopt a sale resolution calling for the sale of the bonds at the Mar. 20 school board meeting. Bids will be opened April 17 and the money will be on hand June 1 for the start of the school renovation. LINCOLN Ne\' !·iexico 1l11cQln Oounty Box J3b C ..... rrizozo, . ' .. .. ' .' . '; " "; . ., . , l Ruth Hammond reported in January but 13 wrecks with no injuries and 6 wrecks with injuries were recorded. FIre engines, am- bulances and wrecker services were cr'emanded in Carrizozo, Corona, Capitan. Alto and Hondo. This dispatcher's log shows that 6 fires, 50 rescue squad and 20 wreckers calls were received. The department logged 3391 phone calls. 5870 radiO and 1.753 telet ype messages. People, "walk-ins". who entered the department for whatever reason, numbered 553. The jailers recorded 358 man days and prepared 1.074 meals in January. Among the 35 prisoners were 5 juveniles. 6 aliens and 4 Camp Sierra Blanca inmates. Fifteen meetings and trairung sesstOns were last month by the sheriff and. or members of his staff. Hours spent in court totaled 45 and included the time officers were called to testify and escorting prisoners to hearings or tnals Jan 31, Fonda C. Mohon. 41. Ruidoso. was arrested on a warrant out of Otero County magistrate court. The charge was Issuance of Worthless Checks Mohon has bonded out. Feb. 7, an all-day training session concerning the legal aspects of serving civil papers was held in Carlsbad. Barbara Langley, administrative secretary; Carol Baldonado. secretary-dispatcher at the Ruidoso sub-station and Deputy Sheriff Connie Hopper attended. Capitan C of C sponsors candidate night Feb. 14 C'zozo C of C meeting Feb. 14 Capitan Chamber of Com- merce is sponsoring a Meet The Candidate Night Feb. 14, 1984 at 7 p.m. at The Smokey Bear Restaurant Dining Room. - The public is to attend and will have an opportunity to ask questions of candidates fQr Capitan Municipal Judge and Capitan city cOlmcil candidates. Ruth Hammond railroad tracks and west of high- way 380. Al Baca will be at city hall weekdays from 1 to 4: 30 to help applicants. If you cannot come in to city hall, contact AI Baca Applications can be picked up at city hall anytime Ruth Hammond After the bill passes both the house and the senate, Gov. Anaya will have 20 days to sign it, veto it or portions of it. The future of Fort Stanton residents and employees has been up in the air since last summer when it was announced that the facility would be closed and made into an alcohol abuse center. If you have any questions contact John Harris at the school. According to Joe DeTevis. art teacher. this unique show IS truly worth your time to go see appreciate. On Thursday, February 9th, 1984, the 4th annual Honor Band Festival will be held at Carrizozo High School. This year we are honored to have for guest con- ductors, Mr. Jack Reynold and Mr. David Allen from Hobbs Municipal Schools. This event will take place at the Carrizozo Schools. On Thursday morning, high schools from the surroUnding area will arrive to prepare for a concert which will conclude the days events. This concert will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Gym. There will be no ad- mission. aJ1lst and teacher In the Mid· west Mrs Sl1vernall painted for SIX years at both. landscape and portraiture at Montague Studios, Kansas City. Mlssoun before comIng to !\jew MeXICO where she has a studio In Old Town. Albuquerque before moving to Carrizozo AmOLmt of stolen property reported in January was tallIed at $13,014. Although none has been recovered so far. victims of "hot checks" were assisted by the department In the collection of $51564 worth of boLmcing checks. Last month 220 civil papers were served Other monthly figures include Z7 arrests, 35 traffic stops, 23 citations. A total of 66 offense reports were logged The department cleared 19 cases, 15 remain active. No fatal aCCidents were Lmtil the 1st of April." Honor band . festival today yO The CDBG, which is the Community Development Block Grant of $225.000 for housing rehabihtation in Carrizozo. will be used to rehabilitate about 20 houses. The area elIgible for grant money IS "Enumeration Dlstnct 4" This IS south of the things, including schools, public employees, and highways. The state Senate made many changes. After they are through with it, the bill will have to go back to the house for a vote and possibly more changes. Senator Lee said the house was extremely adamant about Fort Stanton remaining a DD center and he believes the language will stay as is. ESTABLISHED 1905 Calla Sl1vemall of Carnzozo opened her one-woman art thiS week In the conference room of the Carrizozo MUniCipal SChools It IS open to the general public for Viewing Monday through Fnday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This display show examples of her work using realism, surrealism and non-object ive subject matter as a pictonal comment on current topics and observations about people. places and the trends of the times. All of her paintings are large and each have a title. "Newscast" depicts the gloom we hear broadcast daily about pollution of air and water, poisoning of birds and fish, floods, forest fires, bomb ex- plosions and other tragedies as broadcasted on TV and radio. "Bugs" reminds us of our scientific progress to the point where communication has altered privacy, perhaps eliminating it. "Sentimental Journey" expresses a universal emotion ... a longing of the spirit to return home ... to the place of origin. "Ufe", a non-objective painting, conveying the mystery of the creation and development of life in its myriad forms, was inspired by the first chapter of Genesis. There are other oil paintings in the exhibit to see. The artist is a greaduate of Kansas City Art Institute. She studied portraiture with Jan Dean-well known portrait of Dallas, Texas; and landscape and portrait painting in the studio of Arther Katchum, famous Silvernail opens show The law enforcers logged 2.717 ml1es out of county travel Total vehicle cost (repairs, maintWlance, gas) for the entire department came to $4.108 By P. E. CHA VEZ The first month of the new year was busy for the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department Their effort to preserve law and order included 18,231 miles of travel within the COLmty. This figure includes the travels of the animal control officer who responded to 24 calls Thousands of calls Project director Jim Cooper says the CDBC is going forward. Cooper and assistant project director Albert Baca have met with the citizen advisory com- mittee to estabhsh 'ehglbihl Y standards whi.::h are available Cooper saId, "We would hke to start taking applicatIOns Feb 13. Work wl1l probably not start Sen. Lee reports Sheriff's log shows busy month Ft. Stanton decision near CDIG shifts to high gear State Senator Charlie Lee said Tuesday that, "Funding and language retaining Fort Stanton as a hospital will be in Senate Finance Committee Substitute for House Bill 2." Last week House Bill 2 passed 41 to 28 with language that stipulates keeping Fort' Stanton as a center for the develop- mentally disabled. House Bill 2 covers many four of hiS fal woodcarVings, and JulIan Homero IS rafflIng off a cord of fire"" nod and a qUIlt ""olH and Homero arp also residents of rapilan Anyone v.lshIng to help Ih('s(' people fInanCIally can conlact Fr DaVld Bergs In Carrizozo THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 9, 1984 ----- lWO CARRIZOZO Public School students, Julio Chavez, center, and Wayne Nickason each brought home gold medals and silver medals after competing in this Southern New Mexico Special Olympic Games. In the beginners division Chavez placed 1st in the down hill contest and 4th in the giant slalom. In the intermediate division Nickason placed 1st in the giant slalom and 4th in down hill. Pictured with them is Joe Orsak, special ed teacher. tnp There are five repres('n· tatives from the Santa Hlta Catholic Community Tony Allred. Robyn Peralta, Mary Gaddy of Capitan Two others are still worlung for their remaInIng balance of $1.279.00. Brendan Wolff is selling raffle tIckets for piHtlnpanls In Ih(' youlh confer('O('p loOP held In H.om(' ar(' I('ft In rIghl. Brendan W"lff. Tony Allr('d. Juhan Romero and Hooyn l'pralla all of Carnian !\lary c.addy was not avallabl(' for IllP plclurp Thp flv(' arE' rl.'prrSelllallV<-:-' from thE' Hila ( ill hollC' ('hurch CARRIZOZO, NM 88301 '; ...... -. participate in this pilgnmage will have an exclusive expenence which they will certaInly never forget There are several par· ticlpants in Lincoln COLmty, some who are still doing various projects to help them finance this Rome bound Gold lRedal winners . VOLUME 80, NUMBER 6 t ... (, )"'.::.:., fL'e) Five St. Rita parish youths will go to Rome Pope John Paul II has called for a youth conference in Rome. as a part of this Holy Year of Redemption. for high school and college age students all over the world. This tradition is repeated only once every 50 years. Those who are lucky enough to get to

archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and

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Page 1: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and

Bond issuepasses

Voters passed the $160,000school bond issue with 190 votesfor and 39 vot'es against. Theextension of the 2-mill levy waspassed with 198 votes for and 36votes against.

Carrizozo schools will startreceiving the tax money from the2-mill levy July 15, The Board ofEducation will adopt a saleresolution calling for the sale ofthe bonds at the Mar. 20 schoolboard meeting. Bids will beopened April 17 and the moneywill be on hand June 1 for thestart of the school renovation.


Ne\' !·iexico~eJCl

1l11cQln OountyBox J3bC..... rrizozo,


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Ruth Hammond

reported in January but 13wrecks with no injuries and 6wrecks with injuries wererecorded. FIre engines, am­bulances and wrecker serviceswere cr'emanded in Carrizozo,Corona, Capitan. Alto and Hondo.This dispatcher's log shows that 6fires, 50 rescue squad and 20wreckers calls were received.

The department logged 3391phone calls. 5870 radiO and 1.753telet ype messages. People,"walk-ins". who entered thedepartment for whatever reason,numbered 553.

The jailers recorded 358 mandays and prepared 1.074 meals inJanuary. Among the 35 prisonerswere 5 juveniles. 6 aliens and 4Camp Sierra Blanca inmates.

Fifteen meetings andtrairung sesstOns were .all~nded

last month by the sheriff and. ormembers of his staff. Hoursspent in court totaled 45 andincluded the time officers werecalled to testify and escortingprisoners to hearings or tnals

Jan 31, Fonda C. Mohon. 41.Ruidoso. was arrested on awarrant out of Otero Countymagistrate court. The chargewas Issuance of WorthlessChecks Mohon has bonded out.

Feb. 7, an all-day trainingsession concerning the legalaspects of serving civil paperswas held in Carlsbad. BarbaraLangley, administrativesecretary; Carol Baldonado.secretary-dispatcher at theRuidoso sub-station and DeputySheriff Connie Hopper attended.

Capitan Cof Csponsors candidatenight Feb. 14

C'zozo Cof Cmeeting Feb. 14

Capitan Chamber of Com­merce is sponsoring a Meet TheCandidate Night Feb. 14, 1984 at7 p.m. at The Smokey BearRestaurant Dining Room. -

The public is invit~ to attendand will have an opportunity toask questions of candidates fQrCapitan Municipal Judge andCapitan city cOlmcil candidates.

Ruth Hammond

railroad tracks and west of high­way 380.

Al Baca will be at city hallweekdays from 1 to 4: 30 to helpapplicants. If you cannot come into city hall, contact AI BacaApplications can be picked up atcity hall anytime

Ruth Hammond

After the bill passes both thehouse and the senate, Gov. Anayawill have 20 days to sign it, veto itor portions of it.

The future of Fort Stantonresidents and employees hasbeen up in the air since lastsummer when it was announcedthat the facility would be closedand made into an alcohol abusecenter.

If you have any questionscontact John Harris at the school.

According to Joe DeTevis.art teacher. this unique show IS

truly worth your time to go seeappreciate.

On Thursday, February 9th,1984, the 4th annual Honor BandFestival will be held at CarrizozoHigh School. This year we arehonored to have for guest con­ductors, Mr. Jack Reynold andMr. David Allen from HobbsMunicipal Schools.

This event will take place atthe Carrizozo Schools. OnThursday morning, high schoolsfrom the surroUnding area willarrive to prepare for a concertwhich will conclude the daysevents. This concert will be heldat 7:00 p.m. in the High SchoolGym. There will be no ad­mission.

aJ1lst and teacher In the Mid·west Mrs Sl1vernall painted forSIX years at both. landscape andportraiture at Montague Studios,Kansas City. Mlssoun beforecomIng to !\jew MeXICO whereshe has a studio In Old Town.Albuquerque before moving toCarrizozo

AmOLmt of stolen propertyreported in January was tallIedat $13,014. Although none hasbeen recovered so far. victims of"hot checks" were assisted bythe department In the collectionof $51564 worth of boLmcingchecks.

Last month 220 civil paperswere served Other monthlyfigures include Z7 arrests, 35traffic stops, 23 citations. A totalof 66 offense reports were loggedThe department cleared 19cases, 15 remain active.

No fatal aCCidents were

Lmtil the 1st of April."

Honor band.festivaltoday yO

The CDBG, which is theCommunity Development BlockGrant of $225.000 for housingrehabihtation in Carrizozo. willbe used to rehabilitate about 20houses. The area elIgible forgrant money IS "EnumerationDlstnct 4" This IS south of the

things, including schools, publicemployees, and highways. Thestate Senate made manychanges. After they are throughwith it, the bill will have to goback to the house for a vote andpossibly more changes.

Senator Lee said the housewas extremely adamant aboutFort Stanton remaining a DDcenter and he believes thelanguage will stay as is.


Calla Sl1vemall of Carnzozoopened her one-woman art :;~ow

thiS week In the conference roomof the Carrizozo MUniCipalSChools It IS open to the generalpublic for Viewing Mondaythrough Fnday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This display show examplesof her work using realism,surrealism and non-object ivesubject matter as a pictonalcomment on current topics andobservations about people.places and the trends of thetimes.

All of her paintings are largeand each have a title."Newscast" depicts the gloomwe hear broadcast daily aboutpollution of air and water,poisoning of birds and fish,floods, forest fires, bomb ex­plosions and other tragedies asbroadcasted on TV and radio."Bugs" reminds us of ourscientific progress to the pointwhere communication hasaltered privacy, perhapseliminating it. "SentimentalJourney" expresses a universalemotion ... a longing of the spiritto return home... to the place oforigin. "Ufe", a non-objectivepainting, conveying the mysteryof the creation and developmentof life in its myriad forms, wasinspired by the first chapter ofGenesis. There are other oilpaintings in the exhibit to see.

The artist is a greaduate ofKansas City Art Institute. Shestudied portraiture with JanDean-well known portrait ofDallas, Texas; and landscapeand portrait painting in the studioof Arther Katchum, famous

Silvernail opens show

The law enforcers logged2.717 ml1es out of county travelTotal vehicle cost (repairs,maintWlance, gas) for the entiredepartment came to $4.108

By P. E. CHAVEZThe first month of the new

year was busy for the LincolnCounty Sheriff's DepartmentTheir effort to preserve law andorder included 18,231 miles oftravel within the COLmty. Thisfigure includes the travels of theanimal control officer whoresponded to 24 calls

Thousands of calls

Project director Jim Coopersays the CDBC is going forward.Cooper and assistant projectdirector Albert Baca have metwith the citizen advisory com­mittee to estabhsh 'ehglbihl Ystandards whi.::h are available

Cooper saId, "We would hketo start taking applicatIOns Feb13. Work wl1l probably not start

Sen. Lee reports

Sheriff's log shows busy month

Ft. Stanton decision near

CDIG shifts to high gear

State Senator Charlie Leesaid Tuesday that, "Funding andlanguage retaining Fort Stantonas a hospital will be in SenateFinance Committee Substitutefor House Bill 2."

Last week House Bill 2passed 41 to 28 with language thatstipulates keeping Fort' Stantonas a center for the develop­mentally disabled.

House Bill 2 covers many

four of hiS fal hers~ woodcarVings,and JulIan Homero IS rafflIng offa cord of fire"" nod and a qUIlt""olH and Homero arp alsoresidents of rapilan

Anyone v.lshIng to help Ih('s('people fInanCIally can conlactFr DaVld Bergs In Carrizozo



lWO CARRIZOZO Public School students, Julio Chavez, center,and Wayne Nickason each brought home gold medals and silvermedals after competing in this ~'oor's Southern New MexicoSpecial Olympic Games. In the beginners division Chavezplaced 1st in the down hill contest and 4th in the giant slalom. Inthe intermediate division Nickason placed 1st in the giantslalom and 4th in down hill. Pictured with them is Joe Orsak,special ed teacher.

tnp There are five repres('n·tatives from the Santa HltaCatholic Community TonyAllred. Robyn Peralta, MaryGaddy of Capitan Two others arestill worlung for their remaInIngbalance of $1.279.00. BrendanWolff is selling raffle tIckets for

L1:'1i(,()L~ (,()l'~TY piHtlnpanls In Ih(' youlh confer('O('p loOPheld In H.om(' ar(' I('ft In rIghl. Brendan W"lff. Tony Allr('d.Juhan Romero and Hooyn l'pralla all of Carnian !\lary c.addywas not avallabl(' for IllP plclurp Thp flv(' arE' rl.'prrSelllallV<-:-'from thE' ~anta Hila ( ill hollC' ('hurch


• •

• ••

•'; W~~<

...... -.

participate in this pilgnmagewill have an exclusive expenencewhich they will certaInly neverforget

There are several par·ticlpants in Lincoln COLmty, somewho are still doing variousprojects to help them finance this

Rome bound

Gold lRedal winners .




( , ~:l )"'.::.:.,~~~ (l.,~~


Five St. Rita parish youths will go to RomePope John Paul II has called

for a youth conference in Rome.as a part of this Holy Year ofRedemption. for high school andcollege age students all over theworld. This tradition is repeatedonly once every 50 years. Thosewho are lucky enough to get to

Page 2: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and




, .

Tel 648·2414

for appo/nlment ell/I

,0' 111gy-,CREATIVE


RonDb 'roi,r,WIII_ the touragain thIS year em sat., Jtme 9;The· Hondo vaUey wiD be thestarting point for this years'stpur. Final piau are beingmade, and will be announced at alater date. If you. your famllyand friends bave not been on thistour, plan to do SO tbIs year. as Itis a learning experience, eQJoyedby young and the not sO young.

