5/14/12 UrbanTick: Conference - CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital 1/4 urbantick.blogspot.it/2012/04/conference-casa-smart-cities-bridging.html Privacy Information 0 Friday, 20 April 2012 Conference CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital CASA is running a one day conference under the title CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital. The title basically explains the aim of the event and besides a exciting line up of speakers with interesting projects there is also an exhibition with interactive installations. Image by Dr George MacKerron / Pigeon Sim, how to navigate the flight icons. As the Keynote speaker Professor Carlo Ratti, Director, Senseable City Lab, MIT is invited. Other speakers include: Professor Michael Batty, Chairman, CASA, Professor of Planning; Dr Andy HudsonSmith, Director and Head of Department, CASA; CASA researchers including Richard Milton, Oliver O’Brien, Dr James Cheshire, Steven Gray, Dr George MacKerron, Dr Jon Reades, Dr Joan Serras and Dr Duncan Smith Image by CASA / Conference flyer. This event is supported by CASA research grants: ANALOGIES (EPSRC), COSMIC (ERANET), GENeSIS (ESRC) and TALISMAN (ESRC, NCRM). The four main aspects of the conference are: Find out about groundbreaking research being carried out at CASA, with talks covering crowd sourcing and participatory mapping, sensing using social media and experience sampling, data dashboards, public transport, public bike schemes and more. Explore a brand new interactive exhibition, showcasing some of CASA’s latest models and maps. Meet and network with academic, public and private sector attendees during coffee breaks, a catered lunch, and an evening drinks reception. Find out more about the courses we offer at CASA. The Programm can be found HERE. Registration is on http://casasmartcities.eventbrite.co.uk/. The Twitter hashtag for this conference is #casaconf. The exhibition part will include some exciting experimental interactive media installations. In Pigeon About this blog Cycle studies are the science of everyday life, as normal as it gets. Its focus is the daily routine, with its habits and rhythms as they occure in most citizens' lifes. It is the power of the normal that brings stability and the routine that ensures security. But is is the cycles's dynamic of flow and continuation that prevents life from freezing. Cycles therefore stand for stability but are at the same time the engine of change. With this blog the research on cycles and rhythms will be embedded in the most recent developments in technology, covering a range of areas with a focus on spacetime related technologies. The research is undertaken at CASA Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL. UrbanTick Internal About Store on Twitter Facebook Page urbanTick LOG on tumbler on flickr Subscribe in a reader Subscribe to urbanTick by Email Add to Technorati Favorites Tags advertisment(12) air traffic(2) airport(1) analysis(22) ancl(2) android(1) animals(12) animation(41) application(14) aquarium(11) architecture(71) art(32) augmented reality(11) Baltimore(1) Barcelona(3) barcode(1) Bartlett(1) Basel(7) beat(6) Beijing(1) Berlin(1) UrbanTick

5/14/12 UrbanTick: Conference - CASA Smart Cities ...Conference CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital CASA is running a one day conference under the title CASA Smart Cities:

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Page 1: 5/14/12 UrbanTick: Conference - CASA Smart Cities ...Conference CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital CASA is running a one day conference under the title CASA Smart Cities:

5/14/12 UrbanTick: Conference - CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital


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F r i d a y , 2 0 A p r i l 2 0 1 2

Conference ­ CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital

CASA is running a one day conference under the title CASA Smart Cities: bridgingphysical and digital. The title basically explains the aim of the event and besides aexciting line up of speakers with interesting projects there is also an exhibition withinteractive installations.

Image by Dr George MacKerron / Pigeon Sim, how to navigate the flight icons.

As the Keynote speaker Professor Carlo Ratti, Director, Senseable City Lab, MIT is invited. Otherspeakers include: Professor Michael Batty, Chairman, CASA, Professor of Planning; Dr AndyHudson­Smith, Director and Head of Department, CASA; CASA researchers including RichardMilton, Oliver O’Brien, Dr James Cheshire, Steven Gray, Dr George MacKerron, Dr Jon Reades, DrJoan Serras and Dr Duncan Smith

Image by CASA / Conference flyer.

This event is supported by CASA research grants: ANALOGIES (EPSRC), COSMIC (ERA­NET),GENeSIS (ESRC) and TALISMAN (ESRC, NCRM).

The four main aspects of the conference are:Find out about groundbreaking research being carried out at CASA, with talks covering crowd­sourcing and participatory mapping, sensing using social media and experience sampling, datadashboards, public transport, public bike schemes and more. Explore a brand new interactiveexhibition, showcasing some of CASA’s latest models and maps. Meet and network with academic,public and private sector attendees during coffee breaks, a catered lunch, and an evening drinksreception. Find out more about the courses we offer at CASA.

The Programm can be found HERE. Registration is on http://casasmartcities.eventbrite.co.uk/. TheTwitter hashtag for this conference is #casaconf.

The exhibition part will include some exciting experimental interactive media installations. In Pigeon

A b o u t t h i s b l o g

Cycle studies are the science ofeveryday life, as normal as it gets. Itsfocus is the daily routine, with itshabits and rhythms as they occure inmost citizens' lifes. It is the power ofthe normal that brings stability andthe routine that ensures security. Butis is the cycles's dynamic of flow andcontinuation that prevents life fromfreezing.Cycles therefore stand for stabilitybut are at the same time the engineof change.

With this blog the research on cyclesand rhythms will be embedded in themost recent developments intechnology, covering a range of areaswith a focus on space­time relatedtechnologies.

The research is undertaken at CASACentre for Advanced SpatialAnalysis, UCL.

U r b a n T i c k I n t e r n a l

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Page 2: 5/14/12 UrbanTick: Conference - CASA Smart Cities ...Conference CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital CASA is running a one day conference under the title CASA Smart Cities:

5/14/12 UrbanTick: Conference - CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital


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Sim the visitor can fly around Google Earth, navigating by flapping the arms, there are simulationsrunning interactively on touch tables and also the live London Dashboard installation is on display.

Image by urbanTick for NCL / The 3D London NCL model.

Some of the Twitter work is on display too. The analogue Tweet­O­Meter, last on show at the BritishLibrary will be installed and a a 3D physical model of the London New City Landscape map will beon display. This model was layered from the contour lines and includes the labels and tag. With itsome of the aNCL network clips will be on display, showing the connective aspects of the data. Inthese clips other cities than London will also be on show to extend on the perspective.

Image by urbanTick for NCL / The 3D London NCL model.

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