© 2016 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and secure. Not for redistribution. August 2016 | Page 1 3rd Grade Science — Performance Level Descriptors Reporting Categories Needs Support Close Ready Exceeding Interpretation of Data Students apply science knowledge, skills, and practices to locate, translate, infer and extend from, and evaluate data and inforPation in scientific graShs, tables, and diagrams of varying complexity. A student performing at the Needs Support level: does not consistently dePonstrate the science knowledge, skills, and practices measured for Interpretation of Data. A student performing at the Close level: selects one piece of data from a simple data presentation. finds inforPation in te[t that describes a siPSle data presentation. selects two or more pieces of data from a simple data presentation. identifies features of a siPSle table, graSh, or diagraP e.g., a[is labels, units of Peasure. A student performing at the Ready level: selects one piece of data from a moderately complex data presentation. finds inforPation in te[t that describes a Poderately coPSle[ data Sresentation. selects two or more pieces of data from a moderately complex data presentation. identifies features of a Poderately coPSle[ table, graSh, or diagraP e.g., a[is labels, units of Peasure. understands coPPon scientific terPinology, syPbols, and units of Peasure used in a siPSle scientific conte[t. translates siPSle inforPation into a table, graSh, or diagraP. deterPines hoZ the value of a variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a siPSle data presentation. coPSares data froP a siPSle data Sresentation e.g., find the highestloZest value order data froP a table. coPbines data froP a siPSle data Sresentation e.g., suP data froP a table. SerforPs an interSolation using data in a siPSle table or graSh. A student performing at the Exceeding level: selects one piece of data from a complex data presentation. finds inforPation in te[t that describes a coPSle[ data Sresentation. selects two or more pieces of data from a complex data presentation. identifies features of a coPSle[ table, graSh, or diagraP e.g., a[is labels, units of Peasure. understands coPPon scientific terPinology, syPbols, and units of Peasure used in a Poderately coPSle[ scientific conte[t. translates Poderately coPSle[ inforPation into a table, graSh, or diagraP. deterPines hoZ the value of a variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a Poderately coPSle[ data presentation. coPSares data froP a Poderately coPSle[ data Sresentation e.g., find the highestloZest value order data froP a table. coPbines data froP a Poderately coPSle[ data Sresentation e.g., suP data froP a table. coPSares data froP tZo or Pore siPSle data Sresentations e.g., coPSare a value in a table to a value in a graSh. coPbines data froP tZo or Pore siPSle data Sresentations e.g., categori]e data froP a table using a scale froP another table. SerforPs an interSolation using data in a Poderately coPSle[ table or graSh. SerforPs an e[traSolation using data in a siPSle table or graSh. analy]es Sresented data Zhen given neZ, siPSle inforPation e.g., reinterSret a graSh Zhen neZ findings are Srovided. Scientific Investigation Students apply science knowledge, sNills, and Sractices to understand the tools, Srocedures, and design of scientific experiments and to compare, extend, and Podify those e[SeriPents. A student performing at the Needs Support level: does not consistently dePonstrate the science knowledge, skills, and practices measured for 6cientific Investigation. A student performing at the Close level: finds inforPation in te[t that describes a siPSle experiment. identifies siPilarities and differences betZeen siPSle experiments. deterPines Zhich siPSle e[SeriPents utili]ed a given tool, Pethod, or asSect of design. A student performing at the Ready level: finds inforPation in te[t that describes a Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPent. identifies siPilarities and differences betZeen Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPents. deterPines Zhich Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPents utili]ed a given tool, Pethod, or asSect of design. understands the Pethods, tools, and functions of tools used in a siPSle e[SeriPent. understands a simple experimental design. deterPines the scientific Tuestion that is the basis for a siPSle e[SeriPent e.g., the hySothesis. Sredicts the results of an additional trial or PeasurePent in a siPSle e[SeriPent. A student performing at the Exceeding level: finds inforPation in te[t that describes a coPSle[ e[SeriPent. identifies siPilarities and differences betZeen coPSle[ e[SeriPents. deterPines Zhich coPSle[ e[SeriPents utili]ed a given tool, Pethod, or asSect of design. understands the Pethods, tools, and functions of tools used in a Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPent. understands a moderately complex experimental design. deterPines the scientific Tuestion that is the basis for a Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPent e.g., the hySothesis. evaluates the design or Pethods of a siPSle e[SeriPent e.g., Sossible ÀaZs or inconsistencies Srecision and accuracy issues. Sredicts the results of an additional trial or PeasurePent in a Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPent. deterPines Zhat conditions in a siPSle e[SeriPent Zould Sroduce sSecified results. Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results Students apply science knowledge, sNills, and Sractices to evaluate the validity of scientific inforPation and formulate conclusions and predictions based on that inforPation. A student performing at the Needs Support level: does not consistently dePonstrate the science knowledge, skills, and practices measured for Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results. A student performing at the Close level: does not consistently dePonstrate the science knowledge, skills, and practices measured for measured for Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results. A student performing at the Ready level: deterPines Zhich hySothesis, Srediction, or conclusion is, or is not, consistent Zith a siPSle data presentation or piece of information in text. deterPines Zhich results of a siPSle e[SeriPent suSSort or contradict a hySothesis, Srediction, or conclusion. A student performing at the Exceeding level: deterPines Zhich hySothesis, Srediction, or conclusion is, or is not, consistent Zith a Poderately coPSle[ data Sresentation or Siece of information in text. deterPines Zhich results of a Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPent suSSort or contradict a hySothesis, Srediction, or conclusion. deterPines Zhich hySothesis, Srediction, or conclusion is, or is not, consistent Zith tZo or Pore siPSle data Sresentations andor pieces of information in text. Simple Data Presentations and Experiments for the Elementary School Grade Band Concepts/quantities encompassed in a simple data presentation or experiment: ConceSts are liNely to be faPiliar to, or readily understood by, elePentary school students regardless of their e[Sosure to rigorous science instruction even if not fully understood, such as tePSerature and are often nuPbers of things, liNe nuPber of bugs or nuPber of days. Nature of simple data presentations and experiments: /iNely to be faPiliar to, or readily understood by, elePentary school students regardless of their e[Sosure to rigorous, active science instruction. ([aPSles of data Sresentations include tables Zith one or tZo coluPns and single headings, SictograShs, line Slots, bar graShs Zith a feZ single bars, linear ÀoZ diagraPs e.g., a short food chain. ([aPSles of siPSle e[SeriPents include recording insect activity in a bacNyard, e[SeriPents Zith only a feZ steSs in Zhich the one variable is Peasured and one or none is controlled Pethods and tools are very coPPon, such as counting, using a ruler, Peasuring Zeight. Moderately Complex Data Presentations and Experiments for the Elementary School Grade Band Concepts/quantities encompassed in a moderately complex data presentation or experiment: ConceSts are liNely to be faPiliar to an elePentary school student Zho has had rigorous science instruction but Pay not be to students lacNing this instruction, such as Pass, voluPe, or sSeed even if only understood Tualitatively neZly introduced but readily understood Tuantities e.g., Slant height or voluPe of liTuid added or a siPSle Tuantity or nuPber of things Ser another faPiliar Tuantity, liNe nuPber of ÀoZers Ser bed or inches of rainfall Ser ZeeN. Nature of moderately complex data presentations and experiments: /iNely to be faPiliar to elePentary school students Zho have had e[Sosure to rigorous, active science instruction but challenging to other elePentary school students. ([aPSles of Poderately coPSle[ data Sresentations include tables Zith three or Pore coluPns and single headings, bar graShs Zith several single bars, SictograShs Zith icons reSresenting a certain nuPber of things e.g., each bird in a SictograSh eTuals 10 birds, very siPSle line graShs, ÀoZ diagraPs Zith tZo or Pore levels liNe a basic food Zeb. ([aPSles of Poderately coPSle[ e[SeriPents include siPSle field studies in the Slayground involving defined test Slots, e[SeriPents Zith several, straightforZard steSs in Zhich the nuPber of variables Peasured and controlled is three or feZer Pethods and tools are very coPPon, such as using a balance, graduated cylinder, or a heat source. Complex Data Presentations and Experiments for the Elementary School Grade Band Concepts/quantities encompassed in a complex data presentation or experiment: Concepts are introduced to students and are likely unfamiliar to elementary school students, even Pany Zho have had rigorous science instruction, such as density or concentration, or conceSts sSecific to coPSle[ scenarios that are fully e[Slained in te[t but Zill be challenging to Pany elePentary school students. 6tudents of all levels Zill liNely need to rely heavily on the e[Slanations and definitions Srovided. Nature of complex data presentations and experiments: 0ay be challenging to elePentary school students regardless of their e[Sosure to rigorous, active science instruction. ([aPSles of coPSle[ data Sresentations include tables Zith shared and stacNed headings, bar graShs Zith double bars and a legend, line graShs Zith Pore than one labeled line, tables Zith negative Tuantities, siPSle scatterSlots, ÀoZ diagraPs Zith PultiSle branching and PultiSle levels. ([aPSles of coPSle[ e[SeriPents include e[SeriPents having several, intricate steSs and the nuPber of variables Peasured and controlled being four or greater, often using unfaPiliar, neZly introduced Pethods and tools.

