The Albany Herald • www.albanyherald.com • Sunday, February 19, 2012

Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

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Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

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Page 1: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

The Albany Herald • www.albanyherald.com • Sunday, February 19, 2012

Page 2: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

(ARA) - If the warmer temperatures, bright sunshine and greening of spring giveyou the urge to clean, you're not alone. If you want to make spring cleaning easi-er, especially outdoor spring cleaning, a little planning will save lots of elbowgrease.

Make outdoor spring cleaning a breeze with these four simple tips to ensure thatyou're ready for warm weather fun:

1. Get the grill ready - Barbecues and picnics are as much a part of summer asbaseball and trips to the beach. Your grill is central to the fun when you're cookingand dining outdoors, so get it ready with a good cleaning. If you were diligent

about cleaning the grill after every uselast year, a good cleaning with a wirebrush may be all the cooking gratesneed. If your grates have a lot of build-up and burnt-on food, remove and soakthem in warm soapy water to loosen thedebris. Use a wire brush and a littlesoapy water to clean out the inside sur-faces of your grill, including the inside ofthe lid. Check the hose connection forthe propane tank and repair or replace itif needed.

2. Clean outdoor surfaces without scrubbing - Over time, wood and compositedecks, concrete, railings, awnings and outdoor furniture can accumulate mold,moss, mildew and algae. An environmentally-sensitive mold and mildew cleanerlike Wet & Forget works over time to gently remove outdoor stains on virtually anyexterior surface without scrubbing. Perfect for mildew and mold removal, the non-caustic, non-acidic and bleach-free, biodegradable formula can be easily appliedwith a pump garden sprayer instead of a more labor-intense power washer. Themulti-surface outdoor cleaner reduces water usage and is designed for usearound landscaping plants.

3. Spruce up your view - Clean windows not only brighten the interior of yourhome, they can make the exterior look fresher,too. Spring is a great time to remove screens (if

2 THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com

See Spring, page 3

FFoouurr eeaassyy sstteeppss ttoo jjuummpp--ssttaarrtt oouuttddoooorr sspprriinngg cclleeaanniinngg

Page 3: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com 3

you haven't stored them forthe winter) and give them agood cleaning. Hosing themoff should do the trick, but ifthey're very dirty try cleaningwith a little soapy water and asoft scrub brush. Before youreplace the screens, give thewindows a good cleaning. Armyourself with lots of paper tow-els and a good glass cleaner.One that contains vinegar willbe effective and eco-friendly ifyou're concerned aboutexposing your landscaping toharsh chemicals. Be sure toclean the outside of your win-dows first. It will make anotherpopular spring cleaning chore- washing the inside of win-dows - a bit easier.

4. Taking care of your tools- Yard work and gardening are

realities of warm weath-er. All your landscapingmaintenance choreswill be easier if yourtools are clean and ingood repair. Unload the

tool shed or garage of all theequipment you'll use this sum-mer - from rakes and hoes tolawn mowers and trimmers.While you probably cleanedyour garden tools before youstored them for winter, they'llstill have accumulated dust -and possibly rust - from sittingidle for so many months.Clean rust spots and dirt frommetal tools, and use a coatingof mineral oil to ensure therust doesn't return. Clean lawnmower and trimmer blades,and replace the line on stringtrimmers. Get blades sharp-ened if necessary, and runthrough all the maintenancetasks recommended in themanufacturer's handbook foryour power equipment.

SpringContinued from page 2

(NAPSI)—While the real estatemarket remains a challenge forthose looking to sell, somesimple staging and remodelingtips can help make your homemore attractive to prospectivebuyers.

Bathrooms can sellhouses but not if they are lack-luster and out of date. While itcan be easy to spend five fig-ures on a complete remodel,there are less expensive waysto give your bathroom a freshnew look. For example, a littlepaint, some fresh flowers andnew shower fixtures can takeyour bathroom from outdatedto outstanding.

Here are a few tips to help:

• If you can’t afford to replaceoutdated wallpaper, work withthe colors you already have.

Buy some matching towels ora new shower curtain to coor-dinate the look.• If you can paint, it’s an easyweekend project that willbrighten the space. Go forlighter colors; white is a clas-sic.• Clear off the counters. This isespecially important in a small-er bathroom to create the illu-sion of more space.• Clean the bathroom thor-oughly. Make sure everythingsparkles.• Styles change, so if possible,update your shower fixtures.Finding fixtures in styles that fityour decor doesn’t have tobreak your budget. For exam-ple, Speakman offers modernand traditional collections in avariety of finishes.

