48AZ/UZ Packaged Rooftop Cooling/ Heat Pump and Gas Heating Units Installation, operation and maintenance instructions


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Page 1: 48AZ-UZ_14816_08_10_LR

48AZ/UZPackaged Rooftop Cooling/Heat Pump and Gas Heating Units

Installation, operation and maintenance instructions

Page 2: 48AZ-UZ_14816_08_10_LR



stARt-UP CHeCK LIst .............................................................................................................................................................. 4Physical data ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6Dimensions, mm ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8Fan performance (standard) .......................................................................................................................................................... 13Fan performance (optional drive - high static pressure 1) ......................................................................................................... 14Fan performance (optional drive - high static pressure 2) ......................................................................................................... 15Fan performance (optional drive - high static pressure 3) ......................................................................................................... 16Electrical data ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17Recommended wire sections ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

sAFetY ConsIDeRAtIons................................................................................................................................................... 18

InstALLAtIon ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18Siting the unit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 18Unit base frame ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19Sensor connection and location .................................................................................................................................................... 20Ductwork ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21Condensate and rainwater drainage ............................................................................................................................................. 21

eLeCtRICAL ConneCtIons ............................................................................................................................................... 21Inserting line power leads into unit .............................................................................................................................................. 22Thermostat connection .................................................................................................................................................................. 22Necessary checks/precautions before start-up ............................................................................................................................ 22

VeRIFICAtIon oF tHe ReFRIgeRAnt CHARge ...................................................................................................... 22Refrigerant guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................... 23Recharging liquid refrigerant ........................................................................................................................................................ 23Undercharge .................................................................................................................................................................................... 23Characteristics of R-407C .............................................................................................................................................................. 23

stARt-UP (CooLIng) .............................................................................................................................................................. 24Initial checks.................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

ReFRIgeRAnt sYstem DesCRIPtIon ........................................................................................................................... 24

ComPRessoR RePLACement ........................................................................................................................................... 25Description of unit protection devices ......................................................................................................................................... 25High pressurestat ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25Operating limits .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25

gAs HeAtIng ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

PReLImInARY CHeCKs BeFoRe stARt-UP .................................................................................................................. 26Gas connection ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27Operating limits ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27Installation of flue outlet terminal guard and wind baffle ......................................................................................................... 27

CommIssIonIng ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28Checks to be carried out before starting up the gas burner ...................................................................................................... 28Required equipment list for start-up ............................................................................................................................................ 28

PRessURe ADjUstments on tHe HIgH-Low RegULAtIng VALVe .............................................................. 29

gAs ConVeRsIon InstRUCtIons ................................................................................................................................... 30Sequence .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

gAs FIRe-UP seqUenCe ....................................................................................................................................................... 31

seRVICe AnD mAIntenAnCe ............................................................................................................................................ 32Temperature limit switches ........................................................................................................................................................... 33Main burners ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34Integrated gas unit controller (IGC) ............................................................................................................................................ 35

gAs BURneR tRoUBLesHootIng .................................................................................................................................. 36

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the drawings in this document are for illustrative purposes only and is not part of any offer for sale or contract.

IMPORTANT: The appliance must be installed in accordance with local safety codes and regulations and is intended for outdoor use only.

Please read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before starting this unit.

CAUTION: Before installation, check that the local distribution conditions, type of gas and available pressure, and the power supply and adjustments of the appliance are correct.

settIng UP tHe PRo-DIALog PLUs ContRoL ........................................................................................................ 39Local interface general features.................................................................................................................................................... 39Unit start/stop control .................................................................................................................................................................... 41Menus .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 42

oPtIons AnD ACCessoRIes ............................................................................................................................................... 42

geneRAL mAIntenAnCe .................................................................................................................................................... 43

seRVICe ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 43Indoor fan air adjustment .............................................................................................................................................................. 43Lubrication ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 44Condenser coil ................................................................................................................................................................................ 44

mAIntenAnCe PRogRAmme ............................................................................................................................................ 45Maintenance instructions ............................................................................................................................................................... 45Maintenance schedule .................................................................................................................................................................... 45Description of the maintenance operations ................................................................................................................................ 45Servicing recommendations .......................................................................................................................................................... 46

FInAL ReCommenDAtIons ................................................................................................................................................ 46

tRoUBLesHootIng CHARt ............................................................................................................................................... 47

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Equipment sold by: ..................................................................................................................... Contract No: ........................................................................

Installed by: ................................................................................................................................. Contract No: ........................................................................

Site address: ................................................................................................................... Start up date: .................................................................

Equipment type and serial No: 48AZ/UZ ....................................................................................................................................................................................


Supply voltage Ph 1: ........................... Volts Ph 2: .................... Volts Ph 3: ................... Volts

Nominal voltage: ...................................................... Volts % network voltage: ............................................................./.....

Current draw Ph 1: ................................ Amperes Ph 2: ................................... Amperes Ph 3: ...................................... Amperes

Control circuit voltage: ................................ Volts Control circuit fuse: ............................................................................................ Amperes

Main circuit breaker rating: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

CooLIng UnIt


Condenser: Evaporator:

Entering air temp.: ...................................................... oC Entering air temp.: ....................................................... oC

Leaving air temp.: ...................................................... oC Leaving air temp.: ....................................................... oC

Pressure drop (air): .................................................... kPa Pressure drop (air): ...................................................... kPa

Discharge air pressure: ............................................ Pa Discharge air pressure: ............................................... Pa

Fan motor input: Ph. 1: ................................. Volts Fan motor input: Ph. 1: ................................... Volts

Ph. 2: ................................. Volts Ph. 2: ................................... Volts

Ph. 3: ................................. Volts Ph. 3: ................................... Volts

sAFetY DeVICe settIng:

High pressure switch: cut-out: ................................................... kPa cut-in: ............................................................... kPa

Low pressure switch: cut-out: ................................................... kPa cut-in: ............................................................... kPa

Step controller: cut-out 1st step: ....................................... oC cut-in 1st step: ................................................. oC

cut-out 2nd step: ..................................... oC cut-in 2nd step: .......................................:....... oC

Oil level: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Oil visible in sight glass? ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................


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Commissioning engineer (name): .................................................................... Date: .............................................................................................................

Customer agreement (name): ........................................................................... Date: ............................................................................................................


note: Complete this start-up list at the time of installation


gAs BURneR no. 1

Size .................................... Serial No. .................................

Pipe size ............................. Gas type g................................

Line pressure ..................... mbar

Check burner pressureMin. rate ........................... mbar Max. rate ............................. mbar

Pressure cut-out, air flow pressure switch .................................... Pa

Motor current ....................... A Flue temp. .............................. °C

CO2 ....................................... % CO ppm ................................... %

gAs BURneR no. 2

Size .................................... Serial No. .................................

Pipe size ............................. Gas type g................................

Line pressure .................. mbar

Check burner pressureMin. rate ......................... mbar Max. rate ............................. mbar

Pressure cut-out, air flow pressure switch .................................... Pa

Motor current ....................... A Flue temp. ................................ °C

CO2 ...................................... % CO ppm ................................... %

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Physical data

48AZ 016 020 024 028 034 040Nominal cooling capacity* kW 43 54.1 70 78.1 99.5 116.1Operating weight kg 745 920 1060 1070 1545 1595Refrigerant charge R-407CCircuit A/B kg 11.6/- 6.2/7.1 9.4/9.9 9.4/9.9 14.6/14.6 18.0/18.0Compressor Scroll Hermetic Scroll Scroll Hermetic HermeticQuantity, circuit A/B 1/- 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1Oil charge (each) l 6.6 4 4 6.6 7.6 7.6Control type Pro-Dialog PlusIndoor coil Copper tubes, aluminium finsFace area m2 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 2.56 2.56Rows ... fin spacing mm 3 ... 1.7 3 ... 1.81 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7 3 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7Outdoor coil Copper tubes, aluminium finsFace area m2 2.05 1.93 2.78 2.78 5.20 5.20Rows ... fin spacing mm 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7 3 ... 1.81 3 ... 1.81Indoor fan One, centrifugalAir flow l/s 2528 3444 3472 3944 5550 5550Fan speed r/s 15.25 18.28 18.77 18.77 13.62 14.30Nominal power input kW 2.2 4 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5Nominal static pressure (dry/wet coil) Pa 146 159 149 149 146 165Outdoor fan Axial Flying Bird fans with rotating shroudQuantity 1 2 2 2 2 2Air flow l/s 6100 6600 10600 10600 13000 12500Fan speed (high/low speed) r/s 15.6/7.8 11.5/5.8 15.6/7.8 15.6/7.8 15.6/7.8 15.6/7.8Nominal power input (each) kW 1.8 0.75 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8Air filter G4Quantity 6 6 6 6 9 9Width x height mm 595 x 495 595 x 495 595 x 495 595 x 495 595 x 495 595 x 495Thickness mm 50 50 50 50 50 50 48UZ 016 020 024 028Nominal cooling capacity* kW 41 52 68.5 77Nominal heating capacity** kW 45 56,7 79 85Operating weight kg 755 930 1070 1080Refrigerant charge R-407CCircuit A /B kg 11.8/- 6.5/7.4 9.4/9.9 9.4/9.9Compressor Scroll Hermetic Scroll ScrollQuantity, circuit A/B 1/- 1/1 1/1 1/1Oil charge (each) l 6.6 4 4 6.6Control type Pro-Dialog PlusIndoor coil Copper tubes, aluminium finsFace area m2 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71Rows ... fin spacing mm 3 ... 1.7 3 ... 1.81 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7Outdoor coil Copper tubes, aluminium finsFace area m2 2.05 1.93 2.78 2.78Rows ... fin spacing mm 3 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7 4 ... 1.7Indoor fan One, centrifugalAir flow l/s 2528 3444 3472 3944Fan speed r/s 15.25 18.28 18.77 18.77Nominal power input kW 2.2 4 5.5 5.5Nominal static pressure (dry/wet coil) Pa 146 159 149 149Outdoor fan Axial Flying Bird fans with rotating shroudQuantity 1 2 2 2Air flow l/s 6100 6600 10600 10600Fan speed (high/low speed) r/s 15.6/7.8 11.5/5.8 15.6/7.8 15.6/7.8Nominal power input (each) kW 1.8 0.75 1.8 1.8Air filter G4Quantity 6 6 6 6Width x height mm 595 x 495 595 x 495 595 x 495 595 x 495Thickness mm 50 50 50 50

* Nominal Eurovent conditions: outdoor air dry bulb temperature of 35°C, indoor air wet bulb temperature of 19°C.** Nominal Eurovent conditions: outdoor air wet bulb temperature of 6°C, indoor air dry bulb temperature of 20°C.

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Physical data (continued)

Heating modules 5 cells 6 cells 7 cells 5 + 5 cells 6 + 6 cells 7 + 7 cellsNatural gas heatingNet heat input (min./max.) kW 35.4/52.6 48.6/69.4 56.7/81.0 35.4/105.2 48.6/138.8 56.7/162.0Heat output (min./max.) kW 30.8/46.8 41.8/61.8 49.9/72.9 30.8/93.6 42.8/125.0 50.5/147.4Natural gas (G20) rate* l/s 1.04/1.55 1.43/2.04 1.67/2.38 1.04/3.09 1.43/4.08 1.67/4.76

m3/h 3.74/5.57 5.14/7.34 6.00/8.57 3.74/11.13 5.14/14.7 6.00/17.14Natural gas (G25) rate l/s 1.21/1.80 1.66/2.37 1.94/2.77 1.21/3.60 1.66/4.74 1.94/5.54

m3/h 4.36/6.47 5.98/8.54 6.98/9.97 4.36/12.95 5.98/17.08 6.97/19.94Natural gas (G25.1) rate l/s 1.21/1.79 1.66/2.37 1.66/2.77 1.21/3.59 1.66/4.74 1.93/5.54

m3/h 4.34/6.46 5.97/8.53 5.97/9.96 4.34/12.94 5.97/17.07 6.96/19.93InjectorsQuantity 5 6 7 10 12 14Size mm 3.26 3.45 3.45 3.26 3.45 3.45Propane gas heatingNet heat input (min./max.) kW -/59.1 -/71.0 -/82.8 59.1 /118.2 71.0/142.0 82.8/165.6Heat output (min./max.) kW -/53.2 -/63.9 -/74.5 52.6/105.2 63.9/127.8 75.3/150.7Propane gas (G31) rate* kg/h -/4.59 -/5.51 -/6.43 4.59/9.18 5.51/11.03 6.43/12.86

m3/h -/2.42 -/2.90 -/3.39 2.42/4.83 2.90/5.81 3.39/6.77InjectorsQuantity 5 6 7 10 12 14Size mm 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9Weight** kg 65 73 80 135 150 165Power input (400 V-3 ph-50 Hz)** kW 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.44 0.44 0.44Gas connection in Rp 3/4 F Rp 3/4 F Rp 3/4 F Rp 3/4 F Rp 3/4 F Rp 3/4 F

* (Hi) Natural gas G20 net calorific value 34.02 MJ/m3 @ 15°C, 1013.25 mbar (Hi) Natural gas G25 net calorific value 29.25 MJ/m3 @ 15°C, 1013.25 mbar (Hi) Natural gas G25.1 net calorific value 29.3 MJ/m3 @ 15°C, 1013.25 mbar (Hi) Propane gas G31 net calorific value 46.34 MJ/kg @ 15°C, 1013.25 mbar (Hi) Propane gas G31 net calorific value 88.0 MJ/m3 @ 15°C, 1013.25 mbar** Weight and power input values are valid for the heating modules.

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When designing an installation, always use up-to-date drawings, available from your local Carrier office.

