5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Without Leaving the Office

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  • 8/13/2019 5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Without Leaving the Office


    5 ways to boost your energy without leaving

    the officeI'm always going on and on about how much I hate it when people advise me to sleep when thebaby sleepsor just go to bed earlier.But, rather than write yet another rant about it, I thought I'd

    do a little research and find five tips for boosting my energy and beating fatigue -- preferably tips

    that don't involve ridiculous amounts of caffeine, sugar, and/or anything illegal -- and share themhere with you. Ready

    1.) Work in a work-out.It may seem counter intuitive !why e"pend energy when you feel li#e

    you have none to spare$ but a little bit of e"ercise can bring a big energy boost. %ou don't have

    to devote a big chun# of time to it, either& just ( minutes can ma#e a difference. )ry ta#ing babysteps* +ar# your car at the far end of the lot and power wal# to the office door, stand up and

    stretch at your des#, or try any of these great wor#-out suggestionsfrom or# It, om


    2.) Eat protein.on't marathon runners eat a ton of carbohydrates for energy before a big run0ure they do, but they're running,and I'm not so much running as... well,sitting here.If you're

    loo#ing for mental energy and alertness, tuc# into an egg at brea#fast and munch on a protein-

    rich snac# mid-afternoon. !1+rotein-rich1 doesn't necessarily mean 1highly caloric1 either& (almonds or a cup of low-fat cottage cheese will do the tric#$.

    3.) Take a three-inute e!itation break.2 few minutes of meditation can help combat

    fatigue, according to r. 3udith 4rloff, psychiatrist and author ofPositive Energy: 10

    Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear. 0he suggests finding a5uiet place and mentally focusing on an image that brings you pleasure-- your child laughing,

    your favorite flower, a crac#ling fire, whatever -- while breathing deeply !roughly ( seconds foreach inhale and e"hale$. +ractice maintaining your focus for ma"imum revitali6ation. !7or otherways to wor# a little meditation into your day, chec# out 8aren urphy's great post over at

    9atch %our Breath.$

    ".) Try self-acupressure.2ccording to a study published in theJourna of !ternative and

    "ompementary #edicine,students who were taught to self-administer certain acupressuretreatmentswere more alert and less fatigued. :niversity of ichigan edical 9enter research

    investigator r. Richard ;.