The Neo Collectionadds bold style for a modern

look, while the graceful curva-ture of the hardware in theAlexandria Collection helpscreate a luxurious feel. Thedistinctive details of theCaspian Collection offer anunconventional, modern touchand the Rainier Collectiondelivers a unique squaredesign so bold it can updateany traditionally styled bath-room.

Stylish and innovativevalves, designer faucets andaccessories can be obtained tocost effectively coordinate yourremodeling efforts.• Add a touch of luxury.Scented candles, spa acces-sories and rolled towels canhelp create the sense of a spa.• Add a plant or a bouquet offlowers for a burst of color.

For more information, visitwww.speakmanshowers.com.

Bathroom Staging On A Budget

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4 THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com

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THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com 5


Based on 1999 Brick Veneer home in Albany. Includes replacement contents with $300,000 Liability. Has $500

deductible. Compliments of Copelan Insurance Agency, Inc.

Home Contents Monthly Value Value Premium

$100,000 $80,000 $24

125,000 100,000 28

150,000 120,000 32

175,000 140,000 36

200,000 160,000 40

225,000 180,000 44

250,000 200,000 49


• Determined by multiplying gross wages by .28, a common method used by lending institutions. •• Determined by multiplying gross wages by .36, a common method used by lending Institutions.

† Based on an average interest rate of 7.5% ‡ Based on an average interest rate of 7.25%

This table is intended only as a guide. For more specific information, contact a local lending insti tution.

House Value 15 Year Mortgage

Monthly Gross Income

Maximum Mortgage Payment

Maximum Monthly Debt

House Value 30 Year Mortgage

MORTGAGE PAYMENTS CALCULATOR Monthly interest, interest payments for 30-year, fixed rate mortgage. Escrow payments for taxes, ins urance not

included. Payments are rounded to the nearest dollar.


Calculations based on 2002 mileage rate -- monthly payments multiply value of home times 40%, multiply answer time mileage rate divide by twelve for monthly payment

These are ESTIMATED tax rates. They are based upon 2002 millage rates for each city and county and include school tax. The Homestead Exemption discount is not included.

Monthly Payment Home Value

Albany Leesburg Smithville Dougherty County

Lee County

• •• † ‡

$1,600 448 576 65,164 50,028

1,800 504 648 73,309 56,281

2,000 560 720 81,455 62,535

2,200 616 792 89,600 68,788

2,400 672 864 97,745 75,042

2,600 728 936 105,891 81,295

2,800 784 1,008 114,036 87,549

3,000 840 1,080 122,182 93,802

3,200 896 1,152 130,327 100,056

3,400 952 1,224 138,473 106,309

3,600 1,008 1,296 146,618 112,563

3,800 1,064 1,368 154,764 118,816

4,000 1,120 1,440 162,909 125,070

4,200 1,176 1,512 171,055 131,323

4,400 1,232 1,584 179,200 137,577

4,600 1,288 1,656 187,345 143,830

4,800 1,344 1,728 195,491 150,084

5,000 1,400 1,800 203,636 156,337

5,200 1,456 1,872 211,782 162,591

5,400 1,512 1,944 219,927 168,844

5,600 1,568 2,016 228,073 175,098

5,800 1,624 2,088 236,218 181,351

Mitchell County

4.50% 4.75% 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% 5.75% 6.00% 6.25% 6.50% $50,000 $252 260 268 276 284 292 $300 $308 $316

60,000 309 317 325 333 341 350 360 369 379

70,000 365 373 381 389 397 409 420 431 442

80,000 422 430 438 446 454 467 480 493 506

90,000 479 487 495 503 511 525 540 554 569

100,000 536 544 552 560 568 584 600 616 632

110,000 593 601 609 617 625 641 660 677 695

120,000 649 657 665 673 681 700 719 739 758

130,000 706 714 722 730 738 759 779 800 822

140,000 763 771 779 787 795 817 839 862 885

150,000 820 828 836 844 852 875 899 924 948

160,000 876 884 892 900 908 934 959 985 1011

170,000 933 941 949 957 965 992 1019 1047 1075

180,000 990 998 1006 1014 1022 1050 1079 1108 1138

190,000 1047 1055 1063 1071 1079 1109 1139 1170 1201

200,000 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1167 1199 1231 1264



(No Points)

1-YEAR ADJUSTABLE RATE (No Points) FHA and/or VA (30-Year) FHA and/or VA (15-Year)


Subject To Change Upon Short Notice

E LECTRICAL & N ATURAL G AS C OMPANIES City of Albany Georgia Power Mitchell EMC Sumter EMC 883-8330 436-3304 436-0070 759-2291

T ELEPHONE AT&T Residential 888-757-6500

www.att.com Business 866-620-6000

I NTERNET P ROVIDERS AT&T ( Dial-up 800-436-8638) ( DSL 800-263-0241) www.att.com

