TWIN FALLS COVNTY'S SCRAP QUOTA - . --MSOTONS -r - ColIctlt«'s»-taV 1,751 lon» A RcRbral NcwKpaper Scfvini; WAR BULLETIN bwk o( Tcbonrbk. m u reported lonJfbt to, b* UjJoj iowiv % ne«« b«rm* in lo il Grrrain armored fannaUonj at* trmpllDc -lo attack the Amtrlcan and DrilUh poilUoni. VOL. 25. NO. 201 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, DECKMRF:r 7, 1942 PRICE 6 CENTiv- Germany Throws Major Attack at Stalingrad Area • MOSCOW, IJi'c nnd tens of ihou; Uy M. H. JJAM)l.tIl 7 (UR)— Gcnnimy threw Imndreils of tanks amis of men itilo ferociouH countcr-iiUack' iiorlliwetit niicl southwest of StnlinnriKi todaj' in nn nlterript ' IK claws of a Hussiun pinccr.4 drive ;) on tliu VoIku river in' .) break oi)on tin nnd maintain the du-'<lvi«l city. Soiitliwosi of Stj and infantry powerful aU.U'ks closi 1- slipiJ liiiKnKJ. forcos i jspt'cijilly. tlie Gcrnians threw big •nif Mnilh\k tfinkN I 4tJ I u.illv tlncp iiiuvl: joulli oJ JlrJif ir> link's of Mu^cl)u•. nftfr n c'-iviiii I'cliiforcrmnil.s. Vlrliy r.altl uttrr licavy arllUo lion Ihc nu.'.slnlin MarK !\yii tnjik Mii)|x)rl niicI i)cnr. til,- OiTmiiii llnrj, bin n <i--:ro;,fa. Vichy rrporlCKl' ; nif.'liui ftttacks nl;.n tirar Vrl1kl«- Iiinr.i v , t.Mol Mwcow. an Jii oilif.- fcntral from I-rrtorr..) M»kcs rromollonj Trrmlrr Jtv<f Sialln, Miyrnii roinmiindrr of tlie flKhlUis f6rcf.i, nunifrt a-ip eoloiifl-stnfra), 13 lieu-, trnanl tfncrnl.i nntl 133 major KM erals loday. It wj.i Uie third prom tloii 11-11 In ft month, ToUay's pn tnollnnfi Inelndrd ihwe of Alrxnntler Slirrbakov. nncl Uv Mcklilb, commlv.ar.i, to lleulei smrnl. TlNt ! I fommunisivic Tt;)orUa Liai m U1P nortlirrn ouUsklrls of .SuUnitrod Ruutan patrols ha<l klll- Dt nboiit GO Ocnntnn durini; Uie jilKht and atiUlerj- litid bio*n • -satrti-itUii ituArfWix* • fnntry conmiu-uitmis, rosltlons I'onralldaied Nor u or It th» Iluw.lan: rrppllfd <-oiinlrrnliack.i nit<I Idntfd ponliloiu. Il wu.n ;,n!cl, Om _Ilii.'-'lnn iinlt rrt<lit«| v,iiti kill I t? J.BOO Omnnn;! nnd taockiiijr ou: 37 tAnks In Uir la.«t 3< Kourfl, Rccotv- ralJMnce-combni palroU In anoUir ifctor jyniMralwl rnrniy position: riiirlnK iJie nlplii nftd klllrd nbon' 60(1 arrmnn^, the comnninlqiir .-.tild. SoiithwMi of atnllnRrnd Ihc'nii.i' Miiti-i In cnpiiirlnu n forUllrtl pai- Uton UUIc^l 3 » anmnns nm can. tum l five field Kun«, 51 mnchlnj films and other timterlnb, Uie com- nnmlijiie rrporlcd, Wlirn the Orr. trlivl to cm off a Huwlnn de- tnnk biiitrrs dl.tablrtl four M O B O i[ R S « BIG RAIDS ES IX3ND0.*J. Dec, 7 (-V^A aUonE forcr of RAJ' bomber.-. RtrlklnK sHcr MucrlrMi Riul Urltl-Jj ultnirn car- ried oul their blRKc-'t. dayllKlil a.-.- ?aulv aKBinji me contlneni. eon- iiniifd the offen.Hvc to knock rtaiy out of the conflict wllli nn miai-k last nUlit upon one of the bottle- necks hi the rati sy.Mci'n throiiKh wlilcli the nn:b sustain Uielr Trenk- ca-!i of nine planes the IJrlt- bh bombed i.irsel.'s In joutliwot aeriuany. wnicll Uerlln Idtnllfled a; nntl Pforilidm. neluhbor' inlcallQCU ami war factory ;i Uie most dlrec nany to Itiily. ill Admit Uaniati n ic German news iiKeiicy DNH This Shoultl Make You Kemenil)cr Dee. 7 >icl>l (0 make 70U rrmenibrr Drc. 7. One of the mi •lab-ln-tlir>back I'earl Harbor ratil ultliout heavirr pluiiM wlilch Wfrr ^urp^^^ea on Hie trouwl, Ht« t» 1 in iiair br a Jap bomb a year afo. The V. S. arm; (SEX Ttlepbolol \reasoni the Jap* were able t# o«Ki <rat Uie treat amount of itr o( Amertea'ii tnl|htT. FlTlnc iltnal ecrps photo iiai iuit bt«n ^liid i: liny klllPit n Jured boili' at frefi’ucnlly bombed nrUriihr nnd at Plortnelm, '' illrs 10 me soulliea.st. Tlie nlr i fry did not kH’ o tlif .flic of itdlng torci Jtroiif •cds of bombtra ere u.'*d.^ Tlie Dritith announced oKlclally that nine planc.i were lost; Oermaai clolmert only five broadcMt a boast that 35 allied craft (loft-ned In Sundny'i mo.ulvi Bgaln»t‘17 announced by tin RAP. ScTcral Cronta .... otuerv'en acclaimed ihi comblntd optratlon* aa evldenci that the allied ^irlve In, nortii- nlr .itmiKtli In the wfat ora that tlie United Nivtlons now are In posl- lion to c.irry on brse scale aerial opefRtlonj t[niultnneovisly on several Lwi rtchti n- ’-'niill nlchf raid I oil 'G«nuanv- iluct. Hit, VTfinkliiri 13CC, 2, cloud of 400 flKhtrr’ pl^ni :c>nllx>t<t .n r>(. :. Coig.i tnnk.'.« il neeln doie r « mois PBODraNPUN WASHINGTON. Dcc. ^ OIPl — leul. Oen. Drehon Somenell, clilf .the army wrvleea ot Mipply. )day tlmt ba.ilc control of the wn roductlon prouram — Uxroush Hi 14 A.. _______ _ . - olhe '11 biiilncM production loard reqiilremtnM commute lendcd by Vlcr-Ctinirmnn rcrtil iwid Eoer.iiadt, parcels out raw m# irioui war agen cle.s. iig the "And iht man materials c(mtrola 'ervell declnre<l. 1!b said the c( plan now befng I ..... ..sed had been >id- locatril for a Ions time by tlie war dt5 iiir'--\ent, Iswl UvaU only been pul Into effect uhen the prevloiu pro- diictltin requirements plan had prov- ed^ {allure. 'i\)r 33 year* weVe had that plan and we^'B fclway* wanted it that way," he added. Somen’ell nald the current dl-ipule over wheUier there .ihould be civil- ian control of the wnr economy l» a •Ted lierrUiR" becnute until recently SI per cent of his staff were civilian: •nd became Die war dejiartmeni hnj •dvbory commltteM reprcjcnlUu - IndU3iriali.st.s, JAPSISOLAeiN lEAP ' OEN. xfACAnnruR’s jirad- QUARTERS, Alutrnlln, Dec. 7 (Illy— Allied forces In the Uunn arm of Nett' Guluca had llie Jnpnne.'e bo-., tied In Uiree narrow pockeU today. American' had driven nnotlier wedge thick with ihcrny wild j ncrav, niimerou.*; river nioi iJiead In the moppUiB u llon.^, rurUiermnre. tlif had,built barbed wire .'toe lhem^clve^ nlons the heiifhfj, which Incked nn iirni de The Au.\trallans and Americans faced the necesr.lly of-overrunning each enemy seRment one by one. Dad wtRtlier llmlltd allltil air operations Sunclsy to minor iMrnf- Inn operatloni. The enemy «ent IS bombers and 10 tero nght^'r* agalmt )f Otneral Douglas MncArUiur's need bases nt popodelta Sun- day. but no damage wa.i done, Pop- odeiu Is a village 10 miles soutli- of Duna. • Showdown Battle Is Underway for GOP Leadership Hr tviusoN ST. LOUIS. Dec. 7 tU.PJ—'I'hc Republican iialioi tee convciicti today in an antrrv' mood for a .-li whether Wrncieil Willkie is at.le to iiruvunl cl(.x chairmaitsliip of Woritcr M. t^cUvuedc.r, Uliiwis man, whom the New Yorker challenKcH as art AILIkiiikH que.stions of post-war po!i iiUerveritioiii'-^ni .seeni to be the issue.s ted ivdow iwii on loHhe FLASHES of burenu, mnlclnc nn /ound Hint tlic <ln -oi'cncailo.w.rrLMH SCRAP -HUNr- WFJJ.SUOIIO. Penn.. Di’c, 7-A lO-ixAnl clecr ^vrui nmonR ronlrlb- utor.1 to Prnn.iylvftnla'(i "avehKe Pearl Ilnrbof" onc-dny ^crap metal drive. Slnnley StrontT. Jr.. of nearby BloMbun:. .shot the buck nnd dis- covered nn nntonioblle dcxir. hnn- dl(- In Its :.lilo—fippnrently em- bedded Ihrre for yenr.i, • It fra.^hlni: throuKli i 'llie car slopped’all rlnh .an ambulance ta k e Mr Hury. to n ticv-.iiltal, Se.ii Uie wlmlow.j.lip wa-i cut al fnce by flylllK Kin:,-!, nie thrower fled. HANUV . PASADENA. Fin.. r>ee. police department lias n * baekbc ol Hint .sUilf tlm the ecl.v RO Patrolmi . found eight five- trs of Ka-sollne lln the curbing on n r after safety offldi out Uie di If lini PROBE OPENED IIARRIBDORO. Po.. Dec. 7 (,7^A -deral Jury wa.i summoned today to open an Investlcallon iwo :harKes of fraud and bribery In ci itructlon of the HO.OOO.OOO Mechi csburg naval supply depot. DAY WASHINOTON. Dr,-. 7 mlr.il Eniest J. KIuk' s cmi the lin t aiiniver.*.ary ol i Harbor nttack; •'Dec. 7. ISj:, ju-.t anc In the war." % !,000 Idaho Men Now in Services I50ISE, Dec. 7 (UP.'-Stnte selee. tlve,*en'lce tiendqunrtera e.stlmnted today that 24.000 Idnhontw .are no r.enlnK In Uie armed forces, or on man for ever^- 13 males hi Hie slat' On Nov. 15. the ^nflucilonn min: berrd n,«27. Added to that are m ecal Uiou.sand nnv>' enlistment.. thoa'^ands of army and marine corps cnllstinenu and 3.00a null ' Buarcwnen who were called to a> duty (n September. 1P«. SOLO.N SUtfCUMDS WASHINO'TON. Dec. 7 (-P/-Rep. Philip A. Dennett of MLwoiu-l died rf a hcnrt ailment at Navy hojpltol One Year of War WASIIINOTON, Dec. 7 UFD-irightlghts of n year of ' ANNOUNXED AMERICAN CASUAtTlK.S Dead Wounded Ml.viing Prb.on Army---------ijn - 403 .. e.coa It 3,(wa 3.438 1J02 Totnl 3:,501 H.-H3 4.125 174 a.oa 63,3ia 42.373 SIZE o r AR.MED FOnCES Dee.T.JlMl Dec.7,104: - 1,800,000 ...... 325.000 WAR PRODfCTION numl^'r) — --------------- h 1 k» ' siiips (tons) ................ 1.C40.000 PACIFIC SUIPPLNG AXD NAVAL LOSSES U.S. 4.C()0.0M) 1,100,000 210,000 nATTLE OF WESTERN ATLANTIC U. S. allied and neutml nhlps sunk Axis submarines sunk .... .... ..... ............ .',',17 Willkie fore thi; Sen, U<i iinmiU< as an isohilioni.st. '. isohitionism, nnt; t .slake in this uit- political .s(iiiabl)le, the real, issue be- committec. t A. Tad, O,. I e JlKht idldate. Jchroedrr-hn,s rcjectid all conipro- nt-'.e iinijX).''nU «) fur inclndlne cqueM from rrtlrlnn CImlrmnn J eph W. Mnrtln. Jr,. ihi\t he ,Hy fee ^jipnr ---- tian has readied tlte ti snid Just before n. "where It loot’ "Some balliitliiK" means ii flKht over Uie rintlon of the c man with tVillkIc prepsrlnt: tr n M>lvo Iroin Neiv York If Schrc w-liis. •nie muminc sewlon wa; illy, but ilint he b nllons ol ihc Republics wns jrxarded n.s a com- n UnlifJl Stntes p;irtlrtpr>. io.si-«ar rehnbllltntlon ol RAP A I OARLAN DNDO.V. Dec. 7 (.V) — Gen, :Kfs C^tiovis totiriy that of allied collaboration U.irlan in Pren'rli hould be ended qu'lck- .....................faking on purely mllt- ;ary grounds, I fay Darlnn is dan* t a pre.M conference, the Fight- rrench auihorlty described the le of iinrih Africa one of munleiitions and-clled the dL^- •es over wiilfh allied lines mu.st the scarcity of UHi .Adnih lorth Afrlcn ly been F M L m iS S E IA N 8 HOURS WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 iUJ’)-Tlie ,-cnnte civil service commltlee twlay approved an ■adinlnLstrailon-KUii iwrted bill to put federal employe on a siniidnrd 48-hour work week a Fcdrrnl workers earning le?s Uu 12,100 would cel ti 20 i>er cent i>i Incrrase. and tho.-,e making betwec j:.IOO and *2.300 would get a i>rr rriit luerea.'.e. Higher paid e:i would Kct tmaller Increoif.v f lncren;.es would repine overtime which previously wn.^ paid 10 numeroii.s cliLvse.i of federal em- Ume law expired ployr.% Dee. 1. Tlic bill replaced a prevlou.i pr por.nl which called for a ba.slc i hour Kovnniment work week. I wlUi Ume nnd a Jialf or all wc over 40 hour?. OppofJtlon to ll: bill wa* expected from rocmbera tliB Menate and liouf'^ who hi tinted tt longer work week durlnt' the w.tr, , in prlvale Industry, the fedei law provldr.-i that Hie ba-sle wor w rrk l.s 40 hours, with time and on imlf for work in excew of tJiat. ctor Hsrold'D.-arati ^a1d the r d wHh Preslder Hie proiwsnl at »370j)3I,000. ’ Tlie new legWatlon would e autonwHc.illy on June 30. Sponsors of ttie bill hope to ;nt salaries prepared by thn EGION PLANS 10 lA' SUN VAU.m‘. Ida, Dec, 7 tU.P.)- Mllt C.nmpl3ell. Indlnniipoll'. exi live director of Uie Ainerlcnn Klon nntlon.lI defeiv-e dlvl..ton. terdav told the wr.-.iern nrea def( conference here thiii ih Irulon embarking on nn organlr'^l c p.ilcn 10 combat rumors that war wn.s golne to end •■oon. •'tVe are a long way from Hie end." Campbell .said, "and sugges. tinin to the contrnri' only slo^J,' up Ihe people's efforts, "TTjI.s war can only bi .1 peace Is signed in Berlin and Tokyo as they burn. ' National AdJutnnt Frank E. Sam. uel. Indianapolis, told tlie confercnci that everi’ American must «acrlllc< nnd that Hie boys at the front neec " d Hie nplei) r Hint ■ n pro- be m^ntnineil air b^-st.-s. ■one cnnnoi head.1 a fighting ud Dm xvoid feeling a c ly effectf e bit- I mml JcirUwlsht y et.... ny FlHhUns-fVonelv Biwkeamo t Darinn, former command' lehT's nrmed forces who aJjuir Cd powers of chief of suite In H' north African colonies after tl AEF lamllng.s. .a iL PETITION DENIED nOISE. Dec. 7 (UJD^-PeUtlon ol hc'Unlon P.iclfic railroad to ab.in- T, O. Kraabel. War.nlngton. D. C., nnDni>\ tllrectcr ol tii» legion’s re. hablliuvllon committee, said the le- ndn Its auxiliary -should fasi n full understanding of Hie natlo al sendee life Insurance act In L minds of Uib people. Germans Execute 25 More Czechs LONDON, Dec, 7 U'r-German ex- ecution of 25 Czcclvi. accused of Crimea ranging from economic sab- otage B!uJ hiRli treason to unlawful ilcallngs In food coupons, liiis been reported from Pnttfue. Hie Crecho- ilovnk pre.ss bureau snid 'today,. 30 Injureti When Street Cars Ram ATLANTA. Oa.. Dee. 7 (U.fJ-More than 30 per.sona were Injured, scv- Tol seriously, bAore dawn today Jn Lcollision here between two crowd- 'd suburban street cart. Oeorglft Poa'er Co,, officials said lie eraah occurred W'hen the trolley if a civr on tho East Decatur lino nme off. A car fillowlng It plung- ed Into the rear of the stalled ear. Both car* were Jammed with paa- lenceri ea nmi« to irork. Allies, Axis Stage Savage Battle for Corner of Tunisia D 0 ilLE ALL FOOD Emm , .. . ... 0 farm and who beheves bread U a-s Important as bullets in winning ^j^ww.jodoy. was In complete charge of supplying Uie greatejt food needs in Ar^icfican history'. Preildenl l^.scvelt directed Uie 40-year-old Wlckard 'ye.sterdny to fl.vM::;ie "/ull fe,<po;i.fJi)i;/(j- /or and rontrol over" the naUon s food pro- gram. an underluklng Uiat must reach unprecedented proiwrtlons next year In order-to help feed the armed force.s. the allleft and llber- moUier t Rooicvf lutliorlty, Pres- control of clv- .......... .. . illliAry manjwwer in the hands ol Chulrmin Paul V. McNutl of Hie war manpower comml.«lon. Me> i I'oi cutlve order tra . heretofore iclecu nn IndeiKndcnt agency, to McNutt's olllce. MLspended voluntwy enlist- ments hi Hie armed forcea and di- rected boUJ Uie army navy to i:et their rccrulls hereufter from ^e■ lective tcrvlce, and empowered Mc- Nutt to direct tluit hiring of work- ers til any occupation or area tie might de-slBnnte should be done through the,United Slates employ- ment sen'lcp; "Which Iv also directs, n ie order also |>ermUs McNutt to channel workers Into th Kntlal Jobs; from thoi.e Hal, &en before the ordi Iea.sed Uie army Announced It hud itopped Inducting men over 38 ai had paved H>e way /or lioijorab .......................... piready li : Uie jnteen Up lo 17 ivjv may sHll enlL t volun- hnj Tlic eers 17, years of age. a.s 11 been doing, and botli Hie arm; naryTntiy-THit.«- rpcclalistJt-orcr-tsr lut the order was dc.^lgi;eO to give mlfled supervl.slon over mllltivry and Milan manpower procurement and ll.spo:.lUon for all men between 16 ftJKl 30. ■ Wlckard. who e.stlmates that up 5 23 per cent of Uie 1043 output ■111l>e required for lend-lcn.se and ie armed forces, takes over the mnrketlng nnd dl.'trlbuHon iuper- .•lon formerly exercl.sed by the ar producllon board. Included Itt tUti ts tupervlston ot (C.»llnB.i ... r.«. i. column’ II ■ Final Services Pay Buck Jones Honor HOLLYWOOD. Doe, 7 iU.R>—Fllni- md p.ild linmage KKlay to oni; of mrv.t ,.iillientlc we.'.teni Rlnr.-, WlHi • ot riles for Charles who dleil of bums In’ CocoAuut. Grove Jtre. Ihe nbr.ervn lOucki Jon DfMiloti's trn n ip C3-y IP In the gi r-i>ld « ilcli buck. IS which mnde liLs moiLs. had avernifed eight plctiire.s year for 20 years. Hl.s foHowlnK Included .same 5,000.000 members of :k Jone.s Rangers, one of tiie fan clubs In the nation. Hy The AuocUted I’reu A .siivaKe bailie of taiik.s, plimcs and BUns I’Jiced today ibnp the stniUwe.si, ctiTuer (if the Tmiisiun lriunj;le. in what may be the .siijironie allied fiid to phut theiaxi.<5 out of north Africa. An allied war bnlletin .siitl tlie fiKhtniK' erupted yesterday in the vicinity of Tehottra, strate^ric comnuinicatioiw center •^0 mik's west nf Tunis wlu've Uw nxis ImuI bcun hurSiKK Foods Boss SECRETARY WICKARD . . . Named ctae a( food pro letlon for United Statev, Japanese List Pacific Losses For 1st Year TOliYO- iprom Jap.inr,-.e Droad' .ast.n) Dec. 7 M'.—A Tokyo broad- a.st said today one battleship am nnd Impfrlal' heodiiunrters 1 Uicr losses In inaniwwer, mere lipping nnd nlrcraft. A communique Usucd on the nnlversary of the conflict Jap.-jn's lo^-.es hi Hint war (cxi ,h ChUia) were ICii kllle<l Hhd 42,577 wounded t Nov. 1 and 301 nlrcraft and C3 ; Deo, 1. ' radio subsequently Issued higher figures for boUi fhlpr, nnd planes. It said'40 Japanese warships ;liant .ships were .'ei the bottom, while 55(3 nlrcraft "dived no enemy tnrgets or failed to re- irn.-’ In nddltlon. a warships were ■I>orte<l damaged, among Uiem one bnttle.ship and two aircraft car- Allled casualties were strcv.ed by Imperial headquarters. he announcement ^ald I'brllllant ilt-s" hnd been nclilcved by Jap- illltary force.s In engasc- o Hie n the Alei American IVavy Now Ready for Anything Japs Have to Offer SANDOR 8. KLt:iN WASHINGTON, Dec, 7 (U.PV-The My'i tinnlvt:sar>' ttvtlntlon ot Wv. swry of Pearl Harbor Indicates Uint 'merlcan Heet today Is ready lythlng the Japanese have to offer. Na\T officials would rot dlscit-a the present strength of the Pacific fleet but It was doubled that Uie Pearl Harbor dLsclonurc would have >een made at this time If American .trengHi wa.s far below Hie known trcngth of the Japanese navy. T)ie report brought renewed de- nanili lor Jinmedlale couit. inMUtvi jf Admiral Husband E. Klmnidl <uid Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, navy and ers in Hawaii a year ago. Tliey were removed from office l.ost Dec, 17, but It waj indicated Uien that a court martial would' be poBtponeti. unUl alter the w-ar. Most members of the senate pointed to the na>7’» report, of evi- ct a remarkable comeback. Some contended Uiat It. should have Issued earlier.. . 5 report revealed Umt tO war- ships. ircludlnf all eight battle- ships In Pearl Harbor, were put if acHon when the Japanese attacked a year ago. Today. Uie navy says, only one ot Uie 19 slilps—tlx batUeslilp Arlsona-can be UaUd as permanent and Uital loss. At leasi tree of the batUeshlps and six oUi- • damaged trarcraft are back In •rvlce. oUiers are being repaired atid modemtzed. The report also disclosed that 247 army and nary planet out ol 47# ;royed or disabled: navy nlr stflUons at Ford IsIinC and KancoUo b',i>’ ilAWSiied and army'.i lllckam and Wheeler fields [InmnKcd; perionnel cajualtles 4,575 — 2Ji2 killed. DGO sllll ml.v.lng. and 1.273 inded. Ince last Dec. 7, tlie Jspane.se •y txiiA suffered heavy la-jcs. Of- al communiques show Uiftt 131 ot Uiel^ war^l1 lIV. have been sunk ,iid about 173 dar lOSM r of dai) >iinks to the bu: navnl bilUdhig program, replaccmeni,'. for Amcrl- lovies are coming fust, Tlie U, ;. Celleau Wood, third nlrcraft ler to be turned oul at Cam- N. J,. In 15 weeks, slid doKn Uie n yesterday. Anotlier. Uie Bun- ker mil. and a battleslilp. Uie New Jeriey. were launched today and a cnilser. Uic Miami, will be launched tomorrow. o Il was doubted that Japai val construction capacity could fill ner saps 'wjth' the same 'speed. The navy's anniversary report brtjught demands by Ben. Gerald P. Nye, R., N; D,, a leading pre-Pearl Harbor IsolaUonlst. and Rep. John D, Dlt«eU. U., Wlbli, far immedlata court marUal of Klmmel *nd SlwrL Nye said It wotiW “brine out a wno» lot that the Robertj report allow" about Uie Japonese «U«ck on Pearl Harbor. The noberta re- port found the® eullty of ’dcreUi Uoo ot duty." aniiiK a.s nd >jiult,s against Drit- Americnn advance' positioiis. Slmuluheously with Uils blg-scale ctlon. Rome and Berlin reported tfP()Td-up nrtlllery duelling In tho Iclnlty ol El Agllclla. In LlByn. •here boUi the British nnc^ Manilial Rommers Africa corps liave been rushing reinforcements for a show- down. coinmvvnltiue itom hllltd • ers in Africa gave no clue course o! 0)e lUlhtlns lylng merely Uint it was ••continuing.'’ Wa.shtngton Issued a similar report. SupiwrUng allied planes battered le enemy tJuoughout yesterday. Lay Fl'nai Plans Allied commandcrs were reported to have "laid plans for Uie final pliase of the Tunisian campaign" at a candlelight confcrence In a fann hOu.se kiuhen late yesterday while heavy flghtlJig raged on In Uie Tc- bourba-Matcur sections. .... dbipatch from the battle front told of the conference; Heights domlnaUng Tebourba. jatcglc cotntnimlcallotu cenUr 20 illes west of TunLi. are securely eld by allied troops, the Morocco idio said In a broadcast recorded 1 London. A Reuters correspondent with Uie BrltLsh first ormy reported in * , line dispatch that Brltlsli com- mandos and' parachutists landed Uirec days ago along Hie const be- hind Uic German lines, fought Uiclr O' Inland seven miles to the south nnd cut a rend. Tlic exact locale of tills nctlon '».'A^ not, Rlv«t\. Allied fighters, r.tlll hatidicapped by Uie lack of wljolly prepared ad- vance air fields, were declared nev- erlheless to be attftcklnr Qerman and Italian positions continuously pewndert-TunbrDI—- urta and Tripoli. la il Cemmunlcallqni BrltliJi and Americnn bombers and fighters la.shcd at axis com- munlcatlon.1 between luUy ivnd HDiUi.AtrJca la wc«k-cnd raids. Rtgllo alTiiromc, In iht cxtrrme south of ItAly. was lilt Saturday nlfihu Dock-s at BWerle were blast- ed and ft railway line between Sousie nnd Sfax, along the coast of the rench protectornto wft.' shot up, Cairo conimunlcjue said. Staff officers of U . Oen. K. A. N, Anderson's Brlihli first army and American supporting units were re- ported by Reuter.i correspondent Alan^ Humphreys to have mopped Die operaUons for the final cleanup ot Tunisia. neral who commanded Hie that has done Uie bulk of the fighting for Ihe Ilrst army left "le meeting "in hlgli spirits nnd full : confidence.'’ Humphreys sald_ Allied lines were reiwrted lo be IC<><IIns><l ••• r>f< i. C«Ia-n I) : elleo U8«RULE res went out from Tsin Falls e service boiird No. 1 today rge percentage of Ui# 85 men led to be Inducted Friday Uiat , ,ouId not be required to re- port, They were tlif irgLslrnnl* in IhU month's army call who are 38 years old and over. Tile remainder. • under Uie 3a-ycar-old limit, will-re- port as scheduled. Cap!- J. H. Scavcr. clerk of Oie lunty driift bo.^rd, announced Uiat ! hail received word from the Bol'e he.vlqiiarters early today to remove of that from UiLs. ■al1-«ven those who liad been notified lo report for IndueUon Friday. Hie December call was for 338 •n. but Capt. Scaver explained Uiat a large part of these had been transferred to other boapls end would be inducted their present places of residence. Meanwhile the board received lU January call for 70 men. Capt. Beav- er explained that m » t of these probably will come from among the 18-10 year.old class,-tnftny ot whom will register for tho first Ume thLi month. They will leave for Induc- Llon Jan. 10. While the local draft board wa.s making preporaUons to take over rw> i. s> Idahoans Expend $28,727,000 Total For-War-Bonds— aratUble. w laring* Ch*lrm*n John B. Vlley stld. ' ^ Bt*gMl monUi WM January ’fhea_ U 703,000 In war bondi »ere JOJll. Worst moaUi was AprU wtlh tl. UiVOM,

