Alternate Approaches

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  • 7/25/2019 Alternate Approaches


    Community Language Learning

    1- History

    Community Language Learning (CLL) is a method developed by Charles A. Curran and his

    associates in the 1970s. It was one of many alternative methods responding to the audiolingualapproach. Charles Curran was a counseling specialist and a professor of psychology at Loyola

    University, Chicago, who applied the counselling ideas and practices of the psychologist Carl

    Rogers (known as Rogerian approach), to language learning. The basic procedures can be

    seen as derived from the counselor-client relationship.

    2- Theory

    The language theory of this approach is one that has at its core the notion that the counselor /

    teacher creates an environment which is safe and supportive, replicating the conditions in which

    L1 is acquired (early childhood) and fostering language acquisition naturally. Language output isnot forced, but allowed to develop with exposure to the L2. Eventually the students are at a level

    of security where they can be receptive to correction (with the teacher standing behind the

    student) and they develop to adult (proficient speaker).

    Although there are issues with CLL, notably the initial reliance on the teacher, it is seen as

    successful at the elementary stages of learning a language. However, when there is a level of

    autonomy or proficiency within the small groups at a later stage, other theories of language

    come into play along with a redefined role of the teacher, and consequently the effectiveness of

    pure CLL can be questioned.

    3- Teacher/learner/L1

    Community Language Learning draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine the roles of the

    teacher (the counselor/Knower) and learners (the clients) in the language classroom. Learners

    (8 to 12 maximum), of a monolingual group, decide what is to be learned. Learners are

    supposed to move from total dependence on the Knower (counselor) at the start, to independent

    autonomy at the end (through 5 stages).Suitable only to adults, their role also described as

    client or collaborator.

    Teacher (who is termed the Knower) facilitates and supports. Must be proficient in the target

    language AND students L1. The teachers role can possibly be more emotionally and physically

    demanding than the average teacher.

    4- Classroom

    There is no conventional syllabus as students initiate communication and materials are made by

    recording conversations. The teacher provides L2 utterances for what learners wish to say.

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    When produced accurately, utterances are recorded.The conversation is replayed and

    transcribed. The teacher later focuses the attention of the group on certain structures or lexis

    and encourages questioning to help the learners become more independent and to take the

    initiative in their learning. At several points in the class students are asked to reflect on what

    they have learned and how they feel. The teacher doesnt advise but allows learners to gain new

    insight into how they learn.


    Larsen-Freeman, D. 2011 (3rd ed.)Techniques and Principles of Language Teaching,Oxford University


    Richards, J & Rogers, T. 2001.Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge

    University Press

    Silent Way

    The Silent Way

    Who is behind it?

    The silent method was developed by Caleb Gattegno in the early 1960s. He

    introduced the method in 1963 in his bookTeaching Foreign Languages in

    schools: The Silent Way

    Theory of learning/the theory of langauge

    Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or problem solves rather than

    just repeats. Students work cooperatively and independently from teacher.

    Successful learning involves commitment of the student to the language

    acquisition through the use of silent awareness and then active trial. Gattegno

    spoke of students developing a spirit or feel for the language. Students are

    expected to become independent, autonomous and responsible for their own

    learning, giving the student freedom of action and the right of self-government.

    Language is taught inductively and sequenced based on grammatical

    complexity, also described as building blocks, vocabulary is central but the

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    syllabus is determined by what learners need to communicate. The general

    aim is near native fluency and correct pronunciation.

    The Roles of the Teacher, the learner and L1

    The teachers role is that of a technician or engineer. The teachers role is that

    of a facilitator in the learning process. Teachers are to set up situations which

    will raise students awareness and allow them to explore the language.

    Teacher silence is the most important aspect of the method by modeling an

    item once and using nonverbal clues to get across meanings followed by

    elicitation and shaping of student production which again is done in as silent a

    way as possible. Finally the teacher silently monitors learners interactions

    with each other.

    In the Silent way, language learning is seen as a process of personal growth

    resulting from growing student awareness and self challenge. Learners are

    encouraged to use knowledge they already possess and to develop

    independence, autonomy and responsibility by developing their own inner

    criteria. They should interact with other students and self correction plays an

    important role in the process. In this way, a systematic analysis is started first

    by trial and error, later by directed experiment, with practice of the acquired

    sub-areas until mastery follows. The autonomous learner chooses appropriate

    expressions in a given set of circumstances and situations. The teacher

    cultivates the students autonomy by deliberately building choices into


    L1 can be used during the lesson and is often used to give instructions and in

    the feedback session at the end of the lesson.

    The characteristic materials, classroom techniques and procedures

    Typical materials in the Silent Way are cuisenaire rods, color-coded

    pronunciation (Fidels) and colour-coded vocabulary wall charts, a pointer,

    reading-writing exercises are the main materials in a silent way class. Besides

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    all these, assignments are often set as homework to improve reading and

    writing from the beginning. Pictures, tapes and video can also be used.

    The teacher role is to be silent but active in setting up situations using the

    materials mentioned above and gestures. The teacher may model a word orstructure once but there is no repetition. Students are encouraged to learn

    from peer correction and self correct.

