University of San Diego University of San Diego Digital USD Digital USD Alcalá View (University of San Diego. Personnel Department) USD News 1981 Alcalá View 1981 03.01 Alcalá View 1981 03.01 University of San Diego Personnel Department Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/alcalaview-1979 Digital USD Citation Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Personnel Department, "Alcalá View 1981 03.01" (1981). Alcalá View (University of San Diego. Personnel Department). 17. https://digital.sandiego.edu/alcalaview-1979/17 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the USD News at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alcalá View (University of San Diego. Personnel Department) by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Alcalá View (University of San Diego. Personnel Department) USD News


Alcalá View 1981 03.01 Alcalá View 1981 03.01

University of San Diego Personnel Department

Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/alcalaview-1979

Digital USD Citation Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Personnel Department, "Alcalá View 1981 03.01" (1981). Alcalá View (University of San Diego. Personnel Department). 17. https://digital.sandiego.edu/alcalaview-1979/17

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Sta® Alcala View VOLUME 3


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Health for the Holidays by Gale L. Withey

With the holidays and accompanying food, drink and merriment just around the corner, you may be wondering how to lose weight for that special party, how to stay healthy through all the celebrat­ing, or how you're ever going to shed those extra vacation pounds when it's over.

I asked Dr. Charles Ross, U.S.D. Health Services physician and San Diego health lecturer some questions on how to stay happy yet healthy over the holi­days as well as on a more long term basis.

Q. What kinds of things are most impor­tant to remember for day-to-day health maintenance? A. Well, I think good nutrition, active physical exercise, adequate rest, and trying to relieve the stress from day-to­day kinds of things are the four most important elements.

Q. What kind of exercise is best? A. I don't think there's any one best kind of exercise, but the exercise that's done should be what's called aerobic. That is exercise which takes lots of oxygen, is repetitive, is continuous, and must in­crease your pulse rate to varying levels depending on your age and fitness. The ki_nds of things that are aerobic activities are things like vigorous walking, jogging or running, swimming, bicycling and jazz dancing.

Q. What about diet? What really is best? Are there any myths that need to be dispelled about eating right? A. Probably the biggest myths are that people are overweight because they eat all of the wrong things or because of their glands. The number of people who have gland problems that lead to overweight­ness is very very small. The majority of us


don't eat the wrong things; we eat just too much of all of the right things. If you were to eat 1 00 calories extra per day over what you really need to maintain

your weight, in a year you would be ten pounds heavier and in two years you would be twenty pounds heavier. That's the way most of us get overweight; we eat just a little more than we burn up.

As far as specific kinds of things, people eat too much fat, too much red meat, probably eat too much sugar, and don't eat enough vegetable proteins, complex carbohydrates, or the fiber found in things like whole grain cereal,· fruits and vegetables.

As far as dieting, the first thing is to look at what you eat and notice things that are not particularly nutritious, the junk food and hidden calories like re­fined sugar. Secondly, look at the total amount of things you eat per day. See if there are one or two items that are not terribly important to you and eliminate them. That might be 100 or 200 calories per day, and if you were to give up 200 calories per day, in a year you would lose twenty pounds.

I would also point out that the worst


thing you could do is start one of these weird diets like bananas and grapefruit or twelve hard-boiled eggs a day or whatever. Almost anybody can go on some spacy sort of diet and lose weight, but they will do it for a brief while and then reward themselves for having suf­fered by going back to eating all of the things they did before, and they'll gain back all they lost and probably a little extra. It's better to stick with the kinds of things you're used to, but eat much more moderate portions, and couple that with some exercise.

Let me stress one thing for diet and exercise. Don't rush! You have all of your life to stay fit. Don't diet just to get into a special evening dress for a Christ­mas party next month. Say instead, "Well I'll be thin for next Christmas, a year from now," and do it gradually.

Q. With the holiday season approaching, what special precautions would you recommend to stay healthy amidst all the holiday food?

A. Basically everything we've talked about is moderation in some sort of way. Recognize that you don't have to eat up for a whole year at every Christmas party, and you can keep a few things in mind. One, not all the food needs to be eaten. If you eat a little less, the host will just have a little more for the next day. Two, you might want before you go to a party to fill up on lettuce or some other almost non-caloric thing, even water, so if you come to a party and you're not famished you will have less of a tenden­cy to gorge yourself. Third, when you go to a buffet style party, as most Christmas parties are, with multiple things to choose from, just put one or two things on your plate, go back to your place and eat them, and if you still feel hungry or deprived go back and take something else back and so on. If you load your plate up the very first time, you'll eat everything on it, whereas if you do it by steps you're likely to be embarrassed by going back so many times and you might eat less.

