-S C H O O L -^ iiMCONDITI t o REMARKABLE ^jrcRifftiiiie sy : . IndppondiriJt Scliojil Didtricl Niiin^ri^ J PallK, will vdto toiiKirrott* on a ]ile(o nil achlittoii t'u lli<> lii[>h hi'IiikiI nm .tliht nrc iiiiw 8<‘i'i<>iiKly liniiiiii'rinc thi‘ ncIi An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI willi-tlin Atmili,ly iix-rcnKiiiK ]>ri<Hiiiirii or ] 'ilicH, for ]>nxM)Ki' of tlio lioml insiiK Tlm JilRh HClipol •nHilitorinin hcUvri'ii onn p. in lu>^dM-compl<tjo|i. n> *' lb* h'dfclittfot.L now unilftr eonninic- ll T r (lbn^&'j>6nd'iUuu Wuiilii flnanro tU» f i r pnrthiiie, ot ntinr ImUiUnR nl)cn nml may parall tLe aructiuh<:o( n iinialt 11 frade Ttic mom pm alac awnl - U ----- -H ir^pletlon-otM hn hiRh BChool mliH- (Ion, whicli will tiounr bciwnca niiO and 1400 pupllA aa<I rolMno tweW" olU*r roomH for relli'f of ovorcrowilcMl THe iclMol nliaallon hait 'conio lu (ho acuta ilaso, It In (-niphanfzed. nn Oong: IncrsMo In cnrotUnciu ot 400. piiplli . om .thM ot Inat'ypnr httvlng formed _____ an oDoornial Rrowth ihnt nol only tt- cMd«d nsturm oxTMtatlonii iiut ovrf' taitd tVie-hottitnn rapatlly «niU t\to edueallonal Htandard» of Hio cliy oro WA! ' iorlouily threalcned with Iniimlr- dio wi m<nl. It In thill coRilltlon whicli racon crlmln tho ►chool voler* tomorrow, and Itx raioH rcattutlon-lDaplrcB confidence tliat.tlio accord bond luue will carry- by an over* liuillm ‘whttmlnx malorliy. i»Uwc . — — ' ' " clKn I Awftit Word From .Armjr,Av^tors in -mn ' Meni^m* Hands • . . . ---- - , - - HAN-ANTQNIQ.t?*»^' J9.-^-Offlc«m cnn tr at •outhora.-deportmint haadquartcm nieai tra .fcwcklUDC.word tortay ot ihr ro- ly orl h«M of l«6 United Staten army avia- (lulf «ho became coafuoMl In a fokvnnd «coi • ww* Iftlitn 'prtionura '\>y MtxlW* b r y . when *hey wero forced to maktf^a tleci," laadinc. near iho-mlnlnic to rn X I>«nio< Ktn^ra., 30 nille* below Uio border, inlitoc So itf no ateps bave been Ukcn lo n««t 'olitaia-their releaio,}'^ Unltin' Davl* and Orimea ^longed (o tha war, t Aen> Sauadron al McAllen, roulei T«x: They foltoweU the Solado river ntnKoi Inlo^ Naxlco In lhe belief, they wore bu coi ' probeedlnc up tlio Ilio Oraode. . A. -Tli ffleiMn received from the mluiilas lo ihr aytalora last nlshi m h e. McAllen pujpt •Utlon waa (o the effoct a promtie to wo bad'^ten *lvon ihem they wonlil be rome roiewed thit mgmlnc. The ! .Avlttbr*’ from the ElghUx Sghadron ccnim aro (lill comblnr tbe country soutli middi of Ibe lUo Orande la lhe aearcb o( and t Ue airmen. tip ib ■v , • - England Alarmed - 'y Over Her jPinances p,,, LONDON^ Jan. W.—Tbo lnt«n»e J- aUrm ovil-'<lie'financial outlMk won r»fl«oMi«DIn-Uio prw» ihla aflvrnoon. ‘“day The rail Mall Onxctie dcclarrd in omoki flarlnx headllneii that "tbo exphanr.*-' ouuoolc ileadliy gel* woree." Tl>e SvMilok fliamlaril~ conopicuoiiijjy piili* ttmtu Itihad a atory tbal Chan):elIor of ibe Buinuarv Auatin l‘bamb«rlaln bad p f g . biBB>umnioned to a «5pnfer<aco on tlie^ohan«u aUuaUon. Tbe utob<i Mjr»i.lbal O r^ t Britain. Krone* nnd . 'Otbar Rtiro^an - cobntrlen ara foetd tw -tho sraveil finonclol erlila in ^ , af.tory.‘- : ........... ^ •V ibUt .. V ,-AmenpMi.AYiator-- : ____mn. Killed in Crash WAfelllNOTO.S. • Jan. 20.—Uenlen- ! ant Oeniard Vandorbllt Eekhout of Z^n'c lilandi. navaC aTiaior. wai* fo* UtV Intured'^tun a Maplana which .. iw m i in craihed vltli another ma* T lU f cbnto orar auuUnsm o Day. tho navy ilt^rtm ent' announoeil ihU after* imn. Sekhoui died on board ' ttie > tiolMd BtalM sblp Soiaco noon after CH Iha A idant, which admiral—W4t«u>, o(-a- (ii eoQuaand ot tli* AUanilc tteet, 'ult* mora -TaMid; .......... ...................... ^ --------------- cilTH '? - -- ------ epld« * * * * * * * * * *****^** Cbi^rl ■4 . . P O S X m E n 'V ♦aoai 4- • Tho Twin pBlla*8ho.boao ------ ^ 0. whicli ‘wai to * ' 4 ba«6 b*m. played llvl«'et«nlnB ~ -;4Vln.ib« loc«i:;&li actiM< |ym- SA t./BUiuaL. liU'.^a.'^potlponM l ♦ itaat 4 , . o^Ul; tomoctoiif avonin*. Th* ♦ atroi 4.. «fooad'-Blaa-ud WhIto taam 4 Hb^i % T nortbaldora at ♦ oowl 4'lfcft4lm (i:'":' 1 .♦loin ■»*:*** *'** *******.* tim p |p ||i ' i i P [IONS DUE IF E GROWTH IS mEM BADLYj i wliiuli iiic-liulcH T w iii|l I'l” II a $HHI,11(10 1)1111(1 issui-, to i-(iiii.{ nixI n 'licw c'rowiii'ii i-onclilioiis' NchnnlH.vslrmortli.. c-ily. | ■ool iiriU-iiils inul <ithiT« raiiiiliiiri •'"i of Kruwtli njiou iIk* m'IiuoI favil.'L,.^ riiHvotiiiK will lalco jilnin; iu tin- in. nntl flvo i> . 111. tnniornnv. TIJ M O SO W ( m iM m iL FREIGflT RATES ' ingress Assures OommitUc That ^ No Disciimlnation'Will - army Bo AUowctl PIS! _____ iiiiii f iVASlliSOTON. Jan. i:a.-Tbi' niM- ^ ' went and "niilh wlll not Im iliu- , mliialcd UKUln'nt ollluT In frrlKbt ' OH or Intpmaticiniil Iradii roiit<':i. :onilag to u»i>uranr.-«-filv.!n by i Iih ' illriK inembnrit of ciiiiKronH of Hi" ilwcKi nnd K\ilt*r,outb AMmitli^ lur- ' :n iriidi' aiiit irflnnporiallon com- ih'. ropro».-ntlnK* iwaty-two Ica. In acaaloii horo itxluy. ' ' ni-i commlico caaie to Wii.liinRton tho purpow Of brlaglnK proHnnro ..... beur on conKrcHsi for ihi- p«labll»h- ‘ ' ■n\_anrt. mBlnti.nanco, ot nn AmerS- " ^ (i merrhant tiinrttio' nnrt the rtnvel- ' „ ml of nvw trado rouioA, purtlculur* ' | nrlBltially In Soiilh Allunllc ami " If jHirtii and k-udlng lo Souili J ■ConnrcM wlll give you' rvory dol- ['‘'P"''' • yon n.-«» tn inalntnln hucli a PI," Senator Joncpli E. naaodell, niocrai, of I»ulnlnna. told the cum* _ itec. He HUied tbat ti. merchant r O I «l would bo or great value lo tho ilteil Stalun navy in Ihp ovcni of >r, and that not only nhould frvlRbl men W chi»1)llfl1icd b a t th a i pan* iiKor Ilnei nnd null ahip*' ahould , , coaiinlieloncd. , The conimiUcu lodn)- divided In- Ihrco groupH to facllltato'lbo cum- Jgn wftilcli; Iho membera propoM wage agolnat congrean to' over* ■ , me objcctlona Irom Uia flunrtcr. , ' >e South AtlanUc membera of tlic “ ‘ ‘ Diinliice formed ono group, tho iddlo*weitcrn dolegaiOH another, ^ d tlio gulf state dologallona tnade 1x6] <Ibe third. WdVAN’S HMOKIMi ItOOM ' . v : a 'nu<00. Jan. :9.-\Vomcn amoke «rca» jru clKarl'ttoa iliBi) men. ncoonilng of Id J. J. ,UoscnUial. manager of the Junui iKMlit Uicatro litre, who announced “ndlrt day Ibat be Jiad opciiod n wntnanV »ervlf loklng room In tbo ihenin.*. ■‘‘W ••t almnly lisil tn do It.” lu* Bnld. H»nn licy ewn hhioIksI In Ibu h.liliy, auini' ('onn aM.”---------- - ^ •*“Tl _______________ Mid 'ranee and Germany Resume Relations Boi PAIUB. Jaa, 29.—W ithout coromony ploniallc. relation* between rrancc ' Id Oormony woro formally reaumod Is a/iomoon. Herr Mayer, tho Ger- " »nj»vor..pra«nK4Jil» crcdenUaU rrcBilor Milloraud In Ihn private ' «m ndiolnlni: t:io promler’K ofnce ^ Id then rciurno<l to the Ooraian cm- lasy. Tho presentation wna lire* ^ded by a iiandahako. Tl 'lu Tfifkinier Five of Family of Ten jir., ; . - — ^ othoi CniCAOO. Jan. M.—Two member* ora may dl* an»l Iho ramalndtrera Slfflnod to ilicir~rcdr b 7 T h r ~ f u r >*“ Itldenlo hara. Tho family ia that ot bi^rlea Kami*. Tbo dead ara son Id rtaughUr. HTEAXER AOnOUM). SAVANMAXr, Oa;. San. Si^K itrg« IU laaaahlp -abt ildMUflad. ti raporttd cntli grotthd-fqnr allaa north of Sapelo dor* ibm^'«(t'tMcoMt naar.Dari*iL Tb» isro 9Wt n iM ablp TaxDUraw 4M f ooa corti > b^.'iitd; ‘ Bb* la net twIIfrH to tw (a «t tpwll. ^ ^ ; savfr .. J..';/ -,v FALL TWIN 7ALL8, IDAHO, TSTOl m m ELEama Secy. Lane Still P.f Plans to Retire |,' | WASHINQTON. Jun. ::9.- A .l Kmiiklln K. U nc. nucrotnry of JAI1 tbi* interior, han not rcconald* iTPd hl!i decision 10 retire from - Ihl- iruliliiri at uu <>arl>' dii(». It | B I nnn ntnlud today ut biK orClcu. K I - hurc. Th...... .. wna mado tf I In iriily to a rrport tbat the I>ru»l(li-iii had iiri'vull<-<l upon M -Mr. I.niir to rontlnuc In I1I1 |><>- Jl Hitloii for nu liuU'iliilii- period. j [RANSWlS jLoni ou t OF DANGER / [t. Vomon, Reported SlnkiD(f, v Overcome# Threatening ^ p isaatcr n t Sea SAN rilA.VCISCO. J;ia. JD.—Tlii' r? •my irauKpcri Mourn Veraoa rotxin- rOr€ I ciuntig no iilnlit lii 11 makiaK con- J( Hon. l» timi|iiiiii.iy (lilt of (bnacr. Ill fUHl Kcont crnlHi^rH. wblrli lr-(t na Angelcn for her aid liuvo iiirni<<l ii'k. Tliln h II... (>rri<'l:il illiviil w.inl -ro today. ^ .SA.N ritA.VCI.KCll. 2U.—T h r ' •aiy irnnRpon Jilouai Vrrnnn. wliUdi I" "oau lik'd from ililn j.ort on Jnnnnry (Hiluuli :ii|ur ti'.-alrd ordem. ibe <Iu)itlnalliiii [:x[iir> iiorflrlnlly Mid tl) Iio Slbi-rla! la ttf. Crnltnl ly roiiiralnK m Sun Franclnro ultli tl-ni >ur feet nf water In brr forward in niuh }|d aa ll rcmilt of u Iruk wblrh d»- biile in sloped In her Kinrlxmrd k1<I o w hcrr KtnirM Oeriiisn torptdit idcnirU Iut la Sup- ui'on I •mlior. JtllS. Tiie WIruIuai reporiH itny tbnl tho water ,{,i. n, 1 hcluB lifpt In i;h.K:k l>y tbn pump.a. hnml 1 bo vrMel •WUH about foni* buiidriMl 4loi.-«ul-in-«»a-wl.«M-llie-»lrrlrm. plM -i' ■port WB'i riTuiv.-d. No ralhi for jjim )r Dtp wero recelviHl Uero up i«i ultK- f,j t„ clock bill monilai;. Kuropi ' grtbflr ^ortable Saloon drmim by A gent. O r R e v e n u e D e p t , othor* . asalHl LOIfiB. Jan. 29.—Revenue offlcera I'" sited enough whlakey to atock a “ mali saloon whon thoy arrvaled a laa at CaldwolL Idaho, giving tJie ult cases mied With bonded Wblokoy. n l u e d a t a p p ro x ltn n u ly l i .OOO. ^ ^.lly^ ^eavy Increase in Influenza Cases grave WASHINQTON. Jan. J9'.-An In* «tmosi reaao ot many ihouaandii of cases xaUon f ioflucnxa fur^ liio wook ending unus^ Im tdiown over the weok j,jn,o,, ndlng January IT. tho public healUt |,yyini trviru announced ihia aftomoon. Tbe nrgcKt Incrooaen wera In Callforalk. lllnola. Inillaaa, Kamusx. Wlnconaln. jnne •onnortlcut und Now York. obtain -“Thfr-fltswsn-la-rOTfintlly— inltrj,“ ald a Hlat(>mcnl iasued this aflor* _______________ The Body of Local Man Will Be Cremated money -------- ' ;ubald SALT I.AKE. Jon. 2ft.-Tlio body tJiot < <f R. Johnston. Twin Pall*, has ilonal lecn tal«n in U s Aawles far ere« libllonV Jb]fnstoa%ras found dead In If she lip room at Uin Now Grand holel bore “ Ku innday from ncuto alrobollsni. ^-urk ■— the 13 T irriM OF “I’XI.OADKD- flll.-il “Kuro • ' ■ ' .• . dor. DEUPHOa. Kan,. Jan. M.-Hcrman L. Powell. olghUon-year-olil son of ** Hr. and Mra. rranic Powell, wa* an* ithor victim ot an "unloadod''. ro- CAKII rolver horo a tow days ago. Tho g p n l^ a - aeeldontir dlit . :hargwl by a *#Tonleen-y^ar^ol/l com* panlon,-the -bullet-JnbHng 'tho left ■ :emplo and lodging In Powoll’* brain. j Littlo hope Is iield out by. pbyslclans ror-Po^irareiyvory. rXPYiJlliil) CHUIMER SLMc E •••w : H0»IE, Jan. 19.—^0 AaatrlaB tliey cntuer Novira, wblch wa* aurrn* Uter d*r*d to tbs allies nndor tho annlatlet togra; lorma, sprang a laak while balnc'^. :tfim ' eorted (rom Oattaro today, and aattit ^nio In Itaa Drlndbl harbor. -Tta.craw wU tft* P lavod. _______ . <J- Iher l O T 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. W m OLICY 0F“ m m m i llTTtRLY I iTTACKED I >ndon Newspaper Is Critic of Profit W || Madness Here I1.Y S E U RO PE IS i BEING SQUEEZEDjForn, . __ c >reign Nations Must - Join to Bii&ak the Gripf Is Threat 'inaT till nrr -------- y.ar,)i lu- »vi ONDDS, Jna. 2n.—"Nrru fl.ldlod „.aH i| l« lloiiii- wns burnlOK aad lluTo li.tai'y oai.'thlnK NcroeiiniH) lu'. Anirrli-aS Mr. ludo luday." docluroH Uw tuUy "poU'" itr.H la 11 bluer uiuicl: upon ilie trd Stulc'ii. Tbo ai'wiipapiT lUiyH ’'*"i f ‘■Alarrira',1 colonaul profltciorluB "arlrn iiuktpg ili« uliolr j»'orld pay tri- 'hiya I L ' la cxclmnKr* becauiwi tlio t.'nlK'd v r i irH Imn (I flnunclal nirnuKKOiolil "Jiili i» livr co-l«!Ul6«r»tt'«." 'he artld.' oiiriii»*wlih fl plea In '«'“'*'ri llaltf'il Stnrn to rpiiir.vi> tlir whip tnaKH III nnd liolp put Knriipi* npon lirr Mr : In lliv wuy uf proiliiriloa. TIiIh airnnu l~i^“ r6lli>wW'l>y tlir <lTi«Trnnoa, 'by au t ir Ibx'Ualtcil .Stnlfx In ■In.tniiln- ChUni ln-*-cmUno<i lifr •■stonJim Trom rope ihrn Rnropc.nnii miiiu) Kfl to- p linr nud hrrak Anirrloa'ii flaanclnl "Te iilriatlon. . Lo 'bll auWKpnprr endi'avora to kIiow r V I'liu llnllud SlBlo!! flnanirli'ra ui,i'>C 9 ' or* ••while paflag lip aervlco io Ihi Europe. Iiuvn lirun doinK iioili. . but’line Ihclr pockMii. forgetilaK prlnclplea of brotlinrhooil ro lav- ly oxprtaiietl «hllc honllhtli-n were progross." p Vbllu pointing out that. Unglnad. |,pp{^| mco und Italy are hoavllyjjidebi- to America for war KuiJ^les. lhe prenc lly Express says that America Is ..pr, vlng tho hardest burgulan posMible p^j^Q I tbui as tbo axcJinngc ntea now nd. world roniitrucilon Is atagnui- ,aj,i Thp nowupapcr dcclaros tbal hjq ,h United. States Is the centcr of a ivo Iniornatlooal situation which It iiost ni« Rrrlons a nionacii lo'ClvlIl- .yraici lon na Qernian mliltorlsm. . atiiuil Amrsica Is profitevrtDg on a scale Tin boKo uaknowR, Amertcans ar* Mme ring bo*liA>sa in JSngland at th* 0 of 15 Khttltniis lo Oio-pound. Thoy » . tw^franca* worth for every nc spent In Krance, Thoy arc “ InlnB .'’*en^boitor_t4!mii!. liL l'Jily. -------- tin In Atistrln AOd Germany Aoifr- nn uro ploking np untold wealth.' roi rhe Daily BzprcHii nays ll believes tempi a IUI» do«« not T«prcMnt v«nl OaVlg drw of tho American people. It promi (cs Guropo to ceaSo'Uaiilae paper <irucl ney and lo (juit giylng govommenl inttn Mldlea. Tlio ..newspaper, .dciDAOdl CuIla >1 Oraat Urltaln ^ 1 an interna* . Mr- nal coulennco lo find remedies, stop she did not parilclpatc. ' ~ w'iin'l ‘Kuropo must get thu peopio to *l>en rk and Inervaso production." aald Ho • l)aiiy • ElxptfsH In conclusion. uraps must pul her finanoos In or- »dltoi r. Guropoan cduntrlesmiasi aban* °'^i ' a.'BlootDaaa and Inatltnta. & . cya* u of European co-operation." n*'®' ................. - M. N ,HIMKB 8 ATH MOVtE ^ (^i l-ANS CO A.SHOPPIXfi _ ---------- ------------------- ur* CWClS.SA'tS. O h io ,J a n .. n know <hat thoro ‘ara niovlo bopperar Wjull; tlior* ol—a t least. Hilda NE inter says *0. ' Qrov Aad MUda.adgM >e fciiowi.nh*-be> tttr plcs a .movla box otiieo hero.- ~ wblc! 'WheD peopld conja to tfie' siovloa eovn ey •*hop‘ .aajT|-Hilda. "That tone er tbtth h«r«-dad atare at'ttio pho- n n i graph! .and:'poMei^ .-.onta|d*,\.Ui^ m tu m A fter a' llttf*,' th*r Itfa i ma baelt. Ttey tnik* ib'o ronnda'bf •'piei^iroi,i|iid'p|tdr ^bnt tbo'eiia httffi or wnn^io ^ d tte lr moQ>r |Uid ^ g g f ] iERTf 'A Y -M E R . TeacHers Plan .j n Salary Strike jj| !•l)ltTl-.^.^'l1. dr.'., Jun. -'.I. i .yrvrnti.'1'a putilli- Ki'liiiol (vuili- J i n of Mllwnuk;.!, n .itihiirl. of tbin c'lty, thri-a«'ii 10 nul> »'"rk by iilftlit If tliclr ilriaanil" for a ' • flut Im-rea'M' of a iikiiiiIi ' n rr Iiol KnilUr.l imiiiiMUalc'ly b.v ' thr HclKiol hiiurd 1-f Ihr ti.»li. r ndoriliiiK tl) ri-|iiirii. ri'colvnl liiTi' tlilK—iiKiriiliii;, -Thr i-l-rk . . ct llu- ..linol l,,i;.r.l I,, niioi-l , •'.'i, miylm: ........ ihn. .................. Hoar,I t. Ill ravor uf .In- la- ' rri’n.u. Inil l.i .in.ililr i„ ,train tliiii', I------ ^ --- rr:: --- ---- 'I0\ I L , POUNCE N ^ON-JOHNSON^ rnicr Negro Champion Cannot Como Back to U. 8. and Escapc Prison ^ UIICAtlO,-Jan. Ja<k JuMnnon.; iiii-r lii'iivynrlKlit i'liiiii>|)|oa. will ' WASI nrr-'Mvd utiil i,i-nl tn Ih'rIii hlu on*'j].'r.i,|K 1 ir.jinil a day -.mi.'nin Ihi' aioin.-ai | n«i» fool In llu- |tnltr.l Stnt.-n, a ili'c'lari'd toilay Ijy IHiilrlrt A'l-1.. , ai.y ninrl.-H Hyn,. . ,Ir. I’lyiif’n •.lut.-iiu-nt wan la r.i'., , 1 f, >I 1 M‘ lo (iiiri.lloiiii b.siTliiK on u >ori Ihul. Jolinwia iimi wrlitrn lo i{,.j,ri " l» »"i ! '!■ “."I" •Irn In .\rw ^<lrk uad Klvrn thirty ............... liavr iii ■“ canip;il •Jolnvum !ia« l.ln-n n fuKlilvr from ^,.i.,H;ir Ulcv vlv.til yt'arw. hr nnd vrrauu-nt dorn not nnnullnie with n>* |« n tlllvcn. l.ov.'ih'i llr Udiiiltti'd hai hr hnd rrui-lved ihln ni •ni>ui!ri. from Juhiinoa In Mrxlco Diovrril airnaii of p>r»oiiiil vliilt* fio iir 11 Kiipimn Imr.o lawyer. laulinn ---------------------- r.raor 1 rench Paper Says London Times Made Falsehood Campaign i'AillS. Jan. :9.—The semi-official wRpnjKT. U Tcmpn. cbnrKi-H tbr '' . indon Times »Stli. de^loplng a mpalRa. of falao report agalnai 0 i-Vcach In Syrln. Tb»'nowspa;>er ieciri4any aonloft - Ibo Times' ro. CIS of six coutllcui between the ''”7 / •ench and Syrians at Ulnn. "Kranco Is niloalBheil ut tlila cnm- Iga nf false nows which Is aimed p o |* ' discredit rmnco's «nrk In Syria." Id L« Tomps. *'li conlrnslB with 0 discretion ohaerved by tbe Freacli css regarding b«M r lt\ K<ypt." Ul Tcmpa funher acruscs Drltiah olcgra of asaumlag nn n'utl-Trpnch liude la iloroeco. . ' Tho I'arls ■•Midi" comments In tli.ii ^ ' Ihc .01 ^ged Texas Man Is trui. i Killed by T rains ----- ------------------ ------------------ ----- -,j-- roilT WORTH. Jan. 29.-In an at- ® mpt lo make a short datour near iVlatMl, 1. I*. Record. 6S. (omwrly a ‘omiaent cltlsca of I'aHs. Tex., was ruck and insiomiy killed by nn ttrurhau exprasa on its way trom <^ondu ^(r. Record, who wa* on hin way to P m op number six, uvjdontlr did. not tar the appmaerlng trtiJn, 111* body asTiuriWucvoniriiunilna foot and---------- hen plrkod up ho was dead. Ho is survived l.y his widow and J-f’- ve children. James It. Record,' city 8*“’"' lltor, ot Slar-ToIegramKNetl Roc- l^o)'‘' rd, nf Ihe editorial sutf of.the aamo leram »Pm ; PhH RocohJ «1 Ballaa. Tbonvaa •cord or PaHs. Tex., and Mni.’Jamrt I.'North ijr‘’Port Worthv'wlfo of the lltnr of Iho StafTelegnm. [hl^j* )«ftJJodgeitW ai— Czar SIS NiCW YORK, JiiL S9..-T1I* trial of irover CloraUod B«rgdoll. mUllon- tw -flfau -uiHntip.-or niiiaaTOhia: ~ w x iblch was to hav* tlaitad <>*reri* a patti* crart tsartial ea Oomaor^ latad to ba m«rrbw/1iaavb*«) ygttyODad aa-i Lod«< m it or Ol* "roqttatt-oC DarcdoHt (onoi otufcl for fc^oMBlal'agBnlsiOim'or of 8« fa toUBb ''XeebnUBfl 16 ,tb» lawyer, of 'thi lu k - 8p*Ac*r,'Jr..--t)t*'prtB0B*r Is .Tbi ItffwiDrfrotD th* hartnelRitMl «ttt of 6« i‘'l^tt*«iar of J''' le i^ 1 ' ■" /'>= I M E S I loiT REAT RING OF AND SEVERAL IN BONDS, STi \VASlll\-(iTON, .liHl. -Jll III llir . Ii.l-Milr r^iiils .......... ••l.iiil.i lil-i L'ht .|i-vi'lii|irn.'iit-, ;il lln- liraM ify lo.lai ••.• vv.irili ot war siaiiiiiH ;iii.l si ,/r.l, mia wuvlv iMir Inm.lv.-.l iumi iu .•.•s hav.- ........ ari-.'-tr.l, O M M NOTCONDUa r: ^CAMPAKNE _____ li'Knl ilcfls ColliOgc ’W ithdraws,' th o |»shnm Illinois Qovcmor Will ' Stay Out of It __________ jLLlli i'AylllNtiTON. Juu Cdhtiii.i l,|ii,'il t ial( O. l.o«dra or IllliiiiiM Will ant I aK'Jiin n» bin rampuljlll for ............... to prrtililrailal nomliiuiliii: loavra* ...... . I in Ma^.i.ari.,i,>rit« umn OoviTnnr .IhlRf. nf lint Blair, i^iall with* AV fucaully from llir prn.ldrntlul uader trjiri'Rcataiivr [•Vnnk I- Sailih of •jnno" nol". aunuBrr i.t ..... l.owdi>ii , ul.taari.T.1 hm.. Mated today: "I /r lull'll uakrd Whrlhcr th., I^.wden iipalKU would l.U oxtoadrd. Inlo iiHiirliiinritiv la view of rlir rpcrni j iMOirni l.y lli.viTiior fi.<.11ilnr tlinl Is not i> prr.Irti'iitlal ^mdldntr. The v.'ih'ii iiianniirr.i do nol roiinlnir obt.-xlii n nialrin.'iil an drrlurallun that ,fauj, vrriior fiH.Udr.i- wouliLdrdlne iht.' .„„rt ..r nio,.r who fnv.;MilK nom* lllnn. 1( Ih hMII nppiirrat lo (lov* • inr l.owdrn nud hlii mii.|Kiricrii thnt ,u„„ ' . i-rnila.rat of thr ltep.il,llniai. of inn.icbun.-lln In favorable lo thr 1 ‘neatatlun of Oovonior roolldgi-'n p,|ne| mn 10 lhe nomlnollag ronventlon C'.'ilrnKo arxi Juno. Although Cov* ;\ia„y lor I.<iu<U'n has a iitroag uorsonar ,lowing In Mui-.nchu.ioUa noiblng 1,0*,, II br dene, unlcas Oovernor Cool- j,, ;o should mako o formal with- p,[j,5 awai of his namo from considara- ~ m to prevent Oovonior Coolldgn )m recftlvlng Iho unanimous sup*' -i.u,. n of tho bay suvto’s deleBnt'lnn. “L „ri, ii. j.Miy .i...™ .,- ----------------------- savin. orty Injured’ on . Derailed Trolley m to - nry o niCHMONI). iud., Jan. :>,-i'orty ■monH wrro. Injured, tm of ibem -hrok rlotinly.. when na Ohio electric In* rurtiun. Inhound. leaped th.‘ tracks v j . u cnrvr on n Iilll at iho ed»;e of I’ .oliy aad iumi'il ur^r loduy. The ir. according to pusengers, »iui uv.'ling down Ihu gnul.* sl a high H-ed when ll wnn di'ruilrd. turned inipleiely ari-und and opplrd on Its __au: di«. i’asxengers were taken froiiJ ri',iHi le car ihrough windows 'and' the os(, serioualy lujartil were taken to ,.3, Dftl MciiiorlBl hospital here. yrtsoi Tiio cnr was ih chargi' ot David Qovei aker. niotoruian, and Bdwnrd Qood. New inductor, ot West Alexandria. Ohio. Dly I *remiers to Talk Over Kaiser's Fate -------- bnd t L0N1X)N, Jan. 29.-The Evenlns in Bi taiidurd declarert today tbal PrcmKir Eh« loyd Qeorgo ba* lovlled Pramler Uil- «iioi rran.l of I’ Vanco. 'Premier NlUS of llow« aiy. and the Frao.ilu Japaoeao.^nd ii jiltan ambaasadori to London for a urm Mftraoco to daclde tbo .ex kaiser's ija it« and to eouldor the ^ncttoa of show )o Jlst of Oorman-war erlmlDala wbo h* w ra wanted for trial. According u>.tb* bi yaltejto aeeentnato Oermany'* dlfS« uiooa a t jtiwMBL'‘ ' • rOXFERENfR I'bSTPOXEO Bo! WAHHWOTO.S'; Jab.' M-' ------- attiaas traaty'ooafvmea which wia > bav* takn.plao* today in'Biaator > PA Ad«*’* orn«e.'wa*.-po*lpoo«t''iiBtlt tn. L jmorrbw bo'aeeoaBt'or th* '^ m*bM »t(«l f Smator L a ti^ ot*V)Mduia;o^^ Vbm f'tha ebntMtttt- ■^SSSU OLD j o t .^ ijf'. f i v i ' PPQ R^ CROOKS .MILLIONS TAMPS TAKEN II' i-.>iiiilry-\vi<lr i-lraii.np. w ith hiol;,.-,- ill amiiy riii,..s, ov.-r.' iilav sli-.w.-il v.-v..ral aiillii.n .lo). I siiili-r. Lili.'rly Iu.ikIm iian bocit , ;u>.l iiuiiii.-nms wniiiim fti-i'oin. :<-iri| S.Tvhr Cbl.'f John Momii. •lull'd I.v aa army <.f i.leuilu. re- whiK lln- ri'niili Ilf llir,round-up tu* V. Ii'li nmvlni i'il Hint Um- dr«cnM II .'iiui:lit Hm- rinr Iradrr* In a gl- ■Itlr -K-h.'iiir M-ai. aianf rsialtlca* in tiait »oal<i' l:uvn served to, (Ie- Lahu-Uuauury'ii-drlvu.Io-lMtn«(lt-ls— ---- lim ilr invi'Mori.. 'Iilrf amone Ihi? orfondrrs ar» al* ..-ll "liroki-r,;" ivlio ar.' ulyM .as' ar.'s" by trefllTury ri{Wmt^ffifOugii ' nm vuni iinuaillU's nf war uvlngn iiiiji-. bu'S- l.r(-n uiiloadnl nnd' -ouKli which cbauaelN large amounts ni.ilrn. hiivr Ix'fR trnced. nil' ral.ls nud suliurea have oecn- il Ihl- .nirntroa of thn ireiaurr >jiiN .'hirtly In uucb clilos si New rk. {-hiMKo. Springfield.. 111.. St. iiU. IinltbnorK and Philadclpbta. ranury offlcinln explained tbat a •Rl' jiroportlon of tho nuimps »als«d uu brokrri' offices woro CooilKfttad der llu- Inw which prohlbita anr la* 'IdunI frota poisesilng nora than nno worth of war savings itiaapi I Individual being pormltUK) U hav* larger amount nnd thn siampi Iwls^ a-transforablA. Iho finding o( larser loanis on premises of "btoltant" antltutrd prlitm facie proof et KOlIt idiir the law. In practically all SOS,'how'evor. other proor. but b'ota it.-xlai.'d, Int-iudlng the .mnkiD*. ol ludulonl arridaviu. sworn tb liT ttia . ' fokers—as-n-mesBs-of-CttahiBg la imps al pflntoffices. Perhaps a score of womrn. nssy ot rm sienrRraphera and clork*, em* oycd hy brokers to execute tbolr nus. .were nrrested'along with tba IncipalB. to answer charges pra* rred by federal district attoreayt. lay of the women orrested an hold mainrlnl wltnesies. In oib*r ca***; iwever. there aro some who are bold be equally culpable wilb tb« pro* lolors of tho pjace* atfWlod. Tbe natIon*wIda ronnd-np o( .u> rupulou* *-“brokere" ho* lei t^ euths Itniof^irinsluces to a aoTabor * tilanls whlcH hail.heW M t 49 vlUl abonile cqalpmeot.for prinU tt-W iviags stamps. The Inveatlgsttotu. hicIi bave bMn carried oa ao Ult llitio was known ot (be ] u ^ w * I today, has also rasultad la nofir’ 7 of huge amounts of U bertr bon^s olcn ai dttferent yedoda; irtOab rentually founil ttelr way laW*} W irokera"'o()lc^ik O ' tamby Reprieve -Auuxv,-jftn~a.--A»t*t|iiaat'f^'*.’— pHevu for uordon m aw e^ lUoabr, •> ink robber and. mod*r»'r.' aod' as seniencad t^ d la lj> U li| S v rtsoR lonlglti. w4» • toU* W ^ ta , ; ’,i overnor Smilh by.A*amin9l;r<?M^ ^ ew York newspaper M ttRU.' a t # :.';i ly bad a 1onirli»7r!W f* { » ^ L < O T :\ ''.' 1 say wbetbor hb w o a U 'u ta ^ ^ . , . \ Hamby wa*. n p o r U d . ^ o d a ^ t e 'w n ' roken ih« stoncy nd to havo denied (bai'b*,W «E 9 ' I Brooklyn when Um «)arl(a-«^ *|;|I|i f (1st llrDoUrn 8aflnKa.'Buill>IB£»-'j; 101 to deam on D«flnt}*i5:^ ,4 |^ ;,4 owe.er, be r * l U i ^ j |i a , ^ , j p ^ 4...: .1 la dlft ;; :rm for,, other c^ea.,.■.■•'■‘-i' Hamhy^; reiniifi{^(»l't,*ai«w.-::«%if.^lt? ^own again wh*a^if'*ii,’«ak4l’*t^;*-i?id » want^ fo^ * ba repl'laH;- .’,/. Ila

3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

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Page 1: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI


• t o REMARKABLE^ j r c R i f f t i i i i e s y :

. IndppondiriJt Scliojil D id tr ic l Niiin^ri^ J PallK, w ill vd to toiiKirrott* on a

]ile(o n il ach litto ii t'u lli<> lii[>h hi'IiikiI nm .tlih t n rc iiiiw 8<‘i'i<>iiKly lin iiiiii'rinc thi‘ ncIi

A n iir i’Ciit uii(>‘a l iH uiadu liy kcIkioI w illi-tlin A tmili,ly iix-rcnKiiiK ]>ri<Hiiiirii o r ]

'ilicH , f o r ]>nxM)Ki' o f tlio liom l insiiK Tlm JilRh HClipol •nH ilitorinin hcU vri'ii onn p . in

lu>^dM-compl<tjo|i. n> *'lb* h'dfclittfot.L now unilftr eonninic- l l T r ( lbn^& 'j> 6nd 'iU u u Wuiilii flnanro tU» f i r pnrth iiie , ot n tin r ImUiUnR nl)cn nml may p a ra l l tLe aructiuh<:o( n iinialt 11 frade Ttic mom p m a la c awnl - U

----- - H i r^ p le t lo n - o tM h n hiRh BChool mliH- —(Ion, whicli will tiounr bciwnca niiO and 1400 pupllA aa<I rolMno tweW" olU*r roomH for relli'f of ovorcrowilcMl

THe iclMol n liaallon hait 'conio lu (ho acuta ilaso , It In (-niphanfzed. nn Oong: IncrsMo In cnrotUnciu ot 400. piiplli

. o m .th M ot Inat'ypnr httvlng formed _____an oDoornial Rrowth ihn t no l only t t - cMd«d n sturm oxTMtatlonii iiut o v rf' t a i td tVie-hottitnn rap a tlly «niU t\to edueallonal Htandard» of Hio cliy oro WA!

' io rlou ily threa lcned with Iniimlr- dio wi m<nl. I t In thill coRilltlon whicli racon crlmln tho ►chool voler* tomorrow, and Itx raioH rcattutlon-lDaplrcB confidence tliat.tlio accord bond lu u e will carry- by an over* liuillm ‘whttmlnx m alorliy. i»Uwc

. — — ' ' " clKn I

Awftit W ord From.A rm jr,A v^tors in -mn'

M en i^m * H ands• . . .---- - , -

- HAN-ANTQNIQ.t?*»^' J9.-^-Offlc«m cnn tr■ a t •outhora.-deportm in t haadquartcm nieai

t r a .fcwcklUDC.word tortay o t ih r ro- ly orlh«M of l« 6 United S ta ten arm y a via- (lulf

« h o became coafuoMl In a fokvnnd «coi • w w * Iftlitn 'p rtio n u ra '\>y M tx lW * b r y

. when *hey wero forced to maktf^a tleci," laadinc. near iho-m lnlnic to r n X I>«nio< K tn ^ ra ., 30 nille* below Uio border, inlitoc So i t f no ateps bave been U kcn lo n««t

'o l ita ia - th e ir releaio,}'^ Unltin'Davl* and Orimea ^ lo n g ed (o tha war, t

Aen> Sauadron a l McAllen, roulei T«x: They foltoweU the Solado river ntnKoi Inlo^ Naxlco In lhe belief, they wore bu coi

' probeedlnc up tlio Ilio Oraode. . A. -Tli ffle iM n received from the mluiilas lo ihr aytalora last n lsh i m h e . McAllen pujpt •U tlon waa (o th e effoct a prom tie to wo b a d '^ te n *lvon ihem they wonlil be rome roiew ed th it m gm lnc. The !

.A vlttbr*’ from the ElghUx Sghadron ccnim aro ( lill com blnr tb e country soutli middi of Ibe lUo O rande la lhe aearcb o( and t U e airm en. tip ib■v , • - ■E ngland A larm ed - 'y

O ver H er jPinances p,,,

LONDON^ Jan . W.—Tbo lnt«n»e J- aU rm ovil-'< lie 'financial outlM k won r»fl«oMi«DIn-Uio p rw » ih la aflvrnoon. ‘“day The r a i l Mall Onxctie dcclarrd in omoki flarlnx headllneii th a t "tbo exphanr.*-' ouuoolc ileadliy gel* woree." Tl>e SvMilok fliamlaril~ conopicuoiiijjy piili* ttmtu Itihad a atory tb a l Chan):elIor of ibe ’ B u i n u a r v Auatin l ‘bam b«rlaln bad p f g

. biBB>umnioned to a «5pnfer<aco on t l i e ^ o h a n « u aUuaUon. Tbe utob<i Mjr»i.lbal O r ^ t B rita in . Krone* nnd .

'Otbar R tiro ^ a n - cobntrlen ara foetd tw -tho s rav e il finonclol e rlila in ^ ,af.tory.‘- : — ........... ^•V • ib U t

. . V ,-AmenpMi.AYiator-- :____m n .K illed in Crash

WAfelllNOTO.S. • Jan . 20.—U enlen- ! a n t Oeniard Vandorbllt Eekhout of Z^n'c lilandi. navaC aTiaior. wai* fo*U tV I n tu re d '^ tu n a M aplana which

. . iw m i in cra ihed v ltl i ano ther ma* T l U f cbnto o ra r a u u U n s m o Day. tho navy

i l t ^ r tm e n t ' announoeil ihU after* im n . Sekhoui died on board ' ttie > tiolMd BtalM sblp Soiaco noon a fte r CH Iha A id a n t , which a d m ira l— W4t«u>, o(-a- (ii eoQuaand o t tli* AUanilc tteet, 'ult* mora

-T aM id ;.......... ...................... ^ ---------------cilTH'? • - -------- epld«* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * Cbi rl ■4 . . P O S X m E n 'V • ♦ a o a i 4 - • Tho Twin pBlla*8ho.boao

------ ^ 0. w hicli ‘w ai to *' 4 ba«6 b*m . played llvl«' et«nlnB ~ - ;4 V ln .ib « lo c « i:;& li actiM< |y m - SA

t./B U iu aL . l iU '.^ a . '^ p o t lp o n M l ♦ itaa t 4 , . o^Ul; tomoctoiif avonin*. Th* ♦ atroi 4 .. « fo o a d '-B la a -u d WhIto taam 4 Hb^i % T nortbaldora a t ♦ oowl4 'l f c f t4 lm ( i : '" : ' 1 . ♦ l o i n■»*:*** *'** *******.* tim

p | p | | i '

i i P


wliiuli iiic-liulcH T w ii i |l I'l” II a $HHI,11(10 1)1111(1 issui-, to i-(iiii.{ nixI n 'l i c w c'rowiii'ii i-onclilioiis' N ch n n lH .v slrm o rtli.. c-ily. |■ool iiriU-iiils inul <ithiT« raiiiiliiiri •'"i of Kruwtli njiou iIk* m'IiuoI favil.'L,. riiH votiiiK will lalco jilnin; iu tin- in. nntl flvo i>. 111. tnniornnv. T I J

M O S O W ( m iM m iL

FREIGflT RATES 'ingress A ssu res O om m itU c T h a t ^

N o D isc iim ln a tio n 'W ill - army

Bo A U ow ctl P I S !_____ iiiiii f

iVASlliSOTON. Jan . i:a .-T bi' niM- ^ ' went and "niilh wlll not Im iliu- , mliialcd UKUln'nt ollluT In frrlKbt 'OH or Intpmaticiniil Iradii roiit<':i.:onilag to u»i>uranr.-«-filv.!n by i Iih ’ ' illriK inembnrit of ciiiiKronH of Hi" ilwcKi nnd K\ilt*r,outb AMmitli^ lur- ':n iriidi' aiiit irflnnporiallon com- ” ih'. ropro».-ntlnK* iw aty-tw o Ica. In acaaloii horo itxluy. ' 'ni-i commlico caaie to Wii.liinRton

tho purpow Of brlaglnK proHnnro .....beur on conKrcHsi for ihi- p«labll»h- ‘ ' ■n\_anrt. mBlnti.nanco, ot nn AmerS- " ^ (i m errhant tiinrttio' nnrt the rtnvel- ' „ ml of nvw trado rouioA, purtlculur* ' | nrlBltially In Soiilh Allunllc ami "If jHirtii and k-udlng lo Souili J

■ConnrcM wlll give you' rvory dol- ['‘'P"''' • yon n.-«» tn inalntnln hucli a PI," Senator Joncpli E. naaodell, ‘ niocrai, of I»ulnlnna. told the cum* _ itec. He HUied tb a t t i . merchant r O I «l would bo or g rea t value lo tho ilteil Stalun navy in Ihp ovcni of >r, and th a t no t only nhould frvlRbl men W chi»1)llfl1icd ba t th a i pan* iiKor Ilnei nnd n u ll ahip*' ahould , , coaiinlieloncd. ,

T he conimiUcu lodn)- divided In- Ihrco groupH to fac llltato 'lbo cum-

Jgn wftilcli; Iho membera propoM wage agolnat congrean to ' over* ■ ,

me objcctlona Irom Uia flunrtcr. , ' >e South AtlanUc membera of tlic “ ‘ ‘ Diinliice formed ono group, tho iddlo*weitcrn dolegaiOH another, ^ d tlio gulf s ta te dologallona tnade 1 x 6 ] < Ibe third.


