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Hivatkoz�o dolgozatok n�vsor szerint[1℄ A z�el J�anos, Some unsolved problems in the theory of fun tional equations, II.Aequationes Math. 26 (1984), 255{260.[2℄ A z�el J�anos, Chara terizing information measures: Approa hing the end of anera. In: Le tures Notes in Computer S ien e 286, Springer Verlag (1987), 359{383. MR89d:94024.[3℄ A z�el J�anos, The state of the se ond part of Hilbert's �fth problem. Bull. Amer.Math. So . 20(2) (1989), 153{163. MR90h:39017.[4℄ A z�el J�anos, What to do until (and when) the fun tional equationist arrives.Publ. Math. Debre en 52/3{4 (1998), 247{274. MR99 :39027.[5℄ A z�el J�anos, A ouple of fun tional equations applied to utility theory. Ro znikNaukowo-dydakty zny Akademii Pedagogi znej w Krakowie 204 Pra e Matem-aty zne XVII (2000), 9{20. MR2002f:39040.[6℄ A z�el J�anos, Extension of a generalized Pexider equation. Pro . Amer. Math.So . 133(11), (2005) 3227{3233.[7℄ A z�el J�anos, Jukang Chung, Integrable solutions of fun tional equations of ageneral type. Studia S i. Math. Hungar. 17 (1982), 51{67. MR85i:39008.[8℄ A z�el J�anos, Jean Dhombres, Fun tional Equations in Several Variables. Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge 1989. MR90h:39001.[9℄ A z�el J�anos, Maksa Gyula, Che Tat Ng, P�ales Zsolt, A fun tional equation arisingfrom ranked additive and separable utility. Pro . Amer. Math. So . 129(4), (2001),989{998. MR2002 :39023.[10℄ John A. Baker, Di�eren e Operators, Distributions and Fun tional Equations.Period. Math. Hungar. 23(3), (1991), 171{183. MR93f:39014.[11℄ John A. Baker, On a fun tional equation of A z�el and Chung. Aequationes Math.46 (1993), 99{111. MR95e:39004.[12℄ John A. Baker, Fun tional equations and Weierstrass transforms. Results Math.26 (1994), 199{204. MR96a:39025[13℄ John A. Baker, Fun tional equations, DEs and distributions. Publ. Math. Deb-re en 48/1-2 (1996), 103{115. MR97e:39016.[14℄ John A. Baker, On a fun tional equation of Lu e. Aequationes Math. 52 (1996),302{312. MR97m:39004.[15℄ John A. Baker, On the fun tional equation U(x)U(G(x)F (y)) = U(G(x))U(xy).To appear.

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[16℄ Marek Bal erzak, Elzbieta Kotli ka, Steinhaus property for produ ts of ideals.Publ. Math. Debre en 63(1{2) (2003), 235{246.[17℄ Karol Baron, Witold Jar zyk, Improving regularity of some fun tions by Grosse-Erdmann's theorems. ECIT'02. Grazer Math. Ber. 346 (2004), 37{42.[18℄ Karol Baron, Witold Jar zyk, On ontinuity of solutions to some equations ofiteration theory. Aequationes Math. 69 (2005), 28{31.[19℄ Karol Baron, Woj ie h Chojna ki, Witold Jar zyk, Continuity of solutions of thetranslation equation. To appear. 3 pages.[20℄ Boros Zolt�an, �Osszef�ugg}o spektrum�u sorozatok �es teljesen addit��v f�uggv�enyek.Egyetemi doktori �ertekez�es, Debre en, 1993.[21℄ Boros Zolt�an, Interval-�lling sequen es with respe t to a �nite set of real oeÆ- ients. Publ. Math. Debre en 43 (1993), 61{68. MR94h:11069.[22℄ Boros Zolt�an, Sequen es of onne ted spe trum and the Vilenkin group. Publ.Math. Debre en 47 (3{4) (1995), 403{410. MR97a:11023.[23℄ Boros Zolt�an, K�tkomponens� f�ggv�ny sal dok karakteriz  i¢i. Habilit  i¢s�rtekez�s. Debre eni Egyetem, 2002.[24℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, Fun tional equations and modellingin s ien e and engineering. Mar el Dekker, In ., 1992. MR93k:39006.[25℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, E ua iones fun ionales y modelizati�onen Cien ia. Ingenier��a y E onom��a. Editorial Revent�e, S.A., 1993.[26℄ Soon-Yeong Chung, Regular solutions of the fun tional equation in the Gevreydistributions. Submitted to Aequationes Math.[27℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, On measurable solutions of fun tional equations. Report ofMeeting. Aequationes Math. 15 (1977), 274{275. MR80f:39008.[28℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, On the measurable solutions of Abel's fun tional equations.In: Aritmeti al fun tions. Lea ets in Mathemati s, Janus Pannonius University,P�e s, 1998, 1{4.[29℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, Matkowski-Suto type problem for onjugate arithmeti means.Ro znik Naukowo-dydakty zny Akademii Pedagogi znej w Krakowie 204 Pra eMatematy zne XVII (2000), 89{100. MR2002e:39069.[30℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, Additive fun tions. Anal. Math. 12 (1986), 85{96.MR87k:11017.[31℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, Continuous additive fun tions and di�eren e equa-tions. Anal. Math. 12 (1986), 237{249. MR87j:39003.[32℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, On di�erentiable additive fun tions. Ann. Univ.S i. Budapest, Se t. Comput. 7 (1987), 63{66. MR90a:26007.[33℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, On fun tions additive with respe t to interval �llingsequen es. A ta Math. Hungar. 51 (1988), 185{200. MR89 :26012.[34℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, Generalized number systems in the omplex plane.A ta Math. Hungar. 51 (1988), 409{416. MR90f:11017.

