1 © Surgent • www.cpenow.com Auditing A/P, Accrued Expenses, and Debt A2M5/15/01 © Surgent • www.cpenow.com Learning Objectives Discuss typical audit risks and special considerations. Tailor audit plan to assessed audit risk. Evaluate results of the search for unrecorded liabilities. Assess the propriety of accrued estimates. Evaluate debt covenant compliance: Alter financial statement presentation and disclosure for noncompliance. A2M5/15/01 2

A2M5 Auditing AP and Debt - Allen Pritchett & Bassett, LLP ap accrued... · Auditing A/P, Accrued Expenses, and Debt ... • Cut-off test of trade payables. ... • Purpose is to

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Auditing A/P, Accrued Expenses, and Debt


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Learning Objectives

• Discuss typical audit risks and special considerations.

• Tailor audit plan to assessed audit risk.

• Evaluate results of the search for unrecorded liabilities.

• Assess the propriety of accrued estimates.

• Evaluate debt covenant compliance:

– Alter financial statement presentation and disclosure for noncompliance.

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Accounts Payables Defined

• Generally relates to purchases of goods or services.

• Created with passage of title or receipt of benefit in accounting period.

• Must recognize, even if no statement or invoice received.

• May be deposits received in advance of delivery of goods or services.

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Accrued Liabilities

• Incurred, but not yet paid, in current period.

• In accordance with matching principle.

• Based on operations:

– Sales tax, income tax, payroll, bonuses.

• Based on estimates:

– Property taxes, warranty obligations.

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Primary Assertions

1. Existence -- Obligations for benefits received in current period.

2. Completeness -- All authorized obligations.

3. Obligations -- Unpaid costs and expenses.

4. Valuation -- Computed and classified.

5. Accuracy or classification -- Related party.

6. Cut-off.

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Exhibit 1: Typical Accounts Payable and Accrued

Liability Audit Procedures


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Search for Unrecorded Liabilities

• Cut-off test of trade payables.

• Search for significant commitments and contingencies relating to current year.

• Disbursements, unpaid invoices, vendor statements, and entries to accounts payable.

• Staggered scope.

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Exhibit 2: Search for Unrecorded Liabilities Case Study


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Substantive Analyticals

• Accrued payroll:

– First payroll report of next year.

• Accrued payroll taxes/benefits:

– Percentage of total salaries.

• Accrued real estate taxes:

– Prior year, considering changes.

• Accrued interest:

– Percentage of total debt.

• Accrued commissions:

– Percentage of December sales.

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Loss Contingency

• Likelihood that future event(s) ranges from probable to remote.

• Term loss is used for convenience:

– Includes many charges against income commonly referred to as expenses, and others referred to as losses.

• Purpose is to require loss accrual when they are reasonably estimable and relate to the current or prior period.

• Disclosure is preferable to accrual when a reasonable estimate of loss cannot be made.

• Losses that are reasonably estimable are not accruable if it is not probable that asset impaired or liability incurred.

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Uncertainties That Could Result in Future Loss

• Collectibility of receivables.

• Obligations related to product warranties/defects.

• Loss from catastrophes assumed by property and casualty insurance entities, including reinsurance entities.

• Guarantees of indebtedness of others.

• Obligations of commercial banks under standby letters of credit.

• Agreements to repurchase receivables, or the related property, that have been sold.

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Substantive Audit Procedures to Test Contingencies

• Reviewing and testing the process used by management to develop the estimate.

• Developing an independent expectation of the estimate:

– May require the use of a specialist, including legal counsel.

• Reviewing subsequent events or transactions occurring prior to the date of the auditor’s report.

• Review minutes of meetings with those charged with governance.

• Review legal and professional expense accounts and invoices.

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Exhibit 3: Key Controls

Exhibit 4: EvaluatingAccrued Estimates


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Debt -- Typical Audit Procedures

• Reading terms and confirmation typical.

• Inquiry, representation, and review of minutes.

• Identify special terms and provisions.

• Roll-forward schedule.

• Analytically testing interest and accruals.

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Why Debt Classification Key?

• Debt covenants are often affected by current vs. concurrent classification (e.g., working capital).

