4PRIMA MEDSPRING Meeting (Beirut; February 16, 2017 ... Files/P.Polycarpou-4PRIMA.pdf · General Research Environment of ARI Strategy The Blue Bio economy, that is value creation

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4PRIMA MEDSPRING Meeting (Beirut; February 16, 2017)



Dr Polycarpos Polycarpou

Agricultural Research Institute

Established in 1962 as a cooperative project between the governmentof Cyprus and the UNDP, with FAO acting as the executive agency, andwas entrusted to the government of Cyprus in 1967 in order to provideknowledge base and practical solutions to the major problems of theAgricultural sector in Cyprus

In 2000 it was selected by the EU as a Centre of Excellence inAgriculture and the Environment as a recognition of its high standardsof scientific research

ARI as an integral part of the MARDE acts as an instrument of theCyprus Government to develop its agricultural and environmental policy

ARI participates in the Cyprus representation in International Forums(Programs Committees of the EU, among other) and, as a ResearchCenter, is an important partner in a substantial number of researchprograms, supported by National, Bilateral, European and InternationalFunds

ARI is the State Agricultural Research Institute in Cyprus, under the guidance of the MARDE

(Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment)

Agricultural Research Institute

MISSION: Support the agricultural and environmental policy ofthe Cyprus Government, notably by:

Conducting high-quality research to enhance the agriculturaldevelopmentFostering Innovation in the agricultural sector by providing solutionsto problems of rural areas through the introduction of new technologiesAdvising on the sustainable use of natural resourcesDisseminate research outcomes to stakeholders from the public andprivate sector, farmers, agricultural students and extension advisors

VISSION: Is to be a model center of knowledge creation and anefficient interface to innovation in the agricultural and environmentaldomains, in view of leading Cyprus to a better future by strengtheningrural development, guarantee food production of good quality, andensuring the efficient and sustainable use of the country naturalresources, notably its biodiversity


Agricultural Research Institute

General Research Environment of ARI Strategy

The Blue Bio economy, that is value creation based onsustainable and smart use of renewable marine and freshwaterresources. ARI has been the Coordinator of a large ENPI Projecton microalgae for Biodiesel Production: “MedAlgae”.

The Green Bio economy, aiming to replace fossil fuels on a largescale, not only for energy applications, but also for chemicalsand materials applications based on challenges such as thesustainability of biomass raw material, efficiency in biomass useand economy of scales in biomass mobilization.

Circular Bio economy: Waste does not exist… the biological andtechnical components (nutrients) of a product are non-toxic andcan be simply composted.

Agricultural Research Institute

Procedure for ARI Research Programs Decision Making



of Agriculture

Food Processing


Collection of Problems & Ideas for Research

Priorities for Research

Budget availability




Long Term Policy• Improvement of agricultural production, Food Security &Safety• Adaptation to Climatic Changes• Water Saving & Reuse of Purified Water• Protection of the Environment & Biodiversity• Horizon 2020, CAP 2014-2020, GD AGRI, DG Research

Ministry of Agriculture




Agricultural Research Institute

The only Governmental Institute undertaking agriculturalscientific research

Specialized and academically qualified personnel

Accumulated expertise and innovative ideas

Highly equipped laboratories and workshops

Research stations in different climate zones

Cooperation with 23 Research Institutes/Universities andInternational Organizations from 11 countries

Main ARI Strengths

Agricultural Research Institute






Experiment Stations



Achelia (2)



Xylotymbou200 hectares

ARI Research stations

Agricultural Research Institute

ARI’s Research Services to Cyprus Government and the Cyprus Agricultural sector (1)

Representative of Cyprus in the Standing Committee forAgricultural Research (SCAR, EC) and in ‘Food, Agriculture andFisheries and Biotechnology’ Program Committee (KBBE) of theFP7 and in the coming HORIZON 2020

Conveyor for improvement, evaluation, sanitation and conservation ofplant and animal production through its succesful breeding programs

Maintenance of the National GeneBank where traditional varietiesand many threatened endemic plants are conserved and protocols fortheir commercial exploitation are being developed

Conducts systematic evaluation and creates reliable data regardingthe commercially used varieties and species. In addition ex situclones of pomegranates, grapevines, olives and palm trees areestablished and evaluated at ARI’s Experiment Stations

Agricultural Research Institute

ARI’s Research Services to Cyprus Government and the Cyprus Agricultural activity (2)

