A STOCHASTIC-LAGRANGIAN APPROACH TO THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS IN DOMAINS WITH BOUNDARY. PETER CONSTANTIN AND GAUTAM IYER Abstract. In this paper we derive a probabilistic representation of the de- terministic 3-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in the presence of spatial boundaries. The formulation in the absence of spatial boundaries was done by the authors in CPAM, 2008. While the formulation in the presence of bound- aries is similar in spirit, the proof is somewhat different. One notable feature of the formulation in the presence of boundaries is the non-local, implicit in- fluence of the boundary vorticity on the interior fluid velocity. 1. Introduction The (unforced) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations t u +(u ·∇)u - ν 4u + p =0 (1.1) ∇· u =0 (1.2) describe the evolution of the velocity field u of an incompressible fluid with kine- matic viscosity ν> 0. Here p is the pressure, which, for incompressible fluids, can be treated as a Lagrange multiplier that ensures incompressibility is preserved. When ν = 0, (1.1)–(1.2) is known as the Euler equations, and describes the evo- lution of the velocity field of an (ideal) inviscid incompressible fluid. Formally the difference between the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations is only the dissipative Laplacian term. Since the Laplacian is exactly the generator a Brownian motion, one would expect to have an exact stochastic representation of (1.1)–(1.2) which is physically meaningful, i.e. can be thought of as an appropriate average of the inviscid dynamics and Brownian motion. The difficulty, however, in obtaining such a representation is because of both the nonlinearity, and the nonlocality of equation (1.1)–(1.2). In 2D, an exact stochastic representation of (1.1)–(1.2) dates back to Chorin [12] in 1973, and was obtained using vorticity transport and the Feynman-Kac formula. In three dimensions how- ever, this method fails to provide an exact representation because of the vortex stretching term. In 3D, a variety of techniques have been used to provide exact stochastic rep- resentations of (1.1)–(1.2). One such technique (Le Jan and Sznitman [25]) uses a backward branching process in Fourier space. This approach has been was ex- tensively studied and generalized [2, 3, 29, 32, 33] by many authors. A different, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 76D05, 60K40. Key words and phrases. Navier Stokes; stochastic Lagrangian; probabilistic representation. GI was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0707920 and the Center for Nonlinear Analysis. PC was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0804380. 1

A STOCHASTIC-LAGRANGIAN APPROACH TO THE ...people.cs.uchicago.edu/~const/gic31110.pdf2 PETER CONSTANTIN AND GAUTAM IYER and more recent, technique due to Busnello, Flandoli and Romito

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    Abstract. In this paper we derive a probabilistic representation of the de-terministic 3-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in the presence of spatial

    boundaries. The formulation in the absence of spatial boundaries was done by

    the authors in CPAM, 2008. While the formulation in the presence of bound-aries is similar in spirit, the proof is somewhat different. One notable feature

    of the formulation in the presence of boundaries is the non-local, implicit in-

    fluence of the boundary vorticity on the interior fluid velocity.

    1. Introduction

    The (unforced) incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

    ∂tu+ (u · ∇)u− ν4u+∇p = 0(1.1)∇ · u = 0(1.2)

    describe the evolution of the velocity field u of an incompressible fluid with kine-matic viscosity ν > 0. Here p is the pressure, which, for incompressible fluids,can be treated as a Lagrange multiplier that ensures incompressibility is preserved.When ν = 0, (1.1)–(1.2) is known as the Euler equations, and describes the evo-lution of the velocity field of an (ideal) inviscid incompressible fluid. Formally thedifference between the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations is only the dissipativeLaplacian term. Since the Laplacian is exactly the generator a Brownian motion,one would expect to have an exact stochastic representation of (1.1)–(1.2) whichis physically meaningful, i.e. can be thought of as an appropriate average of theinviscid dynamics and Brownian motion.

    The difficulty, however, in obtaining such a representation is because of both thenonlinearity, and the nonlocality of equation (1.1)–(1.2). In 2D, an exact stochasticrepresentation of (1.1)–(1.2) dates back to Chorin [12] in 1973, and was obtainedusing vorticity transport and the Feynman-Kac formula. In three dimensions how-ever, this method fails to provide an exact representation because of the vortexstretching term.

    In 3D, a variety of techniques have been used to provide exact stochastic rep-resentations of (1.1)–(1.2). One such technique (Le Jan and Sznitman [25]) usesa backward branching process in Fourier space. This approach has been was ex-tensively studied and generalized [2, 3, 29, 32, 33] by many authors. A different,

    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 76D05, 60K40.

    Key words and phrases. Navier Stokes; stochastic Lagrangian; probabilistic representation.GI was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0707920 and the Center for Nonlinear Analysis.

    PC was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0804380.



    and more recent, technique due to Busnello, Flandoli and Romito [5] (see also [4]),uses noisy flow paths and a Girsanov transformation. A related approach in [9]is the stochastic-Lagrangian formulation, exact stochastic representation of solu-tions to (1.1)–(1.2) which is essentially the averaging of noisy particle trajecto-ries and the inviscid dynamics. Stochastic variational approaches (generalizingArnold’s [1] deterministic variational formulation for the Euler equations) havebeen used by [11,14], and a related approach using stochastic differential geometrycan be found in [17].

    One common setback in all the above methods is the inability to deal withboundary conditions. The main contribution of this paper adapts the stochastic-Lagrangian formulation in [9] (where the authors only considered periodic boundaryconditions, or decay at infinity), to the situation with boundaries. The usual proba-bilistic techniques used to transition to domains with boundary involve stopping theprocesses at the boundary. This introduces two major problems with the techniquesin [9]. First, stopping introduces spatial discontinuities making the proof used in [9]fail, and a different approach is required. Secondly, and more interestingly, is thefact that merely stopping does not give the no-slip (0-Dirichlet) boundary conditionas one would expect. One needs to also create trajectories at the boundary, whichessentially propagate the influence of the vorticity at the boundary to the interiorfluid velocity.

    1.1. The stochastic-Lagrangian formulation without boundaries. We beginby providing a brief description of the stochastic-Lagrangian formulation in theabsence of boundaries. For motivation, let us first study a Lagrangian descriptionof the Euler equations (equations (1.1)–(1.2), with ν = 0; we will usually use asuperscript of 0 to denote quantities relating to the Euler equations). Let d = 2, 3denote the spatial dimension, and X0t be the flow defined by

    (1.3) Ẋ0t = u0t (X

    0t ),

    with initial data X00 (a) = a, for all a ∈ Rd. We clarify that we always use a subscriptof t to denote the restriction of a function at time t; we use a dot, or ∂t to denote thederivative in time. One can immediately check (see for instance [6]) that u satisfies

    the incompressible Euler equations if and only if Ẍ0 is a gradient composed withX. By Newton’s second law, this admits the physical interpretation that the Eulerequations are equivalent to assuming that the force on individual particles is agradient.

    One would naturally expect that solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations canbe obtained similarly, by adding noise to particle trajectories, and averaging. How-ever for noisy trajectories, an assumption on Ẍ0 will be problematic. In the in-compressible case, we can circumvent this difficultly using the Weber formula [34](equation (1.4) below). Indeed, a direct computation (see for instance [6]) shows

    that for divergence free u, the assumption that Ẍ0 is a gradient is equivalent to

    (1.4) u0t = P[(∇∗A0t ) (u00 ◦A0t )


    where P denotes the Leray-Hodge projection [8,13,26] onto divergence free vectorfields, the notation ∇∗ denotes the transpose of the Jacobian, and for any t > 0,A0t = (X

    0t )−1 is the spatial inverse of the map X0t (i.e. A

    0t (X

    0t (a)) = a for all a ∈ Rd

    and X0t (A0t (x)) = x for all x ∈ Rd).


    The above shows that the Euler equations are formally equivalent to equa-tions (1.3) and (1.4). Notice that this formulation no longer involves second (time)derivatives of the flow X0, and thus does not present any difficulties when we addnoise to particle trajectories. Indeed, the authors exploit this fact in [9] and showthat adding noise to (1.3), and averaging out the noise in (1.4) gives an equivalentformulation of the Navier-Stokes equations.