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T W I N F A L L S C O V N T Y 'S


- . - - M S O T O N S - r -

ColIctlt«'s»-taV 1,751 lon»

A R cRbral NcwKpaper Scfvini;


bwk o( Tcbonrbk. m u reported lonJfbt to, b* UjJoj iowiv % ne«« b«rm * in lo il Grrrain armored fannaUonj at* trmpllDc -lo attack the Amtrlcan and DrilUh poilUoni.

VOL. 25. NO. 201 T W IN FALLS, ID A H O , M ON D A Y , DECKMRF:r 7, 1942 P R IC E 6 C E N T iv -

Germany Throws Major Attack at Stalingrad Area

• MOSCOW , IJi'c nnd tens of ihou;

Uy M. H. JJAM)l.tIl

7 (UR)— Gcnnimy threw Imndreils of tanks

amis o f men itilo ferociouH countcr-iiUack'

iiorlliwetit niicl southwest of StnlinnriKi todaj' in nn nlterript ■ ' IK claws of a Hussiun pinccr.4 drive

;) on tliu V oIku river in'. ) break oi)on tin nnd m aintain the

du-'<lvi«l city.Soiitliwosi of Stj

and infantry powerful aU.U'ks


1- slipiJ

liiiKnKJ. forcos i

jspt'cijilly. tlie Gcrnians threw big


I 4tJ I

u.illv tlncp iiiuvl: joulli oJ JlrJif ir> link's of Mu^cl)u•. nftfr nc'-iviiii I'cliiforcrmnil.s. Vlrliy r.altl

uttrr licavy arllUo lion Ihc nu.'.slnlin MarK

!\yii tnjik Mii)|x)rl niicI i)cnr. til,- OiTmiiii llnrj, bin n

<i--:ro;,fa. Vichy rrporlCKl' ; nif.'liui ftttacks nl;.n tirar Vrl1kl«-

Iiinr.i v,t.M ol Mwcow. an Jii oilif.- fcntral from I-rrtorr..)

M»kcs rromollonj Trrmlrr Jtv<f Sialln, Miyrnii

roinmiindrr of tlie flKhlUis f6rcf.i, nunifrt a-ip eoloiifl-stnfra), 13 lieu-, trnanl tfncrnl.i nntl 133 major KM erals loday. It wj.i Uie third prom tloii 11-11 In ft month, ToUay's pn tnollnnfi Inelndrd ihwe of Alrxnntler Slirrbakov. nncl Uv Mcklilb,

commlv.ar.i, to lleuleismrnl.

TlNt ! I fommunisivic Tt;)orUa Liai m U1P nortlirrn ouUsklrls of .SuUnitrod Ruutan patrols ha<l klll- Dt nboiit GO Ocnntnn durini; Uie jilKht and atiUlerj- litid bio*n

• -satrti-itUii ituArfWix* • fnntry conmiu-uitmis,

rosltlons I'onralldaiedNor u or It th» Iluw.lan:

rrppllfd <-oiinlrrnliack.i nit<I Idntfd ponliloiu. Il wu.n ;,n!cl, Om

_Ilii.'-'lnn iinlt rrt<lit«| v,iiti killIt? J.BOO Omnnn;! nnd taockiiijr ou:37 tAnks In Uir la.«t 3< Kourfl, Rccotv- ralJMnce-combni palroU In anoUir ifctor jyniMralwl rnrniy position: riiirlnK iJie nlplii nftd klllrd nbon' 60(1 arrmnn^, the comnninlqiir .-.tild.

SoiithwMi of atnllnRrnd Ihc'nii.i' Miiti-i In cnpiiirlnu n forUllrtl pai- Uton UUIc l 3 » anmnns nm can. tuml five field Kun«, 51 mnchlnj films and other timterlnb, Uie com- nnmlijiie rrporlcd, Wlirn the Orr.

trlivl to cm off a Huwlnn de- tnnk biiitrrs dl.tablrtl four


ESIX3ND0.*J. Dec, 7 (-V^A aUonE

forcr of RAJ' bomber.-. RtrlklnK sHcr MucrlrMi Riul Urltl-Jj ultnirn car­ried oul their blRKc-'t. dayllKlil a.-.- ?aulv aKBinji me contlneni. eon- iiniifd the offen.Hvc to knock rtaiy out of the conflict wllli nn miai-k last nUlit upon one of the bottle­necks hi the rati sy.Mci'n throiiKh wlilcli the nn:b sustain Uielr Trenk-

ca-!i of nine planes the IJrlt- bh bombed i.irsel.'s In joutliwot aeriuany. wnicll Uerlln Idtnllfled a;

nntl Pforilidm. neluhbor' inlcallQCU ami war factory ;i Uie most dlrec nany to Itiily. ill Admit Uaniati

n ic German news iiKeiicy DNH

This Shoultl Make You Kemenil)cr Dee. 7

>icl>l (0 make 70U rrmenibrr Drc. 7. One of the mi •lab-ln-tlir>back I'earl Harbor ratil ultliout heavirr

pluiiM wlilch Wfrr ^urp^^^ea on Hie trouwl, H t« t»1 in iiair br a Jap bomb a year afo. The V. S. arm;

(SEX Ttlepbolol \ reasoni the Jap* were able t# o«Ki <rat Uie treat amount of itr o( Amertea'ii tnl|htT. FlTlnc iltnal ecrps photo iiai iuit bt«n

liid i: liny klllPit nJured boili' at frefi’ucnlly bombed

nrUriihr nnd at Plortnelm, ' ' illrs 10 me soulliea.st. Tlie nlr i fry did not kH’o tlif .flic of itdlng torci

Jtroiif•cds of bombtra

ere u.'*d.^Tlie Dritith announced oKlclally

that nine planc.i were lost; Oermaai clolmert only five broadcMt a boast that 35 allied craft

(loft-ned In Sundny'i mo.ulvi Bgaln»t‘17 announced by tin

RAP.ScTcral Cronta

. . . . otuerv'en acclaimed ihi comblntd optratlon* aa evldenci that the allied irlve In, nortii-

nlr .itmiKtli In the wfat ora that tlie United Nivtlons now are In posl- lion to c.irry on brse scale aerial opefRtlonj t[niultnneovisly on several


nlchf raid Ioil 'G«nuanv- iluct. Hit,

VTfinkliiri 13CC, 2, cloud of 400 flKhtrr’ pl^ni

:c>nllx>t<t .n r>(. :. Coig.i

tnnk.'.«il neeln

doie r

« moisP B O D r a N P U NWASHINGTON. Dcc. ^ OIPl — leul. Oen. Drehon Somenell, clilf .the army wrvleea ot Mipply.

)day tlmt ba.ilc control of the wn roductlon prouram — Uxroush Hi14 A.. _______ _ . - •


'11 biiilncM production

lo a rd reqiilremtnM commute lendcd by Vlcr-Ctinirmnn rcrtil iwid Eoer.iiadt, parcels out raw m#

irioui war agencle.s.

iig the

"And iht manmaterials c(mtrola'ervell declnre<l.

1!b said the c(plan now befng I..... ..sed had been >id- locatril for a Ions time by tlie war dt5iiir'--\ent, Iswl UvaU only been pul Into effect uhen the prevloiu pro- diictltin requirements plan had prov­ed^ {allure.

'i\)r 33 year* weVe had that plan and we 'B fclway* wanted it that way," he added.

Somen’ell nald the current dl-ipule over wheUier there .ihould be civil­ian control of the wnr economy l» a •Ted lierrUiR" becnute until recently SI per cent of his staff were civilian: •nd became Die war dejiartmeni hnj •dvbory commltteM reprcjcnlUu - IndU3iriali.st.s,

JA P S IS O L A e iN lEAP'

OEN. xfACAnnruR’s jir a d -QUARTERS, Alutrnlln, Dec. 7 (Illy— Allied forces In the Uunn arm of Nett' Guluca had llie Jnpnne.'e bo-., tied In Uiree narrow pockeU today. American' had driven nnotlier wedge

thick with ihcrny wild j ncrav, niimerou.*; river nioi iJiead In the moppUiB u llon. , rurUiermnre. tlif had,built barbed wire .'toe lhem^clve nlons the heiifhfj, which Incked nn iirni de

The Au.\trallans and Americans faced the necesr.lly of-overrunning each enemy seRment one by one.

Dad wtRtlier llmlltd allltil air operations Sunclsy to minor iMrnf- Inn operatloni. The enemy «ent IS bombers and 10 tero nght^'r* agalmt

)f Otneral Douglas MncArUiur's need bases nt popodelta Sun­

day. but no damage wa.i done, Pop- odeiu Is a village 10 miles soutli-

of Duna. •

Showdown Battle Is Underway for GOP Leadership

Hr tviusoN

ST. LOU IS . Dec. 7 tU.PJ—'I'hc Republican iialioi

tee convciicti today in an antrrv' mood for a .-li whether Wrncieil W illkie is at.le to iiruvunl cl(.x chairmaitsliip o f Woritcr M. t^cUvuedc.r, Uliiwis

man, whom the New Yorker challenKcH as art

AILIkiiikH que.stions of post-war po!i iiUerveritioiii'-^ni .seeni to be the issue.s


ivdowiwii on loH he


burenu, mnlclnc nn /ound Hint tlic <ln -oi'cncailo.w.rrLMH


WFJJ.SUOIIO. Penn.. Di’c, 7-A lO-ixAnl clecr vrui nmonR ronlrlb- utor.1 to Prnn.iylvftnla'(i "avehKe Pearl Ilnrbof" onc-dny ^crap metal drive.

Slnnley StrontT. Jr.. of nearby BloMbun:. .shot the buck nnd dis­covered nn nntonioblle dcxir. hnn- dl(- In Its :.lilo—fippnrently em­bedded Ihrre for yenr.i, •

It fra.^hlni: throuKli i 'llie car slopped’all rlnh

.an ambulance ta k e Mr Hury. to n ticv-.iiltal, Se.ii Uie wlmlow.j.lip wa-i cut al fnce by flylllK Kin:,-!,

nie thrower fled.

HANUV. PASADENA. Fin.. r>ee. police department lias n * baekbc ol Hint .sUilf tlmthe ecl.v RO

Patrolmi . found eight five- trs of Ka-sollne lln the curbing on n r after safety offldi out Uie di If lini

PROBE OPENED IIARRIBDORO. Po.. Dec. 7 (,7^A -deral Jury wa.i summoned

today to open an Investlcallon iwo :harKes of fraud and bribery In ci itructlon of the HO.OOO.OOO Mechi csburg naval supply depot.


mlr.il Eniest J. KIuk's cmi the lin t aiiniver.*.ary ol i Harbor nttack;

•'Dec. 7. ISj:, ju-.t anc In the war."

%!,000 Idaho Men Now in Services

I50ISE, Dec. 7 (UP.'-Stnte selee. tlve,*en'lce tiendqunrtera e.stlmnted today that 24.000 Idnhontw .are no r.enlnK In Uie armed forces, or on man for ever - 13 males hi Hie slat'

On Nov. 15. the ^nflucilonn min: berrd n,«27. Added to that are m ecal Uiou.sand nnv>' enlistment.. thoa'^ands of army and marine corps cnllstinenu and 3.00a null ' Buarcwnen who were called to a> duty (n September. 1P«.


Philip A. Dennett of MLwoiu-l died rf a hcnrt ailment at Navy hojpltol

One Year of WarWASIIINOTON, Dec. 7 UFD-irightlghts of n year of '

ANNOUNXED AMERICAN CASUAtTlK.S Dead Wounded Ml.viing Prb.on

Army---------i j n

- 403

.. e.coa





Totnl 3:,501 H.-H3 4.125



SIZE o r AR.MED FOnCESDee.T.JlMl Dec.7,104: - 1,800,000

...... 325.000


numl^'r) — --------------- h 1k» 'siiips (tons) — ................ 1.C40.000



nATTLE OF WESTERN ATLANTIC U. S. allied and neutml nhlps sunk Axis submarines sunk .... .... ................. .',',17

W illkie fore thi;

Sen, U<i

iinmiU< as an isohilioni.st.

'. isohitionism, nnt; t .slake in this uit-

political .s(iiiabl)le,

the real, issue be- committec.t A. Tad, O,. I

e JlKhtidldate.

Jchroedrr-hn,s rcjectid all conipro- nt-'.e iinijX).''nU «) fur inclndlne cqueM from rrtlrlnn CImlrmnn J eph W. Mnrtln. Jr,. ihi\t he

,Hy feejipnr

----tian has readied tlte ti snid Just before n. "where It loot’

"Some balliitliiK" means ii flKht over Uie rintlon of the c man with tVillkIc prepsrlnt: tr n M>lvo Iroin Neiv York If Schrc w-liis. •nie muminc sewlon wa;

illy, but ilint he b

nllons ol ihc Republics

wns jrxarded n.s a com- n UnlifJl Stntes p;irtlrtpr>. io.si-«ar rehnbllltntlon ol

RAP A I OARLANDNDO.V. Dec. 7 (.V) — Gen, :Kfs C^tiovis totiriy that

of allied collaboration U.irlan in Pren'rli

hould be ended qu'lck-.....................faking on purely mllt-;ary grounds, I fay Darlnn is dan*

t a pre.M conference, the Fight- rrench auihorlty described the le of iinrih Africa one of munleiitions and-clled the dL- •es over wiilfh allied lines mu.st

the scarcity of

UHi .Adnih lorth Afrlcn

ly been

F M L m i S S E I A N 8 HOURS

WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 iUJ’)-Tlie ,-cnnte civil service commltlee twlay approved an ■adinlnLstrailon-KUii iwrted bill to put federal employe on a siniidnrd 48-hour work week a

Fcdrrnl workers earning le?s Uu 12,100 would cel ti 20 i>er cent i>i Incrrase. and tho.-,e making betwec j:.IOO and *2.300 would get a i>rr rriit luerea.'.e. Higher paid e:i

would Kct tmaller Increoif.v f lncren;.es would repine

overtime which previously wn. paid 10 numeroii.s cliLvse.i of federal em-

Ume law expired


Dee. 1.Tlic bill replaced a prevlou.i pr

por.nl which called for a ba.slc i hour Kovnniment work week. I wlUi Ume nnd a Jialf or all wc over 40 hour?. OppofJtlon to ll: bill wa* expected from rocmbera tliB Menate and liouf'^ who hi tinted tt longer work week durlnt' the w.tr, ,

in prlvale Industry, the fedei law provldr.-i that Hie ba-sle wor w rrk l.s 40 hours, with time and on imlf for work in excew of tJiat.

ctor Hsrold'D.-aratia1d the r

d wHh Preslder

Hie proiwsnl at »370j)3I,000.’ Tlie new legWatlon would e autonwHc.illy on June 30. Sponsors of ttie bill hope to

;nt salaries prepared by thn


SUN VAU.m‘. Ida, Dec, 7 tU.P.)- Mllt C.nmpl3ell. Indlnniipoll'. exi live director of Uie Ainerlcnn Klon nntlon.lI defeiv-e dlvl..ton. terdav told the wr.-.iern nrea def( conference here thiii ih Irulon embarking on nn organlr'^l c p.ilcn 10 combat rumors that war wn.s golne to end •■oon.

•'tVe are a long way from Hie end." Campbell .said, "and sugges. tinin to the contrnri' only sloJ,' up Ihe people's efforts,

"TTjI.s war can only bi .1 peace Is signed in Berlin and Tokyo as they burn. '

National AdJutnnt Frank E. Sam. uel. Indianapolis, told tlie confercnci that everi’ American must «acrlllc< nnd that Hie boys at the front neec " ■ d Hienplei) r Hint ■ n pro­

be m^ntnineil air b-st.-s.

■one cnnnoi

head.1 a fighting ud Dm

xvoid feeling a c

ly effectfe bit-

I mml JcirUwlsht yet....ny FlHhUns-fVonelv Biwkeamo t Darinn, former command' lehT's nrmed forces who aJjuir

Cd powers of chief of suite In H' north African colonies after tl AEF lamllng.s.

. a iL PETITION DENIEDnOISE. Dec. 7 (UJD -PeUtlon ol

hc'Unlon P.iclfic railroad to ab.in-

T, O. Kraabel. War.nlngton. D. C., nnDni>\ tllrectcr ol tii» legion’s re.

hablliuvllon committee, said the le- ndn Its auxiliary -should fasi

n full understanding of Hie natlo al sendee life Insurance act In L minds of Uib people.

Germans Execute 25 More Czechs

LONDON, Dec, 7 U'r-German ex­ecution of 25 Czcclvi. accused of Crimea ranging from economic sab­otage B!uJ hiRli treason to unlawful ilcallngs In food coupons, liiis been reported from Pnttfue. Hie Crecho- ilovnk pre.ss bureau snid 'today,.

30 Injureti When Street Cars Ram

ATLANTA. Oa.. Dee. 7 (U.fJ-More than 30 per.sona were Injured, scv- Tol seriously, bAore dawn today Jn L collision here between two crowd­'d suburban street cart.Oeorglft Poa'er Co,, officials said

lie eraah occurred W'hen the trolley if a civr on tho East Decatur lino nme off. A car fillowlng It plung­

ed Into the rear of the stalled ear. Both car* were Jammed with paa- lenceri ea nmi« to irork.

Allies, Axis Stage Savage Battle for Corner of Tunisia

D0 ilLE ALL FOOD Emm, .. . . . . 0 farm and

who beheves bread U a-s Important as bullets in winning ^j^ww.jodoy. was In complete charge of supplying Uie greatejt food needs in Ar icfican history'. •

Preildenl l^.scvelt directed Uie 40-year-old Wlckard 'ye.sterdny to fl.vM::;ie "/ull fe,<po;i.fJi)i;/(j- /or and rontrol over" the naUon s food pro­gram. an underluklng Uiat must reach unprecedented proiwrtlons next year In order-to help feed the armed force.s. the allleft and llber-


t Rooicvflutliorlty, Pres- control of clv-

.......... .. . illliAry manjwwer in thehands ol Chulrmin Paul V. McNutl of Hie war manpower comml.«lon.

Me> i I'oicutlve order tra

. heretoforeiclecunn IndeiKndcnt agency, to McNutt's olllce. MLspended voluntwy enlist­ments hi Hie armed forcea and di­rected boUJ Uie army navy to i:et their rccrulls hereufter from e■ lective tcrvlce, and empowered Mc­Nutt to direct tluit hiring of work- ers til any occupation or area tie might de-slBnnte should be done through the,United Slates employ­ment sen'lcp; "Which Iv also directs, n ie order also |>ermUs McNutt to channel workers Into th Kntlal Jobs; from thoi.e Hal,

&en before the ordi Iea.sed Uie army Announced It hud itopped Inducting men over 38 ai had paved H>e way /or lioijorab .......................... piready li

: Uie

jnteen Up lo 17ivjv may sHll enlL t volun-


eers 17, years of age. a.s 11 been doing, and botli Hie arm; naryTntiy-THit.«- rpcclalistJt-orcr-tsr lut the order was dc. lgi;eO to give mlfled supervl.slon over mllltivry and Milan manpower procurement and ll.spo:.lUon for all men between 16

ftJKl 30. ■Wlckard. who e.stlmates that up

5 23 per cent of Uie 1043 output ■111 l>e required for lend-lcn.se and ie armed forces, takes over the

mnrketlng nnd dl.'trlbuHon iuper- .•lon formerly exercl.sed by the ar producllon board.Included Itt tUti ts tupervlston ot (C.»llnB.i ... r.«. i. column’ II ■

Final Services Pay

Buck Jones HonorHOLLYWOOD. Doe, 7 iU.R>—Fllni-

md p.ild linmage KKlay to oni; of mrv.t ,.iillientlc we.'.teni Rlnr.-, WlHi

• ot riles for Charles who dleil of bums In’ CocoAuut. Grove Jtre.

Ihe nbr.ervn lOucki Jon DfMiloti's trn

n ip C3-y IP In the gi

r-i>ld «ilcli buck.

IS which mnde liLs moiLs. had avernifed eight plctiire.s year for 20 years. Hl.s foHowlnK

Included .same 5,000.000 members of :k Jone.s Rangers, one of tiie fan clubs In the nation.

Hy The AuocUted I’reu

A .siivaKe bailie of taiik.s, plimcs and BUns I’Jiced today ib n p the stniUwe.si, ctiTuer (if the Tmiisiun lriunj;le. in what may be the .siijironie allied fiid to phut theiaxi.<5 out of north

Africa.An allied war bnlletin .siitl tlie fiKhtniK' erupted yesterday

in the vicinity of Tehottra, strate^ric comnuinicatioiw center

• 0 mik's west nf Tunis wlu've Uw nxis ImuI bcun hurSiKK

Foods Boss

SECRETARY WICKARD . . . Named ctae a( food pro letlon for United Statev,

Japanese List

Pacific Losses For 1st Year

TOliYO- iprom Jap.inr,-.e Droad' .ast.n) Dec. 7 M'.—A Tokyo broad- a.st said today one battleship am

nnd Impfrlal' heodiiunrters 1 Uicr losses In inaniwwer, mere lipping nnd nlrcraft.A communique Usucd on the nnlversary of the conflict

Jap.-jn's lo -.es hi Hint war (cxi ,h ChUia) were

ICii kllle<l Hhd 42,577 wounded t Nov. 1 and 301 nlrcraft and C3 ;

Deo, 1.

