Helpful Research Theories for Classroom Management Are you ready to teach?


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Helpful Research Theories for Classroom Management

Are you ready to teach?

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Effective Teaching and Research Since the 1960’s, much research has been done on

education. Until that time, teaching was based on myths,

hearsay, and traditions handed down or recollections of how they were taught.

Many teachers tend to teach as they were taught throughout their schooling.

Most teachers tend to teach as their academic college professors taught them.

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Importance of Research “It may be dangerous to teach as you were taught.” Research

the process of critical thinking and solving problems

the use of the human mind to search for and seek answers and “the truth.”

People who know what to do and people who know how to do it will always be working for those who know why it is being done.

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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A Model of Teaching that has NO Research Support

Assign chapters to read Answer questions at the back of the chapter

or worksheet Deliver a lecture and have students take notes Show a video or do an activity Construct a test based on a number of points.

Sage on the Stage? Or Guide on the Side? Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Adolescent Psychology Review Review these famous research studies as you prepare to meet the

needs of the students you teach What are the students’ key developmental factors to consider? What developmental factors may influence instruction?

TPA Whole Class Requirement – “Provide a general description of students within this age range and in the selected class.”

How will you use this information regarding developmental factors in planning academic instruction for this class in your selected subject matter? physical development social development emotional development

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Albert Bandura Child-rearing techniques influence personality

development Children imitate behavior and follow role models Children learn by observing Aggressive interactions encourage aggression Teachers need to:

model appropriate behavior know how to counteract negative media reward calm, non-aggressive behavior

Are you a good role model for your students?

YouTubeBobo Doll


Social LearningTheories

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Self-actualization (expressing one’s

potentialities) From biological needs to self-actualization (lower

needs must be met before higher) Physiological needs – hunger and thirst Safety needs, - security and support Affiliation needs – affection and friendship Esteem needs – self-respect / self-confidence Self-Actualization needs – self-motivation/independence

Is your teaching practice based on students’ needs?


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Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development StagesStage Basic Conflict Important


Infancy (birth to 18 months)

Trust vs. Mistrust

Feeding Children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliabilty, care, and affection. A lack of this will lead to mistrust.

Early Childhood (2 to 3 years)

Autonomy vs. Shame and


Toilet Training Children need to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of independence. Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure results in

feelings of shame and doubt.

Preschool (3 to 5 years)

Initiative vs. Guilt

Exploration Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too

much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt.

School Age (6 to 11 years)

Industry vs. Inferiority

School Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a sense of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority.

Adolescence (12 to 18


Identity vs. Role Confusion

Social Relationships

Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak

sense of self.Yound

Adulthood (19 to 40 years)

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Relationships Young adults need to form intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and


Adulthood (40 to 65 years)

Generativity vs. Stagnation

Work and Parenthood

Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by having children or creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow

involvement in the world.

Maturity(65 to death)

Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Reflection on Life Older adults need to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment. Success at this stage leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure results in regret, bitterness,

and despair.

Learning Theories

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Carl Rogers Basic drive in human nature – to fulfill one’s potential (self-

actualization) Aggressive, anxious, selfish behavior occurs when

actualization tendencies distorted/blocked Reinforcement and satisfaction come from continuous

growth experiences. One needs to develop positive self concept Continuous evolution of self-fulfillment Goals for individuals based on self-direction. Each child is an individual.

Carl Rogers

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Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development

Preconventional Level of Moral Reasoning – cultural rules, labels (good/bad), consequences (reward/punishment) determine behavior

Conventional – conforms to expectations of group, family, and society (duty)

Postconventional – Behavior tied to moral choices: Moral Judgment

Affective Domain Theories

Studies in Social and Moral Development in

EducationPiaget and Kohlberg

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William Glasser - Control Theory

Students come into classroom with 5 basic needs: Love: need to feel loved and VALUED. Need to belong

(social/peers/cooperative groups) Independence: Sense of freedom - make decisions on their

own. Fun: Will create their own fun if you don't make learning fun! Security: Sense that things are right with the world. Power: Need to feel in control of what happens to them -

shape their own lives.


