■( - •: ~ t l r s t Sectic THE V O L . 1 0 ...N O . 273, IIITO filllSM — Wf.ian-SirikM,at-Uaflllj.lll Nations and “ Army ol Snoop- ........ers and Spies,” That SwariT Over Land; Wanls Honssty, ________ (By Tlic Aiuoclaled PrcMl ------ ^ ------BEOTBU Feb.- 23-Scllini oinw i fires or Uic prfsldcntUI campoiKn |r lhe fourth Mate In as niaiiy days Sttmlor Jamw A.- Reed. Mljwurl. lo- " niKbt pul his ptn for & "unllKl am: niililftnt dmocracy” Iwtore a huge ikUdl*i»ce-ln- -iho .Oenver.-clly-fludl; torlum; ' ' Tlw MbiMurl-preAldrnllal cftiidlilaK imewed hU warfure on "corwpllor und Washington" *nd called' Ior 1 ot honesty W .ttie government," bul lu nlM ttrrtck oui at the LMgue~Q[ Na- lions and Uie “ army ot.snooptni anc TX- wjthoul rounlng” tho ‘'iuinweMor; ______ ta he trforrfd. thf sen- ______ fttof rinelmml "th«» snoopers and >dIi^ 1 awKTn'over the land llVe"(Tie lice oi ESypt devouring the subsiancc ot thi people: prying into their private at- fairs and regulating their trade am .business. , "What wonder lhat the averagi man.” he continued. "Iua come (o re Hard lho law ns «v sword ot oppressioi ; rather than, a shield of protection Saslcly many of these regulatory stat ---------- DtH-WFTnutioren-Tsr-vieionrwciusi i^'^'do'^^'^ej^Uallvc ntacl - ment that whlcH^* belongs to thi -- _JMOO)S. tftf Church nnd tnc nomc Wf tall becau«"a“ coristEbir-tSfin(» take the place of a minister or of i priest, neither-can the coercions of i pollco njatron be substituted for thi pyecepta^ ‘ -Vl 1 1 It -Ult« tt or not. the cold tact Is thn no people wUI obey a lav thcy-do no Jl rwpect.-And,J50 law. cnn.be.cnTor^w I by officers, which Is not in the vas n jo r ity ot Insuncei valunUrily obey cd-^nnd entorced by tho people." «ver?uiV he te irit tiie^Wg oU officers to enfarec tha iJhlch they-taXc oolh-lo-cnfofWMUi m kW i are to be law asWe, ••cfwy m w NatlOM>hIch the Mi:wurl^i help« to defeatMn the senale. he dectarei ______ "ihMewho sought to aublUh th League o f WnUons"sought to Wt-up i (Coptlnued~on Page Two) -; TOLUM Pl[ “ Lone Eagle" and Major Lan phler Meet With Slight Mis hap; Meet With“ Edsel Ford Charles A. Lindbergh and his trlent Major Thomas O. Unphler of Self ---------- rldgo-flctd..meUwlth-tt..slKht.mlsha todar when tog lanei Uwm Jo Tan in'a field lo-mlles from the Ford air port. Accompanied by four St. Loul ( business men In three other plane the Auty took off trom~S4irrldie fleli shortly before noon to fly to tlte air port The planes of Colonel Llndbfrg j.wpV.1... hrraiiftit I . w t h Without ScrtoiM damage and lut loday were returned to-the army ba*< PnrpoH of V U l Secrrt Tbe purpose df Colonel Undbergh visit here remained as muclt a niy: tery today as when he landed at tli air base yesterday trom 8U Louis. ' The party which Included Majc WUllam B. Robertson. Harold M. Bry aat, pmldent ot Uie 81. Louis Ohom bcr o t Commerce. D. P. Mshone; builder ot Uie Spirit of St. Louis,.sn -----------H*nT-jr-Kni*htr-4«ld«lt-0f-«»-8 -----------undr-mylur-clubrTrent-lnlo-eonfei «we with Edsel Pord. president of Ui Toni Motor company, ond William I Mayo, chief engineer o( -Uie compan; A report thnt ^lans are under wa for the constniction of n pUne earn -- Mr. Mayo cdacenud (ucli conitrucUoi was emphatically denied bv Ford otf clali.' EDSSTliOWEDIO JiMLSni! IMPERIAL. Callt:. Peb. 23 « > )-« giant monoplane Albattoss, attcmp —’-------tef-a-worldVendurancotraooftfr-wi forced down near here.:t«ilght.«tft being in Ute air 10 hour* M nlnuu Chief KJoC Chartes RddwrlUe. Ti attempt today wa? Uie UUrd_t^e \ < Uie •vUton. The first .flight »< ,tennmat«d after a tew mlnuies to iX •’ oir wtun Uw.pUoU discovered that I ihe.Utooff ono of U» gss t*nta-hi bunt «ad MsoUne streaming Iro Uw b o ttm of Uie plane. 1119 oeeoB -■------ ^ n iriA tM g i -^hcn'^mfroC-tlrtmotcts-ovi in Uie' air. ; LBABnn WIHR NtKStnER OP _______ A8H0curi;i) I'liKM _____________ •, iK in g of England H as' Trouhle W ith Radio L -radio srt fn Buckingham palace. L A day or two ago whife vlslllng r .ihe..Brlllsh..lnduitrles fair, his mejesty lold-ot the dlfflcultiw In - -cetUnr-Paria or -BctUn..on^hl>_. Qf r^lo . "the London siatloa Ulllng "Today while iMpecUng the Blr- JP* mimtham kction of the British . Industries fair, he made lnqulrle« rm about'jiome electric stove. Tlicn ■ he remarked: ........ 7 ~' ;tv ’ 1 wW i - l had . one .of these in ' m>- room at Buckingham palace. The room is very smoky." alluding to the smoky open flreplaec. iwelora C sraaB late r" - Jon ' [to Committee Decides'16 of Wll* Na- bur’s Recommended 7.1 Ves- and ^sels-StialUBe-Construoted. iCQi _ ! _________________ ' —WAaHINQ T0tfrPetr-a -(ffV-61tntli- Ing Secretary WUbur’s, recommenda- • r . Uons for 71 warships, the house naval •nd comnUtte« decided today to authorise . the,constructbn bt 10 sltlps, one of -ig- them-an alrcrafi carrier, and Uie re- re. malnder cruisers of the I0i)0a*lon jjon class. I t turned Ummbs down on'new lon. submarines. tnt-1 Th li -action.- taken at -n proiractcd lUSP ^eciiUvti uwlon, wus dCTrtbed bj the Inal yynerkan nrotxwul to the uaiiic- mc. cessJurOeneva amu contercnce. nVnBurHi>rO}f*rTnrr55mlttee-t<: 'I K approve a buUdlng program ol '> ^ erulsera, tlve a l r c ^ t carriers, nint tno desroyer. leaden, and 32 submarined represonUng Uie> program as havltm i:__ nt I>f— lhat ••w ill itiniitrfi mioooooo I^ tln - e^Umat^ the eommltlee'! PT08tmra-would:^eost_l2TtO»,OW ,ix.. coi9pared-wm»414<W>00.000 to r Ute ad- mlnlstrallon-a pltn. boUi figures es- eluding Uie incnase 'ln alraatt niu *3 . WfUifliigi 'iflr wiii6B~tnr''Hwmong S it esai. Tlie committee In relusing lo pro ^ S TWcToi*'sUbmfcrlnia turned n duoficai not only, 10 the naval secrelory, bui ^n.tntlr nrntnitihv nnt irrt The commluS” provldrt °Um't thi the (OmOnued on Pago Two) ~ §tecl{ Predicts Iowa ^ W lll'S u p p o rt-S m ith - A tfl« U 8ton-M«eting DBS MOINES, Iowa. Feb. 33 J,Pi yr United States Senator Don iT Sleek. Io n , precfJcletl ttist 7ow« nor Al SmlUi. New York, for the ■—^ —prealdtncyr~nt‘-the~natlonal een- ajk vention at Hotaton thU_summ tr^ lie rcaciied the conclusion, hc lie. said, after n carcful sunty ot the . _"Xtivorli« _ son’!_ KnUment_behind _ irH Bdwln'T. MeredlUi. fonner UnlUd " ^ t a le s secretary of agriculture, and otter a three-day confcrence with his party leaders from all parts ot nagl tJip nt^ u . _ . ________________ IliW H ll I INSPECT! IflP i rrgh _ t f i t:olone|-MrarMceonnelr*diub ant General, Announces Datci for^Various Units in Idaho ^ . BOIBE. Ftb. 23 M=)-PKle«I inipcc. am- Uon of Idaho NaUonal Guard-tinltj "nW' will be conducted during AprU. M. O , ^ McConnel. adjuunt general, ap jtminrivl t/viay Uie InspecUng officers named are: MaJ a B, or J. W. Schullz, Slxth.Englncen.'7or any. Lewis. lnsp«tor‘ for the UflUi fingl way neers: CapuUn Thomas B. Kencbna fn/' IM th Division, Balt Uke Ctty, tn »P«.tot_{5E_y»e 148UI Pleld .ArUllcry ^ and M^MxTnHld XRobinJonriimT .tcrey;_CftUfomiai_ln*pcclw_rorj_th y*}"- inthcavalry. inspeclions of the M8Ut Field Ar Ullery unlu wUi' bo heia- at Ootn 0 , A p ril. 1«. and' a t Coeur d'Alene, Aprl 18 nod IS.- Units of Uie lieUi &ng> ne«r» bo inspected AprU n an( 18 at Boise. AprU » at Buht, Apr! n c 30 at TwIa.Falls, AprU 21 st Klmberb ll|l and AprU 33 at lUgby. Trqops of U i< liath^cavalrv-wnr-suna-Inrowtlon ^ AprU i r i t O tw . April 19 at Poca -«ie teUo,. Aprtl 30 at-Ooodlng. AprU 3 npt. and 33 at Boli«. AprU 22 at Merldlar .was AprU-4« .a» Oaldwelli-AprU 38 a ffil4er..aijd,Apra4fl-.ai_Wei«r...__ ^ FAlUJUfENT MAKES UHTORY VIOTORIA. B. 0; M j. a MV The legiiU tim -of BrlUab Oolumblj aule *hat U laU to be BrlUih par U»m«»taiy hUtbrj ^ «a dt^:lta.p|M lB |B uUdtot^dl recttontof •-woman, speaker Bock maa aaked Mrs. EU«t SDtlUC atetbe TW IN.FALLS, II>A m iH E irD ii ' ' -------- -- sh Views on Issuer In Question lex tn; aire on Prohibition Sent On by Senator William El Bora! ng _____ . <By Tlic'A.woclati'il I’rc;." ;---------WAsmwOTOrf,— — 3=ltnbc1 Hoovrr b opiwscd Ki rcjxnl o( ill prohlbitlun amcndiiitnl and "tnvoi I'cfflcli'tit. vlHOtMiii ;uia sincere" cr IIA lorcpnii'iit ol riuirird to cart l i n out Kit i»irpi»r. fte fn-Is (tiu( uiu llu lA.flcrtnl pri-Aldriii mii^l. liiitli The etmiiicrcc srcrrttiry miilimti li! views today In Un- ri-iily to tlie qm-; 1^11^ liunnnlre on prohh>ltiuti. uhlcli 6cr , avowed caiidldutrs (or ih f llp|iiibllca '6S* iirexldcnllul namuuiitoii, ^ cuiuinunlculloti to it. ien.- iaaho-scnaiDr._Mr_Uao\-u:_ccn£ludi • with tht'. ob.--.Tvailuu: ^(|7 diiruiSifa*^Su^«x^^ lavol ^’‘Pcriinviii. nobU- In niullvr and li ri-ucliUiK ill purpiuo. It niuil I f gf worked out co:i»tructivolyJL . re. Tlte cablnct jiieiiibiT's li-itcr coini j.«,n lilted Ills first public i-xpresaloii on -n.„. (wlltlcal nubjecl hlnci- Ills ciury a for niKlit nKo l i i ^ l l i r Ohio Rcptiblicu ,, iirlmnrtfs. K liroiii;li: from S«-iiaio WillLi. Ohio, WlU). will^ iimtch MrHim ' ’V i llun. the quick romtiii-m. that hc w: wllllnK-i(h4iiivt>~nU-c<!ply-Ui-Scuul B«n«Jr.i qut-ry fun.'-Jderrt!- KlwifiiJi »-lo -tlrot-of-Mr-Hoover,----- ---------------- I W , - Willi* An-wcrx Query nine - ^ i r . w iiiH , some Uuy.i ago. advLi< rincd. Scnutcr lloruh. in rospciun- ta tl icontlnued ofePogejrwo). rsHGllpliOSS g jfllilB L M L J U ll Mi»8 Margaret Bartlett, but . First Young- Woman to Cot _gi».-i T>lftfi»-,Trip: Plans to Rctur ' OAKDAND. calif,. Pcb. 2a (,Vi-M Mamarel Cartlcit. Reno. Ncviufii, i ____ rlvcd nt the Oakklnnd nlrport iit 1. P. M. today In 'nfi’nlr mail plane fn Hadley field. New York. U----------Hnnini ^nld Khe uailtril I ;* only io"be lhe first woiiiiiino -<M)roB»-ttM«-4>w>Hw m t—lt» -iiu- a lr- i u plane, bul wanted to make the trip ,,n, 31 hours, elapsed time. Iir an elt to do llils, she would make tlie reti wn irip lo NeV .York. sUrtlng wltliln days. Tliirty-aite hour* b non: ff,._[.ilmu ,tor, ulr,mall trim licir.Tfn N Vork and Oakland. ler. I he I ihe mnnnnqa ^PWRP \PPP tJU- 1 iV fjrO ij . D-AHO, FRIDAY MORNING, V~~ ' ' ' I , _ fi [Craze for Boyish ~ .n I . F ig u re Is Cause cruxi- for a MyWt liniir, conirlveil jljli. fonuitlmiH actual ■■turvuilfln," ill U llm.caujc ot many-iUM-'- < j I tubrr- * • ciihi-'a.s' nipiing u-oiiici; und nirb. ------------ -the'Siiniiiai—Nfw->Vu;it lleultJi-cwi*_ I- ttreiicc-jx'aa-tuld. tuclay.-by-Marj ll]ne's!' ~^CT^riTflfinit~ir;^TnTr-tHTarr=— ition* llltih -schcol gln^ :ui vK-tims i.I till’ in-,msc In lu. ;;ri'ui nuiuiiirs t Out mix luw ili-cllnnl UIIU.IIV ullii-r m;i' ;orah. :7 s F iB G «f«fr 'tavori ____ 'i iiTscmEia irti Ills . - , : qm-;.. in c r c a s c - in ^m nsportation I 6cn- 10 all Rn W ilh. iibllcan' stood by Livestock industry. :J s:____J- tfANSAS CfTS-, Frb. Zi hi- IV :in_llvfsjock^tf.-i.jH .Mir, nvo. onoinlc 1^ ^ by koulhweslcrii rutlriuds would be a bloiy. the Industry could -nut J«t be E. Ij, Jordan. Chiyi-nnc. prwl- , UenU of the Wyomlii,( CnlUc. HstM'rj' coiini-^ ni..K;clnilon. tcstlflod hiTi- twluy nl the I liitrratntc commercc ii.iiiim\'Um hi-nr- itiuc bi-lng hcW tolli-iirniiiu' wlu-lhiT nwi'or*''''^’ inercaj;.- is jiiMillcd. ' irHimli in pxplalnlng^wli'Mlu- e i- ----------- ^-4 ■— itualor bu>incss l» not on .u nouiid basis und wifiiJdf ll would,tnkc M ytffs ror'iri>>‘r«ain ______ luirmdlcy providing prc.-wiil prlc«r. pre. \aiFa‘iia"tlinrTller<4'I--:-ncrinrri’nw'tn advLii-d rales. t**- tin- Preceding M r. Jordiin's icstlinciiy, E. ) • J L Oordon, Houston. TfNU\ u.wLitoiii ^rncrW-frelght-agsnt foc-Uux-acuihcm rififi Paciric- linos, testified ai Itiisth -for SS U f carriers, 4Ie »»'‘l tl'c rallruads In UlJtJ. cerialn »ectlons were liaulliiR catlle ui T iiT F o-ltiT. -MrrOcrdon-pieMiilwl a-val. II HML umlnous mass ot stiitlstlcal ilnla lo -LHHL|»ui>imn I1I.S tertlmcTiy. .■ ! --------------- “o„„l“iI5ai-ly M orning Fire eiurn. 1 Routes Out Guests of , , - , 11,, llo tc l- iiv- & u lvw t »4i ' GALVESTON. TcWU. H'TWUi- moril' -;*L l,,B,_tfc-b.-2i-(/l»l—Flrc-*'lilclLJ)llgln«: ne Irom elevator shaft of the Roya hotel shorlly before midnWit. rouicc led nol hotel Kuests from thetr Voonu Into i “ l~ n r“cnO“n«ht-nnd-for'a-^ime-ilii^l«ii« ,tr ,.'.'11 .i.M,,r..rtinn of ilip. n/»ven.stnrv bnd • trip in building. At tWS this morning Uv n ellori flro was still burning fiercely on th c relurn rcof and seventh floor, bm Ilremii Ithln 10 Had checked iw progress and apiiar »orj»n} cjiily Jwd it under control. w»tfl cntiM» of the blase had nol been dc THE RETURN OF THE PffffURIi ^ ■/ i]i3 -— }W _ /T ^ lr r' iim Uft-m -Tm N -m LLS VOI ; D A U 1NG;FEBRUAR.Y 24, li)28. □MTilsiEsr -Iveil * ■ , |rt™ » Jari j.'. . ' ' ■".'’T .r m ___ _ L '. ’^|pfeiii5tnrrrmirpr7i-smt-wii Again-'Veto McNary:Haug cn Measure Comes From Sev eral Sources In Lower House n I iBy Ttie Assficialcd I’rw-si n- -:t -■■WAa it'm o T O K rrriij. a ~ A pictiie u tUm that Prcsldriii Coolldne ukiIi would veto the McNury-llniiKeii equal n r n l<^iUon fer farm rt-Iief bill cnme lodii Srn Mvcral Miurco in the house. w L il' At the same <lriii- Cliulmian Huuko ^ ol the agrlcullure rommlllee. %ald Uio ation I>''rt the mrasiir«-: llr added ihnl h expected the leiiKthy commute.- lim t j\/i}h. iiiita to bv fonchidnl by the end c ,.»«y lowing Inimedlai.ely,- Anoihcr mcihiKl of a.vMstliiK th ____ oHrlniillu m l IndlKtiy wiu -advancc In a 6111 Introduced koday oy jtcpA ^ii l»- .Mtnntlvp Conaltv, Democrat. Texa . nvo- based on the cxjiMi “c'orporauim an ■ r ^ i-si>orf"aei>eiu iin ‘~ i'mrin a iP iH)m'U b d -llul ‘Nallonal OrauKP. ' In an accom iireni. panyliig sUleniciit. the Texan dt litM-rj' '•■1 ‘H'ed the e<iualliutlon lee was "hopt nt ttie !«■« “ "*1 p®** i.i.«r known th n l It cannot bi-coine n law. lu'ihiT simply to play poUttc.i with the fnnr , rr," Hc e*pres.Hetl ilie opinion Uu the prcsldcnl would veto a bill coi <'k 111- tiilnlng It. •upo.idj cummlUcc 11041*1112. -syaHI I ^e^n...Mliincai»lla.-Pri:|ild^ the propos^ MOO.OOO.OOO revolvli: ciiy, E. tund. instead ot ll bclni! borne wholl aLitoiit by, the government. , uilicnLl_________- I ______ s:«EII[lllllSt.LIB •■TWimillltlli Employe Arouses Quests I - Hotel, Then Juups-toJ)cal 5 of From Third Story Windov li. ^ b . iiliv ^ men wert.* klUed or faUlIy Injured ai • morn- a dosen or morc persons hurt todi ilglnst- ln_n_*lrejhat_dcsl«yed the most lr ; Royal poriuni buaincaa block here. Tlie lc routed u esllmuteil nt around $500,000. into a Tlic dead: rnleiieil4—Dr.—J— HcndcTMHwChailQltcL— V bnck IH. CannScliael, Charlotte, and Hen m7 ihc i Kerr, an cliiiiioyc ur-xiiin io tei. —T on the idled, a-jvi-ral hours after the fire w Ilremin dlst-overcd. of Injuries rccclved wh npiiar- he endctvorcd lo arouse tlio gue: and In u jump from a third sic ■een dc- window uficr the flames had cul ( T=. ..‘llli, rLaiML--'.:" s m t ~ ^ ^— —REOV~^^—^ 'O llN T V ....................... Pj LY“ NI S ~ Itiillans Find Tomb 1 26 Centuries O ld ; i J‘ ......i>io.(f[fi.*W! ' i u i!i'',''w r it ; ; ^ ■ >,#» ' K-i'L-n'afi lomb-JO ct-ntui.;.-.-: oUl' ! I JUI.V been di':cov'rr,ed tn“ l l i c ' luiiis “ ljy ; ol :lu- nncleni'Uty of I'opuluiiiii. j ; nnr ul (hu (iWcst and rlcll(■^l o( j'-n if’ hb[or:c‘Biniscan‘v;iiir:riiiit: ..... ; ^ T lfi— tn^'flr-thr-tomlrwcrc-fQlinct-toTir-' ...u htilm.tl-coito lnlna-UiL ii-in;i',ii— . ' 1)1 kclctonk und moil ImiHiriiiiit aug*; 0U]t-.".s such as nuld llbulu or . 1 brooclK.s, larne wroiinlii tuilriiliia, bev- cairliiKh ulld rlnRsrr«me ii( ivhlcti. lire of aold wltti dotoriitlotw tvim'- DUSG t srntuiK ilreiK .and triton:., uud ’ •* - iiuinv cn.wi of knixes. diiKRcr^ ini I s|irar< ulso were found tn iidili. I lion to a number of diliia cbjic!'. ilM ffilitiir i=JEIlHU» Mii>-, ml hp| -------- m " i ' Kansan Declares Agriculture's i Standard ol Livinq Must Bc « Itiej ‘ ITcpi^-; --------- r—^ TrKa.-<,, _______________ ___________________ J. L S y .i „.Nt;W. .VomC,-£ih ■■»1.i,j-M..Amfrm _c-_,V IIIU«» bring Uie farmer^ standard of ,, (],. living up to Its general level or lhe hoiM-. alandard of the bwl of this country’s , I, I, resldenU will be drbggcd ,down lo Uiat law t< farmer. Senator A^Uiur Capper, riirtn. Republican. Kansas. toiilKht told’(he i Umt American Country Life as.wlallon. I coii-t It the" economic preiuucu which has I driven iiitlilons from the farms Li not juflii-.ii-^fedueed. **elllcs 'W lll- soon—*bi- ovn-* (,(I and. there wUI be widespread tirui'd i ^oinmrmm the iwcittictn aniu- laiigen' ''‘•«“ry-of-Uw-appolnUncut_ot^^ „i,„™ i (Roosevell oommlsslon •on country life, ill of-i-He-wamea-iwtrAinfWca-musniBnjp rolvinu <^oiiie dependent on others for food; wholly *'«'■ "'hat way lies Uie disaster which has ov^aken virtually oU of Uie na> tlcns of Europe." =n------ r ---------i i a i a ~ t r i i r ii a - | i a . ^ .. ‘S "Tlie farm relief pro>ratn tiqw being ■U consldptvd at Washington.'^ l e said, riD C U« gwernrneift. aSuhelwmer.tn*a& duiiw. B ^ re agriculture cun'comi ;S in back to nomul. it must be able tc control the marketing of Its product ueavn. imnujr“ <}ort:*rvr'»>Js naow ; cooperatlcn U essential." nf • ed and farmeni «l_A!]}erlca. for jnore Jhar MMin- (ConUnued on iSge Two) Dempsey Is Honorary uc:_ h J—M erabcr-o£-Cong«ss-. ijiiS - — Of-rM«xican-R^ubll( Ire was -------- 1 while TUCSON, Arlz.. Feb. 33 '(/Pi— gucsu Jack Dempsey Is an honomry con> 1 slor& grutmaii of Mcxlco and has Joln- tul of? ed with, Oeneral Obregou and -. . . •• tlie'explollaticn of farming lands ^ —hy.Uii»-iiOuUwn-.r<i|Uihllf, :thi~for- ’ ______^_nier-hcavywelght cliamplon of the’ r world lold triciianiefij wjiue en ______ route lo Ills home in Los Angeles. , Dempsey, who displayed on his. coal lapel.- llie Insignia of a Mex- I Ico aUle.<>man. said Uint ho would I- ' - be-assoclatrd wlih-acneral-Obrc-: I - gon in the development of land In Mexico. » ,B lL f 8 81] .Formpr *‘Kinn of SOQtleooers’ Tells How He'Entered Int . Business of Handling Llquoi LIMA, Oliio. Feb. 23- r/I>>-OfOn . Remus laid bare his lltc story.lode when hc took the stand In Ibc heai Jng on a writ of habeas corpus. sec» ing Ii L h release from - tho slate hoi • ■. papers. .' . Remus was .sent here otter he lu been found not RUllty M the-murd ot Ills wlte. ImogeiiL-. lu Cincinnati, ( llie grounds of insanity. ' Dl an even, unruffled Uiti _______Remus-told-liow. as ii young-man.-l purchased a drutr store In Chlcaii sold It and Invested the money Chicago real esUie which later nett< * , ,hU a profit of 818,000. How he thi practiced law and acfeoded IS mu derers in one year, buc gave thnt i and cbmmencR] defending booUegge: finally entering thnt buslneas himsc Denies Quick Temper Tbe slat<^ continually- sought clldHrom hlm-admli»lon=lhat-hfr-h , a quick temper and was often uivolv In coun acUons. .Ho admitted bel olted.. bul excused hlm K lf on .1 ---------- groumLUi*iJai.ia.Mincllmd.^W to argue wlUi courts and Jtinea,*' a . . heidenled.the'-QUlek .temper.teiUfI to In, letters u-rtttw abpiit. him , 3|~ by Uw->iat«, n .When Walter’ s . BU>ba!d,-aMls(i N: meccutor, aiked bin. If . ha-btiin y ,' . CnMU MM. Rmus.repUiMlivV.N: tt '*a>lrwUx or tndirwtty'rtiun.U’ trie* o flm alty^ makebp.', ________ . •■i'-" I .... ..............^n r-r~ _____ ; F irs t'S e g fe io n '^ PRICE .5 CENTS. ; i W M Tllir ''~^Tom Bridges ahTjoTsHl'ers in Twin Falls Jail in Con- j ncotion With Shooting :ol- J ! ThrcE Creek Uistnct Ranchers . I Siory' of nn unprovoked ^looUiijt — flrom- BmbtMh-thftt-«ort-4h»4l«««-o{----- ' Cliiylon t'ntfick. 3£l. and Kiiner LiH l-'" ■' Umi'. 02, T lirrc Creek ranchmen, was I loU bv Ludluwe i.lionly before hLi ._idi'H lh lale WcdnCf.day nlglit. at the I P Ii’atrlck ranch on Dig ^lai crrek n « r n 'Tlire-' Crwk In Owvhee county, m —-^'pm-BrWtrw, - OOr-for»miin^and-Joe— .SHlers. -JO. finploye on the Fred J.' . I Wallers ranch on Clierry Creek, about . 1. , fcur nillen souUieast of lhe Patrick ” 5,1auch. were nami-d by the dying man P ! us Ih r »UooU-i's m illHUU.Il. -------------------- DC’ Two Men Arrested , ! UrldKcs .and Sellers, arrested cnrly . >Cl.-T h u rMii>v__iuornlng_bi’_.T*U^FallS:.._ rounly I tsh e r i r t r a t me WftUers .Jrniu'li -..,1.1 todned liuc night fn the .. ,ip, •cuuiilv jnil here, did not deny Ulc ihplLudlowc had been' the aggreaors.'— rv’. Under questioning, otflcen here said. . J?.? Bridges and Sellers offered no-ex— /■ .... planullon for tliclr-havlng been on the ' Patrick mnch when the fatal shool- llPK occurred late Wednesday after-- I noon, nor did they Indicate any ex- I plaiiatlon for the iraglc cncountcr. ; InvesUitatlon did dLsclose that the . uuner or the WMtcfrytncHM ia pur-— ", twere M ng t ^ on me Painca ranERT lime last winter on Uie PaWck i^neb. , -: - ■■>-^tyhi . uch BrWiet and .8elleii..p«bably-wUl; be held to answer to llrR degree mur- . ■der slngity shertlf.-devotad Thunw * io.la-, al^vciUg^on at omo -Patrick'waa sboMwlbeaitU; A ;lar|o- ! to eallbre rin6, ono bullet passing (hrouth' ucl:iiboth less near the knee and-another »>W fskini e/f^Tn'ihertick. -JIc :dicdr_. -he- Ui han -Ludlowo received almost the enUro charge of a sliotgun shell full In the iface. and lived for nearly eight liours. . , (Continued on'Pago .Two) r.lMDljeii6*= r ICOILREIMBES d" ; | - he- I ___________ _____. - '"~|~erica~Get Chance“ lb Pre- S -sent-ThclrSi(ie-of-Dlspule;- iitf _____ ;.p,. - 1-------------------- --- •• --------------------------- in pfTTSBUROH. Pa. Feb. 33 «*>- The .United Mine Workers ot AmCTca were-givt n ' iBe Tim t nuiee ta pH« ) sent their iJdo of Uie wage dispute of iBlneri and Wtumlnwi».--opeiata»- in . - this field when ihe-nib-commlttM Of^- iPY rntUM'«^y"«S>Mied i S iw ' in I conditions In m lnlni camps. The committee, consisting ot Sena-.' ton Ooodlng,..chairman: PlnA Okla. homa: Wagner, New York, and Wheel- »rs!* tr-. MonUna, arrived In Plttrtu^h 7777 iind went into uuon unmedlal^. Into one of their fln t acu was u> deny lhe. request of J. D, A. Morrow, presl-, uor. dent ot U>e Pittsburgh Coil company, aiid'Horace P. Baker, president of the PlitsburKh Terminal Coal company. M ntf Uie field'i two largest openUng con* , ^ v cems, when the offlctals iifced that X ' offlclais Of tho united Mine Wdrkew b«- prohlbltea from entering Ui#lr. hoj- proptny, which U-TforkBd gn a .non* , Chalman, Ooodlng, In a itatement, >,'.H Issued following a conferenft' with urder 1^6 . opcraUjTi, -Slid UlC. ."commltteo-, M »n could not agrer to Uils," becauW' It “■ ■■ fell a full Inquiry could not be made I-' without having representJiUvesjit .Uie _ u ' »»!«" BjntTy yttn thorn, ' ' ' -------(l;il When tho committee set out for a ly hi tour of mining vlliagea, Ua announce^ ietted tconUnued on Paj# Two).^ . - S tilO H jlM ln n; Tillsl i H i* being AMARItXO, Teas. 1 .Uie 11)0 body oC Ita . IjmaD OIvtoa S ^,; UtrSoHfflMSSBS^^® is ’SO

O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

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Page 1: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

■( - •: ~ t lr s t Sectic

THEV O L . 1 0 . . . N O . 2 7 3 ,

IIITO filllS M— Wf.ian-SirikM,at-Uaflllj.lll

Nations and “ Army ol Snoop-........ers and Spies,” That SwariT

Over Land; Wanls Honssty,

________ (By Tlic Aiuoclaled PrcMl------ ------BEOTBU Feb.- 2 3 -S c llin i o in w i

fires or Uic prfsldcntUI campoiKn |r lhe fourth Mate In as niaiiy days Sttmlor Jamw A.- Reed. M ljwurl. lo-

" niKbt pul his p tn fo r & "unllK l am: niililftn t dmocracy” Iwtore a huge

— ikUdl*i»ce-ln- -iho .Oenver.-clly-fludl; torlum; ' '

T lw MbiMurl-preAldrnllal cftiidlilaK imewed hU warfure on "corwpllor und Washington" *nd called' Ior 1

ot honesty W .ttie government," bul lu nlM ttrrtck ou i a t the LMgue~Q[ Na- lions and Uie “ army ot.snooptni anc

T X - w jthou l rounlng” tho ‘ 'iuinweMor;______ ta he trfo rrfd . th f sen-______ fttof rinelmml "th«» snoopers and >dI i1 awKTn'over the land llVe"(Tie lice oi

ESypt devouring the subsiancc ot thi people: prying in to their private at-

• fairs and regulating their trade am .business. ,

"W hat wonder lhat the averagi man.” he continued. "Iua come (o re Hard lho law ns «v sword ot oppressioi

; rather than, a shield of protection Saslcly many of these regulatory stat

----------DtH-W FTnutioren-Tsr-vie ionrwciusi

i^ '^ 'd o '^ ^ '^ e j^ U a llv c ntacl - ment that whlcH^* belongs to thi

- - _JMOO)S. tf t f Church nnd tnc nomc W f ta ll becau«"a“ coristEbir-tSfin(» take the place of a minister or of i priest, neither-can the coercions of i pollco njatron be substituted for thi pyecepta ‘ -Vl 1 1 It

-U lt« t t or not. the cold tact Is thn no people wUI obey a la v thcy-do no

Jl rwpect.-And,J50 law. cnn.be.cnTor^w I by officers, which Is not in the vas n j o r i t y ot Insuncei valunUrily obey

cd-^nnd entorced by tho people."

« ve r?u iV he t e i r i t tiie^W g oU officers to enfarec tha

iJhlch they-taXc oolh-lo-cnfofWMUi m kW i are to be law asWe, ••cfwy m w

NatlOM >hIch the M i:w u rl^ i help« to defeatMn the senale. he dectarei

______ "ih M e w h o sought to aub lU h thLeague o f WnUons"sought to Wt-up i

(Coptlnued~on Page Two)

-; TOLUM Pl[“ Lone Eagle" and Major Lan

phler Meet With Slight Mis hap; Meet With“ Edsel Ford

Charles A. Lindbergh and his trlent Major Thomas O. Unphler of Self

---------- rldgo-flctd..meUwlth-tt..slKht.mlshatodar when tog lanei Uwm Jo Tan in 'a field lo-m lles from the Ford air port. Accompanied by four St. Loul

( business men In three other plane the A u ty took o ff trom~S4irrldie fleli shortly before noon to fly to tlte air port

The planes of Colonel Llndbfrgj.wpV.1... hrraiiftit I

. w t h Without ScrtoiM damage and lut loday were returned to-the army ba*<

PnrpoH of V U l Secrrt Tbe purpose d f Colonel Undbergh

visit here remained as muclt a niy: tery today as when he landed at tli a ir base yesterday trom 8U Louis. '

The party which Included Majc WUllam B. Robertson. Harold M. Bry aat, pm ldent ot Uie 81. Louis Ohom bcr o t Commerce. D. P. Mshone; builder ot Uie Sp irit of St. Louis,.sn

-----------H *n T - jr-K n i*h tr -4 « ld « lt-0 f-« » -8-----------undr-m ylur-c lubrTrent-ln lo-eonfe i

«we w ith Edsel Pord. president of Ui Toni Motor company, ond William I Mayo, chief engineer o( -Uie compan;

A report th n t ^lans are under wa for the constniction of n pUne earn

- -

Mr. Mayo cdacenud (ucli conitrucUoi was emphatically denied bv Ford otf clali.'


IMPERIAL. Callt:. Peb. 23 « > ) -« giant monoplane Albattoss, attcmp

— ’-------tef-a-worldVendurancotraooftfr-wiforced down near here.:t«ilght.«tft being in Ute air 10 hour* M n ln uu

Chief KJoC Chartes RddwrlUe. T i attempt today wa? Uie U U rd _t^e \

< Uie •vU ton. The first .flight »< ,tennmat«d after a tew mlnuies to iX • ’ oir w tun Uw.pUoU discovered that I ihe .U too ff ono o f U» gss t*n ta -h i bu n t «ad MsoUne streaming Iro Uw b o ttm o f Uie plane. 1119 oeeoB

-■------^ n ir iA tM g i -^hcn'^mfroC-tlrtmotcts-ovi■ ■ in Uie' air. ;

LBABnn WIHR NtKStnER OP _______ A 8 H 0 cu ri; i ) I 'liK M _____________

• , i K i n g o f E n g l a n d H a s ' T r o u h l e W i t h R a d i o

L -radio srt fn Buckingham palace.L A day or two ago whife vlslllng r .ih e ..B rlllsh .. ln d u itr le s fair, his

mejesty lo ld-ot the d lff lcu ltiw In -— -c e tU n r-P a ria or -BctUn..on^hl>_. Qf r ^ lo . "th e London siatloa Ulllng

"Today while iMpecUng the Blr- JP* mimtham kc tion of the British

. Industries fa ir, he made lnqulrle« rm about'jiome electric stove. Tlicn ■

he remarked: ........ 7 ~';tv ’ 1 wWi - l had . one .of these in

' m>- room a t Buckingham palace. The room is very smoky." alluding to the smoky open flreplaec.

iw e lo raC s r a a Blate r " -Jon ' ■

[ t o C o m m itte e D e c id e s '1 6 o f W ll*

Na- b u r ’ s R ecom m ended 7.1 Ves-and

^ s e ls - S t ia lU B e - C o n s t r u o te d .

iCQi _ ! _________________ '—WAaHINQ T 0 tfrPetr-a -(f fV-61tntli- Ing Secretary WUbur’s, recommenda-

• r . Uons fo r 71 warships, the house naval •nd comnUtte« decided today to authorise

. the,constructbn bt 10 sltlps, one of -ig - them -an a lrcrafi carrier, and Uie re- re. malnder cruisers of the I0i)0a*lon

jjon class. I t turned Ummbs down on'new lon. submarines.tn t-1 Th l i -action.- taken at -n proiractcd lUSP ^ec iiU vti uw lon, wus dCTrtbed bj

the Inal yynerkan nrotxwul to the uaiiic- m c. cessJurOeneva am u contercnce.

nV n B u rH i> rO }f*rT n rr5 5 m ltte e -t< : 'I K approve a buUdlng program ol '> ^ erulsera, tlve a l r c ^ t carriers, nint tno desroyer. leaden, and 32 submarined

represonUng Uie> program as havltmi:__ nt I>f—lhat • •w ill itin iitr fi m ioooooo

I ^ t ln - e^Umat^ the eommltlee'! PT08tmra-would:^eost_l2TtO»,OW ,ix.. coi9pared-wm»414<W>00.000 tor Ute ad- mlnlstrallon-a pltn . boUi figures es- eluding Uie incnase ' ln a lraa tt niu

*3 . W fU ifliig i ' i f l r w iii6B~ tnr''H w m ong S i t esai.

T lie committee In relusing lo pro ^ S TWcToi*'sUbmfcrlnia turned n duoficai

not only, 10 the naval secrelory, bui ^ n . tn t l r nrn tn itihv nnt

i r r t The com m luS” provldrt °Um't t hi the (OmOnued on Pago Two)

~ § t e c l { P r e d i c t s I o w a

^ W l l l ' S u p p o r t - S m i t h - — A t f l « U 8 t o n - M « e t in g

DBS MOINES, Iowa. Feb. 33 J,Pi y r United States Senator Don i T Sleek. Ion, precfJcletl ttis t 7ow«

nor A l SmlUi. New York, for the ■— ^ —prealdtncyr~nt‘-the~natlonal een- a j k vention at Hotaton thU_summ tr ^

l ie rcaciied the conclusion, hc l ie . said, after n carcful sunty ot the

. _ "X tivorli« _ son’!_ KnUment_behind _ irH Bdw ln 'T . MeredlUi. fonner UnlUd " ^ t a le s secretary of agriculture, and

o tte r a three-day confcrence with his party leaders from all parts ot

nagl tJip nt^u . _ .________________

I liW H ll I INSPECT! IflPirrgh _ ■ ■

t f i t :o lo n e | - M r a r M c e o n n e lr * d iu b

a n t G e n e ra l, A nnounces D a tc i

fo r ^ V a r io u s U n its in Idaho

^ . BOIBE. Ftb. 23 M=)-PKle«I inipcc.am- Uon o f Idaho NaUonal Guard-tinltj "nW' w ill be conducted during AprU. M. O, ^ McConnel. ad juunt general, ap

jtm inriv l t/viayUie InspecUng officers named are: MaJ

a B, or J. W. Schullz, Slxth.Englncen.'7or any. Lewis. lnsp«tor‘ for the UflUi fingl way neers: CapuUn Thomas B. Kencbna fn / ' IM th Division, Balt U ke Ctty, tn

»P«.tot_{5E_y»e 148UI Pleld .ArUllcry ^ and M ^M xT n H ld XR obinJonriim T

.tcrey;_CftU fomiai_ln*pcclw_rorj_th y*}"- in th c a v a lry .

inspeclions of the M8Ut Field Ar Ullery un lu wUi' bo heia- at Ootn

0 , A p ril. 1«. and' a t Coeur d'Alene, Aprl 18 nod IS.- Units of Uie lieUi &ng> ne«r» bo inspected AprU n an( 18 a t Boise. AprU » at Buht, Apr!

n c 30 a t TwIa.Falls, AprU 21 s t Klmberb l l | l and AprU 33 a t lUgby. Trqops of Ui<

l ia t h ^ cava lrv-w nr-suna-In row tlon ^ AprU i r i t O tw . April 19 a t Poca -« ie teUo,. Aprtl 30 at-Ooodlng. AprU 3 n p t. and 33 a t Boli«. AprU 22 at Merldlar .was AprU -4 « .a» Oaldwelli-AprU 38 a

ffil4e r..a ijd ,A p ra 4 fl- .a i_W e i« r...__


The le g iiU tim -of BrlUab Oolumblj a u le *h a t U laU to be BrlU ih par U»m«»taiy hU tb rj ^ « a

d t ^ : l t a . p | M l B | B u U d to t ^ d l rectton tof •-wom an, speaker Bock maa aaked Mrs. EU«t SDtlUC atetbe

— .V — — 'L-Ji___ '.u— :— —

T W I N . F A L L S , I I > A

m iH E i r D i i' ' -------- --

sh Views on Issuer In Questionlextn; aire on Prohibition Sent On

by Senator William El Bora!ng _____

. <By Tlic'A.woclati'il I’ rc;.";---------WAsmwOTOrf,— — 3=ltnbc1

Hoovrr b opiwscd Ki rcjxnl o( ill prohlbitlun amcndiiitnl and "tnvoi

I'c fflc li'tit. vlHOtMiii ;uia sincere" cr I I A lorcpnii'iit ol riu irird to cartl i n out Kit i»irpi»r. fte fn-Is (tiu( uiu l l u lA .flc rtn l pri-Aldriii mii^l. liiitli

The etmiiicrcc srcrrttiry miilimti li! views today In Un- ri-iily to tlie qm-;

1 11 liunnnlre on prohh>ltiuti. uhlcli 6cr

, avowed caiidldutrs (or ih f llp|iiibllca '6S* iirexldcnllul namuuiitoii,

^ cuiuinunlculloti to it. ien.- iaaho-scnaiDr._Mr_Uao\-u:_ccn£ludi • w ith tht'. ob.--.Tvailuu:

^ ( |7 d i i r u iS ifa * ^ S u ^ « x ^ ^lavol ^’‘ Pcriinviii. nobU- In niullvr and li

ri-ucliUiK ill purpiuo. It n iu il I f gf worked out co:i»tructivolyJL . re. Tlte cablnct jiieiiibiT's li-itcr coini j.«,n lilted Ills first public i-xpresaloii on -n .„. (wlltlcal nubjecl hlnci- Ills ciury a for

niKlit nKo l i i ^ l l i r Ohio Rcptiblicu , , iirlmnrtfs. K liro iii;li: from S«-iiaio

WillLi. Ohio, WlU). will^ iimtch MrHim

' ’V i llun. the quick romtiii-m. that hc w: wllllnK-i(h4iiivt>~nU-c<!ply-Ui-Scuul B«n«Jr.i qut-ry fun.'-Jderrt!- KlwifiiJi

» - lo -tlrot-of-M r-Hoover,----- ----------------I W , - W illi* An-wcrx Query nine - ^ ir . w iiiH , some Uuy.i ago. advLi<

rincd. Scnutcr lloruh. in rospciun- ta tl icontlnued ofePogejrwo).

rsHGllpliOSSg j f l l i lB L M L J U l l

M i»8 M a rg a re t B a rt le t t , but . F irs t Young- W o m a n to Cot

_gi».-i T>lftfi»-,Trip: P la n s to R ctur

' OAKDAND. calif,. Pcb. 2a (,Vi-M Mamarel Cartlcit. Reno. Ncviufii, i

____ rlvcd nt the Oakklnnd nlrport iit 1.P. M. today In 'n f i ’n lr mail plane fn Hadley field. New York.

U----------H nn in i ^nld Khe uailtril I;* only io"be lhe firs t w o iiiiiin o

-<M)roB»-ttM«-4>w>Hwmt—lt»-iiu-a lr- i u plane, bul wanted to make the trip

,,n, 31 hours, elapsed time. I i r an elt to do llils , she would make tlie reti

wn ir ip lo NeV .York. sUrtlng wltliln w« days. Tliirty-aite hour* b non: ff, ._ [.ilm u ,tor, u lr,m a ll tr im licir.Tfn N

Vork and Oakland.

ler. I he I ihe

m n n n n q a ^ P W R P \ P P PtJU- 1 iV f j r O i j .

D - A H O , F R I D A Y M O R N I N G ,V~~ ' ' ' I , _

f i [ C r a z e f o r B o y i s h ~ .n I . F i g u r e I s C a u s e

cruxi- for a M yW t lin i i r , conirlveil

j l j l i . fonuitlmiH actual ■■turvuilfln," i l l U llm.caujc ot many-iUM-'- <jI tubrr-* • ciihi-'a.s' nipiing u-oiiici; und nirb.------------ -the'Siiniiiai—Nfw->Vu;it lleultJi-cwi*_

• I- ttreiicc-jx'aa-tuld. tuclay.-by-Marjll]ne 's ! ' ~^C T^riT flfin it~ ir;^TnT r-tH Tarr=—

itio n * lllt ih -schcol gln^ :ui vK-tims i.I till’ in-,msc In lu. ;;ri'ui nuiuiiirs

t O ut mixluw ili-c llnn l UIIU.IIV ullii-r m;i'


: 7 s F i B G « f « f r'tavori ____

' i iiT s c m E iairti Ills . - ,: qm-;.. i n c r c a s c - in ^ m n s p o rta t io nI 6cn-

10 all Rn W ilh .iibllcan'

s to o d b y L ive s to ck ind us try .• • — • :J

s:____J - tfANSAS CfTS-, Frb. Zi hi-IV :in_llvfs jock^tf.-i.jH .M ir, nvo.onoinlc 1 ^ by koulhweslcrii rutlriuds would

be a bloiy. the Industry could -nut J«t be E. Ij, Jordan. Chiyi-nnc. prwl-

, UenU of the Wyomlii,( CnlUc. HstM'rj' coiini-^ ni..K;clnilon. tcstlflod hiTi- twluy nl the ‘ I liitrratntc commercc ii.iiiim\'Um hi-nr-

itiuc bi-lng hcW to lli- iirn iiiu ' wlu-lhiT nw i'o r*''''^ ’ inercaj;.- is jiiMillcd. 'irHim li in pxplalnlng^wli'M lu-

e i - -----------^ -4 — ■— •itualor bu>incss l» no t on .u nouiid basis und wifiiJdf l l would,tnkc M y tffs ror'iri>>‘r«a in______ luirmdlcy providing prc.-wiil prlc«r. pre.

