The most Innovative Product in the Solar Industry: SOLAR TILE Acquiring energy from the sun and effectively exploring solar energy may be the best routine for the sustainable development of the human race. For the PV industry, the biggest and most cost effective position for use of solar energy is not places such as desert, island and mountains that are far way from living areas. Instead all kinds of roofs in the densely populated areas of a city where people live, is the place where energy is consumed. The roof and façade of a building are the best positions for power generation through solar energy. Effectively using the roof to generate power is the most feasible way for the PV industry to move forward. Traditionally, this was only possible through Roof Top Solar Power Plants. But now ADS Solar Solutions introduces the Indian Solar Industry to a new product, which is one of the most innovative applications of Solar Power that can be used in the Infrastructure and Real Estate Sector of India Solar Tiles. Solar Tiles have all the features of traditional tiles that can prevent wind and rain from seeping inside, and an additional feature of generating electricity through Solar Power.

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The  most  Innovative  Product  in  the  Solar  Industry:  SOLAR  TILE  



Acquiring  energy  from  the  sun  and  effectively  exploring  solar  energy  may  be  the  best  routine  for  the  sustainable  development  of  the  human  race.        For  the  PV  industry,  the  biggest  and  most  cost  -­‐effective  position  for  use  of  solar  energy  is  not  places  such  as  desert,  island  and  mountains  that  are  far  way  from  living  areas.  Instead  all  kinds  of  roofs  in  the  densely  populated  areas  of  a  city  where  people  live,  is  the  place  where  energy  is  consumed.  The  roof  and  façade  of  a  building  are  the  best  positions  for  power  generation  through  solar  energy.      Effectively  using  the  roof  to  generate  power  is  the  most  feasible  way  for  the  PV  industry  to  move  forward.  Traditionally,  this  was  only  possible  through  Roof  Top  Solar  Power  Plants.  But  now  ADS  Solar  Solutions  introduces  the  Indian  Solar  Industry  to  a  new  product,  which  is  one  of  the  most  innovative  applications  of  Solar  Power  that  can  be  used  in  the  Infrastructure  and  Real  Estate  Sector  of  India  -­‐  Solar  Tiles.    Solar  Tiles  have  all  the  features  of  traditional  tiles  that  can  prevent  wind  and  rain  from  seeping  inside,  and  an  additional  feature  of  generating  electricity  through  Solar  Power.        

The  key  product  features  –      

• Material  used  has  High  Strength  and  Low  penetrating  rate  • Grooved  Platform  • Rain  Proofing  Design  • Heat  Cooling  Design  • Life  Cycle  of  more  than  50  years  

 The  various  advantages  of  Solar  PV  Tiles  are  as  following  –      A)  Better  heat-­‐isolating  effects:              PV  tiles  are  well  compacted  and  have  good  heat-­‐isolating  effects.  PV  tile  roofs  transform  about  20%  solar  energy  into  power  and  reduce  heat  gathering  on  the  roof.  Also  because  of  the  big  cooling  space  on  the  back  and  good  ventilation,  the  temperature  of  PV  tiles  does  not  rise  quickly.    B)  Better  waterproof  function  :              Because  PV  tiles  are  well  compacted,  its  water  penetrating  rate  is  only  0.5%,  less  than  one-­‐tenth  of  that  of  normal  tiles.  So  rain  does  not  penetrate  into  the  tile  and  inside  the  roof.    C)  Power  generation  function:            Using  high  efficiency  solar  cell,  the  power  generated  by  PV  tile  is  about  70-­‐100W/m2  (depending  on  the  type  of  the  tiles.)    D)  Higher  strength  and  longer  life  cycle:              PV  Tiles  have  upto  5000N  anti-­‐inflection  strength,  much  stronger  than  1200N  of  normal  tiles.  Plus  because  of  their  extremely  low  water  penetration  rate,  these  tiles  remain  unaffected  by  such  bad  weather  conditions  as  rain,  ice,  fog  and  snow  –  thus  making  its  life  cycle  longer  by  almost  up  to  50  years.  Compared  with  normal  firing  tile,  the  maintenance  costs  of  these  tiles  are  a  big  advantage.  For  users,  higher  strength  gives  them  an  advantage  in  terms  of  decreasing  transportation  costs  and  savings  on  breakage  costs.    E)  Saving  installation  costs:              1)  Because  of  up  to  50  years  of  life  cycle,  substituting  costs  are  3  times  that  of  normal  tiles  costs.            2)  Compared  with  normal  tile  to  construct  solar  roof,  PV  tile  roof  save  steel  base  costs,  water  proofing  costs  and  heat-­‐isolating  costs  

 F)  Keeping  architecture  ‘s  style:    Using  PV  tiles  to  construct  solar  roofs  maintains  the  color  consistency  of  the  whole  roof,  therefore  retaining  its  original  architecture  style  and  beauty.    Based  on  its  no  color  difference  

appearance,  and  smooth  and  consistent  material  quality,  PV  tiles  help  your  roof  keep  its  traditional  style  and  at  the  same  time  look  more  beautiful.    G)  Easy  to  install:    For  new  buildings,  PV  tiles  can  be  installed  as  normal  tiles,  and  only  need  a  simple  link  of  circuit  cables.  These  are  easy  to  install  and  save  construction  time.  

     To  conclude  –    

• PV  tiles  are  especially  suitable  for  the  roof  construction  of  low-­‐density  civil  buildings,  and  can  replace  traditional  tiles  and  realize  power  generation.    

•  Compared  with  solar  module,  they  can  save  installation  costs,  water-­‐proofing  treatment  costs  and  heat-­‐isolating  costs.  

• As  tiles,  they  have  better  strength,  are  light  weight  and  have  a  longer  life  cycle.  • For  BIPV,  it  maintains  the  original  architectural  style  and  looks  more  beautiful.  


         In  India,  this  product  is  being  promoted,  marketed  and  distributed  by  ADS  Solar  Solutions,  a  unit  of  ADS  Projects  &  Systems  Pvt.  Ltd.    For  more  details,  contact:  40,  Hanuman  Lane,  Connaught  Place,  New  Delhi  -­‐  110001,  India.  Ph:  011  –  2336  4217;  Fax:  011  –  2374  4636  

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