MaOri Mind Power How To Grow A More Powerful, Intuitive Mind Using 10 Minutes A Day A 30-Day Maori Mind Power Course Combining Ancient Teachings With Modern Insights Written by Hirini Reedy www.hirinireedy.com

30 Day Maori Mind Power

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30 Day Maori Mind Power

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MaOri Mind Power

How To Grow A More Powerful,

Intuitive Mind Using 10 Minutes A Day

A 30-Day Maori Mind Power Course Combining Ancient Teachings With Modern Insights

Written by Hirini Reedy www.hirinireedy.com

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Contents How To Get Maximum Results From This 30 Day Programme...................................3 Day 1. Maori – Natural Vibrations............................................................................5 Day 2. Io Kore - The Seed of Life Within The Soil Of Creation ..............................6 Day 3. Aio – The Breath Of A Seed, The Breath Of The Universe ..........................7 Day 4. Io Tapu - You Are A Sacred Universe...........................................................8 Day 5. Kaakano - The Roots Produce The Fruits,.....................................................9 Day 6. Te Po – The Darkness Before The Light .....................................................10 Day 7. Tarutaru – The Weeds Of Life.....................................................................11 Day 8. Ora – Expand Your Aura Using Umbilical Breathing.................................13 Day 9. Te Pu - Unfolding Your Seed Purpose ........................................................14 Day 10. Te Ao - Fertile Fields Of Infinite Possibility. ..............................................15 Day 11. Nga Kete Wananga– Baskets of Universal Knowledge ..............................16 Day 12. Whakaaro – The Birth Of Thought Into Form.............................................18 Day 13. HineNgaro – The Inner Oracle ....................................................................20 Day 14. Karakia – A Pathway Towards The Sun......................................................21 Day 15. Ha - The Force That Inspires .......................................................................23 Day 16. Tumatauenga - Know Your Ugly War Face ................................................24 Day 17. Purerehua - The Workout Of A Butterfly ....................................................26 Day 18. Puhi Mahina – The Warrior Plumes Of The Moon. ....................................27 Day 19. Hua - The Fruit That Fulfils Seed Thought .................................................28 Day 20. Puutea - Money Is Just A Fruit To Eat ........................................................29 Day 21. Tipu – The First Sprouts Of Wealth ............................................................31 Day 22. Waonui – The Business Lessons Of A Forest .............................................33 Day 23. Wai - The Flow That Sustains All Life........................................................34 Day 24. Koha - The Wisdom Of The Flower ............................................................35 Day 25. Hohou Rongo - Cultivating Peace ...............................................................36 Day 26. Kata - The Laughing Formula......................................................................37 Day 27. Whatumanawa – Eye Of The Heart .............................................................38 Day 28. Anu- The Fall That Starts Anew..................................................................39 Day 29. Aitua – Death is Rebirth ..............................................................................40 Day 30. Whiro – A New Moon Every Month ...........................................................42


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How To Get Maximum Results From This 30 Day Programme Look at your hands and fingernails. Why? Well, for two reasons. Firstly, although you cannot see your fingernails growing right now, they are surely growing incrementally each day. Secondly, the results you get from this course lies in your hands. The lesson of your hands and fingernails is that small daily incremental actions add up to impressive results over time. This course is based on a 30 day programme of 10 minutes a day. Each day you perform a 10 minute workout of focussed, mind-changing actions. Like a muscle, your mind grows when you exercise it. Why 10 minutes? Well, 10 minutes is enough time for you to really focus and develop the mental discipline. This is what these daily 10 minute workouts are all about. Resolving the inner tensions of life through making focussed, conscious changes. Change your mind first. Then your life will change. 1. Buy Yourself A New Notebook To Record Your 10 Minute Workouts What gets recorded gets improved. Like a world-class athlete you will write down your workout results in your notebook. You can record what ideas come to you during these workouts. Also it is about building the discipline to do the 10 minute workout each day for the next 30-days. Find the time to train your mind. Make it daily ritual. 2. Before Beginning Each Workout, Use One Minute To Increase Your Energy Level. When you start each workout, you want to be energised, excited and feeling fired. So do some deep breathing to oxygenate the blood. Then clap and rub your hands a couple times to psyche yourself up. Then slap your shoulders, the outside and inside of your arms, chest, abs, down the front and back of your legs. Do a couple stretches and bounces. Aaaaah That feels good. 3. First, Read The Day’s Lesson. This should take from 2 – 5 minutes. It provides the rich nutrients needed to grow the power of your mind. 4. Then Speak And Write Down The Seed Thought Of The Day. Read out aloud the Seed Thought Of The Day. Then write it down in your notebook. You are planting the Seed Thought into your consciousness. Speak it. Write it. Breathe it.


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5. Spend 5 Minutes Contemplating The Seed Thought. Contemplation is like the sun, water and soil to your seed thought. You are exercising your creative power of your mind. It is like your seed thought is growing roots. Forming new beliefs. New behaviours. Each workout keeps adding new energy and insights. Soon little results start sprouting. Growing stronger and bigger. 6. Finish with a 15 Second Squeeze. At the end of the 10 minutes, take all your good feelings, ideas and squeeze them together for 15 seconds. Like a child hugging a cuddly toy, give your feelings a good squeeze. Imagine a warm shower of goodness flooding your face and body. Do this for 15 seconds. Then release and let go. Say THANK YOU. Let go all your thoughts and trust the Universe is bringing you all you desire. Trust that everything will be fine and in this moment you feel as lucky as a sun-shower. Surrender to the wonders of the universe. Why finish with 15 seconds of good feelings and gratitude? 15 seconds is the minimum amount of time needed to excite the bioelectrical fields of your cells to vibrate at a higher frequency. It takes about 15 nights for the moon to wax into fullness. Similarly it takes 15 seconds to wax up your cells. This activates high-power feelings. It makes your seed thought grow and feel good. 6. If You Feel Inspired To, Write Down Any Final Thoughts or Ideas. At the end of the 10 minutes, just go with what feels good. Follow the flow of the moment. Do not force yourself. Otherwise you will cause unnecessary stress. Do not force yourself to take massive, brow-busting action. Build up the good internal feelings first over the next 30 days. Then you will know when it feels right to act. Actions become effortless. It feels natural.


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Day 1. Maori – Natural Vibrations Let us look at the world, Maori. Ethnically, it refers to the native people of Aotearoa New Zealand. But wait, there is more. Let’s expand your mind and explore this word further. Lets look at the constituent parts of the word. Ma = pure, clear, bright, natural Ori = sound, vibration Metaphysically, the word Maori means pure, natural vibration. So what you ask? Everything has a natural vibration. The earth has a natural resonant vibration of about 8 beats per second. You have a natural resting vibration called your resting pulse. Your fingerprints, iris patterns and sense of humour are all unique. Every person is a unique combination of light, shade and perspective. This what makes us all look different yet we all belong to the human species? Well, some of us anyway. Your body has a natural core temperature range of about 37 degrees C. One or more degrees outside this range than you start sweating to cool down or shivering to warm up. Your body wants return back to its natural state. It’s natural vibration. When you resonate at your natural vibration, you amplify your energy flows. You expand your aura. How can you tell when you are vibrating at your natural frequency? When you feel great joy and happiness in the moment. The fact is we are all natural vibrations of energy. You have an unique energy signature that no one else has. You are absolutely 100% pure you. So be proud of who you are. Let this feeling of uniqueness radiate outwards. Soon your cells will vibrate at a higher frequency. You start to hum. You emit bioelectrical waves that attract similar vibrations. You soon attract people on a similar wavelength. Opportunities and resources appear miraculously out of thin air. You are connecting into the metaphysical field like a cell phone dialling into the cosmic network. Basically, the universe answers your call. So make sure you honour your uniqueness everyday. Let your inner light radiate and shine. So be Maori, be natural. SEED THOUGHT “How can I think, act and be more natural today, every day?” Say this out aloud. Write it down. Spend 5 minutes contemplating your natural uniqueness. What are you naturally good at? What do you enjoy doing? Find something to be happy about. Remember you are a vibration of life. Your thoughts create your vibrations. So be Maori, be natural. Live your own life well. Finish off with 15 seconds of feeling good. Squeeze and hold. Shower yourself with love. Then just let go and carry on with the rest of your day (or night!).


