2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte

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  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte



    2º ESO



  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    WELCOME UNITNumbers1 Wr !e !"e #umbers # $%r&s.

    8 e ight 1 14 f_________ 2 7 s_________ 3 15 f_________ 4 82 e_________-t______ 5 91 n_________-o______ 6 30 t_________

    C%'%urs2 A#s$er !"e (ues! %#s $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    What colour is the sky? blue1 What colour is grass? ___________ 2 What colour are ananas? ___________ 3 What colour is sno!? ___________ 4 What colour are ele"hants? ___________ 5 What colour are to#atoes? ___________

    C'+ssr%%m %b,e-!s. C"%%se !"e -%rre-! $%r&*

    $his is !rong% &an ' orro! your rubber ( -"+ r ?1 Where)s #y /e#- ' ( /e#- ' -+se ? ' nee* a "en%2 ' can)t fin* #y &es0 ( b+ % 't)s ig an* lue%3 +y &es0 ( ru'er is ne,t to the !in*o!% ' can see the

    sky%4 Write these !or*s in your #%!eb%%0 ( &es0%5 $his /e#- ' ( b%%0 is ery interesting% 't)s a out cats%

    Or& #+' #umbersC%m/'e!e !"e %r& #+' #umbers*

    se en s eventh1 t!o s__________ 2 ele en e__________ 3 ten t__________

    4 one f__________ 5 fi e f__________ 6 three t__________ 7 eight e__________

    D+3s %4 !"e $ee05 C%m/'e!e !"e &+3s %4 !"e $ee0*

    + o n d a y 1 $ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 . _ _ _ _ _2 W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    3 $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 / _ _ _ _ _M%#!"s +#& se+s%#s6 F #& !"e m%#!"s %4 !"e 3e+r* Wr !e !"em # %r&er

    a"ril anuaryno e# er#ayse"te# er ulyfe ruaryocto er une#arch*ece# ersugust

    January 6 ___________ 1 ___________ 7 ___________ 2 ___________ 8 ___________ 3 ___________ 9 ___________ 4 ___________ 10 ___________ 5 ___________ 11 ___________

    7 M+!-" !"e / -!ures !% !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    spring 1 ___________

    2 __________ 3 ___________ C%u#!r es +#& #+! %#+' ! es8 Wr !e !"e -%u#!r es +#& #+! %#+' ! es*

    C%u#!r3 N+! %#+' !3France/"ain

    2 __________ 'taly

    4 ___________ &hina

    .rench1 /__________

    ritish3 '__________

    ortuguese5 &__________

    autu#n s"ring !inter su##er


    lue green grey re* !hite yello!

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    be1 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e


    $hey are goo* at nglish%1 ou ________ #y frien*%2 /he ________ #y teacher%3 e ________ funny%4 We ________ in class%5 ' ________ thirteen years ol*%6 ou ________ #y frien*s%

    2 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # !"e #e +! 9e 4%rm*')# fro# /"ain% I’m not from Spain.

    1 $hey are funny% ___________________________

    2 /he is in #y class% ________________________ 3 We)re est frien*s% ________________________ 4 ou)re goo* stu*ents% ______________________ 5 ')# thirteen years ol*% ______________________ 6 e is #y rother% _________________________

    . Re:%r&er !"e $%r&s !% m+0e (ues! %#s*a terri le singer ( # ( ' ( ?

    Am I a terrible singer?1 you ( :reek ( re ( ?


    2 goo* at nglish ( he ( 's ( ? _______________________________________ 3 it ( 's ( funny ( ?

    _______________________________________ 4 ;a"anese ( you ( re ( ?

    _______________________________________ 5 est frien*s ( they ( re ?

    _______________________________________ 6 class ( in ( your ( she ( 's ( ?


    C%m/'e!e !"e +#s$ers !% !"e (ues! %#s #

    e)er- se .*es< you are.

    1 __________________________________ aren)t%2 es< __________________________________%3 _____________________________________ is%4 ________________________________ a# not%5 es< __________________________________%6 ___________________________________isn)t%

    5 C%m/'e!e !"e se-%#& se#!e#-es +s (ues! %#s %r # !"e #e +! 9e %r +44 rm+! 9e # !"e s+me $+3 +s

    !"e 4 rs!*We aren)t fro# 'taly% e isn’t fro# 'taly%

    1 $hey)re est frien*s% We ________ est frien*s%2 re you in #y class? ________ he in #y class?

    3 /he)s fro# /"ain% ' ________ fro# /"ain%4 # ' a goo* singer? ________ you a goo*

    singer?5 $hey aren)t funny% ' ________ funny%

    P%ssess 9e ’s6 Re$r !e e+-" se#!e#-e $ !" + /%ssess 9e ’s *

    $he fa ourite #usic of #y frien* is a==%My friend’s favourite music is ja .

    1 $he u# rella of +aria is ol*% _______________________________________

    2 $he na#es of the oys are .re* an* ;e#%

    _______________________________________ 3 $he ikes of the girls are re*%

    _______________________________________ 4 $he car of the teacher is !hite%

    _______________________________________ 5 $he father of ;ean is fro# .rance%

    _______________________________________ Dem%#s!r+! 9e /r%#%u#s7 L%%0 +! !"e / -!ure +#& -%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es

    us # !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    !his is #y ook%1 ________ "eo"le are #y frien*s%2 ________ is #y "encil case%3 ________ is #y ag%4 ________ are #y &>s%5 ________ is #y all%

    a# are are are are is is

    $his $his $hat $hat $hese $hose

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    '$ 1 F+-es1 C%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s*