Dimensions, mm

48AZ/UZ 016

Right side view Left side view

Electrical box access panel

Front viewRear view

Water connections ø 64Control wiring inlet ø 38

Power wiring inlet ø 64

Main disconnectswitch Filter access


(1) Optional air return duct connection(2) Optional power exhaust connection(1) + (2) Alternative air return duct connection. In this

case power exhaust option is not used.

Gas connections ø 29

- -A- -

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48AZ/UZ 020

When designing an installation, always use up-to-date drawings, available from your local Carrier office.

Right side view Left side view

Electrical box access panel

Front viewRear view

Main disconnectswitch Filter access


(1) Optional air return duct connection(2) Optional power exhaust connection(1) + (2) Alternative air return duct connection. In this case

power exhaust option is not used.

Water connections ø 64Control wiring inlet ø 38

Power wiring inlet ø 64

Gas connections ø 29

- -A- -

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48AZ/UZ 024-028

When designing an installation, always use up-to-date drawings, available from your local Carrier office.

Right side view Left side view

Electrical box access panel

Front viewRear view

Main disconnectswitch Filter access


(1) Optional air return duct connection(2) Optional power exhaust connection(1) + (2) Alternative air return duct connection. In this

case power exhaust option is not used.

Water connections ø 64Control wiring inlet ø 38

Power wiring inlet ø 64

Gas connections ø 29

- -A- -

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When designing an installation, always use up-to-date drawings, available from your local Carrier office.

48AZ 034-040

Right side view Left side view

Electrical box access panel

Front viewRear view

Main disconnectswitch Filter access


(1) Optional air return duct connection(2) Optional power exhaust connection(1) + (2) Alternative air return duct connection. In this

case power exhaust option is not used.

Water connections ø 64

Control wiring inlet ø 38

Power wiring inlet ø 64

Gas connections ø 29

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Fig. 2 - Centre of gravity (approx.)

Fig. 3 - Weight distribution, kg (approx.)

Fig. 1 - Service area, mm

Clearances required

* A minimum 2000 mm clearance must be left in front of the gas module side.

48AZ 016 020 024 0281 79 122 119 1212 73 140 156 1583 167 212 264 2654 104 117 112 1145 125 132 155 1576 200 199 252 254

48UZ 016 020 024 0281 79 122 119 1212 75 142 158 1603 170 215 267 2684 104 117 112 1145 127 134 157 1596 203 202 255 257

NOTE: The units have mounting holes in the lower section, to be used by the installer, if required.

48AZ 034 0401 125 1332 156 1623 261 2654 230 2365 125 1336 156 1627 261 2658 230 236

48AZ 016 020 024 028 034 040XG* mm 1573 1573 1551 1630 2500 2530YG* mm 911 1133 1125 1114 1100 1100ZG* mm 590 553 553 624 1090 1090

* Measured from point 4

48UZ 016 020 024 028XG* mm 1583 1583 1561 1640YG* mm 911 1133 1125 1114ZG* mm 590 553 553 624

* Measured from point 4


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Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2022 2222 2361 2528 2916 3033

Closed16.20 r/s

Pa 229 209 195 181 159 128kW 1.43 1.60 1.72 1.89 2.30 2.43

1 turn open15.72 r/s

Pa 212 192 178 163 139 108kW 1.35 1.52 1.64 1.80 2.19 2.33

2 turns open 15.25 r/s

Pa 196 176 161 146 120 88kW 1.28 1.44 1.56 1.71 2.10 2.22

3 turns open14.78 r/s

Pa 181 159 144 128 101 68kW 1.21 1.36 1.48 1.63 2.00 2.12

4 turns open 14.32 r/s

Pa 165 143 128 111 82 49kW 1.14 1.29 1.40 1.55 1.90 2.02

Factory setting15.25 r/s

Pa 196 176 161 146 120 88kW 1.28 1.44 1.56 1.71 2.10 2.22

Standard motor: 2.2 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2611 2777 3055 3444 3611 3944

Closed19.22 r/s

Pa 324 310 276 204 180 111kW 2.64 2.85 3.23 3.82 4.08 4.66

1 turn open18.75 r/s

Pa 304 289 255 181 156 85kW 2.52 2.73 3.10 3.68 3.94 4.50

2 turns open 18.28 r/s

Pa 284 269 234 159 133 61kW 2.42 2.62 2.98 3.54 3.79 4.33

3 turns open17.82 r/s

Pa 265 250 214 137 110 35kW 2.31 2.50 2.85 3.40 3.65 4.18

4 turns open 17.37 r/s

Pa 246 230 193 114 87 10kW 2.21 2.40 2.74 3.27 3.51 4.02

Factory setting18.28 r/s

Pa 284 269 234 159 133 61kW 2.42 2.62 2.98 3.54 3.79 4.33

Standard motor: 4 kW

Fan performance (standard)

48AZ/UZ 016 48AZ/UZ 020

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2777 3055 3472 3611 3888 4166

Closed20.23 r/s

Pa 287 265 222 204 158 83kW 3.12 3.52 4.19 4.43 4.93 5.47

1 turn open19.75 r/s

Pa 265 243 198 179 131 55kW 2.98 3.37 4.03 4.26 4.75 5.28

2 turns open 19.25 r/s

Pa 243 220 174 155 105 28kW 2.86 3.24 3.87 4.10 4.57 5.08

3 turns open18.77 r/s

Pa 221 198 149 130 79 -kW 2.74 3.10 3.72 3.94 4.41 -

4 turns open 18.28 r/s

Pa 200 176 126 105 53 -kW 2.61 2.97 3.58 3.79 4.24 -

Factory setting18.77 r/s

Pa 221 198 149 130 79 -kW 2.74 3.10 3.72 3.94 4.41 -

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s3138 3333 3611 3944 4166 4750

Closed20.23 r/s

Pa 320 304 276 228 192 42kW 3.64 3.96 4.43 5.04 5.47 6.71

1 turn open19.75 r/s

Pa 297 281 251 202 164 10kW 3.50 3.80 4.26 4.86 5.28 6.49

2 turns open 19.25 r/s

Pa 274 257 226 176 137 -kW 3.36 3.65 4.10 4.68 5.08 -

3 turns open18.77 r/s

Pa 251 233 201 149 108 -kW 3.22 3.51 3.94 4.51 4.90 -

4 turns open 18.28 r/s

Pa 229 210 177 122 81 -kW 3.08 3.36 3.79 4.33 4.72 -

Factory setting18.77 r/s

Pa 251 233 201 149 108 -kW 3.22 3.51 3.94 4.51 4.90 -

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow. l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed14.30 r/s

Pa 249 229 200 175 149 107kW 5.72 6.16 6.59 6.84 7.07 7.57

1 turn open13.95 r/s

Pa 222 203 173 148 120 79kW 5.50 5.91 6.34 6.58 6.81 7.28

2 turns open 13.62 r/s

Pa 197 177 146 120 93 50kW 5.27 5.68 6.09 6.33 6.55 7.01

3 turns open13.27 r/s

Pa 172 150 119 93 65 22kW 5.05 5.45 5.85 6.08 6.29 6.74

4 turns open 12.92 r/s

Pa 147 125 93 66 38 -kW 4.84 5.22 5.62 5.83 6.04 -

Factory setting13.62 r/s

Pa 197 177 146 120 93 50kW 5.27 5.68 6.09 6.33 6.55 7.01

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

Legend:Pa - External static pressurekW - Fan power input

Higher than the nominal motor power

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed14.30 r/s

Pa 215 197 165 139 108 49kW 5.72 6.16 6.59 6.84 7.07 7.57

1 turn open13.95 r/s

Pa 188 171 138 111 80 21kW 5.50 5.91 6.34 6.58 6.81 7.28

2 turns open 13.62 r/s

Pa 163 145 111 84 52 -kW 5.27 5.68 6.09 6.33 6.55 -

3 turns open13.27 r/s

Pa 138 118 84 56 25 -kW 5.05 5.45 5.85 6.08 6.29 -

4 turns open 12.92 r/s

Pa 113 93 58 30 - -kW 4.84 5.22 5.62 5.83 - -

Factory setting14.30 r/s

Pa 215 197 165 139 108 49kW 5.72 6.16 6.59 6.84 7.07 7.57

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

48AZ/UZ 024 48AZ/UZ 028

48AZ 034 48AZ 040

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Fan performance (optional drive - high static pressure 1)

48AZ/UZ 016 48AZ/UZ 020

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2022 2222 2361 2528 2916 3033

Closed19.98 r/s

Pa 378 359 348 336 323 296kW 2.16 2.37 2.53 2.73 3.24 3.41

1 turn open19.40 r/s

Pa 353 335 323 311 297 269kW 2.03 2.24 2.39 2.59 3.08 3.25

2 turns open 18.83 r/s

Pa 329 311 299 287 271 243kW 1.91 2.11 2.25 2.45 2.93 3.09

3 turns open18.25 r/s

Pa 306 287 275 262 246 217kW 1.79 1.99 2.13 2.32 3 2.94

4 turns open 17.67 r/s

Pa 283 264 252 239 221 191kW 1.69 1.87 2.01 2.19 2.64 2.78

Standard motor: 3 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2611 2777 3055 3444 3611 3944

Closed19.07 r/s

Pa 512 498 467 404 385 329kW 3.44 3.66 4.06 4.69 4.97 5.58

1 turn open18.65 r/s

Pa 486 472 441 378 358 302kW 3.29 3.51 3.90 4.51 4.79 5.38

2 turns open 18.23 r/s

Pa 460 447 416 351 331 274kW 3.15 3.36 3.75 4.34 4.60 5.18

3 turns open17.82 r/s

Pa 435 422 390 325 305 247kW 3.01 3.22 3.59 4.17 4.43 4.99

4 turns open 17.40 r/s

Pa 411 397 366 300 279 220kW 2.88 3.08 3.44 4.00 4.26 4.80

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2777 3055 3472 3611 3888 4166

Closed19.07 r/s

Pa 430 409 373 358 319 256kW 3.66 4.06 4.74 4.97 5.47 6.00

1 turn open18.65 r/s

Pa 404 383 346 331 291 227kW 3.51 3.90 4.56 4.79 5.27 5.79

2 turns open 18.23 r/s

Pa 378 358 320 304 264 199kW 3.36 3.75 4.38 4.60 5.08 5.59

3 turns open17.82 r/s

Pa 353 332 293 278 237 171kW 3.22 3.59 4.21 4.43 4.89 5.38

4 turns open 17.40 r/s

Pa 329 308 268 252 210 143kW 3.08 3.44 4.05 4.26 4.71 5.19

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s3138 3333 3611 3944 4166 4750

Closed19.15 r/s

Pa 470 457 435 377 371 250kW 4.23 4.54 5.01 5.95 6.04 7.28

1 turn open18.68 r/s

Pa 441 428 404 344 338 216kW 4.04 4.34 4.80 5.72 5.81 7.00

2 turns open 18.23 r/s

Pa 412 399 375 313 307 181kW 3.86 4.15 4.60 5.50 5.58 6.74

3 turns open17.77 r/s

Pa 384 370 345 282 276 147kW 3.69 3.97 4.40 5.27 5.35 6.48

4 turns open 17.30 r/s

Pa 356 342 316 251 245 114kW 3.52 3.79 4.22 5.06 5.14 6.23

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed15.32 r/s

Pa 328 310 283 259 233 194kW 6.43 6.90 7.39 7.65 7.90 8.43

1 turn open14.95 r/s

Pa 298 280 252 228 202 163kW 6.17 6.62 7.09 7.34 7.59 8.11

2 turns open 14.58 r/s

Pa 270 251 223 198 171 131kW 5.91 6.36 6.80 7.05 7.30 7.80

3 turns open14.22 r/s

Pa 242 222 193 168 141 100kW 5.66 6.09 6.53 6.77 7.00 7.49

4 turns open 13.83 r/s

Pa 214 194 164 138 111 69kW 5.42 5.83 6.26 6.49 6.72 7.19

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

Legend:Pa - External static pressurekW - Fan power input

Higher than the nominal motor power

Note: The factory setting for the motor pulley position is "Closed".

