Page 1 | 6 RAINWATER+ Tutorial What is Rainwater+: Rainwater+ can be used for design evaluation, decision-making, compliance checking, and rough cost estimation. It is comprised of four major process components 1) a built-in precipitation database; 2) a terrain analysis tool; 3) a runoff volume calculator; and 4) a library of LID practices and sizing components. 1 This document provides you with an overview of each component and step by step instructions to use this tool for the evaluation of your design. You need: 1. Your Rhino model 2. Grasshopper plugin (get it here): http://www.grasshopper3d.com/page/download-1 3. Rainwater+ Grasshopper file Model preparation: Make sure your Rhino model is built properly. Here are some tips: 1. Create separate surfaces for each intervention i.e. green roof, roof, permeable surfaces, pavement, lawn, etc. 2. Be sure there are no overlapping surfaces Opening Rainwater+ tool: 1. Open your Rhino model 2. In the command bar enter Grasshopper 3. Drag Rainwater+ Grasshopper file into the Grasshopper window 4. Click No for any generated warnings 5. Right click anywhere on the window and select ungroup (Fig. 1). You need to select ungroup three times to unlock the tool completely. Fig. 2 shows the ungrouped tool. Fig.1. Grouped file Fig. 2. Ungrouped file

3. Drag Grasshopper file into the Grasshopper window ...rainwaterplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/... · Opening Rainwater+ tool: 1. Open your Rhino model 2. In the command bar

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What is Rainwater+: Rainwater+ can be used for design evaluation, decision-making,

compliance checking, and rough cost estimation. It is comprised of four

major process components 1) a built-in precipitation database; 2) a

terrain analysis tool; 3) a runoff volume calculator; and 4) a library of LID

practices and sizing components.1

This document provides you with an overview of each

component and step by step instructions to use this tool for the

evaluation of your design.

You need: 1. Your Rhino model

2. Grasshopper plugin (get it here):


3. Rainwater+ Grasshopper file

Model preparation: Make sure your Rhino model is built properly. Here are some tips:

1. Create separate surfaces for each intervention i.e. green roof, roof,

permeable surfaces, pavement, lawn, etc.

2. Be sure there are no overlapping surfaces

Opening Rainwater+ tool: 1. Open your Rhino model

2. In the command bar enter Grasshopper

3. Drag Rainwater+ Grasshopper file into the Grasshopper window

4. Click No for any generated warnings

5. Right click anywhere on the window and select ungroup (Fig. 1). You

need to select ungroup three times to unlock the tool completely. Fig. 2

shows the ungrouped tool.

Fig.1. Grouped file

Fig. 2. Ungrouped file

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What is what: The Rainwater+ tool consists of several components (Fig. 2). The

glossary below provides the user with an overview of each component.

Precipitation Database

Rainwater+ contains a library of multiple types of precipitation data

input. Rainwater+ currently includes a library of percentile data input (85th,

90th and 95th percentile rainfall event data for 16 major cities in the United

States), as well as recurring interval data inputs (once in 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 or

100 year rainfall events for 13 major cities in the United States). The

precipitation data are from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration’s (NOAA) Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS).1

Terrain Analysis Tool

The terrain analysis function in Rainwater+ interprets a three-

dimensional site plan to visualize the site's hydrological flow conditions. This

is realized by an iterative algorithm. A grid of nodes is projected onto the

terrain surface. For each of the nodes, the algorithm locates the lowest

node in elevation at one step size away from the previous node. The node

then moves to the new location, and the process repeats. The density of the

grid and the step size can be adjusted by the user. This feature allows users

to visualize surface flow, which helps designers re-grade the site, if

necessary, and place runoff mitigation systems, such as bioretention, in the

most appropriate locations.1

Library of Low Impact Development (LID) Practices and Sizing Components

Rainwater+ can evaluate the effects of various rainwater

management strategies. The current LID library includes bioretention

systems, subsurface infiltration systems, permeable pavements, green roofs

and rain harvest cisterns. The model first evaluates the runoff volume of the

current conditions before LID treatment. In the LID design phase,

Rainwater+ helps designers determine the coverage area and storage

capacity of the bioretention system or subsurface infiltration system based

on site topology and runoff reduction targets. The model is coded to

automatically update the runoff volume in real time whenever there are

changes in location, size or designed retention depth of the geometry,

which provides convenience, particularly in the early design stage. 1

Setting up your model:

Location and Benchmarking

Fig. 3

1. Assign the type of benchmark you would like to use i.e. Percentage

Data, Recurrence Interval Data, etc.

2. Select the location of your project from the library

3. Make sure that the Precipitation Depth (Fig. 3, highlighted in red

box) is reading your chosen benchmark. To do so, left click and drag

Location library



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from the benchmark component to the Precipitation Depth

component (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4. Left click and drag from the desired benchmark component to the Precipitation Depth component

Locating Bioretention through Site Hydraulic

Site Hydraulic helps you to find the optimal location for bioretention in

your model. This component is particularly useful when you have a

topographic site. Here is a good tutorial for modeling topographic surfaces:


1. Right click on the surface parameter component (the orange box

labeled Terrain) (Fig.5)

2. Select either One Suface or Multiple Surfaces (if you are selecting

more than one serface) (Fig.5)

3. You can adjust the U and V values to increase or reduce the detail of

the analysis.

Fig. 5

Figure 6 shows the result of the analysis. Areas where the red lines densify

denote the best locations for bioretention.

Fig. 6

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Modeling Bioretention

1. Use the results of your analysis to locate the best placement for


2. Cut out the desired design from the terrain/site surface (Fig. 7)

3. Assign the cutout section as Bioretention (see next section for


Fig. 7

Assigning Functions to Surfaces of the Model

You can select various water management LID interventions for

your project (Fig 8).

1. Right click on the surface parameter component (the orange box)


2. Select either One Suface or Multiple Surfaces (if you are selecting

more than one surface) (Fig.8)

3. Select the desired surface. Note that the orange surface parameter

component has changed to gray. This indicates that the surface

parameter component is recognizing the surface.

4. Refine the selected intervention by specifying the design option

from either a dropdown menu or slider (Fig. 9)

5. Repeat the process to assign all the desired surfaces in your model

Fig. 8. Right click on surface parameter (the orange box) to assign model surfaces

Fig. 9. Adjust for a specific design option

Specifying design


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Interpreting the Results:

Fig. 10a. Lawn_Poor grass cover < 50% Fig. 10b. Lawn_Good grass cover > 75%

As you are selecting your water management interventions,

Rainwater+ evaluates the volume of runoffs from your site (10a). This value

indicates how much runoff the site has after including all the interventions.

You can reduce the runoff volume by selecting a more effective design

option. For example, you can reduce the runoffs by changing a conventional

roof to a green roof and increasing the depth of the green roof. Figure 10a

and 10b provide a comparison between two lawn design options.

In addition, the Rainwater+ tool provides you with the high and low

cost estimates of your design interventions. Note that the tool only

accounts for the square footage given to an intervention. It does not

consider any changes to design options i.e. increase in retention depth,

better type of lawn (Fig. 10a and 10b), etc.

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