\aiFa‘iia"tlinrTller<4'I--:-ncrinrri’nw 'tn advLii-d rales.t**- tin- Preceding M r. Jordiin's icstlinciiy, E. ) • J L Oordon, Houston. TfNU\ u.wLitoiii

• ^ rn crW -fre lgh t-a gsn t foc-Uux-acuihcm r if if i Paciric- linos, testified ai Itiisth -for

SS U f carriers, 4 Ie »»'‘l tl'c rallruads In UlJtJ. cerialn »ectlons were liaulliiR catlle uiT i iT F o-ltiT . -M rrO crdon-pieM iilw l a-val.II HML umlnous mass ot stiitlstlcal ilnla lo -LHHL|»ui>imn I1I.S tertlmcTiy. .■

! ■ — ---------------“ o „ „ l “ i I 5 a i - l y M o r n i n g F i r e e iu rn . 1 R o u t e s O u t G u e s t s o f

, , - , 11, , l l o t c l - i i v - & u l v w t »4i

' GALVESTON. TcWU. H'TWUi- moril' -;*L l,,B,_tfc-b.-2i-(/l»l—Flrc-*'lilclLJ)llgln«: ne Irom elevator shaft of the Roya

hotel shorlly before midnWit. rouicc led nol hotel Kuests from thetr Voonu Into i “ l ~ n r “cnO“ n « h t-n n d -fo r 'a -^ im e -ilii^ l« ii« ,tr ,.'.'11 .i.M,,r..rtinn of ilip . n/»ven.stnrv bnd• trip in building. A t tW S this morning Uv n ello ri flro was s till burning fiercely on th c relurn rcof and seventh floor, bm Ilremii Ithln 10 Had checked iw progress and apiiar»orj»n} c jiily Jwd i t under control.

w»tfl cntiM» of the blase had nol been dc


^ ■ / i ] i 3 - —

}W _ ■ / T ^ l r r '

i i m

U f t - m - T m N - m L L S V O I

; DAU1 N G ; F E B R U A R . Y 2 4 , l i ) 2 8 .

□ M T i ls iE s r-Iveil * ■ ,

| r t ™ »Jari j.'. . ' ' ■".'’T . r m ___ _ L ' .’ |pfeiii5tnrrrmirpr7i-smt-wii

Again-'Veto McNary:Haug cn Measure Comes From Sev eral Sources In Lower House

n I iBy Ttie Assficialcd I ’rw-si n - -:t -■■WAa it 'm o T O K rr r iij. a ~ A pictiie u tUm that Prcsldriii Coolldne u k iIi

would veto the McNury-llniiKeii equal n r n l<^iUon fe r farm rt-Iief bill cnme lodii S r n Mvcral Miurco in the house.w L i l ' At the same <lriii- Cliulmian Huuko

^ ol the agrlcullure rommlllee. %ald Uio

ation I>''rt the mrasiir«-: l l r added ihnl h expected the leiiKthy commute.- lim t

j\ / i}h . iiiita to bv fonchidnl by the end c

,.»«y lowing Inimedlai.ely,-Anoihcr mcihiKl of a.vMstliiK th

____oHrlniil lu m l IndlKtiy wiu -advanccIn a 6111 Introduced koday oy jtcpA

^ii l»- .Mtnntlvp Conaltv, Democrat. Texa . nvo- based on the cxjiMi “c'orporauim an ■ r ^ i-si>orf"aei>eiu iin ‘~ i'mrin a iP iH)m'U b d -llul ‘Nallonal OrauKP. ' In an accom iireni. panyliig sUleniciit. the Texan dt

litM-rj' '•■1‘H'ed the e<iualliutlon lee was "hopt nt ttie !«■« “ "*1 p®** i.i.«r known th n l It cannot bi-coine n law.

lu'ihiT simply to play poUttc.i with the fnnr , • rr," Hc e*pres.Hetl ilie opinion Uu

the prcsldcnl would veto a bill coi <'k 111- tiilnlng It.•upo.idj cummlUcc 11041*1112. -syaHI

I ^ e ^ n .. .M liin c a i» lla .-P r i: | ild ^

the propos^ MOO.OOO.OOO revolvli: ciiy, E. tund. instead ot l l bclni! borne wholl aLitoiit by, the government. , uilicnLl_________- I — ______s:«EII[lllllSt.LIB•■ T W im illlt l l i

E m p lo ye A rou ses Quests I - H o te l, T h e n J u u p s - to J )c a l5 of From T h ir d S to ry W in do v

l i . ^ b . i i l i v ^ men wert.* klUed or faUlIy Injured ai

• morn- a dosen or morc persons hurt todi ilglnst- ln_n_*lre jhat_dcsl«yed the most lr ; Royal poriuni buaincaa block here. Tlie lc routed u esllmuteil nt around $500,000. into a Tlic dead:

rnleiieil4—Dr.—J— HcndcTMHwChailQltcL— V bnck IH. CannScliael, Charlotte, and Hen m 7 ihc i Kerr, an cliiiiioyc ur - xii in i o tei .—T on the idled, a-jvi-ral hours after the fire w Ilremin dlst-overcd. of Injuries rccclved wh npiiar- he endctvorcd lo arouse tlio gue:

and In u jum p from a th ird sic ■een dc- window uficr the flames had cul ( T = . . . ‘ l lli, rLa iM L--'.:"

s m t ~ —

— R E O V ~ ^ ^ — ^

' O l l N T V ....................... P j

LY“ N IS ~ I t i i l l a n s F i n d T o m b 1

2 6 C e n t u r i e s O l d ; i

J ‘ ......i>io.(f[fi.*W! ' i u i !i'', ''w r i t ; ; ^■ >,#» ' K-i'L-n'afi lomb-JO ct-ntui.;.-.-: oUl' !

I JUI.V been di':cov'rr,ed tn“ l l i c ' luiiis “ l j y ; ol :lu- nncleni'U ty of I'opuluiiiii. j

; nnr ul (hu (iWcst and rlcll(■^l o(— j '- n i f ’ hb[or:c‘ B in iscan‘ v ;i i i r : r i i ii t : ..... ;

^ T l f i — tn^'flr-thr-tomlrwcrc-fQlinct-toTir-' ...u htilm.tl-coit o lnlna-U iL i i -in;i ',ii—

. ' 1)1 kclctonk und m oil ImiHiriiiiit a u g * ; 0U]t-.".s such as nuld llbulu or . 1 brooclK.s, larne wroiinlii tuilriiliia, b e v - cairliiKh ulld rlnRsrr«me ii( ivhlcti.

lire of aold w ltti dotoriitlotw tvim'- DUSG t srntuiK ilre iK .and triton:., uud

’ •* - iiuinv cn.wi of knixes. diiKRcr^ ini I s|irar< ulso were found tn iidili.I lion to a number of d iliia cbjic!'.

i l M f f i l i t i i ri=JE IlH U »

Mii>-,ml hp| --------

m " i' K ansa n D ecla res A g ric u ltu re 's

i S tan da rd o l L iv in q M u s t Bc« Itie j ‘

ITcpi^-; • ---------r—^TrKa.-<,,_______________ ___________________ J.L S y . i „.Nt;W. .VomC,-£ih ■■»1.i,j-M..Amfrm _c-_,V IIIU«» bring Uie farmer^ standard of ,, (],. living up to Its general level or lhe hoiM-. alandard of the bw l of this country’s

, I, I, resldenU will be drbggcd ,down lo Uiat law t< farmer. Senator A^Uiur Capper,riirtn . Republican. Kansas. toiilKht to ld ’ (he

i Umt American Country Life as.wlallon.I co ii-t I t the" economic preiuucu which has

I driven iiitlilons from the farms Li not juflii-.ii-^fedueed. **elllcs 'W lll- soon—*bi- ovn-*

(,(I and. there wUI be widespread

tirui'd i ^oinm rmm the iwcittictn aniu-laiigen' ''‘•«“ ry -o f-U w -a p p o ln U n c u t_ o t^ ^„ i,„™ i (Roosevell oommlsslon •on country life, i l l of-i-He-wamea-iwtrAinfW ca-musniBnjp rolvinu <^oiiie dependent on others fo r food; wholly *'«'■ "'ha t way lies Uie disaster which

has ov^aken virtually oU o f Uie na> tlcns of Europe."

=n------ r ---------i ia ia ~ t r i i r iia - | i a . ^ .. ■ ’‘ S "Tlie farm relief pro>ratn tiqw being ■U consldptvd at Washington.'^ l e said,

r iD C U« gwernrneift. a S uh e lw m er.tn *a&

du iiw . B ^ r e agriculture cun'comi ;S in back to nomul. i t must be able tc

control the marketing of Its product ueavn. im nujr“ <}ort:*rvr'»>Jsnaow ; cooperatlcn U essential."

nf •

ed and farmeni «l_A!]}erlca. for jn o re Jhar M M in- (ConUnued on iSge Two)

D e m p s e y I s H o n o r a r y

uc:_ h J — M e r a b c r - o £ - C o n g « s s - .

i j i i S - — O f - r M « x i c a n - R ^ u b l l (Ire was --------1 while TUCSON, Arlz.. Feb. 33 '(/Pi—

gucsu Jack Dempsey Is an honomry con>1 slor& grutmaii of Mcxlco and has Joln-tu l of? ed with, Oeneral Obregou and

- . . . •• tlie'explollaticn of farming lands ^ —hy.Uii»-iiOuUwn-.r<i|Uihllf, :th i~ for- ’

______^_nier-hcavywelght cliamplon of th e ’r world lold tr ic iia n ie f ij wjiue en

______ route lo Ills home in Los Angeles., Dempsey, who displayed on his.

coal lapel.- llie Insignia of a Mex- I Ico aUle.<>man. said Uint ho wouldI - ' - be-assoclatrd w lih-acneral-Obrc-:I - gon in the development o f land In


» , B l L f 8 8 1 ]

.F o rm p r *‘ K in n o f SO Qtleooers’

T e lls H ow H e 'E n te r e d In t

. Business o f H a n d lin g L lq uo i

LIMA, Oliio. Feb. 23- r/I>>-OfOn . Remus laid bare his lltc story.lode

when hc took the stand In Ibc heai Jng on a writ of habeas corpus. sec» ing Ii Lh release from - tho slate hoi

• ■ . papers. . ' ■ .Remus was .sent here otter he lu

been found not RUllty M the-murd ot Ills wlte. ImogeiiL-. lu Cincinnati, ( llie grounds of insanity.

' Dl an even, unruffled Uiti_______Remus-told-liow. as ii young-man.-l

purchased a drutr store In Chlcaii sold It and Invested the money Chicago real esUie which later nett<

* , ,hU a profit of 818,000. How he thi practiced law and acfeoded IS mu derers in one year, buc gave thnt i and cbmmencR] defending booUegge: finally entering thnt buslneas himsc

Denies Quick Temper Tbe slat<^ continually- sought

— — c lldH rom hlm-admli»lon=lhat-hfr-h , a quick temper and was often uivolv

In coun acUons. .Ho admitted bel olted.. bul excused h lm K lf on .1

---------- g ro u m L U i* iJ a i. ia .M in c llm d .^Wto argue wlUi courts and Jtinea,*' a

. . heidenled.the'-QUlek .temper.teiUfI to In, letters u -rtttw ab p iit. him ,

3 | ~ by Uw->iat«,n .When W alter’ s . BU>ba!d,-aMls(iN: meccutor, aiked b in . I f . h a -b tiin y , ' . C nM U M M . Rmus.repUiM livV.N: tt '*a>lrwUx or tn d irw t ty 'r t iu n .U ’

tr ie * o f l m a l t y ^ makebp.',

________ . • ■ i ' - "

I.... ..............^ n r - r ~ —_____ ;

F i r s t ' S e g f e i o n ' ^

P R I C E .5 C E N T S .

; i W M T llir''~ Tom Bridges ahTjoTsHl'ers

in Twin Falls Jail in Con- j ncotion With Shooting :ol-

J ! ThrcE Creek Uistnct Ranchers .

I S io ry ' of nn unprovoked ^looUiijt— f l rom- Bm btM h-thftt-«ort-4h»4l«««-o{-----

' Cliiylon t'n tfick. 3£l. and Kiiner L iH l-'"■' Umi'. 02, T lirrc Creek ranchmen, was

I loU bv Ludluwe i.lionly before hLi ._ id i 'H lh lale WcdnCf.day nlglit. at the I P I i ’atrlck ranch on Dig ^ la i crrek n « r n 'Tlire-' C rwk In Owvhee county,

m —-^'pm -BrWtrw ,- OOr-for»miin^and-Joe— .SHlers. -JO. finploye on the Fred J .'

. I Wallers ranch on Clierry Creek, about . 1. , fcur nillen souUieast of lhe Patrick ” 5 ,1 auch. were nami-d by the dying manP !us Ihr »UooU-i's m illHUU.Il.--------------------DC’ Two Men Arrested

, ! UrldKcs .and Sellers, arrested cnrly .>Cl.-ThurMii>v__ iuo rn lng_bi’_ .T *U ^F a llS :.._

rou n ly I t s h e r i r t r a t me WftUers .Jrniu'li -..,1.1 todned liuc night fn the ..

,ip, •cuuiilv jn il here, did not deny Ulc

ihplLudlowc had been' the aggreaors.'— rv’. Under questioning, otflcen here said. . J?.? Bridges and Sellers offered no-ex— /■ .... planullon fo r tliclr-havlng been on the '

Patrick mnch when the fatal shool- llPK occurred late Wednesday after-- I noon, nor did they Indicate any ex- I plaiiatlon fo r the iraglc cncountcr.; InvesUitatlon did dLsclose that the . uuner or the WMtcfry tn c HM ia pur-—

", twere M n g t ^ on me Painca ranERT

lime last winter on Uie PaWck i^neb. ,-: - ■■>- tyhi .uch BrWiet and .8elle ii..p«bab ly-w U l;

be held to answer to l lrR degree mur- . ■ ■ der

slngity shertlf.-devotad T h u n w * io . la - , a l^ v c iU g ^ o n at

omo - Patrick'waa sboMwlbeaitU; A ;lar|o- ! to eallbre rin6, ono bullet passing (hrouth ' ucl:iiboth less near the knee and-another »>W fsk in i e / f ^ T n ' ih e r t ic k . - J Ic :dicdr_.

-he- Ui

han -Ludlowo received almost the enUro charge of a sliotgun shell fu ll In the

iface. and lived for nearly eight liours. . • , (Continued on'Pago . Two)

r.lM D lje ii6*=r ICOILREIMBESd" ; | - ■

he- I___________ _____. -' " ~ | ~ e r i c a ~ G e t Chance“ l b P re -

S - s e n t - T h c l r S i( i e - o f - D ls p u le ; -iitf _____;.p,. - 1-------------------- --- •• ---------------------------in pfTTSBUROH. Pa. Feb. 33 « *> -

The .United Mine Workers ot AmCTca — were-givt n ' iBe Tim t nuiee ta pH«) sent their iJdo of Uie wage dispute of

iBlneri and Wtumlnwi».--opeiata»- in . - this field when ihe-nib-commlttM Of -

iP Y rntUM'«^y"«S>Mied i S i w 'in I conditions In m ln ln i camps.

The committee, consisting ot Sena-.' ton Ooodlng,..chairman: PlnA Okla. homa: Wagner, New York, and Wheel-

»rs!* t r - . MonUna, arrived In P lttrtu ^h

7777 iind went into u u o n unm edlal^. In to one of their f l n t acu was u> deny

lhe. request of J. D, A. Morrow, presl-, u o r. dent ot U>e Pittsburgh Coil company,

aiid'Horace P. Baker, president of the PlitsburKh Terminal Coal company.

M ntf Uie fie ld 'i two largest openUng con* , ^ v cems, when the offlctals iifced that X ' offlclais Of tho united Mine Wdrkew

b«- prohlbltea from entering Ui#lr. ho j- proptny, which U-TforkBd gn a .non*

, Chalman, Ooodlng, In a itatement, >,'.H Issued following a conferenft' w ith

urder 1^6 . opcraUjTi, -Slid UlC. ."commltteo-, M »n could not agrer to Uils," becauW' I t “ ■ ■■ fe ll a fu ll Inquiry could not be made I - ' without having representJiUvesjit .Uie_ u ' »»!«" BjntTy y ttn thorn, ' ' '-------—

( l ; i l When tho committee set out fo r a ly hi tour of m in ing vlliagea, Ua announce^ ietted tconUnued on Paj# Two). . -

S t i l O H j l M l n

n; Tills l i H i *being AMARItXO, Teas.1 .Uie 11)0 body oC I t a . Ijm aD O Ivtoa S ^ , ;

U trS oH fflM S S B S ^^®i s ’SO

Page 2: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

l a g s j i M"lliiMEIICK- '■ Jailflr Relates. Statements of

L 0 8 ' ANOELEl. Frb. n UAr*llUed tyt^ ot n uoiiinn wiiom •tturder ha» ma«e a widow, brotmhl

------k lU m -'«» -lhe wiiiic** AUintl in »hc. Hlckman>Hunt iria l today. '

— .Prom Prank' IM '.ir .-T liir l - jn iln -o fv Uia county J»ll w lifrr w illiam EUwiinl Hickman nnd WHby nutii nn- fon- n n M during Ihclr i r la ljo r tlie May- inc of C. Ivy Thonv. R"-v *»*l

•• - dnlw tal,- III u h(Wui> Ilf hU- *tnrc ! ChrUUniis cvc. lUm tlu- jury hrtircl tho slory of ho«' Hunt, ilicn u in-1 year-old bandit, hrukc down und n d - :

___ -mltted comnllcltv In ih r irltp i'- i■ ' K tiirt

■ F^llowlnc hU orrr^t, mild Dflttor. H unt niutlc to Ilbl ito ry thnt he hnd* 110 hand In . ihc Thoni* micmpUd | holdim niul nnirrtir. Tlmn Mw.

“ • iTiorn*,' widow at lhe xlulii pliariiwcixi,- - i i r F fo t iB i i t ' i r i i i r - c o i i r i i j ' - j r . i r i i i iu

lie wa* confronted w itli hor. Itls dc*• nloiR nicUcd' as lu- sav ilu ' woninn

U'hom It bnndll'H bnllpt hnd bereaved.

“ Yoii could bent me_lo n pulp nnd rd not admit n- thlnx. but whrn I

------M W -llie -in ile -w o«nu ii-I-i!nv i—ll).— I------- w is---w llH~Hlcktiiiin"" In - t l ia t - dnw

' store.--------- A a ' Ucwur Hum.--— ■I'liomii, M'l i ii 'g -m- t in- iw»iy -o <"

■ We wourt. btiist Into tcnra.<............ —a - J . Oliver, pntroltnnn of llie Lo.

Angelea jiollrp force, icild U ic Jury -how death bniHhwlby him lho ChrlM* n iu cvc nf 1030 when-I!lcl:man nnd Hunt poiirod bullet lend Inlo tl«>

U' Thom'plmrnmcy ond killed lln nunrr. rolleeman Tell* nf Stiontlnc .

_OHw.r,-»bo-Jia il-hfi n nn Ih'f Manii : Tuesday rrsiinioil hK trstlmony lo- ]

—— p i i r ot~baniim m teipU, l l lckinnni- ln^

told H unt’ to"«t-r llic offlw ri-W M pon: The -patrolmat). however. Mepped

____mPfllrtnK pay* l nJ DUllWthis •utoinatlc.

I Then, Oliver declared. Hnnl u|>rnnl l= ^ t i$ c to d = H ld tm e n > ^ u to i- jo i i i rd - in .

the volley. Hunt's (Irni xhot wounded the offlccr In J lic band and n .la l^ j

• ■ on6‘‘ froin Rickman'*.jnin tore a hdleIn hi* tinlfomt coat. RmslnR hLs

I »lomach.Thorn* fell. mortatlT'wounded, after

I beins tn direct iiiie o f uro iru ia Hicx- . J- man"* pl*lol. Hut» dwppedi wiundwl

t>yithc.pallccnuin's.aulomaUc. bUt-dbL -• caped.--...................... .................


----------~<OontlnuMl From -Pa«>-Oo»------

___ mCDL-«'fH.’ mnrtr,,i h ftt .Hic-op tirator*-would be Riven opportunliy to iire^n t

[ their side before the M tuiom de-

The tonimlttecmen visited barrack* which houK iamllle* o f union niem- berti evlcled from company hotucs and ulso went 10 .mine* of ihc Pltlsbiirah Cbai snd Pltt.->bur«h Teniilnal Coal

----- hll«htt»»r» )m.'---m.a talH_l'B_i.in.|»rffrom $30 to MO everj- two woefci nnd Hint a ereat jn rtlon of this wits ^pcnt

— »t~th«-con»pany-*loTtt— -----------------

-■ -G A 'P P E R -P L E A B S -F O R -----------

-------------------HEL P FO R F A R M ER S-

(Continued Prom M cc One}

any o iH ^ iia iio tia r ‘fc l5 cE Ih ? lW i^w v ' * and undofttood-Uielr-dlUlculllea.Diid

iu d a real dcxlre lo extend natluiial aid In so)vln» their economic prob*

_ J e n « " _________ . q


I (ConUnued From w ire One)-___

t world auUiorlty, which for the fullyE fonctloned. would have controlled lheI deotlnlea of all nailoni, *avc lhat of#. tho^inasleta of th t lenaue.':.. »---------- • "Once alabllslted," he added, "sucli ; .» power and outraged lllw rty will

1 three hour/ behind schedule. Senalor' and Mm; Reed were grceled ut the

i biaUon by an enlhiud»Uo Crowd ofi Denver D^nlocml^ .ifadudln* Mayori. Bttpleion and John Damclt. Democrat

, natlpnal committMmnn for Oolorudor

i..... ' . T w r n F A u a ']






! U O IIK m S AUK f:(»MltlN(; Ih ruu ih It..i,-------r*« rekh irlhc 'M [llrrtifTW hrr-T lrtlm -

— ^b-e»Mene^l-hy-» llanc* -i^ .U .c-p

J O F F I C E R S lW E l f r N D T ^ ” " ] '

1 .O F t w o - c a t t l e m e n -.

® ‘"rT con iu iU fa Krom Unce One) __

— Tnnch-hoi'iw •h(l-ln<,lhe vlclnUy» »lreain - bortered b j i - - g r o w t h - o f | y willows In. which llie offunPd men are I. Mild to-huvc.'contfali'd-incnisclrt.-i. jId - H u n t e r - 1

Sotmd of‘ i}iP ilhiiK brouiiht t4i the »cene Charles Netiiles. on employe on | the Patrick ,miich. frnm a ix iln t nboiil j

j* I "pI*! to hav(> been litintln*; He carried

n- iK iund by 'uHlcf raMuOuy ilo.w tii M ’ irt iwnl o f. blaodx^whcn:-Ludloivc_li?dl. n: -railpn.-iM rynrds-from- where-hc' had

brcn khot,•(I _ Tlie officers'brouKht lu ihree other

KUiLi. a ' 3.1-35'rifle tiik'en f r o m 'lW s i P i'lrick ranchhouw.nnd ft M-30 rifle in aiirt^a 12- .Rauje MiotRiin taken trom ij«j rm (r-W nltn irT«nflilim ffp.— » -------- -y T lie fa tally wniindM men lily where* n i l l ie / l ia d falleti in the Viiow for nearly, 1 Bit hoiir.wline.Npfdle.% wenl to nelRh-!• borlnu ra)jcnhou«es for.help: tb carry

the wounded inert lo sh f lie r._

^ u n ^ ll l! fe te r*^ 'd t!*a ^ w l.h '(S’day that ihe-*'oundfd men'hoa jllcd.

■’ -p T h fy ■tumM’ flnd rittt. t lify Raw, »hcn

• BridKen- and -SeUrra ^ r c a t ' ihef -Wnliern raiichlintue awallhu!■ arrest:

? :>;\ien llic T ^ tn 'm i r oll lcerii uf^lVdl ' early hi the momlJn; DrldBcs cnrly , in the cvunlnR httd called hLi employer

_ on-Uie-telephone_ieflutsUlit.ihni Iw oj— men l>i‘ sent in ilie ranch to lake thr

,n‘ No:MotWe,for I'rimeI'* • Neltlier^relatlvij of. Clayion Patrick.

■Wajur* of i y in PalJj. employer o( ihe mtirrler charted nJcn.r eould offer nn

’’5 explanation for lhe - iraslc shootlns. RelatioiH between iheUwo ranch out- tits, It .WOH a la t^ , Iuid been cordial

. , • C layion'Palrick-w li ft M>n.d( Oearsel D.^palrlehM>l-B>lllt,-whD-ln-t>8^-cainol

'” ^ n £ K e n iucky | lo ^

who becamc one. of the p ro tn ln tn i, c«»Jc ;nen;o/-W iff re«ipi>.- C larionf

— m tr ic k -R « ’-lour- years.' ow -w he ti-ihc ■ lam lly home- wa* eslablUhed n t TJircc:

— Crcek-and'-liad-UVed.Uiere.abnusL-Con-.l thuiously lilncc ttfai lime. Boldcs hts

t& - niiiipr. IUI u i i i rvivw py n» tt'igaa'and three Illtlc <clilldrtn; twft boy.i nine nnd five ycani. b{d aitd nn Infant |

^ (Utughter. Ilell^TC * alio tiireo brotli>| iw ors a if f in v o lI t tW ; r7 » :» 5 Q re H ^ ud Carl Palrlck' o( U olilifa ;. QeorVe. P a l-1 ml rick .or EUK(he..dmoh..Ktid.Einman-1 lb*; uel Patrick ,of U uh l; The slstcni nre

'.Mr*. .Clmrle* Hart.well « Riverton, Oregoii; M rx.' James Hflrtwell o r Wendell; Mrs. )lalph U n o n of Olenat {

'F tr ry ; Mrs, f ^ r t Skinner ot Plateau,' Colnrado, ■ and : Mrs. Clay Cux of!

'E '^-^d low p -h ad -b ccn-fo r 15 rycora-the: owner of a'lm iall ninch.-ln'Uto Three 1 Oreek (lU lrlc l and Is said lo havc been,

_ a • f l u e n t • vlsllor • n( ■ the ^ a i r lc k ' Ilv ranch w hich 'l* only.*, few .mil*» be-j } ,c ! iuw—liU'own,.property.. Otily known! o fsurv lvh iK relative Is -a alster. Mr*. •

: Ju lln . MorrplUpf,iPoitliljr. Colorodo,___ J

•III ol two children, ' Ij .. Sellers 1»«i marriert’ trc« n.iiti

or Iti Oklalionia;. ' ' \ , '■ • - ^ ..........BoUl Bridfles and' Seller^, w ith ihelr

of ftin llles. lived on the WaJietn ranch,

r t l , News Wapt'AiU ^ e h Die peojilc you iorw l* l» «> ttUracl.

. . : c r x .

f f i ' W l i f f

s M i l y n e \ ^ s . ^ w i n f


IM P K 3^!fl0KB 8l!S 'iC S5

h Ibe rulni of (>va Ibree-Ktury bulldlni* t rtlfm 'nf-the-*rtldrBlH it-whlt*h-il-l»-l*n*<» bc-pCclutcjho^ini hpw. Ifiey. «htp Htrral

]Boise Commission'—i--------Regiffng-En^M»HSo: u -------- -_ i_ U 0 1 £ E _ E tb _ a ,.__ l.cnimiili»|Du _ uI_ilve_m cinbcra

isubnillln i a collcctlvo rc.-.icnntlon, , i whleh Mayor Wnlter Hiiiikcii M id he ^tT) woiiUI rftiiNo. >0 aerept. Tliu reWnF

„ l ilon wBfc imoiiniioci oy me uclloi oi o i l the [ta^k conuiils.'1'mers tha t Ihc' cliy

..«■ cou'ncil H o ]iiir j.^ 'to mnklnii lhe com* ,• imlMlon nny morc ihnn an advlHorj■ i Itcdy. while thi: park comnils^loheu

1 clnlm ilie rliih i to the enttri--manai:<.the,mem o( the boNe park cysieni. — •on I _J_______!______Olll Ij^RIZE-THESIS-SOUGHT-ON- ■»|^nilRRF-nF-'SIIN’S EHERRYL-'d i—

prlM^ for tite beat thc.<h on the ,,,, iourro of the sim's cni-niy H offeretl '^U by-A -.C r> tty -M nrrlinn .. lhrimali,.Uie [j|p Ncw Yotk Academy of Scicncev T lit on, I comiKlitlon is ‘open to evi-rylAidv.z = z:=r«<t=JormaJ_suhjccl__prupatcd .Jat.rci"W hnl mny bc proved Irimi om iriy ! present knowifdKc u.-j lo liie powi- lh - !b llh y or Impiuslbillly or released In- rry iru-alomlc enerijy ronsiliiitln i: nn im-

portam source c l Milnr nnd otellai s>..>T^.tiRf8V."-Mr, MnrriWH 4T. this.theory a i n bnsls for the d iv led. ciitnlcii, ''r i i i ' pitnclpal Murce ol !icn cncnty of the nun- » mincatomlc___ !riii-tL-v exL-'lHiit_ w llh ln ihp normaltiiel«<om iw ll uJfJch i.> n.-lea».'»l -Irani rest: ihP atom undrr the conditions of lem- Vdi ‘ iK'nut^ i i i m ' [iu‘-v'.»i'n r i iiL'i i i'.M.n-tr i r ly , ihe/Tun,"y rr gliiiilar cfftrs were made by M r l«o?Morrlj>on hi 1U34 and.m lOU. .The

prrjent coutrsl cla-<es November 1 — l l i r cu iiiif lm n n c nciidi'Hiy ('.ut iimire

the award- I c k . ________________

Champion Kansas Hen “■«; Haa Birthday P a r t j

HEI>nwiCK. KAs. Feb. a (/Iv- ,K - | Amon8 ihe.birUuloyr, id beJfeekbralW mvp. Jn. Fcbrtmry.| l«'^^^Uut^9f

tn l four nnd a ihtrd iMiunds and ownec lon j by Coomhi nml Sou oS Sedgwlclc. wll the; be lhe Buwn>}~hijnnr at a lerlca ol ircc: 'fe.<iiivah which. Uu. farm bureau wll un’-l Ixdil-ln-;arloui.-ii)wiu..or--the-coMnl)

1 during l<elirupr-v._____________'“ “ MlM 11 153 »1 the insl year ]a ld 5(1 a n U ^ ' In days. ,

I t i ilatl,' ■ • ;..2U--------- ---------- 5 -1 0 -2the: ■ 'iree 1 '

S pec ia liwn; •

D IS H■ p ^ r ; T W s^!B

2 2 5 % ' B

On A ll SetB Pfic^d

lio*.; r i'K u li i i ' p t 'lcu S l l . l f i ;

Woods O ltl B oW ;IC liK i(ah ’ I) l............. I'e’ttV iliir j i r ic c S l l . 2 0 ; ht

18-K, C o in G o ld DonicrtUc 1 I ’ se ll it) ffu la i‘ i i r ic c §16.05 ; i;

|— — s o r r m n o ; nm v ...........b :

!___.H Rose M iii-y N ip p o n 'C h in n , a;I - r m i l f l r n r ic c $2.'i.S0. r i o ^

Linwoi^d N iitp ju n C h in n

1 V H a r lfo rd Iv o ry an<l G o ld h/3 3-;iK e :H et‘ ;4reRul.nr.pri^^^^

■ . N(tt NeW sarjrJbi-Bf- . D i s c o u n t — B u t B

'■.y A i V L f J J v /iN - a

P A L L S . I D A H O , F R I D A Y

C T I M S - Q F - S U B W A Y

III* that rrashtd w ith a llii in ilrrin f; n iiir into

ItfraUf “ iiinnshfd to ffremwid.'*

HERBYRT“ c:THODVER i *f5€J— 0PP0$ES=£HANGE-1N - - !


•■•(CDnunnca-FroiirPiivirone)--------Id ne

i Ka .nmi. ii .I...I111. .'HO M-r't ftrt-r\.M ,ldrciii«d lo M r.-iIoovcr..lliat he.Iftvarejl • ' " y plfdRlnic.ihe Republlcnn party unsULi , presldcnttal candldate.%-"lo a vlaorous.

la llh liil .ftiitl cffectlvL- onforcemcnf of the prohibition Invis, und waa op-

nni!«- JO repeal ol the ElKhlcenth■ :>m«idintnt or Volsicud net. :

A similar Mand i>n i l ir prohibition iiuc.'tlon prevloitsly hiul bn-n takw^^by

p f iY oai^lda|c^for^|tii^nc|i»

• Horah would comtnent todny on Bccrc-. -)S00 tary-Hoov«r^»-»tow>-tln^«i.Uia-*auatoi;..

the adlterinit to his annnuiiced Intcnlloii tfered ol rrlralnlnB from rmnnivni t i l l all{I ii|» ciiiidldates fo r the ureMili'nihil noml-,

nation lo” l)C m.ide al Kan«i5 City, i have disclosed tlie lr ^:allll. |

^ ■ I, . Senator Borah In lib fiucsilttnnalrC-.

pfthlb lllon! T lie lir.st u .ki-d whctlicr ‘ hc lavorod a prohlbl'.iou .plank In th e '

, ( ;■ Republican plattorin. ih f x-cand whal . 1 cnforccmcnl vlelv^ wVre; the ihlrd.

'*5 ''" whether hc favored iii'im iltlng states !lS'^‘',,if>.datflrinlnn Ihn alfflliulii- fn u lrn t.o L

d'''* wilcnblc bcvcraRM. and ihc fourth. '« ol I whether hc fnvorert ri-i>i-al of -the tomlci jjightcmth-nmendmrli*. or U ie-Vo l- nrmnl Virad ’nrt.____________________________ I= rz iF Q u rv n iW 7 o P — !ar yi' Mouiit ain.vand Range :

Mr. ' Rider Loses Positioi\cr 1. '"b o IS E , Feb. zdTT^BeUrcmcni 'o T T^^ke-t hl^-^!lk■^rom - thg Arb<n-v» llcy-of-

Power couniy to the, mounthlns o f' Power and Onolda totmUrs hai> restilt- '

—------ I jd - ia th c -rtsa illia .n l th r rnngr r lilrr,;#>n employed lo r two monUis by Uio-Bwne

department lo keen the Elk from a g r i- , r t y etmurnMlelds. . i

- . Lost fa ll Ihc heavy Sliow.i sent the TO»>nln0 “ »"» hoyficW, haystack

When farmers ftireatencd to sue lho '

I. will. ACTRESS MMtRlRS ’ Iics ^'I~^-HOLI•Y^VOOD. Fcb~23~(/P(-:-Mary 1 will Asior. motion picture actrcss, and o«ni;',;Keni»th-Hawkw,nira-«»pervUor,.wcrc.

.hanke'. # |

m J m- a s e - m a i E - - — — '

a l 10 D a y

i S A L KDiscount -

;W at $10.00 Set or Over .

V t l in i ic rw iire 33 -iii;c . ,i$8:40......::$j.45 ,

'^ • p c c . HCt; ,

l id Niippon C ltln ncc :? S l.fi‘5 ; t io w .........3 > i S 0 * p U

-Btty P d l l Sets t«-Ciet tiiis t Buy W hat You '

l A Y M d R k T O ' . ^ F E B R U A I

r in to a New Vork clly subway excavation. h t..,Thr .r omole tfc -tiiliiation_ct_ ilic jioiiges„

jXa'iias .iC^obpJrjitive 1 = - ] ----------C o m f f l i s s i o n -~A g e n t s

I WASHINOTON^ Feb.' 33 -tJPl-C. 0 TR nnflrir-aenaninfm t>f aui letiitun

____ ceunomlM. points lo lhe growUi ol,,i_, ccd^'futive llvcitcck commission agcn-

ties as a slgnllltaot 'dcvtelogmcnt:-----vo rtk ' l ie ''tyc'T nTirt Us iim prcdiiters ■ by obtiiliilh« '*bellw irous. (■'•■hi si-rvlce and Improve^ {ac llltln nent" for handling livestock a t local polnU I op- by a.utstlns lit the ontanUatlon ol renth rhlpplhs a»oclatlons where needed

: llie establishment of transponi^Uot )lilon nnd claimil department*- and crcdli

by ccrpornllon.': to'~nhance stockmen lr

nlna- f.[>er.iilan of livestock poobi for dlrtcl

ccre*. " —

f “ iriVAVY BUILDING PLAN i ~ h l _______ UIU3ERaOESL.SL&StUN.C

na lrc ' (Continued Prom Page O ne)'Is oil ]& crulscrs'~sliouid be h ta r ii^ ' Wllhll ctlicr three years and completed w ith in sU 1 the .vrnra; thal the aircraft c a rr lc r-b .whal s inrtcd-w ith in two yenrs: Oiai. caci third, year the navy, request congress fo dates funds to carry oul the, construcllor nt o f niirt tWnt ^falliirn rn n p f..! tfi prn lurth. vide funds In any year would no

•the cause auiho'rUatlon for the construc Vol- -tion to-iapse.------- : - - - • - :-----

I RC(West^tatlvo^^ Prtllen^^^^e^

: Insure 'the building bf the ships ani

..... .........- r -i o n M r. (Wilbur hnd requeslc'd that ni

'specific time llm ll bc set for comple. 5T 'oFH on ''o rtlfe"shliw iind'Presldent Cool- ,y nf Idge kubseoueiulv wns represented ai IS o f ' concurring t i i tliat "rfcomniciTUlinonr~

rli!!,V : RKO ARSIY CKLKnR-\TE8 Biunc‘ ' '~ ^ro5U0W . t-VD. a i;i<,=CtTm BtIBlT. dan- iionor o f the tenil\ anniversary o

1 the,R ed army opened today. The: . .u . w lll canllnue' for several days. wlU ■jiftck parades in every city, town' and vii. 'Ir..). lage where trooiw arc sintloned. Al

thc*n«mfgTy-Tiub.. and bormcks--»r holding gala mceilnRs and spccla


1 ■ : ................... - .............. - 1 2

' ' 2 - ' Men’s_-— --------------------

0 S1.7B Values '


3 g Z 2 1 lS - 3r ^ ' ■ N E W . -

SPE'piO■ OAPS ■ r,

J - - g _ ^ - _ s i . 2 i : t s L _ i

) j ; :J i g Xadies’ Rayon v f ;W Siik Hosiery i.-•n l' - S - . B o ^ o m lb a l ^ h o s e - f o r - - -

■ 1 , s p r in g ; and au m m e r,3 ' M - w be n \b no rcqu itrcs so

E | 3 | cZl ! !I '- ’|2 P a lr\fe r 51.00

ig - p E - O t j R i

3 1 -^

rARY 24. .1g2& : - ■ -

" i F i l M l J S T=W111E5;

\ J

; ^ “ P i- 6 ie c lo r * f6 f ^ r rS d u S ‘ J

_____.|n ii_V V o n d e o L J M g j a

NEW YORK. Feb. a M?J-=A-huie | ; proJKlJT Ior p r o d n c i™ ^ - ,1aurora boreaalts of coIo$«( > lie U l

itfelng built In Brooklyn. . t

-------- .c i-U i. sh r ln m l_ c u n fe n lW a s iH M 1. -Florkln, MaJ I the app*r»w 1

--------- im iiL 'ii et I. 63' inch Hi>b,.ln teiii Hy. jseaichlighl that casU a U lM b«M of I

.1.400,000.000 candle powc^. T l i l i • ray

.1* broken In io seven indlfldual b«»m* ,' by prisms tha l form Uie aurora : .I.n .' The flicker and drUt of the Jamous northern llghu b slmuUttd by

' tUtlnit lhe prisms, which are con* luolled by a motor. Color e f f^ t i atr obtained by passing the rays Ihroujh ■

_____ V -^^n f-v r irlin n hues.________________ ._ Tlie entire aurora Is slowly rotated i

■ ~ so i l id t 'lh e 6b.icn-tT-»ee8-a -f«n-of • Unlll lhat opens and closcs. Pre-

t „ - llmlnary measurement* sliow lha t the ' beam< peneiniie beyond Ihe t t r th 'i

^ S S - ^ m ^ e r l ^ ^ l rala and,

Msny MlMiUsl* now believe Uutl na- lure's spcctaeulnr phenomenon. Mhe

' aurora'borealis. L*' eaused-Tjy material ^ K ie d ^yM h e

parilclcs ultimnlely rcacb^lhe earth’s C. 0 . upper aimo.iphcre.where, at a height tijture- 0t-froin-40-io-l00-mUca.-tlny-Bl0W as i l f ^ * an elKtrlcal dlseharge. agen- The

n n g y 'V tW l' llWUl HvC'toits. T<ic » iea t In- bellCT I fh i lt y 'o f lu beam I* obtained by lllttes Kiuenslng 24 horse-power of energy lolnls Into a tiny cup of carbon, which then m of Rlv« off a danllng vapor havlnj areded, ____ 1mtlon .

^ t h e . m a n ^ ia t o r - t h e w p m a n ^


not A S l

I ■

Imple* ■Cool- • — ■ — ---------

as J

^ry of| .They 'w>Ui l f H n r

I • ■'


o t iw i.127 M a i n A v e . N a , l 4 n n F

M e n ’ s

W o r k S h i r t s:---------------- W c U -m o ie T -s o f l- f lB -v -

• ' l 8h, blue and jr a y chambray, tw o pock­ets, dodblc Btitchod,6dat s ty le ,' ftU I cut,141/a to i t ; Eegular $ 1 .0 0 values—

------- 79c-----M e n ’ s H o s i e r y , 29c

Or 3 Pairs fo r 8 8 c-•Fanc7 rafoa, eolsn In Un, gray, brown, blue.: PI|Uds atid Ttrtlfcal siripe*, retnfoi heel and lec. Sise 10 loU M . An feseeiiUe

-M iea-Tdue'thai-pnm rto.-you to bay-fer sprldg.

S l a i i k e t s

__ PAat wOOLlKbiAN . -

you need fo r 'yo u r oar

Only a Fow Lo ft

R W I N 1 5 0 W i b l S P L A Y F O B


A Y M i j ^ k i ) ^

F a R H g r l T O f E s s i i R O FC A L IF d l iN lf t l /N lV ^ l iS IT Y

V m w .VOliK. IcHnrr * unlveraltr p r « d i * d i-- _____i ' O i« n i-B in cl n t^ * c t -w M -n e t oblw »-------

Uonable.ri • Dr. M lchMl Pr fo rm dl; ^

iiBter.atomtc. energy. told the iwagu- le tr ttf l he had'wilUVW BCIU Rae-Mar*— al taUd fronr-. a mUi row sett and 1* (ouhd .her work neither monUlr n o f . artlttleally bad.'

re A MetecUve. however, demonstrated ■> VtnrsfannTta‘1 iiuiilIii<v «iwl-th»-misa-—■— t t U ^ t e ^held

ty ---------------------

“ b A L E X IC O C O N SU L IS

; D I8 M IS S E D -F R 0 M PO STV ■ _____ _" LOS ANOELES. Plb. « (fl>)-Carlos

V. Arlaa, Mexlelui consul In Calexico

id duinUied’ b j ^ 'w d iS a ' f r ^ J e r ^ ^ / 01 (rada,—undsc«iecret«ry... o f , .s U te ,a t 1 c- Mexico City. .Arlza was Ins^cted to tic tu rn over hU .o fflc^-lo Hetmoloa B. r t TTwre*. his to m e r asslstaal, and iold at I If he wished to .leam ' the nature otr ^ T e H a ri2 S a w I^ h ln i:t ic m u r t-C c r in e ____a* to Mexico C ity .' Arba sald-ho would- ne leave (or the Mexican capilal tomov>■I row. I ’ _ — .

Arlza's (aUier vas executed In Mcx- y \ a Ulty as a retw i da ii in the i ei.ea i— '» Scrrano-Oom« uprising, ht

he hell.i \ i —B e ftin d - th t- ln t< w e -« p o ^ - ll8 W -l*------

by aceuncy. whleh amplifies the brIU gy llance of-the (n u ll source of inumltta- en Uon Into the great beam Uiat ts cast a up9h ' lhe sky.

* _ - ---------- • ------ --

5 f l a v o r ^ —I ' s ^ r e f e r e n c e - ^

I f ^ . ' •' .

^ < = 7 f e ' , V - f i i M I t i v d i i r e d cotfee


5PECIALS = = = “

F a l l s -

, : O v e r a l l s Q

N e w Y o rk S to ro spo- m

-------------- eit t t h o a vy . a 2 fr-fa lB c --'| ^d e n im , do ub le sew ed ^b ib O i t f a l ls , -tbe k in d Ry o t i. a l ^ y s p a y )1 .5 Q Qto i l . 7 8 fo r , P r id a y ^ a n d S a tt ird a jr—

$ t l9R B W -- -

aPOET>n, aii4 S W E A TE R S , Snforeed , . ' . ' , 3

, J 8 0 J "- ?4.95 ■ S

. '-M' : ^ d i e s ’ B t i ? t e r : g

_ - — B r o w n - H a a l e r y 3 ■

B p ftn g : i j i t l B i — '■ - g

T 9 S l T l = l r__________K v n rv n t ia rW -

, iM d .

4 ;o T M t iBiS - '.> '

Page 3: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

^ j T H E S F

—11 Oiii uhruunlitr==

— ^ a s s ^ f t ^ o o l t H e a c h J k U n i l !

' .D e c is io n to rH e m o v a lo f .M e e l

■■ F ro m BuW on A cco u n t o l

. M e n in g it is .Q u a ra n t in e .

Definite (iK liicrn lo play the cIlu ' - A district basketball tournament In

Oie AxJIne fym nwium at Alblon-wai , ■ rcachetl < Ifttc ye»lfnl«y afwrnoon nl

n mcc^Uns ot oftlctnU of the c lu s 'A schools -held ' in Twin Ftlls. T lu dates o( thn loumoy are oIm> set one

______« Milt iQte r^ u ilc ln g J Iie^P lK la»_w iI • March 8. 0 ond 10. IwieoU -ot th( I iirn t three days of the month.> The m'eelinft yw terdar was called

by J. A. M iTctr of Oakley, clialrmar 0/ the tlJ.itrJ« U»nJ of- contfo), nn<: WM aitcndcd by repreienutlvcs ol

ln r*o r^\he**p lacc and dale o f the mret wUl necealtale change* In toum- ament managem and Ir l Roper, super* Iri^fndrnt of the Albion high »<-hool was suBBMted as me wuriiey juu****- ner. M r. Roper has not accepted th« iiOMt Ut yet but It 1.1 expeclMl tluii

___ I.,. mnke hla dK liion Wine tim(— today.

_______ »ni,. fhnncre Of nlace and d a ^ w.hA.VghrS.it bv'attending ottlcia lsTr

'vUsw c t the menlnBllls ciuaranc&ic er fectlve. in Buhl at present. Dali Plercy, the only- victim ot tlje plaaue was not a member of the Buhl higt school squad'buc'played with tlie jun; lor high team. setUii* the dates o

- th o meet a week, later w lii give tlii -.Uuhl teams a chance . to- compet'

___■ -.hould no more coys of.th e dread dlS'ease develop.

J----- ------------- lW » f8 t .W N im bn,browing for plates In the :ira i* aa;

...... of place took place-last night also am---------»«h_«diool_drcw _B_s5ftlfd number

these numbers were dtposited w th thi official scorc keeper_of tne__toumc: 10 be opened on Saturday. M o rch ^ I'eoms numbered one 'o nd t w - w i l open tlie tourney and the othcr.team w ill bc nmiciie<i^aceeraJnB~tD—th numbers drawn for Uie first d a / o

_ / ___i)lav. The last two days of the meei *111 be played b *«w « ir winners-uni ^ losers of Uie firs t da,y-» untesw wltl

- _The_»i-lhner o f the *a s s _ A m « w ill ntay lh 9 'W liiw r of the eJoJu 3 loumey to . decldc Uifr district win

. - ncro. This latter.game w ill be 'p layn

______nnment n t gQcatello. _

liDftislliEM —TiE-BfiSKfflSLUlLJ'

E a g le s T ro u n c e d - in In it ia l U ix E x t r a T im o N ecosBqry t o ‘De

^ t o r m in c .W in n in g lH o D p ji i i tc ;

keteers to cinch game honors to th — i!ocond=Jtaifcofc<i>ft=d<W8h{»u t - j <«gtt ■ program In Parish hall on Wednetdo;

' Uie Eagles tn the opening U lt by i■ score of 31 to 4.

Hutchins of the Vandal quhJtel rai■ w ild, accounting for 21 of the vlcton

...... 'couriters-'ln'-tUe-flrsf-pim e.— Powell■ ■ a team mate; wlUi 8 points to h i

h ig h ' honors! ThV^Bw^a •'^nverie< ._lw ojlfte_U ir.ow «- in Uie. a«ond quar

— ; — CfS7TininniKlc-mln8le~baaket-lt»-tlv th ir d ’period.