'lbe Distric,t MeetLgg ofCowbe1lesWill be the first .weekIn March, .00 several m(mtbersOf the CanyOn chapter plan toattend.'

Tel. 354-2518


Capitan Clinic Bldg.HOURS: 9:00-5:30

(Monday thru Friday)

ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OFAn AddilionalOffice In Capitan

for the practiceof




CbrilIItmas gifts each', girlrece1vedfrom Qmyon O)wbelles.

Mary 08mer Blodgett gave areport on plans for 'the annualCowbeUe quilt to be raffled at theLincoln County Fair in the fall,11I.ia year the qullt will be localcattle brands. and the committeeis makinS final plans:

Plans were made tq asSistthe cardzozo Chapter of FFA topromote As- W"",, In MarcI!, TheCowbeI1es wUl 'put '~Cowbel1eNapkinll" In each oj the caleo Intowo to bring the beellnduotry tothe attention of the public. TheCowbeIle napkins have ~Ue

~ands' from the entire stateprinted on them, and may ·bepurchased from FainUy Phar­macy and Gift Gallery inCanizozo. The CowbelIes willalso host a luncheon for theF.F,A, members and sponsorduring Ag_ W_.

'11·" -... ,,"', .•........RI., ranC"IOUf


ROlwell, Itl



Tel. 341-20&8


.Ski .Report


'!be Canyon Cowbelles metOIl Feb. 1 for a lunobeon-meetinlat the Blaclk HIlls Rancb-home ofhostess. .t\.DIt8 Ferguson.

Rosemary Shafer. 1st VicePres" preoIded over the meetingand read" '"'1banII You" notesfrom Girls Ranch. for th4'


Mid-winter prognosticalorabave made tbeir aonualGroundhog Day observations,and now we are moving.into thelast few weeks of wioter. On theLincoln Nation~ Foresl, windsare already rehearsing for thebig spring blow. Forest visitorsshould come prepared forperhaps some hoped~lormoisturevia rain drops or snow flakes.

Drying conditions openedfirewood areas on three districts

.this past week; only the CIood~

croft area remains closed.Ftrecutters should check with tbe Canyon eowbelles, theDistricts before going to cut, originators of the LinColn CountyWood, however, stKlden weatherchanges may require closures onshort noUce. Numbers to caDare : Smokey Bear District atRuidoso, 257-4095; GuadalupeDi8trictatcarlsbed.~181and

Mayhill District at 687-3411.SI4rra Blanca is open dally

on the Smokey Bear District: caD257-9001 for current ski con­ditions. Three Illvers Cam­pground is Qpen for wintercampen.

Sliver Snowplay Area isclosed on the Cloudcroft District.The Apacbe Loop TraUs are infair condition with some barespots. Karr Canyon is also goodfor cross-country skiing. SkiCloudcroft is open; call 682-2333for current reports.

Joiner, who was the IH'alDsbeblDd the line, I bave taken Up aminI-otudy on philosophers,

Diollenes, a Greekphllosopber, was called theCynIc-. He belonged to tbe Cynic

scbool of pbilosopby, whichtaught that a maD OUSbt to lead alife of 8elf.-a;Jlltrol .and be freefrom aU desire £or materialthings and pleasures. Diogenescarried this' view to extremes inhis life. Accordlng to tradition, heused a tub for abe1ter and walkedthe streets barefoot. Diogenesbelieved that good birth, richesand honor were of little value tomankind. He believed that theydid not help a man lead a virtuousWe.

Legend says that Dtogeneswent through the streets carryinga lantern, He held it up tostrangers and said be waslookinl1for an bonest man.

Last week's police storyfeatured Wesler Lindsay, whofound and returned a bag ofmoney.ZOZO NOT ON ITIl'\tERARY

Zachary's card was amongthose sent from Sunshine DayCare Center to President RonaldReagan. Zac 1& not a student atthe cen1er but many of biB kin­dergarten classmates are andZac was plea!led to be incJuded inthe group photo. His artwork inthe birthday card inclut\ed avampire bat and Frankenstein.

ZOe saw the president of theUS when he flew to Roswell toendorse candidates that year.

'Zac wondered why he (tbepresident> couldn't per-sonaDycome to carrizozo to pick up thebirthday cards.

Sick pay isincome.says IRS

Taxpa)'el"S.Who.re£eived..aick..pay benefits from their employerin 1983 mull Include thepayments as income on lheirfederal lax return, lhe InternalRevenue service says.

The payments are taxablewhether they were made directlyby the employer or from awelfare fund. a state sickness ordisability ftmd, or an insurancecompany. provided the plan waspaid for by U1e employer.

Benefits received under anaccident or healUl insurancepolicy for which the employeepaid the premiums are nOlconsidered taxable by the IRS.

More infonnaUon on sick paybenefits is contained in the freeIRS Publication 525. "Taxableand Nontaxable Income," whichcan be ordered on the handyorder fonn in the tax package orby calling IRS.

-Do not use capitals exceptfor proper names such as Paul,Estancia, etc. Do not use aU capwords at any time lor anywrltIDg_, -Do not use NM or New

Mexico with any New MexicotoWn.

-Use only da)l~of-montb

Feb. 11) for all events andhappenings.

-8peIl out numbers from oneto ten. From 11 on up use figur~.

-Do not use Texas, Arizona,Colorado, California with anywe1I~knowntowns in those states,such as Amarlllo. Denver.Phoenix, Los Angeles.

-If your organization,church or center has newsworthy Information but notenough to become a separatestory, I will be glad to use thedetails in this colwnn but raffiesand sales wUl be directed to ouradvertising section. 11I.e deadlinefor this column is 5:00 p.m. eachMonday. My number is 648-2524.

-11I.e NEWS correspondents(column writers) from our neigh­

boring towns are also willing~carry your chili or church neand notes if an off1cla1 nerelease la not available. Chewith tbem for their deadllnes.SPECTACULAR SIGHT

The torch light parade atEagle Creek Ski Area (inRuidoso) was enjoyed by par­ticipants In the 1984 SouthernNew Mexico Special OlympicWinter Games. During theparade, part of the openingceremonies on Wednesdayevening, Boy Scouts skied downEagle Creek with fire torches.Other a,ctlvities included swelcome banquet at Fort Stanlonand a recreation night.

Carrizozo's olympianchamps, Wayne Nickason andJulio Chavez were among the 125participants during the 3-da.yevents, Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 2.They and their sponsor, Mr. JoeOrsak, special ed teacher, stayedovernigb.!, .at Nazarene Camp inAngus.

Special olympics wascreated and sponsored by lheJoseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foun·dation. Ruidoso organizallonsand schools in Uncoln Counlywere among the supporters atthis year's Eagle Creek games.Special olympians demonstralecourage, determination andskill in begimers, intennedialeand advance skating and sidingevents.

Carrizozo school Sludentswho served as volunleer ski in·structors were Mareia HeCker,JOIUla Gibson. Jeanna Sims.Julie Harris, Melody HeCker,Lisa Hightower and Angelo VegaD10GENES WHO?

I was puzzled when I readlast week's headline 'Quitlooking, Diogenes' . on mysheriff's report, Thanks lo Stan

.. ';,',,"'.'."",.".


NAMES MAKES NEWSThe secret of writing a news

story about your. organization isto tell Who, wby, what, when,where andbow. The NEWS wantsfull names, place of residence ofpersons involved and anyidentifying titles they may have.Be accW'ate and ~partial.

The editor may want to senda NEWS representative to somespecial meeting or event. Yournews release will make himaware of your organization'sactivities If the event fails totake place, it is your respon­sibility to notify the editor im­mediately.

Some stories written in longhand invite errors. If it's im­possible for you to type yourstory, print all names. In theupper left hand comer place yourname, address and phonenwnber. '[his will identify you asthe news Telease source. Theeditor will then be able to reachyou if he ~s any questions aboutyour story.

Double space if your story istyped Use one side on 8'h" x. II"paper. Avoid glowing tribute.Opinion or personna! commentdo not belong in a news story.Phrases like "We would like... "or "You are urged to aHend" areno-no's.ADVERTISING OR NEWS

An editor often receivespublicity stories labeled 'newsrelease'. Many people are notaware of the paper's policy onhow to submit news. Don'l try todisguise advertising as news.Keep in mind that the NEWStries to be honesl and fair. TheNEWS has many business peopleand individuals paying for ad­vertising, which includes 'thankyou' messages. The NEWS doesnot think it is fair for anyone toget this service free. There areexeeptions.

Plans for proceeds of raffiesand sales can be mentioned in anews story, but details of prices,tUnes and places should be in ourclassified advertising sectio".Prices are not news.ADDITIONAL TIPS

When an organization doesnot have a publicity chainnan,the president, secretary or even amember often performs theworthwbile service of preparinga news release. Here are a fewmore hints:

\. CI\LL

" ~_ 653-4"'1






PASS IT ON"How do I get news about my

organizaUon into thenewspaper'! ••

This is a question often askedby members of civic and schoolclubs in Carrizozo. Capitan.Hondo and Corona. There is aright way and a wrong way tosubmit news to this newspaper orany weekly smaU town paper.

A newspaper is a business.and like any other business underour System of free enterprise, itis operated to produce a profit.The people who work on anewspaper are no different fromthose who staff any otherbusiness but- newspaper peopleare more pressed for lime intheir effort to gel the paper offthe press by Thursday.

An editor of II weekly paperrelies on volunteers such asyourse.Jf for news of club andassocialion activities; school andchurch news. If poorly written,your news will be held up Cromgoing to the typesetter if it needsto be reworded according tonewspaper style.

Address the material to theeditor by name - Mr. PeterAguilar. Don't come n15hing inwith a routine story a fewminutes before his deadline,which is 5:00 p.m. Tuesday for allmaterial.

By the way



,·Trucks, Boards, Windows& Buildings Lettered.

-CALL­Thumas Spivak Hyland








$' DO·171,u..ITI

lEW 14' WIDE2·BUR80M




$1 .. 10100, , ...


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725 S. White Sands437-5221

Page 3: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and

,'- --;.. ,;,

til RUIDOSO N.M."III cuntlnue Iu len'jct'

aU ..' Lillcolll ('uunl~'


Chapel ofRoses·MORTUARY

and mar resistant high-pressure laminatetops foreasy care and lastingbeauty. CANDLEWICK offers

you quality and styleal an. affordable price.

'.Broyhill__ ' ~EST

, .

CANDLEWICK Is e u"lqua bland ofoountl\'



suite's detailing and routed drawer frorits are re­miniscent of pIeces crafted by the Journeymen

. cabinetmakers who traveled early Ame~ca.CANDLEWICK Is finished In a warm walnut brown

, .-"'-f •• -

RQJ?~_.J',1,JMPING DUDES - The Eagle Jumpers are asroup-Ofsuulents from Hondo Elementary School. They can jump ropeabout anyway ever invented. The -E",g1e Jumpers were crowdpleasers at a recent basketball game inCap.ita'n.


Local OEA going to regional contestsThe local OEA chapter will Beltran; Typing and Related II~

• -'fie going to regionals in Artesia Christetta Chavez and Pam.on Saturday, February 18. The' Beltran: ~rdsManagement l­conference will be held at the Paultne Palomarez and StacyArtesla: High SChool with cdntest St~henson: Word' Processing..running from 9.a.m. to 12:00 noon Judf Ortiz; Job Interview- Judiover business related skills. Ortiz and Stacy Stephenson and

Participating l.r..alIL Information" -C.omm.unicatiO'O--Jl~~~P!'110MNI1E"':~_~+~~_-IICarrizozo.: . Accounting and Stephanie Saucedo. , Day or NightReI'ateel 1- Annette Hili: GeneralClerical I· Debbie Najar and' Tbe regional conference w:m 257-7.30..!JCruzita 'Aguilar: - Typing and conclude with ,8 . banquet, andRelated I· Linda Garcia and Liz awards ceremon~'-.

.... ..


, .

your bedroom that you have createdfrom "OAK RUN" by Lenoir House.Americana in design, this BroyhJII crea­tion is constructed of solid ~k drawer

beautifully hand matched oak veneeredtops. OAK RUN by Brovhlll.

•---,--", ...


As.you nin through the forest of me·JOS1Ie oak t_. you admire tha beauty.strength and the durabilityof the Kingof the Forest. You'll have the same

.....~---- .



~ITl1ml1 IT!!!]

- ~!]~

NEXT WEEK: Upper thIBhand hip fitness. 4


FIREWOODNo.1 seasoneddr)'












-19 Years Experience-


Oak, Walnut.Basswood

SANTA FE, NM Twohaarlnf!ll.....eduled lOr Feb, U 10Alamogordo and· A1b_erque.will outline recommendations the

.a.me and Fish DeparlP'ent wUlmake to the St:ate Game Com­missloD later in February. TheeommIsslon wID review thoserecommendations and set biggame and furbearer seasons Feb.23-24 in Santa Fe.

'lbe b8lU'iDgs wlll be held atthe Alamogordo Civic. Center,beginning at 1:30 p.m., and at theFour Seasons Motor Inn inAlbuquerque, beginning at 2:30p.m. Interested citizens are in·vited to attend..

In Albuquerque, a paneldiscussion will also be beld at 1p.m. in conjunction with the Ne~Mexico Wildlife Federation's

eu.-.lllaaloUlnt~-1-_..~n"!uol'!LDl~..~Ilo!"Jl~Th!le~!!\.~e1!'!-.'w~I1lIlL_--J.1-J D'IIIIIi511 discuss the status and I:P1e of theDRILLING & PUMp mouolalo U.. 10 New- Mexleo.

SERVICE and wlll consider a recent

+~de~_~~e~nl~ra~pofn~..~th~e~oolm~~al~,r-~ft ~~~~~~~~-~~::':i~~~=~el-I OP csat the Feb. 23-24 commiesion

LICENSED. BONDED meetiDg iDclude possible raisingBOXfH. BOOKOUT RD-NW I dinTullU'Osa. NoM. 88352 of bag· Um ts or exten It

seasons for Bariiary sheep and(505)~ Persian ibex. Both species have

multiplied since their in­troduction into New Mexicodecades agO.

Big game species for whichseasona, bag limits and otherregulations wID be set includedeer, elk, antelope, turkey, bear,cougar, javelina, Siberian ibex,oryx, PendaD ibex and Barbarysheep,

Furbearera bielude raccoon.badger, weasel, fox, rlngtaU,bobcat. beaver. nutria andmuskraL

TODAYS WORKOUT: Lower14 Fitness.

PRIMARY MUSCLESUSED: Gastrocnemius, soleus

TYPE OF EXE!tCISE:Selective exercise - toning andstrengthening.. Exerciseregardless of type, reduces fatfrom aD over the body and notmerely from specific areas.

PURPOSE: To finn and lonethe calf of tbe leg and strengthenfeet and ankles. To promotecirculation and beautifies thelower leg.

PROP: Achair and a block ofwood. or a hand rail and a step.

BREATHING: Exbale asyou lift yoW' body up on the bansof yo~ feel \UlW a fully con­tracted position of the muscle isreached. inhale as you lower yourheels' into a stretched position.

If .you have developedvartco.. vein, over the year_, itta bnPOrl$nt tbat you exerciseyour, Iega.YinI can help thepumP'" aelIoo of the b10cxI(drauletlool with exerd.. ,bytenInI lbo muaeles 0( your \ego.With the force of' gravity, theblood settles in the Veins of yOurlegs. The blood must b8 returnedto yoUr heart agai;,nBt that force.Exercise will help, enhance theDow of blood iii the vems to theheart. If you do a lot of slUing or

• standing it is especially tm~portant to exerCise your legsregularly. Todays. workout,"Lower leg fitness.. ,. will belpvaricose veins by reducing thestress on the valves of the veins.


'<", «'- .,,"<---.--...- ,. -._,.• ,••••• , •.".. _.,....,.,--.-•.".•... , ",-.-, ", '. -"

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" ," ,' f ;':. ",- ".- . - ,. • ." .~.:.-:.,-'., 4, ;,.:~ :- ;-_: ..;..-_.-,.:./,:~ ' _.. "

EXERCISE YQIJRI,EGS BegIn by standi", on ~1l>ck ofTO Am VARlCOSJil VEINS wood on tlle IlaUs of y.... feet.

I1I"'f .,.Inted ......Bhl _rd.1lcJI~OIl ., a d>alr. r your11c>dy up OIl tl>e I>alIs of.y feet '101m yo~ foeltl>a mlllCl.. of yourlower leg My _r09I. lowerbody untU beeio ora _ to ailll'eicbed poalUo. (heels drop­plug past the~ block). Do20 repetittoDes in thal pQSilion. Tofully work the calf ;you lIhouldalso do the exercise with toespointing slightly lDward (20repetitions); and with toespointing sl1gbt1yo~ward (20

.repetitloDst. The result --beautiful calvesl

rw'nuns'ur"t't'IT'lrUpaSntll <rll':rnH'':iPT1nrtfirtrnnmn arr'C:rITP T tn nil: . ,_.:: P;;; n.zrrir.........r·,TJi'rT·.......

Page 4: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and


. ..

.1 ., '._


. ..'.


DEAR EDlroR--~t'li set the 'record 'Btratght on raw mUk.IIOUSiBlBIlI5(~"""_fT~"'boul­_uoooftbe<ll='_CO !II"'.....t. ThiS..... "" IBegoI doirYmaking cheese (whlCb.faDs UQder the Food Act-not the Dali'yAct.1 ,If It had _ a Grode" 11\1... MlUi IlolrY tile otroP.1n thecows would h..ave been ~ugbt btditectlY from a high bacterialplate cQllD1; and a )ligh mastitis CO\lllt (mOlt of the cows hadmllstltls·a1so.)· . '.