'n u < 0 0 . Jan . :9 .-\V om cn amoke «rca» jru clKarl'ttoa iliBi) men. ncoonilng of Id

J. J . ,UoscnUial. manager of the Junui iKMlit Uicatro litre , who announced “ndlrt day Ibat be Jiad opciiod n wntnanV »ervlf loklng room In tbo ihenin.*. ■‘‘W••t almnly lisil tn do It.” lu* Bnld. H»nn licy ew n hhioIksI In Ibu h.liliy, auini' ('onnaM.”---------- - ■ ■ •*“Tl

_______________ Mid

'ranee a n d G ermanyResume Relations Boi

PAIUB. Jaa , 29.—W ithout coromony ploniallc. relation* between rra n cc 'Id Oormony woro formally reaumod Is a/iom oon. H err Mayer, tho Ger- " » n j» v o r . .p ra « n K 4 J il» crcdenUaU

rrcBilor Milloraud In Ihn private '«m ndiolnlni: t:io promler’K ofnce ^ Id then rciurno<l to the Ooraian cm- lasy. Tho presentation wna lire*^ded by a iiandahako. Tl

'lu Tfifkinier Fiveof Fam ily of Ten jir.,

; . - — othoi CniCAOO. Jan . M.—Two member*

ora may dl* an»l Iho ram a ln d tre ra Slfflnod to ilic ir~rcdr b 7 T h r ~ f u r >*“ Itldenlo hara. Tho family ia that ot bi^rlea Kami*. Tbo dead ara son Id rtaughUr. —


SAVANMAXr, Oa;. San. S i ^ K itrg « IU laaaahlp -a b t ildMUflad. t i raporttd cntli grotthd-fqnr a l la a north of Sapelo dor* ib m ^ '« (t'tM c o M t naar.Dari*iL Tb» is ro 9Wt n i M ab lp TaxDUraw 4M f ooa corti > b^ .'iitd ; ‘ Bb* la n e t tw IIfrH to tw (a «t tp w ll. ^ ^ ; savfr

.. J..';/ -,v

F A L LT W IN 7 A L L 8 , ID A H O , T S T O l

m mE L E a m aSecy. Lane Still P . f

P lans to Retire |, ' |

WASHINQTON. Jun. ::9 .- A . l Kmiiklln K. U n c . nucrotnry of J A I 1 tbi* interior, han not rcconald* iTPd hl!i decision 10 retire from -Ihl- iruliliiri at uu <>arl>' dii(». It | B I nnn ntnlud today ut biK orClcu. K I

- hurc. Th...... .. wna mado t f IIn iriily to a r rp o r t tbat the I>ru»l(li-iii had iiri'vull<-<l upon M -Mr. I.niir to rontlnuc In I1I1 |><>- J l Hitloii for nu liuU'iliilii- period. j

[R A N S W lS jLoni

o u t OF DANGER /[t. V om on , R e p o r te d SlnkiD(f, v

Overcom e# T h re a te n in g ^ p

isa a tc r n t S e a

SAN rilA.VCISCO. J;ia. JD.—Tlii' r?•my irauKpcri Mourn Veraoa rotxin- rOr€ I ciuntig no iilnlit lii 11 makiaK con- J ( Hon. l» timi|iiiiii.iy (lilt of (bnacr.Ill fUHl Kcont crnlHi^rH. wblrli lr-(t na Angelcn for h e r aid liuvo iiirni<<l ii'k. Tliln h II... (>rri<'l:il illiviil w.inl -ro today. ^

.SA.N ritA.VCI.KCll. 2U.—T hr '•aiy irnnRpon Jilouai Vrrnnn. wliUdi I" "oau lik'd from ililn j.ort on Jnnnnry (Hiluuli :ii|ur ti'.-alrd ordem. ibe <Iu)itlnalliiii [:x[iir> iiorflrlnlly Mid tl) Iio Slbi-rla! la ttf. Crnltnl ly roiiiralnK m Sun Franclnro u ltli tl-ni >ur feet nf w ater In b r r forward in niuh }|d aa ll rcmilt o f u Iruk wblrh d»- biile in sloped In her Kinrlxmrd k1<Io w hcrr KtnirM Oeriiisn torptdit idcnirU Iut la Sup- ui'on I •mlior. JtllS. TiieWIruIuai reporiH itny tbn l tho water ,{,i. n ,

1 hcluB lifpt In i;h.K:k l>y tbn pump.a. hnml 1 bo vrMel •WUH about foni* buiidriMl4loi.-«ul-in-«»a-w l.«M -llie-»lrrlrm . p lM -i'■port WB'i riTuiv.-d. No ralhi for jjim )rDtp wero recelviHl Uero up i«i ultK- f,j t„clock bill monilai;. Kuropi

' “ ■ grtbflr^ortable Saloon drmim

b y A g e n t .

O r R e v e n u e D e p t , othor*. asalHl

LOIfiB. Jan . 29.—Revenue offlcera I'" sited enough whlakey to atock a “ mali saloon whon thoy arrvaled a laa a t CaldwolL Idaho, giving tJie

ult cases mied With bonded Wblokoy. n lu e d a tapproxltnnuly l i .OOO. ^ .lly^

^eavy Increase inInfluenza Cases

■ graveWASHINQTON. Jan . J9 '.-A n In* «tmosi

reaao o t many ihouaandii of cases xaUon f ioflucnxa fur^ liio wook ending u n u s ^ Im tdiown over the weok j,jn,o,, ndlng January IT. tho public healUt |,yyini trviru announced ihia aftomoon. Tbe nrgcKt Incrooaen w era In Callforalk. lllnola. Inillaaa, Kamusx. Wlnconaln. jn n e •onnortlcut und Now York. obtain- “Thfr-fltsw sn-la-rO Tfintlly— inltrj,“ ald a Hlat(>mcnl iasued this aflor*

_______________ The

Body of Local M anW ill Be Crem ated money

-------- ' ;ubaldSALT I.AKE. Jon . 2ft.-Tlio body tJiot <

<f R. Johnston. Tw in Pall*, has ilonal lecn ta l« n in U s A aw les far ere« libllonV Jb]fnstoa% ras found dead In If she lip room a t Uin Now Grand holel bore “Ku innday from ncuto alrobollsni. ^-urk

■— the 13T ir r iM OF “ I’XI.OADKD- flll.-il “Kuro

• ' ■ ' .• . dor.DEUPHOa. Kan,. Ja n . M .-H crm an

L. Powell. olghUon-year-olil son of **Hr. and Mra. rran ic Powell, wa* an* ithor victim o t an "unloadod ''. ro- CAKII rolver horo a tow days ago.

Tho g p n l ^ a - aeeldontir d lit . :hargwl by a *#Tonleen-y^ar^ol/l com* panlon,-the -b u lle t-J n b H n g 'tho left ■ :emplo and lodging In Powoll’* brain. j Littlo hope Is iield ou t by. pbyslclans r o r - P o ^ irare iy v o ry .

rXPY iJlliil) CHUIMER SLMcE•••w:

H0»IE, J a n . 19.—^ 0 AaatrlaB tliey c n tu er N ovira, w blch wa* a u rrn * Uter d*r*d to tb s a llies nndor tho a n n la tle t togra; lorma, sprang a laak w hile b a ln c '^ . :tfim ' eorted (rom O attaro today, and aattit ^ n io In Itaa D rlndbl harbor. -T ta .c raw w U tft* P lavod. _______ . <J- Ih e r

l O T3 S 8 D A Y , JA N U A B Y 20 , 1020.

W m

O L I C Y 0 F “m m m i

l l T T t R L Y I iTTACKED I>ndon N ewspaper Is

Critic o f Profit W || M adness H ere

I1. Y S E U R O P E I S i

B E I N G S Q U E E Z E D j F o r n ,

. __ c

>reign Nations M ust - Join to Bii&ak the

Gripf Is T h rea t ' i n a Ttill nrr

-------- y .ar,)i• lu- »vi

ONDDS, Jna . 2n.—"N rru fl.ldlod „.aH i| l« lloiiii- wns burnlOK aad lluTo li.tai'y oai.'thlnK NcroeiiniH) lu'. Anirrli-aS Mr. ludo luday." docluroH Uw tuU y "poU'" itr.H la 11 bluer uiuicl: upon ilie trd Stulc'ii. Tbo ai'wiipapiT lUiyH ’'*"i f

‘■Alarrira',1 colonaul profltciorluB "arlrn iiuktpg ili« u lio lr j»'orld pay tri- 'hiya I L' la cxclmnKr* becauiwi tlio t.'nlK'd v r i irH Imn (I flnunclal nirnuKKOiolil "Jiili i» livr co-l«!Ul6«r»tt'«."'he a rtld . ' oiiriii»*wlih fl plea In '«'“ '*'ri

llaltf'il Stnrn to rpiiir.vi> tlir whip tnaKH III nnd liolp put Knriipi* npon lirr Mr : In lliv wuy uf proiliiriloa. TIiIh airnnu l~ i^“ r6lli>wW'l>y tlir <lTi«Trnnoa, 'by au t ir Ibx'U altcil .Stnlfx In ■In.tniiln- ChUni ln-*-cmUno<i lif r •■stonJim Trom

rope ihrn Rnropc.nnii miiiu) Kfl to- p linr nud hrrak Anirrloa'ii flaanclnl "Te iilriatlon. . L o'bll auWKpnprr endi'avora to kIiow r V I'liu llnllud SlBlo!! flnanirli'ra ui,i'>C 9 ' or* ••while paflag lip aervlco io Ihi Europe. Iiuvn lirun doinK iioili. .

b u t’line Ihclr pockMii. forgetilaK prlnclplea of brotlinrhooil ro lav-

ly oxprtaiietl «h llc honllhtli-n were progross." pVbllu pointing ou t th a t. Unglnad. |,pp{^| mco und Italy a re hoav lly jjideb i- to America for w ar KuiJ^les. lhe prenc

lly Express says th a t America Is ..pr, vlng tho hardest burgulan posMible p^j^Q I tbui as tbo axcJinngc n te a now nd. world roniitrucilon Is atagnui- ,aj,i

Thp nowupapcr dcclaros tbal hjq ,h United. S tates Is th e cen tcr of a

ivo Iniornatlooal situation which It iiost ni« Rrrlons a nionacii lo'ClvlIl- .yraici lon na Qernian m liltorlsm. . atiiuilAmrsica Is profitevrtDg on a scale Tin boKo uaknowR, A m ertcans ar* Mme ring bo*liA>sa in JSngland a t th*0 of 15 Khttltniis lo Oio-pound. Thoy ». tw ^franca* w orth for every nc spen t In Krance, Thoy arc“ InlnB .'’*en^boitor_t4!mii!. l iL l 'J i ly .--------tin In Atistrln AOd Germany Aoifr- nn uro ploking np untold w ea lth .' r o i rhe Daily BzprcHii nays ll believes tempi a IUI» do«« not T«prcMnt v«nl OaVlg d rw of tho American people. It promi (cs Guropo to ceaSo'U aiilae paper <irucl ney and lo (juit giylng govommenl in ttn Mldlea. Tlio ..new spaper, .dciDAOdl CuIla >1 Oraat Urltaln ^ 1 an interna* . Mr- nal coulennco lo find remedies, stop

she did not parilclpatc. ' ~ w'iin'l ‘Kuropo m ust get thu peopio to *l>en rk and Inervaso production." aald Ho • l)aiiy • ElxptfsH In conclusion. uraps m ust pul h e r finanoos In or- »dltoi r. Guropoan cdun trlesm iasi aban* ° '^ i ' a.'BlootDaaa and Inatltn ta . & . cya* u of European co-operation." n*'®'

................. - M. N

,HIMKB 8 ATH MOVtE ^( i l-ANS CO A.SHOPPIXfi _---------- ------------------- ur*

CWClS.SA'tS. O h i o , J a n . . n know <hat thoro ‘a ra niovlo bo p p era rWjull; tlior* ol—a t least. H ilda NE inter says *0. ' QrovAad MUda .adgM >e fciiow i.nh*-be> t t t r plcs a .movla box otiieo hero.- ~ wblc! 'W heD peopld conja to t f ie ' siovloa eovn ey •*hop‘ .aajT|-Hilda. "T hat tone e r tb tth h«r«-dad a tare a t'tt io pho- n n i graph! .and :'poM ei^ .-.onta|d*,\.Ui^ m tu m A f te r a ' llttf* ,' th * r Itfa ima baelt. T te y tn ik* ib'o ronnda'b f • 'p ie i^ iro i,i|iid 'p |td r ^bnt tb o 'e iia httffi o r w nn^io ^ d t t e l r moQ>r |Uid ^

g g f ]

iERTf'A Y -M E R .TeacHers Plan .j n

Salary Strike j j |

!•l)ltTl-.^.^'l1. dr.'., Jun. -'.I. i.yrvrnti.'1'a putilli- Ki'liiiol (vuili- Ji n of Mllwnuk;.!, n .itihiirl. of tbin c'lty, thri-a«'ii 10 nul> »'"rk by iilftlit If tliclr ilriaanil" for a ' • flut Im-rea'M' of a iikiiiiIi 'n rr Iiol KnilUr.l imiiiiMUalc'ly b.v ' th r HclKiol hiiurd 1-f Ihr ti.»li. r ndoriliiiK tl) ri-|iiirii. ri'colvnl liiTi' tlilK—iiKiriiliii;, -Thr i-l-rk . .ct llu- ..linol l,,i;.r.l I,, n iio i-l , •'.'i,

miylm: ........ ihn. ..................Hoar,I t . Ill ravor uf .In- la- 'r r i’n.u. Inil l.i .in.ililr i„ ,train •

tliiii', I------ ^- - - rr::- - - - - - - 'I 0 \I L , POUNCE N ^O N -JO H N S O N ^rn ic r N e g ro C ham pion C a n n o t

Como B a ck to U . 8 . a n d

E sc ap c P rison ^

UIICAtlO,-Jan. Ja<k JuMnnon.; iiii-r lii'iivynrlKlit i'liiiii>|)|oa. will ' WASI nrr-'Mvd utiil i,i-nl tn Ih'rIii hlu on*'j].'r.i,|K 1 ir.jinil a day -.mi.'nin Ihi' aioin.-ai | n«i» fool In llu- |tnltr.l Stnt.-n,

a ili'c'lari'd toilay Ijy IHiilrlrt A'l-1.. , ai.y ninrl.-H Hyn,. .,Ir. I’lyiif’n •.lut.-iiu-nt wan la r.i'. , , 1 f,>I1M‘ lo (iiiri.lloiiii b.siTliiK on u>ori Ihul. Jolinwia iimi w rlitrn lo i{,.j,ri" l» »"i !'!■ “."I"•Irn In .\rw ^<lrk uad Klvrn thirty

............... liavr iii■“ canip;il•Jolnvum !ia« l.ln-n n fuKlilvr from ^,.i.,H;ir Ulcv vlv.til yt'arw. hr nndvrrauu-nt dorn not nnnullnie with n>* |« ntlllvcn. l.ov.'ih'illr Udiiiltti'd hai hr hnd rrui-lved ihln ni •ni>ui!ri. from Juhiinoa In Mrxlco D iovrril

airnaii of p>r»oiiiil vliilt* fio iir 11 KiipimnImr.o lawyer. laulinn

• ---------------------- r.raor 1

rench Paper Says London Times Made

Falsehood Campaign

i'A illS . Jan. : 9.—The semi-official wRpnjKT. U Tcmpn. cbnrKi-H tb r ' ' . indon Times »Stli. de^lop lng a mpalRa. of falao r e p o r t agalnai 0 i-Vcach In Syrln. Tb»'nowspa;>er ieciri4any aonloft - Ibo Times' ro.CIS of six coutllcui between the ' '” 7 / •ench and Syrians a t U lnn."Kranco Is niloalBheil ut tlila cnm- Iga nf false nows which Is aimed p o |* ' discredit rm nco 's «nrk In Syria."

Id L« Tomps. *'li conlrnslB with 0 discretion ohaerved by tbe Freacli css regarding b« M r lt\ K<ypt."Ul Tcmpa fu n h er acruscs Drltiah o lcgra of asaumlag nn n'utl-Trpnch • liude la iloroeco. . 'Tho I 'a rls ■•Midi" comments In tli.ii ^ '

Ihc .01

^ged Texas M an Is tru i . i

Killed by T r a i n s----- ------------------ ------------------ — ----- - , j - -

r o i lT WORTH. Jan. 29. - I n an a t- ® m pt lo make a short datour near iVlatMl, 1. I*. Record. 6S. (omw rly a ‘om iaent cltlsca of I'aHs. Tex., was ruck and insiomiy killed by nn ttru rh au exprasa on its way trom <^ondu

^(r. Record, who wa* on hin way to P m op number six, uvjdontlr did. not ta r th e appm aerlng trtiJn, 111* bodya sT iu riW u c v o n iri iu n iln a foot and ----------hen plrkod up ho was dead.Ho is survived l.y his widow and J-f’-

ve children. Jam es It. Record,' c ity 8*“ ’" ' lltor, o t Slar-ToIegramKNetl Roc- l^o)'‘' rd, nf Ihe editorial s u t f o f.the aamo leram »Pm ; PhH RocohJ «1 Ballaa. Tbonvaa •cord or PaHs. Tex., and Mni.’Ja m rt I.'N orth ijr ‘’P o rt Worthv'wlfo of the lltn r of Iho S tafT ele g n m . [hl^j*

) « f t J J o d g e i t W a i —

C zar SIS

NiCW YORK, J iiL S9..-T 1I* tr ia l of irover CloraUod B«rgdoll. mUllon-t w - flfau -uiHntip.-or niiiaaTO hia : ~ w xiblch was to hav* tla ita d <>*reri* a patti* crart tsa rtia l ea O o m a o r^ l a t a d to ba m «rrbw /1 iaavb*« ) ygttyODad a a - i Lod«< m i t o r Ol* "roqttatt-oC D arcdoH t (ono i o tu fc l fo r fc^oM Blal'agBnlsiOim 'or o f 8« fa toUBb ''XeebnUBfl 16 ,tb» law yer, o f 'thi l u k - 8p*Ac*r,'Jr..--t)t*'prtB0B*r Is .Tbi Itffw iD rfrotD th* hartnelRitM l « t t t o f 6« i ‘' l ^ t t * « i a r of J ''' l e i ^

■ 1 ' ■" /'>=



IN BONDS, STi\V A S lll\-(iT O N , .liHl. -Jll III ll i r .

Ii.l-Milr r^iiils .......... ••l.iiil.i lil-iL'ht .|i-vi'lii|irn.'iit-, ;il lln- lira M ify lo .la i ••.• vv.irili ot w ar siaiiiiiH ;iii.l si, / r . l , m ia w uv lv iMir Inm.lv.-.l iu mi iu .•.•s hav.- ........ a ri-.'-tr.l,


^ C A M P A K N E_____ li'Knl

ilcfls ColliOgc ’W ith d raw s,' t h o |»shnm

Illin o is Q ovcm or W ill '

Sta y O ut o f I t __________ j L L l l i

i'AylllNtiTON. Juu C dh tiii.i l,|ii,'il t ial( O. l.o«dra or IllliiiiiM Will ant I aK'Jiinn» bin rampuljlll for ............... to

prrtililrailal nomliiuiliii: loavra* .......I in Ma^.i.ari.,i,>rit« umn OoviTnnr .IhlRf. nf lin t Blair, i^iall with*AV fucaully from llir prn.ldrntlul ‘uader

trjiri'Rcataiivr [•Vnnk I- Sailih of •jnno"nol". aunuBrr i.t ..... l.owdi>ii ,ul.taari.T.1 hm .. Mated today: "I / r lull'll uakrd Whrlhcr th., I^.wden iipalKU would l.U oxtoadrd. Inlo iiHiirliiinritiv la view of rlir rpcrni j iMOirni l.y lli.viTiior fi.<.11ilnr tlinl Is not i> prr.Irti'iitlal ^m dldntr. The v.'ih'ii iiianniirr.i do nol ro iinlnir obt.-xlii n nialrin.'iil an drrlurallun that ,f a u j, v rriior fiH.Udr.i- w ouliL drdlne ih t.'.„„rt ..r nio,.r who fnv.;MilK nom* lllnn. 1( Ih hMII nppiirrat lo (lov* • inr l.owdrn nud hlii mii.|Kiricrii thnt ,u„„ ' . i-rnila.rat of thr ltep.il,llniai. of inn.icbun.-lln In favorable lo th r 1‘neatatlun of Oovonior roolldgi-'n p ,|n e | mn 10 lhe nomlnollag ronventlon C'.'ilrnKo a rx i Juno. Although Cov* ;\ia„y lor I.<iu<U'n has a iitroag uorsonar ,lowing In Mui-.nchu.ioUa noiblng 1,0*,,II b r dene, unlcas Oovernor Cool- j,, ;o should mako o formal with- p ,[j,5 awai of his namo from considara- ~ m to prevent Oovonior Coolldgn)m recftlvlng Iho unanimous sup*' - i .u , . n of tho bay suvto’s deleBnt'lnn. “ L „ ri, i i . j.M iy . i . . .™ . , -

----------------------- savin.orty Injured’ on .

Derailed Trolley m to- nry o

niCHMONI). iud., Jan. :> ,- i 'o r ty ■monH wrro. Injured, tm of ibem -hrok rlotinly.. when na Ohio electric In* rurtiun. Inhound. leaped th.‘ tracks v j . u cnrvr on n Iilll a t iho ed»;e of I’ .oliy aad ium i'il ur^r loduy. The ir. according to pusengers, »iui uv.'ling down Ihu gnul.* s l a high H-ed when ll wnn di'ruilrd. turned inipleiely a r i-und and opplrd on Its __au: di«. i ’asxengers were taken froiiJ ri',iHi le c a r ihrough windows 'a n d ' the os(, serioualy lujartil were taken to , .3, Dftl MciiiorlBl hospital here. • yrtsoi Tiio cnr was ih chargi' o t David Qovei aker. niotoruian, and Bdwnrd Qood. New inductor, ot West Alexandria. Ohio. Dly I

*remiers to TalkOver Kaiser's Fate

-------- bnd tL0N1X)N, Jan. 29.-T h e Evenlns in Bi

taiidurd declarert today tbal PrcmKir E h « loyd Qeorgo ba* lovlled Pramler U il- «iioi rran.l of I’Vanco. 'Premier NlUS of llow« a iy . and the Frao.ilu Japaoeao.^nd ii j iltan ambaasadori to London for a u r m M ftraoco to daclde tbo .ex kaiser's ija it« and to e ou ldo r the ^ n c t t o a o f show )o Jlst of Oorman-war erlmlDala wbo h* w ra wanted for trial. According u>.tb* bi

y a lte jto aeeentnato Oermany'* dlfS« uiooa a t jtiwMBL'‘ ' •


a ttia as traa ty 'ooafvm ea which wia > bav* ta k n .p la o * today in 'B ia a to r > PA Ad«*’* orn«e.'w a*.-po*lpoo«t''iiB tlt tn . L jm orrbw bo 'aeeoaB t'o r th* '^ m*bM » t(«l f S m ato r L a t i ^ o t*V )M du ia ;o^^ Vbm f 't h a ebntM tttt-

■ ^ S S S U

OLD j o t . ^ i j f ' .

f i v i 'P P Q R ^

CROOKS .M IL L IO N S TAMPS TAKENII' i-.>iiiilry-\vi<lr i-lraii.np . w i th • h io l ; , . - , - ill amiiy riii,..s, o v .- r . '

iilav sli-.w.-il v.-v..ral aiillii.n .lo ) .I siiili-r. L ili.'rly Iu.ik Im iian bocit, ;u>.l iiuiiii.-nm s w niiiim fti-i'oin.

:<-iri| S .T vhr Cbl.'f John Momii.• lull'd I.v aa army <.f i.leuilu. re- whiK lln- ri'niili Ilf llir,round-up tu*V. Ii'li nmvlni i'il Hint Um- dr«cnM •II .'iiui:lit Hm- rinr Iradrr* In a gl- ■Itlr -K-h.'iiir M-ai. aianf rsialtlca* in tiait »oal<i' l:uvn served to, (Ie-Lahu-Uuauury'ii-drlvu.Io-lMtn«(lt-ls— ----limilr invi'Mori..'Iilrf amone Ihi? orfondrrs ar» al*..-ll "liroki-r,;" ivlio ar.' u lyM .as' a r.'s" by trefllTury ri{Wmt ffifOugii ' nm vuni iinuaillU's nf w ar uv lngn iiiiji-. bu'S- l.r(-n uiiloadnl nnd'-ouKli which cbauaelN large amounts

ni.ilrn. hiivr Ix'fR trnced. n il' ral.ls nud suliurea have oecn- il Ihl- .n irntroa of thn ir e ia u r r >jiiN .'hirtly In uucb clilos s i New rk. {-hiMKo. Springfield.. 111.. St. iiU. IinltbnorK and Philadclpbta. ranury offlcinln explained tba t a •Rl' jiroportlon of tho nuimps »als«d uu brokrri' offices woro CooilKfttad der llu- Inw which prohlbita anr la*'IdunI frota poisesilng n o ra th a n nno worth of war savings it ia a p i I Individual being pormltUK) U hav* larger amount nnd thn siam pi Iw ls^ a-transforablA. Iho finding o( la rs e r loanis on premises of "btoltant" antltutrd prlitm facie proof et KOlIt idiir the law. In practically all SOS,'how'evor. other proor. bu t b 'ota it.-xlai.'d, Int-iudlng the .mnkiD*. ol ludulonl arridaviu. sworn tb liT ttia . ' fokers—as-n-mesBs-of-CttahiBg la imps a l pflntoffices.Perhaps a score of womrn. n s s y ot rm sienrRraphera and clork*, em* oycd hy brokers to execute tb o lr nus. .were n rrested 'a long with tba IncipalB. to answer charges pra* rred by federal district atto reay t. la y of the women orrested a n ho ld mainrlnl wltnesies. In oib*r ca***;

iwever. there aro some who are bold be equally culpable w ilb tb« pro*

lolors of tho pjace* atfWlod.Tbe natIon*wIda ronnd-np o( .u > rupulou* *-“brokere" ho* le i t ^ euths I tn io f^ irin s luces to a aoTabor *

tilanls whlcH h a il.h eW M t 49 v lU l abonile cqalpm eot.for p r in U t t - W iviags stamps. The Inveatlgsttotu. hicIi bave bMn carried o a ao Ult llitio was known ot (be ] u ^ w *I today, has also rasultad la n o fir ’7 of huge amounts o f U b e r tr bon^s olcn a i dttferent yedoda; irtOab rentually founil t te lr way laW*} W irokera"'o()lc^ik O ' ’

tam by Reprieve

-A u u x v ,- jf tn ~ a .- -A » t* t |i ia a t 'f^ ''*.’— pHevu for uordon m a w e ^ lUoabr, •> ink robber and. mod*r»'r.' a o d ' as seniencad t ^ d l a lj> U l i | S v rtsoR lonlglti. w4» • to U * W ^ ta , ; ’,i overnor Smilh by .A *am in9l;r<?M ^ ew York newspaper M ttR U .' a t # :.';i ly bad a 1onirli»7r !W f* { » ^ L < O T :\ ''.'

1 say wbetbor hb w o a U 'u t a ^ ^ . , . \ Hamby wa*. n p o r U d .^ o d a ^ te 'w n '

roken ih« stoncy

nd to havo denied ( b a i 'b * ,W « E 9 'I Brooklyn when Um «)arl(a-«^ *|;|I|i f (1s t llrDoUrn 8a fln K a . 'B u i l l> I B £ » - 'j ; 101 to deam on D«flnt}*i5: ^ , 4 | ^ ; , 4 ow e.er, be r * l U i ^ j | i a , ^ , j p ^ 4.. . : .1 la dlft ;;:rm for,, other c^ea .,.■ .■ •'■ ‘-i'H am hy^; reiniifi{^(»l't,*ai«w.-::«%if.^lt?

^own again w h * a^ if '* ii ,’«ak4 l’* t^ ;* - i? id» w a n t^ fo^* ba repl'laH;- . ’, / .


Page 2: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

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D r e a m s i1 I ■ I "li-.t tir

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• ' ' ' ’ • • tuiillli.r 11

ftVNOPSIS.' i.i 'om'IJ

I P i l l i i :|;v■ u‘ i5 S R ,r s S ! r ia T v r r : i

trU>M Um crowd, snd gn partlnjc ilir'twn ; i.si fnr ili

p ll;S s5 |^ =V nkh U tn«r*lr • bunai* «( p»i>ir, >ln- ’» .'i>r-. i

i V " ' £ 1 1 :.,::AahUBM, III tMtn up tti* i iui<l ,, „McmpM, W ll a rru u d .

llr nUlM hll MCip« BM irnvrl. m un/, 7 " ' , W M «s. Ui» i-)ly uf i:m - >«o. I Ir

u S f t e . ' S . - i ' K S . " . ? , ; ; ' , 5 s : ; : ' >"«ho bM bM in* loraluni'o «lll> him. I.m

~ s w j i r s ‘.".'„s!=£ ".’fu";;:'' ■'X';: - s i ? M , r ' % a : r K » r r r ; ; i M : ? j . . ..........

hoUM h« trowa a b r ^ . wliUh ort«<ti>-. ||,i,il.- I’l•J lr ebuf*a hla « p « 4rar»e.. • ..... , ;

CHAPTER V .-ln n fljtht wlih Slknl»». • ‘]*U sui. M m lnr of £ .infr. nu i.»»n f” i

S S 3 S S S £ : j ;” ''';Nttefiy |M» W n founfl d««d In i:iih»r« ■ .......U»»%lTrlS umnJTw.n'JtVJ'.llJ n L.t t.l.' ......... .

•tr.B«lb«»*l in i.l» ilol.rnili..tlau i.. I..(ii;c;^ic-

. Q7 ,“ ."5l . K 's ; 'r . , S ; : ’ ^ a l " i ; : x i

.r f s : i ..............' : i 5 " , i" " "w ilh hla i«k>r «lnnlnn Its Jolna llnni ' 1'' '" “ '

la » *b«4t d«al. Hunt ) i» romiM tlm .'Millar<rlof*»2llh.*Vrho*wuVu*Uiffur 10 Siimkliir • butlMai 'm t .

CHAMBR V tl.-ThrouBhH»nf.op«n.. T li. 'i.-^ ,

■•oda W tnonay. TelUnc Hum l» iiuj I E W & ; K - i S ' , ' ■

w —k r ibtMucb.

auc«d to KathlMii. Wli.> Kr>otr> him ueaii.. g y i X■nd hU •nilav«m*nl la c»mrl<-i«. I.-nTii. ,in* n ifhugh h>* llltl* mntiir. <Jlla I* In- A 1 Vdtxnutc and MV*n (riandly irlalUm*. ^

•r'nw*Srtli*flpirw*I?,“*f«m^^ I ^ ^ D R 'pokar.uid bafd* lil> i.uica. Wlili ^

k*U.I*.n ucrulonallr, and flrinlly cun.;• fUMa hi* lov*. nil* ilv«« lllm nu il«nnU. , ■*7^

B'. S S ^^C H A P T enX -F our ya.r*’ M-nitatl^n -TiM ‘ f

i£‘wiSu*' '■•on.o.il.caA P T B njC I—o n ,th* d*r Kitiiiush

tO ^^m lM lunalri' h«^rc'.rl^ri>

»«^^i?*W iuIwni(on''*r’MM»*! t h - '

lluu laa v n b u u d o r . «ad b ti aulclda. . H>-- > >M> CH aptK R Xll.-Ov«rfomi" will) i t - <1111 In

: r a - i , i ? f ! s „ - 7 ; r r " , s ; •,

«*t liitn cauimunU'ollun wllli K atlikni ' miIwiI Iar* lutU*. 1,:„t

■ t c h a p t T r x m . ' ui'e'tiu-'

SclllDs ill! lone ll'i<< <ir »i>rli>k- nn.l (.',ri'v".'.r•OlOUer U'lrrat, nisliutiU iKitiuUt tlirn- ; |ii>i 11Dllllori liUilinU ur llir S.-jili'iul..T niml.- II'M o . H« %tat {tuM- hciwiir knuH ii it« ,viJuul.l. tb a ( i r a U it ur llin biitl*. Kv.-q- Mk ,bOTlni onlcr wiu lnl(] to lilni. ilU ' „i.il nun

- app«arBDCea tu Hip i<lt K fiv in- ; »„« mn. freQ ueat 1I« dlairlliiti.Ml Mn <mui- : v Ii.-Im..-.

n u i l i i ftBiriiig kIs or iljff.-r.'nt vwi.iui..b roken . C nnu w rru iiiil^.THuily b.ul. vini.iM.i,

■■■ Til# UoJU^ SuU -. I.u.l tu.t }.-t f.-lt :tb e Eurotmiu il.-i»ji>il. I.m K w.mi.l („|. ..t cont) wHrO. nnd liv kiivw it unuM Im jbeaty . « o km-w ........ m.miI.I .............. 1• a u hlKhcr. anO tin lin.KiiiUy Ii.rr.'ii v i | tmltl-'lW

fall iiold tnn li> iirptL-UibtT Kl niL mil- : I.niiy IIloo buihvlB. ' .luriM't.; Tban cauia Uie cr? froiu Kuroii.— un , lU lM snt cry—llic rry for l.nu.l, Ji.* ,.,„ily (. received a wde-imtlir fnnn I.l« hki'hiIn U v c n w l : "Ctm tipcoilul.' ......... . old wai

->■1100 wlienL Nairn-I'lici-." ,H t )WIJ_lil« alx ii.UI!or>H_nt_ut» ml- to tr .rr |

t« a ce of twMity e m it u bukhi-l, oml In ,via*li. Ii. «D« v a it IVTOOP boiulit III ••Iclit tiiH- ivi- ii:i<-. lion buibeli o t July. Aiul lim it no fnr Uy n,, fursQt bla jiltfOjo n-i lu rruu>ii»Irolo. pll iml 1

“A w n 'l you furclu» yuur luck, Dun? Whi-ei■ I t «*«ipa to 0 1 ^ ' _______ ____ lo'-orui-

"Aofl It iu>cin.i to mr." cu{ In tb# ‘'“ 'J’, ' ’? ' -plnnKcr," louLinc ui< frim. ili.- «»rV n

. 'o n hl« l in k . ” lJiut I knmv Jti.t « lm t " ' " • T b M a e . T ba t «7<e«r o - .r ‘B v e c ro u . It'l l t o up to a dullnr bv

■ “Bnt X tbu i t It doM D -tr w,‘ ,,I : U wUL m i t o to R <li.ll.ir If J " "

, 1 m a Jt 10 « dollar. A n a n i .«nd II “t tx < ! 2!l» r._ * » d t b n - r J

l l" Uunt ■UrW'O.' ••Tuu‘ili>a'll i‘" ' ' ‘■"•'•'I

-•r tii;t,.i, I'll Icil Jim I111..T." ’nM III I. ilic-n,.lii.«v.-».-r; Im.l•ll ....... Im w ifu -.i l l , - ; / - ' - '''•••I’1..11 r.i.-riilnic. ll vm.-. lln- '<l“l''“ .'' '

: I .....J tUii« fnr III IiS .

■I.' u n . iiltiiiiiiiiw*. U-- ItnO Mil- 'I"-.•.irr. Hi„,i,i|..„iM In nil ll..- Kiu.. • "■‘‘■'i:''-

iij.rl.. iH. Jl,. h:.,| ii,.l,l iii;,ny -•■ „ l ,l , I.v,, '»>■■ -J'I........ .. hit- Uiiiiil.l.T'* I.......l;i>. .1 11 lil.|.|.-n Ami m.u. I’"-

'f^.‘M|' vlvlillv' Muk.'cnj' l'.'|ll.|.-l.- >'■'

r lli.-.lly, -JI'II liii.l 1 .'«n , Ill.ll I

« ..f .llll.V V.I.CIII, Will.ll, IV...1 I fl.ilil iviiilrn! Iirtc.-I.'llllUlM,, ............v: 11. .1,1,1.. I .............. .......... .

r7 n r'''V l 'i\I ''iii '. '- 'h V i.ri,.^ ." rii.'lK!;;ti,

i'i'.*- Ili'i"'r!r.i I " " "-I'M .:

n '... -.•.•■I Um- li-irvciii,'- ic 'u ii,. l''li" l'l■ V.ni :.i,...v Aiitrili.t--. . I..I"..III.' .............

i i i i l i l•U.;.1 Cl.-lil 1.1 .l.y I.... I. II.. ,..11 J . , ' ' '; '" , ,

■ VI.V Iliint .l....\...l‘ II.I.I ............... Iilni lli .'«iir M.1V...I M11.I 1,1- ,, , ' ..... .I.- .la i.’.l lll.l iiH.T v.I.iil l,v r.l- ;

ii.h'i'«l'.'.i, -Jitv U l.i.iirli.;; Ih.' i,ii.r. "».'• 'I.M. M- ......... p iM '.-l lUii.i.; 'Mi.l l l ....... I... ..f l.u . 1 , -111. *" *■"'

II Ml ll t ' l r i ’ ll I - I iii’ i ” '

i i i i i

......... . .. ......... .. >'>• --llli*

............. ..........

I I .I IhV ' ' Il'tlfU *!.,.,1 . i , u r .. .......... . ■•--..-■M.,

.................. ... ....... ‘“S,;';i f lV I'oii. r<-.l

; j.m.l.

iymlngten Oil* C*t> In My Way . r , i.. „ I'll Cruih Him” ' ..............

I.II ...N , >...1 MiyJ It ........ ...on " r ,K.'H 111 l.iy 'vny ril-K-rn-li lilfi!- .v l;ir.l ,<l.ii-.ti....1l.- n...vrri,..|.i |.1,

i.K-rT.'-i!i-nlh m 'T rV u M1..1.tliii, .m .-H r, ,.f M-. u rn ,- ........

I- i'i'‘»"'i"i: ....... . I'N ‘ ,.nil.-.l li.-:ir iiil.N. llo » . li n -■i\ II .......Ill !..• tl..- iiikl.tl. .1 ll.. V ' ..-v.-r I.--1. It.. i-iitli.Ti-il lu T.|,.,. v

......J ,.M,ll:.1.li. .i.mv.-. Il.'i.ll.'lu- niuik.'t ,llHt;i\on-,l l.im. Im- vi.k ' riiiln.-.l I.. O.ii.jiu-r 11 1-y- - r i-..i.ll:il. '>1 llr«t ..ii.IniiKl't. »lflrl.'.1 In ,\in-ll. ,

null- If i..iy In.iir.-s.Ion. .,.i,l In- ‘ ''1 J.N (to- i-m-oy "

f;v f;mM nn.l iri.iiNi-.I. }{*• «mi» .iM-r*

iT . l I'i.i.' rn 'n .'‘tv ..ry '.M .-. I'lo j '’"

h .,r l '..r «.ui-n'.l. Miirylialln« lil.V nrllll. ry. In- .!;i'.l..-.l ........ rl..- ........ 1 1■'11.1.1, i1i:I.iim ; » iii . llir ii.iiii,ii',|. .„aiii„'if .11,a from ;hi- Wimih.i,- liml lujn.'t.'fi-'..^! I.W loiiu .iir.'iT 11. tlnr.i' \ur.- ,.ii. uMftii.-. 'Il.w .l.i.r;:.'. I.K., wa» i.,r li..-y I i.lt ..■ .»M t.-tf.ii.«« , .|,.„„|r,iII. Hi'nllt.i; II r.'lr.'ut. ll..' trim i„wiirriur h'Bib«red bla lu rc it t*- ui>.':ii j

loiil lil lr t - f i ’t-rv.frtalL-CU.id.__n>.i'_pt?L;__ biialil

lu- <l.-clil.'.l, WUIIUI br th r tl.'vliH -i),,. tlKr

llir lilM'lli- of Jill..' KlUliilKli '><■.« rnui.' II ul crrir - t lln- |.|r. « |..'iit vii'U rilrliiu-Ii f.)niiiilul.-<l 111.- H,.ri. ..n rui-r July \.].i-il It viat uii.I.taIl.mI rn.n, ,.tl no iii:m.-r n lin l r'liltflit nrluvli'-■'in.-r-'n-'.