(continued on page 5)

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. ...... . .......... .. .... . .. .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ····· ............................ . ::::u: ::::u::u ' • u:::: •... Meet Marge Hughes by Joan Murry

Gardening is only one of Marge Hughes' many interests. You may meet Marge whil e she's out running her "three mil es" (which she does four to seven times a week), or at the tennis courts, or in class at the Business School. Be prepared to be caught up in Marge's energy and enthusiasm for life in general and U.S.D. in particular.

Although Marge admits, "I was reluc­tant to leave Flagstaff when we came to San Diego .. . Art was vice president at the Northern Arizona University and we had many good friends there; it was a small town atmosphere and I felt we had everything we needed and wanted ."

Since co ming to U.S.D. and San Diego ten years ago when "Art assumed the presidency of U.S.D., I have come to love it and would find it very difficult to live anywhere else."

Although the respon sib ilities of being a university president' s wife can be ex­tremely demanding, Marge has found time to pursue a vari ety of interests including Spanish and mathematics classes, cooking, needlepoint, and flow­er arranging. In addition, she spends a part of each day "out on the patio gardening."

When asked how she finds time and energy for so many activities, Marge tells how she was once inspired at a talk given by Deborah Szekely (the founder of the Golden Door), "Since then, I try to find time each day to do something to im­prove myself -physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually."

At the top of Marge's priority list (she admits to being a "list person") is her family. Activities of the Hughes' four children (Gregg, Tim, John and Susan) keep her days full. Marge and Susan recently took ice skating lessons twice a week for an entire semester; and Marge te lls how the boys can cook ... and that son, Tim " had three offers of marriage when he made a cherry cheesecake for a friend's graduation party where every­one was asked to bring a dish to share."

Marge describes herself as a ve ry " tra­ditional" with strong fee lings about mar­riage and family. She believes, "Mar­riage should be based on mutual intel­lectual and spiritual beliefs and values .. . these are basic to marriage, family, and a successful life together."

The energy and enthusiasm character-

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istic of Marge have roots in her child­hood and college years. Raised in th e small town of Olney, Illinois, in a family of ten children, Marge recalls an early interest in mathematics and music and the memory of working at one job or another. She eventually majored in business education with a social science and physical education minor at Eastern Illinois University.

During college and the ensuing four years when she taught at Mt. Carmel High School, Marge's summers were highlighted by summer trips with friends to Colorado, California, New Mexico, New York, and Wisconsin . Marge smil­ingly recalls how she and her friends worked at some "untraditional" jobs -at least untraditional then for teachers - to support their vacations.

They worked as hotel waitresses, selling rug cleaning door-to-door, as camp counselors, and as secretaries at an Air Force base in New Mexico as well as for a Madison Avenue attorney who had famous theatrical personalities as clients.

Attending graduate school was a goal in those days, but Marge confesses, " I enjoyed traveling so much that I never did get to graduate school. .. but I reall y loved those single years."

Marge's single years were over when she and Art were marri ed in August of 1956. Those early years were busy ones with " Art pursuing a Ph .D. d egree at

. .......................... . . . . . ............................. . . ............................... . :::::::::::::. ::::::::::: •• u:::: ......... •····

Iowa State University and the birth of our first child, Gregg." She recalls their "small barracks-like duplex with the h{ water heater and space heater in tA ... living room." Marge's contributions dur­ing those lean years, in addition to rais­ing a family, was to earn extra money by teachin g in adult school and typing theses and dissertations for graduate students.

Looking back on her ten years here at U.S.D., Marge recalls all the fascinating people she has met and the enriching experiences she has had while enrolled in classes at U.S.D., where she is current­ly studying in the MBA program. " Being a part of U.S.D.'s growth, in terms of its physical size, enrollment, and academic stature, has been an exciting experience for me," Marge relates .