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Day 2. Io Kore - The Seed of Life Within The Soil Of Creation “In the beginning before all time, before all consciousness, beyond all form, there existed a primeval state called Kore, The Space of Nothingness. Within the dormant Kore, there existed Io, The Source of All Things. The parentless Io was inspired to hold inner intercourse within itself. This union of polarities created the first conception, the first spark, the first impulse of life. A tiny embryonic universe was implanted in Kore. Kore became the womb in which this embryonic universe grew and gestated. There were explosions of light as suns and galaxies formed, implosions from black-holes as tiny galaxies grew and grew within Kore. Finally the placenta of Kore broke and gave birth to the universe that we physically perceive right now using our senses. This infant universe began to breathe and grow…” Hirini Reedy Imagine a seed. Perhaps a seed from an apple you may have eaten recently. In your hand, the tiny seed lies dormant. Yet when placed in the soil, this seed begins to breathe. It begins to grow. Breathing represents the movement of life. The flow of energy. Put a battery in a circuit the wrong way, nothing happens. Reverse the connection, a current flows. The breathing of a seed is no less miraculous than the breathing of an universe. Because the two follow the same life-principle. Maori creation myths revolve around the principles of nature. The Maori creation genealogy begins with two words. Io Kore. Io represents The Source of All Things. Imagine Io as The Seed of Life. A single seed that can grow an entire universe. Kore represents The Space of Nothingness. Imagine Kore as The Soil of Creation. The deepest, darkest soil that fills all of existence and beyond. Kore fills the darkness. Io holds the brightness. Yet like a dormant seed in the winter, soil. Waiting for the soil temperature to increase. Then magic occurs. The seed and soil connect. The life-current begins to flow. This tiny seed, this embryonic universe begins to grow. It turns over and pushes outwards. Cells replicating. Roots growing. Limbs forming. Spiralling outwards. SEED THOUGHT “My Thoughts Are Like Seeds Within The Soil Of My Mind. How Can I Grow My Most Desired Thought?” Say aloud the Seed Thought. Write it down. Contemplate its many meanings for 5 minutes. Make up your own rules about your mind. Seek to understand yourself. Feel when the 5 minutes is up. Finish off with giving yourself a feel-good hug for 15 seconds. Squeeze and hold.


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Day 3. Aio – The Breath Of A Seed, The Breath Of The Universe Aio is a Maori word having a number of meanings. It can mean peaceful, tranquil and serene. It can also be broken into constituent parts. A = Breath. Io = Seed, Cell, Universe Aio can mean The Breath of the Universe. Or The Breath of A Seed. Breathing represents the movement of life. The flow of energy. The breathing of a seed is no less miraculous than the breathing of an universe. Energy is continuously moving, shaping and shifting between the physical and metaphysical realms. Hence the Universe breathes just like you and me. When it exhales, space flows outward until it reaches the bounds of infinite expansion. When it inhales, space flows inward until it reaches the point of infinite compression. Then it makes a Big Bang and starts all over again. So what you may ask? Well, do you realise that there is breathing within breathing? There are Worlds within Worlds. Universes within Universes. Each one different yet all connected. Like the cells in your body. Your brain cells are different to your blood cells. Yet they serve a common purpose. They support the life of this unique being called you. You are both universe and seed. You have the same animating principle that makes a seed grow. The rain fall. The Earth orbit the Sun. The stars twinkle. You are more than just a member of the human species. You are an unique vibration of universal energy. SEED THOUGHT “I Am A Breath, A Cell, A Seed, An Universe” Say it aloud. Write this down. Breathe deeply right now. In fact the word spirit derives from the Latin word spiritus meaning air, breath. So let each breath remind you of your spirit. Become like a seed. Breathe like an universe. Contemplate the mysteries of the universe for 5 minutes. Finish with a good 15 second squeeze. Then let it all go.


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Day 4. Io Tapu - You Are A Sacred Universe You are special. You are unique. You are an unknown. A mystery. No one in this universe is exactly like you. No one has lived your life before. So you have a story to share. This story is your life. You are like a separate universe. It is really a matter of perspective. Imagine one of your red blood cells. This red blood cell is totally different to your brain cells, liver cells or stomach cells. They may as well live in different galaxies. Yet they still form part of the one body. All your cells have a reason and a season to live. Rub your forearm. Old skin cells will fall off. You grow a new skin every month. New spine cells every three months. A new body once a year. You are changing right now at a cellular level. You are a composite of billions and zillions of cells. Yet each cell has a special reason and a season to live. So what, you ask. Every human is like a cell within the body of humanity. Each one has a reason and a season to live. Your purpose is grow and function like one of your cells. To serve the larger body of humanity. To discover the reason why you were born. Then to live that reason within the many seasons of your life. You are a universe within a bigger universe Imagine your body is the Universe. The sun and planets are like little cells orbiting around in your body. Expand your awareness beyond your normal physical self. Go out into the most distant reaches of space. Do this for a minute or two. SEED THOUGHT “What is the gift I bring to the universe?” Say your Seed Thought aloud. Write it down. Contemplate this Seed Thought for five minutes. Write down any thoughts. Keep asking yourself. Talk and walk. Just feel when five minutes is up. Keep it simple and stress-free. Finish with a 15 second squeeze. Then let go.


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Day 5. Kaakano - The Roots Produce The Fruits, Kaakano means seed in Maori. Your current life is a result of all the experiences, beliefs and teachings to date. Lets use the concept of a SEED THOUGHT. Seed thought >Gets stored as root belief > The root belief produces physical behaviour>Repeated behaviours form life-long habits> Habits produce results > Results produce a happy or unhappy life. Many of your root beliefs go back to childhood memories. How? Babies literally interpret the world through their senses. Right up to when they lose their first baby tooth at 5 years or so, the baby mind is extremely fertile. It records every sound, sight, taste, smell, and touch as an unconscious memory pattern, a neuro-muscular movement. These patterns and signals connect and multiply as the baby grows. For example how does a baby learn to talk? They start with crying then cute baby babble as they record more speech sounds around them. Mama, papa, dada. Before long, they can pronounce names and individual words. Lolly, chippy, ice-keem. Before long, they have mastered the neuro-muscular movements needed to talk, walk and run. By 3-4 years old, the toddler has learnt the power of speech. Once they can speak, they can understand the power of words. They can then be taught the rules created by parents, schools and society. No, leave it alone. You naughty boy. Sit still and eat your food. Use your spoon. Before long, the toddler replays these words and behaviours. Defiant behaviours. Playground taunts. Ha ha no one likes you. Cry baby, cry baby. Ooooh look, he has wet his pants. Go away. Negative words and behaviours can create negative memories. A lot of the learning at this age is unconscious learning. These unconscious memories can remain hidden yet they are responsible for many limiting adult behaviours. For example, the bark of a dog can cause anxiety in an adult who remembers being bitten by a dog as a 4 year old. SEED THOUGHT “My life is the result of what I believe. Yet I am capable of so much more.” Say it aloud. Write it down in capital letters. Now find three really empowering beliefs shaped by your parents and upbringing. Spend five minutes on this. Finish with a 15 second Squeeze. Good, now carry on with the rest of your day.


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Day 6. Te Po – The Darkness Before The Light Te Po refers to the darkest night, the blackest soil. It is a metaphor for the raw material that produces all matter, all life, all form. The potential stuff from which all things are made. Quantum scientists are now referring to dark matter. The formless stuff which makes up space. Space is like dark soil from which grows forth little shoots of light. Tiny universes that grow into huge solar systems. Spiralling galaxies. Orbiting planets. The word alchemy derives from an Arabic word al-khemi, meaning black soil. When we create, we are bringing forth the light of thought from our own dark matter. Our thoughts are like little stars shining in the night of our mind. When we write down a goal, it is the first crystallization of this thought into visible form. Then we add sound to the goal. Then we move matter towards the goal. All these add up to the manifestation of the goal. It is like the emergence of a crystal from out of thin air. Imagine in front of you right now, a little galaxy swirling between the palms of your upturned hands. Then imagine at the middle of it, a little sun of light appearing. It then starts to crystallise into a perfect crystal. A golden crystal of glowing light. It shifts and pulsates. Good. Now slowly return the crystal back into nothingness. It disappears. Nothing left. SEED THOUGHT “My pure thoughts crystallise into perfect form” Say it aloud. Write this SEED thought down. Now contemplate the possibilities of what this means to you. Play around with it. What parts do you agree with? What parts do you find challenging? OK, 5 minutes is up. Squeeze all the wisdom. Shower yourself with understanding. Then let it all go.


