4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy - 2 (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Mains of Kinmundy, Westhill OS grid reference (if available) NJ 88955 07836 Si te area/size 8.1 5 Hectares Current land use Farmland Brownfield/greenfield Greenfield Please include an Ordnance Survey map (I: 1250 or I:2500 base for larger sites, e. g. over 2ha) showing the location and extent of the site, points of access, means of drainage etc. 5. Ownership/Market Interest Ownership Sole owner (Please list the owners in question 3 above) Is the site under option to a No developed N/A Is the site being marketed? No N/A 6. Legal Issues Are there any legal provisions in the title deeds No that may prevent or restrict development? (e. g. way leave for utility providers, restriction N/A on use of land, right of way etc.) Are there any other legal factors that might No prevent or restrict development? (e.g. ransom strips/issues with accessing the N/A site etc.) 7. Planning History Have you had any formal/informal No pre-application discussions with the N/A Planning Service and what was the response? Previous planning applications N/A Previous 'Call for sites' history. Site analysed in Westhill Capacity Study as preferred. See Main Issues Report 20 13 at www.aberdeenshire.gov. uklldJ;! Local Development Plan status No www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldJ;! N/A 8. Proposed Use Proposed use Housing Housing I Approx. no of units 87 3

4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

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Page 1: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy - 2 (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Mains of Kinmundy, Westhill OS grid reference (if available) NJ 88955 07836 Site area/size 8.1 5 Hectares Current land use Farmland Brownfield/greenfield Greenfield Please include an Ordnance Survey map (I: 1250 or I :2500 base for larger sites, e.g. over 2ha) showing the location and extent of the site, points of access, means of drainage etc.

5. Ownership/Market Interest Ownership Sole owner (Please list the owners in question 3 above) Is the site under option to a No developed N/A Is the site being marketed? No


6. Legal Issues Are there any legal provisions in the title deeds No that may prevent or restrict development? (e.g. way leave for utility providers, restriction N/A on use of land, right of way etc.) Are there any other legal factors that might No prevent or restrict development? (e.g. ransom strips/issues with accessing the N/A site etc.)

7. Planning History Have you had any formal/informal No pre-application discussions with the N/A Planning Service and what was the response? Previous planning applications N/A Previous 'Call for sites' history. Site analysed in Westhill Capacity Study as preferred. See Main Issues Report 20 13 at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldJ;! Local Development Plan status No www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldJ;! N/A

8. Proposed Use Proposed use Housing

Housing I Approx. no of units 87


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Page 2: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

Proposed mix of house • Standard plot sizes shown types

• Standard plot sizes shown Tenure Private (Delete as appropriate) Affordable housing 25 % proportion

Employment Business and offices N/A General industrial N/A Storage and distribution N/A Do you have a specific N/A occupier for the site?

Other Proposed use (please N/A specify) and floor space Do you have a specific N/A occupier for the site?

Is the area of each proposed use noted Yes in the OS site plan?

9. Delivery Timescales We expect to adopt the new LOP in 2021. 0-5 years How many years after this date would you 6-10 years ./ expect development to begin? (please tick) I 0+ years When would you expect the development 0-5 years to be finished? (please tick) 6-10 years ./

+ IOyears Have discussions taken place with Yes financiers? Will funding be in place to cover Owner and developer funding. all the costs of development within these timescales Are there any other risk or threats (other No than finance) to you delivering your

N/A proposed development


Page 3: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

I 0 Natural Heritage . Is the site located in or within 500m of a RAMSAR Site NO nature conservation site, or affect a Special Area of Conservation NO protected species? Special Protection Area NO

Priority habitat (Annex I) NO Please tick any that apply and provide European Protected Species NO details. Other protected species NO

Site of Special Scientific Interest NO You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO • https://www .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland NO • EU priority habitats at Trees, hedgerows and woodland YES

http://gatewa)::.snh.gov.uk/sitelinklindex (including trees with a Tree ~ Preservation Order)

• UK or Local priority habitats at Priority habitat (UK or Local NO http://www.biodiversi~scotland .gov.ukla Biodiversity Action Plan) dvice-and-resources/habitat- Local Nature Conservation Site NO definitions/priori~/) Local Nature Reserve NO

• Local Nature Conservation Sites in the Exact locations and mitigations to be determined LOP's Supplementary Guidance No. 5 at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldp

and incorporated in plan.