' radio subsequently Issued higher figures for boUi fhlpr, nnd planes. It said'40 Japanese warships

;liant .ships were .'ei the bottom, while 55(3 nlrcraft "dived no enemy tnrgets or failed to re- irn.-’ In nddltlon. a warships were ■I>orte<l damaged, among Uiem one

bnttle.ship and two aircraft car-

Allled casualties were strcv.ed by Imperial headquarters.

he announcement ^ald I'brllllant ilt-s" hnd been nclilcved by Jap-

illltary force.s In engasc-o Hie n the Alei

American IVavy Now Ready for

Anything Japs Have to OfferSANDOR 8. KLt:iN

WASHINGTON, Dec, 7 (U.PV-The My'i tinnlvt:sar>' ttvtlntlon ot Wv.

swry of Pearl Harbor Indicates Uint 'merlcan Heet today Is ready lythlng the Japanese have to

offer.Na\T officials would rot dlscit-a

the present strength of the Pacific fleet but It was doubled that Uie Pearl Harbor dLsclonurc would have >een made at this time If American .trengHi wa.s far below Hie known trcngth of the Japanese navy.T)ie report brought renewed de-

nanili lor Jinmedlale couit. inMUtvi jf Admiral Husband E. Klmnidl <uid Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, navy and

ers in Hawaii a year ago. Tliey were removed from office l.ost Dec, 17, but It waj indicated Uien that a court martial would' be poBtponeti. unUl alter the w-ar.

Most members of the senate pointed to the na>7’» report, of evi­

ct a remarkable comeback. Some contended Uiat It. should have

Issued earlier... 5 report revealed Umt tO war­

ships. ircludlnf all eight battle­ships In Pearl Harbor, were put

if acHon when the Japanese attacked a year ago. Today. Uie navy says, only one ot Uie 19 slilps—tlx batUeslilp Arlsona-can be UaUd as

permanent and Uital loss. At leasi tree of the batUeshlps and six oUi- • damaged trarcraft are back In •rvlce. oUiers are being repaired

atid modemtzed.The report also disclosed that 247

army and nary planet out ol 47#

;royed or disabled: navy nlr stflUons at Ford IsIinC and KancoUo b',i>’ ilAWSiied and army'.i lllckam and Wheeler fields [InmnKcd; perionnel cajualtles 4,575 — 2Ji2 killed. DGO sllll ml.v.lng. and 1.273

inded.Ince last Dec. 7, tlie Jspane.se •y txiiA suffered heavy la-jcs. Of- al communiques show Uiftt 131

ot Uiel war^l1lIV. have been sunk,iid about 173 dar

lOSMr of dai)

>iinks to the bu: navnl bilUdhig program, replaccmeni,'. for Amcrl-

lovies are coming fust, Tlie U, ;. Celleau Wood, third nlrcraft ler to be turned oul at Cam- N. J,. In 15 weeks, slid doKn Uie n yesterday. Anotlier. Uie Bun­

ker mil. and a battleslilp. Uie New Jeriey. were launched today and a cnilser. Uic Miami, will be launched tomorrow. o

I l was doubted that Japai val construction capacity could fill ner saps 'wjth' the same 'speed.

The navy's anniversary report brtjught demands by Ben. Gerald P. Nye, R., N; D,, a leading pre-Pearl Harbor IsolaUonlst. and Rep. John D, Dlt«eU. U., Wlbli, far immedlata court marUal of Klmmel *nd SlwrL Nye said It wotiW “brine out a wno» lot that the Robertj report allow" about Uie Japonese «U«ck on Pearl Harbor. The noberta re­port found the® eullty of ’dcreUi Uoo ot duty."

aniiiK a.s nd

>jiult,s against Drit- Am ericnn advance'

positioiis.Slmuluheously with Uils blg-scale ctlon. Rome and Berlin reported tfP()Td-up nrtlllery duelling In tho Iclnlty ol El Agllclla. In LlByn. •here boUi the British nnc Manilial

Rommers Africa corps liave been rushing reinforcements for a show­down.

coinmvvnltiue itom hllltd • ers in Africa gave no clue course o! 0)e lUlhtlns lylng merely Uint it was

••continuing.'’ Wa.shtngton Issued a similar report.

SupiwrUng allied planes battered le enemy tJuoughout yesterday.

Lay Fl'nai Plans Allied commandcrs were reported

to have "laid plans for Uie final pliase of the Tunisian campaign" at a candlelight confcrence In a fann hOu.se kiuhen late yesterday while heavy flghtlJig raged on In Uie Tc- bourba-Matcur sections.

.. . . dbipatch from the battle front told of the conference;

Heights domlnaUng Tebourba. jatcglc cotntnimlcallotu cenUr 20 illes west of TunLi. are securely eld by allied troops, the Morocco idio said In a broadcast recorded 1 London.A Reuters correspondent with Uie

BrltLsh first ormy reported in * , line dispatch that Brltlsli com­

mandos and' parachutists landed Uirec days ago along Hie const be­hind Uic German lines, fought Uiclr

O' Inland seven miles to the south nnd cut a rend. Tlic exact locale of tills nctlon '».'A not, Rlv«t\.

Allied fighters, r.tlll hatidicapped by Uie lack of wljolly prepared ad­vance air fields, were declared nev- erlheless to be attftcklnr Qerman and Italian positions continuously

pewndert-TunbrDI—- urta and Tripoli.

la il Cemmunlcallqni BrltliJi and Americnn bombers

and fighters la.shcd at axis com- munlcatlon.1 between luUy ivnd HDiUi.AtrJca la wc«k-cnd raids.

Rtgllo alTiiromc, In iht cxtrrme south of ItAly. was lilt Saturday nlfihu Dock-s at BWerle were blast­ed and ft railway line between Sousie nnd Sfax, along the coast of the rench protectornto wft.' shot up, Cairo conimunlcjue said.Staff officers of U . Oen. K. A. N,

Anderson's Brlihli first army and American supporting units were re­ported by Reuter.i correspondent Alan Humphreys to have mopped Die operaUons for the final cleanup ot Tunisia.

neral who commanded Hie that has done Uie bulk of

the fighting for Ihe Ilrst army left "le meeting "in hlgli spirits nnd full : confidence.'’ Humphreys sald_ Allied lines were reiwrted lo be IC<><IIns><l ••• r>f< i. C«Ia-n I)

:e l l e oU 8 « R U L Eres went out from Tsin Falls e service boiird No. 1 today rge percentage of Ui# 85 men led to be Inducted Friday Uiat

, ,ouId not be required to re­port, They were tlif irgLslrnnl* in IhU month's army call who are 38 years old and over. Tile remainder. • under Uie 3a-ycar-old limit, will-re­port as scheduled.

Cap!- J. H. Scavcr. clerk of Oie lunty driift bo. rd, announced Uiat ! hail received word from the Bol'e

he.vlqiiarters early today to remove of that from UiLs.■al1-«ven those who liad

been notified lo report for IndueUon Friday.

Hie December call was for 338 •n. but Capt. Scaver explained

Uiat a large part of these had been transferred to other boapls end would be inducted their present places of residence.

Meanwhile the board received lU January call for 70 men. Capt. Beav­er explained that m » t of these probably will come from among the 18-10 year.old class,-tnftny ot whom will register for tho first Ume thLi month. They will leave for Induc- Llon Jan. 10.

While the local draft board wa.s making preporaUons to take over

rw> i. s>

Idahoans Expend $28,727,000 Total


aratUble. w laring* Ch*lrm*n John B. Vlley stld. ' ^

Bt*gMl monUi WM January ’fhea_U 703,000 In war bondi »ere JOJll.Worst moaUi was AprU wtlh tl.


■ Page Two TIMES-NEW S. TW IN F A L I S , IDAHO Monday, December 7, 1012


i l y M B B / E H S

ny JOIIV M. HKillTOWniWASHINOTOS. Drc. 7 (-V,-Xxl.'

forcra that If>r iiaiiy dark inonUis rouM Ili'ia Uir war wlirii and alnre tlicy chur arr at h it bflii*_forcfd

Twin Falls News in Brief

T»ln Tali'! rhnplrr, Ordfr of Dc

e MiLioiilc

campaJKn*—invtnnd the tonqu« 10 bf JoiiBlil. T1 bv the pwplr I

ire. Tlir bloodies oil of iiaji turopi )I Japaii-arc Mil

Aiiiprlrs toimrt >enr of ft uar Ixsni i: rsarl Harbor of Hit }

main I<nc:> pawcl by a;

I. TJlfWiMclpal r.ffoft

nclpal fifori will be dl- fccltd III crwlilns OtrniBiiy uml Ilaly. The conqutsl ol north Africa

....................c blK im;.htt luu licd fro

dlrtctloiu oiicc the nlllfcl high com- mwid decides Ihe time li rlite and their forccs are ready.

3. Becaur.e of the wltdoni o( con- renUfttlng sireiisili «t ilie main point of attack, optratloiia in the Pacific - A-Mallc theatfr will be Urnely dr.ilKiied lo hulil the Jap- ane,« In check for final oppratloru there when lufflclent forces become uvallable.

Still Need llrip3. Dfiplte the dpman<l.of oiir own.

Kiit»r» SrhootCorp. aitlord H. Cjfjnmtj. TnJ.

Falls, (oflay had rcporifd to th arniiircd force srliool tunk ilciuri ment nt Kort Knot. Ky.

In UoUe

. I hn.% brni JlKlcfliillrljWxiM- ponwl. Itpv, Maik C. CroiiciiEv>«cr

■ )r. announced today.

church jiarlors Wcdnrtrluy at Motion plcturr.i will b<- »!’.< J. W. Harder. Tlie atudy lev M on Brazil,

Moom Meetlnc Twin I'alls Moo?,f lo^iir at

mfu of tiic .Moo. e will nuet Odd Fellowi halj Tiii-iU»y . p. m. All metnbm nre ret ur

A, Sfulon ai ilie fliv. •hurch. Tuer,day at fi ty Aringft win br pj;

15-U4yIlex Karrfll v

will 1; pre. xvuril M. 1.

ivrrt I.. D. S. n. Mrs, Bel­li <iircctor.

enccd ) 15

.Siephrm, T-a «)pcJ nt the t

tnilnlns c<

iiiicih Uye WIl to he tried b( rrobatc Judsc C. A. Dailey

,• on ft charge of battery, afi irresi by police UiU mornln lomplalnl was Mznert by ArUv

characd D>'(

turning atnlnit Oerl^al; ne.'e. who have been ba ? JajM for five years, ni

I, Dye's fathi ')« le> olUctrs. Bextc •lUi choking him,

Conclude Vlill Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller and

family, formerly of Tuin Kalis, have • rued to Uielr home In Vancou-

.... Wjuh./ftftir B short vuii with Mr. and Mrs, nolpli Camniack. Mr. Miller I* the son of Mrs. Cammack. Mr. Miller Is working iiiislrles. Miller VlJltfd

nnd Mrs, Setlj1 Idaho.

rr-vjurcf.i wftf (]uered Malayn coast petroleu boats Infe

{hr Japar and n . of Its eaM

lupplle* when U- . . _ ... western Atlnntle.

probably will find U necessarj- to <lmw It-n economic belt tlghier nnd tighter—due nol lo the-achleve- ment< ol Utt erifmr but fo the nr- qulrementj of our own and allied nrmlea and nnvles.

BIC Campaign Ahead S. Barring some unforueen Inter­

nal crackup of Germany, Ihe cam­paigns to be foughl UiH year may brlnf victory- In sight by the lime the *econd annlversao’ of Pearl Harbor rolls around. -

On the other hand, the United NftUoni forcM may encounter some defenUi us well lui victories in Uio inonllu ahtftd and it Is certainly nnl

■ the question that Uie end of ir may still be ot>scurcd by

the future a year from no»-.The important fact to keep In

mind, (juallfled but tmquoloble of- flclal.i ,rald. U that from here on Ihe.drvelopiiicnt of the wnr I.? In the hands of the UnKerf Natlnn.t high command’ rather than tho e of Adolf Hitler and the war lords of Tokyo, This In exnctly the reverse ,ot.Uifi.eltuflUon..up.io-ft Jew- weeks ago.


Cook Sought for Luncheon Project

HANSEN. Dcc. I-Openlng of Uie hot lunch program in the Hansen iicliool. scheduled for last week, ha^ Veen postponed because Uie cook. Mr«. M. Or»y. has left ror Oregon wlUi ft daughter who ts entering i sch()ol there.

Mrs, Harold Koenig, chairman of the committer, and Bupl rt. .1. Doer- mg nre untlne anynnc nuDlified to take the position tn ci>nimunlcate with one of them Immpillntely. .

7th Brother Aids U.S. War Effort

KArUlAGUT, Ida.. Dei-. ^ Vi'- Hnrlan L. Slniori. 18. son of Mr. nnf Mm. J. S. Simon of Milner. Ida. who now Is receiving hl.s bluejnckri tr.-aiilng in the navnl training sin- tlon here, Is one of irven brother; tervlnj wJUi Uie annei) Ioj-cim.

-I want lo Ket out to se# nnd help my broUier* all l can," Hnrlmi

rive of hU »U brothers art li liav>' and Uie sUUi Is a privai the army. AnoHier broUicr U « lug In A writ coast bomber pin

S M B I G f i i Stided

(Fmi. r .fter for the 200 United

............. i Brlilsh bombers whlcliirrled oul yestcrdny'i foray*. NorwcKlnn. Poll.ih. F lg h l ln i rcnch. Ctyjadlan. Nc«' Zealand am

Indian fighter pilots pftrtlclpai«l li the action,

The WgResl previous daylight as- uill on western li^rope was carried ul oil Oct. 0 when ins Amerl'

l)omt>prs nnd about 500 fluhi «cl<r a vJolrnt ntiarJr pji.LlIIe.

Lille Uombed Again l.llle iignln wn:i one til the I rt« yeuterday, aciuailrona of I'ljhiK

If Uie U, ■force

i th<CiiTlnge R-ofk(T,

. o f expIn:,;; Llllc Locomotive anti

il.lHirt-■ in

..oUlcd.UAht.-. icven enemy jreak up the


:hlch shot d< temptln

ra(<J.LlKlit BrltWi bombers altacked IB radio lube factory ai Eindhoven,

Uie Netherlands, leavlns Hi# main buildings of Ihe work-wthe blgKe-H

Europe—battered and burnlnK. 1’ fh'hteri also attacked rail-

ajM nnd other largeLi 1;) IfolJnn<J nd Qrlttnny.Only two tomber-s and one fight' r were lost In the American ralda n Ulle ami Abbeville.

I/OW-Uvtl Attack Tlir- RAF iitt.n-k 1111 tlie Elndhov

ictoj-}-. uhJcJi fjjjpJovs ijiofe thi 15.000 people. wa.s prcMcd lion from a low level. Ihe nlr ministry •aid. So low did t.oma of Uie plan« fly that their crews could rend tli Ilme-13;20 p. m.-on the big fac

Tlie DflljB 111 vcral

Sgt. Dick York Is Bomber Engineer

in Jsll by Probate Jutlg# C. A. len he Appeared today i

ft cnarse of being intoxicated In public place. Tlie cnmplnlnt w signed by Sheriff Warren Uwery.

Co. 6 Urllls Tlie rlty giirar'' 'HI be drill lo­

cation ai 7J0 p, ni. ifxlay for Co. fl, Juycee unit in the Idaho volunteer re.serve». Capt. John Q. Adams. Jr., renuested alt Old and new members to turn out lor Ihe icislon.

Caw Dlimlwed DliLrlcl Judge J. W. Porter ha*

signed an ortler dL'niKslng an Ilfl.OOO auto accident damage /.ull after cit- tonieys stipulated the matter has been fully compromUed nnd settled- Plulntlff wns Kail Montgomerj-, wllh Elmer Montgomeo’. his guardian ad tcm. Defendant wftj'N. H. FarreL

illor Advatieednnlph D. Bailey, son of B. W.

Bailey, route three, haa been ad* 'anced to the rating of aviation nachlnlsfs mate, aecond cla.v, at lie naval air tralnlnB center, Pen-

jftcola. ria- Salley enll-sted In the Deeemlier, 10«0, and was

trajviferred’to the naval «1r station in Afftineda. Calif.. In May, m i.

Wife Auks DivorceMr.i. Virginia Wagem

divorce suit In dlsuict <Rudy WsKCman, char iind non-,^uplx3r(. They fl. 1838 nt Jcla/io Falls, man Dsk>, custoily of. n 17-mouih-old <1augliKir, accusing her huxband ol flecuring cu.stody of the child by fraud. O. C. Hall Is attorney for tin pelUloner.

Decorated Prospective Dad’s Flasldamp

Solves Hosj)ital Light Crisis

prc. JOHN r . ALCEtt . , . Twin Fftiu roulh who waa

among Jhe flrat American wound, •d to t>e brnght b«ck from Africa, A( the Walter R«ed hoiplUI In WMhlngton. D. C„ he recel«d lha purple heart decor»llon for brftV< err. teurr EnrrftTlng)


Pfc. John P. Alger Vho


(Fr*- Tai. Oni)lioldiiiB firm despitp dlve-homblng nttacks as reserves nnd supplies were moved up. mile by mile, for the final offensive.

liy rialm< RrtrratI Vlchj riulio

a.s.scrted Uia

ruillo said Uml " I four weck of flslitl \ lo.u In ^ ml.■ila 1. (i the allies H." piiSlned flKliiera wc IrclAred to h&Vd &ho re northbound axis HIM (iff the r.-\.sl n

llne.^' pine off xls

he Oela airdrome on Eldlly. itat^n Ilf relnlorcrmenl fi « TiinUUn dftaclinirnt*. hi' icfired 0(1 /leJcI fiicUliJf.i. !J;

Cairo communique said.Target of Enemy

Oennan high command com Icjue bruadcasl by the Berli

lint nlllKl 'lor ( rnu-atloiu ! tar

.hlch brond- .Id the Ocrmnns n . tron}; mllllnry which they al'

\n an nlr b.vie. of hnece»-<i and Hftllan hlgl

roniinnnilv In their Sunday com- munlque.i, bor..ilrd of nxli successes in norUiem TunWa. TJie tmrli Uirlr troops were mopping nup Uie area nrond Tcbourba. which la 20 miles we.U of Tunl.s. and had cap­tured 1.100 prboners and destroyed "0 tanks.

Allied reporU of development Ir central and souUiem Tunisia con' Unued highly favorable.

The Morocco radio brondcwt i oommunlque from I French head-

announcing lha l tinii-s of ramel corps had occupied

helghu on the Algerian •• Libyan fronUef’eaal-or DMnft.—Whlcn-Js sboiit 8iO mile* .-ouUi of Tunis.

Another Morocco' radio report sale American and French fo rm push' inr across central Tunisia toward the 'coftstal road tp Tripoli had cupled anoUiei>f6rUfIed poslUoi

Little changf was reported In the situation In Libya, but the Moscow radio as.s rted that a fleet of 100 Bxl» trnnsporu had been com trated In Greek ports to evacuate the bnltered Oerman forew Xaclnc Uie Brlthli elghUj army AJ AchelU.

iroup of wouniied In the inndlrie of the

:roops In norUi Africa lo be relumed to ihe United SUl/-s,

a brother of Delbert E. Alger, me one Filer. Brought to Wash- iton* famou.s Wnlter Heed ho.s-

. ;al. Pfc. Alger received the pur- pie hearl decoration for bravery, ac­cording to an Aisoclnted Press dla- patch.

ig -UicAmerican soldiers ambiuhed by the French at Fedhalu ju ii after Uiey had landed for an overland assault on Cuablanca, Uie capital of netich Morocco. .

According to a letter received by his bcother. Pfc. Alger waa struclc in the right leg by « JO caliber mi ehlneg'un bullet.

He has been In the army for iw and one-half jeajs, enllsUng i TR'Jji Kail? Jn August, 18«0. Prei lously he had attended school here and liad been engaged in fann worl in this area. Weighing 105 pound* Ihe liu'.ky Intnntr'iniui tr.iliied a rort Oni. Ciillf.. and Furl Lewi.- i,Va.'li. He W mrurled and lib wlf. resldra At Tai'DJ3i/i.

riicy Ihlallj- flprn.-'pectlve faUitr o,u i

Falb county general lioipi— . . Sunday morulng. v.lieii a trifllc ntcidenl on U. 8. 30 <ll'.ru;)Urd lluli lug fatlllllca and pluiiicd the lie pitaJ into ft bUckout fwCJtie «n

• a half.the maUmlly home delivery

room Uiey borrowed the flashlight that Tom Bell, taaijtant manager of the J. C. Penney atore, "Just hap­pened" to have In his pocket.

LlghU rent <jut whrri « « r diirei by Ira Cariney, 31. nllinore atreet struck a pol« earning tiie high- voltage line* that supply the clt) wlUi current. The pols broke off and fell partlftll}’ aaois the high' .. snapping wire* thai carry 13,000 voJw, and eihtn carrj/ng ,000

Herb Wlsecaver, 21. Culleford, ap­proaching shortly alter the crash, thought a bUckom was in progresa, officers reported, and pulled to the side of the road, where he itruck the pole that had fallen to Uio ground.

Mr*. Bell had been taken to Uii hospital at 13;J0 a. m., and the stork

'I let a llttia thing like

S een T o d a ySundry electric docks alow be*

cause of poner Inlemiption yes* K^aity . . . •'Demobilized" recnilt- liu ^<a f nirinbcrs Idling iiway UirJr i\me a[ navy and murine of- flce.i. wondering what to do . . . Youngsters defying city owinance and all rules of safety to lUlch Med.s behind car.i,(and others Ju^t hitching tliem-seives, skidding feet on Icy .itrect.<ii ~

ilrl 1 red ! .-lUll dollneat "spill’ dor floor . . . Willing pcdestrlnn* piushlng Uiree curs out of parking rpou In one block of Mnin avenue . . . Fiimllure. In front dUpIay window of store, ver - du.sty . . . MtUe girl pointing out " V tree In 300 block Bhashone norUi . . . nicyol'T doing nice f.plU n.s he Roes nrounil romcr loo hn. tlly on jlick pavement . . . And wn»«*r» beam­ing tlielr Ui.-uiks tp the kind soiU who spread u lt on sidewalks out­side courihou.'e.'

N E f l A X O I i l l S C O A L O E L ie iE S

To-ln Fall.s coal dealers re^ulrad-to-cliarg* coiaunie dltlonal three per cenl for hauling coal under Uio nev,' transportatloi of properly U»x law. Cecil A. P/o.si deputy collector of li

Infonned by Uie Boise office.

The opinion wn.- quest of rfosl a; denier had Hiked a chnrge of four cnii short, ton Mi'oultl In- the dealer's yard lo i Pftin i»lnted out t

il praetlce of chn

given al Uie re- er a local coal •whetlirr or nol nLi a pound per

r):e<l from

Ion for , iiy nillector

colIectcd In unoiaid I

o[ ( . Till

ifer of livestock and fnrm pro-

Escaper Returns To Reformatory

HarMd E. Ha'lrom, tJ. who wii.-i captured by police here on Nov. 37

his iv.c;ii>c from Uie


food r(Fna r«i« On«)

illonlng, alUiough Uie trans- ler or auihorlty l.i nol expected to mean any change.s In the present rntloiilnE programs of sugar and coffer and Uie prcspecllve rationing of meat. These programa will con- tlhue to b« admlnl-itered through Uif office of price admlnlstralloii.

Wlckard, a Hoosler fanner who say* Uial "good food tmd plenty of It la one of the best ml«lonarlc* for democracy that 1 know of.” be-

•s the fourUi single director of itlonal resource In Prefldenl

Roo:rvcH's,q^l/iclul Iimlly.lie new' «tup. Uic.a;;rl- portnient Is divided into branches, one for pro-

ducUon nnd tlie oUier for dl.'triliii- i. Wlckard *111 appoint n dlrcc- for each.

Many Cancelled On 38-Year Rule

err.. Ont>ilmenLs in-nccordnncc wllh tli •r flgnnl by Pre.'ldent Roa-e Saturday. Uie staffs ot navy iin

ninrlne recruiting stnllons lier narkc<l time. Chtel MixchlnU .M;i! Mniuiid Baniion, head of U

^ k o u l Interfere wiUi liU ichcdult Tlie ottcndlng physician and nurse were busy, tenee. Intent upon ihei dutle*, when Uie bright Ughi of tli delivery room ^uddenly turned t. inky blacknuj. At the quick call fo rJMhllfht* the waffing pro*pecUv father was the flr«i to r**pond.

‘I had been lo tht garage earllsr he wld today, ''and I just happened to leave Uie flashlight in my jaolie' pocket.” '

Another flash *a* brought Inio wrrloe, tntj tlteae iight* served un­til the hospital suff could bring Celeman gaaoUne lamps into utn. and the doctor and nurses continued efficiently and without interruption.

The baby U a girl," said Bell proudly. "Sho weighed *u pounti/i. JO ounces, «nd the mother Is gec- tlPg along fine.”

H. C. Jeppcaen. superintendent al Uie ho*plt*l. said today that Uie Coletnan lamps were obtained as pan of blackout prcparaUons. and that the hospital also Is equipped with Wfh.poR-ered battery UgiiU tor If needed in cither the operating or delivery room.

At the IdftJio Power company of­fice today tt was said Uist llghtx and power for Uio entire town were off for n minutes, as a re.iult of the crash, which occurred *t a.-lV ft. oi., and an hour And a half at the hos- plUl, The time ot Intemiptlon varl- ed In the rural districts nearby.

A »klnned forehead for Cartney WM the only IriJurj’ cau.''ed by the wreck. Doth drlver.i'were alone in their enT\ olHcem Damage « a.i esUmnted at M50 to the Cariney car. and IIS to the Wlsecaver maclilne.

