42 -- Orthopedic Principles

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  • 7/29/2019 42 -- Orthopedic Principles



    GENERAL APPROACH TO FRACTURES DIAGNOSIS: Hx, Px, Xrays (splint obvious fractures b/f Xrays)

    REDUCTION: Increase deformity, traction, replace, MUST do post reduction Xray

    IMMOBILIZATION: Non-operative (cast, splint), Operative (internal, external fixation)



    History Pay particular attention to mechanism of injury MOI crucial b/c some injuries are not evident on Xray

    Physical LOOK: swelling, deformity, open fracture site

    FEEL: pain, tenderness, swelling (palpate well away from injury) MOVE: ROM, loss of function, crepitus NEUROVASCULAR examination


    Obvious fractures should be splinted before Xray

    Xrays do NOT r/o fracture May not appear until the # margins absorb Absorption will widen the radiolucent line and the defect will present at 7-

    10d New bone beneath the fracture will accentuate the defect Treat as fracture and reXray at 7-10d if suspicions

    Rule of Twos 2 views: AP + lateral (MUST have both) 2 joints: joint above and below 2 times: b/f and a/f reduction 2 sides: opposite sides esp. in children to compare growth plates

    CODE of Xray Quality C...coverage (joint above and below) O...orthogonal views DE...decent exposure

    ABCs of reading the Xray Alignment, Bones, Cartilage, Soft tissues, Second abnormality, Stability

    Description of Fractures: O-S-T-L-A-R-D-O

    O...open(simple)/closed(compound) S...site (exact anatomic location) T...type (transverse, oblique, spiral, comminuted, segmented, torus, green-

    stick) L...length A...angulation (deviation from longitudinal axis; describe amount in

    degrees; describe direction of apex if in midshaft and direction of distalfragment if at end)

    A....intra-articular (% of joint surface involved) R....rotation (clinical examination) D....dislplacement (% of offset) O....other (impaction, avulsion, pathologic, valgus, varus)

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    Definitions Pathologic: tumors, osteomalacia, Rickets, scurvy, osteogenesis

    imperfecta, osteoporosis as a result of another condition (polio)

    Valgus: angled away from midline Varus: angled toward midline

    Fracture mimicers Nutrient artery: fine, sharply marginated, oblique course through cortex,

    less radiolucent than fracture Pseudo#: soft tissue folds, overlying material, Mach effect (artifact) Avulsion (irregular, uncorticated surface, defect in adjacent bone) versus

    accessory ossicle or sesamoid bones (smooth, corticated surface)


    Bone scan: TC99, osteomyelitis, fractures, tumors; fracture must be 1-2 days old(preferably 10), lacks specificity b/c will pick up inflammation

    CT: good if uncertain or for description of articular surfaces MRI: soft tissues


    History and MOI will predict most injuries

    Normal Xrays do NOT r/o fracture

    Do NOT accept inadequate films

    Xray and examine joint above and below

    Xray before reduction unless vascular compromise

    N.V. examination essential before and after ANY manipulation

    Splint while waiting Xrays and ortho

    Specific discharge instructions

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    GENERAL CARE Splint all fractures ASAP (prevents further injury and conversion to open # as well as

    relieves pain and facilitates trnpt) Gentle traction to align limb b/f splinting if malaligned Immobilize joint above and below Do not remove splint in ER; loosen and reapply if neurovasc injury Every XR should have splint Definitive care = reduction and immobilization


    Most #s managed nonoperatively

    Indications = NO indication for operative management

    Non-displaced or minimally displaced #s: immobilization Non-articular displaced #s: closed reduction and immobilization

    Methods of immobilization Plaster of Paris: most common, main use for upper extremities and below

    mid thigh, slabs or circumferential cast, watch out for tight cast causing acompartment syndrome

    Fiberglass: lighter, strong, water resistant, difficult to mold, expensive Traction: skin or skeletal traction, most commonly used for femur #s and

    some pelvis #s (vertical shear), traction pins in distal femur, proximal tibia,olecranon, C-spine

    Slings, splints, bandaging

    Complications of Casts

    Pressure sores (warning is pain, decreased LOC :. require Sx) Compartment syndrome from tight cast (split immediately) Joint stiffness Neuroparaxia esp w/ below knee cast pressing peroneal n. DVT from immobilization

    Complications of Traction Bed confinement Pressure sores Peroneal nerve palsy when knee rests against side of splint Neurovasc str damaged by traction pins Pin infection or loosening