    1 h a i r 4 t e _ _ _ 2 e _ _ 5 # o _ _ _ 3 e _ _ 6 n _ _ _

    2 C%m/'e!e !"e &es-r /! %#s %4 !"e /e%/'e # !"e

    / -!ures us # !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    1 @ayla has got ro!n eyes an* ________< *arkhair%

    2 ;ake has got short< ________ hair% e)s also got ________%

    3 $o# has got short< ________ hair% e)s also gotlots of ________%

    . C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s #br+-0e!s # !"e -%rre-! %r&er*

    ') e got short" dar# hair. *ark ( hair ( short1 +y #u# has got _________________________%

    fair ( hair ( long2 +ark an* ;u*e ha e got ___________________%

    eyes ( green3 Ai# has got __________________% lue ( eyes4 /erena has got __________________________%

    *ark ( hair ( long

    5 ;i# has got _____________________________%hair ( fair ( short

    F+m '3C%m/'e!e !"e !+b'e $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    M+'e Fem+'efather


    2 ___________


    4 ___________




    1 __________


    3 __________


    5 __________

    6 __________

    5 L%%0 +! !"e 4+m '3 !ree* C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-esus # $%r&s 4r%m e)er- se *

    rchie is @aura)s brother %1 >a"hne is /ue)s _________________________%

    2 +ike is /ue)s ____________________________%3 Bo ert is rchie an* @aura)s ________________%4 ;ohn is @aura)s __________________________%5 rchie is +ike an* /ue)s ___________________%6 rchie is /tacey)s ________________________%

    6 A#s$er !"e (ues! %#s* Wr !e !"e /ers%#;s #+me*Who is @aura)s #u#? Sue

    1 Who is @ianne)s *aughter?__________________ 2 Who are rchie)s gran*"arents?______________ 3 Who is @aura)s cousin?_____________________ 4 Who are /tacey)s "arents?__________________ 5 Who is ;ohn)s !ife?

    *ark eyes fair freckles glasses long

    rother cousin *aughter gran*#other hus an* father aunt









    Robert Daphne

    Mike Sue John Lianne

    Archie Laura Stacey

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    have got 1 C%m/'e!e $ !" have got %rhas got *

    e has got fair hair%1 ' ______________________________ lue eyes%2 We __________________________ a lack *og%3 lfie ___________________________ short hair%

    4 ou _____________________________ freckles%5 Bu y ___________________________ long hair%6 $hey _______________________ a nice teacher%

    2 M+0e #e +! 9e se#!e#-es*' ha e got long hair . I haven’t got long hair.

    1 ' ha e got re* hair%________________________ 2 ;ack has got t!o sisters%____________________ 3 We ha e got a lue car%_____________________ 4 /he has got a ne! &>%_____________________ 5 $hey ha e got green $-shirts%________________ 6 ou ha e got freckles%______________________

    . C%m/'e!e !"e (ues! %#s*$ave you got freckles?

    1 ________ ;ake ________ lue eyes?2 ________ !e ________ re* "encil cases?3 ________ ' ________ a ne! teacher?4 ________ it ________ short hair?5 ________ they ________ glasses?6 ________ @ucy ________ a lack "en?

    C%m/'e!e !"e s"%r! +#s$ers !% e)er- se .*o< I haven’t.

    1 ________< ________ has%2 o< ________ ________%3 ________< ________ ha e%4 es< ________ ________%5 ________ ________ ha en)t%6 o< ________ ________%

    5 Wr !e (ues! %#s*

    ou ha e got a ne! ike%$ave you got a ne% bi#e?

    1 +ike has got a lue ag% _______________________________________

    2 $he cat has got green eyes% _______________________________________

    3 We ha e got a ig classroo#% _______________________________________

    4 ' ha e got long hair% _______________________________________

    5 $hey ha e got glasses% _______________________________________

    Pronouns and possessive adjectives6 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e


    7 L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures # e)er- se 6* C%m/'e!e !"ese#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    My eyes are green% 3 ____ &> is ne!%1 ____ $-shirts are !hite% 4 ____ hair is short%2 ____ hair is lack% 5 ____ teacher is nice%

    8 Wr !e !"e $%r&s # !"e -%rre-! s/+-es*&e ha e got a ig class% 'ur class is ig%$e ( %ur

    1 ________ hair is *ark% ________ ha e got *arkhair% 3%u ( 3%ur

    2 ________ ha e got a nice teacher% ________teacher is nice% !"e3 ( !"e r

    3 ________ #o ile "hone is ne!% ________ hasgot a ne! #o ile "hone% s"e ( "er

    ' it she they !e you

    her +y 'ts Cur $heir our

    I have gotgreen eyes

    1 !!!!! havegot "hite #$


    2 !!!!! hasgot b%ack hair

    3 !!!!! hasgot a ne" &D

    4 !!!!! hasgot short hair

    5 !!!!! have gota nice teacher

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    UNIT 2 Free ! me1 C"%%se !"e -%rre-! $%r&s*

    olly ' s!e#s !% ( mee!s #usic%1 ' $+!-" ( -"+! $D%2 +y rother m+0es ( re+&s #o*els%3 $hey /'+3 ( re+& co#"uter ga#es%4 We % !% ( $+!-" the cine#a on /atur*ays%5 +y #u# /'+3s ( &%es "u==les%

    2 L+be' !"e / -!ures us # 9erbs +#& #%u#s 4r%m!"e b%)es*

    ma#e models 1 ____________

    2 ____________ 3 ____________

    4 ____________ 5 ____________

    . C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es* Use $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    @auren "lays bas#etball in her free ti#e%1 We go ____________after school%2 Aarin !atches ____________ on $D%3 We rea* ____________ in the e ening%