Contract Branch P. 0. for Center• poalofflcfl at Hunt. Mlnldokn itlon center, officially opened a.s ft contract branch of the Falls po5lolficc. It wfts an­

nounced today by M. A. Stronk, OJtJna ter here.Stronk sold the Hunt office for­

merly had been deslgnnled ft.i a •'claiilfled branch- of the Twin FalU ofllco but now it Is a "con­tract bravch.-' Ilil-s, he snld. meaii.i only thai Harry L. Btafford, jiro- Ject director, ha. been deilKiintcd lu the contraclor for the postofflcc branch, and will be re.sponslble for Its opernuon. All personnel nt the Hunt postoffice are rcjldcnts of

between 25 and 30 pcr-ons worklnB.Tlie I'win F.ills I

Dies for Country

UEUT. DAHRYL THOMPSON . . . Who II reported killed In

action lomewliere In Ihe Pacific theater. He tnllited In the army a few month* after hU graduation from T»ln Filli liisli s^buol In 15J7, (Staff Ungravlngl


UeuL Daro'l'Tlionipj-on. 35. as Kraduatetl from Twin Falls

Jn J337 nnd enlbled U

of i; 01 dins wordIn m'tl ;heiiterreceived by relalh

Meiitriiani Tlinnepi, :9, ion. In iKh school he wn.1 :r of the Thespian He ts the aon of Jncob Tliompjon, ho I.< now employed fn a Los An­gles war plnnl, HLi mother la dead.

One brother. Wilbur Tlionipioii. Is n jjihomore In Twin Falh hlxh :liool, and three

with urUi plai

■ III the rnjul

Uie ChrbU olflce recel does Twin

tifiint—o.<ide from

I to schid-

.1 Lnkc City hc«d-

Final Tributes Paid Mrs. Koch

FuiiC al :c;vlce--. ■ held till

BIRTHSTo Mr. and Mr.^ Toiil Bell. Twin

Falb, n girl. Dec. C; lo Mr. nnc M n,' Forrej; •smitn.-Txm-T.m.-1 !)oy, Dec. 8. both tit the Twin Fall^ :ounty general hospital m.itemlty iiome. •


ETMn Schrelber, rnnnager of thi QoL-ie.p.iycttc L um be r company here, will be celebrated ai 8 a. m. Wednesday at at. Edward's Catho- lie church, wi'ii M.iRr. J, P. OToole, A.,P. V. 0-, aa the celeb.-ant, Rwao- • ill-b«.»ald TueAdny at ttSO p. m. t the White rrortusrj’ ehajiet and

Interment will bo in Twin Falls neler>-.

* ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★Ef/ecUt-fl December 3


at 3 p. In. ou each Wednesday for Uie ak>’. Office open to make appointments. PhoneiC3.


Twill Fnll' ry rhnpc! in memory of Mr:.. F.«- •lla r<lllh Binihivrt Koch, a , wile : P. N. Koch, who died Fridny nt er linme, Bai Beeond nvenue .we;.t. Sunlvlng nre Uie haiband niul le fnliowlnt rlilldren; Hriv K.ktIi , Ir.v W. I', severt, Henr^' Kodi, mcrv Kf>rii, Mrs. Joe Pnlter.'on.

Leonard Koch. Houarrt Ivocli. Jo- seph Koch, Twin Fall*: Arthur och, Dubuque. In.: Earl Koch. Clnv Center. Knii.; Ernest Koch, Keni. Wa-ih.

ALto urv|•,ln[: are Uireij ji/.iers. 34 Krniid.-hiliinn nnd four sreai- Kriindclilldtni.

Filer IVR MeetsSpecial eiiiutmcnl campalEii will

be headlined »t Filer lonlRhl wlUi a big meeting of Co. 2. Idaho vnlun- leer rr«-rve.i,-st-KHer 2il«h according to Capt. George ■Anihoiij'. commanding officer. Each man of Uie company all! bring a recruit to hear DcRcy Glbb, wounded ma­rine now honorably discharged. '

Legislators Face HousingShortage

••hnmb.-r of Coninierc Dale Voorhees. pre

ealty board, noted thi fc'A" ap.irinients nnd houses luted

or fcnt.-hajiiber Sccrctiti' E. G. Harlai

llii: people n’A'ny nUli'

Uie problem.'Hie lu)u.\lii«

acute In Doi.ie'.

to eiilLM. Ciili f\)rre.it 'I'lioniiir.on nr lid Hugh Tlioinpaon Ls In the anny.

AnoUier brother, Lloyd. Ilionipaon. ;lio lives In Los Aiiurle.s, todny wn.

tald to be preiiarlng to Join in the ivy. A .sis r. .Mrs. Evelyn Ander- n. lives in Las AnKele.s.LteiJteiiant* 7?iompjofi n-aa a 'phew of Elmer Annls, Mr.-p. M.

Clampllt anil Mra. E. D. ailgnr, all If •I •|ll KalLv and George Tliunip- on, Kimberly,


MANZANAR, Calif.. Dec. ^ OF,- One Japane/e was killed and nine wouiide<l IMI nisht when soldiers. ru-iliPd bv ft mob ot rioting nlppon- e.-.c R! (hff .Ma«2.miir reJocfltJon rrn- ler. Ilred on the crowd. Project Di­rector Ralph P. Merritt said today.

Tlie flare-up came aiiertly after Merrill asked military police to place the cunip. housing upproxlmut.'ly 10.000 Japa.".e e. under marUul Inw.

Merrit: mtrJbutt-d the trouble to ••a celebration of Pearl Hnrbor by Uie pro-ttxl-s group among Uie Jap- aner,e."

Merritt guve Uil.s picture:One other Japanese was badly

benim nnd another Jalletl In earlier pha-vj of the dUorder. which mounU ed lii.vlolencfi until Uie fmiiled mob ru:.he«l a conlon of military police with stones and clubs.

Troops had entered the camp In rei[)onsc lo Merrill's earlier demands that Uie military Uko over policing of Uio camp where police duUes nro usually entm.sted to n staff of Jap- ane.-e, and Cuuca.slnn peace officer*.

The *oldlers ,wlUi fixed bayonet* and mounted machlnrinins were buc- reusful In quelling the early slagei ot tlir rioting, but later as the crowd KuUIercd Into a mob, Uiey were fore- ed to rr.sort to flrlnff a birrnge of

King Hill Infant Dies at Hospital

Buby Allen, two-<lny.old son of Mr.-lyid Mrs. Lewis Allen. King Hill, dletl Sunday morning al Ui» Twin Fiills county general hocpiul

lutemlty ho.7je,Funernl lenlces were held totliiy

»l 3 p. I

goyne, Mount^i

0 Flier gdd Fcllowi

the parenls, a broUi. sister. Hazel Marie: p.irent.s. Mrs-' Julli and Mrs, Joe Bur.

1 Home,


Engineers Visit Mines at Hailey

Ha il e y , Dec. 7-Mlnes aroulid Hailey producing Rtrnlcglc metal*' have been vl.sltrd the pnst few days by mining engineers representing ‘iirne rompanler,.

Kcetl F. .Welch. Salt Lake City, \merlenn Smelting and Refining ■oinpany; H. J. Hilton. Seattle, and Fred A. Held, f ^ i A

: the Hoi IHnwaUin. I

Leo Anderson New Loan Group Head

lilded.L', by n

Tlie n WHS held nfler.tlie li;id decided to canc'el It.s nn- siivi'ntlnn becau.se of the war. ■r nftli-ers Heclr<l wrre Oleii Meridian. vlrc-.iit;i-.'.ldi'nl; nnd

R. rioyd IfCBJit. grcrcU>r)\

I. O. O. F. EI.ECTK OKKICCnSHAILEY. Dee. 7-RtslnR St-i

lodge, I. O. O. F.. 1ms elected thfollowing offlcm: Noiile grnni........

SnilUi; vlrc Kraiid. o:Wll-


rcrein % F, Iliil- J lni.s.

clnl Interest wa.s shown In the C«-

im a QumoifTl Tui?r ,



D B P H E U mN OW ! Kntls Tomorrow


. A Latest World Nen*




With enen in the Army, Navy. *firioe»J' ■nd Coast Guard, the favorite dgirene is CuncL (Based onacnial tslei record*

In Post Ezchsagei and Canteens.)


MouiJay. Dcccrabtr 7,11142 TIME;>NK\YS. t w in J'ALLS, IDAHO I'age Tbre*

l i i U l Si O n O B M

; trilKit I) ilcci-4'Nl I...................... 'Ircl C.

Iiflliclp.il :i>C;ikcT ill til- nliluiHl Elt.i m r.

•rrvlcr.r A ttiiMdtv crowd i<l nl ];s1! lof tlie oh-

•(• iir i.iKl. '■c-'»ine from»S o«r co

oiiiitrv imcl jct they w i;;lv allk-- in tlirlr ixwr.-Al c liuinclblf e;<rniil. ticiil..;-, upon ttlilch Uilr, f .

il Amctkn. Ilui-c l>rf;,( »Tli'iirl:n; 1

,<• i>vv>,-.rAuv.''Hh' OIrl

T'.Mn Kills b.im!, dl- ■! t)v I-ptcl Hiiriltlii; oprtllllR - IV iiftic'Ts of llif Imixp; liiv(x;;i.

II'. . and ••Kyr li.'illi Nul S'-rn," I, k-lrl:,' .•r.Mrl cnIIl|». rd of Olilr

.• '•cortl, Marv Jaiifl Nf' lrv, ' Iliircllrl:. Dixie

1K5 Hr! • AH«-i

n Hr? ■, illn-loll rail of

IJiciv., H. K. DrL'.\ Elks ■Liiy: iii.Tiwrlal <Ur rr ml; yoiiii^ iiim^ f|ii;irli'lW-, Viniii'T," Uiiiil. liiKlr r>f MiirJorl» Albrrl-'nii iirlilrr.-', Govrriior-dr,- •'Aiilil I niiR Kyn'-," roil

Salute to Comrades Wlio Died in Dec. 7 Attack

OOODINO. IV*-. our l'n.% iKi-ii I I

OiKKllnc Orniiiir,aipcle.

Olliff ofiirci-. n Hrown. oiTi.n. Mr«ard: C

plrrtMl ctoplMn: V iircr: Mr?- KI,.vd lilt

Julrr, Ubbrcclll, Mr. nr.tl Mrs. U?.]iMul OciifT AbffCoaiUlf.

Nviinl i.i opru liu-rv.v.nFunds of Scrap

Drive Will Buy Soldiers’ K its

JKHOMF.. nw- 1-Mn. E. M.KKlsrci'., chalnimii of R«d’CrOM Ain;; production today lulccd

tiMi all riiii.'hrd Ksniiciitj be t imed in :i'. ’ txiii n. ])o ill)le iliice • largo

liiincnl Ls up.

ndn rrerivfd from J lit .ifcent ue rtrlvc ttlU be usul for m»- I-. Ill niakr tlie comfort kJU. I- ki:.s are Kl'cn soldiers'entcr- r«iiii>;il zniie'. Tlic (jiioU lor I)U IXl e I,-. »150.riiiy-Hio Unitied nniiy «we»t- nvc berii ,sl'lpi>fU to Le Roy A. •rr, ftrld (lircctor tor the Red s at Poc.-iifllo.


U S E D U R 5Piirrli;!'-

lirnuKliI III I.V llir Orii

. M. I!.iUKli. Mr.


> T V a p o R u b

New €lgin SEWING

MACHINES1 Oil; ’ni.it wi;i t Uk Vari •u:i--::-af ll;r -nilil-

1911 Ford' tiidor ‘.'’edan. ■lly. very Bood 'llo and heater.

!n: di

1910 Chevroletpfi'lal 4 iloor edIlII, comillfti Itli hidlo niid heater. Extel


uv l




6,641 JAP BODIC O lf l lS [ [ S

WASIIINO-I-O.S. Deo. 7 M'-Jiip r.:;."c Icllird by Uitllcd at.niet .'.ol-

-..iMl lu;uiiir> oil Ouadalrniiu ; land 1 1 1 1 1 1 -: fiolimioiii ;.Ux)il a liiHl Kiiliiy-noi coiiiitiiif: tlioiu;ind: ;■! Iiliiixjnc'ri' e.MlriKileil lu litive been ili'.'.iriiyfd l;y r.c.i nclitiii, arlilli

-Rreai nixvnl bntlle

• 17 Of tlirlr <)> (-I>l]llillllil>|lie .sal

F o r m e r U , o f 1.

Student Awarded A ir Decoration

MO;^CO\V. Dec. 7-\V«r.l li.i.i been iTriv<'(l at III!' iiiil;e.';.l:v tJiai Linn. I!. W. Jolintiiiejen, n former .itii- <!cnt. liin been ell.e<! for brnverj- by Admiral Il.ibey and rIl.MlnRiilJ.lJfd fl.vlnu crnv,

, Mrul, Johnmie.ieii a )iliii|enl - iiuUrr.Mty Inr three yean,

nJiit; In tPll.U<: lor tin:

dl«re(?nrd for ftnll-Rlrcrnll fir » pllnt.' n dive hnttibrr mid 1.' r> irlrd to have ni:i<Ie n direct Jill o

In itiemory of eomradej wlio fell in «ir Japanew attarlc'on Pfarl H.-irbor n year a(o Inday, tlif ilaff nf llm Ttrln Katlx narr rrenilttnc aiib-dtalion naltile In front of Ihn Dee. 7 rommeinnrallve J»«<tpf.. The navy men. frnm Itie left anJ readint lonard IhP potter, art: Chief MaehliiM'^ .'late Kdmund IJanMon, lirad rreruKer; Klreman Thlnl Cl-I.n-. !)PJ1 »a)lek, ,Sj»-rlali,’ l IVaJIcr TjrVell a/Jd Yroman flavi KrtieU It. Tei

Here Is Vivid Story of Bulil

Flier Home From Pacific War»>-.'Mi;itviN .sij(i i ;m ak i:ii

JuM iniaRiiic your.elf nil nrny' liQiubec snlot on Clwk IloUl, PlUUi>- pliic l.slaiids. a lltile iifier iiuoii )i: Uci-, fl, 104l~llic diiy mat «iir .slari. cd lor llic other Mde o ilic earili.

Ilic iio'.UIoll li( Ml

C. Urri\ Gerr,

-iliil(It Mr.»ho

.. U,

mniWlii; IIIkIU wlierr

• lienrt .•■liik.v 'Ilii' enemy cii you liJ liie piiiirh. '.\ttackrd liy M Komlirr^

.;Jark.Jli'l.l, :.ii-utnmiiL Ci il\iV Job ol ixi

■aims III boniljiiif

Thrn the Ijomber* are s .. e filers kno»’ it l.-n’t oi officers quickly caUier llie i I larui; illl.h ttlili'li olti-i..

av.iihiido in 11 •p.icc of time allinrd. Ilrl, iiivr n cliMiicr lo "illi; In,.

1 fire. 'Hie pl»i:c llnr

Mill j.lid m me h

tllelr prliiclinil ol;]i-. dlich-in only parllal iimirftti

for the men.Ueuteiiaiil (irer mw it croii evv .^rrRenlit frniittciilly Irjln,-

0\\ U<-c. : •i.ii.-, left li hip. ’I'hr .1

leii Jih cllU a over to t I jlldirt."

«• lieanc irre Uuiiljov u 1 for Mindum aveird nt nlnli

ot .-aiely. liow«-\rv, . I (iiie ilay nl niiehor ll .ti:hii.-il by In u foii iibcr. ’llic Ixiniber mm on tlie Milp. dropim A*.

r arrUiiiR ) Lleutc vej..d 111 .

it dlrecllon.

—r-'iTirrriiiriird lo noriliei i;.taliU.'Uril -tvr-Utei pli- firld near l>el Ca'iiilim l,li-ii|riial' lli.v Cirav-rrcin Tw

u«l n

I- U-'ni

lilAlvn. M- vhnv tiwe

.:i:ii- Jill llie Mr hi

• Plilll|.pllie.’<innLM

Hill Cfrr l^ad Jiu.l lanilea niiu wlirelrd hh Dlniir Into r revetiiipiit when two divr boinber- Mlncked the field. Me and hl.i plnnr uere imhurt. On another ocatyiloti he and a felbw-nfflcrr werr RolnR

loj'ellirr 111 a piirnult ship, and iff the Kfoniid Tvlirn pn

Safeway's Speciat 'Weekend" Advertised Prices Are How Cood from Tuesday THrough Saturday

r~Canned foods ] ■

l i e a n s S” !;!;,!:," k „ : 15CPirm’-v i’rt

P e a s P„:r Tiny . 19c

' I ’o n ia t o S o u i)3 .Km

C,iiiiplK'II'. N


l i u h y l'(vod;!^'i

3 23c, , , niiiiiii'jiib le e n i r a „i i 2,'Jc

.S a rd in e s .... iic

iM iila .s se s! Oc


..- M o ja s s e s i 42c '

If tlir- fii;l(iff to (jet th

'lirlnrr. llie American 'lllp eflcnprd )iilv liy the pilot .'klmmlng tin :rminil nnd Inklns arlvniiiaKe of 111; aui'AlalKe of the lerr.iln.

I.ieutrimnt Orrr flew a patrol ■Oien Cien MncArUuir Iai»led '.Tinaanift.


Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ElfrlnB Imi tiiiirned from Merldftin uhere they M iicil lip-r parcnUv Mr. and Mr.v

• ciiri'. Avrc.Ilill noToldA left for Hohe where

he ivill-ljp employed.Mr.'. Dorl.% .Miilllca Im.i gone to

Portlniifl where .ihe will jiiidy for 21 davn In the F.S.A. office Ihrre be- Iiirp reltirnliiK’ to Inke a iiea' ptv.\l- tinn wlih ihe Lincoln county F.S.A. ollitc.

Orris Sword li worklnii a.i wtlon foreninn of mi exlrn Kang at Nampa

^ Mr.i «•••• -Miib Freeelilldrrn lio.-ne nt Rli iiic relative;

Mr. a(\cl Mrs. naymand n«ll awS dniiRhter. Clierry LoiiL*f, Los An- Kelri, have relumed lo tllchfleld l<i ninke lliplr home and are llvlm;

. nt ilie Ilytir Crlil nneh, rislne m l \\iUV to lit!

hniand Ntr£. C. O. ClmUield'aere

(ielettaiei (o [he aialr ClrnnKe at ■i \ln Kiills from Ihe Pomona nrn^Kr. %V. J . Tapper aV'O atlciideil

•I of (Mr;, Mftir Porter nnd iI.niKliler,

l-i’l;', liiue rrtiirned Irom Mninitaiii Ilcinr after vbliitiK her lirolhrr. nive Chntflehl nnd nlfr.

Waller .Stevens, Le. ter Stubb.v Ne.'.pJt, HrlK Harden and T.

11. Hriir h 'w«Tc on jurj' duly In Sho- flione.

iteaut "Jushe rspio'iiion i.hell. And lliu-.e l- l' forsot to be thankful foi

a l ja i X.irt when tJiey ,niukhu havoc whero they liacl letl ihcli sleek bombers nnd puf-nilt .ship,'. -Tlmt wa., Lleuiennnt Cieeri In-

tro<luctlan lo the ivar, ainre tlinl beKlnnliiB lie hn;, been tliroiwl' enough more acitou to w^kc t-ht oi>enlnK day leem far In the piv niid Of smnll Jmporiance. Much i it we'll wall tin the end of U; wnr to hear about, or at len.M until r,omctl(no Rtlet the Solomon have become i.ccure In American hand:;, and iJie Jiips are beliiR bla.M- eti out of (lOiiieiilacc further north, n ie bomblns MjUBdroii of wlilch Ueistcnw^t Ottr u a member has

ore combat hourr. to lla credit tlian iy other squadron m the armv. •ni« Anierloan fllerj and sroifnd

cp*wa spent Uielr 'first hlglit after the bomblns. In n clewed 5pace Jn the nearby junsle, TJien Uiey moved Into * concrete target butt near :inrlt field, nnd in lhe.>.e tnicomfort- •ble qunrler.s «lih;,loo<l daily bomb- n« iinili Uiey moved to Uat.ian on

Chrlitma-s day.• Saw Cotlii Kelly Ci

IJeutcnaiit Geer jaw Cdlln•aih tt3 the latter reli....... ......

fllKht nhlcli made him Amer-leu's flrr.t ’ ■ hero

■We could --.ce tlie heavy buinber eotnltiK In." .«ald Lleulemiiu Geer, 'luid could see Uir Jai> planei nl* nckliii: It. We mv the others bait )iit. nnd then the ihlp suddenly ex- j>lo<!pd. Tliere ttui a P-40 above It

ot the cxplo'.ioii, and it [spuD to tiie crouua rl;ht alter lUe

Then lo .Ml11 April the Amerl eii from Mllld.ll:.' plane, .luM one

lr.iUaIt fhrr.s

n 10 Allr(l;iv Inter Del

■111'- 111tinned when he l)-- :ui fl.vii MaeArlliur from AuMrallan and that hrhiRs the story iU>Tv-liere the niihl IW't beKin:- Ir. Inlk lev,. Ilememlier, M.n Arthur'.n bomb­ers have beni their .■■tint In the S'llomoii;., In the Coriil : en, nn<l In viirlour. other p.irl'i of ihe .-.otitli- ue.u Pnrtflc. lie Tlnwn plane.- Irom which bit h*‘mbi were dropped on Jnpnnr.^e .\iilp'. ni'd you ran he: that Hlrohlto kiKi'->\ whlrli ^hl|v. ihev were. }fe had a hlc part, nnd Ineidentnlly. a uraiid.stnnd seat, nt one of the couiitrv mna .sma.-.h- 111(1 vlr(orlM in thnl theater. Some­time He can te!l-more nbont It. Not

•> ’ BaUled 15 Jap PiinMIn one ca.-;c the four-motored

lx)mber he wa.< flylnc wa.s nttacked by 15 Jnpnneje reroi a.s the Amer- ‘can ship wa.t retumtne from n roLi- •lon. For 45 minute* the flRhtcrs bused nround the larger ship, while Lieutenant Geer maneuvered to brine many gun.< n.n po’v.Mble to bear on the mftii threatcntnc of tlv* Jn|H at Uie moment. Tlie rera*. cave np whcn.tivo of tholr numlxr had plummeted Into the Pacific. Thnt happened on July 3, and wn.i con-, .'Idered n little jireUiCte to Uve Kourtfi of July cflebratlon.

•Lieutenant Oerr. a talented trom- boTilii. wiW craduated from Huhl hlKh school In 1035.- nnd nttendeif •the University of Idaho at Mowow for one year. He enlWed In Uie air eorpi in Aufrust, 1040, nnd went to the Philippines in April. 1911. He ‘.si temporarily .Matloned at ihe air bas*-1 at Pocatello, I

H o u s e h o ld H e e d s ;

WindraSt'iSr'’ 15cW h i l e I ’ i c

S\ vc i'l lu ':ir l ' ” ' " . 1 9 ,,'■ 4 I,.,,

1 7 c

2 5 c

i : 5 c

l O c

'I ’is s lR ’ 4 ",,

T is .suc 3 ",

H o n A m i .

B o n A m i c

S A m ^ HBBDSll !> fun 10 b<V( «(, ho«« if you art w«n ivpplitd K< p<opn mlilaii. Ci<tcli lk« monty M»«ft lliifd b«lew ind ln»t y'our finlly (o r«<) iMdl-«lJ<oni« |oodl<l.

, , , , Kllrheii Cl a ft tiulLhcdH o u r

i n o u r s i . s e

. I ' l o u r 48 .■S2.15Mid.umAGr.de. • o r

C a l u n . o l

P a n c a k e l ' ' l ( i u r j ' , u,..

Iliirk W h e a l


S le e p y H o l lo w

S o t 'U i s i l k 44 c; pv.«. ’

, OlnKermd, 9 1 _D r o n i c d a r y .mu , p^k.

. . • Carton of Q

j c a s t 6 rv-Kv -

P a n c a k e K lo u n i '

I P a c k a g i m F o o d s

C r a c k e r s 2 'n i>ox- .3 » iC

C r a c k e r s arah.mi ’ '2 llx . 3 3 c

S a l l i n e W a f e r s S .l’’ 3 1 c

'O a t s 2 5 c

A i i B r a n r.I-l','rur 20c O v e n C \ )okcd W h e a l . . .

2 2 c :

Wheat n«arts1fi'‘‘“*9|^''

M is c e l la n e o u s. l e i i - w c i i u S ; ; ! ' 3 '•«

S o u p M i.N S r l .IK s 'ln r 2 ! )C

S o il ' . l 8 c

R e d H i l l™ : ® ; ! " ' ,™ : ' ; i 2 c

' r c n d e r o n i s fi.V.' ' l ! ) c

l i e e r 2 6 c

l i r c a d M a v d a v \ H o n e y I W h i t e K i n s 1 'S u - I ’ u r l )

lU I-.' WrUL'•. I SAMI) nil, ! NiMlrys - Slr-Iiiiitl , LAI'S'IMtV SOAP : (;K W ri.A 11.

12c 45c S 1 . 6 9 6 r.r 28c

ee/A/M/V7SSD-/=K£S// j P R O D U C E I

. /oducc >oTd by .«ijht,lo Ur« you meet ju>lw!xlyog"»nl—p*y only [of whu y<

APPi-iiss;r^” ;n.............3\

ORANGES ..... 5:

■CRANBERRIES I:::;"™..-.,,,,




. 25c






POTATOES ........l lO iB lc .