    Discharge instructions

    RICE Rest Ice Elevation: MUST be above the level of the heart Dont rest plaster on anything b/c it takes 24hrs to fully set Watch fingers and toes for excessive swelling, decreased sensation, cyanosis Follow up instructions


    Strong, stable fixation by Sx allows earlier mobilization because it limits loss of function due to

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    scarring and secondary joint stiffness prevented by early mobilization

    General Indications for operative treatment Anatomical reduction is reqd: intraarticular #s, prevents deformity and post-

    traumatic arthritis, closed reduction rarely produces anatomical reduction Multi-traumatized Pt Immobilization is undesirable (elderly b/c of complications Failure on non-operative Tx (failure to obtain or maintain reduction) Open fractures (require debridement) Fractures known to be unstable Femur Fracture Floating Knee/Elbow Compartment syndromes or vascular injuries Pathological # secondary to bone mets: internal fixation relieves pain and allows

    return to home Economics

    Methods of operative treatment Internal fixation: screws, plates, wires, staples, intramedullary devices External fixation Amputaiton

    Complications of operative tx Further injury Neurovascular injury Infection Bone too weak for good fixation Delay in # healing, failure of hardware, loss of stability Second operation risks when hardware is removed Refracturing of bone if hardware removed too early or if another injury occurs b/f

    screws stable (6wks)



    Open = Compound = communication b/w bone and outside env

    Comminuted = many fragments

    Limb threatening :. surgical emergency Most important management factor is prevention of infection

    Infection rate rises w/i 6hrs and debridement should be done w/i this time

    Bone and Soft tissue injuries are usu worse than w/ closed #s

    They tend to have a great deal of periosteal striping and devascularization of bone leading todead bone which is at high risk for infection

    Any fracture with a wound MUST be assumed to be an open fracture even if the wound isnot located right overtop the suspccted fracture site. Dont do the paper clip trick.


    ALL require debridement thus EMERGENT orthro consult

    Treat wound and fracture simultaneously

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    Thorough debridement is the MOST IMPORTANT first step

    Describe wound: location, size, contamination, extent of muscle damage, neurovascular exam

    Gross Debridement; pick out gross contamination only; further debridement is done in OR

    Neverprobe a wound in the ER to determine if it is down to bone Attempt reduction if the bone protrudes through the skin

    Apply sterile dressing and DO NOT REMOVE IT

    Splint, elevate, remove constrictive clothing, jewelry

    Tetanus prophylaxis and Analgesia

    Keep patient NPO

    Antibiotics Start ASAP after swabs obtained CLEAN: d of c is first generation cephalosporin such as cefazolin (Ancef) which

    gives wide coverage including staph DIRTY: add aminoglycoside for gross contamination to cover gram -ves

    (Gentamycin/Tobramycin) FARM: add Pen G if high risk of gas gangrene (C. perfringens) such as farm

    injury Antibiotics never take the place of debridement

    Stabilization internal/external fixation decreases mvmt thus prevents further soft tissue

    damage and decreases infection rate wounds are also easier to debride, change dressings, and graft than working

    around a traction device fixation allows for earlier mvmt and rehab wounds should be left open and undergo a delayed primary closure or

    coverage (skin graft/flap) when it is sure that there is no infection (7/7)


    Same as for closed fractures but more frequent b/c injuries are more severe



    LUXATION=Dislocation = complete disruption of the joint so that the articular surfaces are nolonger intact

    SUBLUXATION = partial disruption where a portion of the articular surface remains in contact

    Defined by joint involved; in three bone joints, defined by the lesser joint involved

    Should be described by the direction of the distal fragment

    Fracture dislocation denotes associated fracture

    Also described as open or closed



    Deformity: may not be obvious (ex: posterior shoulder0

    Skin disruption

    Position - hip: flexed, adducted, internal rotated

    Neurovasc injury: common with certain dislocations (knee and popliteal artery)

    Loss of active and passive mvmt: test gentle ROM but do not force

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    General principles: the sooner the better b/c swelling and muscle spasm make reduction moredifficult with time; analgesia aids reduction; some joints cannot be reduced in ED

    Vascular compromise ............reduction attempted BEFORE Xrays Otherwise .............................Xrays done BEORE reduction

    Reduction accomplished by traction in the line of the deformity and then gentle manipulation

    EMERGENCY...........many are limb threatening

    MUST repeat Xrays after reduction to assess reduction and look for fractures



    Matrix - mostly collagen which gives tensile strength, collagen offers NO resistance tocompression

    Mineral - hydroxyapatite resists both tensile and compressive forces, stronger in compressionthan in tension


    Many fractures are on the tensile side of the bone b/c bone is more resistant to compressivethan tensile forces.