3rd Grade Science — Performance Level Descriptors · 3rd Grade Science — Performance Level Descriptors Reporting Categories Needs Support Close Ready Exceeding Interpretation

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Page 1: 3rd Grade Science — Performance Level Descriptors · 3rd Grade Science — Performance Level Descriptors Reporting Categories Needs Support Close Ready Exceeding Interpretation

© 2016 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and secure. Not for redistribution. August 2016 | Page 1

3rd Grade Science — Performance Level Descriptors

Reporting Categories Needs Support Close Ready ExceedingInterpretation of DataStudents apply science knowledge, skills, and practices to locate, translate, infer and extend from, and evaluate data and infor ation in scientific gra hs, tables, and diagrams of varying complexity.

A student performing at the Needs Support level: does not consistently de onstrate the science

knowledge, skills, and practices measured for Interpretation of Data.

A student performing at the Close level:• selects one piece of data from a simple data presentation. finds infor ation in te t that describes a si le data

presentation.• selects two or more pieces of data from a simple data

presentation. identifies features of a si le table, gra h, or diagra

e.g., a is labels, units of easure .

A student performing at the Ready level:• selects one piece of data from a moderately complex data presentation. finds infor ation in te t that describes a oderately co le data resentation.

• selects two or more pieces of data from a moderately complex data presentation. identifies features of a oderately co le table, gra h, or diagra e.g., a is labels, units of easure . understands co on scientific ter inology, sy bols, and units of easure used in a si le

scientific conte t. translates si le infor ation into a table, gra h, or diagra . deter ines ho the value of a variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a si le

data presentation. co ares data fro a si le data resentation e.g., find the highest lo est value order data fro

a table . co bines data fro a si le data resentation e.g., su data fro a table . erfor s an inter olation using data in a si le table or gra h.

A student performing at the Exceeding level:• selects one piece of data from a complex data presentation. finds infor ation in te t that describes a co le data resentation.

• selects two or more pieces of data from a complex data presentation. identifies features of a co le table, gra h, or diagra e.g., a is labels, units of easure . understands co on scientific ter inology, sy bols, and units of easure used in a oderately co le scientific conte t. translates oderately co le infor ation into a table, gra h, or diagra . deter ines ho the value of a variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a oderately co le

data presentation. co ares data fro a oderately co le data resentation e.g., find the highest lo est value order data fro a table . co bines data fro a oderately co le data resentation e.g., su data fro a table . co ares data fro t o or ore si le data resentations e.g., co are a value in a table to a value in a gra h . co bines data fro t o or ore si le data resentations e.g., categori e data fro a table using a scale fro another table . erfor s an inter olation using data in a oderately co le table or gra h. erfor s an e tra olation using data in a si le table or gra h. analy es resented data hen given ne , si le infor ation e.g., reinter ret a gra h hen ne findings are rovided .

Scientific InvestigationStudents apply science knowledge, s ills, and ractices to understand the tools, rocedures, and design of scientific experiments and to compare, extend, and odify those e eri ents.

A student performing at the Needs Support level: does not consistently de onstrate the science

knowledge, skills, and practices measured for cientific Investigation.

A student performing at the Close level: finds infor ation in te t that describes a si le

experiment. identifies si ilarities and differences bet een si le

experiments. deter ines hich si le e eri ents utili ed a given

tool, ethod, or as ect of design.

A student performing at the Ready level: finds infor ation in te t that describes a oderately co le e eri ent. identifies si ilarities and differences bet een oderately co le e eri ents. deter ines hich oderately co le e eri ents utili ed a given tool, ethod, or as ect of design. understands the ethods, tools, and functions of tools used in a si le e eri ent.

• understands a simple experimental design. deter ines the scientific uestion that is the basis for a si le e eri ent e.g., the hy othesis . redicts the results of an additional trial or easure ent in a si le e eri ent.

A student performing at the Exceeding level: finds infor ation in te t that describes a co le e eri ent. identifies si ilarities and differences bet een co le e eri ents. deter ines hich co le e eri ents utili ed a given tool, ethod, or as ect of design. understands the ethods, tools, and functions of tools used in a oderately co le e eri ent.