I<> In. fn-v I.I f.>llo»' llir ..r In,Jii.tcni.-.il. Tl.r Illll nl..l .hIi.t ' ,...r„l,'l,

in» th.) .iniii... of ll,.- i-u.'kliii;i.i» n .nnlrc* w.t .- n.-vor .ll«-l.i>r.l i.uil j„. ,„,ur kni-» III.- ninln foui.l uf I.U na.uj-

1 innrv.'luua vl.iillly iinve ci.iilla- ..mil.-r to Ml u>.-.i.lnl."i. II.- V.MH ' ;,r ,,...1. r of in.n. 11.- «..||U1 M'orV .'lui.i.-ii ..|' iJlH'XicUIUlf « lili •ur.i..'.*'*


|.i-m1 llir ihouswil'lirciisinjr.liinrp M» rprir*i i'.....ili-.r Ulion' l.lin.-;ti.lt1i>J:'))fi. I’nrli. 'rii I .'u III.- «lnB. iifiit rt'<|ulrliu! nf '•Huy July i>. ni.v.,f...ir Imt f.mr .ir lU f hniii'M (-ff.'.'im- llI.'.'ji. Mint jinmr.lns "( nil. I.r 1 nii.'.l liiH.r .M'.I tii'v.'i' nil III r.l):n of tin- n -.!-' mllll.in I. . i.sl.'ti iiii.l.-r ..(il.'l. 1,.' .....I ."I. ' .l^niMo lUi' .•.••Ill.ll.. II.nv............ lT«u;.,. Ill- ■ |ir;„r inn 1

fi.-(i i.i..l .-1.1;,-r for .•.I-i, i(:i, .. 'M u-nur

I lii'-l l.ullt.-wllll Sjn.lni:ioii irilH .-rnrll}. 'sII.......... . .................................... hi..c-lu.ulnr ..f th.' niiiil h.i.ik- olnl:v. tl l..-;;i,ii ...1 llio lournli.t; <.f I..... .. il 11llrM 1.U.I ln^I.-.l fnr Ihr.'.. t.Tvlllc, luln.'.llv, I

. \h tho k-on'i; >..tmil.-<I ..1. Unit ihnl .>iil><c hinrnlni: I 'lltlnu l. uj.i’<'nr.-.l In lliu i,.r.-. DlK 1 :lr.|.-l for lln- friiy. ' in t. I.IU.-II. il„. .in ,I .. ..f llii.o[i..i,lns fnt.%- l.'.ii.,',l l,k:11...11.;,miu l..-,:,in n. ►.■ll wt.... . „ ...,|

.. W.T.- Il.r..... . lh.-ni. .vllh oril.'i^ ’ iw.'niy (i>.II linlf II lullll.n. . nrli. 'rin'ii .'iiiii.' nn.iiiil t.. .

;'lin*li.'l for hu>.h.'l. I'n- «.riil , l''2

.. fr l .. ' ri'.-l.->l IIII.I ilr.ijni..il .1!*. *'I'll.- i.n'.'.-illni: .Iny 11 Innl .l.i-.i'.| |

- 11. on.- .li.llur: hy .-l.'vi'n Hml |„.11..- I. .vn, uiiM.mly nt nlij.'iV'Mx ,,|uiH..|r. 1II l.nif- l,M-h.'l 1.0tti.. 1...k ill <if 111.-fijil.oi-.oi.rili'l, \v..r-l j.i-

i.i-h, Ml... on-, tl...... . ..f 11. I..- in ,.,„|. ,1,1n^.nl•' ..f N.n... c.no l-:irliiK «t li<'< |>..„|- |, . j <

n.i.l>.lll.ij.-ln h ln .n .'; 'm l Ii,iin: H;.i.' Uu..- >..n pmi. cmr.O" .... . ,,,h.iliUn. llimi .,i'.'nniln« ut tl..- ................ .

' ' ' . i ^ n ; ; r : : i r : : i . * ; : i y ; ; : i :

nrii .f him ■•Ii-nr ..i.l-l.l.- tlu- I-ll. ■ m-'i,'!,'.m'..... . 1..-.' .If It....... . >.'«l..ii '

ll liml .Imiili.Hl t.l i.lh.'ly f.itir nml l.lilh.Ailii'r.- It Kwny.-<t iincTtnlii- ,i,..,f,:i iirK lin.l M.l.rttt.i .nllll..'.\1n;-hi'l-.. , . ' ‘i,i;;U.lu.il ‘ol.l n ................nnl. ,.

...... Kiiill.-ni.-n:" ! I’T.’'."''".!..''irr.. ...iH 11.. ..n».v.'r hly.....l ..n nn- " "" -

o.in:U fn.m Hnnl. M i/l.i.y li’ '

.......■......... i i : ; : : ; : : ; ,I 1n.tli.” ho lnni;l,..l, "n U.iu- , ' '

11...L II .......... .u <li-;.r, llM'h. .'Illn«iilshli»u 1I10 , •

II ........... . " ■•.irofi.iiy in ’

..'jlnnl.iK I « .!’ !'■ ni.l lUl'. 7'” '/!I ,-l.i.U I'll. It In my ...M.^ .iy ..r

’in"n.nr.in..il I t, im.n," ..xiiloil.-.l " ....................... .... .................. .1... will. .Iinicoll.v.. '•«lnil in -llio- . I f . ....... . .vn .» .lo yo.. «<•«.. 7 ' '’•Illi.itV ,,ml Ullll ...... ..f lliu IHI.mr.it tmd '.1 ..... .. :if.-, Flui.iiKi. hwuiiK iiH,- ri.iin.t l,rl.il;ly ihj thnt ti.- fni'.'d ,

................. .....E - -.n * itlH .,r .»7 lli.« -l«n« ■.vlil.l.U'i\ lusl If Ilu y iry lo oulhi'tl ;,i„‘

:,ii for II mlnlital" J.roUr In Al t - ' ' , r.'.l.li'nlni: uii.hT 1.1* collar. [ ' , ‘■tl mnko It clcuror, .Sumk.kc OIIh' ».•,.l knock- July «1>ent olt llla-rn ..r J''" ''"Ily t.olhl.. W ry w.rll. Ii>i.h»<ll- j;;''', V IIi.'yM oli M-rrfnt—|i.-rf.n|iH In-............ . l.n.vlnt*. 'I'l.vn. un an

llo linn.I lli.it 1,111 t.rvn ).lr.-lrli.-d. Hi.'till, in iiinniHl. July wt.c-iil will si.rlntfi.-li'll-tt.>-|..ii-<l..lIur.-ll'il-Ku-U*..i;!l>'Il-»'i!LI .........I .1.,...! r...inil [.lnuxll.1.-.- U.'.l1.i1».t l‘Ui;li»..ll I. .l.'-lr...].. .>f >ni<lii.rllnK hU l.-ml-: Al Ilxo,.'l Mill »iiin.-wl,nl .I.inlilfiil. , nl....

.lon'l IIl;o II." snl.l M.irtl. hourl.v.\"r.lri'. il, ,tr. iltU." .'....llnli.-<l DnnU't. un.l ;*mlm‘l1-''. I- WUI. n liiiril rini: In IiIh volr.- ilmi I woro m,l ..-.1 Hunt m.il .MIl.ort I.. .•i.'l.un;;o I'lo-k In I. nin:; t i l m n ' . ' llilnkH h.- hux 1110 .111 im.lii.tun; ..III. H r- l..n.-.ilni.- how- 1... Il.'L.-t: lovnrl.'i.H in l...hi>'. hlU-rnlsli. t.f li.nv I " 'i« r....1 lu llJn 111.. !lr-.i llr.-, lin t « ,ill l wlL'ut. nh.. my i.llfntl. W ultl r v i- .w o n ln a Mm:- V • til""........ 1:.«1.-.I ii.iiil n.-iirly, .......tri.ll, Uy trn ro of 111-. (Ii.urr ..f | l'i<-i'. '■I- iin»li.ii uo li'^s Ihnli l.y tila d.niil-' '"nl Ir.il I in-r...nnll1y an.l • 1r.-ni,-lli »f I'ur-I HioukI.1 .

fltrl.n;;!. Ilnally Ini1m:.'.l Ih.- olh-l ■

..... . Wli.i'i ili.'v >v.-nt..nt IhroDcli; inl«"i-al.tr.jl.i. I, l.rl;:lilly lUlitr.l oIIU'oh, Iho! Th.. i!i' . ........ .... . l.-rniH; ii.i.t, ci.lcr.il.In ; ....n il of .ll.ciM.1oi. Uml ha.t In ll.n

r.Viiily |.„.t<..l t..'iu .'rn ilirm woro tiuitli.. f,..,'..H.'n. po.r.1 raiI lii r.-'H on.' Illll,::." n u i . t i f l . i.al.1} rw«-inrn .'itriin:;. "I w.it.i lo l.ii;iri-7<.< <i|>.ii|nn>I 1.I.-11

.tn ..', Wli.'n Wl- l.nvi' .If-r.-iilril 1 hluali'rlu;•' I 'u .nl ........ will, I.lni In m y. Utl.........r v,ny. .................. ll..it" -l..ok ln irl wulkcl :,.iv ii.t.i ..a. l. fu ..-, -1 ^vnnt lo .l.-nl i .loor. r. n. Sxr.iiti:!.... ui.H I., my ««n way,” l Ih;; ul.i.l1..1..|iily ii.M nmniliiB OiU i.^! ol.lrr »hi --I Ih.- .-..inl.,11, ll .H-.'ii|.l...l «» ..|7 . r»lur..i.d UI.. I.f <li:.t .Inx'n >'i-«'.l..n, n.nl, ug Ia iIi'iI fi11..' |„...v.l.n;; .l.iy, n.K.Hl'wltli u lit. apokr. inl llil...ur. Wli.'ii Itir .'ln>lnR son* *•11 lim ,i.i...l I..- Inol •ntll. nllo.-,.|||f-r. ovrr Sl.lill .li-> r .nlllli.n l.n-.I...U nf July \v|il-at: UUl m ;,t ..r Ml.l. l. I..' invnp.t not n ui-uln.!' . •ixi.i' ti lo- .'u..i-i'i-.l lo huy Ini.T— I “My niil.'llv.T i.» 1 .. iiil'.-.l—ut a lun'rr ' Irr ui.il «

.- ll.i.n I..-tiM.l, r-olil II f.ir, ABJ. >our.a».:M.n.i' y.-si.T.hiy, hl> oi.in.nrnt r-'o rvrr;...l.lV llli lllm. huhlii-1 for l.u.h.-l. l'-..r.lL-lil

iii-.-.„.~ n .i-i.rj witl. Ilio .•Infliin of I...... iiku-I.''.. '* ' ‘ I. lory, my v.'i.i..11'* oil o«iT.- be C0UI1.1.H1 le k ................

- f f ’,111.11:. T..:i...rfo.\ r-ll linMi hdn. ' ' ' 'II i„- .na,,,..'0 ..I., ,.r 11... . ;m .'uku •al Jill IIL- u i;ii..l J'.-l a-. I ui.tuI lil^n n l...n: lll.l,- uiio." '" ll ‘liulitymmi.mx-aUtli .tlm i3nmilriL-,0L tmr.l .la rrrf-lin lll.. OIIh I.Hik the

r.-s.lvi-. And ^l^mllan.'l.usly thrru I.' u Huriirl-.i-, niH |,ron.U.'S .rf '•lit « rn - i;..ht.lcl Uf n.. fn .t na tti.'y o ..fr,Ti-il. H .iyIni:.irdrr»iionr.-.lln 'l-''-,n.nn_^i.i.',vl‘Ji>«Lhi:]ilui“ '!i:£!.'.Li«•.•..-..-it h ll i..-tniiK. T l.r l.u>l.ic llki-

lnm'n«.il. 11.' lirtinn t.> IlKl.t .I.-''i.l.'ly, rl.unllni.- lho Jilt with liW aril- ''••ixutrd .'uiiiini.n.lv lint ll wnn ar, llmuiili

imurml »uu.l In lho ..c u n , trutTC'’ llr.liuiili t.a.l tiDl ul’li. tim l •4... llir " "..!•' hln.-.- till- llrsi .lay, -J-V.on IiIm '.""y'- nto ..lllcu liujb.'iit or<l.'r.'to u doii-u I'O'nn.io,brok.-rii. All 11.~^o ..nlora III'-'vrun ... ■•Ilny July Mli.'.il." All W.T.- Io “Mr. f» cITi-i't till* uiorulhk’. k e c ub lrj C*w« i t

r r ie n lo lim In livcrpool onn -F o r "tliTlii-»«<' cnblomiio* ’eUo read, her—" '

Illy wlicnt.'* T lier.'too, becnnio "N oi A«• ih!» nioralnir. In nil. lir li^ "I'lu 'n yiKimctlon* to iiurclinar-twi.lviT K|iiini(;ti.

t.n«Iii-l«, o r niniroxlmnti-ly ii„t ......rl Ir.ir nnnnint hu liiid wilil ou tlic* gir.'h.l.m'o iluyn. Im.l iti'i'n■ ur<.>t tl.n( mornlri(r un<r n July; tU. ,n wtniM.irin, It xlK*ni:u...l r lirn Juw

Slmrlly, lm»vi'\or. It >|.-u.tli->I. liiird uh oi

ll ni.Hanl. l.'ji. tUKfc'Ink* .l.-lrr- n.nl.l.-d lo .•, It vU.iil><-<l wllll n mi'hlKy InrnliiK.liil.lrlpii.'il llH fiilllNk' lln-dny lA- i..], |„|il... IK «t.»o aniora to crnto nil x.-ll- 1I...I;, In , lU.- n r.-l.-a)*v.l hprUik-. Itir Iirk-r ,.|,„h hox l,k l..-r-.1111. Al llio ,:l.i.r of Il.r oaM-. Oil .'■■>|..ii II kUhiiI ut n (li.llur .in.l ' rU- ........... . with u ............. .. t(i I i'..nin1o Ml1.. . .<n.l, n.ir o.ml.l n.-M <lay was K.iii.hiy. :ilnn- [lori.-mlr.l .'i.illni: liirn-arra In frrn iy .' Uint r-.mit rm '"iiK rnnli'il'in iirr-nn.l Tnnrr •hte.-- ---..U-. .II.I m.llilnir. Ill- .Inr.'il n.it --yon nl

,U i,i...nl..-i hy l.uyliiB- »'> n firr lorl........... .... ji.ii i.|. ihi- j.ru-o on nloy.'f-,'. It.- itnroil h.il n. 11. for .-vrry ninclnL' I.I .' -.,1.1 w.inlil ho K..ld »I n loKH. i„ ^ ,|i,|i;........... -.'.'irily fr...n inoiilli to N riil.-mirU,i,i S>nilM|:l.i.i (IUH. tl»- l.lc 'x rc im l."

,1 I |..ii;;lil IiIh llnul lluht nnd wuk ! u , .

ll..' ........ of U.l-..ho-* t-r.Hlon. Hl.lc; ilioI .'va.'ily l:ii»..liiK' wli.v, III- w rn l od 11 nrw "11.... '•• r.n'.n fosv inlnut.-H. A hi-lwi'.'U 1

.. nl.'.l In lilH onr; will frlU'.•M ;i.m 'lo n ilnllnr und II linlf!" ()ll«. Col.'III nl.tworli.k'. K lllionl ow n ! inliclit Jn: 1.1 ih.r nmn. ho Hli«d wntcli- Trl.-d 1.' ii...ii.tiT tunnnll. Tl.e uiirour ,iu i: -'r.nf.iilni-. yonr .ihji-ol.l -I...... lurn.-.l nwny. J-'jiHi.ii;

ai.'full}-. v.'ry oli.wly, l.n inn.lr nilrltil.-o<.y il.r..m;li llnr liurly-hurly. ili- ,-,j JJnnt.1 ll..' sl.'i.H Hint 1.-.1 to till. II.. p.ii».'.

ll.M.r, liU liHinl .illdlna J.Tklly 1 _\vhli-li O.i11..' I....M rr, \Vl..‘n ho olilorod wln'ut wll.[....•-ollU'o hi!, hulr .vm .lm n.nro „ i.uuh.'l-il„ni hlH fm'.-. I,hit nn tio >.ut . 'T » i r -mil h.'lil l.u I.und .I iimmi'.it nvi-r prlvL- will

tilK Iln .TM U.'mhl.'.I u.i onr nf. ] ullh i.ul«}-. It .V.H Uir U rn Uii.r ,(» .i.l,-."ld yvnrnof Hli.-.'Ulnl1nK, ,j. „

...................................t-..l..H.k-i;iN (-^,„i-M-II1 .

.......... .. ........................................... .1ia.'ii>.< .if >.inlllni:, ••ll.-'N il.i.ifl ; .. |t „,|,i ...n l, ll.'^H p .l II... H.-'.. f..r. Ii;..'n iark .'l. j .-v .tv . ,..illall\.' no..', of ll.......

" s r .m i

........... ..... ........ .. i .-11,1'kl

.......... ..W.sl l..lfl.r;.lll.'d of him. 'J h r ^ ,

. I,m.l...l lilin nH a l.rnrfu.'lor uf , .

•. ' •n.,.ii-nii.l« ..f l.'ll.TH of .'Vory ,11.,II iIi>o.Iwl Ills mull. l...uv.'Snl d.vlndl.-<l lii-nlr.-. .. ....... . ^ .d him. lU - llf r wnK ............. ....■ullll u.illlli,11,-d .vlUi l.r.nll.

ort- ilinn.flfUpm miiiini.H und Ii-»h I ..j„.''"•j/- ■ I -n .i'u ,II llirio .'Uin.‘ 11 d..y wl.... .. wu» ; ..ni'iirr-.;'HI.' .,111. ..II'.. Tlu. ,U-f.-ut.'il j „U',r.

..•,|.„'li thul iiiornlnt In n i i ' 1

11.0 .nl.iill.'. t.. rl..von r i l 7.1.ni:l. Ilin.li’ i." I..... .. lllm, l l r hml tflv.'n 1 1.,'hlii.l I.I' ............... iml nUH .v„H l„ Im- » , III.,1..1. mul Hint nfl.'r,vi,r.l ll.ry | 'j 'tiv r. ', „.,1 I.. )>.' ............... I, Ah Im I0II.-.I un-.lir-is,II, l,l> ............. rliulr hrfor.- Un' in.-rrln.i'i;;in) d . '- l. nn.l uuj.-il r.iuml tlir r.-slli!r .1 .,i.H r....m. II r.-v..rlo .umo .ivrr .'Thi-,, )h- 1.-.IIIM h ll Drst yr„liir>. lu -r.u-ry ......... Ir will. II fr.V ll..m-n.i.lH.iI. a |..il..'r Kun.i-: lu-j;-ini'nil.vr.'il LoUh Mil mr ll.' I,;..l .vnrU.d for ynlc i; fo r] „ i ,h r ni . ......n r . ,1 nmnlU. A.nl | - i-„ ,1h;III. mi'inory sHi.iilnB IiIh conln.l j tJnctly li liai.liii: bnck f,.rllirr alllt. t.r ,vord.M i.t 11.1- tlnio w h rn -N o l Hud ' “H m ,!,.'I. n ilM i»u>hrr; Hud Uo sliivrd l'-iizliu.' -. iill.-ry of n lllltiy kllrhc.i for n n fril u|al.tr ,M'.'kly i.lUniico’ _____! iliMir ..I.nil'll. Svmlnrlon Olla

II.rtr dnyH of hU n.onanl.y FlU- B H ..vn..inyM rlH „fclii.n.ct.'rH ox. Hran- i,jnl nukr.l n> I,la p iz r. f ir fi

Ill'll comi-crinfliii; to him, b.'fitlni:.l.-ndl.i(:. I lo Miw otlirrv rnti'r,.Tluu ii.i'I try lii; tu ouUuco blm,1..'liuvi-a In ni-llhrr luunu.-r. Jlr .1 In <|nlr|ly. and. clutlnx (li« r. n.Dln.'d Mnndlni;, wliti n.> ci.-oi-. liuI..,ovrr. ll.r looktd trn yrur.-. 1 Ihun hlH acluul ncr. n ir.I.uu ti.H

nrd (u hU t'hulr. TUo alluiicu h.id H I fully liair u uliiu to bcfurc lie |

Iina bcon nsK'Cd, Mr. Oiln. tl.a t I Oral .vltb you bk I neo III."1 nuddcd. Utt did out atwak.

I nilo bn i been to c lre no ntinr- .d aaU non.-. 1 noo no r.'A>un nliy .ai.0 Hliuuhl murk un ex.-rptlnn. I vrry rrSHun .vhy It shoul.I not.L-liiyrnrh or m .irr y.iur lininl hon minln.l in ..,' Y .i„ 'l iu \r oJ>Iki».-.1I'l.luro*. ol.»truclrd jny l>ulh, lihi-.... in «»rry wuy." _uinr l,..r.'," l.ilrrj.rt.r,! OIIh rold- '. lulk buolm'M; nut In .ll.'.cuii ■rfBONul urfolrM.".ll . 'o u rr Kolni: to OUvum lliosr

.Mr. OlLV—KIlihuijU.roHr. uu.l. liH liuiiJn r.-nlliij* on tlio .Irak III of t.lin, Iriinr.n.iw an l 111* \M Ior, j n...v hIo.kI .<|.l.ur(llr-^-l .vlll Irt ul of luy i-onirr ou only on r cim-

lat.yuu lu ll ynur duuslitcr—.11 in',-<l no i B<. furfl* 'rl I will Irr nulhlnK thnc Involvt'* iny fuin-

irn you n-#u»e to deny lo I.cr—”:w iu tiay r---------------------------------- "— ~Il.r (ireiwalemiui faUeliood you IrdV.^.tnlrd no faKrtiood. I t'.vaa (lie

wnn n il,..! The wonmn la drml nnd 1 ah3ll aay nolldiitf nt.'niiot Hui you. ana you ouly. <bu undo t-runi: .Ur dill lup." ■ 1r. F'liiUuiib. I, inuat uiric yuu to a t ouce^tu'buiiJuoM,'. . I m M I

"tiio “nh'ir “ilinpr'w m 70B «e»l IlCtle rinf.

'n you .vlll tnke tl.e nllrm atlvc .” ibe isirncr(:ti-tiinird Btid prcKai-d one nf Jle wna nnlirl l>ulloili.un bla dr«k. Ulx <-r.- -W hnt I*m w nr unu inun'y r;hlciti;oRii< Klulmirli.rn to tlirir aorrow »liier InM m k Io.{Ii<- fnclal inUHcIf ll/r '•IU-uiSm.' Ju..- lliruHl for.vnr.l. til* oyr..K ocutr. (' otii.E II.nn .-nlrrrd. FlIzhOKliI lu lllm. and In: dej.Drtc.l, r.^ II.\M)ITKk-.i>r<->.'nlly wlih u niniill. r.iunil KMl.ST hi.-. .vUlrli ll.. jilnrrd n ru r IhrIn thu .'rl.Irr uf Iho liiMv .vas b ST. I'AChox nut nnllkrt n Jrwi-lrr^M rUm nnd WllliaOil" t.rokrd .in na n .'M id-.vh.. to biiVo rotfl.r .Inrk, II,. hud not rvi'ii n „„ {),.ci'niti■ M.'ll ..f .vlinl Uir I..1X ronimnril. j„ ,j„. j,,,)]mi.l h r li.mclno wliul llir m l.lr ,|itH 'lo tnndr.l. yrl Ur f.'lt, nrVrrlhrlraii. jiium,..Hit Hlnlalrr to rtu rr .vnB liiii>rnil' -pj,p

I nh- Hliort to ii<r' finid DnnLrl. „„,r„ |n i’ ll lorklnj: llir donr iijmn UIh .'nr , ".rvelilnlll(<jiibu»hrU of ivlivnt K In p rlrr fr.ini i.lnr(y'i.lx rrnlH j.,

™ ' ; „ r u ; : i ' i “ s ; ; r . . ; ; ' ‘ ; , “ ; r , ;

.•f.i-«r.l 10 lliu Inhlp. |.|.-krd iij. ' ‘‘"'i--'

ir.v Kulil cuijlr, .vhii'li Uc held U | i --------------t'U tliuinU und f.irrllnsrr. "TlilarlUu II. A m ilnd onihlrin, Mr. XCold I Wliu't u s.Viimn you uud t V J |

.fI.rrnch iiiH ,n ltI '^ Z f l / |'d Ix-yond nil initI.'iK-r. n ils rrlcd t I W I•Vomr 10 lho J...IIIII Wl.nl'a X ^ V J

il.Ji-ctV 1h.iuli luiiKh.'.!, II .VU-. Un- Ki.inn ♦ l.--o< luiljih tUut hud .ini;r rrnilnd. Zinl ..f B .v.ilf hnrllij: Ila fuuea. ♦ Qilri'il Ihr colli. ■'Il.-U.lr. ..r InllH, I g

.U. you .vH nlt If 1 .vin. yonr ♦ ”. will I'uHl you t.vu ond n .|uurtrf t l i . 'l - " ' t.ir—mi-R'lfiil Ood! mun, tlini 2 2

.-..iiran It will.-’ ■ J.'llzUuKh r.- t ill spi I thu .-iiKlo In th r b.ir, hr.n.ll.l.ikl ) I 1 ly n hlKU of n-llrf. ".Vu.v tliBl.. I ! i . \ .vr umlrrauind i-ucti olhrr.. I f iX ' .r

■III ..Iiiyi:..-u.-iii'r-i-'’---------------- ♦ ------------ 1

r U n . i n h u M i ! : ^ ! ; ; . - I \ imnk,H_no d m .r .n i i . I >.111 not |

ry wrll"—M ulntr'lliy coin i.a bi- t "llrn.lH.or inllaV I J

111 llilH HHlnlm. ;l)rivln-f_'------------ jT ---------S_onl.l'you'.vlu yuu will Uuvo Ju.it ♦ .U.IO llTr 0.. nio.lr»II..-.” I lir hllocy of .ucli B thlDK I":liui!h Btalii Kuvi* bla dlHcomflt- lutli. *'i JoH’t ojri'i* »J)1j you. ur mighty wurrlnjr. procluliui-d i-uat In evrry couniry of ilic k t V ' . hmi brrn nolhlni; morr lUun n

.if Uriidsand-talls. You but . would full. I Uul It woul.l rlKL-.I. Tlir loHH of n xol.l coin williin urllHlIu- clliuttx. W nltl" a» Tb* R!i.imlr un ullrm i.t Io Inlrrrupt.I.m lhr.mEli. ir y.m will .Io uk I'i■HI will md .... .. Y.iU .vlll v .,„ .imr w h rn l - -,vin ii.it .II. Ill" nialiini. . r un.l for nil. will you bbto *>

(liicajcIII.- .vny n . l —nci-i-r!" ' ' ' yc>il b i

.rn, y..,i .Mil lukr U.r foi.«.- •r-.;- Ihinlrl H.-li.-d ll.o Kcld

"Wv-'l In ,, f.ir I I : aud If I win k'ULKU-lJuukruj)L:______________

i| l.im f..r « chnlr, tilnrlnt: u;:h;i.-.l j ,,!c ab 1 ..i.|.om-i.t. I lealcd .•r.' could Uf. no douUllnK UIh mitI- i Ijcc, I -iH, Th.-rr wna' not u m ir r of , by cxI

,11 III. l , . r J ta™ . .Vur u............. l ." l“ ....... o .» . |» . . , .n . ........ .

) « . i . i .« „ . , .n i t i - ;?■;■',;.-ry nonl Of ilijea-i

) Kroplbn Uaiid mni.'U n rtir,lr. mjUiiiiMil duH.i, cluU'I.liit: ircnd.iiiu-ly cure,r nnn. iimlau-ntnj.- UN llji«. nre c;illH." Uu whNjierrd. bn t no IiuIIh- te rn uy bo .vas o«ki-d lo ri'j.i'i.t lUr until I

of theMill*," ht'■nid. mor.! nrtnly. - ' ,Zhucli hinin ihu i-oln Into tUv nlr. . '.1 uiKiii ili« |-,llhhed inbje .vJihJx- • “ ’'V ' ' '

■ 'T H E M O ST t r ;

Cord anc Red and

Eaeli ti.'C com(3s lc . m ent 0

If Barn.


SPRING SHIPM------------------------------ ^ --------------------- ^ A R I

Twin Falls ^Exclus

Twin Falla 216 £

Vni.' TCtfTiTai^ m«n'* fni» i n ^ f

irnrrx .if IiIn lauulli On-iii-ue«l. ASnm » on Uiu nf a' collairar. if m tU IlT y tiU 'k r ooaloA n Imth t.. iit nn.l Im.k.-O ul llir told

.......(To III. coiillnunl,) ■ I Vi!!..'''®" tfirKtloni .

ITS lUll.lKVKIi TO IIK wmuiJ."^ 11.ST TO KI.KK IIY .llie llo rT K

■ - , ful b«MllI'ACL. Minn,. Jan. 21).-Mlrhurl m aTtlt.rl.'lllbn. J.-inii. .vlM. fir.-’ BIICKCU 'I) roliUi.'tl II liank o t llrn.ion, Nvh„ aold «i btfri'intirr 31 Uii'l. may uarirn ni.iUi- ;i?7ai*iif' Uuil of famo M th r rirni bnn-

I innk.. llirlr ••Rrln.vay" hy ulV- fiuA^ilfh

IK 111.' riirm rrK iin.l .Mrrrhantn’]--------------KaK rnl.'bij.l of tlir,,oun, TUo niltUni; tl mrn. .rllnrH".'!. .hicUirr, w orn; iiinwu thn n SI. I',ml nil tbu afiurnooii o(i|>f lho cr! • ny. lMlnni-»nto1). o-llrlrn. roiiniy nlinrnpy of ■ r.r.inlhlUo; nl. uilvan.rH Itie It.... ry thni tUrl|i|.>ir.11.1 -.' tinvo rlnwii from Honti'in |

I'anl Uv alriilnno nfirr .-.>111- 1 nally n

L a n d B iH E R E I S A R E A L

O ne o f th o b eat b u y s a ro u n d T w in I 80 acrcs , one mllO n o r th f ro m Uic

■ th e P e r rin e 80. Bniall houBo, b a m , c GO ncrcs o f th is la n d la y s v e iy fine. 20 a crcs o f th ia ia p o s tu re . A ll fo n c 22 acres in a ls iko , 12 a c rc s in alfa]

I spuds, b e e ts a n d w h e a t, T lila la n d is T lio p r ice o f th ia la n d in $285 p e r a W e c onsider th is is iv r e a l sn a p a t t l

— .T hjj la rid .m u a t .b fiju liL B W inJvsJho . W c bav o c x c lu d v o lin t in g on th is ;I f in te re s te d , c a ll soon, a s th ia w on

Johnson Rea13 M ain A vc. Ea.nt.

i e o Y o u r s e l f F r o m

T h e P a n g s o f

• R l f t t T reaim enl WIU Br*«k ilooil, tli

’ou wlio arc afTlicled wilh R h tu - it,Iism know from experience ju»t ti im inc „• cxerutiaiine ihe pang* of the ,ea,e are. You k n o w ,a l io , if li b&ve bad rheniAatinta fo r t n y f t on ii;Ui o f lime th a t there i» no real U ood pv ief lo be expected from the u*e teicnce. liniments and .loU oni. cleanses

KUeuniaiititt is a stubborn d is- ties, an.l ic rS 'iril-tir-f iS lifff^a n H —in lf ii eSFm-fbr ni.oi I.e wiped out as if by ma- fy vesei

A d ijcate lhat ii lo full o f o f miner tuirc and renders so many peo- position, : abiolulcly helj.Iesg, i t a deep* and fori alcd one; it is not on the tu r- im puriti. rc, hence it cannot be reached en tire s

cxicrnal, surface remedies. I t has I l.o iion:, linim ents and o in im en ti fHly yea ijilicd lo .the surface jnay in from Hli me cases deaden (he j.ain lo r the |,raiic. nc liehiB, bu t unlit you a ttack the S. S. i seasc a t in foundation, yoa a re eryw hcr iUini; no nroK feit tow ard a tell you re. Many form* of Rheumatispi hone jt e c a u i t j by m illions of tiny You are rnis tha t in fatt^d ic blood, and cai dep: Itii Ihe blood ir^U io lu tely freed tion an<

the^e e trn u ,. there it no rea l m ent of licf in siBht. t:o cUarjIn fact Ihc longer you delay Medical cVinc tbe dliease ih rouch the to ry . Al

T R U ST W O R T H Y T IB E B U I L T " --

id Fabric ( d Gray Ts lo you with the personal oi it o t Barney Oldfield.

rney trusts them you can

’ M E N T S O F O L D F I E L D S

^ R R l V I N a D A l L Y , -----------------

> Vulcanizing Vlusive Tire M erchants B Shoshone S t South

S S S S ' ‘ ^

OM Of U» tuafiBlHd kot*la ay««a.«Bd « o M %h« M MddllntaTMM‘?«nr. aluotUi Mlaa B i > ^ BtBr

- ■la ID* Uib* io Unn* sliBdaf. aune«

>t aaai.s )mi 7b°aMirAS” ' .nw 10 you I* plais w«p»«| «nt* lo «Co.,8laUoaJf,New.ycri«,JJ,y.—

K tho roUbory. I t Invcatlcatlon thni (hry did fly from tbo scene , i-rluic.,aoTornor purnqulBi, of

nnin Ik uxjircied to x raol tba lU'in Qilkrd hy Nubranka au thor'

_______ _ ry nml .Sunday Tlmen, I7.S0.

i u y e r ’ ^VL SNAP.in I''alls to d a y , h e c e n te r o f to w n — n o r th 1, c ia te m . ,Inc. ■ , ■ ' ; . , 1onced hoff l ig h t . _.Ifa lfa. T h e r e s t htt«„bM n; ' S v . i is a l l fenccd h o e t i g h t . ..:r acre ..1 th is p rice .L hojB H njcJs M iD IL aw ayj__ ; . 'IS;.-on’t lo s t long .

alty Co. jP b o n e 02$. |

i f Rheumatism. the fu rther you are se ttin g ridding yourielt from the d it- And because to m lnyneop le .

tlie pain, and not the disease , is one reason why Rhetima- .

increases in severity year

e m o il la iitfaciory remedy :heumatlsm Is S. S. S.. bccause .

end of tbe m ost tb o ro o g b .;[ purifiers known to medical ci:. This line 'o ld rem edy-" ses the blood of a ll Impurf- an.I It a lu re antidote to therf^rRhUilmitUm. Belnarpure:---------------------eseiable. without a partidc ineral or chemical in its com- ion, il wofks by eliminalinn forcing out of the blood all r ilie t. aclinif a> a tonic to the e system a t the same time.JS been uted for more th»n years, and scoret of sufferers 1 Klicuniaiitmiiive it unilla ted

s'. S.'is told ly J ru tm is ts 'c o ­here, and any b f them, will you th i t it it a thoroughly i t and reliable old remedy, are Invited lo w rite our medi> department for full infonna- and advice about Ihe trea t-

; of your own cate , for vh ich liarge i t made. A ddre tt Chief ical Adviser. 12 Swifi Labora*, A tlanta, Ga.

Gases rubes „endorse-



WorksPhone 16

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<1 aiBt*

m iW VOUK, jiB . : j . - N in . io .« . I J ” ; «wonly pranilicn to be n mlRhiy bu»y n n „ yoar for Oeoiiy LcooarU. liariior llUla trioiii l)o u pf Iho .lijshtwolsbt Ulvlxion, K ny lie'd idoBcs to iiiiiko It iio. ahoWi

l.M para In In, dciuund ovorywhcrr. tftem: apd whllo lhe nretciit-Jny crop of H»8 j lISlilvralKbt'cbarienccm In nol an Im- d o n . p o flas «oo by;Bny moaim .ilioro nrn fnr I plonly of .botfB IioxIiik nrouml 13:1 uooai]* Kho nro taRor lo mlnrlo wlilj U»i' <1 ^Bbnaeh.“ ', ..Johnny pundpo ha» J lm t call, an.l

--Johopy. .wWl.Bul-auolh(u^ch*nMh^M J,, llio clumplon In tho n rn r fultirc Vv,, >rJ)en,aio lato Iftmcnlcd l»mnly- ,hon t round affair, cucellcU a t Now Haven. le p»r«d to clK tl rountlB and IronB-

^ ferreil to New Jorney. ,U I ,jI<«onard nayB Dundee tn itio bcni nf reinui

hilt many r lra li, Bui thero are o lhen . almoi •I/c '^T cn d ler, iho PhflBdetphla' (loiith- "Yf pttivW iU get hiB chance a t Henny be- »en, foko-many m ohlhs hnyo' peniiod If ho tKnt

IL Tho Mitchell brolhem, •>! «- IWetle anrl PlaWes Charley Whltn, k«epli Joo W ening and WIIIId Jacluon nrn of Ihl

V a lio on the «n l(lns.ll« l, and lhe pro- «” >Jo J motem wlll havo no trouble puitlni?

xip Inlo the HKlitwelsht dlvlnlon.Kdille ha* lieeii boxing moro or lean

■ alnro 1514, but ho never uttm clcil n « m l deni o f'a tten tio n lialll lie, uot i

• tinder Danny MorRan'e \vtns. Of lalo ho has cu t Bome flcure , 'u lth Morgn'n p. finrllQB adJectlveiiUh' iialvoii ond lann- .g n ; , b iK 'fiO a io ^ 'h iit 'Ib to 'lh e front ynrdn {,„ r i o f nlJIiillw cood JlRlrttvelKht* froiii „ r ^ p n a n l on down the line.' "You'l hoar more of Plisnlmmonn It n i lR we «n ,c < j« t tfieno ncnry IXf-iwunrfnr*

•'Trouble U. thoy-ro all' huny doJRlnK him. Thoy claim bo Is nnt a lofiil- ° tnnte llRblwelicbt—th a t he cnn'l m ake 133. T hat ix a ll wranc. The . trouble in tlial Eddio hlin too hard.

• He lart't playful, nnt even lii-n*’Kym- naslum; Aak Johnny Uundoe. llo |,„

‘'P I'*" " , ■ CliJirlniMlmmonK' rccord nn nubmitlpd ],

hy Dumb Danlol proves tliut b» In , ready for lhe best boys In his divl-

-•— tion . He-hRs scored knockouw ond im; tl won Irom many sood, tnuRh Itoyn • <it,i

-over distances vary lns from Mx to si<i,< \ twelve 'rounds. He han beaten siieb n'or i boys ft* Phil Qloom. Jphhny Drum- Uio * rale. 0*car Gardner, Paul l>nylo, pns.<<i Oharllo White. Laulo noe&sh and i l i r^ Yousk Dorrel. ami hna kaockoul vie- RiKtit lories ove r. Ray n ire ra . Havor BliifM O'Brien. ,l[arry Carlson ond Palsy tnl flo a in o . ^ Stntr,

I f F ita l l wlial Danny clnlnjs ho Is » « n it he 'eu re looks Ilko a conier from Infuh tb is 'd lsu n c » —he deserves hi* chance, lo" '" The 'JI»hlW0l»hl crop is , none too . * ■* brilUaqt, especially., slacc Leonard Blanca .ou t no prcmlncpUy abovo all th e rest, arid tho advent of a new-

______ KHnar.wha.haa UtojiariuaTka.nf-clau.ia Konerally welcomed, .■ T isilc m anasefs ihniUKhout the - ^

M unlfy nro cotiiblnc the symn tor ' llghtwelifhl m aterial. Billy Olbson k i s OTon cone so far an to pnt nul u ' - ]lno for n boy o t promlHo who m ny atop Into U onanl-n shoes nnme day'

. •when the time arrives for his divorce ■ /, from tho tit le ; Ulbnon has nelectcd ^Joe Uenjoailii. the Calltornla llnht-* w eUlil. as a probablo successor to iJwDsrd, and thoush Joo has n lo t to le|tro. ho is a boxer o t lio moan promise. , prior, ‘I n (ar-o tf A ustralia they believe th a t Liow Edwards, llio AnUpodean r<.(ro champion. l i bolter than L>eonard. hnoi*

■;Ccorto BallUou.- who rtslletl th is been ^ou iitry aa well an EnRland nnd cluh.; ■Prince In .search ot boxers io appcnp m lde 'a 't*ho Stadium In Sydppy. iifw l.«on. aUtw •«fd and M idler U arinold box ut d lw e ThIladelpbla . and went back home th* • '^ l l b ' tbO’ repo rt th a t Bdwatd* is by aod v fa r .th e beUer of the tw o. Snowy Amer '% aker. w ritinc in Uie Sydney BvonlnR jTtew*. tolls o t Dalltlou'a IniiiresHlons Llf« lU to llo w s; . *fh'

••Oeorne Uallltou. the.Stadlum'H rop- « ^ e sc n ta t lre , who returned lo Sydnay ihMr % y the Sonoma a fte r hi* acarch for vitoxera In America and ISnRland. saw Cnusi Beany Leonard, tho world's llghl-

............- iw li l i t champion; opposed-to-serireant "^ r t t l o l d In a ten-round no-declslon ^ W t . n?!for« the coDlest Mr. Dallllou •*" " 'iad-"o tfered Leonard a biR sum lo f " * , T islt AuntCTslla aod meet t.lew Ed-

;» a r te In Sytlney. to f Uie world'a title. ‘® ,-Up to th a t tim e he had never seen ;f/W oanl In action, h u l knew of him tibnly UirouRh bl* record. „,go;; "A tler having neen him opposed to

. rtiartfleld be.waa more lhan ever con- ' V " • tS a l 'D e w T a iv a ra s - l i i 'a t ' Ihls

Ijn o iiB t the beat li* iitw elfh t iw xer ry or ^ n tbe .world. Oa thla conviction he fetfered ' Leonard I'dOlOOO for two ri(htji HD ^ n e r . the t i n t to ^e acolnst » j f c e r f Edwards; the second ^ s l n n mile* f c n /m a n whom h«i seteeled. but Leon- > r d w as ;^o t a rreeahle. He waa Alb'ai

M- 'Aeehrer'on tli t 'ie t) - ro u n d no-decUloh indw ■ ' | |o u U th a n . risklDC h is title over scrap

^Srenty, *0 Sydney waa robbed o t ^ e - in if, w bat m lth l bave been one o f the atylU

% r«a test'l l|b IW e^1it events la boxing lie n

______li' l^ .^ o h V v .Ditnde'e (alls to do sny .S e t te r .th e next Vlnio h e ln e e is Leon- W rd 'ttW h e h a sd o n e in the 'past, and ^ S e o n a fd treaU Vhe re s t .o f l i* T t|b t. ha :.', % elitht crop as we ezpeci ,'to see him t« 4 i

----------tffea t Oiem.- l f i rfll-.b* r * ^& m e’ ambltloua p ro m o te to I m ^ r t

' f c w a r d s from Oie Aptipbdea i o r a a S ^ t e r o a t l o n a l & t f ^ wlth-ltae m H d 'i •.

% A oetralla do. u wHI . J f ?^ co n e acTose ■ ^ i f lc sw U sg

■ey M arled l^ ln a t ie n Toward aeed C ltlisnshlp and

. Patrletlem.

W hat th* Alaska n s t l r n t r e dnlnt I'l ere witling to do 's s pfonf pakI*-• of their fitness to live unilrr Uip a l l and Stripes ts Im pr^sed on nil10 rnme In contact with the astlvp*d tlieic , numerous activities alone S o L ip« of advanced-cUlxtnahlp snd pu> , otlim.By way of a m inor llliistrslloa thnt BW* which way the wind blown with em : The batlve* In Jiioenu, through e p m s , advocated the kllllns of Tll. If*, thnt there n ig h t be more food riri>i r humsn consumption. They ad- |„tvi) »ed UiHr natlvo friends to protert !• df;T from the ir dog* thnt m lsht wii11 t<«er durloe.'the lc hHplesn con-t;en following tlils la st wlnler'* _i, • fP *noir«. whon mnny stsrved and I were weakenM for lack of food. .Down a t Kakn Ihe natives hove ooly ''' out one-third to oflc-<)uarter the iniber of doga th a t Ihey had last nr. One who went •throiich tbe llage last fall and ngam .thl* vprlnc iDurked on tho fnet tha t there w ert '"'Int: most no dog* in town. " ‘''■'t•■ireB.’’ ssId a representative cltl- »cil i n, "the native* becamo convinced npoM n t from * asnltnry standpoint ond li'Tim I economlcnl stnndpolni they were llvi'n. eplne too mnny pet*. As a result i> woi this conviction Ihey begnn reJiirlnc dogs snd Improving on health itfiT g,

nd supply." ^Another point thn t Impredsen e ten „|. m sual ehser\-or I* tlmt the nntlvi-n .1 Iske local ncKspnperTi nnd reml ' itrftilly-i-nfien very slowly—ihn ' ’ ' enl* Ihat nro tnUnir plncn Inenlly '' d tliroughoui the world. If n nnilvi* not a regiilnr »uli<rrllnT lo 'n ni>w.v

iper. you nmy he sum ll I* lle^•nll'|< cannot rend one word nf KnuH'lt

nny olh^r nrlnled lnnEiinR.i. ’ ■ ':lii'>:‘ ................ ; Ulll f

UR CAPTURED FUGS'ABROAD j” '! 'mbkms Taken Durlnfl the War '**'

of 1012 Are Cjfoly Preserved . ' In Uonilon.

