2A 英  語 解答番号 1 30 次の英文を読み、問 1 ~問 5 の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から 1 つ選 びなさい。 (2A ― 1) 2月7日 ※この問題は、著作権の関係により掲載できません。 出典;Spectrum‥Science,‥Grade‥6,‥Spectrum,‥2014.‥Used‥with‥permission‥from‥Carson‥Dellosa‥Education.

2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

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Page 1: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

2A 英  語

(解答番号 1 〜 30 )

Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問 1 ~問 5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から 1つ選


〔 1 〕  A pendulum is an extremely simple device—a weight hanging from a string swings back

and forth. Around 1₆₀₀, the Italian physicist Galileo Galilei discovered some amazing facts

about pendulums. Alexis and Miranda want to test a few of Galileoʼs findings.

〔 2 〕  First, Alexis hangs a small lead weight from an 1₈-inch string. She attaches the other

end to a metal bar. Miranda places a chair about a foot away from the pendulum so the

girls can use the chairʼs back as a marker.

〔 ₃ 〕  Alexis pulls the weight back until itʼs touching ( 1)the wood, and then she releases it.

The weight swings away and then back toward the chair. It returns to almost the exact

place where it began, pausing just a millimeter or two shy of the chairʼs back before it

begins the next swing.

〔 ₄ 〕  Miranda writes in her notebook, “When we pulled the weight back, it had potential

energy because of gravity. When we released the weight, its potential energy changed into

kinetic energy. There was enough kinetic energy to carry the weight back to almost the

exact place where it began. It had nearly the same amount of potential energy at the end

of the swing as it did at the beginning. This is an example of the conservation of energy.”

〔 ₅ 〕  Miranda pulls the weight back and releases it again. Alexis times how long it takes for

the pendulum to make ( 2)one complete swing back and forth. Then, Miranda pulls the

weight back twice as far and releases it. Alexis times the swing again, and the girls are

surprised to find that the amount of time is the same. After tr ying several dif ferent

distances, the girls conclude that one oscillation always takes the same amount of time.

〔 ₆ 〕  Miranda writes, “As long as we used the same weight, the amount of time this pendulum

took to complete one swing didnʼt change even when the distance of the swing changed.

This means the speed must be changing—the ( A ) the pendulum swings, the ( B )

it moves.”

〔 ₇ 〕  Next, the girls use dif ferent weights. They attach a second 1₈-inch string to the bar and

use cork for the weight. Alexis pulls both weights back the same distance and lets them

go. The girls count the number of swings each weight made in ten seconds.


2 月 7 日



Page 2: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

〔 ₈ 〕  “Weight doesnʼt af fect the speed of the pendulum. In ten seconds, both weights swing

the same number of times.”

問 1 本文で紹介されているすべての実験の中で、使用されたおもりの材質は全部で何種類か、下の選択肢

より選びなさい。 1

① 1 種類

② 2 種類

③ ₃ 種類

④ ₄ 種類以上

問 2  下線部( 1)the wood が指す内容として最も適切なものを、下の選択肢より選びなさい。

① 校庭に植えられた木 2

② 振子

③ 教室の黒板

④ 椅子の背

問 3  下線部( 2)one complete swing back and forth を一語で表したものを、下の選択肢より選び

なさい。 3

① pendulum

② oscillation

③ weight

④ distance

問 4  空欄 ( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適切な語の組み合わせを、下の選択肢より選びなさい。

① A:far ther B:faster 4

② A:more B:higher

③ A:longer B:slower

④ A:less B:shorter

問 5  Choose the most suitable sentence from the following choices to fill in in

paragraph〔 ₇ 〕. 5

① The girls are tired and decide to go home.

② When the weight is cork, the number of swings is three.

③ The numbers are equal.

④ It is Mirandaʼs turn to pull the weights back and let them go.



― 6 ―

Ⅱ 次の英文を読んで、空欄 6 ~ 15 に入る最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④から選


Of all rural occupations forestry is the most far-sighted*, 6 it looks to a future which

the forester may never see. Few other outdoor careers of fer a wider range of activities, from

manual labor to academic research. No man would become a forester 7 he loved the

countryside, nor would he long remain a forester if he was by nature sullen, envious, and idle.