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed15.88 r/s

Pa 339 324 295 270 241 186kW 6.84 7.34 7.84 8.12 8.39 8.93

1 turn open15.55 r/s

Pa 311 296 266 241 212 156kW 6.59 7.07 7.56 7.83 8.09 8.63

2 turns open 15.20 r/s

Pa 284 268 237 212 183 126kW 6.34 6.80 7.29 7.54 7.79 8.32

3 turns open14.85 r/s

Pa 257 240 209 183 154 96kW 6.10 6.55 7.01 7.26 7.51 8.02

4 turns open 14.50 r/s

Pa 230 213 182 155 125 67kW 5.86 6.30 6.75 7.00 7.24 7.74

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

48AZ/UZ 024 48AZ/UZ 028

48AZ 034 48AZ 040

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Fan performance (optional drive - high static pressure 2)

48AZ/UZ 016 48AZ/UZ 020

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2022 2222 2361 2528 2916 3033

Closed21.53 r/s

Pa 492 474 461 446 421 388kW 2.55 2.84 3.05 3.33 4.02 4.24

1 turn open21.00 r/s

Pa 466 448 434 418 391 358kW 2.43 2.71 2.92 3.19 3.86 4.07

2 turns open 20.48 r/s

Pa 441 421 407 391 362 328kW 2.32 2.60 2.80 3.06 3.71 3.92

3 turns open19.97 r/s

Pa 416 396 381 364 333 298kW 2.22 2.48 2.67 2.93 4 3.76

4 turns open 19.45 r/s

Pa 392 371 355 337 304 269kW 2.11 2.37 2.56 2.80 3.41 3.61

Standard motor: 4 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2611 2777 3055 3444 3611 3944

Closed20.23 r/s

Pa 588 574 544 482 464 411kW 3.88 4.12 4.55 5.22 5.52 6.16

1 turn open Pa 555 542 512 449 430 37619.75 r/s kW 3.69 3.92 4.34 4.99 5.28 5.912 turns open 19.25 r/s

Pa 524 510 480 417 398 342kW 3.51 3.73 4.14 4.77 5.06 5.67

3 turns open18.77 r/s

Pa 493 479 448 385 365 309kW 3.33 3.55 3.95 4.56 4.84 5.43

4 turns open 18.28 r/s

Pa 463 449 418 354 334 277kW 3.16 3.38 3.76 4.35 4.62 5.19

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2777 3055 3472 3611 3888 4166

Closed20.23 r/s

Pa 506 486 451 437 400 338kW 4.12 4.55 5.27 5.52 6.05 6.62

1 turn open Pa 473 454 418 403 366 30319.75 r/s kW 3.92 4.34 5.04 5.28 5.80 6.362 turns open 19.25 r/s

Pa 442 422 385 370 332 269kW 3.73 4.14 4.82 5.06 5.56 6.10

3 turns open18.77 r/s

Pa 411 390 353 338 299 235kW 3.55 3.95 4.61 4.84 5.33 5.85

4 turns open 18.28 r/s

Pa 381 360 322 307 267 201kW 3.38 3.76 4.40 4.62 5.10 5.61

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s3138 3333 3611 3944 4166 4750

Closed20.23 r/s

Pa 541 529 508 473 447 332kW 4.67 5.01 5.50 6.16 6.61 7.91

1 turn open Pa 508 496 474 439 412 29419.75 r/s kW 4.46 4.79 5.27 5.90 6.35 7.622 turns open 19.25 r/s

Pa 476 464 441 405 378 258kW 4.26 4.57 5.05 5.66 6.09 7.33

3 turns open18.77 r/s

Pa 445 432 409 372 343 221kW 4.06 4.36 4.83 5.42 5.84 7.04

4 turns open 18.28 r/s

Pa 415 401 378 339 310 185kW 3.87 4.17 4.61 5.19 5.60 6.76

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

48AZ/UZ 024 48AZ/UZ 028

48AZ 034 48AZ 040

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed15.95 r/s

Pa 444 429 404 381 357 320kW 6.99 7.47 7.97 8.24 8.51 9.06

1 turn open15.60 r/s

Pa 414 398 372 349 324 287kW 6.72 7.19 7.68 7.94 8.20 8.74

2 turns open 15.25 r/s

Pa 384 368 341 318 292 255kW 6.46 6.92 7.39 7.65 7.91 8.42

3 turns open14.90 r/s

Pa 355 337 311 287 261 223kW 6.21 6.65 7.12 7.37 7.61 8.12

4 turns open 14.55 r/s

Pa 325 308 280 256 231 191kW 5.96 6.39 6.85 7.09 7.32 7.82

Standard motor: 2 x 4 kW

Legend:Pa - External static pressure (standard filters, dry coil)kW - Fan power input

Higher than the nominal motor power

Note: The factory setting for the motor pulley position is "Closed".

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed16.02 r/s

Pa 416 403 375 351 323 269kW 7.04 7.53 8.03 8.30 8.57 9.13

1 turn open15.55 r/s

Pa 376 362 333 309 280 225kW 6.69 7.15 7.64 7.90 8.16 8.69

2 turns open 15.08 r/s

Pa 336 321 292 266 237 182kW 6.34 6.79 7.26 7.52 7.77 8.28

3 turns open14.62 r/s

Pa 297 281 251 225 196 139kW 6.00 6.44 6.90 7.14 7.38 7.88

4 turns open 14.15 r/s

Pa 259 242 211 185 155 98kW 5.68 6.11 6.54 6.77 7.01 7.48

Standard motor: 2 x 4 kW

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Fan performance (optional drive - high static pressure 3)

48AZ/UZ 016 48AZ/UZ 020

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2022 2222 2361 2528 2916 3033

Closed23.92 r/s

Pa 618 602 591 579 562 532kW 3.13 3.45 3.70 4.01 4.79 5.04

1 turn open23.22 r/s

Pa 580 564 552 539 520 490kW 2.95 3.27 3.50 3.81 4.56 4.80

2 turns open 22.53 r/s

Pa 543 526 514 501 479 448kW 2.78 3.09 3.31 3.60 4.33 4.56

3 turns open21.83 r/s

Pa 508 490 477 463 439 406kW 2.62 2.92 3.13 3.41 4.11 4.34

4 turns open 21.13 r/s

Pa 473 454 441 425 399 366kW 2.46 2.75 2.96 3.23 3.90 4.12

Standard motor: 5.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2611 2777 3055 3444 3611 3944

Closed22.48 r/s

Pa 746 732 703 643 625 575kW 4.82 5.08 5.58 6.33 6.66 7.40

1 turn open22.00 r/s

Pa 710 697 667 606 589 538kW 4.60 4.86 5.34 6.07 6.40 7.11

2 turns open 21.50 r/s

Pa 675 661 631 571 553 501kW 4.38 4.64 5.10 5.82 6.15 6.84

3 turns open21.02 r/s

Pa 640 627 597 536 518 465kW 4.17 4.43 4.88 5.58 5.89 6.57

4 turns open 20.53 r/s

Pa 607 593 563 502 483 430kW 3.98 4.23 4.66 5.34 5.65 6.31

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s2777 3055 3472 3611 3888 4166

Closed22.48 r/s

Pa 664 645 611 598 563 505kW 5.08 5.58 6.38 6.66 7.27 7.92

1 turn open22.00 r/s

Pa 628 609 575 561 527 467kW 4.86 5.34 6.12 6.40 6.99 7.62

2 turns open 21.50 r/s

Pa 593 573 539 526 490 430kW 4.64 5.10 5.87 6.15 6.71 7.33

3 turns open21.02 r/s

Pa 559 539 504 490 455 394kW 4.43 4.88 5.63 5.89 6.45 7.04

4 turns open 20.53 r/s

Pa 525 505 470 456 420 358kW 4.23 4.66 5.39 5.65 6.19 6.77

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s3138 3333 3611 3944 4166 4750

Closed21.45 r/s

Pa 625 614 593 560 535 426kW 5.22 5.57 6.12 6.81 7.29 8.69

1 turn open20.93 r/s

Pa 589 577 556 522 497 385kW 4.98 5.32 5.85 6.53 6.99 8.36

2 turns open 20.42 r/s

Pa 553 541 520 485 459 345kW 4.75 5.08 5.59 6.25 6.71 8.02

3 turns open19.90 r/s

Pa 518 506 484 449 422 306kW 4.52 4.85 5.34 5.98 6.43 7.71

4 turns open 19.37 r/s

Pa 484 471 449 413 386 266kW 4.31 4.62 5.10 5.72 6.15 7.40

Standard motor: 7.5 kW

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed Pa 542 528 505 483 459 42517.02 r/s kW 7.85 8.38 8.92 9.21 9.50 10.101 turn open Pa 508 493 470 447 424 38916.65 r/s kW 7.54 8.07 8.58 8.87 9.15 9.732 turns open Pa 474 459 435 413 388 35216.28 r/s kW 7.25 7.75 8.26 8.54 8.81 9.383 turns open Pa 441 426 401 378 354 31715.92 r/s kW 6.96 7.44 7.94 8.21 8.48 9.034 turns open Pa 409 393 367 344 319 28215.53 r/s kW 6.68 7.15 7.63 7.89 8.16 8.69

Standard motor: 2 x 5.5 kW

Legend:Pa - External static pressurekW - Fan power input

Higher than the nominal motor power

Note: The factory setting for the motor pulley position is “Closed”.

Motor pulley position Air flow, l/s5000 5277 5550 5695 5833 6111

Closed17.17 r/s

Pa 521 509 482 460 432 381kW 7.97 8.50 9.05 9.34 9.63 10.23

1 turn open16.75 r/s

Pa 483 470 443 420 392 340kW 7.62 8.14 8.67 8.96 9.24 9.82

2 turns open 16.33 r/s

Pa 445 432 404 381 353 299kW 7.29 7.79 8.30 8.58 8.85 9.43

3 turns open15.92 r/s

Pa 408 394 366 342 314 259kW 6.97 7.44 7.94 8.22 8.48 9.04

4 turns open 15.50 r/s

Pa 371 357 328 304 275 221kW 6.65 7.11 7.60 7.86 8.12 8.65

Standard motor: 2 x 5.5 kW

48AZ/UZ 024 48AZ/UZ 028

48AZ 034 48AZ 040

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Electrical data

48AZ† 016 020 024 028 034 040Nominal supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50Voltage range V 360-440 360-440 360-440 360-440 360-440 360-440Nominal power input* kW 17.49 27.08 31.85 37.11 45.70 54.10Effective power input* kW 16.14 25.16 29.85 34.74 42.37 50.81Nominal current drawn* A 36.30 49.33 56.23 72.47 79.70 92.80Effective current drawn* A 33.50 45.84 52.70 67.85 73.90 87.15Maximum power input*** kW 20.63 30.07 37.56 44.39 50.75 60.10Maximum current drawn*** A 42.78 54.75 66.29 86.68 88.50 103.10Starting current A 182 133 184.3 216 315 340

48UZ† 016 020 024 028Nominal supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50Voltage range V 360-440 360-440 360-440 360-440Nominal power inputCooling* kW 17.01 26.12 31.76 35.41Heating** kW 16.77 21.91 33.54 36.37Effective power inputCooling* kW 15.66 24.20 29.76 33.04Heating** kW 15.42 19.99 31.54 34.00Nominal current drawnCooling* A 35.09 46.76 56.23 67.85Heating** A 34.54 42.00 58.02 68.62Effective current drawnCooling* A 32.31 43.32 52.69 63.31Heating** A 31.76 38.32 54.56 64.15Maximum power inputCooling*** kW 20.03 28.97 37.41 42.28Heating**** kW 19.21 25.85 36.06 44.26Maximum current drawnCooling*** kW 41.32 51.86 66.23 81.01Heating**** kW 39.57 49.55 62.38 83.51Starting current A 182 133 184.3 216

* Nominal Eurovent conditions: outdoor air dry bulb temperature of 35oC, indoor air wet bulb temperature of 19oC.** Nominal Eurovent conditions: outdoor air wet bulb temperature of 6oC, indoor air dry bulb temperature of 20oC.*** Based on an outdoor air dry bulb temperature of 46oC.**** Based on an outdoor air wet bulb temperature of 18oC and an indoor air dry bulb temperature of 27°C.† Standard units (without options and accessories).

1. The operating environment is specified below: a. Environment* - Environment as classified in EN 60721 (corresponds to

IEC 60721): - outdoor installation (IP24) - ambient temperature range: -10°C to +46°C - altitude: ≤ 2000 m b. Competence of personnel, class BA4 (trained personnel - IEC 60364)2. Power supply frequency variation: ± 2 Hz.3. The neutral (N) conductor must not be connected directly to the unit (if

necessary use a transformer).4. Overcurrent protection of the power supply conductors is not provided with

the unit.5. The factory-installed disconnect switch(es)/circuit breaker(s) is (are) of a type

suitable for power interruption in accordance with EN 60947.6. The units are designed for connection to TN networks (IEC 60364). For IT

networks the earth connection must not be at the network earth. Provide a local earth, consult competent local organisations to complete the electrical installation.

Caution: If particular aspects of an actual installation do not conform to the conditions described above, or if there are other conditions which should be considered, always contact your local Carrier representative.

Electrical data notes:

• 48AZ/UZ units have a single power connection point located at the main switch.

• The control box includes the following standard features: - a main disconnect switch, starter and motor protection devices for each

compressor, fans and electrical heater option - the control devices• Field connections: All connections to the system and the electrical installations must be in full

accordance with all applicable local codes.• The Carrier 48AZ/UZ units are designed and built to ensure conformance with

these codes. The recommendations of European standard EN 60204-1 (machine safety - electrical machine components - part 1: general regulations - corresponds to IEC 60204-1) are specifically taken into account, when designing the electrical equipment.

NOTES: • Generally the recommendations of IEC 60364 are accepted as compliance

with the requirements of the installation directives. Conformance with EN 60204 is the best means of ensuring compliance with the Machines Directive § 1.5.1.

• Annex B of EN 60204-1 describes the electrical characteristics used for the operation of the machines.

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WARNING: Before performing service or maintenance operations on the unit, isolate the gas supply and turn off the main power switch to the unit. Electrical shock could cause personal injury.

This unit is designed for ducted installation (indoor air discharge). If ducts are not used the installer must place a protection grille in the discharge.

Only for use when repairing “Original Spare Parts”. For repairs, special attention must be paid to the correct installation of the spare parts. The parts must always be installed in their original position.

During unit operation, some of the refrigerant circuit elements could reach a temperature in excess of 70°C so only trained or qualified personnel should access areas protected by access panels.

This unit should not be installed in an explosive atmosphere.

The unit can operate in normal radioelectric atmospheres in residential, commercial and light industrial installations. For other applications, please consult Carrier.


• Inspect shipment. Inspect the unit. If it is damaged, or if the shipment is incomplete, immediately file a claim with the shipping company.

• Check that the local power supply agrees with the specification on the unit nameplate.

Siting the unit

Check the following points:• The location must be able to support the unit operating

weight (see Physical data table).• Allow sufficient space for servicing and air flow around

the unit (see dimensional drawings).• Select a location free of dust or foreign matter which

may cause coil clogging.• Consult all applicable rules and standards which

govern the installation of air conditioning equipment.• Vibration absorbers should be provided throughout

the installation to prevent noise transmission.

