3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan

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  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    3 Things



    can learnfrom


    by Marguerite

    de Leon

    Posted on



    PM | Updated


    10:54 PM





  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    MANILA, Philippines I recently spent a 6-day vacation in Kyoto and Osaka, my

    second trip to Japan since my stint as an exchange student in Tokyo 13 years ago. I

    was thrilled to make it back; it may have been a long time ago, but Japan's

    extraordinary way of life has since made a huge impact on me. This is especially

    significant now that I'm older and more aware of my own country's troubles.

    I'll say it flat-out: the Philippines

    and Manila in particular

    is broken in a lot ofways. Going to Japan made these problems even starker to me, because I got to

    witness the remarkably efficient and effective way the locals get to do things.

    Now, I won't dare to compare the two countries on a bigger-picture, government-level

    context, because I'm not too learned in this respect. But I will at least list down the

    kinds of contrasts virtually any Filipino visiting Japan would notice between our ways

    of life, because admittedly, there's a whole lot we can learn from our Asian neighbor.

    1) The un-greedy bus system

    As a Metro Manilan who travels down EDSA on a daily basis, I have an endless

    stream of complaints on commuting. The Japanese commuting system and what we

    experience are as different as night and day, and I could do a whole piece alone on the

    Japanese system's many aspects, from the extensive train system, to the bicycles'

    monopoly of roads, to the heartening respect of road rules, but I'll just focus on one

    for now: the bus.

  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    The most glaring difference with the Japanese bus system is that it is notdependent on

    colorum,or forcing the driver to meet a cash quota at the end of each day. Instead, it

    is a slave to the clock. Bus stops feature specific arrival and departure times, and

    buses do arrive and leave on schedule, give or take a minute or two. That way, no

    street is ever congested by buses trying to pile as many bodies in as physically

    possible, and you don't have to travel like a tinned sardine.

    Furthermore, if no passenger signals the driver (via a handy button) that they're

    getting off at the next stop, and said next stop has no one waiting to get on, the bus

    will drive right past that stop, no questions asked. Japanese buses also never,

    ever, ever stop before or beyond designated stops. The concept ofpara po is absolute

    sacrilege, and pays respect to the idea that roads are marked and designed for the

    majority's safety and efficiency, and not to bend to any one individual's will, traffic be


    Lastly, these buses run on a hybrid of gas and electricity, leading to significantlyfewer emissions. You won't find a bus smoke belching in Japan anytime soon.

    Lesson: Commuting options are treated as public services, not businesses.

    2) The hyped-up history

    Most of my recent visit was spent in Kyoto, the former capital of Japan and home to

    countless ancient shrines, temples, and palaces pulsing with historical significance.

    Needless to say, every landmark was gorgeous: immaculately well-kept and stately,

    surrounded by sprawling parks and gardens to hold hundreds of tourists.

  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    KINKAKU-JI. The grounds on which this marvelous temple sat were immaculate.

    Even the simplest spot, so long as it had ample historical significance, would be

    preserved and displayed. A modest hut where the poet Basho once wrote in, for

    instance, was dutifully frozen in time. This, whilemany enormous landmarks in

    Manila continue to suffer wear and tear,from the out-and-out neglected Paco Railway

    Station, to Intramuros' many drab and filthy corners.

    Most tourist spots in Japan naturally had souvenir shops and restaurants nearby too,

    but they had their own clean and orderly areas, with plenty of washrooms and places

    to sit and rest. Vendors called out politely from their stalls, but no one would come

    right up to you and push their wares in your face, wheedling you 'til you caved in.

    Tourist traps these pit stops may be, but you wouldn't guess it by how beautiful and

    orderly they are.

    Lesson: The pride and respect a population gives to its history should be sincere,

    because it will physically show; otherwise, it's just lip service.

    3) The obsession with hygiene

    Mouth masks are de rigeur in Japan when you have a cough or a cold. Most service

    people, including bus and taxi drivers, wear white gloves as part of their uniform.

    When paying at registers, cash payments and change are placed on metal saucers to

    prevent direct hand contact. And, of course, there's the famed Japanese robo-toilet,

  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    with its hands-free (and multi-setting!) bidet, deodorizer spray button, built-in

    handwash sink, and insta-flush sensor.

    (On a side note: I encountered one particular toilet stall where even waste disposal

    was hands-free. You just waved a hand over a sensor, a tiny shelf next to you would

    flip outward to take your used tissue, and then the shelf would automatically close,dropping the tissue into the built-in bin for you. I know these are Howard-Hughes

    levels of cleanliness at this point, but you have to admire the effort.)

  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    SPOTLESS. Even the slimmest side street was perfectly clean-swept.

    In the Philippines, people would cough without even covering their mouths with their

    hands. Men would pee on walls in broad daylight. Public toilets are the stuff of

    nightmares.It's not unusual to see trash strewn along streets. It is glaringly clear that

    preventing sickness isn't a concerted effort; that people don't see how their actions canaffect the health and wellbeing of their fellow citizens (let alone their own). How are

    we supposed to help each other through times of utter distress such as Super Typhoon

    Haiyan, where whole cities are buried in death and debris, if we don't even care to


    Lesson: Citizens can and should work together and take care of one another in

    simple but impactful ways.


    These 3 points are just some of the ways Japan is doing it right, in my view. I'd dare

    say that any Filipino who'd visit Japan would notice such things, and quite a bit more,

    and wish that his or her homeland could imbibe some of this culture for its own good.

    But no, I'm not nave; I know reforms are far, far easier said than done, mainly

    because our country has spun itself into its own, sprawling web of corruption and

    complacence, making it a daunting and draining task to even figure out where to start,

    much less how.

    Some would argue that Japan is obviously 10 steps ahead because it is a rich country,and can thus afford to have nice buses and well-tended heritage sites and toilets that

    clean themselves. I don't see that holding water for two reasons:

    One, we are not a poor country. We are a rich country whose money and resources are

    being (spectacularly, heart-wrenchingly)ill-spent. We can have nice things; it's just

    that the people who deigned themselves the purse holders and spenders don't want us

    to, or are horrifically bad at it.

    Second, even if our country finally manages to treat itself to a

    commuting/heritage/hygiene shopping spree, it's how these purchases are used andmaintained by the population that matters, and no amount of money can buy us the

    right mindset for that.

    Forgive me for the reference, but it's kind of like how many reality show contestants

    who get fashion makeovers or get their filthy houses cleaned tend to bounce back to

    their old, ugly habits once the cameras leave. The problem is not the lack of nice

  • 8/12/2019 3 Things the Philippines Can Learn From Japan


    things. The problem is the lack of self-respect. The problem is refusing to see how we,

    as individual persons, bear a gargantuan responsibility to be pro-actively good to

    ourselves and the people around us.

    Again, far easier said than done. But the least I can do is implore you as you stand

    squished in the middle of an overcrowded bus careening and screeching down EDSA;or spend the weekend at the new mall wing with your kids yet again, instead of

    somewhere remotely educational; or stare at the mud-caked, piss-stained, tissue-bereft

    toilet stall you've just entered to think about it, hard, and actually do something.