When asked what advice she would give to a spouse o_f a university presi­dent, Marge replies, "Beingsupportive is the most important advice I can give .. . l appreciate how supportive Art is of me and I try to give him as much support as I can. Also, it's necessary to make tim e for famil y activ ities and to encourage a working-together relationship ... that helps make the most of the time a fa rr(_ has together."

It is clea r that the energy, enthusiasm, and commitment Marge brings to all her endeavors contribute to her very suc­cess ful roles of wife, mother, student -and make her a person to be admired.

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Haunting the Halls of U.S.D. -

Photos by Willi•m Snead Page 3

Page 5: Alcalá View 1981 03 - digital.sandiego.edu

Recipes for a Delicious Holiday ... "4 LAYER SWEET DREAM"

1 sti ck of butte r 1 cup fl our

1 /2 cup nuts, chopp ed Crea m mi xture; spread o n 9 x 1 2 pan; bake at 35 0° fo r 20 minutes. Cool.

1 8-oz. crea m cheese 1 cup powd ered suga r

1 cup Coo l Whi p Spread over crumb mixture.

2 small in stant puddin g* 3 cups milk

Mi x puddin g and milk and sp read ove r crum bs an d fi rst layer.

*Puddin g used ca n vary fro m p istachio; vanill a with cru shed pin ea pp le sprinkl ed ove r to p; banana w ith fresh cut-up bananas.

Sp read remainin g Cool Whip ove r all laye rs and sprinkl e li ghtly with nuts. - Cher M. Delcarmen

Grandfather Edelman's Low Calorie CHRISTMAS FATIGUE POUND CAKE

The origins of this recipe are lost in the mists of time. It is known, however, that it had its genesis in the Bavarian Alps and made its way to this country under the aegis of my grandfather, Louis Adolph. It was also under a plaster bust of Kaiser Wilhelm and a Stradivarius violin Grandpa picked up in Cremona, Italy, which would be worth $250,000 today if Grandpa hadn't stripped off the varnish.

2 quarts o f kirschwasse r q uart o f peppe rmint schnapps

1 p int o f prun e brandy 4 egg yo lks

Sarah Li ederkranz poun d cake

Stir liquid in gredi ents in a large, firep roo f vat fo r 30 minutes o r until exhausted. Add egg yo lks and stir over low f lame until midn ight Chri stm as Day. When th e con cocti o n has taken on a sli ght ly blu e haze, add th e po und ca ke, takin g ca re not to drop any crumbs in to t he mi xture. Stir pound ca ke in liquid fo r 30 second s and remove immediately. Do not di scard th e pound cake in garb age d isposa l o r other m etalli c receptac le, as it may d es troy plumbin g. Se rv es one. Recomm end se rv in g sho rtl y after all guests have left and avo id hum an co mpany fo r at least three days.

- Sandy Edelman

APPLESAUCE CAKE 1/ 2 cup sho rtenin g 1 egg

cup suga r 1 / 2 cup f lo ur

1 /2 tsp. salt 1 cup (o r mo re) wa lnu ts

1 cup (o r mo re) se ed less ra1s1ns 1 cup app lesauce (o r more, if nee ded)

1 tsp. c inn amo n 1 /3 tsp. cloves o r all sp ice 1 Tab les poon ba kin g soda

4 Tab les poon s ground bakin g choco late

W arm bowl. Add sho rtening. C rea m in su ga r (o nl y so m ew hat and gradua ll y). Beat egg into m ixt ure. Sift fl ou r w it h seasonin gs. Use bi t of thi s fo r d redgi ng nuts and raisins. Add d redged nuts and rai sins to crea m ed m ixt ure. Add fl our mi xtu re grad ua ll y to above, m ixin g thoro ughl y. Add (at once) enough app lesa uce to make mixture "s loppy". Crea m and fl our ba king pa n w it h dab o f sho rtening. Bak e at 3 50° until toothpi ck com es clean (exce p t fo r one crumb.) .

- Sr. Dale Brown

Page 4

CHRISTMAS COOKIES 1 cup ol eo 1 cup suga r

2 Tabl es poon s milk 1 teas poo n vanill a

1 /4 cup red and gree n ca ndied cherri es 1 /2 cu p cho pped peca ns

3/4 cu p coconut 2 1/ 2 cup fl o ur

Cream o leo and sugar. Add milk and vanilla. Stir in fl our, cherri es, and nuts. Fo rm into 2 ro ll s 2 in ches in di ameter and 8 in ches lo ng. Ro ll in coconut. Wrap and chill ove rni ght. Sli ce 1/ 4 in ch thi ck, pl ace o n un greas ed coo ki e sheet and bake at 3 7 5° fo r approxi­mately 12 minutes. M akes 5 dozen.