Rigging• Use a hoisting chain with a minimum length of 5 m

and a suitable rigging hook to lift the unit (see Fig. 4).• To prevent damage while in transit, do not remove the

protective panel materials until it is at its final location.• Never roll or tip the unit more than 15°.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that all unit panels are fixed in place before moving. Raise and set down the unit carefully.

Recommended wire sections

Wire sizing is the responsibility of the installer, and depends on the characteristics and regulations applicable to each installation site. The following is only to be used as a guide-line, and does not make Carrier in any way liable. After wire sizing has been completed, using the certified dimensional drawing, the installer must ensure easy connection and define any modifications necessary on site. The connections provided as standard for the field-supplied power entry cables to the general disconnect/isolator switch are designed for the number and type of wires, listed in the table below.

The calculations are based on the maximum machine current (see electrical data tables) and the standard installation practises, in accordance with IEC 60364, table 52C.

• The calculation is based on PVC Cu.• A maximum ambient temperature of 46°C has been

taken into consideration.

IMPORTANT: Before connection of the main power cables (L1 - L2 - L3) on the terminal block, it is imperative to check the correct order of the 3 phases before proceeding to the connection on the main disconnect/isolator switch.

• The given wire length limits the voltage drop to < 5% (length L in metres - see table below).


S min. (mm2)by phase

Cable type L (mm)

36.0 1 x 6 PVC Cu 6550.0 1 x 10 PVC Cu 8066.0 1 x 16 PVC Cu 9584.0 1 x 25 PVC Cu 115104.0 1 x 35 PVC Cu 130123.0 1 x 50 PVC Cu 160155.0 1 x 70 PVC Cu 175192.0 1 x 95 PVC Cu 195

FLA Full load current, A


Installation and servicing of air conditioning equipment can be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical components.

Only trained and qualified service personnel should install, start-up or service air conditioning equipment. All operations (other than those stated in the User Instruction booklet) should be performed by trained service personnel. When working on air conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the literature, tags and labels attached to the unit and other safety precautions that may apply.

Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use a quenching cloth for unbrazing operations.

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Fig. 4 - Rigging

48AZ/UZ 016-020

48AZ/UZ 024-028

48AZ 034-040







Due to the size and weight of the units the base frame must be on some kind of support which fulfils the following requirements:• The surface area must be sufficient for distributing the

unit weight over the building structure.• Sufficient drainholes should be provided to avoid the

accumulation of rainwater.• The unit should be firmly fixed to the floor.• The structure should be capable of supporting the unit

weight during installation and operation.• The standard unit leaves the factory with the air

discharge and return flanges in the lower section (see Fig. 6) and the corresponding holes in the support (see Fig. 5) must be made.

Fig. 5 - Hole for ducts (standard unit)



Unit base frame

This appliance is for connection to a ducted air system only. It shall not be used without ductwork connected to the air out or discharge side of the appliance. It is possible to provide fresh air to the appliance inlet air side without the use of duct work via an optional kit containing a louvre system, and protective hood and grilles. Consult the appliance supplier or distributor for more information.

a b c d e f g h i j k48AZ/UZ 016-028 285 1745 154 2115 208 1700 276 500 418.5 418.5 10148AZ 034-040 287 1745 156 3572 210 1700 278 1005 423 650 120

Mount the parts, marked “*” in the position shown in Fig. 6 before the unit is placed on the support.

Fig. 6 - Unit air inlet and outlet

Air in

Air out

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Air inlet

See note

Air outlet

See noteRoof slab

NOTE: Do not drill in this area as damage to basepan and refrigerant lines may result in water leakage.

Alternatively, the return air can enter through the rear section (see Fig. 9). In this case, remove the panel and place it on the lower section.

Fig. 9 - Return air through unit rear

Roof slab

Air inletAir outlet

See note See note

Fig. 8 - Standard discharge and return

Air inlet and outlet flange parts should be mounted as shown in Fig. 7 (b) before the unit is placed on the support.

Fig. 7 - View A-A of Fig. 6



Air inlet

Min.500 mm

See noteRoof slab


Air outlet

See note

Roof slab

Air inlet

Air outlet

See note See note

Roof slab

Min. 500 mm Roof slab - field-supplied

Air inlet

Min.500 mm

See noteRoof slab


Air outlet

See note

Roof slab

Fig. 10 - Front discharge and return

Roof slab - field-supplied

Air inlet

Air outlet

See noteSee note

Roof slab

Min. 500 mm

It is necessary to use adequate sealants and joints to ensure correct fitting and watertightness between the ducts and the support so that air and moisture do not enter the building.

WARNING: Do not drill any holes in the indoor coil area as this might damage the condensate drain pan.

IMPORTANT: The unit should be correctly levelled to avoid drainage problems.

Sensor connection and location

Outdoor temperature sensor, space temperature sensor and supply temperature sensor are provided in the control box together with their connectors. Please refer to the wiring diagrams for the required connection and correct cable diameters.

Criteria for selecting sensor locations will vary with systemand building specifics. Recommended sensor locations are shown in Fig. 11.1. Outdoor temperature sensor2. Space (ambient) temperature sensor3. Supply temperature sensor

(2*) if the space temperature sensor is used in a duct, the space temperature sensor must be selected as same type of supply temperature sensor.

Fig. 11 - Sensor location

The unit air discharge and return can be effected through the side (Fig. 10). In this case, the optional roof curb must be used after placing the panel covering the return area in the lower section.

Air inlet Air outlet

Roof slab

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The ductwork dimensions should be determined in accor-dance with the air flow to be carried, and the available static pressure of the unit. The different air flows and static pressures which each unit can supply, are shown in the fan performance tables.

It is recommended to observe the following considerations:• Whatever type of ductwork is used, it should not be

made of materials which are flammable, or which give off toxic gases in the event of a fire. The internal surfaces should be smooth, and not contaminate the air which passes through. It is recommended to use sheet metal ducts which are adequately insulated to avoid condensation and thermal leakage.

• At the points where the ducts join the unit, it is recom-mended to use flexible connections which absorb vibrations, prevent noise inside the ductwork and allow access to the unit.

• Bends near the unit outlet should be avoided as much as possible. If unavoidable, they should be as slight as possible, and internal deflectors should be used when the duct has large dimensions.

NOTE: All duct sizing and design work should be carried out by qualified technicians.

Condensate and rainwater drainage

The units incorporate drillholes in the base near the outdoor coils to drain rainwater and condensation. The indoor heat exchanger area incorporates a condensate pan with an outside drain pipe diameter of 23 mm, and a 35 mm diameter drillhole must be made in the support (see Fig. 12).

Fig. 12 - Condensate drain detailsDrain pipe 23 mm outside diameter (OD)

Drillhole 35 mm outside diameter (OD)

Fig. 13 - Condensate drain pipe details


Drain pipe 23 mm outside diameter

A drain pipe for evacuating condensate must be incorporated taking into account the following recommendations:• Use galvanized steel, copper or plastic piping. Do not

use ordinary garden hose material.• If a rigid material has been used for the drain pipe, it is

necessary to provide an elastic coupling in the drainage line to absorb possible vibrations.

• It is recommended to incorporate a trap of the appropriate dimensions (see Fig. 13).

• The drain pipe should always be below the connection itself, and should slope to facilitate drainage.


WARNING: To prevent electrical shock or equipment damage, make sure disconnects are open before electrical connections are made. If this action is not taken, personal injury may occur.

Field wiring must comply with all applicable codes.

Take special care when making the earth connection.

Voltage to the unit must be within 10% of the voltage and 10% of the current indicated on the nameplate. Contact your local power company for correction of an incorrect line voltage.

Check the voltage before selecting supply wiring fuses and controls.

WARNING: Operation of the unit with an improper supply voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes abuse which will invalidate the Carrier warranty. If the phase imbalance exceeds 2% for voltage, or 10% for current, contact your local electricity supply source at once and ensure that the chiller is not switched on until corrective measures have been taken.

IMPORTANT: To ensure the correct unit power supply (cable entry, conductor cross section, protection devices etc.), consult the electrical data table, the wiring diagram supplied with the unit and the applicable standards concerning the installation of air conditioning equipment.

Never operate a unit if the voltage imbalance exceeds 2%. The following formula must be used to determine the percentage of voltage imbalance.

Voltage imbalance % =

Largest deviation from average voltageAverage voltage

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example:Nominal supply: 400-3-50

AB = 404 VBC = 399 VAC = 394 V

Average voltage = 404 + 399 + 394 = 399 = 400 V 3

Determine maximum deviation from average voltage:

AB = 404 - 400 = 4BC = 400 - 399 = 1AC = 400 - 394 = 6

Largest deviation is 6 volts. Percentage voltage imbalance is therefore:

6 x 100 = 1.5% 400

This is less than the permissible 2% and is therefore acceptable.

CAUTION: The installer must install protection devices, as required by the applicable legislation.

Inserting line power leads into unit

Install air-tight duct conduits in the front panel knock-outs.

Route all wires through the conduits to terminal blocks in the control box.

Use copper, copper-clad aluminium or aluminium wire for power supply.

Thermostat connection

Thermostat/unit connection must be via a loom (wire cross section depends on the cable length) manufactured in accordance with the wiring diagram accompanying the unit.

Follow the instructions supplied with the control for thermostat assembly and handling.

The general rules below should be taken into account:• Voltage at 24 V AC• Standard outlet (service C, R, G, Y1/W2,Y1, Y/Y2, O/

W2, W/W1)• Outlet O is active on cooling

NOTE 1: The thermostat cables should be separate from any 230 V or 400 V cable.


Necessary checks/precautions before start-up

• Ensure that all electrical connections are properly tightened.

• Ensure that the unit is level and well-supported.• Check the condition of the ductwork in case damage

has occurred during installation.• The air filter should be clean and in place.• All the panels should be fitted and firmly secured with

the corresponding screws.• Make sure that there is sufficient space for servicing

and maintenance purposes.• Check the drain connections.• Ensure that there are no refrigerant leaks.• Confirm that the electrical power source agrees with

the unit nameplate rating.• Make sure that compressors float freely on the mounting


WARNING: The compressors are mounted on vibration isolators. Do not loosen or remove the support mounting bolts.

• Check for proper fan rotation.


CAUTION: The 48AZ/UZ units are supplied with a precise refrigerant charge (see Physical Data table).

To verify the correct system charge prodeed as follows:Set unit to cooling mode. Ensure that no bubbles appear in the sight glass, when operating the unit at full load for a while, at a saturated condensing temperature of between 52 and 54°C. If necessary cover a section of the coil surface to obtain this condensing temperature. Under these conditions the apparent subcooling which is equal to the saturated condensing temperature (1 - on the saturated dew point curve) minus the liquid refrigerant temperature (3) ahead of the expansion device must be between 8 and 10°C. This corresponds to an actual subcooling temperature of between 3 and 5 K at the condenser outlet, depending on the unit type. Actual subcooling is equal the saturated liquid temperature (2 - on the saturated bubble point curve) minus the liquid refrigerant temperature (3) ahead of the expansion device. Use the pressure tap supplied on the liquid piping to charge refrigerant and to find out the pressure of the liquid refrigerant. If the subcooling value is not correct, i.e. lower than the specified values, a leak detection test must be carried out on the unit, as it no longer contains its original charge.

WARNING: To ensure proper operation of 48AZ/UZ units there must be at least 8 K of subcooling as the liquid refrigerant enters the expansion valve.

The 48AZ/UZ units use refrigerant. For your information, we are reproducing here some extracts from the official publication dealing with the design, installation, operation and maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration systems and the training of people involved in these activi-ties, agreed by the air conditioning and refrigeration industry.

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Refrigerant guidelines

Refrigeration installations must be inspected and main-tained regularly and rigorously by specialists. Their activities must be overseen and checked by properly trained people. To minimise discharge to the atmosphere, refrigerants and lubricating oil must be transferred using methods which reduce leaks and losses to a minimum and with materials that are suitable for the products.• Leaks must be repaired immediately.• All units are equipped with connections on the suction

and liquid line, which permit the connection of refrigerant recovery valves.

• If the residual pressure is too low to make the transfer alone, a purpose-built refrigerant recovery unit must be used.

• Compressor lubricating oil contains refrigerant. Any oil drained from a system during maintenance must therefore be handled and stored accordingly.

• Refrigerant under pressure must never be discharged to the atmosphere.

• If the refrigerant circuit is opened, plug all openings if the operation takes up to one day, or charge the circuit with nitrogen for longer operations.

Apparent and actual subcooling

Recharging liquid refrigerant

CAUTION: 48AZ/UZ units are charged with liquid HFC-407C refrigerant.

This non-azeotropic refrigerant blend consists of 23% R-32, 25% of R-125 and 52% R-134a, and is characterised by the fact that at the time of the change in state the tempera-ture of the liquid/vapour mixture is not constant, as with azeotropic refrigerants. All checks must be pressure tests, and the appropriate pressure/temperature ratio table must be used to determine the corresponding saturated temperatures (saturated bubble point curve or saturated dew point curve).

Leak detection is especially important for units charged with refrigerant R-407C. Depending on whether the leak occurs in the liquid or in the vapour phase, the proportion of the different components in the remaining liquid is not the same.

NOTE: Regularly carry out leak checks and immediately repair any leak found. If there is a leak in the plate heat exchanger, this part must be replaced.


If there is not enough refrigerant in the system, this is indicated by gas bubbles in the moisture sight glass in the cooling mode.

If the undercharge is significant, large bubbles appear in the moisture sight glass, and the suction pressure drops. The compressor suction superheat is also high. The machine must be recharged after the leak has been repaired.

Find the leak and completely drain the system with a refrigerant recovery unit. Carry out the repair, leak test and then recharge the system.