    Theorem 1.1 (Constantin, Iyer [9]). Let d ∈ {2, 3} be the spatial dimension, ν > 0represent the kinematic viscosity, and u0 be a divergence free, periodic, Hölder 2+αfunction, and W be a d-dimensional Wiener process. Consider the system

    dXt = ut(Xt) dt+√

    2ν dWt,(1.5)

    X0(a) = a, ∀a ∈ Rd(1.6)ut = EP [(∇∗At) (u0 ◦At)] ,(1.7)

    where as before, for any t > 0, At = X−1t denotes the spatial inverse

    1 of Xt.Then u is a classical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (1.1)–(1.2) with initialdata u0 and periodic boundary conditions if and only if u is a fixed point of thesystem (1.5)–(1.7).

    We now explain briefly the idea behind the proof of Theorem 1.1 given in [9], andexplain why this methods can not be used in the presence of spatial boundaries.Consider first the solution of the SDE (1.5) with initial data (1.6). We know thatany (spatially regular) process θ that is constant along trajectories of X satisfiesthe SPDE

    (1.8) dθt + (ut · ∇)θt dt− ν4θt dt+√

    2ν∇θt dWt.Since the process A (which as before is defined to be the spatial inverse of X) isconstant along trajectories of X, the process θ is defined by

    (1.9) θt = θ0 ◦Atis constant along trajectories of X. Thus if θ0 is regular enough (C

    2), then θsatisfies SPDE (1.8). If u is deterministic, taking expected values gives a “methodof random characteristics” [9, 18, 22, 30], an elegant generalization2 of the methodof characteristics for parabolic equations. Namely θ̄t = Eθ0 ◦At satisfies(1.10) ∂tθ̄t + (ut · ∇)θ̄t − ν4θ̄t = 0with initial condition θ̄|t=0 = θ0.

    Once explicit equations for A, and u0◦A have been established, a direct computa-tion using Itô’s formula shows that u given by (1.7) satisfies the Navier-Stokes equa-tions (1.1)–(1.2). This was the proof used in [9]. We remark that this point of viewalso yields a natural understanding of generalized relative entropies [7, 10, 27, 28].Eyink’s recent work [15] adapted this framework to magnetohydrodynamics andrelated equations by using the analogous Weber formula [23, 31]. We also mentionthat Zhang [35] considered a backward analogue, and provided short elegant proofsto classical existence results to (1.1)–(1.2).

    1It is well known (see for instance Kunita [24]) that the solution to (1.5)–(1.6) gives a stochasticflow of diffeomorphisms, and, in particular guarantee the existence of the spatial inverse of X.

    2Note that when ν = 0, A is deterministic, so θ̄ = θ. Further, equation (1.8) reduces to thetransport equation, for which the procedure described above is exactly the usual (deterministic)method of characteristics.


    2. The formulation for domains with boundary.

    In this section we describe how (1.5)–(1.7) can be reformulated in the presenceof boundaries. We begin by describing the difficulty in using the techniques from [9]described in Section 1.1.

    Let D ⊂ Rd be a domain with Lipschitz boundary. Even if we insist u = 0 onthe boundary of D, we note that the noise in (1.5) is independent of space, andthus insensitive to the presence of the boundary. Consequently, some trajectoriesof the stochastic flow X will leave the domain D, and for any t > 0, the map Xtwill (surely) not be spatially invertible. This renders (1.9) meaningless.

    Figure 1. Three sample realizations of A without boundaries(left), and with boundaries (right).

    In the absence of spatial boundaries, equation (1.9) dictates that θ̄(x, t) is deter-mined by averaging the initial temperature of all trajectories of X which reach x attime t. In the presence of boundaries, one must additionally average the boundaryvalue of all trajectories reaching (x, t), starting on ∂D at any intermediate time(Figure 1). As we will see later, this means the analogue of (1.9) in the presenceof spatial boundaries is a spatially discontinuous process. This renders (1.8) mean-ingless, giving a second obstruction to using the methods of [9] in the presence ofboundaries.

    While the method of random characteristics has the above inherent difficulties inthe presence of spatial boundaries, the well known Feynman-Kac [16, 19] formula,at least for linear equations, has been successfully used in this situation. A certainversion of the Feynman-Kac formula, when stated with without making the usualtime reversal substitution, is essentially the same as the method of random charac-teristics. It is this version that will yield the natural generalization of (1.5)–(1.7)in domains with boundary. Before turning to the Navier-Stokes equations, we pro-vide a brief discussion on the relation between the Feynman-Kac formula and themethod of random characteristics.

    2.1. Feynman-Kac and the method of random characteristics. Both theFeynman-Kac formula, and the method of random characteristics have their ownadvantages and disadvantages: The method of random characteristics only involvesforward SDE’s and obtains the solution of (1.10) at time t with only the knowledgeof the initial data and “X at time t” (or more precisely, the solution, at time t,of the equation (1.5), with initial data specified at time 0). However, this methodinvolves computing the spatial inverse of X, which analytically, and numerically,involves an additional step.


    On the other hand, to compute the solution of (1.10) at time t via the Feynman-Kac formula when u is time dependent, involves backward SDE’s, and further re-quires the knowledge of the solution to (1.5) with initial conditions specified atall times s 6 t. However, this does not require computation of spatial inverses,and, more importantly, yields the correct formulation in the presence of spatialboundaries.

    Now to see the relation between the method of random characteristics and theFeynman-Kac formula, we rewrite (1.5) in integral form, and keep track of solutionsstarting at all times s > 0. For any s > 0, we define the process {Xs,t}t>s to bethe flow defined by

    (2.1) Xs,t(x) = x+

    ∫ ts

    ur ◦Xs,r(x) dr +√

    2ν (Wt −Ws)

    Now, as always, we let As,t = X−1s,t . Then formally composing (2.1) with As,t,

    and using the semigroup property Xs,t ◦Xr,s = Xr,t gives the self-contained back-ward equation for As,t

    (2.2) As,t(x) = x−∫ ts

    ur ◦Ar,t(x) dr −√

    2ν (Wt −Ws) .

    Now (1.9) can be written as

    (2.3) θt = θ0 ◦A0,t,

    and using the semigroup property Ar,s ◦As,t = Ar,t we see that

    (2.4) θt = θs ◦As,t.

    This formal calculation leads to a natural generalization of (1.9) in the presenceof boundaries. As before, let D ⊂ Rd be a domain with Lipschitz boundary, andassume, for now, that u is a Lipschitz function defined on all of Rd. Let As,t be theflow defined by (2.2), and for x ∈ D, we define the backward exit time σt(x) by

    (2.5) σt(x) = inf{s∣∣ s ∈ [0, t] and ∀r ∈ (s, t], Ar,t(x) ∈ D}

    Let g : ∂D × [0,∞)→ R and θ0 : D → R be two given (regular enough) functions,and define the process θt by

    (2.6) θt(x) =

    {gσt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t(x) if σt(x) > 0θ0 ◦A0,t(x) if σt(x) = 0.

    Note that when σt(x) > 0, equation (2.6) is consistent with (2.4). Thus (2.6) is thenatural generalization of (1.9) in the presence of spatial boundaries, and we expectθ̄t = Eθt satisfies the PDE (1.10) with initial data θ̄0 = θ0 and boundary conditionsθ = g on ∂D × [0,∞). Indeed, this is essentially the Feynman-Kac formula.

    Note that the backward exit time σ is usually discontinuous in the spatial vari-able. Thus, even with smooth g, θ0, the process θ need not be spatially continuous.As mentioned earlier, equation (1.8) will now become meaningless, and we will notbe able to obtain a SPDE for θ. However equation (1.10) describing the evolution ofthe expected value θ̄ = Eθ and can be directly derived using the backward Markovproperty and Itô’s formula (see for instance [16]). We will not provide this proofhere, but will instead provide a proof for the more complicated analogue for theNavier-Stokes equations. This is described in the next section.