- i ._ I aryA rrr.-nt unik lliniiicli r in 'lT n IKnll■oiisllf MU' lo itevcnil plar.'n nf lijier* prculi

l)i'<iil:*l, liullt In (Ix; n 'icn nf Kins wltliinrlen n. the prent hall of which ilin «HOW n»ed n< n reereiillnn rivini for «oiHf

• old prn*Inners nnd from wlione mj. JiN A nonih*T <>/ Jlnj;* rjipnirnl lUir-S the ISlM Sir. wnr nro *u*|>endi'il.'The color* hnnc cedniely side hv. ‘ ‘ lo with Nnp-^i-unlc- encle.i nnd otlu-r i r impbiM, and If It wen- not for "0 ^ p r < ^ l t .would l.e nlinool Iin. "H' 'inhlo ta discern th rlr etory. Amonc wc n’l r h s re ftgB of Ihe Slxly-i-lchlh nnd .Mai KtilynffH regim en's caplured nl i.m r iirklen^erg: tho KrntiicUy rocluion- docio1 floRMhe Fourth reglinent o rt'n llo d M„ny nteH Infnntry. Ink'-n nt Deirolc: Iho ■eond regiment o f the tlnlied .Slnles fuhlry nnd another taken at Quern*.« n Helghi*. ^1 wonder how.' many Amerlcnn* , low o t the ir existence. I t wnuld rer- ' , Inly be a irracernl net nf the n rlth li " ivemment to re tiim ' them to Amer- ‘"j J"I. No doubt Ihe American amlior. t ^ i a v e nnme'sltnllar froplile« wWrh* ti'erli ey would bn pleased to cicKnnge.— mdon Lnndmnrk. I'I'wk

■ uriii'liAsslsU Visits te Orsvcs. ■ '>"''I‘‘

According lo a report rerolveil bereB Amerlcsn Yoiina Women’* rhrl*- Inlo■ n niisoclntlon oversea^s hns been ro- nm leMed by Iho tJnltfd Staie* nrmy to mndo •PU Jinlel* lo m ro for relsiJves »J»- catiCH Og iho four InrRO American mllltnrj- hospi meterles in V*mni e. Tlie llrsi hotel ny q|II. he opened n t Bevlgny, nenr Ihe wunii metery wbece is a small town, and t j,, io r to tbls had no hotel necommodn- y|„|( m a..A cable al*o sts tes Ihat hotel •trograd. th o .T .-W . a A. h o « l.« 'lOse In X-a'ri*. which was to hnve . ' en turtied'intonn.Am erican women** ub.w ilb an ’ lnronnatlnn Uiireflu nnd ' ddet. for Ihe l>eriont o f woman rot- I tea going to France to. tIMt so). e r 'i p ave* . i* ;now being used for* emergenry housing of 2no nrlllnh l»‘“» id Preach' d r la W k lo g wlih' the lic» merican army. '.'.i ocUy

............... . . . . . . ■■■■ TIhf« One I.*ap Year A fU r Anether. i"ure th e re exist* n t least ono pince.in e world where men consider It belrtw e lr illgnlty to rAllco women nt-ail. 1 uch IfsamakeovM -lnre* ofm nrrlsge. I >u*e(iueatly the proposing Is left to ■ e women. Wbeo • New Guinea worn- ■ iXaUalB loy*.«lU i-a man sbe leaAs I . , piece or strlhg to hi* sister, or. If I

I hsa 00 sister, to hi* mother or to lolher o f his lady relatives. Then the (ty who racetra j iJio atrtng tells fbe '" T " vored m aa th a t itui particular worn- i— I ia in lovo w ith him. No courtliig Ilow*, however, fo r I t is considered neath the d ip it ty of a New .Oulnen _ an in w att* hla iime In such e pur- ilt. i r Iba man thioks tha t he would ia_to_w fd_lhe_Jady,. h c_n icfli.j)c r. . onN aod' they decide w hether to m a^

o r dt«p Ih e 'ld ta .

Atbantaha Olad ef Paitm aa.J t (a «iUBat«d th a t Mveral hundred ite* o ; tinblaaebeilm nslln ba* r ^'nUr. bees e u t 'ia to paJotDsa for tb* Ib 'an ia^ o ^ ' o f wbom’are in rec*- ideied. tba ahlrC of ooe AibaDlan had rapa of S87 dlffereat klnda of cloib ■'

if, w^eo he -traded it in" fer the yliah and DCRt a tilt af pajsma* which I now wears proudly through tbe

‘Alwa?a'lSmb<^t)ratt5aelu ' ta y U aud'a second hushsnd

ik'."ll0.d00ra year. How cDDieoted i4 n iis t Im,” ' ’ !

: ih a t 'c n d e doesn't band bia « i(« a pay enveJopa.^ jv a knew."

■ % & |i i^ , 'l f j l i fe a n t ly .

WDSSOIMAN r:women like :;s. CLUB LIFE 5

-------- j Mm!.lo L o n e tto M en A rc N o t Prcaeut,!*'^ ''

. A lb a n ian O rg a n lji il lo u Ihu' " ij T h riv e s I'lliaiiM _____ , ji.m i.in

TIIUNA. AIImuIi., Jnn. ;:i.-..r..i- tli.- rel tliuo 111 lilri.p.y M.,:>|.'ii, »oi;i.'ii tlrn li . uvo n wdui.m'.', rluU. l l l« Uh' Iin.l uiuan'.< <'lul> I.I Alhanla. .'I ^VWhvn tlu- Mn.T|i-;iii lln l iir- J.

Ivc'il III TiriTnik* It'rxiiibiiiiiu'il a lion- llnl. u iliKiiviitiiiry tu r liaMoii ami (or ilullu. a. ucttiiii:.tooui-tur.-woiiii'ii..uii ".IiiH*.'' I|iliau!.::i- l.ml n uIimiI. Ulll .lli.-„0 >«■ ‘II'I■ er.- unly loi- tin- piiuior |k'<.i.1i:, Tli.' 'Hio cll-to-Oo wiiuii'ii. uliui 111 ai'i iirillnjtI llio M.i.iU-ni .. ........... fi.rcrit Ui »vi:ar l"""''>Illd; vcllii ou llli' ii;r;'<iii, witl' iu>t u.ulnii olqi; roachcil Iiy uu.v.uu- t-xooin tlir■ omen ilocl.irii. Anil Iho wijrU ol lIu' J"'*'" Icil Cro.-.,I WUH noi r.Ti-ivliii; Inll ro-ixiralloii Ir ..... llio Mn-.leni »vuin<:tii.rau.u or Iho r-M rl-,lon,. uu .....IrIvi'i. So II «vii i ilo.iilvii ll, oriianlj.-

-T-lic 110.1 ■t:ru,-'ii .vitnioii vl:.lii-.l all

.....r Iliriii. i.v.Mllir,l ill till- li.Mvy lili;.'UloaKn nn.l hla. U ran- .:..virln.v< tli'.l .^ n Ilth.' n .M.. U■ul w.Miniii on llm nlr.'olt.

UlO»t IK-Ulllar nl.ji-.'l. 'Iln.y ha.I (o:. '.ml Jan., Ilivy Mu.ila il Innunn rahi.. „ „ „ ‘1.1k- -liM rrU,;.. ami, U.r..iii;l. au lu- ,,u,|..|, rmrollT, llir AlilC'll.aili. Iiillcnl Ilicni, Tll.')- wurr tol.l nhoiil ....... . . ,i|„i „liih;i lu A inorka, v.hai iho .\v<>iuni.III for lhe pn ir ami i-ii|..'i'ially li.nv ,„.r„iiu.:h llio Ko.l i;ror.a lu .Ttriiua iirn ln l -pt,.-lielr. ■ n-.iiirr.-'iloii._________ liii.liiri'I'lm MukIi'ui wiini''n v.orr llnllU-il [liiii-o

nil InUroilc'l . Maiiy.ur tlm u liranl lil.niai' Ir.iUL Mil- ll»i.|>lliil a'ml Ilir .Uh’d.-ii-ary for (ho llrnl ft.... . Kmlmnlav JKnlly lliry t.-aflir.l hu.v :« r lrrl [rcKUlPilt nuil o lh rr nfflron. iiml «or- AMl.l">ft.te.l-on-t'ommm ern— to— w crtr n n ia n.-Itll 111 hu!.pilnl. lliL- <iriihaiin);c nii.l IrRltiliIh. ollior Ini-tlluili.n'.. 'H ir Aiuorlvm;' u>.flKl■ Oinrii .!rllKlil.-.l. uvoil I

lUil llir utxr. .IH)- ap|>rar.-.l ll.r fin-. Ih' IntlllUulty. .Ma.lain- ToiiinnI ll.'-. •'luroKallcil I.I Miy iliai. nlio \n u Morry. hul Kiultli1.11 i-lio wuiibl Iiavr lo w;ilulr.-iw iruui p.-Iii< Iin::i>llal I'.uuinltleu, ^"llu why. .Mnuaino Topliinl. wlicn t '

■ c ii'cr^ you iio vory much?" > .Mailaiiio w.iul.l nul oxi.laln u; Hn-i.

Ul finally the I'lor)- (■aino oni; 'I'h. orlor nt Ihe Iim.iiKnl waii ti niau limy of Iho iiatlonin w m - nu-n. H 't unhnnd woul.l nut iit-rinli hnr lo Iir ren Uicrr,Then Amcrlcnii initm ully r.-. l.>

lork. Very wfll. If T.iinaiii Hpr nU i-etc.l, but nuroly hi- wunld'iiot luhul f Rho Htay.Ml on il;p cuinmllier n-nl ^ inly woni t.i ruuiiulil.-o .n irrtiu t;.>'llh Ihu wouion. Slio ,.. i-.| nol vlnii

llolli .Mailnino uml T.Jl.Ini.l l i- .jv rm ili'UHPil with Ilin lirriiiii-.oiii.'M. (Mul rlioii nil tlio ullior .\Mnn<’n hi ih r ini.|ill;il couliiilllro i:aiu o> rialtr llic ' mm- oxriif.K thoy »rri- .ill svhrt.llnl lilu Maylnr for c-uuuiiitcu w .-imsi-. 7 lut tho roiutultloo moplliiKK \.rru rinilo an InlcreellnK nn |iomllil;», TIi- t l i a l uticH v f a ll tho i>in>r woiuon |j» i Up

ly of tho women wus too uiucli. They S funic.l -to Hoe tho ho*pliul. , v

TIib i wbh armnRcd. They woro to Inic Uio hoitpllal only wlion tho iii.-iu W 3) .oeuir Wllli not Iheru and tlicu iinl/ hu woiiicn'n wnriln. Kor two o rib ro r .ay'n they whlnUcil Olaurucily In iin<l

IJul ono dny Ihcr’- wnn a vrry III .'oulsn im lh'nt .who liail » lltlr Imhy. O fal ImlaJuo T o p ^ n l Hor nnd two .ilbrr lullca w oro' nliHorlicd In inlklnR t.i icjs W lion 'tbcy’ waiiicil lo know i:;c. ^ni Ctly wIiBl tho doctor ■uhl-uUnut her. {Br The American wnniaii wlli iliciudi)- At

iiurely.nuBBesleJ Uial Uicy wall uri; / I ;

I W a l t e r & s h e a i r e

I S a tia fio tl jia tro iiii tira tiry in .o u r I. _ S o lc i i .( ln tc a m a y bo iiin i lu j i t T ittu

Has a Moflier the R HowMi ChildreffSI

‘T h e w a r h a s m a d e tls rcali: a ffo rd to ig n o re anylkrng th a t th e h e a l th o f o u r c liild ren tind R ev iew , tn lin e w i th ' Its 'p po1icy.‘p r c « n t8 to th e ^h in k in

‘ tl ic o p p o r tu n ity fo r cortsidCr u n d e rs to o d s u b je c t o f ‘b irtli-co

T h e re rn a rk a b lc s to ry , o f wl

. Alo iL t lacftho ia grn p h ic a ll’K in se lla M cD o n iic ll PictOi th is a m a z in g a rtic le in

. M s d - W m t e r I

I ■ ■ I I

i i ® ®

Iho docor canie *o thn t nho cnuld 1 ) ^ him. ■n.cy WuIti-iL Tho-.loulor K r

e ll n louR naini- which .'onvcyed le rllliur to ^ in rrh-.iii o r Monloiil. ,I’ould .M.i.lfiu.i Topluiil iloK .:ar»' lalk to th<; O.irlor lirrn.'ll '-horo W.IH a tu.mionl .if lir; IMIIoii Ilc Ilio A inrrI.aii w.iman «v.illn|

Iho M-lo .11 l.rr -voiiian. inh.-i.l.al. ^ IIH.!.iii.- 'iT ^ c l l ll.i: NMV .i!ir i;.K-.;M«.l (..11;r.l i-.'.U liim, iL u m l

.11.1 uow l^ir lin.iill.il <|>I<:|>|||:.>-' .1IJ1.11.V llnui:.nlli.rlan .<<i.lrly .1 ®

ami- rOilrli li> ll . in :m ' mi il . :li"■i.lliil aiany i.n.l all l!nir:i. Tlir,..1 Wlih Ux- itruhM' .'V.-ii II Iir h> aII. Tliry rv n , . |- l l lUr hn n ],a- K,\;

,V Kl.l-MIN.VTt; TinVN ,hi> I.J .m , ; fAN*T t'.iTCii 'iini:vi;s wi

iK riA N ri:, O., Jan. ■ :'.I, -T ll.' Ill,,’ ^

..|.[.llrd Hoou to Drflanro.*^ 'I'ho rllv Hollrltoi- Iiiii. I...... rr.|u r ,.|- ,\ir,Hhy Ihl- clly couiivtl lo .Irafl a |>ro- ir.l onlhm nrc iir.ivi.llniT f-ir ollml- lou nt Iho clly Jail, \v, \\'Cot only hnn ariiviil.'i. at iho Juil ■n nLlho roro murk for n Inui: llmr ; there rtuen uot neom tu hr aiiv nllhooil tlm i lineliicn» will iil.-ii ii|i. MIhnUKh lUOi'C rolilirri.-n took i>larrrliiit iB ' punt twolv.? ....... Ilm thaniiinliv yeKri.. Ihc lfilc»r« Jini'e }ni-u j,

ifennfiil In mnkhiR th r lr Rriawiiy,

i;ll .Sr»IHH, IIHYS VOItMi,i:,\(it:i; to I'o.'iii.n' Ji. f.

vfiri^llK l.U s. 1).. .Inn. .\ i;ile to oumlinl Iho lili:li ooi.l of Inn Uan hi-rn orRiinl/.c-.l l ir r r liy :iio <'M :h tlr^oi.l liovr., Rxi)rui.lv.- -h.ioi., Uunv I’llnr. ait.I eravniK aro iiml.T liaii. -"'ri'' •l.iiinon.'sliln« wltli' [ilaln tila-k tie- ll armv nhnl-n nro oxiiorlo.l to In- ' ' '‘y ' rn uiilforiiily hy ili.,. In.iTur iii-in-

rh r Rlrlif nf th r i,.'hi>i>l aro ;.h>ri .lrriilooil_iii. 1»' iiliiiinluK i o _ r o J j ^ ‘’' 1-0 rTiicm-.lvo wali'iii with nihhly luarff.

,lSK Kl'MlTO KHillT KI.C !,HI7 '

VI.IIA.VY. Jnn, 2:'.—.SIal.^ lirallli [n r niicnr~nfnchTlrTTnitiiy;' iinM'il Mu.' ' im llnliiluro for « r>u,iMHi ai'iiroiirlatlon flRhl Inlliienxii. TI;.- fund l:> In'In- ■d 10 jirovl.lo niir^ra. Tho Mil will InirixluriMt Monday nh;ht uu.lrr nu roKcnry hichkhk.' from <;.ivcnior ’It'i------------------------------ - Carol ----- , - ■ has I

O w T b S « n > < Q k I’n”''!'V tbapnee. gFTKSK

A tua-tutc « « ('

W h y not cijjny th e dc- ijrhtful pleasures o f fine tea, I t'hcri they cost no m ore iian th e very doubtfu l'cn joy- ic n t o f co m m on tea? f

S chilling T e a is cheaper han co m m on tea in two irays; •• I . C licapc- per cup.

2 ; You really g e t w hat ‘ oil pay for: ’ftiic I'ich inv ig - irating tca-flavor. ^

There ars four flsvon nf Schilling T ea—Jainn, Cejlon.IndU . Ooloog,£ngUih Brtakfssi. All ooe c]ualilv. In

A t gtoora everywhere. ^/I & Co S<in:rmti(uci c

t E R , A n c t i p n e e n;ir cirioiiiwuy. . ' ei.itics .O frico ._C «ll.uH .n t o iir____

^ to Decide ‘ , She ShallHaye? ^alize that « e cannot lat claims to imjjrovc • id ihis is why Pictorial

■progrtsslve <ditoria!' gkin^ womeivbf America Kring the mUch mio* '-rontr(}l. 3

what Ihc women *of-tlic-4M(lerftTHn^f-49r<----- ^nllv told bv Hcanorctorial Rcvicw^o 'jKiad ’ “ v

ip ■ - -4

Namber '

kV vr> V;


Limbcrmcn A saocia lion I s W a r n - : '

cd of A tte m p t W ith in th eN e x t T iircc M on tha inam iii

_____k a ;>:s ,\s c it v , ,i,iu. ::i i‘. .i.-r..i,; I'uiii

nil ll.-l-l. . |\ - hiv ..l,rr.,,ih .-a.l l>i li'..|>.'H > i.himlil I.ic t,. Ii. ;.r ..III IM.-.11. ir.ii-. ' Allll■ V.'llll.-inr II. ,M„r„ n ir . i i; , . - " " " Ily. v..t<iO Ii.-ior.' Ihr iwi,ivi :iimii0 SiiUlllW'-llcril I.UIl'liJ-imrh’- V,U^Ji'jn:ll-m lal.. ;,,•ar|•l ,1, ..,i:n [•'

ill. al' i.lUi'’aiTali.:'l'' ul!-' m'.v. i u'........rnl, d- rlairil Ilml Ihr Am"l lr,iii I , "f »•“ , W.. lia.:l;ril II|> hy Itio liol-.li.AlU 1 ji\o r .-l a .lal.-. iiDl llir............. 11 T ll III:'«V. “ 'I'U llirv ...... . 1,. r, r. .....l[

l g : : : : : : :

r-:o’'i-u-m'(,..'oi‘'h iw "',n .l ' i;r'.l'.\''

IS Ai;fii \ i , .si.r.n H(M‘i,ii j III II..-.M il' l t l s i : i l.ilTS A l l \ 'i ; i l | IM.

CI.I.N'hlN, In.. ,Ian. j;i - <’harl- -. i ' nl.iinvan, .......... . hi- r .ilh in au■rial ..h-.l mv.-iili,l |.y lilm:iolr, rr- 'a r a•Ivril ,1 nul,.' Joh lirri- ........... .ly wl:.-n llio wtnri. of It..- nl. tl talh-.l • -J:iui . Ilfi llllli . » . r an alrliol.' In tho ''•rro o-rovi-ir-l Mf.:-,iMii|i|.l tltv.T, l.li.l h;ili1 r.l, ilrivrr ami all woiil InUi lUr i. y I i- I- a-i

7lU1iy:ill-W.v; I'PAllril, Illli lli.--.,l..I I

17 11:1: IIK I'dltll’T lir S |a .llauTAI{ IN lllttlUhl.VN (T S S r.S ^ lu io II

‘"■If"'' ....... . ...... . j,'',!r":Vl il 1,,» llryaiil Ilrniillla. ami ai;nl ' .■Krr -. 1%I|I|1 aiik'iil h.-r ai;‘r hy .1 ruail-i .•niruinalor. Tho ar"il woman ' lilril Ihal i.Uo war. Uoni Ifl .Vorlli — — irollmi •liirhif; Ilio W ar of ISU'. Sho .VW C.» llio dl-<uiirtlon .;f l» hi;: ll...... Moi.i| 5 r-.lidrnl In ilri)nlil>li .ll-.rov.Tnl l.y iS J

:. . . . I ■, l AU.S .1Il;SS\C K lU M v • IgWASlll.VliTON'. Ja, Al lUojyj «•''h ilr Haunr l.>ilay 111'. I'laiU't. :.ta l.i- tg '1'^ n il of l‘r<--.iih-in Wllnin'ii r.-ji.irtoil 15 r.iuiro la .Ill- Ifallaii ,al,lu.-I oil Uur « hiimi .-,lnt^,vr^^y wn« .h a ra .lr r lr .rd g . -hunk." I. wai. Ihr ,<„,lnl.|i, ol 8 nirhilN Ihal tlirro had li.-un loo frco ^ rantilllUon.

S p e c i a l B sFor Sale— 40 A cres noar

house, barn, g ranary a deep well, ■Wl in A lfa lf all fenced hog tight, Tl a t !i!210, por acre, !S2, year a t 7 per cent if yo> snap do not lot this get

80 Acres close in, well house, bam , deep well, WOO. per acre.

80 Acres 21-2 m iles fi’om ' house, large barn , deo chard, 30 acres A lfalfa land and w aters well %•

80 Acres on good highwt■ large b a rn and o ther 0

well, engine and pum phone; the land is th e j well, feood fences; an. a money m aker; $600.

10 Acres well improved ■" a c res .'....^For'Sale— 8-room house,

sirable location, garagi trees. Price $4,500. J

8 Rdom house close in, slec , . f 2 0 0 0 .C ^ .3 Room House, G arage

$1600. $500. Cash. - Qood Lo't Jtr-BickehAdditi " ijB od iat-on-S rd Ave. Wei

W e W rite F ire Ihsuran'ce.P I _____ 0 0 0 ________ t l - 1 1rnonc i»o or'cait cit'x

.. R^idenCe.-; Phor

1 D . M . b e i i td n R I i & T r u s t

T im m T K ii m u . TO / / ,l{K<iri„\TK HII.'IKN’.** <'l.lirni:s J

I'nl.r.Mlll-S, ( I . Jau 4;;> TIm- In-lxhl ‘'1 rliirt-. iM.in Iho itTouh.l, il"|jlll r f 1

ii.-iki. .in.l llu .1.ni'"r. .it la.i- .>r ta il.- . " -llm-llln ihr.iilRh wlilrh . an Iw- illr.-^ irnl'.h.'.l.lh.' riih.r ol th r Iilll w n .. Iivi..(.:n.. lm„riii,nit.Tl In ,. hill

■|;t,-latjT I.,ml., IJ„ C.iy.-llr. <il C ln-'

I'lili.li. I.r,... ,i„.l I,. i,i„(...l 11,,

i l i p ' < . :ni.!..u i: ' . i Ii,i ' I f i l . l ; . . . |u . . .V

ll.lir .,i:..|,!i..i, ................... n... I'Mhl.

l l l i n : \ n i M ; m ia t \I.‘ ' K j.xMi ii:niii;iiT(i\vN iir.i,i,i:j w

■ .......... . v,l... II.:. ;,..,| ;.r,.l .■.■ll.'.l

• I.M- I.I l,.r ;ili.l Iratl;.-r Ul-.: iir..n. nlnri.i.-a.aml i.ri-liy, vU. .

IM.l.-n.o riiuv.rr 111,.; Ml . M .t.hi............. . >viili Mi.-lmrl KaiU ..ni.

.m lu;; ........ tll.' :i!l,.rUr>:. .................,irl> Ilr.l. Tin- i;lrl:. w,i:. .1 :.ii.'lir ami l.-atlirr:. |iinirr<l o m t 1i. ,..lliliii;. ' IJam ... flr.'iinan an.l John ('ri.U'>i:a.. 1 Crro ..a.h ....... .... Ki liu ...... n . . u l h v | r €III] h.h,ir. Imt llir tl.ln l yiau w;if. l •l.-a-..-il. I

I'Ai'nrornTrTnrmiTnj-----:—WASIll.VCTHN. J.IO jn. T h - I-..U-' llan .-luharKo .n< :.hiinu.-ul-. of i.,i|..-r: llo th.- I'llltr.l Sl.it.-Ii liaii h.-rll llfl.U .•• llu- i.a|...r r.^nlr<ilh-r al O llawi.. 11 |

al.‘ ili'iKirimrul. .^^lil|iliirnlK .>1 p.i-J ■r ^ir.. U.-111C uiaii" 10 ih r riilt.-.l | i;il.-,.. il-. raphllv 111. l!:r\- . iin hr Inail.-.l , . il.>i-ari, ll »a-. luvlluT i.l.iu-il, j •


Sheepmen, Orchardmen iA T T E N T I O N 5

> COtlrilrr jo iir l.Inio Sulplirr mm - <so JOU «lll not he ............. Intod g i»h rii }ou nre nuily tti dip mid ^

' L;.‘pSiicrlnl i 'r i re on Cnr. J} ' ‘

Sprt-lul I’rire on Cnr tjuiiiiiltlos. <KAIII. IIIC IT Cll. p

| ‘houo-9l& ^ Lbe«S«%3C3eceSKVVNXVVN'%VVVNxt

' '■ l- -pt?

i a r g a i n s |a r Kimberly, 4-room I' and chicken house, milfa , fam ily orchard , i .>1This is a big barga in I ; |

52,000. cash. $500. i j ' l you are looking fo r a I /;e t away. _ j l11 improved, .'j-room mill, (iO acres A lf i l fa ; I

m Twin Falls, 5-room leop well, fam ily or- ,lfa, all very choice I $450.' pel- acre. tniiway, 8-rodm_ hoflse, ]o, :-out buildings; deep ump, electric plant, le .yerybest and lays it m d ideal home and ji, 0. per acre, d will trade on 4.0.,

............. Te;JO, close in, very de- on age and a few fru it

„$1,000 cash. ,ileeping porch, $5500 ’

eaiige and deep w ell, ; qii

iitio n -------- ^ ^Vest' . ■'?ce.tO-MainTAVeij-Nbirdh—: ionel53 .W . , ni.

R ea l E s ta te |

H j IeS F

o r

C o r a s ,

W h i c h ?

Few Drops at Night Spells “Good-

Night” for A n y C o rn

It's I’arewell to any corn tiiat --“Gets-It” lands on. If you have a “pet” corn th a t. you ., want' lo keep, don’t le t “Gets^It" come near .-it ' or you’ll surely lose th a t pet,—A -fow tlrop^takefcr- all tho “pep” out o f any corn, makes it let go s6 it lifts right off without fooling i t

You’ve .6am ed'..'thK ' misery m aking ‘'.“o b A . ;; long (>noiigh','.ha?’ t _ ^ you? I t’s tim e 't o ^ h a ^ ' ;.i it its p a s s p d i^ . .. . Jf It” . will cdriviBce corn th a t it’s leave." Stops ‘p a i n '- i t ' 'S once and quiclkty; l i f e , -i ens the loom 'fe lift it o ff whole, easy, safe, p a ih l^ , quick arid c e r t a i n . -neveii'ftSs’. t Q '^ l S b ^ i i S

'.'“G et^It,” '' H ’ ' ‘C


Page 4: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

M T W N m i s I

P i s h e d S r t t y E v e o lo g E x c e p t 8 iioda7 ■ T h t T lm e i P r tn U n g A P p b l i ih in g C om t

b K L T ib & H O P A P X K W IT H T W O U I k * t a t t f t e U o u l K tir* f l t n k * aa4 Um C i

M « lU B w 4 e n

D. U . DENTON______________________ _______tO D IB 0 . RILL______________________________I . a . riN N B T -------------------------------------------------

o t o k o B a . HART------------ ------------------- ------- -

, . • < < 9 ^ .

i t o U r r t * t th e T w in P a l l s p o s lo ff iec -- i i S j p o b U etU o a , A p ri l I I , 1918.

. 8 U B S 0 S I F T I 0 N I t. i D ^ i n d a d m ia y , y e a r ...... ..' D i l l y , E i c c p t S u n d a y , y e a r .• B a n d ay . — —---------------- — - ......


I P le d g e iM lcginnco to M y F f o r ^ ’h ic h U S tan d a . O tic ^ L ib e r ty a o d J u s t ic e f o r AH.


r ■' fesssi?!a5‘.J.T;.. r= ,rri,»I publlo.icbooti.

I I I ^ U r a |? U l i i ^ f l r t ; '« U b Sootbom raell: ' iW ^ W tE r e 4M*r.<«u»p1r .by puo p io c wfti i ( E » M w lbl* Jurln' '1 9 ^ * t D B l s ( pool j a lo m m trJ ih d ikatlD i

V tr to p r e n d a trM ti lc b t ls s :. tarovKbout k ll-irlbu lan r u i

„ . 10-D »ctrltr-TaU ro>da-Q fJdalio . ______i _

^ B O L S H T V l^T ED UO A

.O n n «ir llm plniTH wliiri* flii‘ auccciw, i f l l i d r j)rini-i|ilrM w n - i-iipnl/lo ol WBH ill tlio c ity o f W in rk cv . X lu irlo .v Mii W a a bu sy , n 'up i'v liib l- ' toH ii. .U« ,si hin4H

■ youuK pw ip lc o f Hcliixil n}{i' w en? iiropc a m o u g tilt! yo im g iT in .p iitn fun i »vn« j.riM'lii w ere grnd'^ n'>'> m-1ioi«Ih iin m-H ,»-■< pm fcM ionoI kcIiooIh., T licn laiiJW tlip lli*lhlii'vil;i.' T h is in pii cd u ca tio iiu l nyi>tciu n f K liiirk o v ;

T h ey uboliKln'd rx iu iu im tiu n s <.f u v .tv « f c laM -niniij iioti-H, Tlin.v p 'l-n iiitln i titiy th e i t n lv m i ly . T l»-y nIjoliHlicd r 'f iv n ii' h' li" ny. ■ T llcy DllllWPtI HtUlk'lltK lo rn-l Bchool lo o iio th c r . p v iiiK m - iti J fn r tii iir s T h e y d id 't t is ’uy w illi a ll f ac iilly Jn r is d ic '

I aboK shert Jio iio rnry po«U . T lu 'v sloiMn’f ‘ g e o t t t t r y a n d phynii-n. T lic s tu d y o f histi

a s tu d y o f tlio Kouial ltl«Tati<ni o f lu-oplfM,------Htet r o w nH a w x jlicy no loiitr'*f“Wrtii«r«i-«ld

d o s e d tb e Inw Ki-lii)t)ls. Solioitl l»m i« \vit<- « W tc a c b e n i w vn- m ail.' tu .sji.-m l tlu ' :ifn -n i

■ iu Iho ro im try , in Knimw, folk.diiin-iiit:. im ’ : I t ROiuidH lilu- till- pl<-iivniil d r .i i in < i)6t l i iu g a b o u t school i SL-L-pl th e holidavH, m f b o ,p lp an u rc o f doiiiR uw iiy i-u tiro ly w ith i

• a l l d if r iu u lt wibji'ct.H. ^ •W th i i . tw o moiill.H, hou v v .T , a t l c f 1

c 'f feo t, studynfH w ere bi-};K‘nK f.ir i.i-ivnt.- ' n ’OilId h av e »on^.^ tm ip b lc cviiU 'iu'i' o f u'.

HCeiDH to KUKKi-'Sl si'lioiillioys ImH olabcvih i.

U . S . S H IP S ON T H E P

A iiow ^-ni i i i j l i i i l c j StutV^M Iriitli- w illi Sliil'ipIiiK B o u rd ’H ti-iitufiv.- lilnus fo r a llo ti I 'o c iri t: Cuuht. A c .uun iillcc n f m en fn .n

‘ Iwcn ill tlic KaHl tiilkiiik ' w ith tin- ■■Iniinn 1 a n d w ith NVw Y ork firm s iiiliT i'stc .l in ()i : T j»-])lniiH.iii<-ltM lr th e vKlabliHUi.ioil ■' C )lm ia a n d llic .n iil ii .i .iM c M .ii id .s , l t i ^ l l . . |I o f Aiiici-ic^i.-rcs.\clH 111. .la p u n , C liiun an 'l! 16 tlic !l’lnliii|.iiicrf, tin i S trn i ia M \l tk ........• w c k i . . •T h c v.t.HrN a rc in l,V .':«W .m t |.i- c a p a b lr . . n ? kiiotH am i w illi ii .Iva.lw cit; > T b f y urv to h av e a i 'c m iiu i .l.itio n f ..r 1.M:i. OUSH |)ILSJtl'n«lTS,

^ T h in «li«ul(l m n iu ii l.iu’ fn rw .ir .l j.i■ w e n t i-onsl tli is v riir . Ah M<mi IIS Iiim m iiir ; in u r tr , liiiJtiiKKs m<'ii iIh ti- w ill l.cc in i>iv|i I w h a te v e r tru d c r<iuli;.H ai'i' iHljil»linrictl.-----------i,, t l i r p n - sn if n|iiiiii)n tlm t iin m a tti‘ a e tio i i In ............. sailitiKs i-jiiiiu>l Ih-kiii In-f■! tlieuw dvcH w ill n« l lu ' .c m i i lc tc i l lid '.in-' Bhipti o r r n 'l id y , tin* | in w ii i : '' i« itm l cnr.j</ a n d th r f la ^ o f tlu- I J i i i t d S N .lrn w ill ai li lio n wliii-h i l Jia« la-vi r Iiad l.i-Pi.t c ^ lli.-

J. P A T B IO T IS M 'A N D 1

W h rn i»ilrit>tiam • ••asrs |. . be a vii t o k « j»rL'ce<ionic m ust a lw ay s lit- n d^bntul

’ .g e n , rv c ii o f tlii» m osl b lcssi'd n f i-miiUric> io trrch lii Ilf ijaraiiiiiiiiit iiii|» ir1an cc ii

a s b U poc-ket .lic tiitcs . ..........a l t e r bow Kn'I 'r t-m ic r Cliiim-iK-i-uii whh Mndmihli-dl

iu th e w ar, u u d pcrliiiiis tlii; <l'iiiiiiiant fo r____T b o -^ c IL b u t- d o u g li l y -p r t iu i iu L - iv o rk u d -

liiueb^'for liiN b i'lovcd c o u n try m id it-< piH>| •reat o / u a be lieve to b i' goo^l fo r llic wu

— F rM c o -j tR v I f 'i i in b c - lo u g r u n : b u t bowcvi t d j a i t l e d tb a t h e wun a e ra f ty mid un vnl f ie n g a l itce lf, in bv b a ir u f b in people.

A nd y e t , w b ilc F ro u e e b a s ru n g wii j r o tw l . f o r him in i Iip elPcH on«, tb e .k-vn

*j: a n d vo ted (w lidly n g f lin it h im . FV niiec’n c itlf in * in I h c pn fh o f H ifr-eron -firc o f

DAItY TIMESESla y , a n d S u n d a y M o m la g by im paiiy , T w ia F a lla , Id ab o . ‘ -

L I A S Z D W I& S B E E T I0 E 8 f l iC slte4 rr«M jS«rT« I U T tw i

! z , ______________ [ i ......i.;„------------------------ ----------President!--------------------------- Vlc8_I’re»ldonl| ,Mi--------------------------------- :B cc r.t.ry |,.,„i|_^, ,,

------- ---- ---------- Ocneral M antiar:

~ I""''ee aa aecond c l a u m a tte r aa a j 'j-|,

____________________________ __ ; II ra;" !■

R A T E ;.............................................IV..................... ..............................I»l5.ri0js«’.-el t

............. ....................................*2.00 j _ _

f F ln g , nnd to tb e Rcpublift e N ation , In d iv isib le , W itb i Ml.

--------------- ---------- -------- -----------■ P eople

~ ~ c

rntKATEIt TWIN FALI.8 ;.^TV ' .

W)Nt:and eounlj. tiulUiy

tlOHH Ul till-. |ll'0

aeitlc to the lOuih. uWMis water back Inlo Irrlga* ,

w rr lt0 7 to city. _ thu po..

■ rcolioail ■ ' . I— ■ tho |ir.'

C A T IO N . ■'■O'V.-IUIRI1I

b .iv ik i hail .-v.-ry ■■Iniiir.- fu r . \ r.-v r .)! ' a n v I'oiisirii.'llVi-"lnii'i-rKFf7 •liu.1 lh r iv i„ « i.i.biMri,.H an.l iIh w .ti- |iarlic-ularly-i> .K .(l.'ils there «- >pcrly enro lled am i litc rae y follown:

...........I.v "II, ;n ...i.-Il.l .-<|)|.eiiilueil lei-hlil.-iil an .l i;ap|t.ilii

UlBtlOlI .p u r l » r w hat th e v .Iiil l>p th.-

Slat'-. «• lIuD lahl

e ry sr.rt an .l iilsn Ihe takjtiK n n .c r.n t tiy p.TMm ..v e r li; lo iiUemI J-nl"' "t

.......................rei-ly rriiiii <nn' iiri.f.-SNiomil T l:rrp w I- spi-nt ill till- fo n iiu r nebool. vuli«lyp J ic tio ii r.vcr sttul.-ntH. T hey ped Uu- t.li idy o f ’ Krnnmftir,■ istiu-y WHU lo lie l epliiccd -hy of th»- n

:1aTC ui'ca lly hlio rt.'iie il. PnpilH AuMrlMi cniooiiK in llie c itv I 'a n lo n s 'o r “ vcr^- .

.n i..vi.i,.K , Iiaiur:- « ,u ,lJ^ .c te . n o l .sehoollL.y w ho likc.-t

iiuil wll/) ehee rfiilly im apncK to Im th' h te i ie h m , exaTnimition.H nn.l

____ ' . . Illiili: fcK■r th .. iirH' n-Kiiii... w.-nt into] " i <iiil Ic cxam iiia lions mi tlia l lliev for link w ork w iiivi,b tivc nioi-c seiiHc th a n iidu ll chunccli

____ litlra l V

! P A O in O . m L ' \

...... ................ I" "“■Is;.';;;iDttiiiK |.n^^ellKer sh ip s lo Ihe Huncur;-I.m ('c.ii.Ht c ilie s liaH n - .- i - i i l ly ----------ii-maii ..f lhe S h ip p iiiu Ibvinl

I , .............m i

h..|> ..|| lo l i i n r w .-ekly s u i l i i .K s ............ -m d V hiilivisK .k. an .l Miilin-^Micnt.s aiul I ......a- ..v e ry three-|iiiH«ciiK"i- Nliips, tlil liunierH, t:i«(iy,<

.'iKbt l.im m ".- o f 11,1)1X1 eaeli; >*‘" ’■'"5'

u llh rhju m p in Hhipi.iiit; I'n .m llu -| j . y ;,,

iiiic-..meiil o f ili-rinil.- a e tiu n i i Kuailu.v .'c |ia ra liun Ti.r Khipim-nlH .)ver -

u t te r hou- Miiiii r iiia i r iiv ,,iv iM e;''“: ^ ; ^ : I.efoi-r. Miiy lie rallse 111- slii|is .M„rri,,.i ire lliat tim .-. l i n t wlieii th e ui.r. d* r« ...'x will be rea .ly Tor Ihi-i...i .b i e u - u . l i i ; n i t y » m l i r . ' . i « n i . l '" ' , ^ lie I 'a .'ifie O i'i'un. . |i4"i <J>

D N E S D . Mr'",!]"Hlili n I

............... .. ...............1 iril.-ri'Ht Tli<- Iiu li le pi.iiil. T h e av.Tai.-e eili- ri.--., i-. . jii ile ’l inb lc to f in .l h is *' Q ,■ ill a n y ....................in d to vol.! tia- W..-real m ay he tb e pitbli.- need.eilly I'ram-e'H TiKiir.'fo re e a t ill.- pcac.- co iiferen ..e . mtfy ea :d _b iicd_fo t_F .rtun ;i:-im J_ lvou i— Ml .-( ooplc . He w on m ore tlian w o rld , for c iv iliz atio n o r r . . r | ‘ ’7 rnnc e v e r tb u L ji ia y .b e . it inust^bcibocii at

vn linut a f ig h te r lh e f i c h e !»'•= '•<>" icplileml iirunnd.

ivilli praiM-, o f liiK .Icc .h , am lj J iro .r -v iista ted r.'ttionx sl.ioil nlom ' 'rom l.> c-’. i» ii iH i,'« n y i,m t ..i , ..ili,.,. " '" '' 'j l i ; o f th e g iin » o f m n n y rrmntrieH, ,ue ii.m

. T O W r X i i f l

is te rcd a{ th e .p u iijT liitiv u iiite .l resctilii e rn m en t f.,i- fm lnn- lo in id e r tak c i c n

fo rw a r< la n ia « .'« .T h .' b .-art hiiiik th .' T ij;e r ’n praisen , le

lly |i.iekel.

Clii.'a^M liiis p u t a smM eii st<ip lo ils iv: Uy till- siiiiitl.-, iiiipil-eeileiiti-d p r liliiiire i'im iiu ils an .l p iitliiiK ih.-m in jiiil

•Mliiiy a p.ioi- jin .l ile e r , an he work.s .)' ly w on.le ia wh.-r.r liis n e x t liimiUHini- i.v

ll.-m enil.er I b a t Sain |ison-K .'h l.'y .-oni Ihis will-, ton , w illl a niekcniiiu row In

T he p r ie r o f n .« s hns iln ippcil. .\„ w i I - 10 w eiir” i;an K‘> <>"l und 'liiiy one.

