Advanced Placement United States History Key Terms and Concepts (KTCs) Battle of Lake Erie by William H. Powell. Shows Oliver Hazard Perry during the Battle of Lake Erie-1813, transferring from the Lawrence to the Niagara

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Advanced Placement

United States History

Key Terms and Concepts (KTCs)

Battle of Lake Erie by William H. Powell.

Shows Oliver Hazard Perry during the Battle of Lake Erie-1813, transferring from the Lawrence to the Niagara

Page 2: Advanced Placement United States History - Cloverleaf Local

Chapter 1: Worlds Collide: Europe, Africa, & America, 1450-1620

Key Terms and Concepts

Amerigo Vespucci Hernan Cotres

Aztecs Hopewell Culture

Bartholomeu Dias John Calvin

Christopher Columbus Martin Luther

civic humanism Mayans

Conquistadors Mesoamerica

Eastern Woodland Peoples Mississippian Civilization

Elizabeth I (England) Moors: Spain

Enclosure Acts Nicolo Machiavelli

European Renaissance Outwork

Ferdinand Magellan Price Revolution

Ferdinand of Aragon & Isabel of Castile Prince Henry the Navigator

Fransico Pizarro Protestant Reformation

Gentry Pueblo Peoples

Giovanni de Verrazano Triangle Trade (slavery)

Great Biological Exchange/Columbian Exchange Vasco de Balboa

Henry VIII (England)

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Chapter 2: Worlds Collide: Europe, Africa, & America, 1450-1620

Key Terms and Concepts

"City on a Hill" Lord Baltimore

"Peaceable Kingdom" Lost Colony of Roanoke

Albany Plan of Union Marflower Compact

Algonquian Peoples Maryland Toleration Act-1649

Anne Hutchinson Massachusettes Bay Colony

Bacon's Rebellion'New Amsterdam Metacom's Rebellion

Chesapeake Colonies Middle Colonies

Dominion of New England New England Colonies

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Pequot War

George Whitefield Predestination

Headright System Puritans

Henry Hudson Restoration Colonies

Huron Robert de la Salle

Indentures Roger Williams

Iroquois Confederation Salem Witch Trials

Jamestown Samuel de Champlain

Jesuits Society of Friends

John Peter Zenger St. Lawrence Valley

John Winthrop Treaty of Tordesillas

Jonathan Edwards Virginia Company

King Phillip's War Virginia House of Burgesses

Line of Demarcation William Bradford

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Chapter 3: The British Empire in North Ameica, 1660-1750 & Chapter 4: Growth & Crisis in Colonial Society, 1720-1765

Key Terms and Concepts

"New Light Churches" Navigation Acts

Battle of Quebec Nort & South Carolina Regulators

Benjamin Franklin Paxton Boys

Deism Pietism

Dominion of New England Pontiac's Rebellion

Enlightenment Proclamation of 1763

Freehold Society-New England Robert Pearle

Glorious Revolution-1688 Salutary Neglect

Great Awakening Scots-Irish

Gullah People/Dialect Seven Years War/French & Indian War

Household Mode of Production Shawnee

Marriage Portion South Atlantic System

Mennonites Southern Gentry

Mercantilism Western Reserve

Middle Passage William Penn

Molasses Act William Pitt

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Chapter 6: The New Political Order, 1776-1800

Key Terms and Concepts

Admiral de Grasse Francis Marion

Articles of Confederation Franco-American Alliance of 1778

Baron von Steuben Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne

Battle of Guilford's Court House Hessians

Battle of King's Mountain Joseph Brant

Battle of Monmouth Kazimierz Pulaski

Battle of Saratoga Lexington & Concord

Battle of Yorktown Lord Dunmore

Battle of Yorktown Loyalists (Tories)

Benedict Arnold manumission

Benjamin Franklin (role during Revolution) Marquis de Lafayette

Bunker Hill/Breed's Hill Molly Pitcher

Charles Cornwallis Nathaniel Greene

Common Sense Olive Branch Petition

Comte de Rochambeau Patriots (Rebels)

Continental Army Peace of Paris, 1783

Count de Rochambeau Regulators

Declaration of Independence Thomas Paine

Fort Ticonderoga Valley Forge, PA

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Chapter 7: The New Political Order, 1776-1800

Key Terms and Concepts

"Elastic Clause"

