J-13012/30/2013-IA.I (T) Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003, __ '«ll NTPC-SAIL Power Company Pvt. Ltd. (A joint venture of NTPC & SAIL) 4 th Floor, NBCC Tower, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110066 Tel. No. 011-26717370; Fax: 011-26717366 Dated: 29.09.2015 Sub: Durgapur Captive Power Project-In (2x20 MW) at Durgapur, District Burdwan, West Bengal by Mis NTPC-SAIL Power Company Private Ltd. - reg. Environmental Clearance. Sir, This has reference to your online application dated 30.04.2015 and additional information/documents submitted vide letters dated 03.07.2015, 30.07.2015 and 03.08.2015 w.r.t the aforesaid project. This Ministry has examined the proposal. It is inter-alia, noted that the ToR for preparation of EIA/EMP report was accorded by the Ministry on 07.05.2014. Public Hearing for the project was conducted on 06.01.2015. Although, otherwise the proposal falls under Category '8' of the schedule of the EIA Notification, 2006, it's being located within the Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP), which is a Category 'A' project, the proposal was appraised at the central level. 2. The total land requirement for the proposed CPP including ash dyke and green belt is 35.5 acres which is already within DSP's premises and does not require any further acquisition. No separate township is required for the plant as existing DSP residential facilities shall be made available. The elevation of plant site and ash dyke is 1.8 m to 3m above HFL. Waria railway station is located at a distance of 0.2 krn, SW and Beliator Protected Forest is at a distance of 9.1 krn, SSW. The cost of the expansion project is about Rs. 361.94 crores, which includes about Rs. 18.1 crores for environmental protection measures. No litigation is pending against the project. An amount of Rs. 4.29 crores is earmarked for CSR activities during 2015-20 and a recurring cost of Rs. 62.5 lakhs per annum is earmarked for CSR. 3. The coal requirement will be 0.3 MTPA and will be sourced from SAIL's Ramnagore Captive coal mine, which is in operation since 1905. The maximum sulphur and ash content in the coal will be 0.5% and 40% respectively. No separate Railway Siding is envisaged as existing facility is proposed to be utilized. The coal will be stored in the existing stock yard of DSP, which is within the premises and will be transported through trucks to the proposed CPP. The optimized water requirement of 300 m 3 /h shall be supplied by DSP from Waria reservoir using the already allocated quota. The total ash generation will be 1,20,000 TPA (Fly ash- 98,000 TPA & Bottom ash-24,000 TPA). Fly ash will be utilized for bricks and cement manufacture. Bottom ash will go to ash pond and possibility of industrial use is being explored. Page 1 of7

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J-13012/30/2013-IA.I (T)Government of India

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road,Aliganj, New Delhi-110003,


~/S NTPC-SAIL Power Company Pvt. Ltd.(A joint venture of NTPC & SAIL)4 th Floor, NBCC Tower,15 Bhikaji Cama Place,New Delhi- 110066

Tel. No. 011-26717370; Fax: 011-26717366

Dated: 29.09.2015

Sub: Durgapur Captive Power Project-In (2x20 MW) at Durgapur, DistrictBurdwan, West Bengal by Mis NTPC-SAIL Power Company Private Ltd. ­reg. Environmental Clearance.


This has reference to your online application dated 30.04.2015 andadditional information/documents submitted vide letters dated 03.07.2015,30.07.2015 and 03.08.2015 w.r.t the aforesaid project. This Ministry has examinedthe proposal. It is inter-alia, noted that the ToR for preparation of EIA/EMP reportwas accorded by the Ministry on 07.05.2014. Public Hearing for the project wasconducted on 06.01.2015. Although, otherwise the proposal falls under Category'8' of the schedule of the EIA Notification, 2006, it's being located within theDurgapur Steel Plant (DSP), which is a Category 'A' project, the proposal wasappraised at the central level.

2. The total land requirement for the proposed CPP including ash dyke andgreen belt is 35.5 acres which is already within DSP's premises and does notrequire any further acquisition. No separate township is required for the plant asexisting DSP residential facilities shall be made available. The elevation of plant siteand ash dyke is 1.8 m to 3 m above HFL. Waria railway station is located at adistance of 0.2 krn, SW and Beliator Protected Forest is at a distance of 9.1 krn,SSW. The cost of the expansion project is about Rs. 361.94 crores, which includesabout Rs. 18.1 crores for environmental protection measures. No litigation ispending against the project. An amount of Rs. 4.29 crores is earmarked for CSRactivities during 2015-20 and a recurring cost of Rs. 62.5 lakhs per annum isearmarked for CSR.