SWEET POTATOES...... 3,. 23c







L o o k i e - L o o k i eC O O K I E S !

Younpilm love liig. loft. puffy, drop eoolip«-r*peei»lly with tnillc afUr •rliDol. And cliaiicr aiT.old»ltn go fgr lliriii, lo<i —any .iif. ilispt nr l(ind.

OxiVif' pack 'a.%lly in lunch boKJ. ar« drll(;tilful lo -'•■rve when Kiifili drop in, and arr ta^ly fnr jij>l pliin tnuncliinc. They‘re K~xl for you. Inn. So ho»« youf rookie «up|>Iy’ Wt Ihink the Ivn

-realiiul I. .1 f>.r

r. U'hy not Iry ll.tn

.■ifl Hour. ine..<uic am! lilt agun'with linioM iiiKar and '>all. Orain butUf tiida.MnuurmliliirefCradutlly.ertaai-. ins after each additmn. Mtll whit*. »i,K«r in liea\y fninR pan. heatinj* Utilil-jiililen bru»n. itirrinRernitantly. AiM 111,1 nirits and |Kmr into irrll- cr«-avd <Irii< pan Wlirnlixtd, ctmli fme v.'iih wUinR pin. M i lo rodkir douRh. rnininj Ihoroochly. Korm doiiKh into Mnali I'alli, Hale in mi~!rr.lrly Im>I oven (400* K) for II iiiiiiutej or until done. ilemo\/’ from "ven, ctxil about S alnutri.rt)l| la stnerouj amount of po»d«ted ivgar. \Slitn eold roll afaia b Pow- dfrt^ near. M ain S dstm eooWa. ’ i-inel. in Jiam'lrr.

■ J lU h :J fW ll lAftS-

{C tiit jtr I"" ')

-‘ ifl flour and measurt. fift aj;ain wilh KiLing [Ki»der and cinnamnn. SpnnkU dry ill^r^dl lll. o»rr Riim drop*. Beat e;<i Iiiilll liclil: add bmwn andnm «rl|, Mir in Hour and gum drop nuUufc and add nut roeala. Bake ia 1«" '■cll-crfa.'ol ahallo* aqnar» put* (S.Sii) in modcrmlf oven {JiO* P.\ (or il.iut ?0 m>BUlei.»e until Crt in hart (ixS inehti) «liile hot. CooL Ilrinove from pan w.^ roll in powdered •Uf;«r, Makci 3 ioZcu cookie*.

n iAS p o i o f i is n u s

Simple ideaa for effeetire hoFidajr dee»T rating and eaay.t<Kpr»part refrttk- mtnlnfor'^'ulctidecallcn ar» erplaiiKd, ; .!et;iT:iriKir*«kT Family Grd#

Magazine, A ne* Itaue oul»»ny Tkow day utd/eM *t Sdfcv^.

/SS\I Q j Hemtmakm’ SvrrM

|t' P«g«Four TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, December 7, 1942


W H I R L I G I Gsuie (Ifiitrimftil Imideri will

r obuojj dlplornuUc rfftioii.i but ijiry lirr Hint Miu-;.li»l Ptulii will "tjo » Di

ll Old friendt of Uie fU:Inc Otl:

<111. T..-

.McNl ’IT (ilvTS T IIK JOB

There l.s iiuicji to comm(>nil In Prc.sldriU

Roosevelt's n llem pl to unify maniwwor con- Irol. Indeed, llic need for action In tlilr, field L so Brent tlm l nlmost any po.sltlvc Is

better than none.Up iintll the week-oiKl. the dope was thiit

the dcp.irtmcnt of lalwr seeined to be the

natural ptncc In whlcli to concentrate m a ­chinery for co-ordlnatlnR the it.'-.c of labor In

Industry. And II wns recoKiilzed that the mill* tnry draft 'i'a.s so iiUcrrclatcd wltli Industrial manpower tliat thr two belonged togctlior.

Then there was the fnrm labor problem which Is a primary issue In any scctloii Mich

as ours. It, too, ?;cciiicd to be (ntcrwovfn Into all thl.s Keneral confusion.

To .solve these combined problem.' It aji- penred os Jf Madnmn Perkins wn.-; scheduled to b(* moved out of the cabinet post ha.^

held 5lnce iOJ3. and a number of political ob.^crvcrs In Wa-shhiRton wore prrdlcllnK that Harold Ickcs would be the new .'ircrctary

of Jribor.• Prasldcnt nooscvelt put nn end to .*;ui-h

supposition Saturday, however, with the an ­nouncement- that nil of this re;;pon.slblllty would be placed upon the shoulders of Paiil V. McNi:tt, present clilef of manpower. In broadening h!.? direction of nianiiower. the Prealdcnt also Rave McNutt control over the selective service .sy.stcm, with Ickcs remalii- InR In charge of petroleum and Madame

Perkins holdlns on to her po.st In the cabinet.

Many Amci'lcan.s who have sensed t lia l tlie debonair McNutt wn.? not cxnctly the man

to dircct tho naUon's.nuinpowt'r-wlll bp fiur- prUed to learn tha t he has been chosen to tfikc over the entire job.

But they tire probably no more surprised than they would have been dlsaiipolnted had Ickea been given the Job, Icke.s \v;is reported to have ^ad the support of PrcsldenLs Green

and Murray of the two m ajor labor nroup.s-,

although they would have preferred President Dan Tobin of the Teamsters’ union.

Perhaps no figure In New Deal officialdom has approached difficult tasks wltli bettor In-

_tcnUoiis than Harold Ickes, or with ii greater devolioirTo''tlie pubirc' welfafc. YcrprubatjlJ’ none, unles.'! It be Mrs, Perkins, has flopi)rd

.10 dolorously In everything e.xceiu prevontinj: graft, . • •

To .'!olve the nation'.'! man])owrr problem, tolerance l.s needed, and tact. Restraint Is needed, and the wlllln^'ne.ss to Klve thouRlu to both aldc.i of u .subject before nolng off

half-cocked with every vituperative weapon blazing.

W'c are glad that Ickes.was.nnt chosen for thU Importnnt Job. We are .surprl^'Cd that ll wn.s McNutt who received the fu ll. And we hope the latter will be able to m ake'a miich better showing than he ha.sso far In wrestllnc w ith thi.^ most serlou.<i of nil our wartime problems.’

mid AdmirtJ u « l .. UltIa^clvc& to tj«U«ve ili»i Inal t’TP.neh le«cler eiirton Iif4rl«]ly a policy < ftlUi or aurrender

•Irclfs aol L


JfAY TLCKf;nlormfrf M inconiMUin » lo Unlttd Natlonj Hut. h»v-

I'l’Ao iiruliiht mid slrlklnK »uco«ufi oa th» 111 A(flc,m-U»kar sccLor. Cofdell Hull- will

by public qiiMtlonluf or proltiU. H« uiiil fo do m<uL Impartial aik3 inlllftUd ob- •If. iliftl he haa bten compleUly vlndlcittd

I 'iK-liie fxplnlned the AdmlnuUilloii't pal'1 Uariuii 111 u i oif-me-rpcord rmtrk be- iliiilriil tirlpfd lo j.vflng colonial rf*iichm«n 111 ntiial Iiniw in oiir . ldp. llf likened our nr itir formfr Vichyli** to Uacolni efftr ; ut chief of -itaff lo Tlobfrt E. U« oi I, WHll(“ Uie ;afallfl is tioi eomplelf itirm hud rnltli Ui»l tlir fmilherner'i'•.i.mld kfrp Vlrslllli I riinnioiii'faltlu In

»nd other

uiofflr:IrlnL blj behtiid-tir<l I

:ilic iiuiinit'rintiU lo re'riilailon on key c srpti W, MarUn 'R r Sam Rayburn (15.

In vlpw or Un


P o t S h o t s




r To: Shot.':: - • - .


Liberty shlp.'s arc being rcdeslKned t them more speed. This Is welcome news for two reasons.

Tlie speed of a convoy Is controlled by that of the slowest units. Shiggl.sh vc.yels hold

convoy.i to n speed that give;; the U-boats Krcfttcr opportunity for strlklnR, Fa;;tcr Lib­

erty ships will save, craft, cargo and sailors' lives.

Moreover, the slower ve.weL. are purely wartime carrier.', which could hardly com­pete In po.st-war commerce. The new design

may well enable the building up of a mer­chant fleet which, when peace comes, will be invaluable to our rehabilitation economy.

c o f f e p : r a t io n in g ;

Government explanations of coff/e ration­ing stlil do not satUfy doubi.<i of a large sector

of the public. Undoubtedly they aro true, but they arc not odequate.

There Is an cxplanalion-onc of logic, not of Inside Information—wlilch could be made

and would be ample. If we were told that coffee Is being rationed because from now on much more shipping must be diverted to sup­port a war of continuous offensive, almo.steverybody would be satisfied_____________ :____

Isn 't that the real reason?


Deep thinkers are worrying what would .happen If, after the war. Henry Kaiser should COfJtlnue building lO.OOO-ton merchantmen in /our days a nd .a half, throwing most shipyard So rte rs out o f Jobs.

Such worry lan’t necessary. Mr. Kaiser Is □ot buildlRS ships In four and a half days. H e 13 assembling them. The bulk of the work

already haa been done elsewhere.The Kalaer methods are Invaluable In war-

'tlme< because w ithout them wc could not

build the ships we need w ith the facilities we possess. B u t they aren’t ‘'suicidal'’ In their

saving o f manpower.




A U'KIIK AHKAI)Troublr that is niei by <ll,scrrfl

. lioubli; .\tlfr ■■ [irrDnrliig for linll enjoy it, :lilklrfn. Tlicy iriir'rloihfs s II -MocklnR, . I llli mr ltvp,s. I

1 iimbrflla-'.



Dy rETEB EDBONWaiJilnfton

CorrttpondtnltihooUiis jirlcUv from Uie hip a

«lUioul ctrelul aim, tl Ij possible cui \oc»t ''ivii » twiple o! rotuMls rwidwi. rlcodiellni opinion tl Uiere li a dim light more til nieeui die eye to Uie Wajlilnjwm baiUe over alrcnll producUon con­trol between Uie war production board and ihe arniy-navy brws hBt.v

Yo'J may have the Impreaslon Umt till,* capital fitht lor power was a prrjoiinl leud b«l«feil WTfl Chair­man Donald .M. Neljon on Uie one li»ml and LleuL*Oen. Drtlion B, SoJiii-rvfU. commanding the army .»rn lcr.i of supply, on Uie ollifr. (lie

b«iii» wlio Ij lo berilon bojj.

• pro*

Or If you enlsrse Uiat Kuic t!r, It bfcomej a »liowdown wlicilirr Ui* civilians or the mlllury nrr lo buu war production and wur- iiiiic clvliion econony aloiig »ltli

'.S’dx all u'llj mislit be bnishrd a,-ld<- jii.n wiotlier typical olriii:- Ble (or l»v,er between iwo rlvnl fut- tloiis of tlif govfmmrnL But Is it jiiM a strussle betsfen pcrjotialttlr. who r.liould be lotked In a room to {l^lit 11 ojt. as ilie President sus* (:e. tf<l7

Each side acciufs Ilie other of be­lli),- ftrllWi. of btliij o&«ruetlonl.it. of not tt&iitlnK lo win llie war. Tluu [t)ry cancel out and you have lo look el.sfuliere for Uie mollves.

bomr of llie WPB bralnlrxwtrrs. tlio,-e brlslil pnce boys who liuii« nround on the plnnnlnj cOrainllt<Ts of the p.ilnce o( iiroducllon, would havr vt):i brlicvc Uinl tlil.i U ii b:il- l!r 10 ilrirrmlnr' tlie future of Mnrr- Ini. AniiiftlilnR like t^exlniion or I3u]l nun, •ni'-v will tell vou In nil ^^rloii'-

Its f»s.lul (11c )rslilp.

mbliloa-, "to tnkc over eiit." lotk. r.tock nnd

ptodia't; the n npow.

well, TliU h dfW|iAfter belnff JIIIM lull of this Ulk

for nn hour or Iwo you hn've to pinch flflf to ninke ^ re you're noi In

Klne ArUiur's court, wlih nil Itj back rtair.i no:-slp, Intrigue and driiK-

IS. mu Ll Wnshlnglon. 10<2. 1(1 there’s a war o!u .So you Mnri looklns rknwlirre for hilt really llfi betilnd ihls IlRht, Whnt u thl,i Luue, In lU simpler,I

termsT Donald M. Nelson makes C. B. Wllwn boss of airplane produe- lion. Army and navy have Bhown re- luctniwf to Erant that aulhorlty.

W iafs at Hake? Well, not Jw; the quejiion ot the per;.onal»y of Mr. Wilson, wlio up hla I1T5.-000-or-.io per year Job as prtjldeiit of General Electric lo come flown lo Wa.ihInftWn and be shoved,around by a liunch of M,000-i>-year gener­als or M.OOO-»-\ear administrators,

Whai is to be controlled? Alr-

P’?.'?"-. ....................

ihai nWhy not the companlc. iBcture ulrplanrn? laSUK IS CO.STIt. CT!

If you look on ihe ll companies holilint; the i lar value of a.ir coiilru. find lhat Ule. e 100 com

jlrcrafl enghir.v, Of the 10 I rgeM

ilrcruft. the oilirrn bullill

Jiree being a itec tuiniuiiy ano iwo -■(hlpynrd.i,

Tlie Luue here Li bllllorin of doV luM M>rlli of contracla Already lei billions of <1olhr.-i worth of conlra.'L- to be let from now illl the end ol tin war und afler lhal Uie aircraft bus- lnr;,i of the future, llie busliicw o: the air o:e of peace.

It uould lake ii consre.:.'.:

sfro three to-uff of l(

of the blx ba-.lise.vs> Wa,,htnglo ftlll n

s 10 Mfl nshliVi of nml ihr

ard tlieni

U1 llil.'. J,-. ilioolliiK atricily from ' hip but It may prcj.eiil in brief m tlie Idea lhat there b some- nR more at .lUke In one of bu- ucratlc buttles of WtuJilnitnn HI ja-.l clecliiiiis who la lo be Mi.

irilciilar bureau.WVISMJ.VGTO.Vl.l.V,

ijchool fhlldren who work on fannj are eligible W ptircliase nrw bicycle:, under rotlonlns . . . Navy

unL'( Pill Dela Kn^pas l>ctjiefn JO iid 30 lo ttudv- Japanese Innguofin I Uouldrr. Coio. . . . Get. rejil to

,f KcrlalIchliii;

Into Ihe 6000 yea Ming Uiem lo do s chool itiiden

• prim of life ijroup, enn-

. . High studied

aeronautlc.i i exanu Klvinc them sovem- rllllc.-ile.i Of ftpronautlcnl'

knowledcc . . . Demand-i for wood for heaung puqwes may ba up 20

this wiiiler . . . Seven Uxoa- 1 of Chrl,Mnins mnll for *oI- is shipped oversea* up lo

Nov. 15.

that end

led.-Sl. Louis Post

iNOHDISIINtSS’(• penally for onr pa;t .inob' •11 A. t^remnii of Mlddlrbiir;

■iiKow: Dear Third Kon;

.My Aunl Hepilbah a psrlr In ..ur Innn llie plhaiurr nr not I lain lomebodles.


el.i'. •nl anrt t,c-il II e and ii


ITlWWlOKlCttl,ed bcftire December 7. 1D41. showed jier rent of ihe couiitry's hIgU-school re taking a .MralKlU cla.-.Mcal cou jhow«i flboul 10 per cent went to

v,.v.:e lime recreltlnK thal we could of hlsh->chool boys and girls better

;irka(iiiy world—and belter prepared

oeakne-.ses of Uie public tcil .Stales, Uoy,i nnti glrb ; in the knowledge of geog- ■inphajlted white-collar oc-

in.Kle, r,ire iiiu.M be exerclse<l afier victory Is won lhal American .'chooh do not swini; .-.o far to Uie I>r«cMr..l Mrtr or . chr)0llIll: ihtvl they lo.-e Uif values iiiluTcni III cla.vslc.1 and tiie accumulated iradUlons of rlKhi living and rlshl tlilnklns —Christian Science Monitor,

nit'ST NOW FINANCE AND EGG" m iXAn officliil fount .Om-x, the "ham 'iRid eK" I'lll

pa:.\e<l ;vi Uie rct'cni elcclJon aiul hiu' hecomo a law of iliP The bill calk for »40 per month ftir Uiose ns of BCe or over,-niedleal attenllon. Includlnff eye and dciUiil »i)rk, aii<l provides for adeath 1.1 nrfit. and makes all record,', coiifldenUal. Tlie New York Ileralcl-Trllnme rrcenllj', in effect, saldi thal ol all Ihe »crewy •■fimme* bills Uie Idaho bill 11

AKK w r atKHtKM) .>IAVIli:? Dear Pol Shols:

Siiamr voH. Po’, :Ihoucht vou were alwnv, all-out for

. 0 (u Dallt'V t,■ ihn............ cbablv

itepiibllrnn talk, E'pf^ln I ballev all you hear nboul i:

QUlckllke p;it;in ihn new pei;'lu ...................................pul Dott <Ihn .s

mtiii fr inn r’

shud brln;

-ciiAsn* CLAnic

»It!fly-read t?) roUmii

•-ali-rlKlit-i' milk—as lonK milk, which only know.


■•Doclor .Sa\« :Mrn 'Vlio Smok re Uable In Have Everylhlni"-

Oddily.&cept mntcher

l AMOl'S I.AST LINK . . -Maw. ran I run l» »ic .Iflr -you-anU-«!ot» -Jianla _Llau


reporu lell i.

hundreds Blon applv

71ie legl:

Taking care o f Arm y mulca aounda Jilce a

prosaic Job, bu t any num ber ot aoJdlera re­port, they’re g e tt ln j quite a IcJck out of it.

at appllcallons (ur Uie new . ly, leaps iind bounds. wlUi

who had shunned the aocliJ security pen- ng for the new one.Iniure must Iinrt a meUjod of tlniacliig Uie cperis .-,ay will cor.t over five mllUon dollart ales lax wuuld be Uie mail equitable meth­

od. Uius making Uiose who receive pay a small porUon of Uie cost.

Comlns at i time ulien Uiere Is Uitle or no poverty In the itaio uid when crtry cent is needed for lha wax effort, the bill la Ukeijr lo cosi Ui# »t*l« far more than the five million dollars Involved in the Jou of new baslnesa and nev Industries.—Minidoka County NetTj.


-7 YKAllS AGO, DEC. 7. 1815 Mr, anil Mr, , T. C. Wllsrni. Wen,

are In the ciiy. Tliey aro acroin-

}>anled by tliplr doughter, Mn. W. O.

15 VKARS AGO. OrC. 7. 1«7 Chapter-P.T. T.. O. plsterli(«>d

Kiel TueidaJ’ evening «l the homi of Mn, T. r. Warner with Mrs, ?.f, L

ivllanfl and Mls.s Gladys Terhuni aastiUnt hosle.sse.-

f. and Mrs. O. P. Du\

Ma. William Paaser. Mr. and Mn< LeorjartJ Smith and Mr. and .Mrs Asher B. Wilson were-hosls at a dancing party Tuetday evening ai Ui« Dkt haU. Uardln'j orchestra tumUhcd ciualc.

T«ln Palls chapter of the War Mother* will entertain Uie Leelqn and auxlUary at the B, P. W. rooms.


Attorney E. J, ,Homlbrook left

Wednesday lor Cherokee. la,. In re-

.‘poiiie to a telegram announcing the deaUi of Ills broUier. Dr. P. H. Homlbrook.

T]ia Clrcla GlrU of Ui< CbrlsUan church wlU hold a baraar In the church parlors Tuesday evenlns. Dec. 14.

ikl be Klven . ery thsnc. . null nncl protection. Tlie srhool \ r.hould be ;.lmple nnd w- '-

•rnrwn iiuida-lcl II balanced tup :ic his dny anc , mother's day

ililiiftch. Spread Ihe3 how I bel-

■, and It

r he eftli, lie cuirn5Vc7iTnKUaTTi, 1(1 not lire of It. u.nitilly. but be refill nbaul over-doing good work. Doin flghl wlUi R child about

entlnc any one dish, Kat U and 60 on f

Insists upon no; c,i:mK liiu or lhal. Jusl Klve him ,somcihing liw |[.i steid withoui inlkln; nbout 11- In Uini way he begins lo le.irn that

•BU Jor not Jnr hiimoUier.

,e a bit of Uiousht to Uie ehllrtrcn'i winter ichcduk now. Uy

Uielr cloUies. In ihe labeLi, nd what needs liirndlng. Tliink )Ui tlielr food. Jf in doubt ask

youro physician or the dlstrlci nurse •ho kiiowi Uie clUIcI. Doni wait for .Inter lo strike before preparing

for 11 and dop't lei a child faU 111 ore adlusllns Ills diet to pre- it lltneas.-Keep aliead ot trouble

and 11 won’t catch up to you.

C L A P P E R ’S O B S E R V A T I O N S


cniis find mucli to think nboul 1 llie leiwrl of 6lr William Dcver Idre, which Is ilie result of ft prn lonced study undenaken ai Uie re

(luesi of the Brll-

le thing dfiiiorrnclcs havi 311—n iH'fd lo liiiiirovc con the ftdja'tmeni of condl'

ll iirbe oul of the liiipac vlfi-niovliiR liidiuslrlnl

I, >01 ;i go.frcm to bu.M ovcnilKlit—fron • yacliM tn Jflllng apple.'., • ,• Deal w:i,«n’l the flrsi acln utloii to lO’ to make rrodji


el induslr:

re Iloo.sfvr

aduilnlitxnf ritablishine t . Item, Tlieodore e. Even Harding r elglil-hoi

fftleral li meal putklng liou,-..

1 rend Mark tiulllvai 11ns hbtory of ‘'O e lhal X- n. was Iouk:

IV.S Witrrly over federal meiil ii (.jxTllon as F, D, Ii. was fuuslit irylnK lo break up lioldliiR-compai nbil-.M. 'lliere nre i)«»plo. of coiiin

.hint: 11 b daiigeruus iocliill.'.


opera, but evcrjlxidy eL'.e

;<t L jiubllr

pa.l-ceptA f<\!(m'ti',vaiv sanlt.irv resulallon to pro-

Cl T. n. sot 11 )f charges tl

trampiliiB slate rlght-r, b'0 private bmltir.s!>, solni; li n and psteriialLwi. and , the f.ame old dogeys that .led off and paraded every rhajige of any kind Is pro-

jMsed. 'Die ;.ame argumenla were >hea Wlbon got ihe federal sysiem. Tliey were made the Income lax.

‘lection :ll ie Iireaction ngnliLsl various New Deal scilvlilM, aiu] some tliliik the coun- rry~iras dSlafecl an open searon lo wipe the whole New Deal off Uie

ute books.1 some rfspects Uie New Deal been 'raw and careless In od-

.Isterlng lis rMponslbllltles. al- JKh even her.- you have modeU the TVA. which was one of the I bitterly attacked changes, s one who beUevesln mo.sl of Uie ICS the Roor.eveli administration been sliootlng at. I am crlUcal

iloppy ar.d bumptious admlnLs- inn because I don't want tff see rsaary and desirable aenilces ot goveninient mined by admlnls-

trntlve Incompetence. U tlie crlUcs lit to use Ihe election reiuma leverage lo Improve admlnlstra-

Uon. the effect will be ail to the

'• ru r b it» uii« «r

n. aui>9<> 0. K.- Tor

Eood. In addlllon Uio adnihiUU-allon has been i.low to forco ellmlnaUon if featherbed practices by labor.whicli I sharepurpose bul o maniwwer and Impede ww produc­tion. The slow bum on Uinl kind of Uilng would be all lo Uie good.

Bul Uiere are al.so aortSo who are thinking Uiai the Wiiy U now open for a complete rcnction back to HarcllnK. Home Rejmbllcnns are flg-

•ing Uial hLMory will repeal a LtlU 1 they

d eleci a.nibber- atiimp roiigres. —tliclr rubber stamp. Dack-rnom work is Kolrs on for Oovernor firlcker of Ohio, who ha-', been lUckcd by tome lo be lt « Hk A- Ins of Iim, •niey arc nfrald «

lid 1

a clianc I Dew

Some intecests in Britain no doubt hojx' to bring about a reaction there. Bill Ihe Beveridge reporl nnd all Uie oilier dt-cu.'.-.lon llial Is going on represents a delermliiallon to mnki> • Diglaftrt n briier place to live alter the war. Busv as the people of Eng- land are with the war. they find lime to dhcasj these quesUons.

Lyltleton. mlnLueirodurili nd a- Bril 1 IndiL-,

hi6 the of der


•luld be "ft -balaiic' I Uie organl.'Jns j»wer ol ;e and the drlvlni; po'ier nl e Individual," Tliat, puis it neat a p.ickage ns I have

31Jerome County

Men to Leave for

Induction Dec. 10JEItOMK. Dcc. 7 — ■nilriy-oiie .

PKl-.lriintA of the Jerome ooiiniy se- xilve se.'Mce ijonrd are sciieflule l 3 depart Thursday for Boise for.