ARI established the “Hydroponics’ training center” at Zyghi AgriculturalExperiment Station and provides farmers, businesses, agricultural students,agriculturists and general public of training

Responsible for the implementation of the National Action Plan forcombating the scrapie disease in sheeps and goats, using molecular geneticmethods, and provides farmers with scrapie-resistant stock of high geneticvalue

Creates tools (research studies and results) for the majority of the differentdepartments of MANRE

Agricultural Research Institute

Achievements of ARI

ARI played a vital role in increasing agricultural productivity and resource-

use efficiency in Cyprus through its successful plant and animal breeding

projects (90% of the cereal varieties originate from ARI)

Introduction of improved irrigation and fertigation systems (95%)

Introduction of ICM and IPM systems

Development of Greenhouse technology and advanced hydroponic


Use of treated water technology in order to make the most efficient use of

water (Code of Best Agricultural Practices- RDP)

Production of healthy and virus-free plant propagation material for citrus,

grapevine and stone fruit. Basic propagative material is made available to

the DA, private nurseries and directly to farmers

Agricultural Research Institute

ARI’s Research Priorities resulting from the decision making process shown before: Mid term Strategy

Plant health and Crop Production -Integrated Crop Production (ICP)and Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Rational use of inputs(fertilizers, pesticides, water etc.) - "Using less produce more“

Health and welfare of animals / production and safety of animalproducts

Saving and Rational Use/Management of Water Resources-Evaluation of crops with low water requirements and resistance todry climates and use of recycle water for irrigation

Agricultural systems and implementation of new technologies-Molecular genetics and plant breeding - Postharvest managementof agricultural products

Agricultural Research Institute

ARI’s Research Priorities resulting from the decision making process shown before: Mid term Strategy

Renewable energies, Protection of natural resources, Energyconservation, Adaptation of crops to climate change, Protection ofthe environment and Biodiversity

Agricultural Economics and Rural Development- Reducing productioncost, increasing overall system performance and efficient use of inputs«produce more-pollute less»

Improving the interaction between all stakeholders (public research,private companies, farmers, consumers) interested in agriculturaldevelopment, by fostering greater involvement of farmers, resourceusers and consumers in the research efforts for both, the setting ofresearch priorities and the application of research to innovation

Agricultural Research Institute

ARI within the context of PRIMA Initiative

Generally it is clear that ARI is working mainly in thethematic of Water, Food, Feed & Energy in Agriculture,which is also the Thematic of PRIMA Initiative.

ARI is open to cooperation with all EU Member Statesworking in this direction.

One way-out from the effects of economic crisis is thecontinuation of Research Programs through jointresearch within the European Research Fundingmechanisms.

Agricultural Research Institute

DIRECTORD. Chimonidou

Plant Improvement

S. Gregoriou(Potatoes)

D. Fasoula(Gen. Breeding)

Α. Pallides(Gen. Improvement)

Α. Κyratzis(GeneBank/ Herbarium)

Κ. Stavridοu(Aromatic/Medicinal plants)

Vegetable and Ornamental Crops

Μ. Κyriakοu(Postharvest Tech.)

G. Soteriοu(Vegetables)

L. Vasilliοu(Ornamentals)

Fruit Trees andViticulture

S. Savvides(Viticulture)

S. Ιoannidοu(Fruit Trees)

Μ. Εmmanοuilidοu(Olive Trees/Citrus)

Soil Science

D. Νeοkleοus(Plant Nutrition)

P. Νtalias(Soil Science)

Α. Christοu(Irrigation)

RegistryAccounts officeStore Library

Experimental Stations

(Αthalassa, Αcheleia, Ζygi, Saittas, Xylοtimpοu)

Plant Protection

Th. Κapari(Plant Pathology)

Ν. Seraphides(Entomology)

L. Papayiannis(Molecular Plant Pathology)

Rural Development

G. Αdamides(Computer Sc.)

G. Papadavid(Αgr. Economics)

Α. Stylianοu(Αgr. Economics)

Animal Production

V. Vasilliοu(Entomology)

G. Hadjipavlοu(Genetics/ Physiology)

D. Sparaggis(Animal Nutrition)

Ι. Ιoannides(Molecular Biology)

Chr. Pitta1


Μ. Οmirοu(Agr. Microbiology)

Gr. Μaratheftis(Food Technology)


Variety ExaminationCentre

Κ. Mina (Cultivars)



1 - Secondment

Organizational Chart

Agricultural Research Institute

Thank you very much for your Attention!