A Made-In-Canada solution to driving environmental and social performance in mining July 24, 2013 Towards Sustainable Mining

A Made-In-Canada solution to driving environmental and ...ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/documents/p63928/91084E.pdf · mining companies listed, 48% of their mineral projects are outside Canada

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A Made-In-Canada solution to driving environmental and

social performance in mining

July 24, 2013

Towards Sustainable Mining

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About MAC

• The national organization of the Canadian mining industry

• Mining, smelting and refining of base and precious metals

• Mining of iron ore, diamonds, uranium, oil sands, coal and industrial minerals

• Many associate members • www.mining.ca


Presentation Notes
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• 330K employees; Wages 30-60% above other sectors

• 138 producing mines, 33 smelters and refineries

• $9B in taxes and royalties paid to governments in 2011

• $22B capital investment in 2012

• Largest private sector employer of Aboriginal Canadians

• Core supplier to clean-technology sectors

• Attracted 16% of world

exploration spending in 2012

• Efficient TSX/TSX-V processes – over 1,600 mining companies listed, 48% of their mineral projects are outside Canada

• Minerals account for 20.4% of Canada’s total value of goods exports

• Top five world producer in uranium, potash, nickel, cobalt, platinum, aluminum, diamonds, met coal, tungsten

• Large direct investment stocks – 10% of all FDIC and 9% of CDIA

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• Long-term is positive: recent price declines from Euro crisis and Chinese slowdown are temporary

• China today consumes 40% of world’s base metals vs. 5% in 1980s

• Urban housing demand projected at 200 million units by 2030

• Autos: 76 per 100 people in US versus 10 in China

• India to overtake China as growth leader by 2030

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• Canada has a major (but perishable)

opportunity to supply demand from emerging markets

• Canada is competing with other major or emerging mining jurisdictions (e.g. Australia, Chile, Russia, Mongolia)

• Canada has the knowledge, experience, political and regulatory framework to be one of the safest, most reliable and environmentally responsible suppliers of mineral and metal commodities.

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Why Mine Responsibly? There are many reasons why addressing social, environmental and community issues as a core part of operations is good for mining companies:

• Privilege to operate

• Performance improvement

• Risk management

• Access to capital

• Recruitment and retention

• Innovation and learning

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Towards Sustainable Mining – Our Commitment Established in 2004, its main objective is to enable mining companies to meet society’s needs for minerals, metals and energy products in the most socially, economically and environmentally responsible way. The program’s core strengths are:

• Accountability – Mandatory for all members to report at the facility level

• Transparency – Annual reporting against 23 indicators with independent verification

• Credibility – Includes ongoing consultation with a national Communities-of-Interest Advisory panel to improve industry performance and shape TSM for continual advancement

TSM is MAC’s commitment to responsible mining that every member commits to implement. It includes a set of tools and indicators to drive performance and ensure that key mining risks are managed responsibly at our facilities. By adhering to the principles of TSM, our members demonstrate leadership through:

• Engaging with and supporting

local communities

• Driving world-leading environmental practices

• Committing the resources and leadership to promote the safety and health of employees

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• Off the shelf management system for key mining risks

• Easily integrated into EMS • Backed with guidance manuals • Comes with onsite and online training • Transparent • Credible, recognized as “best in class” • Growing recognition • Community of Interest engagement built into the


What is TSM?

Source: Canadian Business for Social Responsibility

“TSM provides a practical and tangible system of continuous improvement of social and environmental management.”

Canadian Business for

Social Responsibility

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Why TSM?

• Only program for mining in the world with mandatory, independently verified facility-level public reporting

• Standard methodology: Can compare between companies and mines

• Quantifies performance for historically Hard to quantify issues

• Mine site reporting offers high resolution for detailed analysis

• Independently verified results

• High level of credibility due to Community of Interest Advisory Panel

“From an investor’s perspective, TSM has

great value as a very transparent risk management indicator encapsulating best

mining practices. Furthermore, TSM’s granularity and verified results are material to the integration of responsible mining in

the evaluation of an enterprise.” Stephen Kibsey

La Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec

“The external verification part of the TSM process has contributed to Hudbay's slow and steady improvements in its operational performance.”

Shirley Neault HudBay Minerals

“It is clear that MAC ’s efforts to work with the industry in advancing its sustainability performance and accountability are paying

off in significant best practice.” Five Winds International

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Environmental Footprint

Tailings Management

Biodiversity Conservation Management

Mine Closure

Energy Efficiency

Energy Use & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management

Communities and People

Aboriginal & Community Outreach

Safety & Heath Management

Crisis Management

Community of Interest Advisory Panel

Components of TSM: Focus Areas and Protocols

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TSM Performance Indicators

Communities & People Environmental Footprint Energy Efficiency

Aboriginal and Community Outreach

Crisis Management Planning Safety and Health Tailings Management Biodiversity Conservation


Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Management

Community of interest (COI) identification

Crisis management preparedness

Policy, commitment and accountability

Tailings management policy and commitment

Corporate biodiversity conservation policy accountability and communications

Energy use and GHG emissions management


Effective COI engagement and dialogue

Review Planning, implementation

and operation Tailings management


Facility-level biodiversity conservation planning and


Energy use and GHG emissions reporting


COI response mechanism Training Training, behavior and


Assigned accountability and responsibility for tailings management

Biodiversity conservation reporting

Energy and GHG emissions performance targets

Reporting Monitoring and reporting Annual tailings

management review

Performance Operation, maintenance and surveillance (OMS)



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Tailings Management • Five indicators:

– Policy and commitment – Tailings management system – Assigned accountability and responsibility for tailings management – Annual tailings management review – Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual

• Three guidance manuals: – A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities – A Guide to Audit and Assessment of Tailings Facility Management – Developing an Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual for Tailings and

Water Management Facilities • Goal is to achieve a rating of A or higher for all indicators:

– A tailings management policy and system developed and/or reviewed in consultation with COI

– An executive officer (CEO or COO) who has overall accountability to ensure that tailings are managed responsibly

– Developed and implemented a tailings OMS manual that conforms with the MAC guide to Developing and Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual


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TSM Verification System


Self-assessment • annual External verification • every three years CEO letter of assurance • posted on MAC

website in year of external verification

COI Panel Review • 2-3 companies each


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COI Advisory Panel

Aboriginal peoples

Environmental NGO

Economic/community development

Social NGO including faith based groups


International development



MAC Board of Directors

Junior Mining Company Representative

• Meets twice per year

• Work of Panel publicly available on the MAC website

• Annual COI Panel Statement published in TSM Progress Report

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Public Reporting

• Publication of results • company specific • aggregated for the membership as a whole

• On website (www.mining.ca) • Useful for comparison between companies (and peer



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Performance is improving

“IAMGOLD’s reporting under the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative indicated to us that the company is proactively and systematically managing the risks associated with its tailings facilities. TSM provides valuable and detailed information about an issue that can pose significant operational and reputational risks to mining companies and their shareholders.”

Irene Sosa, Senior Analyst, Sustainalytics

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Towards Sustainable Mining: Record of Performance

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TSM is maturing 8 years of self-assessments 2 rounds of external verification Recognition as a credible program New members and provincial interest

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For additional information

Pierre Gratton President & CEO

[email protected]