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[35℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, Interval �lling sequen es and additive fun tions.A ta S i. Math. Szeged 52 (3{4) (1988) 337{347. MR90a:11019.[36℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, Univoque Sequen es. Publ. Math. Debre en 42(1993), 397{407. MR94i:11011.[37℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, K�atai Imre, Szab�o Tam�as, On ompletely additive fun tions re-lated to interval-�lling sequen es. Ar h. Math. 54 (1990), 173{179. MR90k:11014.[38℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, Maksa Gyula, Szab�o Tam�as, Some regularity properties of algo-rithms and additive fun tions with respe t to them. Aequationes Math. 41 (1991),111{118. MR92e:65192.[39℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, AMatkowski{Suto type problem for quasi-arithmeti means of order α. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations| Results and Advan es, Kluwer, 2002, 189{200. MR:1912713[40℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652[41℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, On a lass of means of several variables. Math.Inequal. Appl. 4(3), (2001), 331{341. MR1708461[42℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, A Matkowski{Suto type problem for weighted quasi-arithmeti means. A ta Math. Hungar. 100 (2003), 237{243. MR1990184[43℄ Elias Deeba, Eusebio L. Koh, d'Alembert fun tional equations in distributions.Pro . Amer. Math. So . 116 (1) (1992) 157{164. MR92k:46066.[44℄ Elias Deeba, Eusebio L. Koh, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Shishen Xie, On a distribu-tional analog of a sum form fun tional equation. A ta Math. Hungar. 78 (1998),333{344. MR99a:39054.[45℄ Elias Deeba, Eusebio L. Koh, Shishen Xie, On a distributional equation in infor-mation theory. Math. Na hr. 169 (1994) 97{106. MR96a:39028.[46℄ Elias Deeba, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Shishen Xie, On a lass of fun tional equationsin distributions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 223 no. 1 (1998), 334{346. MR99g:39026.[47℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Polynomially additive entropies. J. Appl. Probab. 21(1) (1984),179{185. MR85k:94019.[48℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Determination of measurable sum form information mea-sures satisfying (2, 2)-additivity of degree (α, β){II. The whole story. RadoviMatemati� ki 8 (1992{1996), 159{169. MR98m:39066.[49℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Measurable solutions of fun tional equations onne ted withinformation measures on open domains. Utilitas Math. 27 (1995), 217{223.[50℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Palaniappan Kannappan, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander,Chara terization of sum form information measures on open domain. AequationesMath. 54 (1997), 1{30. MR98m:39057.[51℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Determination of mea-surable sum form information measures satisfying (2, 2)-additivity of degree (α, β).Radovi Matemati� ki 6 (1990), 77{96. MR92b:39012.

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[52℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Chara terization ofInformation Measures. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1999. MR1642635[53℄ Farkas Tibor, On fun tions additive with respe t to algorithm. Publ. Math.Debre en 60/1{2 (2002), 193{199. MR2003 :39023.[54℄ Tony Forbes, A large pair of twin primes. Math. Comp. 66 (1997), no. 217,451{455. MR97 :11111.[55℄ Tony Forbes, Prime usters and Chunningham hains. To appear in Math. Comp.68(228), (1999), 1739{1747. MR99m:11007.[56℄ Joa him von zur Gathen, J�urgen Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra. Cam-bridge University Press, 1999. MR2000j:68205.[57℄ Dan Geiger, David He kerman, A hara terization of the Diri hlet distributionthrough global and lo al parameter independen e. Ann. Statist. 25 (1997),1344-1369. MR98h:62013.[58℄ Dan Geiger, David He kerman, A hara terization of the bivariate Wishart dis-tribution. Probab. Math. Statist. 18 (1998), no. 1, 119{131. MR2000a:62122.[59℄ Dan Geiger, David He kerman, Parameter priors for dire ted a y li graphi almodels and the hara terization of several probability distributions. Ann. Stat.30(5), (2002), 1412{1440. MR:1936324.[60℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[61℄ Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann, P179S2. Problems and solutions. AequationesMath. 35 (1988), 299{300.[62℄ Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann, Regularity properties of fun tional equations andinequalities. Aequationes Math. 37 (1989), 233{251. MR90f:39017.[63℄ Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, Number Theory | Probabilisti , heuristi , omputationalapproa hes. Comp. Math. Appl. 43(8{9), (2000), 1035{1061. MR2002 :11137.[64℄ Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, M. Nikolai Timofeev Shifted B-numbers as a set of unique-ness for aaditive and multipli ative fun tions. A ta Arith. 116 (2005), 295{313.MR2110506[65℄ Justyna Jar zyk, Invarian e of weighted quasi-aritmeti means with ontinuousgenerators. To appear in Publ. Math. Debre en.[66℄ Witold Jar zyk, Ma iej Sablik, Dupli ating the ube and fun tional equations.Results Math. 26 (1994), 324{335. MR96 :39016.[67℄ Palaniappan Kannappan, Information measures and the sum form fun tionalequations., J. Comput. Inform. 2 (1991), 103{121. MR94h:94005.[68℄ Palaniappan Kannappan, Che Tat Ng, On fun tional equations and measures ofinformation I. Publ. Math. Debre en 32 (1985), 243{249. MR87g:39016.[69℄ K�atai Imre, Generalized number systems and fra tal geometry. Lea ets in Math-emati s. Janus Pannonius Tudom�anyegyetem, P�e s, 1995.

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[70℄ K�atai Imre, On some resear h problems in mathemati s. Paedagogi ae Agriensis,Se tio Math. 30 (2003), 87{100.[71℄ Eusebio L. Koh, On Hossz�u's fun tional equation in distributions. Pro . Amer.Math. So . 120 (1994), 1123{1129. MR94f:39012.[72℄ Kov�a s B�ela, Maksa Gyula, Interval-�lling sequen es of order N and a represen-tation of real numbers in anoni al number systems. Publ. Math. Debre en 39(1991), 305{313. MR93h:11012.[73℄ K�ormendi S�andor, On some fun tions de�ned by the anoni al expansion of omplex numbers. A ta Math. Hungar. 47 (1986), 227{231. MR87f:11008.[74℄ Kov�a s Attila, On omputation of attra tors for invertible expanding linear op-erators in Zk. Publ. Math. Debre en 56/1{2 (2000), 97{120.[75℄ Kov�a s B�ela, Number systems. In: Computational number theory, de Gruyter(1991), 21{25. MR93b:13038.[76℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, 19. Problem. Report of meeting. The 26th IFSE. AequationesMath. 37 (1989), 109{110.[77℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, 28. Remark. Report of meeting. The 26th IFSE. AequationesMath. 37 (1989), 116{117.[78℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, Val�os f�uggv�enytan. Egyetemi jegyzet. ELTE TTK, Budapest,1995.[79℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, Linear fun tional equations and Shapiro's onje ture. L'Ens.Math. 50 (2004), 103{122.[80℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, On a fun tional equation of Alsina and Gar ��a-Roig. Publ. Math.Debre en 52/3{4 (1998), 507{515. MR99a:39084.[81℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Nevezetes probl�em�ak f�uggv�enyegyenletei �es azok �altal�anos��t�asai.Habilit�a i�os dolgozat, KLTE Debre en, 2000.[82℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Fun tional equations in the theory of onditionally spe i�ed dis-tributions I. Publ. Math. Debre en 58(1{2), (2001), 241{248. MR2001m:39065.[83℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, On Mikusi�nski{Jensen fun tional equations. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy,Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Advan es, Kluwer, 2002,81{87. MR:1912705.[84℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Generalized Hossz�u fun tional equations. To appear.[85℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, P�ales Zsolt, On a Mikusi�nski{jensen fun tional equation. In:Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Ad-van es, Kluwer, 2002, 81{87. MR:1912705.[86℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, A hara terization of entropies of degree α. Metrika 28 (1981),237{244. MR83f:94019.[87℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Fun tional equations of sum form. Publ. Math. Debre en 32(1985), 57{71. MR87d:39023.[88℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, An extension theorem. Aequationes Math. 28 (1985), 293{299.MR86i:39005.