■ A t the fina l gun in Uie seeond gam . 4he score was tied at 12 all, am

/ extra Ume was needed to dctennln t tfio victorious qulhtet. 'K e t f e r r f f lh

' Delphles was high man w llh flv points, and McClain ot the. Musket cerA iead that agcrtgatlon wJtli eigh

-------- [smw:------ -----------------------------------------The scores:

First Game Vandals (31) . Eaglu (4Hutchins 121) ..... .............. QmlUi »l

forward• S le vw t ...r...................... -,...aaU« (2

for«-ardPowell (8) ......................... - .... E kx

centerFelt (5) ..................... - ......... - Olvea

guardHacon ..........................ltCT»l " t r

• giiaitiSMOod Game’

Musketeers (151 Delphles (13' M cO liln (6)...-...... ......... .... lilelK9 t3

lorward .Lanmond. (3) ........ KeeferJS

V a rd (1) — ; OlUotte (3- cenler

Dibble ( I ) - ..........-...... McOlurt (1guard

, Craven (3) — McCauley (1 guard


, ' Nc»-s)-There i* some doubt about thi scheduled gomes between FU er. ani Ooodlng basketball teams sebeduln

---------- fOf-tomoaog..on.Uift.laffa1f!nnrt. O tflciols were not cert«ln..t«nlght_tbi Uie game would~be played on teeoun of the meningitis quarttnUna la Buhl

offlcUls expressed the hope th a t thi • boys- game could b# ployed even t

< lhe girls’ game was eancelled.

W O L BE BEEINO TOU . ■' a t tho K id dance at -Uie Q ks hai

tonight. T*bers' 8erenaden.-Ady.

'■ ■' T T T


= > 0 R T S ~ 0

■ I m v m a m t is H / f fA W t v ia y w

eet ■o f

fiyCCffiMHEJLlE!nHIINOIISHMllVERIIiKSoneon ■ _________• ' ■ _______________

O o n k d M a j t l W W b T o p P lncelied P ira te s R a ise H ig h . T ou rneylan T o ta l Set b y O u t la w Q u in te tand — I

of ’ •ngs. TnkiriR the motch ln .one«two-tlirefthe order, the m te s defeafedthe^M ovim . crlck:i tn the Minor Bowling leagueter. tournry at the local alleys last nightool. The Buccaneers downed 2420 pins

the of 2C0 pins.Imt Conrad Magel was lilg h mon In al ime departments laat.nlght.. K ls score oi------- 50S-in-the-mld-peri0d was-high foiVVX1 the tournament which gave him thi r in 'W|tH~ttveruB&. 180. .

IMK IinrTniCB UrU ie ■uyeinng-gomi )Ble with a sco^c of 105, and Pred-Hal lue. «’IUi one nin less took high honor llsh In ’ Uie final t i l t . 'un- The Pirates took Ml tlu»e games , of u’lmxing. th e - firs t -by a margin o the IM pins, the second , by 63. and Uii Mte last by 83. ' ila . The former high teom total o f 240S —- ~hCld-~t>r~the-MaTerleto.- "waa^ratoe<

17 pp>nts by Uie Pirates in yesterday’

^ • The Korw:^ P ira te .- 1 * 3 -Tot. At

.J o h n s o n .---------- ll lS _ U i_ U t_ M a jeDuerig ................. 147 134 147 4J8 14

Porter ..................183 m ITO SOSTaoms ............167 14* 163 470 15

~ T o ta ir . : .’ ... ..■.M0't»“ * 7 ‘ 342« “' M ave ric**-

Parrish .............. IW l ia 111 330 11B i i t e r i~ i : : “ : , r . iy n 5 o 'i3 5 “ 42n4Olsh .4..... ..............150 n c im 430 14

f » .teagel ..................i-w 3M m - ^ la

» ® TBu is:.... .........m 7i«'m 3199vln*

S T R IB L IN ^ COMING BACK -_ . M nM m oM RV A l. F..b ■« - W I

' • "Young” Stribllng. Macon. Oeorgli QP heavyweight contender,' knocked ou n n Joe Clancy, Atlanta, 10 second aftv

the slart-ot'lhe-sooond round-of thci r p scheduled 10-round bout, here tonighi I A right, fmsli to U t ^aw, put Clun

floor twice In ihe first round.

11 • > TEKRI8 MEBTH M’LARKIN D cr NEW YORK. Teb. 23 (/P)~aid Ter ;ry , rls.,bounding pride of Ncw York's Eon ------ Slden-wUl-match-blt-specd^tomorro>

:J lm m ^ H c L irn n r 'a irT r ia n a a ,„„(f j h e Pjicifjc coast. ln_a 10-round Mndl

son -S q u w 'a flid e n -fe a lw e .'. i th i

standing cliallenger for Sammy Ktan ^ dell's lightweight Utle.'

MANBELL DEFEATS FIELDS_.C H IC AaO .„K !eb...»_l/P j-rSam m : Mondell. world’s lightweight cham

fo r nelds. Los An

^ night, evening the score for the coas In Los An

uno . SUADE MEETS CANADIAN and CHICAGO. Peb. 33 (>n-i>ave 8had< line California contender fo r Uie middle the -welght-champlonshlp.- and Del Pon five talne. middleweight Utle-hotder. Con ket- ftda,' were mitched todoy to box 1

rounds In the main event a t Whu

— S e ^ B y ! ^

j l l U A'iw ALONE Hm ,1______ AGAINST 'w BOB S

“TheRMiniH e Had no com rad e b u t >

y j l . J e s r f , :d e te t^ n a t io n - . to conat

the a n d d isgraced b y -his ow n ^ fr ie n d a an d ha te d b y foes, ^ n » n t o r n ia n . . .

- P A G K B D - W I 'P H - T H R I I i S . . . M A N C E - B B E A T H L I

to , - : 23leelI I f .,

• • C om ed y "W E

. . M aU nee lOd ~ 20c. ha ll



p iy iH H p i ip* Tf] TIIDHI [Hirn IIID

| L —Schc(Mod.— ^ ^

« Director* of Uu- Tuln Full* « i i ^ ' In lho Uuih-Idshu bucLMlI •Itagi

bavo-ulk'd-»-int«tUiiKT*oferttll=aioci ^ . holders of Uii-- club tu bc hi'ld

Thursday evi'hlUK. Slarch 1, at 7;: I p y o'clock. Till- purpMu uf th r mwUi

U l w lll be lo elecl tlu- dtfeciorn tur tlL U L Ifloa team............ ................................l l / f t 'f ''® ha* Kone ihroiu* l l ! a hard scawn nolvlnR the many jw J l\u pleotlng problem* U u l confront a bi

■ [Club duiliik’ Uw sco-Min. The n board hOi iMivt l the way for llic li

, ^ , . ' cumiii t t i r n tiM» by nrAUinng t nc ser ic.-* of Bin Lcard as 11)28 pilot f

rncy_u,c..arulns_ «n d_tlu 'Ja ruor propc i te t . tlon of llie-money Jim-!.,:;iry fOf f

IIW 8 campalRn U ralsi^d. T lu' flnan •commitkr met > lih uruiUylng su

Jree r,~y; m iu cmnpmiiii ihU year b '’*“ V ^ U lt~ h ‘dr - c o n s ld i^ l— cIcTnUlff—l

to do In order to raLne llu- nrcessa » ' ■ miiiey.

. A contrucl wa.s muili'd hist week -ftueO). l l f f i - rc ntr r pardnr r -

Uie-Brulns la.si t-a::oii, liui l l llle ho " [t. cxprciwcd llw l lu; u ill slj:n. It ™ ?![.. rcported-U ia i. Ruttly w ill have

"clwuce wllh fftslor cOiniwuy tl iry''>K fu r 0 pllo

n me “ no rc tuf»ri>»^ ~ b<!unTTL-t!iltTa-- -Holl y j t from the controctji mallejl li “ "2^5 week to six -players on the B n 'M U re.icrve list but no difficu lty Is expc<

ed from any of the players.' 8klpj B ill wlll no doubl a.wcmble h i* tot

1 in Uie south before coming to Tv Fnll*. Leart-'ii at the Mission cni

2409, „o;^. worklns out and looking o>*'* "-iiic -y(5u tH [iic r3 .-“ — " — '--------•day a •

s t a i i r i i i B i t r t r

-tlltlto 158 --------

—ALBION..-Pcb^23-t5 pedal - 10-J !« Newst—Tlic L. D. S. CollcRC <iulti IP JJ, from Salt Lake .w ill come lo Alb

w?th*^^e K^niial hoopsters. L, D.2 H and Uie Normol are the only tea ^ thn> haVB d e file d the Wcbcr coll ** icM i w m wi-lM dii-irti.^ riifiT ' io r j “ Junior collORe champlomhtp. ‘i

.CoUege defeated the Normal qulr ia t Salt-Lake lasl week by a II

K - ipomt marginliopes 01 j~

hlHh iioint man suffered o spralt onkle- at Blcks college and wa.i i

tholr oljle lo play against L. D, S. lusl vv< nlaht but wlll-be In cohillUon to play Clun- 'mcrrow iilghL Watts ond -Hnrker ,^ the-thfr-Lr-D,-8.-qutnt-aro-*-cl«vvr-co

.btriotlon and proved the downfall

[ J T l» University o f Idolio southi T -r branch flve.wUl come here ncxi M< E-,1 day nlghl. rebruary~77, to play

ie lm ji-gamt?-wlUi -the-Normfl|-qulni

t m -------------P E O IC A T li-IIA m iO K------ -HBrtU HOLLYWOOD.. F ltt, Peb. 23 W• t h r A ' de«p'waier--:hMt»r----openinffrr:o^,„: Port of HoUprooa_ and^ r t _Lay

Man- to ocean going trajflc^was de I cated here late today a t cercmor signalizing the completion of ’ I

Ig ! Mabel, forming an outlet to the , immyham-! " "


coast builders see 'prospects of good b An- hieu In the Increasing trade on

icjpcclally If the Bovemment’s fl< 1. . leontrol. p^ram.gets..under...vay. 1 hade lumber t iid e is equally hopeful, fo iddJe- seeing a demand fo r both heovy c Pon- hsht timbers to be used in the c< Can- Slruction of barges and tow boat'i.

i ^ l i e i We’re cleaning suits and ligh t well no te r:w rcoaU for 50 cents. Phono 0

iU m• j i y ;'~ r ’


ing Renegade”-lu't co u ra g e ; no a lly b u t n de a th , in a u e r . , . . _............... .............. ....—

f o r ■ w h ic h ,h e b a tt le d , de no unc a l ow n fa th e r 's o rd e r— de serte d by «8, he stood a lone a n d m e t' th em

[ l iS - S P A R m N G T r W lT H - R O . - JLESS W IT H SUSPENSE. ^

eelKanger . . ' . ' ■ W EDDING D A Y S " .’- ■

-'Evonfug 10c — 2 fc .

^ F A L l ^ . r o A H O . F R I D A Y


s t a B gjn Q Q . i r o

- ei\iry ''ItaRui-

li'ld tn . ~ V ' WB

It 7;J0 whm- th ry are Uii> wlntiii^Ung luo mitjur tca tur. i<rlii'vr in cul !ur the arrraien serm to imm- (hry nre t

hrough " "■

““ WESTS FftST INthe In-

lot for L U | L j l | | y | . I I [ I ; ypropor- J l j M i l I M I l L i J I J l U jro rth e — -------------------------------------------- ------fina iirr --------g sue*«r bul S h o s h S n o .-G a rs y -a iid -B e llc v u ellfi— lip ■----------- - ------------------------------ctKoty Come T l ir o u g li F irs t Dav

W ith o u t D e te a l. -___________lc hope ~I. I t 1* 8H08U0NE. Feb. '.'i 'S|i.\-|h1 iolave a| Tlm Nc.w.s'—T lim i -fni;__ t!;U>li':il)iilly nns gamM "rum E lu -H ^a <aiMiils i I pilot’s many t l ir l lb in the o l«•: Hl :Jl;ly play

iVOT-iu mpnt - Dgmp' ncia- ' i n'.-t.'.— 31i::.'!Iictii' cd last- Carey • and BellevUc t.imo ihrouRl;

Bruln the ilrst day without- di'fcnt andexpect* foa< predict Uiat llu-.i- ilirr.‘ team:Skipper w lir eventually flgh l i! i.iii fur dls-is team irlc t lionorv0 Twin Stwhoiic took the fir.M pnu- of tli(n cnmp meet from tJie fa*t IliiK.Tinnii fiveig over 18 10 17. In n game (lH:v wa.'. !n iloiitii---------- un tll-lh e-fino l-g un :--'l'h r-» nK rn iifrr

qulnlet^li j M t ^

r l r Tintluii hu.", jiftulb ly—tJiT*—IU . m lc siiois,.T r « p - Thc-Carej—(j«lntct-n?(t nn cmF\

i p r time with the Wendell .n iry. inklin .L L u L ‘ heir encounter 28 to n . 'n ie.C iirc:

(Ive-ll au unknown q iin tiiK y in ihi laumi'y and th^. teom Ih ranny am

Oo-Jhc Im c ^ c l l t^ Y U C han.ir.;..Oi'-'nv-, T'T quintal ry a '3 t to 18 trlmmlnK In lhe Iia

■ Alblnu name of llie flta t day of pliiy. Ttn .couicit. ilou iiuuu-Valloy-teain-lii'n l -iliin::^-!! L., D. S,[own uny trom the stau of the liuim Y team* Tomoriuv Shoaliom- nnd Ciiu'y wll ' coltiw opt'n Uic day’s play ani.li;thl;> In cx ■ n ir-tnp— ' ■'I. 'llie '(lutntci ' "


r » ^ . I1*1 wctk ■ 9 '. . . 'iila y 'to . ■ " . ■ ■ ■ [ ’ ‘ ■

n r . N O R M A N J C E S I R Y cnfalt of PJ. i n

louthcmct Mon* K B m O L 1play a K m U H . f l W 'quintT—

3 t /B - m ^ M m V n-^A^-aM IVER SAi: ■

of Bay a ilv c iitu re , jc a lo u i'y .anil Ih r i l ls i l l t i io A f r ic a n w il. ls

■ — l iv in f f ' Jis Ih u .-h cu rt o f a ! w im a n h i* .luvti._____________

? £ , - - C d M I N i


t w e ^ i ' ^

^ A Screapiing f^arc

I P U B L l

N e w S a l e Y a r d s , 3 r t

_ _ ! S A T U R D A Y ,A Oood Line of FizmJIare—1 It

1 M AC IIIN E R y-I.a te ‘ style Mollm-------- > --wheekd-FMmtWacaB.Aad. Baekiccfl ! * H*rne«i! Vlo. 2 Ited < Clover, 8««i

b y ‘ ~ u b o lf -T s “ iicad 9TjS»u,” M l i 'c i, „n , OATTLB—l - J e n ^ eow, heavy

. _.a_head_yearllnj«.

* —niTO^ ^ nm- yean old welghlug IMO; 1 Saddl

■ - , oriB^Ynr aaythi


A l CoBdnK-Yard A b b .

I . . .7 “ -. i : : ...



— ris lit. wl Kmi I'fitui lufII, f*Mllfnrnl< e wlntrr sruxou. Tlir>r li.ittin ; lriider« of tti In culf. as iralnlne fnr ii)r>a l>;itling. The f nre rlRhC------

RI i>ccti-(l to bt'- <nii' (j( Itic liardoj ly b.iiilM ul Ihe ir.iirai'V. Curey wl i l huvi> Uii‘ 0(lvaiiiiit:i' in stu' and Sh<

■sliniic will bl- iibyiii^ on llu* lion' l l i r y i-'T'-ri. ■ linK'TiiT.iii niui .n rnrvnr~w i III • ! meet <n Uu- .n'i.i)iiil cunii'st ol the dii i l L i hi what i< cxpivtnl u> bi' ii han----------ifuucli', fontest wltti the odds lavorlr

Ithe llaRcrniati niinroKuttoii. Olem If . I Ferry nnd ^VenilpU wilt- l i i iH i tl ilCVUClcniipc-tltian tlu’ tioys n i toinoi

D a y ! The Klriv •louriinnicni w ill Kci/ur di-r way nl.io lumorruw w iW U

______ Wenni'll e(

' defi'Ri* fnr ilti’ ;<-ii'uu- nnd u duiK ■lal 10 tl, ,;ivi. lh.- Wi'niU'll i;lrls n rr.it bai b:il)iilLi-U,i_____ - • . • ---------------- u.---------I i()«il ■.............

p lay, ........ .

hrouRli' Four U i l l io n liggIt and --------teani:i ■ LONDON. Feb, 71 f;P7-Oreul Brl

j r tils- uin conjumcs 5.700.000.000 eggs a yen und native fowls produce only 2,OOC

of tlic.OW.000 eggs.tl five. Fcrty-scven -|H'r ccnt of Brlta li t itd iitil ' Imparted eRgs omic, from eo(mtrl sennim-cutalde the B rltls li Empire. Tlie su iiullliia t t inoney siwnl for these esK.i* e iiL-.'r.-. rn-,t': Ih,. VHtiiP nf nU Lhe mnt

' lircii which BrlUan export.* and l l ea:.lvr' ItnpcTlin— etmibmic -eouncil .-wati inkliiK .'cnicihlng done obout It.

• .Ciircy.;__Ennllidi hens-iirc now luyInK Iin tlU! enK* each onnually now iia OKali:

ly and -72 esga In the pre-war iH-rlod, b f. Fct- tlic ir CKR.-, arc snniller, Denmark ai he lia i China are the chlcl .suurccs ul tin

Ttie itln’o imported eggs, I t Is 5UBgc*i ln::n-ii?<-l>y- thfr^cccnomlc-xuuncll~thpr~hOr .- UUI1K-., l;iJd eggs sliould be Identified In *u icy w ill a mwitier Uiat the public may gl

tr. cx- llie ifr 'Preference.

"Wtierr The Itig,Pictures Play-J_____

^ B k W u lmjE W E E = lP fc i i» a « n l

l,un:e. — A L S O —

!‘"'i ‘IJuster’s Home L ife ’' '» r*u lU is'.t:r Bro\vn Comedy

l ‘ .\F..\MO.UNT N KW S


k® R .A B G Wle E r m iu N

^arce-Tlckling Your Ribs

J C S A L E— AT T l iF , - ^ ' . :, 3rd and Main Street East VY, FEB. 25, 1 P. M. '!—1 ICotl Top Wrlllng Oe*k

Moline Spreader, lianis M toa^s l-rS le d -• Baek:.4-.Mauure..Sprudm.^*>!«eU.W0Tk. TSeed. '•

n * CO"^ujjdrraeh“ ^hMvjr springer; 1 GuehiKy eoir, frcths

rM g te i!- rm a tch -te a m i-o f- |j;p t« f;- l" t« tm - ib lS r no iV l-team -C ray Hor«».“ 8 -a « d - l^ Saddle Mare.

aayth lnr yon havo to stlL


Pbone aSL

AR Y,21.192^:

-W M fO llW C qB Ulil pltiv Die K iipcri Rlrih i>'iim on. B Frula>, Mnrrh 3. probably <i;i ili* H __ Kilrn fo iiit, T lie Itupert MXtet ts tlii- ■

■ — htrr-wsivca-ncrcla lm TTto-thr-nm nrr- H up iHj.sltion In Uils’ Mib-dl.tlrlcl i\IIuw- 9 1118 the Druln hvxtet to coni|x:li' v^ltti

Ttr~iMbiui'i- .M[Ht;U u. it «n.d ~■ C)4kt''y, Cucdlng .and Quhl have rill H lii'i.ti dr(-tari>d winner* In ^lietr rr'iMc* H ttve suU.iii.iirlclft nnd Uie IluiH'ri-Tuilii D Fulls iuuii'31 w lll decldc the lourlli

. Leam ln,.ttia m w i- , --------.-Aill,.biU)hu-LtLal.Uic_aumc_Uini:_Ui;iL■ j ih r boyt- meet 1» scheduled aud il ir

of U ie l« inntr Un- following wyek. TIiiti' wtll Their 1 uol be u slat© girls tourney UiLt ymr

- *jni lhe-varlRua-dbtrlcta inTUie-statc Will jiluy for the sUito tlUe.

lardesl ~~ ' ............... — . . . .wtll

t Sho.iiHui»\ n ' '

— I t i a — i r w lie day , I r ^ l l l M ' I * I Ihard- M /X 1 V < V M. X J

g j — H i s l o p ’ ^

^ G E O R G E H O W I

i c . .....G f ln r i T i m e _ - = j f l o ( ) i Ldoped

it bat-

a year,

' M A T IN E E nlrltaln's — ^ — .(mtrlM A —ic sum ___

S S ^- wants ( : “ fJ ----- —

^<1. iiui; I B b h / ii.r k a n d i |, ■ > V jr u r i r r : — -I— ------------^

V i I 'i J M Jr-hornirr — -V - iU > J ■ ■In such! - I r ■“ '• W f i r ^ \ . ' / I»y give I \ Ik / T m J k ^ k u

.... J ^

H h ~ 7 A I

& L ' t U i

— M C I ' B l l i® = : ~ " ~ = = — B y-JO H IF E :

T T i L E V t ' l S S T O N E • f e R I C A R D I

P ro a sn to d b y ' ,L§____ __________ p T n H A B n - A ^ ------


W r it te n f o r the screen w ~ “ — ra H r T O T d in n n r t jy —

r - , A FIRST NATI Latest Pathe

Tab les “ T E1 NO A D V A N (

rJ Saturday^ i n M a

- - M c G o r m i c k - D e e r i

“ - - M c C o r m i c k - D e e i

i s t ^ M c C o r m i c k - D e (

' , M c C o r m i c k - D e e I . M c C o r m i c k - D e e r i

=« ! ’

_____ _ A l s a j f t J . ^ . o f _ i a t t _ i !

r P R I C E D

I M o i m t a

~ I m p l e m e u

a iL ' ( S u c c e ^ r s t f l

. . , . . . . . . . . . . .

- r - °— a :-

. - - '■ ' 7 . ' '


nil Gcvte T u n n e y a n d

all iSjoooMilesln ...' ‘ • le s s t h a n 1 3 .0 0 0 M in u te sHll - _____

,.1. A . U n r r ^ l t A u to Co.

Ate - ------------- ---- - . -. _ - . ------ ------------

s j Q i f c h a F a ^ =

VE’S ORCHESTRAri R oada — - f in n r l O rH ir ______

— ^ g g g g i l i g B I M i W — ■ __

1 - t our Big Days - S tarting Today

n n ii E V E m S O . — —

^ I t ’s Out! - ^ ^ ”

^ ■ iTow 'th ijV e ’ s ' n o ’ m o r e ^ ~2 m y8tcry~ aboat tho .

in o s t tT a n g e r o u a— b lo n d o in h ls to r y . - Y o t i------- — —

n. ca n g e t a l l th o is s id e U .dope on tb e scan da l t

' s to p p e d ta lk in g ab on t• in - ..................................... -,

- E H S K U l E ^ t l i - -----------— —


D ire c te d b y

----------- A L E X A W P E l t ' K O EDA

° .0 A R E 7 W 1 L 8 0 H


y Bargainsi c h i n e r yiring-Gream-Separator-----eering-Disc Harrows - )eering Grain Drills leering Gas Engines -: ering Farmall Tractor quipment'r-Deering \y jignnR . ’ _nLainJ_ne8_ofjn8«M:d t o m o v e r

; a i i F B t a t e & = 3 =

,‘ t '

Page 4: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

T r y

■ (Eitabllglied IlSa) .~ j

MBSIBBB 6 F ASSOtlATKD M l£S8;Tho Aiwclaled P rru la rxcliu-lvtly

enUUMt to UlB UM for publlcallon of aU new* d lip a ttlK i credited lo '.t. or,

^-aofe-otherwtoe-credH«l -lr»-UU»-yapct. il , . '« jd -» lio -U v s - lo c a l, news puUUhcUU

. . (A^ meoat AMOclnt-jd I ’ rcM. . j| i

'''rh T N e w T to ft mcihber of Uic Au tlil * ' Bureau of Oirculalloiix. from w h o ln r

(u ll infonnBUan u (o circulallon m.iy| bc obtained npon appllcaUon. Dc- i U lled informa’ lon iiippllcd locallyL. upon rtqucat.^ ^

No responilblllty U nuumed fo r the U ctro or unsolicited manutcrliili. pho- lo ^ p h s or other coiilrlbutrd matter.! Arllelea submitted for publlcallon.-will p

“ " ' W UI«J or nol ot Iho discretion of a ■ ■U i r ctl ltor .- »ndTiffiTwm«i»eript>-w»l-b»k

___ rclumcd_unli34-iiceoniDnn!caj?i_nfCiessary postoBC. _____________ I*


New York. .Clilcaco, nonloii. San U rnmclsco.'Los Angelea, Scaiilc. L

____ - - " , s r£ E tL J ,lMlT.s___________IOne of the most liitc rM lln i aiid im- j

pohnnt of nli loplts Iti conncctiotrr- w llh the. use ol lhe piibllc hlBlw»yt>

by t l ^ . aulomoblie Is' tlie matter of' Just what does or_ri«a not consllmti;

a safe drlv ln j speed. ..•Nearly two y c a r ijc o the P ro v lj«

■' ■ a rB r ltU ll CoiamnwretnDvcd ttic-»pecd Jlmlt entirely >« H'c ninlter, of ilic

____Slalc.of Michigan hB5.laKen_U'.oninc.'"ne lio n . Other Slales nre.edBtnR for-

'ward in ' Uie same Rcnernl dlrecllon.------The iiest-Idsho IcsWalure wnrproUr

'ably'be callcd iiiwn lo amend IU hiBh-

LllUe by little t l Is becomtnj appar-------enl“ U ia{~ lw tn iy-tlve -m llcr-Bn ' hour

Is not always a safe relc ot speed and ' ( irty ‘^mUes not always a dangerous

: , nucrtttdlnBs on city streetfl: fllfy , nilleo U .none too fnst on Biml^ht iti'c lclics of hlgfiway between towns where Uicrc are no nmd tnteraccltons. l lllle traffic

miles ahead and on either'side.The matter Is one In wblch Uie rule

------ of-TCBSOTj-imwt-bc-somehoT-made-to

dingerous; pasilne cars going In Uic same dlrecUon at hlgli speed Is usually' acconipanted by risk" approaclilnB hlBhwny Inlersccllons. especially where the v iW is obstructed, kods lo many auldenls. But lo set u{> a taw whleli ■sap UiaL .grcale~ Beed. U M U lim '- flvc mlleit nn hour Is alwa}-» a men-

oce *to public i^ifety ts merely to n l-

to obey such a law because It falls tosquare with common sense.;__________

The BTOwins number and Increasing efficiency of tlio modem aulomoblie

------- ntf.nssarily n llrn Uir rfflflltlnn ’l f f l l lr l lthe old lawa were'Intended to cover. T lic time may not yet have nrrivcd in Ulili Blglff v hftrf* Any nnfl all llm lls may be safely removed. Dul

.. _._cJrU iln . chanBcs .should ' b c : made,, i f...... lo r no other'reason Uion lo bring Uie

thkfUc regulations Inlo line w liii pub­lic opinion on lhe tubjecl.

Nearly evcrjbody has wived lhc| Amerlean farm problem. Now le i Abraliain Lincoln uke a whack a l it . Here Is part ot n reccnily discovered

_____ ‘•P"' llvcred In elghleen hundred fifiy-n ine

, at ft slate fa ir In Milwaukee, which-------- 8Windg-t»-lf-4MnlBhUittv»-bw a .wada

yeslerday. ‘• "T lio nmbUlon for broad ncrcs." he declared, "leads to poor.fannlnB. even w llh men of energy. Tlie quesUon ol

-------- iDCcmotlDn-ls-too-grettt. wheUyp-Bratft' l« eultlvalgd by hand and.cut

the old-fdsiiloried sickle'o r-cradle br w llh Uie new machines now In use.

"Smaller acreage rtust bc the rule, w ith an iiilenslvQ .sttidr ‘of te r t il lu -

■ tJbh, and new. flirm methods."On Uie wHolertnu irp robab ly true,

• ’ L • thft-JJCBUiiiJiUi)Uve tr ied ' to T O ^ morc_fconey by

• j ta n ^ y m o rc 7

• - ' . U' U w y «Jw‘ J6aiTJ:'Roelto:- - ' fflltTTi' • f r i''i‘ H • •

•Jthetlier Ib p e ru n il liberty

............. W I N

to denitufe it wltli .reMrvatlortj • or disregard It In practice.

The law cf the land Is regarded as .

«‘lse; Cltliens justify tlienlsclves m or; |l< ally (or Igntirln* iesWfttlvc ac'U. The liidi»Ht'u'ar aMiiinl* Uw r l* li t to obey

obey lhe othfm: And some individuals cvni call Ihis kcoU dtlrcnfhlp. Ilock-


. Scars, lioebiick and Company, buiid- Ing ■two nra- ton-5 Jn Cleveland, Mt • an oxample lo iiicrcluinls of that, clly I anil rvrrv iitlir r clly by provlifing aloiiB w ilti l!ic i.lorci jilrn ty of free IwrktiiB iil'-iM for lli'-ir CHstoDffn;. t

[ It's nald lo i)r ii '■CallJoriita and Kan- dl , hii'; C tt'vldrti." O'f U siorM In it»L.t-’l ‘ic«r:o Loop dis- *>'* irtc l.h a d done Uml. Clilcoao would '• not now be.lorn wliti It's cinesUcn.ct- nartttng or no iurkiiiB nii business 5 atrcets,

As fnr as can .be. seen loday. relnll - |i business for the nexl dccacle o r_U u tuf, a l JMsr, is s t j j j f f lo roinc’ to the mcr- 'irr* ■cnnimnehmnakMt-pwylbto-for-iieo- .W ■ -ntc-lcrttrlTeMo-thelr rioop. Imivc Ihetr I'J- ears near by.anri drive nway when |j

lhey,have made llic ir imrchiuw. Ycl

>. u ith this iim llrr. nnd few real estnlo si' men nte niiikliii: iillowinrc for l l In

"-Pungent-- \ ; Par^raphs I

The Cream of'tbB Nation'se ______________ 1 .1.

^ Kaa^as. »o notc.'tion now'inventcd ,, *- la Orrek. Ie»cr utle

e Ncw York Evcniii^Pait. • _ ^

He I* lhe .kind of nmn; wc said In )’ '■ onr bitterly liitollcrani way. who would f< •• Ret nil worked' itp'OTrr'thcpanrmCTmt -A . iiniKrtancf of rrvisiim the criicnriar. ,»■

—The Oiilo Sicrte Journal iColiimbuisi. |,|

* Mayor Tliompson has one'obviou*r comebaek—lft- .-8 lr-IIu g h Dcnnisoii'a .j ,1 characlerUallon of him ns "a fortu- , “ ilous blatherskite." Hc can deny that f . he Is.fortuitous.—The New York Sun. "»-l ------------------^ ---------"'B ■ "Wilson Peacc' Award I.t Hunted for ,, Lindberjh." • ’n in fs 'r lK h t.-W h y nol r

Bite Uw boy. somelhlns.—Tlic Ne.w c Tofk EveiiinR Po.*.t.IC ■ -^-= 5 ^ i who- fo.’ iid Ihelr eUlldreu .< . lo read fairy tales wltl im ve-lo bc

particularly on Uie watcli out during Ic this election year.—Tho Los Aneeles ® o Evening-Expross.----------------------------------

- —The-{8ct-that-ft-mai’t-hA»-bc4'iuboUi> .1 ered by no one does not prevcnl him e

ly from nniiquncluB Umt a t the eartie.n [if totlcltntlon*-of- htr-m nnr-frlends;- he ,

has decided- lo run for olflce.—Tlic . Oakland Tribune.

)t Tlie law of gravity is nbout the only ,- l jn e . .x lal • pinyn nn fflvnrltr,v—T lir J '■ Newart; Ledger. - - i

[7 ■ TliB flim »n-ffh ff-h«« '''Ju .u ■tjTBknr »- t l i f record for looping lhe loop alicuid . **• rw t on liU lourefe i t m lR linw tilS io neck Uie nc'xt lime.—Tlic Dallas Jour­

na l

Al least, in the good old days, Ihc : lc hoM and bujjgy didn'V broak down iq ' ^ far troiii hcnie.—Tlic Aslieville Tline.i.

'*'■ U .seciiis only fa ir to clve TJioimu -d A. Edbinn a.weck, after lie has clven uL II'K U’nri,! <n mnnvftlPflSflnt evpiitnen. _

—Tlie Great Falla Tribune.

Sage Heris May Be b- Extinct; in N eed


otirn sr.vion and a big bag limit. K. he E. Tliomas. state game warden, dp- lei clared loday. In announcing hc Imd

queried Uie gome leagues.of southeni “ • idaho eounllcs on the ddvisablllty ot ed a shorter season and a smaller bii; le. lim it on upland birds, parilciilai'ly

- BsBc-Hen*.-Tlie warden said SUgiJ Hens-tlte ihreaiened w ith exUncilon

ch unlerj eonser\'n«on. ntelhods nre

Board Carries Oiit ra W ill—Buys Bread "I For W orthy Poor

l l l l -PHILADELPUIA..rcb.-».yi>)-aiim .. 'b r t i l l Srotten dled-nfl-yeara-ago bul-hls .

fpiclt of charity goes marching on. Hc'lefl a riiiid and directed tlm l Uie

lie, annual Interest of >13 be used for Uie la . purclin.w of bread on 'hto blrUiday li»

be distributed to the worthy, poor.Tills w u his birthday and. tlie board

■ue, of city imsta fa iU iIu lly carried cutu» _______

A V A L A N C ll£ :o m » fa E U l8 .L _ _ _ VILLAOB IN. t f y p IA

M oscow . Feb. a - (M —An ava­lanche U .reported ib ha w overwhelm­ed -a, villi«e In Uie mouutlnn south of

“ o is iU D rr iir .t r f ln J ta w w w T T ^ n r -^ e y.- ta to^-lh e -lnh ab ltan lA -is -un kno w h

slnco the heavy snow ha» blocked, all LOn. J __________

6AXOPHO.SB LEADS TO tilVORC^ NBW, HAVEN* ,Conn» Peb. 23 (fl’ ) -

. While (be aouphme may^ often lead in d to’ popularity In' the younger set. It

led to lhe divorce court here today.Beardsley„o{ UiU elty seeks

Sroree bmuse-hls wIfeUeft him when

t ia

WMOfcffti* .• b rn tc tB iu rO h

. . . . .lops of Uioso illt lc books." nnnwcrcd Tuckcr, iKtlnUus toward one' of llic aliclrcs' In lho iilstbry 'alcove. ' "Some ODO-woiild liare K'flo toe If Pd ccmie out fur oiiougb to look iinmud Ujc Slicivpf."

I “ .Sow. lell mc: did Uie pm tm nr do J nnytlilnj, wiilte yon .were wiildilng--

“ I'lm llivfly nol." onuwcred Timker.I “ llu-wiis wriijiiwd up In 'em; be dliln't : turn his liead wtien Uie joiini; 1n<ty . 'irrnirslil'UiC'hooWs-anil-llie-rollmiLBn-.. . l iu j . l ie j im j lK i ' I " ''I”

r ik k . Uu Jii»l BlofKlL ih c ro w m in K r il iiill tio liirni-d in 'go down tiiu iiIbIc'

b c iiltiil- itiiit 'lH S l^ ic lf." .I "Very iv i ' i l. " ,» ^ l Mr. Almy. “ Oo

I. siil.in yi.uworc In iij llie 'I '-t.iry ol-

I air." snM PetW's••Step ln'liliid Um iow-tiuoU nicovc.

: r lK lil'ln frout o f 'l l i i i t ' in ^ u t;i»»k nn ilil»''fm irlli HlieirrwniCffTbo-prtUryiH^ wyn lie wna CJnmlnlnB-n'llisI.ify Ot Ituiiiiin Ui«2_" I licnru Peter move.

1 and liiiatciK.Mi my-pruparntlon:) to lcave._ iT iickcr's s liiry dicq-ileted mo.moro

every mliiulc. "Noi», Forrcil," ‘ ^nlO •Mr. Almy.

Hearing nnollier uiovement, I glnnceO diKvn lliu oiiile ncnio, nnd snw ono ot the alrnngera. ii mnn Bcvorul-laclics

“ shorter timii I’etcr, stejiplns In lo ttic

lu c re ’s yonr tjool:.Varrcil," went oiT Mr. Almv! ■■.■AclB and Lows of Uic

„ Virginia Lcs liia liirc / o M on HUT d fourth slicIf, on liils nldc. you _bcc.I t -And*iierc,—nl~your rlclit-lmMil. ,na- II r. u'liH lit Mr. Urosvcnrr’n. 'wc’ll pnt the '■ siirlnK-laiii-cL I'vc hi't It. Is thnt-po-r •s»ton-rtKtit;’ T i ic k c r r ........................ -1* "A ll lllo tnrtlicr_forwnr»l." snid

■Tuckfr.-."ll-un« rlKlit-ou Uiii ed£c..o(I (liQ s'lielt. T lio little lever held it I tliere,-nml t l iot'long biiick tliiug woa

H rell. ''Ttie ru l llow'a th a tr.w "U ls lil," «»'‘l Tucker. _____

"1 «(>e: llut irlc^er U JnM hanslng “ ~ r i l ie~c.li!u of l llfi Ulll'i 'l /

Hnrlnn drniv ymtr two liookn o(T tho j slii'lt. Wlmt lininiciK'il next. Tucker J"

_____ "Mr. (irusvpiKir gli>otK‘i|_dnwn.nnJ_loiikc'il Imrd Into the open space on

1. lliu Bhclf. like Im was looking for III Bomutliliig,"•’ t -Hciid iluwn, rnrn-ll, until you cun

m-e llllll lliu iniii," liiri'ctcd i i r . Almy. “ Is timt llic Wliy it viiiM, Tucker? Xou sev. lie's Just Mr. ‘Jmsvcnor's iicifthl.’*

"Vcs, htr; but Uo uiiijlit to Iiavo. hta i,r In lilM k-fi hnnil. nnd hln rlghl

j i f r l ot-KtrctcUwI-oUt-nioiiij-UxaialiClf. on Uie empty space. liLo na I f ho wna

^ Riling 10 inkc Miiiivniliig oil it. . • r• , i ncrOi t i iTiT rl l l Iir', ■■.Nmv. I'nrri'll," iald Mr. Almy,

•■wtmi dn you socS" ..... “ Tlieit/s u-piip cloar nerosa-tlic shelf lie from frnnt lo tmck." iiiuswcrcd I'arre il. <q " I i<i'v burton |il:iln1y; miUiIng elae." ” •1 ".Ml r l: : l ii ; Imlil your position. Uur-

inn, llll you fci'o tiiu ’M 'iillliJ 'llin tiill'' "■ Ttiijrc-was o very tirli-f piiusc; tlicn

M IV liT nlimvercd! __________________ _•-Vea, sir.’* ’Vriiun n-aeli liirouRli llio p ip . and

. Pi 't; II up-'.’; - ............... . . _ _'I'lmi wus the ln«t I lic»r4,I lleil out of l'arr«>w‘s ns-tifforc-flrc

,n or llimil. I wns uu -lm ili«ro- 0 8 use- tc H, It seemed lo me, a* everybody cl.u- wns before llm l dcvaalnllng fllory

li. frum liis olisfurliy to siivo Julln. It Ip- mtn true. Iml only Uiercupon (0 lo- nd -..,lvf lior ilKUiisul.iliCd uncle, our oid

frivniL, .My ttuiiei-t) (llnner simmered o' iliivvn hifd n clans ot liot t'nilk lu innko

in.! (.Imi. wlilcli dpslmlilc end U nc- “ J c.>u-.|ill»licd III throe o'clock 8undn> Ion uitiinlin;. ',,re Ami al.sevcn the lulcpltoae nn g .-------nfT<it9liig-frvory-4>Ho - io - ll in hilllgfl,:------ gyi if 'tTH'si' l f; tn i.. jihore-lli&-mwtMg«

- \«-ii«. iL.was from Mr.'Almy, and h( nbki'd mc tn come Into town on th< nrst irnin I cmM get. nod cotm atrnktit m Nhrmiimly termed ^ h l i

_ WOH iiH 111' tin 8mmilc<l ver.v tins !I cuufo not nak lor i l ^ I i l i n ' flie t;' I

hU did nut wish III liunr llivm .untl|.l hui " t a ’ 'So.' lnefely~ol)eylng~or(lcra,'^

Uie fcoclii'd Nonnaiidy termco'so^D. •am Uie In n Mntc of cxirumc nnslcty. . .

lu Ami wlio Blinuld vonio-dnslilns-^r • wiird oul. o f.ibo rfslftumni bo.t -Br

ncsiiO Ves. Kmealo, nud aa }'knov him nl (lid, before wo had myilerle;

*n flir'tn» itiilR iira tflnn»r*lld -m irllrfiah ' nmiy. ills blnck Sunday aall. tt tto i

«A .»iliiL cvihir, u pu'rDlo iMUtoouIcre.. _ va* -Ah.li.li.| T ills tnurolDB_lyfo

♦ e liu n lir erlcd Kmcato. nibWnB.W IlMn'li- "N*’! nuich I dntf t go tticn

• il'a Kw long 111 ciilircti, bul-lUU-Bwra iQl ing, yi-aJ" . • -

;__ llruiiKhi uj) wllh il s tiot^..*W bn

IC^ ttcular-beotliea.

ea'd CreniK-a hiirden-d Kruetto'* ani, It bq«c und Ups.-lay- ••Soa Ihhik I get inn rrlcdr«>“ r lw wqUifHlshly. •‘Xui ido! •K u i L , ..«

t ia te i l . w . l l l t ltd r .« W 3 ? B n

' - • . ■ >• ...

[V tened b j regard. “ 1*0 bona-CttDdla .I ■ for lhom lMs'ffloniltig. en jrw ayr— - I “ Ob r 1 breillied, clutcblag U>e bas> ■I liter, -you dflti't uicon i }>ai

I ■ ''•yoo“ "dcn'=r iiito * o » r crllfd’ - S fi I ncslii, crciccndo, -M j Ood I You go

1 r !I llio tiall, ttiD door o t tbo Orosvenor


10 teo Julia i l l t io t ou a l)IUQ .aofa, nadL ..

s(ir Uarrlngtoo.- Near by aqt I ’ui.er. StaudlQg, blit ta hoadrwai Ur. Almy.

“ Wo had lo bare you bcro to mnk*,l l couiple ior.cried Julia, ru»hiO|

• r t< m a rd :W :5 ilh -#u ch -a -a n il|a^ i^c r. ” 1 carer been, aeen lliero b» '

. 1 sank lolo « eluilr.' ‘I t must bn»e,'“ 1 gaipcd; “ Emcato'a

sot religion I" =“ Oood old Ernesto I" cried I ’eter.

“ 'C "W iiy orea’t you Joyful. too._Con- *•, ^ alnncot" ?!

ICmbarmsaed, 1 glowered aoverely at 18 - Sir. Almy, who, the cnuso o f my mis-------- takeo-aogtilsh.-nBd llie only-calin-ps^er. son preseni—Preftssor UarrlogloD waa n'.t Id Buch'tt'slnU ot ccsiosy bo cocido't » 'ly spcuk at o lll-cam o to my.rcacuc. " 1)"-. _ J‘\Ve Juit .wanted lo return *<'mc .of f lie your corrcspondetico." Iio snid; und *>

~Tf<mrwnMCl{er^e-prodnced-my-y»l-sic* '(ow nolol . l - T - ----------- ------- f

Tho professor now found hia voice: *' “ Miss fuliep kindly let mo uiio tbnt f

III- ..1,1 In ihis gentle, prcclso ninmicr; " I t wns 10rcflcuc mc from great dllHculties. Aud

- tt llnnlty lim iiglit nip In mv denr liroih- . ^ er's chilli, wKom?rhnd. never MpcctciT ^

Ilio picluro of tbat liud old-fashioned ''*■ gcntlcmnn ond that lienuliful and gift-

ed glrL At Inst freed, ouo. from tin Borrow, ibo olher from lho pcraecu- tion. which bad filled tbclr ilvca, iliora ,

. could bc no-doubt that tbeir bnppy, unexpected rcnnion forcsliadotvcdJong

’ ° years of sweet rclationahlp. They -wero nbiorbed-m-Mcb- othert ; Aimy beckoned Peter nnd mo Inlo llio '

= = " l lt t l i ! * tffTpMi>n««>mBCTndi^lUfc-?r:Ult- ^door . --------- . .

1 1® - ^ t n J n c » r to know wliat Ima bap- _ pcnedr I demandiiL

„■ -Von mean since ym slummed f>a^ ,i,p i^W# doorV iiiqulruU-ilr. Almy. “ Wb

heard youi Welt. 1 di.lii't blumo you, .• _ Ilicn. »nt tills Is wimi hnpi»encd; j , , l j * •-Ourtoii, laiiiag iTo fm or llnrrrng-, o f tou'a place, Btaricd to rench fo r tb l ,

■ jprinfflancot-ns dlrcetedr-whon_*ud-- - a , deuly bo slmlgbteiicd up and asked ' - - -Tuckcr..bow:irfi‘..abe p r o ^ o r .liad m it- -Biuupy i^u laa Inin i iif, iniV/lioolt .a lroTt

from Uio rcar.^-...“ I'ou see." loterruiilcd Peter. “ M ing .

-------- Jusl-UarrlnRtoB’s ' lielBbl, 1 rronid o f•‘"-5- -eourw-aw-just-wiiat-Uurrlngtuiuaaw- - ^ "Anil I_hnd hollMU lim t whcu-PanellT - 7 r ^ ^ o - t« li- ^ v « ii iw :» -p ia c o . -a a I< l-h a - .:,® snw mo 'Uirousli tbo gup, as be• , stooped, 1 illiln’t sco lilm nt a l i l Now, °0a- -{jiut-«pjrlng-lunceu..wai-rlsb(_UQ^lll«iL

edge of the siiclf, closo benldc FurrcH; and while I cuulfl b m l l - l suia 1 coui?, you k iio w -in V ii^T ^ 'r tJ r* ’ ®®*'' ■ Ing over l l ii i t 'I did no. So.lt occornjd lo IUO to aok Tuckcr bow mucli lh * nrofussor Inul Miwiied.”

;hl.“ -Aud ho nalil,"'conilnucd Mr. Almj;, taking up.bis tiu ry ;j:U inL.Uanj g g ^ .