The 2nd bicident was"cBJ.DpYlobac~Sl,lpposedly comtng_2Gradol\.HljW MllkilOiryo. ThoSlOteHeoIlhdolHirt.....thasreprted'1-8 cases pf campylobaeter ft'OIn an Albuq:uerquedairy. The only pro'" lhoy .... """1lP with·,. 0 .... Olndywqloh they will n.t ohQw to the doirY. T/Ilo doirY ..no over 200gallomi'of raw milk a day; If. campylobactoi' was In a batch ofmUkalmost evet)'Oll8 'drinklngit-'WOU1d-bave heeD ~rOne-thinglbat people ran fO,recognlZeJs Umt1:hJ.lrbacterf.a-eaD-eo.e-froJD'propored meet, chickoii. lamb. pork, ohoBll$h, beoi " boked'..i!"IiOullrY. dog" (~1Iyyoung oneol, row mBk, Iteohand salt water. campylobaetor can only get into raw milk Iffecal matter from an infected cow gets directly into the mDt.'l1lIsis- Why we dean -the. -cow'Jl 'udders so .earefully beforemUking. Grade A Raw MJlk Dalrys are tested for a ColIformcount (fecal matter In the mUk.) Our's has always tJeen less

EUGENE M. BRUSH.,. Jl4ocie$to, CA.

In ......... of l'1li :...1111

than 1- e owes, you can •Theother northern NM dairy had S cases, that again, could

only beproven by ease studles. Again there was DO major out­-break11Dd:thecases·wer&atdlfferent-Umesd.themontb.._ _,

sunday, Jan. 29, me AltMIquerqae Juuund tail an-artli~ello.----­~ 'CQIltatned the following, ··In 19'19, 40 NeW :Mexleo schoolchI1llrendrinJdnS rewmllk during 0 daIrY tour """""dawn w1t1lcampYk'-pcterfOsIB."'1 immediately got ozitbephone and foundout the facts. The dairy was a pasteurized daJryI but they had

. given the chUdren raw milk. The bacterial plate count for rawmUk for: pasteur1za~ Is 100,000 per mi. to aoo.ooo per tnl. asc:omnUngledmilk (rawmDk: nPCis 20,000 per mI.) and the stateIVPlJn~C!OlUonn count on ituntU aftero.lt IS pasteurized.

It on polnto to the fact th'" thO Iegill GradO I\. Hew MIlkDairys are »elng puniahed for something they had nothing to dowith. Dr. Wonathan Manu,Stat8Epidemlo1oglat,.ha.a saidrawm~ is not ~d cannot be made safe. His office did the casestudJ.es. We feel we C8IlaDd bave provenhim tobe wrong•.

" "



record, even if Said and the PLOIntended It to tieijJ.. reward.

Butwhat Is also on the record


Jesse' Jackson:Drafting· Baptistsand offending.Jews

• PRliSJDENTIAL AdvIoer Edwlll Meooe y

• A FEW dayS later~was vindicated 'py the report ofthe President's Task Force on Food AssIstance, the so-called''hunger commission." It said the hunger problem is decliningin the US. Bild "Webave not been able- to substantiate­allegations of ramJllllll, hunger.II Even before the report was.released. sen. Ted Kennedy called it u an insult to every'American who bas ever visited a soup kitcben.II Ted. in a soupkitchen"!

',-.-;: -- .

.",'f',~ -'}-'~-': :,;,' >. .'<"'" ::''- ~__ -''''':_.::'-_'>':: .- ., _...• .'l'I\II.1iouaUlt - ~Ol<iol <l!1IQllI!I!$\ ~W~I'· '.""'!'!'l~""llolItI~ dI\l' """",I>e ~\<ll>lo S\O!dGy<l!1llDl'll'

:\VIilllIt l'Oi!: ........""lf~~""T...H.O··~ .!=~:~=.'=;r=::",tI>lo~;::;.·~~oMllIoltbo.~wlI"i.\.~I!'Il«'YlIcil<olollultb._ .

. '~i~."I!>\,,"Y ,...." ... thl>"""'.. (O:. -lII<l"oliol ...~.lotIoiIylleJoi:l,"""'dlt "'" 9O\IOd jtIoI~~ tit! thO.~ ·!>oovIIy.· ....d ""'~?) I\.~ I m~ " ~io

. foll;"Ii '" 1"'lI' 1!\II!IQbod;y lor/:00 0_ 10 bUy "lc>IteoY ._,~"'_lq.l!VI'lt ...~i I!'ol!oWillrl tl\Il!·mn.lllil!<>. lb•.""'" 1lt!!Ik1lllo'\'i'~ lind1bIo~drl*~i~. th. r

"""<>ftho.,"",,"'~OIItho _ "''''' WlJ;> 1I\!yo' II. ,If 'Jl!"'".__ ii!l~'" "" tho OIIt...... ot.fQotbOll....".,)o·tho·1;I)..... tit"" oi! ~tOll tor btIdj~'? 'J:bil_ 1oeYi>_""""'I~o wO!f... oiI "'''IJ8IlIO. ,If.tho poor RLW klool>,lo,II...""" ,If .....1tho l"F 'l'Ol""ta,riIy_dtllelr ,,",""Y fc!1'10"t"". . . . " . ....


==~.:a:;~-r~~:$:tu?l:=.. C"·0'"C'··Ic······..·u·····m······ty·h·e ·c,··n·jf··.-C· •. -•.S.

will lotteD their WOD"",; Bi<>il people oro Do. burred ,""""'_ U . •.. .' ... . .. .ebaneeo B<ltlng richer, but he """'d deny thl$ hope to th. . . _" " .:

l:'io:iyW::'''i:.:,,,=,,"ot':~~~= c'au'g''b't 'a''n'd' . 'C" I 'n'o·ed"." '.~ 01 one h1qIlIJ them to poper Ibe houoe? ",,"t 1$ alocl Why . . • . ., . .the rleb buy Stocks, mveSt. In' newb~ aiid provide ven· . '_ . . . -tore'capital.:Mr. Wright probably writes bls IiltQostiilS co1~ . .. .. .. '. ." - . - ..' , '. .,'

.witb thehopeofgetting rich, or relatively so. .0. S. Marden one"wrote~ '''lbere'is no medicineUke hQpe~ no Incentive so sr-lt By LE8KINSOI.VING pany." . • ,is !olio. Cockburn's~ rigooous.and no tonic 80 powerful as expectation of something NEW YORK- Alexander At '[he Wall Street Joumal,. 's~mof jgurnaiistic etbic8.

_tomorroW." AccordIng to our burgeoning clasS of· PovertY qockbum might have remained editor Robert Bartley told the For on January 24, 1977; errttcFlghter$, t;hi,-~ don't have mUCh. Hell fiiIOw aon't tJIIaf'-~pal"ative---obBCUL'1t)LoL__~used New York' Post , Cockburn roasted the son of Newaway their hope, tool ' - , . being just oDe mOre far--left tbat wbUe uI think they got Yorkl\rlayorAbeSeame,beeause

~ columpist for Manhattan'S married a few months .. ago'" a SoUth A!)ican group called the_• 11IERE are, waJ of.risIng above poverty other than by radical weekly The Vtllage (Cockburn and ed1tor's1laughter Foreign Affalrl\....Association

_tnvestlnlJ in lottery tickets. Take Cecll Andrew$ of JaekliOnvp1~ Voice. Kilgore) ~'wbeDweblred Alex, he helped pay th&-'coBt 'Of)'Ol¥JgAL, who called a television station four times last March 6 to But this Oxford-educated 43- was datiDg someone- else." Beame's fihriing a feature onadvlsetbathewas'gQingtoset.~lfonfireinthetown.~ ,ear-old bas not only a special '!hen in a droU editorial Transkei.to protest. unemployment, and to please send a TV crew to cover capacity for crafting outrage; be headlined "Alexflap,", Bartley . Cockburn, in .this 'Iiamethe event. The station obliged. Mr. Andrews -did-set himself oil lsaJao.B1dI1eQ iQ attracting very dipla)",d_ .. imaginative a~dfire as cmnerail Whirred, but did a b.ad job of cremating bimself. bJ1portant female comPanY. eviliilO'ililtYgeniUS. He cbntended column, dmwa-lM!,B~~~eof bIs~ he~ sued the TV station for $4 tnIIlion charging Among his other ~ that Cockbum was blred,.after fellow ,colUSIlnlsts, who, ~etbat members of the TV crew sent to record his faery departure atror;:itles, Cockburn actually all,.for his bia8es, wblch, he ~:a~:-m::~~us ..,m-w~ negllgeut In that they had the Utask and dUty" to stop his defended the Soviet Invasion and contended, are "totany in- eo-, .~.......r as an

....-...atlon of a.,..,"....~stan.. And _. eomJPdbie.~' . (In other words, agent ,',or Is~ael and SouthIlTBtlpnal ~~lJDee,.~~_~_Next ~~. .___ ~~as--roman- tbey are not subject to ~$~_ Afrlca. .

... ~. M.~ bas overcome poverty by wrltln& pithy and tlcally linked wtth Lily '[hey are cemented In - and -. --ibis-eolunmlsthadrecelved;-i.nterestJJJg fact items from his home In Weatherfotd, TX," Weymouth, the daugbter of The therefore bnpervious to new from: a lobbpst for South Africa,Watermelon Capital of the World. He bas fun:iisbed us with this Most PowerfUl Woman In The thoughL) tbecomParat:l~ymodestsumofitem which may be of comfort to those concerned with poverty W~d, Wasbiilgt.on Post Board 'l'hat Cockburn has for a long $1t6OQ in stoekB (compared toin America: "Average newspaper- carrier in -the United-States Ch~aD Katherine-9ranam: time~ furiouSly and-Israel Cockburn's $10,000) for havingearns a.b1gher annual income than half thepeople on earth." Currently Cockburn has waa,obVtous.long before he ac- spOken ,'at 13 stockholders

achieved another significant ceptedth~leatbousandfrom Dr. meeting over the course of twoeo.


-.- .

. ..' ~-I





of the leader and turn theirchurches 'Into Jesse JaCksonpoUtical clUbs, the Rev. Jesse isIn absolute1yfoul fiavor with theMtio!1~s---I~l!~muntty.

iDdependence that most localBaptist churches have withregard to taking orders from, orbeing ~ted to, anythlng

B)'REV. LESKINSOLVIl'l1~Asa Baptist ihiDlster him­

self. the Rev. Jesse Jacksonshould have known better-

liderin the loll- for

. ..

, pro •a few may decide to join the"Jews Against Jackson"organization established byRabbiMelr Kahane of the-Jewish

In August of 1982, CoekburD fice or headquarters. Defense League, rs

bas reswtect in his beiDg o'in_definitely _dod" by ThoWlage Voice-but DOt, if youplealle. by The Wan Street

eounresponded by rmding a man who lived under an overpass. Inanother place, the media iiltervtewed a skldrow bum. InCleveland the president was invited to visit a soup ldtchen toleam flrathand about hungry people. These all' isolated in­stances, not "author&tlve figures" on the incldence of hUDgrychildren In Amertca. OPe guy (or a htmdred) under an overpassdoes not widespread bunger make.


• TO understtfnd the uproar one must'consider that povertyis the bJggest. business in the United States. n Ia a $400 bffiion-a­year business. It has generals, captains, bureaucrats and

~ economic structure or the country would crumble. Poverty

_ ......~~.-'-''-''-'- , ...... - •.•, ..... ,.' -hI '_ .......,_ to ,, - " $ -r t T t t t 5 (gO {rE ' ,$ t r' ' $' t-l; t

Page 5: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and





.', "'0., '-,, ,


"Big refunds afe the best catchof aU at tax time. That's why Igo to K&R Block. My pre·parer is trained to know whereto"look foi' every'deduction ­. and credh. And over the

...',~_ long haulrthat means~-_, more m~pey in my~~_) pocket.

" ;j-

'r·", .W

. .

, "I find the tiig catches. ' ,Block finds me the big refunds."


. ,


"" .d t,..

. _ I·

, '.. ':'.",

, '.; ",f.'


, ,

, .•


,, -


studded 'coves. 'lbere the hunts Carrizozo. Near Belen, reddish SUNDAY 1·6. I ended-and. the herds were clays transform theSapeUostone

IIwallowed. into a golden rust. whDe theIt took patlence, skill ,and Tulaoosa.'s white gypsum gi.ves it

improbable Btamtna for men on a. S(lft, chalky east. Wherever, foot to breakeven a 8Il1a1l band of these tools happen to be found,

monstrous bison. Success they were born on the little ridgevaried. So!neUmes-tbe herds,did of e~ed stone at, the edge ofnot return at all. BUt:, in good. sapello's hidden valley. There'years, from 10 to 100 animals men re-armed for the hunts,might be taken at once. At other which took place a few miles totimes the wind might shift tbe east.unexpectedly and drown berds in Sapello's heyday C"ame, Ing..pool-ot-human'.scent. _during Eden times, _.about. 6,QOO. •An exposed forehead, or one B.C. By then, the. giant bison

.careless movement in the pon_ were extinct, replaced by hugederosa could tum the qualT)' 'herdsofsmaUer, almost modern,from 300 yards. buffalo; Eden lanceheads were

On a-snowy day like today, 'wicked spikes, n"e to six inchesbisOn pawed for browse, UQ- long, andOakedwitl1 gre».t Skill. -

_...:..-_~~~::::~=~==:....::::.c:~_==::':~_-':==:::::~~-=-=====~~~--:.di:.~turbed. Human ~nt cirrlea Years ago, the Smithsonian.;.. fa; In--anow-molstened-aiEo-a

·--thero.. -'''Ies are hidden site, called'" "R-e", near theGRIZZLIE and l1ger teams plaYeQ three games in Carrizozo ...-. eo.....last Tuesday. Part of the basketball action is pictured here with from view. Knee-deep" snow at crossroads. '. Archeologists

GrizzIJ-·~-Bier --C8rrizozovsr:s1tYplBJer& .Kencrmmaw~gJ{lm",_ c;uevara:::.<:.~~Qei- ..~ja~V~,el~i-I).~.~I~en~g~lh~m~.k~e~.~lo~r~. __rec~~~v.~ered~1 ~m~any~.~b~ro~k~en~Ed~en~-1~~::?~~~~-:-~-:-:-~,~u~a~i'iTE~N~TH;':S~T.,-:=-_ ------If------'1.,--------"----"----~Calandelaria and Capitanls-Banny--Gummtmt;--d--Pt'oeto~ h Skill d h man 'a I H 7000 e .

_..&:_ Dewey KeUer. ResultB o[the games here: JV boys Capitan 44. ooves. e untersweretoo U cure. ere" years- RUIDOSO: ALAMOGORDO, NM883)O<' -6UUA- • • • Zom 42; Vanity boys capitan 46, ZoZo 41; Varsity girls Capitan valuable tosacqfice. ago, a ilandful ot the most skilled ~~:.~.:.;;:"

47, Zozo 49 tn overtime. Manyotherplacesin tbehigh stoneworke1'$ofthelragehads,..plainsof[eredPaleo-Indians good up a smaD "assembly line" '10......---------:-----;;.....--..;.....-----------...,..





"Go Grizzlies"


GR'ZZLlESlt '.



C'zozo Real Estate Agency

;~:.. ' .... :~s':;'~':~~• .if".... -.~

,;.;p<;~ . yea" TEAM'.. .

lA\ J.S. Stearns- Broker.

Shop (648-2106) HOlle (354-2749)

Ned's Plumbing & RemodelingUc. No. 17525


CARRIZOZO. NEW MEXICO 85301.We're Behind You ~~i .~'~All the Way Teaml ., ,

.(505) 648·2212 .~~

... With bf;!ti'l~hli lil • •• + Capitan.. ROli!nD'-OVoltns . + elttiltoU-'" O.fliova\" . fit.Hj"Ie- 'yOul


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tarrizozo ElIIGlInTop'".irel!!um Products"

.'Best:ofLuckWill! 4riDliesWit!

..~ .


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Games Tbis WeekCLOUDCRongtERE)-Sl1'URDAY. .

Boys JV &Varsity - Girls, Varsity



'~t:.'d-'. .." .. .

" ~:. ~'~'."


-.'~'-,~. ._"_. ._".t_._ .....__...~ •.. ~,_,"._." .~•. ·_.oc.:·..""';',."~.~'".·-.-~· _" ',.•"

, .



"""- ......11 theWay




'OUR TEAMSIIop lit. Grocery"Fast, FrieldlJ Senice"

- cAtrtr'Zozo-\'-r,~-..t..__----.:......,•. ~,.,

•. W.',.lehlndYou

.. UltlOUI COlIn US11AtlT141-2". C~RRIZOZO





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:--=--"1r=========::::::====,-~;::::=::::::=::~:::=====~_____r==--.:....:.-=.."'--____,. BEST WISHES ,. Fina

1~ I "'olio Self-Serville-c~cery-ear Wash

"Griulies 're 'w..o*."\' 'i '\. . ~ ,

.... -"

Page 6: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and


, ..

. . '",


...·., .

. ,':


" . '..

--,---PHOIE 431-3909

.8LOllllfl& I SHOES


MEl,' WOMEI. '-'----


~....... riuEOil!·· VIllI...' 'M!1_ '"t.., . J


••• fOrth. teChnIcIan 0;hobti;lst.,~·JAliIlIIt,L$Tl;lWAtl.T. it .. ....... Jat lAm. ". .l4mc1#w_ .'