    2.2. Application to the Navier-Stokes equations in domains with bound-ary. Note first that if g = 0 in (2.6), then the solution to (1.10) with initial data θ0,and 0-Dirichlet boundary conditions will be given by

    (2.7) θ̄t = Eχ{σt=0}θ0 ◦A0,t.[i.e. θ̄t(x) = Eχ{σt(x)=0}θ0 ◦A0,t(x)


    Recall the no-slip boundary condition for the Navier-Stokes equations is exactlya 0-Dirichlet boundary condition on the velocity field. Let u be a solution to theNavier-Stokes equations in D with initial data u0, and no slip boundary conditions.Now following (2.7), we would expect that analogous to (1.7), the velocity field ucan be recovered from the flow As,t (equation (2.2)), the backward exit time σt(equation (2.5)), and the initial data u0 by

    (2.8) ut = PEχ{σt=0}(∇∗A0,t)u0 ◦A0,t

    This however is false and a non-local effect is observed. It turns out that what ismissing from (2.8) is exactly the vorticity created at the boundary. What we proveinstead is the following result.

    Theorem 2.1. Let u ∈ C1([0, T );C2(D)) ∩ C([0, T ];C1(D̄)) be a solution of theNavier-Stokes equations (1.1)–(1.2) with initial data u0 and no-slip boundary con-ditions. Let A be the solution to the backward SDE (2.2) and σ be the backwardexit time defined by (2.5). There exists a function w̃ : ∂D × [0, T ] → R3 such thatfor

    (2.9) wt(x) =

    {(∇∗A0,t(x))u0 ◦A0,t(x) when σt = 0,(∇∗Aσt(x),t(x)) w̃σt ◦Aσt,t(x) when σt > 0,

    we have

    (2.10) ut = PEwt.

    Conversely, given a function w̃ : ∂D × [0, T ] → Rd, suppose there exists asolution to the system (2.2), (2.9), (2.10). If further u ∈ C1([0, T );C2(D)) ∩C([0, T ];C1(D̄)), then u satisfies the Navier-Stokes equations (1.1) with initialdata u0 and vorticity boundary conditions

    (2.11) ∇× u = ∇× Ew on ∂D × [0, T ].

    Remark 2.2. We remark that by ∇∗Aσt(x),t(x) in (2.9) we mean [∇∗As,t(x)]s=σt(x).That is, ∇∗Aσt(x),t(x) refers to the transpose of the Jacobian of A, evaluated atinitial time σt(x), final time t and position x (see [20, 21, 24] for existence). Thisis different from the transpose of the Jacobian of the function Aσt(·),t(·), whichdoesn’t exist as the function is certainly not differentiable in space.

    Remark 2.3 (Regularity assumptions). In order to simply presentation, the regu-larity assumptions on u are somewhat generous. Our assumptions on u will im-mediately guarantee that u has a Lipschitz extension to Rd. Now the process A,defined to be a solution to (2.2) with this Lipschitz extension of u, can be chosen tobe a (backward) stochastic flow of diffeomorphisms [24]. Thus ∇A is well defined,and further defining σ by (2.5) is valid. Finally, since the statement of Theorem 2.1only uses values of As,t for s > σt, the choice of the Lipschitz extension of u willnot matter.

    A weaker assumption on the regularity of u can be made in terms of the domain ofthe backward generator of the process A (see Lemma 4.1 below). While the formal


    calculus remains essentially unchanged, there are a couple of technical points thatrequire attention. First, when assumptions on smoothness of u up to the boundaryis relaxed (or when ∂D is irregular), a Lipschitz extension of u need not exist. Inthis case, we can no longer use (2.5) to define σ. Further, we can not regard theprocess A as a stochastic flow of diffeomorphisms, and some care has to be takenwhen differentiating it. To avoid unnecessary technicalities, these issues are brieflymentioned in Section 3. Once these issues are sorted out, the proof of Theorem 2.1remains unchanged.

    Remark 2.4. Note that our statement of the converse above does not explicitlygive any information on the Dirichlet boundary values of u. Of course, the normalcomponent of u must vanish at the boundary of D, since u is the Leray-Hodgeprojection of a function. But an explicit local relation between w̃ and the boundaryvalues of the tangential component of u cannot be established. We remark, however,that while the vorticity boundary condition (2.11) is somewhat artificial, it is enoughto to guarantee uniqueness of solutions to the initial value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations.

    Remark 2.5 (Choice of w̃). We explain how w̃ can be chosen to obtain the no-slipboundary conditions. We will show (Lemma 4.1) that for w defined by (2.9), the

    expected value w̄def= Ew solves the PDE

    (2.12) ∂tw̄t + (ut · ∇)w̄t − ν4w̄t + (∇∗ut)w̄t = 0with initial data

    (2.13) w̄|t=0 = u0.As before, ∇∗ut in (2.12) denotes the transpose of the Jacobian of ut. Now, ifu = P w̄, then we will have ∇×u = ∇×w̄ in D, and by continuity, on the boundaryof D. Thus, to prove existence of the function w̃, we solve the PDE (2.12) withinitial conditions (2.13) and vorticity boundary conditions

    (2.14) ∇× w̄t = ∇× ut on ∂D.We chose w̃ to be the Dirichlet boundary values of this solution.

    To elaborate on Remark 2.5, we trace through the influence of the vorticity onthe boundary on the velocity in the interior. First the vorticity at the boundaryinfluences w̄ by entering as a boundary condition on the first derivatives for thePDE (2.12). Now to obtain u, we need to find w̃, the (Dirichlet) boundary valuesof (2.12), and use this to weight trajectories that start on the boundary of D. Theprocess of finding w̃ is essentially passing from Neumann boundary values of a PDEto the Dirichlet boundary values, which is usually a nonlocal pseudo-differential op-erator. Thus, while the procedure above is explicit enough, the boundary vorticityinfluences the interior velocity in a highly implicit, nonlocal manner.

    Remark 2.6 (Uniqueness of w̃.). Our choice of w̃ is not unique. Indeed, if w̄1

    and w̄2 are two solutions of (2.12)–(2.14), then we must have w̄1− w̄2 = ∇q, whereq satisfies the equation

    (2.15) ∇ (∂tq + (u · ∇)q − ν4q) = 0with initial data ∇q0 = 0. Since we don’t have boundary conditions on q, we cancertainly have non-trivial solutions to this equation. Thus our choice of w̃ is onlyunique up to boundary values of a gradient of a solution to (2.15).


    This now raises numerous interesting questions. A fundamental open question influid dynamics is about boundary layer separation in the inviscid limit. It is knownthat in some situations the boundary layer can ‘detach’ and produce vorticity inthe interior [13]. The above probabilistic representation allows a new direction ofapproach to this problem. One can now quantify boundary separation in terms ofthe chance that the backward exit time σt is strictly positive. Our hope is thatthis framework will allow the use of probabilistic techniques, especially those withno deterministic analogues (e.g. large deviations), to provide new insight into thestudy of the inviscid limit.

    3. Backward Itô integrals

    While the formulation of Theorem 2.1 involves only regular (forward) Itô in-tegrals, the proof requires backward Itô integrals and processes adapted to a twoparameter filtration. The need for backward Itô integrals stems from equation (2.2),which, as mentioned earlier, is the evolution of A backward in time. This is how-ever obscured because our diffusion coefficient is constant making the martingaleterm exactly the increment of the Wiener process, and can be explicitly computedwithout any backward (or even forward) Itô integrals.

    To elucidate matters, consider the flow X ′ given by

    (3.1) X ′s,t(a) = a+

    ∫ ts

    ur ◦X ′s,r(a) dr +∫ ts

    σr ◦X ′s,r(a) dWr.