    4 ' chat on the ____________5 $hey #eet ____________ at school%

    S/%r!sWr !e !"e +-! 9 !3 u#&er e+-" / -!ure*

    f ootbal l 1 ____________l

    2 t____________s 3 #______l a______s

    4 h____________y 5 at____________s

    6 ae____________s 7 !____________g

    5 F #& !"e m s!+0e # e+-" se#!e#-e* Wr !e !"e-%rre-! $%r&*

    +y #u# "lays aero ics on $ues*ay% does 1 ;oel goes olley all after school%______________ 2 ' "lay s!i##ing on /un*ay%_________________ 3 Clly an* Dal *o tennis at the "ark%_____________ 4 We go #artial arts at school%_________________ 5 +y "arents *o cycling e ery !eeken*%_________

    6 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es*ou "lay ! a t e r " o l o in a s!i##ing "ool%

    1 +y fa ourite f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ tea# is &helsea%2 We go s _ _ _ _ _ in the !inter%

    3 ' *on)t like i _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ % 't)s too col*E4 $he oys in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tea# are tall%5 We *o g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at school in the gy#

    #eet rea* #ake *o "lay listen to

    #o*els #aga=ines frien*s #usic "u==lesco#"uter ga#es

    asket all co#e*y "rogra##es frien*sinternet no els skate oar*ing

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    Prese#! s m/'e +44 rm+! 9e1 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e

    b%) # !"e /rese#! s m/'e*

    We read #aga=ines%1 ou ________ co#"uter ga#es%2 $hey ________ in @on*on%3 ' ________ on the internet%4 We ________ to #usic%5 ou ________ #o*els%6 ' ________ skate oar*ing%

    2 C%m/'e!e !"e !e)! $ !" !"e 9erbs # br+-0e!s #!"e -%rre-! 4%rm*

    t !eeken*s< ' usually %atch !atch $D or

    1 ________ listen to #usic% /o#eti#es #yfrien* Cscar 2 ________ co#e to #y house%e 3 ________ use #y co#"uter% e4 ________ chat on the internet or5 ________ "lay co#"uter ga#es% /o#eti#es

    !e 6 ________ go to the cine#a or7 ________ #eet frien*s%

    . Re$r !e !"e se#!e#-es* Pu! !"e 9erb # !"e-%rre-! 4%rm*

    .inn listens to #usic%

    ' listen to music %1 ' "lay co#"uter ga#es%

    +y rother ______________________________%2 We listen to #usic%

    +aria __________________________________%3 $hey finish at four o)clock%

    't _____________________________________%4 'sa elle chats on the internet%

    ' ______________________________________%5 ' #ake #o*els%

    &harlie _________________________________%

    6 arry goes skate oar*ing%ou ___________________________________%

    A&9erbs %4 4re(ue#-3Pu! !"e $%r&s # !"e -%rre-! %r&er*

    so#eti#es ( ' ( chat on the internet%I sometimes chat on the internet.

    1 ne er ( go to ( !e ( the cine#a

    _______________________________________ 2 co#"uter ga#es ( al!ays ( "lay ( ' _______________________________________

    3 +y #other ( !atches $D ( ne er _______________________________________

    4 $hey ( stu*y ( usually ( in the e enings _______________________________________

    5 often ( ' ( go skate oar*ing _______________________________________

    6 al!ays ( 't ( is ( hot in su##er _______________________________________


    5 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" can.ou ( *o "u==les% (ou can do pu les.

    1 $hey ( "lay tennis% ________________________ 2 ;ess ( s"eak .rench% ______________________ 3 nnie ( sing% _____________________________ 4 ' ( go to the cine#a% _______________________ 5 :eorge ( rea* :er#an% ____________________ 6 er aunt ( use a co#"uter% __________________

    6 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 5 +s #e +! 9es*ou can *o "u==les%

    (ou can’t do pu les.1 _______________________________________ 2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________ 6 _______________________________________

    7 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 5 +s (ues! %#s*ou can *o "u==les%

    )an you do pu les?1 _______________________________________ 2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________ 6 _______________________________________


    chat go listen li e #ake rea* "lay

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    '$ 3 Wee0&+3 r%u! #e1 C%m/'e!e !"e /"r+ses 4%r $ee0&+3 +-! 9 ! es*

    get u" 5 ha e a sh_________ 1 g____ *resse* 6 ha e r__________ 2 st______ classes 7 fi_______ classes3 go ho______ 8 *_____ ho#e!ork4 go t____ e* 9 ha e lu________

    2 L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& -%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-esus # $%r&s 4r%m e)er- se 1*


    1 Dincent has a sho%er at Fuarter "ast se en%2 e __________ at nine o)clock%3 e __________ at half "ast t!el e%4 e __________ at four o)clock%

    5 e __________ at eight o)clock%6 e __________ at ele en o)clock%

    . C"%%se !"e -%rre-! $%r& +b%u! < #-e#!;s$ee0&+3 r%u! #e*

    Dincent has a sho!er be4%re ( +4!er eighto)clock%

    1 e starts classes be4%re = +4!er he has asho!er%

    2 e has lunch be4%re = +4!er he goes ho#e%3 e goes ho#e be4%re = +4!er half "ast three%4 e *oes his ho#e!ork be4%re = +4!er e*%5 e goes to e* be4%re = +4!er ten o)clock%

    S-"%%' sub,e-!sM+!-" !"e $%r&s !% !"e &e4 # ! %#s*

    We learn to #ake things% technology 1 We learn to use co#"uters%_________________ 2 $he language "eo"le s"eak in .rance%_________ 3 $he language "eo"le s"eak in the A%_________ 4 We !ork !ith nu# ers%_____________________ 5 We *ra! an* "aint%________________________ 6 We learn to "lay #usical instru#ents%__________ 7 We learn a out the !orl* an* *ifferent countries%