I::~902 New York Downtown .. , Aiamogo'rdo'434-1444 10;00·5:30 M·Sat•



lllllO. Tenth St,•


BUY , SELL· riiAoE


•\LA!\.~·POT.·. Ino.

1313 10th STREET

• PHO'J'OGIIAPHY FOB AU EVENTS, •W1t!dinB. • Portnziu

, .





Ai.mogOrdo, Haw M.:IIfco d7..,aII,,"AC. HARIIDR .*AUTaIlA....*


~.=m, .:--....-

Tel; 437-5527

.... ....... lI«>m.. euOErH ,. _.~YNl$

+--' ~~~.lobbinl,'-"-"~-H,8neHour Cle.nen·

-"CIlQ$S,FRQM Tll&V-We DQ,lt YOll.r Way!

.BringYourClotbesIn "In 'I1ie A.M. - Pick"Them Up In. The P.M: SO"'.Day


'.'. . ,

.. ' r;;,.,

. .'923 NEW YORK AVE.



Mon.sat-ll am-9pmCLOSED SUNDAYS


A.~ Abollt O.r Ilo••·.UUlI WornllrThe Sloan~~.. B. ·"nft,." ill... .

Red Sluan', Riley Sloan


Call Ahead For "To Go" Orders


,. -



"WeAre Often Out~'Promisedj aut •••



~..-=.. .-- --• ...2a. ..

.: 15.............'I: ...• a..i~...


, .'.



1=~ =.8.= ! ....! !! ~. =i Want The'Best? Ses...

o .. 0"==~ iME·a..TE.X ...1o---+-_IH.=--i_iO--.--+-JR-..........-"'-=~13..';;5.~.~10i<;thi=-S..;t;-,-==~~H-+--~..-.-J ~ .

..- _ - ....... •.~"""'~OGO!!!!"'!!!!!L__-<' -p: -."I IE. ~ ~~a'~;:~o~~ ~ v .!!!tJ. 910 Hlah~.Y 70 weii '"10004<·.()regon ._W.~d ..-- ,'Jl .. ,.--_ .. -- ..


: ccaerrPaltmtlc"TRl18e8l11ent .SunOitJFlrillillr"lnc~ .. ~:tti.:.".•'::u.r•.: ' '. I. .. 1lo Mile '-~ ... _ .....y S4SOulh fi Home/BusIMII. ComputeT. . ~

.,.,~~ c.. • Installation Service •• _.~=.=N.~:: :~::Il:~:'':U::etoos ... ......• Jon.s-Blalr Paint ........ ..... __ -• WindOw Shades IllitItilO 1, •••1ItEIJ LIW MOES •

~ ~ OO~ j • Wallpaper J~"::V'f:..~':~~-::=:'=:~ Bl8il HfCTRON1G8 ..=_~~2~Qt'!~.-'~lIIu!;-~.~~~.,~.a.·~.-.•....~tb=.-=..Ct·~·~_~·~=~_~~~~~·~_~_=~,~--~··~~~·~~_~r~!~_~~~_~_~~~;~~~.~.~~_~.~._;~~~~~~~=",.. t . .,. ~ ~ ~j . . .. .,-- . ..., ~ ~.. -q,,"'#0i8..~ .. , -

~ gill .·a •... . ..,1. 'alnl '. Southw"t.· '.' ;"Yof,t ONE-Sropihopp!nllfot:.,. '.

~l~ .°1 III ~. I.'in••.• I.aohin••!i5 • t1!.- tI> . ~'QlJALlTYY'OUCAN DEPEH'"ON .'

.~ .. \!I....&&;:! lifTMICE$ VOU.CAN AI'I'O;'(:)'" .., . '. ·7stQlIlSON~..•.ttl· p !: u ' . ·:rel.43702299.. .; .§.~ 'I .GEi.NE & ' . 8tnothST. 'l»powtl....,calcUl.t....C88bllegl"...

~ . <:t: - t:.INbA MA~l'IN ALAMOGOltDO .......,RepaTr8oS.le&---~..' ..., .i '(5'0'5)" 437'-"30'3 • '. '118'30'.,. IbM. sMl'l'll-COR<lNA

-... . ., .. , ., ...... ... __ .. . ..".. ... : .....OVIt lll'lWlAL'l1( .. ,.' ...... ,.. . .. . , .. . . ." .~._..... _":~~ ...... ~,,~ ~~,,,,,._,.,",_'_"""";""'''''_"'''''''''''''C''=''''"_!z'._._.''_.=""£_=_"'._7" ...=·=7'...',._._'...' ....t,_'__....n,",T'...l '...·...' ..,-...a ..;;...'.7''''''7''1'.......'1;

Page 7: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and


1':dAMuu!d " liandlll KnDlls:. . . .. ... .....• _•••832....1113



.' .",.

" ·,t", ..




"., .... ,

.. " .; .

.\11111018Inalr.& Willard=.. _.........•.•...••...lU1-2522

YuulCllII " ('om... : ,.•..••••.•••8,\64511 or-lW6041111

Mnrhu..)' & F.lllanela:6....•.••••••••••••••••8:12.1 K



, .

P.O. Box 6'11GAPITAN. NM 88316


ROl Ropll

-': .., .'" .'. . .- "." ,~: ' '.;'. ,~' '.

, ':'.


, .....




....1IIItfitterGuide Service and

Bonito Stables

IiJaR OIL co. .


Tel. Us.:46U

114-2741 •.YOUf ful""" ·"'-rm.,

Jud~ 8toflln. R. PI'I.

WoO,."-hind uou·'itl1tINwoy(


.. Phillip ·U' Jobber


Robert Runnels • 3M-2'178Arvel RwmeIt • _



.. -....





, .."We're Mere To Serve Yall"

. 354.2773.'CAJi!TlOft .HM,

, - ! 7 F nt' rtF' , ' t r! 7 r 117 t st_. ,:- -: ,-; 7' "no :1 n..51'55 "7 7 J' "rd#.,. 2 7


l i' r ' 7 r Wr:"




,). ~" .~.-i4!~'••~liiliifIAL- . '

LIe. Noo.l0ll14'CAPiTAN, NM



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'G~ 'e", t/gers~', .,

loDE0811·· .a:.MI. E~


., PIWIlt/t

j'c'S,71:t or sa [


3544428HoHlt CUmmlnl






354-2470ICtInnltlh Rumy

Bonnl, ."dJimMr;Euo


.. .- ~

• LlCtlnMd • Bondtd P.O Box 870Ir WO·71S t.p!t.n. N M


'Try Our New Car Wash',

.... ?IZZA..



VERNON GOODWtN.Ownel' .. . CIIPl'l'AN. NM . . I

'",,' ,.


+t--__HU1ky Echo 811hlnN'"

Uc"lty toil Split",,.



~ ..._-_..-

.'S "s•• ,w's".n.ttratls*,rt's.,'PZ,

Page 8: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and

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Page 9: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and


co...uer $·...11~DnR. ,,~u. s.v~s. 800R~~~I~

ENG'HfU'N(> ou'" I. $UO,

.....'$1 "'.fEI'A'S I. ""AlIp,NG .....01....£1. TY'IW,"U$

(A"u,A'OI$ • D1m.'c.<o'''"coot' .....(iI,...u -


'CP'O!'SOlonll~ C()esigll S"'i""J._BUV, • RENT 'LEASE


4-11 ••• ColisOn Sunday. Feb. l2lh. the

Carrizozo Mal Pals Ccllts 4-H willhold Its annual enrollm~Dt

meeting. It is to be ·held al theCarrizozo high school ca(eleria.A pot:luck supper is planned soiring a covered-disb with you.

Parents are t1rged to come aswell as new members, Mrs. ;JanBarham will be the new leaderthis year. Everyone who is in­terested is urged. to attend.

breaks up at midnight. - Feb. 11finds theTigers In Magdalena (orthree games beginning at 4 p.m•

off fHA week

" .

'lbe CanizOt.o FHA-HERO isbavlng an Italian Night on Fri.,Feb. 10, 11l84. n will beheld In thehigh sc:huol cafeteria. 'lbe .u.­Will be served rrmn 4:30 to 7:00'

.. ----Porn.­Tickets are on sale or yOU---

may pUrdiase -them at. the door.This event will help to start

~-wHEltl<'S'l1W'llAHiHt';'-there-1h'..door.lo.eIy~Hondo---·~HER~lchUFeb~madetlUs ....butdropped the game474UotheTlgerettes. The .12.-:I8-.OA Feb. 17, 11184 the~.Tlgerettes md.itw1Ji Feb. 10 in capitan agamst Weed. to stay on . 'Will have the1i' 8DJIiJa1--BJossomtop o~ the contetei:lce. ~ BIlel:BeaU DlimetBild Ball.


RUBEN A. llACAe.len Rei. 86..•..227


101 Rio CommunitiesBelen. New l14exico

"Drive a little,save a bunchl"·


····~·Hall····Auto.oti¥e···East Main·. Capitan, NllW Mexico

11'_...IyVltll!1'._go> .

Sherrill Bradford, EI Paso,was bere for the weekend andworked OD t8x reports.•


• • •


. .• •

.-.,'. ,,',


Page 10: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and

- •


..~ :.

• j

.' ~ ' ..~'. '~~,'. ,

". , " ~--'~-,~ ,..~..:

" ....._,....

" ."'.. "

Willie's Steak Room


- WI OPR MJ RiPt of WHk with ad,.e -, .

rtlervatio. - prtfer at least l-day'l aotict.


Offering YOUFull&ruke

OPEN 24:HOilllsA DAY

-~~~ESlA~RAN-l-&..!OUNG£';."M.-1l~?:.Jf Carrizozo .648~291i4 ...


BEST KEPT SECRETS 'I RIlIDOSO tEL; 251·5095.. ._.Wild .'WIld Tlild'II ... BIQ:.Slta Satttalhll . ..

'- <.,

• 11178Toyofa.Labd.CruJ8el'--.c---_._u '.Ut9c&.11182.8l'onCOs. ,'.. onm__" __

·....-:!.1!!!.L!iI~!I.!1\dlld~'!Q.."'h.§..e!..!~!!~e~ ..4l!!!..._..!!..19711LtllJI1Jlieted_,..".... .•.... , . __ ....."• 1982~or~SU'per.Cab"klkup. Ax4 •.1m"1. Suberu 4X4,WlIQon8·'910~ 18- 18· 79· 113. Jeells -198Z.t< 1984 TclY0f8.4 Wheel DR. P'CkullS

• • New T'?Yots L8nd Cr..18ilr.. ,. .•




"roI""onalli:nllln~Servl.e - LalId SUrveying

P.O. JJc)x 1312 :P.O."S"R_. _ iIil34S . Ciollett:roIt,__,. :relr·(iIOS~Z9f' "C' . . '!'al. em) Woi!l'l1'


, . ,

Atestlgua mi manu yel gran sello del Estado

de Nuevo MexJco.

.Telephomr(605) 257..4223

Ru'ldOsu, N.M.



PH: 257-4200 ur 257-2921


OF1ClNA EJEC\JTIVASanta Fe"Nuevo Mexico


1401 iui:ki,rth(/lint 10th. r.ildkl i1llitl(ll'l1

8rA'FE OF NEW MEXICOExecutive Office

Santa Fe. New Mexico

Lea County, Division 2 1984. TerminI) de 2 anos. dlstrltos de mu U-condados,Lincoln County, DIvision 1 Declarations of Intenl to be a Condado de Colfax. Division jueces de d1strlto. procuradores • •Rio Artlba County. Division 2 write-in candidate for legislative 2 de dlstrito, Junta de educacion

--Four Metrnpol1lan ,Court orfi~ IOCitw.whollY _wJth!P ant:.. ~~:U~ PJril~l:Jl' ~ deJ.'~:::s~~s l3:..1ues.~S"'-t••'__'_'_._~....H_lIc..-__·="....r.."'."uJ=o"."IlO;-:-m_m-'.'"tt:_"'....:,.'-__~.__.._Judges 2year tenn .eeunt-y--o~ne R 9 RI ~ on-oompY . A---eOR--. mOil". nom•• _ •

Bernalillo County ONLY county, and magistrates shall 'be 1 dado seran regIstrados en 1aDivisions I, Ill, IV and Vl 'rued with the county clerk on Condado. de Rio Arriba. oCicina de. la Secre.larla de. .11 lin•• olln.ur.nce. •-Three' County C9mmissioners March %1. 1984. Division 2 Estado eJ dia 3 de:'bril d~'l9!H' • •from ..ch <:OWlty; 2 y..r I...... . ~~~II~::'.. de I. Cort. ~,l,~losbo.asdo,•.oo•.m.ys.oo •••••••••••••••••••••

Except Bernalillo, Dona Ana, DoneallheExecuUve Office Termino de 2 anos. ~. Dec1araciones de candldatura '-1:.05 ~lamos and San Juan ThIs 30th dayofJanuary. 1984 Solamente Condado de y peUclones de nominacion para~untlesCo ,Co i I In WI~U::t~::r~hae":~~ Bernalillo, Dlvislones J. JlI, IV Y los puestos de maglslrados y- ve un y mm 8S ooers VI. • pueslOS legisJativos JocalizadoSDona Ana - ~ year tenn~ of New Mexico. _~ Comisionados de Condsdo lotalmente dentro de un c:ondado

As provided by Article 10, por cada condado 0 compqesto solamente de unsection 7B of the New Mexico TONEY ANAYA. Tenninos de 2 anos, exceplo condado seran registrados con IsConstitution . GOVERNOR los condados de BemalUlo, Dona Escribana de Condado el dia 3 de-Seven'Councilors in Los Alamos ATTEST: Ana, Los Alamos y San Juan. Abril de 1984 entre las horas deCounty·2 year tenns Clara Jones -C1ncoComisionadosdeCondado 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

As provided by Article 101 Secretary of State en Dona Ana DlIclaraelones de can-section 5 of the New Mexico Candidale81may be nominated Termlno de 2 anos. Como es didatura y pagos de Inscripclon Q

Constitution and the Los Alamos for the following Uncoln COunty proveldo en el Articulo 10, Sec- en su lugar. dec!!raclones deCounty Charter Offices: cion 7B de la Constitucion de pobreza para todos los puestos-Two County Commissioners in -County Commissioner-Dlstrlc( I Nuevo Mexico. electtvos del condado seranSan Juan County _ 2 year terms -County Commisstoner-Districl -Siete Concejales en el Condado registrados con la .EscrIbana de

District 3 II de Los Alamos Condado el illa 3 de AbrU de 1984District 4 -COunty Commissioner-District Termlno de 2 an?5. entre las horas de9;ooa.m. y 5:00Pursu8ll1 to United States of JII \ /' _CopIo -es 'proveIdo en eI p.m. . .

Am • ... -=:-. ---- - ..... - ~cion------5--de---ta------Ho-----Beclal'8CloDelJ---de.--UIlenlo----deenca v. Ule County of San~ --county Clerk Conslitucion tie Nuevo Mexico y sercandldalowrlte.1n lnoesta.en

Jusn~New Mexico. United States -COunty Treasurer la €alta' del Condado de LOs la bOleta) para Db puesto estatalDistrict Court for the DIstrict of -COunty Assessor Alamos. 0 puesto de representante -de los (F" & Sat 6 10 . )New Mexico: clvU no. 79-5m-JB -COunty Sheriff -Dos Comislonados de Condado Estados Unidos 'seran 1!J rl. _,. p.m.and Resolution 81-82-35 of the -Probate Judge eo eI Condado de San Juan registradas en 18 oficina de laBoard Of Calmly Commissioners -Magistrale Judge-Divlsion l' Terminode Ii! 8 tad""...·....""Ie--+-----.::------",,----.::-.,,.------Ji--·-Bernallllo COU.,y Com- DONE THIS 3rd D.y nf rn.Ui", 3 Abril do 11184. -Reservatl·ons Onl,-missioners February. 1984. Distrito 4 J. Declaraciones de intento de

Pursuant to Article X. De acuerdo con Los Estados serCBJIelidato write-in (no esta ensection 7 of the Constitution of JANE McSWA,NE " Unldos de America v. EI Condado la boleta) para puestos de multi-New Mexico, and the stipulated L1NCO~ COUNTY CLERK de San Juan Nuevo, Mexico, condado leglslalivC?" jun dejudgment entered in cause DO. Corte de Dlstrtto de los Estados distrito. proc:urador oe distrito ySF-84-150C, Firs( Judicial Published in lhe Lincoln Cuunty Unldos pur el Dlstrito de Nuevo junta de educacion de estadoDistrict Cowt, Santa Fe County News on Io~eb. 9, 1984. Mexico. clvU no. 79-507-JB y seraR reglstrados COD Ja oficlDaState of New Mexico. com: Resol1!cl0n 8l-82-35de la J1D1ta de de Ia Secretaria de E5l8do eI eliamissioners from eolttmission Comi$ionados- de Condado de los- '1:1 de- Marzo de 1984-.districts 2, 3and4shall be elected Comts1!lnados del·lAIndado de Declaraclones de intento defor four year terms L~GALS BernaJillo. sercandJdatowrlte-!n(noestaen

Co t As 2 DeacoerdoCOhelArt.iculoX, Ia OOleta) para puestos- un y sessors- ye~terms Secclon 7 de la Constitucion de leglshltivos Ibcallzados

One County Assessor In each ESTADO DE Nuevo Mexico y el Juicio tot81mente dentro de un condado

~:'ty-elerks ~ 2 yeartenmr' -.- -- Oll~m~£9PciOr·--·- ..-·-1i!!r-if~r&1-:left.a1-~--,~=~~o--:r~-rT~~,~-One Coun~ Clerk in each $ANTA~ PrimeI' Distrito-. Condado-- ·de -con Ie Esi::ribana -de COndado-e1

county _ '8'l603 santa. Fe, Estado de Nuevo dia:n de Marzo de 1984.-County Treasurers ~ 2 year ESTADODE Mexico. comisionados de laterms NUEVOMEnaco CODiliJion de los'·distritos 2, S Y 4 Heebo en la Oficina Ejecutiva

