Agenda Special Meeting of Council Wednesday, 23rd December 2015 Commencing at 5.00pm Council Chamber 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham kingston.vic.gov.au John Nevins Chief Executive Officer Kingston City Council

Agenda of Special Meeting of Council - 23 …...2015/12/23  · Agenda 23 December 2015 Trim: IC15/1766 6 The attached concept plans demonstrates the extent of works. The next phase

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Page 1: Agenda of Special Meeting of Council - 23 …...2015/12/23  · Agenda 23 December 2015 Trim: IC15/1766 6 The attached concept plans demonstrates the extent of works. The next phase

Agenda Special Meeting of Council

Wednesday, 23rd December 2015 Commencing at 5.00pm Council Chamber 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham kingston.vic.gov.au John Nevins Chief Executive Officer Kingston City Council

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City of Kingston Special Meeting of Council

Agenda 23 December 2015


Notice is given that a Special Meeting of Kingston City Council will be held at 5.00pm at Council Chamber, 1230 Nepean Highway, Cheltenham, on Wednesday, 23 December 2015. 1. Apologies 2. Foreshadowed Declaration by Councillors, Officers or Contractors of any

Conflict of Interest Note that any Conflicts of Interest need to be formally declared at the start of the meeting and immediately prior to the item being considered – type and nature of interest is required to be disclosed – if disclosed in writing to the CEO prior to the meeting only the type of interest needs to be disclosed prior to the item being considered.

3. City Assets and Environment Reports

3.1 Kingston City Hall Capital Works ........................................................... 5 4. Confidential Items


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3. C

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Trim: IC15/1766 5

Special Meeting of Council

23 December 2015

Agenda Item No: 3.1

KINGSTON CITY HALL CAPITAL WORKS Contact Officer: Julian Harvey, Manager Property, Arts and Leisure Services

Purpose of Report

To present the scope of works to be completed at Kingston City Hall as outlined in Appendix 1 for Council consideration.

Disclosure of Officer / Contractor Direct or Indirect Interest

No Council officer/s and/or Contractor/s who have provided advice in relation to this report have declared a Conflict of Interest regarding the matter under consideration.


That Council:

1. Endorse the completion of the proposed scope of works.

1. Executive Summary

Moorabbin Junction Urban Renewal Strategy highlighted the importance of continuing to improve the Kingston City Hall and Arts Centre facilities and environment. The location of the Kingston City Hall and the Kingston Arts Centre provide iconic architecture as the basis for the Arts Precinct and the gateway to Kingston at its northern boundary.

Council Officers have been working with NEST architects, and Tyquin architects to design capital work improvements at Kingston City Hall and the adjacent exteriors. These works are aligned with recommendations as per the Arts Facilities Master planning Report (2005).

This report presents an outline of the proposed interior improvements to the facility, and the steps required to implement the project.

2. Background

In 2008 Suters Prior Cheney Architects prepared a comprehensive Arts Facilities Masterplanning Report which identified substantial issues regarding the compliance and condition of Kingston City Hall. Since 2008 significant improvements have been made at Kingston City Hall as identified in the master plan including:

Replacement of the main heating and cooling system;

Installation of a compliant ramp in the hall;

Upgrade of the public toilets;

Redevelopment of the bar in the second storey foyer;

Some capital works have been carried out as per the recommendations of the plan. This has included the ramp in the main hall, all parquetry flooring on the second level and the refurbishment of the public toilets. The main heating and cooling systems have been replaced. Reglazed the façade;

Replacement of the parquetry flooring; and

Replacement of the rebuilt clock tower and clock face.

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City of Kingston Special Meeting of Council

Agenda 23 December 2015

Trim: IC15/1766 6

The attached concept plans demonstrates the extent of works. The next phase of works to be completed as per the master plan includes:

Replacement of the passenger lift;

Ground floor foyer areas made Disability and Discrimination Act compliant;

Upgrade of foyers including the box office and the café;

Penetrating the north wall to create a new access point into the courtyard and therefore connecting the Kingston City Hall with the Kingston Arts Centre ;

Heating and cooling to second floor foyer; and

Heating to ground floor foyer.

Designs from three architects were sought, based on the recommendations of the master plan. The successful architects were NEST based on their design and their previous work within Kingston City Hall. This has included the refurbishment of the lounge, stairwells, mezzanine level and public toilets. Tyquin architects have been approached to design and project manage the replacement of the passenger lift based on their experience and expertise with this scope of work. The Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee were briefed on the proposed works at the 20 October 2015 meeting and were supportive of the project. Council has engaged a quantity surveyor who has estimated that this project will cost $575,000. This project will be funded from a carryover of $500,000 from 2014/2015 Kingston City Hall capital budget, and $390,000 from the 2015/2016 financial year for Kingston City Hall development. Officers are currently reviewing tender responses for the project and a report will be prepared for the Chief Executive Officer.