3. The coal requirement will be 0.3 MTPA and will be sourced from SAIL'sRamnagore Captive coal mine, which is in operation since 1905. The maximumsulphur and ash content in the coal will be 0.5% and 40% respectively. No separateRailway Siding is envisaged as existing facility is proposed to be utilized. The coalwill be stored in the existing stock yard of DSP, which is within the premises andwill be transported through trucks to the proposed CPP. The optimized waterrequirement of 300 m 3/h shall be supplied by DSP from Waria reservoir using thealready allocated quota. The total ash generation will be 1,20,000 TPA (Fly ash­98,000 TPA & Bottom ash-24,000 TPA). Fly ash will be utilized for bricks andcement manufacture. Bottom ash will go to ash pond and possibility of industrialuse is being explored.

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4. Based on the information, clarification, documents submitted andpresentations made by you and your consultant viz. Vimta Labs Ltd., Hyderabadbefore the Expert Appraisal Committee (Thermal Power) in its 40th Meeting heldduring 23rd July, 2015, the Ministry hereby accords environmental clearance to theabove project under the provisions of ErA Notification dated September 14, 2006and its subsequent amendments therein subject to compliance of the followingSpecific and General conditions:

A. Specific Conditions:

i) The standards for water consumption and emissions of various parameters, aswould be notified by the Ministry shall be duly complied.

ii) The existing and proposed project shall comply with the Environment ActionPlan formulated by WBPCB for the Durgapur Area. The compliance report in thisregard shall be submitted along with the six monthly compliance reports.

-ili) An integrated OHS study along with the Steel Plant shall be conducted andsubmitted to the Ministry's R.O. and SPCB within six months.

iv) The island near the project site shall be protected by stabilizing the banks withvegetation cover and check dams across the major surface run-off channels ofthe island.

v) Vision document specifying prospective plan for the site shall be formulatedand submitted to the Regional Office of the Ministry within six months.

vi) Harnessing solar power within the premises of the plant particularly atavailable roof tops shall be carried out and status of implementation includingactual generation of solar power shall be submitted along with half yearlymonitoring report.

vii) The feasibility of transportation of coal through closed conveyor from the stockyard shall be examined. Till that time, the transportation shall be throughcovered trucks.

viii) A long term study of radio activity and heavy metals contents on coal to beused shall be carried out through a reputed institute and results thereofanalyzed every two year and reported along with monitoring reports.Thereafter mechanism for an in-built continuous monitoring for radio activityand heavy metals in coal and fly ash (including bottom ash] sha,ll be pill iILplace.

ix) The Sulphur and ash content of coal shall not exceed 0.5 % and 40 %respectively subject to the compliance of the Ministry's Notification dated02.01.2014 regarding restriction of ash content of coal. In case of variation ofquality at any point of time, fresh reference shall be made to the Ministry forsuitable amendments to the environmental clearance.

x) A stack of 120 m height shall be provided with continuous online monitoringequipments for SOx, NOx and PM2 .5 & PMIO• Exit velocity offlue gases shall notbe less than 22 m/sec. Mercury emissions from stack shall also be monitored onperiodic basis.

xi) High Efficiency Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) shall be installed to ensurethat particulate emission does not exceed 50 mg/Nm3 or as would be notified

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by the Ministry, whichever is lesser. Adequate dust extraction system such ascyclones/bag filters and water spray system in dusty areas such as in coalhandling and ash handling points, transfer areas and other vulnerable dustyareas shall be provided along with an environment friendly sludge disposalsystem.

xii) Adequate dust extraction system such as cyclones/ bag filters and waterspray system in dusty areas such as in coal handling and ash handlingpoints, transfer areas and other vulnerable dusty areas shall be provided.

xiii) COC of atleast 5.0 shall be adopted

xiv) Monitoring of surface water quantity and quality shall also be regularlyconducted and records maintained. The monitored data shall be submitted tothe Ministry regularly. Further, monitoring points shall be located between theplant and drainage in the direction of flow of ground water and recordsmaintained. Monitoring for heavy metals in ground water shall also beundertaken and results/findings submitted along with half yearly monitoringreport.

xv) A well designed rain water harvesting system shall be put in place within sixmonths, which shall comprise of rain water collection from the built up andopen area in the plant premises and detailed record kept of the quantity ofwater harvested every year and its use.

xvi) An integrated rain water harvesting plan along with the Steel Plant shall beformulated and submitted to the Ministry's R. O. and SPCB within six months.

xvii) No water bodies inclUding natural drainage system in the area shall bedisturbed due to activities associated with the setting up / operation of thepower plant.

xviii) Hydrogeology of the area shall be reviewed annually from an institute/organization of repute to assess impact of drawl of ground water. In case anydeterioration is observed specific mitigation measures shall be undertakenand reports/ data of water quality monitored regularly and maintained shallbe submitted to the Regional Office of the Ministry.

