perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id commit to user 1 A LIBRARY RESEARCH ON HOW TO TEACH SPEAKING USING WORLD STYLE DEBATE Aditya Ristianang, Joko Nurkamto, Siswantoro English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University Correspondence Address: [email protected] Abstract This research aims at: (1) describing the implementation of World Style debate to teach speaking, (2) explain how the World Style debate improve students’ speaking competence in Senior High School. The method used in this research is library research. In this research the researcher uses the critical analysis. The theories that become the object of the research are from scientific journals and books. The research findings show that World Style debate improves the students’ speaking skill, and the use of World Style debate has a great variety of advantages; World Style debate can improve the students’ involvement in learning process, and World Style debate also promotes students’ critical thinking skill. Keywords: World Style Debate, Speaking skill, Library Research Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menguaraikan penerapan debat World Style dalam mengajarkan kemampuan berbicara, (2) menjelaskan bagaimana metode debat World Style meningkatkan kompetensi berbicara siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka, peneliti menggunakan analisis kritis. Teori yang menjadi objek kajian berasal dari jurnal ilmiah dan buku referensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa debat World Style meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa, dan penggunakan debat World Style memiliki berbagai manfaat; debat World Style meningkatkan


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Aditya Ristianang, Joko Nurkamto, Siswantoro

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Sebelas Maret University

Correspondence Address: [email protected]


This research aims at: (1) describing the implementation of World Style

debate to teach speaking, (2) explain how the World Style debate improve students’

speaking competence in Senior High School. The method used in this research is

library research. In this research the researcher uses the critical analysis. The

theories that become the object of the research are from scientific journals and

books. The research findings show that World Style debate improves the students’

speaking skill, and the use of World Style debate has a great variety of advantages;

World Style debate can improve the students’ involvement in learning process, and

World Style debate also promotes students’ critical thinking skill.

Keywords: World Style Debate, Speaking skill, Library Research


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menguaraikan penerapan debat World

Style dalam mengajarkan kemampuan berbicara, (2) menjelaskan bagaimana metode

debat World Style meningkatkan kompetensi berbicara siswa Sekolah Menengah

Atas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka, peneliti

menggunakan analisis kritis. Teori yang menjadi objek kajian berasal dari jurnal

ilmiah dan buku referensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa debat World Style

meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa, dan penggunakan debat

World Style memiliki berbagai manfaat; debat World Style meningkatkan

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keterlibatan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, dan debat World Style juga

mengembangkan kemampuan berfikir kritis siswa.

Kata kunci: debat World Style, kemampuan berbicara, kajian pustaka

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Speaking is productive skill that involve speech to express. it involves using

speech to express other meanings toother people.Florez in Bailey (2005, p.2) states

that speaking is an interactive process of developing meaning that engages producing

and receiving and processing information. It is often unplanned, open-ended, and

fostering information but it is not completely unpredictable. In addition, Bailey

(2005, p.2) mentions that speaking is the productive and oral skill activity. It made up

of producing systematic verbal communication to deliver meaning.

Chaney in Kayi (2006, p.1) says that speaking is the process of constructin and

sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbols, in different

contexts. Speaking is active skill in which learners can express themselves and

communication with others. Speaking requires the learners not only to know about

linguistic competences such as vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation, but also

understand about sociolinguistic competence itself.

Thornburry (2005, p.8) strengthens the statements. He says that speaking is a

speech production to deliver meaning that becomes a part of our daily activities. Most

of speaking activities are in the form of face to face dialogs; therefore speaking is for

interactin between people. From the definition of speaking above, it can be concluded

that speaking is productive activity of constructing and convey meaning that can be

doing in verbal and non verbal symbol.

Speaking as an active and productive activity is an ability to produce and

deliver a language to the other by speech. However, it is found that many students got

some difficult in speaking skill. Based on the researcher’s experience teaching at

SMK N 9 Surakarta, students got difficulties in speaking skill. The problems are

caused by the students, the teachers, and the class condition. The problems are; (1)

students are not confident to use English; (2) they are lack of vocabulary mastery and

knowledge of grammar. The other factor that influences the students’ speaking ability

is they rarely practice English in the class and their daily life. For instance, in learning

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activity only students who gets the turn to perform which speak English, the others

only talk with their friend or listen the speaker.