IMPORTANT: After the leak has been repaired, the circuit must be tested, without exceeding the maximum low-side operating pressure shown on the unit name plate.

The refrigerant must always be recharged in the liquid phase into the liquid line. The refrigerant cylinder must always contain at least 10% of its initial charge. For the refrigerant quantity per circuit, refer to the data on the unit name plate.

Characteristics of R-407C

See the table on the next page.Saturated bubble point temperatures (bubble point curve)Saturated dew point temperatures (dew point curve)







L + V





Legend1 Saturated condensing temperature at the dew point2 Saturated liquid temperature at the bubble point3 Liquid refrigerant temperature4 Saturation curve at the dew point5 Saturation curbe at the bubble point6 Isotherms7 Apparent subcooling (1 - 3)8 Real subcooling (2 - 3)L LiquidL + V Liquid + vapourV Vapour

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Actual start-up should only be done under the supervision of a qualified refrigeration mechanic.

Initial checks

With the unit in operation, ensure that the values shown on the high and low pressure gauges are within the normal limits. It is advisable to simulate unit shutdown due to high and low pressure, in order to make sure that the high pressure switch works properly. To do so, proceed as follows:• High pressure shutdown (cooling cycle): Completely

cover the outdoor air inlet, or disconnect the outdoor fan and motor. The unit should stop at a pressure of 29 bar.

• Low pressure shutdown (cooling cycle): Cover the indoor air inlet, or disconnect the indoor fan and motor. Observe the low pressure gauge. The unit should stop at a pressure of 0.55 bar.

Check that the motor and compressor consumptions are approximately the same as those shown on the unit name-plate. Consumption data is also given in the Electrical data table.

Characteristics of R-407C

Bar (relative)

Saturated bubble point temp. , °C

Saturated dew point temp., °C


Saturated bubble point temp., °C

Saturated dew point temp., °C


Saturated bubble point temp., °C

Saturated dew point temp., °C

1 -28.55 -21.72 10.5 23.74 29.35 20 47.81 52.551.25 -25.66 -18.88 10.75 24.54 30.12 20.25 48.32 53.041.5 -23.01 -16.29 11 25.32 30.87 20.5 48.83 53.531.75 -20.57 -13.88 11.25 26.09 31.62 20.75 49.34 54.012 -18.28 -11.65 11.5 26.85 32.35 21 49.84 54.492.25 -16.14 -9.55 11.75 27.6 33.08 21.25 50.34 54.962.5 -14.12 -7.57 12 28.34 33.79 21.5 50.83 55.432.75 -12.21 -5.7 12.25 29.06 34.5 21.75 51.32 55.93 -10.4 -3.93 12.5 29.78 35.19 22 51.8 56.363.25 -8.67 -2.23 12.75 30.49 35.87 22.25 52.28 56.823.5 -7.01 -0.61 13 31.18 36.55 22.5 52.76 57.283.75 -5.43 0.93 13.25 31.87 37.21 22.75 53.24 57.734 -3.9 2.42 13.5 32.55 37.87 23 53.71 58.184.25 -2.44 3.85 13.75 33.22 38.51 23.25 54.17 58.624.5 -1.02 5.23 14 33.89 39.16 23.5 54.64 59.074.75 0.34 6.57 14.25 34.54 39.79 23.75 55.1 59.55 1.66 7.86 14.5 35.19 40.41 24 55.55 59.945.25 2.94 9.11 14.75 35.83 41.03 24.25 56.01 60.375.5 4.19 10.33 15 36.46 41.64 24.5 56.46 60.85.75 5.4 11.5 15.25 37.08 42.24 24.75 56.9 61.226 6.57 12.65 15.5 37.7 42.84 25 57.35 61.656.25 7.71 13.76 15.75 38.31 43.42 25.25 57.79 62.076.5 8.83 14.85 16 38.92 44.01 25.5 58.23 62.486.75 9.92 15.91 16.25 39.52 44.58 25.75 58.66 62.97 10.98 16.94 16.5 40.11 45.15 26 59.09 63.317.25 12.02 17.95 16.75 40.69 45.71 26.25 59.52 63.717.5 13.03 18.94 17 41.27 46.27 26.5 59.95 64.127.75 14.02 19.9 17.25 41.85 46.82 26.75 60.37 64.528 14.99 20.85 17.5 42.41 47.37 27 60.79 64.928.25 15.94 21.77 17.75 42.98 47.91 27.25 61.21 65.318.5 16.88 22.68 18 43.53 48.44 27.5 61.63 65.718.75 17.79 23.57 18.25 44.09 48.97 27.75 62.04 66.19 18.69 24.44 18.5 44.63 49.5 28 62.45 66.499.25 19.57 25.29 18.75 45.17 50.02 28.25 62.86 66.879.5 20.43 26.13 19 45.71 50.53 28.5 63.27 67.269.75 21.28 26.96 19.25 46.24 51.04 28.75 63.67 67.6410 22.12 27.77 19.5 46.77 51.55 29 64.07 68.0210.25 22.94 28.56 19.75 47.29 52.05 29.25 64.47 68.39


The refrigerant circuit incorporates the following primary elements:• Refrigerant-air heat exchanger: made of high quality

copper tubes and pretreated aluminium fins.• Refrigerant lines: made completely of high quality

copper.• Bi-flow expansion valve• Compressors: scroll compressors for 48AZ/UZ 016,

024, 028 and hermetic compressors for 48AZ/UZ 020 and 48AZ 034-040.

• Filter drier and obus type access valve.• safety elements: high, low pressure transducer and

high pressure switch.• All units include the R-407C refrigerant charge

necessary for correct operation.

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When an internal fault occurs, the compressor must be replaced. This must be done as detailed below:• Disconnect the unit from the electrical supply.• Remove the panels.• Remove the gas from the refrigerant circuit using

recovery equipment to avoid harming the atmosphere.• Electrically disconnect the compressor and/or remove

the crankcase heater.• Unbraze or unscrew the suction and discharge lines,

taking care not to damage the rest of the components.• Remove the fastenings.• Replace the compressor, ensuring that it contains

sufficient oil.• Braze or screw in the lines.• Connect the compressor according to the wiring diagram.• Evacuate the compressor.• Fill in the refrigerant charge indicated on the nameplate.

NOTE: This operation must be done by a qualified technician.

Description of unit protection devices

The unit includes the following compressor protection devices:• Internal protector for 48AZ/UZ 016-028.• External protector for 48AZ 034-040.• Outdoor fan motor thermomagnetic switch.• Indoor fan motor thermomagnetic switch.

High pressurestat

This protects the unit against excessive condensing pressure. The high pressurestat has factory-fixed non-adjustable settings. To check, see section Initial checks.

High pressure Low pressureMin. Max. Min. Max.

PS bar -0.9 29 -0.9 25TS °C -20 68 -20 62Pressure switch cut-out pressure bar 29 - - -Test pressure, unit leak test bar 32 - - -

WARNING: Alteration of factory settings other than the design setpoint, without manufacturer's authorisation, may void the warranty.

Operating limits

These units have been designed to operate within the following limits:

Cooling operation

Zone Air temperatureDry bulb Wet bulb Dry bulb Wet bulb

Indoor OutdoorMaximum +35°C +21°C +46°C -Minimum - - -10°C -

Heat pump operation Zone Air temperature

Dry bulb Wet bulb Dry bulb Wet bulbIndoor OutdoorMaximum +27°C - +22°C +16°CMinimum - - -10°C -


IMPORTANT: Inadequate installation, adjustment, information, servicing or maintenance can cause damage, injury to staff or loss of life.

Any unauthorized modifications or adjustments to the appliance are likely to invalidate the certification, any warranty or guarantee and may also infringe on current statutory requirements.

Petrol, or other inflammable, fume-emitting products and liquids of any other application must not be stored or use in the vicinity of units.

After removing panels from the unit, keep them in a safe place to prevent them dropping from the roof.


The gas heating system is designed to be used as an alter-native to the hot water coil or electric heating options. The rooftop unit is available with three gas heating modules with two-step heating for natural gas and one-step heating for LPG in 48AZ/UZ 016-028 series rooftop units. In 48AZ 034-040 series rooftop units, two of same modules are working in series with three-step heating for natural gas and two-step heating for LPG.

tubular, dimpled gas heat exchangerThe tubular, dimpled gas heat exchangers optimize the heat transfer for improved efficiency. The tubular design permits hot gases to make multiple passes across the path of the supply air. The dimpled design creates a turbulent gas flow to maximize the heating efficiency. The extra thick AlumagardTM heat exchanger coating provides corrosion resistance and ensures long life on the heat exchanger.

modular burner compartmentThe burner assembly consists of series of injectors. The gas-air mixture, prepared in the burners, enables excellent combustion within the heat exchanger tubes. The direct-spark ignition system saves operating expense when compared to pilot igniton systems. No crossover tube is required, therefore no sooting or pilot fouling problems can occur.

Induced draft combustion systemThe unsightly appearance of flue stacks is eliminated and the effects of wind on heating operations are diminished by the induced draft combustion system. The inducer fan draws hot combustion gas through the heat exchanger at the optimum rate for most effective heat transfer. The heat exchanger operates under negative pressure, preventing flue gas leakage into the indoor supply air for improved efficiency.

Integrated gas unit controller (IgC)All ignition components are contained in the compact IGC which is easily accessible for servicing. The ignition control board with CE mark, provides built-in diagnostic capability. Two LEDs (light-emitting diodes) simplify troubleshooting by providing visual fault notification and system status confir-mation. This LED fault notification system reduces service personnel troubleshooting time and minimizes service costs.

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Fig. 14 - Tubular, dimpled gas heat exchanger

Fig. 15 - Modular burner compartment

Fig. 16 - Induced draft combustion system


NOTES:Any work on the gas system must be carried out by qualified personnel.

This unit must be installed in accordance with local safety codes and regulations and can only be used in a well ventilated area.

Please read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before starting a unit.

Prior to dispatch, the rooftop unit was operated and tested at the factory. Gas type, power supply, adjustment and settings of the unit have been factory set and sealed and are indicated on the data plate.

Before commissioning a unit with gas burner, it is manda-tory to ensure that the gas distribution system (type of gas, available pressure) is compatible with the gas type, power supply, adjustment and settings of the unit.

Check access and clearance around the unit (refer to Fig. 1)• Make sure one can move freely around the unit.• A minimum 2 m clearance must be left in front of the

gas module side.• Combustion air inlet and burnt gas exhausts must not

be obstructed in any way.

WARNING: This appliance is suitable only for operation using the gas as stated on the identification warning label. For appliances supplied as double category appliances, i.e. for those countries using gas categories II2H3P, II2Er3P, II2E3P and II2Hs3P, it is possible to convert from natural gas to propane or vice versa. Consult your local distributor or appliance manufacturer for further information. They will advise if conversion is suitable and will supply you with the correct conversion kit and suitable conversion instructions for your appliance.

WARNING: Only original manufacturers’ parts shall be used. Failure to fit original manufacturers’ parts will invalidate any warranty or guarantee and may contravene the approval and certification of this appliance.

Any gas conversion operation shall be carried out only by qualified and authorized personnel.

It is the responsibility of the authorized person to ensure the correct and safe operation of the appliance following any gas conversion procedure.

The appliance must be re-commissioned following any gas conversion procedure in accordance with the gas conversion instructions.

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Gas connection

• Gas fired rooftop units are designed to operate on either natural gas (G20)/(G25)/(G25.1) or propane gas (G31).

• The gas supply to a rooftop gas unit must be realized according to gas safety installation and use regulations and local safety codes and rules.

• The diameter of the pipework connected to each rooftop must never be smaller than the diameter of the connection on the rooftop unit.

• Make sure that a shut-off isolation valve has been installed before each rooftop. The isolation valve must be connected to the main gas inlet supply pipe as close as possible to the appliance. For safety and accessi-bility reasons the isolation valve must not be fitted within the appliance gas valve compartment.

• Make sure that the gas service includes a filter and has been tested and purged in accordance with prescribed practice prior to commissioning and taking the appliance into service.

• Gas service pipes shall not be routed through any heated or fresh air ducts.

• Supply network pipe sizing: female threaded connec-tion: ISO 7 Rp 3/4”.

Operating limits

• Air flow limits are the minimum and maximum values given in the fan performance tables.

• The minimum allowable ambient (outdoor air) tempe-rature is -15°C.

• The maximum allowable ambient (outdoor air) tempe-rature is 60°C.

Installation of flue outlet terminal guard and wind baffle

The flue outlet terminal guard and wind baffle are shipped secured under main control box. To install, secure the flue terminal guard to the access panel. See Fig. 17. The wind baffle is then installed over the flue terminal guard. There are two flue terminal guards and wind baffles for 48AZ 034-040 units. See Fig. 18.

Fig. 17 - Flue outlet terminal guard and wind baffle location for 48AZ/UZ 016-028

Fig. 18 - Flue outlet terminal guard and wind baffle location for 48AZ 034-040

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Checks to be carried out before starting up the gas burner

NOTE: Access is required to the gas valve compartment only for commissioning checks. This requires the use of the special key tool supplied with the unit. Upon completion of any work the key tool shall not be left with the user so as to discourage inappropriate or unauthorized access.

Required equipment list for start-up

• An accurate manometer from 0 to 3500 Pa (0 to 350 mbar): 0.1% full scale

• Flexible PVC or similar tubing• Suitable gas leak detection fluid• 8 mm wrench• 3.5 mm screwdriver

The following recommendations refer specifically to gas operation:1. Check that the gas used is the right type for the unit

to be used.2. Check that there is a shut-off isolation valve fitted at

the gas inlet of the unit.3. Isolate the appliance from the electrical mains supply

and turn off the gas supply to the appliance at the isolation valve.