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[89℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Sum form equations on an open domain II. Utilitas Math. 29(1986), 125{132. MR88d:94006.[90℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, On a fun tional equations of sum form. Publ. Math. Debre en36 (1989), 167{177. MR91d:39005.[91℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, On a fun tional equations of sum form with three unknownfun tions. Period. Math. Hungar. 23 (1991), 199{208. MR93d:39013.[92℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, An extension theorem for the Levi-Civit�a fun tional equationsand its appli ations. Grazer Math. Ber. 315 (1991) 51{68. MR93g:39007.[93℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, �Osszeg alak�u f�uggv�enyegyenletek. Akad�miai doktori �ertekez�es.Debre en, 1992.[94℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a fun tional equation of sum form. A taMath. Hungar. 61 (1993), 165{182. MR94f:39008.[95℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a fun tional equation (2,2) additiveentropy of degree α. Publ. Math. Debre en 42 (1993), 109{137. MR94b:39031.[96℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Solution of (2,2)-type sum form fun tional equations with severalunknown fun tions. Aequationes Math. 47 (1994), 191{202. MR95d:39011.[97℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a (2,2)-type nonlinear fun tional equa-tion of sum form with several unknown fun tions. Publ. Math. Debre en 44(1-2)(1994), 79{103. MR95d:39013.[98℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a (2,2)-type sum form fun tional equa-tion. Aequationes Math. 47 (1994), 203{222. MR95d:39012.[99℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o A stru ture theorem for sum form fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 53 (1997), 141{154. MR98i:39006.[100℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Maksa Gyula, The general solution of a fun tional equation ofinformation theory. Glas. Mat. Ser. III. 16(36) (1981), 261{266. MR83h:39010.[101℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Maksa Gyula, On some fun tional equations of the informationtheory. A ta Math. A ad. S i. Hungar. 39(1-3) (1982), 73{82. MR85b:39003.[102℄ Maksa Gyula, Bounded symmetri information fun tions. C. R. Math. Rep.A ad. S i. Canada 2 (1980), 247{252. MR82a:94032.[103℄ Maksa Gyula, On the bounded solutions of a fun tional equation. A ta Math.A ad. S i. Hungar. 37 (1981), 445{450. MR82g:94008.[104℄ Maksa Gyula, On ompletely additive fun tions. A ta Math. Hungar. 48 (1986),353{355. MR87k:26003.[105℄ Janusz Matkowski, Complementary quasi-arithmeti means. Talk abstra t: Pro- eedings of the Numbers, Fun tions, Equations'98 International Conferen e. Lea etsin Mathemati s, Janus Pannonius University, P�e s, 1998.[106℄ Janusz Matkowski, Invariant and omplementary quasi-arithmeti means. Ae-quationes Math. 57 (1999), 87{107. MR2000g:39025.[107℄ Che Tat Ng, Remark 18. The 35th International Symposium on Fun tionalEquation. Aequationes Math. 55 (1998), 306{307.

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[108℄ Che Tat Ng, Monotoni solutions of a fun tional equations arising from simulta-neous utility representations. Results Math. 44 (2003), 340{361. MR2028684[109℄ P�ales Zsolt, On redu tion of linear two variable fun tional equations to di�er-ential equations without substitutions. Aequationes Math. 43 (1992), 236{247.MR93f:39016.[110℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[111℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[112℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[113℄ P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equations. A ta S i.Math. Szeged 69 (2003), 591{604. MR2034195[114℄ J. C. Parnami, Interval �lling sequen es and ompletely additive fun tions. A taMath. Hungar. 58 (1991), 229{240. MR93h:11028.[115℄ J�urg R�atz, 2. Remark. Report of meeting. The 26th ISFE. Aequationes Math.37 (1989), 98.[116℄ J�urg R�atz, On fun tions with graphs invariant under rotations. C. R. Math. Rep.A ad. S i. Canada 11 (1989), 1, 19{22. MR89m:26014.[117℄ Paolo Ribenboim, The New Book of Prime Number Re ords. Springer-Verlag,1996. MR96k:11112.[118℄ Ma iej Sablik, The ontinuous solution of a fun tional equation of Abel. Aequa-tiones Math. 39 (1990), 19{39. MR91a:39006.[119℄ Ma iej Sablik, Final part of the answer to a Hilbert's question. In: Zolt�anDar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Advan es,Kluwer, 2002, 231{242.[120℄ Prasanna K. Sahoo, On some fun tional equations onne ted to sum form infor-mation measures on open domains. Utilitas Math. 23 (1983), 161{175. MR84m:94009.[121℄ Prasanna K. Sahoo, Determination of all additive sum form information mea-sures of k-positive dis rete probability distributions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 194(1),(1995), 235{249. MR97h:94003.[122℄ Prasanna K. Sahoo, 3 open problems in fun tional-equations. Am. Math. Mon.102(8), (1995), 741{742.[123℄ Wolfgang Sander, Pexider equations. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 16 (1981), 275{285.MR83f:39007.[124℄ Wolfgang Sander, On a generalized fundamental equation of information. ResultsMath. 26 (1994), 372{381. MR96a:39027.[125℄ Wolfgang Sander, A hara terization in the Demster-Shafer Theory. To appear.[126℄ Wolfgang Sander, A hara terization in the Demster-Shafer Theory. To appear.

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[127℄ Boris Solomyak, Hui Xu, On the \Mandelbrot set" for a pair of linear maps and omplex Bernoulli onvolutions. Nonlinearity 16 (2003), 1733{1749. MR1999577[128℄ Carl Sundberg, Carl Wagner, A fun tional equation arising in multiagent statis-ti al de ision theory. Aequationes Math. 32 (1987), 32{37. MR88d:39021.[129℄ Szab�o Tam�as, On ompletely additive fun tions. Publ. Math. Debre en 36 (1989),253{261. MR92h:11007.[130℄ Szab�o Tam�as, On ompletely additive fun tions. Report of Meeting. AequationesMath. 37 (1989), 89{90.[131℄ Szab�o Tam�as, Triadditive Fun tions. Ann. Univ. S i. Budapest, 13 (1992), 25{33.[132℄ Szab�o Tam�as, Interval �lling sequen es and additive fun tions. AequationesMath. 43 (1992), 283.[133℄ Sz�ekelyhidi L�aszl�o, Fun tional equations on abelian groups. A ta Math. A ad.S i. Hungar. 37(1-3) (1981), 235{243. MR82f:39010.[134℄ Sz�ekelyhidi L�aszl�o, Convolution Type Fun tional Equations on Topologi al AbelianGroups. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1991. MR92f:39017.[135℄ E. T. H. Whitter, Variability if igneous ro ks and its signi� an e. P. GeologistAsso . 111 (2000), 1{15..[136℄ M. Wolf, Random walk on the prime numbers. Physi a A. 250(1{4), (1998),335{344.