The problems caused by the teachers are; First, the teachers are focused only

using LKS or text book in teaching speaking, whereas, LKS and textbook have

limitation to teach speaking. Second, teachers do not give much opportunity to the

student to speak English because the limited time, so the interaction between one and

other are less. Third, the teachers do not use attractive method in teaching speaking,

so the students are bored and unmotivated in learning speaking.

The problems caused by the class condition are: First, limited teaching aids

and multimedia in the classroom or school makes teachers get difficulties in teaching

that therefore students are not interested to learn. Second, learning hours in the last

section make students and teachers are tired, so the learning is not effective and


Based on these problems, the teachers should find solutions to increase

student interest in teaching learning process. In teaching speaking, there are several

activities which are used by teachers to make better teaching and learning condition.

Teachers should use interesting activitiesand practicing as a real-life situation, and

give more opportunity to the students to speak English. From the problems that were

already mention above, using World Style debate in teaching speaking have many

benefits to solve the problems in learning speaking skill.

Vo and Morris (2006, p.315) say debate as a teaching tool has an essential

role play in our pedagogical philosophy, debating is used in many academic

disciplines. In debate the students are expected to be active and developing their

communication skill to argue and persuading by using voice and gesture. Harvey

(2011, p.2) explains that Worlds Style debate is normally termed British

Parliamentary debate, which grew out of the traditions of the United Kingdom

Parliament in Westminster. World Style debate is the most popular and fastest

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growing format of competitive debate. Meany and Shuster (2002, p.6) explain that

Parliamentary Debate or World Style debate is the most popular debate for academic

and contest, World Style debate teaches sophisticated skills in extemporaneous

speaking, critical listening, critical thinking, research, and presentation.

There are some benefits in implementing World Style debate activity:

a. The students play a part in games as debaters make them familiar with

parliamentary setting. Parliamentary setting is useful for students when they

join in formal debate or discussion.

b. This activity trains students to work in group, they will discuss with the group

before they argue and rebuttal.

c. That way also decreases students’ selfishness because this activity gives more

opportunity to work in group.

d. This activity can improve students’ critical thinking, students’ confidence, and

responsibility in learning. Before the debate, students will conduct research

about the issue and brainstorming idea.

e. This activity improves subject knowledge in English as a foreign language.

f. This activity can improve of skills in argumentation, students demanded to

have good interpersonal communication skills. They can voice their aspiration

to a policy maker when they disagree with particular policies in a good


g. The atmosphere of the class will comfort because students do something new,

the students do not feel like being treated with World Style debate method.

h. In engage this activity not very needed multimedia, so this activity can be

applied in schools which have restrictiveness of multimedia tools.

i. World Style debate develops problem-solving skills, students investigate the

social problems and try to find the best solutions to those problems.

j. This method also assesses speaking micro skills (grammar, vocabulary, and


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Another opinion from Darby (2007, p.8) states that benefit of World Style debate

for teaching learning processare developing one test question that measures student

knowledge of the main point of their 10-12 minutes oral argument, a large body of

complex, conflicting, rapidly changing information can be covered in a short period

of time.


The research was conducted by using library research. Library research that is

also called theoretic research is not a compilation of other researches or arguments,

but a research that is conducted through critical analysis so that what is written can be

justified. The theories that become the object of the research are from scientific

journals. Several steps should be taken to conduct Library Research, they are:

1. Define the variables as clear as possible.

2. Choose the source of the data or theories that are relevant to the variables

above and read it.

3. Describe every single theory.

4. Do critical analysis towards every theory above by explaining the strength

and weakness of every theory.

5. Do comparison analysis between theory to decide which theory has more

strengths and which theory has more weaknesses.

6. Make conclusion. The researcher has two choices: choose one of the

theories that are assumed to be the best theory, or make synthesis from

many theories.

After doing the steps above, the researcher makes the framework for every

chosen variable. Basically, the framework is the rational explanation about the

relationship between variables. The researcher relates the variables based on the

concept from the theories by using the strength of his analysis. The framework is

made as the background to conduct hypothesis. Therefore, hypothesis does not come

suddenly but through processes that have been passed before.

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Freeley (2008, p.24) explains debate as an educational method is developed

by Protagoras of Abdera in 5th century, debate as a teaching strategy well known

throughout the 19th and early 20

th century and then declined in fame. Debate became

popular in the 1980s as educational teaching strategy to promoting critical thinking,

and then useful to develop communication and logic.Debate in the classroom can be

used as a way to facilitate research and discussion of an issue in the curriculum. It

also has benefit to develop public speaking skills, critical thinking skills, research

skills and teamwork skills. ("Speech and Debate Union" 2009, p.2) World Style

debate is useful method improve speaking competence, Fluharty and Ross (1996,

p.34) define that debate is teaching-learning strategy that can be used in teaching

speaking, debate in educational program defined as an old strategy that emphasize on

an issue, pro or contra position, or solution to a problem.