- Linda Petty Secretary to Kathy Walden,

Asst. Director of Development

HOT HOLIDAY ARTICHOKE DIP can arti cho ke heart s, drain ed

1 cup mayo nn aise 1 cup Parm esan cheese

Chop arti choke hearts into quarters. St ir in all in gred ient s. Ba ke in 3 50° oven fo r 1 5-20 minu tes o r until to p is go lden brown. Exce l­lent o n Tris cu its.

- "Action" Jackson Kitch ens (Jackson Muecke)

WASSAIL ga ll on app le cider 6 w ho le c loves

6 w ho le all spi ce 2 teaspoo ns nu tm eg

6-oz. can froze n lemonad e 1 6-oz. can o range ju ice

1 cup packed b rown suga r

Heat and se rve wa rm . Serve w ith c inn amon sti ck st irrers. - Dave Navarro

Thanksgiving ... Easy Dessert PINEAPPLE DELIGHT

Instan t Rice (o ne se rv in g rec ipe) 1 ca n cru shed pin eap pl e

1 conta in er w hip ped cream

Cook ri ce per directi ons. Coo l ri ce. Drain and ad d o ne can o f crushed pin ea ppl e. Fo ld in whi ppe d cream . Coo l in refri ge rato r fo r at leas t one ho ur. Serves 5-7.

-Fran Swank

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"MAGIC COOKIE BARS" 1 stick butter o r margarine

1 cup graham cracker crumbs

SNOWBALL CAKE 2 pkgs. unflavored gelatin 4 Tablespoons cold water

1 cup boiling water 1 can ( 1 6-oz.) crushed pineapple 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup butterscotch chips 1 cup flaked coconut

2 boxes Dream Whip (2 boxes in each box) 1 large angel food cake

1 cup chopped nuts (use your favorite!) 1 can sweetened co ndensed milk

1 cup coconut juice of one lemon

1 cup sugar Melt butter in a 9 x 13 pan. Spread graham cracker crumbs evenly over

the melted butter. Layer the chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and coconut over the crumbs. Pour the sweetened condensed milk evenly over the whole pan of " goodies". Sprinkle with nuts over the top.

Bake in a 350° oven for 30 minutes. Remove and cool thoroughly. Cut into squares or bars! NOTES: Lasts forever when stored in the refrigerator. You can omit the nuts, coconut or one type of "chip" if you want...but then they're not as good!!! I usually let mine sit in the refrigerator overnight before I cut them ... They do not get firm until they are completely cool. Sometimes I just use the whole 12-oz. packages of chips instead of 1 cup ... it doesn't hurt them at all!!!

Dissolve gelatin in cold water; add boiling water; cool slightly. Stir in lemon juice, cru sh­ed pineapple (including juice) and sugar. Chill until partially set. Prepare one box of Dream Whip according to directions on package. Fold into gelatin mixture. Crumble angel food cake into small pieces. Fold into gelatine mixture. Chill overnight. Prepare remaining box of Dream Whip and combine with coco­nut. Spread over top of dessert.

- Suzie Howell

CARAMEL NUT SWEET POTATO PIE 1 9-in ch unbaked pastry sh ell with high fluted edge

1 can (1 7 oz.) sweet potatoes 3/4 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

- Kathy Walden Asst. Director of Development

CARAMEL NUT TOPPING 3 Tablespoon s light brown sugar

2 Tablespoons butter 1 Tablespoon cream

dash salt 2 eggs

1 2/3 cups light cream 1/4 cup finely chopped preserved ginger

Combine in small skillet. Heat stirring con­stantly until melted and mixture bubbles for 1 minute. Stir in: 1 /2 cup unsalted cashews. Stir over low heat 1 minute. Pour and spread on pie while topping is warm.

Preheat oven to 425°. Combine ingredients in blender and whirl until smooth. Place in hot oven (425°) and immediately lower to 350°. Bake 40 minutes. Do not overbake. Custard will set as it cools. Spread on caramel topping after pie cools. Garnish with whipped cream when serving.