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Day 7. Tarutaru – The Weeds Of Life Today lets dig and uncover some limiting beliefs. If you are feeling empty, unfulfilled, unchallenged or just living a doldrum existence then you need to reframe your current situation into a state of transition. This is not who you really are. You are not living in alignment with your soul purpose, your true purpose. Period. If you find yourself thinking, “I have sold my soul”, “my heart is not in this”, “this is not me”, “Aaarrrrgh f****n beep” then these are clear signs that your mind, body and soul are not in alignment. Your actions and thoughts are conflicting with your deeper feelings. You end up like an actor who is confused over what is your true role. Something is missing. Lets peel off the ugly roles. Many adults carry emotional wounds. They have lots of sores and weeds in their lives. What do I mean? Lets start disinfecting and burning… SORE = Stink Old Rotten Experiences. Imagine a dead carcass on the side of a road. Flies buzzing. The body bloats in the sun. You cover your nose as you walk pass. The rotten smell… Many people still carry the smell of a rotten experience that happened years ago. It infects their views about life and people. They keep attracting flies. They wonder why. They need to change the vibration of their feelings and beliefs so that it heals the rotten experience forever. WEED = Wasted Effort Energy Drains. A weed can drain the nutrients from your garden. Similarly certain activities, environments and people can drain your vital energy. Become very aware of what energises you and what depletes you. Mental and physical stress is always a symptom that your life-flow is being drained. Sadly, stress is becoming a growing problem within the 21st century. SEED THOUGHT “I Increase My Life Force By Removing The Sores And Weeds In My Life” Say it aloud. Write this SEED thought down. Now the following checklist is for you to identify the rotten sores and the choking weeds in your life. Use this checklist to remove negatives memories and limiting beliefs. It is about raising your life force.

1. Define Your Most Painful SORE (Stink Old Rotten Experiences). A sore causes an unpleasant feeling in your body. It can be a series of rotten experiences going back to childhood. Go back to your earliest memory of this painful feeling. Find the source of the emotional pain. A bit like lancing an infected sore. Good.

2. Heal The SORE. Now imagine a loving feeling. A beautiful, loving memory. Imagine a loving light shining and warming your body. Changing the vibration in your cells. Now increase this healing feeling and go inside. Keep shining the loving light onto the sore memory until the emotional pain is gone. You will feel an opening inside


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you. You will feel lighter. You may cry. Crying is good. It is part of the healing.

3. Define Your Most Annoying WEED (Wasted Effort Energy Drain). A weed is basically an energy-depleting situation, action, person or environment. It is not as emotionally painful as a SORE but it can soon wear you down.

4. Uproot The WEED. On a separate piece of paper, write down your weed. Describe it in all its annoying, frustrating detail. On a separate piece of paper, write down the complete opposite of your weed. Transform your weed into a flower. Write down its beauty, fragrance and energising effect. Compare both pieces of paper. Now crumble the weed and tear it into pieces. You may want to burn it or flush it

Finish the process with 15 seconds of heart-felt emotion. Squeeze and hold. Then just let go and carry on with your day.


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Day 8. Ora – Expand Your Aura Using Umbilical Breathing The Maori word, ora means life, health and well being. It also contains the word, ra, meaning sun. The word, ora, can also mean the light of life that emanates from you. Ora means aura – the energy field that radiates out from your body. Your body is a wonderful dance of bio-electrical energy that flows along the multiple meridians of your body. Like flowing water. Yet debris and toxins can block and pollute these meridians. This affects the flows and causes stagnation. Like any stagnant pool, it soon attracts dis-ease and dysfunction. Yet let us return to the perfect example of human energy flow – a baby. The baby just breathes naturally and allows the energy to flow freely. Energy flow is connected to breathing. Energy flows where attention goes. We can increase our ora, our aura by energising our breathing. By using certain movements, we can ignite the breath in the cauldron of our body. This is basically our belly button area where we first drew in energy through the umbilical cord. Here is a short breathing action that you can use to ignite your energy and expand your aura. 1. Take a deep breath into your belly. 2. Hold breath. Pull in belly button for count of 10. 3. Hold breath. Release belly button for count of 10. 4. Hold breath. Pull in belly button for count of 10. 5. Exhale and recover breath for count of 10. 6. Repeat cycle three times. You will generate much internal heat and energy during the holding breath phase. When you exhale, you will be panting for fresh air. It will cleanse your airways and energise your body. The pulling and releasing of the belly button is stimulating our pre-birth energising through the umbilical cord. This pulsating movement energises the auric fields around our bodies. Sense the difference before and after you do the pre-birth breathing exercise. SEED THOUGHT “I Rapidly Increase My Success When I Combine Deep Breathing With Focussed Thinking” Say it aloud. Write this down. Take a couple of deep breaths. You must raise your life-force, your life-energy when you need to activate your own healing powers. Also a bit of sunlight, fresh-air and open spaces can do wonders for both a sick head and heart. Spend next 5 minutes contemplating your seed thought. Finish with a 15 second Squeeze-Shower-N-Release.


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Day 9. Te Pu - Unfolding Your Seed Purpose Te Pu refers to the growth of a seed. It is referring to the laws of nature that make a seed grow. I call the word SOUL, an acronym meaning Seed Of Unfolding Life-Force. You are an unique seed, spark and sizzle born from the infinite source of the universe. So like a seed, you grow from the inside out. This life is just a garden in which you use to grow your soul. How do you grow your soul? Well, you must imagine your life like a seed dreaming of the tree it grows into. Or the forest it can start. So think like a Being of Greatness. Think like a God. Imagine the highest image you have of yourself. How would your Greatness handle your biggest problems? How would you feel and behave in the most challenging of situations? How would you live daily? How would you be different to who you are now? You must start to trust and act in alignment with your feelings. Feelings are like the whispers of your soul. They leave an imprint on your heart. SEED THOUGHT “I Am A Seed Of Universal Life-Force That Is Growing In Greatness” Say it aloud. Write it down. In your journal, start to write down answers to the following questions. They will help you to unfold your seed purpose, your soular power. Is there anything that you believe you were born to do? What do you think is your soul purpose, your life purpose? What does your heart and intuition tell you? What does the Universe whisper to you?

Spend 5 minutes working on your SEED thought. Remember to finish on a high. Do your 15 second squeeze and let go.


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Day 10. Te Ao - Fertile Fields Of Infinite Possibility. Te Ao is a Maori word meaning world, daylight, fresh bud. Te Ao is the opposite of Te Po in a similar way day is opposite to night. A Maori version of Yin and Yang. The reality we are experiencing is Te Ao or bud of our beliefs about what is possible. It is like a single blade of grass within a field, it is only one possibility amongst an infinite number of possibilities. My life grows like a single blade of grass within a field. Yet my life is part of the larger field of humanity. Humanity is a tiny field within the infinite landscape of life. And so on. There are fields within fields. Worlds within worlds. Imagine the biggest number you can think of? Good. Now does your mind stop there at that biggest number? Nah, it can imagine an even bigger number such that the definition of the biggest number becomes meaningless. We are now entering the field of infinite possibilities. We start to feel rather than count. We start to feel the infinity of space. We start to feel the eternity of time. We start to feel the continuity of life. We extend our sense of what is truly possible. We expand our sense of self. We start to imagine what it feels like to be our own God-self. SEED THOUGHT “Imagine If I was God, how would I think and act?” Say it out aloud. Write this down. Now how would you think and act? Would all your problems exist? What would you choose to experience? How would you live? Yes, this is your moment to be God. Savour it. Use it wisely. Experience it for the next 5 minutes. Now hug the God within you for 15 seconds. Then let your divine love flow back into the universe. Nice.