Biodiversity enhan~emelll't Please state what benefits for biodiversity Restoration of habitats NO this proposal will bring (as per paragraph Habitat creation in public open space YES 194 in Scottish Planning Policy), Avoids fragmentation or isolation of N/A http://www .gov .scot/Resource/0045/004 538 habitats 27.pdf) by ticking all that apply. Please Provides bird/bat/insect boxes/Swift YES provide details. bricks (internal or external)

Native tree planting YES See Planning Advice 5/20 15 on Drystone wall YES Opportunities for biodiversity enhancement Living roofs MAYBE at: Ponds and soakaways YES www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklmedia/19598/20 Habitat walls/fences MAYBE 15 05-opportunities-for-biodivers~-

Wildflowers in verges MAYBE enhancement-in-new-development.pdf

Use of nectar rich plant species MAYBE

Advice is also available from Scottish Buffer strips along watercourses YES Show home demonstration area NO Natural Heritage at: Other (please state): N/A https:/ /www .sn h.scotlprofessional-

advice/planning-and-development/natural-Please provide details: N/A heritage-advice-planners-and-developers

and http://www.nesbiodiversi~.org.ukl.


Page 4: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

I I. Historic environment Historic environment enhancement Please state if there will be benefits for the No historic environment. N/A Does the site contain/is within/can affect any Scheduled Monument or their NO of the following historic environment assets? setting Please tick any that apply and provide Locally important archaeological site NO details. held on the Sites and Monuments You can find details of these designations at: Record

• http:/ /historicscotland.maps.arcgis.com/a Listed Building and/or their setting NO pj;!sNiewer/index.html?appid= 18d2608ac Conservation Area (e.g. will it result NO 1284066ba39273 12710dl6d in the demolition of any buildings)

• http://portal.historicenvironment.scot/ Inventory Gardens and Designed NO • https://online.aberdeenshire.gov.uklsmrp Landscapes

u b/master/default.aspx?Authority=Aberd Inventory Historic Battlefields NO eenshire N/A

12. Landscape Impact Is the site within a Special Landscape Area No (SLA)? N/A (You can find details in Supplementary Guidance 9 at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldp)

SLAs include the consideration of landscape character elements/features. The The site lies in the Greenbelt to the east of characteristics of landscapes are defined in Westhill but the backdrop to the site is the Landscape Character Assessments residential development to the west and the new produced by Scottish Natural Heritage (see AFC stadium to the east which has been granted below) or have been identified as Special in the Greenbelt. The site has already been Landscape Areas of local importance. assessed as a preferred location for future

• SNH: Landscape Character Assessments development notwithstanding the Greenbelt

https://www.snh.scotlprofessional- designation. advice/landscaj;!e-change/landscape-character-assessment

• SNH ( 1996) Cairngorms landscape assessment http://www.snh.org.uklpdfs/publications/ review/075.j;!df

• SNH (1997) National programme of landscape character assessment: Banff and Buchan httj;!://www.snh.org.uklpdfs/publications/ review/037.pdf

• SNH ( 1998) South and Central Aberdeenshire landscape character assessment httj;!://www.snh.org.uklpdfs/publications/ review/ I 02.pdf


Page 5: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

13. Flood Risk Is any part of the site identified as being at No risk of river or surface water flooding within N/A SEPA flood maps, and/or has any part of the site previously flooded?

(You can view the SEPA flood maps at httR://maR.SeRa.org.uklfloodmaR/maR.htm) Could development on the site result in No additional flood risk elsewhere? N/A

Could development of the site help alleviate No any existing flooding problems in the area? N/A

14. Infrastructure a. Water I Drain~g"e Is there water/waste water capacity for the Water Yes proposed development (based on Scottish Water asset capacity search tool httR://www.scottishwater.co.uklbusiness/Conn Waste water Yes ections/Connecting-xour-RrORemlAsset-CaRaci~-Search)?