)rps of the army. Tlie 31 will U Uie draft board office for

final Instrucilon at 3 p. m. Wed- rsday.Tlie men Include Merle AlMn truss. Celetlonlo Jellerla. Parley

Allen rullmer. Robert Henry Quig­ley. Walter Howard tichnell. Jack Lupton Hannon. Olln King Loy. Hoberl Ivan .Morgan, John Victor Ansen. Virgil Twiiciiell. L-e Roy John Henderson, Arvil Southworih Per-

n;., Roy SLsco.Henry Brown, Pharrls. Shtrley

Wilson Pouts. I-ted Merle Clmdwlek._ - :t Jack Saladlne. lU Iph Bailey

r, Clide Earl KJuUrman. Charles Mllion Waller, Boy Elmer Spurgeon, Koel WHi'ne Armer. ' FrankUn NaUianlel Carlow. Marlin Richter. John De W ilt Kennedy. '• OiU Caldwell. George Prlcc. Vincent August Smaial, WUlftrd Raymond McNeil. Dallas Rel# PnUH and D- don Taylor KyUiam.

Men uho were In Uie calt bill ave enlisted Include Oeorge Sam- :1 Spencer. Carl Henry Smllh and

Rawlln-s Henry Stanley, marines; Dwatne Lowell Mason, army air

•us; SUiiley Eugene Wray, mir- i; Nile.Earl Darling, mnrlnea;

wiuian Lyle Marlin, navy; Bamuel Niles Bennett. Infantry parachuti ixoops; Jolin FrancU arUfllhJ. navy, and Robert Ralph CUnklnt- beard, navy.

One of Ui6 army ItaUon typ* ,planes U-now belnj eqiilpp^l withporcelain-enameled exhaust and

ifller fystenis.

jronday, Dcccmber 7, 19J2 TIMKS-XEWS. T W IN FAIJ,^, IDAHO Pane I'ivo


Tea Brings Reunion of Delta Gammas

S t a t e O f f i c i a l s B i d d e n t o A t t e n d D a n c i n g

P a r t y o f I d a h o S t a t e G u a r d s m e n T o n i g h t

F.i'.ir the riocotul time in fl' n.|il wi'oks " l lie iiiililiii'y" o

till' CDtifitv '''*1 lif l . l a l II m x M '' 'I 'n '' -'l™i Ik'1-s of Iho Jilalio .-late j;uani

•comimiiy K. -n i lu llu iid ti, Itli rcKitnriil, \'iil Ih' Iid.'-Is ;il

ilniitiiin parly fi>v \h«'ir ^vi' aii.l wdnu'ii >rii''.sl.-i today a

;il till' Aiticricaji l.ofci

.-iiii iudl.


“ S-W 'I^N s fnirii vifileiict'." we pniyi

■']''roiii evii jriiard <>tir fa ieV

And (III tlia t Sunday were Ijrtraycd

I!y violciicu and ball’.

O iir S latusnian witli KaUicriti;,' rairc

Tlu’ lilaiid <iti(‘s Ijdiv and .■‘iiiilf

W Ih) laiii.liofori' liim on Jiaj-u

O f false prflciiM' atid Ktiiic.

W h ile , luinctual to liiuir niiirdei--li'y>[,

Scjiiadrons no iicx'er drcaitu'd . .

Div<-d sfi’epjy (iirouKli Uie m orn ing ’.-* nu'sl

To wlicre IVarl Harbor Kl<'iiilfi'd

\V(’;.l of W aikiki niari'd the bo inlji;W ave after wave tliuy .sp.^i;

^ s ^ ila u ii . tlia t jilirred tlie froinled paltns, (llowed over Diiiiiioini l!e;ul.

Next*, fori by fcjrl and iiorl by [lorl.Onr fi>:l'ititi;Loiit|)ost.s fell.

Jlidw uy ;iwl Wiiko. tlu-y lulled t>» lukv. I-'Istly, Luzon as ucll . . ,

i la ir o f tlie idani'l i-racklinn W arTh.'ir W ar l.onis willed .••lioidd be!

F rom Panama to Sin^rajKn'e.NiJtne to till' Ta.smati Sj'a,

Then in the air ami on ibe liile We r<i:-e t«i i;i,ke %v;iv.

Heiiii'inbi-rinK men on Wake wluj (iii'ri— l!a ta an — l\irrej:idor.

. ! The fiKlitintMcjps ! On the eloml.s

; WlH’r.' ^<i,ray llie.- .

if Jidui 1’aiil.Ionl‘s

o i'iiijrlii K" liy : wlicre Ihe air dnnie:

O ur .■<bip-< fill .sea nnd .'■ky,

A 'l ihaiiln 111 fla^'.-ihip .si•A-ns bellFui- !l.ilier ly— her U;vy!

I'erry is : ailiiik' to thi-1 war

W lto knew I ’raKu l!;iy.

l)e:^erl ;iini jiiii^rh-; loiii11 arid faV

La^o oii and coral be.’iLh.

Kin;iw iKUv w.liat bre('d luir ire,'

llavlnc lliflr rnuiul nl tlir Irn nip» al llir i. )• Iiielil :.rr, IrfJ In flilil. Siarv WnrJ, Tayrl riatr, M»ri»rlf Klnc'l-ury atui W.iii

Ncirnia l.nu -MrMtirra.v. IJurli-j. aiiil MIm mnt

llo fa; our ' •ath can reaeb.

W itli sure iip-^urjritijr fa illi and [hiwct,

Wi\i\ overy l'iKh\in); man.We drive a^'ainsl them in Ibis hunr.

'I‘o end what tlii'y lu'Kati.

Our arm y thundering,' du llu' iiiareh, Onr navy under w ay;

Si’a-wiiul and slar.- in a sliiin iif uri'b, And I.ih e r ly - h c

' lIl.N

Edna L. Roberts And Pfc. Scott Man-y at Chapel

B a n d a g e - M a k i n g U r g e n t ,

R e d C r o s s T e l l s W o m e n

nj;)!:i)it H'liJni ll.imilioii n mil.- liiii; M-rvlci- ni III'' .Soul ia|>i'' ;ll c.itnjl IlDlXTt:., C;il

r f)a:


lani; llal);.. ila-si

wjiril Hcilil MK-I'

AluninaeWillBe Honor Guests of

Ti'l-C Members

H e le n K i i t l c r J o i n s

W a c k s f o r T r a i n i n g ’S,UJ’ I.AKi; CITY. IXr. 7

Irt-Ii-Ii Bill ;iiir[ K. MUIrr , irahcn. Ijoih

Foreign-Bomto' Tell uf.Yuleticle In Other Lands

By MRS. S. II. C.n.WT-ii

H’liblirltr ('linlrmax, Surtfcal Drr^xlnex Tiiil)( ’hri.''lnins w ill soon be hero, Tho.- e caril.s tnunL be written,

Diose inickiiites wrai'i'ed. (ia.t i.s liein^ striL'tly n ilio iied . We

nuisl walk ilown (own. There are .‘lo many K'O'i'l reasims foi slayiHKat home and Ketlinj: all of these thiiiK-s fiono.

Hut tlicre are a few thlnfj.'i that wo -shoidci nil know before we pinn our week completely

rurloflf» Caii'l .Supply Do you know (hiti ilip Jart;r iifKl

IMl MVl'i'ly CMin'l'l'il'-' nillUOV (Irc.'.'.niK.'i niHl lo livrrl Ui<lrmaii(l.'' ot war? I.iiljor .■.liorlAiic li ih-' rcwnn for tlilr. ;ltu;illoii.

1)0 voii know thill tlir k'ivci fiiis Ijiniuhl nil all of nil- Minrltal ;;aii7j- iiiul liiii laii.Itnl Hrd Cro;.s rhafilrr-. nt

incl Klrtv (I.

e ol t)r)U UivmniA torarUy al the apiinurlilnc mixfrlasn »o Knbrrl J.

• If3. |Sla/f J'hKlo-KiiKravlnt)

R. F. Bliss and Wife Celebrate 55th Anniversary

COOUi.VG. LVc. 7 — Ob.'.frvlnff irir ijili v.iiiiiiiiK nnnlvrrsary Mr. iKl .Mr-., it. r. UU;j ucrc giiesla of uiior ni n family (llmier ivl thsli

liuinc .Mviulay cvcnlriK. Nov. 30 Mciiibcr.i of the- fflmily who wcri

III "cTc .Mr. n!i(l Mrs. tJ■roI> ■irul clilldrni niitl Mr. and M.nrtlii Wbwfll. Mrs. Alice

Cooilliii; 'Vas nb.o present.I.ntcr Iti tlic rvc'iilnc n’elKlibor-

liwKl frtnuh’ Mllocl n i the Ull.':'

latril r .'I (liarr.ipoiwi

•r tnu. tin• of inkli

_^-luy Mcrr nin.ll.<l

IVIarian Martin I ’atternl

ips arr nc<-cl- /{lllioiicli IMc

Moitipn nf Tnlii I'all* Iiavp bfrn lilRlily rnmpllinpnti-il ujioii 0>p qualllr of Hork nlilcli lliry tuvr

nrr<lril-'Thp Mk-jI"-.urelral clrrsN- S»l'. imll til H.r HriJ U tsrl,rl.ina Uir qiioU of flnl-linl uork.(!rini|i,iit\\oin»n na-t-t In llir Vni-

■:l:iii rcoiti of 111.' K!L', liiilldinf; < v-

I-U cke l S t u d y G r o u p

I l a . s T im e l y I ’ ro .iri-am

1. K. Uo(Ull will lie luv.lr;.,. Mill: r.vtfii Urtl Gvi'.s V.sill- ;ini iin- miuiv.lfd to ijrln;; UOJI of (IirlCriri iiill Ijp tii'lil,

•Y- ■I-Iilalii »„.-k aiui UsuiU •. ui;i |,„-CI iMIli Ihr Ho Ulaiini- :il Ilir lIolll;,li ■ IwlI \V.'(liir:,day. Di-c,III. for Jnliil <.. VKlllti,: Cl.ilit:-- ofrirn

m u r t a u g h


Mr. nr llir

y VL-Urd Mr. F.irl. il Mr.-i. iipMiiion Sjiriif irpiii.'i nf 11 (IniiuJiifr bom

.Mi . ’Hioj Mircr !l:i(UiHir .Vo-lloMf,,'. liridKC cliib lirld ■ nniitial Uhrt.tiiian ji.my nl l!n 111' of Mr;., c. W. Clurdncr on tin iMT I^.iid and Uvc.-.iork rnncl ir (:a!ili''tl.^ 'Mic liii-ky lil.iyrr;

^Biililtr. 'iTio c iiiipiulliiK from llallt were iw8 hour, coiiiInK llic H nilli

Hjdilc to ll.e l.y ro;uIv'nie KaMrrn Star ftiid Mn.wiilc

l(Xti;ei hclil a pdi-liick dinner nt Uic 'teriiiile.

fr.'i, Prarlr .S'lUt vL.Ucd In Jfr- 0-.T1P ainj TV.II1 r.iHr..

Wiird liM bei-n n'celved tlinl lUl- Jsrd D. lii£-i;i. forairrly of JCetchiim. U noa- connecini wltli rlie Pnn Amrrican Alrttn)-.i ft.' plloi.

Mr. iiiKl Mm, Lr;,tcr 'Werry. for- fiinly of Uolieriir. nrp iinw mnklni: ttieir hoinr in IV in rail:,,

A illvoirp nnioii wns tiled.In llic • riWrlcl rnijrt by Allcc Clark iijjaiiiM

Clianip cinrk, Ix.tlj of Hallry. ‘ •Mr. ntid .Mr. , William McKerclier.

BcV.cvvic, nre Ur- jvirenta ot n fon born Dec, I m ti,e Ilnllry clinic.il liOJiillai.

11 Is now cjilniftlwl ili.it .Mvnns llvf only about 35 ycnn. iiol 100 feiir-% n.i formerly tlioiicht.

Kov, norrr war, foriiirrly Aimiibrlle Dallry MurlaUKli,

•nie flr.-.l wnr baby In MiirlaiiKli WiU born Nov, HO lo !‘vt. and .Mn. Leon Love. Pvi. Lovp i.i in the medical corp, nindonccl In Tfxa .

formerly ai:nly.i

You’ll Be Giving- Holiday Pai'tie;

On Lai'g'er ScaleIIV (i.WNOn .MAimi),\

Emergency Fund Benefit Bi ' ings .'S70..50 10 Church

Thornloi Miv. W).l.

Mur auKli.Davl.'. . crlaliir

. ........... ........KaUilrrn Pcrkln-v LoLi Noh

-let Starry. Boiiiilp Wiilhlit, nuili Tolman and Lnvlna OrLiiiani

.■.Vrtbftl) liiLi bPKun nsnin for .MunauKli ned Devils. *rHc ilaricd iirtirilcc Dec, 1, iiieir •(.•amp will be Dec. 10.'. i\nd Mr.i, C, A. Urvsire nrt lie for lirenifflon. Infi>xl week or no, where Mr, Ve will be eiiijiloyed in wnr

work.Arilnir DcClorKin left Nov. 28 for

’ rt Uoiisla::. Ulnli. wliere lie will bp iiidiicipd lull) llip iirniy. Mr.i. Dp- Olorclo U !.Uiylns wlUi Jier parcntii, Ir, niirl Mr.i, Joe StJLMny, r.r,Mr. and Mr*. Hiirolcl Savase .ire If parent.', of a r.oii born Dpc. * nl

Twin FiilL-i. .Mr.i. Savnce wn.i for­merly VlrKlnlu KcallriK.

Gporfin Aiuler'on i>ent n few d»j n last ttpck wlUi liL-i parrnt.i, .Mr. find , Mrs. Hni« Andcr.-.on. Mr. Ancler- .•;0n U employed al tlie Ou-*en nlri field in Bohc. |

Ml'.-., liiirmoli willr and Ml-'. Kd tiraliam .'.an.; 'IMc World ir. Oy

: fi.i- n Lllllr lilt of U.M'.- Mi: :iltr |iliu.-d ji.ililiiUo .■.rli'ClKiII.-

Mi:.. Curl licir.on ;ii(-riil<-tl sprcia Ciil miinl.ri ,,

Ilnwvrd H. nmklUM!, M.il

u «i;i nnjirtrlatp Ihr nlry.

Footlight Club Names New Cast

a.-.lip.i Drai

99_42,J_ .

;,r unlll onion.', a cl. Add loiiiato iiiil I '. and foiiibliip nil . '.u'.mit trtiVnivi n»' <I iliorniulily hlnuli'"iliiirc ^

V, ••Kl.Tiiiil IJff,"IP p;iM will l.r Dalnr .Marpplla Ilapplpyr,

' . !x-Uiiv Alvl'., rid MI'.i Dorl.1

SLI.^^ m;TTON'-l lt.\NTlKIl^^•ry mature uonian will wo■w U\Sr, colUin ;

frock. fu:.y 1.. Inakr fioin .Marian .Mnrllii IMllfrn DSi;;. Tlir

I from butloninn r. roiivm ^or quick rtrci.',iiix UwiliiK. AiiiJ Uie prnice:-i llne.i nre ;o flK flalterincl Add rufflinB lor a c trim,

PaUcr» 09« inny be oTileinl oiiiy li wonipn'.s .-.Izes 34. 30. 3S. 40,H, *1). and 4fl. aiip.3!j r(.■qulr . 4 •urcl.-. 3S nicli; 1\ yard, ruffniis, fitcid tilXTKKN CV.NTS in v..l

for ttll. . Marian Marlin pattei Write- plainly SIZi;. .VAMK. AD-' I)iu;.s.s and STVLi; M'MMKlt.

our Witucr Book coYrr;the entire Aincrlenn fiulilon front nil r.mnn, practical, e.uy-tO-Aew aylP.-; lor rverj-one, It llns Klft tlp;i; b:\ilc vvarUnif u-wsSrobe; m IiooI tar. Pftttrm Uook. ten cents.Kcnd your ortleni to Tlmp.'-Ncw: .itierii Deiiariment, TVtn l-’JlU.

Molyneau.v Feted ^-t-Hflusewarming-

nUHL. Dec. 7-A Kroiip of Irleiul:,. Ill relivilve.''. MirprL'i'd Mr. and .Mr:;. OUvcr nl liivli Uf*' hoinfion ilip Mii'cravp iila?r oT FHit .

: coinlni; with » [xil-Un'k i.upprr r a houM-wiirmtm: ii:iriy.After !,\n>p(-T. tMils 'Apfp

n i r Kniup [ire.'.rnlrd Uin Miilyiiraux Mitn tlir kHl of a floor bmp for ,lli.'ir home, r

GwM:-. Inckiilevi Mr. mill Mis. T.0 . Prc;,fo:t, .Mr. niiil Mr>. W, C.1.awycr. Mr. and Mrs. Alion W il. Ham." nnrt d.-vuKhicr. Mr. and .Mrr,.

J’ rr;,COll nw5 Muljncnus. :,r..


for dip paRcant to Ijp nlven I fi p. m. were ronllnlied.

■y » »

D i n n e r U u e s t snnil Mr. . Leonard S. Ollvr all run. Staiilpy. u trr <Ilnm

-.... .. 'lit homp oS Ucv. nnrt Mr.Markcy J. Hroun. films npartnipnt Sunday. I!pv. Oliver tlie lie NiU;irrnP (i.u ior here.

ckiir... Miikp oiieiilli ' I ixTiMlv rw i)t Dl Ml I hoi oven H50 dci:.' nilnuic:. or unit!

: , 30 nailoniil I •o wa vlillrd by 1.533 |>er- S 1310.

S H O P !

Eu jicnc IJcatily Sliidin A complete line of Coimetlc-i nnd ToDclrlc.i tORcUirr wltli our high ([unlUy aer 'lrc.

rno.vi: cd


Announces He Will ner.nmc

Practice at on . LAMn'S OLII OFUCE

: j5 SHOSHONE st . n .

HOliUS M a. R1. (0 12 .\oon 1;30 p.tii. to 4;30 p. ra.

And br'ipccta! app«laUaeei


Mrs; McConnell Heads W. S.C.S,

Jl-ROMl-:, Drr. 7-Mr>. John .Mn- :oiIIlril -r;!.', i-l-'clc-d prcsldi-lll- of Ihr ;cii' i'iil \V. y>. C. H. ori;aiiir;\iion, .'.uc. i-cdlliK -Mr:., l.ldvcl Clllmorr. i '

'd Inclmlc'dMr.'. n.Tiha

.. liny ;F.ilni

.Mr-:, l-'riprrsidivl(-i-[irf;.lci(

MCM'tary. Mrr., VlriUl :efi;iltl vln'-pri'Mdent. .Mr. Iclili;,'.: Ihl^l vl('l•-I)Il•. ldl•n■

Knuii dv;. fdiinh virr Ml’:.. A P. I-.r.i-ji; mil

Mr.r I.lovd nf

I. o. (). K. Ki.r;('TS orn(-»:ii.sIlUHl.in- IJ. ;'. 7- C.hl IVlloA

x!;;p h;n o1cti,-,i U.vrll Tayltir a iiDIc i:ruud, Cia- r i.ttU'ci;. are Krii

• SPARK HEATERSOil IMtiilnK c'lrrul.ilor;,

New .Slilpinrm ./ii'.t AniKd

Robt. E . Lee Sales Co.i:0 .Main -S. I’bone I50-V

nnd > went. . Allen Crist

pwin, ''nu' Old NelKhboriiood" lu hpir linnor.

ConcrisluUtinn*'Hie roupli' rc::rlvi'd ci>n|;ratul.i-

;itin:. by litt.r nnd tple^ram. Ono Alrc caiiii: from iht-lr Krand;.on. Pfc. Uovlc tiii l\;. Ill till' Hawaiian blunds iinil from unothi-r Krandr.on, Olcnn nil;.-;, n lliP iirmy at Olb. ArU. otlii-r liiP:.:.a(;c:. iUld Kill.', came Ifonj Mr. and Mr:., H, D. Aden, WlLion- mip, orr; Mr. and Mr?. (Yum;. .Mcifuid. On-, lidth i ari' <1.111,:ii:iT:. of .Mr. nnd Mrj.

I-oiljf Offlctrs

• m en frteod* <lfopniao W our wnple imdwidi« «

Vine AWwtT —Su Frwcua. CdiL

Fai;« S lI TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FA IXS , IDA HO Monday, December 7, 1912


Bears Dominale All-League Pro Team

nj- m ;oH f u llk r t o n . jiNEW YORK. Dee. 7

nmtcrlil for n mi!c of coluniiu In thh d.ilc, nncl in wlwi Ims hnppmcd to thr *port-i world r.lnce Pi l»r i!ay n year tiRO . . . So todnj-'i space will be lume<l over Uyitfic Rcrvlcf dept.—to the famoai (ind ob­scure ftUiletes who nre wenrlng Un cle Siim'a uniforms, to the tenlce mtn who enssRc In ftthletle coiitexU In the little time they hivvp or who merely lolJow nport. from ipectator's jeut-i with ci;; Item Int r- fjt M they ever did In clvilltin life . . . And did you notice thi\t the f.lg- nnl which sent American force.i In­to action In norlhem Africa wm "Piny bajr?

Capt. Cordon STznpson, halUd a« the (Irrt American to.Und In :\Ioroceo, wai a lU r halfback on Uie Unlrmlly of Krnluckr foot­ball tfam in 1037 . . . And another former footballer. rharrnacUt'i Ata(« W lUba 3. Unsdau. who li home In Delrelt ircorrrln; from alfcbt weondt rccelrrd a( (he «brl «f the African campalfn, acoffi: "Sfe • eaaaallrr I're comehems freni h<cti school football Stuart more banrrd up than 1 am

lii,T for MoIInc In t)ie Tlircp- nrnl Miiri>!iy. an umpire,

cha.-.cd him from t!ie xumc.

T»o of the flnnt trlbutn re­ceived by CrorjU-i ItcKie bonl- hoand football team at the end of the trawn «rre cablei from alum­ni In the combat lonrt . . . One fr«m norlhrrn African iaid: ‘ Con- Kratulatloni on a treat wauiu riea.»r send Chatllc Trlppl over here to help us ealch Kommel. At prMfnt he U runnlnr like hell". . . Anothrr from Kntland aald: “IWII meet you aflcr Iht Ko»o bowl came in rltlicr Berlin or Tokyo.-

M«ny o f the ptiat year's eporti eventa hare been for army and nary bfneflU . . . Sgt. I,any Archaa> bault -of Iho tanks corp5. former Plltaburgh and CJci'elnnd hockrj’ ptai-cr. has bc«n aUUoawt at Pine Camp, N. y . Port Knoor. K y, andJ ^ p Cooke, Calif., since he ent<rfdjM.u.« i*. « : .« « . uuvcau. wicyi i ! aU wnnt to falJc ba.'.ebnll and llitfn toekaj MUj Larry untU he weut on l i t and read about It."

The Iona navy pre-flight school football te.%m opcDf l Its seoioii with

61-0 vlctorj' over Knma.i and cJoicti it Saturday iiKalinl nnotJier Biff Six teiim. Mlijourl-but fewer Uian half the men who faciyj Kan­sas were available for the Mluouri came . . . Corp. Johnny Bcmley. a world series star juit a couple of months aco, reporla: "I haven't run Into a soldier yet who h u any crudffe aeolmt all ball ployefs not beihff In the service. Initead. they

NEW VORK, D<x:, 7 (NEA5- Coacli .Strvr Owen <loubU that Mel Hein's record wllli the New York profi'.s.'lniiiU loolbftll Giants wUi hr matched. Center Hrln In relir- IHK folloftinK J2 yrnrs with the Pole Groiindrr.'. Hein will coach at Union COtlCKt-'.

ifd only one of 136 chnm- , canu-.s with Uie Olanta.

Only m two Karnes did the Iron man lake time out. He never made a bad jiiuvv wan rated the National Irngiie'n top iilvol man lor eight coiv^cc(itli


America'* heavy bombers art >*l- KlKned for daylight attaclc at hlah altltudf.v with high upeed. long range and imwerfui Armnment to eliminate the need for fighter prO' ti-ctlon,

— BUY FQR L E S S — *

S T 0 V E O IL

Gasoline, Oils & Greases


K im berly Road. Ph . 557


Phone lU . > a. ffi. lo 7 p. m.



M)-m Ho,-jg. While Sox ouifl. enlljied in the army air corr MaUicr field.

KAN.^Af, C1T\', DPP, 7 (-i’.-.li IP jlclllfiil i»mtor whlrh In

Chnrlri Grrrii hrlng In the c|t a thorODi'hbrpri.

pppiwrpd with nboilt 50 bird r. and bllnrirrt In nne eve by Cr.'c hiintiiiK Cfini;;ajilfiii who fired l(vi low Into A rovrv pf quail, .la voiildn't leave the field, Aftrr Ittle flr.U nl;l. lie wrui on imliit >Rnln.



Our mail order dep.iriment Is ecared to supply-new or good uifd or reljullt parts for pmcUcaliy every popular mnkc Of oar or-tniek. Every ptiri guaranteed. If you can get It any­where. you can get It from us. We ehlp C, O, D.

Twin Falls Auto Wrecking

• Twin Kali*, D«» 853

- Jerome Auto Parts


W« Pay H igh Cash Price For Scrap Iron and S le d !