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Day 11. Nga Kete Wananga– Baskets of Universal Knowledge Energy is continuously changing into matter and vice versa. Crystallising into form and then dissolving. It is happening within you and around you all the time. New cells are forming. Old ones are dissolving. Just rub one of your forearms. Old skin cells will fall off. We grow a new skin every month. Look around you. Everything you see was once created in the mind before being manifested in the physical world. An idea in the mind of nature. An idea in the mind of someone. The Maori mystics used three baskets to express this conception to manifestation pathway. These baskets or kete were called: Aronui, Tuauri and Tuaatea. Aronui - The Conscious Mind, The Physical WorlThe first mystic basket is called Aronui. Aronui meaworld. This basket contains the conscious mind and tmind is what you are thinking with right now. Theseeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting right 1% of what is really going on around and within us.world upside-down like a camera. Our brain filters the darkrooms of our mind. We then see our own “pphotograph is just a snapshot. Tuauri - The Unconscious Minds, The Invisible WThe second mystic basket is called Tuauri. Tuauri form. This basket contains the unconscious minds an99% that lies hidden beyond my 1% conscious awamy heart beating when I sleep? What if I could expea hawk and the ears of a fox? What if I could instantelse in the world thinking about right now? Who can Tuaatea - The Unknowable, The All-Knowing The third mystic basket is called Tuaatea. Tuaatea mbasket contains The Transcendent. The Unknowable. There are baskets within baskets. In essence, the baswithin worlds that exist simultaneously. The infin

Aronui Basket

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Tuauri Basket

Tuaatea Basket – Everythingoutside the circles

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eternal present. The baskets are woven together using the infinite threads of energy that comprise the whole universe.

“The Universe is just full of magic, waiting for my spellng to improve”

(Hirini) SEED THOUGHT “I am a being of incredible beauty and energy, a child of a loving universe” Say it aloud. Write it down. Think for a moment. Much of our current living and thinking is based on the knowledge of the first basket – the Aronui Mind. The explosion in information technology, globalisation and rapid changes in work and society is putting a strain on conscious, logical thinking. Our conscious mind can only handle so much information and sensory data. Our physical world can only handle so much stress. We must start to expand our consciousness to include the hidden wisdom of the second basket- Tuauri. We must start using our intuition and collective wisdom. Also listen for the divine whispers that come from the third basket- Tuaatea. The path to self-mastery means that we must eat from all three baskets. The good news is that all three baskets co-exist within you. So start looking inside yourself. Spend 5 minutes contemplating your SEED thought. OK, squeeze your basket for a good 15 seconds. Now, let it go.


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Day 12. Whakaaro – The Birth Of Thought Into Form Whaka-aro means to think, to focus or to analyse. It is a Maori word referring to the energy and power of the mind to manifest from mind to matter. It is about the flow of energy within us and without us as the following diagram shows. Metaphysical <<<==>>> Brain + Body <<<==>>> Physical (ImageNation) (RealWorld) Our connection with the metaphysical and the physical is through the brain and the body. The brain is a transformer that converts the energy of the five physical senses into electrical patterns. With every breath and heartbeat, the brain and body is comparing new incoming patterns with its stored patterns called memories. The brain re-members the patterns and outputs our “physical world”. It re-members the world we live in. I can remember my name and my physical surroundings. If I drink too much alcohol the patterns blur and slur. People can drink to dull their patterns or memories about life. It is better to simply create more empowering patterns. Neo: This...this isn't real? Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. This is the world that you know. (From the movie, The Matrix) What is thinking? The brain comparing new electrical patterns with its stored memories. It keeps going around and around making connections between old and new patterns. Sometimes we have a fast connection and get a bright new pattern. Aha! Or we have a slow connection, chugging along same old patterns. Waiting, waiting. Finally got it! There are brains within brains. The body is part of the brain. There is a left brain and a right brain. An upper, middle and lower brain. The spine, the heart and navel have brains. Sometimes our genitals have brains. Sometimes we can lose our brains altogether. Seriously, we want to create new thought patterns that actualise into new results. Metaphysical Possibility <<<==>>> Brain + Body <<<==>>> Physical Result Start with a mental pattern of what you desire. Keep thinking this pattern over and over. It attracts the quanta energy cells from the Quantum Field. Like little cells of energy attracted to the light of your thoughts. Like one or two little fireflies. Soon millions of fireflies buzzing and glowing. Forming a ball of light. Growing brighter.


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Picture your desired outcome. Talk about it. Write about it. Move it. Celebrate it. Toast a glass of wine to it. Spray it with your best perfume. Make it fun and wearable. Make it like magic. Children love stories of magic and wonder because they have no old patterns called baggage to interfere with their imaginations. They create real worlds out of their own thoughts. This is why Harry Potter appeals to the young minds. The magic of Harry Potter is real. SEED THOUGHT “My ImageNation creates my Real World results” Say it aloud. Write down this SEED thought. Contemplate it for 5 minutes or so. You know the drill. Now, finish with a good fuzzy feel for 15 seconds. Ooooh make it feel good.


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Day 13. HineNgaro – The Inner Oracle Hinengaro = hidden female, inner oracle, intuition. Your intuition is like a wise old woman who knows everything. You cannot command her with your intellect but must listen to her with sincere feeling. Initially, this inner oracle will whisper to you in a language you may not understand. It may not make sense. But you learn like a baby learns to talk. Bit by bit. Each bit may be a funny feeling, a body sensation, a dream, an inner voice or some other odd sense. It is by piecing together each bit that you understand the inner patterns and hidden meanings. This is the language of your intuition. By consciously acknowledging your intuition, you become more attuned. Give your intuition a name. Hello, Grandmother Oracle or whatever. Choose a name that feels right for you. Be sincere. Then ask it a question. Seek its counsel like asking a trusted advisor. Your intuition determines what best answers your question. You may bump into someone, read a book, turn right, get lost or whatever. It may not be what you expect yet it may be just what you need. Always say thank you. Really feel how you would like to communicate with your inner oracle. Identify a feeling or response that comes from this hidden self. It may be a heart-felt hunch or a gut feeling you get initially. Build up a trust. Ask your hidden self to make these messages stronger and clearer over time so that you become more certain. When you perform at the Tuauri level of consciousness, your peripheral vision expands and your mind operates in a wordless state. You are feeling and dancing with the rhythm of life. When you think with furrowed brow and narrowed eyeballs, you can lose the flow and become frustrated. You return to the Aronui state of mind. It is like a dancer thinking left foot, right foot, turn and getting out of step compared to the person who is just dancing and enjoying the music. Remember the word Tuauri also represented the mystic basket containing all the unconscious minds and the invisible worlds. Some people have special gifts that seem mysterious to us. They can talk to animals. They can tame wild horses. Talk to dolphins. Talk to lions. Talk to the weather. Others have special healing skills. Others have the ability to see things with their mind. These experiences are all different types of food that can be found in this Tuauri basket. Like enjoying certain foods, you soon develop a special taste and preference. Your intuition will help to feed you. Like a baby you must eat bit by bit otherwise you might throw up and make a mess. SEED THOUGHT “How Can I Become More Intuitive, More In Tune With The Universe?” Say it aloud. Write this down. Now just write for about 5 minutes. A free-flow of consciousness. Don’t correct or think too much while you write. Keep the pen moving. Stop after 5 minutes. Read what insights you have written down. Finish with a 15 second squeeze. Then let it all go.