    Viscoelasticity makes the RATE of application of stress a major factor in determining thefracture pattern and soft tissue injury

    HIGH energy high strain, dissipation produces xplosion LOW energy low strain, produces linear fracture

    DIRECT BENDING: transverse fracture, triangular fragment (wedge fragment or butterfly) maybe extruded on the compression side

    BENDING + AXIAL COMPRESSION: oblique fracture

    TWISTING: spiral fracture

    PURE COMPRESSION: seen in cancellous bone with a thin cortical shell (metaphysis,vertebral bdies, os clacis), cortical bone is resistant, fracture b/cms more fragmented as Eincreases

    TENSILE: occurs in thin cortex subject to high forces (patella, olecranon when musclecontracts while limb is flexed). Also, medial malleolus pulled off by the deltoid ligament aseversion and external rotation forces are applied to the ankle. Fractures are transverse,occurring at right angles to the tensile force and producing only 2 fragments



    Healing by Callus fromation Inflammatory Phase (10% of total time): bleeding, clot formation , acute

    inflammatory rxn, VD, exudation, histiocytes, mast cells Reparitive Phase (40% of time):bone ends dead and do not participate

    hematoma organization, invasion of fibrovascular tissue from cambium layer ofperiosteum, endosteal bone surface, and soft tissue ----- replacement of clotw/collagen and matrix, mineralization of this forms the PRIMARY CALLUSwhich is woven bone; cartilage forms in the callus periphery which will later beconverted to bone by endochondral ossification; similar process occurs in the

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    medulla until union occurs Remodelling Phase (70%): begins b/f union achieved and continues for years;

    same as in normal bone: osteoclastic resorption and laying down of new bone

    along the lines of force (Wolffs Law) Primary (Direct) bone healing

    Contact healing occurs when surfaces are held together under conditions thatdo NOT allow mvmt (usu by plates and screws)

    Occurs WITHOUT callus formation Cutting cones (heads) have osteoclasts which drill holes into long axis and are

    followed by osteoblasts creating new osteons Forms new lammellar bone along the lines of force Bone remains weaker for 18mo


    Nonunion = fragments fail to unite, mechanical dysfuction and pain

    Psuedoarthosis = nonunion results in a false joint

    Delayed union = takes extra time to unite and may progress to nonunion

    Malunion = bone heals in an undesirable position b/c the initially acceptable reductiondisplaces

    Intraarticular malunion leads to post traumatic arthriits Nonarticular malunion leads to malalignment (imp in femur and tibia), loss of

    mvmt, and function

    INFECTIONS Open fractures are surgical emergency b/c of risk of infection

    Cover wounds with sterile dressing and give IV abx ASAP

    Grade I: ancef iv (add gentamycin for Grade II/III)

    Usefulness of culture and sensitivity of wound doubtful

    Box 42-2


    Pelvic fracture: 1500 - 3000 ml

    Femur fracture: 1000 ml

    Tibia/fibular: 500 ml

    Humerus: 250 ml

    Radius/ulna: 200 ml


    Vascular examination critical

    Examination may be difficult with massive swelling

    Document presence of pulse AND capillary refill

    Look for pallor, pulseless, polar, paresthesias, paralysis, pain

    Incomplete and subclinical vascular injuries can be initially asymptomatic and undetectable

    Doppler should be used if pulses are not palpable

    Distal pulses may be present in 10 - 15% of significant arterial injuries

    Arteriography or exploration may be necessary

    Complications: thrombosis, AV fisutula, aneurysm, false aneurysm, ischemia, Volkkmans

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    ischemic contracture, infarction, loss of limb, rhabdomyolysis, compartment syndrome


    Necrosis due to poor blood supply after fracture Especially is fracture comminuted, untreated for any length of time

    Risky areas Femoral head, Talus, Scaphoid, Capitate


    Pneumonia, DVT, PE, UTI, wound infection, decubitus ulcers, muscle atrophy, stress ulcers,GI hemorrhage, psychiatric disorder,


    Neuropraxia Contusion of a nerve with disruption of ability to transmit impulses Paralysis if present is transient and sensory loss is minimal Normal function usually returns w/i weeks to months

    Axonotmesis More severe crush injury to a nerve Injury to nerve fibers occurs w/i their sheaths Schwann tubes remain in continuity :. spontaneous healing is possible but slow

    Neurotmesis Severing of a nerve usually requiring surgical repair Classic associations ......