-nprlgbt-a ll tie l ib e l -Therefor^.wo ' wn« to ij {)u»on 10 luok Into lho sop ndtl

aco whero Uio inncet wa*. aisum ln i______ litafr-Uaaliniim-ia'BW hpvo teen Itimy. nnd Uicn reBilii-d for I t wUUout bend*

In tt And Uicn-" ilie tt I-l couldn't como n itb in eight IdcIiM •rell. 0?; It, without kiooplnj ovcrl’* crIcd Isc." Peter, trIumiilKintly. • . .Uur- “ Uut.you tuid tba protcaaor ndmlt'

-rcf l 'hu muile ilionaiatm aV i l l l flt n c t t tbcn found In liio dust-between Uio row i

o t lioola," 1 »»a« ilc il. "B l i l i i 't m. rCftcTln tliCroT' y ............. ■5’

and ‘ but Just to foel, according to ' hia siory, wliulbcf .o r-no t thero waa

------ • nny tWfd row of -Jxwk»5eot»ceale«l:b^r f lre hind tlio front roir. aa .U bftcn tba use- caso on crowded ehel»ei.“ op lnlned

body Mr. Almy. ‘TUlii ^ Iw in U o n naa iK iry borno out to somo extent, by the fa rt

^ e c L 'fn r back frtmi tf i* «igo or UliT > in. Bhelf whero tlio',tpi1o«-1ancel -waa r oid placed, and I t Is partly corroborant icr«d M Tucker’s itaicmcni i l ia t tbo profea- imko a ir never slooped, orer.' rnrlbcrmore. c nc- It furnished a clew ss to wby t lr , ndn> GroSTCflor should have been stoopin* ............lo loc4( IbrouBb Uio sap.J9Q woa tuak:.n n g . Ing a thorough ie s fc b 'fo r . lha t. lawi> f t - biMk.. So Uien Borton h id anotUef

id '* '“ 0h, wo all had,li,''.a8Miin*<»;i'<ttrj I ihe “ bu t pcrbaps It occutMd. W » o flrat, come sociDff Uiat 1 Had: H8W ogton*siM irt r r i i t i Uo Bcomed to bu lct»dat; I t loo_ked as t in s ! I f bta Itory ftl-ro thic^ X « tb c » Mr, i tr tT l- -O ro fttno r-w u» .-kW o d .b n lh ftU n itn t I hud nieat-how? \V e l l„ ta 5 « :.1 « D ’l.»c t r s , ^ -FsWGllr.bDfho-caB-wtroerwJiaO't'a^ , .and BtooplDg over ns OPOaTCBOr waa, Wow,

that old nan bad'a W ife liea rt^B d a i . i o ^ ,bad.«90i(clcoco, n o .B M t l« w got a t dreadful sbOck wiien be MW S B trIi1^ knew too rigbt. la f r o n t ,p r : h l» . ja i . aM lerles undoubtedly huvo t l i05|h { ,f la rr ln g lM rfiah ! »h a d ^ « ^ » - lo - 4oMsi:

das- •‘Notw,"'b l» own U ro p M tf, ;tto '.^ l«c r z z :a R a r c w r : i iM : i i i f l :w « l t e « < ^ ^ ^M ;tP cvcaiUiougb Ibo .I , l i t , " » i i : s ! ' ! ! j 2 l » i ^ ! , f f l 5 S ; K j .ttiere. c lrcuM iancea. sti5 3 w . » T i g y * ^ noro- siUon, fiaii aucU i'iSooCt " l ia t j m l l

S ™ CT n o ttt ii

lollonlns l!url(iQ i;l« id.'weni.Q ble W , :TO «i»|nitt »I»1 d ii iiiijilin iW aia “ p;• - O r o n !« 9 ir i« " » «I. d w » « In * '" '

•»<^«U,N.|fli|ng in ti^rd4 liM aacet.you

IX- —


l i MATBC i t o po im M i a i n ^ t n Im:— ta w t-iw liulte a».p»Myr-Toa-aeerilM

RebablleaB iircaldetiUal dcsitnaUoa----------- Hn iim Oharlea I'orlis . K. \

in a )ikM n«od la WaablnftoB.oa

know, slid ntong“ ^bc aide o f Ibo bonk- , »bHf.-111(11, Dcwhllne lo-Tucker-’lhe , iMit clicked,' and tho old mao tupplcd i

-over, ilow ly and heavily, bat wllhoutflfw- mucb noise, ____rfli “ Wo worked iCls deacrlptlon oariO in't detail; It »yaa aoon evident.:tliat the

ali^lug o t Uio hand along the book- of ubelf wna Mr. aroavcuur’a nUSuipt to .

,nd afe'ndy lifmscIA-os 1(4 l.fld JerSCd-Wm.- i ,,1. fc if od bis balance when reboumlhig - - - rronrtlnrabock-of aootnf Ib ij profeasor •-

'so uiioxpcclediy. U i if instead Ot-ir-- - covering bla- bulanee, ho lost It «"•

' , tlri'ly; H is 'fra il w rist b ll violcmly ■uii»insrn io - t)ani- u f t <tq apriHgiftflewii -

. whlcli wns lying act on tho edge o f tbe i.|ii'lt-M t.n sw ckuo w frdmlliewound

lln* indi^fj'd nt Its crcotcot dopthi doubt" a less to give,foil gcotw’ forconipdrlMn' |

'I*** inneti along tbe shelf, forcibly unlll 11 ] i iiru tk Ilia upright division - beiwecu

lho bnoU-iiielvca, nud act l l ol, on bla owu wrist, tbUB ■ forced agalnit lhe baie of the Imiiiet. by accidentally nrcsslng lho trigger on tbo edge of Iba ,

!'“ * shelf over w b lc liU waa haoglflg." , ._:ausL.on(}.tblnB. morc,.;tilen^wr l-[, bt-sBcii.' -Had Profc.«or lla r r l i i jlo n ^

Ifltw laughcdl .J H — gHa_itaa-Um-oue-Dmn’n who hnd

nu ll Ho lioda't even nolk-ud Uio ad--' I.V-; Tcnlremcnis. dUier u t Ulo nuclhn or . lho MurebnLc. l lo hnd. In fnct, quite

glvt-u Uli" bis old luw book, which, IlO,------- waa-chl<jUy~sorry_Ui_luac_£otJcntli.“ ?■ fflcntnl n!Uson*. Vou see. Mr. -Oros- ‘ , vcuor-nud with Uila Unal wrong, tva L J •jnlgtir rtlsmlsa-ihal-uniiuppy-old man,.

, BlDcp the ono bo injured.beara liltu no

Professor i ’larriria l‘ 'n. w lillo iliu latter •ns Mill In KoBhiniL tbnt Ihe iilei-o hc

' ■ knew,- hod Iwtm bum .bud tiled .iMwn ■aTCTTiCntKWTlCK Ilra rw o a whyihc-

'- J *. " * union when we broke tbo good tidlngailT« w U icm l" . -— What-a-iot-you'rc-responslWo-for,

Peterl- abid I.'? ,* ■ “ Proudslug joung fellow, Hic LV

B D i l l ^ ‘J rA l in y :~ ’T'«ngiised“ bim ' [ 5 ; again t ill* "'oniing. And Urat ibing bo

does'is fa ll out witU l i l i i l iU r l 1 nlcHily said ibc'd bo a good ooo to

r / * belp wlHi tbo Job." f S — S n iftr n t d PeKrrrbnniiy.- "A ll- I^ - j l d ' K iH .ic ii liur n«u HUH juun y rshe. auS goei strolght up lu the nlr and alayi

mlns Uiere.' ^•n It “ What a dm ultul ihlng lo td l one iemfc wl'o younsr' 1 niiionstralcd. "Do

you really wniit Nancy, Mr, AlniyV Ichca i’l'cs,. I f you 4Tould porauadt) bcr to cried CTUic. i w‘uit n kcjbolo to lc fouud

for Hint i«ne.iuuio licy'. Surely llicre'a dmlt' Cine bei-c or iicreabouta. 1 uiust'leuve wcra the Job, In guud liundri; Pm going home ^ ■■111,' idilll! t l i l i) . su'j liic iiiutiua-(^f r he . I asc(.-ndcd to tlm il.lrd floor. Uiere

T fo And Nancy ilntcruilneilly reading ig t t tbe Sunday fusblon supplemeot.

waa . “ iVby don't y o j como down and d:b«i- -celebmte. os Invltedn i.lu iiu ircd^....I Uia “ peler'a senndnllted o t mei After alned tbo way ho uclcd, himself, and after

naa all I've done for lilm I W liy l Becausc I fa rt I told him how l.liiougbc onco^lhat

m n r*<>■ '< iVas hu.Hcnmlnllzed because you

rat< t Blola rt yourscltr’ rofes- »^'o, he snhi tlia t was flrsr-nle: but more, ,|o one utd I'noucti lo bo a Judge of r Mr, cliaracter could think Mr. 'Cato cnpa*

bIc of aiich n tlihiK. Ho never thouglit tuski Mj-thing of Mr. Case,, hijnself. iUBW

nher wlmt Julla to ld him and Mr. lothef A ln iy r V - >.

’ I ' i V ~ "L o n s ugo, hu knew Julia's motner 0™* -oh . vci y w'cll: IlO wanted to Barry

• - 7 . lier. Imt »ho didn’t caro for bim. Ho-• »r. M l'i *>*'0 "'a* a 'C / roniaoUc girl. Ijo

spoclully"bC(arui«.hcr father -irn rito slern} flUd-ho-McjDiUteKCll.

■ ^ he never was very exdUng, 1 guess. " J l ' T R iM e t ji iy,'i ? i i i i r jm r a r i i i o i i Jt ’ . ' under Buspiclon, ho cnmo here nnd'. of-

* ferwl. for her mother’s Bal^^ to licjp S i . * hkr In any posalblo.way. ,1'on know ' iM l Thunday. wlion you oiid he iioij

Mr, nobertr and Caplaln Ashtonil f f i wero ta lklng.^oboiiiM lie bookpiaie!

‘t^ t.-^f-^urse 'T l'o -know -B om elh ln i r'“ “ abont I t : you’ve heard how lulia 'it l f e ; S ^ i f e r i s T B o o i M r . B im - r w ; . l. fc ilil» batciiiy, whPrtUhoiij yery sraniti

J!'.“ U ?orjiU l'« ^ k j i la f t.framef’ - , —

•'Ho they doPao Uit-y d o f.■ js - ' t % . CHS m ii-cf> iii*W ;«J(

ible to Jn lla w'ltb ti," pursued ..Naney, .no <1 *>“ P; wllboui shnm’dnesN “ Vou set: lie dh r sold iiQQ^ Mi-.'Grosveiinr.' and then in tldon'y fdund ont who Jvilu wu#,’ wlieit' iii’i

tiilni««f In l l i0 .slnili!;bl>:lau»t hBvi itbB I^ ^ « ,p d what Iliey hoih'wonted.’'

w S w tioiir'inoVniifiooiv.i*!t.yt>U| iiciit. ,»wimi i ie 'k in w of Mary Croi


^ Ver

^ U 'S -W ^ a T a : ca t h l ^'«>• ' ; • . foi5 g = S = ^

vvnur'a secret iiad aipparenily ool beeo ga *'«• rtiiinsh in dcienuine hire on-what ho • I'C liinuHht tho. K ‘l t cj'prw o t action lo inj

hplp her dnnsblcr, Ihen nnder a cloud. hl| ml l i ^ Imd ihcrefftro como ^ rsonn iiy to thi , J'ulln'H nid. 10 try lo discover Uio best' ln|

m -” c o i i i^ r " ^ ^;he "And you’re not g d ln r tfl try .to find ^ ft:- out why Mury Grosvcnor bid that key ^ to '.under llia t bopkplntol" I ejacultiied ^

'»>•' OTishfnsJy.HC , Naucy Hung down tbe lashlop sup- 'jje

r r - - --------r_____ ' - ' " '——— lhen> ' (ConUnued in Bfext issue) f]lliy . --------- ; coJ J -----------■ ^ - t l lU U ir U N I 'A l t t ' . --------- ^

lOd WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 , W -T h e foibu aiH tiirif nf ■t.ome tccUons of uip Eu- aj uni- Topean-prcM'toiKard-the-Uiillea-atates _ IIM In coniMctloii wlU» Uicir rejwrts o f the,r“ ' ^ .A T O n a f f ~ r a n i^ c c - -

li-lS K tH ow “ uIlls ^ Hihe . FLIER W ILL TRY AOAIN

Ills M IAM I. Fla.. Peb. 23 < ;p)-Harry ^ * Brooks, pilo t of the Ford, " I llw e r- Jx

• plane vhlch fell 200 mllea short of Its , *• attempted non-slop fligh t .from De* is

(on i r io~Wlami Tue«aay.''annoimced ti w'a tonlRht th a l be would make anoUier -|<

~ ? i f f ^ m - -------------- ^ --------- -fllind ' '. ” ■ • 1'uil- W ILL N O t'R K C IN ITR E aX JU l'nO N }j

BOISE. Feb. 23 (/n -Id ah o 's dc^ C , „ partment of OBrlculturc w ill not re- “

' Mind regulatlOM govemlna. lhe lm4 “h t l i portnlloB -ln t'> -Td»hA-nf hahy ehlcka .Pros- »nd hatching eggs, alttjough cnforct- hwa ment -.-f the rcgulaUons has been en- B

an,, joined under a temporary restrain- 11, no or^cr issued "by UicTedferal 'co u rt "i

• - ■ . | t

S Editorials of : 's" ■ _ D fiy *"s« NO PLAYING OF POLlTiCS V

There U every likelihood tha t the ” fof- BcB ate-w Ill tindertake-an -.offic ia l g

and formal InvesUgaUon o f the bl- * L«,’' luminous cool .atHke situation. There P bim- Bhotild-bo‘.such-toJnm tlgaHpn._*?lfl.

Uie sooner U la alarted Uie betwr P■ 1 fc r all-concerned.---------- — -----------f, B u t the Senate cannot stop wlU>

an invesUgatiori. There have been in- „ , qulrlea and InVcsUgatlons before; eotri-

'■ajt in tc^ liitH w j bdUi' ^ U e s to 'u w 'con- *troversy. a ild 'p reparln t reconunenila- <

one tlbiis. The recommendaUons were m-" "Do variab ly f lled -a nd forgotten.,Y> Too many mlnen. too many m in- , ,0 crs! The p ) i iw has ^ repeated

. >0 oflen m at I t has become worn .n d Ih ra u l-b u t-b u t n o lh l^ t o beca done « » u t It. Cdngten tlUkJ lutlcii«l> and don noaino. An In ; vestlgatlon is not ai( end In Itself,

here of Congress w lii have only begun dlug when ita.lnycsUtaUon U iM fiif i. .

This situation-is too important, tw

» « « Ue weary of the-“ experts- who cjmea iM here lor ttw 'o r three days, and Ujcnlhat assume lh a t they know, a ll, aboi^t Uio;iari- coal crisis and Ulle ,y w d ln g ly . j t

you less /cheap sensationalism.Sccrclary of Labor DavU has d ii-

2 “ tions dcs«rvc Uwrough-golng pubUc. “ .P“ : lupport. Ho points oul. fo r cxataplc. '” 6 Uic advlsabUlty of r e l^ lw Federal

iegljaaUdn,.agalnj^_Uie_.<a&sqlW.st^ Mr. of bualncss cnlerprises to permit ccr*

* U in combltUlUons Uiat w ill help, to

"“ nf. o p ^ r ° u n l t y ^ ” d havc to bc.affort- . c H c pbihTo-iit possible dahgera and

dlsadx-aata^ .btfore any acUon b taken on It,, b u t- It representa con-

:KCll4 flirueUvft—thought-by—aomeone_wha iu io»-sjam ellila t-B tam LJhc_nroblcni u a w h t^ -an d is serlouily trying to

id’ of- gel somowtim wlUt It. not merely- to bclp 2et hU name In to ' print.—The Pllts-

kqtiw bu nh f W O s ielJe.

htond m b il-A 0 A b S r it i ' 'M d 6 T A L lW iiiaie} Aanoioc«nunt,lfm ade by ,Uie Uni-

Boph6lhoM*.'-thetOT-^'chlldren''-*as ti«c4 -b y - t^ -te g ls lra r . In ^hLv.repoTt; to tbo board bc»use .Uie-^ students were found lo bis liicliing In abluty

tf Uga ltf> ttA ln ;U ie ItpWeWlc lertl;re<lulj*d

,.001 w ltb . th p InlenUon of making Uip camtitil k - “glortlled playground." The

,„ Ilk freshman .(nrotoent a t WUeonstn; ^ J v U st faU w f t s - ^ so Uiat the ellm*

' cen t'o f the,class.><tK» tHaV-coiithiritt-

™»; most hlgher.adueaUon^lilnitituUons. Cros w b jf l i have-been-‘ m a k in t^ ', study- o t

meet "

T h e -w l^ w s tspcc|ally - c r iU c li» d - in -^ — lU.-DQ«.lblc appU«tlen to suta unl-

Uie. c y p u s M _ ^a ^ “ y ^ ^ P l a y - -

annoyance -to be tolerated fo r the eriJwncnt derived f r o n t 's ( ^ - a a d aUUetie acUvltla. Membership In a fraternity Is frequenUy »ganled ^


fo r Uie shallow sodal opportunities associated wim the -Oreelf le lle r or- gimlAStlon.

The luiswer to Ute probjem. U be­ing f o u ^ In a deflnlto trend toward higher' scholasUc r^u lferaent*. -Wllh the cost of higher education Increas­ing w d the value o f tmlverslty tn ln -Int-enhancsd-by-Oia in troduction .a t------>,more scIenUflo and commercial . counci. i t ,U essential Uiat lU bene- - J fits should be preserved' for those ^who appredaU>-Uieni<r-CoU»«e.-max.------.«IH be a playpound to those who

l ! i ° I1 1 / ^ y ntrn ^ th t cnteoalnmcnt of aoe^l butter— - -- files. The mortality sUittstlcs a t W l*r • consln may bc somewhat above-the

thPv- muntrato Uie step whlcli’ 'cacli liisU nillon roust uko • for Ils own protection.—The Indlan- apolb Star.__________ . _ ■ .

^ fO F ~ A ~ T R E A T Y ~ ~T ^ iird jo h

U nited'SU les comes annauncement Uiat a SlmUar treaty between Oreal B riU ln and-the United Slates la be-, ing negoUaUsl.. TreaUes are always

, jialled wlUi delight as l»r_bln8en of

I * ^ e Brbltrallon treaty wlUi France I Is. after all. a pleasant , gesture br-— i ttt-een tw o-cm intrtes-that-hBve tho : -least reasons In Uic world for goinff- ' Tba-irJiancf!! flrn that IL

Irealy wiUi Oreat B riU ln Is qullo iL (lllferent matter. Some of oiy

t l i iv iT w p c 7 lir {e ll 'M -U i^- Great- B riU ln ts noL_otily„possll)lc,_....■ bul probable. I t Is w ith -Uils prob-• ablllly in view tha t John SmlUi. U x- J payer; l i called upon to dig down Inlo. jiTiiiippi'y^nds-for-«>-navy-------. ^ great or greater -than B r lU ^ 'i ,- U ist.w lll find us prepared when lhe; " a ^ arrtrcs; ................. -------------- ----------

,'Now ccmcs a troaty,betwcen the .'

while there w ill bf coursc, be no wnr.And If 'there b to be no war. Uicro wlll, of coursc. bo no need for n navy

upon wlUi perfect sincerity-by-both , naUoni Uie new naval, program may 1 MUi pafect safety be Uirown aside.

B lit*w ill It? -8u re ly -n o-be tte r op.------, borUinity could offer fo r providing • ; WheUier sn arb itration treaty is a teal J- ■prevtnUltve-of'war-'or-wheUier-lt-U ------, ju i t a loi.of.,.vcrlbaBc_ihRi.BiVM.dlp-— , jqniau scmeUiIng loi do.—The BalU- . piore Evening Sun. '

ta to - a tx ia ’-B oo k Store.tJ8lurpai'--=_. Adv.. -

J ■ I t P a y s T o B u y

» “Hi-Grade” if Chjcks —„ T h e y A r e

5 S t a t e A c c r e d i t e d[J = F r e e - o f - D i s e a s e

'• M o r t V i g o M u s » M o r t a l i t y I s l o w e s t

T h e y L a y E a r l i e r , “

«■( T h e y L a y M o r e , a n d

; ; T h e y P a y M o r e ,

^ One cuHiofTfcr lo i i t K iir in j;m ;iM l.a 8 .Q U t.o £ .a O .O _u l.e (g h t_____f * weeks. O ne lo i i t 20 o u t o f" >1000 a t tw Q ..^ c c }w . _ O u r __

ry Ih^rough i fu i [ un d w in te r .The y n re a v o ra g in j j 175 to

u 200, f lo c k uvcrago .Q. O rily 12>c'irffti mol^c ifc r y e a rlia - S ^ iU .C S x J jic J lf fo re n jL ^ . in _____im. ^ l o —p r ic c - i- o t— tho '—c h ic k - -■

■•maiiy th tlc s o v c i : . x - - '

J . .'O ur; c h ic k s u i-q . m itk ln g good In th e hom lH o f o u r

' c u H t b i i i i j r f f . - . ' O u r o r - - . i . dors n n d ,g r# ly ,m .c r .e a 8 e d . no de m an d , i>rovc8 th is .f . ' W T i 5 v i t e * i ^ : t r i H 5 p ^

s -

Page 5: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

P t i l l f i #HAM8EN.-Feb., a (8pecl»t Iq Tt\9

M a y y n hU h w ho d t«K l to

— S B U »diitE pucoparoiw tctchm -B4«^ .......d*y eTtnUig. wjUmen lo ^

Rcmery. Mrt. R. W ^Tw gu ii y d Vn. w u lu BD«pMn:'"Tru«i'.u*B d'enU V m won honon ih iho eon-test Mondiy erfe ln i. r e ^ r t U « v «o f the Huucn h lsh •ehool vlU, be se-

- " -------ri«MT-Ttudento-we«-»w»rtod-l6(,-^-------» rnetcmil - or m e '»unafi i i uuiy

recently. Tl'o.e raceeMful in win­ning «w»rdi were UtmuC Boll, w ll- jlnm - Ollno. ouy Cou-an. Jr.; John! Oalley, 8*m WUcman. Clarcnco La-' Course. iM ter Kaylor, RAy Penning^ ton. ' W Bmlth. Jock Spruill and jun le WUemon. |

RCT. O. L. Kendall le ft for Po-

C catcllo „thl3-jnom lng-Pn_oL-l!U jlnwL lind pleasure Irlp. Hc w ill retu rn, Friday. ' '

Members of the Hansen hlEb school _ - _ lacultir._wUl ..preseni. .lhe ihrce-aet.

eomedi'. ••Bm Ji/ uJ Mr. Bobbi," In the h lg li school auditorium on Uw eve-

-------- jU tM t-o f-M irth -.» £^P r«c« K li-w m =^— — U9cd-ft8 a sdiool-bencIiL ... ........

~ MM « M8S~ ~ — ■■ -M .w iH ir n u ,


Memben of the AddUon Avenue So­cial club and thetr husbands spent a very enjoyable ei-enlns a t tho home oi

. M r. and Mrs. Ouy Tum or Wednesday . cvcnlnu. The rooms were artlstk-Ulj-

- - docoratedJor. the.occailon..’i»llh flow-.ers and (ftc j»atrlotic_.colors. « « : hundred was tlfc diversion fo r the eve-

. . Jilnr. fSivora lo t lilSmROrU WeiU 10---------WTTX-SmtrtrTimi' M i*. Glyil-JSmUb

oud low to M n. W. O. Bmlth. Lunch----------ron -w w rred-at^ftve-iim all-UW cs

boikew of red-white and blue-------- sw<cl--pea»-(<>milng-ccnlccplecc»..B!id

the place cords ond olher details ap­propriate for lhe holiday.- Those pres* cn l were: Mr. and Mra; C. E. Dcuea-


< M r. and Mrs, Orlo Williams. Mr. and _ Mrs. Olyn Smithy Mr. and Mrs. W. R Westcbll. Mf. a h d ^ r s . J. T .^ a lh -

_____ bridge. Jd t.a n d iM rs ..H , C..,Pamns.

~ .y*and Mrs. Anna Pierce.

Mr. and • Mrs.-Paul TJiomaii -wcrc hosts a t abMutifuly'oppolnted-lJrldRe

---------Ulimi'r WediiMday emiiliiK u t Umir---------hnrnr-on-bncolnTT-^’he -fueattf^ 'w r*

seated ae five small Ubles centered w ith llghlwl green candles In attrac-

______UvcJioldcrj._and,the,pla«_car^_ wereIn red and green. T lic rooms were

• lovely wllh vaacs and bowU cf red______catnatlcn3.„..la, thn gnmC3>-JflVoni

fo r scorc were won by Mra. Asher B. --------- Wliscn“ rnd-J-T5»wreiice-no(iginr— -

MnnbCTMf the M. c T . club enUr- tAlncd wlUi a V e t t l ly a rm ngrt 0;3Q

' avenue, compllmenUiry to their In- JfiMJJc Heoj), M iriam Bab-

cock. Helen Vosburg, aenevlevc Bol- s tw and Joyco WUUonis. Covers were laid for twenty-two o jid-U io decora-

, Uons were In keeping w ith Washing­ton's BWhdoy. MLm Kathoryn U r- ned. presldtnt ot lhe club. welcCmwJ the new members in o pleasing speech

< ^age s^ O i r V E I in o w n lh c m .vom crt w ho a ta rt o u l in 1 rnd ian tly fresh a n d a liv e .. Then s o m e th in g ;hnppei A lm ost b e fo re y o i i Juiov/ — their h lo p tn ond {ie*hn<

---------------— have gone;-. . . Y o u th -mout h e a llh l W h o t n paUie

. when, b y e ye ry rig h t, th ' »kould be ju a t ^esirniins l iv c l . ' j

.CottsUpiUon w recks heai----------------------o n d ^ p p ia M - fe r - lh o u s a n--------------------- o f V fom cirandm enr-S tcn li:

beauty. T W e V ing v ita lity , is the'cause o f u n to ld -disc

A n d md'ro*# tha p i ly v — • a u re ly .p fa v o iite a . K e l lo

, K u a ra n t^ d to > re l ie v e « cc T o prevfanCit ffve rb e g in n it

_______ It iaitcs AJJLW ^hhe

------------— «nbrrao l«u io1l l< * M ft fe.......... /.„ .tn e n lo ry .c o n a l. ’.:.G |p iIjr.jd li

lines— ew eepihgbS i; po iib :

b u i lc '^ d ^ lK iT w o rk 'i f fe c t l

• - t W tN ‘FAT‘ ‘P P

Tba avttA n teinperaUire f o c . i l i ^ r ^ ‘- a ^ a d e j ” . ”

I - lour-deire«» -low er-tha i> -tiio~b lgh^ , ai point Wetjtiesdar. Tlie minimum of ^ ^l~wa«-pnt>-df|tTey- hlghsr--tn»n-thc, J

ra; During d ln n e r- :^ e - tlrU 's a a g . ^ b

nT • ______M Mrs. D. L. Price entertslned A i< ^ - e- ilorf Episcopal OuUd Thursday ifU r - let neon at her home y W ln ^ .^ye ^e

>(r- pmii^-wet-by-tbo-pmidajp ^t r T liuiifts nuUatsen.' H wal ' p u w n- made for the Lenten.box fo b e . ^ tII- to an Alaskan mission. U il* in1o«Td by a splendid paper ^ a-^Mary Y. Norton on-"Washiniton.'gfr Churchman." During tha ■ fieotlng nd m ^b en 'sew ed on arttele* for the

IChrlslmas sale, and the h o s te o .^ 0- 'sUted by M n. Newell AVlght a ^ Mnu ;ss B. H. AUlnson. served reffcahmenu.

™ i - A t the home o f Mr».-J.»1 vllle, Wednesday afternoon the Unity let.club held a moat.enjoyable Wn^ilng- he lon-s blrllidoy party. Mony Colon- c- lal ccaiumcs were In evldcncc.and a bc- numbtr-^rf~ctevM-gues«lng -contesU. oU

beaflnc on W MW ngW s“ u m w ^ 'c re ' crijoyi^.— am n d« c tI:c r» -w rre -jion « .

ed giicats. one grandmoUier, M n. H.U Carlson, being present w ith , her

" " Rn>Md>.u,imcr , fcturylln Ot ftow t r - ; ^ I lift* I ’VO ■'wndmoi.hen 'L giiJndmothers Uvlng. Fouriecn mem*J oors .worn pnaciu and aira.. y m iord i- -B lc7 rM rirC 6 fa :P a W ck, iM . H T T ^


" " S ^ M n . S i ? 'I'. MUriy WllOTr leavlnB next week fo r Manllo, P. X.. was presented w ltli a ^ u t U u l g ift

JO- frcm the club.' Mrs. *m u e l Smith a 'and Mrs. Edna Church sencd ro­

ot frcshments.

Obi TAtrF.^K. Gingrich was hostess lo IW- lhe Mcnlor dub Wednesday afternoon. »re Mcmlwr8~eipobdrfT<>"T0ll call wiUi ve-■ anccdotes concerning Washington.

»h=plannert=dftw>KiUl^tlm-WHUiU?.sprln|; | :h- luncheon a t the Hotel Rogerson onilcs-March-Tr^rfnt.-Roy-Jwiln-had-chargclue cf the program ond conducted ihrcfl ‘nd-COnitslJ!. p rto s golng-to Mrs. B. C. »P-1 Hutfman. M n. A. D. Smlth< and Mra. « ' Ed Tolbert An-Intcrcsling talk on W -ith * l i f t ot Waalilngton was glvjn by ier.iM rs.-Tolbcrt— M n ^ lc lt ln w n ._ M S :.

Buchanan and MUs Amy Plhl wcrc J h i dub-member»^J5»e-club-wos.delight-

' ed to havc w ith ' I t o ^ n Mrs, E. N, |??i:ai»h- who Jiad-.beea. ataent. fori.scv^

m il Tnonth.H riuo ttf Illness. At the " ‘‘TS lw c V t l i e ailernoon lhe tfOslrfi;

scned Tctrcshments fcati)ring the po-

w-mmlmmmmmmmmmmammmretr- - • r.‘— r — ~ !T "----- ..' _ -------

I H A K N E S g

^ - ] - i ; o t “ BO od~lcathcf W o rk Po l red 1 L o t 16” D r n f t L e n the r Colora------- l- L o t - l - V ^ — h e a vy -L e n th e i'-H11 . _ : iX o L .c x t ra _ v a lu c _ \V 0 L k J 3 r i

I SpccWr price on Kll snddlcir'Scc ' priccs before >‘ou buy. Wc are l<

Irclghi and wc hove no rent to pay Harness ou ing per Mt 51 ,00- Wo

^ ^.shouldcnu__________________ , ...4b-' .....- — ' ; r: ..- F r e d F iira- . ..ng- "THE OLD“ IJ OppoJl, r ir e SLitI.ii.

a o m e lws o 5 f o u i i in life

pena. A g j ^ H

s : i f ? m m -

theU c,

IS to '

ealth .Miiida— r . ’ "

y- I fliseate artd au ffe ring. ‘ (uls dn lly— chrc

' When i t . c a n - b B . iO ', Be sure y o ullo g g a A ^ B R A N Ja o r ig in o l ALL-Bl , con iU pa llon aa fe ly . ' iubstilu les w h icnm g iU de ad ly w r k . JloHy e/fceUve...

7r> .. " ‘ ■a& I F l f t 6 u i K - « i « l i ^

r n m

- trioLlo-colora,->Th>^iiW -tft«HGiFw^ bo In four wecks'ot the home ol Mrs.

I J. E. Winans.

! Tiie aoual bridge lundheon. pt the

—n i t -1-40 • qt l oct.--- rcBt r - wiveuMiiqn a p i . . I atid gUesU vere sealed at loog taUoi or attroeilva wllh < red. white and b lfe J ,u p e n . in cgitA i hflidcn..-P^Ua«lwt

I f t f t fe - m itU K d 'b y - M r in n r - B r w iP ’ c^ d g e . out-going president. These

ib CX B c l^ e : . Ircuurer. Mrs. P. ,P. _ Brorken: sfcretarv d .U t jin ititrp T rir i. '

A. L. Goodrich; secreUry of ybung- people. M n. A. O. Pearson; secretary .. of mUslonory «lucallon, Mrs. O. M.

Hall; secreury ot extension' depart-r ^ ment. W n . J. D. KouU: supe^lsc r .trf ^ everteas-and^sUonal sewing—Mra.-Br

^ by MH." L.' u urrcKinntige. connut- j l . cd ot a communlly ilng led by Mra. _ Frank S. Bell;-a’group of favorite old hJ setigs by M n. o . r..O u va ll and a " rcoaing -by M i» Louise Tluocknior- 2 * ton. * Mrs. WUbur S. I l l l l was chalr- ^ man on orrongtng the Ublcs and was ^ BMlaled by Mrs. L. E. Sollodoy. Mrs. [ r Robert Haller tnd M n. O. W, W ith- _ 1 am. -The, budget for Ihr vcar waa lg. raised during the buslnew session.

Mr. and Mrs. B.-A. U ndoa . enter- 15 talned with a plnorhle p-my Wednes-

r dsy rvt'nJDB ot th rir licuiir on Fourth uvenue ca.M. Four tables wcro nr- jingcdrJoZZU iE rpm LO arjrnicrprlEe

■ wlnncr.s wcrc Mr. nml Mm. George Wttccx,” RfriC'5mKfi. -E.-V.- I'lacc-ond Mr. WUit7cll. A llc r 'i lie rames Uic hov.c-.-.!!.. a.v,l!ited by Mrs. H- R. Neu-

imnnn fervi-u a iw ^cu iirio lunciVcoli, ' Mr. and Mrs. It. E, Power?, df K lm - berly. were out ot loan guests.

^ Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Rent cnicrtoln- tlif. eiie is kf Ju- inmero Inn w ltl

. Wednesday evening In the spocloui living room, which uns bcautlfullj

• decorated In Uie ]>alrlatlc colors. A' „ a Into hour refrcslinicnts w ire servet

10 lhe, fifty Bucsu prcjont.

.o A N N O U N C E M E N T Son. • ' ' _____■iUi -nfl' Dlckol schoo'l Parrnl-l'eacher’ on. Mioelftllon wll Bivc a Founders' da; ■■•fl* ' prerfftm tliiit-f^wUftg-ftt-^iaO-tfclocktn p rU - nrttran i, n il Ai:,on tcaclicr.'. and refreshmenla w ill l>

rge serveo:^^:------:: ------- , , — Tr = :rcfl -------------------

,g ; ■ D E ^ H S _______ :

by ATKINS-Vuiicral services .fo r Mov Irs. AckUis, 38. .who died at 6:16. o’cloc w '\VJSIncsaay-tvehlnB-ttt-htr-JiomeH [h i. Reek. .C re tk ^ lU _ l« _ h c Id .. at. -tl'

N, ■ Ora-.sman cliapel o l 2:30 o’clock Sai .cv -i urday afternoon.. Interment w ill I Ui'e In Tw in Pnlls cemoUry. . Kc, la sui

itdUl vivi'J by Ills Tvi fei ■ twa cttlldmnr- pa. , broiher ond three sisters.

S ^ E C l A f c -

l>-HflltcrH-TTr7rT7:..7T;...........t . . . .y l . 8 5 —KrhWan .................................... $ 4 . 8 6See our stock of Hamesi and 'get our -e leaders In prices. "Jonea pays the pay."Wo oll»your collan by hand wlUi pure--

F o s s ; S r .LD R E L tA B U r

Twin Falls, Idaho.

• d o c to rs reco m m cnd A L L Bt^/NN.,Jccau so i t is 100',? bran..

T’ ofa/Zii tffi/ti5;c ^ '.habil-fomlng drugs

i> ‘ ALLBRAN ts in fin ite ly b e tie i - t h a n |d a n g e ro u a ^ p lI l» a n d

tualeas unless the doae ia con?\ a tw it ly increased. A nafurolfji

h e a lth fu l ce re a l. D e lic io u a w ith ' m illc o r c re o m -^ w ith m J t» o r . io n e y added. U A '

i f . ih 'c o o k m g too. S p rln H e — ^ to r g q t ip p - M ix - N v l t l r a i l r e i f— ^

. cereala. £ a t tw o tablespoon- ■ chronic caaea,‘ ove iy m e a l. : . ; »

ro u ge t 8 « u in e -k e l!o g g ’* - M h o •L-BW N. t D o n ’ r l i k p a t t - b fa n J vhtch, a t beat, can l w b u t p a r-™. ALtBRA)(.l,;,oldby.kn ,to-g rh o te la ^ re y ft i iM ia rT O p W f^ ^


I r ^ t r

J ATl,t.S..Tr) Ati COmlDAT]

f f i j^ I ' ' -m a i S . -------- -------------- ------------------- ..

L a d ie s ’ R o s e m a r y

R a y o n V e s t . ■h » i r - ^ Of fin e -q u n lU ’y rayon, M ^ \ w ith s e lf 's tra i) und re-, ir i th - l l j inforced 'undor arm. onT^iW ^— Stnndard-lt?H>;Uis— -Tho-

i J nUrnctivc tihnik'ti a rc : w s l i S flcsli. n ilc . pciich- and- jurih o rch il. A n unusual vtiluu

n r- ';3 ___ _ a l ........................... :.....796prize! u _eorge

nFu m I ^ L i id ie a ’ R o s e m a ry ^

S f I g T B lo o m e r s ,1 ^ . Buiitl-fVonl unil olaHtic-

--------b u c in ty le Uh-H=-trfvoiF’w lth j!^

ieiouajW Hcamr nnd rcinforcw lm crotch. In color.s ponch.

Irvpci S ' flesh, muize and orch id ;m . Pivir ......... .............$ 1 .2 9

L a d ie s ’ R a y o n G iCher'S W - A ch o icc 'o f a V-ntJck, :

b ;f*u ‘u*top

you see i t . in j-Izoh 15,

Moiil S

i'lils --------rNewrShoesJ u f t 2 r C H I L D R E N ’ S S I

________ ■ J h e ’ f t h f l e . f o r B% .Made by Buntcr Brown.

.sole», Utn e lk uppers. AM ; g

3 A lit t le s o ft Bole siippeiB _ . ____ clk ..:trim irted_w lth hroj'$0 ^ leather nnd gold kid. i iS— --------fitLg lft-fo iu iny-yQ un iLm

“ —For-Junioc•He [W 0.\ford.s th a t w ill please

' i j between the age.4 of <1 i

. F o r t h e G i rPumps nnd oncTrtntp -d

SS the yountr Indies. Mudc

leather w ith buckles • Made over-BuHtcr Brov

; A . health last .....................

1 • Wc- urc cxcluBivc aseni

I yNew Shirts

' \ Uiat Uicsc a rn 'lm iua i-lilrt^ 3 There I* a complet* and voi

oU tUcs. Priced?- ----------

3 .-----------J --T h ^ D - n e u ^ ^ p i4 ^ ^

» ....... Pluids an d ’K iiW ^ E ™ ;f i l)Q th 'ono-p lc^ arid^:iigh

______ f l Thie v lti6 rtt.a re.nan-|ir.ci\............X ------- KGnumo coAyhldcIl JIvo

■ m cjfonOHiy


l e R o s e i t i a t y R a v o l i L i n

^ K. J - y , A better

L-.in / T L • 'TT n " ' • ir y • R / k \ W lH C lU lA f < c D j f j A \ cd fro n t

/ T / j ^ .Ing ribho;Tho- *— — Crot ch— 1 ire : | \ / ~ .a^aiUoria'and------------1--------- j - ..........lllUG / "7Q ' L' ■ orchid. ]

3 = ^ | = 5 S i

: ■■ : [ i --------- — st?Stic- - I / s .-^ C onfVn)jrT>T-:r=----- ! - / , - p „ a t o n ,

\ / arm^

rccil r f " ' ; [ ic j rlEinch. I strapsh id ; _ comfortnL.29 U 's i peach, n

V/ , arc the J

n G o w n s - R o s e m a r y Rtick, sleevelesR - Th ia s lip is rc in for ijht, gathered w ith fullness, pica ^ | l itlii ^;ului'fl,

id z \-a iu e = .w ^ ^ ^ ju ^ i- ;= f l9 ^ ,z p c a ^ IH 15, IG, arid tan bark. In pu ............. $3 .g S 4G ........................

l o e s - f o r - t a d i e s i a n d J C l u l

5 S H O E S . C o lu Sp The smarUy dressrt

rowii. Gro-cord in her wardrobe, wnr .1 AbW tn HOO ^r«. AHK to ace ^ ^

j . ~■ ■ Pr.l« ... .........

e e 'M i s f " - ----------------------- — —slipper in l ig h t A ^

l)rown patent . •[id. A d e lig h t-..... .iniJ_mib!L$lt25__________

please th^ boys •} f 4 and 8. In ^ •. i v i n t -

— :ih«-wrreer-cholcc.- dalnty toe'W well-po viduality of style, beige kid. Cul^n ho

, . Prico ........... ...........D u B l

• Piping U Uie newest 5“ “ *^ honcybeige kid Uirec-

cardinal kldikln whl r X of smart conUast. tSSr-------------:-------- ^ UV AAA lU a. Pl

G i r l s Z e tnro -aliiipera to r Wh«n your l i t t M»>lo o f pnlcni. T p l Z t A S l :kles jittached. very newest of patte Brown fambtis is-a-splke-heel aw

............... $ 4 .7 5 Price '.....................

agenta fo r the famouH CnHtllover »1

rts for SpringTlic new shirty for

|||j|M ^p^l]l5 aru more attrnc-'Uve and loWef-priced-^^ jp

. Uian USUAL .1 . . ^ ^ — Lr i ^a i mh -

\ / / l iwpular. because of their y / ■ long-ttearlng quallUts. > X ^ l Sflk stripes and novel-

ty cliccks aro veiygood-\ V looking. Ilie workman- i ' V ' - ^ — ship U a#'-«obd,4a-U«t-— •-

—flL many higher nriced— gnirui~ y ou 'w ii|- tg w ------- ! -

•kiilrt es'onomles. when yoti »ec Ih'em. J' tnd varied assortment of pattenu in

4 6 1 w ? ; i.2 3 ' , ■ ■ -

ig X i je s s C a p s ^ ,

5#i5S*®£ilW i^W W K=--“^d n ts T lrn popiiTar. 'I^ o fF a tc r^ightp ipcV , !buttbn top -brc^Voblfe: the qw^atbandB.arftr r E v o i y - ; 'o n c : : i t ^ ^ c e p - ^ ^ r ^

“AFT iRAiLiL I f t i t

i R Y , 2 4 . 1 9 2 8 .. . ,

r jrJ rj^M w rjrjrM jrM J iri

j h t b r in g i t B a d " .

J n p a e k e ^ - M a r K e d ^

ingerie . Childnt t r a - Q u a l i t y ^ - ............

^ o n B l o o m e r st te r q u a l i ty Rose- ,• R ayon b lo om er

e h w tlc bn ck . B a nd - •'o'fS ^o r it w i th c o n tra s t- 'ibbons l i t th e sides. m °i j__ rc m fo rc c d ___fo r t_ ___lon a l se rv ice . S h ad . mi re : peach, p in k . ...................W>. " i i i lc , i i ta iz c an a _ L p d. I l l e i t j ie r re g u - - V P; n d - jih u t i jU c n g t-h H ;_____________ . & Q.'rr-::.'.: .-...T 7 TT r.$ liW --------:------------- -i

s e m a r y B r a s - _

"Wre-Top---------- =— y t: o m b i n a t i o n g j C)n u n d c r - t h e - lc f f c - -----------and on th e r ig h t

- G o o c U q u ft im fr re lM -^••r i b b o h - Hm n ild c T j— r - b f l l K l r C IS. V e ry ro o m y and 5?tnble. ' - F l e s h . . H o r e a r c d ; h, n i lc ; an d o rch id . f o r c h iid r^ hcp ha des ..... $ 2 .4 9 e lia p e s 'in -

' R a y o n S l i p s R ibbon !., »in fo rc c d -u n d c r.a rm fl,__ ._p leated a t . th e h ip s . te r ia ls o f C t f : - m at« r ia l .- ' .W id c — — G ropo- do-C ■l ic in . T h e -sh a d e g - r ~ ' i la r shaHii r j j ^^g re y. iie ig o a ild ______________i pizes f r o m 36 to . "’ 5 ........................ $ 2 .9 8

Ihildren ~l u i n B i a r Vssed woman must havc of patent id m e r shoes • - - . f l

" Wheh tmn a m w u M - - ------------wJ U sura of con’ectnes.i ps material. T liU pattern 8-B spike heel and 14-6

W 1

iumph: ^anv^sma rt^ ^ - _________________

rice.— S m a r t-U n e fl- f ro m - - --------------------—!ll-polsed K«1 give In d l- .......................^le. sho w ii . in . .honey-^.. _________n heel. W ldUi AA to B............. ................... ...............................................I B a r i y :•west ot new. ThU new hrec-strap Ue. piped wlU\ •

which Blrikea Uie note rast. 15-9 »P>kc^ hw|- ^

Z e t t a * ' Smart sultitread fashion's highway. - slnglc-andd

Into Uie height of style.- 'lent galowar puiiip U Uie seml-fllted.patterns. Shown In boUi * or flap pocl1 aad-.-M-fl- Cuban :liecl._ -braldii. -Yoi....... - ........- ............97.r>0 very smart

>r shoCH f o r wom en.

A n o t h e r . S h ip m e n t o f Oi

$22.50 Suits I

' * 1 ^ , .

------------ ^

i d i s p i a y ^ r ~ ^

i r e n ' s T u b F r o c k s >

^ F a s t C o lo r ! Sone and two-piece .J.,...

A styles^plcttted and J0 . ^1\ shirred skhrt»-^tong- W -—

»-aUted styles. A J l A :!l<.e-.-clf««. _ ^

Sfc ! f*J *horu -•■ ' .......... . - . - ■lenpr. m ,'

• . Embroider;.- •"^ smocLlnii i. - . . i i- 'i tV’\ lies are rn lynt to ’ ,'o T makO'U.eii^ .::oruat- jv'^ . . . - . tractlyCi_iji_ULliitcd____________

• Rayoia.'SrOftdclothji, | ._ ond__(j)Hghanis—iUl___________

_ ‘ ■ roldn l i i s l T 'S iies .from 7 to l ! l - f j _

_ ~ to $ 4 .3 0 - ^

c distinctive, now sp rin g hats ^Idren. Bonnets and po lk % in -p la in jin d crinkled b r im s .T ', ailiTFraids'nnd sTilrred ban- f i re used in t r im m in g . M a- ^ if'CrocHcl"clo{R,”'«tIk~Tof£5far o-China-and-Bralda—la-po i^H S adcs. Reasonably p riccd— j


I m a r t S u i t s |


nnHB— P n i f p t T w i l l s W

u lta ^a ll stricUy ta lipred~lQ tMth kId double-breasted models. Tbey tre f i 'ed: have notdied UpeU and slash 9pockets. Edged wim silk and n t l i i « YouT l-like .Jhm b^U M -tbey..a tft.art and low-priced—' f i

iw a.B O to J2D.DS . '

O u r M o n e y -S a v ir . '

for Spring -Men aro learninR, every

mum ot value l i t li- lu w *------- ^price, when they b tiy .ono V o f our $22.50 suits. They %

■ get new styles— n e w "fa b - f i '• ~ r ic » = = lo n { r w « tr - - fo 'M h ia - - - - J - . — ______ ^ v \ ;

• Tho workmanship -IB- u n - . • S : ^.U BU ^, fo r. Bulbi' o f th la . jS

quality, Th9y-.ttre.ma«ic to ’ ■: J ' f i t - r ig h t. when,;.tbcy~:.dr£.~ . - l , f i r s t worn. They..‘.-gjyg . , V

. ■ ’ b& .expected-fO E:!? :'iP S !M y ; c j f c ■ V s i l l t Coole L ^ e « L ih £ .n i_____

-. ... - - r - .....

Page 6: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

: Pafosix

*T K S 0 1 M 0 P-------- ■ i-

J .S uo cessru1 .;Y ea r In d ic a te d D e - | l ;

■ ^ ^ ^ l t r i ; o s s ~ o l S ix L a s t s c a -

M r t c - U t t o i n n .- - . . ,

Feb. a —a m u !la i im /« m i ilu Fipcwance o /.n w * 'a n d Icr from M au-jw

■ U w r f lchl.-» ■n.T»iTB»t.-^' t- t^tx^nU».u4^ on the Univcrxliy of Wulio track «iun,(J;dc 5Urted< (roliiUiit ll ib u rr li iiik Iit Cap-’ ,*

• toln W lll C. .Bryiiii, tu;n li AUIioukIi |' ine Vandal »qiuU Uur. ix in itiJ iir tiS n

--by^U »^gTadtatio i«xnd:^aihn i=aQ A rtiU : — tu n r tg-KBool-Tjriny-ipnm tirn-of last ;-p:

ygnr. ii.iiiiuu ’ a i. iiL u - 'im ;uyear l i Jn ibe ofJliu:. '

Included nmouK ilic 50 Jiicn sctkinj position* art; six Iviti-rmi-.i, n pn -«n t-jM Ins. distance cvcm.', wnchi.-. :md ot^- tn CIU. iavctlnl ^prliiu. liU li n m l'tu middle distances. AIi IkiuhIi iln'v> m cn ji^

. have the ndvanUKL- j f cxiKrliiiCi' l:i yarslty ccniijrililon on-r i l ir rt'M ol

__ lllLHPlraHl«.J*-»jH'rtl.isj»rj;_a;;SUri'd j j ion tills ycar’i M|uiid. »aid Couch wi nryan.- Clfftvcr. CnMwdl. IiIuIio'r prf-' bi mier two niUvr. ix jvoi'klni; dully nnd m, Rfcmn oMurcd ol tn.s plurc. »i> i.i ,,1, Mng rjoivdi'd In tin- iiiili'. liuwcver. v , by OJj'nH QrltlUU. Uarli-y. « .wpjw-

_-mnni. Mt)fqn Collll)?., Mh-uSmw, \Uiji _ won his awtnlcr In ilip i 'c i^ I iu T J a w

■■Bciuon.'la-loasciiiiiic ui> kinks /or » |n , hard i>ea.i^A . wurk. Jack M iirhi-tl.l in Parmn. whow nfrforiiiaiicc 1 nl

clrcle.i during Uie last two yenrs js ,,i ■ cnterhis hl» last yenr of conipvUilon

. ioT- Idaho. -WUlard- KlUiBlct. Hnlicy. .. middle distance iimti. hah roiwrU'd. .m; ,y, bas Jame* O'BjJcnj. LrwU-ilon. IiIbIi liim n nncl ■■Jolin ~^ic>rmaii.' Wulliu-c. h ii

• iprlnU . " I l i lOther Candldatei ' '

Oulilde ot Ih l* nuclcus of letter ° men. o brllUant group of other candi­date# ore working nearly erery day. These include Hnrold Thornhill, Kel- ^ logg, fophomorc: low e ll Mason. Wood- m land, sophomore: ond Elmo Thomas. ,,j KeUogg," MphomoJe.“ ln~ the- hurdlcsr t,(

• Arnold Calvert. Lewiston; Oro Ajnan, n - m i'i >11 Uw i i piMH!. lOi W fru -n iffl

Johnson.-Kellogi;. and James Hawk-

, l_ w iii in in -q a |^, Bomicrs Ferry, -high Jump; Gale, Jmi d rH ilih ; Uurleyr Tf

— I-'rank Tatum. Black Lake, javelin oml m dlscu*: W lllUm Kenililsnlk.* Burley. ,,, weights; Sidney Pearson. Spokane.