4. The whole of the gas service installation including the meter must be inspected, tested for soundness and purged in accordance with appropriate requirements.

NOTE: The soundness of the gas burner pipework has been checked prior to leaving the factory. However during installation, connections may have been loosened. Check the soundness of the appliance pipework using a suitable gas leak detection solution. If any leaks are found they must be rectified immediately.

CAUTION: Never use a flame for checking gas soundness.

5. To check the gas supply pressure locate the pressure test point on the inlet side of the gas valve(s). Loosen, but do not remove the screw within the test point and connect a suitable pressure gauge.

6. Turn on the gas and electrical supplies.7. Check that the gas inlet pressure is at least as indicated

on the appliance identification data label (e.g. for 2H - G20 - 20 mbar).

8. Operate the appliance via the Pro-Dialog control at the maximum rate. Refer to the start-up procedures in the Setting up Pro-Dialog control section. Increase the set temperature (room setpoint temperature) to a temperature higher than the actual room temperature.

9. Re-check that the appliance inlet pressure is as indicated on the appliance identification data label. If the inlet pressure is not as required, check supply pipework for adequacy or contact your gas supplier.

10. Turn off the appliance. Remove the pressure gauge and retighten the test point screw. Check for gas tightness at the test point using a suitable leak detection solution.

11. To check the appliance burner pressures locate the burner pressure test point on the outlet side of the gas valve(s). Loosen, but do not remove the screw within the test point and connect a suitable pressure gauge.

12. The appliance gas valve(s) is factory set and sealed at the correct settings for the gas type concerned according to the appliance data indication label and should not require adjustment. If adjustment is necessary, perhaps due to using G25 or G25.1 natural gases, then carry out the following procedure.

13. Again operate the appliance as detailed in point 8. Check that the maximum rate burner pressure is as stated on the data badge for the type of gas being supplied. If adjustment of the maximum rate is necessary refer to Pressure adjustments on the high-low regulating valve section.

14. To check the minimum rate burner pressure, disconnect one of the low voltage leads from the electrical high-low regulator to initiate operation at the minimum rate. If adjustment of the maximum rate is necessary refer to Pressure adjustments on the high-low regulating valve section.

IMPORTANT: Following any adjustment procedure of the gas valve settings, the tamperproof cap must again be sealed. A suitable method is to apply a spot of durable paint as indicated in Fig. 19.

15. After checking of the burner pressures, turn the appliance off, remove the test equipment and retighten the pressure test point screw. Check for gas tightness at the test point following the restart of the appliance.

16. Before leaving the installation, instruct and demonstrate the safe and efficient operation of the appliance to the user. Guide the user through the user instructions and also leave these installation instructions in their care, stressing that they will be required for future reference. Advise the user that continued safe and efficient use is dependent on regular servicing. Recommend that the gas circuit be serviced at least annually.

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CapAdjustment screw for max. pressure settingAdjustment screw for min. pressure setting6.3 MM. AMP terminalsEarth terminal

M5 pressure feedback connection

Tamperproofpaint spot


IMPORTANT: The appliances burner pressure settings are factory set and sealed according to the country of destination. Check and adjust if necessary the valve inlet pressure to 20.0 mbar (G20) or 25.0 mbar for (G25) or (G25.1) or 37.0 or 50.0 mbar for propane (G31) after gas burner ignition.

• Before commencing an adjustment connect a mano-meter to the burner pressure test point on the gas valve.

• Lever off the cover cap as indicated.• The maximum high pressure setting must be adjusted

first after which the minimum low rate setting can be adjusted. Any adjustment of the maximum setting influences the minimum rate setting.

• Do not adjust maximum or minimum settings above or below the pressure stated on the data plate or in table 1.

Fig. 19 - Gas valve adjustment details

Tamperproof paint spot

Legend:A CapB Adjustment screw for maximum pressure settingC Adjustment screw for minimum pressure settingD 6.3 mm AMP terminalsE Earth terminalF M5 pressure feedback connection

Adjusting maximum pressure• Energise the high-low regulator, set the gas control in

operation (light burner) and wait until an outlet pressure is recorded on the pressure gauge.

• Use an 8 mm wrench to turn the adjustment screw for the maximum pressure setting, clockwise to increase, counter clockwise to decrease the pressure until the desired maximum pressure is obtained.

• Check the maximum pressure several times.

Adjusting minimum pressure• Disconnect the electrical connection of the high-low

regulator.• Set the gas control in operation and wait until an

outlet pressure is recorded on the pressure gauge.• Use a 3,5 mm screwdriver to turn the adjustment

screw for the minimum pressure setting, clockwise to increase, counter clockwise to decrease pressure until the desired minimum pressure is obtained.

Check the minimum pressure several times. Before commencing an adjustment, connect a manometer to the burner pressure test point.

Table 1 - Pressure setting for each type of gas

Category Supply pressure Low heat injection

High heat Injection

G20 20.0 ± 1 2.8 ± 0.2 5.8 ± 0.2G25 25.0 ± 1 4.2 ± 0.2 8.5 ± 0.2G25.1 25.0 ± 1 4.8 ± 0.2 9.5 ± 0.2G31 37.0/ 50.0 ± 1.9 25.5 ± 0.5 25.5 ± 0.5

ø 32

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WARNING: Only original manufacturer’s parts shall be used. Failure to fit original manufacturer’s parts will invalidate any warranty or guarantee and may contravene the approval and certification of this appliance.

Any gas conversion operation shall be carried out only by qualified and authorized personnel. It is the responsibility of the authorized person to ensure the correct and safe operation of the appliance following any gas conversion procedure.

The appliance must be re-commissioned following any gas conversion procedure in accordance with these instructions.

For conversion from a natural gas appliance to a propane appliance or a propane appliance to a natural gas appliance it will be necessary to obtain the correct conversion kit for your appliance. Refer to the list below and and ensure the correct part number for the appliance has been supplied.

Propane Kit A (Part no. 57080020710) - for model 48AZ/UZ 016150 - containing 5 off ø 1.90 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

Propane Kit B (Part no. 57080020720) - for models 48AZ/UZ 016160/48AZ/UZ 020160/48AZ/UZ 024160/48AZ/UZ 028160 - containing 6 off ø 1.90 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

Propane Kit C (Part no. 57080020730) - for models 48AZ/UZ 020170/48AZ/UZ 024170/48AZ/UZ 028170 - containing 7 off ø 1.90 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

Propane Kit D (Part no. 57080020740) - for model 48AZ 034255/48AZ 040255 - containing 10 off ø 1.90 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

Propane Kit e (Part no. 57080020750) - for model 48AZ 034266/48AZ 040266 - containing 12 off ø 1.90 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

Propane Kit F (Part no. 57080020760) - for model 48AZ 034277/48AZ 040277 - containing 14 off ø 1.90 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

natural gas Kit A (Part no. 57080020711) - for model 48AZ/UZ 016150 - containing 5 off ø 3.26 mm injectors, a replace-ment gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

natural gas Kit B (Part no. 57080020721) - for models 48AZ/UZ 016160/48AZ/UZ 020160/48AZ/UZ 024160/ 48AZ/UZ 028160 - containing 6 off ø 3.45 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

natural gas Kit C (Part no. 57080020731) - for models 48AZ/UZ020170/48AZ/UZ024170/48AZ/UZ028170 - containing 7 off ø 3.45 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

natural gas Kit D (Part no. 57080020741) - for model 48AZ 034255/48AZ 040255 - containing 10 off ø 3.26 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

natural gas Kit e (Part no. 57080020751) - for model 48AZ 034266/48AZ 040266 - containing 12 off ø 3.45 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.

natural gas Kit F (Part no. 57080020761) - for model 48AZ 034277/48AZ 040277 - containing 14 off ø 3.45 mm injectors, a replacement gas type indicating sticker for the additional appliance data label.


1. Isolate the appliance from the electrical mains supply and turn off the gas supply to the appliance at the isolation valve.

2. Remove the flue outlet terminal guard(s) and wind baffle(s) from the compartment panel.

3. Remove the compartment cover to gain access to the burner assembly.

4. Remove the 2 screws securing the flame rollout switch to the No. 4 burner for a natural gas appliance and No. 3 burner for a propane appliance and save.

5. Remove each individual burner tube component to gain access to the injectors. Ensure that the outer burners return to the original position when re-assembling.

6. Remove the injectors using a suitable 14 mm wrench.7. Replace the injectors with the new injectors ensuring

that the injector is tightened.8. Refit the burner tubes and reattach the flame rollout

switch to burner No. 3 for propane conversion or burner No. 4 for natural gas conversion using same screws. See Fig. 20 for rollout switch relocation in case of propane conversion.

9. Replace the compartment cover and the flue outlet guard(s) and wind baffle(s). Ensure any seals are intact and correctly positioned. Replace damaged seals if necessary.

10. Commission the appliance in accordance with the Commissioning section in this manual.

Fig. 20 - Rollout switch relocation for propane conversion






Screws Burner No. 1

Rollout switch (bracket assembly

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START: POWER ONIgnition control main power ON

Control self-diagnostic check.Is the control operating correctly?

Control automatically resets and clears all lockout conditions

Flame Sense monitored continuously.Does Flame Sense signal indicate no flame


Rollout and limit switch monitored continuously. Is rollout and limit switch


Diagnostic LEDs indicate normal operation

Has first stage heat contact closed, initiating a call for heat?

CALL FOR HEATDiagnostic LEDs indicate control is in heating


Combustion Air Blower (CAB) pressure switch monitored continuously during the heating cycle. Is the CAB pressure switch open?

CAB pressure switch is powered on

Has the CAB pressure switch closed within 2.5 minutes?

15 second pre-purge

Ignition trial (7 seconds)(Start ignition spark. Open main gas valve)

Indoor air blower is powered on 45 seconds after main gas valve is powered on

Flame sensed?

10 second flame stabilizationFFRT = 1.5 seconds

Flame sensed?


Failed ignition trial/flame loss during stabilization

Counter reset to 0

Flame sensed?

High limit switch monitored continuously through heating cycle

Is high limit switch closed?

CAB pressure switch monitored continuously during the heating cycle

Is pressure switch closed?

Heat demand satisfied?

Gas valve power off

CAB continues for a 5-second post-purge following a satisfied thermostat demand

When heat demand is satisfied, indoor air blower continues to run

PERMANENT LOCKOUT MODEDiagnostic LEDs will indicate lockout mode due to circuit board self-check failure or incorrect wiring to circuit board


Diagnostic LEDs will indicate lockout mode due to flame sense without gas valve

Does flame sense signal indicate no flame present?


CAB power offDiagnostic LEDs will indicate rollout/limit switch failure

Is rollout and limit switch closed?


Diagnostic LEDs will indicate a CAB pressure switch failureHas the CAB pressure switch opened?


CAB power offDiagnostic LEDs will indicate CAB pressure switch failure

Is 5-minute time period complete?

1-HOUR WATCH GUARD MODEGas valve power off

CAB power offDiagnostic LEDs will indicate control is in watch guard mode

due to an ignition failure or an open limit switchIs 60-minute time period complete?


Gas valve power offCAB remains on

Does the total combined number of failed ignition trials and flame loss during flame stabilization = 5?


CAB remains onTotal loss of flame incidents after flame established = 5?

HIGH LIMIT SWITCH OPENGas valve power off

CAB power offDiagnostic LEDs will indicate high limit switch open

HIGH LIMIT SWITCH 3-MINUTE TIME-OUTHas the high limit switch been open for more than 3 minutes?

Has the high limit switch closed?

PRESSURE SWITCH OPENGas valve power off

Has the CAB pressure switch closed?

Has the CAB pressure switch reclosed more than 4 times?

Has the CAB pressure switch been open longer than 2.5


















No Yes




























Yes Yes



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WARNING: Before performing service or maintenance operations on the unit, turn off the main power switch to the unit.

Weatherproof covers are required under wet conditions.

Electrical shock could cause personal injury.

IMPORTANT: During any service or maintenance opera-tion, if parts are evidently faulty or damaged they shall be replaced. Only original manufacturer’s parts shall be used as detailed in the spare parts list. Failure to fit original manufacturer’s parts will invalidate any warranty or guarantee and may contravene the approval and certification of this appliance.

Following any operation on the appliance which has necessitated removal and replacement of any parts, the appliance shall be recommissioned in accordance with the Commissioning section of these instructions.

CleaningInspect unit interior at beginning of each heating and cooling season and as operating conditions require. Remove unit side panels for access to unit interior.

main burnerAt the beginning of each heating season, inspect for dete-rioration or blockage due to corrosion or other causes. Observe the main burner flames. Refer to the Main burners section.

Flue gas passagewaysThe flue collector box and heat exchanger cells may be inspected by removing the heat exchanger access panel, flue box cover, and main burner assembly (Fig. 25). Refer to the Main burners section for the burner removal sequence. If cleaning is required, remove the heat exchanger baffles and clean the tubes with a wire brush.

Use caution with the ceramic heat exchanger baffles. When installing a retaining clip, be sure the centre leg of the clip extends inward towards the baffle. See Fig. 21.

NOTE: One baffle and clip will be in each upper tube of the heat exchanger.

Fig. 21 - Removing heat exchanger ceramic baffles and clips

Ceramic baffles


Heat exchanger tubes

Combustion air blowerClean periodically to assure proper air flow and heating efficiency. Inspect the blower wheel every autumn and periodically during the heating season. For the first heating season, inspect the blower wheel bi-monthly to determine the proper cleaning frequency.

To inspect the blower wheel, remove the heat exchanger access panel. Shine a flashlight into the opening to inspect the wheel. If cleaning is required, remove the motor and wheel assembly by removing the screws holding the motor mounting plate to the top of the combustion fan housing (Fig. 22). The motor and wheel assembly will slide up and out of the fan housing. Remove the blower wheel from the motor shaft and clean with a detergent or solvent. Replace the motor and wheel assembly.