Plantel 1-800-342-7564 SurfSouth 878-6008

R ECYCLING Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful 430-5257

S CHOOL I NFORMATION Dougherty County Public School System Lee County School System

431-1264 229-903-2100

D AILY N EWSPAPER (circulation dept.) 888-9322


Driver’ s License Bureau 430-4251 Automotive Tag Office 431-3255 Voter Registration 431-3247 Correct Time 436-6121

Albany-Dougherty Chamber of Commerce 434-8700

To Advertise in the Real Estate Showcase contact Daniel Bryan at 888-9392

Rates can be reduced with discount points. Rates are subject to change upon short notice, and discou nt points could

change frequently. One discount point is equal to one percentage point of the loan amount and is pai d when the loan

is closed. Most lenders have a variety of programs. ORIGINATION FEE IS NORMALLY ONE ADDITIONAL POINT,

BUT CAN VARY. Maximum amount for conventional loan is $417,000. To Participate in the column, call 888-9333.

For information on specific mortgage programs call The Lender.

30 yr. Rate

15 yr. Rate

Points Points USDA 100% 30 yr.


(No Points) Rate Annual


Life of Loan Cap


Ameris 229-434-4555

Colony Mortgage Corp 229-436-9000

Assurance Mortgage 229-420-8225

First State Bank of Leesburg 229-759-6622

Flint Community Bank 229-903-1400

Heritage Bank 229-878-2021

Northside Mortgage 229-878-1499

AB&T National Bank 229-446-2265

Suntrust Mortgage Inc. 229-430-5494

Regions Mortgage Inc. 229-434-6817

Synovus Mortgage 229-430-7037

3.75 3.00 - - - - 3.75 0 3.00 0

3.875 3.25 - - - - 3.75 0 3.50 0 3.875

3.625 2.87 - - - - 3.75 0 3.00 0

3.875 3.00 - - - - 3.75 0 3.50 0

3.75 3.125

3.625 3.00 - - - - 3.75 0 3.00 0

3.875 3.375 - - - - 3.75 0 3.50 0

3.50 2.875 2.75 2 6 2.75

3.875 3.125 - - - - 3.75 0 - 0

3.875 3.25 - - - - 3.75 0 3.50 0

3.75 3.00 - - - - 3.75 0 3.50 0

$ 60,000 $ 75 81 $ 75 39 $ 67 49 $ 72 49 $ 59 49 $ 53 19

80,000 104 68 100 52 89 99 96 66 79 32 70 92

100,000 130 86 125 65 112 49 120 82 99 15 88 66

150,000 196 29 188 48 168 73 181 24 148 73 132 99

200,000 261 72 251 31 224 98 241 65 198 31 177 32

250,000 327 15 314 14 281 22 302 06 247 89 221 65

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6 THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com








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Page 7: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

t almost 4400 square feet, this week's featuredhome is beyond spacious! This beautiful cus-tom home is situated on a large 1.68 acre lot in

the prestigious Quail Valley subdivision in LeeCounty. With four bedrooms and four full baths, thereis plenty of room for friends and family!

Upon entering this home, you are struck byboth the spacious open floor plan and the warmreclaimed heart pine hardwood floors that runthroughout the space. The foyer and dining room flowseamlessly together. Two white columns divide thetwo spaces and add a nice bit of architectural inter-est. Crown molding and chair railing make the wallspop in the dining room.

The foyer also opens to a large living roomwith hardwood floors. A fireplace on the far side of thespace anchors the room and adds a nice focal point.An elegant white mantle with inlaid tile surrounds thefireplace. A staircase to the right of the room leadsupstairs to a huge bonus room with a full bathroom.This bonus space could be used as a game room ora media room!

Back downstairs, the kitchen is located to theleft of the living room with entrances from both thedining room and living room. If you love to cook, youwill love this kitchen! Not only is there plenty of work-space, there are also cabinets galore! The antiquedstyle cabinets offer plenty of storage for every andany kitchen item you could possibly possess. All ofthe appliances are black, which adds a nice bit ofcontrast to the space. A smooth top stove offers easycleanup while the side by side refrigerator providesplenty of food storage space. The center island,which is illuminated by a unique light fixture, offersboth extra prep area and a second sink for rinsingvegetables and such. Both the main sink and thestove feature a tiled backsplash.

The kitchen is open tothe breakfast nook. Four largewindows offer a sunny view ofthe backyard. An adorable chan-delier hangs at the center of thespace and adds a touch ofcharm.