IV rh ap s w r m l l l i i beat lln: siiKiii' tn ix e l tn o tb pu lled .


pie o f F c m ie r A u stro -H u n g a rian D om a

o f .S U b lp E co n o m ic S ta tu s , B r itish P

S ta n d s A lone in D e jirin g R e tiin

DNtJOX. Jim. ::ii.-I'r.i.v.. iia.I iriiii-; tli"i of ll lly ratli..r thuii i.ollili.il <iii.->- n iiionnri H aro iiiMn-rmint In ili.. mliKlii iif 'nn i kcIII .|ii.oiile In thr tr r rln .ry tlinl n-iiH iihi.riiifte I! llio .\uilr.>-tluiiKiirti.n h:nii.lre.|lerlnl. 1 Ii.) opliilciii or Sir Wlllliiiii (Jmxlf. Hiin>lii» li; K. Illrrulor of llrlilHh Kooil llv-j iranK|>url III Kurop.-. the e lilrf v.-iirnlnK of HU«'(|>. peopl.'. .Sir \VilIliuti iit.«i!rlt.. Ini -••Tlie |

Jl_ tc lu n i—lu_tim lilr. iir;u-n-llnie'liltH:rl.v I loailc ci.iKlUloiin ihai will rellrv..; Klimi.-an pr.-carl.nn liulii«trlai hliuntlnii; lull lliev 'mow ol>Ialii.t. Ttio prolilriHh, Sir llioitslii- Iriii lifllcvfin. In an eicucOliiRly, areO rmv

........ .r.-v|ru ,.f .•oii<llll..a. hi- ill.ecv-'c.Mnlii rj

r,.,-nn. Y|.||t 1„ Hip, 111. Ul.hi ir r .Iniiiilii ..f tho IlapnImrRi nn .l; Slalr.> f.plnlnii rrRiir.lInc lhe Hllaiilinn l^ii Iiiiiim-i e WAU Rivra t.v Sir WIIMuiii ar j <l1fflriilMr

Mhul Ihry'h r pi.-<iiloii or Vlt-iiiiii hi i. v>.ryior unyih,! luti inir iwlny. Oaee .>iin j.r Ih.-lnr.! ih.i I Ulll of l-;nr..iir. It still him 11 p..p- Ifl .Ul ll;r on (ir Iwo nn.l ;■ tiair inlllluu |in.- f-rii l-;ar. but wliiil n in tin- Iluy Aui-lrlaii Iho |.i-ut)

\ wUb oiilv i.lx mill a hiiir lall- >liiiiK;irU Iahiit.lun1n In nil. riu lu nnliporl IIoIuIiavIk r«ni 11 i.llv? Kroin th r ecoricinic llierr «vn I ot vlow I full- lo <i-.' how VI- n iii r 'r . I 1 .-nn r.uanla an II wii« la llir .hiyn i.f rcnipU llio Aimlro-HiinMrhm Kaiii|rr. "M. Mi ro will probably nol I.r a coa- liovermm Ivo prncon of i|o|.opaIntloa, l.iK vcr:i the VIonaPKo will fill uway from ilioIr nyalrm. iplncn In miiaberi' In Ihn touw r Ilea, who iinx, nnil likowlan launy Am-lrliiiin lioa In II i»- roiitilrv iIiHirlrls- Jii.nir. for lii- luiniy lal ce. will E‘> >0 South Amorica. -T he much liotB1L°I1_»III I " t ' - ' l ' i - l .i 'i 'I .i i i J a l i . lL ! ;.!" - : e. With n-«anl lo ih r r tU iim t wood nm' rlna Cov.-rniiiPiil. Itn i.<»ll1on Injtbo (ram 'n ' .Ilfflriitl (.nu. No (lovernaii-ni tllfflriillU krlv IU he loas-llve<I which can- ainnian t aapplv the j.poplc with th r l.nnle. larRc-ly I ailtles uf life. I nbuiilil nul llkojln Ihe ir n thn meiaber of a C!o»erameiii tojir.iv.v.0 tho conMltin'iils wlthum I.rlncj "Tboro to offrr tbeia eoal uml with ver>- r.-Kior.itli

: food In Ihe land. [o n ir ihedill m.l iiullcc 1. HtroiiK f.-ollnC|Tlio C^e

iinkin with (lormany uii.oiir tbe SIav> hat Lrlani*.J* II oiiiki, bnwovor, be rr- trlaii" bi ib rre ilf 'lia l ProKlilt-ni Ilnlxi'b aad !Ihe aiaklncellor have I.Alh pul.llclyj iiiaklne (uancd tho udvuniyKrn nt a po-|ln t; Ihe at nnlon wlih (Ji.miany, '.•omiirlr«n all Ibo eonnirlcK I, vlMl.-ri iho own lai. .1.! bavo Ihelr backs, to lhe wall.li.ronuinic uro mure concernoii with tbe ilr-1 Ki-lven. ' for nruco und tn im tu lllir tl;an]ed. The

1 pnlllleal (]iu'Stlnni>, altb.uiKh la liru l Kan icury there li. u .leflallt- wlnh furl tbe Inter

—- .............. I ■< . nriornooi

Murtaugh News------------------------— ------------ ------- ■ WllMo

im r.M iiiH . .lan. 2:i.. Mr^ .i-:. r. liier, .Vellio .M4tt!..-» nn.l lu-lce..! ly., «p..|it- «-IilrO;iy .m il" !i la y a t Mar.bfI.-ld.r-. .Ma..on wa«. lakon Iu th.r Twin .r„ur,.i.ij n bnxiiliul Saturday, .icrl.iunly Ull ^. rh.u.inalUni. ^ -.MiirlaiiBlK. Ilaker of Coo.Miir. b.-ld ncrvl. „v.nilae <

Ilay ovenlas a t .M. K. cimrcb. • |ib l« nice r:>. J. N. Iliivlr. an.l .laHRblr.r, Mar- C>'lh-r. ii '( were Miirliiucb rli.ltota. S iill-ltlial wlll________________________________ !.lh''....:uillIm- .:r.l nm.ili.-r of the l.jcniiii. | rlMiii Did l-.i»hl.ia....l (llrln, whlih |

c Iu 'u 1.1 lb<- HInl; -Sehi.-il audl-1 um. wii-i IburoiiBbly ..njoy.'.l

K Sl4ie..'Il will, ha:- ..p..|ii th e :""> 'I Uirci.- «....k<l at I'orir, lm l.| " ',.r .| iriird homo Halurd..v, • I MurMnsiin k Claudlne lloyil.-daiiithter o f '" " ’ K’-y un.l Mri. D; O, Iluyil. Ii. vrry lll .-'lr" . .Sar

I n Brvero w.ld. j I (.•Hllfi?p.lbe llltih lUUKbtrr of .Mr. an.l Mm . I I'ln'UUDIi .M.)yoj In i>prl'iUT<lv III. ul Iho hoin>r I

>Ir. ami Mr*. S, It. Walton. ; KU*:r_auUJUA_C.-VV-Tfuo uuw ru ln ik J .ll JiJU ui W, A. It. .h....i Ul Ibirlr b.iniu K rl-; '’'^..................... ovci.lOK waa aponl In i >l»rry

101 und tbo yoaiis folka niijuyod " fc ovealiiB l*o|.l>laK .;um. ami maklns ^ome. y eaiiily. jlt ircn were iireaciit. ' 'n h u :

flnvil 111 bl.i home for tho paal t e n '" '- with Bflj. iH ul.U- Io be oni n sa ln .:. F. rnncla nnd Kvprcll Jnln wbu bavn <n S ;i atleodlne. a c lio u l jn Twin Fallp.. coaflneil a l ib r lr boiuo with au

lomle. that i>cemn In be Rulni; ind. WASHroar Hail rrln rn i'il home Sunday a l.n I’orir, Imllana. w.iern he a l . riatlon I lod a T r ir lo r ConveiiHiin. ' 1» the fll

flltcen eenl I«-j will 14 (iTrn o l 'fo r 1921 li.niie of M7s, I'M 'True.TTliurfdJt'ief.iirr--M«

. . . A ‘

I ilu if iit flgni'iiarCleini'iji-ifiiM'H y ' ^ ' j -\ I'ccoim lritefioil^ini/re .q iiieitly ,

Z, b u t th e bi-ail bnw.-tl t.» Ihc

— Kl)BS,

....... ..... i"' S ":? ;prni-i-ss o f roiindinK up i Ih

ja il . .\lr. an ___ pa ren t" .

.................... I - ......' . w S , :i.'<-<'«iiiiiiK fn iia , Mr*. (

"■■■ c ' r s ,III th e n u v y : „ ,n

----- Mra, 1.«■ .'v ,.ry ............. n l ,„ “ lui.ii-l

Mr*. (~ . hcbMl 0ru« l oiir.Hch-5 '* l.y liaviuK ou r

-------- H, llryaiTlio'III

r DESIRE I f , SAYS BRITON J r— . Mm, > m ain H o p e fo r E a r ly B c tu m apcadinit

ll P e e r S o y a - H u n g a r y am w lm ttm o f M on a rc h y . Tbo i-i

dale. J in----- Tho IIIif life h.-tween ull Ihn .Slalc«." oa inri'by. In C*cclio-Slovakiu thoy Kcliraar}L-IllliiR .lown, but there la a "'ayn her ifte Ihero of .oiiI nml raw ma- U .U am , In Jloiin\aiila tbey bnvo'a fnoii pearnare .!» for uapori, yoi nu ineana of further Iliurt, U Is Ihc Kunio In J uro- '■‘•rc 'r^’<I, ll;ina,e pouiil.. ..r ll.-lKraile frr l very A nam lr_Uiu_iliiiueauit-iLA imunilo-aL “ '" 'ililriL' ami alone the im im allaa cnaiit, Hairlilev exhlhilcd aiuid: realrninl. I -Mr. Uiill- Kveryivhrrc tbo {i.ronlo t>ere vInIi-aiv materlnl^ to work u|>. Creil- and fumlm ail nro re<iulri'd for them In Ki

raw matnrlal.i. KaRland will Cann.la t■III in lln moro If Iho I'niied laR old n

nM-rnr.1 In Ihrir own econon.le parenta nilIloH nnd drnperalo nititallon Cu«i.eyhey havo tiuio time lo tliliik ed her <iir-IhihiR c ire. 1’eni.e nad eredll i^ninp.inyII ihliiK>i Ihov nn-d. llol»hovlinn Mln» HIIh'- ileclliiK all ibrouRb Snuili- end lierr

Carojir. deniillr the priratloua In Jrrmiiii-otll"- have had lo fare. Tlio Mr, Snirlana lonrue.l thn Iranun ibnl foriuefro)viain iluuH m.t iiupplv food. If w-im lakeworo no food nml nn roal. nf Suaday,-. Ibero mlabl be an'oiitbri-iik II. (I. IIiploie nnareliy- Kridny.Muazar. Ihu arw head of tho (Imnd

nmenl o t H iinsnry, oprnly fa- Hoiac. jktiie returti -of tho nionnruhUI t->len MaI, lie la approved by lhe Al- InR, A :.’hn oppoie a llapHburc ro itora- w rre j.re;n llunRao'- ntlbniirh n new dy- PniriditalRbt poia ' nniMter, T bry are pornitaaaliotUK.off to r.food.lu .U udapeat mueUnR.in Vlrnna. ' U rk of coai nmi 11. A, I’a nod Ibe a lte r licaiora ilu llon of liru tln rn rannporl eyflcui from iierlqUH nry Clh. illle!., novortbrlcsB. The Ilu-n on-upation eoniribuicd very ' “ y 10 the jiruncni i-bortronUaRii I «— lrann|>orl ' fiicilitlcn of Hun- i S i

oro ia no iikcllhui)d of unv Rreal ~ '

(-<i-cbo-Slovak» and Ih t J uro- hate tiic Auatrlann anil Iho Auh- , ,, ,,

bale them. WTiat baa meant • akinc or onu haa u ie .n l the un- ' 'IE uf Ibo Olber. Certnlniy dur- ' 7 * ’ lie Iwit two laontha nil thcaorl........ .ve be*,in lo realUe th r lrIniofeata by InuURnralluR freeinic laicrconrae amonR tiieai. «1. Thla waa moat-nrBoallv need-rho fundaniflnlat policy In Cen- ":aroi.e mu»t hr liio Inaiblence on *>#«ilerthanR e of the buhle necca.l-

~ ' ■' manoRcrloon by the U dlen Aid. Kvory- lU wlih Invlteil. ICalvorl.1. H arry Kcbuyler han Wen onjiinublu I i-k IlHt lo r tUc paat werk. Ir- xucuillo Walton la laiprovlnit ruplilly. country.. projilo of MuriaURh nnd vIHnlly Mr, in uillnlly Invlicd to altend n herlei puti-ntn eniai luoeiinR*. by KvunKollat a mnu

A. X. t;lark of llniae. a t Iho clly piJIl Schuol Rudllnrluni. commenclnR Uat it i d.iy ■•renlnB, January nt 7:.10, r jr c ncj '. V. n . llnlil. oniertalai'd Sr. uf xiio p iiiRb (-Iilxnns to itlancr Thursday forwu'rd 116 ‘ll the M. K. church : object of uf Iijuhu ncellncH woa to r e l thn men to- coaceri I r. nn.l .li-..:UHn difforont flUbJecLi „ c « Tut will I'omr up fur tl'.o benefit nf:iauNiunliy.__H_>vii-_.tlrdilciL.at{pL\K.A:i.i..'iliiB. to .-nil a nie.-ilnR ovory il:.y nvoiiliiR ut the churrh for tbo .’liiK s l i ue.-kn' ami wo hupo thnl i.-n wlll .'..mn i.nd takn In- . nml Mieltd Iler. Ilidie In ovory ‘''"ren o> ,„„,|1.le. »•r.1 wa,. r-.-r|,..,l hy rolallvea In iilBli lant werk. llial Ilal..I IrvIn, o-yrar-olil dauRbIrr of Mr. aad '.Sam Irvin, iiinl u l h rr home In .. * ,p .la Sunday^ Janti.iry 18,h .with „ ,I" 'J ,

«.. lilii Aiiiimiun and'iIunK htor. J""fl Tl:ilrnda» fur a few daya' via- Ju irlen ila .iiiitt_rEhiUvc>-ai-aputt- tt,o -jun i

rry Jlemi aud tiuaa Stom of Tlu- ‘’'j ! ' apent Monday a l Ih r .Mutlhow

hnr Willlaina of Twin Kalla aprnly L r r l l lJ .H jir '- n l" . »lr. ..M Jlriv 'Wllllama. ‘ -v^rr-w i

F r it of Twin Kulla ap.-m Sun- n MnrlauEh.

r.tH .s f \ P t . i \ Btr.T, - pA nif

.SIll.VGTOX. Jan, ;-K -T h r ,-na- demwd oilay p u a ed ibe Indian approp- Inala wi n Illil cnrrylnB $i:.740,S97. Thla ItnrniMl ■ firri of tho Beneral au|.plybllla forelftn 9:’l paasrd by hoth ehambera of roM)'-'•iw. I . ' l ' nllieil' p'

'■ '" V

Ede^ News | i..>ni.o

T i - r r . T l-nr- i i i r T - | - » to i

;b n . J . . . : d, - j . c.liunc iirrlved Friday fnr a viiilt ’ ■

lirolher. Wmor F uller und

. nnd Mm, WIIIIh Modrell nro the Ila of a now hul.y born Frliluy. e little daURhlor of Dr, und Mr*, , , ' 1 0 , laa 1. vary 111 tbin week. " " X». Cheley wbo hna been U kinit ^meat In n Twin^Knlia boaplial uai.Va.iso ni-a In her ilauRlitor'a lionic. .Mra, jj|, . . Smith on Snturday. whero aho , , , cnnllnuc hor vjaii for a tim e. • a , „ , i . ,", 11. A. I’rlcn of Ilaxolton ban h r t . II,, , , . . i r„w a . , . . . . i . t i i , ,’ 'V l» |n> -*. p. Oakrn waa nhaonl from r« n ad a 'li )I on Thuriiilay ow inf to illneaa, „ n » a n -eo vaeeancy waa fUle.j by Mni. 1». joo^oO,

o^^mtlo dauphtrr of Mr. nnd Mra. l^lnon who bna iieen very til the \v iiT i(r< week la now on the niad to re-

, U F . Davla who la very Ul la NEW-V in a acrloua’ enndltlon. waiirena 1«. achnrff of neiiflv,ie. orRnnirer w hero ilo he Koynl NoiRbbora of Amurlca nuorleil M ro on ofticlal buiiaeaa, ,,(5II, .Vorton ICmiil of Unrellon la J42 Weit IloR a few daya here with her hippci wI Ita. Mr .uad Mra. J. J. Modrell „-ho w „ . ' “■“ "y- * nnlary wn ct i’omona GmnRo meuta a t Illiia- ,, 1,, •J«nuary 31,5 Ilalloweil Coareri company will The ym on cntorluiumeni In JTniellmi. arraigned lur}' 10. TbiK company Una a t- ru| |„ - m bcrn compojcd of vory Rootl nr- wrong wi nad hffvlna madu auvcrul up- uuioaioidl

laeea oa thu autfroEation heed ntf Hhe worki er lalroduction, Vnu wlll mlin n j,, L^nox irenl indeed If you .fnll to bcnr '-Wiill, 1

mmbcr of 0.iq F^low B ’from Imro

u rliua Tiiurjduy cconinK. • -HfOlIK" HuRh Miller of llitchfiold la

vlnlilnR hifl hiiiter. Mra, C. Iinrnoa■S,. . , „ , „ i . j;;:zla iwn yeara bro la Hero r o l i ^ i,„„Wa anIII «c(|uninlnncea. .Mr.v Marriulii -j-wic, ,|nilllidtciu r o vlnlllnc Mrn. Maniu la’ „ vqIco I)iJi ut Wolner. linaa^e uiH.ey Iluberlanii hnn uruIii am.um- o„i „f htr ilutlca ul Ihe K^lea Mcrcuntllo pm- f,,, ,m y n flrr a briof Illneaa. i,yn Ulnnrhn Mcyoni apenl the weok hoarn Tllerr willl hnr im.llior. rclurninR cellar' but•mao. Sunduy, „

Srlh linker wbo bua been iiuf- Cariuun f: front riiemnutlnin-for lionm lime m u-u phakeu to lhe.Twin Kalla rioaplial n.iriy or

lo Rul neI. ll.vriira won a llatoilnn vlitlfor "Mpook" vy- tooiV nd .llat.|..r Arcb trunninRbam of. la id iin. official Vialt to tho Tbo TinMaaonlr I.01IR0 Thurnday evon- la iborou.A iiunili'-r uf lU zetlon MuMiin claaa nor J.renenl,ividiRB Ihr w enilirr nnd roada are D allr m laaablo Iho n e u , M dJea... Aid nR.wUl..ti«-al tha homo of Mra.._La.int_or,,Me.danic8_I!,ilnter_uaJ T E S E or ucllnn ml liD»tcsii|.a, on Kebni-III.

------- — -------------------------------- - Vo

Burley Items a.'' ' UO

Itl.KY, Juu, Jd .-T h c Uilrd num- jn tbe HlRh School Lyceum •e wna Riven Tueaday avealnir I) Hich Schuol AudUoriutu. Four t ladica under tbe litlo o( iho i-'aihloned Utrla (^lapany. enter- J with music both vocal and In- iinrniTniT lenlal nad rendlnea, Thla wna

the mom enjoyable en terta ic- O l n offered IQ Ilurloy to r some ^ | l

e IVojicra fn lon offlco in iblanaa been clused and tiio busineanled liirousi: ih« O. 8 . L, depotweek on account illaeaa of the . 'iRcr Mr. 1*. x n ia r s lo i r , who ia ^W aUh tiie |.rcviillins cpidemlc. .Mr. ',rl. aubhUtulo operator, la alao '10 to be airaut ulld relief cannot • ui'uml from tho au rroundlh j try. . '. uml Mm. Adnni Itavla aro' tho lln of U l.oy horn Junuiiry -js ,I'inali i.lnio occurrod Ia thu liuaiplnR atJiion Sunday ovonloR11 wna nnlckly ejiockcd by tho nepurtmeni;0 peoplu of Hurley nro looMoc j'rd-lo tbu v l.lt uf iho L'nlvcraUy luIio'Olce Club who will rIvo a ^rt In Iho IIlBh School Auilllorlum Tueailny ovciilnR.

i-AM» «MHKN-41V'HTKHH........... ...............MAY INHl'IIlK t.KlJI.'^LATIO.N

.IJA.NY. J jii. ■.•0,-l'lnk und pea M I1 oyi.irr, are lu-inR dUR In t.oa(r ■I Kouml. olf Juni;Uca lU y. and Dyulernien. in iha l antllon huvo " nli'd to tho Kuio Cun?urvnliun n llti « iii:.iiiouor. lieorRo D. IT alt,. to full gthem fmm ruia, .U p la ln . J . U. , j

». rucently rolurned w ith tho A.. HunlUry Cutpii. bun boon «ont moBa i-o|Hjralc wUb Ila oaperla In try - non r] ;o ullmluaio the naudy colorlaita. h Ihoy bollove are the resu lt of B (ju n u iin jro f itc^w iiaio-dnH nm rB — r v

In .l<hla report to tho l^BUlalUro

iilaaloner I-ratt will mako aomo nmondaUonn for leKlalalioo >-n j d IU Iteop tho wutvra • uf New heavy ~Htate-pare. ^

ifU KCT WKIUfAX l't,KA 1

,niH. 'J a n . 28 ,-O em iany 'a ' la'toif ----------thut tiio alliea wlibdmw ihelr

md for Ibo delivery of wnr crlni- wiil bu nully rojeetnl. ii waa

letl Ihla afternoon. Tha l^encb ftn offleo la now draw log up a -. which will ba aubmltctd to tbe I'IirettiloM llefrtrc>''Ni»M( >.tfnt. J ' .

ED m T * 8 1 tK O C B 3 B D '^ ' N e i A H . ^ I c Y / . ^ ^ l ^ y f t n ’LATKI.N

SDON. Jiiii. 25.-W lib .l.lfift.Olin " ;l> l,nr |,.patollmi-IhV li.iU.',l

1 cunlatiia alnioat lui many mem- , ^ of th w raeo aa.IW 'U H -or, tl,» ne. accunliag to Dr. Duvid .ch. tho Jewlah iiUillat.of tlurlin. . . y ea publlkhed.la tbe ^lonlata* o r: ‘ ^ . r ,, ihowa Ibu world’a iwpulatiou of ^ - diatrlbutod thua: „ Vurriiand 3JtiU,000. Ulcrninn 3,20ii.0«0,U Stalea n.lOO.OUO. Kuuala (la- IK Slberin) 8DO.OOO. Ilumnnin 10, Ctecho-SlovaklB 4S(1,000. iirll- . 2S0.000, JuRo-Siavla 200.000. Af- , ilea .100.000, Auatria 300,000. M th- ' i (oxcluilluB Morocco. Tunla and ‘la) 170,000. Frnnce ICO,OOO. Al- '“ 'r and Tunia ICO.ooo. Aruhia 130.- "^’'cicn

Jreeco 120,000. Holland' 110.000. ceo 110.000. Araentiiio 'looiooo.Ia'100,000. Aualrnlln 20,00p. Bu- J»at n countriea n*S epara te ly Riven j, ’10, Aalulie ' countries 100,000. ' ' ' " ‘" ‘ P lean connlrloa 30,000, '


W ^YOIIK. JnnT 2 9 .- ’-IlelnR a ‘'*® ew aeems n profltahlo bualneaa,0 do .vou work. If 1 raay ank!" ^td MaRiKimtc House in the T ra- ’:oun of Sophie Ilmloaky. of .So. ll®"".•eat Oao Hundred and IV enlle th *“ '"P «". who iind told the' Court ihut " 'ru ck aI'at 0 wnllfcaa. iliat her weokly " f ' '® " ’';!'1- wna »12, bui tbal aho mado IHO ‘’fi'Vi;yo“'iii;moSr'“”! younB VKomuii. who had beon;ned on-a aumraon* and pleadud .• in tho chnrRO ot inakinB a ''*•5 wronit tu rn whllo dfivlns. lhe Icloiille. lold the MnKlulmio wjiere 7 * ' vorkeil. nienllonlaR n realuurnnt , nox ftwnue. 'l°» ‘' r i ' <1 nil, Inaamuch na-you havo pleud- HIV. 1 w in fine you I 2.'’.rcmurked liulalrnii-. ______ Z i r S "

IIK" WITH AS AI'I'HTITK . J" l7.Zt,KS I’llDVIDE.Vt'K riU.M'K I”"** '

)Vn)K.S’CK, II. I.. Jna. 2;i,-TI>» 'f*'"1 nro IrylaK to hoWc wbnl in '''■cciII an "Iho I’ond iilreei myatory," >"‘*‘recil) r ilnlly. ul a n, m. nnd nl 1100a '■“ '"ned. CO la ibu'Vollur of a dwi-lliiiR -urtIistT itn:ct-rrtctTT-“ l‘n k r in tt A 4«-H hf if lii-re; Rlvo mo nomelhinR lo1-ai aturvlnK.- Thin cry la tol-

by moaninra. inallnk- novi-rnl WAHIll , Tbu inlico bnvo nxplurrd Iho Icnii Air

but lUiVK failed Io dlncover Ihii experloai of tlio ’'mnnlfeaiulinmi." fo rt ,io :

iin people have bora utlr^cleil iiccordlap J plaeo nnd nt timr.i th rro arn Koconl

nr fnrtv iKoplo in lino wulIlnR th r lr nap I near tbo c.diar to henr Ihn of comm k“ willl nil nppetlte beg for Ico. n lai

Ir.ilnliis.------------------------ IlOKH Fio

Tlmea ]ot> prlatlnc dopsrtm rnt Ono 01 tirouihly equlppeil lo do first hnvlnit f work—a t rcaionabla pricea. from can

--------------------i- . ............. , |o ,c r l ,aj,ly nm t Sundar Tlnen.-}7.E0.< ' p a rtlea ti

A U r b O W N E R S T“ To a ll o trae ra a n d d r iv e r s o t

V o u .o ro h e re b y notiQ cd U in t A u lo ] 1020 is now d u e a n d pny a b lo a t tb o AflscHsor. ICindly m a k e a p p lic a t io n i y o u r C a r V aa licensed in t l i n ’C o u n t uo t c onvpu ieu l fo r you to coll n t tb o y o u r c licck g iv ing tb u nam o o f C a t 1 num ber.

G E O . w .C o u n ty J

5hoe Prices A] at Shoe 1

Ws is th e s to re ' o f g e n n in e sb o e v a lu Iw ays th e b e s t i a q u a l l ^ a t p r ice a to i

b ody . P a y n s a v is i t .. “ Y o u 'U

I I*" ' ' d \ \

1 w r .

i mr-.


M E N 'S W O R K SH O E S K E N ' $G.&0

n a lM rath rr work illueber lltl fx trn be«*y ootor aeln and 'III ftndn Inner koln. Made l» n f Ight and hard knock*, o i t r Ibo fa> fpiud loaa MunaoD laat. Beat Jur Ibe • "H t " loney. Nliea p to W KK. ‘ »

B O V S ' A B K Y SH O E S ' o— $4.50------- ----------- ;--------------®I nlxea 3 t-S tu 0. tioad ne* . . k 'u r aIon drcKK ahoe for bo;fa. Wad« numb#rdarkbro iia irrab iiM llx rrw lU i nulld :111 double aulN aott tip aatl pllabUeavy baek sta r. A HEAL weighti t lT i; . . ■ i I .a .

■■'T IS A P E A T T O P I T

O avesvIduJ * ! ^T W I N F A f T t i i . I I

I , . I • • . v 'BLTON. PaV-IfU **•—Aiinounco- wan mudo' here loday tb a t Bep-

uitfvoa o t tbo an tb rad la coat tore anil mljiers- will meet In Vork o r Philadelphia o a Ktbra- C to fmmo a new wago • agree* .

Ttm presenl conlract ezplrei trcb 31.'


NDON-, j a n ^ l i n v e s t e r n Aua- -iH ' becoming. ezc|te«l over

.n,of tbo dlncovcry of a new ill ,'of wonderful gold-bearing Ty. for lhe trit,tb of, Y(hlch thoro « 111 be a cerioln niaounl of ot* hacking. .

r>. Connolly. Acent-Oeoeral for nrp Auatmlln. haa rectjlred, In- lUnn from hia Ooverpmenf th a t I fliida In a direct line froo 'K al- le cover a diatanco o t about lUlloa, a aireteh of goId-beaHog

lilon lorisor than anythlijg of ' t t kind hllherlo realised In'A ua- ->

Tiore recent repost from . Kal- Ic. too. recordii tlio rirst'lad lca-

nf a freab field In whleh ^ e le» from tbo lodo tb a t baa t f .u k aro reported to havo given niely hich values, but tho width ) lode la not yci known. ^

)M)t».S ni,AMK N A lt SitOUTAUE KOU lilU lI UKMH

t:0U18. Mo,. Jan, .25 .-P lty tbn " Inndlord 'and blanio tiill' high ' cost on th e la c k '6 t 'i ia l l f '" ' '‘ I .onla'contfiirtoni ij'iW'harJffaro

nt declaim Hist «h 'onir6 ''ln h'alln HHOurl and Kanaaa iM'boUlpV up itlff oiwrsllona and tbtls''ire«plnR ?nta.! -They ciulni t t a i gifeateat

inHan Citv, It la declarcil. deal- rn ratloninB ualla to the ir cua-

! nliorlnRo In prlinnrlly due U. cceni national nleel atrlke. and 'ctly to Uio conl atrlke. ll laud.

---------1-------------- • I-'- ,HKkVI<‘K -T IIAl M yfl----------------- ' --------------


HIll.NCTON. Jan . 20,—Tbo Amer- Air S rrviro la profltinR by w«r ioaco and i« dovolinK much ef- . i« Irnlnlne inen.ienRer plgcana, illiiR tu InfornmUon heru tdday,:onl iriiiH hiivliiR deinonatraled naperiorily over ull o lher means ni,nunle.itlon for Imlloon serv-

larRo (lock of them In now lii IIS. wlih Iho balloon ncbool nl Field, near Hoaporla, C*al.. ono oceoalun when a balloon K gone over forty-novon n llea camp deaceniled In o CallfoRila <■ .'>)X.‘;le;>»..f«Cr,le£.Il1«lX»M.,SUlded 'A to tho lone pilol. . .

> N OTICEb t M o to r V eh ic le s .” lo L ic en se fo r tb o y e a r ..bo o ffice o t tb o C o u n ty Ml f o r sa rao a t onco. i f . u n ty la s t y c n r a n d i t ia Lbo o fficc , y o u m ay m ail s r a n d th e 1919 Liconso

V . w i L c o x ;;y A sseasor.

Vre Right Market

-alu ju ,fo r M e a a n d Boya.. to m e e t th a w ish of. e v e r ; , j ' l l S a v a U o n e y .* '. »r.-

.......to n

S N '8 S E M I-D R E S S SH O E ^ $10.50

nulan veal r a l t brow s Bla<;r lo r albaroDnd aerrlee.Ild lcatli«r InaoSea'aad orcr-'- Ight o a ter aoietb "ITelt.” JL .d looker and a aboe tha t 1 n e a r welL Hw lU s n u / .. Hicen C I.S ta . l l , w tdtki V 10 K. .

...B O .Y S lT A H _ flH O K ___ _____ ________$3.95 • .

r . a aboe a t a lonr.priea tU s ........................u b e r ioada tb e n alL AU Id leatlier throiiBboat, aott. able opiwra aad B e d la a

I.a. A L K A U E ^ ■O T r U B T ”

r ' O N E Y ' -I D A H O .

Page 5: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

f l lP E O P L E ’ ^ PAY TOO MANY t

: t o Y ’KNOWT• ‘ u lll Cl

N ew F r te d o m A t B o lio H ln t i T h a t hor''a!

T a x l m E x ec u U v e N w d n 't______

. .B la i? * AlMCftnders t licr

Tli« New preoitom. » l Boise. Is noi inoHned to 1«l Covoraor Davli aUKi „ tb» bleb ( K 'burdon Inck to itio

, ibouJden of bJ» predecMaor, Aloxon- ' ilpr. EMllor jameK • D. WUcIbq. wltli 7 ' " “ '

.UDkiDd <liV^ni>M, suBsoi(i( tbnt tha , ftlln ro of tbo proTloui AamlnlftritUon -

lo w „ b l t l « Twy oot b*T?,.boen bis „ ‘ ®,.: •llosirtber, itfld po ller »od Uwi If a t , ' 1 ; ftttps hetiU llon WM now obaerved ,,'occaaJoM lly tbo m ate mlgli bB»o ■ a .

IljOe mor# pla monor.I H«re la w hal Tho Now Freedom h»»' lo aay on tbo aubjecl:

“Noi only Is ibe report of SlalUllcul '**■ BctTanier. Jobn D. lloberUon. but ^^Jl^bcre . directly o r. Indlrcclly. la -Itopublleaa machine publlenlloiin and Q''ono

,<^«from nepubllcan mnchino pollUdanii comet th# cry th a l the lato Demo- c n l l c . adm inistration o t Qoi'omor Cinlbo Aloxwidcr muat U ke thu reaponBlbll- of Mr liy .fo r Increaa# la taxcn by rcaBop o t Mm..j tbe failure to pay blllti. and tba t there expoci k»a Uiun been c rta te d a deficit which Oo»«mor D. W. (Tftxleas) Darla wan To coapolle^ to m e e t Runo. Lm I. wtok. th e K ow'Frecdoiii coru- iho'ca

niu)m .,opV ;liio 'oU aracicr of nomo n( ewelii the ){ll|a prea'onud tO-/Vtoxnuder, whicli pccia iig raW p d to. alsn oud which Oavln


. . (loptlnuInK a lon s Uin nsino_ lino an In nt< evqu.. nioro flagran t aainplu will bo II. Ga

___ciitiilnii------;____— ^ ^ Ul,.,.On past) 331. acKHlon lawn of idik. neiir ;

there la found II. n . 110. n bill apn ro ' wuy i priatlBg »:c,000 for the relict of A. B, italo. Vi'hlleway. duly pauHtd by IsRlilaUve •ppondix of the nepubllcan luachlnp.' Itoa aad algned by th e ta ilena exrcuilvp ly ju Vpi^ndlx. Whllewny ROt (ho mnnny; board iBl see what lho rlnle ro i for « . counl;

--------------------n a rir lij-« o n d fn )r« -n m K --------- ft'fie tKometimo in lOns. under (iorarnor '’'’"'"o

Frank n . OootlluK'n upcoml lertii. W lilloway got B c;onlriirt from Ibo *'• aUte to build a certain iil«co nf mail <n Idaho, fo r n .c e rta in amount, anil. aa usual, when Iho Joh wa» fInlKheil.Ibo* co n tn e lo r clalmod compenxatlon fur extras tn tho anidunl of thousandn * of;dolU ra. Tho board of examlnon) • ' “

- dlM pproied Ihn cln\m and thn Mali* ‘ refused 'lo . pay It. Whileway brouRht ault agalnat the a u m . and Ilie hlRhe»t '

fe<)ana^ In Idaho looked Into Ihn /rlla of llie cano and rondon-d n doclilon against Wlilloway. f-***

Court IN*cI<iloD F in a l ‘NolhlttB lu rthe r XRa tlono lo w u tl j . —

paying Whit'eway.' Tbo declalon o t tho j , ' h igbcil court of lho Mato In aiitflclcnt• lo atop a ll conlroreray «> to th f ^Vm* ..m erit* of n claim . When Taxlow of in

D arli waa Inaugurated nnd when the j„ |j^' IcBlslalur* Ktarled ou l lo lavy | 2,000,*:000 a year, and to prorldo tha t (he [j], ' lax lB»y oould noi Iw roduccd. overy*

..o n e wbo had a doubtful claim naiur* ally presentod U In order to te lp se a rt spend th a t vast sum. j; s«

Daring Uie period which elapued be* (fp ], tween Ibo tim e w hen tbo auprcme been ooa rt' r«ndcro<l a declalon -agalnat |,a i Wbll«way and ibe begtnal&s oC the (],g tM laaa regime, the govem or’a cbalr .

. had beon aucceislvoly occupied by ii- ., ' Brady, Hawley, Halnea and '''A loxan ' ri

dor: two Democrats and two Republl* cana. None of them alRiwed Ihe f i . y c la im of W hlleway and.flercral leg- lalatlTO M e p f i t to p a y 'u m failed be*

■ causa Ihe Icglslalora knew th a t a veto ^ would be tnterposed. ,

D«t1i .-Kicked I# .- . . ed a Out when Taxle«a.''DaVia became ..i ’ >

: chief executUo n new condition arose. Kec . '1 BOd^Uib bong rr Bnd loan aaw the aamo I^ a s• sorc-4^f)pportualty ‘>: Hurt ' proaenled weak

ItaeU 10 iVe lftan’'u n a 'e ( 'Pha roali on and•; tha.m ystic Nile, only In <hl« caae “ll newi : was no dream.” W hlloway praaonted waa > h ls 'c la ln a t g rea t length to ,a ieglala- lett _ tiire which waa m aking free, wljh tho city. ]•; tax-payara money, and tbo lQltra*coo- Fern i aarraWvo leglalBturo,.which. iB made

up oC m as ao lealoua of tbo tionor o(Uie co u ru tb s t thoy Inslat th a t oron n>eel Dawn m uat be jo e g e r te d . passed tho 'T'J*

.........T uIoaa 'Davln a lined It and 3-W bltawar got tbe uonay.

This coodlllon o t a t ta in will doubt* *1'* lesa cause many New .Proedom road- ora'to inquire how anch t^lnga la pos-

. anaver la tha t tbo maebine knows no « :. law .except th a t aet forth In tho aoog ,

^ . . of tbe carpet*bagger-,“Grab all you T • Wa. an’ kM p all you g i f for yoursoU

o r tor tboao who will gland by tbe “ gang. . - 1

= . W at Ute WMtoway WU andomed by *= A lo n sd a n ao d le ft unpaid during hla = admlnlalfaUoDT Not a t .a l l . Nellher = W M »U..p«ld,by.-Orady. Hawley or

f x ' H «B« indeed a b ill -whichw u Dol oUyi Aot paid by either Alex- , , ander or Bay of tb e o ther tbrvil gor- f

•• oraora aam ed., Vui according to tbii*---------—*apram i-iieert- li-w aa-ao t-© w ed--by

*: tbe aUta. N e v i^ a le a a u waa paid -'.-liy . l ta la a iD ti r i a ^ B d H e Btnoaot of ' ' l u (tee' couatod am oag ,tte things

wblcb I t lauaB ld '-A leiaader ahoald '* '* U *e.pjUd w hich h e let! fo r D ana to ^

Under aooh drctuaatM w ea pur- ^ , a o ln r m J t poilcy I t la a ta y 'to ttoder- •UuMi. i » w . Davto. rollowlac an. -»d< ^

' Local' News j ! ^

'B m >■< ally liMaa. «aiek aetlab Ular h . 8w l« .

ro K ntcrU ln-M ra. II. J, v.mntf* ^ I eninrtnin Ura IniHcn of ilio |>rei>- | ;erl«n c b u n b ihla uflcniooii ut r home.

m F ronu ir::s i?»~ K vc 'rH rj, H » ^ |. ' 7 who Ima been 111 for .lomn iliiic

lier home in llolm>. Ih ruportoil ro- . rcring mplilly.

Marrlagfl LIcfnsp— Llccnae lo wed n lasuod yesterday lo lUchard (I- • ,.o - l«oa of Olympia. \Vn»h.. and Agntu j i , . . . H art of Ihls city. s -

Po I'aUrorala—Mr. and Mrn, llnrry Allon will leave loniorrow or Soi- iay for California whoro they ulll snd soveral weeks vlnlllnc witli , ondi.

______________ _• cliapli

nxiling—W illiam Wood and ilsiigli* of Kemnicrer. Wyoming. Imve «ir-

cd In Twin I'Talln for a Mult ill ^ |, » home OJ Mr. nnrt Mm. Kruiik \Y. / , , ,

______________ , l„K.,

t'rom KImlierly—Mr. nnd Mrn. Jnck "omi'f ilborn of Kimberly arc tlio kiicria Mrs. Clitibom’" imronla. .Mr, nml

ti..Jam«8 M. Wall o t dilx d iy . They poet to rc(uni Sunduy.

ro lloliw—AKiimcy K. M. Wi)iriihu« '’H kim no 10 Ilolne whurn Iiu will urBii'e n , > cune nf Frank Dnftlcld vn. J. Obii- ■till In lh« Biiprcnio coiir(. Il« cx- ' CIS lo reliirn llic flriii of ihc wcnk. n ,’

Now Theafrt>—A IGO.OOU ihcuiro' l» Jl) ' '' nloro fof Ilupert accordliiR ip K, , Galps of (hln cily. Tho new MDii.'- ‘

r«,-whloli—u||l~lit>-erocled-<n (hr ‘ u r future, will In. mmipni In irvnry ly nnd ono nt thu fliioi.l 'h i tlic „ llo. ll. In rojinrtcil. . i liurli

Hoard .M rcl»-Tho reculiir nlontb-incriing of Iho rnuijiy hnsi>lljil ~ - “

an l look plac« InnL nvcnliiK al lln? uiTit:nnly hoaidlal. Hunlncnn mnitcM nf Por.cii■RfhVrSl" nn lurr worn iliscununl. tinnlicono coniiirlnlns lho ' hlmril arc I,. FlnwiSalhiiliiy. I). 1). Alvonl. C. II. Ilaho, nr<l<r» T. WrlKhl nnd T. K. UnRp,

l-TR llrokcii—SV'lillo rcltirnInK Irom 'Ihi Ino niepUns Tiirndny cvcnInK. K,

Barllcll. locul cnrponlfr. recolvnl on Fi broken Ins when a t a r driven l>y Mrn.

II, Ilnm uninn In nomo niuiinpr u (ivpf lUe lec. tireaklUK ll. iS lynlcliin v.i*aii niininionnd nnd llie nc Kcl. A mn'iidy rccovory In look- Kri tor. ituitii

K alcrUln—In honor of Major llwm- of Ur in and Col. Sicod. Salvation Army frlcm jrkorK who liavo npont tho past tow yn In Twin r t l ln ; Mr. nnd Mn*. K: ■■

McVlcar cniorlulued laal evening ■ dlnnor a t ihe lr home lu lho Ilex

•m*-ar«rtmenittr—BeflldeirthTrmoMu honor, there wero p rtnen i ffitis* uy,],

illa Taylor nud Marcey Straight. ' Q^of

UI—Mr: and Mrs. A rthur Seavor ot In city have rccolvod word from , illtom la o t Uic tllnons o t William ^arer. aon of Senator and Mra. J.

Seaver. wiro aro upending the win- r In C illtorala. W llllani BeaverhaR ,y . en rery III with pneumonia and ' h not y'cc recovered, according lo e d isp a lc li .* jy,

iVas Baried Veslerday—Frlonda will 1 grieved lo hear o f the dea(h of . f a . 'l* H. Coghlll. m other o f Mm. lay Smith, M n. Roy Wheelwright, id 'V ernon Cogbll. who was burlad ®‘“" ' liloTday. te rv lcw bolng beld Id the ,, .E . church. Mra.. Cogblll died from 10 reaulta o f 'a n oper*lIon perform- I a few daye Bgo. ,

Kefelte* 8od JCenwiffO—Mra. ^Veii li , ''}■ uasell. wbo'liaB apenl the paatSw o « ftk a » ltlio 'b o m a o t her parcdta^Pr. *"®' nd Mra. C. A. Emea received, '-tiio : ewa (hla afternoon th a t h e r husband aa very 111 a t Yukon. Oklahoma. She •>’< Itl on the ttf tom ooa.tra in to r Wial Uy. Jlra. Ruaaell waa formerly Miss ’e m liraoa of’thla city.