    If, as usual, A′s,t = (X′s,t)−1, then substituting formally3 a = A′s,t(x) and assuming

    the semigroup property gives the equation

    (3.2) A′s,t(x) = x−∫ ts

    ur ◦A′r,t(x) dr −∫ ts

    σr ◦A′r,t(x) dWr.

    for the process A′s,t. The need for backward Itô integrals is now evident; thelast term above does not make sense as a forward Itô integral since A′r,t is notFr measurable. This term however is well defined as a backward Itô integral; anintegral with respect to a decreasing filtration where processes are sampled at theright end point. Since forward Itô integrals are more predominant in the literature,we recollect a few standard facts about backward Itô integrals in this section. Amore detailed account, with proofs, can be found in [16,24] for instance.

    Let (Ω,F , P ) be a probability space, {Wt}t>0 be a d-dimensional Wiener processon Ω, and let Fs,t be the σ-algebra generated by the increments Wt′ −Ws′ for alls 6 s′ 6 t′ 6 t, augmented so that the filtration {Fs,t}06s6t satisfies the usualconditions.4 Note that for s 6 s′ 6 t′ 6 t, we have Fs′,t′ ⊂ Fs,t. Also Wt −Ws isFs,t-measurable, and is independent of both the past F0,s, and the future Ft,∞.

    We define a (two parameter) family of random variables {ξs,t}06s6t to be a (twoparameter) process adapted to the (two parameter) filtration {Fs,t}06s6t, if for all0 6 s 6 t, the random variable ξs,t is Fs,t-measurable. For example, ξs,t = Wt−Wsis an adapted process. More generally, if b and σ are regular enough deterministic

    3The formal substitution does not give the correct answer when σ is not spatially constant.This is explained subsequently, and the correct equation is (3.3) below.

    4By ‘usual conditions’ in this context, we mean that for all s > 0, Fs,s contains all F0,∞-nullsets. Further, Fs,t is right continuous in t, and left continuous in s. See [19, Definition 2.25] forinstance.


    functions, then the solution {X ′s,t}06s6t of the (forward) SDE (3.1) is an adaptedprocess.

    Given an adapted (two parameter) process ξ and any t > 0, we define thebackward Itô integral

    ∫ t· ξr,t dWr by∫ t


    ξr,t dWr = lim‖P‖→0


    ξti+1,t(Wti+1 −Wti)

    where P = (r = t0 < t1 · · · < tN = t), is a partition of [r, t] and ‖P‖ is the lengthof the largest subinterval of P . The limit is taken in the L2 sense, exactly as withforward Itô integrals.

    The standard properties (existence, Itô isometry, martingale properties) of thebackward Itô integral are of course identical to those of the forward integral. Theonly difference is in the sign of the Itô correction. Explicitly, consider the process{A′s,t}06s6t satisfying the backward Itô differential equation (3.2). If {fs,t}06s6tis adapted, C2 in space, and continuously differentiable with respect to s, then theprocess Bs,t = fs,t ◦As,t satisfies the backward Itô differential equation

    Bt,t −Bs,t =∫ ts

    [∂rfr,t + (ur · ∇)fr,t −


    2aijr ∂ijfr,t

    ]◦Ar,t dr+


    ∫ ts

    [∇fr,t σr] ◦Ar,t dWr.

    where aijr = σikr σ

    jkr with the Einstein sum convention.

    Though we only consider solutions to (3.1) for constant diffusion coefficient,we briefly address one issue when σ is not constant. Our motivation for the equa-tion (3.2) was to make the substitution x = A′s,t(x), and formally use the semigroupproperty. This, however, does not yield the correct equation when σ is not con-stant, and the equation for A′s,t = (X

    ′s,t)−1 involves an additional correction term.

    To see this, we discretize the forward integral in (3.1) (in time), and substitutea = A′s,t(x). This yields a sum sampled at the left end point of each time step.While this causes no difficulty for the bounded variation terms, the martingale termis a discrete approximation to a backward integral, and hence must be sampled atthe right endpoint of each time step. Converting this to sum sampled at the rightendpoint via a Taylor expansion of σ is what gives this extra correction. Carryingthrough this computation (see for instance [24, §4.2]) yields the equation

    (3.3) A′s,t(x) = x−∫ ts

    ur ◦A′r,t(x) dr −∫ ts

    σr ◦A′r,t(x) dWr +


    ∫ ts


    i,kr ◦A′r,t(x)

    ) (σj,kr ◦A′r,t(x)

    )ei dr

    where {ei}16i6d are the elementary basis vectors, and σi,j denotes the i, jth entryin the d× d matrix σ.

    We recall that the proof of the (forward) Itô formula involves approximating fby it’s Taylor polynomial about the left endpoint of the partition intervals. Anal-ogously the backward Itô formula involves approximating f by Taylor polynomialabout the right endpoint of partition intervals, which accounts for the reversed signin the Itô correction.


    Finally we remark that for any fixed t > 0, the solution {As,t}06s6t of thebackward SDE (2.2) is a backward strong Markov process (the same is true forsolutions to (3.3)). The backward Markov property states that r < s < t then

    EFs,tf ◦Ar,t(x) = EAs,t(x)f ◦Ar,t(x) = [Ef ◦Ar,s(y)] y=As,t(x)where EFs,t denotes the conditional expectation with respect to the σ-algebra Fs,t,and EAs,t(x) the conditional expectation with respect to the σ-algebra generatedby the process As,t(x).

    For the strong Markov property, and we define σ to be a backward t-stoppingtime5 if almost surely σ 6 t, and for all s 6 t, the event {σ > s} is Fs,t-measurable.Now if σ is any backward t-stopping time with r 6 σ 6 t almost surely, thebackward strong Markov property states

    EFσ,tf ◦Ar,t(x) = EAσ,tf ◦Ar,t(x) = [Ef ◦Ar,s(y)] s=σ,y=Aσ,t(x)

    The proofs of the backward Markov properties is analogous to the proof of theforward Markov properties, and we refer the reader to [16] for instance.

    3.1. A reformulation without Lipschitz extensions. We conclude this sec-tion by outlining how Theorem 2.1 can be reformulated without using Lipschitzextensions of u. This is mainly of interest when ∇u blows up near ∂D.

    Let D ⊂ Rd be a domain, not necessarily Lipschitz, T > 0, and assume u :D × [0, T ] → Rd is bounded and locally Lipschitz. Now we can always write D =∪k∈ND(k), where the D(k)’s are an increasing sequence of locally compact opensets with Lipschitz boundary. Now the function u restricted to D(k) must havea Lipschitz extension to Rd, which we denote by u(k). Let A(k) be the solutionto (2.2) with u replaced by u(k). Now we can define σ(k) to be the backward exittime of A(k) from the domain D(k). That is, we define σ(k) by (2.5), with A replacedwith A(k), and D replaced with D(k). Note that by pathwise uniqueness, we musthave

    σ(k+1)t (x) < σ

    (k)t (x) and A


    s∨σ(k)t ,t(x) = A


    s∨σ(k)t ,t(x)

    for all x ∈ D(k), t 6 T , almost surely. Thus we define

    (3.4) σt(x) =


    σ(k)t (x) for x ∈ D,

    t for x ∈ ∂D.

    For x ∈ D and any realization where s > σt(x), the sequence(A


    s∨σ(k)t ,t(x))k


    eventually constant. So on the event {s ∈ (σt(x), t]}, we define

    (3.5) As,t(x) = limk→∞


    s∨σ(k)t (x),t(x) for s ∈ (σt(x), t].

    Now, A must satisfy (2.2) almost surely on the event {s ∈ (σt(x), t]}. Since uis bounded, equation (2.2) and Lévy’s almost sure, modulus of continuity [19,§2.9F] for Brownian motion will guarantee that for almost every realization thefunction f(r) = Ar,t(x) is uniformly continuous on (σt(x), t]. Thus the limitlims→σt(x)+ As,t(x) exists almost surely, and we denote it by Aσt(x),t(x).