    _______________________________________ 8 We learn a out "lants< ani#als an* ho! things

    !ork%___________________________________ 9 We learn a out the "ast%____________________

    10 We *o s"orts%____________________________

    5 C"%%se !"e -%rre-! $%r&*' *on)t like art% 't)s 4u# ( b%r #%

    1 /cience is great% 't)s really b%r # ( #!eres! #%2 ' can)t *o #aths% 't)s 4u# ( & 44 -u'!%3 .rench is & 44 -u'! ( e+s3% ' can s"eak it really !ell%4 '&$ is 4u# ( & 44 -u'!% We talk on the internet%5 ' *on)t like geogra"hy% 't)s #!eres! # ( b%r #%

    6 L%%0 +! !"e -"+r! +#& $r !e +#s$ers !% !"e(ues! %#s*

    M + O''3

    Fre#-" fun *ifficult

    ICT easy fun

    m+!"s *ifficult easy

    E# ' s" interesting oring

    >oes +ia think .rench is oring?*o" she thin#s it’s fun.1 >oes +ia think #aths is easy?

    _______________________________________ 2 >oes +ia think nglish is oring?

    _______________________________________ 3 >oes Clly think #aths is *ifficult?

    _______________________________________ 4 >oes Clly think '&$ is oring?

    _______________________________________ 5 >oes Clly think nglish is interesting?




    art nglish .rench geogra"hy history '&$#aths #usic science technology

    1 2

    3 4

    5 6

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    Prese#! s m/'e #e +! 9e +#& #!err% +! 9e1 C%m/'e!e !"e !+b'e $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    Ne +! 9e I#!err% +! 9e' don’t !ork% 1 ________ ' !ork?

    2 ou ________ !ork% >o you !ork?

    e *oesn)t !ork% 3 ________ he !ork?

    4 't ________ !ork% >oes it !ork?

    2 Wr !e #e +! 9e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"eb%)* >%u -+# use !"e $%r&s m%re !"+# %#-e*

    /ue ( rea* ( #aga=inesSue doesn’t read maga ines.

    1 ou ( &hinese ( s"eak _______________________________________

    2 /he ( s"orts ( like _______________________________________

    3 ;a#es ( "lay ( the guitar _______________________________________

    4 +ia ( .rench ( stu*y _______________________________________

    5 We ( ho#e!ork e ery *ay ( *o _______________________________________

    6 $hey ( start ( classes efore nine o)clock _______________________________________

    . C%m/'e!e !"e !e)! $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)* >%u-+# use !"e $%r&s m%re !"+# %#-e*

    J+-0 +o you !ant to go s!i##ing or 1 _______you !ant to "lay foot all?

    G '' o< ' 2 _______ like s!i##ing or foot all< 'like *oing "u==les%

    J+-0 What a out $o#< 3 _______ he likes!i##ing?

    G '' o< he 4 _________ like s!i##ing< ut he5 _______ like foot all%

    J+-0 :reat< ')ll "lay foot all !ith hi#E

    Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es +s (ues! %#s*ou like s!i##ing% +o you li#e s%imming?

    1 $hey "lay tennis% _______________________________________

    2 $ony stu*ies geogra"hy%

    _______________________________________ 3 /o"hie "lays the "iano% _______________________________________

    4 a an* Bo like school% _______________________________________

    5 our gran*#other uses the internet% _______________________________________

    6 /chool starts at eight o)clock% _______________________________________

    5 C%m/'e!e !"e s"%r! +#s$ers !% !"e (ues! %#s #

    e)er- se *>o you like s!i##ing? (es" I do.

    1 o< __________% 4 es< __________%2 es< __________% 5 es< __________%3 o< __________% 6 o< __________%

    ?ues! %# $%r&s6 Wr !e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e -%rre-!

    %r&er**o ( you ( o! often ( "lay tennis ( ?$o% often do you play tennis?

    1 ha e *inner ( they ( When ( *o (? _______________________________________

    2 you ( li e ( Where ( *o ( ? _______________________________________

    3 What ( they ( /atur*ays ( *o ( on ( *o ( ? _______________________________________

    4 *oes ( go ( to school !ith ( Who ( # er ( ? _______________________________________

    7 C%m/'e!e !"e +#s$ers !% e)er- se 6 $ !" !"e$%r&s # !"e b%)*

    We "lay tennis every !eek%1 They have dinner __________ se en o’clock.2 I live _________ London.3 They ________ their friends on Saturdays.4 Am er !oes to school "ith ________ est

    friend# Leila.


    *o *oes *oesn)t *on)t *on)t

    *o *oes *oesn)t *on)t

    *o *oes *oesn)t *on)t

    at e ery her in #eet

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    UNIT WEAT@ER1 C%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s*

    't)s very hot. 1 't)s ______c______

    2 't)s r____________ 3 't)s s____________

    4 't)s cl____________ 5 't)s sn____________

    6 't)s c____________ 7 't)s st____________

    8 't)s i____________ 9 't)s f____________

    2 L%%0 +! !"e $e+!"er -"+r! +#& +#s$er !"e(ues! %#s*

    What)s the !eather like 'n @on*on?'t)s foggy an* rainy.