<;inb To V eet—The next regular HI 1 leoting of the Tw eniielb Century cluh Fall rlll Uko place on Tuesday, February r Tbe nibodng w lir U open to a lt pc<:ij rlahlng to a ttend. .A 'o n a act play aud rlll bo preaoBted and -th e re will be Uii- ther teaturaa to r tlie enUrUIamonl this f tbe gueita. A largo attendance Is mor OBceXed--------- -A------------------- ---------- la .

, , , I Untif a rm Books—So tiial every farmvr Cab

n the tr a c t may keep an accurate Uol: -ecord of tho buatnaaa dono by blm Gab ftroBghout th# year, tho local farm Oali mreau baa on band to r distribution m.I aupply o f farm rocord books. Conn* (’j>t r Agent Lloyd Coleman oxpreased the The x l le t , yesterday th a t much ‘ good bed rauld raauU from keeplni; good Tec- end jrda; . , , , '

' ' ' ' ' ' (erfEBlcr1a>Qa-:Mra. W; O rr Cbapmaii fbI

mtertalned tbo membera of tb# Res b t r

sparlment. .'Yellow chryaantbemnms iTir«.«ae4 '|a .U ie.decoraU oH >. whlcb . r were Bltnusdra. A' dalaly. laocheoa iraa'*#ry#d Bt the ejdae of th e 'a fte r- ““ sooa; Tboae preaeot w ere Uesdame* no»»rt:P«yBe»._M.':A.;Robey. .T L -S . L Maratell, JaineB H . WUe and W. 8 T P a tfe t , ; . . ' . ' , I v

l f . S . * & t ; |a b - ^ e 'n g u i a r d ) a « t * I ;

^ ^ ^ Q t» io o lt.» U M --W « d a e a d a r af^ 1^l9H^«ti<^ff :bea ;p( Kn.n)|r9r-. I'

tb-.M;trildCli BlpkBCH § 'th« * t t a a ^ « ^ ’s ti m \


II. (; (V himl

T. 0 . Q, M cQ inn ii, C o u n ty P h y ­

sic ian , S a y s D U oaso In ori

In c rea se - j1 .Mr».

'■ ■ ....... ........................ - - I h r r - f i t iDr. (V g, .McUInnli,.' cmuny iiliy- iliin. iiiinoiiiK'en t lm Uit-fo Imvc .Mrn. 'Cll ;:s innoH of Inducni.a roporleil iliu T '

Ihln euuiiiy. Uo nald ilicrc inlnlit -• moro but Ihnl :iS ca.ion were a ll U I: lat had bi>cn rupnrteil (o blni, iihi- lo<Conaldorlng tho provnloiicu of ib e | noaso In rli» Kin(u anil in Ilio cn* \ \ \ ll. re country. :k< cacci In noi un »b- KuIIh i irmally larRo numlxT fur (bln ciiun- ■ Imt cverj'Uilng will bo ilunu lo Geor •vp lho dlt(»t.« ' ftom iv hrlclMm. Uurjon E, Mornir. of ih f honiu

■rvlro necllon o t the locnt Ited ('ro:i« John lapler. In inaklnK urrnngQinenlB to from n imimt llin dincanc nml prevunt lln •read. Tlin coimty honpliul linn iin-l H, }iinci!d Ibnl thcro w ere nn wardti a nlior I whlcb flu palleiil.i ciiiiM b« n ircd ir hnt thero nro iievrriil lix-.il build- IRH which nipy bti ii"od iin tcnipor- } ry hontillnln In riiKo Um illfrano lio. "|mk.

Th........ llil- j.-n r U vi.I.l to? nilldiT Ihnii iHKi yiuir Imi lliui ll "M peculliirlllcK J li f t ;iro vory <l;.n. i-roui. uhlOi dill noi dm r.ii'lorljii tlic • „ ini-nae of lO n, The nntlinrllloit u rr * iklnR every prnvj;t;ilvo iimiuuiro nnd ' “j

Ih exi.ec1e<l tbn t lho dhtmiic will I.i’ ^ '' epi undor conlrol, • . MrSome ilinii nKo’ ihc iliy nnincll ii'l,,,,',,, „

n reRiilpr nieoIlnK ilcclilrd in Infurni i lo tluil CfoftR UiBl Uey woisld ii< orRuniratlon In ovrry wtiy iiim-|Iblr. At (hill Ilmo Ihl- dliieuKo M ml pn'vnleiit nn nnw but .T w arn- |„. IP otlor from a Muir lirallh olflrlul t llolnr unn read nl lho ini'olliii: um!

wun drcMrd (c. <'r,-,i.rrn(r wlih llio lurlliiblo iirftnnl/ullimn of lho oily I ri-nibatlnc ho dlnonxo. . .

TV............. • r r—.-.-r---- Mr.l.,oro: M.-«ilam,;.i Hri|uu. 1 l.i.thum. "1' V'i’r.!;iniiri.-iildcj;a_Jluhiimu__ lluvoi:..Dinlir. Shlpmun. now m l'-w . J r . Ii.«rnli’w, S r . lUKl MI-.I. i;ii,lc- l-'h.iv- rdow. . 'Ill- T

,.\lr. r................. cily »

•lho I'urronl l^oin,. dopr.i'iuivni of K' Tuonilxih I 'rniiiry i iuii u lll iin-oi n I VI-liiy nflnrnixHi nl J o'olook u ltli ^Irii. C. A, l-nirs. JUS l-’lflli Avi-mir „ ,jiiil. J

l-rum (In rk CoiiMl) Jnd«o C. 1'. -'Imtuitiin. prcnldhiK ovur (h» probulu ■iiiiduhou n n l DnholH ami formerly oiilio. 'orduy■f tlm l)illK)I.Ji llanner. In vlrillnK wliii friendrlcndr. In Twin Kallii. '^ 'onli

• -------------- 1- I. ,To ’lljicii t.TuIi KnnmH-Thc yoiliic Ijf,,,,;

looplo’n dopnrtinunt of lhu Cbrliill,in tii. J ;l.urcl. unilrT-linrTemlSTniniTTt-MRS- lu ih Harvey who inlitn (hu idace of ieorgn Slnionn, who hnn heen o;<llcd 0 Koniucky. win open ihe lr club 'V. •ooma Friday nt/jbl •.r'.iJ: u pronram »oum :om.l«llnK of inuhlc. nhorl iipce;;!'ef, Hmu. {anica nnd a nodal hour. A uloniant and ivcnlng ia iissurcd. All lnler<*n(eil in to lil> tw in Fnlln young peoplo aro oordlisl- noon, y InvKod,

____________ ___ Mln

.Wedding—Oi'io-ot tiio pruttlci't wtd- llngn of tho year took jdaco yonler- lay aflcrnbon whon -Minn Agues Mart jecamo tho bride of Ilobcn II. Wll* ion o t Tacoiiia. Wonhlngon. The cer- nuuny wan perfonnsd a t Uio homo If Mr. and Mrs. Charlon n n r ^ w ith f , | . - Itcr. l*aUior Reml 8, Koyxer o f 81. Silwanl'a Catliollc church officiating.MlsH Alma Henoll acicd aa hrldcn- inaid. A wedding breakfnat waa nerv* sd ftniuedlaicly a fle r lho coremony. _ Tlie yoiibg 'couplo lofi for Ibe couat , where tber'.y lH “ “ ke th e ir hoiiie.

. . ----------------- i------ bogat

* ;l)ta ih—tilphorous Gaica. bom jNo- vambcr 183S, Blcubon county. Now , Vork. n o resided In Now York aiate until' 1882 when deccaaed removed (o Hhblilon. Iowa, and (hero resided un;Ill Decembpr. 1017. movliig to Tw in j „ Falla January.. 1018. and roaldlng a l . j 3C:j 3rd Avenuo Nortii. whoro death ^ j,. oc<:iirred. Decianed waa In‘Now York „ . iiud io w a 'iip un til 1801, engaged In y . , Ua- occupation of farm ing .' W hen oo ‘ ‘ this dal« ba retired front acUvo life, moTlog tu Bbeldon. Iowa. Dcceaacd la »unlvtil_hy_ hU whiow. Mary _A. _ . Galea, and ‘aoven chlldrnn. M art'Caten o t Kl. V aul. Minn., Mnt. Klla' ^ Kelmcr of- Stockton. Cai.. J . Odell ^ Galea o t Ball lAka City. Shirley U Oalee oT Minnoapolls, Mina., Claude i t M. Oalea. Kmoal II. Oatea and M. (’jiUierlno Oaiea. all of Twin ra lla . , Tho ta i l ihrco named * w fr« a t Uie, bedalde. wlih’ Hho m other when lho 1U( end camo a t 11:10 p. ut. la a l ' night, . , ' a t Uie «ko ef eighty-seven y e a r r In- W (erraent will be made It) tiio Twin \ FbIIb ceaielory. ’ PunerBl a rrange- -Vl metiU have n o t 'y e t boea complotod. j , j

Dallx a&d flODda^,;nmei. I j j o . ; ■

f i i i iI I ^ M ln ’i B i^ d a y ;

\nX-.BB3aB, aBmSDKt, lu iv ts

.. Curnilhnn of Ihilil uimlo a loun- '.ml ta l l yn-loriluy.

-------- L(jul«(irn. Ilunhow of ni<:r •iini>r up lo- jyj

lo r n Kliiirl timo.

Irn. Trni.k niuio up yn,lrnljy_Iroiii-from<"in Huhl. --- -------------------

_____ Tho:ni. Ci>lf of Joriim'i wi... am our «orli

Twin Fulhc vi:iiior (od.iy. <nirdln_____ • (h r hll

I). Allon of n io r 'viu. iiN.onR chull. loial cnllcrn yenlcrdny.

, 11, Uoover of llnxelton puldTw in TheIn It brief vl-li Wo<lnoi.iluy, who v

_____ raiiRtiJeorso nummun of Klioiihoiu' iiimlo I>oiilTlct Twin Fftllii vail j«»\c:iloy. Mario

_____ ■ .MaxliKohn F. Kluicn, han Jiini rctnrnuil MnOi”u a bunlncsn lrlp 10 Sull U k o . . Cloixlrl

I. M. F lcld ior of. Khnburly mndo liort conniy neal oall yeiiicrdny.

Vli*ljk'allnir T ay h ir 'i.f Fll.-r wa:i In H 'uha •II yonierduy, rtiiirnlnj; In lho ovu-

_____ • dred.ribiir Iluli-ih nf Kimberly. inndr MUfor.hort foiinly iiom la ll Woilnenijuy I^-ni, •rni.011. ■ Tbo I

I, llalley of Coodhii; inm r hi ui-’ on a biiulnriui irlp of nrvoral Mar■a duration. othy

_____ VIoloiIr, nnd Mrn. II. K.. M<.rrow of Jn -. fir a >

>vurr nnioni; (hu Twin Fallx vIh- on \V•11 ■yet/«'rdny. - Van <

-------- ■ ) |r M(I r mill Mrn. Will Iluyli-y of Ouk- h-r. (

were Twin Kalh vlnjloVn Sur i. " '''I ;• linur^ ymteniny. --------------------4tnflT~

_____ . .T ho111 T. lirowji. T v in Fall" n>n- l‘ro>.|ii

irl bui'lunw irlj. to (U-Ko. (.1(1!

■tni. Crorcn f.illoi, -.f Fih-r oi.mr .•.K.ril;'ycnrerdhy f'lr a *lirlcf bu'.hiriin ;in<l ,’

■ She r rtu rni il lii_Lhc-ilIUHniiiuu- iSuJiii,-------- .\L.rlli

loorer I'lillon <1 K'ilrr »u.i uiiiniii; Mibno.T « lll r.illH vl.llorri yn'li;rdiiy. Alum

. I’niuni oipeiiii r-i niiiMhi In tlm Fox ny ..ovrrul dnyn. W.iid.

-------- Wmill

OUR llir icKal nlKinprrn yrnlorduy, " ' ‘I’' ’' H. Thiim alno V|„||..,1 frlomlM whilr •o nml relnrnrd in lli» iiflorodon. Cfml'’

'Ir-1. llraniT of llrR rnon unu u,|ii.UR (he Twin Fnllu vli.llorn ye«-iluy. t^lm uhiipiieil and vinlled wlih „ vndii ivhllr haro. rotnnihiK In iho

____ K -l-o

l>..(;, WJUou of IluJil .iiiiiir iip .yrn- H 't rday .for a nlinrt .lliiio iin buiilncmi. lo ih i_liijiu-jiiauul-jrl«ul*_*l»il«—horo, Uiu-1 liirnInK in llio cvoninR. romn

------ npodi.Mrn.

W. I.. Howard of llnhl ....... . lo ilio „pfvliunty aeal WcilncmVay lor a nliori nu. Whllu hero ho vlullod frienil-i tumi: 1(1 transacleil hunlncnn,. rrliirnlnR j,,,,,,,,

liln .went end honiu In thi- after- nroiii- 'on. N ■ , to cc

-------- lery.Minn Cerlruilo'' Klnon o t Wendoll nio In yontorrtay to r a low dayn'Ip. Bhe expocln lo vlnlt with rela- Oaicn and frlendn for a few daya uflcr -------tilch aho will return to h e r norUi- Jo home. t i e


Tho caao of Minnie'HayH vn. t r A. i.blnson for roCQvery' of oi^ uutu- ublle Ioat In a recon l,election • hnl igan Uila afiernoon In d is tr ic t'u m rt idcr Judgo W. A . Dabcock wlUi Al- rncy Jainea R. -Uolitwcll repreeenl- ig (h o -p la ln tlft 'ao d Wi-l>. GuihHo id M, J. Swealey acMng tor llobln- in. Thia inontlng 'tha follovrlng'jtir* rt -wer*' ImpaneJed- (o irT tho-ciBo':. n .. Johnson.'t<»gh Doild. A.- I-:, lann. S. M. lleonier. W. M. Shotwell.

F. Wanonelto.. A. Crlckaon. n . H. aylor. N. D. Morrill: Druce lte«iua.

N. Shrlvcr. and 1^ J . Malouc. A reeatr won taken a t I IH C .'

n ' r . -.r — -- . .

D a l lr-an d -«u iidar-T lm e« . -17,60,— - -

MA N U F A C T U R B IW . in id - ♦llf-^muu a n d rc tn i lc r s xay I

hlMliiHg jirii-cs -uru N O T com . j lu tf (l^wi/, suo^ . . I

W W S3U SM ttaa t , -)' ' ' - I 'TWDf rXOS

r -- r - r T P b e n i t« iK - : : '— .

1l | - | I I

ib^£;',vC iveii^ ' fey '■ '• • 1

r A a y . a « . ' i w o . .

FUDBttS IIIAKE HIGH AVBWESI 'ulso M cM artin , V io la E viins.j m.iM-

M a rc u s W aro a n d L illian

L in d L ead A ll.

'ho hlRh bdionl iIj I Uikrii diirlni; tho (in.t „ri.i,.-.ht ,m . .-..n.i.N illoK to (hi- roixirl tiirnril in hy 1, hiKh ni'houl i.rliioliml, .'I. <'. Mil- i;.-ll,iii, ill. In Ihln roport. nlitch Inllnw >. i irllo. i I »Uldvn(K wlnnlOK lho hlKli''<’< Inui. II nro,,lliiio,Uii_nrikC-yta!)i:iX r.inli; jT.:rii,'i- rhe (en pujilln In tlio SrnluT o!a-n0 varued tlix lilr.liunt avrraKi " ar- .Mli luio iRtii in llio onli'r i.f UioIr runic rare i :xiilliie Mi;,Murlln, Kvolyii ();i>.kill, ........ .rlo t<coi;r., Hlnuli-y falruiTu^n. f u in r i xliio hllllniTo. l)nri.i|iy Krnn(irili>, ,i.'ii. I't rjiirlo Hulii-r, .Irli (iullirio. Tlirn.n ' rliMli. i odrlrb. Knnlco I.InB- Tl.-.l i :,I'ho llftoon piipiln In tl»- Jiiiiun ! li.iniiu, ru wbo rarnod Ilni IiIrIio. i uv.ir-jriihi, :.; •»: • • ;l.ni;un,,'hda lOvnmi. I.i.h> Hayloi', Ji.jin t l.il>-" obanan. Dorothy KullUan. , |- |i;,r lr .; I'tnr r t , Kniia llidliiiinlt't. Irrm- Wai | | . l a r . a r. Noll Coll-, .MIhlroil McIIIII. .Mil-Cn .n.‘d Hounlon, Kvorrit Jnlii. Vitm 'H Iford. Cannon Kanc-r. li.iioilij < Tlir n i, Philip.K lni:. J i- tli-nbo iw rn ry piiplbi hi llio Sniil:cuu'iri■ ’rlai' i v :"i uho o;iriioil llic hti-.ti-;il. - ." .i . i;.: DulljMarniu W are. ||i-l,-u ll.inmilil. Dm - ly Wui;i;nnor. Ildliori .Mrlml im. ^ llol lloltlrrm an. i:i:iil)t^^'oKi;t'’. K i - 'H Ayotlr. Mihlroil I.aillirnlirlm. IIiiI-{[h WIm-, Kurl ICrKk'ioii uml KImtr B

II Clhlor, tinl, Ai;no„ Slroiili. I.oi- B , Moreen, Ui.liln IV;ilr!:: Ojutl llu - ■ {

C.irolyn Joni^on. Iloy .Maliudr ’. ■ I rl; Itillh Ihirim. Iti-la 0 ..br,rii. l l < v ; |B ‘|

I'ho twi.nly-flvr IMII.II. Im i t i r i M i-<|in<rn ola:,ii wh'i ,Mrn<-il ill,- hl-:Ii-|

..mUui l.'m l. I iu; iuliM (i-j.-1 . ,C n r,;.- IVrrhir. WlhMii .l.i.Ic iii, |

.nr;-.rr| ,U.'oli.i, l.tiw.'ll .\:i.lii-lw.ill * ll .\r.iiri Srliiiliorl, l(c"l; Iiudlry

irllii, . Ci-orRia l.rr .MlL.on. Iliizol' bnor. M arrln O'.Voul. ,Ml(c Dolln, mil llak rr. I rm - llowlnl.y, .Muclur X and .Miiry Siiillli. lloil: Nr«-r|II.I. Charlru lluilnlt.h amt -j'lirlma imllr, U nl: .Mary Taylor. Kulu 1

Ibbaril, lird. Irho lon pill,III. In lho |.-ichiu A M mix who O.miivl Ihr hli;hiM uvor-

/K ll/abrlli Itdiiiri.. I)..ri.lliy Sliohl-

i.ml (!.;..rKr Wlrm-lilm;. iUmI; l-Vrn .niMon nnd W atlrr SparkH, ti,„i; au- “ MU I’laco anil Ibmdd Slm.iiia. lliul; 4an llulril. Harriet llnrrlu, Ih-nllo -|«o mill lUilh .Mi'Ud, tioil. ^

I)i.n McCouk. I’ont, (1. A.. U „ ulnhi'nl thank a ll wlio no kindly n]i<i|iloil

.ui^l’ux t^ iii- lho -h iir la l-o f-oaT -ln tR ’ inirmio, Cllliert (Inlldi, und wmilil ii'dally thank Mrn. C, K. I-.iitcr nnd rn. John Anlt for nInRluR. (ho youni;!■rvlco mon fur nurvliiK as pnU boar- •R. IConneili Ayern for KcttlnR ox- iNi'd from ni-hool to go with un to nind hipn. and Ihorto mun who Ren- rounly volunlcered witb the ir atiloM1 convey u» to and from the ccnio- iry.

. JAS. M. HlCK. AdJ-

Dally nnd Sunday lynien. J7,W). --------------------:— :— ^ ---------------

i C t U s P r M Y o n r

Sale Bills

- V - V ■ ‘

W A T (For

i t

University of Idaho

i i . : v , lv . ,i„ii •|li,v,. „ne-«rl Iy . .... i i i 'i o; .1 .rri'M I.f dr.i-'I ' hri.On. lKin ,iil;inn-ir- hy ih .^ 'Ju d g e

ml-r;.. ■•(•h,r„- ll;.‘ iiml;,'' " t^ .m -l i.-lik,." ,;i„i .- r i ir tv rir riir-li.-r--': ..l.ih.nr, l ln - im;i,.l MJ,.|„„r ' 'l ii;,.iri.I.Mi l.,.i;..|,. ,',.1 ;.r|l,> „;ul .Mar-;ai|il f. r t lJuMU«„l,y, „n ):„! lV,.,llKwiiu. 11,1ml au.l AliM- ;lu.,i, „„ „I i'luu-i.I.iy.. b In, I'M ur \Vi-.n,r ,i| M,i!i.. ' lri .lavIi-Ii ilaMm,;'.,,r I .ni.lii. hll .U|,| T.’<l ' ....... ...nirl- „t (-..hU rll h:;-| JMfl,. ul0 : r tl„. r!:Kii.,‘ 'V ,ui,l,u !T ro ii;.,l .-Ir.tK.ilux'l Tl.nm, l,t .! T «m I '...... Mar-1 :;an ,n.

VI rj,;:,.|ry „r M.ih>. j;, i i .nim-1 nt 11...... . lallll; I ...... „f ( nv,.n r Al ,l ,,i OK -'urnl.ri'■ '•■ n f.l ........ IU "Thr K,,„i ! t„ b„ I................... -N-.y.v ............ ol .............. ,

i:mf ..f c..lh,v, \v,t,li., . .......... I-r.lliu; of Illllll. lliiMiiv ,1liir^ar ami I 'InrI-. J.ni,- llun, „r] i„ ,„ ,

V-. and ......... . I I

I'hr Tinie-I Job [.rlnUai; d rim rtn irn l, , * j',;,. th 'irnm;hly or|iill’l«'d In ilii lirut ! dauv

w .,;k -a l roun.inaMn pUc n.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^

liilly nnd Snndiir Tliuei. 17,GO. ! od" n.


- M a d a mA Thrilling Myst

Elmo, TheA Tw o-Part Feature of £

2 - VaudevillJo h n y 'a ifc

A M elange of Songs, and Mu

M itchell a n dBits of Corned;

M ATINEES 2 p ’CLOC) Always a Good V arie tj

.. A lways y

►r Our Annual

litcS i____ .... " , ' ‘ -KU'V- :ii : ■


7------- -rrSgWi^P^—7"'-’—

dgo Buboock G im ,0 « i* l - O o a u

p a n y T en D a y s ' T im e lo ' /

E lec tion C ase ' ' ' ' J

it.^ X jiJu .- i 'J lli ' I 'a n al Company ^1 fnur dii.'i!i.r», llrown. Itarker,IIU Ily Mid l.im oln. woro glvep;t«tt I . by It.niiA't JiiilRC Uabcock yss- .lay in uliU li lo flic answ er lo tbe i-nd.-il .'oiiiplalnt of farm ers who — ;x-- ilirra l votlnR a t Uifi last canal

iiKin and w ho’tfum and‘atV luveeU- I in - : f»» .aiii-'a It liothwoli. counael folr*'lhB I kiutcd ycnterdsy lh a i bo « s ilcriOiti an ii> -lhn'lounk) ol w to n br iniii>»ici by the \lefene«;'w iietti*;i d.;iinirror would again.bb argued II>:- hllnlv.^r filed Bsd tria l of tlieC- linopponoii. - - ;I, Iiiiirrrr to nn< original u yM la la l , i.vrrfuiril by tno court;Ml[c«9Ung .Vrtalii i...ftionv w h jrt .< {ljw<l the ,u II. onlor lHo a m « i \d t t ^ jn i l c h vr 11,'.v b,-.-n mod, ■

n'lr Tlmen job prin iiag depannt«Bt iiioiiiuKbly euulppo(LJp_4i>,-.“ ” ‘

,i^r..w ork~al rcasoaablft-pdia*/ ;

am loiil T ry 'a "aViMdlon V t t t *' nd In onr w ant oolnm&k ^

1^" 1 139 '


n ^S p y -ri^stery D ram a

e Mighty;E E l m o ’ B A d ^ e n l u r e * . .

lie Acts - 2

I, Comedy, Dancinff 1 l u f t i c .


1 M a rk h a m jedy Variety.

C K EVENING 6:3iD J sty; Y our Money’* W orth . ;

;a :I.. .

..................... .........I l l ; ’. . - J l t„ lu ru iJ ' '

f p l l l

1, . ........ii.\- --1 :.v «

Page 6: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

Ifesd ay , f, Im m ediately a fte r F re e Ll

- ( ^ the. A . D. Stafford Ran< ; ). South of K im berly

HO RSES. - V * P o n b lnC lt'inn rcs , agea G -1 'b r o »

,! » a n d 7, V fe"3200; m oiil■' : I t b a y gcliHiiK, !• y w . oUi, S p iu t l»

■ M i.:i'<■ •'> y*^i o lJ | w t. . B ro w n

V ]'i ■ cow s' 1 t l i r c c - q m ir k r . I m i 'v jo ilch ] bliu-li

" cnw , 2 y m . o ld ; frcnU. 1 Jc rsi-, ,1, Jo m c y -m ilc U cow , 7 y ra . r.A : •',1 o ld .-g iv u iB goo.1 n o w o f• B ilk . ; ?

a J e r s o y J i c i f c r , l . J - 2 y n . .■ o ld , b re d . ‘ - 1 D iirn

. V ' ' m C H lN E R Y ^- ; 1 '12>holo.M oIhic ^ rn iu d r ill , w illi

■' -n e w .' . ■ ■■ • I’ ii.'li1 SfcC orm lnlt b in d e r - liiiifi

■ *1 M oline 14-iiifli 2 -w ny p low . lOD-lli,^ 1 U -io u h ,w fl |ju rtg p lo w . , tw in

I l" ,l’ K o U u p '2 :«ecU9f i.d ro g Im r- , A uiini■; ■ V . ' 1 Hicltl; t :M 9 F ? w e k 79<m or, S -ft. -l-borHr

: I D w rin f f lS -fljJu iy - rttlro. o r s , :I l ^ w b e c tc o l i lv o to r . ’ S om e

J i l M t t - d r a g v - '^ ....... olLc;P e te r ■ShnUcp 13 lo g tr

" w ttffoa'A od box.

r u e k ijn 'd <tUl box. • ' liwrii< 1 o ld b u g g y . 1 iiiiiit

: I 'i t tc c l c o rru g n to r . > 1 wo<x; . l. '2 5 -h . h iirru w . 2 d iic

' 1 Blip s e m p e r . S iipv ri1 In to m a tio n a l Im y H layker ,N 'tm irr

i ------ ------- - H O f J S E H O tD ^.• 1 kllclion caW nat.... 1 N o-.l

1 fu ltarr-boach .iuscl notU cM . : rator,. 6'dlolnR room.cliatr*. O lhcr i

Ivw aiblns tuarhlQo ani) w rlnsor. m^nil

■ T S i tK S : A ll r u b s o t $10 tvod tiii ■'*»«* u n U l V ovem b 'ar 1 s t w il l 'b o ^ v t n or '4 a g lO - p ff 'O R i t in te re s t.

t \ JOH N C. M AHNKEr] - a . B r L U * ,-A u c tio n e e r . WA

■ )■, . ■■

' Five B ro k e rs Form , ROA. . . . ^ g g A g a t i o n

% s -flhown G lass o a M aaw - ’T r o • e h n ie t ta d o u r ta . ' ( •

MILTORD, Nm«,. Jnn, 2!> - A m ,- B n rc n u fesslonal boakctball iram cunnlntlii'; P r( •ot flT o.troU iors wllli "ttail” n» lli-i n w M fo r. I« a CQmWimUnti n f wliirj, tills tow n boast of.

l l i « a ra ra o n ' tlvr. an iho tenm h . kacrwn. haa played several nuccennrnl Tin- i|i

n m n . Tbo tlTO bralbera e rg 'a ll well tlir Komi ;kBOwn In l o a ! athleilc c irclci. riiiiiiitjr r

P in t . Ihoro U “Oad" Q rarsoa, man- roud Imii a m o t th# i« n i . AlthouRh not u l» In j>r b a a k tlM l player. .‘'Dail" l i very &< • liirhKiiy

;tltB In 'Ih B manaKlns o t Ihe ti-ani. jn mui Ho ta a t OTtry c a n e ana b a i cbarKo nrc ■iini o t tb a bastiuiu,«D (t o t tho pUylnif. ciirM.iv i

Tb«B ootDos U«arfto M. Urayw)n. (he nniinii'-io . o ldott o f -tbo brothem, ■wHo p ta js co.nm.'u. ; r lr tftu ao L ^ , 1* a f*rtUlonr worji- rouU. »> •e fiw d -* # 'k a rd -k n b c lcffr:'-iru 'inin .. xw in K«i ■ tMOOd lieutenant o f , Infantry. lU - nn,i

.«• V ^.f^S -.M 't-p tayfc l c,iy

’ a U e a W tr -o f 5lir llrvnn'. • nln»y-thnt „

biul£Ritry '0^ayiK)ii, Vnown H |" i 1 a t'-em .-* -wim playn a | c -ntrp nn the!<o«ib. U eJ»a .lt'> ‘’'l iJ» n o n U in iu ! ..t t : ‘’" I ' " ' ;

"fthole iloflT, n ri*>ti!T ^ b ^ . a n d ■ dnnsernuinosp hndnr th e ; ta p s L V Ho D ltrndM .thn Maiuiaohii- »soU ji.A irlculturol .Collcsi-..wtiiyu Jiu 'r ie l l o i

• JPflffiHl on Ihr Mrnlly fw.ilmll mxl 'b a ikv tbaJl lennm. In M« »mliir yr.->r rrOlinuly J k r j v oloctnl caplnln nf Im.Ui Irani ■, tnm"ATlll ! H ' o ^ nnw anxl«t:iiit laarli of ihc muills. I ;.U tt«achU M ll" AKrU-tiimmi <%i1Ipb...

'• } Craynon. knnvtn n«[ P l a r t ' i f t t torwnr.l nnil Ik i.r.)I«I*ly Ilally . r t l ^ y tailtriit «)t tin- lirotliprn on th r _’ Oaok^ llo 1« now n nonior n l lliri uiilly

■ ‘.MaikaclitiH'ltR ARrlruUtiral CoIIcro. _______• i . B ^ o n d n . am rnon . known »n ... •. play* left Roaril wliu the

l’<'lni; uxe<l aa n runnlnc ' ( r u & . H e I" a r»oil icorer. 0KRrB»-

s lijj^and M pwlftlly »trf)DK on Inter- pane* . Ho In'now a frenli-

l u s ^ k t A. R. H r i>laycd on;ife» 'treabm iui toolfaall team thlx year

now p laylac jcusrd oa tbo firm

' nu^TDUnKOit b ro ther on iho tram . In , •. 4 'W >vaso(ibonoro a t 'ih e MlUnrd Ulith -; .iScbOOi. Ko played nt tackle on the

H i f b school toolball feam this Full •»; a n d ‘tatonda 10 pluy Ixaeball ln tbn ■' f lp r lo r H e In nlfo pUylnR nn n Y.

'T U . 0 .'A . BinUclhBlI U-iW 1M» WIHfTT: . V fJ Ie ptayii r ic h t torw ani on (ho Orny- '

; M a bntrit. Atthj>aKh lacking cxi>it I- ho la a--eoo)lni: i>I«yrr and a

•; t o ^ s h o t . , > ' ■

n w ui i a h d eO acttn p i t a t t n d

. K i n d w * ............

......................................... PERSQ N

E i t X Shipper V# m I - | 4 I • In P le l

i'(P r< -ro '» ii

L d j « %J I• X t.oniMit tl

L u n c h a t n o o n ± •.tmuM i:h

L u c h , 2 1 - 2 m i l e , t

l y . B a n k ♦ '" '‘1' “ " “ '’

X | tiM'Irr Ml , , 1 ' I""’''. 'I'"* ■rowif Ki'ldniK, Hnnmlli X -« u i . wlili

Dlllli, Wl. n o o .I Imv ui-l(iin(;H, 7 vfH. i>td, i .‘• w ‘ • t 'E L l M lN />vii iiinrc, 7 'yrH . nM, wt.(Kj ♦ 8uBB«»t»e

X Be T -

licit n)W, fl vi'H. old . • tm -y 1)mM m il , .5 mo. i>ld.. t

b iokcna, in fliid in ir iloz. t • "lyiiloiitli K ock jm (l.n i i '“ l‘: I ^ of■Inud liuiw. I n.fritorlr:iirnc J m w v hrood (inw. tX t<-iiintlenlFT P • ±

X m w llv p illli n rw roiu ', 2 ti,ruK(tniII fo rlt, kIiovoIn, Im y ♦ 'j , , u ,e i llifl’. M-oo|) itliovrl.s. ♦ jcrlriiUu III.' D ucrliii' Kiniil Iiiiu iiii^ Xvini«, X e T f jp 7tinibiT.KOiid sacks. | ‘d i le Ki im irr . , J P ^ v .n ill>rHO rvi'iiurn, .l-liot'Ko i;vcii- 4 rdllkt , 2-linrMii (ivcQ crs.. 1If Rood pitiu pblcH iiiid XiL cr jiliink*. , I (rrfparea“ ''I'*'','”'. •, I I’™-'”rll- J;i«-kct m k - r iJ f „tx-.wiirli.-]uinlokKT-l-HtitHl»-r-s 'TtmnRw.''i r i im i HoiiiA v x ln t <'"llitrii' 2 ,.rio.<. nliIlit liox.' 1 hriiind B<0(«1 Jiivclor I'DiTiiKutor. J tIr h'lvric'lilow K. ♦ «1"<> In llv r io r g ra in d r ill . tiirroitfl atnnU tuiilK. v 1 » 110

GOODS— ^ " Thnt13 tie I^ival crr;ini X t’li: wurp

tor, new. ♦ rv^n iwc:r tlilnnn «ou nuiiicroini lo X Invr o t irfnilon, ♦ 'iro^ Indi

n n d e r, cnsb. O vor $10, | on ap p ro v e d n o te s be a r- r 1 r<iiii<:

^ , I In ft Mid

EN, O w n e r |W A R N E R BR OS,, C lerk . X .' ♦ r rn l atop

in*n m an A« tl" '

AD DRAGGING- . lo lmluls

AHER BEFORE - - O C iO M B E R .£ i ;

, ^ rrrpnily ( • . ------- frlvoay*

lu C onsiders Invc.<iligiition o f nrTt doni

P ro g reso B e ing M ade in .

. T h is BisV ricl - Wby.ih n i r

“Wril, It - yonr

IIU' ;,linn liiiii li'-ii liniiic.til III llin nfral (oi1» ami llrlilF.-!' Imnou > f ilic- p'<x.”Ijit (if Comin.T.r mi In wliiil An rpl liiiliruvcmriil aii<! ri.;iil ilMKKniK •* ’•

I'roRrrim in tlm Twin I'iilln ay d l-lrlrl.muny <it 111!' illi.irliir, tlir roailii. i„ ,„ p ' |n Nl yrt r.'uily for ilrurr.lni:. I.m, ly 111,. Iilr.liu.ny r<mu,i..„lim Ua,i I ..^vhr,

Hull iliii;:j;lni; liut lii'Cii ,nan<|rd -.•li. ril m thr tr rn io rl i'. »onl. ol. ., -f,-«r ‘

I’nrk Avi-niif: • nurhwcut «»t' pteadM Knilr.; h.mtlnM'r-i of Twin l-'iillii; In llial :

lUn iniitii nno kdiuIiwi'i.i of tiu4 la In Ihi nnd atflnr. i>ii' .\dill»nn .YvatiiM ^ a ib a n d

r * . . TTi'P"*0 K||"''litl «;ruxr« uro nt u o rk - 00 ■ll-.ir Ijiken nmd and »'»nr npr- "I’on'l Iniprmi'iiirniji aru iH'Ini; niudr J®”« nl.110 lilfiliuay. _ ’*iri..ll\cro utl'-nlr.1 nml i1r|,.;;,.|.yl I,,- |j,„ I.IrU- n,chmoi coiiinilB'ilirn lliruuKlioui Um din-, to iiUyiil i.(),_()ii* m auor of dr#K- . . . q Im rflflii nn.t ^nnin 'U i.. Krxl wculi, ' '.A . ni" u ly .it j;ri'ai nunibrr o f . llimn h r 'o dir w ilt iiavp iifRiin' tiic-ir ininrrtvb- inii -jrrf I. II III c.ilii, . . ' • . Coaat.

..............low qim----------- Al-iTI

ly nml Sund.iy TinijK. r.COT

ly «i"l Sus\>l.iy Tlmrfi. DaHy


I r o Q iN N C R -V /t tlAV— : - g ^ ’ Ch iCk CN-

W iil i ! -----

i p N A L - ' V a P L E S

sr Wtll Bo'More Than Repaid c in ad la n i Pleklno Up Many Important s ,

LU tle'D eU U i.

ir»il by in* llnllM miHM D»p»rt- , AT»‘rt»(TH

rrennnl vlHlt to lltr nmillrl whk'h "r[*uP„|*,nlillil'rr jm tron lrr, will nmn' llmn u,X -i,„ion

r*|H-n»«-. for poInU wlil.liirlvliil 10 him nrr otlrn vrr.y Im- o.ui.ndn-|It to di-a1rr», nnd Ihc iinMlnrrr ,nn||ilB» Ji1 ici-t Ih.! iiroprr ninrltrt poriix-cl- u „ j,m- SiicM n vlMt rnnlili'd Ihr srow rrt Inlo pcnionnl tmich wllli ilio ' j ,lu tnr^ tf) ^ri,Tt n rc11old« rri>- rhiinsrd nlt»llv<*, In learn llir. diniaiMlr* ^• Mlildi llir rar-lnt rccoirnr In-' j,ind tn miprrdntn thn |.r<.lil.-iiii r „|j ,wlili'li hi) Im foniitnolly confnml- yj,jj (loya

and o iiirn~ . pictnrp foil

IINAtE ALL SCRUB SIRES MuMirtnrt-■ - Mmnl^ril..-

» ted T hat C«n»u» of Alt Animal* i-bdili! >rf'eiI T -ken to Aid Campalfln for " dllTcrrnt

Better Sleek. H'"

irffl »>r «li» Unll''« ’SlatM Dr[>arl- PMn. like nifnt of Aarlculturr) ' f)lO«<*n hi

U nfllcala In cvrry Mock-ml(.lng Mlwr bn»ly In lito coimlry Miiiuld taVo n ihOiCrdnr,'IH of Illll xlrvi In Ihelr rmpccllvo ><toni‘plnr,orl(•^ HO that the ellmlnatloi^ nf yi't the In1 nIrM itrny Iw carried on nyi*- driila cainttlcnlly. la n m)KBe«lon wlilch Im* "rchllko Iinadr rocfntly on behalf o t vnri- 'foK'*-Ivp atock Intcrnnia nn a reault of '* •'Kitnilon for belter ulroii instltTilad l ln n r 'y 'lie Unlled Btatca deimrtment of «nr-tnrn iiilluro. y ‘5" »clioid of 1

1,'onir. Kln'rtP TU BERC U LO SIS IN HOGS »>'• ^

_______ ini: Ihn IIentiln L lei In Patteurliatlon ef ''Irrntnr <>i lllk Fed to Anlmali and Ceek-

Ing Varloua Feed*.. mi'|Tc-i n

.ana hy Chi'Unll*4 SlaUi D«rart- Eronnd wt-m .nt ol *friet.iiu„.) l-nrkcniun

[•vrnilon of lubrrculnsla In bogin tlir pn'KlforlTJillon of milk ftsi BANANA!igw.--iBpoflnilr-ttini- frMif CTfimp----------------, nnd In nllowlnc hojtM to- ferd w t*r'F lv<id adult cattlr only whi-n llie cnt- (Ive 1 iiivr pnwiiMl Iha fnberctilln tf» l ;In thnrnUBlity cooking all Bnri)ncr,o r carcuaaei botore thi-y a r t tod - Aa-I wi

)j*. • rlrhKlrnMW• tf"u5 7 ' a ' . l.(nuliui- T

at ,w.irl;liijfl.i'n utio nro MrnlnR VBRM iioKHrM n unind piano nr „two plnnoK ll crldrncn Hint a ,

of imiRlc la .rnr of the flrat plrai- , . , , In.lulKrd In w hn, a nmn begin* ,VP moro inonry llian h r wnnta for . i , - .„ i . altliT. admlmllni'<iul<l tell yon nf a worUlngman Mldlnnd to\»n. ulio, hPing of n „

•III nml incchanlonl hrnl. Iibh bnllt ,•1/ n ainnll orRan In Id" living nnvrliy to

Tliu ln»trnmcnt pomm*m a , atop and arvrm l pnlnl nntea. ami tnarrrloua pirco of Ingrmdty. ,

the tamlly 1« n larco on« and mim ahont 12 feet annnrp, ll ran „-rtB It m nnglned w hal Inponrenlrncn ihi' y la willing :o undergo In ordrr , ,, , dulse tta love o t music. The nr- ‘n ih about nm-lhlrd of Ihrlr only ; room.—I.ondon Chronklc. „

Why NolT - J I ”rm -r Joffrl-*. Jr., o t ^ l l a m s . ?, four and one-half yeara of agr. Tlmrn IIlly arqnlrrd n amall dog and n mobiio gn daya Iuut Ihe following conrrr<a- ocriirrrd hi'tween him nnd Ida

d<w*r nrlKtibor::r«. M.. I want yon to UJ-op your m nara It;rna out of nnr yanl." tiirtea. Th:hy. C ljroer, w hat do yoM w»sn Vy »Ui«: tor[•• , . Inc planeI'rll, T Jmre n dog OTpr herr. and for lioinbinur rhlekena come ovrr lirre J grade foeifraid Hml h* n'lll get lh<> I'hlcUcn Ing goa.”