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Hivatkoz�asi jegyz�ekJ�arai AntalBudapest, 2005. okt¢ber 23.Ez a hivatkoz si jegyz�k azokat az  ltalam ismert hivatkoz sokat tartalmazza,amelyek refer lt foly¢iratb¢l, idegen nyelv� k�nyvb�l, nemzetk�zi konferen ia kiad-v nyb¢l, tank�nyvb�l vagy jegyzetb�l, doktori, kandid tusi vagy PhD disszert  i¢b¢lsz rmaznak, az egyes ikkekn�l ebben a sorrendben felsorolva. Az olyan ikkek hivat-koz sainak sz moz sa, amelyeknek legal bb egyik szerz�j�vel legal bb h rom k�z�s ikkem van , ¡r¢g�p bet�t¡pussal, az olyan ikkek hivatkoz sainak sz moz sa, ame-lyeknek van olyan szerz�je, amely az adott ikknek t rsszerz�je, d�lt bet�t¡pussal, at�bbi hivatkoz s sz moz sa pedig f�lk�v�r bet�t¡pussal van szedve. Az itt felsorol-takon k¡v�l a sz m¡t¢g�pes sz melm�leti rekordokra sz mos nem tudom nyos jelleg�hivatkoz s is van, p�ld ul Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, WDR, RTL2,Guinness Book, helyi �ujs�agok, r�adi�o, index.hu, egyetemi lapok, Internet, stb.• J�arai Antal,M�ert�ek �es integr�alelm�elet. Egyetemi jegyzet, KLTE TTK. Tank�onyv-kiad�o, Budapest, 1988; Reprint: 1992; 187 oldal.[1℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, Val�os f�uggv�enytan. Egyetemi jegyzet. ELTE TTK, Budapest,1995.• J�arai Antal, Anal��zis �es val�osz��n}us�egsz�am��t�as. Egyetemi jegyzet, KLTE TTK.Debre en, 1989, 68 oldal.• J�arai Antal, Modern alkalmazott anal��zis. Egyetemi jegyzet, KLTE TTK, Debre- en, 1992, 361 oldal.• J�arai Antal, Regularity properties of fun tional equations. Lea ets in Mathemat-i s. Janus Pannonius University P�e s, 1996, 77 oldal.[2℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[3℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[4℄ Ma iej Sablik, Final part of the answer to a Hilbert's question. In: Zolt�anDar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Advan es,Kluwer, 2002, 231{242.

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[5℄ Wolfgang Sander, A hara terization in the Demster-Shafer Theory. To appear.[6℄ Janusz Matkowski, Complementary quasi-arithmeti means. Talk abstra t: Pro- eedings of the Numbers, Fun tions, Equations'98 International Conferen e. Lea etsin Mathemati s, Janus Pannonius University, P�e s, 1998.[7℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[8℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[9℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652• J�arai Antal, Regularity properties of fun tional equations in several variables.Springer, 2005, 363 pages.[10℄ Karol Baron, Witold Jar zyk, Improving regularity of some fun tions by Grosse-Erdmann's theorems. ECIT'02. Grazer Math. Ber. 346 (2004), 37{42.[11℄ Karol Baron, Witold Jar zyk, On ontinuity of solutions to some equations ofiteration theory. Aequationes Math. 69 (2005), 28{31.[12℄ Wolfgang Sander, Some Aspe ts of Fun tional Equations. In: Klement, E. P.,Mesiar, R. (Eds.): Logi al, Algebrai , Analyti al and Probabilisti Aspe ts ofTriangular Norms. Elsevier, 2005.[13℄ Justyna Jar zyk, Invarian e of weighted quasi-aritmeti means with ontinuousgenerators. To appear in Publ. Math. Debre en.[14℄ Karol Baron, Woj ie h Chojna ki, Witold Jar zyk, Continuity of solutions of thetranslation equation. To appear. 3 pages.• J�arai Antal, On measurable solutions of fun tional equations. Publ. Math. Deb-re en 26 (1979), 17{35. MR80f:39008.[15℄ A z�el J�anos, Jukang Chung, Integrable solutions of fun tional equations of ageneral type. Studia S i. Math. Hungar. 17 (1982), 51{67. MR85i:39008.[16℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, A hara terization of entropies of degree α. Metrika 28 (1981),237{244. MR83f:94019.[17℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, On a fun tional equations of sum form with three unknownfun tions. Period. Math. Hungar. 23 (1991), 199{208. MR93d:39013.[18℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a fun tional equation of sum form. A taMath. Hungar. 61 (1993), 165{182. MR94f:39008.[19℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o A stru ture theorem for sum form fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 53 (1997), 141{154. MR98i:39006.[20℄ P�ales Zsolt, On redu tion of linear two variable fun tional equations to di�er-ential equations without substitutions. Aequationes Math. 43 (1992), 236{247.MR93f:39016.

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[21℄ Ma iej Sablik, The ontinuous solution of a fun tional equation of Abel. Aequa-tiones Math. 39 (1990), 19{39. MR91a:39006.[22℄ Wolfgang Sander, Pexider equations. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 16 (1981), 275{285.MR83f:39007.[23℄ Sz�ekelyhidi L�aszl�o, Fun tional equations on abelian groups. A ta Math. A ad.S i. Hungar. 37(1-3) (1981), 235{243. MR82f:39010.[24℄ Prasanna K. Sahoo, Determination of all additive sum form information mea-sures of k-positive dis rete probability distributions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 194(1),(1995), 235{249. MR97h:94003.[25℄ Prasanna K. Sahoo, 3 open problems in fun tional-equations. Am. Math. Mon.102(8), (1995), 741{742.[26℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Determination of mea-surable sum form information measures satisfying (2, 2)-additivity of degree (α, β).Radovi Matemati� ki 6 (1990), 77{96. MR92b:39012.[27℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Palaniappan Kannappan, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander,Chara terization of sum form information measures on open domain. AequationesMath. 54 (1997), 1{30. MR98m:39057.[28℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, AMatkowski{Suto type problem for quasi-arithmeti means of order α. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations| Results and Advan es, Kluwer, 2002, 189{200. MR:1912713[29℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652[30℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, On a lass of means of several variables. Math.Inequal. Appl. 4(3), (2001), 331{341. MR1708461[31℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Fun tional equations in the theory of onditionally spe i�ed dis-tributions I. Publ. Math. Debre en 58(1{2), (2001), 241{248. MR2001m:39065.[32℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Generalized Hossz�u fun tional equations. To appear.[33℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[34℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[35℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, Matkowski-Suto type problem for onjugate arithmeti means.Ro znik Naukowo-dydakty zny Akademii Pedagogi znej w Krakowie 204 Pra eMatematy zne XVII (2000), 89{100. MR2002e:39069.[36℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, E ua iones fun ionales y modelizati�onen Cien ia. Ingenier��a y E onom��a. Editorial Revent�e, S.A., 1993.[37℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Chara terization ofInformation Measures. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1999. MR1642635