    Lessons usually have a standard format. The first part focuses on

    pronunciation with the teacher silently pointing to fidels and colour charts or

    inviting students to do so. The pointer is used to point out not only sounds but

    also stress and intonation. After the practice of sounds, sentence patterns,

    structure and vocabulary are practiced by visualizing the meaning with coloredrods. Words or structures may be said once and then the students attempt to

    produce it. If it is incorrect, the teacher will try to reshape it or have another

    student present the correct model. When the structure is understood students

    are given the opportunity to practice. At the end of the lesson there is a

    feedback session, usually in L1, in which students can express how they feel.


    1- Who is / was behind it?

    This method was introduced by a Bulgarian psychologist and educator, George Lazanov in

    1975. Maleki (2005) believed that we are capable of learning much more than we think, provided

    we use our brain power and inner capacities. In addition, DePorter (2008) assumed that human

    brain could process great quantities of material if given the right condition for learning in a state

    of relaxation and claimed that most students use only 5 to 10 percent of their mental capacity.

    Lazanov created suggestopedia for learning that capitalized on relaxed states of mind for

    maximum retention material.

    2- What the theory of learning is / the theory of language (or why they think it will be

    effective) the theory of learning

    Suggestion is at the heart of Suggestopedia. Lozanov claims that his method is different from

    hypnosis and other forms of mind control because they lack a desuggestive-suggestive sense

    and fail to create a constant set up to reserves through concentrative psycho-relaxation

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    (1978:267). (Reserves are like human memory banks) There are some principal theoretical

    components through which desuggestion and suggestion operate and that set up access to


    The theory of language (or why they think it will be effective)

    Lozanov does not articulate a theory of language, nor does it seem he is much concerned with

    any particular assumptions regarding language elements and their organization. However

    according to this method communication is a two-plane process. Language is the first of the two

    planes. In the second plane, there are factors, which influence the linguistic message (e.g. the

    way one dresses, non-verbal behaviours that affect the linguistic message). Lozanov

    emphasizes the importance of experiencing language material in whole meaningful texts

    (Lozanov 1978:268) and notes that the suggestopedia course directs the student not to

    vocabulary memorization and acquiring habits of speech, but to acts of communication

    (Lozanov 1978:109). Lozanov refers most often to the language to be learned as the material.

    3- The roles of the teacher, the learner and L1

    The teacher:

    Teacher should create situations in which learners are most suggestible and then to present

    linguistic material in a way most likely to encourage positive reception and retention by learners.

    Lozanov lists several expected teacher behaviors as follows:

    1.Show absolute confidence in the method.

    2.Display fastidious conduct in manners and dress.

    3.Organize properly, and strictly observe the initial stages of the teaching processthis

    includes choice and play of music, as well as punctuality.

    4.Maintain a solemn attitude towards the session.

    5.Give tests and respond tactfully to poor papers (if any).

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    6.Stress global rather than analytical attitudes towards material.

    7.Maintain a modest enthusiasm.

    The Learner:

    The learners as well should have faith in the system and accept that they are in a childlike

    situation where they follow the teacher / parent (Knight, 2001, p. 154). The students should not

    be critical, but simply absorb what is presented to them.

    The role of L1:

    The TL is used in the classroom, not the students NL. On the first day of work on a new unit,

    the teacher discusses the general content (not structure) of the unit dialogue. The learners then

    receive the printed dialogue with the native language translation in parallel column. The teacher

    answers any questions of interest or concern about the dialogue. The dialogue then is read thesecond and third time in ways to be discussed subsequently.

    4- Characteristic materials, classroom techniques and procedures characteristic


    The types of activities that are more original to suggestopedia are the listening activities, which

    concern the text and text vocabulary of each unit. These activities are typically part of the pre-

    session phase, which takes place on the first day of a new unit.

    The students first look at and discuss a new text with the teacher. In the second reading,

    students relax comfortably in reclining chairs and listen to the teacher read the text in a certain

    way. During the third reading the material is acted out by the instructor in a dramatic manner

    over a background of the special musical form described previously.

    Classroom techniques and procedures

    There are three stages in using suggestopedia method. They are:


    Presentation is the basis of conducting Suggestopedia in class successfully. The main

    aim in this stage is to help students relax and move into a positive frame of mind, withthe feeling that the learning is going to be easy and funny. Desuggestion and

    suggestion happen at this stage, at the same time.


    First Concert(Active Concert)

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    This involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt. The original form of

    Suggestopedia presented by Lozanov consisted of the use of extended dialogues, often several

    pages in length, accompanied by vocabulary lists and observations on grammatical points.

    Typically these dialogues will be read aloud to students to the accompaniment of music.

    Second Concert(Passive Review)

    The students are now guided to relax and listen to some Baroque music. The best choice of

    music according to Lozanov, with the text being studied very quietly in the background. During

    both types of reading, the learners will sit in comfortable seats, armchairs rather than classroom

    chairs, in a comfortable environment. After the readings of these long dialogues to the

    accompaniment of music, the teacher will then make use of the dialogues for more conventional

    language work. The music brings the students into the optimum mental state for the effortless

    acquisition of the material. The students, then, make and practice dialogue after they memorize

    the content of the materials.


    The use of a range of role-plays, games, puzzles, etc. to review and consolidate the learning.