~~u~;:_::::~_ -~-e:~=A\:tco .. -'-Cjiili'=illl·.·.-.-Ii·ii--.·ij-il·Ii··IIi·iIi'i-'aji--~'i--ii--Ii"ii'~-l!' I't'..··!:··....·lI·ji·~'II'·.~IIi·~--iiiliijiiii.aii.·I-d··II·li··.--c--~.-- -. '-'coun~e County Sberiff In ..ch Con~C;;~~~...io. SllPEISAW ~ aver 38 414 en'l rlllCks 10 IlIloOlt rIO. - SUPER SAlis-eountySurveyQl'8--2 year tenns Prlrparia del ~tadO de Nuevo

OneCotmlYSurveyotin-eacl1 MeXico, t:!OtnO enmendada. YO, F'EB' 11' & 12county (Unless office has been 'TO~ ANAyA.tGObertaador de __ .__ . . .~ __ -. ' .~- .._"",'~ :- ~~ _abolished pursuant-to Section 4- Nuew MMled por virtud de la,

44-36 NMSA 1978) autoridad en tni conferi~f-1»Ot' R·· d M'" t C· I·'::J$'~'~~:j~r.l= ~t~r!lon!:ICl~: ::ml"'eu~ . DUn ....uP··. ..o. O. r,'",.' .0..•.,·. " .nc:.C.Fe-....... 2B.llIM.betWi!enthe sea•. y' Ii' tniim(i tempo, _

on...-" 'pr(Jclamad'a B celebtatsb a 'If!>IloUrtlof .:00 •.m....d ':00 p.m.. 11'.""" dO todQ eI E.lOdo do "IN RUIDOSO HAS A 4"4 FOR t=Vt=RYON....is the final date on which can· Nuevo 'Mexico .y en cads con"'dtd~td for convention da~';lntdaeaqUd10eldlaS

+ A_rJQ.~ urged .TIM. Jlervlt:t ~~!i.K.n.llli(Jq........1u_J..he_l'Qa.ior ddJUi J$84....~ ..~ "+ nar Roond I_Ie. political parties £or stateWl.i:Je A. Que1a&lec:clbil:Prlmaria sera'

~~_,~~.n.~...~.~I~~~~~~~~._ _ .,~•.af.fic.es,•• ;JU1d..~UnitM..-Sta.tes .._.ap1i~~. ,..igUl--.JUi~'''''"'''HOURS: M-F 9:00-&:30

SIt. ":UO·12:30

Done at ttIe Executive Officethis 30th day of January, 1984

Witness my hand and Lhe greatSeal of The State of New Mexico.

ATTEST:Clara JonesSecretary of State


PROCLAMATIONPursuant to the Primary

Election Law of the Stale of NewMexico. as amended. I. TONEYANAYA, Governor of NewMexico. b1' virtue of the authorityin me vested, do hereby issue thefonowing Proclamation:

That a Primary Election be,and the same is hereby. called tobe held throughout the State ofNew M~co. and in .each countyand precinct thereof. on the 5thday of June, 1984.A. That the Primary Electionshall be applicAble to thefonowing political pan-tes. to-wil:the DemOCl'stic Psny and Lhe

- ..-..,.', ... -



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.: ,: ·c. •'.tliI· .' MlA'l1I . . . rolllinS tM l;1"",o\\O'od••P.a'!lr ,dll••dlln, IlllbO.OfIl~· or lilt • o1~1<1 'dO ~U.·lUVli ""'... dO 'COlIda"" OIl ",'l!SlIdo~,,~::~~.: 2r.'-:j!~~t~~. ',' ..")..;).;.... 't ·..:·~:;~~~I~"lII.~~~;m.i~y.~=e~\~:r.J~Y~'~~"i,~~~;~~~~&~1t.p.~I~ ·~~~~~<c.,!lI!.dn"·· , . '. . .t.'JI'BE"'liM P~OD _,;;:,1.'1:. .,!IIl~1. I' ,

:." ··IIlI~~lI"'iLftW· . A.1l ···Ibe ·rou.winl! '0111..., ' '. ..' '!!ll. on· willen. m.jO. ~llc:al-·~. "".n.."" "~'''''dn0 ", .' ~ m, .. "'.....,," w..~~l!i.1'lll\OII\!!'It"'lIn~~,AqIOf lhe ,.,pn"IIn1tod SlOtto _to. ".POM. Wl,I hold .•1<110 .O!" ~:~~"'a:' l':"~dO' 11."$lOl1b.onaos:. Ci>~doA'mS'I'laVA' , .. " '. ." ... '.

, Stat. of."ew.Mo1!'co••••me.·' ...r I...... • '. vontlons 101' tllo:des@@dlln!>l;lInlc1oo-'I'e\'mI.odof.""i,·,::"' ••dOOondo""'·'·· ~AJ!.lA~l!:&'I'APil.· '...; t!.~lO':!~': Ijt":: .~ll101!'' do·d.d, I. - '1'ONlSY ANAYA. ..'I'll... . Unit.d· SlOt.. .•••dld.\!~.;.. ~he l;>i1.",••~ .rrroo ·l\!lI>.....lOnlOO dO ·10' .".,.,.,-. dO COIIdMdo ndIlI' -Go~•• 01 New' t,jexl.o. by Bop.......1.•lly... 2 ..or ,...... IDe.lion .....01. . . .'. E."~. U~.'" ~ino ••••• . .• _0 do n... . cab 'd 0\911 po •• ~...".'.>m••'," ..•. ....v11:11IO.. of th.~ auUiQl:'ltllT"ln me Pu\tru~t I. B.•.rnallllo, Ji:,. MBIi'dJ #0', l'984t ,it th" fblq1. . ~P-l.t';l~to'.,T', "C'·'"d'•.do". ~•. _ Ull'~...de Cooo-do en rlL 05".,»"rl'::., ;:~I'" . \e:,__ . "'r:o'.. _.~ ._ •• b' To G .'1 n 1Ia •••• ~..... ~.. ...~. ~ ••_._~0II.inl!.""'" o:ondndo.. ..!lA,Nli;,M¢!WM/... ...• ,"""...., ..... ,m'. y I,.u. lhe "..... .lUI upo•.Me.. ....~ ......- ..... ~'''O!l!'0''. ,B.rnaJiUo. To.,._, (lu,;tIoI"Jl'l..••- -''', . .' "eom',lo.odo' 'd.l- C••d.d.. 1;:~1IOn' dOl Comd.do d. l,in.l\!Ui.>W\llll,J'rocIamollon: , Cou.t"'" .. . ""dlloPUbll,,,pO!'lI.. Ila.fil.lIl ~ Poll.... · .' "', -~..O.. 11\i caododo' • Plotrilo l . < . .', CIIIn . '. '.'1h~t 'Ibo " ld••U,1 Dlolr'ct ,II, ,Unlo.,·QUaY, th.'ow•• of tile soc~ of . Pl'lrllo,lI•. Co.d.do. d.,· -lJi'~O'do~!'""'·.:;do· .c roilllO.odo d.1 C.ud.d.l .

Priimt....lilloctl'" ll ••Mld on Cu.ny;, Iloo'_.I; 011.""",'L~ Stole cottW••t... 01 ·dOo.le... I\IIllQ. Umo., ."•••., ~l[i )l,Ooolwel.l,' " .' n "aclI, -. Con_. en ',,'·~"·-lr '.' ".' Pubu-liOd..illlill. j. tllo Linooin1M Q/lie do-le"'lhe. Prlro.)'yEilOy. Lincoln, 01..... Slerlo.! fo' ••nv'.Il••·de"gnAl~4'OIIov...~, _ !<inc<>lil. .'o;ia con do. ~':''iiiion•.I. d.l Co.d.do· Co.;,'(j.·Newo on Fob••• 11184•.E!~.';. MId I•.tbeS'a'. of .G.oot, Po•• ,Ana. LUIUl..J!!l., .""d'd"lO.f." Ib'J'iilm••l'. 0I0l'!). Slol'l'a. G'""I, boliO 4!>A; ."""~eIl""l'!,'!ctle2.Condodo , .''NlIW 11'1••1,,". on th•. pili d"y of tlidOlgo COu...... .1;:1'.11..,,- .. ", .. .....Llo!O'Yl!ldalllo. ; .. . " . ..• ...J..... IlIM' . .... . Dletrlol4l'r."'Slnr-oJ"",,·-M_ 2S 11i1H to ·lII:.Jinal,-"Dloll1teilll,calldolioulo sa. . ,UiI A8ri~ dO Condado

That 0, the Presidential' MeKinle)' I' CibQ:la, ,Catr,(m: date fo.. , <=a~le whO (tid, Iic»t.', JUlUl, MdQnleY, Clbo13, ,catron•.',en ~AdlI. ~qmlBi:to (4. nq ~e\' ~ elPrimary Election shall· be con- SQ<;aITo!. Valenc18. "Rio Arri~a, .,ree:~!ve ,l~t)',~Qt '!JI"-Qou-. Socorro" Vplencta. Rt(l' Atribe. puesUJ, h~ ;stLflboUdO deducted and canvassed al~ng with Sandoval. Los Alamos, Santa,F~ ventlO~ V'otes w: rde wlth,.1.ht ~~~'=IIH~~' ~~~ t-a ton .+44-36and in the manner pnJVlded by Taos, ~Ifax;,,Mor~, Harding Pn~ ~c:re~ary of State .,·,~r~ion san l ....::::;: -' ri • ".' K y. -JdElce$ de;P ba ionlaw for' conducting and can- San ¥lIue.1 Countifl:& .. : of camltdlc)'"' ,po pehU~n ...tJn~nadodeCo ra.eloti Termino ~ 2 ~nos .vasstng (if the Primary Election, ...one Corporation Cortlmlssmner s1gnatures (t~, voters ..,qualing a . ~ Tennlno de 6 anos. fIMl:,., ' Un'ju= deProbacio~en cada

- 6 year terms total pf t1n'ee pe~tof tbe votes. . -Dosjp~lde'laCorte SQpiema eon~dO ' ...,..Two Justices of the Supreme cast for the.~y s candJda~es... Temlino de 8 aDOS C. 1m dia 2IJ de Febrero de 1984Coun for governor, in the .preceding TennIitQ de .. aDos - .,. - eritfe Juhbras deB':OOa.m'.Ky 5:00

8 year term Pf1q)ary l!n!'!cUon. . , -Dos 'iueces de. 'Ia .Corte' de r..m~. es 1& feeba final·en I~ emsl4 year term F. D~m::at1OD!I'of c~dlcJaCY and A~e1OQ - Termmo de 8 aoos. os, e..ndidlltos de' los pEU'tidos

-Two Jud.Re& of the Court of no:a~lIn",!t.tpg pet1tlons . for .Posidtm I. politico.' mayores que e_tanTONEY ANAYA Appeals ~ a year terms Jegi$Jau-ve--otfices-~-mu1U-··- -- --Posicktn-n -.-- ,designfildoa pna conven-olon

C;;OVERNOR Position I oounty dl$trieJI, di8tri.et judges, -Cu..enle.' y dos miembros del COmo c:sndiditos para puestosPo~ition II district attorneys. state board of senado del Esta~o estatales y puestos de

-Forty-two'membersoftheState ed11Cation and all offic=es 'c:om- Teimlno de 4'anos ~tantee-de los l!:stados~nate - 4 year lerms --" posed of more than' .one eounty J;listritos delllnO' a1 cuarents \1nidol;l; pueden reglstrarse con

DiStricts one through forty- shall be med with the Office of y dos 40s cuales eston descriptos pet1molles y decIaraeiones de··two whiCh are described in the Secretary of Stfll.e-op April a. en la Seccion~ al 2-8B-49 candidat1D'~ par de.!lcion de "DIdn't happl>n to give any thought to moving theSection 2-8B-8 through 2-88-49 1984, between the hours of 9:00 N:M:SA 1918 n~ Supp.) la ~ven.ClOR.enla oflcma de1a,. truck, eh, HObper?"NMSA'1978'"t1'983"Supp.1' --- '._------a;m~~~" --S~tar-o--mlembr.os-~~e---~la-......secretarla-de-Estado.----.·~.~~,-~~·_-~-~ ._~~_._-----~~-~~~~~~

-Sev.nty m.m.......f the S.... G. Oo<:I...do.. or ...dldo.y ..d eo..... dO Rop......I""... <It:1 D.j;lI dIo 18 do Marzo de 11184, e•••••••••••••••••••.•••HouseofRepresentatives-2yea,__nomlnatllig petltioh$ for Estado la fecta&. final. en 18 coal losterms ' magistrate offices 8Jl.d legislative 1'!l'm;ino de 2 anos parUdos pohtlcos mayores. •

D-i-s-tr-iet-s-..---one--.---t-br ugh------Offlees-loeate4-whol'" '''Itbin---one Distritos del1Dl~. aI setenta, tendran las, convenciones •. . 0 . _ . q->tY. IQS cuales estan ileSCrlptos en la estatales·para ----aesJgnaCIOD de •

PROCLAMACION seventy, which are described m county or composed of.onlY one ,secclon ~B-8 al 2-~78 NMSA candldatos en la boIeta de la • I I re •Confonnela Ley.de Eleccion Section 2-7B-8 througb 2-78-78 (lounly shall be filed. with t.be una (l9P3 Supp.) . ElecclOn Primarla._ ...

. Primaria y el Acta de Primaria " NMSA 1978 (l9~ Supp.) county clerk ~n Ap111 3. ,1984 -euarenta y oeho jueces de E. El dia mde Marzo de 1984, es • .• . . , " . - •Presldeilcial del Estado de -Forty-etgtIt District- Judges - 6 betw~ ~e ·Jtours -of 9:<!O a.m. d1stdto' ]a fe.cha rIna1 eif bi coal los • .'Nuevo Mexico. como en- year terms ~ , and 6.00 p.m. Termino de 6 anos. .partldos Democrata y 'A" .mendada, YO, TONEY ANAYA, All Divisions In all Districts, Declarations of candidacy Todas las Divislones en todos Republlcano pueden registrar en • . genc, •Gobernador de Nuevo Mexico. one through thirteen and rIling'fees or, in lieu thereof, lo's 'Distritos, uno aI trece. la .oficina de .la Secretaria de • •por virtud de 1a, autoridad en mi -Fowteen "District Attorneys ~ 4 pauper statementlJ for all 'other -Catorce Procuradores de Estado certificados _ de • . .• . . . . •conferida, por este medio emlto year terms elective county offices aLall be Distrito desjgnacion por "candidaths de ."181 siguiente ProclamacIon: One District Attorney shall rued with the county clerk on Termino de 4 anos. designaclon de coDvencion para • C . •

Que la Elecclon Primaria· be elected In JudJc.tal Districts 1 April 3, 1984 between the hours of Un Procuredor de Distrito Ie Elecclon Primarla.,. apitan offl·ce •Presidencial sera celebrada el through lO, 12 and 13 9:00'a.m. and 5:00 p.m. sera elegldo en el Distrito Eldia~deM:8rzode1984~es ...' •••mismo dia de 1a Eleccion Two District Attorneys shall H. Declarations of intent to be e Judicial 1 al 10. 12 Y 13. Dos Ia f~a fiDal para el candidato •. T""es. &, Tkur~. Afternoons •Prlmaria a celebrarse en el be elected at large In the 11th write-in candldale for statewide Proc:uradores de Distrito .seran ,queoorecibioveinte~ientode 1-'Estado. de Nuevo Mexico el dia 5 Judicial DistricL Division I shan Dffice or office of UniLed States eJegtdos a 10 Ia!'l_o en el ~!strito los votos de Ia convenclon para • •de Junlo de 1984. serve in San ...luan County and Representative shall be filed with 3udfclalll. DiVISion 1 servlra en ~istrar con la Secretarla cIe. now lOcated'in front of 01. Beoller •

Que la Eleccion Primaria Division II ""Shall serve In the Office of the Secretary of eJ. condado de .San Juan ala Estado una declaraclon de. . •Presidencial sera conducida y McKinlav County State on Anril 16 1984 Division. II servll'a en el con ado candidature y las flnnas de tal bOld"

., < • 01' In' L_ -de McKinley. peticlon de votantes igu(l1ando un • me UI Ing IC"OSS - •.contada con y en la manera Ten members of theie I. DeclaratiOns tent to ua a -Diez miembros de la Junta de total de tres porcienlo de lodos I'proveida por ley para conducir y Board of Edu~tion DistriC:l.S 0 write-in c~ndl~ate fC?r aU !Dulti- Educacion del Estado los votos del partido ~I'a los • •contar la Eleccion Primaria. through 10 which are descn m· ~untylegislatlv.e-2ff1ce&. dIStrict Distrftos IDlO al 10 los cuales candJdatos para ~bernadorenla • ... f"om III"gh school. •

Section 22-3-21 through --3~ ludge, district attorney and Bl.ate estan.descriPtos en la Secclon 22~ Elecclon Primana anterior. I ' _~Hecbo-en-la-Qficlna- _ NMSA 19'18.ill183--SuppJ._ ~_ hoard at edllC8lion olfices ..shall--34l-aI--2z..a..3t.-NMSA-l9'18-~-l983-.p;-DeelBFBelone&--de-candJda~-_ _ __ _ .--

Ejecutlvaestedia30de -FourMagislrates· )earterms'~ fOed wi"th tlt"e- Office of the Supp.) y peticiones de nomlnaclon • •I . . Secret of State on Marc %1


Page 11: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and



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',- ','::C .'~-l',',e:·' :~ -'::, ,-.,-, ",.... ':~.:'., ..•._c",,;.•.,'·" ,':, .'.'T" ,:\<'-';"~\- ," . -":,'.-;t;-;;,~."--::;-,'Ei -,~, ':"·>T'-7!~::-j.~""-"""-'-'- " " '.-',-'--,.--.,... j. ,"__ t~.t ..<g ',b'" j'''; ..I.'''' ." ,." :', __ " ~.,"," - .'~:' ·c· '.J "!'. ,:

l...EGALS..'J..i:tG~L..$'LE~Jj"S...., ;'teGAL5 Ll;GAI.$,... ~!il':' ''',~;;I~ ~.:r~~":&.:'~'torll.e'~~.A~ . ..id~.~~~;~tidOf,o\u,. .\t)VIilI\~";t.ilis ".