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[38℄ A z�el J�anos, Jean Dhombres, Fun tional Equations in Several Variables. Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge 1989. MR90h:39001.[39℄ Sz�ekelyhidi L�aszl�o, Convolution Type Fun tional Equations on Topologi al AbelianGroups. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1991. MR92f:39017.[40℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, Fun tional equations and modellingin s ien e and engineering. Mar el Dekker, In ., 1992. MR93k:39006.[41℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, On the measurable solutions of Abel's fun tional equations.In: Aritmeti al fun tions. Lea ets in Mathemati s, Janus Pannonius University,P�e s, 1998, 1{4.[42℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[43℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, �Osszeg alak�u f�uggv�enyegyenletek. Akad�miai doktori �ertekez�es.Debre en, 1992.[44℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[45℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Nevezetes probl�em�ak f�uggv�enyegyenletei �es azok �altal�anos��t�asai.Habilit�a i�os dolgozat, KLTE Debre en, 2000.• Dar�o zy Zolt n, J�arai Antal, On the measurable solutions of a fun tional equationarising in information theory. A ta Math. A ad. S i. Hungar. 34 (1979), 105{116.MR80i:39008.[46℄ A z�el J�anos, Chara terizing information measures: Approa hing the end of anera. In: Le tures Notes in Computer S ien e 286, Springer Verlag (1987), 359{383. MR89d:94024.[47℄ Elias Deeba, Eusebio L. Koh, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Shishen Xie, On a distribu-tional analog of a sum form fun tional equation. A ta Math. Hungar. 78 (1998),333{344. MR99a:39054.[48℄ Elias Deeba, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Shishen Xie, On a lass of fun tional equationsin distributions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 223 no. 1 (1998), 334{346. MR99g:39026.[49℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Polynomially additive entropies. J. Appl. Probab. 21(1) (1984),179{185. MR85k:94019.[50℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Determination of measurable sum form information mea-sures satisfying (2, 2)-additivity of degree (α, β){II. The whole story. RadoviMatemati� ki 8 (1992{1996), 159{169. MR98m:39066.[51℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Measurable solutions of fun tional equations onne ted withinformation measures on open domains. Utilitas Math. 27 (1995), 217{223.[52℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Palaniappan Kannappan, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander,Chara terization of sum form information measures on open domain. AequationesMath. 54 (1997), 1{30. MR98m:39057.[53℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Determination of mea-surable sum form information measures satisfying (2, 2)-additivity of degree (α, β).Radovi Matemati� ki 6 (1990), 77{96. MR92b:39012.

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[54℄ Palaniappan Kannappan, Information measures and the sum form fun tionalequations., J. Comput. Inform. 2 (1991), 103{121. MR94h:94005.[55℄ Palaniappan Kannappan, Che Tat Ng, On fun tional equations and measures ofinformation I. Publ. Math. Debre en 32 (1985), 243{249. MR87g:39016.[56℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, A hara terization of entropies of degree α. Metrika 28 (1981),237{244. MR83f:94019.[57℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Fun tional equations of sum form. Publ. Math. Debre en 32(1985), 57{71. MR87d:39023.[58℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Sum form equations on an open domain II. Utilitas Math. 29(1986), 125{132. MR88d:94006.[59℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, On a fun tional equations of sum form. Publ. Math. Debre en36 (1989), 167{177. MR91d:39005.[60℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, On a fun tional equations of sum form with three unknownfun tions. Period. Math. Hungar. 23 (1991), 199{208. MR93d:39013.[61℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, An extension theorem for the Levi-Civit�a fun tional equationsand its appli ations. Grazer Math. Ber. 315 (1991) 51{68. MR93g:39007.[62℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a fun tional equation of sum form. A taMath. Hungar. 61 (1993), 165{182. MR94f:39008.[63℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a fun tional equation (2,2) additiveentropy of degree α. Publ. Math. Debre en 42 (1993), 109{137. MR94b:39031.[64℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Solution of (2,2)-type sum form fun tional equations with severalunknown fun tions. Aequationes Math. 47 (1994), 191{202. MR95d:39011.[65℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a (2,2)-type nonlinear fun tional equa-tion of sum form with several unknown fun tions. Publ. Math. Debre en 44(1-2)(1994), 79{103. MR95d:39013.[66℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Measurable solutions of a (2,2)-type sum form fun tional equa-tion. Aequationes Math. 47 (1994), 203{222. MR95d:39012.[67℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o A stru ture theorem for sum form fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 53 (1997), 141{154. MR98i:39006.[68℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Maksa Gyula, The general solution of a fun tional equation ofinformation theory. Glas. Mat. Ser. III. 16(36) (1981), 261{266. MR83h:39010.[69℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, Maksa Gyula, On some fun tional equations of the informationtheory. A ta Math. A ad. S i. Hungar. 39(1-3) (1982), 73{82. MR85b:39003.[70℄ Maksa Gyula, On the bounded solutions of a fun tional equation. A ta Math.A ad. S i. Hungar. 37 (1981), 445{450. MR82g:94008.[71℄ P�ales Zsolt, On redu tion of linear two variable fun tional equations to di�er-ential equations without substitutions. Aequationes Math. 43 (1992), 236{247.MR93f:39016.

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[72℄ Prasanna K. Sahoo, On some fun tional equations onne ted to sum form infor-mation measures on open domains. Utilitas Math. 23 (1983), 161{175. MR84m:94009.[73℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[74℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[75℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, E ua iones fun ionales y modelizati�onen Cien ia. Ingenier��a y E onom��a. Editorial Revent�e, S.A., 1993.[76℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Chara terization ofInformation Measures. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1999. MR1642635[77℄ A z�el J�anos, Jean Dhombres, Fun tional Equations in Several Variables. Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge 1989. MR90h:39001.[78℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, Fun tional equations and modellingin s ien e and engineering. Mar el Dekker, In ., 1992. MR93k:39006.[79℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, On the measurable solutions of Abel's fun tional equations.In: Aritmeti al fun tions. Lea ets in Mathemati s, Janus Pannonius University,P�e s, 1998, 1{4.[80℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[81℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, �Osszeg alak�u f�uggv�enyegyenletek. Akad�miai doktori �ertekez�es.Debre en, 1992.[82℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.• J�arai Antal, Regularity properties of fun tional equations. Aequationes Math. 25(1982), 52{66. MR84k:39015.[83℄ A z�el J�anos, Some unsolved problems in the theory of fun tional equations, II.Aequationes Math. 26 (1984), 255{260.[84℄ Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann, Regularity properties of fun tional equations andinequalities. Aequationes Math. 37 (1989), 233{251. MR90f:39017.[85℄ Eusebio L. Koh, On Hossz�u's fun tional equation in distributions. Pro . Amer.Math. So . 120 (1994), 1123{1129. MR94f:39012.[86℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o A stru ture theorem for sum form fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 53 (1997), 141{154. MR98i:39006.[87℄ P�ales Zsolt, On redu tion of linear two variable fun tional equations to di�er-ential equations without substitutions. Aequationes Math. 43 (1992), 236{247.MR93f:39016.[88℄ Wolfgang Sander, Pexider equations. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 16 (1981), 275{285.MR83f:39007.