John Jay

"Midnight Judges"

Judiciary Act of 1789

"Supremacy Clause"

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

"XYZ Affair"

National Debt: 1790s (Hamilton's view)

3/5 Compromise

Naturalization Act, 1790

Alexander Hamilton

New Jersey Plan

Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798

Notes on the State of Virginia


Panic of 1797

Bank of the United States

Party System: 1790s

Bill of Rights

Pinckney's Treaty

Connecticut/Great Compromise

Protective Tariff Democratic-Republicans Edmond Genet

Quasi-French War

Excise Tax

Report on Manufactures, 1791

Federalist Papers

Report on Public Credit, 1790


Strict vs. Loose Construction


Virginia Plan

James Madison

Whisky Rebellion

Jay's Treaty

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Chapter 8: Dynamic Change: Western Settlement & Eastern Capitalism, 1790-1820

Key Terms and Concepts

"Burr Conspiracy"

Henry Clay

"Mr. Madison's War"


"Turnpike Era"

James Fenimore Cooper

Aaron Burr

John C. Calhoun

Adams-Onis Treaty

John Marshall

Andrew Jackson

John Quincy Adams

Battle of Lake Erie

Judicial Review

Battle of New Orleans

Judiciary Act of 1801

Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

Lewis and Clark Expedition


Macon's Bill No. 2

Daniel Webster

Marbury v. Madison, 1803

Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 1819

National Road

Election of 1800

Non-Intercourse Act

Eli Whitney

Robert Fulton

Embargo Act of 1807

Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817)

Erie Canal


First Seminole War (1817-1818)


Fletcher v. Peck, 1810

The Prophet, Tenskwatawa

Francis Scott Key

Treaty of Ghent (1814)

Gen. William Henry Harrison

War Hawks

Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824

Washington Irving

Hartford Convention

Zebulon Pike

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Chapter 11: A Democratic Revolution, 1820-1844

Key Terms and Concepts

1832 Tariff Maysville Road Bill

Albany Regency Maysville Road veto

Alexis de Tocqueville National-Republicans

American System Nicholas Biddle

Anti-Masonsonic movement Old Hickory

Aroostock War (1842) Old Kinderhook

Black Hawk War (1832) Panic of 1837

Charles River Bridge v. Warren (1837) Peggy Eaton Affair

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1830) Pet Banks

compact theory of government Reign of King Mob

Corrupt Bargain Roger B. Taney

Distribution Act (1836) Second National Bank of the U. S.

Door Rebellion (1842) Second Party System

egalitarianism Second Seminole War (1835-1842)

Era of the Common Man soft money [paper currency]

Five Civilized Tribes Specie Circular (1836)

Force Bill (1830) Spoils System

Freemasons sub-treasury system

Great Triumvirate Tariff of Abominations

hard money [specie] Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too!

Independent Treasury Act Trail of Tears

Indian Intercourse Act (1834) Treaties of Payne's Landing (1832-1833)

Indian Removal Act of (1830) U. S. S. Creole

infrastructure Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

Jacksonian Democracy Webster-Hayne Debate

King Andrew Whigs

Kitchen Cabinet Worcester v. Georgia (1831)

Log Cabin & Hard Cider campaign

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Chapter 12: Religion & Reform, 1820-1860 and Chapter 13 The Crisis of the Union, 1844-1960

"Burned-Over District" Lucretia Mott

"Cult of Domesticity" Lucy Stone

"separate spheres" theory Margaret Fuller

American Colonization society Mary Lyon

American Temperance Society McGuffey Reader

Angelina & Sarah Grimké Mexician cession

Brigham Young Mormons

Brook Farm Mother Ann Lee

Catharine Beecher Nat Turner's rebellion

Civil Disobedience Nathanial Hawthorne

communitarianism New Harmony

Compromise of 1850 Oberlin College

cotton gin Oneida Community

Dorothea Dix phrenology

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 popular sovereignty

Edgar Allen Poe Ralph Waldo Emerson

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Robert Owen

Female Moral Reform Society Romanticism

Frederick Douglass Self-Reliance

Free Soil party Seneca Falls Convention

Freeport Doctrine Shakers

Fugitive Slave Law Stephen Douglas

Gadsen Purchase Susan B. Anthony

Godey's Lady's Book Sylvester Graham

Harriet Beecher Stowe Texas Revolution/Independence

Henry David Thoreau The "Benevolent Empire"