-pole vault. 11Although MacLean-firld still Is so«. q

— B yrary -tpota-perm lt-llghtt-looM mng-i-n up workouts when Indoor work b nol .j.

“ awli«b1e.“ T liu r ta m tn m K lltn f-< !rU I has been Imposed by Coach Bryan, bul

— rather loosenlng-un exerctses to g it• ' ' the men Into ismSW l y m t WUIL ~

have been the order|Dl the da}^» «.i j

‘QUESTION BOXTROVES - y ■ WTERESTINCi FFftTllRF |1!■ ■ ■ ■ at CHRlSTrAN"CHURCR I■ 'Answering of queries conUlned In

the qutsUon box by Evangelist C. H. .H ilton Is proving to be one of the .

___ moat popular features In connection rwlUi Uie evangellstfc ciihpalgn-Tiow -

— bfrlng'-conduot«d—At— Uu—Chilstiaa - church: So many questions have Wen asked on vital subJecU lha t hc has not been oble to reach them nil at »

----- iho-nntllm lnarv te rv ltt-^accgrdlng to »— IA8 onflinai pmn. luiu i t u i.m.uesiid ''

t h * n t m oytio Hi.>ces*ory lo Mt opart ^ an evening for this purpose. «

Tliere ore large crowds at a ll ser- P mtms. , Many come from Bulil nnd P

.. Kimberly. The discourses ‘ on the * AnU-ChrJst seem to have been amons ^ the moel poputar so far. Next Bun- , day night, he w ill speak on 'T lic I TJnpardonable Bln." There bc a sironff musical proffium. The singing of BvangelUl Harry K . Shields re- fw.1..*. miiph fommendfltlon. There sire many rcquesU fo r his best num- 7 ber* to be repeated. He slugs scv- ai e n l numbers during an evening o'n li

. many occa»lons. Forty-two jicrsons c havo been united to the church dur- a

_ In * the meetings which w ill continue b= = ;indefW telr. ' ............d

■ ' ■ - t' AIACDINES IN NEXT WAR ‘ .

LONDON, Feb. O (/P)—Machlhcs----- m thw thftn men w ill nlav the big port t

in- the next »or. Lieutenant Oeneral c S ir Reginald B. Stephens, director c general of the tcrrltorlat army, told a

OHtSU^— ■ A n o t h e i ^ t i o o i l - ( H

■ V ic to r R

Vemon Dalhari--Car»on Robison—/ Uon. The ac«inpanlment imroduc

■ ■ r« l:" the instnunentfl-are • vWln.- I

O r t h o p h o n i d - V ic t o r

A«k us about the Courto.sy ( to a record o f^ o u r <

T ” ~ 0 | l | . ' l ' lU l . t~ 'A 80UARE

. B o l s e > ^ e l w f ^ i a » » ^ a

■' :W. i r ' f 'A T S T O 'BI .i..


| e Tr E V J IT I E S ^O ir 'lj- fa l Ouy I-•K inney.!

auorney. in Jrruiiip y«terdfly; - i on.bualiif^ in , |

P«ilri(^HuH rriiiN ii'l^U y in u five «ceks ~1 bu.nMm;r vl . i l W usliln ii-i I

hon. . . ;_______ l . - . j

Tc m IIi Ur.nf.vcil Mr,-, (/a DrisUpll!;«V lyn liili' in fin]

fT rftlik ' U;-.1/COOU -nTiil Mr^. 'M arriw i iW nrr ri-.uttii'il y .- 'T tU y rr.un /\! iliio ii;

jdcg deib>. . , j

r III in l l ir Ilu-i>“ ->l l>>>rui'y Okvlri. ’ .‘ ftin of niclian l 'ilA v iii r ! Hnlinuii |* crjrrrntlrTT—iT-n- p v i'-n -m M h r •bm-1 ■{ tTiIinV in~ rrn ' roT irn ff^ri—t - r m r r J

61 il '.Ml.'rl....----- ----------------

Hotnr rro m . c,':>llt<.iiila-Mr.'and! [Mrs. Giofi'.- U iii: l i 'v i ' rc iu rncif Ifrom L-juk Hr;ifh v.ti.'ir lliry si>cnt - , 'tw o niomii': viMiitii;, Mr and Mrs.' • j jU vcU C. .‘ iii.il. . .j

Vclcrliu rlan l iavrls Dr. W. A .' ]SuUlvaiLot Dul: f, i<’<li nil vi-H'rlnarian. __1wua lirr.‘ liiM muiu 'on tlic wny lo ' Durley tthcrt- Iv.- i-. i " di'CiiM live-, ] Mock dl.-rnM", ut .nti aiirlruluii'al M'v , /.lon lu PdiiiiM tluii Ulth l.m (Ifr< lil|t; ■ttiK'k ob.-.4’ii'n»irr, ) I

—Urnnsr. W ll. M r r i^ ^ lk s by J._A ; _ j I Wnicra-oTi .Undirfjpu-tiaJdiininB^Kd’! ." If. G. Hlly(■ Ull ulilrk<-(is will Ix: (ca-j . lurc* ut Ih l’ ijraniii-.!iiiTiliiH llil;i I'vc-;

In lnii- TIht)' wlll bl- n play by the, A>

Itl nuiiiU''ri< and rrfrrKhiiU'iiU. ' . .. «- 1

« lu ic Vi|udevlHf>~Kklt—Twln--i>alU.,--t wtirt. rcpre>i<?nlvd u l Uic ..L^adcrhlilp . | va'udeylllo-nliilil a l H iirlry by H. C .i i

b la cK 'fa c riilc lirn J ia c trsn e c r^T h cy— previously entcrtnlned the Odd Pel- f lows here In ' Uiclr Inst social. ' I

Drop-Divorce Ca»e-rA complalhl fo r' dlvorw filed by O. C. Hall for Katie Mllllken. und the .croNi copip^nlnl, . filed for her husband, R. O. Mllllken,by- hla_attorncy. W ._^. Dunn, wjire __tbdlli" wlUiddawh" by llie nllorncys _ < when the da.wcamc up for hearing > WTgfg=^0ayi"W r'AvTintJiJix> -ln -4 llu : 4 U lct couri here yeslcrdny,____________ —i

..-Won O fjto r lr j l Howard P it - 1 , tick, son of Mr,.hnd Kfrs. W. A. I'a l- jUck. ■ a itienibcr of "U ie ’ Twin Falls 1 ]high ■ Bchool dfbiito leam lo.it year. i jwon the second prljie, $25 In gold, a i ; , till- Peace oralorlcal contest In Loug:_<Bcaeh. Wednesday evening.. He l-i n . ,

T lie Patrick* urc hpendlng Hit wlnler ( ' m“ i;diigTJtacll.'.I-',~ ' - . - • ; -J

riiv-HeeelTw Tftneo-Cltv inxca-forj ' gcneml fund und spcclal 4mptovcmcnli dlslrlct fun)ls uimed over u> lhe city Itreasurer bct«-ceii January 15 nnd; *Fvbniury IS nm oiinle'a 'lb *30.259.01. j. '11 wns slated last evening, by 0 . M .} j

compared them In detnll wllh ib w e ' of 1D27, but chat Uicrc liud heen u j

' clear Iniprovcment.. . |

P R E P A R IN G FOR STAR ^ 2 ; -------------O P E N IH irH E B E -S O O W i^ l

' O. P. Hom. wholesale manager o f ;lhe Freed Motor -Car. company of py

I Salt Loko." In lertnounlttln, distributors;

elty-yesterday. consulUng -wlih ■B.. N ..ti, Rendahl u f Uie Rendahl Auto com-| pany, rclntlvo lo the forUicomlng d ls - : ]

■ pliiy of the hew model Blar cars ;.vi; 1 which w lll be pat on In this city in j _ i Uie near fiiture. I ”


sliiih t damage VpTh done to the ^

• 304 Elfihih avcnuo east, when flame.i|r H ro k~ b U f' o in ra ~ ro o f- i iB tra trth e - : - 1 chimney n t 1:50 o’clock yeSJerdny.i■ aftemeon. 'F iremen extlngulshcdahc I blaze before the roof was badly

damaged. Cause for th o fire was at- tributed, to a dcfecUve Hue.

l the London L igh t Brigade. In h ls j_ r cblJilon ro n a e j' of n>en- w m - t i w r ^r again be th ro w against machine gun I and arclllei^' fire. |

S A N N A '!L > ld - ^ W m e r - u i i i - O J i— ^ I

R c c o r d s ! i

,-Adclync Hood, nn Ideal comblna. luces some .IntercsUng whlsUIng ef*I.- Kul(ftr,-banJo.. mouUi-barp. JCKi- .

j r R c c o r d N o . ' 2 1 1 6 9

y C ard w h ic h w i l l e r it it lo you

V o\vn cho ice, F K E E ....

‘ ■ — irtn F W l^ r^ te lto - f lo o d la # .


D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N F 4

.; C o l l e g e G r a d U m p

■ J H I H S H l i L i i '

. ..

I ~

, AMERICAN f.EAOUK 1< loing In for ,

’ W illiam M. (Wek) Campbell. U n l- i j verslty of Tenneiuee l.aw School 1

.gradual*. -C o m p b c ll^ b o y c L -J U IIl' lhe vacapry ereateil by tlic re*l|{na- i

: Hon of l l l l l ^ E v ^ { 5 ~ a iF F c r lire~'

t — TI Modern Materials j I • B o l s t e r C a t h e d r a l s |

•NEW YORK. Feb. 23 (,1'r-Sclen- • t lflc appllcnilon of modern m clli-

----- ods a ir!nrtM crH n.nD -cnim bllnB-----walls .ontl vaulta gives new lenses , ,

—futtious cathedmli. I------ Ht. Mark's!'VclllCt'. im m rii-re .—' ftih'iH'tl alUT llll- fiwiplrUoji nfI r.-Dalra~^iilch. liT lIu '' of>mmn~OI •,’ lia llan tnKlnCcTt. have intide the ,

■' building safe. Kl. I’nulV Umdon. ,nnd the calhedral (if M.iynce. ]

----- Oermony. similarly owe llie lr eon- ]: tlnucd iiM fu lneM to llie skill uf .

~ nioOprn oulI3cr». i31, Mark's wa.i orlitlnally f i l l - I

. ■ ished ''lii' l‘(Hl3~:‘ Af&r-Uie fa ir of- '. I ConsUntlnoplc l l wa.i lavishly or- i

■ j bul the walls untl loundailuns woioI : seriously overloaded. One 'huge ;1 crack in . th e vniillllig liu?i.becn___I

filled whh concrelc, cari'liill'- nro. I

»I DOG WEAItS HERO INSIGNIA I AMARILLO. Trnas; m . - 23-(/J')— - 'Te.vos l.s lio-.t to ToodlM. a dlJ.Ung- 'ulslied doc. ouT.cd by Dr. John W in- ,

iJlincu-Sargent.- BrliiMi nrcliacologl’it. 1 ‘Li.wlio,is-Jicru-on-rc*cttrcli-tasGi^Tooa - ^

lies WIW decbniird by 'llic Peruvian \ ^kwcrmiicnl *v»Jli ihe Order of the ■ r>un, for bnrklng nt a would-bc os*

*';sassln_(^ l l ic ' l ’ oruviun pre.ildent. and '

••the lntcnd«l victim renched the Hpol. ■

■ I News W ant Art.i rcach Uic people you ' 5 .■■van to attract.

■I ■

J A F e w D l

,1 T l i e n . t h e A n

r ^ ^ r a h a ny■ - M O D E R N , M

j - - "1=! rid>nf?.■ I


~"f}idvpm lent:Meat Corknotv--- -------------------- --— o»-(rFHcnd-^

" A iu l N o M iH tak6..A bou t A i I ■ P o n it iv o ly

F R I D A Y A N D S A ’

C o l u m b i a 1:■ ^

- - A - HOM E. CUUED J l AMS,W h o lo "^ HnlfTU)...... —

~S\yiFT'S PltEtllUM-t

f o d e p e n d e i128 MAIN NORIM

- _____________________

I U n i q u e S e t t i n g s ^ , I n ‘ ™ e i j o f T r o y ’ ’ I

! p lltiiy »hlch nchlpvc ri'uUiy by c liii-J

I lo 'ih e Orpheum llieai’ r here. brghi-~p j nuiK today.

! brilliant novel of '.lie -cliaractcni of Tafuclaa mytholcgy, is, blailng new;

I pulh'» In movie- i.torics; and Carey .I Wilson, .producer of ilie picture,, wm

A slaff 'o f o rtia i and dailgners irpent month.i.in.uiJvuncc o f flie p(c- lure to prepare a b.itkground Idenl-.

j h tic and novel eni.ii!;li fur ihc hIgh -'C i I iy .uiiconventlcnal iiitm c.nnd Ucal-..I m rn t of the .-itory.I . ‘T he - Prhule ' l . i l e . of ' Helen o f ; L ! .Troy", fea lu res-M iiriu . Cords, Lewis ■I Slone and Rlcordo con 'u in Uie rolei I— of-HelenrMenelio.'j-nrrl-I'nrtti-rcspcc'—

tlvcly. Alexander Knrdn Olrccu-d the .. Iilc liue frcm Cart'v .Wilson's screen' ,

_ .verslon^of Uje book ■:: ' ,j(

A l l - S t a r C a s t i n

; "Oulstuiidiiiu' P iln i^'■ - . ' cu, - - n ie Claw," Oil--UnlviT.'uil-JcwcIl,; R®^ l^tnrrlp.> ntnl> un,„l..,'- ■„„l Mnr.nn,, Pf» l. I Kcr:y. which nmkcn lu locnl iirt’iiilcre at ,00,1 the Idalio theater today, cumes us f HI, ’ near being a pcrftct jilciun- a.i even ^a .T tm rT iros rT nm rT cu idn iin c—A'grf-ai— lire" '^**’J^b)m i-grent-titithcrr-an-a ll-sw i-----

Norman K e n y and cJnlre Windsor,'m piny the starring roles In the picture ur und ore ably supported by a s le r-! Jo

,1q ling cost heodcd bv Arthur Edmund ;d i Cnrcw. who. by Uie way, is fasl be-le i coming one of the bc-Laciors on the I screen, wnlle Kerry's portrayal In the I '** plclure’ lsfconcedcd lo bc an ou'lstand-1

g— -Intf-ChanttcrUaUon of-Uic year. i " ' , The sic/ry was written by Cynthia 1 , •_,.stOcblgy and ■nDDenrcd_a_lew_mtmths j

! U^ lrn i ■T 1 wor.ihipplng SnglUli iiirl, wiio (oltows' I

a_Brttte[l Qr«ty-CffrLL-fL[u_liie^ricn» .-— vddi.-4lo'*--*l»-cii[«'s-wmi-Uie-e.on- -Ui ' wentlon.H of Uie narruw-niinded social fo [• sel. transplanted loMhe African vli- ili

InBc from England. K one uf ihe v iv id : i.p ; hlghllghui ,of the siory. | mI --------fildn«ji_oicotl,-l<>-wlMHii-ihe-ins)e-of-|—

directing wa^ handi^ by Universal.! has brought _ ^ ^ U i 'j ) 2rirayal of_thc i _

f ■ sioi-y" lo Uie serein. H is 'm a»tcrfulT ,. |ouchcs sliow time und again os th e [y,

V • The supporUng Ta.it- includes- suchi c e ;iamcs ts Hulene Sullivan. Tom Guise, i a>___SuUierland.- M yru Bonillas. K• Pauline Neff. Lftrry Su-m und others, ai 5 -------------^ „

= Bqb=Stcelc-Oood-hi ^ “ Riding Renegade” "

Bcb sieeTe hud ' three chances l o I’ t ' make good nnd cach tim e.he did. Now PBO. Is nroomlng liln j^ fo r the ~

5af.‘-j >c>lc a fra tttn ioni-nnrt-he:a~goln g - tot^ laiT tnake” the Brnde^itsl“ asHie“ msde“ ll— tjjp in "The Movie Kid." "The Bandlfsl

Son” and ••Drillin' Sands." The boy; has the s luff and master a h o ^ c n j

>oi Ht. * .- Time—provcn-ineUiods -have-been I

L-ou employed to .give T h e Ridlng-Rene<i gadc" evcryUihiiT ilia t o \ye*tcm can

D a y s M o r e |

A n n o u n c e m e n t j

m ^ ^ a ig e |MOTORS, Inc; V i

' 1 I - rce Ii j f 'J Z fd i Titcey ■.


■nou'.f lhe 'fifth i uitiuetB all - r ight nd-TeUn-Almthcr:— —

t A n y o f .D u r Meuta. T h e y A rc v o iy -D c lic lo u r i. V ' - •


a R i y e r S m e l t ’


M - H A M j - ; ............ ^ ~

l e n t M e a t C o ., ■ ■ PH.ONB 103

lY M O R N I N G ; F E B R U A R ^

r |- l3 a ia r t i iO T e rP r iv e ^ |


r :

I I I - ; i If-'., y I

V r ]ew; A / K g W f f l i I

n l - . "’6 ®[h - ' Cnr.ONRL THAD E.-BROWN (above) a i- in . Jidilog. eoijjHuuul of the, Hoeter, i

campaign forces In Ohio,, rollo<klng ' of - Hoover'll Ir t lc r lo -him informini: I

v in ' him tha t he>had become u candl- date fo r- th e Republican prrilUen-

l l i e ______ - j!--------!---------------•^ ’‘ ‘jhavc to draw patrons and pleoM3

: Uicm, n Is a real old-time Western do'vn with the skill and knowledge

I ol today.— : A_corklng_.alory,_iUBcrbli'_dlrccieil..

ne P ^ tw le T r - i itn m -^ n in c u n r - ■ cumblne lo make 'T I ip Rldlnc Rcnc-

I, - Bader" the year's best bel l.ir Wcsi- ,n.! eru~ trade,______________________

" Flat Feet in (iermany rai— jVlarm-Medicai-Group

' u r.Rl.tN. r eb. a ' f/T l —n a llce t l iave - ■■ lii'i'iiiiiLr tu 'Fi.inm m fjLn;nilmentTiii--Qf j r t : soT.ni.my thot physicians, orthopedists ure I and promotcra of social welfare are, er-1 Joining forces to combat the physical i m d; dcfcrmlty. which Is hampering lhe ■ be-’ elllciency of oUierwlse able workenT ' Ij ie ' 'Hic elghtccnUi congress of ihe G e r-: lh e ' uiAii OrUiupedlc society recently nt- - j j i . I tacked the problem, but took cognlz- i

I nncc of Its difficu lty becaaie of th e :, lack of nny. authcnUc slallstlcs." A '

th“ I ninvonicnt^ Is under woy' to Introduce

the~ w Ana 'tri i;- rwiieg intfu 111 tiip-the ailment,

an — A-ingdtcal—im rn ia l-a p - fd h o r ia lly - m- -Uini-"tho-uncaniiy-*pr«ul-ot-U il».de- .. :lal fcrm liy among aU cla.t.M of ihe civ- fli- ilia>d races colU for the same wlde- v ld: i.prcad and deteriulnrd combntlvo

I measure.*. a.s tubercuIosLi and canrer."

lal. t MAY SELECT GlIARniAN Uk U l OS-ANOELES. Peb, S ' (fl*,-R uth • ‘ “ ''Jane M ix. 10. daughter of Tom Mix. ' ^"°U-ns loday given the vlijh i to .■ielecl

.Her own_8uariiian by .■’ uiicricr juquc ich I charlc.^-a,-Crall. ‘ She tlccided upon- Isc.) Albert A. Kidder, un nllomcy who as. M n. Olive Stokes Mbi requested be rs. appointed guardlnn of thi- child, In n ;

rcccnt petition before the court. MIm !

held by the t-ouri when Judge Croll rilled th a l under C.- llfornlu lawin u

^ child Is given the rlKlil. nt the litre of— -14 -ye -irs-to w ;.i.i- liii.-u;--hw r_ow »... •o guardian.

lid. -.lhe — --------------- - ------------------------------------

i lPARMEI~ Read this list^We hi

™ sprinpr work. Haying I . Cable, and Pulleys—'

■ mond Hardware pric(

* ^ emchtnE good

_ { SUS Genuine Hickory Single Tri

T ^ j ' ' -

' 81.« Bay .' lat/' Manure Fork*: i

I ForkHanfllj , IM)c FItie quality Fork Handle, sp


e -------------------------------------—

' «■« cioek i^iu i Al

— I ------ P u iu l-~ 0 1 1 and W iu ie Lea— — K t t lB o n in tr in - f lT i lk s ^ W e -w

. - Diamond Hardi

: R Y 2 4 . i 9 2 & ' - - V -

' : : : iO iN D P lN lL ^ „ ;_ _________ I____ Ol

C , ’ Parker, one o f Uie ew iy settlers of U» r»m l-' >lls cotinlry, died last evening at the eounty goneral lios-

— nl t nl - iU

five or >i.x ><••»>■* »■» had modo her


“ ? M n. P.ukor. fc

northwest t>( T ih i Falls, an d ' later fll moved to T a Iii Pall-i-vnhere Mr..Park- era d«»th ixT'.irri-d aboui eight yearsUKO.1__q:;, K«l> A“ «k«n-U>-U»-OroM---

g _ [» v ,, i (,111, Ml rliw-1.• ” * ~ — — —— ——

COI^.ECr.CrAllD.S, HEALTII i Tl vel HARTFOim. COlin,. Feb. 23 ( ;P )- « te r Chemlal.-.' nt . Trinity collcge. .make, . Ing weekly .exaininalions uf cmiiloyes of a ' in r Iccal - i W r ccmpwiy to. determine;- llll- w liiilic i- till' Hn-ii are uffl-cted by th e 'o f f l l - niercurv vapfjr uwtj In Uie plant’s :d i___ bolier.-,-. All ei-,nlnr_toum worker who hi

shmvs Iht- <.!lnliir;.i Irace of poisoning; RI•l another Job. «<

crn ■dge

iH iteimIS 9 0 %

f u m oie r- ; at- - ilz- i th e ;

T A c f f n c

iM T h is -^ A d it! have bargains in. all-kinds ing time is not far away. G« i—Why not paint up the lfo\ rices arc awfully cheap—on

5d CteVtw. tantt site

c T rm . m ' k UI

— --------------

taT: .pMi.1 ,„jii..ir, . S |

tidiese, ipw iu t ......... ,(K (i I g g

nteed Watch, ipe-

U) Alarm, ipeeUI — -----------------------

Get our price* o Dies. Poit DrUla i

P A I N T - Y O U R H O U S E N OLead a t WUOLSSALs Pricca~ ^ ■e-will-lofttt-yott7i»~bM9h-PEBE.----------

'dware Co. The Wii'• ' < ■— ------ u ------------ 1,1— .. ..

F A M M s ¥ u W u s E M i i - f

J U D D H E N T iO N H O G CROP r -


Oiould nol, in the ifplnlon o f govern- ' ~~

" 'h y r ie r iiBtitrnl~fldlilullllC f ^ — Uiey have lor pork prdducUon.

Low expert demand' w id a heai? aurplui of swine U expected to 4e- i irca ,\tie, lna«ttry.,iPr_ac:icaiit:(Q^ou.rr ~ T tan-bu t eveii W h e n -p i^ - th re « t< n • to be least satisfactory' iha former must iw li lt own Judgment on whc.

th llk. shaiiervd - grain. iinmArketabiD '-u n v liir tr imit ntlmr ---------

sliould be considered when.c&lcuIaUng the number of hogs to be raLwl.

. . f)ETS DIVORCE -L0 6 -*N 0E LE a ,- Pcb.-2J "UPi^lioy “ O iu itn known on lhe fcreen- os Roy IIA fuy. w u "tM n y “ aivorcM - tJ?-n m r '-— wife U um . In superior court here.The scrcen star did no l contest the action.

■ CONFESSES m u r d e r '; lOLA. KBS.. Ftb. 23 (/P j-T he killing : o f William Bryson. 15. who last Mon- :d»y won thought to have fallen to his deaUi from a step-ladder In hLi . ,

TFtOTi*, wnK'uamttteiTTOdffyiiy'h ls'son."' ' Kou. 111. pollee announced. A

tm M C ^\ — - I Eat right, i f you w ish

to live long, prosper and“ Z r a j ^ T i r S ^ t iT - v e f p - ------------- T___ _ l im it. You don’t have to __________

* cat things you do no t I ,c ^ fo r .T h m u e a c o re s

and scores o f delidous, bealthfu l, no urish in g ' ' ;food* that can be made .w ith -Calum et'Baking -------

_ Ppw4er.--Fpp^ tha t you _ w ill re lishr T b a t arc '

___ - r ig h _ g t th h ftfly and _

“ ot the- b iR h«t valuel __ •v]g£ - iia t-y o u f-w y to health;—

Let Calumet help you.

LE S S ^^H A N

P B It-B A K tM — ---------------

1-is for Youd s o f - T o o l s - f i j r - y d u r — -—

G e t o u r p r i c e s o n H a y

lo u s e a n d b a r n ? D i a -

n P a i n t — a n d O i l .

M a y s u p p l i e s ■

cet^oiir prices on Uay Cables and-----PulUe*.

^ --------------------- —

ste M ill Pile, spcclal .............5 0 ^

ksn^ith^uppUeaf : ' : : ^ ^, on V l« t B lo n n ,'S lo c k . »>a I . and alhcr DlackmlUi BBPPUM-

nw :> v ' —• '• -_______ .1 1 • . ______________ ____

finchester Store• ' ■ . '

Page 7: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

.................W T W i t w v w v t t t w t w w v t t v i ^ v i

$ ■ r f r , ,■ __. I

|—Dress oods lrimmi I I ’h e r e ’ S S t i l l a w t u l l y

I t h a t o n e w i l l w a n t f o t

I i h g t h a t W e m u s t c l o s (


Y ~ ~ ~ ------------- " - S E W I N G

J Baby’s Clothes—Undei-v } 'Neverythint: Clos

I _____ ^ ^ B a t i s t e „ a n d z z n l

I ' ^ ' SII ■ H trlpcs fo r b a b y clothcH.

I P i q u e 4 9 c " Y d r— B c iiU tir a i ‘ u u u l l ty . — t n r q

; double f o ld ; o iic -p iece - r —

i • W

* L a c e s

I O n e T h i r d O f fI ______ Lacea fo r_ b u b y _ W « u r ,;..i w iH h drcssc.s; a l l k in d s

____rinHi» n u t ------------------------------1= =

- S i l k T P r i n t 8 $ L 5 9 - S i l i i

A fe w pieces o f th is Qu:____l> c a iX Q U u lity j> jie U y _ S J Ik ._ J J '^

J l r in t i i r.»*p.ni‘2. »bpH ..p icc- cs : a ll good . . _____

t r e p e S a t f f l

■ . $ 2 . 5 r - . 0--------— A ll lb a r » . . k i t o f ■ = 5:— -pu i ' ,8»1.0Q' a h d - g-i-.gs- - * -left-. , hcnvy S a t i i i .^oes a t '-------

$2.60., O u r S ftlc in-rce B l i w a s , §2 .95 an d S3,.25.

— ----------^ ---------P i

^ -------------P n n g ^ e 4 8 g1 o i i g e e 4 0 t

. . O u r. rtcleot ( lu n l l t j - a ll 54.5c — fli( i i f i - . - i i lc c C !i ;^ n i ii f la w a .— iiie c i

A Large Lot of Good W opl-C ott

P e r t a l e 1 7 V k ~_ T h a t Koofl { ju u lity _____you a lw ayH g o t he re ; 21 a ll th f t l ’a le f t fo r th is you

ilSh' 3 2 - I i i . G i n g h a m

— r - 1Good’ p a tte rn H ; tub*

fh s t, to c lose o u t ; c h ild ’s rircsH w o n ’ t co s t m uch. 1 ___________________________ _ me

- i i S B - i n C h - , ™

G i n g h a m 3 3 c g "_ E x t r a f in e F rcn ch I—- S — -Qin'g b ftm i n - "p re tty -------------

Bum iffory p a tte rn s and - « w e ig h t ; ,n b th in g p ru t- V t ie r w he n m ade up. R

. , ' fitm

- :'-“ D t e 8 s 4 3 i i i e n “ 7 5 c - “ p BO u r non>criiB h ,$1.25 blue

L ln ^n i n ' o i l M ilo rR : tu l) —- fa s t. Ip ra c t i t ia l .a nd cool --

fo r a u m m e r wedi*'; nico,, fo r d r« p M ; ,M - w U .

. 51.011 :Ydi - r '; .A fe w p ic c M .o f. im - '

— p o rtc d -b d rd e rc 'd -R a y i- —*— «- o n - f tn d - V o lle & r W O - 7 “

------------ to »i).»u KOiJdH iu -c l o»g- T - r ~__ _J_ o u t flu ic k . ’ • ' ■ .-I

/ : P l a y S u i t i n g m d

( 1 9 C ■ : ZA . 'fo w p le cM to close l » r

o u t q u ic k . ■ cok

' — • .«

n i n g S ' N e t i o n S T J ^

ttr spring sew- P -11seoutMonce-----------OR SPRING - ■ ( G ..... - ^1-wear—Shirts— '' r o s ing O u t' ' JL'Broadcloth ^ _ Shirting 59c.: u r iin ; i i ' .H' a l i i i 'tg ; '- lt t— — - • s’ blouses th is ih f i n e . '

iH tv •»fllf-Ktia p c a ; ,s u d u - n J t l J l y l one like s . H ig h lus*

White Goods- j29c ' ■

A spe c ia l rcduccd ^it o f V o ile s ; B a tis - r '!H.— e te r -F ln e ,— p u r e - -----------P U 1 *€h ite . fo r dresses, un - _ f i n c g

' ' -Prencl-

l k s , - $ 1 . 2 9 J K d . _ 4 S

l^u n lity s ilk s in th re e-ead G e orge tte s Qnd „ ,6 C re p c “ de - C h l n e i r r - l t a S n a “ 1.cn« o f -c o lo r s ; ---------------------, , . , . iT c i r '

^ 1 piece: JlP i i q q y W j j l f A i y shnVe.

2Zc — Hf 1• C enuine M a llin son s

------------ ------------------------- l - p i e c t rco lo r —

S l a c k ' T a f f e t a .

pT t-H -s -H K ys - T a f fe la -------^ a t l J•st; T \yu niccc.s o n ly : ^jld in g s and rea l Sw iss .50 . j i u a l i t y ; s h o j - t _ . A l l woo . c c , , o f c o lo r . , t o d o , c

" woi) d O n e s — Silk— 50ct t o n * One lot : ____________ 1 to 45 -inch

Gingham____l»c Yard Fine (

~27Mnch " “tu lj ' f aa t^a n d -----------m sho u ld sec th e qu u l- y. W o n e v e r m ode p | „ich a p r ic e ^betore. I t ,,o ry t in e i us t go q u ic k . •

- D i m « s - ] — ^One pi

P r in te d V o ile s , 40- rose s tr i in c h ; P o p lin in p in k . and n ic i und b l u e : p r in te d w o o l,s p r i Crepea, a n d -^ a tls te s — — goods in thi.H lo t up W f t n L

- T I I , | | i J ( in n rln ; “flMi i n p u t t e d o u t ; a il g l

Voile 75c Yd. yR e g u la r ' $1 .50 .. v e ry n r

ine w lth ^ a ^ la c c t h r m l ' ■ W O O

STch” “ r t n 6 r “ ^ K ^ i i n i i 'lue. . . One F------------ - — P la id ; l i

kerchief ' S ™ taneii75c

P u re l ln e n i ' . - y o u . l U m O l

m an y co lo ra to cloac > s j , | * n t j ou t. ; . K im on a

i t t iitfinii M-J -p ic c e g -tO --

- — O t ^ i a i e - - f — ~

^ 5 c - a n M 9 e - - - % | ?T:W O , 'q u a l it (« i. and

nore i r u s o d - th a n fo r :eara.; •’A n t ld p t r te y b u r .a n ts , i in d .s a v e ; - a l l is J J f . K K s n h in e t it^ lin lJ h rm B n y b lo ra to /c h p o M -fro m . ' ~ ,

00th \Ier(u l l Fashioil-S m -E mLook! Loool

$ 1 .1 9d ^ O a t u r d ^ j ;

r ro u g h -th c -ro o p e r a t io n_o r ' e h o s ie ry m ill w e a re a b le r i n g r ' ' '

A R E A L F U L L F A S h I C

ure_s ilk_c lea i-_upJo_a_na .rro .trauge — b e a u t ifu l a n d

y h t - - .N ( l S H rO M M U ~ T p !i nc lr= ivT Jde F S m i= M e ts lrE E E in , R ose Taupe , P e a r l B lu s :ia ls 7 o u -m ay-exp e c 1ra T id -w

a - $ lT 7 9 ^ d .^ ^ = ^■ h ' L . i - K f f i h i t r - Corduroy: a p re t ty tan S e ve ra l •>«)(

ors . S h o r t pic ' ' T losii uvi i:---------

cc trS 'in tre h -g o ld ---------------------- u J lU .— good jjp o rt S i lk and C o lt fo r s p r ir fg . C rdpe.s; 75c to S ! u lu r.

tingr$ l:5 Q -^ , Yard ^ ^ „

ivoo l' 54 -in ch in ' t n a m e o n ly ; n ice . i o r —4*i<»i‘.H tiUuUH:-----------------^

V " ' ... ..........~V y : ~ ; 'A V s jjt ia y . c.i ' o o l e n s - - ^ - - l iiin ir " '" I

Ocyardn c h w o 'o i S r t : QireenSaf

• • B e a u t ifu l Sa• ■' c lo th f o r s lip t

— inni—mmmiur? Coating

Ripelett(I n & S

-------------- ; -------------1 o ra ; f in e fo rErench—________— ^Lnnels, 39c Ripele' . t - r 'S f ^ r c T t ? . P ™ t S .n icc to r lig h t , M a n y p re tty ip r ln iT jlre sa cs . f o r lad ie s and J - ------------r r r — p a ja m a s .o r „g o

olens $1.50 -7ich -\Voolcn Dress • J a p

1 good ( ju a llty up - f ^ t c o lo re d J O y a rd . , ea fo r '; .8 h i& - - ...■■■J --------------J dressps-.'. -

Dol Plaid : -=f -r

-$i;§0_ ------- Sha^TO5 p i.b c e W ool « A

ieritine P r i n l e d '■ -^ -A : iBUpiur^-^ a C re p e ; th re e . ;tnakps,. t h e ' to - c loB e-ou t.- ^ -d reM e s l o t ^-----

m s i V A c J T ^ ^ .; th a t ' i l e f t o T o iE j l i H S t f t t loavy .o u t in g ; a ll '■ pa tte lrna . I t w i l l ' , .-\-.C ;JO T |rou to b u y and ' :ta w a y . . . . , . c | 6 S e io ^ - ^ ^

1 o r. c u r W n a . .


T a n t i l e ( ' o

. m m w.......... :

okl ■....... r - ■ ■ .

i;Special 1/ 7 ^o f - ^ ' s h a i T P i e l d n u d C < f e —

) le t o m a k e t h i s i - e m a r k a b le

i l O N E D S I L K H O S E

r r o w f i n e l i s l e g a i - t o r t o i >—

i d e v e n — * R e r v ie e o h lT fo n

E y e E g I i H C ^ e a s a a , _ a a i i t l u s t , _ l u s h a n d B l a c k . O n e o f o u r

d - w a t c h ' f o r . — :

— - T u b ' F a s t —

• o y , 4 9 c - " S u i t i n g , 2 5 c

' S m ■» A "J ______ h i‘.rft-r.suY itr» l im lnr.i: al______________ good.

j j - C r e p e I T o w e l S e t s 5 ^Q p ____________ F a n cy towul xots -in

C o tton l)rc ,.» ~

to $ i .o o r c B - B a t h T o w e l s l S i

18-!16 good <|u:ilil

m e u s e S t e p - I n s $ 1 . 0 0O f q u i i l i ly Raynn:

i l £ _____________ ti f i iU v m iiflA ■•i»(l t r im .. . . m c d . " -

y. c lo ll i. fo r ■ ■ • ................... ..

B l a n k e t s 1 6 . 9 SI 2 p a ir o n ly ; ail pu i

S a t i n t 5 c ....... .

L . ^ ; t ' " i i S I B l a n k e t s $ 1 .9 8

b la d i b lu e .'’ ' " ' K ' ’ 2x80 warm , ______________. s o f t g ra y cottons. -

" S S T D r e s s L i n i n g

lin g e r ie co l- -Z & Cfo r gow ns. ,jn d cam bric sk i

i l l I II ttn>rt-j<|t~madfrf-^?5tt-H)

e l e t t e

t s , 2 2 c S u i t i n g , 2 5 c•« tty p n tte r iiH T u b fa s t ; some goo. and c h ild re n ’ s colo rs le f t to closir„go>VTi8................q u ic k ; - a . , ve ry . fin (

' q u a lity .

B u r l a D , i 9 c: .. T o cloB C -.out; be tt •__________ q u a li ty ; ta n ,' r td ai

» f o r y o u n g o r v 2 9 C

H e iV y q u a l i ty ; <as -------c o lo r ; one piece.

i d c l o t h . It 9 c . W h i t e T i c k i n t

M - ' l lU a l i t l ’r - . 3 2 cW h itd , - T * i l lc d Pc

I h S - T ic l d i i f p w f i l l e ry ^C T c e lle n t;; ' l a a t a ; " '

H ’d t t e r

. A l l th e L in en s le f t sm a ll 1 6 t;^ u ro . linen

i to o d fo r .q u i l tu -p u re ' b lfiiic K ; ^O -inci

-------------------------------- ;----;■

M dM m G ,,P E B R tJA R y,2* * * * * * * * * * * * ♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦m n


j y — — - A^ G e t T h e s

M_ B u y S e w in g N e e d s , L

— ^ - r -------— o u t—Y o u - w i i l - i

■ 9 - 4 S h e e t i n g ,

- A - s m a in iu a n t i t ! / ; f r ie d iu m q u a l i t y — a

ta p e e d j — j ; —. i - a n d - i r o n e d - ^ o t - m

~ . B e d ^ r e a d s r ij le A fe w k r in k le

b lu e , a n d la v e n d e r 8 0 x ip 5 .

t— '

Orchid. b la c lC ln ^ v ir "----------------- w h ite .— c o r n l;— cc r is c ,- "______ g re en , 5 0 « ynrd ...

L _ L i n g e r i e F l o w e r s

D i i in ty l i t t le t r im m in g f lo w e rs fo r lin g e r ie and

r a ; ■‘ l l - f a l l l- y - W l t - ^ a - O g g .—

______ , ,---------------------- 1-. ' — = r r i .

5 9 c " C r e t o n n e

------------ 1 9 c - a n d - 2 9 c - . . -— :___ I S om e, a w fu lly p r e t t y5 1 K p p a tte rn s fo r new s p r in g

drape., in thc»c.

i rg a i l i . ......

f 7 ^ ^ , e u r t a i n -N e t B 4 9 e =l-» v V IS -inch c u r ta in n c tu to n y " ' ' : c loso o u t; good ones; tw o - tr im .- ■ tn ,,.. .............................

W F i v e E v e n i n g

'I .p;"-” . D r e s s e s

' ! a ± . V I M

I n o O ld s ty le up to 550.00 ;y O D w skos.

---------- Child Serge-----Dresses, 98c

■ -------------2 o n ly r4 -a t id - !0 -y e « li^• size. _i n g 4 'o n ly , 1 W 8 and 2 0 ;

$ ld ;0 0 ‘ to $ 1 5 ;0 0 D resscB :, - , - 1 515.00 M id d y S u it , ic s k i r l $ 2 .5 0 . ‘

0 ™ y T o a l s T 9 8 i r r 16-18 and 38 sizes.

2 5 ( . — —

cBood C o n s o l e S e t sclose » 1 .0 J la n d $ l.S 0 .f in e B o w ls -r-a n d ..d - C a n d le

S tick.s in Varied colo rs.' T o ■:-------- ;• close o u t qu ick ,

I 9 c D r a p e r D a m a s k

. M S , $ 1 . 2 5__________T w o pieces;■ b lu e im d

........ \ roHQ ?o m b in a lio n s ;“ r u ^i l l « “ — T jn 'm ix c d r r c 'g u la r ? iV 7 5 r

V e ry p re t ty . -

2 “ Q U I C K ! Q t j i C K !— — — . T im e Ih , s h o r t f o r g u r

k i n g

J u „ ;u E l e c t r i c W a v e r s

-> — H d r - — ^WRverttjr—godd*. • •e lectric o n ^ - - ^ - t '

ii l ifn '- c i u n e y L a d f e s , 2 &S k . ; , ;F ln = - C M e y ! i - th a t ,4 ta — — — r . / m e fo r a lia s e s ., ,

IL24..1928:.:- : . . " ' ' ' ' : " r ~


- - - . . . . . . . . x u ’

Alteratitmse s e G o o d s O u t A t

, Laces, Trimmings, Button: iil-need-them —Anticipate-ai

Ig,. 29c -r Gloveftity of this.__ . Fine-fmieji -r-afonce. .. gloves; broke

f ei oredge, torn ’ , ^a iiyJeft— ---- =^^ComfIjfc^^S— -......... $2;50-ale s p r e a d s ; W h i t e c o t t d e l ' s t r ip e s ; s iz e ; s h e e p m

_ w iv e s t a k e n i

grey, and white: ] ' ~

=• - Lingeriedoth^19c and 25c

------- —Two-lots ou r-ex tra cu t------—rS ' -r prices on each one— La- ^

clic.s’ or cblldreri’s 'w ca r.- — D ' ind I--------------- --------

-------- Embroider y — "■ ^Pacitage, 19c--_£

_______Uoynl Society make w ith 1tliread to w ork: bius; doltn n

■------- toy seU: a tew dresstiii.------------- j

Ig ' I --------------------------------Stamped Goods , '

= ----------- 19c— — — i— •— A—fp w -cu rin itiH r-ie a - — — 1

towels and child ’s drea* ^wo* - out , quick. ^

— Rubens Yests 50c "Pliy Genuine Rubbns in wool . j

mixed ve.Hts. '

Ladies’ Vests sn'. 10c ..... . ■ -I

^ 25c nnd ?15c vesta to for clo.se out. ' —

r Corsets, $1.98 ■ ““ i. ^:^.-Odd-lot-of.bFoken-Bizes; : - “?• some wonderful buys ini*t. .these. tl

r . T - | p

^ “ Bloomers, 49c -“ “ Crepe Bloomers to

clo.se ou l; cheaper. thun .J making. ' fo

"to ■ Rubber A pronsr^i49c ' ii<

. 65o— Uubbw:— Aprona— -, i ^ JK ‘l “ « '! ty ; many

colors. . .

|L - Bead Bags, 75c.75:------------A —few-M»retty— Bead- ~ r-

B^ga; much less than ■y~<J ' cost. - ^

P Siinimer Unions ^:.49c' :3=— fclttht-wclght knit-suits' !

J f ilie kn it pure bleach; t ig h t , u; f s o r ItKise' kn e e .. Supply* ’

--atfead.------ r - ~ —

Mjd-Our superior: qya l- .

S X '■ use«.; 0u r,-ra g u liu r.6 ,0 (l', ; »•

i w , i i

= S 5 5 S s 5 r ^

X O n c e

ons, at this close- ; -and-savCi---------------- |

^ e s , $ 2 . 9 5 .i(»v-Piiff_lfla.t.hBi-- ---- ==,-T.ken lots to close II sizes in eiich

n f o r t e r s = = : =

- a n d - $ 3 i 0 0 —

jtton fille d -rfu ll . -imen and house-.- ....notice.

U n c n C lun ey fo r u n - . , •tie rw ea r,— fa n cy— w o rk ,- —■etc.; m o s lly GarTdii ^ __

— N O T I O N S — ^

B u y - f o r a L o n g — —

W a y A h e a d

S e w in g ,T h re a d .. 4 ^ . , ._ S ilk ,_ 1 0 p ,:y a rd s ,.-8 ^ . -:

10c Snaps, 8 ^ .~ r i o t snaps, ^ fo r 'W . ' - ' ■

B U T T O N S . 1 - 3 O F F . and you \v ll! need dow ns. • -

•25c S e w in g M a ch in e O il • :1 9 ^ ^ •- iO c - H a ir - E in s , - 5 « ______________ _ i_- P e H r l v £ u i t o n s , - 2 - d o i» n ^ — ^5 r l ;:

25c z ip p e rs , 2 f o r ‘a s * . - -N ic k e l T iilm b lc s . S^'. - - ^

s u fy t y n : r ! zP in s ; -7 - 1 .2 ^ . - .........------------------------------; B lack h e a d 'P in a , 2 fo r ' “

3 i . ------ ---- - 7 , ' -------■— —_ _ 1 0 c .H o Q k .a n d _ E y c f l^ ^ - ;__

Purse P flk H a ir P in ^ - ;

D a rn in g S ilk , 7 1 - ^ ^ '- 5 c - D a m in r ” C ott6n ,— 8 : ; -------

fo r tO t r

- O t i t i n g r P r i i i t S ” — —

. . 1 7 ^ c - : : : ; ^ - : :A l l th a t 's j e f t go es-a t. - -

th is p r ic c ; n ice p a ja m a pa tte rns.


A complete stock fol-crochet, kn itting JancyJwork and you ca r i^ve 16t&,of’ino-' : ” hey. ' : -

, R . M ; c. 1C r o c h e t , 2 5 c

D o z e n ____________ 4•Broken lo t o f c o lo rs r- , : ;

b u y a lo t o f th is and ' ’ .s ftvo .-.,- . ____________

We are in a n ^ , -;

ub quick. .

: - 7 - -

Page 8: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

........ ............... .

i l i i i i i W faiiTi Ml IFFIMli,

■'MoMaje o f OongratulationSont " to F cm o r-M e m b e r; T ra ff ic

■ — .lA w a-B ubjcct-o I-D iscuaslo jK _

“ ■Efeclibn"orornci;rf:-raFtJir=prln^ = cfpol accomplLilimcnt of il» n « Twin . r^Ht~lilgli*MhODl ilrbiilf* club, fonn.

prrslilent; Edwin cVhcri. vice nfe»l* - iaeni! Jloft-ard Wiseman, *»<retnr)'; ^Ivon WiiU. MTHKunl-iit-iirms. „-Informal dl.scuwlon c f• tlie-con.sU- «

travel on kUte hinhwiyn were , hi-ld. " •Tht; lunia-f'iiUfUmn UU'. i l ti'lnJ lu / = a commlllfe wlilcli will report lt« flndlnR<i to llir fUib at a fiiiiirp mrel-

Thc ftJdrmiHlvi' icuni won awonlcd lhe jlcclilon In n romlc dtbalo on'thc subjcct. ••Rrsolvni: Thnt nil l-i not-fair in JovR and wnr." BUuicho Swwt F and Ho«nrd'Wlwiiinn i)n-wnt«-d Uw tell

_alllrniallvc__oremncni, nnd OcorKC laa.Evnna ond Onirc Uoiiira-x* Uie nr«ii- W l tivp.