    1 What)s the !eather like in +a*ri*?'t)s __________an* _______________________%

    2 What)s the !eather like in aris?'t)s __________an* _______________________%

    3 What)s the !eather like in #ster*a#?'t)s __________an* _______________________%

    4 What)s the !eather like in *in urgh?'t)s __________an* _______________________%

    C'%!"es. L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& $r !e !"e $%r&s 4%r


    1 ac#et 6 u_____________

    2 e_____________ 7 tr_____________ 3 sh_____________ 8 tr_____________ 4 o_____________ 9 sh_____________ 5 sk_____________ 10 *r_____________

    C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"eb%)*

    'n hot !eather< ' !ear sandals on #y feet%1 When it)s col*< ' !ear a ig< !ar# o er #y clothes%

    2 When ' "lay foot all< ' !ear on #yfeet%

    3 When it)s sno!y< ' !ear a aroun* #yneck%

    4 t #y school girls *on)t !ear % $hey!ear skirts%

    5 ' al!ays !ear a ____________ !hen it rains tokee" #e *ry%

    6 +y feet are col*< ' nee* so#e !ar# _________%


    coat raincoat scarf socks san*als

    trainers trousers

    1 23







    L%#&%#foggy 023f

    rainy 009 M+&r &sunny 023*

    ery hot 023g P+r srainy 009

    col* 023h Ams!er&+micy 023c

    col* 023i E& #bur "sno!y 009*

    clou*y 009c

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    UNIT 5 P+r!s %4 + "%use1 C%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s 4%r !"e /+r!s %4 !"e "%use #

    !"e / -!ure*

    1 bathroom 6 _____________ 2 ____________ 7 _____________ 3 _____________ 8 _____________ 4 _______ ______ 9 _____________ 5 _______ ______ 10 _____________

    2 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es us # !"e $%r&s # !"eb%)*

    We all !atch $D in the living roo# . We sit on the

    sofa%1 $here are three _________ in #y ho#e% Cne for #y "arents< one for #y sister< an* one for #e%

    2 +y #u# an* *a* cook in the _________%3 /o#e oys are "laying foot all in the

    _________ %4 'n sunny !eather ' like to sit on the _________

    an* look at the gar*en%5 ;u*y is ha ing a sho!er in the _________%6 +y *a* "uts his car in the_________ !hen it)s

    col* an* sno!y%

    7 ' go u" the _________ to get to #y e*roo#%8 We eat our *inner in the _________ roo#%

    . Wr !e !"e $%r&s 4%r !"e 4ur# !ure*

    1 coo#er 9 ________________ 2 _________________ 10 ________________ 3 _________________ 11 ________________ 4 _________________ 12 ________ _______ 5 _________________ 13 ________________ 6 _________________ 14 ________________

    7 _________________ 15 ________ _______ 8 _________________ 16 ________ _______

    Re+& !"e &e4 # ! %#s +#& $r !e !"e $%r&s*$his kee"s foo* cool% fridge

    1 ou !ash your clothes in this% _______________ 2 ou cook hot foo* in this% ___________________ 3 ou can kee" fro=en foo* in here for a long ti#e%

    _______________________________________ 4 ou can look at yourself in this% ______________ 5 $his #akes a roo# !ar# in the !inter%

    _______________________________________ 6 ou can !ash your han*s in this% ___________


    alcony athroo# e*roo# *ining roo#garage gar*en hall kitchen

    li ing roo# toilet

    alcony athroo# e*roo#s *ining garagegar*en kitchen li ing stairs

    ra*iator fri*ge sink ookcase #irror sofacooker cu" oar* shelf la#" free=er

    !ashing #achine *ressing ta le !ar*ro ear#chair e*si*e ta le

    1 2







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  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    there’s / there are1 Wr !e +44 rm+! 9e %r #e +! 9e se#!e#-es*

    $here ( shirts% !here aren’t any shirts.1 $here ( a co#"uter% __________________ 2 $here ( t!o chairs% __________________

    3 $here ( a scarf% _____________________ 4 $here ( u#"ers% ____________________ 5 $here ( a *ress% ____________________

    2 C%m/'e!e !"e !e)! $ !" there’s there isn’t there are %rthere aren’t *'t)s a great house% 't)s on one le el so there aren’t any stairs% 1 __________ three e*roo#s an* t!o

    athroo#s% 'n the ig athroo#< 2 ___________ aath% 'n the s#all athroo# 3 __________ a ath<

    only a sho!er% 4 ____________ lots of other

    roo#sG a ig kitchen< a li ing roo# an* a *iningroo#% n* 5 ___________ a toilet< of courseE

    6 ______________ a large "atio outsi*e< utunfortunately 7 _____________ a s!i##ing "oolE

    . L%%0 +! !"e / -!ure +#& -%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es$ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    's there a bed ? es< there is%1 's there a e*si*e _________? es< there is%2 $here)s a lack _________%

    3 $here are so#e _________%4 $here isn)t a _________%5 $here aren)t any _________%

    Wr !e (ues! %#s $ !"a %rany *$here aren)t any !in*o!s . ,,,,,,, Are there any%indo%s?

    1 $here isn)t a !hite oar*% ___________________ 2 $here aren)t any chairs% ____________________ 3 $here is a co#"uter% _______________________ 4 $here is a &> "layer% ______________________ 5 $here are flo!ers% ________________________

    5 C%m/'e!e !"e s"%r! +#s$ers !% !"e (ues! %#s #e)er- se *

    re there any !in*o!s? o< there aren’t.1 o< there ___________ %2 es< there ___________ %

    3 o< there ___________ %4 es< there ___________ %5 o< there ___________ %

    Im/er+! 9e6 C%m/'e!e !"e m/er+! 9es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e


    &lose the %indo% < "lease%1 /it _________< "lease%

    2 e _________< "lease%3 /tan* _________< "lease%4 C"en _________< "lease%5 $urn off _________%6 @isten to _________%

    7 C%m/'e!e !"e #e +! 9e m/er+! 9es $ !" !"e$%r&s # !"e b%)*

    >on)t sit on your des# < "lease%1 >on)t use ________________________< "lease%2 >on)t talk _________________________< "lease%3 >on)t e ________________________________%4 >on)t o"en ______________________________%5 >on)t "ut your feet ________________________%6 >on)t co#e in ___________________________%

    8 C%m/'e!e !"e -%#9ers+! %# $ !" !"e $%r&s #br+-0e!s # !"e -%rre-! 4%rm*R%b +on’t turn not turn on the $D no!% ')# *oing

    #y ho#e!orkELu-3 1 _______ not *o your ho#e!ork here<

    2 _______ *o it in your e*roo#% CuchEMum Bo E 3 _______ not *o that to your sisterE

    4 ______ get u" an* 5 _______ go toyour roo#E

    R%b 't)s not fair%Mum 6 ________ not co#e *o!n until you) e

    finishe*% n* 7 ______ close the *oor<"lease%


    e* cat chairs curtains ta le $D

    *o!n Fuiet the $D the teacher the !in*o!u" your ooks

    in class late on your *esk !ith *irty shoesyour #o ile "hones on the chairs the !in*o!

