ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt

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  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1

    Introducing ABBABB Group presentation

    September 2013

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 2

    A global leader in poer and auto!ation tec"nologies#eading !ar$et positions in !ain businesses

    1%&,000 e!ployees in about 100countries

    '(9 billion in re)enue *2012+

    or!ed in 19-- !erger o. Siss and

    Sedis" engineering co!panies /redecessors .ounded in 1--( and 1-91

    /ublicly oned co!pany it" " in Siterland

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide (

    /oer and producti)ity .or a better orldABBs )ision

    As one o. t"e orlds leading engineering co!panies, e"elp our custo!ers to use electrical poer e..iciently, toincrease industrial producti)ity and to loer en)iron!entali!pact in a sustainable ay

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    3o ABB is organiedi)e global di)isions

    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide %



    DiscreteAutomationand Motion


    $10.7 billion36000employees

    $7.! billion20000employees

    $!." billion2!000employees

    $#.2 billion27000employees

    *2012 re)enues+

    ow %olta&eProducts

    $6.6 billion31000employees

    4lectricals, auto!ation, controlsand instru!entation .or poer

    generation and industrialprocesses

    /oer trans!ission

    5istribution solutions

    #o)oltage products

    7otors and dri)es

    Intelligent building syste!s 8obots and robot syste!s

    Ser)ices to i!pro)e custo!ersproducti)ity and reliability

    ABBs port.olio co)ers

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide &

    /oer and auto!ation are all around us:ou ill .ind ABB tec"nology;

    crossing oceans and on t"e sea bed,

    orbiting t"e eart" and or$ing beneat" it,

    on t"e trains e ride and in t"e .acilities

    t"at process our ater,

    in t"e .ields t"at gro our crops andpac$ing t"e .ood e eat,

    in t"e plants t"at generate our poer andin our "o!es, o..ices and .actories

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    I!pro)ing producti)ity toraise co!petiti)eness o.businesses and utilities

    4lectricity de!and is calculated as t"e total gross electricity generated less on use in t"e production o. electricity and trans!ission, anddistribution losses

    Source I4A, ?orld 4nergy >utloo$ 2012



  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide

    I!pro)ing capacity, reliability and e..iciency in t"e gridA pioneer in s!art tec"nologies

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide -

    8eneable energyDey grot" dri)er .or bot" poer and auto!ation

    Generation andtrans!ission solutions .or



    Solar ?a)e

    FiangiabaS"ang"ai *="ina+

    ?ind =apital *HS+

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 9

    Boosting producti)ity and energy e..iciency4Ca!ple Stora 4nso, orlds biggest paper !a$er

    S$og"all !ill, Seden

    Eo 1 !a$er o. board .or drin$ cartons

    2by 10,000 tonsyear

    ABB pro)ided $ey control syste!s or boiler, collecting and analying

    data on pressure, .lo, te!perature,etc .ro! t"ousands o. instru!ents

    or total control o)er poer supply

    it" realti!e data

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 10

    #eading poer syste!s biggeste)er trans.or!ationS!arter, greener grid .or !ore e..iciency and reliability

    7erging poer and auto!ationtec"nologies !a$es electricity netor$!ore reliable, .leCible, secure ande..icient S!art grid bene.its include

    #oer poer consu!ption

    Greater use o. reneable energy

    ABBs broad o..ering in bot" poer andauto!ation tec"nologies positions ituniuely to support t"is e)olution

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 11

    Groundbrea$ing and nationbuilding proects/us"ing t"e boundaries o. tec"nology

    #ongest undergroundpoer lin$

    #ongest and "ig"estcapacity poer lin$

    #ongest underaterpoer lin$

    #argest gearless !illdri)e *.or crus"ing ore+

    #argest SK=installation

    7ost re!ote o..s"oreind .ar! lin$ed to grid

    irst plat.or! connectedto !ainland grid

    4uropes largestt"er!al solarpoer plant

    irst co!!erciala)e poer plant

    irst 600 $Kpoer lin$

    #ongest con)eyor belt

    Substation in orldstallest building

    /oer and auto!ationo. largest c"e!icalcellulose plant

    Auto!ation o. largestalu!ina plant

    #argest battery

    7ine "oist .orlargest potas" !ine

    #argest re)erseos!osisdesalination plant

    #argest S=A5Anetor$

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 12

    S"aping t"e orld e $no today t"roug" inno)ation/ioneering tec"nology since 1--(

    ounding .at"ers


    Industrial robot

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1(

    Inno)ation is $ey to ABBs co!petiti)e ad)antage#eaders"ip built on consistent 8L5 in)est!ent

    7ore t"an '1% billion in)ested annually in 8L5

    -,000 scientists and engineers

    =ollaboration it" 0 uni)ersities 7I< *HS+,

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1%

    as"ioning t"e orld e ill li)e in to!orro

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1&

    5e)eloping sustainability o. products and operations#oering en)iron!ental i!pact and costs

    Sustainability in product de)elop!ent

    ocus on resource and energye..iciency o. euip!ent o)er li.e cycle

    Independently )eri.ied 4n)iron!ental

    /roduct 5eclarations .or !ain products

    Sustainability in ABBs operations

    =uts targeted in use o. energy, ra

    !aterials, "aardous substances eg, ="ina 6( cut in energy use per unit

    o. re)enue beteen 2002 and 2010

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 16

    /eople !a$e t"e di..erence

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1

    =o!!itted to t"e "ig"est standards o. business et"icsIntegrity as bedroc$ o. ABBs global culture

    =ode o. =onduct de.ines relations"ips it" all sta$e"olders

    4!ployees ac$noledge =ode o. =onduct and ta$eco!pulsory training courses

    Mero tolerance toard )iolations

    Se)eral reporting options in place .or e!ployees to reportsuspected )iolationsN eac" report t"oroug"ly in)estigated

    ,At A-- perormance is measured not only by t)eresults ac)ie/ed but also )ow t)ese results wereac)ie/ed. )is is w)y our stae)olders can rely ont)e act t)at our ser/ices operations and dailybusiness are based on et)ical be)a/ior.

    (4 *lric) Spiess)oer in A--5s (ode o (onduct

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1- ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1- ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1- ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 1-

    8e)enue *HS' !illion+ by uarter and annual operational 4BI

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 19



    auto!ationand !otion




    7iddle 4astand A.rica

    ?ellbalanced business and geograp"ic port.olio=apturing grot" opportunities, "ere)er t"ey arise

    S)are o employees2012









    4rders by di/ision% of total orders 2012 (non-consolidated)

    4rders by re&ion% of total orders 2012

  • 7/25/2019 ABB Group presentation_Sept 2013.ppt


    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 20

    Inno)ation, passion and di)ersity are "all!ar$s o. ABB

    PAs a global leader in poer andauto!ation tec"nologies, ABB iscontinuously pioneering reliable, cleanerand !ore e..icient energy and auto!ationsolutions, "elping its custo!ers increaset"e producti)ity o. t"eir industrial andin.rastructure operationsQ

    =4> Hlric" Spiess"

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    ABB GroupJanuary 29, 2016 | Slide 21