Some research show that debate is effective to help students to face their

problems in learning, Akerman and Neale (201, p.5) state that students’ perception

data report that uses debate in learning process increases their motivation in a subject,

debate also helps to improve subject knowledge and easier to understanding the

material. Of the 52 students responding in Goodwin’s (2003) 70-students class of

English undergraduates, the majority (79%) reported that debate in class encourage

students to participate with and learn the course material, students had responsibility

in the study. Rao (2010, 246) also reported that in the business student classroom,

debates assisted to their understanding of the subject (82% of 68 students) and topic

(88%), and enriched the course (88%), with the lecturer also observing increas

motivation and excitement among the students. Vo and Morris (2006) were also

surveyed at University business student informed that after conducting debate in the

classroom, and three quarters report that the debate was helpful students for learning

and understanding of the course material.

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Inoue and Nakano (2004 in Akerman and Neale, 16) offer reflections based on

their observation of university students in Japan, of 109 participants in parliamentary

debate, 56.9 percent felt that debating improved their English. Lantis (2004 in

D'Souza) uses three formats for debates, identifying that 40 percent of the students

enhance their subject knowledge and 60 percent increase their knowledge on the

specific topic being debated. Somjai and Jansen (2015, p.30) conduct the research

about the use of debate technique to develop speaking skill ability in Bangkok, prove

that the score of the students’ English speaking test was increase from the pre-

test(10.2) to post-test (11.7). This result of the research ascertains that there was

significant increasing in speaking ability after using debate technique.

World Style debate is an appropriate technique in teaching foreign language for

Senior High School students, the students are able to research more extensive issue

for debate and work collaborative, they may also have many vocabularies. World

Style debate stimulates students to practice in cognitive and linguistic way, it is also

trains students to communicate their opinion, argument, or statement. World Style

debate activities can improve students’ critical thinking; students are to speak up and

argue their own perception. World Style debate require the students to focus in

learning process and prepared well in learning, the students should be proactive in

seeking information to make them active in learning process, and construct their own

World Style debate is a collaborative technique which can invite all students in the

classroom to be active in learning and using English, debating afford the students to

practice in the class and give the students understanding of elements of speaking.

They can improve their ability in speaking by actively joining the learning and

understanding the elements of speaking.

To implement the debate, teachers do some stages such as: (1) planning; (2)

organizing; (3) implementing; (4) managing and controlling; and (5) evaluation. In

the planning process, the teacher prepared the setting of teaching process in RPP,

while RPP designed by considering the curriculum and syllabus. RPP consist of time

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allocation, standard competences, basic competences, the materials, indicators, the

purpose of teaching, teaching method, teaching approach, teaching techniques, the

occurrences of teaching learning activity, teaching aids, the sources of the materials,

assessment including types, ,instruments of assessment, and scoring rubric, and the

materials of teaching. The teachers choose topic and material that are relevant to

debate activity then organize with the characteristics of the classes, this is important

because each class has different character and condition. By identify the class,

teachers can decide what to do in implementation process.

In this activity the researcher using Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran for two

semesters. RPP is designed by considering the syllabus of Kurikulum 2013 as the

curriculum used at SMK N 9 Surakarta, while the syllabus is in the form of

Permendikbud No.59 tahun 2014. The Standard competence is expressing meaning in

oral texts functional and simple short monologue of procedure and report to interact

in the context of students’ daily lives, while the basic competence is expressing

meaning in the form of a simple short functional oral texts by using a variety of oral

language accurately , smoothly and grateful in context daily life interaction.The topic

that teachers use is high school students should wear uniforms, this topic will be the

motion in debate. Learning objectives are; 1) Expresses sentence about agreement

and disagreement, 2) understand how to deliver a good argument in the debate, 3) the

students able to deliver a good argument. The students will learn about expressing

agree and disagreement by using World Style debate.

a. Pre Activity

Before students do the debate, the teachers can conduct brainstorming. Teachers

introduce the topic and ask the opinions about the topic, the students can use Bahasa

Indonesia in explain their opinion. Brainstorming provides opportunity to help

students give feedback on ideas, and organize the ideas before they conduct the

debate. After the teachers conduct brainstorming, then teachers start the learning

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process by giving the student explanation about the topic that they will get, the

teachers will teach about agreement and disagreement.