International Hod Carriers,

Building and Common Laborers

U n i o n , L o c a l N o . 8 1 0All mnnberr. nnil nppllcnnu for menibcrihlp of Local Union

No, 810, lire rpqiieited ajirt Invited to be present at this SPECIAL MEETINO to be held at Labor Union otflcc, 4:0

. Main Avenue South. TUESDAY. DECE.\IHm 8 at 8 P. M. lntcmnllon-''l HeprcacntatUe Wm, O. Dlx. State Council neprc-!cntnll\c E. J, Hiirrell,“ PfcaitIent C. D. Salaberry. Local No. 810. mid Mr. P. S. Swan. ReprescntaUve of the -

Twin FalLi Dulli liiR and Coiutnictlon Trades Council, will

addreis the mectliiK. initiate new member*, and arranG* for a J)cnnancnl Union Office.

U c a l Nt). 810 l.s A ffilin led W U h Ihc

Tw in Fall.** Builtiinf: and Construction Trades Council


SPARK PLUGSOaaraoteed to dart your notor (jnlcker and make It nw imoother or yoor moaoy wtll b» nfundsi- Polonlam-atloy eltcuoda 'bItcs oat rays that aisure quicker fparklBj and easier ttirtlnj.

FIRESTONE-- STORES---410 Main Are. Sooth — Phone 75

Slondny, Dccumbcr 7, 1942 TIMES-NEWS. T W IN FALLS. IDAHO Paee Seven


NAMPA, Dcc. 7 planto clfculnle 100,000 |ui>«r pcnnlcJ. i.i.'iilbr to those put In cIrculAllon Iw l Wffk In Uotc, RllI come up fur lui alrlnK lonlutit al Uie Ctiuni- bcr of Conimfrcc mctllni:.

6ffrclnr>- of llir TrtMunr Mor- crntliau iinnoiinccU In WiulilnBton HaUiiilny Winl cin\i5a\iou oS

^ ^ ••i,crlpi'' i>ctinlf-'. L'. lllcsal,Tlie pcnniej. na yri »llll unclr-

culntpil, Rcrc 10 liiivc btfn dl'trlb* UWd bcraufc of a MioftJiKc of rciil culir,

Ch.irlcj R. Httirl:. ctinnibcr tecre- tnry. ,-uUl "iiic jiiibjrcl probatly n'lll !«■ .-.Pillt.l lonlslit." aiiJ tiddiHl he frit t.'ir chamber would Inse no tlm- 111 fumplj-lnB with treaiury depart

Names in the








Ily W illiam FcrRiwon | |J | j j ) ^ j j|


SAVE /^ £ A r H H £ / ^ S

'VM M.....


Washington Big Shots Look

Like This While Listening


gr.STtfW Sr’K K

I'Uit ii.i.s U,i.i:u ymi .1 ..... , V i, nlook niKl a ••Vo" look. It lie I.-, lirioro imllliu, I '.riiia nta-,li.)ii Ik- ixirllnilarly i.laii-, iin! {V ' p ‘ . ' ‘in'. ;.hc (

Corlo. film arlor. Ii» fll,d »n

pidliliiK brlnt; m UI, by « m ni.Tkle In lils i-vcx It n

Alul «!lllr hr's ^


:ii on roll'irs, ifdcral•aid today, ncfxlrcl

(' lop ^ull

lncri'a:.fU pr«luctl,.;i v,ar cfoju will pul ;t nhil land u.«r. Liilh'-r .1 i oil coii'.rnnlion mtmc .■■C.irclul planiiln,: i-.

ni^liiuiln frrUlUy. c c,:r.Runic ninllcr cciin-iu r;firCVDIll (lie lOi.1 Clf V.iU; bK rrwlOll," Joiir.' (Ini

'Jonri llaU'd fix poin;.-. iii.-it turm- er.i should oltcrvr ;;i p;:niiiliiK for lir\l yrar’5 cron'. 'Hipv an-;

1 Know your nnri dfp...■Pir dfPixr soil;. a:;il more Irvrl Ilclch jJiould be U''cl for unr crii|»; ■nih will lltMirc huhrr yieldi !«• acrc with the imunint of nmlerlal5, e(]Ulpmfiit nf,;l l;ibor.

2. KyllOB' II *y.'i'-nia;ic louUoii of ihnl nt li'.i t prr ceiii

«IM-’^wli“ t r “'l ''i‘' '*1 '

Dates and Places To Seek Grazing

Permits Are Set

Up prrl-‘l cf liAC.

• up. lie dcr...n-t, alv.n^ KVk : IhoUKh hr 1;, IL'ittnliii;. but• prove hr W If hr «pr;.ki liflrnv

Mr;.. It ow fn.l im

Two Cars CrashOn Icy Pavement I Relocation Area

‘=“ Has Meat RationHUNT,' 15rc. 7-Mcal rallonInK

nlrOK tlir nf the iiropc-.r.l vol-




Markets at a GlnncQ


jlliiiiii’j: Slocks

be on h.in,I lo .crrH lliP honnr. K O U I l d I I I A l U C l.r of Mix .S.ol'lrki. ' ' ' allowr.l ilirr,-lo,„:l,;. of . pnuul ;

Put Pennies in Circiilatioii, Say Merchants Here

T',vlr,"rah ,,i„l ,|C

k k s i;

ti'T<l.-<l Jn ijir wnr I'Knrl.A. Van KiiKoini nM j„n,M

t s r s ti

Olep' Development

River of Ink

58 Put in 1-A but

69 others Shifted



.•cTvlnc: Wlli) the L'n.i.-d nm-

miSTnV. tlr,-. 7 fV t).M- I' —

Retired Northside

Farmer, 82, Dies

Mj. d,„„ 0, — ..... ...... . . j;; S/',;S;;‘S S " ;S 5


C a s h P a idFor W orlh ltM or Dead

Coxvs. Horsts onil Price ot PclLs for D .ad

m m

in,iiiicr ui iiiiuiu IKIIC Will nuTt Tllr ilay, Dt-c. 8, al e home ot Mr , J, E. Myers. wh.;ti

s i l l ® - ss'a;?s;'!'ssss:S:i2 ;;.S iK S i,2c‘

HO LD E V E IlV T n iN G

S. R. H. P.irhli recelvpd

G R O W E R SCell Collcct Kcort.,1 F

i i l S l




New York StocksNEW YOnK. Drc. 7 ,U.Pj _ -jdc

liiarkel cIof<>cl lo»n.• A'!aal(iv Jiineau ....................... j, Allied Slorw ......................... (j'.

Allli I11 n1 f'TK

.Montsomeo' Ward ...-.... ..... 33'»Nii-sli Kelvmaior ... . _ ‘oNallomil IJlvcull ......... ........ ]&'.Niitlnnnl Cwli itcKi.'irr ........ lu

AilLS ......................AmrvVmi CaK . ........... Ti‘tAnirrlCUU Locoiiur.iir........... i-,American .Vrtar. :si)ii,'\ifsA ..fl •« t^hH N>>. CN

NallDiiftt Dairy « »v&iuito ...... .Snllonnl Dr.lllltNtw York Crntral ............... i t ' jNurth Aniprlcun ................ :... DljV/irth A nil. r i 'ili Avl^tlnii Or/viiicriciiii ivau. i^ «>.<,. .j.ui. j

Aiiierlcun flolllns .Mill'. .,. O', Amrrlc.m Siiirlt, iieiinini,’ 37 AiiuTlcan Tel. .« -k i ............ i:3^

iturui /\iiuiH.iii /\Mciviun ..... u *NorUicrn Piiilfii;'................... S’ iOhio Oil ........ .........11I'ackafd Mvlors ............ ..... . 22'i

Ainrrlcan Tobai-i-o JI ..... . . <0',Aniieondii Copper .................. 24‘.A;lnntlc HeHnliiK ................... 10’,Ililil'.vln Locomollvc ....______ ii»,

I’jramoiiiit-l’ub.......... ....... ..... ifl’^J. C. i'cnnry Co___ ________ UOI'eiinsylvuntii II. It........ .......... 21 \Peoples a.i> ................... ..No ^ulc»

llalilinorr Ohio ........ .. ....... 3'«

'llu'nva’*!’’ .^’ ..........’I ' nom iA

I'heliw UcKiKe ................ .... 2J-',I’hllllps I*r!foleum ......... .......

C,iTlfom!a rad fic"!........:S'I lUdlo Corp. of ■ America'!ZT'■ iU

J.' l'. Ciiir Co...... ' H *II Crrro dP Pa.-co Corp. ........ 31• CliCMilX'alir .V Ohio ............... 33‘.;, Chr>'.ilcr Corp......................... 65’ =r Coon Cola ......... .................. «»'.3 Colorado ]•’. I ...................... i r .

Shell union OISimmoii.1 Co. . J .Swoiiy Vacuum

Coiu.nlldalctl Cop;xT............... i .

H S - S :Klamlird Oil of Callfciriiln .... 2li'.Stiiiilnrd Oil of

- CoriV"p%'dii°"I CiirtlM \Vrl;;})t ..................... O'.

kt'nmlnrd Oil of i

•, nenrral Klrrl'rlc I ........! T.'Z COflnirral Koixh 31'i

Swii't .t .Co. . .............

■ G ^ ‘' r ’r Tire I; Illll.brr...... i i H I "Grrylwui', 1 Cli.................. ] IV i United aiallj. S

'■ I'lli-niii'loni'!! 5l’,K, W^'Wool'wuitii ;:!]!,

. V. c n i i i STdCit.s

K;i-.-;e .. . ................... I’.i’i

Mark' Trili-U'. . ' I!!.'! Cfi'.I!<vl:i................... ....... 4'.

Livestock Marketsn,i,-A.;<> MVKSTOCK


o<;ui;s i.ivt-iKiCK

II'.: ...........tit . ; Iln.li. 'IIIX-J liKI 1

l.os AS(ii;i.i:s 1 tvrminK

l l l l l l i f l l l

SAN* J'll A 1 lyilSTiICK

Radio Phone Call To Feature Twins

i i S l i S S iS i S i i i

A lelcphmir ca.ll beUcci; lloUy- wocd. Calif., and Hed Hank. N. J.,

0;30 i>. m .'^MUT. brtvvren two r’r.l- denu of Twin Fall-, who are now in


nrn TZ ''clv'l-X,(iMAiiA i.ivi;.si()t:K

i i l i P [‘hr 'rerelvlnK rnd. l-li'pirl of ihr •onverMtlon will have lo be guescwl

Twill Falls Markets


CUICAQO. Dec. 1 t.r,-Early train iiarkct strcnKUl that railed price* linost a cent a biinliel fnded today nd. IV3 buylni: nubslde<!. quolAUoru cirralcd’lo small net Io.-jcs In wme

Decrinbfr contrncts, on which dc- Ivrrlea are now bclns made, wero lo.'t in demand, nppurently reriect-

rrMln..Kd_ttJUl Dre

is SI; I : i :

I M i

I'.": ... l!:J!

3 ? ' ..... .. “ • “ » « " “ •=■


Potato and Onion

• 'T . ,I ,' If:, si:;:

•ocal'cSr'.ii" n'“x, Denver Beans

I Butler ami Eggs:. «1» «1ll |» o„ u„. I------------------- ------

5,“r , £ ■


m m

y = J 3 =

Pa.ce I-; i T IMES-NEW S, TW IX FALLS. IDAHO Monday, December 7, 1012

» SERIAL S TO R Y • “ ...... -

THE EDGE OF DARKNESSeoVvnioHT. » • « . • • • 'BY W IL L fA M W OODS

O U T O U R W A Y ,- B y J . f t . W I L L I A M S O U R B O A R D I N G H O U S E . . w i t h . . M A J O R H O O P L E


nirfc (Iiinrtrr;. ol * mllf on the I I Other rtde vt tlir !nrr-!. MyrfJri-.-), 5 Uic farinrr, flliiitji-d v.c:vrlly out of

lifil lUKl lire to co up on, ' pa-t fit Ihc

Lite all Old luiri. I!;'" f.inirtifk to lilni tif thr •■Iwirl Ivllcr l;c hn<l rrrrlvrd Ui.it (hy {ro;ii Trytcvr. iiUiiiivil «:ili 111-' rrn'drliik: mmI, Ot»'iU.irr iiltldcri

hr hjiil r

brrn ft frw vcaImvr iKillvrcil <1 .......he nliirm tlir villiiire? Slionltl hf now j;o to lilon:Uiinl? Hr looknt lit the- .'.ky. n »i>-. iilrcatly v.<-ll v liililnl;:ln. If hr wni! down, tin- Ki Ibh WDiiUI liIcK tlil.i iiIkIiI lo ro oil ?horp, FToX.rii K;ircn v.ciul<! have lo wait imlll inorrilii^'. Jlc lowly l» till' Irrc.i where lie Imd

tiiclird lili UilnKn.hour In the blllrr cold

Mli-Iio'. Ill' Ihr cliirk liorl.wllli hl:i kila.v.. Not oiii- IliltiK rd. N(>t rv'-ii n bnirioh ni.'il''d li't II.-: hc'li:hl>r>r, I’l.r lo tlir almo'.l u inilf Ix-Iow liUii. Ui'"


. Hill I 1 th'-i(llricHnti to rr:

Iiilirlid lie could ftlll;ifi- MliidDW (iir off,••iiiall and llk.i

• ikiliit iiti<(c-rof I

lln- vlll:ii;>'. Tlii'v -.vrri' irmiiiini by nrrifl rrcw;. Ihjit ^warIlll^l iibinit !■ xaltlni; for a ••(••am.-rat l;f u:i;. clililllli; lr> jilrl: Hinti ll]) r-uiilii- -It-.i a irlck," v.i.i llio

■ I •.'.i>rd that •Aciit arounil. No

r-\lr'v):v Hy 10 D-cl'rM'l;'! tlie ran in, |(«M;ini; Ilrrd, iiiid ullli dec

iir- -of jn«Kl lal:li

To;:' would I: :ile, of t


tl.'iloii:.rv, the flc’kl llvlil oiir of hi'.

,1 .llirni lir-lililii a .•■r:\rrlinl, iif Io.iM

tJicy wo;i!cl flnil no c TlU'ii,ki'i'iiliit; cover a'; wi ll a;, lie ••va'i iiljlp behind tin' <lrlfl.', lie fri’iit lllwly toward the •cottiiii-,

From II <U:.l:iii;c- of :.oinc :,0 yard.-, ]ie .Moii]ir<i lo -‘ fc- It •Ihc'ic WX', n Buard. Thr dark liiilldlnt:. wlMi lti low ravp.s halt liiirlc-il lii llie :n(nv. Mf)od out 111 llllrI) rrlU’f iinaln'.t the flll.'.itiiln^’ wlilip Ilrld. 'Hif whoir iiir iiiid that* iv-cuHar. cciit fjuallty ol wliilc-r Uie tiurthrni lioil;i>n t.-<liliid l|\i- llHb. Ill- tli()Ut;hl hr imild rr-i' the pate, tiUie wi-Il ot lln- nurlhiTUllKlil-'..

Mliuitrs ixi--.cd.’ He i rcpt IiiatiT. Wtii-n hf Jiidcc-d li.- WJ11 f|.vf Ptioush he ;.!CKKl uli ai;ii dii.'hrd fur the wall undrr thr wlmlow. And there he crouched ntialii with IiI.n ircnrt iiii<l-r ItLi ililn nb-:.

' i-.dtrsl. Sltll

l;;lit' I'-.i

ciurDnl lo tli' lr r.-.. rL'hlnx wa-. to I).- iiiuiliu: faelorj' wouliMe lii't ntlitniil '•Va,lAilc in n ix'iieefiil i■,;.'ib'.l'.li order Ihnnn le (IMrlet,

......... .......... fil'-iiil'. do notneed the boat.V' tie .':dit, ' Ij'.i- ’■'“I In nil rnlmr.u they feel )0J Iliem more," Ho nutlmi-iJ rrKUlatlo!« that would cnvp;:i tlirlr 11.M- nna then lauiicliM Into « iiriitlon In wlilch he mid ihern Itmt by ilielr hoollllty they were oiih' rut- tini{ thflr own throar.-. niul lai'nal. Ini; thrnwelvM from l-'ie re%t of the country-, jilnee nil Nor*ay wa coni- liiK to tee Uic virtues of a nrw order Hint V.011UI Kimriintei.' theiri l>eacc imd ficcurlty lor Uic rcin:ii!;drr of Ihelr lives.

• W'lial r.lKJul Uic fU'litj 1:1 Oilo nnd Trondheim?" »omel;o<Jy ciillnl. "Why '% tlir Itliii! Sim In I.ondon?"

"What hnppened to (he ceneral itrl^e?-.

Wild ^ l)loelthwi.'e In KimkI fAliii, I<k)7"

•'WliiU of L^fnim?" another criert. Ke wn.'. referrhiK tn ihe IJrKiMi for-

liltn llie lslllnd . ler.M-n uavr<l liL' nrin< fnr rl- but w.L'. 111''! I)y hool. nnd

!:iUKht''r The m ai fJ.'-vf out n! Uip ■hurrh whll<- hr w:i-. Mill .Mai ' here, aiul went down to look n

.•■hlpi.On tile boas nnd ^leriii of r the larger ve>'il-. they found ii!ej (Irlllfil In Ihr drek.i where

aml-alri'rafl Kuns lind Ix'cii placrd. In Uie hold of n Mtiall f.rJiooner. one flslirnnnn fomul 11 bundle of liaiiers Unit hart eH.Irntlj' l>een over, looked, Ttipy mere ixx'.lef.i lo tie dh- trlhuUd durlji;' nii lin'a;.l(in, pr)i;Ie<] III KnKll\li, niul ntuioiiiicln); tlini the London unviTnmint had irlird Jnr pnice leriai, 'Hi'-y iidded that furili- er re l tlUlCe U'.ele.'.i, i\nd Mllli. liin" by clvlllan^ ii.'i)uld hencoforth be eon.'.ldcrrd a eapltal off<;n'e.

Tlie itirn smiled urbdy al each ........................ irit putllns the

boa in orcfer,fTo l\t Contlnurill

Jji 4: yenrj tieri- »rrr BO nilllloj, iioior veiilcle.i produrni In ihe Uiill- •d Slntei. In llie United Sliitcj "(I 0 100 [vr cent of the workm in ■Uni war plaiit.i drive lo. wuric by


“ BOCKl T H lC iy YEASIS TOO 5 0 C f J '




.C A L L POR THEIR pftPEfife p U f ^

‘7 ^^\P/ W HO DOES OLD ;( 6EET-f^0SE: TWinK W&'S , > FOOLING VsllTK TWW < PAPER. 6A CK?— I'D 8 CT







.';ir)r: c;r,ANCics

vail V 11 fri'i- o;iu-r Md.-,

Moif biiMly. he ni.ide his wa; nriwnd to the Innit i>i the iniildUi: nnd Iliore, pvoppi it aiMliiM the w.vU nnd half hurli-d in Uu’ miow. !.t<;,v pnlr.T of ••kl.. one nkl.i Ql.lfe GerUM

leliOer bhutheird I

iiid 1;

Ry Galhrallh G A S O L I N E A L L E Y

/ " 1 -

m n

•Well, lliere'r, one m.IuUoh of tlip heal Iirfblriii, and I ri'Miiiie our ehlidhro'd .Mudy of how lo Keep w.iim both I t>acl; al the Name tlinel"


S E T S HIS PAMDEt? I— -L . V (jp _ I , .

B y . G t l S E D S O N

I t iJe r c u l e s -■ VOUteE O U « T THE MAM I I'M LOOKIWiS F O e - 6 0 I DC^'W STAIRS ANP CI.EAN 3 1 T>ic C ELLAR 0EFo;?E 1 TH O S E l(?ON m u s c le s f \ S T A R T tTUSTlNOi' '


'i^J lYANTEP F«5tl A'?, SfRCcAl.T ffiO'CcV. I JVANT SOU TJ TEH IL=>J 0? T 6 o^D JASCE rcK;:.-.',’.:L; A uAWTeNANce

VJU w o, IvniET UiO DV, « c c ] V5UC SViUJv;’ Ss:-T5 f‘AS :E WAISTS. IVcCf CJ:-/C^J A P liX l / MARSOe PAV PICWIC N JJ5T


. © £ T £ C ’AtI.\EC.TO.........CE^iUE AIi^^ CJiChC"



p l £ t <:h . . . in tw £ i=: ■SEACCl-l PC? A.NJ e r^E c ra 'S

TT-i£y PlND A r l l E - W O S S N TH E h a s j a : : . . .


T>-£V HAVE ^LL-T+t=FuN.;,rH.Ara

PCEN?5miPFC? \0U.' WI^M I





vvwAT A1EAN5 rr.

5AC?a<-? TT E.-nvo


q£4<:enc-£D in



TWE FOtrr Sl^flLE'

B y F R A N K R O B B I N S <r

.AND \

W A S H T U B B S B y R O Y C R A N E R E D R Y D E R

A L L E Y O O P B y V . T . H A . M L I N B O O T S A N D H E R B U D D I E S



D r X I E D U G A N B y M c E V O Y a n d S T R I F . B E C

i, pH O O aa E Y .'/ / '^rz~.C‘>~

B y F R E D H A R M A N ;

B y E D G A R M A R T I N


6 a K i6 TO \T i*

' ■\\\KS'rd

v .'towN . 1 WO-^OW- 1


L • / • .


I--v— -----/- lOOOtU^ ) A '(JUfW.

w r 'UJlMPV;


Monday, Dcccnibcr. 7, 19-12 TIMES-NKWS. T W IN FALLS. IDAHO Page Nin<



■atlo w jco st I

WANT AD RATESDs«<S on Cost-per*wor<l

I day Sc per wort3 day# - C dtyi .

A minimum of 10 wonJj la required In any one elM»lfl«J «d



Phone 38 or 39



<:l liasl oili flioiifl I’tiO-U


Week rtnya, 11 a. in.Sunday, 6 p. m. Saturday

Tills pnpef subjcrtbea to ttia codc ul eiliica of Ui« AisoclaUon or Newspaper ClaiiHled Adver- a'.lnjt ManBjers and rcsen’e* the rlKlit to edit or reject any claa- ilfled Bdvertlslng. "Dllnd nda" cftrryliie ft Tltnea-Nea-s bo» num­ber nre strictly contldcntla] and 110 luformailon can be flven In recard to the advertlier.

Errcra should be reported Im- mfdlately. No allowance will bfl mntle for more thnn one liicor- rcct liir.crlloii.

Life’s Like That By Neher

SPECfAf- TItrtw.VeH-5 .TiilivrtptJon riitf lo MH'n In llie nrmr<l fnrccs- oiily JI.OO (or three nioiiUis.


Twill Palls DlLMI


IS YOUR breathing difficult? You ner<l ndjuslmenta. Hr. Hardin, 130 Mala nortJi.

COLDS, coughJ. tiirouali btoiichlUs. rc.-.i«iiid quickly to our trcalmenU, Dr, ■ D. n. Jolinjon. Phone 3<4. Office 33i Tlilrd avenue eait.


PEmMANENTS. *3.00. Mrs. Deamcr, Phone n<T-over Independent Meat Market.

EXTRA ipccla! prtees on all perroa- nenta. Beauty Arta Acaderoy-Ar* Uitlc Beauty Salon. ,

PF:r MANENTS. »l.SO, SOO Jefferaon atrcet Phoue 18D9-J. Moymo Kluaa McCabe,

BPECIA1,-*SOO oU penaaaent. t3 00: tfl.00 oU pennanent I3.M Idaho Darber and Beauty Shop

• Phone O i.

LOST a n d . rO U N D

■athrr billfold. Re':

7.00-20 FIRESTONK tire and wheel lost bctwrrn Iloliblrr niul DcrRer. IlnaNlock',? OiiraRp. Holllilur.

STRAYKD; Wlilte faccd, 1.000 pound steer aiul COO (xmiid heifer. A. E, nooMi', 'i, west South Parle. Phone 0380-Rl,



THREE room*, modem, liot and cold vater. IIS.OO. 3B8 Jelfexwn.



WE HAVE four ’(.■ell furhlahed rooms to rent by Uie month. Special win- Kr tates. Covey's Motor Lodse i: Coffee Shop.


THREE r ■sr. IS3 lOOO-R.

FIVE roomi, modem fxeept 1 127 Fourth avenue north. Inquire Eugene Brnuty Studio.

COMPARATIvm-V nea' .«<*ven room <3 betlroomi lioii-\c, $<5. C. A. Rob-lI1 0M.





NEW mod. 5 rm. home. Hdw. floors, dinette. bulli<ln cnblncla In Chen, full cemcnt basement, floor drain, lumoce stoker, dec. hot water heater, enrage with cemcnt driveway, Clo.*.e In on graveled St.. Blue Lakes Add’n. S450C.. term*,

t RM. mod. home, hdw. floors, 3 bedrooms. bxjllt>lo cablneta In kitchen, full cemcnt basement, floor drain, furnace.- Near school. Enveled st. $1,000 ca.'ih. bat. terms.

E A, MOON Real Estate at Moon's Furniture 6tor#


ah ACRES with five room modem house. Ooocl outblldlngs, M.SOO.OO. C, A. Robinson.

I. east <EXCELLENT 00 «Kimberly. One 4 room, one 3 roc.ti home, well water In both, HOOd oiitbulldlnBS. I f you nre lookln: for real Iniitl, prlectl"worth llir money, call Uobcrla'nrd Heason, 563,

:00 ACflES, Tlie .ihow place of tlie North Side. Ld.'. of bUlg.i.