Herman Melville Transcendentalism

Horace Mann Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Hudson River School utopian socialism

James Fennimore Cooper Walden

John Humphrey Noyes Walt Whitman

Joseph Smith Webster-Ashburton Treaty

Kansas-Nebraska Act-1854 William Lloyd Garrison

Know-Nothing party William Morton

Little Women Wilmot Proviso

Louisa May Alcott

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Chapter 14 Two Societies at War, 1861-1865

"A Rich man's war but a poor man's fight!" King Cotton Diplomacy "Lost Cause" or "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural

Alexander Stephens Mary Boykin Chestnut

Anaconda Plan Matthew Brady

Andersonville Monitor & Merrimac

Antietam Morrill Land Grant

Appomattox Pacific Railroad Act

Chancellorsville Peace Democrats/Copperheads

Clara Barton Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard

Clement L. Vallandigham Robert E. Lee

Conscription Act, 1863 Sherman's March to the Sea

David Farragut Shiloh

First Manassas The Killer Angels

George Gordon Meade Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson'

George McClellan Trent Affair

Gettysburg Ulysses S. Grant

Greenbacks Vicksburg

James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart Wade-Davis Bill

James Longstreet William H. Seward

Jefferson Davis William Tecumseh Sherman

John Buford John Wilkes Booth Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

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Chapter 15: Reconstruction, 1865-1877

Presidential Reconstruction

13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments Radical Reconstruction

Black Codes Radical Republicans

Carpetbaggers Reconstruction Acts, 1867

Civil Rights Act, 18656 Thaddeus Stevens

Compromise of 1877 Samuel Tilden

Election of 1876 Scalawags

Ex Parte Milligan 1866 Charles Sumner

Field Order #15 Ten Percent Plan

Force Acts Tenure of Office Act

Freedman's Bureau Wade-Davis Bill

Ku Klux Klan

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Chapter 17: Captial & Labor in the Age of Enterprise 1877-1900

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Chapter 18: The Politics of Late 19th Century America

"Crime of '73" James G. Blaine

"Cross of Gold" speech Marcus Hanna

"Front-Porch" campaign Mark Twain

"Gospel of Wealth" Mary E. Lease

"invisible hand" McKinley Tariff of 1890 "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa?--He's going to the White House, Ha! Ha! Ha!" Mugwumps

"Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" Munn v. Illinois (1877)

Atlanta Compromise National Grange

bimetallism Ocala Demands (1890)

Bland-Allison Act (1878) Omaha Platform

Coxey's Army Panic of 1893

Dynamic Sociology Pendleton Act (1883)

Edward Bellamy Populist [Peoples'] Party

Farmers' Alliance Roscoe Conkling

Gilded Age Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

Gold Standard Act (1900) Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)

Gold-Bugs Silver-Bugs

Greenback Party Social Gospel

Half Breeds Stalwarts & Half Breeds

Henry George sub-treasury plan

Herbert Spenser The Wizard of Oz

Horatio Alger William Graham Sumner

Interstate Commerce Act (1887) William Jennings Bryan

James B. Weaver Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894)

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Chapter 20: The Progressive Era

"Laboratory of Democracy" Hiram Johnson

"New Freedom" Hull House

"New Nationalism" Ida Tarbell

"Square Deal" IWW-"Wobblies"

16th Amendment Jacob Reiis

17th Amendment Jane Addams

18th Amendment John Muir

1913 Armory Show Lincoln Steffens

19th. Amendment Lochner v US (1905)

Alice Paul Louis Brandeis

Ashcan School of Painting Mann-Elkins Act

Australian ballot Margaret Sanger

Bull Moose Party Meat Inspection Act (1906)

Carrie Chapman Catt muckrakers

Carrie Nation Newlands Reclamation Act (1902)

Charles A. Beard Northern Securities Co. v. US (1904)

Charles Evans Hughes Panic of 1907

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909)

Dillingham Report Progressivism

Election of 1912 Pure Food & Drug Act (1906)

Equal Rights Amendment Robert La Follette

Eugene Debs Settlement House Movement

eugenics Sierra Club

Federal Reserve Act The Jungle (1906)

Federal Trade Commission The Shame of the Cities (1904)

Francis Willard Thorstein Veblen's A Theory of the Leisure Class

Frank Norris Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Gifford Pinchot Upton Sinclair

