What’s in This tutorial? Voice Radio Lesson.....pages 2-9 T-shirt Tutorial............pages 10-13 Print-offs...................pages 14-16 Estimated class time 3 hrs www.youngfoundations.org/creations Ages 4-12

Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

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Page 1: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

What’s in This tutorial?Voice Radio Lesson.....pages 2-9T-shirt Tutorial............pages 10-13Print-offs...................pages 14-16

Estimated class time

3 hrs


Ages 4-12

Page 2: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that


The Voice Radio T-shirt Lesson Welcome back everyone! What an exciting time we are living in! The opportunity we have been given is like never before. I want to ask you a question. Why did ALLLLL the prophets of old look forward to THIS DAY? Was it because we have really nice cars that they didn’t have? Or really nice homes that they didn’t have? NO, it was because they knew we would be able to hear the Voice of God like never before! We get to hear God’s Voice whenever we want to! How do we hear God’s Voice? Right, press play! (Hold up press play finger) We are able to have church anytime we want to by pressing play. Just like we’ve been doing in our Tape Homes! Did you know that even the world is having home church services too? BUT, not like us! We have the vindicated, proven Word of God for our day, AT OUR FINGER TIPS! Who can tell me a way that God, Himself, vindicated This Word? Yes! (Point to Brother Branham Pillar of Fire Picture) Jesus had HIS picture taken with His prophet, vindicating that the Word he brought was the Truth! There has never been a vindication like it in all history! Okay, before we get into our lesson, we are going to pray. Today, Brother Branham will start our lesson with prayer. Now pay close attention as he prays to open our lips to speak and our ears to hear.. and even to speak the Word!

Page 3: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that


Play quote 1:

47 Now let us pray just a moment, and bow our heads.48 Lord, our Most Gracious God and Father, we come now into Thy Presence again, with thanksgiving. And not only are we now feeling that we are in Thy Presence because that we have bowed our heads to pray, but we believe that we are con-stantly in Thy Presence, because, that, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the earth.” And You know all things, and You know the thoughts of the heart.49 Therefore, Lord, the reason we bow our heads, is to ask this petition, that You would forgive us for all of our tres-passes and transgressions against Thee, and that Thy mercy once more would be extended to us, insomuch that You would open our lips to speak, and our ears to hear, and that Thy Word might become real to us, tonight; that these few verses that we have chosen to read might become a great help to every member of Thy mystical Body on the earth, Thy spiritual Church, the Church of the Firstborn, that Church that’s been bought by the Blood of Jesus, that’s been washed and has been sanctified, and will be presented to God that Day, without a blemish or a wrinkle. How we thank Thee, to have faith to believe that we are partakers of this goodness of God, through the righteousness and mercy of our Lord Jesus! 50 Praying now that You will heal all the sickness. Thanking You for touching that little girl just a few moments ago, laying doubled in the room in there, from pain; see her walk out, that little childlike faith, and accepting You and Your mercy. And we thank Thee for this; and pray that You’ll remember Sister Baker’s little loved one over in Kentucky, and the ones that Brother Neville spoke of, and, O God, the innumerable camp of the sick, everywhere. And especially, Lord, those that are unsaved and know Thee not; if they should die in their sins, they could not come where You are. 51 We pray that You’ll give us witness and power, boldness to speak the Word, and wisdom to know when to speak It. And then speak to us when we have said enough, that we might walk away and leave the people in the amazement, won-dering, of the great Holy Spirit and His work. Grant it, Lord. Hear us now, we pray, in Jesus’ Name we ask it. Amen.

