5. Curves and Curve Fitting

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Curves and Curve Fitting

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  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU




  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Standard curves


    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    "urve !itting

    Method o! #east suares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Standard curves


    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    "urve !itting

    Method o! #east suares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The purpose of this Programme is to develop methods for establishing the

    relationship between two variables whose values have been obtained by

    experiment. Before doing this it is necessary to consider the algebraic

    relationships that give rise to standard geometric shapes.

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Standard curves


    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    "urve !itting

    Method o! #east suares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Straight line

    Second-degree curves

    Third-degree curves




    Logarithmic curves

    Exponential curvesTrigonometric curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Straight line

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The equation of a straight line is a first-degree relationship and can always

    be expressed in the form:

    where m =dy/dxis the gradient of the line

    and cis the y value where the line

    crosses they-axis the vertical intercept.

    y mx c= +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Second-degree curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The simplest second-degree curve is expressed by:

    !ts graph is a parabola" symmetrical aboutThe y-axis and existing only fory#.

    y$ ax%gives a thinner parabola if a& ' and

    a flatter parabola if # ( a( '. The general

    second-degree curve is:

    where a" band cdetermine the position")width*

    and orientation of the parabola.

    %y x=

    %y ax bx c= + +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Second-degree curves (change of vertex

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    !f the parabola:

    is moved parallel to itself to a vertex

    position +%" ," for example" its equation

    relative to the new axes is

    where !$y , and"$x %.elative to the original axes this gives

    %y x=

    %! "=

    % / 0y x x= +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Second-degree curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    #ote: !f:

    and a( # then the parabola is inverted.

    1or example:

    %y ax bx c= + +

    %% 2 3y x x= + +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Third-degree curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The basic third-degree curve is:

    which passes through the origin.

    The curve:

    is the reflection in the vertical axis.

    ,y x=

    ,y x=

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Third-degree curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The general third-degree curve is:

    4hich cuts thex-axis at least once.

    , %y px $x rx s= + + +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The simplest case of the circle is with centre at the origin and radius r.

    The equation is then % % %x y r+ =

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    5oving the centre to +h" % gives:


    The general equation of a circle is:

    % % %" ! r+ =

    " x h

    ! y %



    % %

    % %

    % % #

    centre + " - radius

    x y gx fy c

    g f g f c

    + + + + =


  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting


    '.6o the equation x%7 y%7 %x 2y -'3 $ # represent a circle with

    centre .... and radius ......

    %.x%7 y%$ '%.%3

    ,.x%7 y%$ '##

    .x%7 y% x 7 2y , $ #

    3.%x% ,x 7 y 7 %y%$ #

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The equation of an ellipse is:

    !f a& bthen ais called the semi-ma8or

    axis and bis called the semi-minor axis.

    % %

    % % 'x y

    a b+ =

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The equation of an hyperbola is:

    4heny = #"x$ 9 a and

    whenx = #"y%$ b%and the curve

    does not cross they-axis.

    #ote: The two opposite arms of the

    hyperbola gradually approach two

    straight lines +asymptotes.

    % %

    % % 'x y

    a b =

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Logarithmic curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    !f y$ logx" then when:

    so the curve crosses thex-axis at

    x$ '

    lso" logxdoes not exist for realx; #.

    ' then log' #x y= = =

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Exponential curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The curvey$ excrosses they-axis atx$ #.

    6ometimes called thegro&th curve'

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Exponential curves

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The curvey$ excrosses they-axis aty$ '.

    6ometimes called the decay curve'

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    E%ponentia# Graph &ogarithmic Graph

    Graphs o! inverse

    !unctions arere!#ected a'out the

    #ine y( x

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Trigonometric curves (see slides

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The sine curve is given as:

    +a- sin where

    ,2# Period " amplitude

    +b- sin where

    % Period " amplitude

    y ) nx


    y ) t



    = =


    = =


  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Standard curves

    Trigonometric curves (see slides

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Standard curves


    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    "urve !itting

    Method o! #east suares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve


    *ntersection &ith the axes

    Change of origin


    Large and small values of x and y

    Stationary points


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve


    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    !nspect the equation for symmetry:

    +a !f only even powers ofyoccur" the curve is symmetrical about thex-axis

    +b !f only even powers ofxoccur" the curve is symmetrical about they-axis

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    *ntersection &ith the axes

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    Points at which the curve crosses thex- andy-axes:

    >rosses thex-axis: Puty$ # and solve forx

    >rosses they-axis: Putx$ # and solve fory

    1or example" the curve

    >rosses thex-axis atx$ ?'#>rosses they-axis aty$ % and


    % , % @y y x+ = +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    Change of origin

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    Aoo for a possible change of origin to

    simplify the equation. 1or example" if" for

    the curve

    The origin is changed by putting !$y7 ,

    and"$x " the equation becomes that of

    a parabola symmetrical about the !axis:

    %/+ ,- + /-y x+ =

    %/! "=

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    Stationary points

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    6tationary points exists where:

    !f further:










    # the stationary point is a maximum

    # the stationary point is a minimum

    # with a change in sign through the stationary point

    then the point is a point of inflexion

    d y


    d y

    dxd y



  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Standard curves


    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    "urve !itting

    Method o! #east suares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    "urve !itting

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    eadings of two related variables from a test or experiment normally

    include errors of various inds and so the points that are plotted from the

    data are scattered about the positions they should ideally occupy.

    Caving plotted the points a graph is then drawn through the scattered

    points to approximate to the relationship between the two variables. 1rom

    the parameters involved in this graph an algebraic form for the

    relationship is then deduced.

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    "urve !itting

    Straight-line la&

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    !f the assumption that the two variablesxandywhose values are taen

    from experiment are linearly related then their relationship will be

    expressed algebraically as:

    where arepresents the gradient of the straight line and brepresents the

    vertical intercept

    1rom a plot of the data" a straight line is drawn through the data as the

    )line of best fit*. The values of aand bare then read off from the graph.

    y ax b= +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU


    Standard curves


    Systematic curve sketching, given the euation o! the curve

    "urve !itting

    Method o! #east suares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Method o! #east suares

    +itting a straight-line graph

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    =rawing a straight line of best fit through a set of plotted points by eye

    introduces unnecessary errors. To minimise errors the method of least

    squares is used where the sum of the squares of the vertical distances from

    the straight line is minimised.

    ssume that the equation of the

    line of best fit is given by:

    y a bx= +

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Method o! #east suares

    +itting a straight-line graph

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The ithpoint plotted" +xi"yi" is a vertical distance from the line:

    The sum of the squares of these

    differences for all npoints

    plotted is then:

    i iy a bx

    ( )%



    i i

    iS y a bx


  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    Worked examples and exercises are in the textSTROU

    Method o! #east suares

    +itting a straight-line graph

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting

    The values of aand bmust now be determined that gives Sits minimum

    value. 1or Sto be a minimum:

    This yields the two simultaneous equations from which the values of a

    and bcan be found:

    # and #S Sa b

    = =

    ' '


    ' ' '

    n n

    i ii i

    n n n

    i i i i

    i i i

    an b x y

    a x b x x y

    = =

    = = =

    + =

    + =

  • 7/18/2019 5. Curves and Curve Fitting


    W k d l d i i th t tSTROU

    &earning outcomes

    =raw setch graphs of standard curves

    =etermine the equations of asymptotes parallel to thex- andy-axes

    6etch the graphs of curves with asymptotes" stationary points and other features

    1it graphs to data using straight-line forms

    1it graphs to data using the method of least squares

    Programme 12$ "urves and curve !itting