Fig. 22 - Typical gas heating section for 48AZ/UZ 016-028

Induced draft motor

Pressure switch

Combustion fan housing

Integrated gas unit controller

Rollout switch

Main burner section

Flue box cover

Main gas valve

Gas pressure switch

In unit sizes 48AZ 034-040 two of same modules are working in series and all the components of gas heating section are doubled.

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Temperature limit switches

There is one limit switch (LS) and one high limit switch (HLS) in 48AZ/UZ 016-028 units and two limit switches (LS1, LS2) and two high limit switches (HLS1, HLS2) in 48AZ 034-040 units which are all manually reset.

Fig. 23 - Temperature limit switches










Z 0












Z 0







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Main burners

For all applications, the main burners are factory set and should require no adjustment.

main burner removal1. Shut off the (field-supplied) manual main gas valve.2. Shut off power to the unit.3. Open the unit control box access panel, remove the

burner section access panel and centre post.4. Disconnect the gas piping from the gas valve inlet.5. Remove the wires from the gas valve.6. Remove the wires from the rollout switch.7. Remove the sensor wire and ignitor cable from the

IGC board.8. Remove the two screws securing the manifold bracket

to the basepan.9. Remove the two screws that hold the burner support

plate flange to the vestibule plate.10. Lift the burner assembly out of the unit.

Cleaning and adjustment1. Remove the burner rack from the unit as described in

the Main burner removal section above.2. Inspect the burners, and if dirty, remove burners from

the rack.3. Using a soft brush, clean the burners and crossover

port as required.4. Adjust the spark gap. See Fig. 24.5. Reinstall the burners on the rack.6. Reinstall the burner rack as described above.

Fig. 24 - Main burner details




4.57-6.35 4.57- 6.35









1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5




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Integrated gas unit controller (IGC)

All ignition components are contained in the compact IGC which is easily accessible for servicing. At start-up, the control runs a self diagnostic check.

Diagnostic LEDs will indicate Lockout mode after a circuit board self-check or incorrect wiring to the circuit board. In 48AZ 034-040 series units, each module has its own ignition board. In the first heating stage, the first module is fired. At the second heating stage, the second module is fired and at the third heating stage, high heat of both modules is running. If there is a call for heating, the operating sequence is as follows:

• Combustion air blower is powered on• Pre-purge starts for 15 seconds• Ignition spark starts for 7 seconds• Main gas valve opens• Flame is sensed by ionization

If a fault of any kind occurs during the ignition or operating cycles, the controller detects the fault, and diagnostic LEDs will indicate the mode of failure.

Diagnostic button



Two green LED lights are to be clearly marked as DIAG #1 and DIAG #2. The diagnostic signals for failure modes are as follows:

Safety circuit Monitored during Action DIAG #1 DIAG #2High limit switch (manual reset) open

Heating demand only Gas valve ‘off’Combustion air blower ‘off’

Flash On

Pressure switch open5-minute WatchguardPressure switch failed to close

Heating demand only Gas valve ‘off’Combustion air blower ‘off’

Off Flash

Burners failed to ignite Heating demand only Gas valve ‘off’Combustion air blower ‘off’

Alternate flash Alternate flash

Flame sensed without valve energised

All times Gas valve ‘off’Combustion air blower ‘off’

Flash Off

Rollout switch or limit switch (manual reset) open

All times Gas valve ‘off’Combustion air blower ‘off’

On Flash

Circuit board failure or control is wired incorrectly

All times Gas valve ‘off’Combustion air blower ‘off’

On On

Power on All times Control waiting for a heating signal from the thermostat. An increased flash rate indicates a call for heat

Simultaneous flash Simultaneous flash

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LockoutThe safety shut-down condition of the system, such that a restart can only be accomplished by removing power, shorting the on-board jumper (JP1) momentarily, and restoring power once again. During the “Lockout” condition, the combustion blower will be “OFF” and the diagnostic will signal “Lockout” mode.

The high limit switch and limit switch must be reset manually by pressing reset buttons of switches during their faults.

Control will hold the last failure code in memory for a minimum of 1 minute following interruption of main power to the control. To retrieve the last failure code, a diagnostic button provided on the circuit board must be pressed. When this button is pressed and held, the diagnostic LED lights will signal the last failure code held in memory. To clear the memory of the stored failure code, remove the main power and short the jumper JP1 for 5 seconds.


• Check that the gas isolation shut-off valves are open.• Check the gas pressure at the inlet of the gas valves.• Adjust the set points to prioritise the burner. Increase

the value of the room temperature set point to a temperature higher than actual room temperature.

Symptoms Cause RemedyBurners will not ignite Misaligned spark electrodes Check flame ignition and sensor electrode positioning. Adjust as


No gas at main burners Check gas line for air; purge as necessary. After purging the gas line of air, allow the gas to dissipate for at least 5 minutes before attempting to relight the unit.Check the gas valve.

Water in gas line Drain water and install drip leg to trap water.No power to unit Check power supply, fuses, wiring, and circuit breaker.No 24 V power supply to control circuit Check transformer. Check 24-V circuit breaker; reset if necessary.Miswired or loose connections Check all wiring and wire nut connections.

Inadequate heating Dirty air filter Clean or replace filter as necessary.Gas input to unit too low Check gas pressure at manifold. Clock gas meter for input. If too low,

increase manifold pressure or replace with correct orifices.Unit undersized for application Replace with proper unit or add additional unit.Restricted air flow Clean filter, replace filter, or remove any restrictions.Blower speed too low Install alternate motor, if applicable, or adjust pulley to increase fan

speed.Limit switch cycles main burners Check rotation of blower, temperature settings, and temperature rise of

unit. Adjust as needed.Too much outdoor air Adjust minimum position.

Check economizer operation.Poor flame characteristics Incomplete combustion (lack of combustion air) results in

aldehyde odours, CO, sooting flame, or floating flameCheck all screws around flue outlets and burner compartment. Tighten as necessary.Cracked heat exchanger.Overfired unit - reduce input, change orifices, or adjust gas line or manifold pressure.Check vent for restriction. Clean as necessary.Check orifice to burner alignment.

IMPORTANT: Following any operation on the appliance which has necessitated removal and replacement of any parts, the appliance shall be recommissioned in accordance with the Commissioning section of these instructions.

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Schematic of gas control for 48AZ/UZ 016-028






24 V










0 V

24 V


24 V


















3,5 A






















A1 A2








































24 V






































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Schematic of gas control for 48AZ 034-040



























24 V


0 V

24 V


0 V










6,3 A
























































































































24 V



















































24 V









































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Local interface general features

I - standard - small human interface general features

the interfaceIt gives access to all Pro-Dialog Plus data and operating functions. It consists of:• A two-digit display showing the number of the item

selected.• A four-digit display showing the contents of the item

selected.• 5 buttons and 1 alarm LED for unit start/stop, menu

selection, menu item selection and value adjustment, and alarm annunciation.

MAIN INTERFACEButton Name Description Menu Permits the selection of a main menu.

Up arrow Permits scrolling through the menu items (in the two-digit display). If the modification mode is active this button authorises increase of the value of any parameter.

Down arrow Permits scrolling through the menu items (in the two-digit display). If the modification mode is active this button authorises decrease of the value of any parameter.

Enter Gives access to the modification mode, validates a modification or displays expanded item description.

Start/stop Authorises start or stop of the unit in local mode or modification of its operating type.


Red LED:- Lit: Circuit A, B or unit shut down by alarm- Flashing: Circuit A, B or unit running with alarm present

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main interfaceIt gives access to all Pro-Dialog Plus data and operating functions. It consists of:• A two-digit display showing the number of the item

selected.• A four-digit display showing the contents of the item

selected.• LEDs and buttons for unit start/stop, menu selection,

menu item selection and value adjustment.



II - optional - enhanced human interface general features




The local interface enables a number of operating parameters to be displayed and modified.

The interface consists of two distinct parts: the main interface (left hand section) and the summary interface (right hand section).




Menu Permits the selection of a main menu. Each main menu is represented by an icon. The icon is lit if active.

Up arrow Permits scrolling through the menu items (in the two-digit display). If the modification mode is active this button authorises increase of the value of any parameter.

Down arrow Permits scrolling through the menu items (in the two-digit display). If the modification mode is active this button authorises decrease of the value of any parameter.

Enter Gives access to the modification mode, validates a modification or displays expanded item description.

Start/stop Authorises start or stop of the unit in local mode or modification of its operating type.


INFORMATION menu Displays the general operating parameters for the unit.

TEMPERATURES menu Displays the unit operating temperatures.

PRESSURES menu Displays the unit operating pressures.

SETPOINTS menu Displays the unit setpoints and enables them to be modified.

INPUTS menu Displays the status of the unit digital and analogue inputs.

OUTPUTS/TESTS menu Displays the status of the unit outputs and enables them to be tested.

CONFIGURATIONS menu Displays the unit configuration and enables it to be modified.

ALARMS menu Displays active alarms.

ALARMS HISTORY menu Displays the history of the alarms.

OPERATING LOG menu Displays the operating times and number of starts for the unit and the compressors.


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The summary interface (right hand section) includes a mimic diagram of the unit, together with push-buttons and LEDs. It gives quick access to the main operating parameters of the unit.


Green LED: The unit is authorised to start or is already runningRed LED:- Lit: circuit A or unit shut down by alarm- Flashing: circuit A or unit running with alarm present Red LED:- Lit: circuit B or unit shut down by alarm- Flashing: circuit B or unit running with alarm present Red LED: Optional air flow detection.Green LED: The indoor fan is running.Yellow LEDs:From top to bottom - start/stop status of compressor A1 or B1. Flashing LED indicates that the circuit is in the protection or defrost mode (A or B).Green LED: The unit operates in heating mode.Green LED:The unit operates in cooling mode.



Blue button: supply air temperature, return air temperature in °CGray button: outdoor air temperature in °C

Control point (setpoint + reset) in °C

Press 1: circuit A/B discharge pressure in kPaPress 2: circuit A/B saturated condensing temperature in °C

Press 1: circuit A/B suction pressure in kPaPress 2: circuit A/B saturated suction temperature in °C

Press 1: compressor A1/B1 operating hours in h/10 or h/100

Unit start/stop control

DescriptionThe unit start/stop can be controlled by one of the following methods:• Locally on the actual unit (Local operating type)• By remote control with the aid of user contacts (remote

operating type)• By CCN control with the aid of the CCN (CCN

operating type)

The main interface includes a Start/Stop button which can be used to stop or start the unit in the local operating type or to select the remote or CCN operating type.

The available operating types are described in the following table.

the following operating types can be selected using the start/stop button: OPERATING TYPES4-DIGIT DISPLAY DESCRIPTIONLOFF Local Off. The unit is halted in local mode.L-On Local On. The unit is in local control mode and is

authorised to start.L-Sc* Local On - timer control. The unit is in local control

mode. It is authorised to start if the period is occupied. If the timer program for unit operation is unoccupied, the unit remains shut down until the perod becomes occupied.

CCN* CCN. The unit is controlled by CCN commands.rEM* Remote. The unit is controlled by remote control

contacts. (This operating type shall be selected when using the Room-mate comfort controller option.)

tStA Remote by thermostat. The unit is comtrolled via external contacts by a thermostat.

* Displayed if the configuration requires it.

stopping the unit in local modeThe unit can be stopped in local mode at any time by pressing the Start/Stop button. TO STOP THE UNITBUTTON ACTION 2-DIGIT DISPLAY 4-DIGIT DISPLAY Press the Start/Stop

button for less than 4 seconds (one short press is enough).


If the button is released, the unit stops without the need for further action.


starting unit and selecting an operating typeThe unit can be started in local mode, or unit operating type can be changed at any time using the Start/Stop button. In the example that follows, the unit is stopped (LOFF) and the user wants to start the unit in local mode.



Continually press the operating typeselection button for more than 4 seconds.


Hold down the Start/Stop button. The available operating types are displayedone by one until the button is released.


rEMRelease the Start/Stop button if the operating type you want is displayed (inthis example L-On). "C" flashes in the2-digit display to show that the controller isawaiting confirmation.


Press the Enter button to confirm theoperating type selected (in this example: L-On). "t" is displayed in the 2-digit display toindicate the operating type selected. If theEnter button is not pressed soon enoughthe controller will cancel the change andcontinue to use the previous operating type.

t L-On

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selecting a menuThe MENU button authorises you to select a menu from the 10 main menus that are available. Each time you press this button one of the 10 LEDs lights up in turn alongside each of the icons representing a main menu. The active menu is the one against which the LED is lit. If a menu is empty then its LED is not lit. To scroll quickly through the menus, hold the MENU button down.

selecting a menu itemThe up and down Arrow buttons let you scroll through the menu items. Menu item numbers are displayed in the two-digit display. The item number increases or decreases every time you press the up or down Arrow button. The menu items that are not in use or incompatible with the configuration are not displayed. The value or status associated with the active item is displayed in the four-digit display. To scroll quickly through the items, hold the up or down Arrow button down.

The following example shows how to access item 3 in the Pressures menu.





Press the MENU button until thePRESSURE menu appears on the LCD. If the optional interface is used, the LED marked PRESSURE lights up.



Press one of the Arrow buttons until the two-digit display shows 3 (item number 3).




* Optional interface

modifying the value of a parameter/access to a sub-menuPress the Enter button for more than 2 seconds to enter the modification mode or to select a sub-menu. This lets you correct the value of an item or select a sub-menu with the aid of the up and down Arrow buttons (if you are authorised to overwrite the item concerned). When modification mode is activated, the LED of the main menu to which the item belongs flashes in the menu block, if the optional interface is used.