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    UNIT 6 BREA FAST1 L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& -%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s*

    1 fruit 6 ch_____________ 2 or_______ u______ 7 ce_____________ 3 r_____________ 8 eg_____________ 4 a"_______ u______ 9 yo_____________ 5 #i_____________ 10 u_____________

    2 L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& -%m/'e!e !"e&es-r /! %#s %4 e+-" bre+04+s!*

    Aeri usually has rea*< utter an* jam for reakfast%/he ne er has acon% /he often has 1 _______%

    @uke usually has 2 ________ an* #ilk% eso#eti#es *rinks orange 3 ________%

    Clly usually has eggs !ith 4 ________% e al!ays

    has 5 _______ !ith 6 ________% e al!ays*rinks 7 _________ uice%

    Lu#-" +#& & ##er . F #& !"e 4%%&s* Pu! !"e $%r&s # !"e -%rre-!

    -%'um#s*ricefish"otatoescakechi"ssala*fruityoghurtchicken"eas eefcarrotsha# urger

    m+ # & s"es s &e & s"es &esser!sfish rice

    Cr%ss %u! !"e %&& %#e %u!*"otatoes rice orange chi"s

    1 chicken fish yoghurt eef 2 a""le uice cola cake !ater 3 stra! erries oranges ananas chi"s4 "eas ice crea# fruit sala* cake5 utter rea* cheese #ilk

    5 C"%%se !"e -%rre-! $%r&*

    .ish an* -" /s ( bre+& is a "o"ular foo* in theA%

    1 'n &hina an* ;a"an "eo"le eat a lot of b+-%# (r -e%

    2 I-e -re+m ( R%+s! bee4 is goo* foo* for a hot*ay%

    3 Gree# s+'+& ( C"%-%'+!e -+0e is goo* for you%4 Pe+s ( P%!+!%es are green%5 We #ake /+s!+ ( + s+#&$ -" !ith rea*%


    acon cereal fruit a# uice orangeutter toast

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  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    UNIT 7 P'+-es # !%$# 11 C%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s 4%r /'+-es # !%$#*

    ou go here if you are ill% ho spital 1 ou can hear #usic here%

    co__________ ha__________

    2 "lace !here you can see fil#s% ci________ 3 ou can see a foot all #atch here% st________ 4 "lace !here there are lots of sho"s%

    sh________ ce_________ 5 lanes fly fro# here% ai__________ 6 $his goes o er a ri er% r__________ 7 ou can see ol* an* interesting things here%

    #u_________ 8 $rains co#e an* go fro# this "lace%

    t________ st_________ 9 $here is a lot of !ater here% ri_________

    10 ig house !here a royal "erson li es%"a_________

    11 ou can see "lays here% th________ 12 ou can look at art an* "aintings here%

    a________ ga_________ 13 "lace !here uses co#e an* go%

    __________ st___________

    2 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%)*

    &an you *ri e #e to the train station ? +y trainlea es at si, o)clock%

    1 $here are a lot of interesting ol* things in the _________ here%

    2 $he _________ $ha#es is in @on*on%3 ' nee* to uy a ne! acket% Where)s the

    ________________?4 $he Hueen li es in uckingha# __________%5 $here)s a ne! fil# on at the _________ tonight%

    6 2 are "laying their #usic at the ________________ in ;uly%

    P'+-es # !%$# 2. L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& $r !e !"e $%r&s*

    1 a #er’s 5 su_____________ 2 s!______ "o______ 6 ch_____________ 3 "o______ of______ 7 li_____________ 4 "e*______ cr______ 8 #u_____ sh______

    C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" $%r&s 4r%me)er- se .*

    ou can uy &>s at the music shop.1 ou can uy #e*icine at the ________________%2 ou can uy rea* at the ___________________%3 ou can uy sta#"s at the _________________%4 ou cross the roa* at the ___________________%5 ou uy foo* at the _______________________%6 ou can s!i# at the ______________________%7 ou can get ooks at the ___________________%


    cine#a concert hall #useu# alace

    Bi er sho""ing centre train station

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  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    be: /+s! s m/'e1 Wr !e /+s! s m/'e se#!e#-es*

    $hey ( e ( at the s!i##ing "ool%!hey %ere at the s%imming pool.

    1 ' ( e ( at ho#e%

    _______________________________________ 2 't ( e ( rainy yester*ay%

    _______________________________________ 3 Bo an* ;e##a ( e ( at the us sto"%

    _______________________________________ 4 $he concert ( e ( incre*i leE

    _______________________________________ 5 ou ( e ( funny to*ay%

    _______________________________________ 6 We ( e ( in aris last #onth%

    _______________________________________ 7 $hey ( e ( on holi*ay last !eek%


    2 Wr !e #e +! 9e se#!e#-es*'t !as sunny%It %asn’t sunny.

    1 We !ere at the s"orts centre% _______________________________________

    2 $he "arty !as fun% _______________________________________

    3 $hey !ere at ho#e all *ay% _______________________________________

    4 $he !eather !as goo*% _______________________________________

    5 ' !as col* yester*ay% _______________________________________

    6 ou !ere at the cine#a last night% _______________________________________

    7 /he !as at her frien*)s house yester*ay% _______________________________________

    . Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 2 +s (ues! %#s*'t !asn)t sunny% &as it sunny?