    6 Note thatby definition of σ, we must have Aσt(x),t(x) ∈ ∂D. Finally, we remark that the

    5Our use of the term backward t-stopping time is analogous to s-stopping time in [16, p24].6Though unnecessary for our purposes, we point out that this argument can be made to show

    that the event where lims→σt(x)+ As,t(x) exists is in fact independent of x.


    above definition of A is independent of the sequence of domains D(k). This, again,is an immediate consequence of pathwise uniqueness.

    Now we can reformulate Theorem 2.1 using σ and A defined by (3.4) and (3.5)respectively. Provided we have enough control on ∇u to guarantee that the limitlims→σt(x)+ ∇As,t(x) exists, Theorem 2.1 and it’s proof will remain unchanged inthis context.

    4. The no-slip boundary condition.

    In this section we prove Theorem 2.1. First, we know from [20, 21], that spatialderivatives of A can be interpreted as the limit (in probability) of the usual differ-ence quotient.7 Further, the Jacobian of A is a process which, almost surely, satisfiesthe equation

    (4.1) ∇As,t(x) = x−∫ ts

    ∇ur|Ar,t(x) ∇Ar,t(x) dr,

    obtained by formally differentiating (2.2) in space. We reiterate that equation (4.1)is an ODE, as the Wiener process is independent of the spatial parameter.

    Lemma 4.1. Let D,u, T be as in Theorem 2.1, σ be the minimal existence timeof (2.2), and A be the solution to (2.2) with respect to the backward stopping time σ.

    (1) Let w̄ ∈ C1([0, T );C2(D)) ∩ C([0, T ];C1(D̄)) be solution of (2.12) withinitial data (2.13), and boundary conditions

    (4.2) w̄ = w̃ on ∂D.

    Then, for w defined by (2.9), we have w̄ = Ew.(2) Let w be defined by (2.9), and w̄ = Ew as above. If for all t ∈ (0, T ],

    w̄t ∈ D(A·,t), and w̄ is C1 in time, then w̄ satisfies(4.3) ∂tw̄ + Ltw̄ + (∇∗u)w̄ = 0

    where Lt is defined by

    (4.4) Ltφ(x) = lims→t−

    φ(x)− Eφ(As∨σt(x),t(x)

    )t− s


    and D(A·,t) is the set of all φ for which the limit on the right exists. Further,w̄ has initial data u0 and boundary conditions (4.2).

    Before proceeding any further, we first address the relationship between thetwo assertions of the lemma. We claim that if w̄ ∈ C1((0, T );C2(D)), then equa-tion (4.3) reduces to equation (2.12). This follows immediately from the nextproposition.

    Proposition 4.2. If φ ∈ C2(D), then Ltφ = (ut · ∇)φ− ν4φ.Proof. Omitting the spatial variable for notational convenience, the backward Itôformula gives

    φ− φ ◦As∨σt,t = φ ◦At,t − φ ◦As∨σt,t


    ∫ ts∨σt

    [(ur · ∇)φ|Ar,t − ν 4φ|Ar,t

    ]dr +


    ∫ ts∨σt

    ∇φ|Ar,t dWr

    7For regular enough velocity fields u (extended to all of Rd), the process A can in fact bechosen to be a flow of diffeomorphisms of Rd (see for instance [24]), in which case A is surelydifferentiable in space.


    Since s ∨ σt is a backward t-stopping time, the second term above is a martingale.Thus

    Ltφ = lims→t−


    t− s

    ∫ ts


    [(ur · ∇)φ|Ar,t − ν 4φ|Ar,t


    = (ut · ∇)φ− ν4φ

    since the process A has continuous paths, and σt < t on the interior of D. �

    Now we prove each assertion of Lemma 4.1 separately.

    Proof of the first assertion in Lemma 4.1. Recall that ∇∗As,t is differentiable in s.Differentiating (4.1) in s, and transposing the matrices gives

    (4.5) ∂s∇As,t(x) = ∇∗As,t(x) ∇∗us|As,t(x) .

    Let t ∈ (0, T ], x ∈ D, and σ′ be any backward t-stopping time with σ′ > σt(x)almost surely. Omitting the spatial variable for convenience, the backward Itôformula and equations (2.12) and (4.5) give

    w̄t −∇∗Aσ′,t w̄σ′ ◦Aσ′,t == ∇∗At,t w̄t ◦At,t −∇∗Aσ′,t w̄σ′ ◦Aσ′,t


    ∫ tσ′∂r∇∗Ar,t w̄r ◦Ar,t +


    ∫ tσ′∇∗Ar,t (∂rw̄r + (ur · ∇)w̄r − ν4w̄r) ◦Ar,t dr +


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇∗Ar,t)(∇∗w̄r) ◦Ar,t dWr


    ∫ tσ′∇∗Ar,t

    ((∇∗ur) w̄r + ∂rw̄r + (ur · ∇)w̄r − ν4w̄r

    )◦Ar,t dr +


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇∗Ar,t)(∇∗w̄r) ◦Ar,t dWr


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇∗Ar,t)wr ◦Ar,t dWr.

    Thus, taking expected values gives

    (4.6) w̄t(x) = E∇∗Aσ′,t(x) w̄σ′ ◦Aσ′,t(x)

    Recall that when σt(x) > 0, Aσt(x),t(x) ∈ ∂D. Thus choosing σ′ = σt(x), and usingthe boundary conditions (4.2) and initial data (2.13), we have

    (4.7) w̄σt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t =

    {w̃σt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t if σt(x) > 0,u0 ◦Aσt(x),t if σt(x) = 0.

    Substutituing this in (4.6) completes the proof. �

    Proof of the second assertion in Lemma 4.1. Let w be defined by (2.9), and w̄ =Ew as in the statement of the second assertion. We will directly deduce (4.6) usingthe backward strong Markov property.


    Given x ∈ Rd, and a d× d matrix M , define the process {Bs,t(x,M)}σt(x)6s6t6Tto be the solution of the ODE

    Bs,t(x,M) = M −∫ ts

    ∇ur|Ar,t(x) Br,t(x,M) dr.

    If I denotes the d× d identity matrix, then by (4.1) we have Bs,t(x, I) = ∇As,t(x)for any σt(x) 6 s 6 t 6 T . Further since the evolution equation for B is linear, wesee

    (4.8) Bs,t(x,M) = Bs,t(x, I)M = ∇As,t(x)M.

    Note that for any fixed t ∈ (0, T ], the process {∇As,t}06s6t is not a backwardMarkov process. Indeed, the evolution of ∇As,t at any time s 6 t depends on thetime s through the process As,t appearing on the right in (4.1). However, process(As,t,∇As,t) (or equivalently the process (As,t, Bs,t)) is a backward Markov process,since the evolution of this system now only depends on the state.

    As in the statement of the second assertion, let w̄ = Ew, where w is definedby (2.9). By our assumption on u and ∂D, the boundary conditions (4.2) andinitial data (2.13) are satisfied. For convenience, when y ∈ ∂D, t > 0, we definewt(y) = w̃(y), and when t = 0, y ∈ D̄, we define w0(y) = u0(y).