Has contact been made with Scottish Water? Yes Anticipated upgrade and contributions required.

Will your SUDS scheme include rain gardens? Yes/No httR://www.centralscotlandgreennetwork.org/c Please specify: Maybe amRaigns/greener-gardens b. Education - h'eusirr.g_!proposals enly Education capacity/constraints See supporting statement httRs://www.aberdeenshire.gov .uklschools/Rare nts-carers/school-info/school-roll-forecasts/ Has contact been made with the Local No Authority's Education Department? c. Transport If direct access is required onto a Trunk Road No (A90 and A96), or the proposal will impact on traffic on a Trunk Road, has contact been made with Transport Scotland? Has contact been made with the Local No Authority's Transportation Service? They can be contacted at transj;[email protected] v.uk Public transport Local network services.

Active travel Site adjacent to large open space area for (i.e. internal connectivity and links externally) pipeline - opportunities - proximity to town



Page 6: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

d. Gas/Electricity/Heat/Broadband Has contact been made with the relevant Gas: No utilities providers?

Electricity: No

Heat No

Broadband: No

Have any feasibility studies been undertaken to No understand and inform capacity issues? Is there capacity within the existing network(s) Don't know and a viable connection to the network(s)? Will renewable energy be installed and used on Yes the site? To be agreed. For example, heat pump (air, ground or water), biomass, hydro, solar (photovoltaic (electricity) or thermal), or a wind turbine (freestanding/integrated into the building)

e. Public Gpen ,space Will the site provide the opportunity to Yes Large area of open space shown in enhance the green network? (These are protected pipeline area. the linked areas of open space in settlements, which can be enhanced through amalgamating existing green networks or providing onsite green infrastructure)

You can find the boundary of existing green networks in the settlement profiles in the LDP Will the site meet the open space standards, as Yes set out in Appendix 2 in the Aberdeenshire See drawing. Parks and Open Spaces Strategy? htq~s://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklmedia/6077/

aRRrovedRandosRacesstrategy:.Rdf Will the site deliver any of the shortfalls Yes identified in the Open Space Audit for Adds to already good supply in Westhill. specific settlements? httRs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklcommunities -and-events/Rarks-and-oeen-seaces/oeen-seace-strategy:-auditl f. Resource use Will the site re-use existing structure(s) or No recycle or recover existing on-site materials/resources? Will the site have a direct impact on the water No environment and result in the need for watercourse crossings, large scale abstraction and/or culverting of a watercourse?


Page 7: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

I 5. Other potential constraints Please identify whether the site is affected by any of the following potential constraints: Aberdeen Green Belt No htq~s://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/media/20555/aRRendix-3-

boundaries-of-the-greenbelt.Rdf Carbon-rich soils and peatland No htq~://www.snh.gov.ukiRianning-and-develoRment/advice-for-

Rlanners-and-develoRers/soils-and-develoRmentlcRRI Coastal Zone No httRs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklmedia/20 176/4-the-coastal-zone.J2df Contaminated land No Ground instability No Hazardous site/HSE exclusion zone Yes (You can find the boundary of these zones in Planning Advice I 120 17 Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones at httRs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.ukiRianning/J2Ians-and-J20iicies/J2Ianning-advice/ and advice at httR:IIwww.hse.gov.uk/landuseRianning/develoRers.htm) Minerals - safeguarded or area of search No httJ;!s://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldJ;!media/6 Area of search and saf~g!:!ard for minerals.J2df

Overhead lines or underground cables No Physical access into the site due to topography or geography No Prime agricultural land (grades I, 2 and 3.1) on all or part of the site. No httJ;!://maR.environment.gov.scot/Soil maR~lrlaxer=6 'Protected' open space in the LDP (i.e. P sites) No www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/ldR and choose from Appendix Sa to Sf Rights of way/core paths/recreation uses No Topography (e.g. steep slopes) No Other No

Drawings for Mains of Kinmundy I and 2 show protection zone (inner) where open space is provided and connecting roads. Development shown in permitted middle zone.