HEALTH FOR THE HOLIDAY (continued from page 1)

Q. Which holiday treats should be avoid­ed and which can be indulged in? A. All of the things we've discussed in terms of diet in general hold true over the holidays. And during holidays we have one additional thing - alcohol. Alcohol has more calories than any other food item. More than protein, more than carbohydrates, and more than fat. Also, you usually drive to a party, and with more drinks, you're less likely to be able to get home. A sort of admonition about alcohol is to not have more than one drink in an hour, because it takes about an hour to metaboli ze the alcohol in one drink. Also, if you have food, it will slow down the rate of absorption .

Q. I know you don't recommend losing weight fast, but what kind of advice would you give to people who really want to lose a few last minute pounds before the holidays? A. Calories are what make people thin and fat, so if you really insi st that you've

got to get down five pounds in a certain amount of time, remember that it takes 3500 calories for one pound. If you need to lose five pounds you have to give up 3500 calories times five pounds or 17,500 calories. In addition you can burn up with vigorous exercise about ten calories per minute, so if you exer­cise for thirty minutes you can burn up another 300 calories. Any advise I can give you is to very strictly count your calories and use this as a guide.

I would additionally urge people not to take water pills, or diuretics, because this can be very dangerous. It depletes the body of very important things like potassium, which you need for heart regularity. The same thing can happen with people who purge themselves with lots of laxatives.

We have six weeks until Christmas, so realize how long it will take and start a little sooner than you otherwise might have.

Q. Is there anything else we haven't dis-

- Louise Falls Media Technician, Media Center

cussed which you would like to add? A. Yes, managing stress. Most impor­tantly we should recognize that we are in charge of our lives. Nobody can make us anxious. Nobody can make us tense. Nobody can make us angry. Nobody can make us depressed. We are the only ones that can allow these things to happen. That doesn't mean that there may not be events in what we do, or our working lives, or Christmas, or anything else, that are depressing; but we are the ones that decide and allow ourselves to remain depressed or unhappy or jealous or guilty or whatever. One has to analyze these feelings, and see if feeling that way is helping anything that we're doing. If not, then we should begin to look at ways of getting rid of these att itud es. Exercise and activity may be one way. M ed itating may be another. A vacation may be another. Recognize that we cont ro l our emotion s. Maybe not very well sometimes, but other people are not the cause of our fee lings. It's up to ourselves.

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CELEBRATING 125 YEARS OF SERVICE - Fifteen years: Naida Chris tman, Marion Ho ll eman, N ick DeTuri. Te n years: Mary Griffi th , Norma Moriaty, Roge r Manio n, Michael O 'Cul l. Five yea rs: Susan Mayes, Dorothy Tho mas, Palma Scheumack, Charle ne Tw itc he ll, W illiam Hal l, Agost ino Barradas, H erb Wh ite, Jo hn <; an son e.


Staff Employees Association 1981-82 Board


President ...... .. ........ . .... . . . . . ... . .. Pro Tern : Dave Navarro, x425 6 Vice President ... . ..... . ....... .. . .. Dave N avarro, Physi cal Plant, x4256 Secretary ... . . . . . . . ......... .. . . ... . ....... . . . . . ... . .. ...... Fran Swank, President ... . .. .. . . ....... .. . . . . . . . . ..... Pro Tern : Dave N avarro, x425 6 Vi ce Pres ident .. . . ............ .. . . . . Dave Navarro, Physical Plant, x4256 Secretary . . . . . ...... . ... .. .. . ... . ....... . Fran Swank, Co ntro ll er' s, x4306

REPRESENTATIVES Books tore/Post O ffice . . ... .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . Jack Abel, Post O ffi ce, x4259 Cami no Hall .... .. .......... . .......... . . Te rry Mignogna, Copley, x43 16 DeSales, Lower Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do rothy Tho m as, Accountin g, x4308 D eSales, Upper Level . .... . ...... . .... . . D ebbie Gou gh, Provost' s, x4553 Food Servi ce .......... . . ....... . . . . . .... . ..... ... .. Frank Clance, x4262 Founders Hall ... . .. ... . . .. . . . ...... . ... Peg Conard, A & S D ean 's, x4545 Law Lib rary . .. . . . . ... . ......... .. .. . . . ..... . .. . Chery l Congleto n, x4363 Law Schoo l . ... . . .. .. . .. .. . .... .... .. . ..... . .. . .. .. Katie A lbright, x4359 Physical Plant