    Now, let x ∈ D, t ∈ (0, T ]. Since, the point (Aσt(x),t, t) belongs to the parabolicboundary ∂p(D× [0, T ])

    def= (∂D× [0, T ])∪ (D×{0}), our boundary conditions and

    initial data will guarantee (4.6) is satisfied for σ′ = σt(x).To prove (4.6) for arbitrary σ′, we choose any backward t-stopping time σ′ with

    σ′ > σt(x) almost surely. We claim

    (4.9) EFσ′,tB∗σt(x),t

    (x, I) w̄σt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t(x)

    =[EB∗σr(y),r(y,M) w̄σr(y) ◦Aσr(y),r(y)

    ]r=σ′, y=Aσ′,t(x),


    holds almost surely. This follows from an appropriate application of the backwardstrong Markov property. While this is easily believed, checking that the strongMarkov property applies in this situation requires a little work, and will distractfrom the heart of the matter. Thus we postpone the proof of (4.9) momentarily.Now, using the identity (4.9) gives

    w̄t(x) = E∇∗Aσt(x),t(x) w̄σt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t= EEFσ′,tB


    (x, I) w̄σt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t(x)

    = E

    ([EB∗σr(y),r(y,M) w̄σr(y) ◦Aσr(y),r(y)

    ]r=σ′, y=Aσ′,t(x),



    = E

    ([M∗EB∗σr(y),r(y, I) w̄σr(y) ◦Aσr(y),r(y)

    ]r=σ′, y=Aσ′,t(x),


    )= E∇∗Aσ′,t(x) w̄σ′ ◦Aσ′,t(x),

    proving that (4.6) holds.Now, choose σ′ = s ∨ σt(x) for s < t. Note that for any x ∈ D, we must have

    σt(x) < t almost surely. Thus, omitting the spatial coordinate for convenience, we



    0 = lims→t−

    w̄t − w̄tt− s

    = lims→t−


    t− s

    (w̄t − E∇∗As∨σt,t w̄s∨σt ◦As∨σt,t

    )= lims→t−


    t− s[w̄t − Ew̄t ◦As∨σt,t] +


    t− sE (w̄t − w̄s∨σt) ◦As∨σt,t +


    t− sE (I −∇∗As∨σt,t) w̄s∨σt ◦As∨σt,t

    )= Ltw̄t + ∂tw̄t + (∇∗ut)w̄t,

    on the interior of D. This finishes the proof. �

    It remains to prove the identity (4.9).

    Proof of equation (4.9). Define the stopped processes A′s,t(x) = Aσt(x)∨s,t(x), andB′s,t(x,M) = Bσt(x)∨s,t(x,M). Define the process C by

    Cs,t(x,M, τ) = (A′s,t(x), B

    ′s,t(x,M), τ + t− σt(x) ∨ s).

    Note that for any given s 6 t, we know that σt(x) need not be Fs,t measurable.However, σt(x) ∨ s is an Fs,t measurable backward t-stopping time. Thus A′s,t,B′s,t, and consequently Cs,t, are all Fs,t measurable.

    Now we claim that almost surely, for 0 6 r 6 s 6 t 6 T , we have the backwardsemigroup identity

    (4.10) Cr,s ◦ Cs,t = Cr,t.

    To prove this, consider first the third component of the left hand side of (4.10)

    (4.11) C(3)r,s ◦ Cs,t(x,M, τ) = (τ + t− σt(x) ∨ s) + s− σs(A′s,t(x)) ∨ s.

    Consider the event {s > σt(x)}. By the semigroup property for A, and strongexistence and uniqueness of solutions to (2.2), we have σs(As,t(x)) = σt(x) almostsurely. Thus, almost surely on {s > σt(x)}, we have

    C(3)r,s ◦ Cs,t(x,M, τ) = (τ + t− s) + s− σt(x) ∨ s

    = τ + t− σt(x) ∨ r = C(3)r,t (x,M, τ).

    Now consider the event {s 6 σt}. We know A′s,t(x) ∈ ∂D, and so σs(A′s,t(x)) = s.This gives

    C(3)r,s ◦ Cs,t(x,M, τ) = (τ + t− σt(x)) + s− s = τ + t− σt(x) ∨ r = C(3)r,t (x)

    almost surely on {s 6 σt(x)}. Therefore we have proved almost sure equality ofthe third components in equation (4.10).

    For the first component C(1)s,t = A

    ′s,t, consider as before the case s > σt(x). In

    this case A′s,t = As,t, and the semigroup property of A gives equality of the firstcomponents in (4.10) almost surely on {s > σt(x)}. When s 6 σt(x), as before,A′s,t ∈ ∂D, and σs(A′s,t(x)) = s. Thus

    A′r,s ◦A′s,t(x) = As,s ◦Aσt(x),t(x) = Aσt(x),t(x) = A′r,t(x)


    almost surely on s 6 σt(x). This shows almost sure equality of the first componentsin equation (4.10). Almost sure equality of the second components follows similarly,completing the proof of (4.10).

    Now, for 0 6 r 6 s 6 t 6 T , the random variable Cs,t is Fs,t measurable, and somust be independent of Fr,s. This, along with (4.10), will immediately guaranteethe Markov property for C. Since the filtration F·,· satisfies the usual conditions,and for any fixed t, the function s 7→ Cs,t is continuous, C satisfies the strongMarkov property (see for instance [16, Theorem 2.4]).

    Thus, for any fixed t ∈ [0, T ], and any Borel function ϕ, the strong Markovproperty gives

    EFσ′,tϕ(C0,t(x, I, 0)) = [Eϕ(Cr,t(y,M, τ)]r=σ′,(y,M,τ)=C0,σ′ (x,I,0)

    = [Eϕ(Cr,t(y,M, τ)]r=σ′, y=Aσ′,t(x),M=Bσ′,t(x,I), τ=σr(x),

    almost surely for any x ∈ Rd, M ∈ Rd2, τ > 0. Choosing ϕ(x,M, τ) = M∗w̄t−τ (x)proves (4.9). �

    Now a direct computation shows that if w̄ satisfies (2.12), then u = P w̄ sat-isfies (1.1), regardless of our choice of w̃. Of course, we will only get the no-slipboundary conditions with the correct choice of w̃. We first obtain the PDE for u.

    Lemma 4.3. If w̄ satisfies (2.12), and u = P w̄, then u satisfies (1.1)–(1.2).

    Proof. By definition of the Leray-Hodge projection, u = w+∇q for some function q,and equation (1.2) is automatically satisfied. Thus using equation (2.12) we have

    (4.12) ∂tut + (ut · ∇)ut − ν4ut + (∇∗ut)ut++ ∂t∇qt + (ut · ∇)∇qt + (∇∗ut)∇qt − ν4∇qt = 0.

    Defining p by

    ∇p = ∇(


    2|u|2 + ∂tqt + (ut · ∇)qt − ν4qt

    )equation (4.12) becomes (1.1). �

    Now to address the no-slip boundary condition. The curl of w̄ satisfies thevorticity equation, which is how the vorticity enters our boundary condition.

    Lemma 4.4. Let w̄ be a solution of (2.12). Then ξ = ∇× w̄ satisfies the vorticityequation

    (4.13) ∂tξ + (u · ∇)ξ − ν4ξ =

    {0 if d = 2,

    (ξ · ∇)u if d = 3.

    Proof. We only provide the proof for d = 3. For this proof we will use subscriptsto indicate the component, instead of time as we usually do. If i, j, k ∈ {1, 2, 3}are all distinct, let εijk denote the signature of the permutation (1, 2, 3) 7→ (i, j, k).For convenience we let εijk = 0 if i, j, k are not all distinct. Using the Einsteinsumation convention, ξ = ∇× w̄ translates to ξi = εijk∂jw̄k on components. Thus,taking the curl of (2.12) gives

    (4.14) ∂tξi + (u · ∇)ξi − ν4ξi + εijk∂jum∂mw̄k + εijk∂kum∂jw̄m = 0


    because εijk∂j∂kum w̄m = 0. Making the substitutions j 7→ k and k 7→ j in the lastsum above we have

    εijk∂jum∂mw̄k + εijk∂kum∂jw̄m = εijk∂jum (∂mw̄k − ∂kw̄m)= εijk∂jum εnmkξn

    = (δinδjm − δimδjn) ∂jumξn= −∂juiξj

    where δij denotes the Kronecker delta function, and the last equality follows because∂juj = 0. Thus (4.14) reduces to (4.13). �

    Theorem 2.1 now follows from the above lemmas.

    Proof of Theorem 2.1. First suppose u is a solution of the Navier-Stokes equations,as in the statement of the Theorem. We choose w̃ as explained in Remark 2.5.Notice that our assumptions on u and D will guarantee a classical solution to (2.12)–(2.14) exists on the interval [0, T ], and thus such a choice is possible.