Just off of the breakfastnook is a short hallway that leadsto an impressive master suite.The heart pine hardwood flooringcontinues into this large space.The open space offers plenty ofroom to create a sitting area. Themaster bathroom is spa-like! Light tiled floors andlight marble countertop contrast nicely with the deep,warm wood tone of the huge double vanity. A largejetted tub is surrounded by tile. A glass brick windowabove the tub allows light into the space while main-taining privacy. A separate oversized shower stallboasts the same tile that surrounds the tub.

On the opposite side of the house is a hall-way that leads to the additional three guest bedroomsand bathrooms. Also located on this hallway is asmall wet bar with a granite counter and a wine refrig-erator. The main guest bathroom on the hallway hasa single vanity with a unique red toned marble coun-tertop. One of the three guest bedrooms has a fullen-suite bathroom. This is perfect for any houseguests who may come to visit since it provides addedprivacy.

Off of the back of thehouse is a spacious covereddeck. Enjoy entertaining orrelaxing outdoors while beingprotected from the elements!This deck also connects to a

huge twocar garagewith a fin-ishedbonusroomabove it.Thisbonusroom could serve many purposes! Do you want anoffice that is away from the house and any distrac-tions? This bonus space would provide a tranquilspace for working! When it comes to bonus rooms,you are only limited by your imagination.

If you are interested in taking a private tour ofthis grand home, please contact Mike Flynn at theoffice: (229) 883-6100 or on his cell: (229) 376-2361.

THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com 7

QQuuaaii ll VVaall ll eeyy LLuuxxuurryyQQuuaaii ll VVaall ll eeyy LLuuxxuurryy� Article & Photos by JENNIFER KING | [email protected]



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TThhee HHoouussee AAppppeeaall

Interior� Bedrooms: 4� Bathrooms: 4� Details: Open floor plan with split bedroom design; Large open foyer, dining and liv-ing room area; Chef’s kitchen with breakfast nook and center island; Master suite withsitting area and spa-like private bath; Bonus room upstairs with full bathroom; Threeadditional guest bedrooms and two additional full bathrooms.

Exterior� Details: 1.68 acre lot; large covered deck; double garage with upstairs bonus rooml.

More Information� Square Footage: approx 4,395 sq ft� Price: $499,000� Contact: Mike Flynn

Office: (229) 883-6100Dorene’s Cell: (229) 376-2361


Covered Back DeckCovered Back DeckDouble Garage with Bonus RoomDouble Garage with Bonus Room

Page 8: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

8 THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com

8 AN ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO The Albany Herald Sunday • February 19, 2012 • http://albanyherald.net/realestate.html

IT’S FREE! To see your photo and others go to spotted.albanyherald.com

Worth 3BR/2BA DW, RTO,$495/mo 888-2000/881-2000

TAX TIME AGAIN!! Bring yourcheck in and get a FREEMonths Rent. 2/2 & 3/2. CallRick 229-299-5001 or find us @PineBluffCountryEstates.com

No Deposi t ! Affo rdab le ,Unbelievable & Prorated rent. 2& 3BR. Honest Al 229-854-2911

MH LEE CO., Couple / singlew/one child, no pets. Ref req.,$ 3 5 0 / M o $ 1 0 0 / D e p229-535-6361 229-759-2076

2BR, CH/A, appliances, in quietpark. $265 mo./ $250 deposit.439-8841.

2BR & 3/BR East Albany,$345/mo, $250/dep. Free water.229-869-0704

2, 3, & 4 BR Clean w/AC,$300/mo and up, $250 depositCall 436-7108

14W, Furnished, 2BR/2BA,CH&A, Conv. MCLB/Miller,$375/mo + dep. 776-3962


Real Estate Showcase

T he M ost U p-to-D ate Sou rce for R eal E state in Sou thw est G eorgia

Display Ad Deadline: Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. Display 888-9392

Classified Ad Deadline: Friday, 12:00 p.m. Classified 888-9333 Mobile Homes

For Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 For Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Lots for Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Lots for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Supplies/Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604

Real Estate for Rent Acreage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650 Commercial Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651 Condominiums/Townhouses . . . . . . . . . . . . 652 Duplexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653 Furnished Apartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656 Furnished Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 Hunting Leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658

Office Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 Resort Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663 Retail Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 Roommate Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666 Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 Rental Property Needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 Unfurnished Apartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 Unfurnished Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 Warehouses/ Mini Warehouse . . . . . 681

Homes for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Homes for Sale Information . . . . . . . . . 709 Investment Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 Real Estate Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 Rental Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712 Resort Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Warehouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714

Real Estate for Sale Acreage Over 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 Acreage Under 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 Commercial Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703 Commercial Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704 Condominiums/Townhouses . . . . . . . . . . . . 705 Duplexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706 Homes Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707

TURKEY RIGHTS ONLY 500/Acon Chickasaw Hatchie in BakerCo. 229-869-3501.

