香港動植物公園 at the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens 果樹 研習徑 Fruit Tree Walk 9 柑橘 (Mandarin) 常綠小喬木,高約 2 米,喜溫暖濕潤氣候。春季開花, 花黃白色,單生或簇生於葉腋。果期 10 至 12 月,果實扁 球形,直徑 5 至 7 厘米,呈橙黃或橙紅色。果皮薄易剝離, 曬乾後名陳皮,可入藥,具理氣健胃、燥濕化痰的功效。 An evergreen tree about 2 m in height, Mandarin thrives in warm, humid environments. Its yellow and white flowers appear in spring, either as solitary flowers or in clusters at the leaf axils. From October to December, the tree produces yellowish-orange or reddish-orange fruits which are flattened spherical in shape and measure 5 to 7 cm in diameter. The fruit peel is thin, easy to remove and, when dried, can be used as herbal medicine to regulate the flow of qi , invigorate the stomach, remove dampness and reduce phlegm. 10 大樹菠蘿 (Jackfruit) 常綠喬木,原產於印度和東南亞,現盛產於中國嶺南、福建等 地。果實大如冬瓜,外皮像荔枝,內有大塊黃肉,味甜如蜜,是馳 名的熱帶水果,可入饌或製成果脯和罐頭食品。種子狀如 腰子,富含澱粉,生食或會中毒,炒熟後味如栗子。大樹 菠蘿的樹幹常用作製造樂器。 An evergreen tree native to India and Southeast Asia, Jackfruit is now widely grown in the Lingnan region and Fujian in China. The fruit is as large as a wax gourd, with its peel similar to that of Lychee. The large bulbs of yellow, honey- sweet flesh of this famous tropical fruit can be used as a cooking ingredient or made into preserved or canned food. Rich in starch, the kidney-shaped seeds could be poisonous if eaten raw, and taste like chestnuts when cooked. The wood of Jackfruit tree is commonly used for making musical instruments. 入口 Entrance 噴水池 Fountain 果樹研習徑 Fruit Tree Walk 索引 KEYS : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 果樹 研習徑 Fruit Tree Walk

9 柑橘(Mandarin) 果樹研習徑 · 9 柑橘(Mandarin) 常綠小喬木,高約2米,喜溫暖濕潤氣候。春季開花, 花黃白色,單生或簇生於葉腋。果期10至12月,果實扁

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Page 1: 9 柑橘(Mandarin) 果樹研習徑 · 9 柑橘(Mandarin) 常綠小喬木,高約2米,喜溫暖濕潤氣候。春季開花, 花黃白色,單生或簇生於葉腋。果期10至12月,果實扁

香港動植物公園 at the

Hong Kong Zoological andBotanical Gardens

果樹研習徑Fruit Tree Walk

9 柑橘 (Mandarin)常綠小喬木,高約 2 米,喜溫暖濕潤氣候。春季開花,

花黃白色,單生或簇生於葉腋。果期 10 至 12 月,果實扁球形,直徑 5 至 7 厘米,呈橙黃或橙紅色。果皮薄易剝離,曬乾後名陳皮,可入藥,具理氣健胃、燥濕化痰的功效。

An evergreen tree about 2 m in height, Mandarin thrives in warm, humid environments. Its yellow and white flowers appear in spring, either as solitary flowers or in clusters at the leaf axils. From October to December, the tree produces yellowish-orange or reddish-orange fruits which are flattened spherical in shape and measure 5 to 7 cm in diameter. The fruit peel is thin, easy to remove and, when dried, can be used as herbal medicine to regulate the flow of qi, invigorate the stomach, remove dampness and reduce phlegm.

10 大樹菠蘿 (Jackfruit)常綠喬木,原產於印度和東南亞,現盛產於中國嶺南、福建等


An evergreen tree native to India and Southeast Asia, Jackfruit is now widely grown in the Lingnan region and Fujian in China. The fruit is as large as a wax gourd, with its peel similar to that of Lychee. The large bulbs of yellow, honey-

sweet flesh of this famous tropical fruit can be used as a cooking ingredient or made into preserved or canned food. Rich in starch, the kidney-shaped seeds could be poisonous if eaten raw, and taste like chestnuts when cooked. The wood of Jackfruit tree is commonly used for making musical instruments.

入口 Entrance

噴水池 Fountain

果樹研習徑Fruit Tree Walk

索引 KEYS :









果樹研習徑 Fruit Tree Walk

Page 2: 9 柑橘(Mandarin) 果樹研習徑 · 9 柑橘(Mandarin) 常綠小喬木,高約2米,喜溫暖濕潤氣候。春季開花, 花黃白色,單生或簇生於葉腋。果期10至12月,果實扁

wood suitable for carving sculptures. Jujube is a nectar plant with small, nectar-rich flowers. Its fruit, also known as date, turns from yellow to reddish brown when ripe. Rich in iron and vitamins, it is nutritious and can be eaten fresh, dried or made into preserved fruit. When used as herbal medicine, Jujube fruit can replenish qi, invigorate the spleen and stomach, and nourish the heart and lungs.