    By Lemma 4.1, we see that for w defined by (2.9), the expected value w̄ = Ewsatisfies (2.12) with initial data (2.13), and boundary conditions (4.2). By ourchoice of w̃, and uniqueness to the Dirichlet problem (2.12), (2.13) and (4.2), wemust have the vorticity boundary condition (2.14).

    Now, let ξ = ∇ × w̄, and ω = ∇ × u. By Lemma 4.4, we see that ξ satisfiesthe vorticity equation (4.13). Since u satisfies (1.1)–(1.2), it is well known (see forinstance [13,26], or the proof of Lemma 4.4) that ω also satisfies

    (4.15) ∂tωt + (ut · ∇)ωt − ν4ωt =

    {0 if d = 2,

    (ωt · ∇)ut if d = 3.

    From (2.14) we know ξ = ω on ∂D×[0, T ]. By (2.13), we see that ξ0 = ∇×u0 = ω0,and hence ξ = ω on the parabolic boundary ∂p(D × [0, T ]).

    The above shows that ω and ξ both satisfy the same PDE (equations (4.13)or (4.15)), with the same initial data, and boundary conditions, and so we musthave ξ = ω on D× [0, T ]. Thus ∇× w̄ = ∇×u in D× [0, T ], showing u and w̄ differby a gradient. Since ∇ · u = 0, and u = 0 on ∂D × [0, T ], we must have u = P w̄proving (2.10).

    Conversely, assume we have a solution to the system (2.2), (2.9) and (2.10).As above, Lemma 4.1 shows w̄ = Ew satisfies (2.12) with initial data (2.13). ByLemma 4.3, we know u satisfies the equation (1.1)–(1.2) with initial data u0. Finally,since equation (2.10) shows ∇ × u = ∇ × w̄ in D × [0, T ], and by continuity, wehave the boundary condition (2.11). �

    5. Vorticity transport, and ideally conserved quantities.

    For the Euler equations, certain conservation laws (e.g. circulation) and ex-act identities (e.g. vorticity transport) are well known. In the absence of spatialboundaries, inviscid identities usually remain true in expectation. With bound-aries, however, we run into regularity issues which, at present, can not always beresolved.

    In this section we illustrate the issues involved by considering three inviscid iden-tities. The first identity (vorticity transport) generalizes perfectly to the viscousscenario with boundaries. The second one (Ertel’s Theorem) generalizes perfectly


    to the viscous scenario without boundaries, and has a somewhat unsatisfactory gen-eralization in the presence of boundaries. The last one (conservation of circulation),again generalizes perfectly to the viscous scenario without boundaries, but has acompletely unsatisfactory generalization to the situation with boundaries.

    5.1. Vorticity transport. Let u0 be a solution to the Euler equations with initialdata u0. Let X

    0 the inviscid flow map defined by (1.3), and for any t > 0, let A0t =(X0t )

    −1 be the spatial inverse of the diffeomorphism X0t . The vorticity transport(or Cauchy formula) states

    (5.1) ω0t =

    {ω00 ◦A0t if d = 2,[(∇X0t )ω00

    ]◦A0t if d = 3.

    where, we recall that the vorticity ω0 is defined by ω0 = ∇× u0, and where ω00 =∇× u0 is the initial vorticity.

    In [9], the authors obtained a natural generalization of (5.1) for the Navier-Stokesequations, in the absence of spatial boundaries. If u solves (1.1)–(1.2) with initialdata u0, and X is the noisy flow map defied by (1.5)–(1.6), then ω = ∇×u is givenby

    (5.2) ωt =

    {Eω0 ◦At if d = 2,E ((∇Xt)ω0) ◦At if d = 3.

    We now provide the generalization of this in the presence of boundaries. Notethat for any t > 0, (∇Xt) ◦ At = (∇At)−1, so we can rewrite (5.2) completely interms of the process A. Now, as usual, we replace A = X−1 with the solutionof (2.2), with respect to the minimal existence time σ. We recall that in Theo-rem 2.1, in addition to “starting trajectories at the boundary”, we had to correctthe expression for the velocity by the boundary values of a related quantity (thevorticity). For the vorticity, however, we need no additional correction, and theinterior vorticity is completely determined given A, σ and the vorticity on theparabolic boundary8 ∂p(D × [0, T ]).

    Proposition 5.1. Let u be a solution to (1.1)–(1.2) in D, with initial data u0, andsuppose ω = ∇ × u ∈ C1([0, T );C2(D)) ∩ C([0, T ] × D̄). Let ω̃ denote the valuesof ω on the parabolic boundary ∂p(D × [0, T ]). Explicitly, ω̃ is defined by

    ω̃(x, t) =

    {ω0(x) if x ∈ D and t = 0,ωt(x) if x ∈ ∂D.


    (5.3) ωt(x) =



    )]if d = 2,




    )]if d = 3.

    Remark 5.2. More generally, suppose ω̃ is any function defined on the parabolicboundary of D × [0, T ], and let ω be defined by (5.3). If for all t ∈ (0, T ], ωt ∈D(A·,t), and ω is C1 in time, then ω satisfies

    ∂tωt + Ltωt =

    {0 if d = 2,

    (ωt · ∇)ut if d = 3,

    8Recall, the parabolic boundary ∂p(D × [0, T ]) is defined to be (D × {0}) ∪ (∂D × [0, T ))


    with ω = ω̃ on the parabolic boundary. Here Lt is the generator of A·,t, D(A·,t) isthe domain of Lt. These are defined in the statement of Lemma 4.1.

    Of course, Remark (5.2) along with Proposition 4.2 and uniqueness of (strong)solutions to (4.15) will prove Proposition 5.1. However, direct proofs of both Re-mark 5.2 and Proposition 5.1 are short and instructive, and we provide independentproofs of each.

    Proof of Proposition 5.1. We only provide the proof when d = 3. As before, differ-entiating (4.1) in space, and taking the matrix inverse of both sides gives

    (5.4) ∂r (∇Ar,t(x))−1 = − (∇Ar,t(x))−1 ∇ur|Ar,t(x)almost surely. Now choose any x ∈ D, t > 0 and any backward t-stopping time σ′ >σt(x). Omitting the spatial parameter for notational convenience, the backward Itôformula gives

    ωt − (∇Aσ′,t)−1 ωσ′ ◦Aσ′,t =

    = (∇At,t)−1 ωt ◦At,t − (∇Aσ′,t)−1 ωσ′ ◦Aσ′,t


    ∫ tσ′∂r (∇Ar,t)−1 ωr ◦Ar,t dr +


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇Ar,t)−1 (∂rωr + (ur · ∇)ωr − ν4ωr) ◦Ar,t dr +


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇Ar,t)−1 (∇ωr) ◦Ar,t dWr


    ∫ tσ′− (∇Ar,t)−1 ∇ur|Ar,t ωr ◦Ar,t dr +


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇Ar,t)−1 ((ωr · ∇)ur) ◦Ar,t dr +


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇Ar,t)−1 (∇ωr) ◦Ar,t dWr


    ∫ tσ′

    (∇Ar,t)−1 (∇ωr) ◦Ar,t dWr

    Thus taking expected values gives

    (5.5) ωt = E[(∇Aσ′,t)−1ωσ′ ◦Aσ′,t

    ]Choosing σ′ = σt(x), using the fact that Aσt(x),t(x) always belongs to the parabolicboundary finishes the proof. �

    Proof of Remark 5.2. Again, we only consider the case d = 3. We will prove (5.5)directly, and then deduce (4.15). Let the process B be as in the proof of the secondassertion of Lemma 4.1, and use B−1 to denote the process consisting of matrixinverses of the process B. Pick x ∈ D, t ∈ (0, T ] and a backward t-stopping timeσ′ > σt(x). Using (4.9) we have

    ωt(x) = E[(∇Aσt(x),t(x)



    )]= EEFσ′,t

    [B−1σt(x),t(x, I) ω̃σt(x) ◦Aσt(x),t(x)