59-1227E - “A Super Sense” Rev. William Marrion Branham

Quote Marker 00:24:43--00:28:14

Page 4: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that


Sword drills: St. John 10:27 Revelation 10:7 Revelation 3:20 Let’s get into the lesson now! The project that you will be doing to go with our lesson today is your VOICE RADIO T-shirt. We are taught that we have 5 senses. These 5 senses help us contact the world that we live in. Who knows what they are? That’s right! 1. See 2. Taste. 3. Feel 4. Smell 5. HEAR Those are our earthly senses... now it depends on what you yield those senses to….That will be the way that your life is controlled. But did you know, only Christians have a 6th sense.... who knows what that is? That’s right, FAITH! It’s Superior to any of the 5 senses we just talked about. Faith doesn’t care what any of those other senses tell you! If you have faith from the Lord Jesus about something it ignores everything else. We are going to have brother Branham read our Scripture for us today too! He’s going to talk to us about Samuel… In most of our Creations classes and Stillwaters camps, you have been taught that God comes to children and speaks to them! Now Samuel was a little boy and he didn’t have an Agapao Hero tablet that he could just press play. He had never heard God’s Voice. But you young boys and girls get to hear Gods voice every day. IN FACT, 24 hours a day (that’s all the hours in a day) and 7 days a week! Thanks to the new Voice Radio on Lifeline! Praise the Lord for His stored up Food.

Page 5: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that


Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that we’re ready!Now, Samuel didn’t realize it was God’s voice speaking to him. (Younger classes may prep the Scripture reading by pointing out the different characters on the flannel graph to point to as Brother Branham reads.)Okay, boys and girls, listen close as Brother Branham is reading the Scripture. Play quote 2:

Quote Marker 00:29:28--00:34:00

“51 And I want to take for a text: Hear His Voice. That will do for little girls and big girls, and little boys and big boys, all. Remem-ber the text: Hear His Voice.52 Now, you that’s turning in the Scriptures, to First Samuel, the 3rd chapter, this is how it reads for the first ten verses.And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision.53 Oh, how I would like to dwell there for a minute, maybe some other time. It just strikes me. Let me just read it once again, that verse.And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; for there was no open vision.54 See what a vision is, then? It’s the direct Word of the Lord. See? And the Lord’s Word was precious. And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes begin to wax dim, that he could not see;And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep;That the Lord called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I.And he ran to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me. And he said, I called not; lie down again. And he went and lay down.And the Lor-...And the Lord called yet again, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here I...Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I called not, my son; lie down again.Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child.

Page 6: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that


Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shall say, Speak, Lord; for thy ser-vant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.55 The Voice of God! Hearing His Voice in that day was a rare thing. See, there was no open vision. And it was a rare thing, the real Voice of God, because the people had gotten away.” 58-1005M - “Hear His Voice” Rev. William Marrion Branham

Now when the Bible speaks of our age, it is always tied to a VOICE. Like one of our Scriptures of the Prophet, Revelation 10:7:But in the days of the VOICE of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Notice it does not say in the days of 1909 to 1965, or in the days when the seventh angel would be on earth, but it says in the days of the VOICE of the seventh angel, which is TODAY. Who is the seventh angel? Right, Brother Branham! God is so careful with His Word, and He knew He’d send His prophet to the earth, and take His prophet home, but would leave his VOICE here for us. How do we hear that VOICE that was stored up for us? Yes! On the tapes! Another one of our Scriptures of the Prophet that ties our age to a VOICE is Revelation 3:20:Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my VOICE, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. This Scripture once again is for our age! God is knocking at the doors of our hearts today, trying to get His Voice in!

Page 7: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that


Okay, here is a deep, hidden one…we know the four beasts in the Seven Seals, the Lion, the Ox, the Man, and the Ea-gle.(Point to pictures) The Eagle is the power given to overcome the enemy in OUR day. Did you ever notice in the reading how the Eagle age is also tied to a voice?? Listen closely:REVELATION 6:11 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. The first verse is referring to the Lion saying, Come and see...now the third verse.

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. This verse states “I heard the second beast say, Come and see.” That is the Ox age. The fifth verse.

REVELATION 6:55 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. This verse again says, “I heard the third beast say, Come and see”, referring to the man age.

But watch this!REVELATION 6:77 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. What did this verse say? I heard THE VOICE of the fourth beast say, Come and see…! The eagle age, which is OUR AGE, is once again tied to a VOICE!!