Once the required value is obtained, press the Enter button again to validate the change or to access the sub-menu. The LED for the menu to which the item belongs then stops flashing, indicating that modification mode no longer applies.

In modification mode, the value to be modified increases or decreases in steps of 0.1 every time you press the Arrow buttons. Holding one of these buttons down increases the rate of increase or decrease.




Option AccessoryEconomizer – enthalpic control xEconomizer – thermostatic control xCrankcase heater xEconomizer hood with sliding panel x xManual outdoor air damper x xPropane gas option xFront discharge roof curb xVertical roof curb xVertical roof curb with air ventilation (French ERP regulation) xAdjustable longitudinal roof curb, vertical discharge xAdjustable transverse roof curb, vertical discharge xAir return fan xAir return fan with damper actuator xPower exhaust xBarometric exhaust xDirty filter alarm xG4 efficiency 50 mm thick filters, fire class M1 xF6 efficiency 50 mm thick filters, fire class M1 xF7 efficiency 50 mm thick filters, fire class M1 xG4 + F6 efficiency 50 mm thick filters, fire class M1 xG4 + F7 efficiency 50 mm thick filters, fire class M1 xF6 + F7 efficiency 50 mm thick filters, fire class M1 xHigh static pressure transmission - HS1 xHigh static pressure transmission - HS2 xHigh static pressure transmission - HS3 xFire thermostat xSmoke detector xSmoke detector with DAD (French ERP regulation) xAir flow detector xStainless steel drain pan xPre-coated blue-fin coils xAdditional space temperature sensor xIAQ – CO2 indoor air quality sensor xRoom-mate comfort controller xFree contact terminal xPro-Dialog+ user interface xJBus communication gateway x xLonWorks communication gateway x xProgrammable thermostat – TSTAT xNon-programmable thermostat – TSTAT x

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ATTENTION: Before starting any servicing or maintenance operation on the unit, make sure that the power supply has been disconnected. A current discharge could cause personal injury.

In order to obtain maximum performance from the unit special attention should be paid to the following points:• electrical connections: The supply voltage should be

within the limits permitted by the compressor.

Ensure that no faulty contacts exist in the terminal blocks, contactor boards, etc. Make sure that all the electrical connections are properly tightened, and that all the electrical components (contactors, relays, etc) are firmly secured to the corresponding rails.

Pay special attention to the condition of the connecting cables between the control elements and the electrical box, and to that of the unit power supply cable. They should not be twisted and there should be no slits or notches in the insulation. Check the starting and running consumptions are within the limits specified in the corresponding technical information.

• Drainage: Frequently check that the drain is not obstructed, and that the condensate pan is clean and level.

• Inlet filter: This should be cleaned periodically. The frequency depends on the purity of the entering air. The filter may be cleaned with a household vacuum cleaner, or by immersing it in water.

• Refrigerant circuit: Ensure that there is no leakage of refrigerant or oil from the compressor. Check that the high and low side operating pressures are normal. Make sure that the coils are not dirty. If necessary an optional filter may be placed at the outdoor air inlet. Check for unusual compressor noise.

• Controls: Check the operation of all the relays, high and low pressurestats, etc.


Indoor fan air adjustment

The drive is factory set in accordance with the fan perfor-mance tables.

When indoor pressure and air flow requirements differ from nominal ratings, the motor pulley can be adjusted for different available static pressure values (see fan perfor-mance tables).

To change the fan speed:1. Move the motor along its track in order to remove the

belt.2. Loosen the pulley setscrews 2 and rotate as necessary.3. Tighten the setscrews 2.4. Replace the belt(s) in the channel of the pulley.5. Tighten the belt(s), using the tension screw nut and

washer. See maintenance section and Fig. 25.

To align fan and motor pulleys:1. Loosen fan pulley setscrews. Slide fan pulley along the

pulley shaft and align with the motor using a ruler, making sure that it is parallel to the belt.

2. Tighten the fan pulley setscrews.

To adjust the belt tension, loosen the motor mounting plate bolts and slide the motor mounting plate until the belts are tensioned as shown in Fig. 25.

Fan and motor pulleys can be aligned as shown in Fig. 26.If the unit is equipped with adjustable pulleys, the pulley ratio and operating point can be adjusted by loosening the setscrew, arranging the moving part of the pulley to the appropriate position and then fixing the setscrew.

See fan performance tables for adjustments.

Fig. 25 - Fan speed adjustment

48AZ/UZ 016 standard - Hs1 - Hs2 - Hs348AZ/UZ 020/024 standard - Hs1 - Hs248AZ/UZ 028 standard - Hs1

48AZ 034-040 standard - Hs1 - Hs2 - Hs3

Legend1 Motor plate2 Motor pulley3 Setscrew4 Motor5 Belt6 Tensioning screw7 Fan pulley8 Fan scroll

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Legend1 Motor plate2 Motor pulley3 Setscrew4 Motor5 Belt6 Tensioning screw7 Fan pulley8 Fan scroll

Fig. 26 - To align fan and motor pulleys

1 Fixed flange2 Setscrew3 Movable flange4 Straight-edge must be parallel with belt5 + 7 Motor and fan shafts must be parallel6 Pulleys


Both the motors and the fans have factory lubricated and sealed bearings, and need no further lubrication.

The compressor has its own oil supply and oil should not be added unless a leak has occurred.

Condenser coil

We recommend, that finned coils are inspected regularly to check the degree of fouling. This depends on the environ-ment where the unit is installed, and will be worse in urban and industrial installations and near trees that shed their leaves.

For coil cleaning proceed as follows:• Remove fibres and dust collected on the condenser

face with a soft brush (or vacuum cleaner).• Clean the coil with the appropriate cleaning agents.

With pressurised cleaning methods care should be taken not to damage the coil fins. The spraying of the coil must be done:• in the direction of the fins• in the opposite direction of the air flow direction• with a large diffuser (25-30°)• at a distance of 300 mm.

It is not necessary to rinse the coil, as the products used are pH neutral. To ensure that the coil is perfectly clean, we recommend rinsing with a low water flow rate. The pH value of the water used should be between 7 and 8.

WARNING: Never use pressurized water without a large diffusor. Concentrated and/or rotating water jets are strictly forbidden.

Correct and frequent cleaning (approximately every three months) will prevent 2/3 of the corrosion problems.

Never use a fluid with a temperature above 45°C to clean the air heat exchangers.

48AZ/UZ 020-028 - Hs3

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All maintenance operations must be carried out by technicians who have been trained on Carrier products, observing all Carrier quality and safety standards.

Maintenance instructions

During the unit operating life the service checks and tests must be carried out in accordance with applicable national regulations.

If there are no similar criteria in local regulations, the informa-tion on checks during operation in annex C of standard EN 378-2 can be used.

External visual checks: annex A and B of standard EN 378-2.

Corrosion checks: annex D of standard EN 378-2. These controls must be carried out:• After an intervention that is likely to affect the resis-

tance or a change in use or change of high-pressure refrigerant, or after a shut down of more than two years. Components that do not comply, must be changed. Test pressures above the respective component design pressure must not be applied (annex B and D).

• After repair or significant modifications or significant system or component extension (annex B).

• After re-installation at another site (annexes A, B and D).

• After repair following a refrigerant leak (annex D). The frequency of refrigerant leak detection can vary from once per year for systems with less than 1% leak rate per year to once a day for systems with a leak rate of 35% per year or more. The frequency is in proportion with the leak rate.

NOTE 1: High leak rates are not acceptable. The necessary steps must be taken to eliminate any leak detected.

NOTE 2: Fixed refrigerant detectors are not leak detectors, as they cannot locate the leak.

Maintenance schedule

Regular maintenance is indispensable to optimise the operating life and reliability of the equipment. Maintenance operations must be carried out in accordance with the schedules below:

service FrequencyA WeeklyB MonthlyC Annually

IMPORTANT: Before each equipment maintenance operation please ensure that:• the unit is in the OFF position• it is impossible for the unit to restart automatically

during maintenance.

Description of the maintenance operations

The equipment is supplied with polyolester oil (POE). Only use oil approved by Carrier.

service AFull-load operating testVerify the following values:• compressor high-pressure side discharge pressure• compressor low-pressure side suction pressure• charge visible in the sight glass

Verify the alarm status

service BCarrier out the operations listed under Service A.

Refrigerant circuit• Verify the air heat exchanger cleanliness status and

clean it at least once a year, or more often if the equip-ment environment is especially demanding. To clean the equipment, follow the Carrier recommendations. Among other things, this ensures that the unit perfor-mances can be guaranteed.

• Full-load operating test. In addition to the operations described under Service A, check the following values:

- compressor discharge pressure - compressor oil level - actual liquid subcooling - overheating at the expansion device.• Verify the charge status by checking the colour indicator

of the sight glass. If the colour has turned to yellow, change the charge and replace the filter drier after carrying out a leak test of the circuit.

electrical checks• Check the tightening of the electric connections,

contactors, disconnect switch and transformer.• Check the status of the contactors, fuses and capaci-

tators, as required.• Carry out a quick test (refer to the manual for the

Rooftop Pro-Dialog Plus control).

mechanical checks• Verify that nothing impedes the rotation of the fan

impeller of the air heat exchanger.

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service CCarry out the operations listed under Service B.

Refrigerant circuit• Check the leak-tightness of the circuit and ensure that

there is no piping damage.• Carry out an oil contamination test. If acid, water or

metallic particles are present replace the oil in the circuit.

• Verify the tightening of the thermostatic mechanism of the expansion device.

• Full-load operating test. In addition to the checks carried out under Service B, validate the values of the heat exchanger inlet and outlet tightening.

• Check the operation of the high-pressure and low-pressure switches. Replace them if there is a fault.

• Check the fouling of the filter drier (by checking the temperature difference in the copper piping). Replace it if necessary.

electrical checks• Check the status of the electrical cables and their

insulation.• Carry out an operating test of the electric evaporator

heaters, compressor crankcase heater, piping and expansion device, as required.

• Check the phase/earth insulation of the compressors and fans.

• Check the compressor and fan winding status.

mechanical checks• Check the tightening of the indoor and outdoor fan,

compressor and control box fixing bolts.• Check that no water has penetrated into the control

box.• All metallic parts of the unit (chassis, casing panels,

control boxes, heat exchangers etc.) are protected against corrosion by a coating of powder or liquid paint. To prevent the risk of blistering corrosion that can appear when moisture penetrates under the protective coatings, it is necessary to carry out periodic checks of the coating (paint) condition.

Servicing recommendations

• Before replacing any of the elements in the cooling circuit, ensure that the entire refrigerant charge is removed from both the high and low pressure sides of the unit.

• The control elements of the cooling system are highly sensitive. If they need to be replaced, care should be taken not to overheat them with blowlamps whilst soldering. A damp cloth should be wrapped around the component to be soldered, and the flame directed away from the component body.

• Silver alloy soldering rods should always be used.• If the total unit gas charge has to be replaced, the

quantity should be as given on the nameplate and the unit should be properly evacuated beforehand.

• During unit operation all panels should be in place, including the electrical box access panel.

• If it is necessary to cut the lines of the refrigerant circuit, tube cutters should always be used and never tools which produce burrs. All refrigerant circuit tubing should be of copper, specially made for refrigeration purposes.


The unit you have purchased has undergone strict quality control procedures before leaving the factory.

All components, including the control systems and electrical equipment, etc., are certified by our Quality Control Department, and tested under the harshest possible operating conditions in our laboratories. However, after leaving the factory, it is possible that one or more of these elements may be damaged due to causes beyond our control. In such an event, the user should not work on any of the internal components, or subject the unit to operating conditions which are not specified in this manual, since serious damage may result and the guarantee would be invalidated. Repair and maintenance work should always be left to the installer.

All recommendations concerning unit installation are intended to be as a guideline. The installer should carry out the installation according to the design conditions and should comply with all applicable regulations for air conditioning and refrigeration installations.

NOTE: The manufacturer does not accept responsibility for any malfunctions resulting from misuse of the equipment.

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A list of possible faults, as well as the probable cause and suggested solutions is shown in the table below. In the event of a unit malfunction it is recommended to disconnect the power supply and ascertain the cause.

Troubleshooting chart

Symptoms Cause RemedyUnit does not start No power supply Connect power supply

Main switch open Close main unit disconnect switchLow line voltage Check voltage and remedy the deficiencyA protection has tripped ResetContactor stuck open Check and if necessary replace contactorSeized compressor Check and if necessary replace compressor

Unit starts and stops frequently Defective compressor contactor Check and if necessary replace contactorDefective compressor Check and if necessary replace compressorRefrigerant losses Check and add the necessary quantity

Unit continuously cuts out at low pressure Defective low pressure transducer Check and if necessary replace low pressure transducerRefrigerant losses Check and add the necessary quantityIndoor fan does not operate Check fan motor

Unit continuously cuts out at high pressure Cooling unitDefective high pressurestat Check and if necessary replace pressurestatBlocked filter drier Check and if necessary replace filterOutdoor fan does not operate Check fan motorHeat pump unitDefective high pressurestat Replace pressurestatOutdoor fan does not operate Check fan motor

Abnormal system noise Piping vibration Support pipingNoisy compressor Check and change if necessaryBadly fitting panels Install correctly

Compressor loses oil Leak in system Repair leakWater loss Defective drainage connections Check and tighten if necessary

IMPORTANT: Following any operation on the appliance which has necessitated removal and replacement of any parts, the appliance shall be recommissioned in accordance with the commissioning section of these instructions.

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Order No. 14816-20, 08.2010. Supersedes order No.: 14816-20, 10.2007. Manufactured by: Alarko-Carrier, Gebze, TurkeyManufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice. Printed in the Netherlands