The last forester I met is still only twenty-eight years old. About one-half of his medium-

sized woodland is beech*; the 8 includes mixed plantations and a small area of conifers*.

Since his employer does not regard trees as a source of profit-at-any-price*, the forester feels

free to please the eye as well as the purse. He is in every sense a man of the trees. His

cottage, on the edge of a wood, was formerly 9 by his grandfather, who likewise served

as forester.

It was from this grandfather 10 I acquired some understanding of trees and of the best

way to maintain them. I 11 recognize the old manʼs approach by listening to the sound

of his footsteps through the woods. Keen-eyed even in age, and able to hear a beetle among

the undergrowth, he missed 12 of the woodsʼ multifarious* life. He knew a good deal

about birds, animals, insects and flowers. Throughout the years of our friendship his working-

dress never 13 . Neither the weather nor the climate could persuade him to var y his

uniform. His face and hands were as tanned in January 14 in June. If anybody asked him

to name his favorite month, he would say: “Iʼm not addicted to January, and Iʼm not all that

fond of February either. But 15 thereʼd be no snowdrops.*”




問 6 ① for ② unless ③ in case ④ although 6

問 7 ① if ② or ③ that ④ unless 7

問 8 ① forester ② rest ③ beech ④ work 8

問 9 ① cut ② reformed ③ occupied ④ sold 9

問10 ① to which ② by which ③ whose ④ that 10

問11 ① became to ② came to ③ couldnʼt ④ wonʼt 11

問12 ① many ② short ③ little ④ much 12

問13 ① varied ② adopted ③ cleaned ④ unchanged 13

問14 ① as ② as for ③ his jacket ④ his feet 14

(2A― 3)


Page 3: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

Ⅱ 次の英文を読んで、空欄 6 ~ 15 に入る最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④から選


 Of all rural occupations forestry is the most far-sighted*, 6 it looks to a future which

the forester may never see. Few other outdoor careers of fer a wider range of activities, from

manual labor to academic research. No man would become a forester 7 he loved the

countryside, nor would he long remain a forester if he was by nature sullen, envious, and idle.

 The last forester I met is still only twenty-eight years old. About one-half of his medium-

sized woodland is beech*; the 8 includes mixed plantations and a small area of conifers*.

Since his employer does not regard trees as a source of profit-at-any-price*, the forester feels

free to please the eye as well as the purse. He is in every sense a man of the trees. His

cottage, on the edge of a wood, was formerly 9 by his grandfather, who likewise served

as forester.

 It was from this grandfather 10 I acquired some understanding of trees and of the best

way to maintain them. I 11 recognize the old manʼs approach by listening to the sound

of his footsteps through the woods. Keen-eyed even in age, and able to hear a beetle among

the undergrowth, he missed 12 of the woodsʼ multifarious* life. He knew a good deal

about birds, animals, insects and flowers. Throughout the years of our friendship his working-

dress never 13 . Neither the weather nor the climate could persuade him to var y his

uniform. His face and hands were as tanned in January 14 in June. If anybody asked him

to name his favorite month, he would say: “Iʼm not addicted to January, and Iʼm not all that

fond of February either. But 15 thereʼd be no snowdrops.*”