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Day 14. Karakia – A Pathway Towards The Sun The power of prayer and ritual is always associated with the mysteries of life and spirit. The Maori word, karakia, means prayer. Yet there are other meanings contained in this word. Ka = to ignite, to illuminate Ara = path Ra = Sun Ki = towards, direction A = Acting towards A karakia is a pathway towards the sun. A metaphor for tapping into a higher power. The first karakia of the day is offered by the birds. Although it may still be dark, the birds can sense the approaching dawn. They open a pathway towards the sun with the sound of their song. The power of the karakia comes from the power of light, life and love. The focussing of the thought with the heartfelt feeling that respectfully connects to the universe. The spoken words are just noises that we give meaning to. It is the feelings that the words generate which are important. The prayer is the expression of the heartfelt thought. It is followed by that pregnant silence when time stops, breathing stops and words cease. The whole world stops. You are really in the pregnant moment. Really feeling it with your heart and soul. It seems like an eternity. Then you open your eyes and experience whatever the universe sends. It is like witnessing the miracle of a baby being born. It is like watching a newborn sun rising up from the waters of the ocean. A shimmering path of light that stretches from horizon to the shore where you stand. It is a light that illuminates your world. One way to physically experience this is to dive underwater in a river or the sea. Turn over and look up at the sun through the water surface. Hold your breath for a count of sixty or more if possible. Focus on the sun. Soon your desire to breathe will increase. Your whole being will long for the breath of life. Your body will start to contract. Take in a mouthful of water. When you feel like your lungs are about to burst, come up through the surface and blow out the water. Take in a deep breath. Clear your nostrils of water, just like a new baby. Open your arms wide to the sky as if you have just been reborn. Breathe and feel alive. If you emerged at the right angle to the sun, a little rainbow would have appeared when you blew out the pent up air. Like the plume of a whale. This is like rebirthing yourself. This is the power of karakia.

“A prayer is like the last breath before the deep plunge Aaaaaaaaaaarh”

(Hirini) Sometimes I like to walk the hills and be close to the mountains. It helps to elevate my mind and give me a sense of perspective. One mountain I like is an ancestral mountain called Wharekia. This mountain and several others surround the valley where I grew up as a child. It is not a big mountain and has trees on the side, which helps with the climbing. Once when I was climbing Wharekia I made a wrong


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decision and ended up in a precarious situation. I could not go up or down. I looked down and saw a great fall below me. I really got scared. My heart raced and my body shook. I remember hugging the mountain for dear life and saying these words, “O ancestor mountain, please please help me. If you can hear my heart beating, please hear these words and guide me down to safety please, please”. I then stopped and let the feeling of my words sink into the rock face. After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked down at my left foot. Suddenly I saw a foothold that I had missed before. Perhaps a shadow had hidden it. I then proceeded to edge sideways and soon discovered a series of other footholds and handholds that helped me to safety. I then thanked the mountain. Sometimes the answer to our prayers can be really simple. It can be to see something that is right in front of our eyes. I had not seen the foothold before. Maybe it was because of my panic, the shadow or whatever which prevented me from seeing it. Anyway, the result was that it opened me a path down to safety. SEED THOUGHT “Every day I am opening up my own pathway to the sun” Say this aloud and write it down. Feel the sacred power growing in you. The sun that shines within you. Lighting up your eyes. Sunbathe in the feeling for the next 5 minutes. End with a good 15 second squeeze. Now just let your goodness radiate forth.


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Day 15. Ha - The Force That Inspires In the last workout, we spoke about opening a pathway to the Sun. The Sun is the source of light that makes life possible. It is the fire that inspires life. Again imagine a seed. Some seeds need fire to germinate. A seed also has to push down into the earth and grow roots. It has to struggle up to the surface. It must survive the tests of nature. The cold, the predators, the unknown as it strives to produce its first flower and fruit. Yet it does not doubt its life purpose. I am a seed. I will grow day by day. Period. If the acorn seed thought like a typical human, it would probably grow into a dwarf of an oak tree. Its human doubts would stunt its growth. So you must think big and strong. Your life journey needs courage, inspiration and determination. You will encounter your own fears along this journey. You must combat these fears and use these struggles to strengthen your will. Your mind can be your own worst enemy. You must guard against it. The universe is a self-balancing field. All possibilities exist including both the positive and the negative. Parasites and weeds are the terrifying fears and weak beliefs that can kill your seed desire. You need to cultivate your mind and uproot self doubts. Turn them into fertiliser for new growth. Here are some questions to ask yourself? What are your greatest fears? What would make you face these fears? What would you die/give your life for? What would give you the will to survive in the face of incredible odds? When/where have you demonstrated such willpower in the past? Who or what inspires you now?

SEED THOUGHT. “I turn my daily struggles into tests of character and inner strength”. Say it aloud. Write it down. Become like a warrior who is transforming yourself with the strength of your will. Willing yourself into a new human being. Facing your fears with fire and resolve. Just mull it over for the next 5 minutes Fill your mind, heart and sinew with the force of your own indomitable will. Set yourself on fire for 15 seconds. Then turn down the heat.


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Day 16. Tumatauenga - Know Your Ugly War Face Recall a time when you have been extremely angry. Perhaps even violent. What did your face look like? Eyes wide open. Face flushed. Distorted mouth. Teeth gnashing. Rapid breathing. Screaming angry words. Aaaaarrrh. At the time, you may have not been aware of these physiological changes. Maybe you just saw red. A red mist that filled your mind. Maybe you don’t remember detail because you were just sooo angry at the time? I know because I have been in this state. Be honest. Watch a war scene. What do you see? Tumatauenga. The Ugly Faced War God To the Maori, Tumatauenga was the feared war god. He had many names. Each name describing his warlike nature. For example Tumatauenga is made up of the following parts. Tu-mata-uenga. Tu means to awaken, to stand, to fight. Mata means face, eyes. Uenga mean distorted, mishapen, ugly. Tumatauenga describes the face of aggression, the vicious eyes, a face ugly with rage. Like the eyes and face of a snarling dog. The face reflecting the mind. A reflection of their lives perhaps. Hmmm. So what’s the lesson, you ask. Know your own ugly war face. SEED THOUGHT “By knowing what angers me, I can find peace” Write this down and say it aloud. Be honest with yourself. Know the war god within. Give it a name. Seek to understand its nature. Ask it these questions.

• What made me raise my voice and get angry today? • Why does this particular person annoy me? • How can I be more assertive without being aggressive? • How can I use this inner war god for my greater good? • How can I use this energy to conquer my deepest fears?


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The answers to these questions leads to greater self-awareness. Either Angry Face or Happy Face. Choose which one you like to wear most. 50% Happy, 50% Angry. Or 80% Happy, 20% Angry. Maybe 99% Happy, 1% Angry. Measure your own self-improvement. Spend 5 minutes exploring this aspect of your inner nature. Finish with the 15 second squeeze. Try this. Squeeze your fists really hard for 15 seconds. Then just relax and let go.


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Day 17. Purerehua - The Workout Of A Butterfly Imagine a red monarch butterfly landing on a lone tree growing on the side of cliff. Did you know that this tree growing on the side of a cliff has much stronger roots and tougher wood than a similar tree growing deep within a forest? Why? Because it has to struggle much harder in order to grow. Now lets watch the butterfly fly off gracefully upon the breeze. Did you know a butterfly needs to break through its cocoon in order to fly. It struggles for several hours to squeeze its body through the tiny opening in the cocoon. The struggle forces the fluid from its swollen caterpillar body into its wings so that it can fly. If you cut the cocoon and help the butterfly, it will spend the rest of it's life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It will never fly. So what? Be like the butterfly. Turn your daily struggles into preparation for flight. Problems and struggles help you grow strong and tough. So start getting stronger and tougher by focussing your mind and body one minute at a time. Be like the butterfly. It transforms it's body one squeeze at a time. Until it finally squeezes through the cocoon and flies away into the sky. So start to squeeze and transform your mind and body. SEED THOUGHT “I grow stronger everyday as I overcome obstacles in my way” Say it aloud. Write it down. Contemplate its many possibilities for 5 minutes. Finish with a 15 second squeeze. You know the drill.