    Elbow injury median or ulnar nerve

    Shoulder dislocation axillarySacral fracture cauda equinaAcetabular fracture sciaticHip dislocation femoralKnee dislocation tibial or peronealLateral tibial plateua peroneal

    Severed nerve: all function will be absent; all sensory and motor

    Less severe injuries often have preservation of function

    Light touch is a good screening test

    Two-point discrimination more sensitive and should be routinely done in digits (less useful inchildren, uncooperative, comatose, severe pain)

    ORiain wrinkle test for sympathetic nerve function: soak digits in warm saline for 20 min will

    cause the digital pulps to wrinkle through a mechanism not well understood; wrinkling denotesintact nerve function; absence is more difficult to interpret

    Ninhydrin sweat test: sudomotor test for nerve funtion but not practical for emerg


    Fat globules embolize to lung and through peripheral circulation

    Subclinical FES likely very common; clinical syndrome fairly uncommon

    1% of long bone fractures and 5-10% of multiple trauma patients

    Long bone fractures (Tibia and fibula) in young adults

    Hip fractures in elderly

    Symptoms 1 - 2 days after injury or surgery

    Triad ofdecreased LOC, respiratory distress, petechiae

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    Respiratory distress: earliest symptom, most common and severe

    Decreaesed LOC: restlessness, confusion, seizure

    Petechial rash from thrombocytopenia

    Other: fever, tachycardia, jaundice, retinal changes, fat in urine in 50% by day3 Management supportive; no specific therapy


    Tense blister or bullae in areas of minimal skin coverage like the ankle, elbow, foot, knee

    These areas contain fewer hair follicles and sweat glands to anker the skin

    Occur with high underlying pressure and may be a marker for compartement syndrome

    Early surgery and minimizing tissue pressure reduces the incidence


    Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and Causalgia = terms used to define pain syndromesthat sometines follow fractures, ortho surgery, and other limb ins

    Many other names: Sudecks atrophy, shoulder-hand syndrome, postinfarction sclerodactyly

    International association called RSD = Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type I(CRPS I) Pain syndrome after an initiating noxios event, extends beyond the distribution

    of a single peripheral nerve and is usally disproportionate to the inciting event Site is most often the distal end of the affected extremity with distal to proximal

    gradient Associated with edema, poor blood flow to skin, abnormal sudomotor activity,

    allodyna (pain from proximal stimulus), hyperpathia (pain after mild lightpressure), or hyperalgesia

    Causalgia = CRPS II Identical to RSD except that there is demonstrable peripheral nerve injury

    Pathogenisis Not well known Sympathetic nervous system involved in some but not all Pathological tissue changes demonstrated in most; usually not malingering Does occur in pediatrics

    Diagnosis No correlation b/w severity of initial trauma and symptom severity Early diagnosis is difficult especially with minimal trauma Earlier treatment is more effective RSD symptoms abolished with sympathetic blockers very suggestive 9 point clinical scale: 1 point if present, point if equivical ---------> RSD if > 5

    Allodyna or Hyperpathia Burning sensation Edema Color or hair growth changes Sweat changes Temperature changes Xray changes (demineralization) Vasomotor or sudomotor quantitative measurement change Triple phase bone scan consistent

    Treatment Controversial Sympathetic blockade, regional anesthesia, surgical sympathectomy Calcitonin, vitC, TCA, indomethacin have been tried

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    Introduction Defintion - pressure w/i compartment > pressure of capillary bed producing local

    ischemial and may result in necrosis if not treated

    6 hour limit b/f necrosis MC sites: forearm, leg Other sites: thigh, foot, buttock, shoulder, arm, hand MCC is direct trauma and fracture Closed fractures more common that open fractures

    Compartment syndromes can occur in open fractures Most common location is closed fracture of the tibia but is well described in

    thigh, forearm, hand, foot Can occur with soft tissue injury w/o fracture (shin splints, limb compression

    while unconscious, etc) ------> one study had 30% with NO fracture (STI only) Unusual causes: lithotomy position, tuck position, spontaneous hemorrhage,

    MAST trausers, excessive traction for treatment of a fracture Other causes: soft tissue injury w/o # (crush injury), post ischemic swelling

    following restoration of blood flow a/f arterial repair, embolectomy, tourniquetrelease, drug OD w/ prolonged limb compprssion, extremity burns espcircumferencial escar