2BR CH&A pr ivate yard229-854-6656


Lots in: Worth 1⁄2 to 5 AC;Mitchell 3⁄4 to 10 AC; Colquitt 2 to6 AC; Terrell 20 to 72 AC. Ownerfinancing. No credit check229-776-4750


USE Your Tax Refund to buyyour dream home! EasyCredit, We Finance!! Call Abbi229-888-9285

ATTN: LAND OWNERS, OurNew Home Your Land. LandImprovements included. NoCost Contruction package. CallJacob 229-888-9285

2 0 0 7 F l e e t w o o d 1 6 x 8 03BR/2BA screened porch(Florida room) carport, for saleor rent $37,500 or $650 permonth, gated community 50 &older 888-0068

1996 28x68 Grand Manor MH,over 1900 sqft, stone fireplace,new architectural shingle roof,heart pine floors, located inMitchell Co. Buyer must move.$30,000 OBO. 229-886-4369


1BR VILLA Panama CityBeach, Fl. March 24th-31st,sleeps 4, On the Beach. $1000.Call 446-4384


DAWSON RD Retail/ OfficeSpace 250-7,200 Sq.Ft. Call432-7899


2700 SF Home, very private,plantation neighbors, 10 mi S.of Albany $1600/Mo. Reply POBOX 4917 Albany, GA 31706


1, 2 BR , S tove, f r idge,Downtown. w/utilities, $85/wk.+ dep. 435-7646


NEW 3BR/2BA Duplexes forrent in Leesburg. Magnolia St.Next to Lee Co Elemen. NOGRAFA $825/Mo Applicationson site. Call 229-869-0607

LEE CO. 3/2, 126-B EdgelakeDr. quiet neighborhood, nicewooded lot,, $695/Mo + Dep. Nogrfa 229-854-7391

LEE 2BR/2BA, No Grafa/Pets.Year Lease 432-1551


2BR, $395/mo. East Albany,Quiet area. 881-2000 888-2000

2BR/1BA Apts inRawson Circ le, $450/Mo.


1BR 604 2nd, remodeled,CH&A Dishwasher, stove frige,$400/Mo $350/Dep 432-2235

1BR $475/mo and 2br/11⁄2ba$550/mo NW townhouse,appl iances, $400/deposi t435-8476

1BR/1BA Crossbow Ct,Updated, quiet, Appl. $495/Mo446-4400

1 & 2/BR $435-$625 Allappliances. 229-430-0166


ROOMs FOR RENT, 2BR,Private Bath, $900 includesutilities & TV/internet, pool,privacy fence, gated community,garage, Grand Island 349-1001

FURNISHED Rooms w/utilities,sett led people/no drugs.$100/Wk 344-5977


1200 SQ. FT. Retail, LeeMarket/ Winn Dixie, Us 19229-347-7655


3110 Graystone Lane - Off Beattie Rd. 435-101 7 G REENBRIAR A PARTMENTS

• 4 spacious floor plans • Live Oak Elementary School District • Water, Sewer, Garbage Provided

Call Maxine or Karen


Call Lavonne & ask about our$99 Move in for the month!Free flat screen with 1 yr leaseupon availability. DCA ok!Located close to New Wal-mart.Call 434-1311. Special subject to



Call 229-436-9096


Call 229-432-9351


Call about our Specials!!229-435-4325

2BR/2BA Townhouse on theFlint River. Covered Parking,boat ramp access, all electric.$750/mo $350 dep. SeeFacebook Page @ CrusoeVillage Apartments on the FlintR iver. Ca l l 347-4081 or881-3115.




Westwood Apartments


201 Holly Dr., Albany Luxury 1, 2 & 3 BR Apts.

1 Free Month if you Move in NOW!! (Must Qualify, Limted Time Only)



RENT SPECIAL!!2 & 3 BR CH/A, All Appl.,W/D Hookup, $495 & upWillows Apts. 432-9585

REMODELED 2BR/1 1⁄2 BATownhouse on Dorsett Ave.$400/mo, $400 dep. 255-8729


Call Mary @ 229-888-0148 &ask about our $99 MOVE-INSPECIAL! DCA Welcome!Located close to New Wal-mart.

Special subject to change.

NEW 3BR/2BA all appl., goodlocation., GRFA OK $695/Mo886-8697

L E E C O . 2 & 3 B R$675/Mo-$775/Mo + Dep, nopets, 229-336-0777


Page 9: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com 9

Sunday, February 19, 2012 The Albany Herald 9

Albany Property Management 1926 Dawson Rd.