Agreement and Disagreement

Agreement Disagreement

There is no doubt about it that...

I absolutely agree with you.

I agree with you entirely.

I totally agree with you.

I simply must agree with that.

I am of the same opinion.

I am of the same opinion.

That’s exactly what I think.

I don't agree with you.

I’m sorry, but I disagree.

I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.

The problem is that...

I (very much) doubt whether...

This is in complete contradiction to...

With all due respect,…

I am of a different opinion because ... I cannot share this / that / the view.

I cannot agree with this idea.

What I object to is...

I have my own thoughts about that.

Partial Agreement Dialog Example

It is only partly true that...

That’s true, but…

I can agree with that only with reservations.

That seems obvious, but...

That is not necessarily so.

It is not as simple as it seems.

I agree with you in principle, but…

I agree with you in part, but… Well, you could be right.

Mr. Zoe : What do you think of my new


Shane : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have

many novels in your new house.

Mr. Zoe : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s


Shane : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s

novels ? Mr. Zoe : I feel they are great novels.

Shane : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to


Mr. Zoe : I don’t think so. Look outside at the

sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.

Shane : But I watched the weather forecast

yesterday. It said that today is going to rain. OK

Mr. Zoe see

To engage students’ activeness and participation, teachers ask some students

to give an example dialogue expressing agree and disagree. After knowing that, they

will learn speaking by debate activity. According to Harvey-Smith (2011, p.12) The

debate is divided into eight speeches, there are two sides in the debate; Proposition

team and Opposition team, each of which is represented by two teams which consist

of two members. Teachers divide students into four teams, each team consists of two

students. The numbers of participant in the group can be customized by classroom

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condition, as an example, every team of Proposition team and Opposition team

amount of four students, so there are sixteen participants in debate. However, this

does not change the format and timeline of the debate, the additional participants in

the group have a role as a helper to other participants.

Before the debate implemented, the students prepare and discuss the material

about the topic from books, newspapers, internet, and other source a week before they

get turn to debate. It is aim that the students can master their arguments and material.

Through discussion students exchange ideas about an issue and learn to express their

own opinion freely. Selection of the members of every group can be done randomly

or based on the ability of every students, if the selection is random, the level of

groups are not equal. On the contrary, if the selection is based on ability of students,

the strength of every group will have little bit balance; it can motivate the students

more to work in group. Then teachers ask four teams to perform in front the class

and announce a motion, motion is the topic to be discussed, the motion of this

scenario is “high school students should wear uniforms.” When four teams are

presenting in front class, other students become audience before they themselves have

their turn to show their performances. The teachers help the students who will present

debate to organize information by taking notes, preparing worksheets, reviewing the


b. Main Activity

In World Style debate there is one person as adjudicator or chairperson, the

teachers ask one student as a adjudicator or chairperson. The student who becomes

chairperson must understand her or his job and the rule of debate, her or his job is to

keep order, ensure that the speeches are timed, and manage the panel. To make the

classroom as real as debate session, it is importance to arrange the classroom so that

the two teams face each other in a parliamentary configuration. Teams will consist of

the following members:

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Teams Members World Style Debate According to Harvey-Smith (2011)

Proposition Team Opposition Team

Opening Government Opening Opposition

1.First speaker or Prime Minister 1. First speaker or Leader of the


2. Second speaker or Deputy Prime Minister

2. Second speaker or Deputy Leader of the Opposition

Closing Government Closing Opposition

1. First speaker or Member for the


1. First speaker or Member for the


2. Second speaker or Government


2. Second speaker or Opposition Whip

Timeline debate in teaching speaking

Speaker Time


Speech 1:

Speech 2:

Speech 3:

Speech 4:

Speech 5:

Speech 6:

Speech 7:

Speech 8:

The first proposition speaker introduces the topic and

states the proposition team's first argument.

The first opposition speaker states their first

argument. The second proposition speaker states their second


The second opposition speaker states their second


The third proposition team states the support first and

second proposition argument.