The works are scheduled to be carried out between April and May 2016. This is the first opportunity since 2014, for the Kingston City Hall to be closed for an extended period, and will not interrupt longstanding hire agreements with clients. By closing once to complete the works, it will be less disruptive to ongoing running of the Kingston City Hall. Additional works will also be undertaken to improve the external appearance of the building through landscape and signage treatments.

3. Discussion

3.1 Council Plan Alignment

Goal 1 - Facilities and Assets that are Well Used and Effectively Managed Outcome 1.2 - Quality community facilities that are well used and accessible (including sports and recreation, libraries and arts facilities)

The recent capital works completed at Kinston City Hall and this final phase of works is in alignment with the Council plan to ensure this facility is accessible. The inclusion of a ramp at the north end of the foyer will provide full access to the stage area and the courtyard.

3.2 Consultation/Internal Review

The working group for this project has comprised of Council officers from across several departments including Property, Arts and Leisure Services; City Strategy; Community Buildings; Parks, and Engineering Design – each contributing to the discussions with NEST architects. Additional expertise was sought from Access Consultant Con Livanos (Think Access) and Heritage Consultant Peter Barrett.

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City of Kingston Special Meeting of Council

Agenda 23 December 2015

Trim: IC15/1766 7

3.3 Operation and Strategic Issues

3.3.1 Reinvigoration of the precinct

The Master plan refers to the importance of reactivating the arts precinct at a street level, generating interest in the facilities and providing a northern gateway to the City of Kingston. The activation of the arts is a catalyst for wider business interest in the Moorabbin Junction area.

3.3.2 Connection of activities with the Arts Centre

The notion of a precinct with arts and cultural activities that can span the two buildings, such as the annual Markers Market and Arts Blitz events, are best served by a multifunctional exterior space.

3.3.3 Ageing infrastructure

There are aspects of the building that require replacement such as the passenger lift. There is also an expectation from the community that the Kingston City Hall is heated and cooled appropriately. Heating and cooling the second floor foyer and heating the ground floor foyer gives greater scope with programming.

3.3.4 Works implementation schedule:

November – tender documentation completed and has been released for response;

December – tenders for lift replacement close on 3 December and will be reviewed ahead of decision;

December – contract for lift and foyer works are required to be awarded by 15 December. This will allow for the 12 week lead time required to have the lift ready for installation; and

March – April – Works to commence 29 March 2016 and scheduled to be undertaken over a 6 week period where the facility will be closed.

4. Conclusion

To close Kingston City Hall for a period of 6 weeks during which time all proposed works will be carried out. This would allow for minimal disruption to long term and valued hirers, such as Monash College who use the facility for blocks of time throughout the year.

4.1 Environmental Implications

Not applicable.

4.2 Social Implications

It is anticipated that the invigoration of the Kingston Arts Precinct at a street level will provide opportunities as a meeting place both within the current buildings, and also in the courtyard. This will give opportunities for the community to engage in a range of formal and informal social activities.

4.3 Resource Implications

The 2015-2016 budget allocations can accommodate the prescribed scope of works.

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City of Kingston Special Meeting of Council

Agenda 23 December 2015

Trim: IC15/1766 8

4.4 Legal / Risk Implications

Should revisions be required to the current tendered scope, Council have a few options to consider depending on the nature and scale of revision required, as follows:

Pre tender options issued as an addenda during the tender period, which would need to be extended to accommodate the time required for tenderers to assess and price changes

Seek post tender options as part of tender review process for all tenderers

Minor changes could be dealt with post tender with the appointed contractor if the scope changes were relatively minor

Abandon current tender processes and retender with a new set of tender documents once amendments have been documented


Appendix 1 - Arts Precinct Draft - Foyer Package (Trim No 15/119523)

Author/s: Julian Harvey, Manager Property, Arts and Leisure Services

Reviewed and Approved By: Daniel Freer, General Manager City Assets and Environment

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1 Arts Precinct Draft - Foyer Package ............................................ 11

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 1

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all Capital W

orks - Arts P

recinct Draft - F

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Appendix 1

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all Capital W

orks - Arts P

recinct Draft - F

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Appendix 1

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ingston City H

all Capital W

orks - Arts P

recinct Draft - F

oyer Package


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Appendix 1

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all Capital W

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Appendix 1

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ingston City H

all Capital W

orks - Arts P

recinct Draft - F

oyer Package


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Appendix 1

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ingston City H

all Capital W

orks - Arts P

recinct Draft - F

oyer Package


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Appendix 1

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ingston City H

all Capital W

orks - Arts P

recinct Draft - F

oyer Package