xix) Monitoring for heavy metals in ground water shall also be undertaken andresults/findings submitted along with half yearly monitoring report.

xx) Wastewater generated from the plant shall be treated before discharge tocomply limits prescribed by the SPCB/CPCB.

xxi) There shall be no discharge and dumping of waste in any form into RiverDamodar

xxii) Additional soil for leveling of the proposed site shall be generated within thesites (to the extent possible) so that natural drainage system of the area isprotected and improved.

xxiii) Fly ash shall be collected in dry form and storage facility (silos) shall beprovided. Mercury and other heavy metals (As, Hg, Cr, Pb etc.) shall bemonitored in the bottom ash. No ash shall be disposed off in low lying area.

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xxiv) Fugitive emission of fly ash (dry or wet) shall be controlled such that noagricultural or non-agricultural land is affected. Damage to any land shall bemitigated and suitable compensation provided in consultation with the localPanchayat.

xxv) Green Belt consisting of three tiers of plantations of native species all aroundplant and at least 50 m width shall be raised. Wherever 50 m width is notfeasible a 20 m width shall be raised and adequate justification shall besubmitted to the Ministry. Tree density shall not be less than 2500 per hawith survival rate not less than 80 %.

xxvi) As committed, a minimum amount of Rs. 4.29 Crares shall be earmarked ascapital cost for CSR activities and Rs. 62. 5 Lakhs/annum or the amount as perthe CSR policy of GOl whichever is higher shall be earmarked as recurring costper annum till the operation of the plant.

~vii CSR schemes identified based on .J:leed bas.ed asse.ssment sh beimplemented in consultation with the village Panchayat and the DistrictAdministration starting from the development of project itself. As part of CSRprior identification of local employable youth and eventual employment inthe project after imparting relevant training shall be also undertaken.Company shall provide separate budget for community developmentactivities and income generating programmes.

xxviii) For proper and periodic monitoring of CSR activities, a CSR committee or aSocial Audit committee or a suitable credible external agency shall beappointed. CSR activities shall also be evaluated by an independent externalagency. This evaluation shall be both concurrent and final.





An Environmental Cell comprising of at least one expert in environmentalscience/ engineering, ecology, occupational health and social science, shallbe created preferably at the project site itself and shall be headed by anofficer of appropriate superiority and qualification. It shall be ensured thatthe Head of the Cell shall directly report to the Head of the Plant who wouldbe accountable for implementation of environmental regulations and socialimpact improvement/mitigation measures.

General Conditions:

Space for FGD shall be provided for future installation as may be required

The treated effluents conforming to the prescribed standards only shall be re­circulated and reused within the plant. Arrangements shall be made thateffluents and storm water do not get mixed.

(iii) A sewage treatment plant shall be provided (as applicable) and the treatedsewage shall be used for raising greenbelt/plantation.

(iv) Adequate safety measures shall be provided in the plant area tocheck/minimize spontaneous fires in coal yard, especially during summerseason. Copy of these measures with full details along with location plantlayout shall be submitted to the Ministry as well as to the Regional Office ofthe Ministry.

(v) Storage facilities for auxiliary liquid fuel such as LDO/ HFO/LSHS shall bemade in the plant area in consultation with Department of Explosives,

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Nagpur. Sulphur content in the liquid fuel will not exceed 0.5%. DisasterManagement Plan shall be prepared to meet any eventuality in case of anaccident taking place due to storage of oil.

First Aid and sanitation arrangements shall be made for the drivers and othercontract workers during construction phase.

Noise levels emanating from turbines shall be so controlled such that thenoise in the work zone shall be limited to 85 dB (A) from source. For peopleworking in the high noise area, requisite personal protective :quip~ent likeearplugs/ ear muffs etc. shall be provided. Workers en~a~ed m nOIs~ areassuch as turbine area, air compressors etc shall be penodically exammed tomaintain audiometric record and for treatment for any hearing loss includingshifting to non noisy/less noisy areas.

(viii) Regular monitoring of ambient air ground level concentration of 802, NOx,PM2.5 & PMlO and Hg shall be carried out in the impact zone and recordsmaintained. If at any stage these levels are found to exceed the prescribedlimits, necessary control measures shall be provided immediately. The locationof the monitoring stations and frequency of monitoring shall be decided inconsultation with SPCB. Periodic reports shall be submitted to the RegionalOffice of this Ministry. The data shall also be put on the website of thecompany.

(ix) Utilization of 100% Fly Ash generated shall be made from 4 th year ofoperation. Status of implementation shall be reported to the Regional Office ofthe Ministry from time to time.

