4E.4NA Chapter 5-Indicators

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  • 8/8/2019 4E.4NA Chapter 5-Indicators


    Geography ElectiveDevelopment : Indicators


    Name: ______________________ [ ] Class:_________ Date: _________

    The World of Uneven Developments The pace of development varies among different countries.

    s The difference in pace often leads to a wide gap in development between the DCs and the


    s There are several indicators to determine the pace of development.

    Income per capitaGross National Product

    GNP measures the wealth of country.

    Annual GNP refers to the total value of good and services produced by the countryscitizens in a given year.

    s GNP per capita GNP per capita means the _____________________________each

    citizen earns in the country in a given year.

    s It is calculated by dividing the GNP by the ___________________________


    s However GNP per capita is an average figure and does not reflect _____________________________________within a country.




    Income percapitaEmploymentstructure

    Life ExpectancyInfant Mortality




    Access to water& sanitation





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    Classification of countries based on GNP per capita

    (US$10 726 more)

    (US$876-$10 725)

    (US$875 or less)

    GNP is affected by:

    A DC has a higher proportion of secondary & tertiary industries brings a higher amount

    of income.

    An LDC has a larger primary industry- generates less profit to the economy.

    Why is GNP per capita not an accurate measurement of development?s It is an average figure and does not show individual and regional differences.(1/4 of

    Americans are poor)

    s It does not take into account the local cost of living.

    s It does not reflect the informal economic activities that are not registered with the

    government. (tuition services & street hawking)

    s It does not take into account the social and environmental cost brought about bydevelopment (income gap, air pollution)

    EMPLOYMENT STRUCTURERefers to the distribution of people employed in the three main industries.

    s extraction of natural resources directly from the earth[ agriculture, mining, forestry, fishing]

    s Industries that convert natural resources into useful products[ petroleum & food processing industries]

    s industries that provide services-[tourism, education, banking]

    Demographic indicatorsLife Expectancy


    s Refers to the average number of years that a person is expected to live in a particular


    s In the DCs- the life expectancy is much longer than those in the LDCs.

    s Reflects the access to_________________________.

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    Infant Mortality Rate

    Urban Population

    Level of Urbanisation.Refers to the change from a rural countryside to a city landscape

    Developed Countries Less Developed Countries

    s High level of urbanisation and

    developments Many high value-added industries.

    s More wealth is generated

    s Further development

    s High level of urbanisation does not lead

    to higher growth and developments Leads to problems because of lack of

    infrastructure to sustain large urban


    The percentage of urban population may not be an accurate indicator of development

    Reasons:s An emerging ______________________________trend in some DCs (In USA, the

    city people are relocating to the suburbs due to congestion & pollution in the cities)

    s In the LDCs, more people are moving to the cities because of _____________


    s Refers to the number of deaths of children under the age of one per 1000 live births in

    a year.

    s DCs- lower IMR due to availability of _______________________and easy

    accessibility to ___________________________(Singapore 2 per 1000 live births)

    s LDCs higher IMR due to occurrence of _______________________________poor

    nutrition, famine and life threatening diseases (Ethiopia- 100 per 1000 live births)

    s It refers to the percentage of people living in an urban area. This figure is usually

    higher in a DC than a LDC.

    Reasonss DCs have financial resources to develop______________________________. A

    large % of workers work in __________________________industries in the cities.

    s LDCs lower % of people living in urban areas. Large % work in________________


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    _____________________ opportunities. This contributes to rapid growth in urban

    population. (In,Mumbai India, 18m people living in an area of less than 500 sq km.)

    Social IndicatorsAccess to water & sanitation safe drinking water.

    Adult Literacy Rate

    Insufficient housing facilities

    leads development of slums andsquatters.

    Effects of rapid urban growth in the LDCs


    Authorised housing areas that have


    -Poorly maintained housing.

    -No access to water and electricity



    Areas where people have illegally built

    makeshift housing from discarded

    cardboards and planks.

    -No proper electricity or water supplies-Often next to open sewers and piles of



    s Availability of garbage and ______________________________________

    s _____________________________________and poor sanitation are the

    leading causes of death in many LDCs.

    s % of people who have access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation is

    generally low in the LDCs.

    s Refers to the percentage of the population aged 15 and above who are able to

    read, write and understand simple statements.

    s DCs have a higher literacy rate. Governments have the __________________tomeet the educational needs of the people (build schools, train teachers and

    subsidise the cost of education). Parents have _____________________-can

    afford to send children to school.

    sLDCs have a lower literacy rate- schools are not readily available, parents are poorand children work in the farms, __________________________limit the accessof females to education.

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    Unmeasurable aspects of development

    s There are some aspects of development that cannot be measured.


    These are qualities that define the quality of life.

    s They are non-material benefits:

    1 2 3

    4 5 6


    HDI combines 3 important development indicators:




    HDI is calculated by averaging the scores of the 3 indicators.It provides a comprehensivemethod of measuring development because it takes into account :



    Generally a higher GDP per capita would contribute to a higher HDI.

    A country may be rich in terms of GDP per capita but the accumulated wealth does not

    necessarily improve the quality of life of all the people living in the country.

    On the other hand, some countries may not be as wealthy as others but their HDI may be higher.

    Individual countries HDI values ranges from __________________


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    At the end of this section, complete the table below

    Notes prepared by Mdm Roziah Ismail and Mrs Sandra Tan (ChangKat Sec. School)

    22nd Jan 2008

    Notes edited by Mdm Harn Siow Ping, 2011. (St. Anthonys Canossian Sec. Sch)



    Level of urbanisation



    Transport networks

    Life Expectancy

    Infant Mortality Rate


    Human Devt Index

    GNP per capita

    Less DevelopedCountries