    1 ______________________________________?2 ______________________________________?3 ______________________________________?4 ______________________________________?5 ______________________________________?6 ______________________________________?7 ______________________________________?

    C%m/'e!e !"e s"%r! +#s$ers !% !"e (ues! %#s #

    e)er- se .*Was it sunny?

    es< it %as.1 o

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    '$ 8 T3/es %4 mus -1 L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& -%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s 4%r

    !"e !3/es %4 mus -*

    1 h e a v y # e t a l 5 h _ _ h _ _ 2 " _ _ 6 r _ _ _ _ _ 3 c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 s _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ 8 o _ _ _ _

    2 Mus - (u * C"%%se !"e -%rre-! $%r&*+o=art an* ach !rote /%/ ( -'+ss -+' #usic%

    1 $he ho#e of -%u#!r3 ( " / "%/ #usic isash ille< $ennesee in the / %

    2 S+'s+ ( C%u#!r3 is a "o"ular *ance #usic fro#@atin #erica%

    3 o +arley "laye* re +e ( "e+93 me!+' #usic%4 J+ = O/er+ an*s often "lay tru#"ets an*

    sa,o"hones%5 @ / "%/ ( C'+ss -+' #usic eca#e "o"ular in

    e! ork in the 1980s%6 +etallica are a "e+93 me!+' ( %s/e' an*%

    Mus -+' #s!rume#!s. L%%0 +! !"e / -!ures +#& -%m/'e!e !"e $%r&s*

    1 t a m o u r i n e 7 _ _ _ _ n2 c _ _ r _ _ _ t 8 c _ _ _ o3 t _ _ # _ _ _ e 9 g _ _ _ _ r 4 h _ _ " 10 s _ _ _ " _ _ _ e5 * _ _ _ _ 11 t _ _ _ _ _ t6 f _ _ _ e 12 c _ _ _ _ l

    Wr !etrue %rfalse +4!er e+-" se#!e#-e*

    &ellos an* iolins are !in* instru#ents% false1 iolin is a igger than a cello% _______ 2 guitar an* a har" are oth "ercussion

    instru#ents% ________ 3 flute is a !in* instru#ent% _________ 4 >ru#s an* cy# als are "ercussion instru#ents%

    ___________ 5 ta# ourine is a !in* instru#ent% _________ 6 tro# one an* a clarinet are oth string

    instru#ents% _________ 7 har" is a string instru#ent% _________ 8 ta# ourine is s#aller than *ru#s% _______



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    P+s! s m/'e +44 rm+! 9e re u'+r 9erbs1 Pu! !"e 9erbs # !"e b%) #!% !"e /+s! s m/'e*

    T"e# /u! !"em # !"e -%rre-! -%'um# # !"e !+b'e*

    re u'+r 4 #+' :e 4 #+'-%#s%#+#!




    calle* ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

    *ance* ________ ________ ________

    co"ie* ________ ________

    chatte* ________ ________

    2 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e /+s! s m/'e4%rms %4 9erbs 4r%m !"e b%) # e)er- se 1*

    /he s tudied har* an* "asse* her e,a#s%1 $e d _________ at the %arty.2 &very ody c _____ at the end of the concert.3 'er %arents m _________ at St (ary’s

    church in 1)*+. 'er mum had a "hitedress.

    4 I _________ my !rand%arents last"eekend.

    , 'e c _________ his notes into his note ook.- The sin!er r _________ her rst al um in


    . Wr !e se#!e#-es # !"e /+s! s m/'e*We ( chat ( for t!o hours%&e chatted for t%o hours.

    1 $hey ( "ractise ( for t!o hours yester*ay% _______________________________________

    2 ' ( li e ( in .rance for a year% _______________________________________

    3 ou ( "lay ( ery !ell last !eeken*% _______________________________________

    4 /he ( sto" ( ecause she !as ore*% _______________________________________

    5 We ( !atch ( a lot of $D yester*ay% _______________________________________

    6 e ( #arry ( ;oanna last year% _______________________________________

    P+s! s m/'e +44 rm+! 9e rre u'+r 9erbsWr !e !"e /+s! s m/'e 4%rm %4 !"e rre u'+r 9erbs# br+-0e!s*

    We bought uy a lot of clothes yester*ay%1 ou __________ !in the lottery yester*ayE2 $hey ________ !rite to each other for t!enty

    years%3 ' _________ see you in the city centre at the

    !eeken*%4 $hey __________ hear a ery lou* noise%5 ' __________ rea* that ook last year%6 e __________ go to e! ork last !eek%

    5 C%m/'e!e !"e !e)! $ !" !"e /+s! s m/'e %4 !"e$%r&s # br+-0e!s*

    eyoncI became eco#e fa#ous as "art of thegrou" >estiny)s &hil*% /he 1 __________ e in>estiny)s &hil* for nearly ten years% $hey

    2 __________ #ake #any al u#s% /he3 __________ ha e a lot of success !hen she4 __________ start her solo career% /he5 __________ sing J&ra=y in @o e)< !hich6 __________ go to nu# er one in the #usic

    charts% /he 7 __________ #eet ra""er ;ay-K inthe 1990s an* they 8 __________ #arry in2008% $hey 9 __________ uy a house together

    in @on*on%

    A&9erbs %4 m+##er 6 C"+# e !"e +&,e-! 9es # !"e b%)es #!% +&9erbs

    +#& use !"em !% -%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es*

    She san! terribly ut "e all loved her.1 $e "alked very __________ so it took a

    lon! time to !et there.