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Day 18. Puhi Mahina – The Warrior Plumes Of The Moon. Within the Maori language, puhi means plume. Mahina means Moon. The four main phases of the moon can used to teach warrior strategies. The New Moon (The Shadow Plume) This is where you are invisible like the new moon. You offer no target, only shadows to your enemy. The First Quarter (The Rising Plume) The moon is half visible, half hidden. It is also waxing and increasing in intensity. On the surface, you appear soft and lacking substance. Underneath you are strong and formidable. This is where you feign weakness and retreat into a position of strength. You then ambush the pursuing enemy. Anything that disguises and hides your real strength while offering you the element of surprise. The Full Moon (The Shining (Battle) Plume) The moon is full. This is where you are fully armed and prepared to do battle in the open. You have no fear and intend to crush the enemy with full force. The Last Quarter (The Softening Plume) The moon is half visible, half hidden. It is also waning and decreasing in intensity. On the surface, you appear strong and formidable. Underneath you wish to disengage from combat and regroup. This is where you might put on a strong appearance that holds the enemy at bay. A deception plan such as a dummy fortified position that looks real or a dummy minefield that is designed to slow an enemy. SEED THOUGHT “The waxing and waning of the moon teaches me about force and flow”. Say it aloud and write this SEED thought down. The moon controls the tides as well as the flow of sap within plants. Identify ways in which you can apply the Warrior Plumes of The Moon as strategies within your life. It is all about timing, positioning and the appropriate use of force. Meditate on this for 5 minutes. Take all this wisdom and store it in all inside. Hold the feeling for 15 seconds and then let go. Perhaps you might want to see the moon tonight.


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Day 19. Hua - The Fruit That Fulfils Seed Thought Today’s workout is about the realisation of a desire. The seed thought is starting to sprout and grow. You can see the results appearing. Physical evidence that you are succeeding. It is like the rows of tiny green shoots in your garden. Soon vegetables and fruit appear. Still green though. Your mouth waters in anticipation when they will ripen and be ready for picking. This is why it is so important that you work on your life purpose, your world vision. It gives you the energy to push up and through the hard shell of your current circumstances. Your current situation is no indication of your true potential. You can be imprisoned yet your mind has already visualised your freedom. So here are some questions to ask yourself. How would you know when you are have found your soul journey, your life

purpose, your world vision? How would you live? How would you behave? Describe your ideal day, your

ideal behaviour. What needs to happen now to get you to this desired state?

SEED THOUGHT. “I am growing my seed thoughts into ripe juicy results right now.” Say it aloud. Write it down. Now really feel that your intentions are growing. Forming, crystallising, fruiting into form. Know that you are magnetising the result towards you with each breath. Go over your SEED thought for the next 5 minutes. Finish with a 15 second squeeze. Then let go.


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Day 20. Puutea - Money Is Just A Fruit To Eat The Maori word for money is puutea. This word also means basket. Other meanings are contained in the words. Puu = root, source, heart, express Tea = space, white, pure, possibility Puutea = the rootstock that can be planted in new fields, a source of new possibilities. This creates a different metaphor for the concept of money. Money is simply energy. A basket of energy that helps you fulfil a desire. It changes into it’s material equivalents. It is bit like having the electricity and the lightbulb yet the light is what you desire. Money is like clear water. It is neutral. Yet your beliefs about money give it the water its’ flavour. Your beliefs about money can make money sweet or sour. Can make it flow with abundance or trickle with scarcity.

“Money is congealed energy and releasing it releases life’s possibilities” (Joseph Campbell).

You see, money is simply energy that follows the laws of nature. Your beliefs about money has created abundance or scarcity in your life. Your beliefs about money started with your childhood. Society, schools and parents have a lot to answer for. They plant the beliefs in the child about money. Money becomes associated with struggle, work and scarcity. The pain of having no money can stay in a child’s memory. The child grows up into a struggling adult with money problems. Comments like money is evil, money does not grow on trees or money corrupts are all poisons that kill the potential goodness of money. So you must pull up any limiting beliefs about money. Change its energy and release any poison. Always ask yourself these questions:

• Does this belief about money serve my higher growth? • Does it expand my life possibilities? • Does it add to the life-force of the whole?

Keep challenging old money beliefs. Here is an example of weeding old money beliefs and converting them into new possibilities. Money is the root of all evil Who made up this line? Probably a poor

person who had a bad experience with money. Money can be the root of all good.

You have to work hard for money It is because people do not enjoy their work. Work hard on finding your joy. Money flows where joy goes..


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Money does not grow on trees. Yes, it does. It is called fruit. Money corrupts Having no money corrupts even more.

You sell yourself to a boring, soul-destroying job. Just look around at people living to work. Money can free a person.

SEED THOUGHT. “Money ebbs and flows according to the laws of nature. I must unblock old money beliefs that hinder the flow of abundance in my life.” Say it aloud. Write this down in your journal. For the next 5 minutes, keep weeding your mind of negative money beliefs. Grow a nice, abundant inner garden. Finish with a 15 seconds hose-down. Water your seed thoughts of abundance. Trust in the universe.


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Day 21. Tipu – The First Sprouts Of Wealth Tipu is a Maori word meaning a shoot, a sprout or to grow. The tipu are the first sprouts that appear through the soil. Like the first sprouts of corn appearing in a garden. In a sense, our body is sprouting and growing all the time. Our fingernails. Our hair. Our skin. Underneath the surface, our cells are working all the time. They are amazing examples of nature’s brilliance. We have billions and billions of cells within our body. Each one unique yet co-operating to serve the whole. This whole being called you. Or me. Yet you and I both started as a single fertilised cell. This single cell contained the secret of life. It created the billions and billions of cells that made you and me. Think about it for a moment. Hidden within us is this amazing secret that continues to operate without our conscious interference. Each cell continues to create according to the very first cell. Each one dividing, multiplying and serving. Although every cell has a set of unique functions (liver cells, for example, can perform fifty separate functions), these combine in creative ways. A person can digest food never eaten before, think thoughts never thought before, dance in a way never seen before. How can I use this to generate wealth, you ask? Copy your cells. Each cell divides and multiplies according to the binary principle. 1 into 2. 2 into 4. 4 into 8. And so on. Yet the important thing is the code instructions that converts the raw nutrients into the replicating cells. You must programme your wealth efforts to be self-replicating by converting your raw nutrients into wealth-producing outcomes. Your raw nutrients include all your physical and metaphysical assets. Your physical assets include your body, money, house, valuables and so on. Your metaphysical assets include your mind, knowledge, ideas, dreams, networks, time and so on. These physical and metaphysical assets can all be converted into wealth. Yet the specific codes and instructions you use will produce different results. For example, ask yourself, How can I double my income? If you are on $25,000 salary a year, how can you double your salary to $50,000 a year. Then double that again each year. Until you reach your desired income. Your answers to these questions depends on your specific beliefs, experiences and instructions. So start today by celling yourself. Programme your mind to use the raw energy of your cells to create wealthy results.


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SEED THOUGHT. “My cells are perfect examples of natural wealth. They cooperate to serve the whole”. Say it aloud. Write it down. Imagine your cells are like miniature universes. Glowing and growing every day. This is where true wealth begins. The sell within a cell. Give this SEED thought 5 minutes of your focussed attention. Finish your session by giving your cells a 15 second burst of light energy. Kapai (Very good in Maori).