問 6 ① for ② unless ③ in case ④ although 6

問 7 ① if ② or ③ that ④ unless 7

問 8 ① forester ② rest ③ beech ④ work 8

問 9 ① cut ② reformed ③ occupied ④ sold 9

問10 ① to which ② by which ③ whose ④ that 10

問11 ① became to ② came to ③ couldnʼt ④ wonʼt 11

問12 ① many ② short ③ little ④ much 12

問13 ① varied ② adopted ③ cleaned ④ unchanged 13

問14 ① as ② as for ③ his jacket ④ his feet 14



出典:Latest Country Talk by‥J.H.B.‥Peele‥1981,‥Robert‥Hale‥Limited,‥1981

Page 4: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

問15 ① after all ② without them ③ without summer ④ in the months 15

Ⅲ 次の問に答えなさい。

 ( 1) 問16~問18の(   )に入れるのに最も適切なものを、下の選択肢より選びなさい。

問16 I told him that I (   ) in this house for more than ten years. 16

① have lived ② am living ③ had lived ④ have been living

問17 (   ) February 1₀th, there were not less than 2₀₀ applicants for the job. 17

① As of ② As was ③ As though ④ As to

問18 He didnʼt write the report, (   ) finish reading the book. 18

① neither didnʼt he ② or he either didnʼt

③ also didnʼt he ④ nor did he

 ( 2) 問19~問20の( A )と( B )の組み合わせとして最も適切なものを、下の選択肢より選びな


問19 It was not until the train ( A ) that I realized I ( B ) my bag at the station. 19

① A:has started B:would leave

② A:started B:might have left

③ A:had started B:had left

④ A:leaves B:left

問20 Your help was essential to my success. I ( A ) what ( B ) to you. 20

① A:owe B:I am

② A:identify B:you did

③ A:rely on B:is good

④ A:thank B:I received



― 8 ―

Ⅳ 次の問に答えなさい。

問21 下の英語が説明している内容を表す単語を、選択肢①~④の中から 1つ選びなさい。 21

any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish

① recipe ② honey ③ ingredient ④ calorie

問22 次の英文を読み、John Chenが勤務している場所として最も適切なものを、選択肢①~④の中か

ら 1 つ選びなさい。 22

In local business news, the Council for Economic Partnership reported that the local First

Federal Bank, which has been serving Union County since 1₉₅₆, was bought out by Franklinʼs

Trust and Banking of California. The transaction will be completed by the end of September,

according to First Federalʼs CEO, John Chen. All 12 branches will continue operation for the

next one year under the same name. New executives will be announced next week. Mr. Chen

will be retained as a consultant until his retirement in two years.

① a consulting firm ② the Council for Economic Partnership

③ the federal government ④ a local bank

問23 (例)にある 2つの単語の組み合わせと同じ関係になるように、(問)の単語の組み合わせを完成させ

なさい。その際に空欄 23 に入る適語を、選択肢①~④の中から 1つ選びなさい。


(問)permanent: 23

① temporary ② eternal ③ sustainable ④ longstanding

問24 次の英文の解答として最も適切なものを、下記の選択肢①~④の中から 1 つ選びなさい。

2₀1₇ had ₃₆₅ days and January 1 fell on a Sunday. What day of the week was 24

the last day of 2₀1₇?

① ₃1 ② Monday ③ ₃₀ ④ Sunday

問25 次の ₄ つの文はもともと一続きの文章を構成する英文である。正しい順番を示すものを、選択肢

①~④の中から 1 つ選びなさい。 25

1 .Leguminous* crops, including beans, peas, and lentils, are similarly dominated by a very

small number of species, as are farmed animals.

2 .Six more crops—barley, sorghum*, oats, millet*, rye, and triticale(a hybrid of wheat and

rye)—account for most of the rest.

₃ .Out of the many thousands of plant species that could in theory have been domesticated,

only very few have come to dominate world agriculture.

(2A― 5)

Page 5: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

Ⅳ 次の問に答えなさい。

問21 下の英語が説明している内容を表す単語を、選択肢①~④の中から 1つ選びなさい。 21

 any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish

① recipe ② honey ③ ingredient ④ calorie

問 22 次の英文を読み、John Chenが勤務している場所として最も適切なものを、選択肢①~④の中か

ら 1 つ選びなさい。 22

 In local business news, the Council for Economic Partnership reported that the local First

Federal Bank, which has been serving Union County since 1₉₅₆, was bought out by Franklinʼs

Trust and Banking of California. The transaction will be completed by the end of September,

according to First Federalʼs CEO, John Chen. All 12 branches will continue operation for the

next one year under the same name. New executives will be announced next week. Mr. Chen

will be retained as a consultant until his retirement in two years.