Page 8: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

God in His great Plan knew He would have to record the VOICE in this age and have it on tape. -Why? Because that original voice, with the original anointing that Brother Branham spoke it in, had to be stored up to bring US faith for a Rapture! -Brother Branham said he was sent to restore the faith that was once delivered to the saints, and to prepare the Bride for the Coming of the Lord Jesus. There is no one else who can take that place. There is no one else that can do it according to the Bible, so the Lord had to make a way for US to hear God’s prophet too. Doesn’t that make you just want to thank the Lord for the Stored up Food?! Today at Voice Of God Recordings, we have over 1,200 Messages stored up for us to hear. So keep pressing play, inviting the Lord to come into your heart through hearing the VOICE, and you will have constant fellowship with the Lord, and one day be taken away in the Rapture!

Play quote 3:

“So I believe that the influence that music puts upon children, it would pay every Christian throughout radio-land that this radio reaches, to keep their radios tuned to such a station as this tonight, because it brings the right kind of an influence through music and through preaching of the Word to our children. It sets them in a better environment.” 59-0708E - “Be Certain Of God” Rev. William Marrion Branham


Quote Marker 00:01:39--00:02:04

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Now there is something we want YOU to do... Just like Samuel, you have to do something...he had to answer God, and so do you! Now mommy and daddy are training you all and your getting equipped. They ask you always to do things and remind you... but we want YOU to read your Bible EVERY DAY, pray EVERY DAY, morning noon and night, and press play to hear and listen to Gods Voice. Remember, put those tapes on keep it playing with you.

I want to read one more little scripture to you.....Turn with me to proverbs 20:11.I want you to highlight this in your Bible and listen close:11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. So remember even though you are young the Lord Jesus still speaks to you and works through your life. It is important that you always keep that in mind. This is what I’d like to see you all do.... train, and practice to listen to the Still small VOICE on your own. Get alone, pray, and read your Bible without mommy or daddy telling you too.Try listening to your tape quiz on your own. Have some QT on your own. You’re soldiers in the Lord’s army and listening to HIS VOICE is what will guide you through all the battles!


Page 10: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

The Voice RadioThe Voice RadioTshirt TutorialTshirt Tutorial

Blank t-shirt Vinyl stencil

Scraper tool

Textile paint medium CardboardAcrylic Paint 2-3 colors

•Ruler ortape measure


Masking tape

You will Need:You will Need:


Page 11: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

Step 2: Follow the instructions on your textile paint medium to mix your ceramicoat and acrylic paint. The brand we used required mixing two parts paint with one part of the fabric paint medium

Step 1: Iron your t-shirt and lay it out with the back facing up.

Step 3: Position your Voice Radio stencil on your t-shirt. Measure 5 inches down from the collar for youth and adult sized t-shirts, and place the top edge of the tape at the 5 inch mark. Center the stencil from left to right.

Step 4: Place a strip of masking tape along the top of the stencil to anchor it in place.


Page 12: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

Step 7: Turn your shirt over and place your “Tuned In” stencil on the right side of your shirt. Measure from the right sleeve seam to the left 1 inch for youth shirts and 1-2 inches for adult shirts. Again anchor it with masking tape and repeat steps 5 and 6.

Step 5: Lift up the stencil and peel away the backing. Step 6: Lay your stencil down and Carefully use scraper tool to rub over vinyl stencil on front of t-shirt to make sure it is well applied and sticks to t-shirt. Make sure to smooth out any bubbling parts.

Step 8: Put a piece of cardboard inside your shirt underneaththe vinyl pieces to make sure paint doesn’t bleed through to the other side of the shirt. •12

Page 13: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

Step 9: Paint one stencil at a time. Apply the first coat, let it dry, then apply a second coat.You may need a third coat if you can still seet-shirt color through paint. When the first stencil is dry turn over the shirt and paint the second stencil.

Step 10: Once both stencils are dry, carefully remove the vinyl with your hands. Remove the card board from the center of the shirt. Do not wash shirt for7 days after painting.

You’re finished!


Tip: paint away from the stencil this will help prevent the paint from bleeding behind the stencil.

Page 14: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

Kid sizes Stencil


Page 15: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

Adult size Stencil part 1


Page 16: Ages 4-12vgrwebsites.blob.core.windows.net/youngfoundations/... · 5 Brother Branham will be reading from First Samuel chapter 3. Let’s go ahead and find it in our Bibles so that

Adult size Stencil part 2