Hepburn Act (1906) Walter Rauschenbusch

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Chapter 21: An Emerging World Power, 1877-1914

"Big Stick" Policy Insular Cases (1901)

"Colossus of the North" jingoism

"Dollar Diplomacy" John Hay

"Gentlemen's" Agreement" (1908) John J. ["Blackjack"] Pershing

"Great White Fleet" José Martí

"reconcentration" policy McKinley Tariff of 1890

"Remember the Maine! To Hell with Spain! Open Door Policy

"Splendid Little War" Platt Amendment

"White Man's Burden" Queen Liliuokalani

"yellow" journalism Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Alfred Thayer Mahan Rough Riders

Anti-Imperialist League Rudyard Kipling

Boxer Rebellion Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

Commodore George Dewey Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. (R-MA)

Commodore Matthew Perry Teller Resolution

Cuba libre The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)

De Lome Letter Treaty of Kanagawa (1854)

Elihu Root Treaty of Paris (1898)

Emilio Aguinaldo Treaty of Portsmouth (1905)

Francisco "Pancho" Villa William Randolph Hearst

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Chapter 22: War & the American State 1914-1920

A. Mitchell Palmer Palmer Raids

Abrams v. U. S. (1919) Red Scare

American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU] Reservationists

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

Article 10 Sarajevo

Bernard Baruch Schenck v. U. S. (1919)

Big Four Sedition Act (1918)

Central Powers Selective Service Act (1917)

Chicago Race Riots Sussex Pledge

Committee on Public Information Treaty of Versailles

Doughboys Triple Alliance

Espionage Act (1917) Triple Entente

Fourteen Points U-Boat

Great Flu Pandemic of 1918 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Great Migration War Industries Board

Jeannette Rankin (MT) War Labor Board

League of Nations War Revenue Act (1917)

Liberty Bonds War-Guilt clause

Liberty Cabbage Wilsonianism

Lusitania Women's Peace Party

Marcus Garvey Zimmermann Telegram

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Chapter 23: Modern Times, the 1920s

"Black Tuesday" [Oct. 29, 1929] Gertrude Stein

"Jazz Age" Gov. Al Smith (NY)

"Lost Generation" Harlem Renaissance

"on-margin" buying Hawley-Smott Tariff

"Return to Normalcy" Immigration Act of 1924

"Spirit of St. Louis" Jelly Roll Morton

A Farewell to Arms Josephine Baker

Al Capone Langston Hughes

Andrew Mellon Leopold & Loeb Trial

Babe Ruth Louis Armstrong

Bonus Bill Madame C. J. Walker

Charles Lindbergh National Origins Act (1924)

Clarence Darrow Ohio Gang

Claude McKay Scopes ["Monkey"] Trial

Cotton Club Sinclair Lewis

Dawes Plan Speakeasy

Duke Ellington T.S. Elliot

Elmer Gantry Teapot Dome Scandal

Ernest Hemingway The business of America is business!

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

George Gershwin Volstead Act (1920)

Georgia O'Keefe Zora Neale Hurston

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Chapter 24: The Great Depression & Chapter 25: The New Deal, 1933-1939

20th Amendment Happy Days Are Here Again!

21st Amendment John L. Lewis

Alf Landon John Maynard Keynes

American Liberty League John Steinbeck

Bank Holiday Judiciary Reorganization Bill (1937)

Bonus Army Marian Anderson

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Mary McLeod Bethune

Congress of Industrial Organizations-CIO New Deal

Dr. Francis Townsend New Deal Coalition

Dust Bowl Okies

Eleanor Roosevelt Scottsboro Boys

Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933) Second New Deal

Every Man a King! Securities & Exchange Commission [SEC]

Father Charles Coughlin Sen. Huey P. Long [LA]

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [FDIC] Share-the-Wealth program

Fireside Chats Social Security Act-1935

First "Hundred Days" Tennessee Valley Authority [TVA]

Francis Perkins The Grapes of Wrath

Glass-Steagall Act (1933) US v. Butler (1936)

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Chapter 26: The World at War 1939-1945

"Arsenal of Democracy" Neutrality Acts

"Rosie the Riveter" Operation Overlord

"Zoot Suit" Riots Panay incident

A. Philip Randolph Potsdam Conference

America First Committee Rosie the Riveter

Casablanca Conference Selective Service Act (1940)