Page 8: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

16. Proximity to facilities How close is the site to Local shops 400m a range of facilities?

Community faci lities (e.g. school, 400m *Delete as appropriate

public hall) Sports facilities (e.g. playing fields 400m

Employment areas 400m

Residential areas 400m

Bus stop or bus route 400m

Train station 400m

Other, e.g. dentist, pub (please 400m specify)

17. Community engagement Has the local community been given the Not yet opportunity to influence/partake in the design and specification of the development proposal? N/A

Visit to Community Council in late spring I early summer 2018.

18. Residual value and deliverability Please confirm that you have considered the I have considered the likely 'residual value' of 'residual value' of your site and you are the site, as described above, and fully expect confident that the site is viable when the site to be viable: infrastructure and all other costs, such as

Please tick: 0 constraints and mitigation are taken into account. See supporting statement


Page 9: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

19. Other information

I See supporting statemenc

Please tick to confirm your agreement to the following statement:

By completing this form I agree that Aberdeenshire Council can use the information provided in this form for the purposes of identifying possible land for allocation in the next Local Development Plan. I also agree that the information provided, other than contact details and information that is deemed commercially sensitive (questions I to 3), can be made available to the public.


Page 10: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~IGRo43 I I ©

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PROPOSED SITE PLf N Scale 1:2500 at A3

Lippe Architects + Planners and must not OIL PIPE LINE be reproduced without written permission



~ OUTER ZONE 380-485M








Scale: 1 :2500 @ A3 Date: MARCH 2018 Drawn:ll

CHECK INITIALS DATE planning: warrant: tender:

L \ lippearchitects +planners I

4 St James Place, lnverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 3UB t:01467 622785 f:01467 624185

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Ref: 5056/LP02

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5056. 2 L \ lippearchitects


The indicative capacity of the site is for 87 houses with 21 affordable houses.

It is recognised that constraints have limited any significant development in Westhill for a

number of years. However, this situation is not serving to help in addressing the constraints

and therefore areas of development should be seriously considered along with the

improvements to services and infrastructure they would bring. While there has been an

economic downturn in the last few years, Westhill remains an attractive area for investment

and living.

In terms of access, while there are constraints on the A944 and some more minor

surrounding roads, the existing and planned infrastructure provides good connectivity

between Westhill and Aberdeen. The creation of the AWPR in particular within the Green

Belt and with recent approval for the Aberdeen Football Club Stadium, there is an

opportunity to review the effectiveness of the Green Belt boundaries and faci litate limited

development of appropriate land uses on suitable sites immediately east of the existing

settlement. This was recognised in the update to the 2008 Westhill Capacity Study

produced in 2014 by Amec.

In terms of design the site is bi-sected by the BP Forties Oil pipeline located to the east of

the current boundary of Westhill . The inner, middle and outer zones for consultation dictate

what, how much and where development can be considered. The Plan submitted shows the

appropriate limitations to development and the masterplan is designed around this.

While Westhill remains outwith a Strategic Growth Area it is possible that areas of modest

development can be permitted in the Plan period and phased accordingly in line with the

recommendation in the capacity study that this area known as 'Area 2' is 'most suitable' for


Pupils from this development are zoned to Westhill Primary School which will be operating at

87% capacity in 2022 and although the school roll is rising, there would be capacity to

accommodate this modest development. Pupils would also be zoned to Westhhill Academy

which in 2022 is operating well within capacity and could accommodate pupils generated by

this development.

In term of foul drainage, it is recognised that upgrading of the current system is required and

that developers will have to contribute towards this. Discussions with Scottish Water can

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Page 12: 4. Site Details Name of the site Mains of Kinmundy -2 OS ... · You can find details of these designations at: National Nature Reserve NO .envi ronment.gov .scot/ Ancient Woodland

determine if the modest level of development proposed at this site are of significant enough

level to trigger upgrade work. The landowner is willing to contribute if required.

While Westhill may continue to not be identified for significant growth in this Plan there are

opportunities for modest growth and this site has previously been identified as a preferred

option and would be deliverable in the Plan period from 2026 onwards.