Tl>c club voted ..to “ nies-1 wd Ka«c of conitruUilttl'o” Howard iw . ’jjlrJcJf. a lormiT, mrmber ol tliejruf;

boy*- dcbule club hml n studonl oflT.

mMtcr. for Iiti victory iii tlie Call- Kr fornln- Jtate oraicrlrnl conlc.it held t-oii nt Lonit Bench reccnily. Wlmier* of w f. lhe various conli-ju will coinpetc In ‘ »i n nallonil conltel. IIU‘ Ulillifi!. ul which wlll'recclve a trip to.Europe. o«i

Jolin Estes,-debnle couch and club,Snll .tpoMor, gavr

• ' - lM »’


On behalf of hemclf and five chll* j Spr dren. Mrs. Viola Wylond. widow o f, l*l« Odcar Wylnnd. liwtllulcd suit In.dU- WU ttlct court here yesterday for j Vln

L ^ . f ' ” -‘ '1 -l-Bntll niilnmnliH/. which A.struck Mr. Wyland • last SepU'mber, ■ *««•■ r m u ltif In jurli'ii thftt reaultcd _ in_hLl

'‘deoUi aboiiriTu wecltinftK*!'. ..The corapUdDl waa drafted nnd HI- •

ed by T. K. Hodcman., attorney. - |


Annual meeting of panje masters, j— pasl sranse mastera and guestA which \ . r

Flier ha* betn jxatponeU by F. L, At- [No

I f o r I- i n

\ |The Idaho D< Sanitary J

l i r s A v nJJ Smoke. Solt Sugar Cure for 5 curln jr m erit; 10 lb. cuiih ........« Good, qua lity Straw Five-Tie iW M-eight B ro o n i...........................

-W -^H o lla n d -H c rrin g T M ilch e rs. J l white hoop; ketf .....................1 Seedless Raisins;% 4 pound packflffc.;.....................

S O’Cedor O il fo r a ll pblishin?dusting; quart cans ...............

5 Matches, ^jix boxes to .■%_ ri carton ................— .....•••:;

S 'F lne 'i:ran u la te3 “ Suaur: >10 pound baff ..........................

- J l — G ftlifom iA -P rune»;--------------- ^......

..y ’

> ' j f j i b a t i n g h t i

..............TWIN FALLP d a

W illie W illis.B T ROBKBT QUnXEN


•1 h M i H «ould l i ir ry an’ be Ume to cu twlmntln’. o I ’d r d tanned all ovrr on' if tore plucr In my panU wouWn’l OioH m f m) plain." ^


ROOtaiSON-U. J. Taylor. Poca. tellot C. L. Uann. Spokiinc; C. Doiir- la.l. .Salt U k f : A. Barrett, ^ I; _

Qncou. sun Frniicl.sco: It. s. Stock- ncll. Culdwi'll: D. H. Hare. Caldwell; kV. J. UrlnkU'y. Poinldlo: J. R. .Wood­ruff. Uolsr; L. E, Schult*. DoIm : r. W. Edwards, S a if U ke; W. W, Srltt^ndcii.. lr.., a t. l-nuK; R. H. ir lm iiln r . rocntollo: J. K.-Weswn, 3oldwdl: ». W, Monlgomery und life , a t l i Lake;, p. E. Chlchcster, ’ h llade lphin l'M . P. Ryitn. Ooodlnif;

Jchenk. Snn Fmnclsco; O. P. Horn.Salt Lnke: Oco. A; Day, Oakley; J. j>non, ©Bklpy;^, F. Moore, Pocalello: ^F=Ttlnenan= i5o iw ^O :^D .---W itro r • — Juskcgon. Mich,: VT. E, Wright. S a l t ____

PERRINE—Paul Am'ont, Portland;3. F. Kuncald. Boise; Nick Smith. Jniaey: 8. R. Wlllbuchby and* wife. >wbton; J. K. Wallnce ahd «.1fo. i Jprlngfleia. Ill,: J, M, Drown.. U w - ston; J, M. Viirne. Boise; O. A. W dman. Boise; R. W. Vance. DoLie: iflrgll Urook. Boise; R, H, Sleln-

han MncLeod. Buhl; C. K. Brooks.

liolw ; O is 'u l 'T ^ o n ^ ' “?3irTW inn il7 lit7*AT^nowr6oli-L6ker------

dm . county grange master, on sus* tettlon of Dr. C, D.-Weaver, couniy )hyslclan. It was stated, l u t evening.I t the headquarters of the Tn-ln Polls-Chamber o f Commww. The. nectlng w ill bc held a little Uter iCt t date yc l lo bc set.

■ NOTICE Real SUk Scrvice Man, Ralph E.

^0 obllgatlon.-Adv.

U N IF O R M ” f T O Q U A U T T __________

1 ^ ~ -

i e p t v - S t d r e ^ s = | =

G T o c e r y ^

g S g r J ;" l !.“ u o s 'u m r t l .m ■ g Q g »

' 'T .::...$ i.8rs '.. .... 39c ;

: 89c S '. :.... 19c .5'

Z Z IZ E E M ^ i '

= = ^2 ^3 9 c 4 .:....... .69c-{ -

- ^ ^

*lnrerit"Store ^f tJ n ih g k J B q c ^ ' ^

W L Y N E m T W IN F A L

f S S- — NewTiprlnc coaU. -

— I M ■ ■ n .L _ .h ^ lahl- _forly

yc.si smart, ye*. Each wllh a touch of dUllncllun Biid clever Ullotlng. ... Tlipy arc lo be

I : ' i ® had lu HoodQuaU ‘ I iy dom estic

— — — iwf«rqn»uj.rwa- —cn.ilinii'rf!i. Some

' are fur trimmedI / 7' I ninnnblUal- _

\ I nood Mlcttlon o fiJ I -colors-^

^ $25: 0 r - -

— l T i t T r t f t f " l J o a r d s r $ ^ 5 =- - 1 r o n in H - U a i* 4 1 V ‘ -^“ 1 4 M S = -— ett!Hb’T^ighl--litiii#hitr-Hnd-o£—

convenient length ....,.,,$2.45

C o lo n ia l R a g R u g s , , 9 8o

Kim ruKrf. hcnvy weiirht and o fo v u l «liiipe. E«j»;ciiilly Huit-

__ nb iv_fo r bath room malsi or«door Hlcp. (tomesi i i i h it und

------- a n d S a u c e r s ;J ¥ e r y „ .S p e c ia l , 6 f o r '7 5 c '•

P lain-white cup.-? and saucers, o f f in o imported Jup ware. Very transparent, suitable fo r tea...chocolntc, ctc. Very-es— pevially priced, set o f C 7 5 ^

- H a n d - D e co r a te d C u p a a n d S a u c e rs , S e t

o f 6 , ? 1 .0 0 , .CltnS nnf^ - jn -h a ru l-tia inU d Jap ware in blue. green and red patternH ft*O f' fine- v itro fled c h ln n r ^ t o f '

— 6 __________________ :_____ » 1 .0 0 _

= ^ ^ ^ = = G h 1 l d f ireceived o

,1 W for girls from i bonneu, Legh(

• - iiraw wlUi rtl

O ld I r o n s id e P ic t u r e s , - 2 5 c -

On March 1 paintings o f Old Ironsides w ill advance to 60c. A ll motU»v_<'nllPrt<»«l now gOfiH,

' to l). s . Navy Shipyard to re-condition th is famous old.

-^ b a tt ic s h ip ; pcr ‘cW .:;:~',25 ^

• D e c o r a te d ^ T e u ^ S e ts , S 3.95

Im port Jnp lustre ware, con* Hi^tting of 23-picces, cups. wtuc(!ni. iilntes. Bii(pir and

in d u ll orange or sea bluc patternH. Complete set $3 .9S

H a n d D e c o r a te d T e a - - S e ts , $4 .95

— Bright-orange a n d b lu r ln s t l^ ware tea acts >s*ith bond era- bossed whilo grape pattern.

— r - V t r r -a t t r a ^ M w flhH « HplBn:~did g if t . The complete 23. piece M t .......... ......... a.$ 4 .98

New'arrarig6nienta V____ tu re r o f women's hai

. - .^...ji..ju>ecjul..showing, ,ii lines. Included w ill

------ - — aationfl,-silks-with-ni«... o f- iitw spring^

to .see o iir opening si

. $2.95.' ' ' ■

I ..............^

' A T I D A I I O , F R I D A Y M '

C h i i a r e r t ’ s D r e s s e s , S

” • in c ir c u la r o r H ln ilfch t lin e e f fe c t . .^11 are Irlm m ed w ith - i r to u ch e s o f ( irgnndy o r vo ile .

'• ~~Xgari~2~to-hi-ycKrs.-Tt,-.S it W _ _

Giris* Q.xfords, $4.95 t, S ch oo l g ir ls ’ ox fords, m ed iu m ,

lo w heels, sho rt vam p. A to j p a te n t le u th u r num ber $ 4 .9 5

;; Ina, $5.85A c le v e r now sp r in g nu m be r g |

* irt th is -o n e -s tra p model w ith tw o - to n e ' f f f t ' d o f honey-b e ig e and ri»,-*o blush «m q u a r- .

® te r . Com es in com b in atio n “ la s ts ........................ ........ 5 5 .8 5 ^.|

L ------------u : L a s B i e r $ 8 . 9 5 — — ^'■!-------T h b t—is a ^ H p r in g - F a . ' ih io n =

. P iu te n u m b e r o f s tro lle r ta n . k id w i th fo n lra s lin g r e p li l - ^

^ ,- i nn , t r im i>n >*trai>;. no j;s l---iu : l i u c k le ............................... $ 8 .9 5 j,n

J „ ■. , ____ fu

„ 1"15 c a l f a k in w ith flash y irricTes- -

> c e n t t r im on vnm p and q u a r- , te r . Cpm es w ith college g i r l * r ’ ■ he e l ......... ................... 5 3 .9 5 ^

"‘I ■ Vai Laces, 5c ' ?iF o r s p r in g sew ing needs, you

2 ^ ^ i l l - n e e d - « lR i i iK iu j£ - \ v h l t f l - o t _ S iJ i e c ru va l lace.' TheMC come

l i u u i 1 - i .U i 1 l l l t l l »UilL Si.

» — W r i g h t ^ i g r T a p e , ^

• W r ig h ts .b iu R tiipo'. g u a ra n -rs, te e d fa s t colored. 6 y a rd s tore. - th e -b o lt, -w lc c U o n .o L & ll..c o l- . ......o r o r . i ..........................................1 0 <

It Narrow Ribbons, 5cN a r r o w r lb U t is o t l ig h t s a t in '

Jg , m n ip r iu L NPi .A .Q t L l i ^ size, a ll ihe l i r ig H c o lo rs ] — — - — ...........5 < - ^

— Pear4-Button8f4c—ie . P e a r l bu tto n s In e ith e r - tw o

o r f o u r nole, sm all arid m ed-o f ' iu m size.....o f p la in w h iteCK>__p e a r L . , ..... i.....;....................... ^

d r a i ^ ^ S p ^ H a t ^ - l |

red our ip r lng shlpmant of muiea’ ha tT rom one ye tr to twelve year*. * Organdy Leghorn straw « ltb bn ld trim, allk h rtbbou trim, In_,num ^u»_ahapei, ^

I t- ~ ' ^1 V

! s , - ^ P r i n t e d - t j U k 8 , - j......... P r in te d .s i lk s , in . f la t cw p e)1(^ a n d crupe de chine. Comes in •_ Oc. l i g h t o r d a rk g ro un d p a t- * Jfia— te i us. TIlUHii w rnt* ib 1 1 6 r a l" p ^ ' o r conven tiona lized p r in te d i

° l^ . iw t le r n . ........................,

s , - A l l S i l k B a r o i i e t t e ,

$ 1 .3 5^n- T h is is a n ou ts ta nd ing -va lue . ; ps. G ua ran te ed 100 pe r cent s i lk . U

lu c b lu e , ro.'te, p in k , green, w h ite ti 9 5 n n d b la c k ........................ % 1 M t

G r o s g r a i n T a f f e t a ,

t l “e — — ^ ----------im - A n e x t ra heavy w e ig h t sftroa- I

£&■___pvcM U y— B U K w '~ *o r "— is tn p o23« shades, p iH ows, etc; . G o m e s ' s 9 8 in changeab le c o lo rs . . . .> . .H ^ a

U i T l p l lts w i th a la rg e m anufac*

h a ts , p e r n j i t .u s tft;.m ake ______ jg , . in : th e p o p u liu L ;p n c « l'!^ .____ - Ad l l be fe lts , f e k com bi* ' - Mi - m e 'lA lU c 't r im - a m i4 o - th e --------r in ^ r co lo rs .—W e r i t t v i t e : y o a v ; i : : = ^ ^ ^ Ig s h o w in g — '

Stn S4.95 V

■r ■ T ■ r ■ H


" S p r i n ^ T w e e d s , $ i l 9 S t

J E v e r f a s t F in e W « a v e ,

' A m edium ^^^Ight~Tnatcria l-------1 (.•.specially suitable fo r dre.s-a .»<.-;i. mnmii!H, 'Btl' r Gmtrantccd KU

colors to withstand acid, sun ; o r p o rsp ira tipn ................6 9 ^

S l ip R ig h t , 4 9 c L",,J' S lip righ t, a medium w e igh t .j. '' smooth finish, cotton fab ric— thKt-ilQCS-not-cling.-40-inche.s-------*■ wide, colors o f tan.' p ink,2 rose, blue, green, black and r-i.• w h ile ............................... 4 9 e

--------- :------- — -....... ........... nnE x t r a S p ^ i a l - S i l k " "

' H o s e , 2 i o r $ 1 .9 5• A purchase o f irre g u la r s ilk — - hnairry___They , nri‘ , r.h lffon, .

» s ilk to the top, comes w ith f u ll fa8hlQnedLiooLand.ankle--------

in ull o f the new sp ring col- t — pTK?8Q^ozcirBpcciat~deH\Try;— i - "2 p h ir ' fu r ..... .............. ~E

; ■ - ................ a

J- C h i ld r e n ’ s S p o r b H o s e , • 5 0 c .

SporLhose fo r lh e lit t le miss ^ in jacquard or check pa tte rn .

Sizes ti to 10 .................... 5 0 <e •’• GItIb* Rayon

Combination suits o f heavy J*/ ;— vve igh t-quality-rayonr-These.-^^ ^ come in peach o r p ink nnd

ages 4 to 12 years .... 9 8 f

G i r l s ’ R a y o n N i g h t S G o w n s , $ 1 .5 0

- Rayon night gowns - w ith A w iuare n n lc■ani^-w it h ^?t r np - “ ; 1 shoulders. Comes In peach, jj]

” p ink d r orchid. Ages .4 to...... ............... 8 1 ,8 0 - * -

o ' .1=-------- R a y o n V e s ts a h d ----------i B lo o m e rs , 9 8 c^R a y o n 'v e s ta ^w -ith ta ilo re d to p —____or-bloomerfr-in-the:J>ingle-or— D

double ela.Htic. Comes In cul- or brs oT~pTajniTpthkrullc-and—dt

■■ ............................... Fl

;. F r e n c h P a n t ie s , 9 8 c “ >------F fgneh-iian ties-^ f-w a shab le. ■ pI — rayon ,-fitU id -g ird le -W p-and— ■

• tv«>.lnch cuff, a t bottom. A llI I w ilh rose bud'lHm. C b lo rs 'd r ‘

£ . B a b y V e s ts , 7 5 c» In fan ts ’ ve.sts o f f in c wool, ^*• - r - i " " ...... ................ . -^ prevent shrinkage. ' Double ^ fro n t and fastened a t side, j * . JVgcii-l-tQ „4„vcarg............7 g jL - J

s ta m p e d l u n c h S e t ^$ 1 .2 5 ■

le. A lunch sel o f pure Czek ’ k. Unen. Cumes w ith wide 2>inch hi— la%'endcrrpink7 7 c l la w o r i) l in r " “ n, ito rder n. StampwU-and—w it h - te directions. Easily w o rked ; ' a the set ......................... f l ^

Stamped Boudoir ‘ PilloW^” 39c" ^

<&. Boudoir pillows, o f fa s t col- 18. fir tH i-v o ile r-« h in re d -a t-« ig < ^ -»p and in vur hity. Of T fl6ia l i n r ~ ' es • shapes. Colors o f peach, rose ,

and o rch id ...................... ..39<

B f t M g H iL 'y ■ y f f y ^ ______

W X - ' - ' •

S t a m p l d T i l i d ^ C a s ' S , B-■

I’ " ' ' ' ' ....................................... « < o r ^

J I .

A p r o n s , 9 8 c ‘m iu i i i i j i u i i i 'uii.H ij ia iiD u r neuvy-----------f iweight bi-own muslin. These E jire bound \v ith tape and come jjo ys In colors o f rose, - blue and - th a t g ft‘i*ri. Conventionalized flow - w it f i er pullenm fo r w orking 9 8 $ p|e f

____________________ _________________ «ge_.G e o r g e t te s , $ 1 .7 5 ^

Ceorgetlus in plain m a te ria l' < for trim m ing or smnll f ig - _

-,IP « l-|> H tlW ll«~ G lU .W l.to l< l— § i® !:- washable.__ 10 inchca w ide; f-ya i-d— -'...t;::,........ r.-.-V.r,.$1.75— liclHr

“i fD in n n n r B i r d l f o s H :

~ - = P u l l - F a s h io n e d - S iM M e -- -Y5U-w n n ttro u r-neg ■Humming-Bifa nw- txtr» loi« bool, lull fashioned.foot. «

ankle, lustrous sUk. chllfon or service welgl

_ ............$1.41

B u c i l la P a c k a g e s t — 'S ta m p e d “ t i b r a r y — :— S — — S o a f fu ) $ l i 6 6 1 ■ ' ' .

« rt cruMh o f n fitr ik in ir mntiul- 'vh il,_ liun_d ta iK ii.— Eloaa^mKi—in --1 3 V itl

structlons in packages 51>85 b o lt • a ttr.

B u c i l l a P a c k a g e s s t a m p s O v a l C o v e r ,

$ 1 . 8 5 -- A n oval cover o f tan a r t .‘ ' crasti in (luhriiTdesign, ^ca rf ray i

.')lx42, ready fu r working, tian' ................... - ...........81 .8S f}Q.H

— B u e iU a - F a c k a g e s ----------- HD a v e n p o r t P i l lo w s ,

— -$ 1 .1 5 - ----------— Da%Tnport-pilloT\’iirT5tamped—

on heavy brown a r t cra.sh. ~ d a h lla ~ to lgnrc lcv i!i-ly~ tln tod— rooi

awd“ guarantced 'wash pnk»f. CUR Floss and directions contnln- pa it cd in .package............. 5 1 * i5 o r 2

A New Departmen■ I t w i l l p a y y o u t c s h o p d o v

L ± ig 3 . . f Q r J e 3 a - m o n e y j - _____

M e n ’ s H e a v y W e i g h t'A heavy weight 2:20 blue denim o

; ing, b ig roomy pockels, high back

' — . _ ^ - B a y s lX ) ¥ 0 F a l lS r 8 SBoys’ blue denim overalls, 2 :20 wc

. “h igh back, bu ilt” ju.sl like Da'dily' I P r ic e ...................................................

Striped OverallMen’s striped overalLs o f heavy

— -w h ltc 's tr ip e ,- fast - colors:

• B i g C - Y W o r k s

chambray. Coal »tylc, tr ip le atltche ’ Cornea tn blue und gray, alzea X41

S w M t O r r W o r k P_ J-Ug;0=WaLworl(jiBnt»,.inii4(!_<«L . i , te rla l. G jia ran to il nKjInat r lp p l

New p a ir rep lace inem r-S Iz^ 321

C o t to n G lo v eCanvat gloves, 0 or. weight, w h ito i

H o r s e H id e G lcGloves ()t genuine hor«e hide \ r i th

' • B o y s ’ W a is t O v e— -Boys w a ls t-^ jye ra llH rm rrh ta n rjr• , 1dJ)«;-copp.ernvetod. U n lo jim aacT

i z _ 4 - . M e n ’k :s < > ^ :3 : : :Cotton sox In brown or black, al

— ^ o l- ■.... ......................................... ...._

w . ; u . , * * « ' ' ’ a ^ H a n d k e r cW W ^ handkerchiefs. 1.1 inches aq


B u c i l l a P a c k a g e s

-ods. T liis is a child's dress rose voile w ith a ttm ctlve

ira l design. Sizes 2. 4, and .

B o y s ’ S u i ts , $ 1 .9 5 I)ys’ .suits,' frtairea~3atech~ ' a t is stamped, accompanied it f l directions and \\;ith am- e flo .ss 'fo r w k ln ] f . Pack- r e . ...... ................$1»95 —w

S p o r t S a t in , 7 9 c)o r l satin o f rayon and cot- n ob ta inab lirir i a ll the best lHnK-colors‘..'..~i~.'„,;,-:;79<— --------

II ~tigh t ' /(

. 4 9 ..

B u c i l l a P a c k a g e s

~ S ta w e d J i t f a n t5 * --------- ----------

ifu n U * drcBuon of — s n o \v = =■-. .. 'h ite nainsook, long sleevesith_\tidc_X our.-iny i_hem _at__ ____^ottom . Selection o f 'th re e t t ractive patterns ....... 80 < __________

S t a m p e d - D a v e n p o r t ---------- ^P i l lo w s , $ 1 .5 0 /

'illow s o f bright lustrous

inn rose design, y a rn -a n d - loss fa r working ..... 8 1 «80 ______

4 K o m e n *8 B lo o m e r s ,-----------------2 p a i r f o r $ 1 .0 0

Kon’ enL«_bl09fner^ ,,o f_ llng^_______ ^tte o r colorcd sateen, single_________a r te r tr im , cut' fu ll and oom y.-com es-in—colors—o f--------------

la ir ......................... 8 9 t fT 2 fo r............... ..........9 1 .0 0

ri rJJNiI :L__! n t D o w n s t a i r s

o w n s ta i r s . P u r n is h -

i t O v e r a l ls , . $1 .0 01 overall, w ith trip le stitch- \ ick. Sizes 32 to 42 $ 1 .0 0 ^S 9 c -a n d -9 8 c --------------------: -------------w e lfth t, blue hidlgo denim. _________t1y's.'~Ages S to"16"yenrs. ....................... 8 9 f .and 9 8 $

a l l s , $ U 5y w e igh t duck. Blue .and

............. .........8 1 .3 8 ^

S h i r t s , 79cched and bu ilt extra iw m y .W /i to 1 7 ................... 7 8 $

: P a n t s ; $3 .50o f heavy\. durable lean ma;__________;>plng in crotch or seams. ;2To'4D— “ ~ : ; . : ; - » 3 . 8 o -------------- :

v e % 1 0 cto d r i l l w ith kn it w ris t 1 0 $

i io v e s , 6 5 cth leatheretle gauntlet S S * . . ■

v e r a l l s , 8 9 c»S 3 lcn lm rcT irroT ti)~ flt:<> it^---------- --lc. Sizes S lo 10 yeaw 8 8 $

r i E 6 f , 2 5 c ; ; ; t ; ; . i r ; . : ; : : - 1 :alzet.81^ to l l j r i . » ____

r c h ie f s , iO c^square, p lain whJteJ...10$


Page 9: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS


: ^ = = = c = s : = ! s = ^ = ^

- - = = ™ E ! ^ 5

- I M_ ■ __________ -1»- - - • ..

_______ I__________•

' T

p P ^

" " : ' r - ' I j P i P j

_ - P IIC H IN G .A C E A_____ ._ ....... o/.the New Y ork .■V

•nock, nt th e ir home

: ........... t — —

b d d M l i

■ - *

- ■

THE FLAPPERS OF liclica and beaux o f 4

“ find Mabel Bpftrdmai

■!■*, ', ,, , . . -

^ S W ^ M E ^ W H | r e

AN D H IS SON— Herbert PennoJk. r : Ynnkoes..tnlHaJhiriKS-ovcr. w it lu J oi mc in Philadelphia. Mn,«,«u..«i

i l : ' * :

t f C - ' im

OP THE GOOd ' o LD DAYS—From f th fflie rloa . No kncc-Ibnglh'sWrta »W.pJ.,the' Red Croas In lho group?

t w e s T I iTW IN FALLS, ID A H g

' ' ' ' s e o !

7 ^ . T r r l p F a


_______________ ” ^ a A , 4 ' j B M

■ ^ A T R E S T -I ^ f l r ) u n o r a l cor.‘f i g j j —tctrc 'oH he late - ■ -‘^ ’— ^i ^ S E a rl Haip pro-}m a a—cced8--IhrouRh---------- ^R B M s t r e e t s to •B |m \y c a t m instcr

f t iy W -- Inao t, — i y f i n f l i io w s cnskct iB W i b f l i n ? - borne

f r o m S t .

:k. perennial sta r THIS IS W H A T -Joe-Tijdtly-non— W hen it-com est i»Mi iiig>u«iM:K>i>r>) outs in Berlin.

fS T ^ ^

■ 9 ^ | H | | Q | | | | ho in to ri

' n tar.' n t t Coun

f " * .

ff25ft-i4 r>Srjsr);SS!ffl®Pj!TO ?3 om a photo taken W , back l i i 188: Irta o r bobbea looka th « c l B y th« “ p j . ■' ■ ':.■ : - ■■■■ ««.



y B s ' j r * - 1" Bm


-- ' t '^ J

j j U

:a T W E 'D C A LL A C T IO N !-K a th e R( es lo -U ik ing a-flying-leaprKathe’fl-rig l n.

om m y . U l t s n T ^ k r ^ H ^ t ^ 9 | n ito rna tionn i p o ln ta r.'b ite s the dUst ' ’" 't t h e M i d w i ck '■■■^b u n try Club, -Loh

M ARRIED M U 1881,'showing the daughter o f a ■ the wa^i can you .m 'v rlod r W illian (tM<rp..<*M>N...mi> . - Roacmvnia, Chic

) A I L Y X Pi, FEBRUARY 24; 1928. ■

I---y' AJ' ' ----r-'■» '■’•

I *8

B m L b E A U T IE S ^gmD E i o f the f in c 8t-.hor.s'c.s > | | 9

gathered a t the_Na-, r m tlonnl Show in Los B .^ - K S Angeles.B w ^ B (|nl*rnoll>in>l *A S ' Illu<1t4lnl N'w>).

-—r j .

I ^

\ ■■

hc Rehker, German hurdler, docs her fl-right-lhere,--we’ l!-8tty;—P hototake!

P i

M ILLIO N A IR E Renee Scharf, i f a yie iina p o rtra it p i ln te r , , who niliam l l 6scnwald..,66r i. Qf Julius Chicago p h !k n th r6pidt.. . ^

JB n » ^ . i f l s B

W W i iH W I.. H j j K 8 H ^ ’ "^'rr; - " ’ I ^ H

■""■ O IL K IN C A T. - ........ . ............. Jofan=B s?Rocki

___________________ ____inicds nu fu e l!... , broadcnsts cod

her s tu f f—and how! clmrnclcr-build( aken at-O lym pic-try-—ftg iiR i iS f - i i i - I l_.__(im«n«j[iiB»l..s;i»ir»fi) _ _ .... ....... ..... '

^ H ' V - ' V

~ ~~~~B laneh^' ie y ,'m 6 v ic quMn.

-— - w » d 8 - C « > r g a - J > - ^ m ^ J *f, H a u s c j ] , young

• • •■ .• ' ■.•;'' ■• • 'v tT iv :

SBA m M f__

‘^ I K E " — " " " “c k<^o ll8 ri-rJ*v.= -w ho '' ~~ '• "■ •• . =

codc o f cthics asilders. and sticecna_______________


— - - ’ ____

Page 10: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

"EFsWEJ U K I P I f f l iS ^

C. C. Davis. OofcnciinQ Champ. — tP g” tinue^H:i3-^Victodoiis^

«i. PFri-n ffiinTR dii^K ii.. K.'b. s i i ;c uavi». .ir ir '^m irm iiiM n inrrH

of Colllllllnis, 0)iic'. rt:iillulled Ills . _ \:lc lu rli)ua_ jjia ic ii._ iL iuu o iiu l.. i

liom'iOioi- plicUiiu uiu riu iiii'iil I ic r i'!, lodiiv by wimmm iivi; imnr in iu rlirf^.! '

— m ui' M iiiam.uTr ’ ein i'i.uHi. i m itnK . i bMorc.hl.s t'Ncvlldii Ki-'tm: ,

Numiiimkrr. Iin«rv.r. i " m'i' - i Ioml pocliloii 111 till- prrliiiiiiiiiry rarv < M ill 20 vlcinrip’. -iiHl nw. I

JInrrj—Etmi'r.siii',. Kiin>!i;i. W)sH iIi - . i • in. 'Uvtr rlmmpiim. riinl:-. thud w illi j in M il l i.llll w liili- .C. i.1J-i'Uxiii m p i iiti'Mil 'll 1“ t'Y«iik, 1^)iimiit. lom>. Ji' :

~ i)v wIniiiiiK IH uii‘ iHen Uiiryn'. Wirhita, K.ni';is. ;iiid • I

.lUnniy »l*k. M 'jiii|itli>r. Iiulm iu. arc tlfO (nr »l'iili pli*'*' “.Itii I ' vJi'liiilr'-v Hllll llv i' ilw r-iir.i- 111'' I

lli^. nhl;Hil.,J---------— f-______I'll ! ' uumrll lOUm Wlll l l l l l ‘

iiBin. UIdiiniimiiim. lilin.n:*. b c lw luTr . fo d<‘ f*‘ iu l Urr wiitlil'v rri>v.n. ' ' I

____ ^

__5 Ii01 lT .S LA M S _^■ ' ----------- ----

_______ A<wrUtra 1‘rmH ?<p»rU rJ llo r i

MJW YOKiC. K. lj, I I 41 ii- Army j iind Niivy Milt r.->iiiii,' ;i ih lr llr roUt- * -lions thus aHtiiiday uv W«-»i I’o ln i- , oil Uic Iw.'kftlMll finiriT-Ji "111 h f t in - , ' fln.t clnMi brtttrrn Iramn o U lls :_ m n l: i.crvlci- 4c:idi'iiilr.' Ih f ri'cciit jruiitiuv 'iviT ;;lltWn^-lixihl!l?y M iu u l-• «rd.s uixl i)i‘ ’h.iWy llic laM lu ' 'Dull lo r liiiu- ii> n'liK-.

---------W Ih f l l inT7Tt-ttir-TnnttKill-hiT3>rhil- v.UK iii;r<-il tlu t jc

____rnnuut'im-iii* .Ul liilii r >|)0r4». nIi ut I jl

docui'i Itii I’liio I ' l i i r i tm ill

-------- T iir~N avTr It tn—iMKimiwhl:—»kui*lil-j-{l i k f t o i'Il<irt ll rcanijromlN'ttT cim-" imut' fcUuliiin Ul ntlicr ^por1s even..

HfUtor lit iDiiiljjIl. Inn thi.' Ahity h;.:. ,.___ rL'lwtfd -oviTUiri'^ -K» Uii»-*>inl----------- •„

; ■ AnimiK'll.' iiiiilii-rlitu< tti'iit .'O f i i r , ' ax lo iTiqtiirr • alimii ihi- diiii- ti- r u - j

1921) bn-ki'|')itll Riimi'. bm-\Vr.t PolitlS : , _■ m .-ItoL v.u . Him »• i l l - 1,

terprripd the N..vy\ lU'u tn.Ui-y 1..]^ prcchidr liny iiiUT-anulfiny tn n trs l |

------3 f t fr -J ii lr - l. - lW « . Inawtuirh as th f t jMitdliTS do ttui Mil>M:ribi- 111 till' Ih r.... i

----- MTTmTF-------- ^---------Jl umild Ik’ lllU lllAni'lU Ull ’ l l l l ' ! !

p iiL of i'ltlii-r (:ll )(ll, In vifW i.f ilir li- lircfMit ll(.^ltlltll••, to mnki! iitty «r* 11

------rrtH!ii‘ iiK-i>i<v-<)iiti-~wuuld.purMdt—c u iu ^, prtlltnn in wunu spartx wlilli- p i ' f l ,

Hnrry Wllsnti wlll huvc hl'i liiM ; (------ i itl ir< 'l l irT lin r"n r -T h f- r f itr j~ in —th is{-j------ i{i«ii rdB>‘.i bn lcrtbalt-HttT*"t>t«h>>»»w" |

will) cclrbmtrd hU tfl'O ron j lareu'tll l>y K'orlnit ilu-.tvi-.. lo u c h - ji dOMW thnt bfni l l ir ;invy lust Nd- i t

•- vcmbfr Ls Olll-III till-um itpst lmi.kcib«U; i tiuurdi. WVm I’olni cv«r liii.s had. I

“ ■■■ " atm n tr — .CTTrn— ;i.galii.11 llm Niiv^includlni! Uircc yciirsn.uf CuiiiipMinut)

------and Intir iinT f il' West Puliil. b . in - . l l

C R E A M o ' f

— — I— b H

■■ ■'

b n e t i n ) t c a r r i c a

t h e J a b e l i n p i d i r i

y o u n i a y k n o w 3

, a i l u l T j ^ u n d n n T

J— -----------f l - p o u n d * t h a t l o o l i

i i ! ■ ilL lffi THEaiiiicBita =^ u t n n t t n ^ u C T I ^ ~

- E i f i l d J l a a U u ^ l B l U L a t l l n t U Lr r — a u T T O t m r M im r t r r R r ^ e lp s t b

F ln ft l Session A p pe ars S low.

S-----\ lu ro to _C u b _ lOrwiHd- Vx-pLim^i«- -

J ivivictdiiyS ddiiKlimit Ifaiiui- iw -i*■rt,.v Unni'l., Ill lh|. • vrcoilri UMinl' I:tt'cri' luk fii hv Iill' OiiHnws who i

' l , ........... . :i.' m tl. P llftl^l. L_l.jbliit-,---------------- -------------- ■-------------- i-0 I Unlll Mnrpliv'.. .•li'v i'iiili Imnr ►tiol,; ; , ! il ic Lucky Kivr li.id bcm uIiIp to 'c u iiiln iiilh l l ll l ‘‘iitl *t“ ‘''*' 'i^*‘’ i ' till- f‘M«.

* i l r r foiilcj.1. Till- Uiitkli'N »<Tc »vi‘ j M|Kitiii.'> tn lhe coi-d «lip ii tlic {Innl i c (iiiiiricr l>t’ssii. 'r iu' Ctib*. la u td mo.

, h'iRkfiH durnii: iHr ilii!>1 iw " m ln -■. . t i lc ' <iJ (itiiy. " ' i '1 ] 'nK- .'I'cnntt iiiiini' Wll' ••'I'lw com- .

: iM r r j r in llu- oi>'’ iiini: iim lMr T lic.•.! Eiiutni'ciT »vrn' nnii'l;is''i-<l In tlic In* |« ' ItlBl liiiU, i l lll rani'- li n k In th r ;— thrtt-»rrti3rt-nnrt-plW-vi»-«'lRhH>‘'ln U 4 -1 ;n . t i ir t tn n n r r /1C- — ‘!■ T ill' tcori-.': 1

r ir . t (la tiir f Ciib« ' l l l l l.iii'kv Kivr■; .UiirpUK.ul^.------ 1-------------- atv4uu-i«w»i, Iniwurd 1

___________ I0wn,:_liirn ;iril !

. ^'li.vrlli- 111* Townn lOi . j,I • ccritrr | r■ H..VI1 f b r r i

liuaid :: Wii.v liiiK_______ __ ________Mdoii

; jiprm rinT iiii? r~Oiillitw.* i ia i Eiii!h»ti;r.\

..... ........

[ I n ri'*c r_ i« i .................... I'Jviin^ '31 j /,' forward I'•Mi'ii!N.M> Johnson I =

I I M il'.t jI i l);^w^oIl . Ii)u>d(m;, ! _ iciiard . | M. IW . Waitr iili WiMvrr <a>;ra

mii.rd ] _

j jc lii iW *'* '

! 1 i>Hm _i:w Itv-ilitrry hiis hi-rit H.ihuaU— ; ; 11) " iiii^ ^ N iiir nu»i cr- th u r ' -

KmifU like iioihlim bc lii'r ilinn to l I P iiritfliw li' III fliiuUitx_Ariny_vlrtur>'_i_

't in irS a in i'ii, iy ‘ ii'>’ 7Td irtn-}iirln=:ry(-arr:- ' i rrc’ord. • [

• . id i i t i i 111 WrM Pnlnt n rx i _ Iiill _ojJ _ ; f uiMsliiiii* io 'U iff JmuTriu 'm i irrlilifon ;' ! roncli. iiDiH'aDi .U> Iwvp vnnhhrri. i - ‘ Jotio.^whii nwirdN "Llahthorsc H iiry-. ’ : ry “ us oni' of ih r M nnrio l {noibiiUt

’ ir. 'in i' 111. UiiitV'h M i l lr ld llid, Ijui W il.un hiii^ im idc if|)!

* ' lil<, mind-lo i'nt«-r t l i r nyiuu U 'n icr,|

■; Iht' Krldlriin ti\ li ii- 'V ^ * fw*'ycikr." j ~ i Hurrv tl* iihi'in rr ’adv m "takr ih»t nlr" I f iir a I'limwi', '';• ____. ____ . :

; j i :w ) i : c K ,u u t i .m k a n » co sts |

• Itim-iatUn: iilrulanr iiax^cniicr linr.s !>"•iw ri'ii I ' jr is iiiid Lotidoii huvc rnliic*

' i r d lull'.' and arc bnltdliiK fiu trr ’ t in r r n t^ in i - i i - u ' in -c u t- in a r-c n fliin r i -

* j actrnniiod.itlDiw arc 'to br o lffred,! • |7 rrn ch ‘ llir lines bfiwpvii l»«rl.i nnd [ • [th e Mrdlicrrani'fln havc rctmci'd ralr.s i •jlM-l'iw lh(v:r ol rxprc.vi Inihis. [

f T A R T A R . —


rI h i H is th e o n l y

t) th e w e ig h t o n

r i f ig u r e s s o t h a t

y o u n re g c t t ih s r •

cJ n o t” J u s t ,3 /4 p f .

o k a l i k i) - t t - p o u n c l .

j-]JAXLY-NIi!W S,TtVlfri'\

■ ' ■ ' ‘ - 'HkRE’S PER

'■I J

.lj • ■: f . .

/. r~T~u. —

;;i ■ N '■■0. -y • '■ niaai

" i ..

^ ^ 8 s i /

* Itian U'Ullam K vrrrll lirrrjtirrr.v, n :_ :-ic ra l{yL of- Tfnnn.sfr. ...... — ‘

! "A man u lu w like w ha'.i- U f\n " ' Jiid'.’rs In H-liTiinK Dcnybcro' ‘' ' ' r !ft

I Rliwli'j. Scholarshli),r ! H.ir.1-. ivhV!________________________

: ]. Jic \Mi.-< a i l . i r hiillbai'k ,ii> Hit' iiiii II 'J. All til.s ulad'•-^ liHVr I'crn "A";

I 1 llivs ific b rjl 'i i tn d rll l Tfiilir>.MT r i" I ----- ^ irnFTwTmJTiniiyrLawKnrTjlSkCIt

;>,'l{r Nliu(f.,-i>Iuy».in-lh<--luiiid..dlrecl ^:inng::KnoxvilLv¥ .^M :rC.—A= abfncLL_= ■■: '-Uiimi >i«i.thHi t n fO ntontr' j rc.«or of Ensltun, '

1 KVKKY IIO USK^IAS COCOONS I 11 i SEOUl..-Frb. Zi l^J-.-Morr th ftiil

I iiuo.noo lu iiw lio lds hi Chiwn > Korea i I I j ra!*rtl sprttv.* allkw-orni.'i Innt yp«r-and I

'i .... ^r j - ..................• " - . - — -•=

1 '

p z g

• f.■11 •,H I

t . . -

<r __________

i z z z z i i S

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I“ I■I,


I " " " •Vi" " « '2^'"^...IIII IN

r’KAL’i s ' ra A H Q .-g R ig A r

pei^ c t 'mM ; -: ' ’l i

l l

— --------- \M31 ■. * e

r<«:CiiLULjau, don't., ta vfr, {a jcu ,iU U .te m fL .] TT.v, star a th lrU and olodrnt of the U n l-j

r \ n ■ si’f i i bcfovc,"' w w tn r vrnion of ‘ the r !.') ollii'i' rnndldntM U> rri'rtvr ttiv Mnl^'A

; uiiiM'iMiy Io r three yrari.:

,7r rvcr lilTu;ak(itiniir~aiTa~gmf rar r aw vT tiu- avcr.TCgrdlrccu.a church ehnlr-Bnd-la_a.niPinhiT of

S ' I nbont 203.000 Iioutehold.s ratted num* ttian t inpi iind nulumn nlkwonn*. Tliey rvai I (ircdnccd ftbout 70,000 bushel* o f co- and I coons. — ...............

^ p l e j----------------------- -------------- ----------------------------

•■ 8

a r M C K R B ! iA ; !m ^ u A "

, ' i B l g l p' BooD£ A n i l / ^ ^ r a b n S p ilt Ton , r ' Gamio S c o fc a :'* "T h ird Tdftlch

— I— fccvcs_H ar< L -E ougb l-A fla it.l

O rlll cafc bou’l m took all llirce Bimm or their loumjun«nt with Uwl Idaho ilica ltr cnuy Wcdneiday nlglit |

— etnthe-lcCTl-«llfr».~-T^e-Cl» f« dwrn»4- .. . * cd_lB3-pin i more .U»an'-U»e cinema,

s ta rt dnrlnd;-the codtw t. TJie cafe •, team bid their ova w»y In the f lr t l

-^1 ..T?.

'■ Dt In lhe Kcond, nnd eight- In t ^

—A»«IU« ^—^*dw tnn of -'.U io--theater. Who made K o rn 'o f 314 tn the ^ o i id I and third lllt« rc^pecttvcly. Gall Far-1

In the cpenlns coiite tt w ith 302 plm down. Doone with S77 accounicd for]

. :h r cviinlns'a lop . Lctal...and Incl-i drnt.-illy tc i the high average at 193.1■ Tlio icores:....... Io n tl C»fe— I I 3 • Tot. Ar.Fargo ................302 IJH H7 543 161 !Sclllry ..107 133 134 464 154 1Fcrd .................. IM 148 198 500 ICI

— ‘uccn r----------- — T ts 3 - j in 7 r-3 m o ? ^T<v*iiii ............181 174 179 534 178 j

Tciak - . - 031 BG3 834 2618 ' Idaho Tbcalcr—

I 1I3X..H—t»i'n-.flHt " '^ ni>-T>B3 M-* 1' ' -“ “ I ''‘ g '^ " ' * i iDiimmyi . 147 13S 140 4t$ 138'

.. lA iu lm on I9S,162 ai4_52< H i'".MMcDonnld ' 1 4 4 203 174 520 I t l

DtcuKttriiinnn .180 148 130 486 150

___ 1 m il 1101 bt! rc!>|>oiulblc for anytl<;i)i.'> .cxctp i^iho»_nccaiiiu]aii;d.J3j'

•■W. m y«u.- J, W. Tebbcn.—Adv. .__________■■■ .u.__________

-=-■ ■-■■- r=^co ycE B y iyn = T O i-------------p ro ^ l ' -ft'tmiTs- yD urirnoroonT' - 'in ivc- S'oti

(ouitd ypuc true self? Let Personal Analy.ilx Scrvicc be j-cur (pildc. Ad-

------ drcu P, O. Box 48 fur «ppolntmcnl,-luin. Adv,Tliey — .

co- Ncti' Urunawlck Records every Tl»ur»* . day at Unit;}ushV—Adv.

^ i n o k

re a s o n s , b u t

s u r e . A n d m o r e C a m e

*‘Fd walk a m

ssnmrn:" yr-CT able to-book in adY»nc« .w lth-.U i5 11

*■' r i l l carry ihem to liilerior elUei fro n - lho' p in cl arrival, undec, plans now

Pob btln* made. I f 4 r i ) r o p o « e ^ ^ l r lh i ®P piirwr notify lhe -« lr Hne»-4J-h«n

In advance. Jhat the .planei may be xit> leodii-vbeti rtic.»hlaul<>tt., , t , . —

. ■■■■ l^^.. , irce !t. T. tO O A N -Uw Exiwrl piano Mrvloe. -Au lhn lud

iglil Amplco Inspector. B*miw>n'ir~Adv, . ■

ema ..M cn s_au lu lw icO *h f“ « iB n ;'.0W : ’ PMfe conH. clcaned and preuod-WIlrtl Phone_5«.. Troy.-Ad?.J^_ -


I w h o le w hea t s and s treng th

I 154 ■I i n • ----------I m . . . ____

i ' ' \ ■ , , ’ •

y ---------■- - ................ -----------------------------—

fiTT lo lc i^ SOTT

b r a lo l o f q u e i O h e y r ^ r ta in m e i iS f t iK p le d t h e y s m o l le ls b y B i l l io n


mile fo r it Camd”

• . r W H A T * iT O H in E 5 ^ t) r —

I ; GREBE m D IO .

- Tfli8^!ttS^y"iSy" ==■

. :______Choico-,CityJXoan____________

rl^ Q1V6 Lilfitllt f e r h e a l t h

m e ___ __________ ______________________2_____________

afy________ I . . '

e a ,a : :z : := :^ i l= k e . . , ^ _ _ _

i s

9 9 . ' ' ' . ■■

............... • '

Page 11: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

j must get here on tii

■ -

Wc invite your inspeclio i nrrivAln in S pring Coni

fnvorcd niaterinl.s; sec tli • cniiy. ^

- j ~ - ■— C o a ti S i i r i i iB I■; fiincy pi:

t. nianniMhl

. - ' t ^ i 1 ' w tib rK o tli■■ ’ • N r ' ■ ^ / ■ n i lk H i-n ll

y i 7 .sm art

I $12.9!

3 ~ | r r ; : ‘‘TPW N ,TALK”I y / lernood Frocks' in the ii ' I .tel hiie.'t—jvorv (lr<ts.H is u

liitrhor nWcod mdth'l rtjul i • - mitstumjint;-------

13 V. May j j o . 849 ]SHceTSemc?, silic to th o toi t i f i i l H|irliiK nhadcB. These

t i m ? t ^ a k c ' S d v a r i t a g e o r H lt i !7 l - q u a n l i t ie s ,b 6 C a U 8 « o (

PHNG ■ spI. Ib. pkK..........

V ^ C r S Smoked Sho------------ ~ z r fd r - fry in tf-a j

ion o f tho ncwe.sl .scnHoninR. i>c onts ’and Frocks(i (iovulnnod in th<__________________these otl llio l)al-

ftS . - '' Sport Cents 'ia ,, ' p laids and chccka; _shly tailored nnd r n n^r 4

or fur-lrmSiMr S?r,^ ,,S S S S l l ^ l l S k Tla ids; both belted .............1 nnd ])lain— '

FROCKSi i ie '< S p r in V t im e •.I o f fla t cro*)es, •' tte and rigut'oda ll sizes in these '______new niodclA*-:' , v

S9.95 ' 'V vV m 95 _ $14.95 /N_________"FROCKS :i iiffirtiS tV S i':il coDV of n milch f’;''™''’ fII livc-v one is un- ''"''''“I’s. .""'i= ^ $ a s 9 B N = ^

^ ____ Every bo lt brnnd n>^p~!------------ r-nrcoiorrl«ttteh?>-e«d-If inant keynote o f fnah/ truycd in our fine col

Imported Pongee '- ' A ll s ilk Pongee; 30 In- a C in rt — ^ h e s ^ v id e ,— gonr nntcGd—nble—

-r^ flw h rrja d e r-^o p a l—and— binatio A lice blue. (1*1 r t Q usual \ per yard at, yar

___ -JQub_Silk___ __ Pril32” hn'd~3G'Inche8 w id ^ ^Bold^cia host o f charminfirBmall sijois • fitru rc d ca i^s , w m fiff> ])rintHurcs, dofi, and flow ers enn pai«-bJucB, roae, ■green.s, .sAopjlin re(bi und mnuvo; per yd.' wlda. y

I H o s ie r y A l l e n A N o .

top in beau- . C h iffon o f fine gi jB^nre -regu. top, h igh spliced

" $ 1 . 5 0 ’ too;


_ I

jn iTeni! N oth in fflrillA e e u f tlic IIU profit saie! Lior

M , t o l« : M .