    = E

    [EB−1σr(y),r(y,M) ω̃σr(y) ◦Aσr(y),r(y)] r=σ′,y=Aσ′,t(x),M=Bσ′,t(x,I)

    = E

    [M−1EB−1σr(y),r(y, I) ω̃σr(y) ◦Aσr(y),r(y)] r=σ′,y=Aσ′,t(x),M=Bσ′,t(x,I)

    = E

    [(∇Aσ′,t(x))−1 ωσ′ ◦Aσ′,t(x)


    proving (5.5).As before, choose s 6 t and σ′ = σt(x) ∨ s. Omitting the spatial parameter for

    notational convenience gives

    0 = lims→t−

    ωt − ωtt− s

    = lims→t−


    t− s

    [ωt − E (∇Aσt∨s,t)

    −1ωσt∨s ◦Aσt∨s,t

    ]= lims→t−


    t− s[ωt − Eωt ◦Aσt∨s,t] +


    t− sE [ωt − ωσt∨s] ◦Aσt∨s,t +


    t− sE[I − (∇Aσt∨s,t)

    −1]ωσt∨s ◦Aσt∨s,t

    )= Ltωt + ∂tωt − (∇ut)ωt �

    We remark that the vorticity transport in Proposition 5.1, or Remark 5.2 can beused to provide a stochastic representation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Indeed,since u is divergence free, taking the curl twice gives the negative laplacian. Thus,provided boundary conditions on u are specified, we can obtain u from ω by

    (5.6) ut = (−4)−1∇× ωt.

    Therefore, in Theorem 2.1, we can replace (2.10) by (5.3) and (5.6), where ω̃ is thevorticity on the parabolic boundary, and we impose 0-Dirichlet boundary conditionson (5.6).

    5.2. Ertel’s Theorem. As above, we use a superscript of 0 to denote the appro-priate quantities related to the Euler equations. For this section we also assumed = 3. Ertel’s theorem says that if θ0 is constant along trajectories of X0, then sois (ω0 · ∇)θ0. Hence φ0 = (ω0 · ∇)θ0 satisfies the PDE

    ∂tφ0 + (u · ∇)φ0 = 0.

    For the Navier-Stokes equations, we first consider the situation without bound-aries. Let u solve (1.1)–(1.2), X be defined by (1.5), A be the spatial inverse of X,and define ξ by

    ξt(x) = (∇At(x))−1ω0 ◦At(x).where ω0 = ∇×u0 is the initial vorticity. From (5.2), we know that ω = ∇×u = Eξ.Now we can generalize Ertel’s theorem as follows.

    Proposition 5.3. Let θ be a C1(Rd) valued process. If θ is constant along trajec-tories of the (stochastic) flow X, then so is (ξ · ∇)θ. Hence φ = E(ξ · ∇)θ satisfiesthe PDE

    (5.7) ∂tφt + (ut · ∇)φt − ν4φt = 0,


    with initial data (ω0 · ∇)θ0.

    Proof. If θ is constant along trajectories of X, we must have θt = θ0 ◦ At almostsurely. Thus,

    (ξt · ∇)θt = (∇θt)ξt = ∇θ0|At (∇At)(∇At)−1ω0 ◦At = (ξ0 · ∇θ0) ◦At,

    which is certainly constant along trajectories of X. The PDE for φ now followsimmediately. �

    Now in the presence of boundaries this further modification. Let A be a solutionto (2.2) with minimal existence time σ. The notion of “constant along trajectories”now corresponds to processes θ defined by

    (5.8) θt(x) = θ̃σt(x)(Aσt(x),t),

    for some function θ̃ defined on the parabolic boundary of D.Unfortunately, irrespective of the regularity of D and θ̃, the process θ will not be

    continuous in space, let alone differentiable. The problem arises because while A isregular enough in the spatial variable, the existence time σt is not. To work aroundthis, we avoid derivatives on σ in the statement of the theorem.

    Proposition 5.4. Let θ̃ be a C1 function defined on the parabolic boundary ofD × [0, T ], and let θ̃′ be any C1 extension of θ̃, defined in a neighborhood of theparabolic boundary of D × [0, T ]. If θ is defined by (5.8), then

    φt(x) = E[(ξt · ∇)(θ̃′s ◦As,t)(x)


    satisfies the PDE (5.7) with initial data (ω0 ·∇)θ̃0, and boundary conditions φt(x) =(ωt · ∇)θ̃′(x) for x ∈ ∂D.

    Note that when D = Rd, then σt ≡ 0, and hence φt = E(ξt · ∇)θt. In this caseProposition 5.4 reduces to Proposition 5.3. The proof of Proposition 5.3 is identicalto that of Proposition 5.3, and the same argument obtains[

    (ξt · ∇)(θ̃′s ◦As,t)(x)]s=σt(x)

    =[(ξs · ∇)θ̃′s(y)


    which immediately implies (5.7).In the scenario with boundaries, it would be interesting to know if one can make

    sense of E(ξt · ∇)θt, and reformulate Proposition 5.4 accordingly, even though θ isnot differentiable with respect to space. At present, we are unable to do this.

    5.3. Circulation. The circulation is the line integral of the velocity field along aclosed curve. For the Euler equations, the circulation along a closed curve that istransported by the flow is constant in time. Explicitly, let u0, X0, A0, u0 be as inthe previous subsection. Let Γ be a rectifiable closed curve, then for any t > 0,


    ∮X0t (Γ)

    u0t · dl =∮


    u00 · dl.

    For the Navier-Stokes equations, without boundaries, a generalization of (5.9) wasconsidered in [9]. Let u solve (1.1)–(1.2), X be defined by (1.5)–(1.6), and A bethe spatial inverse of X. Then



    ut · dl = E∮At(Γ)

    u0 · dl.


    A proof of this (in the absence of boundaries) follows immediately from Theo-rem 1.1. Indeed,

    (5.11) E


    u0 · dl = E∮


    (∇∗At) u0 ◦At · dl =

    = E


    P [(∇∗At) u0 ◦At] · dl =∮


    ut · dl,

    where the first equality follows by definition of line integrals, the second because theline integral of gradients along closed curves is 0, and the last by Fubini and (1.7).

    In the presence of boundaries, there are certain obstructions to making this work.Let A, σ, w̃ be as in the statement of Theorem 2.1. We extend w̃ to the parabolicboundary ∂p(D × [0, T ]) by defining w̃(x, 0) = u0(x) for x ∈ D. Now we wouldexpect the natural generalization of (5.10) to be



    ut · dl = E∮Aσt,t(Γ)

    w̃0 · dl.

    We remark again, that though u = 0 on ∂D, we must have a non-zero contributionfrom trajectories starting on the side of the cylinder D×[0, T ]. However, the integralon the right is not well defined, as the curve Aσt,t(Γ) is not necessarily rectifiable!

    Now, as with Ertel’s theorem, we can try and avoid irregularities from σ whenwe transport Γ. Indeed, almost tautologically we have



    ut · dl = E∮


    [∇∗Aσt(x),t(x)wt ◦Aσt(x),t(x)

    ]· dl(x).

    Further, if σt ≡ 0, the right hand side of equation (5.13) is exactly the right handside of (5.10).

    However (5.13) is essentially a tautological rephrasing of (1.7), and does notcapture the essence of (5.10). It would be interesting indeed if one can give meaningto the right hand side of (5.12), and then prove (5.12). At present, we are unableto carry out this construction.


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    Dept. of Math., University of Chicago, Chicago IL 60637

    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Dept. of Math. Sci., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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    1. Introduction1.1. The stochastic-Lagrangian formulation without boundaries.

    2. The formulation for domains with boundary.2.1. Feynman-Kac and the method of random characteristics2.2. Application to the Navier-Stokes equations in domains with boundary.

    3. Backward Itô integrals3.1. A reformulation without Lipschitz extensions.

    4. The no-slip boundary condition.5. Vorticity transport, and ideally conserved quantities.5.1. Vorticity transport.5.2. Ertel's Theorem5.3. Circulation