• Potential lenders assess borrower’s liquidity and credit risk.

• Surety providing performance bond to assess service fees.

• Ratings agencies to determine credit ratings.

• Auditors to assess going concern uncertainty.

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Short-Term Debt

• Generally evidenced by promissory note.

• Recorded and presented at present value:

– Normally face value.

– Unless no stated interest rate or interest rate is unreasonable, then use effective interest rate implied in note.

• Trade notes payable -- Issued to trade creditors.

• Nontrade notes payable -- Issued to banks, officers, or similar.

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Due on Demand

• “Current” absent unconditional waiver in proper form.

• Assessment of likelihood of lender exercising right is not relevant in classification.

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Subjective Acceleration Clauses

• E.g., material adverse change in operations, significant decline in market value of collateral.

• If default probable and probable creditor will call debt – Current.

– If unconditional waiver in proper form -- Long-term.

• If likelihood is possible -- Long-term with disclosure that could be called sooner.

• If likelihood is remote -- Long-term with no special disclosure.

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Audit Procedures -- Subjective Acceleration

• Identify any events that would trigger subjective acceleration.

• Consider likelihood of occurrence within one year of the B/S date.

• Consider continuation of any existing deteriorating conditions, such as recurring operation losses.

• Consider likelihood that lender will call loan:

– Consistent with lender’s past practice.

– Borrower’s historic ability to predict lender’s past practice.

– Borrower’ ability to modify expectations for current conditions.

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S-T Obligations Expected to Refinance

• S-T obligations expected to be refinanced as L-T are not “current”:

– Assumes refinancing is probable, not just possible.

• Both conditions must be met in order to be classified as L-T:

1. Management must intend to refinance on a L-T Basis.

2. Management must demonstrate an ability to refinance.

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Intent to Refinance Considerations

• Agreement must not expire within one year from B/S date.

• Agreement cannot be cancellable by lender for subjective reasons:

– Even if grace period for curing subjective violations.

– May contain objective cancellable or callable provisions.

• No violation of any provisions can exist at B/S date or at F/S issuance date:

– Waiver may make the refinancing agreement still valid.

• Lender expected to be capable of honoring agreement.

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Demonstrating Ability to Refinance

• Actual L-T refinancing during the period between B/S date and date F/S issued.

• Equity securities issued for refinancing before F/S issued.

• Reaching a clear and firm agreement with lender that extends beyond one year.

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Refinancing Obtained BeforeB/S Date

• If borrower obtains funds from L-T financing before the B/S date, and those funds used as basis for reclassifying S-T debt as L-T:

– Related designated funds are also classified as L-T assets.

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Refinancing Obtained After B/S Date

• If borrower obtains L-T funds or agreement post-B/S date to refinance a S-T obligation:

– Only the amount of the S-T debt that is covered is noncurrent.

• If after B/S date, but before F/S available for issuance, borrower repays S-T obligation and then gets replacement L-T financing:

– S-T obligation classified as current.

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Efforts to Secure Alternative Financing

• Taints classification of S-T debt as L-T if no intent to use the “in place” agreement if alternative financing does not come through.

• May occur because “in place” agreement has unreasonable terms, like excessive interest rates or collateral requirement.

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Replacing S-T Debt with OtherS-T Debt

• Borrower must have option to renew, extend, or replace S-T debt for an uninterrupted period beyond one year from B/S date.

– E.g., revolving credit agreement or rollover of commercial paper accompanied by standby credit agreement.

• Current classification if borrowings are due when underlying S-T notes roll over (e.g. in 90 days).

• If subjective acceleration clause, classification depends on likelihood of lender exercising rights.

– Unless there is a lock-box arrangement controlled by the lender.

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Revolving Credit Agreements: L-T Classification

• Borrowings are due at a specified period that extends beyond one year from the F/S date.

– Principal does not roll over until MORE than one year past F/S date?

– Principal is only due at maturity that is MORE than one year from the F/S date?

• S-T notes are automatically replaced with other S-T notes that extends the process beyond one year.

– E.g., series of automatic renewals or replacements every 60 days.

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Lock-Box Arrangements

• If maintained at the borrower’s discretion, no impact on debt classification.