Good 200 Acres In Etlen project.New hoiwe. H55.00 per acre,

80 Acres between Twin Falls and Jerome. 18,500.00. Terms or wlU

—tahr In Txin Fall.'c rMiflcnce.' ' F, C, ORAVFJ3 A: SON


HIOHEST prices paid for all kind: Of poultrj-. Sell iiOK for Chrbtina: market. Idaho Produceri,Twin Falls. Phone 833,

aOLDEN cock«T3. Will ship or proviil. Irene tnjrclit, Ooodlng. Idaho.


DELICIOUS. Romes. Jonatiisns at Brent's. Rates to truckers. Klni' berly 94R4.

DtXICIOUS. Roms apples at J. 6. Feldhustn. 3 cast, <i F-Lit Main. Phone O403RI.


USED mattrc?i.ic3. bedsprlngs. dr. culaUng.lieatcrs, coal ranges; ra­dios. Wt.itern Auto.'

WANTED: Wood or wire hangers, In good coiullilon. I>jc each. Troy, or National plant.

CASH paid for ikscd furniture, stoves and drculailng heaters. Moon's. Phone 5.

CAST and scrap iron. Jerome Auto Parts. Jerome—Twin Falls Wreck. Ing Company. Tttln Palls.

WANTED: Old or ujeJeas live hones. HIctiMt prices paid. Idaho Hide anil Tallow.


WILL piiy caah for late model Sin- treadle or elcfirlc jcwlne ma-

110 III good co:idltlon. Phone


B u s i n e s s S? P r o f e s s i o n a l

D I R E C T O R Y _

Offer.-' yon llie only medium tlin t w ill reach

the niuio ihaii 15,000 Matfic Valley honks

n t


I ’or as litllc aa $-.50 .vnii can place your

li.sliiiK ill Ihia Convenient (iircolory FOR .

O N E F U LL MONTH. Don’t w ait nnothcr

day to put an fid to ivork for you!

It is Not Necessary to Come to the Office

P H O N E 38 o r 39A Representative Will Cali on You,



REPLACE your worn pot^ and pan wltli oven-prool KUiiiware, nlv tlie Ideul.ghV KliiJ's D iement.

STOVE repairs, order tliem now! Sweet's Furniture Btore.' Pliuue 120S. ■

QRAVEL Few more day.s only! .

Suitable for concrete or drln Plione HO-J '




SALVAGE CCC mercliandUe. Slick­ers, all wool overcoat, /i!ilrt.i. uiicl- erivear. trouicra, ALw tenia, urp.n, and over ahoe.i. Idaho Junk House.

WILTON Broadloom carpet, Scara- dale made by Masland. AU wool carpets, 10 pattenu (ochi>o&c from. All ille* 0x12 up. Price $10.50 equari yard. Bert A. Sucel {c Son.

ONE 200 amp iwlablc electric wcl- <lrr, Onr-na limp i>ori«blc rleclrlc ni'ldcr. One 3'; cubic loot nlr com- pre.'.jor unit. One V-D lrldll. trlnl p<>-.v.-r unit lllie new. Gales Ma- ciilne Shop. WciiddI,____________


IN T H E SE RV IC Elicrc-'s still lliiic to send him "pcriomillzcd" t a t lo n e ry . printed 'wlih lii:i name ^and service emblem, from our print i>hop. Oct your orders in to­day. Low cwit.TIMES-NEWS JOB DEPT.




KAUSOMININCi i tract or hour Phone H07R,

,'ork. Rea.-.oiiable.


WOMAN for genrral hou.'cwork tieaiiins woman 'one day pc:

week, llfl Seventh avenue ea^t.

BEAUTY opcrntor.i or KlrU lo learn beauty work. Apply In jxreon. Artbtlc Beauty Salon.

WOMAN for maid work at county farm. Board, room, laundry fur- iiLnhed. Phone 0484-J2 or call nt county farm.


EXPKRIENCED meclmnlc.i. Apply in p(T.\on. Excrllent worklni; rni dlllpn.v top wanes, McVey'a impli


STRICTLY modem 2 bedroom homt on acreuKe cla-.e to Twin Fall.-,. De­sire Bood outbulldlnss and i«tati celliir. WWi po •.c. lon by lOrh. R R. Hnwiird. Phone HO or 2132-W.

GOOD BO acre.v Crop share Improvements and llKht. equipment, finance. Will give erenees. Write Box 21, T Ncrf.v


WANTED: Body man and painter. Top wages, steady employmenu Write P. O, Box H8, OoodlnR, Ida. ho.

ELDERLY man for night watctiman Must have first daaa local refer-

’ encc.1 and c.ilablbhed re.-ddence. None otlier need apply. Work Is light and permanent. Idaho Pack. Ing Company, Plione IBCO.


CODB'3 Barbecue al Jerome for salo or imde. Abo lB4r PonUac

- aedan. '




Y ou r Chrl.ilma.'i fundi are now available for you. Quick, conflden-

« ---$M $WJ $ « »$${»)$$$»» t u f i i u t u u m i$m$»$$$ ...........t t m u t m red 1.1PC. Borrow $$U$t$mt$ from $5 to $50 on

* your own iltnn-» ' ture.


CASH C RED IT CO.Phone 770

Room 3 Burkholder Dldg.


WILL pay ca. 1, for Improved « acres, free of weeds. Box 18, Times-

FOR LEASE to cxpcrlciiced dairy man; Equipped dairy fann, on share ba.-.h, Itefcrrnce.i requlre<l, J. a, .McHenry. BiUil. Phone 300R4,


GOVT wnirat $1.73 cwL mixed with 41% Banner Hor Supplement your biirlcy and oatii ir.iikes a hog feed. OLOBE SEKD fc FEED

17 IXDN hny near Kimberly, R. A, Min*, Rt. 2, Jerome or B,. K. All- drill, Klrbcrly.

FEED grhKllmt. Moreland Mlllhii Service. Phone 21H, I-'iUt. (Pliom culls o(f Krlndh«.)

Custom grlndlns—«rtnd anywOere over 3 ton Be. Ph. 0J93H1 Twin Fulls or Filer 72J3. Ph. calLi ofl grinding



SEVEN and cIkIU yrn team. R. B. Sj>.-vrk.'. east HaniPll.

JUNIOR Poland China Ixi.ir. Also wenner t)oar . MfN'eply'-i Polands. 3 w«t, 3 north i-ller.

nuJIL stud bull servlci farm. Guenvrv a; Phone 333-Jl. Dulil.

ONE mule. Kood wnrker; one i.addl pony, very grntle. I ' j mile nort. Wa.<hlnglon .whool. Phone OIDD-J:

From iit.w 'ill Clirl.Mma.i there's lo:.'. of fun for < t i ir r ( in ili: and {III,'('KI.K c o n te s t . ICvrry theiiter ticket. I* awarded lo a winner. All you Imvr FULL Ili;ri from any o( the ad-i In the Olft Guide an hi the nioit huiiioroiw tequcnee po:.'.lble. TJien adf to the C()iilr.-,i Editor, 'nmc.'.-New.il Winner. will be v

veryoiic In tlir (lay a p;ilr nl lo do lA to clip , [m.Mc ttiem lip r;:. your en;r>- inouncrd daily.


DIG l ’0VS...UTTI.irT0Y3LKilLv I il in:

VISIT our f Ir.iliu. Rill tree dtvorr




APPLES-De!l( IhDty, Wlm-. Brim; eoiii.il $1.25. OroArr

pv Keep all win:, ers, Onioiii 50 II .Mkt, 0G< Main b,

VISIT KtNC -s hasi:m e .vt STOlU; Jor kIIW Kalore

Chrl.Miiuu in e derordflon.i

C ir r WRAITING.S Scal;,.Tai:.-.-Ull)tj<m-'lVlne.Pai)fr

Coaijilelc Av.ortmriit CLOS HOOK STXJRE '


Oullar.i. vlullii', and arce.-.'.orlcs, Shrct imir.lc and Ilook.i


CRttTING CARDS You still have time to older 'our

ChrlstniM card.v Make your wlec- tlons Kvhv irom the Mmjile.i we have on diuiUiy. Oo«l a.voriment. N;iine lrii|'iinlc-d. Priced a', lo-.v n.n 20 for $|oo 3C Inr $1.23


JERSEY-GUERNSEY fre.Oicn very .' ooii. G 0ies-J3.

POUR or five room house. Clooe In. E. A. Moon Real Estate Agency Phone 5 or 21.

^VE HAVE a cash buyer for 40, «0 or 80, Twin FalLi or Kimberly dis­trict. Buyer for 80 to ico north of Jerome. See or write Beau­champ <t Adam-v 137 .Main avenue east.


WELL located three apartment Iwuse. Cloee In. -nils U priced to sell and good terms. Robert* i t Henson. Phone 563.

EFFICIENCY aixirtment. Diuv Out- .ilde entmncc. Stoker; alr-condl- Uoned. Two adults. Phone I8fl0.

MODERN one room, nicely funilahed. Phone 2»*5-U.

k^ithenette. MB ■ Pierce,

MODERN duplex. Best locaUon. Furnace hfau Electric water heater. Two refrigerator!, two

\ electric; range.s. $OJOO. Terms.CECIL C. JONES

Bank A: Trust Bldg. Ph. :0U

TWIN PALL3 8IU0 bull eemee. Uvered to lurm. Ouenuejf and Holsiein. Phone 0185-Rl.

ONE yearling spotted Poland Ch boar. Walter .Mack. Phone 0193-R5.

a GUERNSEY cows. 5 heifer calve Brootv 1 mile .■'OuUi 3 'i west *outh aouth Park.

nOHT spotted Poland China gilts, larro* February. B. J . Dltter. 03J5R3.

80 JtEAD good agod ewes (sUrt Iiimblng Januar>’ 1st) lo be sold at Jerome Uvestock Commission »ale. Tuesday. December 8.

BOUND 7-year-old aorrel mare, wrljht 1.500. Abo I4-lndi Moline lior:e plow. C, P. OUvcr. 3 nest Hler. Phone 3IJ10.

•i o \vi;l o iiT SL-rs

lilck. thii>iy, terry towel*. 6-piive ;.ei ciHi.’i.’tmg of batli tnwels, farr towcU. iiml w;lsIi clolh.^ A.vorird color conililnaUoiu, . Atlraclhrly, boxed for glft.v


SHOE BKATES-Hockey A- Men’.'! - Ladle.s • Clillilii'n;,

Priced frciii H.nil ii|). GAMBLE STOHIC.S

Water aofteni-r, «:e .Mill aval!. for Chrl .linx-. KifL', at ABDOrr PLU.MUINO CO.

Undi'r Fidelity Dank Plume OSW

NO Fl.NKRJSIlT.SI r Roiid.1 anil Oiplieuiii, li 'Iln-atcr SC'Iili’ HOOKS war bonds nt ilir Ui>x office.

::i\atlon andwllh r.tTlp. $11 . $10;

S:>.5U book:., S:.; b(K)lL', J'J.iO.

would miike Icnrly ClirLMni;i.', Kilt.i surh n.i lamp’ , l.ilile;;. mlrrur:, etc. I t ’s fun to r.hop al


cOMPLtrn-: l in e o k tov .s Doll.-; - Ciain--, - Noveltlr^

T. F. HOME i: AUTO SUPl'I.V Former MajeMic Plicy. llWt;. -

ay ".Merry • .'iih.-icriptlon Special rate $1.00 for 3 n'

GIPI-S FOR SEUV1CK-ME.N A i>erfect Rift for men In the arm-

rd force.-i. MOSS ACIATI-; rliinn.

Priced from $3.i0 up. , . KUGLERS, Jewelers

T O D A Y ’S ^ V i n n e r — it/i-s. Clwslcr Iloicc. E d m ^

Flflh winnrr U .Mn. Chester Italre, Eden, who «in» a pair of ticket,

te aee Errol Rynn In "Genlleman Jim" or faturr altractlons al the Orpheum, PleaM rail at Tlmes-Neiia lor your tlrkrls. Here Is prlie-

winning “rlinckle" ail:


Bring conulnera. Onions 50 lbs.terms. Just a doien left for

necklaeea. A novel gift $3J5 up.If* fun to flhop at *


Be Sure to Clip Lines from G ift G u ide A ds Above Only!

Keep Vour Enlriei ■•Short and Punchy"





Baths and HIcHnagcs

I. 627 Main W I’h, l i j

Bicycle Sales and Scrvicc



Dr. WyatL Ul 3rd Avc. N, Ph. 1377


R. U Roberts. Jcneler. 115 Sho. N

Insect Exterminator

Bed Bug fumigation. T. P. Fforal Co.


,Fpr Fire ,anil_Cwualiy_ In.iurnnre, ■ffBRly and FidHiiy Bonds, see awlm Investment Co., Baugh Oldg.

Job Printing



PERSONAL STA'nONERV Enirravlns, letter press, lltliosraptiy

Ilu:lnes5 forms a specialty, ■HM'-’S-NEWS

Commercial Piloting Dept

Key Shop

Money to Loan


F. Business University. Phone 314.

Osteopathic Physician

Dr 0. W. Rose, 230 M. N. Pti 037-W.

Plumbing and Heating

Atjbott Plumbing Co, Ph. B5-W.

Schools and Training

T, F, flu.ilncis University Phone


Gem Trailer Company, Phone ’430.


Sales, rentals anti service.-Ph.'BO.


Idahoan Tells of Miraculous Rescue Diu'iiig Dec. 7 Attack

BOISE. Dec, 7 t-Pr-Olie today the US3 Callfomlii was omo

var.shlpn Mink or sc-Terdy dat

W. Giivln o[ Boise and 20 other

Tlie dramatic slor ' of Ulo^e ter. rible hours tnul their almo.il mlr- fieiiloin-rrwiie. Ions uiiKilrt for mil

r Dol-e,ivlii's father, I’a: : P, aa>

JUST nrrlve r<wn siilli Auto.

USED .ran;;rciimljlnunoi)C,' C. Andn

■nVO rlrnilalln;; hralers, eleetrlc ran^e- E\oiil(iit condition. V eni Auto Supply.

m me. Do your Chrbit.IK at Hiirry .MiL-.(,Tiivr'::,ale. HpecUl priccj 01



roK SAM:; For

1537 Cin;VUOLI.'r ;

USED paru for car* ana trucka Twin Falls Wreckhig. Kimberly Road.

FOHIJ MIJXT (li-lnxr C lia.v.rii- coiijv, L'xrdlent llrr.s, heater

:i dclrotplcrj;. orljliial gray- -ll flnhh, lo-,v milraKi;. Car like •. Masel Auto Company.


'OUIl-wheel trailer, gralii box. 2 Ea.iI, iiorih Wft.shlnKlon acliool.

02 TRAILEll house, bullt-his. good 'rubber. Write Robert Abrams. UouU; I, Hiirdtoii.

GOOD fiicloo' built trnller. hoiise. rock wool ln.-.uliiled, $525.00, Box 19, Tlnie.s-Nev.;,,

l-RAILER hou'.e. Rood rubber, rea­sonable. Herbert Tliome. Mur- tflUKli. Phone 3fiR4.

1040-1' i TON Chevrolet truck. 2 r.pced tale. Good rubber. 1D37 Dodge pickup. One trailer noitsc, 7',xlG. 1D« \ ton ClifiTOlet pick­up, Oates Machine Shop. Wen­dell.

In 1041. 77 per cent of all outo Irlpi were for '•necex.iary purposes." but "unneccar.ary" driving account­ed for more Uian 65 billion road mllfs of tn»vel and coiwumcd more

four billion gallocu of gaso-1

Just a few mlnuUs after he reac ed his battle slatltm the first U pedo hit. It shook the .-.hip "Just a dog would shake a rat."

When ihe order m abandon nhlp wa.1 Klven. Gavin and 12 enlbtr<l men fnimd tlieimelves tmpped the water* of harbor urging agaln:.t

steel door Into thi lr compnriment.

CalltnK ■nTr ihV'iyiFiV.r trlVpliavln l(A-atrd .M-vrli olhrr Inrn, irly IrjpiifxJ In iiuillmr rtj;np.

tllal I ftlready half-filled with

OialL 1p:il'io-fix)t venlllatliiK ■ward fur tlirn- decks

from lhai nxiin and Gavin lir.inn.-t- eil till' til.Ill lo try lo reach the lop- .-.Idi! IhloiiKli It. ,

An hour IM 1ed and thr witrn: errj>;. Into lli': coaiparlmcnt where Ihe 13 men vtxr walling for re.icue, •nini Ihe man cm v.hum Uiclr hopr. deiKiuled ralieil back. He fald In-

)il1dirt niakr it,•■It 1-n't a ca.se of whelher you

.Tllii.linit n is prrn ileiitly.

inrhhiK hi- his back braced aj:alii.-.t tJie ?.hn(t and lili klif-'.’

other. Tlil.i time he idled the loi>—hut the .-.haft wa.i

Iron grill which h* could not bre.ak.

He beKsii r.houtlnn. Tlie crew of ft rer.cui- bo.it heard him and. armed wllh acetylene lorche.i, cut tlidr way irilo the .'.pace where Gnvhi 'and hla men Were and Into the other com- • partmciit where tlie seven: were triipp.-»l.

Ily that lime Gavin’s men were In water up to Ihelr wid.-.U, Tlie llru- tenant rr.iimated the coniparlmenl would have been filled v.-lUiln an­other two hours.

Former Resident Of Jerome Dies In Fire at Home

JEROME _Dec, 7-A former Jer»_oiiK' fer,i(irnt, Jolin t‘avln,"n Klilp. yards employe, died from n;,phyxla- tlon when a lluhu-d clKarcttc iKnlted Ills bed clnthUiK a l his home In OrcKoij, aecurclhiK lo ft report re- celvicl he.e. Apparently Cnvln had fallen ii.ilec|i. while iinoklnic.

llie ncclilent was dl.scovcrcd by ill wife when she rtHirned nt nild- ilKlil from her duties at the .\hl|>- •

yar.l where her tiu.sljand .aUo wm •cmplovcd. T*o doKs alio were dead.

Cavin iiho leaves two daUKhterj, Charlotte. 10, and Joan, R; four bro- tlierN>[)L-«

hi.'. ini>I Heleiiv


; Frank, Hiir


e.M Clinton TliomiiMm, son of Ja- ■ob Thonip'flii, Ixv. ' Alicelc:;. has eporicd for duly at the naval tfain-

tuilon Of Ytiterday’i Pu«1*

J •» 9

/J /-«

If •7

'i 20 a/

a ;:9

i4 ;u. 27 2d i l Jo



36 J?


u 5*



*t tWoe*:

. a«s e( JaOBA

. CieUmallaa


Mn'iidT*. CuMla OikiBc chara-.

K Tr<« ■ : '

'\' page Ten TlAxl:/S>-:>il:,VVb, xyvuN iU /iriU Monday, Dcccmber 7, 1942


T O D A Y , D E C . 7 . I S T H E A N N I V E R S A R Y O F P E A R L H A R B O R

I T w as a monsti-ous U iiiit j th a t w as v is i te d iipn ii the U n ite d S ta te s o f A incr-

ie;i, t lia t .Su iK iay o f ,Dcceinin-i-7lh, lO - Il ! The sun lu id r isen ’ to H g lu u|v a

(lay o f poaco fu l iiL 'aiity a n d ([ iiie t . . . b u t fro iii tlie " L a n d o f the Ri.siii.ir S u n "

there s])Owed tlic h o r ro r o f lifd- lakinK ;, la n d desti’o y in p h o inb s (h 'oppcd

fro m a nuii-dei'ci- in fe s te d s ky ! W e c a n an s w e r l\v n ia k in .L 't iia t bloud-i-fd sun

set forevt'r . . . fu r a l l i t ean n ica ii to th e w<n-ld is ti'i'achei-y. v ieiousnes.-, an d

fasc ism in its m ost r a b id fu r in ! O h . y e s : th e enem y s h a ll p ay in k in d fo r tlie

a tta c k w ith o u t w a rn in jr on n icii p ) in p : a b o u t th e ir w ork . . . w o m e n a t tb e ir

bo iise iu ild .chores . . . c b ih lrc n at p la y . l.‘M ,000 ,000 A m e i’icans a r c .troin.iT to

w ipe d e a n t h L 'd i 'b t . . . N0\\\' A n d in U '- l:!! 1;M,OOI),()00 I ' I G I IT IN e ; A M K I'.-

IC A N S A N S W K I i T H K A X lS 'on Ib e w a r f r o n t a n d the hom e f r o n t !

A l r e a d y o » r men h ave b lasted succ e ss fu lly a t the J a p s . A n d le i us not

fo!-j;et t h a t thoii.udi o u r lit t le y e llo w enem ies b i t a t P e a r l H a r i)o r they

are ju s t p a r t o f th e hideous, m a c liin e t h a t has H it le r a n d M u s s o lin i a t. the

controls alon^? w ith l l i r o h i to ! So w e ’ ve p o t to keep r ip h t on b lastinp : a t

every p o in t \\-here the axi.=; iin s re a ched o u t to s tr a n p u la te ])eacc a n d free­

do m ! W e ’ve j jo t to l<('f‘|) riftliL on m a k in jr f i^ h t in p m ach in e s in such larpe

num bei's t h a t e ve ry last fa sc is t can b e e .x te i'm ina tcd f r o m th e w o r ld ! W o

A m ericans .love peace, an d .security , a n d are no t a w a r- n ink inp : peoples a t

a ll. B u t y o u s ta lihec l iis in th e b;ick . .J a p a n <— a n d 's in c e ’w a y back , w hen

there ’s a ju s t f ip h t on o u r h a n d s we A m e i'ic a n s k no w ho w to m a k e a l l he ll .

cu t loose u n t i l V ic to ry is o u rs , a n d o u r A l l ie s ! R em e m b e r Pi.‘a r l ' H a r b o r ?

A nd how !

L e t’s “Remember” i t . . . this week lets all




aiil.s 'AtrV shouW lop nil,

In bond .'ivlf.i. . , rvco'otif Rhouirt

mnke Tojo rrmnnljw, loo. wlilj

fftst moiintlflff piirchMM of ihc grealMl vnlue In Ihc world —

U. S. War Donda and S[nmp.V

Porset.Uial 10r» Jluff—mnke Itaor.i


T H A N 10% IN

u . s .N v a r b o n d s



Adam.i MuxlfCo.

Tlir Album AtrntK^rr'i

C. C. Atidrrv>n Co.

Tlie Atn*1sam«ffd Suf»r

nran <iroH«T»’ Warrhnu\f .AMociallon Jlfrllu Campliflri Slofo

niailut Cjflfrjr Dr. Waltarr nond Thp Bowladromr

Claiidp Rrotm Sliuic & Kumllurf Co. Milts J, Broirnlnr, Inr.

r ilr Furl Cn. ’CJo» Book Slorf,

ronllncnlal Oil Ct>,Drinrlirr Urrn.. Inc.

Diamond liardnarr <'n.. Duoia»Wamer Mtuic Slorr

Kalk’n. .Sflllnc Acrnli for Srar* Hofburk . t-'armfn Auto Inlrr-iltiDranrr Ktrhansd

FIdrllly National Rank Flr>t rrilrral SavlnV* A f.oan A'vnrt.iUop

Ford Traniftr

<tIobr Sffd it Vttil Co.

* *Val llcndrnon'i Idaho Darbrr and Rfiuty Simp

Home Lambrr Si Coal Co.Hooslfr Furniture Co.Howard Tractor Co. i

Iludion-Clark Slioe Store

Idaho n<partmrnt Store Idaho Frt Tnxlucrn Co-op A»»orlatlon

Idaho llldr & Tallnir Co.Idaho rafklne Co.Idaho Pourr Co.

Intermoiuitaln Seed A Fntl Co.

Klnnrj'* Wholraale Co. M. II. K Int Co.

Ktftijrln llardwar* Kailcr's Jetrelfr*

.''laccl Anio Co.. Mailr Vallry rrocesalnf Company

.MaUon IJfauty Salon The .Mayfair Shop

.McVry'f Implement A llardtrare .Stoart MorHion Tire Shop

Mounlaln Statr* Impleni(nl Company Harry . lulc^aTc’t Mcrchandlw Alart

.National Uundry & Dry Cleap'tri C. m NeUen. lee.

J. J. Newbfrry Co.

Orahcc Traniporlatlon Co.. Inr. The Orphfum and Idaho Tlieaten

Ostrander Lumber Co.

* *rarlfle Diamond'll na; Company

The I’arl* Co.Parbian Lanndrren Si Dry Cleancri

The rark Hotel

* * - . 'O. A G. Jeweler*

Reed'» Rlteway Ktore nichardun’s Ciranen & Uyen

Rovlea-Maek Co.

* *Safeiray Store*. Inc.

SaT-Mor Dmr Sawtooth Co.

Or. (iro. r. Scholrr. OptomrtriU Self Manofictnrint Co.

Sherwood Typewriter Exehanca

Sodrn Elftlrle Co.Shell on Co. II. J. Hblmri

Sterllnr Jrwrlry Co. Sumner Sand & Grarel Co.

Dert A. Sweel & Son, Fumltnr*

* *Ceo. N. Taylor, Naluropath

Tlme»-Sew»Trinidad Rean 4; Elevator Co.

Twin Falls Dank t Truil Company Twin FftUa .Mortnaty Twin Falla Motor Co.

Twin Falls Motor Tranill Co.

Unton Motor Co.