(x) Provision shall be made for the housing of construction labour (as applicable)within the site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel forcooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care,creche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to beremoved after the completion of the project.

(xi) The project proponent shall advertise in at least two local newspapers widelycirculated in the region around the project, one of which shall be in thevernacular language of the locality concerned within seven days from the dateof this clearance letter, informing that the project has been accordedenvironmental clearance and copies of clearance letter are available with theState Pollution Control Board/Committee and may also be seen at Website ofthe Ministry of Environment and Forests at http://envfor.nic.in.

(xii) A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concernedPanchayat, Zila Parisad / Municipal Corporation, urban local Body and theLoc<:1 NGO,. If any, from whom suggestions/representations, if any, werereceived while processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be puton the website of the Company by the proponent.

(xiii) The. proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulatedenV:Ironme~tal clearance conditions, including results of monitored data ontheIr webSIte and ~hall update the same periodically. It shall simultaneouslybe sent to the RegiOnal Office of MOEF, the respective Zonal Office of CPCBand the SPCB. The ,criteria pollutant levels namely; SPM, RSPM (PM2.5 &PM10) , S02, NOx (ambIent levels as well as stack emissions) shall be displayedat a ~onvenient location near the main gate of the company in the publicdomam.

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(xiv) The environment statement for each financial year ending 31 st March in Form­V as is mandated to be submitted by the project proponent to the concernedState Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment(Protection) Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently, shall also be put on thewebsite of the company along with the status of compliance of environmentalclearance conditions and shall also be sent to the respective Regional Officesof the Ministry bye-mail.

(xv) The project proponent shall submit six monthly reports on the status ofthe implementation of the stipulated environmental safeguards to theMinistry of Environment and Forests, its Regional Office, CentralPollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board. The projectproponent shall upload the status of compliance of the environmentalclearance conditions on their website and update the same periodicallyand simultaneously send the same bye-mail to the Regional Office,

]VIinistry of Environment and Forests.

(xvi) Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment & Forests will monitor theimplementation of the stipulated conditions. A complete set of documentsincluding Environmental Impact Assessment Report and EnvironmentManagement Plan along with the additional information submitted from timeto time shall be forwarded to the Regional Office for their use duringmonitoring. Project proponent will up-load the compliance status in theirwebsite and up-date the same from time to time at least six monthly basis.Criteria pollutants levels including NOx (from stack & ambient air) shallbe displayed at the main gate of the power plant.

(xvii) Separate funds shall be allocated for implementation of environmentalprotection measures along with item-wise break-up. These cost shall beincluded as part of the project cost. The funds earmarked for the environmentprotection measures shall not be diverted for other purposes and year-wiseexpenditure should be reported to the Ministry.

(xviii) The project authorities shall inform the Regional Office as well as theMinistry regarding the date of financial closure and final approval of theproject by the concerned authorities and the dates of start of landdevelopment work and commissioning of plant.

(xix) Full cooperation shall be extended to the Scientists/Officers from the Ministry/ Regional Office of the Ministry / CPCB/ SPCB who would be monitoring thecompliance of environmental status.

5. The Ministry reserves the right to revoke the clearance if conditionsstipulated are not implemented to the satisfaction. The Ministry may also imposeadditional environmental conditions or modify the existing ones, if necessary.

6. The environmental clearance accorded shall be valid for a period of 7years from the date of issue of this letter to start operations by the power plant.

7. Concealing factual data or submission of false/fabricated data and failure tocomply with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in withdrawal ofthis clearance and attract action under the provisions of Environment (Protection)Act, 1986.

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8. In case of any deviation or alteration in the project proposed including coaltransportation system from those submitted to this Ministry for clearance, a freshreference should be made to the Ministry to assess the adequacy of the condition(s)imposed and to add additional environmental protection measures required, if any.

9. The above stipulations would be enforced among others under the Water(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control ofPollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and rules there under,Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008 and its amendments, the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and itsamendments.

10. Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the NationalGreen Tribunal, if preferred, within 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of theNational Green Tribunal Act, 2010.


(B. B. Barman)Scientist 'F'

Copy to:








The Secretary, Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Raft Marg, NewDelhi 110001.The Secretary (Environment), Forests and Environment Department,Government of West Bengal.The Chairman, Central Electricity Authority, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram,New Delhi-l10066.The Chairman, West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, lOA,Block- L.A, Sector 3, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700098.The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, CBD­cum-Office Complex, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi- 110032.The Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Ministry ofEnvironment, Forest and Climate Change, Regional Office (EZ), A/3,Chandersekhapur, Bhubaneswar - 751023.The District Collector, Burdwan District, Govt. of West Bengal.~Guard file/Monitoring file.Website of MoEF&CC

(B. B. Barman)Scientist 'F'

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