Custodia l . . .. . . . ........ . ... . .. . . ....... . . .. .. . ..... Ji m Carte r, x4256 General Se rv ices .. . .. . . . ... ... .. . ... . . . . ... .. . . . . Dave Navarro, x4256 Grounds .... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... .. .......... . .. ... ..... Tom Mand i, x4516 Mainte nance .. .. . ... . ...... . . . ... .... . . ... . . . . . . . . Dave Fuh rer, x45 16 Security . ... . . . . .. . ....... . .... . .. .. .. . . . ... .... . . . . . Bil l M unz, x4 51 7

School of Bu si ness ... . ..... . ....... . .... . . .... . . . Margaret Peters, x45 11 Serra Hall ....... .. ... . .......... . ........ . . . Peggy Agerton, EDC, x42 10

Also Ex-offic io (past pres ident) Sports Center/School of N ursing ... . .... . .. . .. .. . . .. . ... Jan A ll en, x4272

ADVISOR ... . . . . . . . .. . .......... . . Lor rain e W atson, Personne l, x4594

FIND THE WORDS Ade Hip Sage Arch Host Santa

R W C A I T u R K E y G u R L Aunts Hymns Sho pp ing WO A R 0 G R A V y w .A. R C H E Baby Inn Show I C T 0 z R E D 0 H A M' G L A B Buggy Lab Snow s H o w J E E z E y E s X I p A Ch ildren Mug Top H I p D u L E 0 F M L T 0 p p B Chimney Nod Tree R L R s A N T A s N 0 W E X y y Christi an Now Turkey A D E R u N C L E s I R u C E B ':: rowd s O range Twi n K R s I N 0 D G u T H A s H N u Dishes Pa Uncles J E E z T w I N s H 0 p p I N G Elf Pea W is h I N N p s E s F T 0 s y R M u G Gravy Presents Wrap E N T E D C H R I s T I A N R y Ham Red Ya m L I s A G E E 0 R A N G E E D 0 Happy Roe F M u s R 0 s E T H A p p y I C Hash Rose

Page 6

JUST CHILI, 3750 Sports Arena Blvd ., regula( hot, o r SUPER-HOT ch il i, tort illas, etc. Low orice an d GOOOOOD chi ;,.

FRENCHY MARSEILLES, 801 "C", Quai nt atmu~phere, good food. M ode rate to high price.

L.as Vegas Fldn1ingo Hilton showroom - " City Lights" ... spectacular! $10.95 m idnight cock­tail show ... save gambling money and sPe one o f the newest and best shows in town.

City of Industry Convention Center, Los Ange les (City of Indust ry) . Free. We ll worth touri ng if in the area ... Originally buil t for the upcoming C> lym pics before it moved. Res­tau rant~ available - moderate to h igh pri ce.

Arboretum, Pasadena, CA ,across from Santa Anita Race Track. Low ent rance fee. Guided tours of grounds, o r walk. All types of plants native to California and many tropi cal areas.

F- .,.. -- ,.~

~ ~ ~ CRAFT~ u FAIR u ~ All employee, ace Invited to at- n

tend t he Craft Fair sponsored by U

~ Stu dent Affairs on December 11th ~ from 9:00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m. Both t he U.S.D. com mun ity and th e off-

~ campu s comm un ity wi ll be show-ing and se l lin g th eir handcrafted ~ item s. Fresh baked goods, hot

· chocolate and cidar w i ll also be

~ so ld. The Fair wi ll be held in the ~ Founders Foyer, A m erican Lounge and Mu lti-purpose room. N o ad-b~on fee :.ill be :~rged . .,d

The Alcala View is pub lished hi ne t imes per year by the Person nel Departm ent of U.S. D. Edi to ri al Board: Lorraine W atson, Sandra Edelman, Jan Chlarson, Sue How el l, Fran ( Swank, Joan M urry, Siste r Dale Brown. Pro­ductio n: Angie Walte rs; Keith Vit tozz i. Photo­graphy: W ill iam Snead. Overall content of t he newsletter is determ ined by t he Ed itori al Board, which hold s open meetin gs each month. Arti cles w ritten ex press the opinions of the author. W e we lcome co ntributions. The Ed ito r reserves th e ri ght to edit copy fo r space and conten t.