① a consulting firm ② the Council for Economic Partnership

③ the federal government ④ a local bank

問 23 (例)にある 2つの単語の組み合わせと同じ関係になるように、(問)の単語の組み合わせを完成させ

なさい。その際に空欄 23 に入る適語を、選択肢①~④の中から 1つ選びなさい。


(問)permanent: 23

① temporary ② eternal ③ sustainable ④ longstanding

問24 次の英文の解答として最も適切なものを、下記の選択肢①~④の中から 1 つ選びなさい。

 2₀1₇ had ₃₆₅ days and January 1 fell on a Sunday. What day of the week was 24

the last day of 2₀1₇?

① ₃1 ② Monday ③ ₃₀ ④ Sunday

問25 次の ₄ つの文はもともと一続きの文章を構成する英文である。正しい順番を示すものを、選択肢

①~④の中から 1 つ選びなさい。 25

1 .Leguminous* crops, including beans, peas, and lentils, are similarly dominated by a very

small number of species, as are farmed animals.

2 .Six more crops—barley, sorghum*, oats, millet*, rye, and triticale (a hybrid of wheat and

rye)—account for most of the rest.

₃ .Out of the many thousands of plant species that could in theory have been domesticated,

only very few have come to dominate world agriculture.


Page 6: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


① ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ② ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③ ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④ 1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1)次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out



― 9 ―

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


① ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ② ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③ ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④ 1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1)次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out

(2A― 6)


― 9 ―

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


①  ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ②  ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③  ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④  1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1 )次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




 Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out

(2A― 6)

(次の頁にも設問があります)― 10 ― (2A― 7)

( 2 )次の 2種類の日本語の会話に対応する英文の空欄 29 ~ 30 に、下の選択肢①~⑥の中か

ら最も適切なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。

A:This is my first time to act the part of Hamlet.


B: 29 .


A:Are you going to be transferred to Paris?


B: 30 .



① Itʼs still up in the air

② Lucky you

③ Break a leg

④ I havenʼt got any idea yet

⑤ Cheer up

⑥ I still canʼt decide yet

出典:Food:‥A‥Very‥Short‥ Introduction‥by‥John‥Krebs,‥Oxford‥University‥Press,‥2013‥(c)‥John‥Krebs‥



― 9 ―

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


① ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ② ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③ ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④ 1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1)次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out

(2A― 6)


Page 7: 2A 英 語 · 2020-06-22 · 2A 英 語 (解答番号 1 〜 30 ) Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、問1~問5の答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の選択肢①~④の中から1つ選

― 9 ―

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


① ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ② ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③ ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④ 1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1)次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out

(2A― 6)


― 9 ―

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


① ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ② ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③ ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④ 1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1)次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out

(2A― 6)


― 9 ―

₄ .Among cereal crops, for instance, just three—maize, rice, and wheat—account for ₈₇

percent of all grain production worldwide and ₄₃ percent of all calories consumed, according

to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


① ₄ ― 1 ― ₃ ― 2   ② ₄ ― 1 ― 2 ― ₃

③ ₃ ― ₄ ― 2 ― 1   ④ 1 ― ₄ ― ₃ ― 2

Ⅴ( 1)次の日本語の文に対応する英文の空欄 26 ~ 28 に、下の選択肢①~⑨の中から最も適切

なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。




Deserts are formed 26 is greater than the rainfall. When the natural factor such as dry

air or salt in the ground interrupts the growth of plants, 27 by the rain and blown away

by the wind. This process finally makes the barren land 28 .


① in environments from where the quantity of watery evaporation

② where animals and plants can hardly survive

③ the surface of soil including a lot of organic substances is scattered

④ on which animals and plants can seldom inhibit

⑤ under environments in which the amount of evaporation

⑥ that is almost impossible for animals and plants to breathe

⑦ the topsoil enriched with organic matters is washed away

⑧ at environmental situations of which the volume of evaporable water

⑨ the muddy surface combined with rich organisms is rinsed out

(2A― 6)


  ( 2)次の 2種類の日本語の会話に対応する英文の空欄 29 ~ 30 に、下の選択肢①~⑥の中か

ら最も適切なものをそれぞれ 1つ選びなさい。

A:This is my first time to act the part of Hamlet.


B: 29 .


A:Are you going to be transferred to Paris?


B: 30 .



① Itʼs still up in the air

② Lucky you

③ Break a leg

④ I havenʼt got any idea yet

⑤ Cheer up

⑥ I still canʼt decide yet