Effect of Segment Performance Road to Congestion Costs (Location : Soekarno-Hatta road segment from the junction MT. Haryono’s street to Cengkeh’s street junction, Lowokwaru, Malang) Hidayatul Akbar Nim : 09.24.057 Email : [email protected] Preceptor I: Ir. Agustina Nurul Hidayati, MTP Preceptor II : Ika Damayanti, ST. M.si Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Planologi, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang Jalan Bendungan Sigura-gura no.2, Malang 65145, telp/fax : (0341) 567154 ABSTRACK Poor road performance (congestion) has a negative impact in terms of the economy in the form of lost time due to the long travel time and increased vehicle operating costs (fuel, engine maintenance) due to frequent vehicle stops. Accordingly, the performance of road congestion costs have mutually affect the traffic system. Therefore, the researchers took the title of research on " Effect of Segment Performance Road to Congestion Costs". The study sites are located at Soekarno-Hatta road segment (from the junction MT. Haryono’s street to Cengkeh’s street junction). This study will analyze the performance of the variable road done by calculating the ratio of traffic volume to the capacity of the road to get the level of service (LOS) as a measure in determining the performance of the road. While to analyze variable congestion costs using the formula Tzedakis model with substitution variable number of vehicles (units), vehicle operating cost (VOC), vehicles with existing and ideal speed, the value of travel time and the amount of time queuing. To determine the influence of variables with the variable performance of the congestion charge on the use of linear regression analysis through correlation test. Based on the analysis that the performance of the bad roads are in segment 1 with the level of service F category which has an average degree of saturation of 1.0260 and has the lowest average speed in segment 3 is 7.72 km/h. For the analysis of the congestion charge congestion charge is known to be highest in segment 1 is Rp. 466.729.072,-. Using linear regression analysis of the two variables above it was found that these two variables have a relationship and mutual influence in the system of traffic flow. Keywords: Performance Roads, Congestion Costs.

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Effect of Segment Performance Road to Congestion Costs(Location : Soekarno-Hatta road segment from the junction MT. Haryonos street to Cengkehs street junction, Lowokwaru, Malang)

Hidayatul AkbarNim : 09.24.057Email: [email protected] I: Ir. Agustina Nurul Hidayati, MTPPreceptor II : Ika Damayanti, ST. M.siMahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Planologi, Institut Teknologi Nasional MalangJalan Bendungan Sigura-gura no.2, Malang 65145, telp/fax : (0341) 567154


Poor road performance (congestion) has a negative impact in terms of the economy in the form of lost time due to the long travel time and increased vehicle operating costs (fuel, engine maintenance) due to frequent vehicle stops. Accordingly, the performance of road congestion costs have mutually affect the traffic system. Therefore, the researchers took the title of research on " Effect of Segment Performance Road to Congestion Costs".The study sites are located at Soekarno-Hatta road segment (from the junction MT. Haryonos street to Cengkehs street junction). This study will analyze the performance of the variable road done by calculating the ratio of traffic volume to the capacity of the road to get the level of service (LOS) as a measure in determining the performance of the road. While to analyze variable congestion costs using the formula Tzedakis model with substitution variable number of vehicles (units), vehicle operating cost (VOC), vehicles with existing and ideal speed, the value of travel time and the amount of time queuing. To determine the influence of variables with the variable performance of the congestion charge on the use of linear regression analysis through correlation test.Based on the analysis that the performance of the bad roads are in segment 1 with the level of service F category which has an average degree of saturation of 1.0260 and has the lowest average speed in segment 3 is 7.72 km/h. For the analysis of the congestion charge congestion charge is known to be highest in segment 1 is Rp. 466.729.072,-. Using linear regression analysis of the two variables above it was found that these two variables have a relationship and mutual influence in the system of traffic flow.

Keywords: Performance Roads, Congestion Costs.

Pengaruh Kinerja Ruas Jalan terhadap Biaya Kemacetan(Lokasi : Ruas Jalan Soekarno-Hatta (dari pertigaan Jalan MT. Haryono sampai pertigaan Jalan Cengkeh, Lowokwaru, Malang)

Hidayatul AkbarNim : 09.24.057Email: [email protected] I : Ir. Agustina Nurul Hidayati, MTPPembimbing II: Ika Damayanti, ST. M.siMahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Planologi, Institut Teknologi Nasional MalangJalan Bendungan Sigura-gura no.2, Malang 65145, telp/fax : (0341) 567154

ABSTRAKKinerja jalan yang buruk (kemacetan) menimbulkan dampak negatif ditinjau dari segi ekonomi yang berupa kehilangan waktu karena waktu perjalanan yang lama serta bertambahnya biaya operasional kendaraan (bensin, perawatan mesin) karena seringnya kendaraan berhenti. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kinerja jalan dengan biaya kemacetan memiliki hubungan yang saling mempengaruhi dalam sistem lalu lintas. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti mengambil judul penelitian tentang Pengaruh Kinerja Ruas Jalan terhadap Biaya Kemacetan.Adapun lokasi penelitian ini berada di ruas Jalan Soekarno-Hatta (dari pertigaan Jalan MT. Haryono sampai pertigaan Jalan Cengkeh). Penelitian ini akan menganalisis variabel kinerja ruas jalan yang dilakukan dengan menghitung perbandingan volume lalu lintas dengan kapasitas jalan untuk mendapatkan tingkat pelayanan jalan (LOS) sebagai ukuran dalam menentukan kinerja jalan. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis variabel biaya kemacetan dengan menggunakan rumus Model Tzedakis dengan mensubsitusikan variabel jumlah kendaraan (unit), biaya operasional kendaraan (BOK), kendaraan dengan kecepatan eksisting dan ideal, nilai waktu perjalanan dan jumlah waktu antrian. Untuk menentukan besarnya pengaruh variabel kinerja jalan dengan variabel biaya kemacetan di atas digunakan analisis regresi linier melalui uji korelasi.Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahwa kinerja ruas jalan yang buruk berada pada segmen 1 dengan tingkat pelayanan jalan kategori F yaitu memiliki derajat kejenuhan rata-rata sebesar 1,0260 dan memiliki kecepatan rata-rata terendah di segmen 3 yaitu 7,72 km/jam. Untuk hasil analisis biaya kemacetan diketahui besar biaya kemacetan tertinggi berada pada segmen 1 yaitu sebesar Rp. 466.729.072,-Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier terhadap kedua variabel di atas didapatkan bahwa kedua variabel tersebut memiliki hubungan dan saling mempengaruhi dalam sistem arus lalu lintas. Kata kunci : Kinerja Jalan, Biaya Kemacetan.