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[89℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[90℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[91℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, Matkowski-Suto type problem for onjugate arithmeti means.Ro znik Naukowo-dydakty zny Akademii Pedagogi znej w Krakowie 204 Pra eMatematy zne XVII (2000), 89{100. MR2002e:39069.[92℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, E ua iones fun ionales y modelizati�onen Cien ia. Ingenier��a y E onom��a. Editorial Revent�e, S.A., 1993.[93℄ A z�el J�anos, Jean Dhombres, Fun tional Equations in Several Variables. Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge 1989. MR90h:39001.[94℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Chara terization ofInformation Measures. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1999. MR1642635[95℄ Enrique Castillo, Maria Reyes Ruiz-Cobo, Fun tional equations and modellingin s ien e and engineering. Mar el Dekker, In ., 1992. MR93k:39006.[96℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[97℄ Loson zi L�aszl�o, �Osszeg alak�u f�uggv�enyegyenletek. Akad�miai doktori �ertekez�es.Debre en, 1992.[98℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[99℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, AMatkowski{Suto type problem for quasi-arithmeti means of order α. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations| Results and Advan es, Kluwer, 2002, 189{200. MR:1912713[100℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652[101℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, On a lass of means of several variables. Math.Inequal. Appl. 4(3), (2001), 331{341. MR1708461• J�arai Antal, Invariant extension of Haar measure. Diss. Math. 233 (1984), 1{26.MR86j:28010.• J�arai Antal, A remark to a paper of J. A z�el and J. K. Chung. Studia S i. Math.Hungar. 19 (1984), 273{274. MR87m:39006.[102℄ John A. Baker, On a fun tional equation of A z�el and Chung. Aequationes Math.46 (1993), 99{111. MR95e:39004.[103℄ John A. Baker, On a fun tional equation of Lu e. Aequationes Math. 52 (1996),302{312. MR97m:39004.[104℄ John A. Baker, On the fun tional equation U(x)U(G(x)F (y)) = U(G(x))U(xy).To appear.

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• Dar�o zy Zolt�an, J�arai Antal, Szab�o Tam�as, On sequen es of solid type. In:Probability theory and appli ations, Kluwer A ademi Publ., 1992, 335{342.MR94b:11070.• J�arai Antal, On H�older ontinuous solutions of fun tional equations. Publ. Math.Debre en 43/3{4 (1993), 359{365. MR95a:39016.[189℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[190℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[191℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[192℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652• J�arai Antal, On ontinuous solutions of fun tional equations. Publ. Math. Debre- en, 44/1{2 (1994), 115-122. MR95g:39025.[193℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[194℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[195℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.• J�arai Antal, On analyti solutions of fun tional equations. Ann. Univ. S i. Bu-dapest, Se t. Comput. 14 (1994), 71{77. MR96f:39029.[196℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[197℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[198℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.• J�arai Antal, On Lips hitz property of solutions of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 47 (1994) 69{78. MR94k:39037.[199℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[200℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[201℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[202℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, Linear fun tional equations and Shapiro's onje ture. L'Ens.Math. 50 (2004), 103{122.

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• J�arai Antal, Maksa Gyula, The measurable solutions of a fun tional equation ofC. Alsina and J. L. Gar ia-Roig. C. R. Math. Rep. A ad. S i. Canada, 17 (1995),7{10. MR96f:39019.[203℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[204℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, On Mikusi�nski{Jensen fun tional equations. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy,Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Advan es, Kluwer, 2002,81{87. MR:1912705.[205℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[206℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[207℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, P�ales Zsolt, On a Mikusi�nski{jensen fun tional equation. In:Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Ad-van es, Kluwer, 2002, 81{87. MR:1912705.• J�arai Antal, Maksa Gyula, Remark 2. (Solution of a problem of C. Alsina andJ. L. Gar ia-Roig.) Aequationes Math. 47 (1994), 302.[208℄ Witold Jar zyk, Ma iej Sablik, Dupli ating the ube and fun tional equations.Results Math. 26 (1994), 324{335. MR96 :39016.[209℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, On a fun tional equation of Alsina and Gar ��a-Roig. Publ. Math.Debre en 52/3{4 (1998), 507{515. MR99a:39084.[210℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, On Mikusi�nski{Jensen fun tional equations. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy,Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Advan es, Kluwer, 2002,81{87. MR:1912705.[211℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, P�ales Zsolt, On a Mikusi�nski{jensen fun tional equation. In:Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Results and Ad-van es, Kluwer, 2002, 81{87. MR:1912705.• J�arai Antal, A Steinhaus type theorem. Publ. Math. Debre en 47 (1995), 1{13.MR97g:28002.[212℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[213℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Chara terization ofInformation Measures. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1999. MR1642635[214℄ Marek Bal erzak, Elzbieta Kotli ka, Steinhaus property for produ ts of ideals.Publ. Math. Debre en 63(1{2) (2003), 235{246.[215℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[216℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.

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• Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, J�arai Antal, K�atai Imre, On some properties of attra torsgenerated by iterated fun tion systems. A ta S i. Math. Szeged 60 (1995), 411{427. MR96j:11104.[217℄ Kov�a s Attila, On omputation of attra tors for invertible expanding linear op-erators in Zk. Publ. Math. Debre en 56/1{2 (2000), 97{120.[218℄ K�atai Imre, Generalized number systems and fra tal geometry. Lea ets in Math-emati s. Janus Pannonius Tudom�anyegyetem, P�e s, 1995.[219℄ Kov�a s Attila, Radix expansion in latti es. PhD thesis, E�tv�s Lor nd University,Budapest, 2001.[220℄ Boris Solomyak, Hui Xu, On the \Mandelbrot set" for a pair of linear maps and omplex Bernoulli onvolutions. Nonlinearity 16 (2003), 1733{1749. MR1999577• J�arai Antal, Sz�ekelyhidi L�aszl�o, Regularization and general methods in the theoryof fun tional equations. Survey paper. Aequationes Math. 52 (1996), 10{29.MR98 :39006.[221℄ Soon-Yeong Chung, Regular solutions of the fun tional equation in the Gevreydistributions. Submitted to Aequationes Math.[222℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[223℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[224℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[225℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.• Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, J�arai Antal, Largest known twin primes. Math. Comp. 65(1996), 427{428. MR96d:11009.[226℄ Tony Forbes, A large pair of twin primes. Math. Comp. 66 (1997), no. 217,451{455. MR97 :11111.[227℄ Tony Forbes, Prime usters and Chunningham hains. To appear in Math. Comp.68(228), (1999), 1739{1747. MR99m:11007.[228℄ Joa him von zur Gathen, J�urgen Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra. Cam-bridge University Press, 1999. MR2000j:68205.[229℄ Paolo Ribenboim, The New Book of Prime Number Re ords. Springer-Verlag,1996. MR96k:11112.[230℄ M. Wolf, Random walk on the prime numbers. Physi a A. 250(1{4), (1998),335{344.[231℄ Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, Number Theory | Probabilisti , heuristi , omputationalapproa hes. Comp. Math. Appl. 43(8{9), (2000), 1035{1061. MR2002 :11137.