4 芒果 (Mango)常綠大喬木,高 15 至 18 米,原產於北印度和馬

來半島,性喜高溫乾燥的天氣。果實大,歪卵形,肉嫩香甜,營養豐富,含大量維生素 A、C、D,有助抗氧化,適量食用能延緩老化,亦有清熱、益胃止嘔、生津解渴、消眩止暈等功效。

Mango is an evergreen tree about 15 to 18 m in height. Native to northern India and the Malay Peninsula, the plant prefers high temperatures and dry weather. Its oval-shaped fruit is large, tender and sweet. It is rich in nutrients including vitamins A, C and D, which can enhance resistance to oxidative stress. Moderate consumption helps slow down the ageing process. Other medicinal properties of the fruit include removing “heat”, invigorating the stomach and controlling nausea, promoting saliva secretion, and relieving dizziness.

5 桑 (Mulberry)落葉小喬木,花期 4 至 5 月,果期 5 至 8 月。



A deciduous tree, Mulberry blossoms in April and May, and fruits between May and August. The fruit grows in clusters round

the rachis. Small and fleshy, Mulberry fruit is purplish black or sometimes white when ripe. Mulberry is a useful plant. Its leaves can be used as feed for silkworms, wood made into furniture or farming tools, twigs woven into baskets and bark made into paper. Its fruit, which is edible and can be used for making wine, serves to clear the lungs and liver and improve vision. Its leaves, roots and bark can also be used as herbal medicine.

6 黎檬 (Chinese Lemon)又名檸檬。常綠小喬木,原產於東南亞。


最高的水果之一,含維生素 B1、B2、C、碳水化合物、鈣、磷、鐵,能增強血管彈性和韌性,有助防治高血壓和心肌梗塞。檸檬除可榨汁飲用,也可用於烹調,更有去除食物異味、保鮮、美容等用途。

Native to Southeast Asia and commonly known as lemon, Chinese Lemon is an evergreen tree with thorny or spiny branches. Its fruit is oval in shape with a narrow, pointed end and yellow peel that is thick and rough. Containing vitamins B1, B2 and C, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and iron, Lemon is one of the fruits that have the highest medicinal value. It can improve the elasticity and toughness of blood vessels, and helps prevent and treat high blood pressure and myocardial infarction. Lemon can be made into juice. It can also be used for cooking, removing odours, keeping food fresh as well as for cosmetic purposes.

7 楊桃 (Carambola)又名洋桃。常綠小喬木,原產於亞洲熱帶

地區,盛產於華南一帶。果實直徑 6 至 8 厘米,多汁,能解渴消暑,因橫切後呈星形,故英文又名

“star fruit”(星星果)。果實可直接食用或入饌,也可製成罐頭食品、果汁飲料、果醬、蜜餞,或釀製美味香醇的楊桃酒。

Native to the tropical areas of Asia, Carambola is an evergreen tree widely grown in southern China. Juicy and refreshing, its fruit is 6 to 8 cm in diameter, and derives its common name “star fruit” from the shape of its cross-section. The fruit can be eaten fresh, cooked, canned, candied, or made into juice drink, jam or tasty wine.

8 柚 (Pummelo)常綠喬木,果實頗大,一般重逾 1 公斤,帶濃郁香味,摘


Pummelo is an evergreen tree with large, ambrosial fruit which usually weighs over 1 kg and keeps well for several months in a natural environment after picking. There is a layer of white spongy tissue between the yellow peel of the fruit and its generally yellowish-white (red in some species) flesh. Both the peel and flesh are edible. The fruit has a sweet taste with a touch of sourness, and is rich in vitamins, organic acids and minerals. The flesh can be juiced or made into pummelo tea or wine. Essential oil can be extracted from the peel for manufacturing flavourings and cosmetic products. Antibacterial substances can also be found in the peel and seeds.

1 甜橙 (Sweet Orange)小喬木,高約 5 米,原產於中國,全球逾 400 品種。花朵芬

芳,果實是人們常吃的水果之一,含有維生素 A、B、C、D 等,能開胃消食,生津止渴,理氣化痰,對消化系統有益。果皮含有的果膠可促進腸道蠕動,使食物加速通過消化道,有助排泄脂類和膽固醇。

Originating from China, Sweet Orange has over 400 species worldwide. The tree is about 5 m tall and produces fragrant flowers. Sweet Orange, one of the most commonly consumed fruits, provides vitamins A, B, C, D, etc, which helps enhance appetite, promote saliva secretion, reduce phlegm, and benefit the digestive system. Its peel contains pectin, which can aid intestinal peristalsis, increase the speed of food passing through the gastrointestinal tract, and help the excretion of fat and cholesterol from the body.

2 人心果 (Sapodilla)常綠喬木,高 8 至 15 米,因果實長得像人的心臟而得名。全樹均可利用,經濟價值甚高。


An evergreen tree ranging in height from 8 to 15 m, Sapodilla is known as “the Human Heart Fruit” in Chinese for its heart-shaped fruit.

The whole plant is useful and economically valuable. Delicious and rich in nutrients, the fruit can be eaten fresh and is good for the heart and lungs. It can also be dried, made into jam or fermented into wine. The seeds, bark and roots of Sapodilla can all be used as herbal medicine. The milky latex of the tree is a fine raw material for making chewing gum.

3 棗 (Jujube)小喬木,高 7 至 9 米,原產於中國中部和南部,生長在溫


Measuring about 7 to 9 m in height, Jujube is native to central and southern China and grown in the temperate regions. The plant is drought-resistant and can survive even in poor soil. Given its slow growth, Jujube is a hard and dense

此照片由漁農自然護理署提供,特此鳴謝。 Photo courtesy of Agriculture, Fisheries and

Conservation Department

此照片由漁農自然護理署提供,特此鳴謝。 Photo courtesy of Agriculture, Fisheries and

Conservation Department