E C I A L S3ccdlrss KirisinsT™”

15cShoulder Bulls, nico r - a n d ~ - ' ", pe r lb .............. i o C

[. to 6.P. M.

E-C-I;A L— —

Slippers, w ith a - J l —iceable-Hole ;-wz»‘S— - — — —

M itb S P .M . ■

PE C I A L _ _ 1Turki8ltTowbls,--dou*'

' ± L 19e

Piece I St(

Touled pound Oregon '

3 now and d iffe re n t dayi, po tiid-fubi’ici—^ri)A-4om— — 1[_9l!ycrtifi! fnahion is v iv id ly por- J, ’ • collection o f fabrics. - p'

P. and a 10 bans

Taffosan ,I Counlry

inches wide and wash. - -c -c o n i.!— in— chccka— im d — - p w ic j - r In w r iftv o lv -3 Poun^

nl m S J S y a r d ..... ........ VOL 2 pUg's.

’rinteiLCrepes ^J c o lo rfu l s p o r t de- Foney, si:IS . . . g a y . Bum m er • pound .it s . .fe.w w om en ' Chipped

p ^ a U iem w i th o u t-. 3 0 f „ c h = . f i r '

a, y a rd — . . Fnncy sii

- 7 9 c ^ s j 9 5 c ^ - - - - l&

J. 3780 Hosiery^ ;s saugo, s i l k t o . t h e ........ed s i lk p la ite d heel

• I • r ,

W F A I , T & I D A H ( ^ F R I D A ^

m l.____-xJ------

— ;-r.i

^4. /» '______' n . ■

j e s o ld b e f o r e o r a f t e r l i i c t in L io n ’t m is s o n e v a lu e ! I 'o l l o n

n A . M . t Q l P . M .

_ NOON SPRCIAT.P a lten i O il Cloth TabK- S(|uarp — iH 'tu ilifu l pat- Q Q /> te rn .s :c iic li............ ...... O O C

r ^ r * T t l f ? y m

s s - ” ’ ^

3 P . M . t o 4 P . M .

_ _,S -P -E -(^I-A -4—Ladies’ S ilk I I imc, factor.v i r regulars: llu; Sl.OO q u a lity , al

Itock Y our P a i

STOCK. YOUil W N T R Y fl . Q U A L IT Y G lS O G fim E i

r b ig stock of Kroc&rie.'i, v<^gctnbles 1 ibles us lo f i l l the most e xn c tliig or JteiJ Marahinullows;nd .. . ' ........... ...........gon T n ll Cof/ce iric ih cvtr)'I, poir.id .............. ..............erdale Hllccd Pcftcliea. _________________nm for -■.................... .........., . . . .d Diu.1 Washing .Powder80* plt'8,i. '2 f o r .......................................nd O. Lauiiilry Boap:l)ans for . , .............................................iz S|)dRli‘ tU, liu Tom.iloCO. can............ ..... , .. ' ....................niry Gentlcmcu Swi-ct Corn:i n i ............................... ....................

ounda f o r .......... .. .. .... ;........ 'lUlU. IcVtm inncvi.Junda' for ' ... .. .,7. ......................)dded Wheal:■kg's, for ...................................... .....,........

I N .O U R S A N IT .\R Y ME - DEP-’T .-F O R S A T U R D A ^:y. Sllecd Bacon:Id ..... .... .... ............................■.............Ipcd Betf;Id • .... ................,r•Pork: • • - - .Id-7rr;r:f— .— ,;TTrr^-^..:----' .................

Sliced Hun:Id ...........:.... .......... ...... ,


l i g S

D time specified over eaih > illow the ciocK around to r t

lO A . M .’l

SPE CI . — I — ( iblri>n-6 D i'i

suveral l ig h t siluarus

..................>O C ____ Men's Cashmeii----------- ------------ —ainTiaurt.; rogul

ISe vaUic.'t; paii

\ 1 P- MSPE

\ H _ _ Ffericll l A fc fc . —lUi-mchua.

■ J j O t w e jiw , rcfi

------!—.— --------- _ _ S o la r_ B r iy / | S lif t ! ,1'inei

can ....... !.


~ — 1“ “ I " — 5 T O i; '• , SPEC______________ :— — Euncy-^UKBr—I________ ________ ' Bacon: fl Ihs.

foh ....:...............I'.v n'- .

.,11 Men's D ress i ’____ _____________ vflliica up to i

a S E —

^antryY W ITH A«ES-------- -------------bles and meats . M g l v nIg ordefS. ■

2 9 c

5 0 c •

------------ - 4 1 c ---------------------

.................. 5 9 c

3 9 c ”

1 5 c .

1 _ 7 9 c _ .

___ 1 1 9 c ----------_ ^ t r a: ...........: 9 5 i r '■ m n c k ' k i i i ; ;™

0 C „ n rc h s u p p o r t ,. w id lh n :

m e a t ..........

----------^ - m r a........ -..... 4 U C Beige k id , one-s

• 5 0 c Cuban wood hec1 9 c - A to C ; .per pai

4 0 c O3snap

— ---------------------------fCOntl^CQbaiTli/ f iV y A w idths A to C ; 1

fW /M i - >•__________ _____

____ - -IB e au tifu l tics c

W jm sS S tm ) ~ r a rc K 's iD W id ths; por j

JARY 24. 1928;':- ' /

v a lu e ru t-e o s t-a n cn e ss th a n h va lue! T iie t im e ia lim ite i ir, th e b iggc .s t'va lues in tow n

* I . t o l l A , M .

E C I A L S•Derby Uilt--llo,‘«e— ^ ----- | ^ Dit sha(te.>), iil.sn black. ^ H .

........■.......1 4 c .J llLmer.c_Einiah_ Sox,J--------------

M e n ’

. M . to 2 P . M . . S ^^ ECI ALS. The S w ta k r_________________ _ isJhe_Hiing

_BruiicL_oL_l?ri)ken________ M en ’g

" " g $3 .9 5 ;„$

■. M e n ’ s

" ' •' (liips that ma.he ia-.,. . ci

■ l i i i lm l . iliiim l without jindu

M . t o 3 i> . M ■:---------- -------

E C i A : L S - . $1-«r—Gure<l-Bi‘ef»kfn«t— --------------- :—

9 9 c - — M e ]

A - sIoove.H... ' :..... _ii»».rfbb«egd:

price ...........


1 / ''


<5\ e■ h

tra p -S lip p e rs ~tour-slrnp, ■ w ith ' s tron i! ■ ’ . „

Tt, ruH ior heolsi E E E fay' cub

.....l . . $ 4 . 9 5 ^

t ra p S lippersne-8tmp, quarter cut-out. an v/ood

5 S : ^ ! ! $ 4 . 9 5

O x f o r d s ____________S n p Oxfords w ith opcnrn-hcSM----- — ------- ^'V idths-C ; p . l r ..... P ™ ■■■■■

- 'K e s " ' • Patent llM g Q re 'v n ; M il ; th rm ------- m er,- Oth 's iip p o rt; a > g Q p j A fo (3: « r pa ir ^ O m V O ' pn ir

. ■ ....... ,


jn-costrprice!"But y b iT ted to each special be- | vn! . ^

' ' I

fciL,^ I -

ii-s.arid Boy.’s-.-_ |-=^SBp- o h l '-7 ^ i =

Sweaters j:cr o f <;olor. und a m a rL p a ttc rn — | - )g fo r.ja tr in jtrrh e re -yo u ’U-ace—InK a rm y o f sllp-ovcra in new. y [ . m wontiei-Mti coioi-mik3— -------- - =

ti’s JBoys’ S

.$4.95-$1.49^„$^45 Y

s Spring Gaps Imake the young man look w hat S . ciu)s . t im t rnake. th o -s ilv e r— M - m ila ry ..look a t r l f ie- yo u n y ir B idue g a u d e ry -• . ________________ b I

1 .4 9 to $ 2 .7 5 T

enVUntoffs--- r•e-season unions, moltled color, g 28 and nnkle lengtb, an excen- P <Ml-rtm»iHtf-<VQitflit ! m «| I Q . ......................... ...............< j ) X * X v ~ u l

’ W ill' go on Sale Sat­urday morning—Tab-

-les^v iU -be-overflow -^ ing with newest crea­tions a t bargain pric­es in h ig ii heel, low heel straps and Ruhjps !

—:— SH^ers :t Shad Radium one-strap, over*:uban wooden heel; d»y| n e r - K A to C ; p a ir ...,. i D ^ . a D ,

....... ......... .............. . .............

Slippers ' ' : t onp-strap slide fastener. Cub*.'3od Keels; w idths ( t / l 'O K C ;'p e r p a i r ............

SlippersLJeathc'c.l^'!^< ..jQldicnainfrJWftver- me s trap ; Cuban wooden heels.- ;

; . . . ..

Page 12: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

J B D l J i a L

5 ^ o ld o E s :o ti;i) rn :h u w ro J Ic !B E

' • o r ic s S o ld O u t on B ig S ca lc:

W h e a t-Q u o la lio n -D o w n ,—

CHICAGO. Feb. u;i ( / l ', - I ’ rospccllV(I:iryiT rri-^lpn nt-CCIlLjiaU.J»» '»11^

-----------•xiotjiiB.^quiiUUuiiiu'i.n—torji__«crjheavy, r . r (c» I ' . t ' iiM timer, wlicii

/ |ic lo '-.C Dll, u ;ii' l'l -C ilPdlnr! n

(luwii,_______________ •

llie crop iiiiiv r iiu iil uiiiiM In- iiccclrr. ■ • atM ihcrrby lo n ninMrifTiil)!!* cxn-ni

rtld n Hooil <l>'i«l lo (Iciiiuiiil

rrll.l l wii.s iiKu I'lir ic iil lu lk - III .■wnu

nuarten Hint rorti i ir iiv i urc UK) 1)1 1 III riimpnrlM’ii v i l l i li">; valurx, > iinc IV,:» tUc iir«>ciit ju i'vy imivcmriil ol lioB» (o iimrket 1% lurKi-Iy tUii! to UiiJ rliunllon.

Totk'aril ilu' laM. Iwliij’, whenl wii’ holii Ijrniii.'ie >i( llic lirt’iik ll) con lin c r fr - t jiii- rn n im tir -w lirn t-m n r lc c i sliowrri It <lrrldr<l iiim’nnl (I'enti Whrnt cxpori snli-s of l.fKtO.MO biwhdi were niuiauiicnl, iiio 'lly .Cniiiidlnr anil ihrre werr iH.TaLilfiil artMCM ol ci'iiurul f i i^ l .slmr[;[L-L- In Dntt.l o f 'K lIv Ma. Hunciiry. Albiiiii;i anil Jiix» Slnvlii

--------- P rars-w rrr bImj - rx iirr 'H tt-U iiit—luVi--------- Iciiip;:raluru—ptctllclcd__uould__cald:

n Rood (Irnl of ^iomrnlic u lnK t whenl Billio iil nnv Mio« blaiikcl.

________ rn?fl:,|c[i^ w rrr »it n'TP'im «jl- a Kclbnck In Iiqbj prirc.s lo llio lowe«i

ligiiri,'5 .iinci: July. 1024.

-W h m t---------O p e a -U W i-U w CIumMarcli . 134 1.13 133'.Mat-------- — — »!Vv i m '-. -134-

• Com—Mareh .•OS'. 8fi'. 04'v . 04 \May 00 '.' 08 08UJuly lO l’.- 1 0 l\ 100 lOO't

-----0 « l* -May . . . S.’S 50', M '.

, Mareh M \ 55', 6SS 65XJuly (olcli 52’ . M sa'. .W-'iJ»ly_(,newi M»- M '^ M u S3\.

____ CASH-GKAI.S------------ tUlL'AULr. Wb. i f M’l -W l ia r iT B--------- 3-liBr<!-«lJ»5-u»-tUT-,;. No. a.-m ix«■ ■■■ IU 7 . ■

Corn-No, 2 mixed 93'Jc; No. 3 ycl low OTc to BBC.

---------ontR=Nor2-wnKe-57'.rc-to-iw;:-No3 while SSc to 57’ ic. ,

Dnrlcy-«0c lo Sl.Ol.------------Rvc-No-»alo».------ ---------------------- --

Tinioihy « « l- l2 ,e o lo J3.53. ------------Clo\e"r::41B.5(r'lo'$20; —.-7 - ; - —

PORTLAND ORAIN l>ORTLAND. Feb. 23 l)p )-W lu -a l-

Qlue Stem Daart S1.29'.;: Federation ‘ M fl white, wcslern while l l.2 8 'i

liard wlnler. wcslcrn red 8133: norlh---------- m i w in g i l MU

Today's car rccelpl*—Wheat 110 flour 24: corn 3; onla C; hay 12.

OMAHA GRAIN• OMAHA. Feb. 33 (/P j-W lienl: No 1 hard $1.28>.ii to I1J5; No. 3 han »l.37’v 10 SI.32; No. 3 hnrd >1.27 (<

---------- fn y -----------------------------------------------Corn: No. 3 white 89c; No. 3 whll<

______ 17c lo 87'3c: No. 4 while M 'ic tii7f^^^(^^-ye^^ow-0Icr^^c^-I->^•tlOT 89c lo 89 'ic: No. 3 mixed OSc; No. : 87e; No. 4 mixed BS’jc lo 8C'vc.

OaLn: No. 2 while BS'ic lo STic _______No. 3 wliltc.-()4c-tQ-55c; No. 4 w h li

_ • T o i.t -n o SKKn ___• TOLEDO. .Feb^^JtWiy-Cliw When

Corn; Cash Tyeliow ’ t r o i ' i t• II.02'.-. r ■■

Daui: No, 2 white fll'-.c lo KI'vC. Rye: Cash No, 2 I1.18.- Cloverseed; Casli doineallc »10.00

Frbnmry domestic >16.70: March do -----------nKi;t ic -‘ i 'ia.d5- ai.V;' ' m illflW

>14.00 Mlc: MATCi) >IC,'ALilke: Cash Pcbniary and Marc:

J in ____________________________Timothy; Cash Marcli >2.

. CtllCAQO.l'UODUCK CIHCAOO. Feb, 33 —Duller hl«li

er: reeelpls BMI tuba: creameo’ cx ■ lm.x 40c; itnndard.1 40'i;t; extra flrM

44',c lo 45c: flMU 43'.jC 10 43'sc»-cond5 30C to 41’- c. _____ ;

E(!R*, hlRliiT; recflpui 24,073 ciue; llmis 3Bc to 38'.jc: ordinary Ilrsi 37c,

Polaloe*, rccelpu 158 cnrs; ou Imc 244. Total Unlled 8h1i>meiil.s Tue: llay 639: Wcdm-Nlay 35B ears: di mand ond iradln* moderate: marki tIronRcr: WlMroixsln sackcd iUmr Whllea >2 lo (2.10; Idaho Mckcd Ru fcUi Burbanks >3.15 lo >255: fe fancy shade higher. Florida emu

:----------- - Poultry, altver w ^ke l' l U'l'lHUli. lHeani: fowLi 23e 10 24c; uprhiRs 2: lo 20c: turkey* 25e to 28c: roo.itci ducka 2Sc lo 38c: gecjc I8c to 20c.

. ' LOS ANOELES PRODUCK-------------L0S:.‘AN0ELES. - m . -2! -frt’)—Pri

------- ducc-cxchaiwe reeelpls;__________Duller 231,000 pounds; chvese SO

poUnda; es8». none.Butler In bulk 4Sc,.Eggs, extras 25c; f ln U trcsli 34

case coiinl 334c; medlunu 32 tihalU 30c.

Poultry unchanged, .

____ .._ ^ A N .J B A N a S C P . PKOUUCe.• SAN PRANCISCO, Peb, 33 (/1>i

■ ■- ■ ^ T ^ ^ ^ £ S ^ T n < n o o - '» » x r - A vtr t l l tn 'B ro v iu »3.76 to >3; while SI

' to ’tSJO.------- P o u to e ii-8 to ck to n -> 1 3 fl-to -» K

. --------w iih la g to n ' oems >1 •

' .J ly ; { it t to > i< lr^ 31c .to J 8 c ..

. . cdpU SOQD; no ea rlyw Jw ; la t'J *n i .M na ica tkm * ■ s tro n g .-m ewtt abo

ISW’T tTr U M C K -_____________ V W O .U T '; yLV?- 1____ ^ i t—— . ■

live - '- I. V ' i - J -

i c r j . ________1 -

n il IlIKl,

.l«h ' — ^ ^ — ;ind — • 1- •- --------------—.. .................

"markets ^ a- glance

. - N C.W_ l.C U U C J c h, 3 3 l.4>J------.nrt , Olocki. IrrwulafT Uulon I'acUlc lelh Icu'chci ytar'.s best.I,nr, I Bcn(l!>; Hinuly; Ualllniore und

o f . Ohio, nnd FrUcn iwiiirrf firm,,),i. PcrfJcn rvrJww.?r Sleady; jtc r- ^lilTt ~irHiriTrTnnr7!)?!niicii.'" ' ' 'Juwj C oltuu Sscadv;-U;ido buylnfi,------Id l __ aiii:uc_HlBliu:_lK;Ucr_5pol-auir--lenl Vel- -

Colfro: Advanri'; firm : .siw. .ill-

,-e« , ■--------CHICAOO;

__.W iital; Ea>v: Dpiu-flclaLMiQW- ■3,_ ovrr wlnlcr «lienl bcll.

— Cori i i Luacr:.. farcer. -rcccJoLi-

x n t ll i ! : l(+,j;suiar,,4. 1 Hokh; Sii'nily tf> hlsher.18U --------------------------------------------

'Mcady: ll ir r r loads arnuiid MO iwundi A \ JB.1S. frpli:lil paid; la lc , Wednesdny iS \ Inmbt ISc 111 2ric lower. >14.2S lu \i', >14.7.'5.i3\. ____________________________________

JHKSTON W()OI._■ nriC Tnv un.1HO. ln5Tp:ct“ rnn nn tim iiitnT ” ‘S5fnm niiK ri

(iomesllc wool A lew xale.s havc bi-cn ycl* closed on .sumplc lots of Tcxax four

m onlhj wool at $1.15 to >1J0 on an ■N(T cslimatca'M0lii'« n ) i.S l,~ O iI in o ii are

wlllnK fairly well, Prlvnle cable rr- iwri.i iiidli'ale lha l the Ainlrnliun priiiury-niarkct-U-Jirm . •-------------------

- ------- • - • - n n t e t r - m u iT --------------^NEW YORK. Fi-b. 33 (/1>.-Drl«i

'“ ' ‘J 'loiw steady.

lon. • . ■ ■B 'i; NEW YORK, Feb. 23 -U a r Ml- rth- v rr 57s,

TWIN FALLS MARKETS■ These prices ar« obtained dally a( 4 o'clock fn (be afternoon and are Intended- fo to rs r only Hie av tn jB of prices. Where certain

, I, dealer* for ahorT periods offer” more than the Qooted prices no

„ effort Is made to loefade such '>0^ “ o n o lilIo n irQ tw fa fIo n r« ro rrfrn ^

? merely u ■ ruldo to producer* and shottld not be nerrptcd

'vc: .reflccllne exlretncs of either h lj l i l l llc or low prices.

f iV d io in d u c e r s ' “^ - ^ B TTnip > t t i i r ' i ni[r itcu;‘ '; ’o U i'irj'>y

; to Lf»e»lockHoks ........... V S-,-5LlRhl Heaiy.Hogj .....................>6J0ffcflvy Hogs ............................... jc.Ofl

J.00: Cows ..........................._..„>4.50lo>Bifldo- Heifers -...........................>C.00lo>7.5ll

Veal cnives ........................>5.00lo>a.0(]xrch Yearling Lambs ........ .............>80(1

PoalfryHeavy heijj, 4 ' j lbs, nnd u p , ....17cU sh l hens. TOdcr. 4'.i lb s . ...... ......14c

iKh- LcRhonis lien* .............................. Ucc *- OoJC ................... ..................... ........Tk

IniU Sprincers. colored ... - ................. .....18c■'sc; sprlnficra, LcRhorn ................ ....... lie

BroUcia. un-tQ-3_,lt»,____________ iSiShiits .............. ....... ..........................10<

■rat--' Cojians. No. 1 ................................ 25(Capons. No, 3 ............... .......... ........ 18<

rock Slips ................. ...............................I 6i•u” * T(trkcy.i, No. I .............................22i

Turkeys, No. 2 ..................... .......... 12.irke i Turkeys, old tom* .............. ........,.,..18f5und Oeese .............................................. l l iRu*- Ducki - ICh

DairyP iillcrfn l, sweet . . . . . . . . 41i

F4;rs len.'Ju ................................18„■ * Ekbs tlocal More) ..................... -201

Sugar-m olesaleCune ............................................ $7,”

, Ucet ................... ........... ..........>7.0__ rotatoes_______

• RuMh . . _______________ ".>1,6-5000

Oreal Norlhem .............. >6.00 to >7.0Wheat and MIU Fred

Dlcklow wheat. No. 3 or bclU r-_>U ■ Federation wheal, Na 2 or boiler >1.1. Barley, cwt.................. ....>1.0

Dran. cwl....................................... > i i.. Bran. ^ lb, loM .$1,4 f'.'z : stocic- food;ijKM -ns :- ': .-,:.'. '-.rrT -'iw * '! ' Block rood, S99 lb. lo u ........

lemons, dozen ...................50c nnd COOrtngej. do:cn ......................35cto70

>1:30- ■I’o ta loe s^ lS -lb *.-.......................... Ji. C arroa ,. lb_______________________ 3

Mlera Cabbage ............................................J4r to Lcttuctf, head - .................10candl3H

IJelery ..................... ....;---------spinach, lb. .. ....... .............. ........A..1S

ProdaeeiiR f l. Sutter (ranch) ' _______ ________ ,40tm b« Butter (ereamer}') ................... _.,icu»u't ECT» ........................................... M


/ ^ u N t v e R e A / TON. \ • I ROSCOe, j

3 j ■/. . .J T |L j „ !L IIM !


)A ■ • ^


ilJT i NEW YORK. Feb. 2J i,I>-Erra t 'p rii:r fh iclunllo iu In l<nla)> hloi

,nd inmrkcl reflected ihc iicrvcusiicvi profe.sslunut traders,

cr- T lir rally, which « i (n iiiio .\fondj— ^ r tc h io o n m nil— tomm iirir-thrmtR----- TiitrdRy.—w its -rw um nl' nl ilir-o iw iir>- , i iu {- .4 - il ir .. innrk.a,- 1)111 -(ni<lli)(t-w.

- rrrjftiiv_cly du ll un lll ih r t o hoi ill- tt'licn lulling flurries swi'pi iliriiun

olher rally n t lhe close. Kiiiul ([in lallr-ns were ilecldwlly ml.Nrd.-.dlscIo. Ing II number of 2 to 5 iiQliU iialii .<iiul*(v-HnAllf*t^!Hiinl>f r^>F*U*liv>8-i>oli i1ccllnr,i. T rnd ln ir iiRnlii fell well ui

— nmirni ^inniT’i s ; t f i riuiiMim-ii.af-i tnlher free supply all day despite U advance In heavy a lrd prices over l l holldny, clo-ilmr of n polnl lowi al 140. Oeneral Motors, on the olhi

u„(j, hnnd. recciv«l iiironR fupport, elosli „lny IrncllcnAlly hiRlicr at I3S .. AUhous I m the January nuloniobllc produeilc

figures of the drim rtm n ii-o f con merco fell below tho.<e of the com

— Kpondiiig ■)nonih“ liLst“ !.rarriliey~weilarger th.tn lliosc ol itny mnnlh slm

mST? incllnctl lo place a tiuilL-li liiicrpreti adi» tterz-npnn them .:, tt'OS_ybi't.'n Irtider of the niolor Troii[», wllh fou'- gain of ne,irly a poini^ ni l« ';.L M —OuMde-lhe-Moek-lnnrketT-rhlef-f ' ‘ nanclal lnlere.M xrnli'red In llie ui , ■ vance In flltfrlini; cal)lc-> lo n ne

high rccord lo r th r year nbove >4.t----- Otnrr-fnrcTKM r^ i-iiiini.' i 's !.hm m l-lttt__ _ change^______________ _____

LIHEIlTYNEW -YOHK—Feb.- ‘.a i>P>-Llbcr1

T R ra m c n r T m T :------------------------3'..k ................*4101.:

. i-irn 4s .............. .. > iouFlrsi -4 'i,i . , >102,:

X.. Fourth 4’ - i .,^..,,,.>103:

1Ycn.iury 3 \ s . .>1011lly _

— / T l ^ V fc ^I t l l & ^ f ^ ^

i 0 ~ 1 , J nissy-;— O y T y t I f T / *

i _ & r r e <>8.00>8.00


: : ” r ■ ■ - ' T ' w o e x : 1 piness

...lie - b i l e o w n e i

------------------------------- l a s t - a s - I o i-•25c — — p'rospecrc•^lec M o r e t h a n ‘1■ f, l c a t io n . T h e::: i8c o n t h a t f io

m o re d a m a j

I • P ro lo n g y o ^ _____ M o t o r O i l . •

18c 1 g e t it:- ]' ^ c a r— as sh o

. >W2 , C

- i ' f o u - '.......................... .........................



nd COC' to70c'

,J5c ..... ....................— 3c — ..

J W m.13Hol I ' d naH cp --------- I 4 A V I

- ' “f ■ J.....40C •,-.,i0o__ 5Q£4_________________J___________ .


/ ^ i i o n ! ^ - m p \ — / 'c o s w e f t -( EM 6lM e IS > B u s s e \< .

- v « S T U M O ! ; v ^ \ A .U B on ii

’ HICTALS , . n _ ; NEW YOHK. Feb, 33 (,7*)-Copi>cr / IA n l,g u le t ; dectrolylic Kpol--and futures

14 lo 14U.---------- _4 'lj» _S U « ly^—fc|» l-SU 7 '..;- futuresErrailc-5j,j3i5; - _

hlofka Iron—Steady. imclianRcd.• Leod-Bately -Mcudy; spot Ncw York

• 1C.2S; Com St, Louis S.OS. tohdn) Zinc—Qufet; Kast St. loah ,'ind

-ol>cn------- —--------- ■■ ■ •_________ _^J10 N E V ------ ------------

hour' NEW YORK, Feb. 23 l/l 'i-C n ll liriiui;i.'money «leady: all lo.im 4’ i ; cloMiii: io_;\n.- i jld .4 ’ ;.:_Ume loiii» flrni; mixed coUI (pip- la irrn l (M-00 duvs 4‘r lo 4 10 i> llsclos- mcmh-i 4 ^ to 4 '.; prime nicrcnnlllcKalns. I paper 4. . '

:II un-. SUGAR• ffRW v n n tc Frh M m»i-A (Inner

.n t i„Mniae-rrQire-neVplnm-d-|iri-aw Mlgar-tQ.- Ite ‘.he dliy. Prlceii for boih duty free and .‘cr the I Cuban sugar were higher, clailng at

lowcr|4.M.and 437, Tcspectlvely, Sales in- ' o l h e r 54,000 bags of I^ rlo Rican nud closing 7000 bags of PhUlpplnes for February Ihough "»<> March alilpmenl at '34.000 lueilonLbags of Pono Rlean, prompl .nhlpment

com-^at 4.24; 14,000 bic» of Philippines, corre-' March-Aprll shipment, and 02.000 bags

i'~wiiru-of-Cubanr-March-shlpmenl;-oV-4.a7i; sinceion*! Pl'H'PPlnM lor

rp jp tiir— Inertased-acllviiy ln-Ui» - ipot mar. a _yn; ket ^nd_ smaller notices than expccted I'llh a'scemed rcsponslbllc for-BCtlvp-cwer-

Ing In raw sugiir futures, w llh llnal ! prices a f about lhe best ot the m »*

ir .wl ' ^II nrw' Pff'-lou* close. The market - opened

t?no 1 *0 3 points hliilier and after addl-

--------- and.hedge scllhiR asauist purchase*. InIlhe spot markel. Tlie reaction, how* >cver. atlracled tcnewed covering and

I k - . , ‘ With buying by houses with Cuban Ifn nn rrtln n i. 't ttlvn»firri..nHrr».,Jgaln ' with the closc ul llie high ot the day.

« ’ Another important feature wos'a cable I Cuba reporting salt-i lor-cxport

223.000• ton*, or ilie rem;vlnder of

»03JS |A prlf.-Mayland - J u i l ^ ^ ^ tnt-ttt-2Jfl

>10X28,100,000 tow, including about hnlf- in

\ « 3 U f ^I

B c t O i ^

I expensive evils constantly thre ,ess—and the pocketbook—of e' ner. One is thef danger that I

-long-aB-it-was-made tn. Th<ctTJflTeavyTepalrbills;-------- ~lan H a lf o f m o to r repairs are caused T h e loss o f ca r va lu e fro m th e same c : flow s p o o r ly th e f ir s t few seconds image th a n collisions;■ y o u r ^ ^ ’n i f e a n d sa ve "re p a ir liills t ) i l . th e p ro d u c t o f Vears o f sc ien tific : i t i n th e s J S ft la l '^ k d e 'fb ry o u rm a l shown b y th e special c h a ^

C O N T IN E N T A L O IL COMP. Producers, Refmmoad Mathlei

o f hlgh-«rade petrolcfpn products in Arkai ~ — CeW f«lo;Idiho.K«iB«t;W*owirMoBtina

braska. New Mexico. Oklahoma. O n ^ , 8Dakou. Texas, U t * h ;W M h l i^ t t d Wyw

c & M c c: :^M O T ^R O ii

— t,


*11 U S >K0f;C4>i«>». iu .w n > o

exchanges, principally from t lu Marc CopiKT <’> Ihc later pa^ltlotUL NIncty-sl [uturci. I'Otlccs .were .Issued, bui they wei

promptly slopped. Morch closed 21 tuiures M'»i'.-3.M^Jiily, _2.fl?,_§eplembcr 2.7

_ December nnd January 2.B7.Refined sugar prices were unchanj

V York 1'’ Rmnulaled whi: belter Inquiry'was reported, ilemaii

ol ,intl l l 'n ll 'd nearby re<julri ______ mcnts.________■

--------- “ EOSrAXGHESiUVFSTOCK—i-C i« ll LOS ANOELES. Peb. 23 M’l-Hogs cloMiii: lleceplu 400; mcslly steady with Wcd ^_cpU I iirMlny’s avereRr: ton. >0.00: three car 4 to li i n ''to 101 pound wclghu >O.BS t cnnlllc J9.D0; small lots' lOS 10 180 poun

local feds >0.40 to >0.7S; medlui--------- •wtlRhta—>8.75;—pieWnff—sows—>8—t

S8J5.lln ner c*r t l lB; P****"!?!* 7OT: nc llv fi ffiiwil iirM o- fn iim ng; fntir rafs’ j iA ^ ’ M ia lT 'iittfi ;e and jjs.iq weighed later; no otlw

steers sold: bulk s'hc-ilock >7 l '*» >8.75; car ligh t heifers unsold lal

Wednesday: - caw good 11' ■Mftftfl pcund Nevada steers >12JI0; oil cul

M-35: bulU >7 to >7.7J !»**■«• «e « ly : load .choice 20

o hfi^ 'poun** w ith 300 pount-4 a r : wclglvt9_« >13: .pBrt..loatf_334_poun;;^ iV ;ica lv ;« >ia.

Sheen: None; lambs firm : ew( nrounJ 86 cents higher: smnll 1. 0

^ t r t iP ® “ *“ ‘-*“ “ '>»-**2J 0^parUdccli-cholc«n-er-1123-p«md-woojcd.ctfca_>0._________. l ln a l; _0 M li.! ' . .tO ttTLAND-LlVFJiTOCK-------

i PORTLAND. ” ^ b . 23 (/l>i-Catll “ nd Sheep: No recelpu: no carl

n i i ; » *»« • Re c c lp t t - m ; -s teady;— fc In ‘ rucked-ln light buicliers $9,25 i

” ^ . { * 9 J 5 : few feeder-pigs-WJS-----------

Cuban ___^_0M A11A LIVESTOCK,Fi;tL ,.a~,f'j- i-C aU lf.'-ltt

le day, celpls 2000; calvca 200; killing cla.<>.st t cablc mostly fully Rtcady;butls strong; slocli export: crs—and-feeders about - Klendy; fc der of'titcers and yearlings >11,20 to >13,i( I f t - fn r , f rw Iw ifti liHri higher; lielferx >9.75 I

iM l : >bwlk. cow a ..ris . ,to">0: . cutlci > sa1«r't6A)-to-(«(>0:-rniclleul top vcnU Si: mlf- in '- Sheep—Rccct\ils 11,000: lambs liio ii

" -threaten the hap- ------of every automo- . -ibat the car won’t .■ T h e o th e r is t h e __________ __

used b y fa u lty lub ri- ame cause is colossal, snds o f s ta rtin g docs

b ills b y using Conoco n tif ic expericncc.

)M P A N Ythlers1 Arkanios,

;top,'South dSyom Int ■


■IL ____ -

j i g f p r

” EM°-rgo, V £

--------— r ' y . J

nt CW«« Ti*«..

March ly steady: Spots cosier frpiri high Umei cly-slx.Wednesdny: bu lk .fe d wooletf-lambs]

were >15 lo >15.40; .’ihlppcr top >15,60; two •d 254 lond.1 fed clipped lambs avernglng 07 r 2.78, pounds SI2.C0; olher ciasse.i unchang­

ed:' be irna-cu 'ps-sornnxed-fftfana rhang. feeding lainb.i upward lo >15.

while Hogk-neci'ipts 11.000; steady to emaiid strong: top >7.75 on 180 lo 220-pound’ Mulrc- wcikIi i.'.; bulk 170 to 240-pound ll«hl!<

nml Uuichm S7.C5 ti> >7,75; bulk 240-1 — .34Q.p.;Ulld-bUtCllrfV>7,40_|o |7.0.V ■K------ 1---------- ----------------- — - ■,, ’ WAH HURTS BANANA'SALES w i ' UI.UEMELDS, Feb, 23 (,1‘i-ltcvQ lii-1

tlonary activitlc.s liavi' rcduced near- j f ca " uiirtl the nptirM nf h.mnni-;’,

W- ircirt* the Ulucflclds district of Nic-1 nmgua. Arca.i free from nillltiiry i. operatloii.s have-lud a steadily In - i

*® T« crc*jlr.ir“ liiiniTi^‘! r Abcut 5I.0001TOO| i worlh h I'xporlea yearly. '--------------- ... — - r■ ............. trnn ____..^ ii* IIIJ* 1 ijijiiiw jiIU .

JOHANNESllURO. FcU, 2J f/P )- • " ‘0 Slx-whrrlid iruck;; are belnR iisi'd In J lau scutlicrn niifHlesia arcaa.lacking, ra ll-

1170 read facilitic.i to aid BBricultiiral c'nm- 1 cut* tiiimitli'.s aiul to aliract selilcr.v The! >7.75; Rovcrnmi-ni meet.'; dctlcll-s c J -ro a d ’

:c 200 motor icrvicus nol ycl on 0 pnying! pound ba.xU. _ ;j)ounS_-_

—/ n r - -

early ^

g . ,

= J - - s t p e j a

O U R d e f i n i t e " G

n e s s ” b r i n g s

— : --------------{ ^ t e n a a u m n c o o f l

_______________ ^ y p t i - f r p g h n P M Q l

There are no

.J T h b ’ guarantee is i

industry. I t is possibI__________mendous dem and w l

l * la k ^ ih e 'largest seu . W est; because o f wax*v

packages, and becausc great Western plants. Co., Seattle, Tacoma, f Francisco, U s Angeles

j / g u a r a n t e e Mj j f 0/ FRESHNESS ^

/ i l l ' M i l

U W , linlfnulteurfanar'tr

. . ■. . pACtTKOuJTBOCUfTCb. | | || |


J t o V <KK4y q p

s; |tiny racing machine«•} BURSTS INTO FLAM€S ON ? DAYTONA BEACH COURSEn a --------------- :— --------------------- T ", DAYTONA DEACH. Fia., Ffb, 2.1 (/Io ; I The second mijliap of the nutomo- 1“ I bllc racc meet here occurred today '^ /n h o n iJni \VjJbiir Shau'. »n-''■Idlamipcll.'lf was Rroomlng for n 4*cyl- — lim lu r - rc cQrd-Jmm it. flamrf:- during _ _ - jH - t n i i r r u in i i id ” »^'i'r iiirri'cdrinio‘'tn c —

I ocean lo avoid scrluus consequcnces.“ * I The C.-IT wn.1 not bodly damaged,. [ • ! nnd \y ilbur _wa.t uninjured. He . had

c-1 un fit Jer further me before the meet ry jisftlelnUy clo-cd loday. n-.| Shaw nl tribulcd thu blaze to back- QOlTTrlhK iiio lo r-u i iSgli '

— j>0-e^ U f T rey- Phfat 66. Adv.-------—

In 30 ttllKhtly used Singers lo bc sold " 11* n t big dlKCounl aigd on .en.iy paymenLs. n - Sweet’s Slorc.—Adv..he; -------------------------ad ’ SO cent denning special on - Men's ng > suits nnd light weight overcouta.

; Photic liO. Troy.-Adv.

!s h n e s s

e s t h eF e b l € H a =

f c

'Guarantee o f Fresh- ;s you fu ll and cotn-if f la k y c r ispnessaiid------------o r money refunded. f i ” OT"ands.”

s u n i q u e i n th e b i s ^ t

i b l e b e c a u s c o f th e tre *

w h i c h h a s m a ile S n o w

iu d ie ------------------

ic -w ra p p e d m o is tu re -p r o o f

15C o f d a i l y b a k in g s i n sue

Its . . P a c i f ic C o a s t B is c u it

I , S p o k a n e , P o t t la n d , S a n

lie s . . _

cra(fa--Ja4/.r Bangf ■ « « iin— 1' . ’ .

Page 13: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

Q s iiE ==t)ip8rionWtPinslracton£DifjS!!

' S tu d ic s ' ' 'a l ■Anniial” L e a o e r'

sh in W eek O bservance.

DURLLY, Feb. 33-RccrcaUonql. cd-

miimins •B iia ~ o n c n lo o jn r “ ATcmttnpavilion, Itistrucllon U undft dlrcc-

______ lk n :t!f .Claiirtr- f? Tj nnM-nll J lcMiciarv Y. M. M. 1. A., nnd MU* Wllmn

_____ Tl V I) .. boUtnnUoiw lli'■known teaehen. or rccrmuon»i c!T

: ■ |)n-i?,m,i. ‘Mr. CornwaU h*4 bctfii tor

^^ll|l|)lal{ board'uiiJrVttiiViUcimrdJVfo

J ____ _ ’VI«i.mor&L-and-cducallflniiL.valuc_otVtey to occupy leuure Unic In bctnt tliowii. and melhcds nre .i-xplainrd

' tt-hlch nre uard to d lrccf J)lay so i UhIII may »mvc n bciid ltln l aim and Konl. Development ol comrnunltv ccntcr oc- tlvitle* a n il'th c coiiilriutlon of hallr

: Ini' Mich i>ur|)u.M:s. arc taken up. The 1 '. vnluc 1» cxplalnetl Of trcallntt and dl-.r._ i«untt-ccm iiiu iiliy_:j» im ntr?^u ic3iiis li

I'romlnciil M'cakcr.i »1iq were heard ' ^ Wrdneeday were Dr. A. N. Merrill ami i- Ur..Thoimis L. Martin or D. y . U.. Dr^ ' Jlolfoni 0/ »ic df(«irlmcni of publle

ucUarc. ond District Bxtciultm ARcnl ^ • J W. Barber^ Pro t^ M ^ lK ^ d .ro u L - .

rholoKy nf rcUalon.Scoulma*l«r» on Uike

ScouimaalcM. whu arc l ^ n : in-

Janjuic. made a nhorl hike lo Snukc . i ;u r ju*i alter noon, each one taklnir

! iilcng a paund ot ^becf a iid c o Idaho

*'xptditlcn -wax w cook and conhuine — - tna raw i ia tc ii^ - -T:a.n|eJ - a[orj ; - ^ ^

; ulcnull*. Bcrori- dc()»rtlnji. Die ncoul '.■IS moitcrn drcu’ up a iK llllon asklns th r

^ _ r j j u n t y ctmtnlviloncru lo allow the boy frotit-tioops ot Oauta county 30

i 3 ' Irr t at Kp.icc in thv vNtilblta bulldlns i n (or n dl.rplay at the county tn lr thU


' ' * — — ________HURLEY, Ki'b. 23-W lth Uip 'vlcu'

I,), «;f comimilns poullry liwlructlon In the ItlKlt lichocl. 11(H) baby chlck!s Imvc

•• ‘ bcrn ordered.— STiT-nntt-trtrsT-Wft-Eldrwlgo-wul-Ioni

I M l*aynp ot Carey arc transacilni; bu*- :ne« nt-Burley-for n tctv days.

I Ucd clovcr rccd itrower* will mcclIII niiT 'coilnty court ~liou.sc Monday,

/ ruiturul methcdii dluu.vM.'d by StAtc[ seed Comiiili,sloni'r C, U. Ahlson and\ Mr, TUlcry, couniy aitcni of Blnshain. county:-------- • ' _ '

kn M-emj ' j o bo brlng» is^o li^ °d^b lc Itiiivemeni ol the tuber* ihrouRh the

-• MU'Ctf, cf Uurley. Dealers report tlKiy nre payliiR »1.25 tpr Russets.

--xaekcd, - ........— ------- ' - —•Iwac Oudinundficn, clialrman ol llie

■',( bcnrd ot ccmmlsaloneM, wlio has been f j '-danRprously-tll-for-two-monthsrlt-rc*ia ___;iorlciL.cotuUIcrably_bcucr_and_uow

up In a wltee^ chnir tn a Salt Lakc liasplial.

E. M. Tliomas. a farnicr ncar Bur* IfV. who WHH serlou.<lv liilured when

iiicn ttu neo.- is ‘still « o n l l ^ lo .n '8*11 Lnke hofipliul but' Li reporled

. fiJoA'ly recovcrlnR.O. W. Clawson ot Shelley. Mrs. II.

O. Tweed Ot Rupert and Rosco« 11100 '.if Twin Pull* spenl ii few days In iflwn on business..

I t lr. reported al ihc torcsl of- tlce Utat lhe Emery boy.i killed two mcuntain lions above tlie Ookley dam recently. These bcosis liad been ]ircvli>i: on wild ond dome.itlc nnlmala

' .i i i n lie viLiiiiiy.'

M AIL PAYS FOn.;l‘L.\NKS MEXICO CITY. Peb, -J3 ( ,? i- ln -

crcaKcd poslal rates wilt bc used by t t tlic Mcxican eovenuneii t to meet tlic B I'icpensc of cstablistHns new air mail W roulc.'i. I t 1.1 csllmoU-d tlia t the U70.*

OOO so obtained thU year wlll aid In KiartltiK tlirec routes, one of which will connect Mcxlco Clly with some

. American txirt. nmbablv In Trxas.

INDIA TRYINC CONCRCTE —' bOMUAY. Peb. 33 (yp.-lndlan Is cx-

. IKTlmcnilni! wlUi concrcte roods in { tlip hope they will noi only tacllliotc I, trsnMjortatlon, but .prove a boon to ; the dppre.ued Indian ceincnl Industry. Two Iona atrclchcs have been laid In

'tlw vicinity ol Benares. Anoltter con. Crete tilRhway 1* to be laid ihraagh

riiDPBOMr. . n u D A T .- re n R UABY 21 -

. a s s i g s L S ' S i s . r iWEAP, New y w U e t e n

------ « l« IU lo c y c lM " ^ ly U T lito * ja S -

— 4iOO-Waldorf-Aat«jrta-;OrehMtrij-— r

NoUce of Call fo r ^sunly llM p lU l_________ ^.WarranU, ■ ••.»

^ 0 Whom I t V a y ’Concorn:'Warmnut No. -«DO Io' 855. incliufvR

“ «»n on the Couniy Hospiul Puna


c. J. h a h n !' ■■


'V * ? O O R _ U T Y U FR'

\ L IK E M V » 6 t F


cd- ' ,

i t t r -------------- S E = —‘ 1•** ' .' 1- * I M »

lib- ---------------------y - m fcy;------ -

s ___ ^

_ o L ----- :--------—m t .• ' ____________ird

!” *' 5 ;00-Lor«lne Orchestrn.I,: 0 :00-Cavnlien, ........................

\r. 7;00-Aii8lo Persians.'., 1;3(>-UPr»nce Orchestrn.

_«:(>i>-Ralmollve Hour.

KDICA, ritUbnrsb S15.« M ^ n Qr 050 Kilocycle* Tw in FoUi Time>lleL-nl 0:00—Qodtrcy Ludlow.uLi ,e jQ l.w l> lt« .nock Conccrl-----------------

moo—Victo r^our.

*['.• WLS, Cblcofo m * Meter*'TID ' Kilocycle* " ~ 'T W lB T « l i H g w j'

[!?n J!oo-Suppcrbell Hour. • •OJT -6i35-Variou»-Fe«tur*#.-— -------------

n:3Q-MaU; Quartet.. T-nn—Sllvprlnnr Unnr

^ 9;00-Showboot,1.,‘ 10;00-J>oular-Projnim.

‘ 30 WDAF. Kansu c a r S70J MeUr* [ng 110 KllocycU*. Tw in Fall* Thne hW ----------------

Sioo-School ot Uic Aa lr.-' - 0:05—Cavahers., , . . ~

_ ~'>:0O—Anglo Persians,_______________" :30—Lahtancc- Orchcstro. -

Z~ m i’ty-riighinawka, ~~

t l - l-WCCO.-atlnneaDoll*.8.> . 405J M et ------ [-740 Kilocycle*--------T w t ^ i l l * T E T

;cw 5;00-St. PiUll Hour. ■in 6;00-Cavollerii. _

U'c 7:30-llay-0-Vuc Twins. • 3:00-Muslcal ProRram.

om. -ll:JD=lW icnUca^uQiia_____________ _M. 0:00-Danec Musle.

ccl KSD, SL Loni* SSO Metenay, M5.1 Kilocycles Tw in FaU* Tfane j

ote 6:00—Cavaliers, md 7:00—AnKlo Persians, am 7:30—LaPmncc Orchwtra.

8;00-Palmollve Hour. nr. 0:00—Ben Bcrnic,_________^

iu_ ' 'KOArOenTcr r~~J253*Metani o rl 020 Kllccycle* ' Tw in Fall* Ttme

.fl:OOr-Cav*llcm..................... .................,i,p 7;00—Exten.iion Sen'lcc.; 7:30-Sunday School Levon.

_a;Da-rMuslcaI.pro9ani-<9'>iour*h----- -

i^ K n n o r A n ie i« --------- is s y H a t r r l‘KC j G40 Kilocycle* Tw la F»H* Time |

7:00-Dlnncr Mtwlc.^ -------------- ■ ■ ■

, “ 10:00-W hllc Rock Conccrt.‘®‘l 10:30-Memory Lane.JJ 11:00—Symphoncit.

lc>J <KNX. Lo* Antele* 33(L9 Meter*In ..890 Kilocycle* Tw la Fall* Ttms

3f- 7:30—Courtesy Programs.wo 8:30-8uiuhlne.ley '0 :00-0p ilm lstlc Do-Nuls.cn lOiOO-Danee Musle.alJi l l : 00-Hollywood Lcdion SlaOluni.—‘ T.':iw-unnc4; Music.

\ KGO. O a U a ^ 384.4 Meten ( W KUocyclM Tw in Fait*' Time

8:00-Dancc Mualc. ’.*« .o:oa-.WrlBley Review. ;“ » lOiOO-Whtte Rock Conccrt.

10:00—Memory Lane,>D ll:0()-D ancc Music.ch —no j KGW, PortUnd 49U Meten

- 7:00-Dinner Concert,H;0(>—Concert Orcheslra.

1., .0 :00-Wrlgley Review. ' 10;«0-Mcmory Lane.ll:00 -M o to r Coach Enierlulnera.

^ l l ;3 0 -n c o t Owls.

^ KPO. San Fcand*CQ 4ZLS M eten \ gh Klloeycle* ^ t n Fall* Thaa']

I ■KJII-Ulnnpr M n.lr ~0:C0-N , B. C. ProBram.s.