506 S. Valenica 2BR/1BA, $425/mo $425 dep.

1410 E. 2nd Avenue 2BR/1BA, $335/mo $335 dep.

1909 Lynwood 3BR/1BA, $695/mo $695 dep.

836-A & B Odom 2BR/1BA, No Appliances,

$275/ M o $275/ Dep

2304 A Dominion Ct, 3715 B Mayfair 4BR-3BA, 2000 sq ft, $895/Mo $895/Dep

2306 B Old Dominion Ct 3BR/2BA $725/mo $725 dep.

WINDSOR Apartments 2030 W. Broad Ave


1 BR / 1.5 BA Fully Furnished Professionally


$600/mo No Pets Non Smoker

1 Bedroom Luxury Apartment Community

436-6415 www.gardenapts.com

1200 Kingstown Court (off Whispering Pines)


889-8030 www.gardenapts.com

1404 Whispering Pines



Military, Police & Seniors

1 BR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 379 00

2 BR 1 BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 429 00

3 BR, 2 1 ⁄ 2 BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 499 00

2 BR , 2 BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 479 00 Townhome





Rental Rates Cut $199 MOVE IN SPECIAL

No Application Fee

436-2404 2304 W. Gordon

Village the

439-8109 2507 Nottingham Way

Northwest Albany “Call For More Info”




1203 Whispering PinesAlbany, GA 31707


More Available@ RBGTAC.com


1410 A & B davis St2BR/1BA

$425/Mo / $425/Dep

1904 Elkhorn Ln.3BR/1.5BA

$625/Mo $625/Dep

1902-A Buck Ln3BR/2BA

$625/Mo / $625/dep


1514 N. Davis St. #31BR/1BA

$390/Mo / $390/Dep

453 Kingswood Dr1BR/1BA

$450/Mo / $450/Dep

2110 Lennox St. #222BR/2BA

$550/Mo / $550/Dep

2211 Gillionville Rd#5 & 6

1BR/1BA$475/Mo / $475/Dep


914 Lockett Station Rd4BR/1BA

$985/Mo / $985/Dep

222 Churchhill Dr.(Lee Co)3BR/2BA

$1,100/Mo / $1,100/Dep

213 Hedgerow Dr(Lee Co)3BR/2BA

$1,100/Mo / $1,100/Dep

3201 Leary Rd3BR/1BA

$650/Mo / $650/Dep

1123 Wadell Ave2BR/1BA

$325/Mo / $325/Dep

234 Long Pine(Lee Co)3BR/2BA

$950/Mo $950/Dep

3304 Aristedes Rd3BR/1BA


225 First Ave3BR/2BA

$425/Mo / $425/Dep**************************


B&B Rental Agency Since 1946

605 Pine Avenue 229-435-5216

147 Robertson (Lee) 3BR $925mth/$850 dep

108 B Edgelake (Lee) 3BR $625mth/$500 dep

168 Nacoochee (Lee) 3BR $825mth/$750 dep

1217 A West 2nd Ave 2BR $525mth/$450 dep

1125 #2 Benjamin 2BR $525mth/$450 dep

1200 Westwood (Gated) 2BR $595mth/$500 dep




169 KinchafooneeLee Co., 3BR/2BA$850/mo $850 dep.


$875/mo $875 dep.


921 W 4th Apt B1BR/1BA

$295/mo $295 dep


EAST, 3BR, CH&A, carport,fenced, $490/mo Cal l229-436-0736, 869-2546

Country Studio Cottage,unfurnished, single or seniorc o u p l e o n l y . N o p e t s .References req‘d. 229-395-9938

3BR/2BA, CH&A, HW floors,laundry rm, enclosed porch,security alarm, carport, 2storage bldgs, close to Darton,$700/mo $700 dep. 787-0062

3BR/1BA 206 S. Mock Rd.$490 mo/ $490 dep 438-7531

209 N. Madison, $500/mo. $350dep. and 1, 2, 3BR Apts,$275-$375/mo. + deposit. W.Gordon, CH&A. 435-7646

201 HIDDEN LAKES DR,5BR/3BA Approx 3200 sqft. ForSale/Rent $2500/Mo. 347-8324

1600 ANTIOCH, $450, 1st mthFree. Police, Firemen, Militaryextra discount. 439-8207




All real estate advertised in thisnewspaper is subject to the FederalFair Housing Act of 1988 which makesit illegal to advertise any preferencelimitation or discrimination based onrace, color, religion, sex, handicap,familial status or national origin or anyintent ion to make any suchp r e f e r e n c e , l i m i t a t i o n o rdiscrimination.

This newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertising for real estatewhich is in violation of the law. Ourreaders are hereby informed that alldwel l ings advert ised in th isnewspaper are available on an equalopportunity basis.