'.Ill. 1IeIuMor~ JreOllli)loril.... ·~>1m.1~"l~.~~_~ ':'.: """~c.:ui,l<;,-::;;.,.ijI~t.t..tllebo""'''f$olOloll bIdJ Wl1l bo "'oeI~ br., 'PlvlslM of'llIe lIOoltll AAII'to· Y", ........!~ ........... ~ ... '. DIoIri.l.:j;j.'l' ,"'.......... ··~ill'p.""llIlWi"ltt..a.m1lllon IlIe .. Co\u!ly 'l\WIagO\' lit· ·Ibo.·

·~'iII>1 Wi>aI'llnOiiI,Jiilrilbr a\'.U~~ WIilI~ ~.~ .'.f:..u~: ,.,.;.~~$1nOi:; "!II'.-~l1i, :<il'V-lilIeIIl":1lI' ··Uli""'/i.I·~i;li!i17'Co"<tti.Q ••• ··pt)lvldoio U'll> 1.~"'IIII.d~,~., ..I, ~paa ...........,. . ...OY bo ...... :willi' ". " ."p1o;Y""""in,llII~ilfOll1~ ""d Ca~. Now l\lexI<>l>,lOItu.~ blI~ ....IUllll ~. '.\'I>~ ~<!I~"'~ "WIll G.'J WIl"'!lllD, 1!.....~••1 ••U".-, .1O'\!lI<\.M.,FebruotY 2t.18lI4, forapon<»lll~"'th.'W~il\' "'~~.llfOlOOl~bod.~Cbil_,.,9.ll<»<~1IO. . 'lh\l poreba" ol.lheIoDO\VlaIJ'

·OQI\....etlD' <!I tbi>DlvItolo1IJorlbo .1lm....IllJl\l* .or",,1 fundl.1l ..' I'I~.-"'~'~' tinool!l ~~.hiI.lleOll'1~\<id· li:II\01'lIlolo.vM~".1lgppDoo '.....vJjllQn '" 'Wllm"" ........ A"ollI th.S"''''olNOW~ •. ~lI2\l"'l~~ P. .lil. ~Counlli ".."....·s I...U.tl""SIO· .•Id ",Ith

.:~":~l·fu~~~:::::==~~f':~i·l'·q.ll<»<~i·ti.:r. .=~~O:~~th~~ =::=~~-::.e.:',liIOoiIoIio, sn<!............bUsiilg•. lm'4: '.Illo.•~ <!I lJ!otTI""J!) Is ....IIWO 'Unoola COWl" Clotk's fOlllllr......... 11>q00000eo sl>oIdcI bo. 1>«1<>0.~_~.I!, .. '. .sddlotod ...d1v1c\ua1. "' for .tile. ~!.L~S\ol. lh'I,btltO lr.:<o••. 9.1lolt aat, eo.......... .-to, ~CwllIJ ......... \buillbt .jir<>VisIoft otJl\"l>Y"!>IlPn~~~::'iIf': ='= M':m~~.-, ... UiIOoliiuC!lU!ftjlllimllllo!i" ~.~:~ ••I'...j..tllll\!O'S~I!!!rt.,~:~='lit':'~:"'I.· "'~"In.~ ·<;;I;--...·~-UNCi()l~COl11'lT1l"cx.E!IK .11.0,' ·l'>.'I··O(il"'~.~ ·7!t;-~:ii~Wo':.:I'l-:~TlI••ilIIU I. wlll.oed to .••!'OPt IlIe ~.I lbo . JANlil_WAI'lIilCla1'l'lzo>o,l'lowMO><loo _.. ~_ """"'tile 11ll..... <!I·a t. <Io sI••I.d{ .S· !i'o~.C.- If •••~... .. .'. '. ·~Ynooln ¢<Mmly.. l>ot'i a.Ol<POJ1lao.1O Ibt' I. ..f.... ,.sp••-. IM>Dsbod in tile \,InOoIn COwtty TeI;phono '1'1.:' _, OIf1Qe". . . ~.. . '.' . ". .'~ .

......" IlO\'1l1... 111 ....Pl!a6oe.· 1I!.U111.~ .....1.U•• t•••' 1'I0w0 00 FoJ>' 9, IQll4 . 1lout'S, 8:00". M,- 4,30 ••M. • l'IIRS.su~m;:cox: .' '.' • ."Witb;J$D"JutSl)~ra:tive·vlr,o~m.e,pta,lreVle,w~. , ". . ,COtfflTYl'rlANAG~ .'," , .' '.'lll'!'tclO\ril$ ',,",,~I\''''' S!II'" dodolOD1O"kinl!"''' '?'Ioft, Md !.EGA.LS pubDsI>oil iii tile Linoo1n eounll' PU._ in the L_ COwl" . LIlli ·1••E trIo1l.11 . '.:rt.;,a.*i~~~~:~!i~l~t'':'~:· l'Ill'I'IClAALl'UIlLIC9 ~.s.~.~~=.:.:;;:;:.~ .',OU Wii, ., -:.. . ----"-,f.,~t'l'''l!ne., of lbeproposed ~ t,__ .~'&: UPOn· s Es,por18secetonl.~i..2w9&'l-2- ~':'"' .. '.' .s...i'.~' <\.1' ftPpll•••llln.n_"tlleTown oleo......... 12~""""cIa·"'''doEIO\lOI.. .-:::... 'O-h"1 . "-._'~n.ll!1M1llU- '.''=,~~,:~=,: ==~~~a:r:.=~ ::0~mlem~~~:r ,---~rrIIOIO_.u ..'00 s-,"- •8ne,.. Cameo Doubl. ":Id.. ,...d, to m.... Into.

. ',' 1111 reOlJllllolI>IUUos _.tho - Y _ ..J.4l nltorn.cIoo . ..' ". • .,:=~~~~=aC~su~:::t NattmalEDVtrgDmental Policy ~~:-::Ji~te. .~~r&n~: S.':'0'"''hed''''''U·I;I·"O.·:""I'--81.11 city w.,er.'eleCt'rlcltj,.,eattleTV,·.U .......SeeU(pD, 'Program .Support Actofl9B9.TbeStatewmaccept deLincolD. . , ..' '. -'.' '. . ..'BurMU.BHSD,$I),I'.o. Dos ....l>l00l1m to Its "PI'!""'nl of tho· . Mountain Vie. SubdiYi,ion1J!!'!.~~~Ol!}!f~~, ~::",:::,~.:,~=:,-~., 'So"~=~: ·.·fj,~th8-••nt""t---- .._-...0968II1Y'LnCU"lilll,l$.l~., ,one'ofthe'loUowing ~BeB: (8) C8rrizozo4 Hondo 17i\pplioalloa pac:JmB.. 1!l!lY. be 'lbnltho ooItllloaUon was ••1 in _ 5 . . .

=:::~3!!' ;::~tinsr::- fact executed by the chief tinco--t5Tmlembrolt-de-tabla-del -. -..•..FEB··..DII&D1I-...... _ .•.

" .. ppo .', mn • executiveoUleeror other off1cel's diBtrito t euatro (6) alteriJados '. DUIID•.abo.e .aare. •• b11010phcm0. ol.ppllcant nppro..d '1lJ the ....... nOlllbt'lllIos para' calla98(-4)C)20. e1It. 266.Qr~. toll ~ State; (b) that applicant's en~ dlBtrlto, Idguleate, de 81 Condado~ber 1~. FunrJiDg viroDmental -review record for de,Lincoln. 9 ..... Jr. Higb~HtgbSehool ~ea band concert at 7:00 p.m.;wUl be -avallable .for t)1e dille 'ille prOject tndlCa~ omlBsloDof lJ IDsurance CommittennteUng with Blue Cross representativeperiod, of July 1, IllB4-June 30. ,required.deciaton, finding, or Capitan 1 Ruidoso 14 at 8:20 p.m. in the Conference Room. Adult Baste Education~. ~Ithlel appUcn~ pa~cIa" I~ app1leable to the project in ::=~ RuidosoDowns 15 Classes at 5:00p.m. iD Clegg HaU.l e . v I on w. . proY the. environmental review 1.0-FHA..HERO ItaUan Night at SChool cafeteria from 4:30

• . :~::c:n8~of se:ea~~ ProCess. Objections must be Cinco (5) mtembros de tabla del p.m.·to 7:00 p.m.a--u~a . or. eot..................., prepared and 8ubmittedin ae- diBtrlto y euatm (4) .(l1terDados 11 _ Basketball game with Cloudcroft here at 2:00 p.m.services, eontracta wlll be cordance with the req~red serrao Qombra(lj;)s pal"a dp Jos A&B Boys and A Girls +++Degotilted, through a ~kJf. proCedure-1M CFRPart 68), and sigu1ebteB dlstrItoB ausentes. 12 -FPA-HERO Week, February 12-18.senfe" cost. reimbursement may be addressed to the State of . Condado de Lincoln. DiBtrito 13 _ FHA.HERO meeting at 7:1)0 p.m. in the Home Besyet:em':.:3 ,,-Repr-e8elltatlvo--51,52.56,y 57 . - '"

• New: Mmuco at 527 Don Gaspar. AppUcaclones por Itsta man- Room. _Pub1llbed. in the LlDcolD CoWlty Santa F-, New Mexico, 87503. tcmda pUeden mandar haeer ccin . 14-Adult COmputer e1ass(rom 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. In ManlereN~ on February 2. Band 18 Objections to the release of el BuDding; FHA·HERO will,' deliver carnations; FHA-HERO1984. ' funds on bases other than those Gary Mitchell. Presidente Senior Citizen J;llnner In the Home Eo Room, 8:00 p.m. Adult

stated a1;love will not be con- de1PBrtldoDemocrate, P. O. Box Basic EducaUon C1ass~at 5:00p.m.-in Clegg HaD.aldered by the State. No ob- 2480,Ruldoso,NM88?45· 257•732B 15 - Jwnp Rope Exhibition for grades Kw5; SkI Trip to

; =L::E:.G=.:A..:=L::S~__~Uonareceived after Fe~ruary D::~Pf~1!..~~LP.•~~t:..~_~, -.si~rr~~Blanea;Adult CompUle~ClaBs(roIn 6:00 to A:.OI:lD"ll.JJ·"--1~_

~: r-. 24, 1984 will be'eOJ18idered by the !;PI7"""Nir""m~~ theMahiere BuDding; Adtllt Basic Education Classes-~t 5:00

1-_~N~tlTI~CR~O~F,!\NTE~~NT~Tll~_-"'Sttnatte.'- ,.---<_ ---e1. EseAb8ba-de1 p..__ .REQUESTAftELEASEOF Condado, P. O. Box 338,' 17-FHA-HERO Blossom & Beau Banquet and Ball ill the

FUNDS Mayor Harold G. Garda carrizozo. NM 88301•. 84B-233'1 Cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. .TownofCarrizozo P.O. Box ?A7 in~ de e1~ 30_~_~~~,~: 18-_~I~.~ E1)~~,~~~l!.~~!J!I~_ 9~es lO.r: ~i~ ~~~~

--4----';;:;~§~~~~---~~~W!Ii:>i.Mi"'"'o.llIlSOlL~..::...::...::.'-:::!:!,i:ij~~~E,.L,--stslUl""' ....---------- --,Canizozo.NewMexico CONDAD.C1LINCOLN 19 - FFA Week, February 19-25.

88301 PubUahed ill the LIncoln _County JANEMeSWANE 20 - No School .. Inaervice Day,; VocatJonal Advisory'"TO ALL INTERESTED News on Feb. 9. 1984i.. Committee Meetlnga! 7:00 p.m. In the Conference Room: FFA

AGENCIES; GROUPS AND PubUsbed In the Lincoln County Work on BOACProjecl·lIorseShoePitsat Spencer ParkPERsoNS' LEGALS Nowo on F'o1>. 9. 1.... 2t - Adult Computer Class fro... 9.00 10 9:00 p.i!!. in th.

Qn orabout February 16. 1984 Manlere BuUdidg; Board of Education meeting at 7:30 p.m.' inthe above--natried Town w111 " LEGALS the Conference Room; FFAFoodfor America at Vo Ag Barn;req\ielt the State 01 New Mexico NOTlCETO PUBLIC FFA meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Vo As: Classroom; Adult.Basicto release Federal funcla under As per seetl(lQ 1~, 1·2-9 &: 1-2-8: PUBLlCNO'l'ICE Education Classes at 5:00 p.m. in Clegg Han.,'l1t1e t of the HollIlng and of the ~ectlon lIaDdbook of the REVENUE SHARING .. 22 _ Ski trip to Sierra Blancai Adult Computer Class fromQm1inuidty Development Act of ::~o~~e::.1J=~ HANDICAPPED 6:00 to 9:00 pm. In tbe~niereBuildingjAdult Basic EMucatlon·molt~) for the following will be appotDted for each of the REGULATIONS Classes at 5:00 p.m. hI: Clegg Hall. .project: following Lincoln County ThiBnotiee Is published pursuant 23 - FFA BOAC Work Day after schoo1; Adult Basic-Town of Carrizozo Housing preclncts: to the requlremeuts of SeetJon Education classes at 5:00 p.m. in Clegg Hall.

· ~mtatlon Grant Nogal2 ADgus12 51.55 of the Revenue Sharing 2S-WAJudgiugContestatDora~NewMexico.-JtebabU1tatlon9f existing low =:= Sanp~:::~~ Regulations, as pUbUsbed iri the 28 - Adult Computer class from .6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in tbeincome haUling Corona 5 Federal Register on October 17, Manlere Building; Adult Basic,EdueaUon Classes at5:00 p.m. in...carrtrpzo, Liiu:oln County, New Five Preclnct Board Members 1983. Section'5l.55 probibits. Clegg HaU.Mexico and 5 Alternates--..m be apo d1scr1minaUotl against qualified 29 - Adult Baste Education Classes a~ 5:00 p.m. In Clegg •

:000 poInted for eacb of the (oUowing individuals because of their BaIlj Annual Mid High-High School Science Fairi Ski trip to1I-=llI"An"" Enviroi1mental Revie'~w;;-ELilir,;;;COlItii'jjCOUDOuiiiily;;p';l'OOlnc~o.iilS;;'==-{J>'!!"'~dIoO;;;s"'ppe,I~.-;;stn~tus';;;"'."'-'''.''''''''--- eua 8nC8i A t puter ass rom 6:00 00 9:00 p.m.

n~__....:a ~....-..... the wlth1n ca~tan 1 Ruidoso 14' the .Maniere BuDding; Adult Basic EdueatiOll Classes at 5:00- .~....... RulIIosoU Ruld<$DowrlSlS. in Cl H 0proJect has beeB made by the Rtddolo:as IJnooln County , P.O. Box nl, p.m. egg a.abo!~named City which Five Precinct Board Members CarrIZozo, New Me¥ico 88301,

B the ublic em I ees


' ..... ,.....•~-

....... .~.

Ruidoso Downs, New MlJxleo

r----·----·--.--._._.~ . .__..__..• • •-I . - . •s Order your subscription to •• : • :I " •: LIN"OLNCOUNTY NEWS :: P: O. Drawer 459 Carrizozo, New .Mexico 88301 :~ .--,_.•_-_._----:--,------ --'--"- ----._-- ---_.~ _....._----,..,-----~--------.. _,.- .' .. - _._--,_ .._-'----s •: In County . In New Mexico Outside New Mexico. ~

i .. Dtye~r$1~.Q,O. 0 1yeer $16.00 0 1.year $18.00 1: 0 .2 years $20:00g ~Lyears $27.00 0 2 years $29.00 :

• 1• II•~••. .~


• •• Narne··· .. 1 ••.••••••••• ••.••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••,......... :

~ .•••. S'reetAdCfrns ••.•••••......•.•.•..••...••••••• P.O, 80x •••.•.••••.•• .JI C.... '. 5',..· •

__~~_.,_ .•."'l •••• •,.~~._•• ~~.. ~_ •.••••••••••••••• , tate ' Zlp , :'

~o",,":,,,••,,,,=~·, ~-4 ...=.-"".. " --__ ",.",'_ .•,'__ "' -- ....,.• --., __ ,~ 0'. __ '''0'', ..:,_ ",.- -- ',-- -._, ..~''' ~~._''~"'q.~o--r~-- ....·'''~. I • 1

II, r-1N s- ---,,- ' • bJ . ew 0 .Renew.. •• •". ~'j.

• ., ''0> -J ."• 4 ~PI..een~losec~ld .'1 " •'. ,.'. '" :.