Jff pink. ThiI r |. i i i r n ^ of cblckeu p o t was oa oilivr grsm time. • mrn wor

' ----------------- will nnt IPlunder. otliiT pui

le gentleman-I'trrBlar flaahr-d hl« |itirn a tJ In Ihe . Kinrtlr.1 ry ra of tjir nmi doul:»ed brad of tlm tainlly. illipred n Vhrrr'* ynnr vtilimMoV hi> d « - i j , t l l n H .Ord. prilllrly. i\ i r lirnron’a anke, don’l "Imotl". .ded tl)o' rlerlm . “My jewel* b it[. ^ younlici box on the bureau: my .. .....'y[ ^I Ihe baDdlia'g on tho d rm w r; my »and'» wplrU—■■ for aome.ipntlnh'lly ahontlng a hole In Ihe flnnll' IW. llio Imrglar anappeU: „ iu !)nn't kld-pi»l. I naked you whrre nnkeep your butler nnd e g y ar

ut wllb a ahrlek of dei>i>erailnn jj,,,, ,,,,,5. woman loap<^l npoo him. for ilial Q„p ;i„

too mucb: too Mllerty m u c h i- imond Xline'-Dlcpatch..., . t im i „nt,

OI»e«»«e New Olamond Field. - "icela^x e’ . new African d la n ^ d fluM ha»I diamvered hy ofllcera of the Bril- ,-jrfftln«lcnl m i r t e r IB tlio 'O olrtat. The HlnncH nrtf" found lo abol- ••ypo-i' qiinrlii gmvel.OS-.^O?* oorthweM

....... .. t . i r ,» > .gum* h»_ve aUMdyvtHiW found. i,„iia„iif

iHy nnd auDflay.,Tlmiii. >"'.W. Daily 1

P F T ^ E R ■ .....^C "S I ,u ..r 1 II IllAvr < r tliH V X'

I a Cm n :- r - V — _ ^ '— j--------

J n J p,

J p


:S *■n tSo 'M om orlal Foroit cn i> * J

‘ ■BahJeneld. ' ' ‘

fraea* dl^ntch'anyi^SOO yonns 1ha re lie<n p1nnte<l on the .ti-^ I■ hnt waa VImy Illdge. Tide I ' Inning of th o _propo»»d Cnim-emorlnl fo rra t—lho niaplo ■■'t emIilemaUc tre(>—nnd Um F o o d Rei I Juat placed tro derlarcd 10 ■oly living trees In the war xonc

tho Inndaenpn Ima lirrnI nnd hoir the reeooHiruclt'il 'II differ frnm . lhat liefore ih*! W’ABHli Moat'Aroerlenne thlnk-o t ilol- hcvuc uI •■Iglimi. I'lnntlera na imlnted hy ,i,roulctf’ii o jtn , Jlnyyadael, Uumliryndi .lera. lunllncllviOy iho .mcninl , ..... _follows Uoblieiiift'a "Arenge o?. ^ '

w llll iiiindilng. ibln. l...w lap-topped, and tcnnl-oiv reea elilier aide the roV^ ,\Vbat■ent. .aapcct maplca would ’give cuuutrlca,ne, o r oak.t, o r elina or oihei ' ‘Tlila lirending varlotlta , Tlm Knn'- from Ilm'ke tbe orlentnl, aeema to hoTo accrctury.hi* fnvorit* treea on aome mndo by

mala than w panalve follnpr-- tlm t n n»iInr,- tho cyprof*. llio palm, the oOO. ns anr, Die poplar of I.ombnrdy: oq,! q mpr Iniplrallon for .Ooiblc cotbe- ^ou ld noiaion from th e aolemn grproa of ,-ciiural a0 irunka und llmba au'd fo- „o, and w herer.er t« o elma moot “a Hie aug'gcation .right, al, hni'd.r.yeara nmat elai.ao befo're tti- "■n ri'glons a ro ngnln renemble■rea. nnd by llmt time a nrw . ‘of Inndacape polnttnc nuiy hnvr rtceurmca;la'0 to paint full; rouhOed trees mUtIrIh.-I- Ainerlean, Inneaa; or,'r.-vcra- G arner ol1 Inne-.a metli'Hl. n f-tin» lnu a VTlml ' r opening thnniKb hla treea lo ^nld Sc« llio aeene brynnd. llila future ^ „ may- fenlur^ the Imnanlnuted j,,

1 rounded -“nn-nV, In ,1be fore-, ■. ^ while diap’.iiyliig tbo I’liroprnn J

... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . - A.HAS' MAKE BERLIN G U O

' help doeilFlv* .Year*’. A bw net, Thl» Na- si,r, re of the Troploe la Real d,o ,

,SymbeI e f Pcacc.

w ni -pnaainc down .tbr Vrled- W o m iiiav. aifya a <H>rri~'iNmdeliLof thn1- T llne^ -wrlllng from llrrllu.~ Wna ciiUKrrt 'T iy a " -V J trd-’in----------------

w l|lch-auddrn ly collcclod In .If n d rllrnle«.eii alinp. na only w ith illffliully tlmt .me Whlinny. set neor-enooKh 10 aee whnt ll nt attrac ted no much nllentlon. * ' ".•‘ u'l d eJt^nnm lloiis of wondvr nnd lion, ond 00 looUIns " lUtle locHon ot lo.ely aaw—<1 hiihcli o t Imnnima '" ’•** I’” ” ' Ihp ahopkeoper Im.l Just bung Uefcnm the window nnd which wna a '>• ‘hat ll f to Ihe Ilerllnera. who f.ir near- tho trlnl I yenra liar«!_acen not n tm ee AmnrlcanI fn ilt, on c n 'ao plentiful nnd ________In (hn caplU l. .amlling faewi and tltlle Joke* j F ——— t qultn erlden t tha t Ihc hannnn cognlxed na a" ayBilml o t peace, hat Iho dctlch t fe lt Dt Ita re m w doM to ' t t e oilile^M ' li: rd th a t tho b lockado-la a . . . )f tha p a a t \

jm t-A lrpIano Oae la Pink, rn ia a dlftcronce belw rrn imto- I gaaollno an ti airplane ga«otlnr. ircrnft tbn. cna moat be lighter lore volatile, th a t la. e rnporatr readily, tban ordinary gna. Tht" ,

It to work bbltor a t grent nlll*T hero aro th rea gradeii of gaa- :or ou r alrp taoei, one tor traln- anea, a h e ller e rtdo of gaaollne mbing planea.and tho very l>e«r for tbu fighting plane*. ‘•Klghl-

]*,” aa i t la called, la eotorr.1 Thlv la to illatlngulah It fmm grade* so Uiat Inexprrl.mceil

iTorking a t th e arlntlon nrtda nt uao Ihla valuable gaanllna for pufponea. Tlila jilnk gna la aa_

a t It cnn l>« produced. redne<l louldy reDnod aud atroUie.1 nr i unlll Ibern ara co Imptirlilea I Amerlcnn Boy.

leldlna Down t Profetelen, t oung fellow Uclng In'ono of In- a amnll low aa w nt graduated ilia high achool. nnd looked .alxiut ,me eaay, ye t lucrative prnfeaalon. inlly decided to aiu.ly medlrine, elUed, down lt> the olllce of thn 1 moat popular doctor for a aiim- rending.' Aa lie read lie walclied liay limn’a 'boitrn of work.■ dny III the tiifc'aijmmcrMtu: . . im.! In o n t 'n f a drenching rnln,out, and a trlflo croan.. Glancing . . Immnculnte young fMlnw, wl»n»e

tx'err' r^poslnc bn tho oftlro ilcak. ki'd bro«(iilPly: ■ iij th ink yotl want to be a doc-

•■c\” cnme Ibn languid nnawer.Vvp derided to pm cllce nnly on :ny». nnd not. go o u t4»f nlghix.'’—imiK,Ila «!•,»■!

ir n'nd Bunday tlm ea , n . to .

■ V /m uE . I I 'b 1 O O 'n 't T v jj r K ^ 'w t t ' ' t l ' ' ‘VOtU'THIHK :V' (• 3‘-THE. ■ L o F'EK T i m ' : • •• Q o c ^ T io r ^ • ^r«^ - m iK c ■

FO T O M O R R O W • &0T— , I uCH1CKO»5---------

FOR E U M P E i^ gIn* thia p

R c lfef ru n d -N c e d e d to K ee p

e s te m Z o ro p o F r o m Bo* today, the

Ing O v er th ro w n •. ---------------

illlNHTON, Jwu. 2y,~-1'kiu'rtnB c uf ntnrvntlon anil dineuao (hat Mfii Iho Htfthlllty of oil no*om- In wcniern Kuroj»e, Becrotnry ( J s © ;< 5 i Tri'unury (Hnmi Piadn nu np* ' w

wlay III tbo wnyi* nml inonna tlee for nn npproprlnllOR of lO.WO'for tood relict foi- tlicao lea.a U a rrduclinu .of 1311,000,000 ilm'orlKlnul eaUmato." oald llio ■ jry. "11 lu boAOd on oatlinalua ^by lltirliori HuoTor, wbo anya ■. nniAllur auin, aucIi an $s0,000,- ' 'Ba aiigneuled, would bo hu rtfu l ' f lmenaco Inatrod of helpful. I t Hnot bo aufflclenl to rollovo Iho - 'ffi

>1 NlarvnUiJn ni\,d would rondor . Bliol fud itioro denporuto and on- I ]10 thrni in ncin Ip overthrow , I jvcmmenl. Odo pu>Voao of. ih it ■ IJla li> nlluy rcaoninicnt."' ; U

m i in tho purpoae. why dcrnan.l ^llcB? Wliy noi glvo lho money ^bl.“ domanricd . ncprur^nlallvc r o t Tcji.ib . . . lU wotUd not be goud. .policy,"SctnUiry (Ilaiia. "I. m ljb t. aay . t a comprahrnalvp pliin of'-ro- 1 v/orUed oul by uii.' O rfa l Brit-'. - ■'r.mco. Canada and ATRnndna ) notified un of a wllllngncHa, 10 SArgcnilnn will give ^2.'060.0l\bi ir

Itl poiwllily {lo.ooo.qo^.j^i^land ' o:efo;ianry tunnnKo., _Qu^~ ^ Inn _bt , ____J Jloeii^noi ronicm plnio a d n i iy on i 'birn»»iTy, TU'd rra lii corporation ■ f Y iio umncy." ' ki

. c<

man R a d ia l on £T rial a t O ak land 8 _K

-------- B ^i\I.ANI), Jnn. SS.^.Mlaa A nita X m my. promlnunl Cullfornla club W N n nml rndlcul. entered today on .W tl: icond arxalon of hor tr ia l on a ■0 of criminal ayndleallam. 80- “ ** n of n lury occupied the tim e of nrosecuilon and dcfonao today, cnne atlornoya today ataled flat- „t they will endenvor to nmko of ^rlnl a tent uf the r igh t o f nn | L lean clilii’n to hold not on ly ony

T h i s S p fo:

Id a h o D ^^ v p u d a t t , r r m

L r f . ' .1

y 'C tU rOiOCiVB ’ OO^'T x O o t^ i r i r ‘■r A’lu f V i.t ' ; '* : '! ' ' - 6« t P .o n m u tt< j c c


•d tondo r ayndleallla'M d-'i^edJ- lawa; and tha t -thla 'allutlOQ

bo throabod < n t Iq the courts

la prtTl"o|» m a d e 'la tho 'doel- ‘ y®fiyw®ro. f ^ .

nr na la known to tto .de fenso i t nocallv lho catO of tho praaKUlloa •'

>0 Y o u ; i i

>1 '_ — ..J— v-'-^'-it;»^iiVi'ni^;r^^^

™ 'S I

W y | |

O ld G re g o ryDnviitg

S ix ty -fiv e y e a ra o ld ; b u t s t i l l k e e n nti in b u s in e s s a n d o tnong f r i d id s . “W l o f h i s " d r iv e ”? '

A rs luuga aotm d J ? lo o d p r c «[ 'b n cJco fh ishea ltho reregu lar‘h h b it» -^ p t Yea, i t 's larccly thls^liablt o f recuUr, bo■ kett>e“old man G rtjofy"young. - T h r p d

cauM moro doatructlve cbang4a o f t|, otbcTcauie. Kcepyoureyetem freeof-tbea*

E jryouhavedin icu lty .ln cultivating thle )u

ft eltlier Imialee or forces the tyatem. J<^|ol■ nftttc r btiiead o t on the ayetrn.I Nujol proronta conitipatlon by keeping 1 I th u t helpbirtiature ctub liib caiy, tfiorou( I a t reguUr lntervol»-thc bealthleit h ab it in “ I t le atieolutely harm leuand p leaiancto ta:

- Nu)ot U eold by oil druggbU in aea] bearing Nujol tradc-maik. W rite Nu. Standard Oil Co. (New- 50 'York, tor booklet‘’Thirty F e e to T D i

* . A Tfew M ethed .er Troaf/ntf a n Ol

pace ReSferv or U se o f^ h a ~ G r e a t < B t '1 S ^ ^ 3 2 1 ^ S t o r et ' H i l i J f t i i l l h H i l J ^ f i f o g r tM iv .

_______ ^ G i w r g e

rviiriK ■JTTON , liOtilSA BiOC ^» 5^>oc),v . . . . ^ ' 'b H c e P o H f i t------------ ■ ^ i f l k v

-t • \ . ' i ,.r,0 '»aao'!w>

^ .......... ............ -

cottid oooaJder 'it tcb -a peraon of crimiDal sji{dreaUani it tucli

yi|^H tad . . Ttao la n ria b lo roplj' allirp,- ■

i S 5 . ‘

A ’A t

^ KasJ ■}■

i n h d a i iU v e , 'a p o w ^ ‘W h a t is a t t h c " b a r t '

fg aa u n fn ormfll. A nd ■' ' •______-^p ro p ere lim ln a tio n .

r th o 'b o d r 't l i a a H a y beae,poieooabyha«tusl, -

a habit, i«membef.-thatwlU > ^ ^

^ k»l Work! 6A t b r , i i ^ a

r>S tba^fo^^ waete ,

” n th e w w ld T * * ^ , :0 ta k e ^ t iy i t . . T . ' ‘ aealed botUea only; ' ' 'V < M Laboratortee,50 *readwajr, New : - rDatJBer.'t ‘ .1 O td CoaypJmfitt ’


E l t d .'• IV f ■ •

' ' .. ■ rge McMairin; \ ‘' ,1 'H O W ,

w . '

f c j y i i L i ■ '

. -.-V'

Page 7: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

Want Something'/A dvertise*

: ■ .fiSr'itm ■. .15^ tfaese poluBPM __ _

BuBiheBs'OppbriunitiesH«re'a a re#J barialD . J>lgU sraiJ# p®?,'

^ p la w r piano u i« l only fow montlii. _______^ niDbosany fin iih . laoku u i l In a* ROud k o k

u n«w. Tho isn io pinyor la now cnHI« ( ■ellloB for |81>b. Aa ow nur liaa no KuiiVIo

, f u r t h u r ^ o for 11 will iicll for $025., — — 1100 d o * i, balance tormn. W«ul«Uon. aIO«t a Kocia c a r In irnilo. 707 3rd Avo* is,

WANTHD—Solwmoij o r live w ire ‘■'Oil 1 a t Jaclory rsp rfltan ia tlto in your 'y'

^ connty lo tinm jto'qulckanl nelllnR ne- M adly on the mft^koL Kvory molor- lai a proapacu . W rito C|iHromla Mo- <or- AppUanoo Co- Cll Pacific UIiIk.. . P q ^Boti FraBclHco._______ .

YOU.*® MEN for railway mail , clorki. l i i o tnonlb. Exporliacu u«- r,ocMi»ftj, f o r frco pa rtluubrn. cx- am lnatltia , wrllo J . Loonnrd (foriiiur fOTornwjni cxiCTlnbr)",12::!> E(itiimijlf D ldg. MhlnKton.

7--------- WANTBD—N -o l-up lw '^ lnH -to liu lU -----Ota. » a p lo a r tia ^ . avcry Uv.immui.i fare bavo I t 'B l r l c t l y ooinijitMleii iiroi.c- uric aiUon. n i« h l men irun inaki- trom IS <0 $10 per «lay. l!t>* C, a . < iiro 'I’V Times office.

. ■: H e l p W a n t e d

WANTED—JJ«» to Joam to operate wood I anil repair a ll tnakea of Anton and fufnac. Qaa T ra « 6 f t, HEM PHILL UR09, Phono hose, eatabllihod a largo aUnUuril <U» M'AUTOMOTIVE 80H 00U in Ihe clly 0Boll Lako w ith a complete line of , , .

. cqiilpaicnt Indudlni; Auiomobllea. . T ractor#. Marine oml Siailonary Kn-g lnei. a cycle ond 4 cycio ly p « . a lto ____

. ■ Uundrod* o t Carhurotora. Majneioa. r o i l m o lo ra . Oejicrntom. Klectro*. Amia- highly lurai* Btartera. TlipnnoaUUf. Con* Dnlac. rtinaart, M ercury A rc Jloctlflera. Via- c^aliy T o a u r i, Jlyaronietora. Volt- FOH motera. Arametora, .Comprwametera. jwrchei MMormatera. and In fac t every known half ei de tlc# uaed , In , Automotive Engl- “ T — neering. , HarophlU Broa. operate • iho.1anse«t chain o t AUTO and TIIAC- *} T O a ‘3QIlOOLa 1ft th e w o rld ' fathor p o tl

;_____ a nd aeven aona a ll oxperU and ape- from t

la sb'conTident th a t th la Inatllullou Itl -auperlor to any other achool la Ca» 4< Ara*rlcfc th a t yflu w ay otiond tlil# collegu on irla l, and a t tho en.l of tott* WMk'a U tUla acUpol do<u nol _ prove to bo tho beat o t l u kind In Ibo worM. 001 only will tho four week* p _ _ bo Iree. hiit al«o your fa re to nnd * trom Sail L ike, and wugua for every hour a p e n t.a l ibe iichonl. If tbla loadini w aa .o u t a auperlor dltforeiil uchual. m t h l i ‘offer would be aulcldal. • •^uau* lifully pictured cataloga do no t provo • flio merlta o t an Inallluilon; the proof i.„o,p o f the euJd lng ia In the eating. Coma sio v , aod try tbla achool a t o u r azpenaa. . TW i U not a book and blackboard .^ut affair, bu t a real boneat. p.ractlcal ccHleg* o f AutomoUm <Ca«lhMrtDg.You U ka Iba loola <n your haada un- (tNm* lie r axpert Initroetora. W rlia fpr free ^ln l6rm »U tm .*a4 e&talog o ti 8PEC U U _ _ RATB8. HEMPHILL D BO a STATE IDAlAUTO An d t r a c t o r s c h o o l . 8 « O m anS ^ '^ o 'S U S a lt.L ake City. Utah. Shmbi

......ifA N T B D ^ lf J to r gieneral houie- Klmbew ork. Oood wagea. Phooe 57S-J»3. compl

V A N T E D -C arp e ttr r and remcdoU “ ” ‘- to r l i 'e h p B t McQuUlan. t>M. -

■ W a n t e d ' M i s c e l l a n e o u s n

/ Slnalo UO s l « i '■Hii: N. ■ T U U jn -K -^u n . m n. ^

, j u ( j i • ' i U l M T r u im r . rom U iirc ™

' i - . n . . n , b u d , t n > » 2 0 <

;--------- -----------------------------------------------------^ aad-hi , :,trA IfX m >-T0W '« < » for PU N O H an«

7 |TTOma. . 'L O iia MMto Oo. Pboiw d*nce

^ ANTBIV^-Potlllon on farm W Voj . . u d .Wlte.JfMt of reterencoa..W . and J

Si ^' " A N TB D -To re a t k piano. Bwl

^ . o f i n a u a ra d . Pflon* « » . Mra. POJ j j C A d ^ C ; - ■ . ...

• -> ^ j W r B p - i ^ i o 10. M

.I r . tA iU r* ^ SL Po h ln o bou). FOI' T o * r «*faty laao fb lM aa So-.P

to -'W OTM r^ «>*»»■' «

• '‘ .W A N T«D -I^w , o b a a p .jC T H , oa > 0 1

■■ r W . . *4J d

mm- s ^ * J | a £ k ^

iNTED TO n E N T -a unfurnlah- loma o r Z e r 3 room unfumlahed fc Box J - l . caro Timea. °

^NTBI^-To ren t S o r 3 roon>» unfumlahed. Addreaa Mc. care “*• • h'OU

F or R en t ---------— ---------------------- ---- - HAYI t HIMT—40 iic rt‘H on Ualiiion. Ruud iinuuo. hum . KnraRv. will ,— -—.. very rioaonahle. Kor parilcjiiurii p Q f (ll 4EI 2nd Avo. W.

•It RR,\T—J ai'ctlonii »1ic«ii or u pJRlufu. Cburgci) rvnuoDuble.<lo nfoK., Amilurdunr. Malio. {.uyuimi

lit UE.ST—TWO furniii!Tc(ri"lK'iri ckoniiiHc riHJinii. nlco for nva.’

«■_____________________ luK . . r)Il UKNT—Uhoiii, Konlloman un- 3 113 l.ocu»l 8t.

)lT llE N T —Uulry barn. holiU IH U., caro Tlmon.

_________________________ H7 Qu'or Sale R eal E state

FAUM LANDS POU IlK.NT--------- . ,.^ ,n

W di improvvil farnia a lIlMitn. Uluii; Uood aoil. auru i--------waKT. Rood nulRhborhaod.. .• MJU C'KKi inarkctu an(i oa«y root. M.'i JuIS'a abo .linyn ■nni^-cloaa-uf------|5-------rrlarma (or aalo a l reaaonabio . *. prices on bcyil o t tormn. A M.1eadld opportunily. •TWIN FALLS URALTY CO. ^

Twin Kalla, Idaho.Co. Jt<

HU 8A L E -C roon. hunK alow l'b^ L lV id flodra. cemenT banemvnt an*i| lace. will ' 1)0 flolxiicd Kcbruury 1. nu 12CC-W. John P. Kiinea. 1020 Xinr- < nvonuo eaat. ‘ ‘ ‘ •

o a SAI.E—TW0 room bouie and ^uif, , In Golden Uule. I':aiy torma. Aino aH l:i ip wagon. in<iiilro 2C2 Von Uur- nurloy

No, 42

Olt! 8\U &-llcCvu tlfiy-lw o ocM'B V ou Jly Improvmi; four miles from i,nrn to. Idaho. Owner. P. O. Itox 12fil, [irHt r

bii S A L E ^Pour room hou«e. two shea,-In M urtaugh addition. »1800. ta k t caab. Phone 473-M. ran li

argaJn If U ken a t oncb; North 1)40. Addresa Clip, caro of Tlmen. h'OU

O il SALE—18 acre trac t i m mile n town, c a ll 002-JH . LOS

OR SALB—5 room, m odera bovia. ^____1 4 tM L _________ _____________ r a n

o u 8AI.B—six room new bunga- °-------on Shoihona Sl. Heady lo move Tba Phono 473-M. U an.

ir Sale M iscellaneous lime J— — - I ■ .................... - car" -'I.et u* pay jo u 26u por lon for un- „,ug., Jing coal. DOI Inio our bins b u tln - , your'a.. Vou w&u'i huve to do any deling. • j.uii,p

Car Price' Yard Price np 110,00 *10,25 K_.va 10.00 10.J6. f - l li • 0.M 8.86

8.C0 8.W CITV COAL CO. o Nin,

tir Coal Tbai'a Klaa. Pbone Eight*;iaa. . _____

. 104 4lb Avenoa South.

DAHO GROWN Pru lt; Shade, and lane'ntal T reaa. Rqaea. Flowering raba and P e fcnn la li c^n bo ob^JOd 'ONLY a t Kimborly Nuraerlea, — — nberiy.’ T w la P alla Counly; Idaho. nplete U ndaeapo’ Service Depart- nL Catalogue free oa requeaLroa IS -R -i______________ .

L bargalh in a Playor. Wlll aell .tu o . eaally w orth 1700, 12 rolla -------

rt'WUb • thla.- Torma to Teapoaalble —rtlea. I t lo te rea ter glva name and ____1 ^ la replylng^^P. D. go» <C»- _____

!'X>R SALE—1 Rouad Oak 9 bula jge. aearly aew . w ttb malleablelel top; 1 Ualveraa) lieoMng atova -------arly new;* 1 5*bola oil range. Call !0 4tb araaua eaaL Phoae 118»*W. —

r o u T R A D B -W lll trade a alock ____d-bajt-r»B cb -i-w lle» -«o rihw aaU at -— - lasea bridge for Tw in Pallt) real- •rnei Bce o r property. W. S. Young, Eden,

r o l l 8ALI!>—300 aacka o t Carmen ^ i) Uural choice aoed potaloe*. 4o r Ib. aaeked. C. H . Hempleman. *1jUte 1, phone ClO-R-4.___________• y

r o u f lA l^ W n # high grade vio’- ^ I. 33 y e a n old. If y<)u want a bar- in ae« thla fo r >SS.' Addreaa -Box . caro T lw to. TO V

r o u SALlU-Hax.' 1 mile w au of P a rk Juat abovo*. blgh „ ,

IV c an tl. , ' J . « . K »rkm |a. ..

P0R ,?8A L^-e06od Slagar aeWlng W r i lehlM wfth; m otor cboap for caab. Mw

ro R .B A L B r^ oore trac t wlih th ree wbM om h o a io . 'c lw tn . iT o m a or caab. coi m .'Hogg. Phone M IU M . ■ .Rook'

FOR • to t» - D * H c lo t» apple* a t . . i ’f A -N « •. foo4;.<or .wl»t«r

TOK M to |t» :< « lttw - OF


(^ y Sociolial

OR S A L E - Wladibiold#. heBj. AUIJA.' .la BDd wlniiow glam, 12. A. Moon, l.y ICurvi

^ a M .E -C o m In oi«r. IVj ul,lll'n^*l.IU and \k. mile t-iu.t ot foundry.

OU SAI.l-:—Dlcklow iiciid wlipnt. «>nimlil«MD-j-4; n ’!?!.'

lAY l-'Oll SALK-Adilrriiii II.. puru Tliln wo li-H. Iho rlinn

'or Sale Automobiles nn-iiocn

■on SA I.E -lltiick F o u r Orrniv l ovi-rhaui.'il. Will Irnd.i fcir KoM huii-for IIM roHb. Im b.lic ..i: Him. iiliiiilH. A<i<ir<'i'i> Ilox 10. <'Bri) of priiii'ai i1 ;;;;__________________^ _________ ii,ih«rx uDU ,SAl.K-iiilH iiii»lcl Ponl lour-

Knr, nr wHl uiuW «»t KMik, V.MI ' ' 'nilxn wuKl un.l I mliu iiortii weal I Mnln Sl,. afii-r 4.. J. 11, Tuyinr, ■'''‘" ’‘■b”'-------------------------------------------------- "You)OD(Ji-: I'AIL r> 1II17 SI,.,1mdfl. teriim or iiowl non-. Call nl lUy |,o,j ' Quincy Avo. ‘ y|„j of 1

■X)K H AM i-l-iird luiio wiib «’'>rklnR■tii-d dolivory iKiUy. AiidrrH, ilox ■“

''(>11 SAI.l-V-7 plinirnK'T. r. ryllnili-r out |iro] irk aiilomobilu ui s;;: tliU Av.-, I-:. [ii'Di.iir------------- ....----------- ---------- —---------- lliulr ,itH Jll .SAl.K-Onl:iiind .-ar. rin-a|i. ci,.,,,,,,,,!', I Jttik.iiin. - -'V..-..'

Lost amTFourrd ’'OST-Tiru"aiul-^rTin l.iftw'm'n i'icaV-' t Vii'w iicliuui iiou.0 un.l Twin 11. n .U ,.r ,o A «0 „ „

■ K P .T .,,find Poiilti'v "

h’O ll-SA LB-O oo ScoiMi niw . four " ' “ "•‘H im old. wllli fivu niuniliH uUl iinlfcr ' ‘■tion- If. Ono Scotch Top row, Hired arn old wiiii ten monhn old h.>lfor if, Chiwh hrmi to iiuru S .'aid i bull,I lu i:ooil ciinillUon. O. K. Trout. irloy. Idaiiu, |{, 11. Nj , 2. I*bone ‘I’’I, 422-11-12, '_____________________ :___________ un by flTOK SAUtt—WliHo U a- •'Yfiv.rn cockeri-ls. llarron ntrain—won Rovnrnr Hi prlxo a t fair. AUo Dronio lur- l.;<'man. ya. Mm. C. K. Oliver, Ilulil. Ida. "All

TAKEN U r-U la c k h.ilfcr. Owner ,in ‘ nga n have Banio by paylnR oxpeaioi,. A. I’oe, pbone 678-R-2. ooii'l r

I''OU SA U >-M llk cowa. A. C. Riilb- !!,"• V ’ ford. Tw in Pailn. Phono C13-U-6.

LOST—T rack tiro clialn. pindor "I b« m iT T irn irir to -N rrim jB r-R iJw gn l.- -the-wa

TOR SA LIi-R liode laland Red AU,„nyckerela. Phone CQ9.J-4.___________ „ ,h„r I

Tba ballle is on bolwoen old II. C.nnd Ihe conaumeca' pocket book.

3 dale H, a L- Is winning. Every ne yon riarp Mo by our "itirncl from •r" -plan, you arc doInK Ju ii Iha! “ ' ucb lo win liie fight agalnai th«Rh cost Of llvinB.-Adv. °

Car Price Yard Price jiiiP 110,00 |J0 ,;8 ■ J ''" '" 'ove lOftft 10.25

'I ’ S iSCITY COAL CO. “ "V j

y o t Coal T hafa Klae, Pbone Bight* n m lr k

'*‘"° 'i0 4 4lh Aveni.; South. .

ICCO inrrAN T * “ nee* »the (la)

J. WOT.nENDKN The111 Mala AvrniD* Cast uon L

Phoaa w t ttand £

o U T B i r i n n . ' ~

OR J R V«‘MM.I.CM reality' 0 (tw)i>ath Slodmt

Wm nhnt>* u s ' Rm n*'""* aoolalh

■M U T IIC H IH O , tllRR R l j» O N N rrr» b« con -------- IM H M ^b *aa£ Chaf

llB »»T IT C IIliin J f c iS ; -------- in 8 8 “CEKrA~X O A TZ' j i , ,II 4tb Ave. B. Work guaranleM Hiad vpm(o,

Prompt Barvlco. oppetli

HOHBit C 'N tL tS

---------------------------- -- H ar— ----- ---------- -rf>eaa! F lra t NatlaBal Baafc Bafldlw amea I f finthwall n r r Cbapmr

ROTHWBIJ. » CHAPM4S I /)SOtflce; U t ,N an- Hank RMa ry S.

A8IIBR n WH.MON- degreeOfWf» .tlfa f H on wntfc a#eelb

U W1HB O W O B ROOWt « *Nn •wtn naa* i*r T raaf On WM. ^I v w o i . n . o m o s i N .1 d b l i * , » .. . . -------------------- ----- flup«rl<

KOTICB siood■0 wiiO M IT MAV CONCgRN:........ ed amB ia wage a ^ le toV uA tldlnB ^b « | ---------

Uimmon f ^ o r a r ^ M ' tt t a rlafch w t ‘' i m . w ii i^ # rw .l t« io w rr

U oH ar-m en 'toad lng naaona . IG.flO* r day. • .......... •______ L ___ _Brick. Tile, llock aa il Mbrlar

Vliaelera..M per day. •Coiirrela'L abdrert. $9 per. day. Tba

U w k„prilU rt,.M p t L ' J j r ____ ,'Z __ SoiaarAll commo# u b o r f t i . Ms#o per Ih r C«

*r.\ f . ./■ v "* ‘■ F v n * boiff nay. : .. »BPtiV<lU llL LOCAUT. <‘« n a 1■ O F - A M E n i C A i I t ' l l w

K Q fr i 0 * ^

IROOiGHT lNTO 4 : : CASE OF n V E S .;^

iR .ino iti,IR.CO: Mr

lliat A ssem b lym en Hcnrincr I< imcklni: S p r in k led W ith M uch ‘

P e p p e r c a in ,.-' }m»-aily lo

. nnd lipavIIA.VY. N. Y.. Jiin, 20.-A u|.crchlnn.l prli.i iRi-nc y . UabK. in whiuli hu i‘uitl.|Rood. 11. cuk a s 'a ancialixi. a r<ivoiuiionint and choii > bolBhovlBl. if y.m iii.-uKc." wns „ipOluin, into Iho rccor»l»‘nf. ilip Juillelary n.7r,Ol3.< tlili-c of tho Sow York, malo u«- 7,7r.©n.; ly lo.lay in llio huarinc aRalnni „nd h.-lfc unsi'utod noclallnl a!iiii>inti1ynio».if{.:>r,f^xi was InylnR Ibc founilalioii for] woi^ht.’

liarR.i Ihut tho Hociaifkl ukH.-mbly- i^.^r,; w.-ru in favor of runninR IK-Ini for innrki-r licnt ON Ibu aDCinllHi tickct. Niorkor .nrncy-Slnnchnpid rcoil exirnc-m Shei'D- tlin 'dfdclnl cnnntililliiiM of lii.> ntL-udy: 1

I rppuhlio. llnivoriuii Biitfr«r:i', lii.2 l,i!r.: nulK for irylnR uml imniiiiiini; i yirnrllNK ai n^wjtpnper rnpurl.-rii nnii i<ub-! ScKl.Sii; rx umi divorcu l)y miiitmi roiiHi-ni j f.-.-.irr in IKiiniH wblrh ho .•m|iiia»ix.-.r, I).-.;

■ At1orn.-y 8ic<lmnn in«l.-lml tb;iii 1‘OilTI Iri-.iiflid ^ilioulil rt-nil thv iin-aniliio. . L'ipui 4 -iillnld Hniil:- niixvd iou rend ll. I don'i i.hjcci,'- l. lS.r.O; Miman ruad at IcurIIi Uk- iiiann i)f Slir.Miii 1 lOxJcilK tor nntlonulitail.nl of lund! of ijankKi fur Ibn nnniiiK of iiir|bi-»i i:ru :inR riuMH and Mi.' diminninK .if ‘•l>"i''« ' bmifRuolHU. und for deoiarini: ] K-hhI mi-

I! wiih aerm any. |in.;i'r» Jid you read tlw l all peotiin wiUi- *iroiiurlv woro lo iio urnied umi all iu with properly w.tb to h a v r j* '''’' ' '‘‘ “

armi. takort aw.iy from tiu -n ir inilud Aiini-mitiymun (Uiiiiv.-r. iJ'l.r.ii^jT.

iiaid Hti-dman. "Tbn ''

• «wnM\ Ufarly, ttH I’l" b " il , aijil workinis peopio "■•n’ .ilrjlil ..f „ |i.-r rovi.Uitlon." •‘’>“^ ''1' (.-dnm)i'n ri'Bding provrd In Im a " ‘''"Iv ; di-icloiiuro of Ihl- novi.it form of :rnliu;nl. Th.i u*iicnibiym.'ii lin- i'«avyII wiih deep olloniloii, |i.^.yltL^ iairmatH(fBrMiT-tp)giitlomrd~th>?Ttii' l~ M ;-lu "siiy of rcodlnR On- wivl.'t ronnii-

f sovjrtisin is a rooiI RnviTn)iiPni HAI.T tiiB people unywliero wnnl it. ihey <‘«i|iln I volu for it. lln l Ibe .lui'Kilon bvre >»ronR. KAld rhairiiiun Marlin, “wiiuibi^r T i' 101 ibPHn (Ivr> aM'-niiilyiiii'ii nru ’‘"r"'IR 10 impniiii Ihia Kdvcninient n|>oii fi'l 'i Cn, y fnrro." . „ ' H.irs-'v*. \nw wo w.iT l' to lir-ar wliut 'I'-iiunvl irnmonl In like." suid nno I'nmmit- inu, i:i.: lan, • . H.7.V; ,ill richi. read ohr3<I.''Nuid Mnr- I'iRx

Hut aflor a mnmrni nr two Mur- Kheeii ngain in lc rn ip lH . nlrody:'Ul all tho booka In nvlilnnro. Iniubu,•l n-ail nny more of I f Nald Mur ‘-t.t.iHilu brlnxinR down h u gavol, 7frK.oional Tbrnxlera-’ HoOMweti unH , inom lnc '. . . . . CHIC

haven't nnythinR tn nay about Whoa - w a ry - th a r - r -a n n ilm tn R - to - try tf lS ff2: .:op Ihn Hncialiai InvcillROtlon at 2 f*-; N' uny. If 1 say ono thing or an- Corn- ir 1 wlii he dlgnltylnR a siory thai tnlxi-d,

Khnuld have been puhllshe.l.” -N‘<>. -1 y B known U u i Uoom-ivIi l.n* rx- saed bim ielf as belnR nnrry ihnt 1-4H 1*2 had been carried Inlo ibo anil- Ontn- :Bllni asnembiy^movcrnont. «8 n-4.iiilge Sulhorland nnd eoymniir Iman came lu a sensallonal clnsh OMA word* whon JudRO Sutherland IC.OOO;

Died iu Siedm an:' *'l ask Ihat ihls bulk $ ke screen he d'roppod.'' t'aitl.ledman having Juat opposed tho in- Int-' cla luction of evidence showing the om am iviclioh" of Ibe American' aoclailiit Siicei e(y under <bo eipionage law. the -.trong lark angerttl Stedraon. , 'ledman. Sutherland and aereral || imltteemea wore a ll talking a t ^ B. with Chairman Marlin poundlijg „ . . . dt»k w ltb bia « « * l. he in^dent bappeoed wbjie Alger-

Led. aociallat director of 4he ■ U l l l Id Sebool o t Soclaf Science, waa on

aland teMlfylng lo the fact tbat• nccu»eaisoolallsr‘aocl#ty waa Jn llty Ibe ow ner o( tbe Rand ichool.Jman'a point wai tbe'A m eHean ialiat aoclety'a c«a« waa on a p ^ l ire the Unlletl Siatea circuit court appeala. aad could not thtrefore , conalderod aa « ld « it* . hari^naa'JinrRb,ciosKl'tCe' uproar ■ ruling tb a t tbe uncotnpleled coa*Lioa could,be sccepud ac.«vldeae&. -^1he plattorm o t tbo iocU llal coa* , |iLlion adopted a t S ti LooU p to d g lu IAtlUon 10 lb * w ar m 4 lo co n ac rt^ I . I1 Wli read by Jadge adtfaerlaod a t X openlag flf tbe a tu ra o w aeealoa..;

arry New Given • • i ----- T S T Y w H S X if i “ )

OS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan..20.<>.|f8r- 8. Ncw. J r .. convicted of aerand , ree m urder for (be alaHag o t' hli reibeart. P r td a Leaaar. waa loday lenced to San QueaU» prUoa for Tl ten ybari .to life, aftor a' afotlbo a new tria l «od bMaVdaoled -by

lerlor Judge a av la V - CnUg. New sd whtle aentance waa.Lfroaonao^ end ahowyl ac a lga of ^moUoa.'

• T A X l P E U tiS r " '. ' i- '-am -'r« ia* ; t» - 'i tte - ,e t? ji «r. y o v k ~da la *11 klfld* o r tu td a n a y woMb T'Tt'lie or m n a 'a t H j e r . ' I d i t o . - ;< 8 BCIILUND. .T tH & m la t; ’ ■ ‘

. ' ■ -.BW eW iaI*i:iU*ti»it-''.'H e «an uaU n«^ai> 'o t.^U ia atoek- dera of t t C - T l r i i l - ^ U . C i ^ ^Co. to r lb*

>r* ,A irjbe.«stB }M L )> iw :iU (l.fer

f e


CAOO. Jan. 20.-H oK S-Il«.47.001); market slow, utcady. Tl

1I..1&O1&.&0: lop. IG.GIl; heavy- 1>,t. 14.l)0Ola.nr.: mniiuin wfIrIiI.Jiti,40: light weiRiii. ir .a r .« ♦

llRht llRhtn. H.7r.{fir,.4»: b.-avyl iUK nnwn. l 1.2f.#M «0: iiiK-kiiij; . . .

rmiRb. H flH.S.'.; p Ikk, I .Tf-fi.

li.'-llocciiH n H.OiMi; iiiiiria-l *'f lo weak. li.'i-f HiitiTn. iii.-dluMi ! ’ *n-avywMlKht. JT,2S; I'boi.T ♦ «■'irimo. lC.C0n’l7.2r>: )ii<'illuin umll I"ll.BOji'in.Cii; Iiiilll wi'lRbi. i:<io.|l «

:h()ic-. t3ftlO ,;r.; common ;ii.(l, Tiin, UWl.l; hulchor cntlii-. bi-ifcT»,| i*l!l3,05: COWII, fi.7f:«fl2.40: Imlls,! nI11.2S: (-antn-rn aji.l nilliirH. i:nwii; f, i.-lforn. (.XMer.’ r.: mnm-r H i.-r«.'IX; vral .-alv.-n, lilihl iiiiii lui.i.iy- n It. isfjiy .r.u; r-fiiiT I'ti'iTrt. s c i i l

iilOl'k.'r hl''<'l'>'. 7.2rp1i '|0.sr.; I ♦ „IT .-own mill b.-lf.’r i, n.Trifi!>:'Z I,or rnivi'H, HJ/11. 11 li-c'n—oi'.'iplu ni;irli.;i 5 'y: iamhii uiu'vuiiiy iowi-r. I.:iiiil)n.! Z iir>: cuilii ami ('omuinii. l>'.<i'lH.7r>; { (Ink wiriinTM. li;ji--‘ii; .-wi.i, in .7 .'.ij J|

r l:.intii>, 7.<V)«jH. | t ’

i{'i'l..\.vi), Juu. Iicii;« » " l » . ............,1 4IS; marki.l -t.a .iy ; prl.iu-1 *♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ « ll JlS.riiHil'l; ni.Hliiim iiia.U JK.;*; r.O; ruuKil b.-i.vy tU 'liir .; iiii:i. i N‘<'. I'l •

M.fiU.I lk '- it.-.'........ ;;; lliu.io'l X".i:rulii I.ii'.'n. Jil.r.illi l : ; i;c).»i m N"' .■0 iii!.-n, J lH il l .r ." . iiiL'iiliim in 1.11'or:. sy.nnsiiri:-,; f;iir lo i;onii :!n

» Jfi.’-.otiii.r.o: •■OIIIMI.III Ul fair ll'l11 'J7.fiUffrK,no; .'ii.iin- uml — ~r« |!i,r.uiiii(i,r,o: i;.mii| in .h o i.i 'fiu,r.u; nii.ll.iKi 1.1 i;i>i)<l <i.ui. fc Mi'i'iri. }T.r.()i|iK,r.li; fair In .............. D,.|i4i 7.;iii:. .'uiiii.-rii j:i..‘iiKr(;.r.ii. iiiiiir: i- ii, i^ i!; lirM i-iiln'H tl.Vi’iUfi ir.Oii; Juniiiit.

y taivov t7ii'i':r,(i; .uwUvi.. ttu .r i.'.'-rs J»«i.a,r..i. l ju n u a ryI'l'l.-Il.'i'i'lp in llii; ibi' lii;irl;.-i|i.:iiiry ly; i'UBi ot moiiniulii iiunliti Ilf.'cM.WVi; .S\ Iji'Sl ilRiil lamliti |ir.«j|li.fiU; b.-nl l.vKVi. y viiil.iy Iniiili:. 'tin,riU(rH.riO; |Hhip 14 : X in ^ b i I l 2«(ii’-: y.'arlliiKii |i:i« j j.Mcriiiluii,.j—ivMUwrn-ti-iSti-; - “ «*>■*-»a.ooei-l I,,-timi<**-

.■V 1.-Jlaliili.il

il.T i-AKK. Jun, J N ^ -a llb — lIi- <-,iuiiiiiN:i:Jl I 'li ; mark.-t nl.-nil; ; dcmnnii on tb<> liiR. Blei'r*. »<fl2; row i and iiuif. I^liiiiiia7fi’.S.7ri; cullrni, 4.'J.M ' 25; can- mun Sav, ri.r.OJH; iiulln. .'If|i;; alvm, 7.Sn U-llllniiica, \ - l.liiim; flIRS—lli-ctiplH aim; murL't iil.-a.ly; iduhrt; Iiw l y.\rmMC, 1‘nlr k1«"1 tlTlv.-- \,SaVi>..i;i.25«pli.:r.;'liu ik ot nWii. '

•r; R<K>d iinalliy fai b..);\lV .2n<iplRU. U©12. -------------ippli—lleceliilR 2M; marliciliy: dcnianil n‘*nd. (loo.i rim i.i' M)’I'Uli, H.rinflHfi.no; fbiilcr yi'arilMK-..!5ilii.f.O; fat wrib.-r», .'w.'s, L .