Don Butts 446-0600

382 Acres Weston, GA Only$1395 per Acre Fronting Hwy520 and Hwy 41 Long DoublePaved Road Frontage MayDivide Food plots and shootinghouses. Gas Line for greatshooting lanes. Call GeneReynolds the Real Estate Store7 7 0 - 3 1 5 - 5 7 3 1visit:genereynolds.com

100 acres... May divide.. BigPine and Hardwood Timber.Deer, quail & turkey galore.$2195 per acre. Allied Land759-1054.


15,000 - 20,000 sqft ClimateControlled Storage Space onOakridge Dr. close to Airport.Call Rob 229-883-0505 x122


WEST ALBANY, 3BR/2BA,$ 7 5 0 / m o $ 7 5 0 d e p .229-638-1926

LEE County Brick w/ fencedyard, 1436 sq ft, fireplace, 2 lgstorage blds, 3BR/2BA, fencedyard, 2 lg storage blds, 2shelters, CH&A, BrentwoodNor th @ 113 Aylesbury.$1000/mo. Call 888-7680.

LEE CO. 4/2 fenced $1250/Mo.Duplex 3/2 quiet $650/MoThe Wright Co. 435-0654.

LEE CO. 160 Pine Summit, 3/2split design. Granite/TileTroughout. Covered back patio,custom cherry cabinets &bookshevles, garage, majorappl, Lrg yard, $1150/mo. Call229-344-3215

LARGE 4 BD, 2 BA, FP WestAlbany $895 mo. 229-854-8859or 229-436-2725


110 N. W ESTOVER B LVD A LBANY , GA 435-5467

2943 Stonewater Drive, Albany, GA ~ For Sale ~

3 Bedrooms, 2 bath, 1,040 sq ft, Brand New HVAC unit Home is cute as can be. All appliances included:

stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and vent hood. Laundry closet, alarm system, large storage closet

in the back, Attic access. Lake Park school zone. $91,000

2709 Gillionville Suite 1 $750/month, 1000 sq ft


HOMES FOR RENT 2837 Stonewater Drive 3 bed, 2 bath, bonus room, inside laundry, single car garage, fenced

yard, deck. $875 month.



Real Estate adsClassified Line AdsIS FRIDAY12:00 P.M.

3BR/2BA Starting as low as$27,900. Turn-key complete.Call Abbi 229-888-9285

2715 DOVER LN great value3406 sf., 4BR/21⁄2BA 2 cargarage, +room, new carpet,p a i n t , & A C , $ 1 9 9 , 9 0 0229-376-6063

1350 Eagle Pond Rd, Lee Co,4BR/21⁄2BA on 25 acres, leasepurchase option. Call 343-3892


1 ACRE LOT, near airport, pricereduced to $9,000. Call229-432-9829 or 344-6054


Land & Timber Sales & Management

visit matreforestry.com for info, listings & n ewsletter (229) 639-4973


Terrell Co. 260+/- acresBeautiful tract! 50+/- ac.hardwood, 130+/- ac. of 13 to15 yr old planted pines, 38 +/-ac. of 18 yr. old planted pines(thinned once) and 15 +/-ac. inwell maintained food plots.Sugar Creek runs through thehardwoods creating wonderfulhabitat for deer, duck & turkey.There is also a 1600 +/- sq fthunting cabin and a 16x80mobile home as well asseveral storage buildings onthe property. Asking $670,000Call Needmore Properties @

229-439-1837 orBob Dutton @ 229-894-7373www.needmoreproperties.com

REDUCED!! Terrell Co. 2.5+/-acres with pretty hardwoodtrees. Beautifully renovatedhome%new interior paint,hardwood floors refinished,new carpet. Four bedrooms, 2baths. Security Alarm System.Wired block building forstorage/shop in back yardalong with other storagebuildings. All this located apx.25 minutes from Albany Mall -4.5 miles outside of Dawsonon Hwy 82W. Asking $95,850Call Needmore Properties @

229-439-1837 orBob Dutton 229-894-7373


LEE COUNTY Wisteria Lane 2new houses to choose from$155,000 each142 HARTSFIELD 124,900g r e a t f l o o r p l a n s , c a l l229-291-8510

Calhoun Co. 18+/- acres ofcountry living at its best! Thistwo-story, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathhome. New hardwood floorsthroughout along with tiledsunroom and baths, a beautifulrock fireplace plus a sunroomwith lots of light. Many extras.Asking $215,000Call Needmore Properties @

229-439-1837 orBob Dutton 229-894-7373


$100 DOWN PROGRAM, Seethis Lovely Home NW,3BR/2BA, F/P, HW floors, DR,D b l g a r a g e . C a l l B o b229-321-9047 ERA Realtors


Page 10: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

10 THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com

10 AN ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO The Albany Herald Sunday • February 19, 2012 • http://albanyherald.net/realestate.html