• understands a moderately complex experimental design. deter ines the scientific uestion that is the basis for a oderately co le e eri ent e.g., the hy othesis . evaluates the design or ethods of a si le e eri ent e.g., ossible a s or inconsistencies recision and accuracy issues . redicts the results of an additional trial or easure ent in a oderately co le e eri ent. deter ines hat conditions in a si le e eri ent ould roduce s ecified results.

Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental ResultsStudents apply science knowledge, s ills, and ractices to evaluate the validity of scientific infor ation and formulate conclusions and predictions based on that infor ation.

A student performing at the Needs Support level: does not consistently de onstrate the science

knowledge, skills, and practices measured for Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results.

A student performing at the Close level: does not consistently de onstrate the science

knowledge, skills, and practices measured for measured for Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results.

A student performing at the Ready level: deter ines hich hy othesis, rediction, or conclusion is, or is not, consistent ith a si le data

presentation or piece of information in text. deter ines hich results of a si le e eri ent su ort or contradict a hy othesis, rediction,

or conclusion.

A student performing at the Exceeding level: deter ines hich hy othesis, rediction, or conclusion is, or is not, consistent ith a oderately co le data resentation or iece

of information in text. deter ines hich results of a oderately co le e eri ent su ort or contradict a hy othesis, rediction, or conclusion. deter ines hich hy othesis, rediction, or conclusion is, or is not, consistent ith t o or ore si le data resentations and or

pieces of information in text.

Simple Data Presentations and Experiments for the Elementary School Grade Band

Concepts/quantities encompassed in a simple data presentation or experiment: Conce ts are li ely to be fa iliar to, or readily understood by, ele entary school students regardless of their e osure to rigorous science instruction even if not fully understood, such as te erature and are often nu bers of things, li e nu ber of bugs or nu ber of days.Nature of simple data presentations and experiments: i ely to be fa iliar to, or readily understood by, ele entary school students regardless of their e osure to rigorous, active science instruction. a les of data resentations include tables ith one or t o colu ns and single headings, ictogra hs, line lots, bar gra hs ith a fe single bars, linear o diagra s e.g., a short food chain . a les of si le e eri ents include recording insect activity in a bac yard, e eri ents ith only a fe ste s in hich the one variable is easured and one or none is controlled ethods and tools are very co on, such as counting, using a ruler, easuring eight.

Moderately Complex Data Presentations and Experiments for the Elementary School Grade Band

Concepts/quantities encompassed in a moderately complex data presentation or experiment: Conce ts are li ely to be fa iliar to an ele entary school student ho has had rigorous science instruction but ay not be to students lac ing this instruction , such as ass, volu e, or s eed even if only understood ualitatively

ne ly introduced but readily understood uantities e.g., lant height or volu e of li uid added or a si le uantity or nu ber of things er another fa iliar uantity, li e nu ber of o ers er bed or inches of rainfall er ee .Nature of moderately complex data presentations and experiments: i ely to be fa iliar to ele entary school students ho have had e osure to rigorous, active science instruction but challenging to other ele entary school students. a les of oderately co le data resentations include tables ith three or ore colu ns and single headings, bar gra hs ith several single bars, ictogra hs ith icons re resenting a certain nu ber of things e.g., each bird in a ictogra h e uals 10 birds , very si le line gra hs, o diagra s ith t o or ore levels li e a basic food eb . a les of oderately co le e eri ents include si le field studies in the layground involving defined test lots, e eri ents ith several, straightfor ard ste s in hich the nu ber of variables easured and controlled is three or fe er ethods

and tools are very co on, such as using a balance, graduated cylinder, or a heat source.

Complex Data Presentations and Experiments for the Elementary School Grade Band

Concepts/quantities encompassed in a complex data presentation or experiment: Concepts are introduced to students and are likely unfamiliar to elementary school students, even any ho have had rigorous science instruction, such as density or concentration, or conce ts s ecific to co le scenarios that are fully e lained in te t but ill be challenging to any ele entary school students. tudents of all levels ill li ely need to rely heavily on the e lanations and definitions rovided.Nature of complex data presentations and experiments: ay be challenging to ele entary school students regardless of their e osure to rigorous, active science instruction. a les of co le data resentations include tables ith shared and stac ed headings, bar gra hs ith double bars and a legend, line gra hs ith ore than one labeled line, tables ith negative uantities, si le scatter lots, o diagra s ith ulti le branching and ulti le levels. a les of co le e eri ents include e eri ents having several, intricate ste s and the nu ber of variables easured and controlled being four or greater, often using unfa iliar, ne ly introduced

ethods and tools.