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• J�arai Antal, Koz�ak Mikl�os, R�ozsa P�eter, Comparison of the Methods of Ro k-Mi ros opi Grain-Size Determinaion and Quantitative Analysis. Math. Geology29(8) (1997), 977{991.[232℄ E. T. H. Whitter, Variability if igneous ro ks and its signi� an e. P. GeologistAsso . 111 (2000), 1{15..• J�arai Antal, Wolfgang Sander, A regularity theorem in information theory. Publ.Math. Debre en, 50 (3{4), (1997), 339{357. MR99 :39029.[233℄ Wolfgang Sander, A hara terization in the Demster-Shafer Theory. To appear.[234℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[235℄ Gil�anyi Attila, P�ales Zsolt, A regularity theorem for omposite fun tional equa-tions. Ar h. Math. 77(4), (2001), 317{322.[236℄ Bru e R. Ebanks, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Wolfgang Sander, Chara terization ofInformation Measures. World S ienti� Publishing Co., 1999. MR1642635[237℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[238℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.• J�arai Antal Regularity Property of the Fun tional Equation of the Diri hlet Dis-tribution. Aequationes Math. 56 (1998), 37-46. MR99e:39083.[239℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[240℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[241℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[242℄ Dan Geiger, David He kerman, Parameter priors for dire ted a y li graphi almodels and the hara terization of several probability distributions. Ann. Stat.30(5), (2002), 1412{1440. MR:1936324.• J�arai Antal, A generalization of a theorem of Pi ard. Publ. Math. Debre en52(3-4) (1998), 497{506. MR99e:54020.[243℄ Marek Bal erzak, Elzbieta Kotli ka, Steinhaus property for produ ts of ideals.Publ. Math. Debre en 63(1{2) (2003), 235{246.• Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, J�arai Antal, Largest known twin primes and Sophie Ger-main primes. Math. Comp. 68 (1999), 1317{1324. MR99k:11013.[244℄ Tony Forbes, A large pair of twin primes. Math. Comp. 66 (1997), no. 217,451{455. MR97 :11111.[245℄ Tony Forbes, Prime usters and Chunningham hains. To appear in Math. Comp.68(228), (1999), 1739{1747. MR99m:11007.

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[246℄ Joa him von zur Gathen, J�urgen Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra. Cam-bridge University Press, 1999. MR2000j:68205.[247℄ Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, Number Theory | Probabilisti , heuristi , omputationalapproa hes. Comp. Math. Appl. 43(8{9), (2000), 1035{1061. MR2002 :11137.[248℄ Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, M. Nikolai Timofeev Shifted B-numbers as a set of unique-ness for aaditive and multipli ative fun tions. A ta Arith. 116 (2005), 295{313.MR2110506• A z�el J�anos, Roman Ger, J�arai Antal, Solutions of an equation arising from utilitythat is both separable and additive. Pro . Amer. Math. So . 127 (1999), 2911{2915. MR2001a:91037.[249℄ A z�el J�anos, What to do until (and when) the fun tional equationist arrives.Publ. Math. Debre en 52/3{4 (1998), 247{274. MR99 :39027.[250℄ A z�el J�anos, A ouple of fun tional equations applied to utility theory. Ro znikNaukowo-dydakty zny Akademii Pedagogi znej w Krakowie 204 Pra e Matem-aty zne XVII (2000), 9{20. MR2002f:39040.[251℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.[252℄ A z�el J�anos, Maksa Gyula, Che Tat Ng, P�ales Zsolt, A fun tional equation arisingfrom ranked additive and separable utility. Pro . Amer. Math. So . 129(4), (2001),989{998. MR2002 :39023.[253℄ Che Tat Ng, Remark 18. The 35th International Symposium on Fun tionalEquation. Aequationes Math. 55 (1998), 306{307.[254℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Uj m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�aselm�elet�eben. Akad�emiaif�uzetek, megjelen�es alatt.[255℄ P�ales Zsolt, �Ujabb m�odszerek a f�uggv�enyegyenletek �es f�uggv�enyegyenl}otlens�egekelm�elet�eben. Akad�emiai doktori �ertekez�es, 1999.[256℄ Che Tat Ng, Monotoni solutions of a fun tional equations arising from simulta-neous utility representations. Results Math. 44 (2003), 340{361. MR2028684• J�arai Antal Measurable solutions of fun tional equations satis�ed almost every-where. Math. Pannoni a, 10/1 (1999), 103{110. MR2000f:39020.• J�arai Antal, Che Tat Ng, Weinian Zhang, A fun tional equation involving threemeans. Ro znik Naukowo-dydakty zny Akademii Pedagogi znej w Krakowie 204Pra e Matematy zne XVII (2000), 117{123. MR2002 :39024.• J�arai Antal, Solutions of fun tional equations having bounded variation. Aequa-tiones Math. 61 (2001), 205{211. MR2002f:39045.• J�arai Antal, Baire property implies ontinuity for solutions of fun tional equations| even with few variables. A ta S i. Math. Szeged, 66 (2000), 579{601. MR2001i:54031.[257℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652