, .......................... Jauuui

inCACO, Jun. 2:i.~(:aiih Rrain;'h e a t -S o , 2 red. 2.61; .Vo. ;i rr.l. ,g f f2;fl0r -W r- 8-t:an l-w ln tnr.- gD tff I ; No, "n northern nprins. 2.(10. r.iwmill! orn—No, ' 2 mixMl, ,1.00 1-2; So. | <-d, 1,61; .So, n whil-, l,4Df|)l.r.n;.1 yclinw. l,5n#>l.r.l: Nn. * mixed, ,, , ,

Nt>, 4 v,hU«. 1,4C t--Mf .1-2: .Vn. 3 yollnw. 1.4C 1-2©U!'. ,.p„ (.

nin—No. 2 white, aw; Nn. 3 wiiii.', . j,_____ ; funry. I

MAIIA. Jnn. 29.-HOKH, lli'i'rlpin '00; ninrkut ntcudf lo 25i- luwi'i"; pmi;,.!, < Il4.60«14,7r.; lop |ir.,I«, .■altli'—I le o ln ti 5.700; twrlii-l kill-

10 =5e r.'H -and nlockori ntea.ly. »

iicep—ll.xolpt« H.COO: llio iiinrk<i|■ng to 26e hiRbor. fiwidom iilra.ly, _______

~ ItvtlLROAI) TIMK TAHIR 'T N ralas le av e T n la Falls .. ,

G .l.i! t . . l ,m ________________ IU n . '»«■

T h e E i-------------- l l " " - .

I I I I S » U 4 m a i^ C hau llt

■ '■ /

I v E x - > s 6 i d i e r s ,

■ : ' t h e ™. .■cifejV fiiH g

t ^ t

L A S T B IG EO f C anad ian P oo iflo I r r ig a te d

This nnnonnrrs the offerlBg of tbe U it b I'a rlfle irrigalcd iaada. Iinlll tb la blotl ran srroro al low coat a farm bome ia Al ).iu Inilrpcndanlly ricb. I-aler tho la n e from prlia lo owniTs, and (he pricca wll

' liighrr. N rvrr again on Ihn Anicrleaa co farm InndH Iip .iflrrrd so loH.In S.iuibi-rn A li^rla, llir CanadUa Pae: irtni>rd iho largrnl Indhldunl Irrlifnlbn i rnn rontlnrnl. Thl« dlxlrlcl rimlnlns moi Innd In >'orlli Ami r lra In n c lina lo (pupi nurni rlilaook nlads frum the I’arJric Or T b r KjHirni uf (iiiailon i-nrouragrs jo u r Kinull tax on (In- Innd nf nb.iut »10 per 1 nil lax.'« vn lm]ir.iii'inrnl«,' hnllillnK*! i- f . r l . . .li.i.id Rinrkl'h. mi'.Irrn iirlMiiilN, ruaJN ■ nniu 'Durnf* mnti- farm lltr n llrn r lltr n This Innd xrlN tnr j.'.li.im p rr nrro n llb Ki'll.m; tlu:-li'rniH n rr li-VOl) p rr ncrr doi In 1 ji 'u r i; iinlnnrr In Ifl unnunl paymrn |ia ). lnii ri'>l ol t)r>l i }r>* Hien .

in iinnlll.'d I't-ltlrrH .m Komr laklnit lunil u-..»eriirliy. T h rrr Ih t in e hnrxllRailnii. lliil th.'rc l< n» lim r fur lin.'sllKulI.>n. 'I'iir f.irrliand.'d mnn n ill

D ROW N I3R 0S. S H E E P CO. E i

S4 ..............................'...4;4S p, m,|<ri.-wbait.'uin^* M.'st liic- noul

K.\ ............................ ll:4S 11. m. liiwiii.iiliir .r . .................................. ::;4r. p. m. <.'i.-d.

IIiiKrrHnii llrunrb ' . Daiodi: :!ntilli ........................ll:< r. n. m. IWn.

iiorlli ............ ...............3:30 p. 111. I

Srrlnl N... iJl'iri';! j ■ ‘ T »IITH'i; KI)K IT Ill.ll ATIOS , .......... .................. lit ..f .............. n ir . I 'i.aii.1 llltK-i.- ul Hiiil--y, l.i;ii.i..l‘V''’'’y

iiiuty i ; . is;u,tlrr- in ItrfHi)- Rtvrn llin t-H urry-r^ '-|- '-“" ’

Ml l-'ll'T. l'l-.ili«, '«U«. '«> “ ary 21. I'Jir,, muiii- Ilo.m-,u-ui. ‘'" I >' .So. (iico.'i for \v ',i N'-v-/.; i .swvi Sl'.-. .s ‘4 s k u . kVj \ . HWl, M-:>i Scuion 20. Town. ;« » “ 14 South, Ham;.- 18 ICu.t. Uoiho

iblll. Iii.li (iiuil noili'c of Inienilon »i<n-KinuKri.rr.'-Y .>ur-l'r.H .f,-io illi.li I'iaim lo Ihl- lan.l uIk.vo dc-.............."* c l . ll.'£uri' II. I'I.v l-owcri., K, S. ' .................... T ..... n „ , . . .......... 'ir l»l day i>f Marrb. li»20, n c rk '

‘ S • .v "l^ ''o7‘t« " II l ^ i ' i i i / "<Iabo; mil r -::;ivar.i' " f Twin t• lllIl.

Aniir.-w (1, Sdnon .,f Oakluy,It; Uon I'. S.,vi'ri- of U.iRunion, j ,p |^ jj,

nCN .1. Cl.AV. . „ ” • 1________________ fSirned

S. rla1 N...NOTICi: t o n 1'(’III.I('ATI<1N JOBEDupurlmrnl of ibu Inlorior.

;. I.:iiid.0 >fb-1- n t llalluy. MaUu.imury 17, I02n. - KG'>tli;ii III hcri'ty Rivi-n Ihnl Carl J . D«■y u(- Hunmm. l.luho, w bu.- .(>n U. a I

10, line. iiiailH HoineiHead gn« , Jnnut.S<J. 0:IU027 for S i:’.; Su.-tlon 28. • NotiCiniiliip l l Snutii. ItanRo 19 EaaU »usaa.i-'‘ .Mi-ridlDn. ha» tiled notleo of on Pcbntlon lo Tiiaku Kinal Tbrvu Year t j n d EIf, tll .-•luliiihii riniiii to tiic lond E H 81a- drscrlbcii. Iirf.iru H. E. I'ow- HV/\i i

t;. S. Cnmmi»sion«r. n l Tw in TangeIII,- Idaho, .in tlic 28lh dny o t {-tb- tiled n.ry. 1!I2Q, , a l proilaiiiuinl nanie.i ns wiinessoa: March. II, I'l-rry of llurk Cruok. Idahu, Iho lariiKni.i i'liiii.'roy of ilanaen, Idaiio. I i Pot:uii I’r rry nf Oakli-y, I.lahb. Twin Iiinrii-n A, .Mailii-w of llock Creek, of FNib:i<>. Claln

liiCS 1-, OUAV, O amllrRlilt-r. U s le r

----------------------------------- -------NUTICK TO AM. Idaho.

-------- icUbo.uiice la hereby Riven tba t all Uat- I for aale wllb ail real ealalo deal-

£ i n p l o i | m e n t 1i T a i v - t A d C o l uiu ll(u rs | M ttha]uniJIU A K ka.^ ''u>>«>«" |

H K /

: > M E -s. Sailors and Marin.


6 1 - 0 ^ 8 1te d F a r m L u n d a .I t big block or CaaalioB 1 ! ^ %llock la d lipoicd o t JOO ; n A lberta Ibat will au b a ^m e landa ran be boogbt , , 1; will o t conrae b« a o c h \

I contlaeat will I rr lg tlH , ' ^ ' '-r.f.

Paeltlc Railway baa de . ' ' ;on project un Ibe Amerl*MOBo of (bo m ost ferial

'U pered Ja (be winter by - Orean.onr nnccosa. Tbere ll a ler 10 da rrrs . T bere are

i-lurk or iw n o a al el* . .

ds -and .rhnrcbe* -an J i r nnd dt'Klrgblr.Ull nmpir w nirr for Irrl* down—^nd paym ent doe

nrn ls making SO yeara to ii-n 0'.:. Tliry will lean imr ir ro is as (ho land*Inc for lliuriiuKh, carvtul fur ili'lay In mnklnK Ihat ' n ill u r l (.Iday.

. E x c lu s iv e A g c n ti

vbalsocvnr fur ihe 'auu th bo lt a t louihcunt i|UBriiT of leclloa J . hiiip II. ruiiKo i::. nm hereby caa*

lod IhiH I7ib day of Jaauary,

J, W, UOUIN80.S. Owner. •


u iiimrif of Trunir.'* for Olenaa y iiidi^p.'nib-iii School Dlatrlct I’Li, will ri-i-rlvV aealed .b lds for

u)io and Wood a.ldillou to pr«t* achool building, up to aad uatll- (/clorH. 2nd day of rabm ary ,

Tho gcncml conlract aball la*> uii work excupt haaUng - o a l iblns which will be awarded aan-';iy. and fur wblch blda KlU tib ivrd a t tbu ubove daio. A lt Md»i

ka in .tb e auin of 2 per cen t t(f' amount of b ld i. aald cbacka ^ lu.lu payablu lo Joaepblae Corker., k. Tbese checka will be taa id '^-:; ontrac ti a re a lgatd wben t b l j ' ha ruturnvd lo biddera. P la a a m o j ocn a t Ibe offlco of the Clerk U trom W ayland 4 Kebaell. Arclrt*,I, llolso. Idaho.111 Board rcnervea t b e ' rigb t . -to’ p t 0f‘ reject a ll b idi lubmlttod.-^.-r, . ned) H. H.OATB. "J-V

• Cbalrmati.*r^'s t: • f>''IBEPHINE CORKER. C lerk;; , - f ^

Rerial !^o. OHM> - SOTICK FOB rDBlICA TJO Il ■ " D epartm ent o t the la terlo r. '

3. Land Office a t Hailey, Mifcajtnuary 3. 1920 ._________ ■ • .otice ia hereby glvea tb a t Dfloate aa Smllb o t Jerom e, Id ibo . « 1 ^ February 4. 1914,’ made' D n i r i d E nlry No. 0I4t>7» for .SBKi

S B \i Sec. J3. W H NW54. WfiA W aeciloa 24. Towaablp 1« Pout]|- Ige 1C Eoal. Bolae UeHdlao. b u .. d noilce o t inteotloa to make • proof uader provlalona e t Act ^ rch 4. jIlB . to eatabllab c la im 'B

land abovo deacrlbed,' before W Powera. U. 8 . Commlailoacr, U In Falla, Idaho, on tbe I t tb H i ' hNibruary, 1920. '• J-.i -la lm ant aamea ae w lta m ea ; . . f . larrelt Bona of Twin Falla, JdabA;’ 'Her 11. Hlce of Twin Flala. Iilb6: rold IL (Joldwoiiby d t T tr ia 'F a ili i’ ho. Robert" r . Smllb o t , Je»B>^ bo. . • . .

BBN R. ORAT. _____________________ < • V-

B u r e a i S ^ ^u m ' n s '

V - .

g g p | | K |

’’ ’


Page 8: 3S8DAY, JANUABY 20, 1020. i i P W m iERTfloiT -SC H O O L ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · An iiri’Ciit uii(>‘al iH uiadu liy kcIkioI

' n p ^ \ 1 ^

; .’ i '■•. . - ’ ' ” .' ■• *NEW Y O nk, Jun. ■ 29.-Oom inunl-

cktton «(U i tbli (lead not only l» pon-'Rlble )w t 1* a 'p ro v en (nr*. In it;<>] opinion a t, S ir OiiTor IvxIrp. notvoj a rlt lah ■ clem iit.'vrliu In jiHt l)oi;ln-j nine a iIk iriiki* lectiiro Uiur nf iti^. . - — — U a lM a irtM .' • I _

S ir OHVer-approTe* of ihn um* ofl \ — tke -ou ija tw an], but i-uuilon* nRaln»tl JU. UM toy pM PIo wbo a re not nim-1 T ? h l i l l r o o ia p « t« l 10 conlrol ih r ir ow ir ^

^ im dO D t. . V irV v 'N decUreH. In lh«|.M ra h s M n e d lu in - liy which (‘omiiiu>['

HjeatioD ^irlUi Uie dettd. Ih dumIIiIo. ';'_Ia t o Interview. «r«nivil iinon 'h lul

IO-.X«*f .Y ork 'air Ollr.-r k.u<1;i " 1 kno T .y stt p»ychlual r<-Hi'nrfh tin»|

'tn m ie h t p ro it'co m fo r t to muny par-: .VDti who havo bMu berenvml Iiy (ho ~w ar.- I hari) r« ,el«<l muny h i te r . n » * j r t r r from ni'eh tmrflnto und Imvn rn- M l j V ^ I «MToreA,tD a i i W ony pcrxnn to I f l U l J l

' isinm untcate wlih tbo donnriH . It tl» y appeorm) In (liu pn>i’<T trumi' I M f

; 'o t meotal balance. ’ m ^'■■J a n not s uplrllunllni in ihi- Krii-|

era)})’ acceplod xonixi In il>'» I rc K4inl a n r p tyeb lis l InreiiilRuilonH nn liar- IDC s n r tb ln s ( o 'd n vrlih rellriniin Id ah o Fn

'<)li«4Uoa«: I.havd d ta ll wliU pHyi-hkal .„m lnn pbaoem itia aa I would .l.-al wiih any.' o t te r n a tu ra i pbonompno, nolcly .from; of

' th a viewpulnl o t a nr|pntl»i. i, **.Aa A’ K le n tltl 1 ImIIovu Hint thf'l •tro n iM t. torco ihnt .ran Im pui-| noi.m ' j play^ed'lB communion wlih th r 'lrail.,,^j, ,Ja.Jflva.,;;TbU U'«p.H.-lnlly (ruo In ‘"-I,,,,,.!,,,. catln«>»rt^ :wl»o hnvo died lii. > l" 'l |y , i |„ „ „ ,

h a ro given lltPiH nn opiior-l, lual()r',.{o commlunk-ato uml huvc ni'iii | tttatta« i« llirouRli’ tUiim.

" I h a v e ,n e w ncied uii n modlum. .• I haT* no t <Iio power. '!• purnonady • """' '' -J ifY ru iT irln io w in m in n rm p rtiu m ;

th o o ib I .h a t a b«en i»ld that tUnrr a ra M a t fra n d i. U v»«nhl nut l«- aurprU tnf.U tliero wore nonio fra.i.ln-

- len l a e d l t t tu . alnce Ihe »uim' ih ln r ■•irmdcr m aiU ta.W aoBC o the r cUmob. i.iu.'1i.uh llK'nirHvrn HlrChaBtS. " ( 'tD v rri

" I balleta, a lt who .taW* m> tin- hUii prinM w ork o t 'n e d lu n n havo »onm powrr, f.irni.T* p«

poWer Ihey a ttam p l to conihuio n> f-’oriinr« i>h a ie r c t i i JU 1 know no nii-dluin In thi> iirUaKed Statea. In tbi* roiunK-ilun. I mcd aimlyi havo alwayu refcrrvd AtinTlnm in- a r«i qdlrera to l'rofoB»or Julin llyslop. i„«s iii.. (p ra tldeat o fUie Amrriciiti Hui-iny .......... .fo r l*ircblcnl U etcnrch. KXtluR.

" I approve o t lhu-n*o o t lho oiiija ■■wiicn m board, bu t th in klt» u»« I" Inlidvl*- ,abia by ^ ra o n e who nru wcuh-mlnd- •d 'a n d no t r aa a lc n nf Ihidr emotion*. |„T bat Mine per«onii may hnvo liuromi' ,Isaaae o r m orally Irronponnlhln fol- ,, loD loc 111 u ie In no' r*ui.nn tu r r .n - eral,condem nation of thn InMriimi'ui.

“Th# Jink,-irUb which to rommunl- cale with tho dead l» otfcctlon. I-o»p, ie the a tro n ia a l force th a fw lU « u » r . th e dead to aaaw er. SnmctlmcH a p«t • ‘ name will b rlnjt him, I hnvo 1

.nl<~. . ' j '" ‘" ll. II Vm r o u i h th .r pr«|i«rilni » t m . ';!*'

o the r I h a te fornipd u hypoihi'«in " "to tba m anner and naluro of thu >'■vfval b t men. Thu muiorlut l«.Oy " '“l ') e h toeWad a i dcaili. Tliu «'tfrnsl - la n n r r r body pe ra lflt. . '■'•'■’i '“f »'

•TJie nex t world U u pUru»o. It o;„. of ih. may n o t be a diftervnt world from "t;' ulil nm tht». ,W « ancounler anoiln-r ijicur n.-v.io t t h a one w orld, an oaiK-ci iliai do rn ji.iu iiii.' qoL make a ay appeal to <mr pr'c:ii,'ni r u .d oi iiu' a » ^ th o n sb lle i ilr . liuaclne l» h - 'iy or r.i

**Bqt aao tha r m euaiia o t inino loM unn i>y ii th a t our. eansee a re no rrltcrlon <if no; oni.v i exittencfc T hey were .-volvtd fcir.fi,n i .il n Tery earth ly rea ton i. not fo r ihn |u ir - .r. .oili. i:> p o te i a t pblloiiophv. If wo rcfnuu lo tak .n (o : f o bayond the direct t-vlilrncc of our „,,x|,i„a w. a a o m .w e ahall narrow ou r o u i l o o U i , , , , . , OB tho unlver»e to iihftpel<’"" and al- m6#t:Jinheelle oxlent. I j , , , Tim,. ••W ?e.att»t enlam e our inlnrta (Oj|^ tlinrou*

in a " Vlwl*. Wl ^u-,,.phDoiophy niuni'ht} haocnl m<on fa n ; •crapuloiiaty vxanilni’d and rocordml.

' j t p ' . h d to bo refuncd mltnlttanro hf- INIINHNIl catiia o t aptmrcnt unKkcllhood o r tm- ■ ■ A i^» (b lltly . 1 9

" I havn no »yni|,iBlhy w lih lho do- ■Bial a t thp m aterial u n lv c r« \ nl- th o u ih I udnilt (hai the Rplritiinl unl- Ilnviiii

- W a a l i a o tnufh more Im portant lha t wriit n• •lUflo ovor .■mphanU on lha t «ldc- , n a y DO panlonod. I wnnl ppopln tn .Siilitiif aoeept the tninliiy of thlnn*. nnd notto neiilecl o n r «ldi- In o rd rr lo «‘m- ‘phaalxo 'ihn othor. I.ot nn llvo *iinoly • lid l e t It' whnlo,".'■fllr Oliver prodlcifil th a l niomlr •o e rn r . which hi< w in dlnruiR nl . le ac th . will hp Iho prinripal t'nnn-o i,_o t power la fniuro hk<'« iinil will J

- I f tW ro t tn ttio -w nrta ,................... j

TOWN' WOl.V IIUIVK 1 Ih .tsKM>S IN I,(INK CVTCH fn.s], j

MARSIIAM.. Mc.„ Jan. «n1f.d rive .'p artlc lpu led In h.To rorcnil)-; by »om* 200 hor-r.m.-n nn.l froup o t hound* frnm ihl"* nml o ihc r: I u’lilk countiftn, romiltwl In vi. iory for n- nii.-k li flve-year-old lrl»h 'i.inK liniiml owno.l l.oiiii .• by P. n . I^IIavo . of Wtvvorly, whirh Iu.|,>k; killed the only wolf lUirlni: ilio Inini. i|ii:i;iT

i r ® E A R G I L I S W tor H A IR• K in AM wtK M rs e to tE T til

J T ..’i r h s n . “ 212.■MM-kM tnMl taulfc a m KMTMlM. ti) llll'll

II. u . 1

ju iu itiiiii

j g r ’. ; ' ' ' ■ v V - > 'T ' '

T h e E n d o f a P e r f a

_______• ____________ ’


CLOVER S E F D i§ in-hl.'li han

F n rm c rs W a rn e d of

inaU on o f S e e d b y T h a t , „

of N oxloita W c c d a ' , ‘I.I.T 1l:i! ni:______ I llli- Y. M. <

1)0 appolni.Jan, i ;( .-T h a l I.laho Inrui-

.1 .•xrrri/ir pr..aiiii.nii .........:lov. r R.'il IhiH Hi>rln»t In ••Irar. ng,) ,ii„, n from oMn hHnR . a rri.'d <irfUil!......... .. l:ilKirn>ory. iiay-i ,iv ............I:'/ Horn ill.- oit|.'.- I.rd .•i.ii.ii.i:„il.iM..r, ,' r,» IHT rru t lit Uk ;i;impl.-i < ffcaiK.I all ftitfllyjTrt-hnTn -hri'n ' rnniinin-'V>HH.iiHn of lho |'irn>.-iiru of n<ix*i KlRhlorH I'd npoil"," ~uyii llil:i nlal.-. [ lojilii wonl-l>o.ld<T llllli.I..... . ilK- w<ir.»|r<ir Iho fir'.and furiiii'ri. iili.iiiM Unrrod forI'M aRnliiM llllli wo.'il, Klvo por•r i.oo.i ll. ii.a r r nn.l |i.'iiln;! “ f •‘‘•‘•ry i' i<oil, •!.. I'l I-l ImpDrlaii! Uial »" " ' “ 'I.

pay parllcii;:.r utl.-ullon lo ' “ " H .ilKyl uL JJui-i.o ;d_U ici:__ liUi'.___________I i.hiinid liiiy nnly Krailon (rnni V,tM[,.\ |-

Mrnii ami ihon huv.' ili.'lr |^ilyx.’il liy Dll' Biiiio iinal- riil.ioMH iL.lhlm: nn.l It al- I.aUNKI

0 larn'irr in Imvo :ni iili«.i- i.i k rullnr ■ck on Ihl- kili.l of I..-. .I hi. ll. inlnxloatln,

—- UKO wll1 ii.'.'.l 1:1 iiurrhanc.l, Inijlllry wan liiailp110 ma.lo m. l.i <vImto rli.' mod I'T , who wn. In,i'V.Ty no>o ».•(■.I crown >ho Imnn i .'iinntry or In thin parllonliir “ linllli: otII. pr.'fomhl.' lo .for.'iKii "oo.l. nlloKod..ni lanlnK "''od from Iho fanin'rii ‘ ‘inii' Inloi (-omiiinnliy .dilulii n U'tt nnI mill riiiiki- Nuri- ilio hi> iId.'h i; inln In Inninni'rulilo noxl<in:i

W ASm:olnvop M'c.l ;ii KUrJi a pr.'Ui- of iht. „ir

innuni ra re chnul.l l)o (alien Omahii, ?III.' m ini .1111 of Ih.. g..,. .'.I,.'.)

I...will not |i„}- I., ttiro'v ox-_iim„t,.r ^ci . . OII p.iiirly pirp iiri'il land _______nfi.'n iliino-wlioM .I.iv.-r wanTho S..I h.‘d I.liniil.1 I..' <'l.'iir> 1II 'V.'II jir.'jiaroil. I i.Tri an- ii-nally kuiIhII.-.I wiiii m

an Inforlor «ra.I.., This I. T X 1 11..- pli..-.'h «h.-.o a fiiriiior ♦ I J I noi .COI...... •Jh.. n>i.? o( — - a

Ilm liliihor ijrli-u. and nntnral- j ^ i „

7::::. -si’''™y li. ' UM-'of ii:iur ...... Ami

;i mixion;i \v.;i-i|n may ti" l!n'Kv.Ty prroam lon Klintil.l ii"

.1 pnr.hni.0 j.imiI fr-.. fr.im w.'r.|«, and lU,. w ,y r

ly .ni rra.U'." Tb»wo/W,_______________ ' bUdd

rime* Jon pnotlnB rtppartinoni ou*hly equipped lo do flml ■ork—nt reanooahle pricoa. •>

• U B L I o iriiiK roiil.Ml luy j>I.k t I «-i!t noil nt inI mill •_» inilos MUitl. nrfO ioO iorl.. IJool;111 nn .l 1 l- 'im il .- s onst ..I' l-’ilo r, 1-2 iiini:. - •

T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a u r y' .M .THI1 i.- iiK ir 'i ,n .\-( , 'ii , \ t i i

H O R SE Si;in liny jii'lilirij;-*, w l. JtUOd, .'i .vi-s, n i. l; lirnw ii. u t , :i:lll(l, .“i nnct ll y rs . o l . l ; I h]

m il, U’l. :( liu i; I I>Im.O( itiniv, niiioolli mCATTLE

l.itsloin I’.iw, ,'i y r s . o lil . jiis i f rc s l i ; 1 .1 •ll in M nr. li; 1 L’-.vr.-old lioifi-r, fc-^h •. nliniil !l y rs , dI.I, frcMli iti A p r i l ; 1 I|.'

MAOHlNEHy■ox w /itfiiii: 1 wniroM; Imv r n . 'k : 1 Ciom nik iiii; |>Iiiw; I .liti-Ii p lo w : 1 Milwaii k l in y r n k i ': 1 w im lro w o r ; 1 (M'o-si-oliiII . 'i illiv n to r. iM'U': 1 lii'n ii I’litli-I-; I I 'n ; 1 Hli-ol I 'o rn iK .iK ir: 1 I 'n iitoiiiii p ;iT nm l h o i- I .t ; I .'••l.uilli i-iillivnloi HIMinvn jio ln lo pin III I'l-.'I T n l tiv '.'.iilli VI Vll ■ 'iirroy: 1 Imw^y p n ! '': I' w ulilii’ ; 1 d <; 1 ‘•inn lc lin rn i’h s; 2 m‘I> w orl; linnn 's liiinioM, iioni'Iy new ; 1 liny Hlip; 1 Im; iiKlo In ict'y ._ _ _ _ _ , . ^n aasH O L D -Q O O Ditrlion i-n!iiii.-l: 1 irn th i- r M 'lto .- :| irir n;t(l iiiiitli'. s s ; I d r . 's 'o r ; 2 o.nuii ilino>itoVi-; :{ sliiMil iniilos. mill o lho r no Dlioii,TKlt.M.'-i; .Ml M in i 'io f.'^ K lan il nn .lo r

, firno im lil ().-l«»tn'r l.st nl M jic r ront PRANK 0. JOHNSON. C

I. L ir i: , Aiii tio iif iT . C.

i e c t D a y -j

M e • WASMIXCH I? 'lopnmnuni

I |lnroBllj5Blo* u iinn*iinri P

hnuiti} hy II ' l.IlinolH (nm

wait ri'Hponi OfflrhilK I

. UiHH far III!



: CIUCAGO ■ bf nppllnni . Rclentlficnll

M pmployud tt\ j \ nnd •'n im inI no lha t no I

- will forgot 'ITATK IS .VSKKU TO

M ;(iA i.J/.i: im x iM J ik iu t .s_____ _ A Hcrlc*

'■ f . ................... I*

..... 1“'" v ; - r , - ........in.iw In ...•Hl.lon l.i iiitiipi n lilllhaH hi'on (nlrodn.-od liy A llot- i-ivlnc s

■■■■ ,V.... >" ............hill provldrti for n Hlulo Athlo-iniilli.'.- of iliroi- moinhort. whlrli ^vatit a ]oI'linirnl a ll h.uiiii nnl riv.'n un- nI! nuKiiIi'loi. Ill (ho A. j\, r. of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M. C, A. Thin odiiimlll.i.. w.inlil oini.'d by a (iovi'rim r ninl wmil.luilliorliv to nnmo ii m-.'r.'iary, ' V JIE’mhi)r« roculvln* t.’inii jirr yoar R U l,ji/«oi;roiary tl.r.iio, . ' l i n iI. doi.irhiK llo.'nsi'M' wonld ho ' H rin flhi Uindr. fo r $Iil,iwi and U L

nil inirll.iliintlni; In n “fakii'' f l Puniiiii jiiTinunonily forfoli liiij ,I aii.l he wnhjort to n ffno of ______ T f l

lurH IndiilKiiiR hi " ta k .r oim- l Ut'onlil 1»- hiirr.'d for »Ix inmiih*iI flrnl offoniti- nnd iiiTmani’iiily for thu Koron.l, |por (onl of lho iirnmi roi'i'lpi.i] fu # a

ry i.hnw would no lo Ihi- SlnlO| ax. .Vo h.-lllni: wmilil III' n l- '

____ ,_______________ATTO,.t KX.Tit,trT NOT AN 5 i m


NKI). Kun.. Jan . i:t .-,\rrnn lln» : i P rp M illnn Ior# vnnlla oxirari i» mill «atlni:. nml li miIo an n hover- '

wlililn (tu- U w. Th.' nillnn', Ingail(> 111 tho ram- of Frnnk Win- ho wa* irlo .l fnr vl.dailon of nil dry noi a flo r ho had koI.I ;o of thP rx im ri. whh'h. It wa- " T "1. ran,:-^l lho pnroliaK.'r lo h o -, „nl.ixlrntod. . ^

------------------------ , IC«nf,H.\TK.M» .U lt ,MAir, 1 <«U rt

_____ c!i«el' ;

UIINOTON-, Jan . 2D,-Kxlonulon j nir unlll iiurvluo t.i A tlanllc.; Cbolc.

I. Mhini-apniin nml St. IxniU | I’bllad'c»kod-i*>-^«nU-»-Uiani-p«>i.i>T-----' Rcncnil. .• cr fub; ----------------------------------------------proflCw

D O N T # ) E S P A I R j ~

, llllt VlII a re tro u b le d w ith p a in s o r | i2i»tUi< i; f e d t i f c d ; h av o hcadache. j>«Biei

f ^ n o , y o u w ill fin d re lie f to . - pror* I


i i food. II

ertd'a (lam hid rtm td^ for U dnn. a- ntMlUddft and u rk a d d tioublMand t>rl<»« ■«l. R«Tn«dy of HolMn.l aiiu* i«M. i f f l•liM. all druec’-i>- CuuaniMd. VbetT

s a l e "! II aUatit

I jin tilii' n il. 'tio n , niiloK ; M •b i i.i'k Cri-i.U l i r i i l y o , :! iniI. H |•2 iiiilo iiorrii 4ir (iiHiilwin ' I nboitg,

■ . - - - - - - - - . . . . 1 - W v«p

r y 5 , 1 9 2 0 i S• 11 ()-(’LOCKV M M ri

1 N|inn K.'-ldinKK, l.lnolc U im n h n y n u u 'i 's .s u m o t l , 'II nimil ll, Art. I'itHI. • tr^w

I .loi'.srv i-rtw. (i vrs. i.jil. I.IH u-sh ill . \p i- it ; 1 <iiii-niM.'V I h .'i f . 'r . 'u lf, I n ion tli n’.l. ' km, i( , I 'if ii:loi.il I'JioiikIi M ilkv iilo w : , ‘MaWA-aiiki'.' m ow i-r; I M rl'o r- !1‘1'liiiii l ii ir r .iw : I Uvo-r«\v ; «*.I iT . i . i .Irill, 111 ,

II po ln li) jiliiW ; 1 po tu lii ei^la n I o r ; 1 w v i'i i.fo o l f l is r ; . lliv aio i-i ! I fv - lo r ; I i\vo.

1 .ii.i ililr w l .Iriv iiii; Imr- '•iii‘<vs: 1 Bi't lii'iivy Invi-.-li- Isijaf,Im y K liiiu ; 1 > ;riinK ton .': | « a y «.

>ODS----------------------------- -j— -V~Vfcfi:l r.i.’k iT ,.; lusl U-ith !

’"■ tno.to .: I ( h r ...... Tblrt"lior a ilii- l.'s i.io inijiii-riius [ ,

' ibatI'lor. oiisli. . \ l l .si'iniH oviT { n w b ■rnt in lrn - s i; ^i . O w ner. 1V. A . H O IU .\.^ (* .\ , ChTl:, i hou**

I •

To Probe Miehapji

IXOTO.S. Jun . W .-T lie war I ml nnnoi.Hc«td ihU'^ti'ifnnoM j ina»,i Mad l)o>ni. nppalniml loS.^.Iu Ihp J lioo llt'n ol llli' .irm> T I Po»Iintiij>, ‘th.’H nn i^ i. roi-jX rvsulutlon Iniradui'i-)! In ih.' X IliiprMoniiiltvn tlrltinn of It .

innulrlMK wUeUwr IhiIbIiovIbui l i jonHlhIn for lliu a irlili’nl, |T Ik nf wnr lUiifiirlmi'iil r 'l . i l .d l i llioy hnd fonnil no ^nil.

TI:kT.S FOK JOII ' I•:k h« h in c i i ic A d o h a n k ' J

IGO, Jan . n y .-T hc m o iiiu liiv ;| cania for )ohH will hn icsic.l S a lly by lho-I'V.Iornl Iloiiorvrjx iro. PayrlioIjKlBii. nro lo h o 'J :1 to (tauHo Ihl- "hraln K|iood"jT mory rpui'ilonn" of npiilU-iinin'j .Do nnu may li.« Inkvn on who Z :ot whero ho pni u tl.fluo niito;} r from any nihor lapur ihal rove (nconvonlinii. I -^— — —Ir* o t wrIiU'n unoHtlomi wilt; I.K.tTHCK I appllcnniN uml Ihn ;inKworn| i:XIII nUh D ha*lH for dcrl.lliiK'Ihl) cainllilnio hun ihn noc.'*-, iih ,-it (i .\'

nial (inallll.-aUnnii- 'flu- ilmoj I anitworUic will bo rnconli'd '5 a uicuMiiro of iho 'ru iililliy [‘'" " ''‘'” " ' ’'‘'‘ Ich (hu npplitanl IlilnkK. "•

_______________ ■ Tho «har'i lohl T ry a “ .Slluatlon \VBn(-'“R" n nur w ant polumn* ; tho iiiu'niln

A i D M E S " llGri lE I S I l l i l I S S „ M m H i S S

— — hlsiierin d ic ap p o d by Cooko’a R e -

js a l t o R o o rs a n iz e W artlm o

-a lr -P r ic o B o a rd , H * f ltty a 3E4.i^


pM cU tor H a s N o T im * ' t o

in sw o r Q u e« tlo n 8 CQncflm*Ing ftWon (n Olh«r_CW«

m t&e..h0UMtr[v» of (LI* norlag fo r dlrtcli v ljo ro u U l l w / j J g g S lait the,food ec-ser4, w hoa’O fc ^ ^ 1 mpaaalbla f«r tUc . .i t ot their ehQdrtn. / / ? ,nf, faltjtil SUtcs J ia tlJ ^ a ( l 4 l i j n i ^ / y / Urtd yntirrdtjr ba V'Sa V ew triilW ® S5iW // cl' rre9 l(trl2s.Ir. K cnacoap '-alatd he

beadkip^a ty tb4 r < ! o |C ^ v 9 B H)lc, fom stly /ood II»d4lpll*,,'tojf«orx*t!li/^

fttbllelty. o n j i t t o / / ' ! » « / / / / ;flCcw .befM ij. ?le t U i t o t X r T ^-for P < iiB fy lv a b la ,% S M S S U S ^ S ^ S R |

. K i 'b) oe t^ a ttr^ l lh t b * P o s x . i c l . » g | | B ^ | S r ^ ^ rtb Us: U r.'n«ia*iB n|^^^% kovihthe V ru 'aa^das * v e ry ,^ H T f i1 8 ! r^ Z c«', («lr-r--lct b»r(t< - t ' a - o t a b M t d ^ ^ ^ It wuold aot r»Utt7a-tJi:a..f.dotU ao»>tlllis IroB t b ^ duVr !«' iBleerlsr. ’ ■ ' Ji f- rb* d i i i i ia u t a r o ^ t«igi*C rfcw >L « ^t tbo l t \ t r .foed-«0t>t<o>It* le bt-cJCc«tirt (n

IIS tibtlse t fiem prol1t4«HeVi,l^cA^3*WM KratcU tha t I t wouU t>e atO W T W *It'iii Iff tirovA'vIoUlloa*. 'ct2vS\ W Mr. Cftnt a«koa\vMc«» tba t »I innnllnaicly b ^ ^ . J n e r t e f U S U u B S (• o( ncatvxtaitrdlsc viblch ' nimmtr*. actn t o t 'ihe State I r W t S B I B 1 Dairy I> < partan it,aa4 'feT m incb tri?*^ H

are J i r r ^ . ’l j W ig ^

1 Bl <>MC a ta i tbd'tlai sd cc

W ' '. 1 J‘Z , ' V? J . tin c■‘l i ?>'"<=■ wt 1

C5!,” " ■ graniv i

.d'ault ill ( It

iS 't . ,f s ; u .y ,»r'r«t TV*’'"ft.-.;;-.

» --------- ^ ^nllcdtr « tl *•

6 ■ yo’ 0 ■( u n a T h e r e ’a g o o d n e s s kncMMrt. n iA ny p ip u Icudu ih « vi ' l i i * o f V e lv e t. O n / y o u w .t«|(B« ra i ld e a t c ic a rc tf * e v o r—at. I 4 S f c j j o n c s i a e v e ry tin wbvr


m & T iAnnoui

i;i{ (M-- SHAHK SKIN i-|i»nil" wnHXnilllTKII -IT niNVKNTKIN l„ a rjii . '.l fo.

-------- ■ ,iiJi:iic oxpioi[I.v. Jan. 2!>, — (ronnplcimiminl^III.' many Miimillinios fo r ih.H Tho .Irii-d imal I.'Nihor nhow Ih iht^ dl»- vnriili-* of loalhor mnd.r from iihnrk nidn. !>a« ulwnyii hark wan plnrod Honio llin.*:i>m'h iirlii'lo V iiinoh'in Ihl' Ilniollnhl ovor nfahliarili, o ntlnn of wholhor nr iiiii h li .; nirtilnl piirp

'reat Quantities ef Foo by Federal:Agetit&

m rc .i 'n o N S of' tsV te ti’tniiititb i tie!. cMt

\Vbli» A t t a r a r 7 '0 4 B ( r a K n U i l 9 ^ ^ : nclKcit tba t b* la U aM .tO :Iicr p rk ti ibao thw e lUtad b > ; W a | k ^ M rU cjiae from Chlc«ie> SC iDt!:Ies c i foeditulla byletea uad<r tbefoiKl CBBtrel a H

I t Cblcato 1262 tube ot h ^ W S m J W P i.iurpguoda fit coS««, w h lM r M r M - ^ . A I i TcirailncI-aa 100 W W M


vstctf tb

A ST seasoa’s s u it .atill ho sole our shoes. A nd yoi

1 cf the joiliest oU pipe tob: ke, w itliout m c r t.^ j in j; the (

Good _cli I C a t u c '; j is_ stiU a n t leaf! V / . 'r r ctiil a2 ein3 sc as snic:'i:h a .i J rndl'^w a

thero ar.d th3 quantib

‘.■.ak-j f ' j "cost” o u t of Ih©• you W h y , “hi^h livir h i t Velvet does.

- ^ t - f r - l i k ^ - V e l v e t r j o t J - s a j r s : — ^

‘’Anybody can tell you hovy ’ old pipci csin tall you ho\y

iCNva Itow. iv c r y t iu ' I w .iiit th o • . - \ ‘v 'r ~ t h w o 'a . ^

f i . - i i y ' j , w . l i i l . . U l i , W J i ' „lau bui. taJifU lb<><pgiIt{oo-'U>iul»n^«ttoi

H ’ S T E A jr O R C A Rjncemerii

unw a gnoil nnliKlltule fo r iha) rcconlly''lfc I fo.ul. .S-ow. 11 uL-emn. ho lii ] Info duroh (plolioii from a dirfuruii'l nn- .*'•

in pnrmll li

irii-d roniih *Wln of corialn llf nhiirk. calliid nhuRri'cn.

aj'ii hi-rn nnod f o r ' covcrlnj: lii-loH Itiat hnvi- linmllun nnd If yoo d Ih, of HwonlK, nnd for orna* i r bavim l inirpoKvn, hnl ll was uol until ilo Tlmea

ood Seized R[filj| t& in. Big Cities ‘fiSgatoeteR, Aug. t4. \ J ^ i | ^ n | U 9 H l « a t o r(dii<*

I M M B B I y i y [' M

J ' 'V '.•• ;l

holda.. to ge thet-and . we. car you can still buy a big gei obacco th a t ever cam e •Jovs le old liomestead. Hoorayl

;till grow ing Velvet’s hone: i n j V elvet in the wood. V ’ and mild as it ever was, tity’s there ju s t Uio same.

il© “hi^h cost of living” and Iving” of course. WeU, sir,

ovy m uch V elvet costs. . B u / r.'iuch V(dvet is w orth /''


f r

I t s

/ jf c a t o procpM for makln* ll rohle icalher -waa dlieovored.

Ill Kb hup in all Klnda^'Hhoe*. indlnK*. irnnk*. tinn*,-fiBrnp**..

!.'* ■0 donx w aat wbat yoa b a n .<n1 w hat you W BBU 'w • Ut*. ' /•a w aa t ad.^

^ ^ 'j v o H .C r t .P r a b U m k| | ^ AdmlnUtrfttor .

J q 7 0 A lO iP A C M E R

to Return for Fight

krd R alak .'fM 4 a«alBt«tr>istinvlvaaU.-^ta l a laUttUw with i t e ^ / L c w n i i e v i r * t b t lost*

I t i t a lih t, u id h t'U I H B ^ . b l i pewtr iB'tadaerf ^ ■ R l i H t a n te .R e iw l^

l)oar4i.*:«B r ^ t * <|iP??..tSg,S5a■ B h M m i> M i^ ‘M l be— M H S > th i r h l t f h ,^ K H K n t K '- r^ 'T iH b , til f

(flliaC w r ^

R ^ ^ W o « r i ( 7 a y C ^ , _____

ta tht* <19 'fre<« i e l ^ b d 'r e e r u e l M ike .C il; I B r K ^ . U r. U ilss c i p n ^ l ^ a t U r. CMka « y y<l to E r a a m tB i tb t t bur<ti,E b . e a tk i, la a u ik ever (fti | ^ e « wire l i l t alfht h i ran ia bit deltreilBUles a « l te g^ 'faU duU a ae a& ilsle,

W ar te O n r . 8i»« M • a w ar I t o ttr ,” u U U r. CMkh ^ d e a 't «H K b y . I a h e i l M ^^ h e ieb e t f«ad Uadat(tr«twjl ^ e d rer tb i t 'eOee 4tH rt-O e^ preerat ilniatliw a i y W k i


jenerous ■ o w n . th e ’ l

:iq st ,£ ra-. ____V elvet’s • S w ? is. T h e ' '

n d w h a t 'ir, th a t’s ;

3ut only ‘' 1 .