The third opposition team states the support first and

second opposition argument

The fourth proposition team sums op proposition’s


The fourth opposition team sums up opposition’s arguments

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

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World Style Debate Setting by Harvey-Smith (2011)

b. M












1 Prime Minister of Opening


6 Time keeper

2 Deputy Prime Minister of Opening


7 Leader of the Opening Opposition

3 Member for the Closing


8 Deputy Leader of the Opening


4 Government Whip 9 Member for the Closing Opposition

5 Chairperson 10 Opposition Whip

The chairperson introduces the teams, the motion, the names of the debaters,

timeline and the rules of debate. The chairperson asks the participant to follows the

rules of the debate, he or she also gives debaters time individually to prepare

arguments supporting their side of the motion. The debaters discuss their ideas and

develop reasons in support of their side of the motion, students can take a note of

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reasons on a piece of paper or board marker. Each member will deliver a substantive

speech of five minutes duration.

Before the debate, the chairperson giving each teams time to discuss between

four minutes or less to prepare their teams, each team give a chance to present their

position. If only the time of speaker is up, chairman can stop their arguments by using

bell. After the member of the proposition team finished her or his speaks, then the

chairman calls on a member of the opposition team to present first argument. As soon

as the opposition team presents their argument, the chairman calls a different member

of the proposition team to present a second argument for the opposition side, then the

chairman calls on a member of the opposition team to present second argument. After

both of them explain their arguments, the chairman invite member of opposit ion team

to give brief rebuttal to proposition’s arguments, the opposition team rebut previous

opposition’s arguments, the chairman also invite proposition team to give brief

rebuttal after the opposition team finish their arguments. Each group give five

minutes to state their rebuttal. Each debater is required to speak based on the rules of

the debate, they must deliver their cases based on their duties. PoI or Point of

Information be delivered between one minute until four minutes when other team

state their arguments.

Rules of debate

Rules 1 Team members must meet together in preparation for the debate, so they can

work together as an effective team.

2 Speeches should be five minutes in duration.

3 All members of each side should take part.

4 Speakers must raise their hand if it's not their time to speak.

5 The chairperson will stop the speakers if the speakers are out of time.

6 You may bring some brief notes, but you may not read them.

7 In order to offer a POI, debater must stand up, hold out his/her hand and say

“On that point of information”.

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The motion of this hypothetical scenario is “High School Students Should

Wear Uniforms”. Proposition team will agree and support the motion, otherwise

opposition team will disagree and refuse the motion. Each team using some data and

relevant reason to support and defend their side, students can find supporting relevant

reason in the books or internet. The hypothetical scenarios and associated discussion

are intended to describe students’ arguments.

Hypothetical Scenario

Affirmative Team Negative Team

Motion : high school students should wear uniforms

First Speaker I agree with that statement, school

uniforms keep students focused on

their education, not their clothes.

It's time to eliminate from schools the

status and respect many students give

to clothing labels and price tags.

Student attention needs to return to

learning in the classroom, rather than how they look when they are in that


I am of a different opinion because

school uniforms reinforce the idea

that students are numbers and not

individuals. In a school system that is continually

taking art and creativity out of the

hands of students, I feel this is a step in

the wrong direction.


Speaker That’s true, but bullying can stop if

students wear uniforms they can't get

bullied for what they wear because

everyone is wearing the same thing.

People get bullied for wearing certain

clothes that are different from others. So, if everyone wears uniforms no one

can get bullied for wearing different


I cannot agree with this idea, school

uniforms restrict students' freedom

of expression. School uniform allowing students to choose their

clothing is an empowering message

from the schools that a student is a

maturing person who is entitled to the

most basic self-determination.

Third Speaker I have my own thoughts about that, we

can use school uniforms which will

give all the children a sense of equality

and broke inferiority and superiority.

Also, when a child wears color clothes

on his or her birthday, it makes them

feel special.

School uniforms do not improve

attendance, academic preparedness, or

exam results. no effectsof uniforms on

absenteeism, and behavioral problems

Last speaker


We absolutely agree that high school

students should wear uniforms, in our

opinion school uniforms can help

reduce bullying rates in schools. I also believe that they can bring a sense of

equality between students. Given that

school uniforms are cost-effective, I see

no reason why all school students

We cannot agree with this idea, we

believe that students should not have to

wear uniforms. Uniforms take away

our individuality. Confidence is much harder to achieve while wearing a

uniform. Wearing them can get

distracting during the day. Some

schools say uniforms make us united

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should not be wearing school uniforms as a school, but we don’t think they do anything but bother students. Simple

rules instead of a uniform could easily

be put in place.

c. Post Activity

After all team stated their arguments, the teachers take e debate and ask the

students to continue with a general argument about the issue and asking for

volunteers in each group. After each group stated their arguments, teachers conduct

evaluation in the end of debate. Teachers give feedback on grammar or pronunciation

problems that teachers find during debate, teachers also review material about agree

and disagree expression.To encourage students’ critical thinking, teachers askone of

students who are presented in debate to state why he or she supports that side of the

arguments. In the end, the teachers announced the motion and the group that will

perform in the class next week.