– If subjective acceleration clause (e.g., material adverse change in operations), classification depends on likelihood.

• If maintained at lender’s discretion, noncurrent if cash received is automatically and contractually used to repay borrowings.

– If subjective acceleration clause, automatically current.

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“Springing” Lock-Box Arrangement

• Existence alone does not impact debt classification.

• Lender may only use the cash to automatically repay the borrowings if another substantive event occurs (e.g., failure to maintain satisfactory operations):

– I.e., there is an event that “springs” the lender’s ability to contractually apply discretion on use of cash received into the lock-box.

• Classification depends on likelihood of lender exercising rights under the subjective acceleration clause.

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Lines of Credit

• Negotiated lending arrangement with terms agreed prior to the need for borrowing.

• NOT an actual liability until drawn.

• Disclose unused liquidity available.

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Secured Debt

• Mortgage:

– Backed by collateralized assets.

– Generally payable in equal installments.

– Report as cash amount that would satisfy the obligation.

• Secured loan:

– Similar to a mortgage, as backed by certain assets.

– Used to reduce interest cost to borrower and collectability risk to lender.

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Troubled Debt Restructuring

• Creditor makes concessions or revises original terms for economic or legal reasons:

– E.g., suspension of interest payments for a period of time, reduction in interest rates, extension of maturity date, exchange of assets to pay off debt, etc.

– A gain or loss may be recognized at time of restructuring.

• If no concessions, then report as an extinguishment of the debt prior to maturity.

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Transfer of Assets for Full Settlement

• Debtor transfers assets to creditor:

– E.g., real estate, inventory, receivables, investments, etc.

– Called an “Asset Swap”

• Debtor usually requires recognition of two gains or losses:

– Gain/Loss on asset disposal (MV Asset – Carrying Value Asset).

– Gain on concessions granted (MV of Asset – CV of Liquidated Debt).

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Modification of Debt Terms

• May involve modifications to interest or maturity date or both.

• Most modifications of debt are mere extensions of existing debt.

– Do not result in a significant economic transaction.

– Modifications are reflected in future periods.

• No journal entry in current period.

• New “implicit” interest rate is computed and used to compute interest expense in subsequent periods.

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General Exception to the Rule –Substantial Modification of Debt Terms

• Total payments under new debt structure (including future interest payments) < Carrying value of the debt at time of restructuring.

• Difference immediate gain on debtor’s books.

• New CV of loan = undiscounted future payments.

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Callable Obligation

• Lender has right to demand repayment or give notice to such intent.

• Callable due to borrower violation of provision and not expected to cure violation within any specified grace period:

– Significance of the violation is not considered.

– Judgment applied in likelihood of curing during grace period.

• Current, unless:

– Lender waives (or otherwise loses right to demand) repayment for more than one year from B/S date.

– Probable that will cure the violation during grace period.

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Examples of Common Debt Covenants

• Minimum current ratio.

• Maximum debt to equity ratio.

• Minimum level of stockholder’s equity.

• Minimum fixed charge coverage ratio.

• Prohibition from incurring or maintaining indebtedness in excess of specified amount.

• Prohibition from annual capital expenditures above certain amount.

• Maintenance of minimum earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA).

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Common Waiver Letter Flaws

• Only waiving as of balance sheet date.

• Waiver date less than one year from B/S date.

• Vague wording leaving room for lender to change mind or interpretation.

• Not considering “trickle down” violations.

• Oral representations not adequate.

• Letter addressed to client.

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Debt Covenant Violation -- Audit Considerations

• Consult client’s legal counsel.

• Obtain relevant management representations.

• Analyze compliance after all adjusting entries, including passed adjustments.

• Going concern considerations.

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Exhibit 5: DebtClassification Exercise

Exhibit 6: Sample Debt WaiverRequest and Response


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Debt Covenant Disclosures

• Consider whether F/S users would be influenced by information:

– Extent should vary with circumstances.

• No requirement to disclose all waivers received for violations:

– May consider if significant and likely, or recurrence in future.

• Optional disclosures:

– Specific debt covenants.

– Degree of compliance.

– Expectations about future compliance.

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