    Etiology (Box 42-2): Increased Compartment Content

    Bleeding: vascular injury, coagulopathy, anticoagulant Rx Increased capillary filtration

    trauma: fracture, contusion, convulsion

    excessive muscle use: excersize, seizure,eclampsia, tetany

    burns: thermal, electrical

    reperfusion injury: bypass, embolectomy,coronary cath, lying on limb, ergotamineingestion

    intraarterial drug injection

    ortho surgery

    snakebites Increased capillary pressure

    intensive use of muscles

    venous obstruction: phlegmasia cerulea dolens

    ill - fitting leg brace venous ligation

    diminished serum osmolarity (nephriticsyndrome)

    Decreased Compartment Volume- Closure of fascial compartments Excessive traction on fractured limb

    External Pressure Cast, Dressing, Splint, Lying on limb

    Miscellaneous- Infiltration, pressure transfusion, leaky dialysis cannula, muscle

    hypertrophy, popliteal cyst

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    Pathophysiology Tissue pressure rises, venous pressure rises, compromise of local blood flow

    and hypoxia occurs Occurs at pressures that are above diastolic pressure but below arterial

    pressure b/c of reduced arteriovenous gradient at the tissue level Body responds by increased blood flow to area; inflammatory mediators cause

    membrane permeability, fluid leak, and increasing edema and pressure Pressure increases above capillary perfusion pressure and venous flow is

    impaired Finally arterial flow is compromised ----------> ischemia and necrosis Elevation of limb may exacerbate compartment syndrome: elevation of a limb

    decreases arterial pressure (0.8mmHg/cm) but venous pressure does notdecrease (because it is essentially the same as the compartement pressure) ----------> decrease in arterial - venous gradient and decrease perfusion :. level of

    heart is best Vascular spasm plays a minimal role Normal compartement pressure is 0 mmHg Compartment pressures that lead to compartment sydrome vary b/w

    individuals; in general, ischemia develops when compartment pressure is w/i10 - 30 mmHg of diastolic pressure

    Ischemia depends on pressure AND duration Measuring compartment pressures :. are not 100% reliable

    History Onset from hrs to days a/f injury Pain out of proportion to injury is KEY feature that should raise suspicion

    (BEWARE OF THE WIMP - request for more anesthesia is a clue)

    Pain is the first symptom; may be described as a tightness, burning, deep Obviously unreliable in decreased LOC, intoxicaiton, etc Paresthesias

    Physical Findings Limited active movement (b/c of pain) Passive streching causes pain Hypesthesia and paresthesia: decreased two pt discrimination in the

    distribution of the nerve running through that particular compartment Swelling and Tenderness of entire compartment Firm compartment: soft compartment extremely unlikely to be this

    Absence of peripheral pulses and five Ps: VERY LATE FINDING and is a verypoor diagnostic sign; only occurs when there is irreversible ischemia, occurs

    when compartment P > SBP Diagnosis

    Clinical diagnosis Stryker device: hand-held digital display, must zero, must hit appropriate

    compartment, pressures < 30 will generally not produce syndrome, P > 30 orw/i 30 of systolic pressure are operative indications; serial measurements ifunsure

    Doppler not useful Angiography: do if suspecting any arterial injury

    ** MUST re-examine patient b/c it may not be present initially **** Just b/c they dont have one initially DOES NOT mean a compartment synd wont devp**

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    Place limb at heart level (NOT higher b/c aterial pressure will dec; venousdoesnt)

    Cut casts and dressing along length; remove do not improve w/i 30-60 min Sugical decompression (complete fasciotomy) indicated for high clinical

    suspicion (even w/o compartment pressure measurement)** BE AGRESSIVE - a few needless fasciotomies better than missed dx**

    Complications Infection, gangrene, limb amputation Fibrosis: major local complication if untreated or delayed tx; muscle fibrosis

    and joint contractures and impaired nerve function; fibrotic muscle incision,contracture release, neurolysis, tendon transfers help but do NOT return a

    normal limb Crush Syndrome: large amount of ischemia/necrosis, myoglobin release,

    urine turns red-brown, precipiation of myoglobin in renal tubules andACUTE RENAL FAILURE, can be fatal



    Definitions Sprain = ligamentous injury resulting form an abnormal motion of a joint Injury to the fibers of a supporting ligament of a joint