Based on the previous theoretical reviews and data analysis, it can be concluded

on the following:

1. The process of teaching speaking for students by using World Style debate

a. Pre-activity

Before the teacher conduct speaking class, the teachers making lesson

plan based on curriculum 2013. From that curriculum, the teachers explore the

standard competence and basic competence for making syllabus and lesson

plan. The teachers also preparing the materials, the teacher selects appropriate

and acceptable motion for the debate. Before the students do the debate, the

teachers conduct brainstorming. Teachers introduce the topic and ask the

opinions about the topic, the students can use Bahasa Indonesia in explain

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their opinion. The debate is divided into eight speeches, there are two sides in

the debate; Proposition team and Opposition team, each of which is

represented by two teams which consist of two members. Teachers divide

students into four teams, each team consists of two students, the teachers also

choose one students to be chairperson.

b. Main activity

The chairperson introduces the teams, the motion, names of the

debaters, timeline and the rules of debate. The chairperson asks the participant

to follows the rules of the debate and gives debaters time individually to

prepare arguments supporting their side of the motion. The debaters discuss

their ideas and develop reasons in support of their side of the motion, each

member will deliver a substantive speech of five minutes duration. The

chairperson giving each teams time to discuss between four minutes or less to

prepare their teams, each team give a chance to present their position. The

first speaker of the debate is prime minister of opening government, after

prime minister finished her or his speaks, then the chairman calls Deputy

Prime Minister of Opening Government. As soon as the opposition team

presents their argument, the chairman calls a different member of the

proposition team to present a second argument for the opposition side, then

the chairman calls on a member of the opposition team to present second

argument. After both of them explain their arguments, the chairman invite

member of opposition team to give brief rebuttal to proposition’s arguments,

the opposition team rebut previous opposition’s arguments, the chairman also

invite proposition team to give brief rebuttal after the opposition team finish

their arguments.

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c. Post-activity

For this stage, the teachers have some activities which are reviewing,

evaluating, and motivating. The teachers review the material by explaining

and asking if the students have question, teachers also evaluating students’

understanding about the meaning of words and sentences. The last is

motivating students, teachers motivating the students by saying that he or she

is proud with students’ performance.

2. World Style debate can be used to improve students’ speaking competence

There are many studies conducted about the implementation of debate in

teaching speaking, and show that debate has positive effect for improving

students’ speaking competence. World Style debate is the attractive activity for

students in learning speaking skill, it can make students fell interest in learning

and fun to practicing English. The students who have limited vocabulary can be

helped in this activity by sharing idea with their team, the teachers should provide

opportunity to the students to enrich their vocabulary by identifying as many as

possible words based on the motion. The teachers could give drilling activity of

difficult words in the end of debate to fix students’ pronunciation. The teachers

can help the students’ comprehension by giving different expression or meaning

to the students when they cannot understand the message well in debate. In

controlling class condition, the teachers should organize the class and manage the

time and the tasks in order to make the students who do not perform in debate pay

attention to team that perform in from of class and do not make noise.

There are several implications that are relevant to the teaching English: Teaching

English especially speaking skill should be arranged to create interesting and

effective activities. The research findings and discussion show that World Style

debate effective to help the teachers to teach speaking, it also improves students’

critical thinking and motivation. The class climate also influences the effectiveness of

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teaching learning process. So the teacher should have good management capability in

class management. The use of World Style debate support the classroom activity

became more effective and interesting for the students.

After the discussion, the researcher would like to give some suggestions for

English teachers, students and other researchers. The suggestions are as follows;

First, the teacher should selective choose the subject course in order to make debating

more attractive. the teacher should explain briefly about the rule of the activity and

telling the students about the scoring. Second, For other researcher, the result of this

research can be used as alterrnative information for the other researchers who will

conduct a research. The other researchers should continue the research which related

with this research for alternative information. The researcher hopes that other studies

will be more concern on the teaching method in teaching learning English especially

speaking skill.


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