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Day 22. Waonui – The Business Lessons Of A Forest The word waonui means forest, the foliage of a tree. Now in a forest there are so many excellent teachers of business. The whole forest is like a university with many classrooms. A key lesson is that your business must have a living vision beyond the making of money. Your business needs to be a living business. It is really about the business of living. Your business vision needs to be an expression of your life vision, your living vision. Your business is like a tree, the money is the fruit. Your business serves a greater purpose. Adding to the greater lifeforce of your family, your staff, your society, your planet. Here are some marketing strategies that nature can offer. The success of any business is a lot about marketing. Attracting new and current clients to your products and services. It is an exchange of value where money is the life-force. If no money flows then the business dies. In the forest, this law of attraction and reciprocity is best expressed using the flowers and fruits. Bright coloured flowers attract certain insects such as bees that carry pollen the flower needs. In return the bee receives sweet nectar to make honey for its hive. Some birds are colour-blind but they recognise certain colours of berries as they ripen. They eat the fruit while swallowing the seed. They deposit the seed in its own fertiliser. Certain trees create nuts that need animals with sharp teeth to open. These animals store the nuts in underground chambers which help the seed to grow in the soil. Some plants design flowers for certain insects and animals. Only a special type of butterfly can pollinate a certain flower. Or a bird like the humming bird with its long beak. The flower may use a special fragrance to attract a certain insect, many kilometres away. These unique relationships help the flow of life between species within the forest. Distribution is a major factor for any business. Getting your products and services to your key markets. There are many distribution ideas that can be gained by watching nature. Nature uses many forms of distribution, depending on climate, terrain, season and species. Similarly the distribution of a business needs to design for the marketing climate, terrain, season and species. Many plants distribute their seeds using a multiplicity of means and forms. A seed may be carried using the wind. It can float like a glider or rotate like a propeller. It may roll downhill and fall into a stream. It may stick to my shoes or to the coat of my dog. It may be carried in the stomach of birds or animals that eat the fruit. It may catch a ride in the tyre-tread of my car or the next cargo haul of an international airliner. The seed may wait for the next rainstorm or forest fire to germinate and make its move. SEED THOUGHT “Growing a business is like growing a tree. My idea is the seed. The money is the fruit”. Say it aloud Write this SEED thought down. For 5 minutes, contemplate this SEED thought. The fun part is that you are copying the lessons of nature. It has to be good for you. Again, finish off with a 15 second squeeze.


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Day 23. Wai - The Flow That Sustains All Life In Maori, wai means water. Wai-u means breast milk. Wai-ora is the rain that falls from the sky. We are 70% water in a similar percentage to oceans that cover the earth’s surface. We ebb and flow in similar ways to the waterways of the earth. Life is always flowing. Just feel your own pulse? Or breathe into your hand several times. You will see moisture. Water is synonymous with the flow of life. Energy flows like water along the infinite meridians of the universe Emotion is simply e-motion. Energy in motion. Our emotions flow from the heart. Intense emotions overflow as tears of pain or joy. If we are lacking joy or love in our lives, our emotions dry up. We become barren like a drought-stricken field. Peace and happiness can come from simple things in life. Remember the last time you shared a nice meal, drank good wine and enjoyed good conversation with close friends. Imagine feeding all the hungry people in the world. People can be hungry for different things. Not necessarily food. People may be starving for love, for hope, for a connection with another human being. You have the power right now to feed someone with the richness of who you are. You can bring contentment into their lives right now, even if it is for a moment. A smile, an act of kindness, a simple gesture. Just act as if you have the power to feed the whole world within the next moment. Detach yourself from your current reality. Let your body dissolve within the fields of your mind. Do not let your present physical surroundings or capacities limit your ability to think and feel noble, lofty thoughts. Imagine the whole world is your body. Breathe in and energise this whole world. Drink and quench the thirst of this whole world. Eat and satisfy the hunger of this whole world. Give thanks for all the riches of this whole world. OK, now ask yourself the following questions? How have you kept your lifeforce flowing? Where is the love and joy coming from in your life? How are you sharing the successes and joys of your life? What have you done to help others enjoy life?

SEED THOUGHT. “I am always finding new ways to increase the love and the joy in my life?” Say it aloud. Write it down. Keep the rivers in your body flowing with fresh, clean energy. Do this for 5 minutes. Finish with a 15 second splash of good emotions.


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Day 24. Koha - The Wisdom Of The Flower The wisdom of the flower lies in the gift it gives. It’s perfume attracts insects. It’s colours attract birds. The sweetness of it’s nectar attracts bees. In return, the insects, birds and bees carry its pollen to other flowers. The pollen allows fertilization to occur. Life continues in this simple ritual of exchange. This is Nature’s lesson in reciprocity. You get what you give You must breathe out in order to breathe in. The word Koha derives from two Maori words. Ko means to plant, to dig. Ha means breath, energy. The koha or gift is really like planting a seed of good energy. It will grow and generate a flow of goodwill. Branching out to create positive effects.

The energy of the koha derives more from the goodness of a giver than the size of the gift. A starving boy who willingly shares his last piece of food with his friends demonstrates the highest principle of koha. The Maori custom of koha was inspired by giving thanks to nature for her gifts. The first crop of the harvest, the first fish of the catch or the first fruit of the tree were given away as a sign of gratitude. A good act begets a good act. It is nature's law. I remember a lesson as a kid growing up on our farm. My father would always give away the best pups from the litter. I never could understood why he would give away the best pups of the litter. So I asked him one day. His answer was rather puzzling at the time. He said that the pups will always come back. It took a little while for me to really understand what he meant. I then realised he was talking about the koha returning rather than the actual pups.

So make sure that you practice the power of koha in some way. Give from the goodness of your heart. You do not need money in order to give. Give a smile. Offer to help. Say thankful. Many wealthy people will tell you that tithing (another name for koha) is one of their secrets to enjoying their wealth. It reminds us that true wealth comes from within

SEED THOUGHT. “What koha can I share with the world today?” Write down this SEED thought down and say it aloud. Now write down all the ways you can share some positive energy. Maybe say thankyou, smile, make a cuppa for someone else, donate blood or old clothes. I am sure you have lots of koha waiting to be shared with the world. Do this for 5 minutes. Finish with 15 seconds of good koha. Now, let it blow off on the winds of the universe.


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Day 25. Hohou Rongo - Cultivating Peace Hohou rongo means to cultivate peace. Cultivation is also associated with the phases of the moon. The Maori planted and fished by the phases of the moon. It takes 15 nights for the moon to wax from new moon to full moon and another 15 nights for it to wane. The cultivation of peace begins with a smile. A smile is the outward manifestation of an inner feeling of happiness. It creates a positive vibration that generates a good feeling both inside and outside. A smile goes through a series of phases similar to the waxing moon. From a pursed lips, normal mouth look through to a quarter smile through to a genuine full smile that lights up the whole face. You can use the smile as follows.

• If you are feeling negative, smile and start counting as follows. • Count 1000, 2000, 3000… up to 15,000. With each increasing number

imagine that the energy of your smile is increasing. Growing bigger, brighter. Like the waxing moon. By time you reach 15,000, your smile should be full and beaming like a full moon.

• Now imagine that tiny smiles growing in certain parts of your body. Your heart is smiling. Your eyes are smiling. Your lungs, your liver, your kidneys are smiling. Your cells are smiling. Even if you do not know where these organs are, just imagine them to be smiling at each other. Do the 15 count again. Expand the energy of the smile to flow through your whole body.

• Repeat as often as possible to change your state of mind. This smiling exercise will help you to change negative thoughts and vibrations instantly. We can all get our negative buttons pressed quite quickly. A smile transforms negative energy into positive. Add a laugh to your smile. It is your release button, your flip switch when you are feeling negative in the moment. SEED THOUGHT. “A smile is a seed breaking through a hard skull” Write this seed thought down. Do you like it? I do because I made it up. Think about all the things that make you happy. Do this for 5 minutes. OK, finish off with a 15 second smile. Laa di da di daa.


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Day 26. Kata - The Laughing Formula Kata is the Maori word for laughter. Laughter is one of life’s best kept healing secrets. Laughter can change the vibrations of the body very easily. It releases tension and unblocks energy meridians. For example, a well-timed joke can ease the tension of a charged situation. Laughter is the best form of breathing training. It involves full belly breathing, sustained muscle contractions with various pitches of sound. It can leave the body in an energised state. The tears of laughter are different to the tears of pain. Laughter helps to transform negative emotions into positive emotions. Like Nature recycles, laughter is part of our recycling process. Here are three different ways of experiencing laughter… Laughter in the open – This is free unadulterated laughter. Like children laughing and playing in the fields. Laughter at the grave – This is laughter that is suppressed. Trying not to laugh at something really funny. You cover your mouth because the laugh might slip out. Like laughing at a funeral. It can also include black humour where we laugh at examples of stupidity or frustration. Maybe a stupid criminal or an idiotic prank that backfired. We have all done stupid things. At the time, we were not laughing. Afterwards when the heat of the moment has dissipated, we may chuckle. What was I thinking? Laughter in the heart – The nice feeling after a good laugh. The residual warmth and flow of energy that emanates after a good laugh. A nice feeling in the heart. Practice finding something to laugh and be merry about. Combine smiling and laughing. The two go together. When feeling nervous or worried, just laugh even if it is a fake laugh. Try this. Relax and shake your body while you fake a laugh. Do about six laughs. Now notice your energy levels. A tingling in the hands. A lightness of the body. Add this practice to your day. In the lift, waiting at the traffic lights, where-ever. The power of a good laugh. HA HA HA HA HA! SEED THOUGHT “I am able to laugh at myself and not take things too seriously” Write this down and just laugh at some of the stupid things you have done in your life. We need more laughter now than ever before. There is too much seriousness in the world. Seriously! Just read the newspapers, watch CNN or BBC. All serious stuff. My argument versus your argument. My beliefs versus your beliefs. My god versus your god. Muslim versus Christian. Bin Laden versus George Bush Junior. Who will it be tomorrow? I believe we must create global humour to combat global terror. We must set up a network of global humorists to seek out and tickle all global terrorists. Using laugh bombs to make our bellies wobbly and our eyes watery. So have a good laugh. Joke yourself for 5 minutes. Seriously! Well, for 15 seconds at least.