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Glasser’s Choice Theory Habits Seven Caring Habits1. Supporting

2. Encouraging

3. Listening

4. Accepting

5. Trusting

6. Respecting

7. Negotiating differences

Seven Deadly Habits1. Criticizing

2. Blaming

3. Complaining

4. Nagging

5. Threatening

6. Punishing

7. Bribing, rewarding to control

Examine yourself! What are your caring habits? What are your deadly habits?

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How to be an Effective Teacher:The First Days of School

Harry and Rosemary Wong

If you dare to teach, then you must dare to learn.

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If the student cannot demonstrate learning or achievement, the student has not failed –

WE have failed the student.

Schools exist and teachers are hired for one reason only –

to help students achieve.

Harry and Rosemary WongHarry Wong Publications


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Research for Teachers Do what the research tells us is most effective. Use proven research-based practices. Understand the research process

Problem - What do I want to know? Prediction - What do I think is the case? Procedure - How will I solve the problem? Data - What will I look for? Conclusion - What do the results tell me?

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Three Major Characteristics of Effective Teachers

They have high expectations that ALL of their students will succeed.

They are extremely good classroom managers.

The know how to design lessons to help students reach mastery.

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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A Well-Managed ClassroomEffective Teachers

MANAGE their classrooms.

Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their


Harry and Rosemary Wong

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What is Classroom Management? All things that a teacher does to organize

students, space, time, and materials so that instruction in content and student learning can take place.

Must foster student involvement and cooperation in all classroom activities

Must establish a productive working environment.

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Most Teachers Do Not Teach Most teachers do activities and when

problems arise, they discipline. Most classrooms are nonmanaged.

And because of this - little is accomplished.

Teachers almost never think about managing the classroom - they only think of presenting lessons.

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Characteristics of a Well-Managed Department Store

The Store - layout, organization, and cleanliness

The Merchandise - display, accessibility, and availability

The Help - management, efficiency, knowledge, and friendliness

Security - procedures and routinesHarry and Rosemary Wong

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Characteristics of a Well-Managed Classroom

Students are deeply involved with their work - especially with academic instruction

Students know what is expected of them and are generally successful

There is relatively little wasted time, confusion, or disruption

The climate is work-oriented, but relaxed and pleasant Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Effective Teachers Effective teacher has a minimum of student

misbehavior problems to handle Ineffective teacher is constantly fighting

student misbehavior problems. Effective teacher prepares, prepares,

prepares. Effective teacher maximizes proximity to

students and materials.Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Classroom Procedures The number one problem is not

discipline, but the lack of procedures and routines.

Discipline No learning takes place concerns how students behave has penalties and rewards

Procedures - what the teacher wants done

Routines - what students do automatically

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Procedures Effective Teachers manage with procedures Procedures benefit the students

helps them do work with less confusion helps them succeed are a part of life demonstrate how people are to function in an

acceptable and organized manner

Essential for first day of schoolHarry and Rosemary Wong

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Three Step Approach1. Explain Classroom Procedures Clearly -

Define Demonstrate Step by Step

2. Rehearse Until Procedure becomes Routine

3. Reinforce Correct Procedure and Reteach Incorrect One Give corrective feedback Praise when rehearsal is acceptable

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Increasing Student Learning and Achievement

Instructional Time the time you observe a teacher instructing class teacher focus

Engaged Time observe student involved or engaged in a task – “Student On Task” - student focus

Academic Learning Time – the amount of time you can prove or demonstrate that the

student comprehended or learned the content or mastered the skill. Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Increase Student Learning Increase the amount of time the student is

working and you increase learning The person who does the work is the ONLY

one who learns People who work and put in effort always

achieve more than those who do not. The student should be the worker!

Harry and Rosemary Wong

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Wong Publications Website - http://www.effectiveteaching.com/cart.php

Going Beyond Folders - http://www.effectiveteaching.com/cart.php?m=content&page=12

Teachers.Net Gazette Columns - http://teachers.net/wong/JAN11/

Take the Teacher Quiz:http://www.effectiveteaching.com/cart.php?m=content&page=7

Check Your Teacher Effectiveness!

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Harry and Rosemary Wong:http://www.effectiveteaching.com/cart.php?m=content&page=11