Algae Simple Eukaryotes 1

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Simple Eukaryotes

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  • Prokaryotes, Eukaryotic Algae, and ProtozoansProkaryotes

    organisms without a cell nucleus (= karyon), or any other membrane-bound organelles. (Most are unicellular, but some prokaryotes are multicellular)

    Eukaryotes organisms whose cells are organized into

    complex structures by internal membranes and a cytoskeleton

    The most characteristic membrane bound structure is the nucleus

    Can be multi- or unicellular

  • Domain (Eu)Bacteria

    Clade Cyanobacteria Photosynthetic blue-greens

    Important Examples: Nostoc

    Unicellular, beaded strands Able to fix nitrogen (important nutrient competitor)

    Oscillatoria Very common locally Filamentous strands of rectangular cells

    Gloeocapsa Very small colonies of 2 4 cells in gelatinous sheath

    Nostoc. Pointer indicates heterocyst cell for N-fixation.

    Oscillatoria. Good view of rectangular cells.

    Gloeocapsa colonies

  • Domain (Eu)Bacteria

    Clade Proteobacteria Aquaspirillum

    One of the largest bacteria, though its difficult to find under high-power using a compound microscope

    Spiral-shaped (hence name)

  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade [Kingdom] Plantae Clade (Phylum) Chlorophyta green algae

    Spirogyra Spiral-shaped chloroplasts

    Zygnema Star-shaped chloroplasts


  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade [Kingdom] Plantae Clade (Phylum) Chlorophyta green algae Desmids

    Composed of two half-cells that are mirror images.



  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade Stramenopila Clade (Phylum) Chrysophyta Golden-Brown Algae

    Often flagellated, form colonies Synura

    Diatoms Cell walls composed of silica Navicula Cyclotella

    Synura. Free-living (right) & colony (below)



  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade Alveolata Clade (Phylum) Dinoflagellata

    Flagellated use whip-like tail for feeding, locomotion Dinos spin or move in small circles

    Red/brown color Can be photosynthetic or predatory plate of armor covering gives them an unusual appearance Give rise to red tides when in large numbers


    Red tide!

  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade (Phylum) Ciliata Characterized by their cilia hair-like projections used for feeding or

    locomotion Paramecium

    Engulf prey with their oral groove gives them their spiral-like shape Some species have photosynthetic symbionts, but Paramecium themselves are predators

    Euplotes Have spike-like modified cilia Wicked predators

  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade Euglenozoa Have superior flagella for locomotion and feeding

    Can create water vortexes for filter-currents Some are photosynthetic Red eye spot can detect light for directionality


  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade Amoebozoa Lack an outer body wall; move by extending their body cytoplasm (these

    projections = pseudopodia) Pseudopodia caused by a chain reaction of actin proteins expanding &

    contracting (they feed like this, too!) Difflugia

    Protects its fragile body by creating a shell of sand & detritus

  • Domain Eukarya

    Clade Rhizaria Thread-lobed amoebas Actinopoda include Heliozoans (sun animals) that have threads of

    pseudopodia extending through their silica/calcium carbonate shells Actinosphaerium

    Slide Number 1Slide Number 2Domain (Eu)BacteriaDomain (Eu)BacteriaDomain EukaryaDomain EukaryaDomain EukaryaDomain EukaryaDomain EukaryaDomain EukaryaDomain EukaryaDomain Eukarya