,---'---, .---- ---- .._-----~-" '. . .. -:' .It. . .... • . ." .. • iii . ,.'· . '. ..- ....liiI_ iIl"'-"'iiiI••-•••iif,IIiillItijiIiiil .... IIi!}iii..·...... liii 1IiIII_ ...... iiIii __ ~,iiii: _ iiii .,j .*iiIlIt

•. .. ,"

Page 12: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and

CALL: 354·2234or '354·2397

Assorted Sizes·Avallable

by month Of yeaf



InquIre lit B&L Pizza

+Editor's Note: Dr. DavidStuart is the author of PrehistoriCNew Mexico. A selfemployedanthropo'logist, he lives inAlbuquerque.


Published in the Lincoln County .News on Feb. 9. 1984.



Published in tbe Li1(:titn Qn.tnty.News on Feb. 9 and Feb. 16, i984. '

.::~'-l., #o_~ ...?7


•. ,





Callaway's FI....tone1110Whit'Sands Boultvard

~~.._ ..__t'

Published in the Lincoln County

76 Ford pickup, 4X4, ~Hon, newengine, A-Q; propane camper,extras. Good cend. $5800. 915-886­22$1. 3tc-26-2-9

EMPLOYMENT NOTICEJ\pplications are now being ac­cepted for the position of Mapper.Salary Schedule and jobdescription available., in theLincoln County Assessor's Office.You may obtain application althe County Courthouse or bycalling 648-2337. Positionbecomes available on Feb. 20.1984.

• SI695 Y e er alC n '. "~Car.SmIIIW/IlForei9"....' comnAtedin the prepared speech sporadically between 5,000 B.C. , . I d Sah CAPITAN. NM

~~f:~:"~' ,'U5MCh ..... < and AD 500 but made fools of PAY-o. Say.lt out ou . - (1

'~~~e-hauI C(lntest. obsUllim.:..so .theli1tltLQillLr:rY.-w~s YAX"9-,_J;a.Y_ jt·e-~so~J~1.;;I~='!..4-,~_.-;;;N:;0=t;Wrll===·=-EJ=-jI,Bn:E~eRrir0x..!O~!F:J''~&_' --JI---~L:l1='··~-~~'==:~-=··"':-=-:"':':"':-·:=----"==F====""'1;;;E:1G~A~L;SS~--:ffCo~rggiolnt:t1ten;m:.-Evmr1ater, mountecr-whis,Per it Satr-. . .

ONmtuming Apache hunters came, sweeping the sound made by th~ wmd as ~tout of the plains to crush buffalo moans along the creek. It IS

PUI!LIC !"OTICE ,. herds on New Mexico's rocky God's own sigh. The breath 'OfThe ~xtra,terrltorial Zomng backbone. Clusters of stone "tipi His sorrow, for after 700Authority WIll meet on, :ruesday

, rings" are all that remain of their . generations ,the buffalo no longel,:February 14 1984, at 10.00 A,M., h t rnin the Lincoin County Sub-OIfice . huge fall buffalo cam~s. T e re u .Co I ' Roo' located on fruits of these prOVided forn.erence m. f iI' th'gh 300Memorial Road, Ruidoso, to Apache am les ~ou .consider the following: bitter winters on the hIgh plams.

No.1- Recommendations of Then came the marketthe Extraterritorial Zoning hunters. By 1880 the.great he~dsAuthority for the zoning of had vanished in an eruptmgCaI'rizo Canyon.

No: 2 - Resolution - PublicN~~· of the ExtraterritorialZonihg Authority meetings.

PATSY 2188

311 S. CentralBox 637-Carrizozo, NM


·LlNCOLNcoUNTY NEWSp..O. Orawer 459309 Cental Ave.C&rrizoU), NM~l

........,e.-,.. ... .1........ ...


..CLASSIFIED" 1\-o------~



THANK YOUI thank Nancy, Mrs. Miller and LEGAL NOrICE

I--ClIlUI,JUIance-membe~rs"s.-a:allsso-o...,RRlaa)y-r-"lI;A-;p,"u;ttiit1ht1'c"1neiPll'l'inlnil1m'n-tie1mlihr­and Marge Wells. All Illy friends 10:00A.M., February 21,1984, byand relatives tor their prayers the Lincoln County Board ofand concern for their visits, food, Commissioners, at the Lincolnflowers and caI'ds during my County Courthouse, Carrizozo, toillness, May God bless each one consider. the applicatiolJ ofof you. Michael Janis, d-h-a Bam, P. O.

Box 4212 H.S,., Ruidoso, New_Bertha LaFave Mexico 88345, to transfer the

ownership of DiSpenser LiquorLicertse N6. 24& Uoni..Araovirio1s; .Inc., 4501 Anapra, Sunland.Park,Dona Ana County, New Mexico,

_ . ..-"__.__to.MichaeLJanis~and1heJQCat.ion_from 4501 An.aprs. 8u.nlandPark•.nc)na Ana County, New MeJGico,to Highway.70, west edg, .of theRuidoso City Limits,' Section 36,-------------:-:::;---::=~=:::=:=:;:==~-I--~co1nCCron .

TOTAL __.....




r'ltt IIY Ill .. nHl '"(_~••) m [!) !iJ [i] (Numbe~ of Weeksi'2.50 $4.50 $6.25 '8.25


2 3 4 5

6 7 Il 9 III

U 12 13 14 15

------ to16 17 18 19 ;ZO


J. S. STEARNS, BrukerLocated in Masonic Bldg.

Carrizozo, N.M.

-----.. ----e:-AL ...648-a3U·,---·--~·_----

Add 41kC 'i'axon ea. Dollar, .... , _

Central Ave.-Two frame houses· to be moved Q

-Rental property - 3 bedroom house w!th IWO one-bedroom apartments .

-Rental property - 3 bedroom house With two bedroom


IN TOWN PROPERTIES-3 bedroom unfinished home close to school-2 oedroom home, fenced in yard, beautiful land-

scaping. .-3 bedroom. newly remodeled on two large, fenced

lots, d'-3 adjacent city lots - 9 adjacent city Jots· 11 a Jacent

lots,' ')-1 large lot - south of Carrizozo.

. - acres wa e I s near mco n-54, irrigated acres South of Belen - will trade fof

ranchland. .-28 acres in Sweetwater Hills subdiviSIon-4() or 80 acres in Basin Valley-35 acres with orchard on dripp irrigation and barn.-153 acres surrounded by Forest in White Oaks-40 acres surrounded by Forest in White Oaks-2 acres with welI-kept double wide mobile home -

West of town. '

-560 sq. ft. cabin on 35 acres in White OaksValIey.-1 bedroom rock house and several outbuildings on 15

acres in Ancho.-2 r.oom.adooo.on20acresin Basin ValIey


, Nights and MARY 648-2326Weekends call: PAT 648-2275

, ,

APPROXIMATELY io.ooo square foot block building,on 2.623 acres of land loc~ted at intel"section of Highways380 and 54 in Carrizozo. Excellent location at fasT­d~veloping int ersect ion.

THREE GOOD LOTS at south end of CarrizozoF'ootball Field. $4500.00 total price. not restricted againstmobile homes. All city utilities available, Cash or ownerfinancing.

'IWO GOOD LOTS one block north of Carrizozoschools. $3.000.00 total I price. Not restricted againstmobile homes. Cash or owner financing.

THREE GOOD LOTS on E Avenue across fl'orn-­Episcopal C'hurch. $4.000.00 each. Resl ricted area. Cash

, or owner financing.

13 ACRES. good ~ell. double wide mobile home 3 BR,2 baths. on school bus route, 1'4 mile off paved Highway 54, .

.' 2 miles from town: .

2 LOTS on main street in Carrizozo each 25 x 100 ft. oncorner across from Rita's Beallty Salon.





1------ ----.---- ------ --......_-==' ==., -' _.~~_.

(Add HIe per word for each over 20)

h- J'-. j\.~.~ ~ .', ._~,~ ,~",.",-,.",,,,\ ," ' ;_~' ~ •• :.,~~r;',. :,~:,.'.-;~'.f~"",',':,:~.. :;';":';. '~:'~'.:_-'·_·:,:,-:··:::·-''''''';i'~~''·~-·:>' t. '_-_~;.. ',' ~:-",.&J! . . '. ...; . £ au. i¢~#0;.!mH~., ....fI!i,: t;l!'.:,..}}·~ $.(-<i::<t,~-:"j5,,,;:!.fh·~~:'";;-;&~:-4:·-~:.,:~:j "~"'''!''.~'!'~~'0'' :,;.~,:,j':h~,~ :!'~~~~.~~.~f'5."!;"'~;?':~'::}'_"':'~"'~ ;~'.~ d"::h>,.;'~~, .•;j':-~":;~4:"::::'~~:"'.':~'~7\"'~:'1"*:,"~ ~,,?,;C~':'~';i;,,,.:;~, .. ,,...... ,,.::.y,,,,.,',r,,,,,, .. '"....,.;". '.. ,.. ,T': . ~:. ',;.' . , '.,r1l;g!i.,.:hl~:JiiIil!iij;~'~""":-'''lJ,lt'~,,,,.li~ ."" .,; , '.".' '\'" '" ." . . "" ~., " .. .' ,

~:, ,~> ", ." .' <;' W .:' ". '~J.~; : '., . ",' "." ..''. j .' .p.\Gel~~~ ..~.t.JN<::O"'N ~QJ)N'l'Y :N~"$;'J'hqr ••"Feli.D, l.~ ",, .'

'. .on."n;- CI;.ASSIF IISD I;.EGA;is. .;Wat~h;oYel' '''~Inat~n ,. '. ..I~N;!'INU"''1 ~ROlYl P:4! • "

:~ ,'<$~~ c:$' , . . 'm~etings l'eV~lll~cA' tn~~ Uli$. "oWJlg~vemmg .~()a);'dLRU!tuioilln the .DePiirtment ,Qf ~usHc~', and" , " 1Wd' 1001 Patsun Pt!, ,~~, St. coIUn1~ist, never <lefendoo Dr Archbi~bQP,Y~!tlrhmTrjfq....,wJl!) '.. th~ Se~ateHul~s .ComJ!1lttee,,-

. $~'.l11i:I.':l'itAll'l)Ji:NN'" ''j WIJJ.. .!!Iy' "" .........olble

19r 'I'I!I;) I._On<! I.ioII... CluI>oof , I"l....ge Ao"IloIII>at)!1'lll gua..... ·.dv~~iod o~.lli.Af'lq@n· '. w,s':'·s",,"eqq_Dlly. .rdi*ed' bot~nlwl1onlCQDClWl«l'!lD'}""'," ~.•',.'!1°ene,'.'.J.'$bl.,'c'....... FL~.awr""y.,aeJdl.a.. ~Dl,.e.,.e'~.'a'·>!!J~co',!!. ·.~s·.'t~··~S···t;,.·bt~·lSe·..··.·yinFc..urr.··..··B-~.'e·n··.·..so,,·b.,lYn'. fPl..t.. P,.s."~2lf.,.6-.'.·2.·~~.Ii.6.·carl'i~~m'Q15ponsoring anQrd .. K;C, lJ,sbts, 'manY"~:!Ctras, '~ll "gQvernment.llQJlcy; Inlite(id,he .•.. deported.bya Federa~coUt't in', .insiQ\1atiQn!'l, tJlattJtJticoIUD1~st

~4~ '" "S .~ Stap ... Fashion lJox Suppel" 1\Ies.,Feb~ 653~. ~H~d9,Nl'4 acl,OOO on. ~nfined hhn$eUw.askin~ why Detrolty ~~U$ebe 'Ilad, 'li~ w./l$an' agent of SqutbSA;(ru~a",for~,onll?lele.UnitJ:unow·as $757. . " . 14: at UleR~,Cel1ter,BQ"e$will 2tp+l!i. ' t:h¢.NaU~mal~UJlcilofQburches ab01,lt bi~involve1Jlent io Worlq • ~q l!\r~e. Were;! ,entb~~lr Jal~~,6etail$13$5~CaI:f'Day or night F~R RENT: EIC~pltan J\pts;" bejudgedaU:aclJ\uctionwstlirt ~ , '. (whleb was present at ,sl,lch ,War llwar <:l"imesinprderto!\ince,.ebasneverbeeQunder.tlhe303-574-.4988. 3tp-2~7.14 dal,ly: we$ly'f m()n~~ly.ye.arly. ~t 6;45. Lots pffUll f()t the whole' 79 G~M~tqa wagon, Am..Fm, . m~t~gs) lladnot alsospok<ln ' obt&inUiS,cit~ze~ship... ~?ntrol, ,~r . direcUon :4fmtber ,'. . Fum._Dl' un!lJm.shed, New &. fomUy, tor flD1h'" IDCormallon ",pO DIId Sonhd, ..., ""1 "Woga!"'ll I"" ..... mDNI.... oC TheNc:Oeetah;oted hy WIdely ~vemlDe"l, l'l'l,oo Jlenalo RldO'

PROcES&maij DI bome: $75 per.'.."D'DnD'hle, 35H~06. 354.2875, &on Fran DI·-, J;:vei'y~. "'_"" ,.~. L, d, lIS<inlians I>YldlAnlin,'&dWIlot .b'CidD\lD~ ' ..lelter In'lnuaUDg <:O",ml,,,,", .c.- .lbe P,;SLtirno

hbn<ti'eq! .No e~l"i4ilnc:e, part or 336-4662. tfn~2 ,is welcomed... ' 'Prb:e$ wUl be .648-~12~ ~tp+la.:23 re~UY eIll'agedt.he Nec was this that'~his C(lltimni.st was an agent . since 1~~8, . Qverrul4ild ~. :~C<!m ..fUll .time. Start immediately. HOUSE ,FOR REN'f: ACroS!!,' givenforpre~ti~st.'de~ratedbo~, columnist'~~soasking why the of-South Africa. ,This resUlted in' mitteeof report~r~0f.J, .Cf,lp~tolDetai'l-se.nd self-addr~ssed fromCanizozo school. Pal"tly SQ l~dies doyoU!"be!lt..,.Fl"4ile ,Attll:Anyone"Jntel"ested in,· NCC had not expelled from its a year.longmve$Ugation by bolh HilbWho ha~ .~en ,!!ble,~0,5on­stant~d .envelope to·CRI-~716, furnished. $225. per Itlonth, 653~ ent~rtainment by Local J\rt.i$ts~ joining and he1pingstllrt a Little .fiscatethls 't:::ol'Umm.!:it'sP. a.Box 3149, Stuart, FL33495. 9240gr ~~~aa, tfn . 2tP~g..",·.. , 'l'he~tteG...oqp inCaJ.'ri:';OZQ'CongreSSiOnalCr~qenttals';(Qr'a'

3'-..... , ~';.;t Ma... Kay Coometi"" ~~o/~1V'- :,~:;:::::.{:e. Inside Religion:· <CONTINUED FROlYl ;, 4) ~~':;:':m,R.=r:'I:,D!~:;jFOR SALE: 40 acreS south of ,can de> .for you. Call J'lelen M. TlJE Women of The Assembly of ',The'allegatfonthatI, was an '

Carrizozo. 648-2420. 45~tfc Lock, 648-~42?" 52-tfn' God.. Churc.h areha..vi.ng a pl.'.e- MAlD WAN'fEb: 5 day work . uf' , dl' k wI'tho'.ut' these,three Ie.tters: p_ L-, agentof'Israelwas 1)1~~ejnpfint,Week. Good WOl"king ~ond1ti()ns, s fering.' .. RepOrte' . y, Jac Son . 0." in The VUlage Voice,J?ylhisvery

.Valeniine aAKE SALE; Fi'iOOy, living quarters'. Available, went on W remark thathfil w~s satne'AI~anderC()ckbUhk Will' Feb. 10 at CitiZens State Bank; Smokey Bear Motel. ,Capitan, "sick and th'ed of hearing ab<>.ut Jackson has since denounced he now folloW his ownri~otous

Please come in.2tp..2-9 the, Holocaust . and having the the DemocraUc Party for failiJ:lg· journaHsUc-'stand~r(lS'''':andNM 354-~t .. .tfn..2 . United. Sta.tes. pu.t into a gUilt to denounce the Is'raeli invasion . ?