Advertise Your Yard Sale with Us!708HOMES


To Advertise Your Business Call





1001 W. Oglethorpe

D OLEE R ENTALS , I NC . 436-9620

3100-R CREPE MYRTLE 1BR-1BA...$450 RNT/$300 DEP

269 N DOUBLEGATE (LEE CO) 4BR-2BA...$895 RNT/$500 DEP

121 LEE DR (LEE CO) 3BR-1BA...$750 RNT/$400 DEP

511 E UGEMAR 2BR-1BA...$425 RNT/$200 DEP

1024-A DAVIDSON 2BR-1BA…$425 RNT/$300 DEP

108 AUBREY CT (LEE CO) 3BR-2BA...$1050 RNT/$600 DEP

3108-A CREPE MYRTLE 2BR-2BA...$575 RNT/$300 DEP

1208-A MARYLAND 2BR-1BA $450 RNT/$300 DEP

204 S CARROLL 2BR-1BA...$425 RNT/$425 DEP

1505-B W HIGHLAND 2BR-1BA...$450 RNT/$300 DEP

2715 N DOUBLEGATE 5BR-3BA...$1200 RNT/$700 DEP

129 MAYFIELD (LEE CO) 3BR-2BA...$950RNT/$500 DEP

110 A&B HOUSTON ST (WORTH CO) 2BR-2BA...$550 RNT/$300 DEP

1915 RIVERVIEW 3BR-1BA $495 RNT/ $400 DEP

1919 STUART 3BR-2BA $695 RNT/$400 DEP

107-B COURTNEY CT 3BR-2BA $675 RNT/$400 DEP

1511-B MALONE 2BR-1BA $325 RNT/$200 DEP

2023 HIDDEN CT 2BR-2BA $600 RNT/$400 DEP

211-B ENDOLINE (LEE CO) 3BR-2BA $650 RNT/$350 DEP

2515 CRESENT 3BR-1BA $595 RNT/$400 DEP

1536 Dougherty Ave , Albany , GA 31705 420-8929 ext2101

211 Collins Ave. Cute Bungalow, 2 BD/1 BA

$450 Dep/$450 Rent 1213 2nd Ave

Newly Remodeled 3BD/1.5 BA

$650 Rent/$650 Deposit 406 B Station Crossing 2BR/2BA, nice duplex

with appliances $550 Rent $550.00 Deposit

FOR LEASE: New 4BR/2BAhome in the city of Leesburg.Call 229-343-0900.

First Time Home Buyer? 3 & 4Bedrooms Available. CallJacob 229-888-9285

Dougherty Co. 244+/- acreswith a beautiful brick home,unique hunting cabin, twosmall ponds and plenty ofwoods that provide excellenthabitat for wildlife. Located 15minutes from the Albany Mallon Highway 62.

Asking $658,000Call Needmore Properties @

229-439-1837 orBob Dutton 229-894-7373



436-6628 A NN T HOMAS GRI

“Yes, you can buy a home, ask me”

F OR SALE 222 Worthwood, 3 BR, 2 BA, $34,900 706 Cherry, 2BR, 1BA, $45,000 5426 Kalmia Ln, 3BR, 2 BA, $95,000 2811 Sylvester Rd, 3BR, 1BA, $40,000 2704 Joshua, 2BR, 1BA, $30,000 823 W. Lincoln, 2BR, 2BA, $18,000 527 Ivey’s Scenic, 3BR, 2BA, $155,000 801 Putney 3BR 2BA $69,500 906 Holloway, 3BR, 1BA, $50,000 Hwy 82E (Sylvester) 0.97ac, $39,900 813 7th Ave 5br 2ba $56,430 5601 Ironwood (vacant lot), 3.34 acres, $65,000



Do you have a Service? Advertise with Us!



FSBO, Lake Blackshear, 150ftfrontage, boat ramp, 2BR/11⁄2BA229-938-0791


ON CREEK 21 PATAULASHORES CIRCLE (Ft. Gaines)2650 sf CH&A, fp, completelyfurnished, sprinkler system, &fenced, 2 car garage, lrg shop& cooking area, sun roomcovered boat house w/powerlift, Call 229-343-5611

HISTORICAL Greek Revival inDawson, GA. 5BR/ maintained

well, for info: www.historicalhendersonhall.blogspot.com

FOR SALE: New 4BR/2BAhome in city of Leesburg. Call229-347-0845.


Page 11: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com 11

Page 12: Albany Herald Real Estate Showcase - 02-19-2012

12 THE ALBANY HERALD • REAL ESTATE SHOWCASE • Sunday, February 19, 2012 • www.albanyherald.com