— IU O —Dance Orchestra.'

;K J B .8eatUe • 348.SMct«n I 800 Kllocyclei Twin Fnll* Time

7:33-DaiiCC-Muaic.. - ........................a:3Q-Studio'ProKrom.

“ I ll:OB-Flowor Shop Prouraui. ' lliOO-Dancc Music (2 hours).

I* 10:00~aiudlo Program.

| j ]9 a 4 a c h e t• N *TU tf8 «C1ieOY (Bd «rt rid of Ih. -

B be*(l »oU*i>t Ih tt CIUM lh> trgubi*.

irid - 1

' ' ss^ b H h H wAU flTQ.Twln Fan* D n v fU U ^ A d j.

FR O U N . \ I / W E L l . - - \ \ N W f BE

IW fO R Y U W M rE - -R tC fH T -O f


Wiinec o f 'n n order o t^ tlie proba — 1 court ot Twin Palls' countv, Idnli « n made on the I5th Uny of l-'cbruat me 1W8. In ihe matler of lhe Ruardlfti — J ship cf W lllord S. F m U and Elvl

•I K. R ’rrls, • minors, ih r underslsni _ I w lll scU-at-prlvftto-*uio-ki»-»he-hlBhe------and best bidder, subjecl lo the coi

tlnii!illnn“ or“ said“ pTobaic-cmirt—t nud a lte r. tlic 2SUi dny of Februai 1028. nil the rlijUi, title nnd Interc

^ 61 ,Uic .uM, mliinrs in .and lo . th f . t f lowing dtkrlbcd proiKTly;

Two undivided ■one-filiccnihs Intc e.iis In nml lo ilia t real projxrty

------ •Twln-Pr»ll»-«>m»ly:-ldnhonle!fCrtl)ias tolluwi.:

___ _ -a o u tli- lla ll. .o f th r ..^aiilii'a^l. Qua

Quarter of the Southwe.il Quart (SE‘ . SW’ . ot Hcciioh TwenlJ.tt (22). ToH'Qshlp N inr-riu South, Ran

«r* Sixteen ilOt DlsI. HuIm- M rrldlnn. me Bids In wrlllny fur.M ul properly, — I any pari lliprtH>f:-uill br.-rccclvrd 1

' lhe uiKlerhlKnrd nt ll;. Iiauklng ottl in Tuin Falls, Idaho, nr by Walle

- - K Ifanr. it.'i, atlorney...'also In' iSi,' FnlK—idRiio:—u p - to —anrt—Includli

Februaiy :!5th. IW h, ==nmvi;~aT-Bfliiii~~vnt' i.,r.i iiimw<w

^ s - ' ‘ '‘ I bnlaiite

te t . .fdara-otr-talf. wiUi-7-perxcntnnttTC per annum, payabV- annually, sccuri bjjnortfia^c upon llic real utatP soV r.iircha-srr to ^iv,uin.' ond pay i liifumbranci','. asscM.smi’iii.s or tax

• now or licivatliT due or ui-irss' HKnliuM tlio proiXTiy: nbsirnct, dct

____ Jlc—at-purchaacnla-txpcasc--------------Dal.'d Pebrui.ry ipth. 19'i7.

Twin Falls Dank * Tru.si. Co„ I Uy J, O, Bradley, ll;; vice prcjady

Buardian~of estate.'; o r^V illa rd ■. .1 . IVrrls.and Elvirii K.jFerri.s. mino

NOTICK TO <’ONTIlACTOHS Bids wlll bo rrci'ivcd by the T»

Fails Hiahwny DLslrict on March _ _ _ in?H fnr lh.' |[riii.'«lli'[|-i't_n»««»^«t<-

Ifroad. locatcd lour miles south'of Ku, berly. ------------------------------:-----------

I J. O. SINEMA. -----< _________ Director ot Hl([h«'jy.i

■.SliSrMONS..................'No. 7183)

:------ •In-the-D ism ct-C O U fl-on iT r'E ri'm i^ Jud le lu i_D ls trif.L_oH lic_ ja taU i^en Idaho, in and tor Tw in Kails Coum me I Nettle Dyer: P lo ln ilff.— v»,

J. A, Brackelt. It living; the uiiknov

ed: and'tnc unknown ownern of i: cerialn real e*lat« situate Ih Tw Palls County. Idaho, de.scrlbed

— 5 fpllo«,'S. to -w it: T lic W ' NE' i n SES N E '.: SD'- NW '. an d '(I 9B 3E '. of Section tJiiriecn <I3< lowi ^ ship fifteen US) south, ranuo i t

tetn (lOi E. B . 'M . coniolniiii; 3 acres: also the 8F:'. NE'., and ll E 'j SE'i Scctlon 12; the NE7, NE of Section ililrteen all In iown,ih

_ _ _ l l f i r r i i Hii.n. nnrl-hone 111 two r2 i and three '3 i ni

___, the BE’ , uf lhe N W ', of seetiien . i'Cven <7) • township flfieen il; ae south. ranKC seventeen U7i E. B, .N — I containing 333 ncrcs, Detendanu,

Tlie Stale -of Idnho sends grrcllni to the above named dc fcnd an t*.--

Vou are hereby notified lha l a con plnlnt-has been liled aiialnst you I Ihr District Court of the Eleventh Ji

___, dlcial D i.itrlcl of the Stole ot Idah,n In and for Twin Palls County by l l

^ hereby diri-cied' to appear and pies 10 the said complaint within iwcnl dnys of the .MTVice c t tills summon and you nrv further notified that ur lrs.s yuu «o-nppear nnd plead to sol .complniiii w ithin lhe Umc here! s])cclticd. the p la in tiff w ill take Judi ment aifalnsi you n.s nrayed. In sal

^ complaint.Tills aeiion Is to foreclose the ll(

___I c f the cfrto ln morfyngn

plainiiff. NetUe D>-er. dated,Seplen ber.;J6,1P25. uml recorded lh tlw offli

« •— *

. n e e d t h i s

' O o M b 're -

I 'K j } \ 7 R u b b e d o n th i ♦ - ] — — - . - . U 7A - t h fgait ; pV ic fca - fe- _ i i s ' '* * in ’tw o d lr fe t w aya ; _>•' .. ( ir i tT V a p O T i. te lea ied b V tK

Ix idy h u t , d ire c t 't i

^ o ld - fo s h iu m 'p o Q l^ .

f. Om^M' ............

CO^Y • \ I ' ^ — i?- BE R ^ G a e o - b u t ^ J r o N O S R i ' r v i S u 'c i : " r *^^ U F M » T /sS ; '

t>A=^A S - A - K >eW ::- i :5 / = =

U N fHprobateIdaho, iv ; ........... i . . . , , _

bruary. ~. " ■ ' —■'S; ONE Cent per word ■ K S __^B _J llS ta .T IO N __e con- ------- ---------: ---------

b riia rj-j T u Waal Ad* oUre mnd iclire .merest Ibcy brioc the boyer. hc.taU _____________ --------------------------------

rm“ V. FOR SAlE-POULTRY AND eggs—— —

t o r ' a « i. r _ im F i- Q u m m o T ™3uart« . eggs ond Bcitlng hens- E. E. Crab- \i>.two Irce. I'hone 51S'J»3.Range b a r r c t ' R O (jk ’ COCKEliEUS FHOM

]an. State Accredited *lock. Mr.s, W, Z.b^

: office Legiiorn. 'Rock* ond HrdJ, J. A.K ilpatrick,-Phone 7 0 3 . ..............

I Iw in <iAT p " — " ^ A N n ^itn imp-ncludlnir fijj.

y ^ o ^•Olt SALE^PUBE B R E tP ^ rU K ^ '

inttTcsc m ttn — ol— 3CTonie,__ i«;ino. Cliffordsecurrd Denn e y . ____________ ;_____:p sold* POR SALB-CHOICE STATE AC- ay atl credtled-Rhodc Islard-Hert-ernx-W

taxei iM r 100. until April. $3 iw 100 durliiij lUiMscd April atid H -per 100 ilurlnit Mny. , deed. Elsie Flowerdew. Phone 50i-R*2.-------- - * IT —f» A Y S -T t)~ 3 tr^ -----ItnoTTADHT• chicks. ' Thejr-are Accn-dltcd. free

• r , . u{ disease, develop sooner, lay curlier and pay more. • Whlt4s-Lc«iiiirns 15c lo

m'lno«: Rcd-s ntul

)HS your fiun cKKs for you. Phone us yo\ir order. Hayw "HI*Orade" Hntchcry.

e Tuin I'hone 73. _•arch 3. --------- ■■■ —..... -17 j ; ; ; ^ F 0 R-^fli:CTTm»rraHr~~~ TOfl SALB-ELECTRIO RANGE. MO; " I '- Ek-cirlt; woiher. »« . Phone H30-W

evmljiRs ^ l ^ n 8 hiid 7.

* FOR RENT-APARTMENTs'ri'vrnllj 1 ^ “,^ "iiE N T -T 5f f l i £ ' 'R 00M " rn ^ ff- '^h e d -a p itftm e n l.-B U B fa lo w -A p d rt. coiintJ- Qjenu, 2nd are. e u t

2h2222L2’ aLaho-Couniy-Recorder'of Twin f'a ltj y ii-ilLLC m r^^ ' - 111 aoQk-88-nft-Mori-“ * ' ;V’' |gniu» at p a te -11 liR-reot. .coverins liic

Ll."-' fM l ''■'nte above* described.' • Wltne.M my hand and seal of llu-

said District Court thU 20th day of f 'E '. ; February. N28. ' ' —

:>d 'lhe ,sBy\L) IIA IU IY C. PARSONS, lown- Clrrk.

ViUQK O, BOONE.Depuiy.

E L. Ashlon. altorney for plalntllf. rc- ' N W siding at Twin Fall*, Idaho.J ! " T— ^

5 7 ^ Boise, Idalio,'Feb. 6, 1028.M-pitim Notice la hereby given that 1, Frank , O. Lechleiter. who on or about May JJ w 24, 1024. In tlie -d ls trlc t court of the , ' ' ' Eleventh Judicial D istrict of the SUtc ftiinirs Itlaho. In and fo r the county of

Twin .Pall*, .waj».,cpnvlcted_of Ciiibw- 1 com- " ‘’">cnt and wa* sentenced by said vou lu' w u rt to be confined In' Uie Iiiaho lh JL. Penitentiary for a term of nol Idaho “ ore thanl,y fo urt« n year*, w ill apply to the Hon-

next regular meetlnif fo r » pardon, twenty ’ Signed) Pmnk O. •Lecltlcllcr.imons; n' ■ 1 j - - n >at un-

= 11M OAKS’ i J M i l M R -eptern- I ARI ) ViMMA ! office . U n l ^ u L l l u l u l l n L

- ■. rm iilrn l .............. . colils Ictd l<i icri-J . — iiuslruulilr. Yi«i r.in !>iiHi Ihen now wllli

I l S Crmmiiliion, an iiiiiil'iricd e r ^ te tiui I " * -h-pleaHntm take.-Crcwnoiiion Ira nnr _ • • medleat (llnfon-ry i i li l i turo-WJ aeiinn; 1| I I I S •oiirhr* nml hbiU tlio Inilamed aieinbrann | f ' ' * ' nniMnhllilHB'tmt:r'»iili. •P C * tw »!] Viit>»»n ilniKV^rebwi! Ii . k m s .:'... 'iiiir<rii)''lilR ir¥ieiIlpfll aulboriile* a* onuO n f »f llio grciiiwi liVsllait agneles fur per-

•Uirnl coiisl.* .md co I.I.« d otW form's I th e .J tlim ii iruuMr*. OrromuUoa conialni;

iofltmmalinn «lill<* H>e crtoMIe gnc* oi> I ^ ^ lo' .lllh »ininarli.iui’<orb^ Into Iha IiIocn],'

aliuks (hr seat ofltin troUl>)eaDdch(eU| /J c k t. jlicgaB tbj)Dbfl6gnU ‘ -'M. i 3 r w f -rCfeomiilil..a- i f BQ«Khl?f<r Milifa'ctorr I

l-V 1n~!lbi; ireatment y iJ

^ 9 r .Mm* (<r rt«r)m i<^^ ic ite i.and l«

i 9 'J B '(V^eddfr*W ^tcI^3afle rU ldngcc^^^ L W r ing lo’diitcltoni. A il: your druutil. (adi)

B R E A b -1 — ^ I , N o w - - )

:— — - •

IS BAlAiNS^ \ FO R S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E

____ ;KOft SALE-THH ' MARY AlTc

I'OU 8 AL£r-^ROOM HOUSE. MOD I— ora-«xcopt-hcat_-Terms__4M.3rd.I POR 8A l.B -P lVE -K 0dM MODEfil

_____ house on tenn.<. riu m r 12R3.t'OR SALE—PlVE-ilOOM MODERI

. >,rw house; bargain for quick sole. Ca\N D : 238 3rd ave. ca*t.___ _ _---- — j-FOH— BALD—AOHE—'i’HAC'i'—W f^. ^ ' located. W lir bulld house'to sui ^> -M m y rr. ,n n r1 «rll-nn _ ,t tClTON’ I f ^ i : - - - - -Crab.;FOB S A L E -A C R E A O E H O M I

In Httficrman valley; sprint* wotc PKOM< fru it and berries; for tcnns and jus W, Z. ticulars cnll e05-J or 512 5th Av(L-E.

I '


'*»• propetly, ,go<xl Irriiinti-d 2P prn»

o . / r ., ‘[™ i^ ^ ^ t> ^ ^ 3 - l> o a d ^ ^ ^miorg horses M d • heavy wagmi,-and- lOJ------ I model Master Six Buick. ‘an Ash S

AC- TOR a;^LE OR TRADE-THBEETN cubators—onr"400-CB(r-Qiieen~oii350 egg. and 110 esK Buckeye. Wl trade tor stock or dLw. Phone 583J

1:____ i3 ' j miles south and a miles west c

1. free* "curlier Ii f J i ---------- ‘■PANS'----------

WANS^ O O .^tc) crv “ ONEY TO L b m PtJTTKli REA

'■| cstaU. --------= = imo n eV t o r BTR A ldrtT r t RE I modem hou*e* la Tw in TftU*. A)

i t h u r i , . 8w l ia . f tJ ? o > _ ..............E. MO; CITY LOANS^WE WANT DESIR? M30-W ble loans on residence or busine;

property. Best rate*, prompt scrvlc , ^ ' l n FaJU T itle it Abstract Ca. Lti

WTS I MONEY 'tg ~ 'L b 'A ir i jN ~ g 'A fa i r g] d ty property. Somo p r lra t i toool

FOB-; In sum* af from |500<^ $5000 now 0Apart^ hnnd.— IrrtgBtcd-Lands-Oomjaayrnc I tel Perrlne, IIB S^cuhona sL. west. ===== I PARM~LOiW &l.NO “ C O ^ IS S lO fI FnlU ■ T ltlo ts At-MorU->“ '''.“ -C.4.-W<«---------- -------------:____ns ,l,c i AM ’ U tt'E R lS J irX V ffliV OUEA

.1 afid dealroble farm loan, 1 th ink : of 11,.- the best form l6an propotlUoo ever ol :li,y of fered so th# Twla Fall* tract. I t wl

, pay you to see me betorv placing yo« OHS. IKan. O. A. Robinson.C lrrk.' ... _______ _

DNE. 1K : i R E N -T -F U R N IS H E D

'r o o m POR RENT? "piTone M 8-J ? ' OM .ALEEPIWU RbOM.^t3LObE' l!^ ." t i >028-, I Mnln wcsl. •f Mn^.J^ICELY FURNISIfED HEATED BEJor lhe L '■“ 3 ______, s u tc RENT-ROOMS, W it iT b O A R Inty Of,.a ilb«-;TW O STEAM .HEATED ROOMS.'.71 f w ild ' shashone norlh. . ,Iilaho FOR REf3t--PURNI8HEI) HOUSE

of not kerpini; rt«m^502 No. Main.Uian f-o i i tlENT — T O d N f ' BEDRbdiC

^ ‘^ V ^ ^ ^ 6 ^ ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ r i i U l T A B L i tlcllcr.'_j3J‘'5 ‘=»chen privilege. Phon

= * ■ H0U 8EkEE lW O R O ^ 7 N 0 CHIL , tircn. Must bc mllable party. 244th nvr. cast, __________________

jFOR REfJT-LIOHT HOUSEKEtP 1 - InB roonu, Darrow Rooms, 338 Sho

J shone wcsl. Phone lOflO-W.

- TOR-Jt EitTr-QOOP- ROOM -W ITO^I I ■ heat. 144 8th ave. north. Phone JJJ 302»J.

J'SI: ... MISCELLANEOUS-___e tb l ________________________a n n r , FOR RENT-30 ACRES OP WATER lnn;i| Twin Palls Highway DUtrlct. irann iM ARCgJUNO SOC, 431 SND AVB

i we.st. Phone'417.'■ ItEHAiBED, RE-SmNOCCNa

a n r s u Z " ^ ' ” ^ 'gALSOSUNaJtSPfiNTDiO AtJD PA-

,cS jc .-t,-p e U M w ii» ., g . A.,Rfl«>n. m attfated Phone 8M«J. ■ 'f*"fifJ~IN31intANCS=AyTOHOBn®7lSBDR • cs OH I . ance. all coverage*. I>rompt elala lilopj,'service, Phona IM , Tw in Palls TltU JweU ‘ a Abstrnct Oo.. l td . . ■ . . ^

PA YJN < i.jroE -dA8»-*» IU C 5 ictarr I tor hide*, pelu, tuw , W.k

*«M !« s a v e T IM E. AND DISAPPOINT- “ if'Jri n;ent«. Lct^pcrsoiuU A ^ x s u Set-

ooi«h;-vf» help-wuf find iucoeB»<i4i(r’happl- pc^-lneas. Address P. 0. Box 46 fo r op- ,adi) polntment. • u .

.. | . ^ .A g H r j_ y o o 'j^ P O O R !^ S A F > . / X Q U 'V E f r d T 'NIN&S-

r ’ V A s r ' s ' K 0 U c r < N ^ ' '* v a 0 ’ ? 'n 6 ‘ ^ N b

= :O . K ^ O U ^ e ty f tE .Q U 3 L O ^ O i|.y B > v c “ V4HM>> m Ar-'V 'bNCU 1

:------ - WMtiM • m b HONfa a m D ‘ i:___ l^ P t « I A \ . 'W E N Y SOUTH LA S '

V. P ^ L L > r v F <aOT N O 'r joN P-------- ^ --------g g = S . - Tt>-^TKiK-YOUt - ? r :

isandMATE FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS^ IC K HAY ANd 'F eAN~STRAW~POr\ ^ ^ ^_________I'honc 20. Eden.____________________MOD- *HAY r o u SALE—3 MILES SOUTH3rd.E, _ o f _ to a __L'hone 50fl-J.4 . _ ____DEfiN FOtl SALE-T\Vb "d UCICEYE COAL

broodrrs. Phone 203-R-4.d e r n Fl a w n a n d o a b d e n f e r t il iz e r

_Call delivered, Famier«‘ Corral. •_____ FOR SALE-HAY. ,3 LULE3 NOHXILW Eblr— ■r~wen~r«cr." c .- Q .-Kc lliT :------------° F(3R B A L ^ N EARLV'"NE\V'~WdRK

O M a FOR SALE-BOTARY WHITE n.EC'- watcr, (rlc'scwlni! machine, walnut cablnci. 1 l» r - good cundltipn. Phone 124C-J.

FOU SALE-GOOD FIRST AND SEC- = g end cutting hay. Elizabeth Blvd.

__ • rnute 2. Tw ^ ^ l l s . __Joe Bcrks._ .t . . - FOR 6ALE.-'a S H A R lia -0P WATER

— under lhe Twin Falls South Side canal r o w ^ ‘ w.‘>i«n:— nsin-pnii8“ nighu'«y-Dnvii'Rr JV C B 3 ..rf3 li-«A I.F ^R A I.ro ''H A Y - 1 CAB.

-w o rl' F ^ - S A L E -A —.lBN KIN «-'8TACKEit 1-1034 •• ftm rb iick 'h ike .' N. P, Olsen, 1'. sh St. I miles cut from Buhl on Clear Lakos


W ill window £lass and wind shields. No, 503JI. charge for setting (rloas. Moor'* Paintest ot Stor e . ____________------- A. -NASH -CO;:— MANUPACTURINO

tailors, suit or ovcrcdat 13250; tux* cdos $22il0. With moire silk vest. U.

..... — Wa.slelr Perrtne hotel: . * ..........^1 • ■ ip o n aM 4i—P A in T . q la m . w a l l ^ y '._ paper ar.d Murcsco Kalsomlne In REAL bulk. Wo loan you a brush free. Let ' ua estimate your work and material.

3 S 3 a ii2aaXE a!o i-aw K^_____________ ___s AT- FOR B A L E -O m C E FIXTURES F b fi___1- ___ galf-:.r?f.rt.' llnnlcum and.tablot,. imS Ir X- nnd location forjslnesa Insurance or rcnl estate office. Hent m ice , '***'>* fiirn ishw j; rent cxcepUoii- . Ltd oily low. Sec Jack Bcsl, Kail's Bar*0 5 S ^


S | S E E T H E S E ^Jaail.OTtrtnnil His Cnarti----------------

“HEAI! m o Nash Advanecd-Vlctorta Coupo link It is20-N,-ish 7-paw. Sedan 'er o f- 1020 Nash Touring n Will 1020 Jewett Coach I your 1023 Cadillac Victoria COupe

1927 Chevrolet Coach r = r 1924 Chevrolet Tourine .

1825 Star Tourinr cU IS34 Slar Tcurlnr--------W2Q Pord Tourlnicl-J. 1021 Ford Tourinrr - m T ra rs ro -B ca a n-------------------- —

n S S ) HErPLEn. NASH MOTOR CO._____ I ’hone 164 .)ARD. I________________ ________________ _

-SITUATIONS' WANTED - -)U8E- f f o T ™ w a n t o ' w o u k d y n o u n .------ - 412__5lli_ave._wf.it. _ _________ "^ 2 ^ WOMA~N WAN'TH*‘wr>»H' HV w n tip

Jo l-® MRS. M O h L lB ^e V i’z E ^ '’ M A T ^ Phone n ity nutalng. ..Phone 487«R-4.— - MARRIED MAN WANTS FARM

■UB »ork.' Al N_omian, 50_0 2ii_d St. east. P R A C T IC A L "O B MATERNITY

t = = - 'nurse, call for Mrs..Wood. Phone'S :---- - m SALE-SEEDS

r o B T A L M E m n r o T D r c R t o wseed wheat, cleancd and sacked,

83.05 per c«t. V. E. Morgan. Phone — 028-W.

R liflAU SEED POTATOES FOR’ SALE _____ ; A,.R._Bcrkm[in. 2_l^Porlneuf Bjillfc.■ ■ Ing, Pocotello, Idaho, i ’honc lo i. ^TEB,- m e ---------, ------- ■■ ,

FOR SALE — IB W IN IMPROVED 'TvS! certified Dlcklow seed wheat; also

Trebl barley hwd. Phone 5I6.R-4. Vi.Tj-rt C.^IL.Hcniplcnian.. .. . _

500 PO il SALE - ^ a 'l iE A T NdRTifEBN seed beans, Uircshcd Sept. 30. which

made 40 busheU per acre. P... M. 5 ^ M iller, ^ u te 3, K lc r _________ ■

^ g h t 's M S ^ K i r f c o 'b S e d S 'n S - ^____ ■

^ EOB. RENT-UJIEllflHlSHEL^hotw FOB' R EN T-aABAG B BUILDING,----------- 'aiiti-uv i'. liu iu iF i i m f to -ii i t y iintl

at Wrst NnUoiial bank.

appU ' ‘hWue, 38; 6-room modem • housei • op. fjU:'7-roo'm fumlahed'apdrunent, >39.■ ' A iN . Long..Pbono.4a... '-w .. - ,V ,

i ^ S iS K \ 1 ' / ^ ___________

m iiE LJS — ------------------r - ----------------------

s i i E S i f c z'AL

P R O F E S S IO N A L ^

A i i o i i M V r a ' - ___

RK f f . ' i ' DUNW-^M w 'O tllc« .-B o oa i t

7 “ b iiX u -X- ancVTnist BlQf. P liou ,« .>i«. (T & irA~Li ^ v C T 'e io r 6 ook e t A— J0 iirT w 7 ? i U A U i U t ^ i ^ , Bank'S fC- -n iu t Bldg. phon» #3»-w.

s T V E iIS v T s it iE S t t lE IC r S f f iE S .Idaho Power SuUdtoK.

k R — — -' — ■ - - ---------— -- • -i —.-----


E it * ---------

fL tlM B D IO

— H O liK -P L U jS S Q n £ l T D « f w -----New locaUon. :s« JrtJ an .- east

int' ^

— -larcor-Torbrntorvomtirmsi—— ........... ■


la Potter Real tetate.' Phone >7«

rw ' t BAMSFEB , - :

b r i Orating, storage and t lb e rtr OdftL '

,'o f ig e C a Coal and.wood. Pbooa 1«3-o'l; f i r a n n : ™ x s 8r g f f A e R $ B r a i itt". -OftTbage hauled daUj. P b ^ >00.


Q MODERN WOODMEN OF A&1EBICA mHt*4 n -I.-0 .-0 .-7 .^-luU-«vcr]>-«oetod___



nLslied cotUiBc.- Phone 1261, " WA-NTED-100 HOUSES TO pS SlT

and kalsomlne. ' L e t 'tu bang your wall paper. Ptunc 0 for prtces. UQ«a*a Pnlnt Store.


Box C. cnrc New*. . .POR S A L E - f i f e l OP 4-YEAR- OLD

mules. 2S mile* weal of Plre Points , _ Store.- E. O. Calti.

FOR SALE-70 Y O U N G EWES.— - - through, lauibltuf.-Phone 398. - Twin

Pnlls Shoe Repairing.^ >X)R S A L ^ M U L K AND HORSES

ttt McMastcr Sale Bam. Por 30.— dnys wlli conduct an opcn market

_ to r desirable stock; either kind, horses’•B* mules or any kind ot dairy cows or

slock caltle. Panriers wanting to buy IM or sell, call b r write McMaster Saie u t. Bam. Twin Palis. Piionc 167.

S H E L P W A N t E D - M A L E OR = , F E M A L E

___ W A l ^ a ' I.ADY ItC T R E S m A T IV Rr ~ _ n p jt atiri m nvincing. Oooo nay.-~~ )W Phone 833-J after S. Mr. Ptielder.«!■ HELP WANTED'CLEANiNG DP OB^

Chard. tJotilroet .work only. Now U tiie time to get your wood. Some very

LE fine tliree j-ear old Stark’* Red De-Itb. i lc to« u_g an . be _ tp > n sp jj^^_ .WUl___

make a crop In two years. At a real _ b a ^ ln . There Is no use 10 bo Idle,m boys.-Come to SCO "nic; J.'W.'Watsoh.-----Im Phone M3-B«3. ' -

' LOSTIN ------------------------------- — -----------—ch LO St-BR OW N D ILL POLD J E - M. t tm n . Idaho TheaUe and 3rd Ave.

No.‘Saturday evenlnB, containing'bill P VMri3me~'sTIWr“ f t » W W r T O W ^

= I S ^ N T E D t ^ ^

a. m * 4 S m a k . "

S9. . tllfO . t ta lY ^ g B lflW W IW W gl<MW«

•I .

Page 14: O llN TV THE ; DAULY“ NI - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · ^ W lll'Support-Sm ith-— A tfl«U 8ton-M«eting DBS

^ ^ = ^ ^ ^ = = = = s = s i ^

Club Women on. Record for u,

— iriO to McerRctjuFrcmGnts^'^

, .a t th>» «fTiVi1 iKiar'l ' i . i i II)Vlrr<l f " | ' nddtrtui l l i r l lllll iiirji<t--r': t:ii “ ‘•cllV.I J ” bullrtlna rftin iirm 'ti''. ntid lo an- , ' uwer tiiifKll'.rtu oii ’ li<- 'u ijjrcv Kol-^-'''

~ for n iifw LuUdiiiiiJii-^.jil {.? !y |rlln if t l i f til.1 fM . 'U ir <l»l-viHr I'M t^p FnlfVrtllu. tii7riitii! Ill - I/II I Knll'. n i (Jll Htiliirdny inivc lir i r<'j»,rl wJilcti i

• Irrt - to a (ll.sni.'iMi '.I Ihr Mnln<-^; -U' ' Cmipfr bill ii'i» l<'(<irr i l i" * 'r i« it

w llh artlm i fw rn'lOT-fTnftii ii'-* '- jjoncd f«ir fiirlli'T ■•'’niy. T lir qM-rlii! ' Blit l l lf lll 'i lir r l l>y M f- K l / m i f , Wfln rrcrlVdt l.v Mr.i Kriiiili Hclilr«Pl.Mm . Mnrk Ctiiirr i.ijil Mrv Ariip-. .

— WH4/.n--wprp--giiMU at ,w lilr li win III lii-iiM ''t MfR. Alrx rulIrrMJlI. T lir (ird [IKTIIIIK w lll !«« ^ w llli Mrt. I'raiiK lili>:rl, Mnr.rii H.

• 't lir rc - i 'l i ii i> •nulIi'Tldi! (jl llll- clnn" ' fliKKtiiy b( f lir . f M. Vad llt^ik Iw iiir ‘

• wlirrp Mr. nml Mr.' V iOIit ' ' - U ill UinrMf=<lWt-M>—

v ili'd jO l fclHMiird r r l d riil lu-rr Inr iTuMiJ'f. nii'ii 'J irn ir i ; i i prt)- ^

- Itislod rn tr ln l (>ul ll ir ' " ' ’I'* ,■ III tlrriifn ilrini., T lif l".!?.-:;'; u -rr Mr .

nnd Mr*. CBrl Ilu f lu v Mr. iKid Mrv , , « .Iiiiiio^ W rirh ' (iiul iliiUKhlrr, Mlvi

KnUifrliif*. Mr. mul ?-*m. ,j,,Thompson nf Klidl'*-rly,-M j'-ntnl-M *"-— • Jnmr* 'rrotlnKrr nml -'ni Hmi^l'iii.

Tlm HlKlIl cf ll ir 'rrl.R <il Hrfldljr ■.dnnrw will !»• ticId Krirlny i-vmiIiiii,

Kflirimry at, iil ll ir srliiml lidinr.MlM AVirPii IliKtlli of Twill Pnll"

prcM'dlrd t(iv iiH'ditn-r,'. iil ilin Kx- ri'M oi/ (iriHiur nl ii idrrlln i: t'rldny 51 rvrntim. « clrvrr ■|irnKMun nl dnim- ,

— jiiiinh pn t- iilv r ii- lir- iirr-i» i|ilK fiiTmlim '

liHlldllll.' Iilldilirr <i( a |)r<jllalil<' ixicl I

— Jh ir l iip A lir- I.H - liK --- lw « i:-« 4 iU u J :^ i. l — 11 Wll. ~V(iTr(l '111 t.p iiiMir. iijv r?

“ w lilrli would hr a ld lliiird m ill l l i f iK n•^ l» ll« P ||- t r . - | l- IM .< l- !- lllr— lratlrr>h(tT--ltr

Ilf Ili'V, <», I. 'K n iiliill,, ' r i t r f mi.s wr dloriiuK li (III Ihl- liiillilliiiE iii'i'il', III rcl llic d ln lrlrt hill di'lh ilh ' iirtlm i wa't .'li,

Marrti 'i------M r.-nm l Mtf. Iliito lil l lu iilita - ic -— i

('('Ivpd iw liiln l liiju rln i llil.t (vi'ik _

till ' I'tir wan driiiu ll’:hril,


AMHTEllIMM, h 'li, H:i -l.fwl^ I'i'l- | rt* of Tw ill r a ll i lun .ninvnl ti> Ilic

' lliiu li I t rn l riiiicli whlrlt lii‘ wlll funn IliU Knmin, Mra. Prlrrii niiil Infod'.IIUU will Jiilii him ns soon nn MuMit

__ Hobfrt i-l «itd mouah lu tr iiv iiiSiMtlny' niul— W Hliirjinnj'-Dr-thl?-

wiwk wnu I llrd wllh imu'li liUinin-., wlih n umiili iiiiim iiil.til "luiw iiiixrd •In. I

ni.‘iwf” ‘ i'ilir«‘ "(^n!Tii"\n‘*** i

un T ltursdny-iiliilii n i- tlii> Htilllit-'i' rtMbyU-riiiii cluitdi..

Mlv» Jculn .Kunhrl, nrconiimiilitl her *l*lcr. Mm. I., V. ITi'nii «!• Hiiti- Hflnlt lo ArlMlnii Cllv lo vun aho- Mjiii'M-huoU Iiut T lm naari

T s n

■ Whole cow's m ilk M jB in'purc, safe form, f i |I double rich— un* f ln , rivaled fo r cook* I

- I ricKerando t hner ■ “ I flavor and texture. I

------------- T ^ T M P A f i i t n /

ROCK CR EEK C L u F v r o M E M i l

j i o N O R (i e i i r i n g l e a d e r L

The nock Cfffic L»dir»’ club tn f!Hi (h>- li'Hnr i.f Mr^ Mxrlt Orry Wed- ii<"dnr n/i'-rnt^.c. Thr fo re -part fif |

u ifton -*s- nrr'■n^rri 7-i'fi n am iw ^h'T ■InV.ul'j'. '- I '. ; " ' p r r * ld r r l fVI,t Uir <U)I* 11'‘ wn-l viiu-d;111 Ml .. Bi.IM'i:-. -< T w ,!

V i« i-V U - ' i . 'u / i /T r f ( i r d ’ t'> • l l ir n:i)ii<''di<II' .'’t ' C)i;irki( c il ii ''

■jm»n >it«M I Hnfmorut^

0 -*'d -. Cn'/yr Jl;illir|),' LiirKi.n J,„ . >;|>ldl l l rr, Iv r i- '".n, J fiinv IS ii l ' r . ji.d Uir h ' i r .Vlnrk f>rrv

'---------------------------- ------- I I lf

f i m. 11«>

I lillliiunr.EV. n n f l i im u im . oia«r.v

• iiH><U:U’il yl iiiiiu l'. 'h ii;' hi'i iiKrd In- ^ | , flier niKl hnryini; liliii id Ih r yard of 11 furm im ir llnrl'y. w ii* •ri- lrnw l Ircm IiiMmIv 'I'm 'l;iy mulit. H r m

-T iri^trr-rirrr/rrrrT-M inlrtolm r-nvfT lm :— ^lliu l I l f U..IH III I<':iiili lit ( liiiilov- 1 1iiK iii tmd ■>nnlll i i i '- ' i r tt i in i to l l iir *

AllltlK ‘ ll ;i I.H 'Irl'lll Ir illll O lK f i'! wife nr. l 'l Ihr killh ii; " f l l i r rilil fii.ili, l l ir - li ir iK '. cl.'imrtriiriil, hn* '•tiiiiir< l ..'. i l Ji iiil I'j''timmtftt n l-rriil-tT r-rn frtr-rt t t i r twir1y,-'“ 'A liav ha, Ir r ,I rriiiovc.l torxrim t t-f >xra'.atloii on Ila..’>11'-. As

rn|ll'.,t V.vrr It.tl' M-af. M-.'K Hl.il liultdliii;*; luu r I.-'MI I'ti'clcd nml mrn ■Inwli iiriJlllKl th<- ^ktirir lln- tiody < T n i,i;i7 k lir [r ,, )i iv i- l.r r i i inKTrnl. ; i l i i ' - " ^ wirnmn 'u r- iiiw iilr i»i It'ntlc in<-

iJlillTi'i. ■:n iF.“ wii<i uaiim-:ue-lJSJir= ^ ;!i iiii.rln l 1'-rr(,r ut l irr liiir;tiniid. fn ll- n l l'l ii<n.iii|iii’ iy ihr M ctlra li t.n liU




“ > ii~ 'h i>rii'-irviuiV iii“ * r i iic 'T w M r ’ in.tIM in liiin»rg-tilitli ?rlin.it w lll Im- .'•■i iH- rrt

■ Vl-Ul irt.rMI V 11, l l l ltlin l._^ :^ lvrsfrrJiiy iir ir il i ird . T l i r xluilv w ill [............I.-.—tiu - i l il . ' i : t f lllil!rvl:.h_i»_. nl .alKn iill'li iriK h'i'.. mill 'iHcml i i l l r i i - mr i)rn --vlll IIP i;iv rir-id tliP -^tild r-lil n j i ] , Wlill t i l - ' \ i i w III ItiiiirovliiK llu 'lr K - liiliv Ilr nh lllllr, Itl b;ili,llH|i, T lirrii, .(-1 will iir held fri.ni i tn -t :iO fiiV lirl; t'.ii'li M i'i. ii' iiii___________ 111-

_ u tu m c H u ;ii. i '( '. i i t i ik n i -.w m , li'it

W o O ivrry thoL n r ijo s t Bcioc* | S 9 H r ? H H jH H l io n o f H ats,

( i i i i i l i i III l ' i i | i u la r P r io o i. ^

‘ ‘ O u r P r i c e s A r e

Springa r e h e re f o r y i' _________ VKUY

M $11.9*V ) | S b--------S 'fecrt

\ m W S e e € ...1

i V i u

^ '---------

T ine Froin New S p rin g Si

— C r e f i k - - ' --------------- -- * 6 '

G e o r g e t t e s - .

S i l k s - - ________________ q » o .

. - E l a m i e l s r - .......

^ ^ J S n s o m b l e s * - - — -----------------

i n S i l k o r W o o l ( P O i P i ' i c e d ' , :......................

D A l L Y . N M ' & f f l ’ l N i A

W lfS lfMi K l MBITIiMectfno Is Held to Put Ols-;

; trict ticar Murtaugh on Map; .

l / r fi-u 'l l ir ly lt r rn ir i it (tlr r.rc. ’ Hid, an ordld it. C«i M. H. tJnlry. wli"

>/,f' III.' ,t.l)/rcl|vr(i l l u i iitlrne l rr'.- I l lm nnd investorji to the d l' ir lc l, ,

w lirrr Id ’tV ln V i lU rc'«iily.'''r4l''>mi:i t i . l l . ' iU^'.MW ■■JTuiiit tn Tinnr -----------^.... A—tiim tnnicr. coiwiuitiif ot Mr, ■ ;»«ilry. IWvltl KKbrrt. U lld '.ilay Uivin-

I t«'i !.■'< urr nil nudltor for l l ir di«irl( l .1 lioolt,r whirh, It 1* * ii iiH . will. In Ih r fipldlDii of III" «initrtittr.r. tliuw : III- d l'ir lc l \n 111 'haiM'. 'f iirDiwm A WilMin AikHMiik tnmiMiny wdl tx' rtiKu«rd for th r >*<irlt.


(lY ltlMdA. F i'b y M -T U ^ HMUisn rliih.iuciuLtra .ctHcrliiHird t l ir lr J itiv -

mill.' at llic T. j . Wllsnii hr,tnr. Hix liiblMi 111 MUI w rrr 'p ln y rtl T lir Innl-

tnr th r rvn iirii; w rrr Mir,- thiiiir» l-riidl; AU ltn . Janu-. Maun, r ii l i rn W l|« 'in ^ n il M lv; Klhcl !lrr.

T ill' ilyrUmu iirliiid l 1; rlii.i-il Ifir ,-w rr« l-dn y>r-< .i*—iM'^.onl—" f—H'luttt-,iiiriilii« llU Jii_U uhL___________________

M rt T.nlrr V Rnnnrr Ll rXlK-Clrd _

'7 1~ w iiiT -C lllP rt-by~ tlir ■ tlra lh -- ll- l^ - ii'ln tlv r M'vrrnl w rrk i nnc..

, M ib, Ilnrlan Hrr K v i'ltliiit her ' | i , i r . i i l i III l ir r ih , Nvvadfl.

Hyrldita tnichrr/i. Mr«, Unlh On'fn- • Ijy ntid M i^i MtiV(itiirt_ Hlimk. niU'i-- i,ilti.'d th rlr ini|ili« :xl i. V.ilrntln- li,iilv at till' ^cllo^ l hctiv' TucMtny iilt-

_ riiit,M i. ;i;hr iili.-rm,r.ii wa.i nprnt Irt.iyliiil Kiinirn nnd m il iin iir.iln mulr rl ir- l in ir in .1 w rir i.rrvnl._________ ’

N>t>.inl itL fliiii .p ii i l '.....

II. u: U iiy iriu 'U l 11 p'diUr. iiUctUin- .-■al'- r r lday. Mr. mid Mt^. Uoyd nrrm i^ tg ^ l i . Mlfk''(iilll wlii i r . tllr>'~^<ll|-

' iliiiicr Ih rlr lioiiir,

Oft-SKU'IN<> MACII1M;.K—M I n iiu rn . ■ Wtillivi. nnd. ult r.nkr.r-to •

III- "lf)'1 *'■ » l-'i-iu ii:li-im il.«in-raNy imyinrllls. Swrrt'ii I 'u illllu r f ii|or»'.-Adv. ;

■ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . T I i o M o a l P o p . | H P U B 0 | t l t i r -K u t i( iy - to —

and M il.

5 jJ 5 5 J 5 ^ ^ " T o v /n .

r e N e v e r H i g h ”

f Coatsy o u r s e le c t io nt v R 1 ' ] A S 0 N . \ B L Y


.95; $14.95_

.75 $29.75a ^ 2 ^ - a n d - K 7 = 5 2 ------------

O u r W in d o w D is p la y

^ x i r a C h a r g e f o r

ocks M lS hades- V K

I Z V T^ ---------------- :■ ■ I

^ ............ * '■


"11! •" " .....................

I fe-a-Pisj_____________ \ ^

™ Q uality Is Ol Failure insui

-N ; A successful meresidcrctl honesty the r

Uft ccr.s in rctatlinp. "U;iv_ - - - .. . ness" he 'nciviscd. •'.nr

'I’* . V is immeasurable.”

f lT T ------------------------ Wise \v6 MJt Amrr. . why we lay so much ;

’ cotx'* ''•■c '*

[u L — -------------shoe.-But then w c -^ c

Scllittp iionesl mt morc than an ideal v

- policy” oRainst failureI')'*in- 'It-•ntnd ‘ ■......

3H= : .......... .' —

^ ------- ' T ------------ K l l

-to • ------------/A t\. '----------------------uro ^ WWa

A ssured I r“ In Spring

Individuality in fabric, t ot tans ar

4 cially in tl X J clTects.

= : : = 4 a ^~ T • X v t o ^ L T - sol

' w 'A I

[ \ j/- xY value a t —

I If] * 2 9 .

E xtt«

^ j r p r c o a t s ”

T -----------S(?irair"11ii'<-‘iid in ir100 yd. s p o o ls

4 C EA.

■ M a k e D r a p e r i e s_ , of SUk Pom««

* »tirae«!ve' colors? ' v'aru.98c

- I ^ F irstA m oni!" j A Clever,

I :

_ l ______

l Y J t f O i m i i l f c g E B R U A R ^

a s p l a y - o i f ^ f ^1______________________ '

O ursureincemerchant once said that he con- the prcatcst single factor fo r sue-

"U itild integrity into your busi- J. "and yoii not onljr safeguard , m io m tfr^ ft^ tp m u a ity -y o u l iv - in - .

luc li attention to the quality o f the I t is so easy to akiirip on a lining,c i% rlra th ^n -th H n rie r-s o le -o ( a------vc-would-noLbc-runningiOnJionest— - - .vould uradiniHy cruntblc into ruins. ■

It merchandise at a fa ir price is leal w ith UJ. I t Is our “ insurance allure. '

KiJ^Slwes Are Best=:= ;= == Poi cnder-FMt—J ^ b \ - I r n d rr? ' ,

Thfti l ^ ' ^ h f l e - comfort* ahlr Oxford< o l lo f t hbek —

n i f l ^ n X Lit! wilIi,ri)Uh«r lap h.;H, Vi.u'ir know what m l

. . V ^ ^ ^ —foot.comfort-meiB*. • ------

1 In d i v id u a lityjr ic , color and model. Ncw shades D9 and preys predominate-— espc- in tlie wool and ca!isimerc tw ist

[iFlBo=2iBUHokPD<JMCt^*nd=3r== tton M u ily models. L ighter ry i and tans in the Collegiate

,7 ^3offd, colori, f.^iicy -ttftpes 3nc{~ clTccts. Every.dctail o f cnt, make inish combine to form a feature a t —

19.75 t o $54.75Extra PanU t f Destred,~^.90

ts” ' C ro ch e t C o tto n "

p . C o a t s Q u a ) - . .

] g i t y , 1 5 0 y a r d B a l l s

8 c e 'a ,|

r i e s Flat C r e p e ,F .™ r e d o fF M B « i

* Vwitf inrinfc irock<»TtlH bB ~ fit; «m»« 11 VOU use tn ii »•!>**«.


tng S p i^ Needs!n r. Becoming H a t

' W ith »tyle« 10 varied It ia a simple matter to find

P - v ’ » hat inat is ju i t vrhat •wou w n L . ,

- F ^ l — S l r a w - v S i l k l -

•nd Ih ip c t, Felt contianel

- 3 l 9 8 £ z t :

$ 0 0

aiscmalhing-NeW h e n M o r n i n g G a

Theie Attractive

t Ilo c k s Are Re3ainty, charming froc ling styles— vestee e k t tn r in M h iB C r r r r r

s fn a h in g - N e w - P

~ deliR lit^ny smart a^nd^ i*

S e l e c t A B a g AT o Match Your Coat

. Clever novelty, tffecU ia Tl _ _ _rop“ i>r_foinrj,________________ ffoji

, $2.98 ■ J

: I l t l t ' s W a y i ) h o e s -

c : — L r a V T a l k I t ' O v e rOur Pl.iy Slioei for

. children are sturdy and* JongweariiiK and built lor / jl I f \ '

_____!_jjrP.winsjocj. Bring llie

llir ir footwear. T li e y___ ?vjn lakejicttcr^care.of't? J . ^ -

»liOi:i llicy realty like. ^ Am

$ l° ! !m o * $ 3 !H 9

C e n te r in F a n c y S e a m ii

a n d In s e r t T r e a t m e n l

Individuality is introduced = = n to jtTaightline;Coatt:this-jea.'C==

jon by inserts o f a contrasting fabric— most often used on the /; back. Styles and fabrics ap- jft

~ Z 'p rp ^ lja te ltm = ry qccasion are 1 V

W om en— M isse l— Jiin io rs

'.'$14,75 •* . to

- $49.75- ^_ “ L a d y - L v k e ” , _ „

Buidc.ux l j

Tiny narrow iiylcs (or wull •Jijure* — wl'ler g

mature types. " ^ " ^ u \ 1 0

' . ' 2 5 c .

' . 9 8 c r ^ y \ ■

I S p r i n g M w l e s

^ Adaptable to Many N<Qever frocks for every oceas;

I making their appcarance In styl I ' you, cannot, resist for Sprlhg-.ani

mcr." “ Heavy silk’ crcpe and ge ere fashioned intd irresistible ?n many types.

S c o re * o f s t y le * « n d ~ M a n y D e l ig h t fu l C b t i

— •— -P rtih rb flih t- io d dlfl«reB»i.^ach'

I ’ ■ : '

e ^ e s s !

'alters Come!ve~Hou«e ’ f~[leady i f lrocks in bc- ! effects and • £mP * ^ ,

e — M - ------------------------ ^& M *

-Patterns ^ v — :------- —fancy~p1gtas y V 3 3:ks tha i are difTerent. If y


k S m a r t C r e p eirSaiiiTFaced

This fabric lends style to tocki-maile-atJiomc^Jftl............ .. •. ____, :t;2.49 and $2.98 _

ii Qa^—- ^

C ortice lla S ilk )

Sewing Tlii'ead,_______ ___100 yards to spool ,

‘ 14c EA. ' ,

s in FrocksO C « r ie d - a n d — - —N e e d * A

»s!on are ^ ityles lha t Ia n d - S u m ? r i= 7 { i l \ - ^ : —■ : . i — :— georgette / w i / jl

r>T n rii'~ '~ ~ ~ l l i , ------------ -------

ch'‘froa»'.irfriv, f v l / ^ ^

; : '•' J f