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[258℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, A Matkowski{Suto type problem for weighted quasi-arithmeti means. A ta Math. Hungar. 100 (2003), 237{243. MR1990184• J�arai Antal, Wolfgang Sander, On the hara terization of Weierstrass's sigmafun tion. In: Zolt�an Dar�o zy, Zsolt P�ales (Eds.), Fun tional Equations | Resultsand Advan es, Kluwer, 2002, 29{79. MR:1912704.• J�arai Antal Regularity properties of fun tional equations on manifolds. Aequa-tiones Math. 64 (2002), 248{262. MR:1914957.[259℄ P�ales Zsolt, Problems in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. Aequa-tiones Math. 63 (2002), 1{17. MR:1891271.• J�arai Antal, On a problem of S. Mazur. Publ. Math. Debre en 59 (2001), 187{193.MR2003d:28019.• J�arai Antal, Continuity implies di�erentiability for solutions of fun tional equa-tions | even with few variables. A ta S i. Math. Szeged 67 (2001), 719{734.MR2003d:39041.• J�arai Antal, Measurability implies ontinuity for solutions of fun tional equations| even with few variables. Aequationes Math. 65 (2003), 236{266.• J�arai Antal, Remark 17. Solution of two problems of W. Sander. AequationesMath. 19 (1979), 286{288.[260℄ Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann, Regularity properties of fun tional equations andinequalities. Aequationes Math. 37 (1989), 233{251. MR90f:39017.[261℄ Maksa Gyula, Bounded symmetri information fun tions. C. R. Math. Rep.A ad. S i. Canada 2 (1980), 247{252. MR82a:94032.[262℄ Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann, P179S2. Problems and solutions. AequationesMath. 35 (1988), 299{300.• J�arai Antal, Remark 12. In: Pro eedings of the 23th International Symposiumon Fun tional Equations. Centre for Information Theory, University of Waterloo,Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1985, 57{58.[263℄ A z�el J�anos, Chara terizing information measures: Approa hing the end of anera. In: Le tures Notes in Computer S ien e 286, Springer Verlag (1987), 359{383. MR89d:94024.[264℄ Carl Sundberg, Carl Wagner, A fun tional equation arising in multiagent statis-ti al de ision theory. Aequationes Math. 32 (1987), 32{37. MR88d:39021.• J�arai Antal, Maksa Gyula, Remark 19. Solution of a problem of C. Alsina. In:Pro eedings of the 23th International Symposium on Fun tional Equations. Cen-tre for Information Theory, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,1985, 64.• J�arai Antal, Remark 11. Solution of the problem 4 of C. Alsina and J.{L. Gar ia{Roig. Aequationes Math. 35 (1988), 120.[265℄ J�urg R�atz, On fun tions with graphs invariant under rotations. C. R. Math. Rep.A ad. S i. Canada 11 (1989), 1, 19{22. MR89m:26014.

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[266℄ J�urg R�atz, 2. Remark. Report of meeting. The 26th ISFE. Aequationes Math.37 (1989), 98.• J�arai Antal, Remark 3. Solution of a problem of C. Alsina and J.{L. Gar ia{Roig.Aequationes Math. 37 (1989), 98.[267℄ J�urg R�atz, On fun tions with graphs invariant under rotations. C. R. Math. Rep.A ad. S i. Canada 11 (1989), 1, 19{22. MR89m:26014.• J�arai Antal, Interval �lling sequen es and ontinuous additive fun tions. Talk onthe twenty-sixth IFSE. Abstra t: Aequationes Math. 37 (1989), 70{71.[268℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, 19. Problem. Report of meeting. The 26th IFSE. AequationesMath. 37 (1989), 109{110.[269℄ La zkovi h Mikl�os, 28. Remark. Report of meeting. The 26th IFSE. AequationesMath. 37 (1989), 116{117.• J�arai Antal, Remark 22 (to a theorem of J. A z�el). Aequationes Math. 37 (1989),111.• J�arai Antal New results in the regularity theory of fun tional equations. 32thInternational Symposium on Fun tional Equations, Gargnano, Italy, 1994. Ab-stra t: Aequationes Math. 49 (1995), 173{174.• J�arai Antal, Remark 30. (Solution of a problem of K. Lajk�o.) Aequationes Math.49 (1995), 196.[270℄ Lajk�o K�aroly, Nevezetes probl�em�ak f�uggv�enyegyenletei �es azok �altal�anos��t�asai.Habilit�a i�os dolgozat, KLTE Debre en, 2000.• J�arai Antal, Remark 23. (To the talk of R. Badora.) Aequationes Math. 51(1996), 178.• J�arai Antal, P�ales Zsolt, Remark 10. Solution of a problem of T. M. K. Davison.Aequationes Math. 53 (1997), 190.• Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, J�arai Antal, Some world re ords in omputational numbertheory. Extended abstra t. In: Aritmeti al Fun tions, Lea ets in Mathemati s,P�e s, 1998, 49{56.• J rai Antal, �j eredm�enyek a t�bbv ltoz¢s f�ggv�nyegyenletek regularit selm�-let�ben. El}oad�asok a Magyar Tudom�anyos Akad�emi�an. K�ozgy}ul�esi El}oad�asok,2000 m�ajus.• J�arai Antal, Maksa Gyula, P�ales Zsolt, 24. Remark (To A z�el's 4. Problem. Ae-quationes Math., megjelen�s alatt.• J�arai Antal, Solution of a problem of Zsolt P�ales. Aequationes Math., megjelen�salatt.• J�arai Antal, �Atrendez�est tartalmaz�o egyenl}otlens�egek. Di�akk�ori dolgozat. KLTE,Debre en, 1971, 16 oldal.• J�arai Antal, M�erhet}o f�uggv�enyek korl�atoss�ag�ar�ol. Di�akk�ori dolgozat. KLTE, De-bre en, 1973, 15 oldal.

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• J�arai Antal, F�uggv�enyegyenletek m�erhet}o megold�asair�ol. Egyetemi doktori �ertekez�es.KLTE, Debre en, (1976). 46 oldal.[271℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, On measurable solutions of fun tional equations. Report ofMeeting. Aequationes Math. 15 (1977), 274{275. MR80f:39008.• J�arai Antal, F�uggv�enyegyenletek regularit�asi tulajdons�agai. (a) Kandid�atusi �ertekez�es.Debre en, 1989, 96 oldal; (b) Kandid�atusi �ertekez�es t�ezisei. Debre en, 1989, 21oldal.• J�arai Antal F�uggv�enyegyeletek regularit�asi tulajdons�agai. (a) Habilit�a i�os �er-tekez�es. Debre en, KLTE, 1994, 132 oldal. (b) Habilit�a i�os �ertekez�es t�ezisei.Debre en, KLTE, 1994, 34 oldal.• J�arai Antal, Fra tals and Number Systems on Computers. Le ture notes, Pader-born, Germany, 1996, 37 oldal.[272℄ Kov�a s Attila, On omputation of attra tors for invertible expanding linear op-erators in Zk. Publ. Math. Debre en 56/1{2 (2000), 97{120.[273℄ Kov�a s Attila, Radix expansion in latti es. PhD thesis, E�tv�s Lor nd University,Budapest, 2001.• Karl-Heinz Indlekofer, Antal J�arai, Naibilsi z vidomih bliznjukiv ta siszel Dzser-mein. TBiMC 1998, 9{10.• J�arai Antal T�bbv ltoz¢s f�ggv�nyegyeletek regularit si tulajdons gai. (a) Akad�miaidoktori �rtekez�s. Budapest, 1999, 252 oldal. (b) Akad�miai �rtekez�s t�zisei. Bu-dapest, 1999, 46 oldal.[274℄ Dar�o zy Zolt�an, P�ales Zsolt, Gauss- ompositions of means and the solutionof the Matkowsky{Suto problem. Publ. Math. Debre en 61 (2002), 157{218.MR1914652