    2 0o did his home"ork __________ so theteacher asked him to do it a!ain.

    3 They ran very __________ and !ot thereefore the us.

    4 I s%eak ortu!uese __________ ecausemy mother is ra ilian.

    , 'e s%oke so __________ no ody could hearhim.

    - The 0oses’ al um "ent __________ tonum er one in the music charts


    call chat cla" co"y *ance finish like

    li e #arry "lay "ractise recor*sto" stu*y isit !atch

    fast a* slo! terri le

    goo* Fuiet straight

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    UNIT H P+-0 # 4%r + "%' &+31 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e


    ')# going to Bo#e% ')# going to take aguideboo# !ith infor#ation in it%

    1 $he sun is ery hot to*ay% ut so#e _________on your skin%

    2 ou nee* to sho! your _________ at the air"ort%3 $he girl in the sea is !earing a _________%4 We slee" an* eat in a _________ !hen !e go

    ca#"ing%5 't)s ery *arkE :i e #e the _________%6 >on)t forget to take your _________ to the

    s!i##ing "ool so you can *ry yourself%7 @uke)s going to take "ictures !ith his ne!

    _________%8 se a _________ of the city to fin* !here you

    are%9 Be#e# er the ________ so !e can light the


    10 ' *on)t like slee"ing in a _________ _________%11 'n su##er ' *on)t !ear glasses% ' !ear


    2 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" $%r&s 4r%me)er- se 1*

    e careful outsi*e% ut so#e suncream on%1 We)re lostE a e you got the ________?2 @et)s #ake a fire% :i e #e the _______< "lease%3 $ake a "hoto of #e !ith your ________%4 Ch noE ') e got #y to!el< ut ' forgot to ring #y

    ________% ' can)t go s!i##ing%

    5 We aren)t slee"ing in a hotel% We)re slee"ing in a ________%


    ca#era gui*e ook #a" #atches "ass"ortslee"ing ag suncrea# sunglasses s!i#suit

    tent torch to!el

  • 8/17/2019 2⺠Eso Refuerzo1⪠Parte


    Ar%u#& !"e $%r'&. M+!-" !"e / -!ures !% !"e /'+-e #+mes # !"e


    1 *orth America2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________

    C"%%se !"e $%r&*Cceania is e+s! ( $es! of frica%

    1 $he rctic Ccean is #%r!" ( s%u!" of frica%2 sia is e+s! ( $es! of uro"e%3 $he +e*iterranean /ea is #%r!" ( s%u!" of

    frica%4 orth #erica is e+s! ( $es! of the tlantic

    Ccean%5 $he acific Ccean is e+s! ( $es! of Cceania%6 $he &ari ean /ea is #%r!" ( s%u!" of /outh



    orth #erica frica ustralia /outh #ericauro"e






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    going to1 Wr !e se#!e#-es us # going to *

    ou ( ha e ( a great ti#e%(ou’re going to have a great time.

    1 ' ( go ( on holi*ay ( in ;uly% _______________________________________

    2 We ( tra el ( aroun* uro"e ( ne,t year% _______________________________________

    3 ou ( stay ( in 5-star hotels% _______________________________________

    4 $hey ( s"en* ( a !eek in :er#any ( ne,t #onth% _______________________________________

    5 /he ( stay ( !ith frien*s ( at the !eeken*% _______________________________________

    6 't ( e ( fun% _______________________________________

    2 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 1 # !"e #e +! 9e*ou)re going to ha e a great ti#e%

    (ou aren’t going to have a great time.1 _______________________________________ 2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________ 6 _______________________________________

    . Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 1 +s (ues! %#s*ou)re going to ha e a great ti#e%

    Are you going to have a great time?1 _______________________________________ 2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________ 6 _______________________________________

    C%m/'e!e !"e s"%r! +#s$ers !% !"e (ues! %#s # e)er- se .*Are you going to have a great ti+e,

    es< %e are.1 o< ____________________________________%2 es< ___________________________________%3 es< ___________________________________%4 es< ___________________________________%5 o< ____________________________________%6 o< ____________________________________%

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    Prese#! -%#! #u%us $ !" 4u!ure me+# #5 C%m/'e!e !"e se#!e#-es $ !" !"e $%r&s # !"e b%) # !"e /rese#! -%#! #u%us*

    ' ’m going to ;oe)s house later%1 ou_________________________ tennis tonight%2 ' ___________________ #y frien* this afternoon%3 $hey ________________ to #y house to#orro!%4 e ________________________ e#ails tonight%5 /he _______________________ lunch at 2 "%#%6 We ____________________ our ho#e!ork later%

    6 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 5 # !"e #e +! 9e*-.+ going to Joe.s house %aterI’m not going to Joe’s house later.

    1 _______________________________________ 2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________ 6 _______________________________________

    7 Wr !e !"e se#!e#-es # e)er- se 5 +s (ues! %#s*')# going to ;oe)s house later%

    Am I going to Joe’s house later?

    1 _______________________________________ 2 _______________________________________ 3 _______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________ 6 _______________________________________

    must =mustn’t 8 Wr !e se#!e#-es $ !" must %rmustn’t.

    ' forgot to "hone ;a#es% ' ( call ( hi# later%

    I must call him later.1 +y !in*o!s are *irty% ' ( !ash ( the# soon%

    _______________________________________ 2 /hhE ou ( s"eak ( in the li raryE

    _______________________________________ 3 't ren*a)s irth*ay% ' ( uy ( her a car*%

    _______________________________________ 4 eyE ou ( !alk ( on the grassE


    go co#e *o ha e #eet "lay !rite

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