    First degree: minor tearing with resultant hemorrhage and swellin, minimalpoint tenderness, stressing produces some pain but NO opening orabnormal joint motion

    Second degree: partial tear involving more fibers, moderate hemorrhageand swelling, painful motion, abnormal motion, loss of function, may betendancy toward persistent instability and recurrence

    Third degree: complete disruption of ligament, more bleeding/swelling,more painful motion/abnormal motion/loss of function, stressing the joint willreveal grossly abnormal joint motion; chronic instability common

    Assessment Snap or pop sound sometimes heard MOI important Xray to r/o fracture in majority of cases Examination should include stressing the joint to demonstrate abnormal

    motion Avulsion fractures common with sprains

    Management NSAIDs, Ice, rest, elevation Immobilization: early immobilization, reexamination at 3 days to assess

    injury Complete, 3

    rddegree sprains: f/u with ortho in one week

    Admission for elderly who cannot ambulate safely Sprains can be significant, have long duration of recovery, have permanent

    complications so dont minimize to patients

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    Nomenclature Strain = injury to a musculotendinous unit (pulled muscle)

    First degree: minor tearing, swelling, tenderness, loss of function Second degree: more fibers involved but not complete disruption Third degree: complete disruption separating muscle from muscle, muscle

    from tendon, tendon from bone Avulsion fractures can occur

    Assessment Pain, swelling, echymosis, tenderness Stretch force to muscle, active or passive, will reproduce pain Palpable defect sometimes present Common in overuse in those who are unfit Mechanism gives clue to injury: push off and achilles strain


    First degree: rest, ice, elevation, NSAIDs Second degree: similar but longer time before return to activity Third degree: ortho consult b/c some can be operatively repaired; some

    managed with immobilization


    Tendinitis = inflammatory condition characterized by pain at tendinous insertions into boneoccurring with overuse

    More complex pathophysiology than simply oversuse

    Aging, poor blood supply, decreased tensile strength, muscle weakness, muscleimbalance, poor flexibility, obesity, malalignment, training errors, improper equipment,

    PMHx: DM, CRF, RA, SLE, steroids

    Tendinosis may be better term for chronic conditions Calcium deposits along the tendon can result in calcific tendinitis

    Pain, limited motion, tenderness, crepitus over tendon

    Forced muscle strength testing against resistance should increase pain

    Xrays may show avulsion, calcium deposits

    Ultrasound can demonstrate tendonitis

    Rest, Ice, NSAIDs followed by rehab and training

    No evidence that NSAIDs alter pathophysiology of condition

    Corticosteroid injection


    Bursitis = inflammation of the bursa that may be traumatic or infections

    Olecranon, greater troch of femur, prepatellar are most common

    Tenderness, swelling, warmth, erythema

    Aspiration if infection suspected

    Conservative tx unless infected



    Splinting suspected fractures/dislocations prevents further damage, may restore blood flowto ischemic tissue by removing pressure, relieves pain by preventing movement


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    Splint should be applied in field Commercial splints available Some avoid air splints b/c of contribution to compartment syndrome

    Splint before patient is moved Severly angulated fractures should be straightened b/f they are splinteed Immobilized joint above and below, pad skin to avoid necrosis, avoid


    Sling-and-Swath Bandage and Velpeau Bandage: immobilize shoulder, humerus, elbow

    Clavicle splint: figure of eight has not been shown to be better than simple sling

    Plaster splints: good for elbow, forearm, wrist, hand

    Femur and hip Hare traction splint or similar device: apply prehospital Sager splint: more acceptable for use in the presence of pelvic # and avoids

    compression on sciatic nerve


    Comercial devices Jones compression dressing

    Ankle: plaster splint, adhesive strapping, aircast


    Too tight: swelling, pain, coolness, change in color of distal skin parts; bivalve the cast andinspect the skin; think of compartment syndrome, infection,



    Vasoconstriction, limiting blood flow, decreasing hemorrhage and edeam,decreased metabolic requirement, less histamine and inflammatorymediator release

    Contraindications: cold allergy, Raynauds phenomenon Relative contraindications: RA, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria Four stages of senstation

    cold sensation for 1-3 min burning or aching sensation for 2-7 min local numbness and aneshtesia from 5-12min reflex deep vasodilation without a correspoding increase in

    metabolism (similar to rewarming shock) at 12-15 min THUS: maximum of 15 min recommended, must endure the

    burning/aching phase to achieve benefit Heat

    Increased blood flow, metabolic demands May feel better but doesnt help acute injury