Committee to Defend America Teheran Conference

Executive Order 8802 Tuskegee Airmen

Executive Order 9066 V-E Day

J. Robert Oppenheimer V-J Day

Lend Lease Act (1941) Wendell Wilkie

Navajo "code-talkers Yalta Conference

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Chapter 27: Cold War America 1945-1960

38th Parallel Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

Alger Hiss Klaus Fuchs

Army-McCarthy Hearings Marshall Plan

Berlin Blockade McCarran Internal Security Act

Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] McCarthyism

Cold War National Housing Act of 1949

COMECON National Security Act (1947)

Communist Control Act (1954) North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]

containment NSC-68

Dennis et. al. v. US (1951) Red Channels

Dixiecrats Red-baiting

Executive Order 9835 red-lining

Fair Deal Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI)

film noir Sen. Robert Taft (R-OH)

General Douglas MacArthur Serviceman's Readjustment Act ["G.I. Bill"] (1944)

George F. Kennan Syngman Rhee

Governor Strom Thurmond (D-SC) Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

Hollywood Ten The buck stops here!

House Un-American Activities Committee [HUAC] Truman Doctrine

Inchon landing (1950) Warsaw Pact

Iron Curtain Whittaker Chambers

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Chapter 28: The Affluent Society & the Liberal Consensus 1945-1960

A vast wasteland! National Defense Education Act (1958)

Baby Boom" On the Road

Beat Generation Payola Scandals

Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS (1954) "Postwar Contract"

Civil Rights Act of 1957 "Race" Music

David Riesman Rosa Parks

DDT Rustbelt

Dr. Benjamin Spock Southern Christian Leadership Conference [SCLC]

Dr. Jonas Salk Southern Manifesto

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sputnik I

"Duck-and-Cover" Sunbelt

Explorer I The Affluent Society

Gov. Orval Faubus (D-AR) "The American Dream"

J. D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

Jack Kerouac The Lonely Crowd

Jackie Robinson "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit"

James Dean The Organization Man

Keynesian Economics The Other America

Levittown, LI "Throwaway Society"

Little Rock Nine Thurgood Marshall

Michael Harrington UNIVAC

Montgomery, AL Bus Boycott White Citizens' Councils

National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] William H. Whyte

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Chapter 29: War Abroad & at Home the Vietnam Era, 1961-1975

"Black Power" Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Organization of Women (NOW)

"Domino Theory" Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Operation "Rolling Thunder"

"Earth Day" Escobedo v. IL (1964) Peace Corps

"Great Society" Eugene "Bull" Connor Rachel Carson

"Landslide Lyndon" Freedom Riders Richard Milhaus Nixon (R-CA)

"New Frontier" Freedom Summer Robert McNamara

"New Left" General William Westmoreland Roe v. Wade (1973)

"search-and-destroy "[Zippo] mission Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY) Sandra Day O'Connor

"Silent Majority" Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)

"Southern Strategy" Gov. George Wallace (D-AL) Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-MN)

Agent Orange Griswold v. CT (1965) Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY)

American Indian Movement [A. I. M.] Haight-Ashbury Sexual Politics

Baker v. Carr (1962) Head Start Silent Spring

Bay of Pigs Invasion Hippies Sirhan Sirhan

Berkeley Free Speech Movement Ho Chi Minh Trail Southern Christian Leadership Conference [SCLC]

Berlin Wall I Have a Dream speech Spiro T. Agnew (R-MD)

Betty Friedan Ich Bin Ein Berliner! Stokely Carmichael

Black Panthers Indian Civil Rights Act (1968) Tet Offensive (1968)

Bobby Seale James Earl Ray The Chicago Seven

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee James Meredith The Feminine Mystique

Caesar Chavez Kate Millett Title IX (1972)

Chief Justice Earl Warren Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963) Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Malcolm X Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

Civil Rights Act of 1968 March on Washington (1963) Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey

Clean Air Act (1970) Mayor Richard J. Daley Volunteers in Service to America [VISTA]

Clean Water Act (1971) Medicare / Medicaid (1965) Voting Rights Act (1965)

Counterculture Miranda v. AZ (1966) War on Poverty

Cuban Missile Crisis My Lai Massacre (1968) Watts Riots

Dr. Timothy Leary napalm Woodstock '69

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) Nation of Islam [Black Muslims] Young Americans for Freedom