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Day 27. Whatumanawa – Eye Of The Heart Recall a time when you felt really loved. How did you feel? What was the precise trigger that created the feeling? Can you describe the feeling? Where in your body was the feeling centred? Did your eyes water? What actions did this feeling cause? Spend some time remembering such a moment. A special memory for me was when my son was about 14 months old. He was learning to walk. I came home from work one evening and walked into the living room. There he was standing, holding onto his mother’s leg. He saw me come in and started to walk unsteadily towards me. His little legs made it all the way across the room to me before he lunged for my trousers. The smile on his face melted my heart. His desire to reach me overcame his fear of falling. Tears came to my eyes. I felt a moment of unconditional love. I picked him up and hugged him into my heart. Even now, as I write this I still get a little watery-eyed. This is the power of the living feeling. It comes alive again in our bodies. In our memories. In our hearts. The Maori have a word, whatu-manawa which means feeling. Yet the word contains a beautiful imagery. Whatu = eye. Manawa = heart. Whatu-manawa = “eye of the heart”. When you see and experience through the heart, you become connected with a feeling sometimes beyond words. This heart feeling fills your very being, expanding out like a radiant flower. The tears of joy. The words of happiness. This feeling releases a beautiful fragrance that touches the hearts of others. Or perhaps the eye of your heart sheds a tear. Imagine you have just saved someone’s life. They look at you with tears of gratitude. The eyes say it all. They whisper a silent thank-you as they are stretcher-carried to an ambulance. The feelings you experience are beyond words or money. Or maybe you are still dealing with grief. Let your heart shed tears. Just cry and let your feelings flow. Trust in nature. Let go. SEED THOUGHT “I trust my heart to determine what is my truth” Say this aloud. Write it down. Now put your hand over heart for about a minute. Feel the energy of your heart. Imagine living your life from your heart. Do this for 5 minutes. Now finish with a heart-felt feeling for 15 seconds. Give thanks. Bless you.


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Day 28. Anu- The Fall That Starts Anew Anu is a Maori word meaning the cold frostiness of winter. It also refers to a dead human body that no longer has any body heat. Winter is the time of contraction. When the energy of life regathers around its own core. Like the sap that gathers at the roots of a tree. The bark hardens and forms another ring in the life of a tree. Old leaves and branches fall. The nights are longer. The days shorter. The wisdom of nature where there is a reason behind each season. The fall of winter leads to the start of spring. Quantum science tells us that the universe came into being from nothing. Behind the universe moves the unnameable mystery of nothingness. It is a pregnant darkness of thought and intelligence, ready to continually give birth to new forms and absorb old and wasted ones in order to give them rebirth in new forms. Like a seed lies under the soil, waiting for the winter thaw. It will soon sprout and flower. SEED THOUGHT. “There is a reason and a season to life. Nothing is permanent. I will not last forever”. Say it aloud. Write it down. Think about the winters of your life. For the next 5 minutes, ask yourself the following questions. Write your answers down in your journal. What have been the disappointments in your life? What legacy, memories would you like to leave behind? How would your

children, partner, family, the world remember you? What would you change the next time around? What are the lessons?

Finally, reflect on the wisdom that comes from within you. Hold this knowingness in your mind for 15 seconds or so. Then let it go.


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Day 29. Aitua – Death is Rebirth Aitua means death in Maori yet it has another meaning. Ai = to conceive a child. Tua = distant, beyond the horizon. Aitua means conceive a child beyond the horizon. Basically aitua is another way of saying rebirth. Take a deep breath. Now imagine exhaling your last breath. Your final gasp. How do you wish to die? Do you wish to die peacefully? Or do you wish to die in glorious battle? Do you fear death? Or perhaps just the pain? Maybe you die hearing the sound of an explosion and think, “Shit, I am dying, I am bleeding to death, this is impossible. This is not the way I expected. How did this happen?” So how do you wish to die? Death is not spoken about often. Yet it is as natural as exhaling. Life is forever changing. My cells are changing right now as I write. The Universe is changing. Things we hold precious invariably change. The passing of our parents. The passing of our youth. The growing up of our children. Death in many ways is but a metaphor for change. That all things must pass. Think about your death. Imagine that you will die one month from today. Think about your job, your family, your material possessions and how they will no longer exist. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? Who will look after your children? Imagine you will die in 7 days? What key thoughts are on your mind? What is in your heart? How are you preparing to depart this world? Imagine you will die in one day? You may feel that the energy of your body is starting to shift. Collecting in a certain area. Maybe your abdomen. Your heart. The top of your head. Imagine you will die in one hour? How do you want to be farewelled? Have you made your peace? Who do you want around you? Imagine you will die in 10 minutes? You may find that your consciousness begins to turn inwards. Your body senses that the time is approaching? At this point, I would like you to stop. Imagine that your time on this earth has been extended. You still have more to learn and experience before your time. Reflect on


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this imaginary experience of dying. Start to live again. What has this exercise taught you? Death teaches us about what is really important in life. SEED THOUGHT “In death, there is life being reborn” Say this aloud. Write it down. Finish with the thought of immortality. Hold it for the 15 seconds and then quietly go about your day.


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Day 30. Whiro – A New Moon Every Month Whiro describes the darkest night when there are no stars showing. It also refers the new moon or the black moon as it is sometimes called. The word month comes from the word, moon-th. It celebrates the lunar cycle. Every month, the tides rise and fall according to the moon. Menstruation or menses relates back to the moon cycle. It is a symbol of renewal. Well, it is the end of the 30 days. Yet like the new moon, every ending is a new beginning. You will have experienced highs and lows over the last 30 days. Some days you were on a high, everything was working well. The planets of your life were all in alignment. On other days, everything seemed to fall apart. Arrrrgh. But you are still alive? Yes! Maybe give yourself a slap to wake up. You see life’s struggles only make you stronger. Shaping and tempering the steel of your unconquerable soul. I believe our destiny has already been decided for us the moment we are born. We just need to trust that everything is OK. Intellectually we may struggle with this yet there is more to life than we know. The Maori word, Maumahara means memory. Mau meaning to hold, to fix, Mahara means mind. Maumahara means to fix the mind, to re-member. The funny thing about the Maori concept of time is that we live forward facing our past. You have to change your perspective of time from a linear model and turn it into a circle. Basically your future has already been created. Remembering your future means to remember who you truly are. Your future is you being fully alive in your present moment. It means creating in the now. You choose how you react in the next moment. So you create your future as if it is a memory. This is exactly what a seed does. It contains the memory of a fully grown tree within its dream. This tiny seed just wakes up and re-members its dream. Then trusts nature to do its work. So start to create the feeling that goes with having good memories. Create a feeling of certainty that good things happen to you. Start expecting good things to happen. Next, just say I have good feeling that something good will happen today. Just rub your hands like a little child before the day of their birthday. It is about living in the moment. SEED THOUGHT “I am creating my life right now in this moment. I give thanks for my next breath and my last”. Say it aloud. Write this down. For the next 5 minutes, contemplate the many meanings of this SEED thought. Close with 15 seconds of good feelings.