. register.as all ;:lgent of thePLO.MOBILE HOME for sale: 14x67, trip:" . oj, ,~f Lebanon, because. th~ par,~Yls rRr have theaeethic!\ been

Jackson bas chal"acterized pe:.:ve~ed by r~actlon •. to ~~e abr\llllki .. @1ter:eJJ. ..bY_Jhe_~ipiUl.~as _~~sel ..~- 91tu .. -~~.ini;-'::C:.;e~~~e:~~~~~ .Zjgni§.m.as. '_'a.,.poisonilUS .floWer. -Jewlshelement-Jn-thepart,y'i .---, process of Cockb~ 's b~ving. . N that's ~okingtheflower of Jackson has ,signed. an. a.d been ho.i.sted, by his own,petard?ZOZO CHEVRO 'tri!=8lwiring, new plumbing and Judaism." -

fixtures, large kitchen with wOl"k , aeritage also noted. ,that in ' c8:lling for the 5uspe~ionof U.S.'~_"isla"nd. P.artia.. lly furnish,ed, aid.to Israel. He has also called ?i '.' ~ . ,. ' ..1979, Jackson ,af1!l his PUSH.. ~~$15,000.00 Call 354-2726.2tp-9-1,6 . r ("P I U ited t upon Israel to evacuate the. Old ~. ~

F '00 ~~ganHlza ,Ion't ,,)eohPe1ed n I 00

0City of' Jerus~dem·.and to be . ·tN'O" ...'O·R', 'REPUBLICANliUMORPRE.Valentme Dance,n y, ~ve· umam y a cos - fi 'd -". h' II .BU.¥ ..,'. '

WIlenJYIL8QN'S~~!Jl!LI~~~ "._t~1?~ !,OiJ9.84,Wl\JteQt\k§C,.sinQ'Ardo°arb".Jllbus4iletm'inges'sirlm'"eChn,iCoangeOowf'iwthh"ol50mu~,·'~:'gn~~edt~.: u~~.;~..~.~sda"~flO;~'~b'cI~'-- S'E'l-L·'·'IN·'Oft.',ft=HUM6R~:SPeakS even E. F.8p.m.,Uvemusic.Nocharge. It..· .'~ ~

Hutton Ii.s,tens! Rep'uplicans , "-9 Itt ld :t' Hog Sim means the vU'tu~Uy m e enSI e ." ••.. a er .0 wn er. . er .on borders of Israel in 1948.'speakers, toastmaste~s, chair.. . ' . . ' that Jackson adVIsed the Arabs. __ .______ ,. _

,~,-mWanIL·-SDoeNli~st-yOR'U1'E--:-lisput.enBerLls-CWAithN-F-'F';••--.05"- tbaflheymust 'joiii"thehuman The U ,S. Department of" rights sttuggle" (i.e. Jackson) Justice has just closed its in-

HUMOR. Curre.nt,· W~tty. ' with' dollars' because "we can vestigation as to whetherHumorous. $4.00 covers printing., .On Wednesday, Jan, 18" the give you help in areas you can't Jackson should be made topostage, advertising. ORDER Carrizozo FFA traveled to 'I'1'uth help yourselves in. We will give register as an agentof Libya. HeYOUR COPY TODAY. or Consequences Wparticipate in you an Arab voice in Chicago." . won't-just as President Carter'sWILSON'S REPUBLICAN the District Leadership contests. The Christian Science brother Billy also got off this

'HUMOR, Box 42, Casper, These 'contests include MoniWl" repOrted that Jackson hook. Jackson's PUSHWyoming 82602 4t~ . Greenhand quiz, creed and told a representative of the orga'nization accepted $10.000 ~

d parliainentary .procedure con- League of Arab States and the from Libya in 1979-despite thetests, along 'with Chapter officer Liby~n Embassy: "If there is fact that this government of Col.parJi-proand both prepared and noi an immediate infl,lsion '9f Gaddafi is one of the world'sextemporaneous speeches. funds from Arab states, we will leading anti-Jewish terrorist

The Carrizozo FFA'ers all learn to recite the alphabet factories. SUPE.R·brought home tJle iU'st place

Prize in the Chapter officer 'STORAGE'parliamen,tary procedure contest , 'Call 437-4934, Slong with' several prizes won by Her.-tage CCO'NTINUED ON P.5)

'firutone individuals in the chapter. Jamie • - - RENTALSf'" '-~-\Ino1It Patterson earned·a third place J f bla~"d __ . '----,-. . ._

....,..,.., plaqueirr-botlr1JIe-Greenlmnd--eaatle;--- -.------.----... -·--vo cano-'O - .... tN" er;----

mg=i~:~:':' -, quiz and creed contests. Zada Yet others came to Sapello. Now th~ great buffalo camps 2-B~k:'2~~o~T~ChDOI


Page 13: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2/9/1984  · Bond issue passes Voters passed the $160,000 school bond issue with 190 votes for and


.. "..,~ .~ ..


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by month Of yeaf

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the Pepartment, pf Juatlce. andtb.~ Senat,e '. Rule& ,Co~miiiiie,e ­both,Qfwhqm concluded'that the­insinuations that th,~ ..<:plu~t1jstwas an agent pf SQuth ·SAfJ'icaand Israel ,were entir~iy .faJse,.

, since he has never been under thec(mtrQl. Of.' dir.ectign. 4)f cAttle]"government. (The Senate RulesCQmmittee, for the, fi~sttime .since 19~8, overruled> -a' .cgm­mittee of reporters on CapltolHill Who had been abl~, to ~on­

fiscate this columnt,st'sCongressional credentials for ayear. The Rules COmmitteeorpered them restpred to ·me.)

The allegation that I was anagent of Israel was mape in pr1J.lt,in The Village Voice, .by this verysame Alexander Cockburn. Willhe now follow his own rigorousjocrnalislic 'standards , .andregist.er as an agent of the ;FLO?2r have these ethics beenabruptly altered by tbe painfulprocess of Cockburn's havingbeen hoisted by his own pet~d?

.f " •

t I

• • •

own governing board RumanianArchbishop Valerian Trifa - whowas subsequ~ntly -ordereddeported by a Federal court inDetro:t, because .he had liedabout his involvement in WorldWar II. war crimes in Qrder toobtain U.S. citizenship.

TheNC~ retaliated by widelycirculating a letter insinuatingthat this columnist waf? an agentof South Africa. This resulted ina year-long investigation by both

+Editor's Note: Dr. DavidStuart is the author of PrehIstorICNew Mexico. A selfemployedanthropologist, he lives inAlbuquer,.9ue.

without these three letters: P- L­0."

Jackson has since denouncedthe Democratic Party for failingto denounce the' Israeli invasionof Lebanon, because the party is"perverted by reaction" to "theJewish element in the party."

Jackson has signed an adcalling for the suspension of U.S.aid to Israel. He has also calledLipon Israel to evacuate the OldCity of Jerusalem and to beconfined to "internationallyrecogniied boundaries," whichmeans the virtually indefensibleborders of Israel in 1948.

The U.S. Department ofJustice has just· closed its in­vestigation as to whetherJackson should be made to­register as an agent of Libya. Hewon't-just as President Carter'sbrother Billy also got off thishook. Jackson's PUSHorganization accepted $10,000from Libya in 197~espite thefact that this government of Col.Gaddafi is one of the world'sleading anti-Jewish terroristfactories.

volcano of black powder.Now the great buffalo camps

are gone. Only sky and grass andbubbling water remain. Sah­PA Y-o. Say.it out loud. Sah­PAY-o. Say It softly. Nowwhisper ir"""''''Satr.:P'Ay.:(I':- 'Tl1al1s"­the sound made by ilie wind as itmoans along the creek. It isGod's own sigh, The breath ofHis sorrow, for after 700generations the buffalo no longerreturn.

('ONTINllED ()~ P. 5)



Inside Religion:

Watch over Washinllon

Castle.Yet others came to Sapello.

Archaic hunters camped theresporadically between 5,000 B.C.and A.D. 500, but made tools ofobsidian, so ilie litUe quarry wasforgonen. Even laTer, 1'fioun'1ed'Apache hunters came. sw~pingout of the plains _to crush buffaloherds on New Mexico's rockybackbone. Clusters of stone "tipirings" are all that remain of theirhuge fall buffalo camps. Thefruits of iliese provided forApache families through 300bitter winters on the high plains.

Then came the markethunters_ By 1880 the great herdshad vanished in an erupting

suffering." Reportedly, Jacksonwent on to remark that he was"sick and tired of hearing aboutthe Holocaust and having theUnited States put into a guilttrip," .

Jackson has characterizedZionism as "a poisonous flowerthat's choking the flower ofJudaism."

Heritage also noted that in1979, Jackson and his PUSHorganization ("People United toSave Humanity") held a closed­door meeting iIi Chicago with 150Arab businessmen, one of whomlater told writer Roger Simonthat Jackson advised the Arabsthat they must join "the humanrights struggle" (Le_ Jackson)with dollars because "we cangive you help in areas you can'thelp yourselves in. We will giveyou an Arab voice in Chicago."

The Christian ScienceMonitor I;eported that Jacksontold a representative of theLeague of Arab States and theLibyan Embassy: "If there isnot an immediate infusion offunds from Arab states, we willall learn to recite the alphabet


'meetings revealed that thiscolumnist never defended oradvo~~ted South Africangovernment policy. Instead, beconfined himself to asking whythe National Council of Churches<which" was present at suchmeetings) had not alsl) spokenout against the mass murder ofUgandans by Idi Amin. And whatreally enraged the NCC was thiscolumnist's also asking why theNCC had not expelled from its

Published in the Lincoln CounlyNews on }<'eb. 9. 1984.

PUBLIC NOTICEThe Extraterritorial ZoningAuthority will m~t on Tuesday,February 14.1984. at 10:00 A.M.,in the Lincoln County Sub-OfficeConference Room. located onMemorial Hoad. Ruidoso. 10

consider the following:No, 1 - Hecommendations of

the Extraterritorial ZoningAuthority for the zoning ofCarrizo Canyon,

No, 2 - Hesolution . PublicNOlice -of the ExtraterritorialZoning Authority m~tings.

79 GLC Mazda wagon, Am-Fm,tape and air. Sound, economicaltransportation. $2500. L. Bond.648-2912. 3tp-9--16-23


MAID WANTED: 5 day workweek. Good working conditions,living quarters AvailableSmokey Bear Motel, Capitan,NM 354-2253. tfn-2


Red 1981 Datsun PU, 4x4 St.packllge Ac., RoQbar grill a,uard,K.C. Lights, many extras. Call653-4058. Hondo, NM 30,000 mi.2tp-9-16.


FFA wins

Attn: Anyone interest.ed injoining and helping start a LittleTheatre Group in Carrizozo,Please contact Beulah Moore,Box~ or call 648-2173. ltp-9

LEGAL NOTICEA public heanng shan beneld atlO:OOA.M., February 21,1984, bythe Lincoln County Board ofCommissioners, at the LincolnCounty Courthouse, Carrizozo, toconsider the application ofMichael Janis, d-hoa Bam, P. O.Box 4212 H.S., Ruidoso, NewMexico 88345, to transfer theownership of Dispenser LiquorLicense No. 246 from Ardovino's,Inc., 4501 Anapra, Sunland Park,Dona Ana County, New Mexico,to Michael Janis, and the locationfrom 4501 Anapra, Sunland Park,Dona Ana County, New Mexico,to Highway 70, west edge of theRuidoso' City Limits, Section 36,SW1f4, Lincoln County.



Published in the Lincoln CountyNews on Feb. 9 and Feb. 16, 1984.

On Wednesday, Jan. 18, theCarrizozo FFA traveled to Truthor Consequences to participate inthe District Leadership contests.These contests includeGreenhand quiz, creeq.. andparliamentary procedure con-'tests, along with Chapter officerparli-pro and both prepared andextemporaneous speeches.

The Carrizozo FFA'ersbrought home the first placeprize in the Chapter officerparliamentary procedure contestalong with several prizes won byIndividuals in the chapter. JamiePatterson earned a third placeplaque in both the Greenhandquiz and creed contests. ZadaMaxwell and Melody Hefker bothcompeted in the prepared speechcontest.

MOBILE HOME for sale: 14x67,2-bdrm., with new 10x9 storagebuilding, woodstove, , new elec­trical wiring, new plumbing and.fixtures, large kitchen with workisland. Partially furnished,$15,000.00 Call 354-2726. 2tp-9-16PRE Valentine Dance, Friday,Feb. 10, 1984. White Ollks Casino,8p.m., live music. No charge. It­~9



Bertha LaFa ve





(Number of Weeks)

Published in the Lincoln CountyNews on Feb. 9. 1984.

REPUBLICAN HUMORWhen WILSON'S REPUBLICANHUMOR speaks even E. F.Hutton listens! Republicans,speakers, toastmasters, chair­man. Delight yoUr listeners withWILSON'S REPUBLICANHUMOR. Current. Witty.Hwnorous. $4.00 covers printing,postage, advertising. ORDERYOUR COpy TODAY.WILSON'S REPUBLICANHUMOR, Box 42, Casper,Wyoming 82602 4t-c

EMPWYMENT NOTICEApplications are now being ac­ce~ for the posit ion of Mapper.Salary Schedule and jobdescription available in theLIncoln County Asse~or'sOffice,You may obtain application althe County Courthouse or bycalling 648-2337. POSitionbecomes available on Feb. 20.1984.

Callaway'. Firestone1110 White Sands Boulevard

Hwy. 54 & 380


CaII 437-4934


FRONT £ND SP£CIAl Ull.95~lond~2-'rom_

FRONT END ALIGNMENT 1".9&Anr---ForwytCa<, SmoIIW/ll~ $".'5

""HEEL BALANCE ~ 2!lMChS..hC end l>vnomo<

IlRAItEWORIt-c-,tw-. ............~..1:Gmll'It• .-Drum IUl'JW'1V

76 Ford pickup, 4x4, ~4-ton, newengine, A-e, propane camper,extras. Good condo $5800. 915-886­2291. 3tc-26-2-9

THE Women of The Assembly ofGod Church are having a pre­Valentine BAKE SALE. Friday,Feb. 10 at Citizens State Blink.Please come in. 2tp-2-9

<vcv~'?THE Lions and Lioness Clubs ofCarrizozo are sponsoring an OldFashion Box Supper Tues., Feb.14 at the Rec. center, Boxes willbe judged at 6:30 Auction to startat 6:45. Lots of fun for the wholefamily, for further informationcall Fran at 648-2363. Everybodyis welcomed... Prizes will begiven for prettiest decorated box,so ladies do your best. ..Freeentertainment by Local Artists.2tp·2-9

THANK YOUI thank Nancy, Mrs, Miller and

, • ambulance members, also Ray-~,' and Marge Wells. All my friends;,' and relatives" for their prayers

and concern for their visits, food,flowers and cards during myillness. May God bless each oneof you


LINCOLNCOUNTY NEWSP.O, Drawer 459309 Cental Ave.CarrIzozo. NM 88301




I WILL only be responsible fordebts incurred by myself only.Stanley F. Benson. 4tp-26-2-9-16

FOR RENT: El Capitan Apts.,daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.Furnished or unfurnished. New &reasonable. 354-2206, 354-2375,336-4662. tfn-2

HOUSE FOR RENT: Acrossfrom Carrizozo school. Partlyfurnished. $225, per month. 653­9240 or 653-4163. tfn

SEE what Mary Kay Cosmeticscan do for you. Call Helen M.Lock, 648-2425. 52-tfn

-- - --- - - - ~------2 J 5

-- -----~--~ -------6 7 8 9 10

- -----11 12 13 14 15

------ -- --16 t7 18 19 20

~-------HERE'S WHAT ro LJ(E TO SAY:

(Add IOc per word for each over 20)

rill ... IllY III '- "'" .. (cHck M.) UJ'2.50

Add 4'''zc Tax on ea. Dollar

TOTAL" .... ". _


PAGE lZ....•.(.INCOLN COUNTY NEWS, 'lburs., Feb. 9, 1984


(,()MMr~Hl'lALOH If'.VESTMENT PHOPERTIJo:S--Two adobe bwldmgs WJlh basement on prime 101 on

Central Ave--T..... o frame houses - to be moved--Hental property - 3 bedroom house wllh two one-

bedroom apartments--Hental property - :3 bedroom house with Iwo bedroom


,,'\1 311 S. Central"'I~ 1/ TIERRA VERDE BolC 637-Carrilolo, NM':,' \ PRoN RT 'I' "1'1 ( IAII<;T<' 648-2326

'I Nights and :YlARY 648-2326Ii Weekends cllll: PAT 648-2275 PATSY 2188 ;i

lii:rl..,\lllimrr-.u,,;U'2.ilmmUU1uillm::\ITu'lilll"....mtm ,mml_"1.'l111.mlll~liillg_m_

..NAME _



APPROXIMATELY 10.000 square fOOl block buildingon 2623 acres of land located at intersection of Highways380 and 54 in Carrizozo. Excellent locat ion al fastdeveloping intersection.

TitHEi': GOO1) LOTS al soulh end of CarrizozoFootball FIeld. $45OO,UO lotal price. not restricted againstmobile homes All city ulllities available, Cash or ownerfinancing, .

'IWO (iOOD LOTS one block north of Carrizozoschools. $3.00u,()() total price. Not rest ricted againstmobile homes. Cash or owner financing.

TliHEE GOO1) LOTS on E Avenue across fromEpiscopal Church. $4.000.00 each. Hesl ricl ed area. Cashor owner finanCing,

13 ACRES. good well, double wide mobile home 3 BR,2 baths. on school bus roUle. I ~ mile off paved Highway 54,2 miles from lown,

l LOTS on main Slr~l in Carrizozo each 25 x 100 ft. oncomer across from Rila's BeaulY Salon.



If'. TOWf'. PROPERTIES--3 bedroom unfinished home close 10 school--2 bedroom home. fenced In yard. beautiful land-

scapmg--3 bedroom, newly remodeled on IWo large. fenced

lots--3 adjacent city lot s - 9 adjacent cllY 101 s. - II adjacent

lots--I large lot - soulh of CarrIZOZO

OUT (Jfo- TOWN PHOPEHTIES--560 sq, ft. cabin on 35 acres in While Oaks Valley-1 bedroom rock house and several oUlbulldings on 15

acres In Ancho,-2 room adobe on 20 acres In Basm Valley-25 acres water rights near Lincoln-54 lITigated acres South of Belen - will Irade for

ranchland,-28 acres in Sweetwater HilJs subdiVIsion-40 or 80 acres in Basin Valley-35 acres with orchard on dripp irrigation and bam--153 acres surrounded by Foresl In White Oaks--40 acres surrounded by Forest in White Oaks--2 acres with well-kept double WIde mobile home -

West of lown

FOR SALE: 40 acres south otCarrizozo. 648-2420. 45-tfc

CALL 648-2326



J. S. STEARNS. BrokprLocated In Masonic Bldg.

Carrlzuzo, N.M.

'"..........,a.........:-. IJ,, _

SATELLITE ANTENNAdealerships available. No ex­perience required. Dealer costfor complete unit as low as $757.Retail $1395. Call Day or night303-574-4988. 3tp-2-7-14

PROCESS mail at home: $75 perhundred! No experience, part orfull time. Start immediately.Detail-send self-addressedstamped envelope to CRI-5716,P. O. Box 3149, Stuart, FL 33495,3tp-26-2-9


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